North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, October 22, 1868, Image 3

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NORTH gliQKggPM HBNByX. WIIBNOH, Loo THURSDAY IHIttMKOi OCTOlHitt 38, 1888. TERMS!—Two Dollars nnd Fifty Crntsper Year In Advancet BIX aionthg, >1.60. Kales of Legal Ailvertlilngi Cltntlona on lotternof Adm’r, lev......• CltiiiioiioonldtMradin lYora'Wlio'r, 4o...a on For Irnvo In soil .land, " “ ’ Notion to dohtori niuUTUillitirs, ’ DP Kilos of personal propcriy'i J n | K t *i} ftr l r '' * ™ H.ito Of Oil by AdttfWi S&!?« 1 *W--i ® 88 Bliorltra Solas, per gqtinrd. caali Insorlion,. ■ ■ ,78 Agents for (lie Cll!ten> Tlio following honied gchtlomoh ah) nullior- tied to .nvit a agents lor tlio ClTiits, Jo paeliy: G. D. Whitman Cedar. Grove, I,. 0. Crawhihii, LaFiiyotlCi IIknot I1akf.ii, Trenton, _ , W, B. OauawaY, or John (Unr, Spring Plnoo. Dr. Ii. 0. STAFFiino, Kook Crook, Murray toutny. It. D. Oomos, Ringgold. T. F. Uim:n, BlflaSi Mlmor county. 1|J II. Doiu.k, iloitlo’s Flora, Conilckatee, ' J: \V. CaVknokk, V-Illnnuw, Walker ooumy. Spetyl Notice I N. It: tojetfjfor. Gordon county, lias eclcoied tlio Noimi GhoYioia Ciriamr, ea hie olll- clul organ, In ylilclwll Ida edvertlcliigwill appear. Col. Avery’s Letter. Tlio most of ourrspaco fills week Is given tfllko able and alnlrornto letter of Col, I. W. Avery, *0 the Denioeratlo Clubs of.tlde and adjoining coun ties, troin WbleYi dip. hah .resolved Invllglluiin to speak. Tlio letter Is liberal, logical and pointed,’ Wo hope every voter will rend tlio strong objcc; tlona Urged against foul, pmrld ttadloallsin, and llio unanswrmblo luvor of Constitu tional, pcnoe-loving Uennjcrnuy. Read It, and clruulntu It amongst your neighbors. Justices of the Pence, Take Nolle®) Judge Henry BrooUcr, Ordinary of. Whitfield, request* un Jo state that tie bus revived Election Blaukafortho different precinct*, and the Jus tices of the Pence nro required to come forward immediately and reoclvo tfiero dQcumeuts, with instructions. ' Died,, In Dalton, oh the 14th Inst., Frakkik Touted, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Johu Townley, aged 1 i th mentid and 11 days. Sweet, innoccnt'little hsbo! tliou art gone thy. littlo life is o’er; but though thy life is ended on earth, it should ho consoling to the grief-stricken parents to know that tliou art with Him who.Miid, “ Suffer littlo children to come to mo and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of Ilotven." The Coming Winter. An exchange says that scientific men have been taking Observations and making compari sons with other seasons, and have given their opinion that tlio coming winter will set in sooner nnd be longer and mote severe than any which have preceded It for many years. Bullock Organ. /The Augusta Republican, tho organ of Bullock and Radicalism, is to bumovod to Atlanta. Tho grinder of the concern, old (Jolting, Secretary of State, lives in Atlanta, and besides, Bard, of the Era, Ims not sense or common honesty sufficient to grind uu organ, ovon for a nigger party. Mills’ Report or the Camilla Affair. Washington *nd New York papers contain Mills’ report of the Camilla affair. As wo expec ted and predicted, it sustains tho statement of Howard, the Bureau ofiieiul, who, since tlio pub v lieation cl Ids report, bus been compelled ttf p)ib- lish that ho tojd two or more gbcripS-Ues about the afiair. , Cotton. Thu Macon Jonrnai and Messenger says: Tl Factories of tlie United States, tlio United Klnj dom, Germany and France demand 2,900,01.0 "bales of cotton to supply tho demands of trado They cannot get this amount from us tills year, for the simple and plain reason we havn’tgot It. And right hero lathe planter’* opportunity to get a full price for ids crop. Closing out at Cost and Carriage 1 Messrs. Tibbs, Kenner it Co. nro closing out their large stock of Dry Goods, Hardware, &e., at cost. This is no humbug!—go and see for yourself, and yflU will find that they are offering their goods at greatly reduced prices. If you want Lamps cheap nml tlio best burning lluid (Petro Oil) in tlio market, or the best and sweet est tnstcd^Flour, or n splendid article of Coffee, Sugar, or anything else in the Grocery lino, go to this house and^you will get it at prices aston ishingly low. Oct. 22-11. ^ State Items—Penned and Pilfered. In some of the lower counties the Radical elec tors have no'hcarers at their appointments, The nVgroca uro getting shy of them. Tlio young man found dead In his room, to- ' bently, at Ringgold, disappeared from his homo in Nnshvillo*euddculy. Ills name wn^s Davis. Aaron Hurt, the colored lieroajvho was toned .hnd feathered in Savannah, by Leaguers, for ids hdhemnee to Democratic principles, and raising a colored Democratic club, was found dead Inst | - week, bolotV Columbus, in a creek. The young [> men ol that city buried him with honors. Bullock offers 000 of tho people’s monoy ns I an inducement to perjury. A negro politician j and hndicnl incendiary wnsfonnd dead, nnd this ^enormous sum is offered for^hd murderers. »A ['little white hoy was recently murdered by negroefe I near Savannah. Ndt a cent did ho oft'et- for the findish perpetrators of