North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, October 29, 1868, Image 3

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NORTfljfiJORfiU^CITIZEN. nENRY'A. WHeSoH, tooalT' OFFICIAL. Proolamalion by tho Qovo TutinsDiT uobnikOi 0CT0BRB »», ud) swapy**;***^ ProoInmsUon of BopUmibcr Mill, 1868, miny • nets lu TF.BUSt~Tv* Dellun and Fifty Cut* P«r T««r In Ailuntei Bin Honthi, tl.M). Unten of Ltjtil Ad willing I Citations on loiters of Adffi'r, kA<«••••♦* Citation* on Inter* dl*. front Adiu’r, 4o...n M For lenro to noil l*ml,.... ■ ™ Notlco to dobiornAnd creditor*, ••••••< Oil Bale* of projiertr, 0 days, 1 »qr., 8 ,00 Hiila of l«nd by Adm'r*, Kx’w, fto., 1 »qr., 5 00 SlivrllT* Sulci*, per .jpmro, cnuli Inwirlion 70 In irlol mid property loktlon thereof of fUUew havo Speclil Notice l N. B. Hudgixs, Sheriffof Gordon county, Inn •elected tho North Gxonnu Citiirm, an hti offi cial organ, !rt which nil his advertisingwill appear. Complimentary. tho Grand Juries of Gordon and Bat-tow coun ties, wo notice, In their presentments, paw very Complimentary resolution* to Solicitor -Broyles, for his strict, energotlo business capacities. Tho Colonel la a right clever follow, anyhow, but he ts In bad company. _ The Westher. .Jack Frost has commenced nipping tho bilds, and tho “saddest of year” Is upon us, elothedln tho “scar and yellow lenf.” Big Urns, overcoats, etc., aro In domand. Tho weather, this weok, li “altogether lovely.” Married, On tho evening or the ‘25th, at tho residence'of Col. Oallnway, by tho Ilcv. Win. Dunn, Mr. S. 0* Carter to UiM II atti S Shelton, fell of Spring Place. ___ Going, Csnel—Up the Spout t The Radical blow-hnrda didn’t have but fifteen to hear them at Spring Place, tho other day I If 0)ltn crowd* amount to anything, Radicalism has flatted out in this country. Atkins had better quit and go to hunting Illicit whiskey distilleries, Farrow Into tho salt potre business, and Bard, if he wonts to save himself, had belter go to praying. Court Postponed. Owing to the continued Illness of Ills Honor, Judge Parrettj tho Superior Court for this couniy was postponed till next Monday, by Sollelto 1 * Broyles. There was no court at Spring Place last week on this nocount. “The Last Rose of Foramen or the Dying Struggle of North Georgia Radicals. According to flaming posters the big thing has come off. Several speakers and a slim audience assembled at the Court nuu-c, Saturday. A pro- cession of one negro, bearing tho “Stars and Stripes,” marched through tho main streets, and to the spenklng place. It Is said the jury seats in tho Court Home were nearly crowded. The au dience was somewhat mixed,numbering about two hundred, of all casts, colors, ages ami sexes. The vprakers departed, humming,“Mother, we’re com* log home to die*” Hard says “It avns a success. 1 It was for Democracy.' The Gate Ctty-Mcrrtants. Tho mcre'ianta of tills go-ahead city arc ovc aViv6 to their best interest. They use printer’ ink moro freely than any set of merchants in the S'Kifli, and the result is'they nr* selling car loads <i' Goods all over the State. The trade of North Go irgla properly belongs to Atlanta, and wo are glad to kuow tlmt she is receiving a very con siderable portion of It. We take great pleasure In calling attention to tho cards of tho fol- owing house* In to-day’s paper, wldelt nreumong the large t and most responsible in the city Messrs. Chamberlain k Bonyton, dealers in Ciiriu ts, Oil Cloths, Dry Goods, Ac, Vjhllst in Atlanta u few days ago Wo went through tensive stoic rooms of this firm, and wc hazard ii.itldug in saying, they have the largest and best assured stock ot good* this fids of Charleston, and are selling at pticcs astonishingly lotf. i.Ue sure.nud call on thum when you \hdt Atluuta— they arc on Whitehall street. Messrs. Red wine & Fox* dealers lit Drugs and Modieihfc.*. These are the nun who run tho “ Live Drug Store ’’—and it is emphatically a lire con cern, and a big concern,' and Is kept by two of tho eleverest men “ this side of sun down ” If you want Drugs and Medicines at low figufes the “Live Drug Store” is the place to get them. Messts. Cox k llill. wholesale dealers In For eign and Domestic Liquors, Cigars, Tooocco, Ac. Kvcryhsdy In this country knows Hill—he is a Chattooga county mint—and a moro accommoda ting, hetier-lmarted li-llow cannot bo found. II you want pure liquors go to his house, and you will lind the purest _*nd best. Wo fpeak from txptriincc ! W. C. Lnwshe, wholesale and retail Druggist. Tills is one of the largest Ding Houses in Atlan ta, the proprietor of which is an exceedingly idee gentleman. This is doing a heavy hits!- newt, sod no wonder when goods nr; sold there ut such low prices. Mrs. Br.rnneller, denier in Ladies’ Dress Goods. Any thing that a lady may want to make her look 1 buttitcliiuglv sweet,’ can bo found at tliits popu lar Miiiuery Establishment.