North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, January 14, 1869, Image 3

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f. s>;- mm citizen. HENEY A'. WBENOn, Loonl. UitRBDAT MOBMKO, J.IXIURT 14, I8«. Sheriffs end Ordinaries* A convention of Sheriff ami Ordinaries Is called Id meet In Allnnta tomorrow, Friday. It should t bo well nUt rifled, Wo proeumo it It for the pur* l*o tit relating tho bairn alaudert heaped our no. 4 Stnto by designing scoundrels nt Washington, ullrond puss those attending there and back for one Inro. Religions Notire, Bov. Ur. Unrrieon, P. E. of tldi district, will bold his Quarterly Meeting in this city next Satur day and Sabbath, In the Methodist Church. Married, On the 5th Inst., by Rev. J. A. B. Uauka* at tho icsidenoo of tho brides father, near Spring Unco, Mr. James Wkaykr to lilsa Umitiu McGiikk. Conrtrsles. Col. Ilulburt, Superintendent of tho State Rosd, has placed us under obligations for kindnesses to the firm for tho present yoar. It Is always a great pleasure to ride over this road, so ably conducted mid handsomely fitted up; and but for the kind remembrance of Us Superintendent our rides would, necessarily, be few and far botween. “Ono sip of this Will bath tli'j drooping spirits In delight Beyond the bliss of dreams. Bo wise and taste" 'Bmne of that which Bon sent up to us tho other (li>v—wo forget the naino of it; but you all know what and where Bob O’Neil keeps. Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad. While out taking our Christmas, wo had occa sion to pass ovar tho Nashviilo and Chattanooga "Railroad, and were pleased to find it in snob an improved condition from what it was when wo last travelled over it. The trains on tills road make excellent time, and closely connect with all trains at either terminus, making it ono of the mostplenaant and desirable routes to all points West. Thu freight business appears quite active. The present management deserves great credit for th.-ir efficiency and energy In bringing tills great thorougfare to its present improved condition. We ore indebted to tho able superlutcudant for •courtesies. A ffMlCitlMt Sufll Indeed! We call attention to tho advertisement of Ur. J. Brad field's Vemab Regulator, to bo found in another column of to day's paper. Tlila Medicine 1st highly spoken of by thoao who liavo used it, ns a suro and effectual cure for all Fcmalo Ir regularities. The Ur., whom we liavo known In timately for fifteen years as a successful Drug gist and Physician, has oxliiblted to uh quite a number of certificates from some of the leading medical gentlemen and others of high standing In Georgia, with some of whom wo arc personal ly acquainted, who all apeak in Ui« highest praise of tho “Female Regulator." That It is all tho Doctor claims for it we bavo na doub\ mid we unhesitatingly recommend It to all those who stand 111 need of such a preparation. Wo copy tho following notico ol this Medicine from tho Atlanta Constitution i Femaln Reth/lator.—Dr. J. Bradficld ndrer- Uses Ids Female Regulator. Woman's Best Friend, In tho matiufucturc of which lie is preparing to engage oil nu vslonaivu acnlw. We have been shown a number of certificates from medical gon- tlcmon and dlliera of high standing In tills State, testify,ng to its efllulcnuy in (lie treatment ol fo- male diseases, To show that tho recipo from which tho incdicino is Hindu is no humbug, Dr. Bradfiold is willing to submit it to tbu test of the highest medical utithoiity, Daltsn Domestic Market—Corrected Weekly by J. K. ClirlMlin, Merchant, BUTTER—26 to 80 coots. EGGS—16to 20 cents per doxen. FLOUR—|il0 to *16 per barrel. MEAL— to?5 cents pur bushel. CORN— to 05 par bushel, BACON— 15to 18 per lb. BUGAR—Brown, 10 to 20 cts. per lb SV'ltUF—TO to $1.25. WHEAT—$1.00 per lit^lic) to $2.00. COFFEE—80 to 334 cents per lb. CHEESE—25 to 80 “ “ COTTON YARNS—$2.10 tn per bunch. CALICO—124 to 174 cts. per yard. CANDLES—Tallow, 25 cts. per lb. Adiimantiue, 80 cts. per lb. TEASE-75 cents. CHICKENS—15 to 20 cents. PORK—8 J to 0 emits per lb. DISSOLUTION, T UI' former copartnership of Tlbba, Kohher At Co., 1, Hit. Any by mutual con* sent, Mr. J, A. Tlbbt having wltliili awn from tlid a * mi„ihi iri'CCl'IJ 1. 