this crime. Mi\jor 51 ones, Democratic Elector, repot-t* ev erything 0. K. in the Blnek Belt. “Tho colored troops" uro coming out nobly for Seymour mid j Blair. - Swent-box Monde had aaatute fired for tho re- J cent biedtidu fizzles, That what’s tho maflefrwith f the people,s pockets. Annual expense of these i Radical salate-fircrs, $200,000,000. The recent flood and rains iiavo materially dum- aged the rice crop on our const. Three voting places are ordered by tho Radical Dovernor at each Court Iioule, Tills is to bring .the negroes under the control of such meu as Harbin, Gudger, etc. A bright ides. Tho “Augusta Mink," or perjurer, has beeri assessed $50&9 damages for persecuting.a Union man during the war. A Chicago jury rendered the verdict, Crangle vs. Blodgett. More beef. Bullock has gone North to borrow money to run tho Radical machlnd in Georgia. The President of the Loyal League in Monroe [ county, was locked up in the Forsyth Jail, on Saturday, for being drunk and disorderly. Iu Augusta, com is worth $l.l0al5, Wheat i .80 tu 2.60. Cottou 25 cents. .Gold 188. Tho feller hill bus boon declared unconstitu tional by ono of tho new Superior Court judges.* Tho Radicals are importing negroes from Ala- I bnmn to vote in this Stale at the coming election. [.That’S poaccl A negro preacher Wna arrested in Macon tlio other day, for choking an illegitimate child of his to death. He was a Radlfcal speaker. “Peace!” The Bapti t Fair in Atlanta was a decided suc cess. Enough money was realized to build the church. John D. Pope, of skedaddling fame, rendered verdicts for oleven eases of divorce, in Atlanta, last week. Bully for headquarters, Let us have peace. —i-asaa Ojinpllmmts of (itncrnl Insurance Agency* •• And now Is tlio Miller of ouV dlsiontcnt Moilu glorious iiunnior" happy Inllucnoo of Ilia imiro clouds in-ling up from out “tiilur-rool," is It ran- ders unto ashes the pure mid odolfnrous “Old Virginia" smoking tobntbo, bearing tlio brand of Tho Dick Tnter," a liandnom package of which, with n corresponding quality and quantity of ex tra chewing tolineoo, was presented to “wu’una" by tlmt piineo d if good fellows, Major Scotty .with tlio “Compliments of Urn General Insurance Agency," of which,establishment lie Is the man. Wo would specially moutlon tho “Southorn Mu* tuul Insurance’Company," of Athuns, Oa., i lug highly worthy of tlm patronage of ilits tnunlfy.' It Is old, relinblo. prompt, and a Institution. But the Mqjor represents hone others, thnn thoio of tlie best. See ids big adfortlsoraent and read tlm tVuths he pitmiulgates. SorjiHsItlg* t’loaler, notwithstanding the ladies nro daily corryljig oil'great loads of tlm nice things ho has at ills store,, with an liUmitablo pcrsevor.uma, keeps a heavy stock on hand. U ' DALTON PRICES CL'URKNT. * ^viskd Wkkklt ur J. E. CunisTtAN. — OFFICIAL, lolamation by tho Govornor, Ifi cents perdoxen, FLOUR—$12 to $15 per barrel. MEAL—60 to cents 00 per Imilml. CORN—40 to ftrtpor bushel. BACON— 20to ‘22 per lb. SUGAR—Brown, 10 to 20 cts.por lb SYRUP—70'toei.2ft. , . WHEAT—$1.00 per Imshel to $2.00. COKFEE-80 to a.’ti cents per lb. CHEESE—28 to 80 “ “ . COTTON YARNS—$2.10,to $*.2J per bunch. CALICO—1*24 to 174cts. per yurd, CANDLES—Tallow,25cts. perib. Adamantine, 80 eta. pm lb. Atlanta BUrltct Report—Corrected Weekly by th T.-Cox k Brother, Conttulsslon Jlcrthnnts. Tuesday, Oct. 20.—Corn, per busltbl, 03d$l. Wheat, white, 2.10a2.83; Temi. red, Jhfi.lO; G«. red, 1.7na85. Oats, 8'>ml5. Uye, Ip demand, 1.45; Flour, per sack, superlino, 4.60; extra, 6.60, family, 0.00. Meal,OSnl OO. Bacon,shoulders, 144; clear sides, 18; bdiu?, 19a20. l<nrd, in Itbls. 201021; in firkins, 2la22 Butter, 26a80. Eggs, 18<i20. Beeswax, 33r*87. Onions, 1.4ftrtl.50.' Field Pons, ted, VeaOA; white, . Virginia Salt, Rack, 2.73. Drv Hides, lb, 20. Sheeting; '* lftaiej. sflii * - “ i, buneh, 2.00. 4-4, yard, lftaiej. 6(iir*.ings. 7-8, fc 13al34. Cot- Had Cut off the Ears.—A gentle- mnn in the eotmlry, lost a few nights ago three fine hogs. Yestcrdny ho went to the .Radical barbecue, thinking lie might find somethingof them. Look Ing around ho discovered that tire cars of every hog nnd pig hnd been out ofT close to the bond, and every mark used to designate stock obliterated. What did the leader^ do this for? It is very unusual. Wero they afraid some own ers would happen along? Tills looks bad. u1 I\nh M for Grant and. hog and cow stealing.—Columbits Sun. Renounces the Radical Paiity.— At the Democratic mcetin&nt Winjua, Minnesota,on the 2Glh instant,tho Hon, D. S. Norton, United States Sonator from Minnesota, who has licrctofore ranked among the conservative Repub licans, appeared on the stand and pub licly renounced bis party. Indiana.—A procession of white boys in blue was fired into at Indiau- apolis Oct. 12, from a dark alley. Tho gun was loaded with small shot. Five or six Were seriously though not dan gerously wounded. Political Parsons Rejoicing.— Bouton, Oetob’er 14—At a convention of Massachusetts Methodist churches, ill session to-day, Rev, Gilbert lluven proposed singing “ Praise God. from whom Till blessings flow,” In tlinnkfhl-l fiess for the great victories in behalf' of peace and righteousness, which have been achieved in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Indiana. The proposition was re ceived with shouts of “ Hallelujah,” "Amen;” and the nntheu? was sung with great enthusiasm, t Puritans in Pu^VER.