- Messrs. T. M. & R. 0. Clark, dealers in For eign and Domestic Hardware. This is the oldest and most responsible house of tho kind in the city. If yoU want Anything in tho Hardwaie ]• s line, order from*tills house, mid you will be suit* ed botli in price una quality of goods. J. M. Holbrook, dealer in Hats and Cups. This ts the graft Hat Emporium of the State, at which any style of head covering may be obtained. Hol brook buys Mink, Fox and othe^ skins. That’s Whale the Matter 1 Every town is infested with a pestiffcroiis class of society, generally known ns dirly-workcrs and j understrikers for somebody else. Dalton has n P Tull quota. Some of theso fellows being tho very i’ scum of Insignificance have a hankering after be ing noticed. The wmk is too dirty for us—we can’t prostitute our columns in that way. Tills t tnakes tho contemptible, slimy, pusilanimous, ! ignoble, back-biting, two-faced forked, viper- | tongued warblers wratliy, and they occasionally * say things which wo hoar. We have oulv to re mark, they had as well stop. Wo aro fishing for [ trout, not minnows. Their spurious gab is not ‘•vth refutation. Crawl in your holes and hush. £*SU ■ been destroyed, tho right of froo speech impaired, (he performance Of tho duties of tliS offices to which eltlxena have been elected denied, and tho lives of oittons so threatonod as to cause thorn to abandon their homes and property; Akn Wurrkas, “Tho protection of persons and property is the paramount duty of tho govern ment and shall jie Impartial and complete;” Axu Wiierkab, The Sheriff of each county U; by law, charged with tho preservation of life, property and poneo In each county; Now, therefore, I, Ruftis D. Bullock, Governor, End Commander in Chief of tho army slid navy of' tho Etato of Georgia, and of militia thereof, do hereby issue this, my proclamation, charging and commanding the said Sheriffs, and each and ovory other civil officer In overy county In tills State, to sec to It that tlio lives and property of all cltlxcns, and tho peace of the community, preserved, and that all persons aro protected in the tree oxerciso of thoir civil and political rights and privileges: And, ftirthcr, to mnko known, that fot failure in tho performance of duty, the said Sheriffs and other civil officers will bo held to a strict accountability, under tho law; and to charge Upon every-person, resident In this State, that they Hinder prompt and willing obcdltnco to tho sold Sheriffs, and other civil officers, under all vtreumstanees whatsoever; and that they do mand from said officers protection when threat ened or disturbed in their person or property, or with denial of political or civil rights; and that, falling to roceivo such protection, tlioy report facts to tills department. Tho lollowlug extract from General Orders No 27, dated' October 8,1868, from Headquarters Department of tho South, is published for tlm information at civil officer* and the general pub lic, by which It will bo seen that said civil nfllccrs will, in tho porformnneo of thoir duties, bo sus tained by tho military power of tho United States. Given under my hand, «nd tho Great Poal of tho State, at tho Capitol, In tho city of Atlanta, this Uth day of October, in tho year of our Lord eighteen hundred add sixty-eight, and of tho Iitdcpcndenco of tho United States the ninety-third. . Rorus B. Bullock, Governor. By tho Governor: - David G. Cottino, Secretary of State. —! “HImjrs., DxpAnTMKNT or me South, ) “ Atlanta, Oa., October 8,1868. J General Orders No, 27. • “Wiikocas, By ati sot of Congrats of tho Uni ted States, approved March 2d, 1806, It Is made tho duty of tho military authority to preserve the pcaco at tho polls nt any election that may bo held in any Of the States: “And Whereas, This duty has become tho more imperative from the existing political, ex citement.hi the public uiincl; from tile recent or gunixaUM of civil government, and from tho fact that Congress has by statute prohibited the organ ization of military forces in tin! several States of tills Department; it is, therefore, “ Ordered, Thai tho several District comman ders will, ns soon ns practicable, on the receipt of this order, distribute. tho troops under their com mands a* follow** • • • • • • Iii tho District of Georgia: “One company 16th Infnutty, to Albany. “Ono company 16th Infantry, to Columbus. “One company 10th Infantry, to Macon. “One company 10th Infantry, to Augusta. “Olio company lOthllnfinftry, to Washington, Wilkes county. “Ono company 10th Infantry, to Amcricus. “One comiianv 10th Infantry, to Thomaxvdlc. “One company (C) 5th Cavalry,' to Athens. “The company nt Snvanuhh to be reinforced, should occasion require, by such number of the men at Fort Puluski ns cun be spared from the post. [OFFICIAL.] — Proclamation by tho Govornor. It I* reported by rellsbls clllron. from nunjr counties or tho-Sute, tint prepara tion! sra being nail, to collect onerous urn lev- leil under nuthorltr or tin Co.mltutlon or Eigh teen hundred nnd nljtyflvo<186»,) mid foiling to collect, to apply tlm pro.lilon# or tho prcient Constitution, nhd thereby csoludo innnjr cltlseu. ftom tin privilege or voting. Therefore, I, Kuhn 11. Ilulloclr, Governor nnd Oommtndnr ln Uldcf of the Army «nd Nary or tho Btato of Georgia,'.lid or thn Mllltlu Ihoreof, by virtue of tlm .ulhorily In me reeled by llm Beyeniletli (JO) nectlou ul thn Codo of OcorgU, dn hereby iiupcml tlm collection of nil poll Uses until tlm ttutrngulnt jowlmi or tlmSGcncral An- ncnibly of