11+ firm. TUI US, KENNER 4 CO. Dalton, Qn„ Jnn. 1st, 1800, Tire bunlnem nil! bo continued nt the oUl rlnnd by tho undersigned, who will ntlend lo llio .ottllng nnd winding np of tho old butlnoM. All who nro Indebted to llio flrmcfTIbbn, Kcnnrr, At Co,, nro ronpoctfallv ..Itod to come forwnrd end krtllo. Wi thank tiro pnbllo lor Its former Ithoml pat- ronngo, tnd would reapectftilly Invllo a eonllim- nnco of tho nnmo, nn wo Intond to keep n welljw* norted Stork, for which wo will Uko In rxuhnngo nil kind* of country produce, Hrrp’y. . TUIRS At Jnn. 1-St. DISSOLUTION. T URropirtnernhlphorotoforo ctinting botween J. II. Uull nnd W. T. McCarty, I. thin Any, b\ tmttntd consent, dissolved—Hall rrtlrlng.— McCarty taken all necounta duo, ami u.ituca all the indobtodnossof tho Kirin up lo date. All In* debted to the above will plcaao cotno forwatd and tunko acttlciuout Immediately. BALL It MoCAUTY. THE* LltB DRUG- STORE!” JRUftiriA'IJ v JFOX, { i i » III OEORaU, Atlanta, The undersigned is thankfo! for tho patronage heretofore extended to tho firm of B. A M., would respectfully announce to tho citlxeus of Dalton ami vicinity that he will continue the business at the old aland, where everything lit the house fur nishing line can be found at all ttmea>nd will bo sold nt living prices. W. T. McUAUTY. Jan. 7-8t. G EORGIA, Wamcxu Coo m\—Mary A.Surrott has applied to me for exemption of personal- ty and noting apart nnd valuation of homestead, si provided in 2018th section of Irwins' U do, ana act of Legislature approved Oct. 8d, 1808, and 1 will pans upon the same nt 11 o’clock on 9th of January, 1859. Jan. 7-lt. MILTON RUSSELL, Ordy. Tibbs HoUbo, Dalton, Ukohoia. J. D. Campbell, Proprietor, r PHlS Is a Seyino.ur and Blair Houso, where gooa A accommodations, in every seme of' the woid, evcrt.ffored to the public. Sept. 3-ly. The PI ire to Stop At. One of the greatest pcrpioxitics the unsuspect ing travcllor has to endure is the oftentimes mis erable accommodation* which ho receives at ho tel*, represented ns first class houses, when they are but little superior to military hospitals. AnJ •one of the greatest blessings to tlieso weary un fortunates ia to stop, if in Nashville, at thcBtncoy House, trijich has been thoroughly fitted up, in •the handsomest and most convenient manner. It is centrally located, keeps a good table, nice, rooms, clean linen, nnd has tho most polite, at tentive clerks and waiters in the business. Mr. •0. A. Post’ey, the gentlemanly proprietor, is oiie •of those old time fellows, “to the manner born." which nature undoubtedly intended fur a hotel 'keeper. Sec id* card in this paper. Atlanta Market Report—Corrected Weekly by 11. T. Coifc Brother, Commission Merchants. Corn, per bush, ntw, 85a90c; old,—dull. Wheat,white,2.10<i2.25; 4 2.1 n«2.16; Ga., red, 1.70al.OO. Oats, 80«82j. Rye, 1.80 Flour, per sack, superfine, 4.25a76; extra, 5.26; famlh, 6.00. Meal,00a90. Bacon,shoulders, 114; clear sides, 10; hams, 15a 16. Lard, in I ibis, 17; hi firkins, 17 . Bptter, 25a30. Eggs, 2('a25 Beeswax, 35n38. Onions, 1.25nl,75, Field Peas, red, 75a86; white, 90a 1,00. Virginia Balt, ssek, 2 3'». Dry Hides, lb, 18n?.l. Sheetings, 4-4, ««rd. 1-lal 4$. 81iir:ings 7 8, 12*al3. Cot ton Yarns, hnneh, 1.83aUH). Green Apples, per bushel, 75«1.25. Irish I’otntoea, QOal.Ott, per bushel. ~ liny, 1.25al.60, Chestnuts, 3.5«>a« 00 pur bushel. What n Traveller Thinks of onr City. “Quill," writing from this city to-the Atlanta •Constitution, says of Dalton: I start from Batten. so I begin with *st—a pr< •t-y4*l«ce resting amid the liills, with rare seen •beauties for improvement, it ia to the full ami tious—snd little as ye may think it, aspires to hot rivalry with your own flourishing city. There is « heavy nnd steady emigration to this section; large improvements are in progress ; the capitalist and hborur think of its advantages; it is the junction point with tho East Tcnite.Ksee.aml Vjr •ginia raHWays; next year will see it linked to Al abama by the iron track and atenimhorse, wit charter has been obtained foe another railroad leading to North Corel inn, through the min ng