-^SenatoqAVU- son boasted in a speech at BuStorrilint the United States bonds Iverepowmkl mainly East of. the Alleghanies, and that there were already lwciity-six Now England men in tlio United States Sen- nte. ThcjSiami biographer jn Paris, who-with delicious Frenchiuess dresses tip tlie.old stoty tlmt Cluing was n' Unionist nnd Eng was a rebel during the war, wtyh the assertion that “the quarrels between them became so violent that, the twins were at one time on the point of fight ing a duel.” [OEFICIAL] - Proclamation by tho Governor. Whkiibas, on the 84 <1"J of November next, an oiuciiun wilt hu held at the various places in this State csUiUli.sliod liy luw for holding elections by ihU people thereof, for nine Electors of President and Vice President or tho United States: And .whereas, from tlm increased number of quqlificd voters in this Suite, additional opportunities must be afforded, that it may be possible and couVen- (cut,Ibf.nil persons, who are entitled to bxerciso Uib tMoefivo franchise, to vote at raid election: '*‘NoW, therefore, I, Rufus B. Builcnk-, Govern or nnd Coiiiinniidcr.-iii-Chltf of dm Army und Navy of the State ttjf Georaia, and of th* Militia theieqlV4«v if^uc this u« Proclamation, ordering and requiring that, ill addition to tlio election in cadi Militia District, tlierb -hull bo ut the county site election precinct; three ballot-box*- es. used? and three boards ol Superintendent-of 'election organized, to the end; tlmt till duly qtml-. ified voters may have opportunity tb votb’. * In all such cases there shall bo u Bepuhtto board of Su- pcriHtciidcntS bf clectibn duly qualified mid or ganized to cucli hallot-box, nnd th« dtmtioii shall be conducted by each*board bf SUjjoriittbfidcnts, in the same iiiumicr, itmi with the same formalities, as if t here were but’one tail lot-box niid one board ol Superintendents. Each Board will muke'sep- •urate rfitiiiils, hs required by law. Given under my hand and’tlm Grant Seal of the State at th«,Capltol, in the city of Attanta, this twelfth flay eff October, in thd year of ohr Lord, eighteeti htiutlied nud sixty-eight; mid Of the Indo- pondenco oft He United "States Of America, tho ninety-third. r Rufus B. Bullock, Governor. By tlm Governor. " DavId G. Cottinoj Secretary of State; Oct ltt-dOt-^wtdo. Extra Special Notice. Bewnro of counterfeits 1 Smith’s Tonic Svrdp has been counterfeited, and tlm countcrlciter brougljt to grief. Smith'a Tonic Stomp. Tim genuine article must have Dr. John Bull’s private ttainp on each bottle. Dr. John Bull on ly has the right to immftfaeture and soil the origi nal John Smith’s Tonic SJlMp of Louls MHe, Ky.— Examine well thelabal on each bottle, ifmy private stump is not on tho botilq, do not pur chase, or you wjl bo dccelM. See my column advertisement, and my show fcafd. The genuine Smith’s Tonic Syrup can only be prepared by my- HI.' The public servant, Louityitlc. Ky. , Db; JOHN BULL, April 25, . Whkrkab, ‘ NothwIUistnnding tlm Exeoutlvo Proclamation or Boptomber 14th, 1808, many Inwless acta iiavo occurred In violation thereof, whoroby tlio llVot and property of dtixens Iiavo been destroyed, tho rlghu^f free speech knpnlrcd, tho performance of tholutlcs of tho offices to which cUIxem huvo boon fflectcd denied, and tho Jives of, citizens so threntoi^d as to cause them to ahnudon their homes and property; And WiikaXAH, “Tho protection of persons nnd property Is tho paramount duty of Urn govern ment and shall bo impartia I and complete *," And Wukbkas, The Sheriff of each county Is, by Inw, chiWfiod with tlm .preservation of llfo, property nnd penco'ln each mnirttr; Now, therefore, I, Rufus It. Bullock, Governor, and Commander In Chief of tho army, and navy of tlm Statu . of Georgia, and of militia tlmreof, do hureby issue this, my proclamation,* charging and commanding tlm said Sheriffs, and each and every othor civil officer In overy county in this State, to sec to it that the fives and property of all oUtucne, end''tho ponce of tlio community, m-o preserved, nnd that all persons are protected In tlm !Yco exerciso pf their civil nml political rights und privileges. And, further, to nmko known, that for failure in tho perfoi mRiico of duty, the raid Sheriffs ami other civil pHiuer* will he held to a strict accountability, under tho law; nnd Jo charge Upon every person, resident in tills State, that they render prompt and willing olmdh nco to tlm said Sheriffs, and other, civil officer?, under all ciicumttaucci whoUufvtr and tlmt they do inuml from said officer? protection when threat cited or dwtuibcd in their person or property, or with ‘denial of political or civil rights; nml that, fulling to receive such protection, they report facts to tliis department. Tho following oxtract from General Orders No 27, dated October 8, 1868, front Headquarters Department of the South, Is published fur Ihe information of civil officers and the general pub lic, by which it will be seen*tlmt paid civil