thin Slut*, nnd of Ihln luipcnalon tho Comptroller General will forthwith giro notice to tlm Tax Collcctorn of tho novcral counilca. Given under mylhnnd nnd tho Grant Seal of Ilia Stahl nt tlm Capitol, In tlm City of Atlanta, till, twentieth of October, lu the year o' mir Lord, eighteen hundred nnd elxty-olght, tihd of tlm Indepetldeneo of tlm United States of America tlm ninety third. Rerun B. Ilot.t.ocx, Governor, By tho Governor! David 0. Cumkit, Secretary ol Stalo. CourTttoM.xn GiaxiaCn Ornni, ) Atlanta, 0,1., Out. ‘27, 1868. f 7b Iht Tax ColtKlon of Hi, Slot, of Giorgio: In conformity *BB tho ahoVo proelamatlim by hln Exeellcney the Governor of tlm Suto of Geor gin, you nro hereby dircctod t) inspend tho col- lection or all poll tnxen, III your reipeotlvu coun- lien, until the hc»t regolar ncjxlou of lh« General Aosomblyor thin State. Respectfully, Madison Gki.i., Comptioller General. All papeVf'In thgSUto will copy six time* nnd rend hills to thn Executive Office, whit copies of papers conlnlnlng tills proulnmntlon. Get SD-Ot. [OFFICIAL.] Proclamation by the Governor. Whkiikas, on tile Sd day of November next, an rKctlon will Ira held nt the varlnUa place* In this Slate established by Inw for holding election* by the people thereof, for nine Eloetois of President ■lid Vico President ol tlm United.State*: And whereas, from thn increased number uf qualilled voters in this Stntc, additional opportunities*must ho olfmdod, that It may ho pond lent for nil persons, who aro entitled to excrelsU the elective iVancldse, to vote ut said election i ‘Now, therefore, I, Unfits D. Bullcok, Govern* ... and CommnndurdmChter of tho Army-and NnVy of tho Stale ol Georgia, and of tlm Militia thereof, do hereby Isnilo thin my Proclamation, ordering and requiring that, In ndditlnn to tho election In each Militia District, there iliall be at tho cuuntv site election precinct, three ballot-box en used, and three boards of Superintendents of election organised, to the end, that all duly qnal- illed voter* may have opportunity to vote. In all such canes there shall he a separate lioarJ of Sin perlntendeuta nr election duly quallflcd anil or ganised to each liallut-liox, and tlm election elt.ll ho conducted by/ftch hoard of Superintendents, in tlm same manner, and with the same funualiilr ns If them Were hut ono bnllut-box and one boa ul Superintendent*. Each It,mid will mlko sep arate returns, a* required by Inw. Gircn under my hand and the Groat Seal of the State dt the Capitol, in the city uf Atlanta, thin twelfth day or October, tn tho ycHrof onr Lord, elglltvCh hundred and sixty eight, mid of tho hide- penitence uf tlm United Stale, of America, the nlltc-ty third. Rems It. Bcuocx, Governor. By llm Governor! ’ David O. Cotond, Secretary of Stale. Oct 10-d0t-wtde. LATEST ARRIVAL OF NEW SPRING AID SUMMER GOODS W K nro receiving nluiost dally largo addition! to our stuck of goods, Pi which wo Invito llm attention of promp buyer., knowing that we can make It tn tlu-ir lute rest to do so, Our atoek consists In part of . Staple andFanoy Dry Goods, Ladles’ DRESS GOODS and TRIJIMIXCS In great variety and ityleil White Qoodt, Bleached and Brown DOMESTICS. Slcn’a and Roy's Ready Made Clothing, Litton Drill#, Cdttonsde*,^ Summer Coaslmcrt, ltATS, boots'* AND SHOES, Fot* Ladies anu Gentlemen. Hnrtltrnro, Outtlpry and Qucenewnro, and Wood and Willow-Ware In great variety. Aluo, a splendid line of FAMILY GROCERIES, and Dyc-Stuffk. to which wo Invite tho stten* tioti of our friends and the jftiblio, ** It is our in tention not to be undersold. Wo buy til kinds of Produce for Cash 'or Goods. Rbinouibtf, our motto U QUICK SALhS AND SMALL PROFITS. jdOirnr tt e.isoa\ jan 16 Hamilton Street, Dalton, Ga, PLANTERS’ EMPORIUM! AND flcadqimrlcrs for Everything Tunis, if crt., H AVE on band and arc constantly receiving the largest and fluent Assortment of Room 19. 76 Nuiunu Strc%i, New York. CIIOCIE DRY GOODS, “ Embracing nil tlm new rtylcs of LudloV Dresa Goode, Cloths, Coittneiea, Vesting*, cte. READY-MADE CLOTHING GUUD, STRONG FASUION.MII.E. Ladlci'i Hats, Dtcsa Trimmings, Yankee Notions. New Styles Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoos, ■ in ««ry Variety of Prict ami A'jrraiirnct. Alto, a vary largo aanortmoht of Crockery, Cuttlcry, Hardware, nnd everything ol«o required to make a full lino of . . FAMILY GROCERIES! FARMING IMPLEMENTS! Of tho latest and most approved Patonta Also, fell kinds or Field «nd Garden 8eeds, at oYo* t and 2 Tlbb’at lJoiise,f)a/foii NEW FIRM-NEW GOODS! AULT & BABHETT. O UR MR. BARRETT having recently return ed from market, where he made a thorough examination of the largest and most complrto Mocks, enabled him to make purchase* on tho most reasonable terms In consequence thereof, we flatter oureelves with having a moat magnifi cent assortment of Di*y* Groods, Now York Oolumn. Yuluablo Informotion. SELECT VOUIl OWN NUMBERS In tho ROYAL SPANISH LOTTERY. '•PUR most responsible Institution of it*. .Ind -I. lu the world. Selecting number* lu this Lottery la a new Ides—nnd duo well adopted to tlm wants uf tho people. It affi>nla a a aim-mean* I nn. JOHN BULL'S GREAT REMEDIES! Bull’s Cedron Bitters. “COSTAR’S” Preparations. E VER YBOD Y Tries Them I E VEIl YBOD Y Uses Them 1 E VERYJIODY Believes in them/ Everybody Recommends them ! Arc you truublud by flat*,Mice,Kuadn es, Antal “Cottar's” Exterminators. “Only Infallible Remedies known."