re- .gion, nnd completing a genuine •* Air Lino" be- tween New York and New Oilcans; and the en •terprise is pushing vigorously. The mountains •arc awake, and tho bu«y rustle of an increasing •activity warns you that N T or:h Georgia is crowding to the front. The country is mntchlefs for manu facturing. The hills and valleys teem with fiertil- ity. Enterprise is buoyant. The people art throwing off the Kip Van Winkle stupor of the last two years. Politics are detuct. And “On ward," seems the impulse. It is strange lo tee with what carelessness roine Invalids attend fo their health They will procure a box rf Plantation Bitters, which ought to be used up'in a month or six weeks, and uponinqu*- rv it is found that thev have used only two or three bottles. Some days thov have used it ac cording to tlie directions, and others have not toadied it. The whole trial have been irregular, and of course n le»s favorable result lirs conic from their use. If it bo true that “what is worth doing at all is worth doing well," how cinpiiati cully is it true in mutter* relating to the health.— A few bottles of Plantation Bitters have often wrought wonders, w hile in other instances disoase liss inly been subdued after weeks of resistance. Maonoi.ia WAran—Superior to tpo best im ported German Colongc, uml sold utJiulfthu price. Extra Special Notice, Beware of counterfeits 1 Smith's Tonic Syrup tins been counterfeited, and tho counterfeiter brought to grief. •Smith's Tonic Syrup The genuine article must have Dr. John CuU’i private i-taiup on cadi bottle. Dr. John Bull on ly has the right to manufacture uml sell the origi nal John Smith’s Tonic Syrup of Louisville, Ky— Examines well, the labnl on each bottle. If uiv private stamp is not on tho buttle, do not pur chase, or you w.ll bo deceived.. See my column advertisement, and my show card. The genuine Smith's Tonic Syrup can only be prepared by my- adl Tho public servant, Louisville, Kg Du. JOHN BULL, April 25 PLANTERS' EMPORIUM! Headquarters for Everything!! Drugs, Medioines, Paints, Oils, Window Glass, Putty, etc* IN STOCK: 20,000 pounds White Lead, 600 boxes French Window nis<a, 2000 gallons Puro Linseed Oil, 20 barrels Tanners CU, 60 barrels Non Explosive Coni OH, in hiti'rufa 1*111-0 Lard Oil, ■».**, «v *-u+t f'EJtE, Joseph ROiltf, QA., Deilir In Watoliosj Olooks, Jewelry, SILVER A XI) PI A TED WARE, STSUTACLBS, French, China ami Cut-(Unit Waft, Cutlery, Toy**, Muwioal Instruments 3S»5 Fishing Tackle, Fine household AHtcles, and Fancy Uooda generally. DR. JO GREAT REMEDIES! Bull’s Cedron Bitters. AUTHENTIC DOCUMENT^ AKKAXS4S liliARD PRO it OLD OOLD AND *ILV*H TALK* III KXCniNOX. 10 bnrrwl* l 1 All klml* of M»elilll«» Oil, Koro Bijmllf*, Wine, nml I.lquorn, Oemilno I.orrillanl'i SnuB All llie Popular Katcnl Mudlclnen. nnd .'vorytiling usui.lly kept lu a Klrai Clau Dran IIouh Hov- K rcuontly nilJod n l.rgo nuortnllnlur ImporlcJ uml Aiocrlcnu Uoods lo our gciurnl rtook' unnni rriug np.ul.1 InduooiuruU lo pnrchnicrt. ' REDWINK & POX. ■ Corner Whitehall „ H a .Hahama Streets, OcW-'X ATLANTA, UKOIiOIA. L. COHEN, luroitTKR or BrandUs.-Wines, tJlHfl iffar*, tie. D EALER in RYE. BOURBON and MONON- GAIIELA WHISKIES, manufacturer ol tho colrbrstcil Stonnr.ill Hitlers. Store Room on Whitehall Sir., Atlanta, Git. Nov. 6-8m* TiBRM * KEJTJVER H AVE on hand and aro constantly rsceifing the largest and finest assortment of CHOICE DM GOODS, Embracing all the naw styles of Ladies’ Dreoi Goods, Cloths, Cosimeics, Vestings, etc. READY-MADE CLDTH10G GOOD, STRONG FASHIONABLE. Lad!is’* Hats, Dress Trlnuplngs, Yankee Notions. New Styles Hats, Cans, Boots and Shoes, in tvtry Variety of Price and Excellence. Also, a very large asaortinent of Crockery, Cuttlcry, Hardware, and everything else required to make a full line of FAMILY GROCERIES! FARMING IMPLEMENTS! Of the latest and most approved Patent* Also, ail kinds of Field and Garden Heeds, at A'o.laiid *1 Tlbb's House, Million New Dry Goods! Boots eto SDoos. G. H. & A7w. FORCE, Wholesale dealers in BOOTS & SHOES, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, O’a. K EEP on hand the hugest and best selected Stock in the city of Atlanta, and wijlnlwny.