officer* will, In the performance of their duties, bo pii*- tahicd by the military power of tho United Statep. Given under my hand, and the Great Seal of * th9 Stnfe, at the Capitol, lu tho city of Atlanta, this fith day of October, liutlia year of our Lord oighteen huudrod mid sixty-eight, nud of tho ludepcndcnce pf the United Staten tlm ninety-third. . Rufus H. Bullock, Governor. Dy the Governor: David, 0. Corrixo, Secretary pf State. “nnqas., DKrAtiniK.vr of tiik South, ^ “ Atlanta, Ga., October 8, 1868. ) “General Order*, No. 27. - "WiiKniCAfl, By an act of CongriM of the Uni ted States, approved 5r»reh 2d, 1865, it is made tlio duty of th^ military Authority to preserve tho pcaco at the polls nt any cicetion tlmt may be held In an)' of tlm States: “And Wiikrkas, This duty lias become the more imperative from the existing political ex* citemcnt iu tlm public mind, friMlt the recent or ganization of civil government, nud from tlm fact that Congress lias by statute prohibited the oigan- izatlon of military forces in tlm several States ol this Department; it is, tliorcforo, “ Ordered\ That the several District comman ders will, ns soon an practicable, on tlie receipt of ibis order, distribute the troops under their oo mam’s a** follows • ***** « In the District of Georgia; “One company 16th Infantry, to Albany. • “Ono company 16th Infantry, to fJoImubus. “One company I nth Infantry, to .Macon. “Ono company . 16th liiliintry, to Augii-ta. . “One compuny luth liiliintry, to \l asisipgton, Wilkes county. ^ * “One company 16'h Infantry, to America-*, “(hip company ltitii Infantry, to Tiionmsvillc. * "One company ;C) 6th Cavalry, to Ailiuus. “Tho company ut Suvaiiuiih to. bo reinforced, shpuid occasion require, by. such number of the nun ut Foil l’lilut-ki us can be spared. Irani the post, JLATEST ARRIVAL OF MW SPRIHQ AMD SUMMER GOODS V.y E aro rooclvlng almost daily largo additions v f to our styck «f goods, to which wo Invito tho attention of promp buyers, knowing tlmt wu cun make It Jn their interest to do so. Our stuck consists iu part of Staplo and Fanoy Dry Goods, Ladles’ mass GOODS and TIUJlUUiGS in great variety and stylcsl White Goode. Blenched and Brown DOMES'BIOS. Men'll and Doy’a Ready Ma de Clothing, Llnon Drills, Cottomidcs, ainimer Caoslmcrs, Tweeds, IIATS, BOOTS AND SHOES, For Ladies and Gentlemen. Hardware, Cuttlory nnd Q'uconswnrc, and Wood and Willow-Ware In great variety. Abo, a splendid lino of FAMILY GROCE R1ES, nnd Dyo-Siuff*. to , wldoli wo Invito the atten tion of our friends nnd the public, ns it is our lit- ♦cniiou not to be undersold. Wu buy all . kinds of Produco for Cash‘or Gopi)^. Remember, our uiot|o Is . QtfICE SAlhS aM Bit ALL pilOFITS. i.otrnv if PLANTERS’ EMPORIUM 1 •- and llcadqnnvtcrs for Everything !i “ Tits ass, ksJi/Wtin iy coh I .VVE on hand nnd nro consbintly receiving the largest and finest assortment of CtlOClii DKY GOODS, Emliracmg all tlio how styles of Ladles’ Dress Goods, Cloths, Casinmies, Yestingi*, etc. READY-MADE CLOTHING GOOD, BTitONO KASUIONAIH.E, Ladles*, Iliits, Dress Trimmings, Y’anhte Notions. New Styles Hats, Gaps, Boots and Shoes, jn tury Variety of Price and Nxcellcuce, Also, a Very largo nssortmclit yt Crockery, Cuttlery, Ilai-dwarc, and uYerylhlng else required to mako a full line of FAMILY 6B0CEEIES! FARMING IMPLEMENTS I Ur ; tho Iqtest nnd most approved Patcnis Also, all kinds of, Fluid nnd Garden Seed8 t at Vo. 1 anti 2 Tlbb's House,Halloa jail 10 Hamilton'8trect, Dalton, Ga, NEW FIRM-NEW GOODS! AULT & BARRETT. O UR 5IR. BARRETT having recently return cd Irani muiket, where lie made n'' thorough exiiminqtion of tlm largest nml most complete stocks, 'enabled lifin to make purchases on the most reasonable tcPms Iii consequence tliereof, wo H ater durselvos with having a most magnifi cent assortment of Pry Goods,' Pi Infs, „ v Delaines, Glngslmms, .. Mc.ijpo^s, Jackmicts, t Dinuns, - Doioostics. Slicellngs Tiimmings, Notions,' y . Jims, «■ Jeans, , , Cttslmcrn.-*, ■! Boots, Shoes, Crockery, Cuttlery, Coffee Sugar, Main.'sea, Bacon, laird. Meal, Flour, Family Qtocci’ics. And everything that is required to make a com plete stock. Produce minted I AULT k BARRETT, sepOrty Hamilton street, Dalton. “ Detachments, wlicn necessary, may bo inadc to points in ihe vicinity of each post; but Jn no case, nor on liny pretext whatever, will detail- atoms he sent without a coininiwiibned officer, who will bo fully instructed by Ills postx-ommandcr. “Tho troops will be considered as in the’field, nud supplied with tlielieccsrary catnp equippngc; the men to bo furnished with common tents ll practicable, and if not ymicticable, with shelter units. Commanding ofljoew uro permitted to hire quarters, tomponiriljf^djon it can be di for -rcorfmablo rates; Im^pTiis will not preclude tire necessity of esi.rylng'tciiW, as tho coimhands, In all cascs^ must bo iq.rcudincas to movo at tho, -liortest notice,' yd ill all supplies required for their efficiency. “ District commanders will instruct post mniiders lit'thcli* didles, und 'the relative position of tlio civil nnd inijfulry poweis. Tlicy^ll press on post coiumnudcrs tlmt they arc to ifffym aifl and co-opertion, nnd in siibdrdinatiuirtOwP