—* "Free from l’nlion." "Not danger ous to tho Uumm Family." “ lints come out of their holes to dlu." Im proved to keep In any climate. j. avTnniE, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Are you annoyed with Bed-Dug. f— Can't sleep nights I “Collar’*” lied-Huff Ex ter. A Liquid “ Dcntroys and prevenli Dad- Bugn." "NeverFalla." AND DEALER IN Staple Dry Goods. HEAVY GROCERIES, Yarns, Shirtings, otoVes, Tinware, Leather, Grain, llay, KTOt, ETC., Tunnel Hill, Ga., rilnis • Gingshams, Jackonets. Domestics. Sheetings Trimmings, Notions, Hats, Jeans, Cast meres, Boors, Shoes, Crockery, Onttlcry, Coffee _ Sugar, Molasses, Meal, Family Groceries, And everything that is required to rnSko a com plete stock. Produce wanted 1 AULT k BARRETT, sepD-1 y Ilantiilon street, Dalton. - Delaines, MerV.iocs, tlncns, Bacon, I.ardi Flour, DALTON PRICES CURRENT. Ur.vised Wkkkly bv J. E. CiiiiisTia.v. RUTTER—20 to 25 cents. -EGGS—10 to IB cents per dozen. FLOUR—^12 to tilB per barrel. MEAL—BO to cents 60 per bushel. CORN—40 to Go per bushel. BACON— 20to 22 per lb. SUGAR—Drown, 16 to 2o cts. per lb SYRUP—70 to $1,211. WHEAT—11.00 per bushel to $2.00. COFFEE—80 to 88| cents per lb. CHEESE—25 to 30 “ “ COTTON YARNS—$2.10 to $2.22 per bunch. CALICO—124 to 17}cts. per yard. CANDLES—Tallow, 25 cw. per lb. Adamantine, 80 cts. per lb. Atlanta Market Report-Correrted Weekly by II. T. Cox k Brother, Commission Merchants' _ W ? U “ D V> 0c1, 20 —Corn, per bushel, $Ul.d5 f W heat, white, 2.25a2.50; Term, red, 2a2.10; Ga. B red,l.70o90. Oats,oo a 65. Rye, in demand, 1.45; Hour, per sack, superfine, 4.50; extra, 5.50. fttmil*', 6.00. Meal, 00al,05. liucon, shoulders 141; clear shies, 18; hams, 19a20. Lard, in bbla. 20 7 o?,1; in firkins, 21 <*22 Butter, 25n.°A Eggs Uj2). Beeswax, 35a37. Onions, 1.4fal,60.' i FI dt' Pens, red, 7«a00; white, . Virginia I Bari, wok, 2.7». Dry Hides, lb, 20. Sheetings, 4*4, »«rd. 15a 15}. Shirtings, 7-8, 13nl8}. Cot ton Yarn*, bunch, 3.00. “ Detachments, when necessary, may bo'made to points in Ihs Vicinity of each post; but In qnso, nor on nhV pretext Whatever, will detach- mcnis be sent without a commissioned' officer, who will lie fully instnuited by liis post commander. “The troops will be considered as In the field, and supplied with tho ifccessAry cutup rqulppago; the men to be furnished uilli common tents it practicable, nnd il nuV pwetliiaWi^ with eltcltcr tents Commanding officer.) aro permitted to biro quarters, temporarily, wlicn it can be done for rcusdnable rates; hut this will not preelude tho necessity of carrying tents, as the commands, in ail cases, must bo in readiness to move at the shortest notice, with nil supplies r» foY their efficiency. District commanders will instruct post com manders in their duties, uud tiro relative position of tiio civil fend military powers. Tiicy will im press on post commanders that they are to act in aid and co-opcrtion, and in subordination to tho civil authorities; that they are to exercise discre tion and judgment, unhiused by political or other prejudices; that their opjcct should bo exclusive* Iv to preserve the pence and uphold laiy an i order* and they mint bo satisfied such is tho object of the elvil officer calling on them for aid \ tlmt they must in all fuses where time will permit, apply for instruction to superior authority, but they iuust at all hazards preservo the pcaeo, and not be restrained by technical points when, in their conscientious judgment under the rules ahovo set forth, it is their duty to act. Post comm aiders, on being notified of tho proposed holding of po litical meetings, may send an officer, and if nec essary a dctichmcnt, to watch tho proceeding! see that tho peace is preserved. 'To Hie people of tho several States compos ing the Department, the Major General Command ing flfijwnts Hint they will co-opcVato With him nnd tho civil authorities in sustaining Inw and or der, in preserving llie |HAce and in avoiding those scenes of riot nud bloodshed, and tho wanton do struelion of property and life, which lias ul ready, in some instances, been enacted in tho Depart ment. He urges ubstinc ncc from nil inffaniniato ry and incendiary appeal to the passions; dis countenancing Hie kieping open of liquor shops on days o! political meetings nud of election the abstaining from carrying arqis, «nd assarting the individual right of constructing laws by force or arms. No just cause is ever advanced by re sort to violence. Let there be charity nnd lor- bcamm-c among political opponents, whatever may be tho result; let each good citizen determine that ull who, under the in*, have tho right to the ballot shall exercise it undisturbed. If there disputed points of law, let them be referred to the court*, nnd let not inoLs or political clubs, or other irresponsible bodies, construe and under take to execute the law. This appeal is rnado in thu earnest hope that the Mi\jor General Com manding can rely on the good sense and correct