*. sell to Country Merchants at A*eiC 1'ovli I*»*fC<?8, with freight added. Nov. 6-1 y. J. I). U A LOSE. . .A. C. JOIISIOSi Malone Johnson, Dealers in Greeertes, ProYtsions, fto. / 'OUNTRY PRODUCE bought and sold. Store * < 6ih door from Norcross Corner, Marietta Sth, Atlanta, Gn. Terms cash. Nov. 5-0m. J, B. OUVRR.] [B. C. WAPDAIL. OLIVER & WADDAIL, WAR.B]£IOUSB AKI» Oommission Merchants, Corner Alabama and Forsyth Sirs., Atlanta, Go. |3f Auksts for Mabiktta Papkk Mill—keep ill sizes Printing slid Wrapping paper on hand, at lowest morket prices. I Nov. O-Bni. OILCLOTHS! OK ALL KIM S AND QUALITIKS, AT Chamberlin & Boynton’s Ory Goods and Carpel Store, Atlanta. Georgia. O UR «tock of Carnot*, Oil Cloth*, Iluj., M»u, Ottoman*, IVimlow Shades, Lace and Dam* SOME OK TIIK PniCKS t Culd l Y*tche*, front )ltS #016 I4?0 CO BIWoi ;* •• 10 Ohio <0 00 Mated '• *' t 00 to 10 00 Yenkoo Clnclte, fdr a no French *ndEnglliliClocke from IS 00 to 100 00 Silver I’lnted Tea ripoons, rett, “ Table “ pehaett; Oold Prn, Silver Cale, Wh Flue China I’latca, per iclt " Onp» and Sauccra, per aett, “' Tea Sotta, <4 piece., Violin and bow, lor Cremona’s and other Vloilna nt higher pMCoa. Flno Violin String., per bunch, i 0 Gutter Strings, per sett of ala, I oil Accordcone, from ] oo lo lid 00 Fish Hooka, ono hundred In piper, 2d Turn Silver Thimbles, f,o Spectacle*, from 2d eta lo 2d 00 Heat Needle*, 4 p»per», anorted, In cnao, for 25 W III *«nd needle* by mill on receipt of 25 i bo I 50 1 50 1 DO 111 00 1 50 Blnna.v Ptlnt, Il’df/e C’n., Art., .Ifuy 22, ’Ctl. On. John Bull—-Dear Sli i February I bun In Louisville purclinalng drug., and 1 gut •uino of your Bnrmparlll* and Ccilnui Illttera. My son-in-law who win with ‘ 1 Myaon-lii-law who wm with mein the alore, hal been Hobn with rliruimtllilli Toh abii|i! llnib, eommUnecd on tlib Hitter*, and toon found hie general health Improved. Dr. Gist who has bocu In bad health, tried them, ami be also Improved. Dr. Culfce, who hue Item tii'lmd health for.av- eral yenra—.tomoeA etivi fitrr am-elcif—lio Im- J roved vety much Ity Ihe ii*e of jooi Hitter! ndeeU tho Ccdron-iilttots has given you great popularity in tlila aeltleineiit. 1 thliik 1 could ■ell a great quantity of your medlelnra tlila la)l „ . . , - lea tlila la|l —capiw.-j.tllj. ofyourCtdrun Illttera and Saraapar- III.,' SI,Ip m, ria Memphis, rare of Hl.krt md Nsfily. ltespBctfully, 0. B. WALKER. Work department. The Beet in A orth Georgia. Watcnea rep\irod in beat stylo—nsw Jewel* new Wheels, if necessary. Clocks Repaired and warranted, „ , Jewelry mended- lu hart stylo at N«w York Fn-sMClnnn Carpetnnd ^X^H^niri. too, der and engraved as dorired. Society Badges ask Curtains, Table or Piano Cover*, and every article belonging to a Store, v tn>w Incomplete, at prices LOWER lhan they cau be ! and 1'biaVurii'i.he'il to u'rderi purchased claowliere In tlila Slate. Spcclaelea Repalrctl, and Olasaea ’put In aa do- Our Stock of Dry Goods ,,rc,, • aoleeted lo ault ages, carelullv, la complete in every department. i and on iricntiDo principles, A thorough know’l- Dreis Goods, J.lurni, Oaislmcrea, Olotlia, I ed S° of ‘he Sclonco of Optica, aad twenty-Bvo Twooda, Jean., Kerseys, Dome.lies, Hlankoia, yeara ciperlonco In th» spoclaclo buiiueaa, ona- Klnimels, lloop Skirts, Italaioral and Boulevard Efe,? 10 11,1,11 P'onilae. Skirt a, Sliawla, Cluaks, lloaiorv, Notions, Glove*, 11110 • ohblea and Glaaau koptalwaya on hand. Ribbon., Luces, Trimmings, and every tiling uiu- lly kept In First Class Dry Goods Storof l^VGall and examine, nnd enliafv youraolf as to quality or Goods anil tho low prices. . CIIAMUKULIN St BOYNTON. October 89, 1808. SECURITY AND SAFETY. B. Cartful Wh.rt you Leave 1 our SYateh to be l Repaired. EsUbllsbrd la 1854. CAPITOL DRUG STORE! J UST RECEIVED—Our Fall Block of Dry Good*, BooULjSlioen, Hats and Groceries, em bracing a full line of Shining.*, Sheeting*, Limi- Keys, Flannel*, Delaines, Plaid*, Poplin*, Merinos; Cloak*, Shawls, Blanket*, and la*t, but not least, Prints (Allens nnd SprauseiO from 1.0 to 15 cents - 'Don’t fall lo call mid exnmmo our Block. Wo W a!!.i^»?vri cLn.v M | l 0 .!! 1 ,!"! 