civil autiinritics; tliat they arc to exercise discre tion and judgment, unbiased by political or other •prejudices'; tlmt their opjeet should be exclusive, ly to preserve Die peace und uphold law ami order, and they must be satisfied such is the object of the civil officer culling on them far aid ; that they must iu qll cases where time will permit; apply for instruction to superior .authority, but they must at nil luzards preserve the peace, and not be' restrained'by technical points when, in their conscientious judgment under the rules above set forth, it is their duty to net. Pdst comm aiders, on being notified of the proposod holding of po litical meetings, may send an officer, nnd if nec essary a dot ichmcnt, to watch the proceedings and see that the pcnco is preserved. “To the peoplo Of the several States compos mg the Department, the Major General Command* ing. appeals tliat thqy wilj co-operate with, ldiu and the civil authorities iftatiTtuiiiing law mid or der, in preserving the pence and iu avoiding those scenes off riot and bloodshed, and tlio Wanton de struction of property .and life, which has already, in somo instances, been unacted in tho DopaVD incut, lie urges abstinence from all inflammato ry and incendiary appeal to the passibns; dis countenancing the keeping open of liquor shops on day» of political meetings and of cicetion; tlie abstaining from currying arms, ami usserting the individqal right of constructing laws by forco of arms. No just cause is ever advanced by re sort to violence. Let there be chnrity nnd for bearance among political opponents, whatever imtybc the result; Ibtcuch goodcliizoadetermine tliat’all who, under tlie law, have the right to the ballot shall exercise it undisturbed. If there are disputed polnfs of law, let them be referred td the courts, and lot npt mobs or political clubs, or otbbr irresponsible bodies, construe and under take to execute tlie law. Tills appeal is mnd'o In the 6arnc6t hopo tifat the Major General Com manding can rely on the good sense and cbrfect judgment of the mass of.the people; and dint lid will not be compelled to resort to.tiie .exercise of the power with which hu is intrusted, nml which he will most reluctantly employ. But he thinks it ids duty to nmko known tliat so far ns Jho power under his command will admit, ho will not permit the pence to be Broken, and that ho will hot be restrained in the conscientious; dischnrgo of his duty by technicalities of laws made When the present anomalous condition >of affaire wero neither anticipated or provided for."' r By order of Major General Meade; • *• Oct 10-tUnov 8 *. 0 DRUM, A. A. Oi STOVES AND_ TINWARE ^Si..Xj.i3dxs.t3atCi3?l£i, Manufacturer of all kinds of T IIV W A. R IS, AND UKALKIl IN * * ‘ Stove3,HollowWaro,Hardware, And'dmytiiing'ih iili line of UtisiiieA-*, jwliclV proposes to sell ns cheap hs oitn bo'b , t»tf''lrt"'ln 1 j5o.utlu ru or Western, market-*, at wliolcsale ortro- taifjtpnil claims for hi.* Tjgwara a'siq»erioi-i)y over 'tliat of Ndrilictll or Rastcrti nianufnclurc:'? ■* Roofing and guttermg^one promptly, j-ljeapi. Hamilton street, Dalton, Ga. July 6iu •wirnnELZ St RESIDENT DENTISTS, Office over.John U. Kings, llallon, Gn.. H AVING permanently located here,,and being provided with tlio latest improvements in Den tal material, are prepared to do anything pertain ing Dental Su gcry. All work warriiutcd to giv satisfaction. We prep.iro a ‘•Superior Vegetable Tootli r> der," guaranteed to coutuia nothing injurious to the teeth. , ., Sept‘24.1y Tibto© House, Dalton, GKpRQIa. . . ... . J♦ D. Campbell, Proprietor, f PHlS is a Seymour nnd Blair House, where good 1 iteoommodntious,- in evety sense of the woid, are ofibred-to thcTpfiliHo. Sept. 3-1 v. Woods & Craved, flKAl.KIta IN Drugs, Medicines, Dye Stuift, Paints, ; Oils, Window Glass, &o. BlYGGf LO ,GEQBGLL , DALTON Variety Store and City Saloon Tl. P, Q>J9 m ElL No. 4 Tibbs* House, * No. H AS on hand nnd is cimstnntly receiving everything in the line of CfinfecttOner cs and Fancy Croccrl of American and foreign production. Canned Fruits, Fiukles, Wines, Jellies, unij lii fact, any thing you may wish in this line, cun bo found at No. 4, Nibb’s House. ^ I'tncxt Cigara and Tobacco the market affords1 Jjook Hero! I will positively do no credit buf-lyeas hereafter and gentlemen' must not usk for it, us I shall ter- tuinly refnse them. ;• ; ,:, V' For the liberal patronage received, t would return thanks to my many friends in this alid adjoining ebuntio.*," and'solicit a oontinuiince of the sain#. febl8-ly 1 : R. P. O’NEIL.’ New York Column, Valuablo Information. SELECT YOUR OWN NUJfUERS 111 tlio ROYAL SPANISH LOTTERY, r PHK most rcsbonilbie Institution of tW r X in tho world. Hejecting numbers In i.... Lottery Is Knew Idea—and one well adopted to llio wants «f the poopU. It affiirds a safer means qf spLculatlve inve.stiiiciit than most other busl- Room 10. i,Loyd, he mm eh & co.', 76 Nassau Hire*;; New York; “ COSTAR’S ” Preparations. EVERYBODY Trice Them ) E VERYBOVY-— VeH Them / E VEBYBODY BelietMin them! Everybody Rccommande them ! AI'O jon lioubtud by Unt,,illoi',lluai;li. on, Anti I “Costar’a” Exterminators. “Only inniDtyiVRirakalq kmi»n."