judgment of the inns* of tho people, find that he will not bo compelled to resort to tho exercise of tho power with which he is intrusted, nnd which ho will mod reluctantly employ. But he thinks it his duty to make known that so far as the pjwor under his command will admit, he will not permit the pence to bo broken, and that ho will not bo restrained in the conscientious discharge of his duty by technicalities of law* mndo when the present anomalous condition of affairs were neither anticipated or provided for,” By order of Major General Meade; Oct IftitU nor 5 R. WJRtJM, JL A. G. Fjttra Special Notice. Bowaro of counterfeits 1 Smith's Tonic *yntp has peon counterfeited, end tho countoridter brought to grief. S))iith'* Tonic Syrup, The genuine article nnijt have Dc- John Bu1i> private stamp on each bottle, lb-, uiihq Hull un ly has the right to manufacture and soil the origi nal John Smith’s Tontfl Syrup of Louisville, Ky.— Examino well the labnl on each bottle. If my privuto stamp is not on tho bottle, do not pur- oIiiikc, or you w.ll bo deceived. Sec my column advertisement, and my show card. The genuine Smith's Tonic Syrup can only be prepared by my- s n ll." The nnblle servant, Louimlle, Ay. Du. JOIlN Bt'LL, April 25. STOVES AND TINWARE. A-Xj-SoutlioFlnncl Manufacturer of all kinds of TINWARE, AND DEALER IN Stoves,HollowW are,Hardware, And everything in hl« line of.bu>inca«, which L proposes to h-II ns cheap as can l»e bought in the s-wuli. m OF WcstonSjfSirl i-ts? ..t *holc,*i or re tail, nnd claims for Inx Tin ware 11 superiority over that of Xofthoth ot- Eastern manufacture. Roofing and guttering done promptly] cheaply. Hamilton street, Dalton, Ga. jniy fiiu ProcXuoe. - old Iriond. and tlm puLllc Ron*ralty ar to call on mo before SELLING or rl’H- 0HAS1NG elsewhere, as I sin determined to SELL GOODS CHEAPER Yhntt any House this eidc.ol Atlanta I July23-Cm- I., O. CIl.l ll'HtKB, ATTORNEY AT LAW LiKiVxrrx, Ol. tST'Vlll praetice In all the counties compos- lng tlm Cherokca Circuit. Jen. lu—ly. Tiif. Trial op IIon. Jeff. Davis,— Tito New Vork Sun, o.lite.1 Ly Mt\ Clmrlea A. Dunn, fortnorly Asslstnnt Secretary of War, argues that Mr. Da- via will not ho tried nttlio approaching session of llto United Stnles Circuit Court in Richmond, and never will he tried. Tho Sun says: The indictment against JelT. Davis might as well ho sold to the paper ma kers for three cents a pound, lie will never lie tried. The eloquence of Mr. Kvnrls will never ho wasted on thu liv ing skeleton of a defunct Confederacy, with strong probability of a disagree ment of the jury, nnd n pardon virtu ally pro-uised beforehand in ease of convictiob. “ Sister Nlggcf Republic" of Hayti in terrible muddle. Revolution,sieges, dying generals, out-breaks, war-ships, court-martials, throat-slitting,and devil to pay miscellaneously. Sicli is Frec- Niggerdom. Ain't It ioVoly ? SfAin,—Tho Revolution has not brought pence or quiet to Spain.— Some or tho Generals hnvo declared against Prim. One of the Bishops is at tho head of nn insurrectionary force of two thousand men, nnd tho Junta hns demanded the return of the crown jov/ols and oilier property taken away hy Queen Isabella. There will bo more racket ere a great while. Shoddy Snubbed.—'Tho wife of a New York hanker, nnd the daughter of n Baltimore manufacturer, linvo been notified hy tho master of ceremo nies of the Empress Eugenio that the permission formerly granted to them to appear nt tho Monday evening re ceptions of tho Empress has been with drawn. Cause—Unbecoming dresses nnd unbecoming conduct At tho last soiree in tho Tuilleries. Tho New York World nsks: "Where would the party of universal sniTrage he without disfranchisement? Just flguro it np: All Vit-gihla disfranchis ed, 110,000 votes; all Texas, 65,000 ; nil Mississippi, 10,000; in Missouri, 50,000 ; in Tennessee, 100,000; in the so-called reconstructed States, 150,000 —total 050,000. Then, when they have taken this out of disfranchise ment, they, by negro suffrage, Juggle in 150,000, making in nil n difi'creilee of 1,305,000 votes. Can an elcutiou so carried be considered n fair ono ?— Is this the voice of tho people ?" A sad affair occurred in Owasso, Mich., a few dhys ago. Two Saginaw ladies went thither to meet their aged parent*, whom they had not teen for years. As tho cars from the east oon> taining the old pooplo approached the depot the mother caught sight of her daughters, and In hor eagerness to om brace them, stumbled and fell. The cars ran over her, severing her head completely from her body.