1 buy nil kinds of country pro'Ince. Cbefltcr Block, Huiuilton Strort, Dalton. I F you want 5 or 10 quarter Sheeting Blenched or brown, go to BCOTT A 'LYLE'S. Nstfivlllc Wholrsrle Wholesale Haases—Give I heat a Trial, lu to-day'* paper appears the card of Hugh Dougin* k Co., ol XnJ.ville. While in tiiat city^ a few day* Hiiee, we were shown through tlr. sev eral department* of this extensive e*iablisbincnt, Ami feel confident in faring that our flit ml* could do no better than giving this house a cull, when they wish anything in the Dry Goods, nr Notion line. '1 lie senior of the linn is one of the old* at merchant* in Tennessee, and bis house is amongst tiie largest and most tellable. Bend on your or der*, and our word for it, they will bo promptly «'»d salisfnctoiily filled. Those ge llemtnprom ise to sail as cheap ns the cheapest. Gray k Kirknum, Importer* and Wholesale dealer* in Hardware, Nashville, appear before our merchant* iw candidates for their favors. A* an evidence of the popularity of ibis bouse, we no ticed, while in the city, that they did more busi ness than all tho other hardware houses combined, and was the only hardware firm that Could afford to advertise, while the idle, sleapy-beadedjdrone*, of many other firms, with their wholesale “sliln- gW* hanging out, informed ms that they didn’t care to extend their business. If any of merchants want hardware, or anything elao, let ilicm trade with men who no want to extend their Inif.ineRS, and are constantly increasing it, and iliey will do well. Such men advertise. Bear tlnit in mind. Ono of our lurgOBt hardware deni er* in this city informs us tiiat ho can do better with Gray,& lUrkmnn than any house ho lias tried Paul, Tavel it Banner, Stationers, etc., eolieii the trade of this section, by advertising in our paper, They do nil kinds of binding, ruling and deal largely in books and stationery. Mr. Paul h well known ns the publisher of the Chnttanoogi Rebel, in other d*T*. Hie Georgia friends will bo liberally dealt with if they wish anything in his lino of bu*inc.«*. Mnuldpal hlection. It has passed. Though several were sadly dis appointed, wo have no particular regrots. Wo are on the rising ground. The skies begin to brighten. The senior's valuable Democratic vices have at last been recognised, on more than one important occasion, under tho new recon- struc*ed state of affair*. First, a juryman, where he learned all manner of lato trick*. Nt Councilman, on a mixed, but plain ticket. Aint tre going it? The following is.the tieket elected, mid a very good one we think: For Mayor—Dr. Charles P. Gordon. For Aldermen—I. W. Avery, J. T. Whitman, T. I*. Caldwell, W. T. McCarty, Bobt. Batcy nnd 8- H. Bnker. Joe II. Smith—Clerk. Warren Davis—'Treasurer. t'ona and See Mel All those indebted to mo are earnestly request ed to come forward and pay up. I owo money •nd must have it, and those whom I have indulg ed will certainly holp me nt this time. In futuro 1 cannot do a credit business nnd trust that my friends will not nsk it. I will always be happy to see my old friends at my Saloon, whero they will find the choicest nrticlea in my lino and receive tiie best of treatment from ‘-‘Bob." R. r. O'NEIL. State Items. In Savannah, Saturday morning, i Mr. F* Gros Cludt*, a jeweller of that city accidentally shot himself, with a pistol, producing death 1n a few hours, lie leaves ti widow and a son and daugh ter to mourn his untimely death. The number of deaths in the city of Home from August 22d to December 30thIs reported at 29—18 whites and 11 blacks. The Columbus Sun says that the county bridges built a year ago arc film key. Some lmve fallen in. Comi ty $25,000 out. Columbus lias been nfllicted with considerable quantities of wet packed cotton. Tho farmers say that they have leaky tint rooms. That’s too bad. There are overlive hundred tax de faulters in Muscflgeo county. Two whito men at Buena Vista took about twenty-five cracks at each other with pistols, on Tuesday. Owing to a derangement of nerves, the only dam age sustained was the grazing of an elbow and little finger. James Shaddock, arrested on the charge of arson, escaped from the Sher iff of Newton county on Saturday