— " Frto riuni 1-dUon.” “ Not tlmiRtT. oitBto tlio llninim Family.!' “ lints coino out of their holes to dlo." liu- provml to koop III ntiy olimnto. j. avTjtniE, COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND DEALER IN Staple Dry Goods i HEAVY GROCERIES, Yarns, Shirtings, Stores, Tinware, Leather, Grain, Hay, KTO., KTO., Tunnel Hill, Ga., times, to puy tlio Highest Market Prlco for all kinds of Produce. My old friends and tlie'public generally nro in vited to cull on mo before SELLING. or PUR CHASING elsewhere, ns I am determined to Sell qoods cheaper Are you annoyed with Bcd-Bu^?- Cnn’t sleep nightirl- u Co8tar>8” tied* Hus F.xtfr. A Liquid “ Ddstroyannd Bugs." “ Never Falls." Fflr Moths iu Furs, ■Wooleus, Carp- " eta, Ac. “t’oalar’s” Insect Poicdcr. Destroys Instantly Fleas nnd ail la- tyt-ta.Oij jPli)!\ts. AHlmnls, &c. ? x, a. cn.nrFonn. ATTORNEY AT LAW LaKaybttx, Ga. Qf*Will practice In all the counties compos- ing tlie Chcroktn Circuit, Jail.-10—ly, GOLD ^ GREENBACKS! I T Lb’iooves every man to savo every cent pos- sib e, und everybody “gives it up” tlmt they rare money by trailing ut CHRISTIAN’S NEW CHEAP STORE! We are offering unprecedented bargains in PRI NTS, * Bleached ami U nlilcachcd Domcstic Boots, Shoes, Dais, liotions, • DAOOrr, BUGAB, COFFEE, nml'FAMILY BUlTLlES of ill klndjnt WoiiderMy Low Prices! Wc continuo to pay tho ISlffJtesi Prices for Country Produce, of all kinds.... We arc offering grant induc^mo. a Iso, .buyers of Pocket and Tabic Cutler .d\, Crockery, Harness, etc. • ijiite . . , J, E. 4; E. CHRISTIAN. Ammoniated Phosphate. B est and ciie.u-est fegtilizer IN TDK IY0.IT.D I Saves Laml....Saves Money....Saves Labor! J. E ti E. CHRISTIAN, Agents. oigarTTnd = tobaooo C OUNTRY MERCHANTS nnd consumers will find nt our houso tho lurgest nud best ii tdvtuicnt of. Cigars and Tolineoo in Clierok- Geoqjia, which wo sell nt Atlanta and Nashville •prices. J. E. k E CHRISTIAN. BAR&ADMOR SALE! LOTS FOR RURAL HOMES!! ii. t. cox, of Tenn. L.’box, ofTonu II. T. Cox K Brother, Commission Forsyth Btrcot, ATLANt.Y,^ ....GEORGIA. Prompt Attention Given to Bale of, TrodupQ) Groceries and'Merchandise, And filling orders for Produco or Merchandise. Rkfkr to—Bu»ino<s Houses generally of At lanta, East TenlusScOnud Southwestern Virginia. Oot-thn . •* NICE GOODS AT THK y • Dalton Confectionery and Bakery, Opposite Bukofzcr it Loyeman'k'.' •f A BOXES Frenrh Imperials, extra nice; 50 * I ’ " - {I and 1 lb, boxes) French ,Can- dies; BOO His. plain dud faucy Candies, fresh; boxes Chdwing Guip» bo^es lafgh Sugar Toys s Brandy Peaches, Jellies, assorted Preserves, Rais* eh«. Dates, Pfilm Nuta, KllbbrU, 'Almonds, Eng. Walnuts,* Oysters, SnrdineS, Crtickcre, Cheese, Soup, Candles, Soda, Nutmeg!*, Crchm Tartar, Glhger, &e. |37*ln tho Bakery Department will bo found fresh Pqtfnd Cake, Tea Cukes, Jelly Cttko,,Spongcf Cake, Cream Cake, I*ifcfl, Clwtards, 4os , •* t^“Pniiica supplied on sliort notice; ^"Private room for Lunch. Ooi 8—3t. JOHN TOWaVLEY. Januiry for FIFTY OENT8. F OR SALE, about Sixty Acres of land, fairly timbered, with beautiful cites for building, within one mile and n half.of the city, adjoining tlie property of the Dalton City Company, being a portion of the lot known as llio Wrench Plueo. Sold in parcels to suit purchasers, of. five, ten, twenty, or tlio sixty acres. Ono beautiful cite, with thirty , acres, with the privilege of two springs, freeutono aud cliulybo- ate, 1 within a few steps of tho cite.^. To merchants, mechanics,, or other business men of Dalton, these lots are very desirable, be ing near cn&ugli not to interfere with their daily occupation. Entirely Jrce from dulls, fever and other injurious diseases, produced by bad water, swamps, etc. Better bargains can bo had In tliis property than over bofore offered in Whitfield county. Titles made perfect. Apply to HENRY A .WRENCH. . IV A. HAFFIJER, IVatctv-JIlakcr and Jeweller. I HAVH ; jiist opened m.V shop in this 'placeand am preparod to do any kind of work ip my line of business, such ns repairing and cleaning Watches, &o. I keep on hand Jowclfy, Watches, and Spectacles: Shop nt tlio Drugstore of Oudget* & Knight. Dalton, Jun. 8, 1868—ly; Sale. O N the fourth Tuesday in October, 27th, wifi be sold one; ofetlio Fine*t Home* in I Uoorgia—tlio house aud premises of S. W. ] est. Bankrupt, ono mile from Dalton on thq Spring Place road. Eight rooms, good out-house*; splen did water. In good repair. Tux Bkst ChaHck IN UlIKKOKKB UkOROIA. Terms cash. Inimbdinto pMJereion. Title per fect. No liens—ono acre of land. Sulo ut Court House door at 1. P. M. Also, n one third interest in old ntab’e lot In front of Judge Morris’ residence in Dalton; also uld.Piuno, &o. ■*• I. W. AVERY, Ass*gnco. September 24—td*. W. W. m&GINs, GUN AND LOCKSMITH. every description done at short notico. I5TA1I work warranted. Terms to siiit tho hard times. ^ j ——AlBo—'~ *11 islaca and sorts of Spoons, ISulter Knives, tfc., Mado from old silver or coin. fgjTShop In tho building in which tho Post Office ta kept. Feb. 21—0 in. rriiKE ihiCimBNI Ohrapest anti Dcstl A : • Only FliTY OENTS till Jonntry: “ A sul'i) l tifj. hiE." Tlioi'Jiinila euu ics- “Costar’s” Corn Solvent. .For Corn*, BuuionS, .Warts; &c.