- .TIIJHKEEE If into., RESIDENT DENTISTS, Ulficc over John 11. King*, Dalton, Ga. H AVING prrmanenlly located bore, nnd being provided with thu latest improvements in Den tal material, are prepnred to do imytliing pertain lng Dental S*utgcr.y. All work warranted to give sntisfnctUMi. Wp prepare a “Superior Vegetable Tooth Pow der,” guaranteed to contain nothing injuriods to the teeth. Bcpi24-ly GOLD a* GREENBACKS! TT behooves every man to save every cent pn«s L Eibe, and cvenboilv “gives it up” that they ««•« money by trading ut CHRISTIAN’S NEW CHEAP STONE! arc offering unprecedented bargains in PRINTS, BIciicIicd and Unbleached Domestic Bools. Shoes, flats, Motions, BACON, SUGAR, COFFEE, nnd FAMILY SUPI-LIKS of all l:lml* .it Wonderfully Low Prices! Wc continue to pay tho 13 Iff best i*rtcC8 for Country Produce, of all kinds. Wo are offering great muiiccnio also, to buyers of Pocket and Table Cutler .dware, Crockery,'Harness, etc. tju!2 ' J. K. k & CnRISTIAN. Titotos House, Dalton, OxtiiioiA. J\ D. Campbell, Proprietor, T HIS is n Seymour nnd Mdir House, where, pood accommodations, in every sense of tho woid, nro offered to the* putdlo. Sept. 3-ly. Woods & Craven, OKAI.KHS IX Drugs, Medicines, Dye StuHh, Faints, Oils, Window Glass, &o. RINGGOLD GEORGIA Atigut 27—lSma Ammoniated Phosphate. B F.ST AND CUGAPK3T FERTILIZER IN TUB WORLD I Saw# Land....Eaves Money....Saves Labor! J.E A H. CHRISTIAN, Agent*. CIGARS AND TOBMQO; I C OUNTRY MERCHANTS nnd consumers will find at our house tho largest and best as sortment of Cigars nnd Tolmvco in Cinmikc* Geoi-gin, which tvo tfell at Allnntn and Nashville prices. J E. k E CHRISTIAN. DALTON Variety Store and City Saloon II. P. O'Jl'EIL No. 4 Tibbs* House, No. 4 H AS on hand and is constantly receiving everything in tho tine of C«nfeetloniir cs And Faney Greeerle of American nnd foreign production. Canned Fruits, Pieklcs, Wines, Jellies, and in fact, any thing you .nay wish in this Hue, can bo found at No. 4, Nibb’s House. lined Cigart and Tobacco the market qffordal Look I-Iei-ol I will positively do no credit business hereafter uud gentlemen must not ask for it, as IshAll cer tainly refuse them. For Ui6 liberal pntronngo rccelVJd, I would return thanks to my many friends in this and adjoining uountic-*, nnd solicit a continuance of thu same. fob 18-1 y U. P. O’NEIL, it. T. cox, of Tenu. j. l. con, of Tenn 17. T. Cos tf Brother, Commission Merchants, Foray lit Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Prompt Attention Given to Sale of Produce, Groceries and Merchandise, And filling orders for Produeo or Merchandise. ReEer to—BUsIncsl IIoUscs generally of At lanta, East Tennissecand Southwestern Virginia. Oct 6m NICE GOODS AT TUX Dalton Confectionery and Bakery, Opposite Bukofiit tt Loveman'a. 1 A BOXES Frenrh Imperials, extra nice; 50 I W “ (f and 1II). boxes) French Can dies; 600 Ibi. plain anil .funoy Gandtesv fresh boxes Chewing Gum; boxes large Sugal- Toys Brandy Peaches, Jellies, assorted Preserves, Rail- cub. Dates, Pidm Nuts, Filberts, Almonds, Eng. Walnuts, Oysters, Sardines, Creekers, Cheese, Soap, Candies, 5odt, Nutmegs, Cream Tartar, Ginger, &c. - the Bakery Department win bo found fresh Pound Cake, Tea Cukes, Jelly Cako,Spongo Cake, Cream Cake* Pics, Custards, kci pftTPartics supplied on sliort uotico k Wf Private room for Lunch. Oct 8—3t. JOHN TOHSLEV. I ^liE CITIZEN will bo sent to subscribers until . January for FIFTY CENTS. For Moths in Furs, Woolcus, Carp ets, Ac. Co8iar’tt” Insect Powder, Destroy* Instantly Fleas and all In sects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, Ac. “ A sure thing.” Thousands cau les- tify. “Costar’s” Corn Solvent, For Corns, Bunious, Warts. Ac,— “Ttyltv” ' Don’t suffer wllli Pain I A Wonder ful power of Healing i Every family should keep it in the house. “Costar’*” Buckthorn solve. Its effects are immediate. For Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Wounds, Sore Breasts, Piles, Ulcers, Old Sores, Itch, Scrofula and Cutaneous Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Lips, Ac., Bites of Animals, Insects, Ac. AUTHENTIC DOCUMENTS ARKANSAS HEARD FRO II Stoney Point, ]Vhite Co., Ark., May 2.7, ‘06, Du. John Bi ll— Dear Sit: Lu»*t J-chruury I wns in LouisvilU purelytsing drugs, and 1 got some of your Snrsupujdlla and Cedron Biiteis. My son-in-law who was witii mein tl.o Ftore, lias been down with ihcnmatixm for some time, commenced oil tho Bitters, and roon found his gencrul liealtli improved. Dr. Gist who has been in bad health, tried tin in, and lie also improved. Dr. Cofi'oo, who 1ms been in bad health for sev eral yenrs— stomach and liver affected—ho im» prored very much by this into of your Bitters. Indeed the Cedron Bitters lias given you great popularity In thin scttletpont. 1 think I could sell a great quantity of your medicine* this fall —especially of your Cedron Bitter* and Sarsapar* ilia. Ship ms via Memphis, cure of Kiekct and Neely. Respectfully, C. D. WALKER. Bull’s Worm Destroyer. 2b my United Slates and \Vorldwide[Rtadera. I have received many testimonial* from profes* rionul and medical men, as my almanacs and va rious publications have thown, all of which are genuine. The following letter from a highly cd» m ated and popular physician in Georgia, is cer tainly one of tho most sensible communications I have ever received. Dr. Clement knows ex* actly what be speaks of, and his testimony de* serves to t»o written in letter* of gold. Hear whnt the Doctor says of BULL’S WORM DE* STUOYER: Villa note, Walker County, Oa.,Juns 29,18t6. Dr. John Bull—Dear Sir: I havu recently giv* cu tour “ Worm Destroyer’’ several trials, and find it wonderfully efficacious. It has not failed in a vingle inftjuccto have tho wished for effect* I am doing a pretty large country practice, aud have dally urn for some article of tho kind, I am f ico to confess that! know of noicmedyree* ommcmlcd by the ablest authors that is so oertain and speedy us i'.a effects. On the contrary they are uncertain in theextremo. My object in writ* ing you is to find out upon what terms I can get the med’eino directly from you. If I can get up» on easy terms, I ahull uro a great deal or it. I coated). SO years administered in 1’hysicfan’s Practice. “Costar’s” Bishop Pitts. Of extraordinary efficacy for Costive- ties.-*, Indigestion, Nervous and Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Dysentery,Gen* v-ral Debility, Liver Complaints, Chilli, Fevers, Ac. Not griping. Gentle, mild ami soothing. ________________ or g no, l f!cll!,c > n discarding n remedy which A Universal Dinner rill" (.ngur- "o_Uno«r to bo rffldcnf, fimply becaaso «s mar That Cough will kill you. Don’t neg lect it. ‘Coslar’s’* Couffh Remedy. The children cry for it—its a “Sooth, ing Syrup.” For Coughs, Cold*- Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup, Whoo ping Cough, Asthma, Bronchial Af fections. Singers, Sjn-akeis, and All troubled with Throat Complaints, will find this* beneficial Pectoral Remedy. Beautlfi.s tho Complexion, giving to tho skin a transparent freshness. (( Ccstar’s” BlUer-Sweet nnd Orange Blossoms. Renders thu skin clear, smooth and soft. Removes Tan, Freckles, Pim ples, Ac. Ladles, try • bottle, and see lb wonderful quality. 137" III BxtVARil'll of all wortlilessmlta I* lions. t-JTNono Genuine without “COSTAR’S" rignaturo. $37*250 nnd 5ffc. sizes kept by nil Druggists. $1 fixes sent by mail on receipt of price, pays for any three$1 sizes by Exp-css. pays for eight $1 sizes by ExprcsJ. HENRY B. COSTAR, t 012 Broadway, N. V. J2TFor aalo by 0,. B. Wellborn & Co., Do!- ton, Georgia t^PSoid by nil Wholesale Druggists In all the large Chios. 83f*B»rnes, Wurd A Co-., 24 Magazine streets X. tbloaus, wholesale ngents for Southern Mny 8—0m. l-e ignorant cf its combination. For my part I iake it n rule to uso ull antf any means to nilieviate suffering Immunity which 1 may bo abit to command—not hesituting because some on* more ingenins than myself may have learned its effects first, and secured that knowledge. How ever, I am by no means an advocate or supportet of the thousands of worthless nostrums tlmt tiooo the country, that purport to euro nil manner o disease to which human flesh is heir. Please to ply soon, ami inform me of your best terms, rcspectfullv, JULIUS P. CLEMENT, ». D. Bull’s Sarsaparilla. HOOD RhASON FOR THE CAPTAIN'S FAITH. Benton Barracks, Co., April SO, 1866. Dr. John Bull—DoarSiri Knowing the efficien cy of your Sarsaparilla, and tho healing nnd ben eficial qualities it powesses, I send you tho fob lowing statement of my coso: I was wounded about tvroyesringo—\vns taken prisoner and confined for sixteen month.-*. Being moved so often, my wounds hnvo not healed yet. I hnvo not sat up a moment since I was wounded. I am shot through tho hips. My general health is impaired, nnd I need something to nsrift na ture. I have moro faith In your ftireay■ariila than in any thing else. I \vl«h that that is genuine. PlcttSU express mo half n dozen bottle*, and obligs Ca pl O. P. JOHNSON, Kt. Louis, Mo. ritten April 30, mother of Capt. BARGAINER SALE l LOTS FOR RURAL HOMES!! F OR SALE, about Sixty AtVos of land, fairly timbered, witii beaullftU cites for building, within one mile nnd a half of the city, adjoining the property of the Dalton City Company, being a portion of the lot known as tho Wrench Place. Sold in pa-eels to suit purchasers, of five, ten, twenty, or the sixly acres. Oue beautiful cite, with thirty acres, with the privilege of two springs, freestone aud chalybe ate, within o fow steps of tho dt*. To merchants, mechanics, or otliir burin ess men of Dalton, there lots ore very desirable, be ing near enough not to interforo with their daily occupation. Entirely free from chill*, forer nnd other malarious diseases, produced by bad water, swamps, etc. Better bargains can be had in this property than ever before offered in Whitfield county. Titles mado pcVfcttt. Apply tn IlENKY A WRENCH. un. ii. it. uno i»\v, Insurance and Land Agent, Kino sTur.rr, iulto.v, ukoroia. A GENT for J^TNA LB* and Flro Insurance, Company. Also, Jefferson and James River Kiro Insurance Companies, of Virginia, Enterprise, nt Cincinnati, and Putnam, at Hart ford, Fire Insurance Companies. And General Land Ae:ent For anybody who entrusts their business to bis care. ’ Refers to Col. C. B. Welboro, Atlanta; Col. W. H. Tibbs, f*owry A Eason, non. D. A. Walker, and Col. J. A. 1L Hanks, Dalton. jaOly p. a; HAFFNER, W'atch-Jllakcr, and Jeweller. I HAVE just opened my shop in tills place and am prepaced to do i\x)' kind of Work In my line of business, such as repairing and cleaning Wstehus, Ac. I keep on bund Jewelry, Watches, and Spectacles. Shop at tho DnigStolfe nf Gudgcr & Knight. Dalton, Jan. 8, 1868—ly. Sale. be sold ono of tho Finest Homes in North G*oi£ia—tho houro and premises of 8. W. Earn est, Bankrupt, one mile from Dalton on tho Spring Place road. Eight rooms, good out-houses, splen did water. In good repair, Tni B*.t Ciukck IK ClIRItOKRK GKOROtA. Terms cash. Immediate possession. Title