— "Try it." iterei iiealtn itii|’rovi*>!. , Dr. Gist who has been in bad bcnilh, tried them, and he also improved. Dr. Codec, who lias been in bad health forrev- enil VbnU—sMnach and Hit* hffebted—lie lin- irovbd very much by tlio use (if your Bitter.-. tideed tlie Cedron Bivtcis inis given you great popularity in this settlement. 1 think I could icll a great quantity of jour incdiciiu-s tliis fall —qspeeliilly of your Ccdren Bitter* and Snr.-npar- ilia. Ship mo via Memphta, care of Rickct and N,,clJr - _0.n“vTiX:' Still's Worm Destroyer. To my United Statea and World uide n m Iieader». I have received ninny testimonials from profes sional and medical men, ns my almnnacs and va rious publications Iiavo shown, nil of which aro genuine. Tho following letter from a highly ed ucated nnd popular physician in Georgia, is cor-- talnly ono of tho most sensible communications I iiavo ever received. Dr. Clement knows ex actly what he speaks of, and his testimony de serves to he written in letters Of gold. Hear m\ tho Doctor says of BULL'S WORM DE STROYER i iN'Rahoir, ifoi/icf* CdUnfy, Ga., June20, istO. Dr. John Bull—Dear Slh I hnvo rebently giv bn vour “ Worm DestroycF' fictcral trial*, and find it Wonderfully efficacious. It hnx not failed in a ringlo Instance to have tlie wished for effect. -- — —— I »»» doing a pretty large country practice, and Don’t suffer witii Pnln 1 A Wdmldr- l ,a v° Huilv ilao for Somo orticlc of till* kind, I ful power of Healing I Every family am frc\J td L'onfVis tliitt I know of no remedy rec- should keep it In tlio house. , tfmmbudud by the ablest authors tliat is so ecrti.iu ‘Costar’s” Iluclitho’ n Stine. . | cud iptedy as its cfiects. On tho contrary they . its effects uro immediate. For Cuts, 6 r *-‘ uncertain in tho extreme. My object in writ* Burns, Bruises,'Woiinili, Soro Breast*, mg you is to find out upon what term* I can get Pile, Ulcers, Old Bores, Itch, Scrofula lued'cine directly from you. If I can gel up- and Cutsncous Eruptions, Chapped ca! 7 terms, I shall uro a gre it deal Of it. I Hands, Mps, &c., Bites of Aniuiul*,' om awarotliat the use of such articles is contrary Insects, kc. i t0 tl»o teachings and practice of a gfeut nmjoiitv ■ 1 ol the regular line bf M. D’s, hut I see no just - - 1 idilio or good sense iu dt.-=cai dtng a remedy which “A Universal Dinner Pill" (tugar-» wc know to be efficient, Rhhply bebaiiso we may coated). 80 yeai-s administered in a 1,0 Ignorant of its combination. Fur iify part I Phvaician’s Practice. i 8 ( ,a fi ,nak b lt rul o l « uso all and any means to ‘Ccstnr’s” llishoi> Pills. i nllioviute suffering humanity whfch I may be nblo Or uxtraordlimvy efficacy for Costlvo-! 10 command—not hesitating because some ono nos*, Indigestion, Nervous aud Hick more ingenius than myself may have learned its Headache, Dyspep-ia, Dvsenterv,Gen* j effects first, nnd secured tliat knowledge. How end Debility, Liver Coniplulnts, Chill*, ovtr » 1 n,u b >'.nieans nn ndvocotc Or eupportei Fevers, &c. Not griping. Gentle, j of fi ,c thousands of worthless nostrums tliat ilooa mild and soothing. That Cough will kill you. Don’t oeg- , loot it. Cdn&h ncUictSy* The children cry fob It—Ua a “ Sootlq ing Syrup." For Coughs, Colds- II oarsenoss, Sore Throat, Croup, Whoo ping Cough, Asthma, Bronchial Af- lections. Singers, Speakers, and nil • troubled With Throat Complaints, will Hud this a beneficial Pectoral Remedy. Bountifi.s tlm Complexion, giving to «c l »toAtu;7r rent ' rw,, “^ aud Orange Blossoms. Rcudpre tlio skin clear, smooth and • soIY. Roiuorcs Tan,. Freckles, Pirn- jdcs, kc. Ladies, try a bottle, and see its wonderful quality. C3TJH BKwwnnULof all worthlessinltii-1- tlon* , ■ .;v -• » . t#T None Geiiutuo without ..^C0STAli‘B h i-Jgnaturo. (^“•23o mtd flOe. sizes kept by nil Druggists. ' ' C-ST? I >izer tent liy mail on receipt of price. pays for any tlirco $1 sizes by Exp 'csi. . USI*'$5 pays for clglit $1 sizes by Express. Address HENRY B. COSTAR, . 012 Broadway, N. Y. tyFor salo by C. B. Wellborn & Co., Dd ton, Georgia t3?*8oid liy nil Wholesale Druggists In all the largo Cities. pSTBarims, Ward k Co., 24 Magazine streets X. Urlenns, wholesale agents for Southern . May 8—0m. Da. mi. ii. ono irj%v Insurance and Land Agent, KINO STREET, DALTON, UKORQIA. A GENT, for iETNA Llfo mid Firo Insurance, Company. Also,. Jefferson and James River Fire Insurance Companies, rff Virginia, Enterprise, at Cliieiutinll, and Putnam, at Hart ford, Fire Insurance Companies. And General Land. Agent For'nnyboily who entrusts their business to his dire. Refers to Col. 0. B. Welboni, Atlanta; Col. W. II. Tibbs, Lowry & Eo3on; Hon. D. A. Wuikcr, and Col. J. A. R. Hanks, Dalton. jafMy A<\ +11. QVEEA\ Auction and Commission MERCHANT, NO. 3 KING STHEETj DALTON; GKOHOIA: Satisfaction guaranteed. Ihstructfons followed Consignments of all kinds sc-Hc*cd. Quuick sufeu and prompt returns., Liberal Advances Chets. Sumjqtil8t s M-ANUKACTURER and WhoV * luT'Dealct'in every description ol FUR NIT URE, Also, Denier In Carpets, Oil Cloths, Wall Papei*; Window Shades, Gilt Moldings and Frames, CURTAINS andItiumminqs, Spring Mattrcsros nnd Bcdd|gig l &f all