per- feot. No liens—ono acre of loud. Sulo at Court Uoiiaodoorat 1. P. M. Also, a ono third interest In old stablo lot In front of Judge Morris’ rcsideneo in Dalton; also old Piano, Ao. I. W. AVERY, Assignco. September 24—Ids. W. W. HIGGINs, GUN AND LOCKSMITH. N EW OUNS made to nr Mr, nnd repairing of every description done ift riiort notice. I^PAll work warranted. Terms to suit the hard times. ——Also Alt sixes and sorts of Spoons^ Butter Knives, tic., Mnd» from old silver or coin. Jg7 M 3hnp in tho building tn Which tliO Post Office i* kept. Fob. 21— Om. WAKE tht Cif fZEN! Cheanest and Best l JI. QVEEJT, Auction and Commission merchant, NO. 3 KINO STREET, EALTON, OEOROIAv C ONSIGNED Goo's sold at Acctton or pri. vale sale, on the roost reasonable terms. Satisfaction guaranteed. Instructions followed Consignments of all kinds sclfofotl. Quuick sales and prompt returns. Liberal Advance*. Chas. Sundqtttst, M ANUFACTUIlF.ll and Wholesale and hetal Denier in every description of FURNITURE, Also, Dealer in Carpets, Oil Cloths, Wall Papier, Window Shades, Gilt Moldings and Frames, CURTAINS AND TRIMMINGS, Spring Mattresses sad Bedding,Of all Descriptions. A largo assortment oF Boris! Cases on hand, which will bo sent to any point on the shortest notice. Call and examine for yourselves, heforc purchasing elsewhere. ju!2-12iu Market Street, bet. Sdandith, Chattanooga, Tenn “ Consideration Failed!” H AVING seen a notlro In tiio GitizkW, lu which the public arc notified not to purchase a note for One Thoiftand Dollars which I hold against W. S. CALLAWAY, for which ho says tho con sideration has failed, now left tho publio should bo led astray by saf j notice, I will stale tlmt Mid note wns given fo r Ono Thousand Dollnri In greenbacks, re<5clv 0 d by him from me, being the sumo with which he purchased the goodsTo? the “ New Baltimore’* gfore In Spring Place. Those who haTo anything to do with him nwltake no tice. Ao. S. A. PORTER. October 8, 1868—fit.* P. S.—The following wos 1805, by Mrs. Jennie Jonnsc Johnson. Dn. Bwt-Dear Sir': My husband. Dr. C. 8 •Tohnsfin, wen u pkillful surgeon nnd piiy*ieiau in ml New Yolk, where hu died leaving tho above C. P, Johnson to my care. At thirteen years of ago he had u chronic dinrrhea and scro fula, for wifich I gave him your S^rsapunlla. It cured him. I have for ten years recommended it to many in Now York, Ohio, nnd Iowa, for scro fula, fever sores, and general debility. Per feot success baaotuihedit. f* cased of scrofula and fere raculots. Tam very anxious for hove reeourso to your SmMpariiln. of getting a spurious article, lienee bis writing to you for it. His wounds were terrible, but I bo- Uevc be will re cover. Resnect/Ullv, JENNIE JOHNSON. IH1. Jo3r-lN BULL. Mnnufocturor nml Yondar «f tlio Celebrated Smith’s Tonic Syrup, FOB THE CUBE OF JO V E .4 iV n t' E f*E It, on, CHILLS AND FEVER. The proprietor of this celebrated mcdiclno justly claims for It a superiority over all re;, edies ever offerod to the public for tlio safe, certain, speedy, and pevnianent cure of Ague and Fever, or Chill's And Fovor, whether of short or long standing. Hfc Tofcrs to the entire Western and South western country to bear him testimony t* the truth of tho assertion, that In no coso whatev er will It fail to cure, If tho directions are strictly followed and carried out. In x great many cases, a singlo dose hns been sufficient for a c**re, and whole families have been cured by a single bot tle, will), s perfect restoration of the general hoAith. It is, however, prudent, and In every caso more certain to cure, If its uso is continued in smaller doses for a week or two aftet tho dis ease has been checked, more especially in difficult and long standing cases. Usually, this medicine will not require any aid to keep tho bowels in good ordor; should the pntlent, hoVroyer, require a cathaitio medicine, after having taken three nr four doses of thu Tonic, a finglo doso of BULL’3 VEGETABLE FAMILYPILCS nil! bdsufficient. BE. JOHN BULL-3 Prlnclpnl Office: AM. 40 fifth. Cron Street, , LOUISVILLE, KT All of Uro aboro rcmoiilcs for rale by, J. B. Nil KLIN k CO, Cbfttunookal Tenn., And by all other reffontiblo Druggists. 16-1, Only FIFTY CENTS till JJnnsry. If. Klnj. Medical and Surgical Notice. Oil, .1. Blf’M’CS, I flORiinRLY of South Carolina, tenders Ids ’ Prufiwtonsl services to tho eitizens of Dal ton and surrounding country, with nn experience of 27 veurs practice. t3TSpeclnl attention to all chronic eases, f POffiee, during the day, corner of Pent* King strceU, and night at residence, on Thornton Avenue, formerly occupied by Mr. J. January 9-* tf. BETTER THAN GOLD? OUR .NEW Indestruotablo Golden Pens. A RE recommended by Rankers, Lawyers, Pro fessors, Teachers, Mereh-mts, and nil who have tried thpro, as Uie best Pen tnanufauuir. -1. They are non-corrorive, nnd munufsfiiured with the greatest care, rendering them more durablp than any pen now before tlio public. Sont poit paid to any address for 75 cents per box, containing ono di.s--n Order* containing money for the same sent at our r sk Do i -1 in got to try thorn U. MoaU'IN ,‘j • 0 . jur.3 3m • Lcuipvilio, ky. Pletft stato that you saw IM« In tha finsix