Descriptions. A large assortment of Burial Calcs, on hand, wl;ioh will be sent to any point on tlio shortest notico'. Call and cxaniino for yoUrsclvCa, before purchasing oiseiVhero. juI2-12ra Market Stmt, bet. Sdand-Uh, Chattanooga, Tenn “Consideration Failed.I'* H AVING seen a notice lo tlio Gitizk'n;.In which tho public arc notified ndt lo purehBse n note for One ThoUeand DbllOH which I hold against W -8. CALLAWAY, fdr which he says tho con sideration has failed, nob- lest tho public slibiild bo led astray by said noiice, I will atatb tliojMid note was given for Ono Thousand Dollahi in greenbacks, received by him from ire, being tlio same with which bo purclinSed.the coods foi- tlio u New Baltlinoro" Store iu Spring Placb; Thoso who havo anything to do \rtth blin n\'»y biko no tice, &o. S. A.‘F0RTi30. October 8, 1808—8fc.« Medical and Surgical Notice, on. 4. hv uiruras, F ORMERLY of South Carolina, tenders his Professional services to the citizenk of Dal* ton and surrounding country, with au experioheo of 27 year* practice. • • fSrSpecial attention to ail chronic eaaea. B^TOffice, during tho day, corner of Petriz and King streets, and night at residence, on Thornton Avenue, formerly occuplod by Mr. J. H. King. January 3—tf, tlio country, tliat purport to cure uil manner t disease to which liliman fle*h is licit. Please ru ply soon, nnd inform me of yoilr best term*, am sir, mostresppctfullv, JULIUS P. CLEMENT, l!. D. Bull’s Sarsaparilla. GOOD RliASON FOR THE CAPTAIN'S FAITH. Rend, the Captain’s Letter and the Letter his Mother. Renton Barracka, Co., April SO, 1801 Dr. John Bull—Dear Sir: Knowing tho effic.„..- cy of your Sarsaparilla, and the healing and bei> eflelai qualities it possesses. I send you tlio ft lowing statement *>[ my case: I was wounded about two years ago—was taken prisoner and confined for six'leen months. Being moved so often, my wounds have not healed yet. J ,havc not sat up a momcht-sinco I was wounded. din allot through the liipd. My general health If impaired; and I need something tb assist na ture. I nave more faith in your Sarsaparilla thnn in any thing else. I wish that tlmt is genuine. Plea'fti eipress mo half a dozen bottle*, and obli-u Cam. C. P. JOHNSON, . • St. Louis, Mo. P, S.—Tlie following was written April 80, 1806, by Mrs. Jennie Johnson, mother of Cnht! Johnson. Dr. Bull—Dear Sir: My husband, Dr. C; fi Johnson, was u skillful surgeon and physician in Central New York, where he died leaving tlm abovo 0. , P. Johnson tomv care. At thirteen years Wage he had a chronic diarrhea aud sfcV fills, for which I gave him vour B»rsapnri!Ia. It cured him. .1 iiavo fur tert )eafs recommended •*. to many in Now York, Ohio, mid Iowa, fpr sere fula, fever sore*, and general debility. Perfcc success has ottainedlt. 77ie cure effected in some caeca of acrofula and fertr aorea icere almost in - raculova. I am very anxious for my son to ngnln havo recourse to your StirrapnviUa. . lie is R'lirlul of gutting a fpurinusarv.ole, hence his writing I., vou for it:* lfte’tfouli?i tenFgJnbie, but 1 bo- lievo he will recover. Respectfully, - ; JENNIE JOHNSON; Dii. JOHN DULL, Manufacturer anil Vender of tlie Celebrated Smith’s Tonic-Syrup, - FOR TUE CL'liK OF a v e .1 .v o E i: ft JG h, OR, • A N rJ i E Y E B. The.proprietor of tiil'a ceiebrnted mcdleino justly claims for It a superiority over nil run edies over offered to tlie publlo for llio safe, certain, npttJu, nud permatiknt eure ol' Agtlti and Fever or Cliillsund.Fornr, wbbfher of short or long standing. Uo rofera to tlio ontlfu Western and Suuth-wostern country to bear blin icstimonv to tho ttilth of the assertion, thatISSo easo ivha'tov- or will ll fitil'to coro, if tho difccUofis aro strictly followed nhd carflbd but. In agrbat many cases - - gHaitinnnyc single dose, has been eulllelcnt'/01> a euro, and whole families havo been cured by a single hot tie, With n perfect restoration of tho general heutill. It Is, however, prudenl, and in overv ciiso mbW cbrtaln to bpte, If its.dso is continueil In smaller doses for. n week Or tiro after tho dis ease has been checked, more espeelnllr in difficult anil long standing cofeS. . Usually, (Ids mcdleino will not require any aid to keep the bowel* in good ordei-; Should tho patient, however, require u eilthtrllc medicine, rtftbr liitving taken threo or four doses of tho 'I’otiie.m.sliiglo doso of BULL'S VKOKTA BLR. FAMILY TILLS rill bosnfficient, DR. JOHN BULL’S Principal Office: .Vo, 40 Fifth, Cross Street. ... . , . LOUISVILI.F, KT All of tho ahoro remedies for salo by. J. B. NICKLIN A CO, . Chattanooga, Tenn.. Andhjr nil other rbsponslblo Dniggisu, uh, Setter than goldi OUR NKW Indestraotable Golden Pons. A RE rceomin’endi-dby Bunked, Lawyers, Pro fessor*, Teachers,- Merchants, and all who havo tried them, ns tlio host Pen manufactured. They are non-eorrosl.Vii, and manufactured with tho greatest parr rendering them , more, durable than ally pen ntiw before the public. ‘ Sc,lt I 10 ’ 1 paid lo any address for 75 cents por box, containing one dozen Orders uonlaln'rg money for the aamo soul nt our risk Do m t fo?. get to try them M. Mc.U.HX * CO., ihn8 3m Louisville, Ke. Pletse slato (hat you ■— ‘ v, ‘“—'