night, and is still at large. Ilenry S. Glover, of Jasper county, has been appointed Assistant Assessor of Internal Revenue for the Third District, and W. H. Peters Gungerfor the Fourth District of Georgia. David Anderson, Esq., of Gwinnett county, offers a premium of a silver pitcher worth ten dollars to the farmer producing the largest quantity of cot ton per acre, ginned at his gin. Tho people of Americus, Ga., nro taking steps to build a cotton factory in that flourishing city. Gen. Grant has sent Col. Babcock, of his staff, to Georgia, for the purpose of a personal investigation of acts of violence and fraud, said to have been committed during the recent election in the portion of the State known as tho “Black Bolt.” Tho Hancock Journal says there was a considerable amount of property sold at Sparta on Tuesday last. The lands ranged from $1.80 to $8 per acre, and other property, generally, brought full prices. Dr. C. T. Cushman accidentally shot himself in Columbus, Saturday after noon. The wound in painful, though notseriouB. He was examining a navy pistol, alone in his room. Tho ball took effect in tho calf ef the left leg. The Athens Banner learns that land sold last Tuesday, in Jackson county, at $3 to $4 an acre. One tract of five hundred acres, with fifty acres of bot tom land, sold for a little over two thousand dollars. Mr. B. W. Keaton, a citizen of Ear ly county, and, before the war, a man of largo means, committed suicide on tho 28th of December by shooting him self through tho head. His great loss of property is alleged to have induced this rash act. line, go to SCOTT k LYLE’S. GEXERAL l.TSimCKfc COMMISSION AGENCY. J. N. Scott, Gcnornl Ins. and Commission Agent, Ddllou, Georgia, life or prop- I S prepnred to effect liisnrau erty, on ns fnvornble term: £, IF. BSZADFiELD, Paints, Oils, Dye-stuff, DAUGS A.VP PA TEST MKDlVlXES, Also, Wholufliile Agent for Prophill's Remedies t rrophitt’* Liver Medicine, Frophill’s Pain Kill It, Fropkilt’s Anti-Cillious Pill*. The excellent remedies of 0. S. Prophitt, M. P., need no recninmeudntion. Their yjcll known power in removing the disease* peculiar to onr Southern Climate, having nlmtdr established for them an enviable reputation in Georgia and the adjoining State*. As the majority of persons liv ing in (lie South *ro prc-di*pn*ed to discaso of the Liver, it i* granted by all intelligent physi cians that most of the pain* nnd ache* of our peo ple are due to organic or functional derangement s can be obtaiued i ol that important organ. Prophitt’* Anti. Billions first claw Companies. 1**11b nml Livcrr Medicine strike directly nt the Will also till orders for produce, as well as soil ; r< ? ot °'’il- *j hey eure the Li ver, which, in any description ur lkouli.ii.llio or propnty un nlno cases out of ton, IsJSlSn bottom« tho commission. Charges moderate. Give* prompt j Coughs, Dyspepsia, Colic\ Sick Hendnclie, Llicu* attention to business, and guaiantcc»Hutisl*ction * - October 22-0IH. Incorporated In 1859. The Georgia Homo Ins. Company, OF COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. Capital $350,090 Asseti $41fi,SS0 57 Jas. F. Bozicmax, Pree D. F. Wilcox, See. Issues Participating Policies. A.Ia.Soutb.erlaiLd. Manufacturer of nil kinds of TINWARE, AND IIKALER IN Stoves,HollowW are,Hardware, And everything in his line of business, which ho proposes to sell us cheap a* cun be bought in the Southern or Western markets, nt wholesaler tail, and claims for his Tinware n superiority The Southern Mutual Ins. Comp’y ^ manufacture, T HIS Georgia Company is prepar ed to give am ple protection against loss ur damage by fire, on term* as favorable a* the nature ol tbs risk* will justify. All losses promptly adjusted. Apply to J. N. BCOTT, Apt. Oct. 22-0rn. Dalton, Ga. Chartered 1847.. .Reserved Fund$200,(00 Or Atiikns, Gluhaia. Profits Divided Ainnally between Yearly Polity Holders, thns Reducing the Rates of U- sirance very Materially. T HIS old and sterling Georgia Company ufftrs to the public reliable protection agniunt loss or damage by firo, on terinB as favorable as the character of the risks will justify. Lomu equit ably and promptly paid. Apply to ’ J. N. SCOTT, Agt. Oct. 22-7ro. Dalton, Ga. J. N. B. Cobb, H AVING determined to resume his profession ns n Tailor, tenders his services to the pub lie, and asks to share n portion of their patronage. IIo feels confident, from past experience, that the public can be ns well served in his line in Dalton as elsewhere. tarHe will be in constant receipt of tho lat est fashions, to enable him to compete with th best workmen in his business. Grover & Bnker Sewing Machines. In addition, 1 lmve become the agent of tlio world-renowned Grover k Baker Sewing Ma chines, the best in use. Person* wishing to pur chase u first class Machine can do so l*y calling at my Shop on King Street, Dalton, Ga., whole tho Machine is in successful operation. You can buy your Machine ns chenp from J. N. B. Cobb as at tho Manufactory. Call and ex amine the M:chiue for yourself. Washing Compound. I also lmve for sale family rights for Jackson’s Universal Washing Compound, which saves soap and labor, nnd will wmih in nny kind of lime wa ter equal to freestone water. |5P*Fftmily High only One Dollar, Purchase one if you want while ebthes. Feb.* 28—ly. J. N. B. COBB. CHEAPEST and REFT PAPER-the Citiibn. j Get us three new subscriber, tfi omch, and c will send n copy sratis. Help as. mutism, Constipation, Menstrual Obstructions, etc., so common among our people. Earacko Toothache, Acute Bbouiniitisin, Neuralgia, nnd bodilv pains of everv'kind, flee before PROPH- ITT’S PAIN KILL FT liko chaff before the wind. I,. H. BUADFIEI.D, Wholesale Agent for Prophitl’s Celebrated Faini’y Medicines, Augl5-d0ni WhitchnU Street, Atlanta. STOVES AND TINWARE. Roofing and guttering doue promptly, cheaply. Hamilton street, Dalton, Ga. ’ july tlm 4 STICK IN TIME SAVES ME! IK YOU WISH TO SAVE MONEY IX THE SAME PROPORTION 00 TO CKLOZSIE3Ei.'S NEW STORE, I HAVE JUST OPENED AN ELEGANT AS- sortmont of Dry Goods and Groceries, at my Now Brick House, on Hamilton* Strcof, first Store above Holland's Livery Stublo, adjoin ing Lowry cfc Eason’s, consisting in part of Bleached and Brown Domestics, PRINTS, LADIES’DRESS G OODS, Trimming*, Hosiery nnd Notions in variety, .Boots and Shoos, Hardware, Qeeensware, nnd Table Cuttlcry, SUGAR, COFFEE, TOBACCO, POWDER, nnd nu endless variety of articles too numerous to mention, all of which 1 offer at EXTREMELY LOW PRICES Call and seo for yourselves, and you will lie pleased with both goods nnd prices. It is a plea: ure to show goods. S. O. CROZIER. headquarters for Carpels, Oil Clollis and Curtains. Kendrick’s Carpel Store, Harblk Bcildino, Marietta Str., Atlarta,Gi W E keep constantly on hand n vert large stock of Carpets, embracing nil grades, from tha cheapest to the best; Floor Oil Cloths, all widths DamHsk and Lace Curtains; Cornice*, Window Hhades, Rugs, Matts; also Wall Paper of'all kinds. Every thing needed to furnish a home may be found at S. 8. KENDRICK'S, Nor. 12—ly Atlnnta Ga. T. M. & R. C. CRARKE, Importers and dealers in Foreign & Domestic Hardware, A great many Robberies are being committed all over the couutry, and Watch Makers are fre- quently.robbed* To secure uiy Customers, at well an myself, I hive a largo Fire and Burglar Proof Safe, K l in a Vnu.t, All valuable* aro put in every night, LLP constantly on band a full assortment of an d the store U well guarded. Iron, Steel, Nails, Nuts, Washers nnd Riv- j untirUrH swim els, Circular, Mill, Tenant and Cross-Cut -Saws, MMOUcUcdfrOMeverywhere Lentlier and Rubber Belting and Packing, .Ames’ * Shovels and Spades, Building Material, Pocket . _ nnd Table Cutlery, Carpenters' Tools, Rims, J |j, jp t Bull’s Worm Destroyer. To my United Statet Sid flatAdieide Reader*. I have received many testimonials from profes sional and medical men, ns my almanacs nnd va rious publication!! havo shown, ail of which aro genuiuo, Tho following letter from a lilgoly cH- denied nhd jiopbinr physician in Georgia* Is cor- talnly ono ot the most aertSlble ebrnmumfeatibhi I havo ever received. Dr. Clement knows ol- actly what ho speaks of, nnd hls'•testimony de serves to tie written in letters ol gold. Hear what tho Doctor says of BULL’S WORM DK- ST ROYHR; Villanow, Walker County, Ga., June 29,1866. Sir: I havo recontly gi i-nvor' 1 irtuU •< Dr. John Bull on vour “ Worm Destroyer’soverul trial/, and find It wonderfully efiicaelou*. ,It ban not failed In a ringlo instance to have tho wished for effect. I Atn doing a pretty large country prnctieo, and havo -daily uso for some erticlo of the kind, I nro, free to confets-tbatl know of no ictnedy rec ommended by tho ablest authors that is so certain nnd speedy ns its. effects. On tl,p contrary thev aro uncertain In tho extremo. My object In writ ing you is to find out upon what terms I can gtt the medicine directly from yon. If I can gQt up on easy terms, I shall toe a grout deal-of It. I am aware that tho uso of such article* is oontrary to tho teachings nnd pructice of a great majority of tho regular lino of M. D's, but I see no just ctuao or good souse In divenrding n remedy which wo know to bo efficient, simply because we may be ignorant of its combination. For my part I •hull make it a rule to uso all and any menus to ailioviatc suffering humanity which I may bo ablo to cominnnd—not hesitating bcertuKo ioino otie mpro ingenius than myself may have learned .lu effect* first, nnd secured that knowledge. IIow ever, I nm by no means an advocate or supporta of tho thousands of worthless nostrums that flooo > the country, that purport to cure all pinnae? o disease to which human flesh Is heir. Please te ply soon, and Inform me of your best t. tofrtn am air, most respectfully, JULIUS P. CLEMENT, M. D. Spoke Hubs, Agricultural Implements, Spring I and Axles, Carriage Hardware—all of which we i SUCCESSOR TO BURNETT AND JONES) ' Dealer in til Sorts of offering low for cash. . tTA n ,|ffi , «^RD: Dry floods, .Boots, Shoos, Hats, i mill Vnavvltln Tunit \t>*.itil-t. LrorkorV. Atn.. SCALES und Knoxville Iron Works. Sign of nig Padlock, Oct. 29-1 y, l’cachtreo Str., Atlanta, G». To tla.o iLadles! Madam8 A, Braiunuller, W ISHES to Inform her Lady friends nml the Public generally, that alio 'has returned from Now York with A Full Stock of'Fanoy Varieties: Such ns Drew Trimmings, Knit and Woven Worsted Goods, latest styles; French Jewelry, Embroideries in.Colors, such ns Slippers, Chair Covers, etc. Also, n full assortment of Worsted and Silk Embroidery Materials, Crochet Needles. Ilair Work of every Description Made to order and kept on hand, such ns Wigs, Bands, Switches, Curls, Frizettc*. AJso, Rib bons, Flowers, nnd uvery_vuriety 0 f Ladies’ Fan cy Notions. £grilaving bought principally for Cash, enn Lies iter to compete with any Houso in tho city. October 2fi-l 2m. W. C, RAWS HE, WIIOLESAI.K AXD RKTAIL DRUGGIST . DRALKR I.S Paints, Oils, Glass, Perfumery, and Fancy Articles, Corner Marietta nnd Peachtree Streets, (Old iVorcroser Corner,) Atlanta Gkohoia. Oct 29-flm.* LATEST ARRIVAL FALL AND W1NMER GOODS! Vf JT.are receiving almost daily large additions T i to our stock of goods, to which we invite tho attention of promp buyers, knowing that wo can make it to their interest to do eo. Our stock cousist* in part of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, I-a tiles’ DRESS GCOIIS and TltlHHIXGS la great variety and styles! While Goods, lilt-ached and Drown DOMESTICS. , Wcn’u and Boy’s Ready Made Clothing, Linen Drills, Cottonadcs, Summer Cassimcra, Tweed*, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Fur Ladies and Gentlemen. Hardware, Cuttlcry and Qucenawarc, and Wood and Willow-Ware in great varioty. Atro, ft splendid line of FAMILY GROCERIES, and Dye-Stuffs, to which wo invito the atten tion of our friuuds nnd the public, aa it is our in tention not to be undersold. all kinds of Produco for Cash ‘or Goods. Remember, r motto is QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. low’Rr a Ejtsoj%*, jan 16 Hamilton Street, Dalton, Ga, n. t. cox, of Tenu. j. l. cox, ofTonn II. T. Cox k Brother, Oommission Merchants, ' Forsyth Stroet, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Prompt Attention Given to Sale of Produce, Groceries and Merchandise, And filling orders for Produce or Merchandise. Rarxit to—Business Bouses generally of At lanta, East Tennessee and Southwestern Virginia. Oct 6ra Crockery, cto., Will not be Undersold-Yard Stiek 88 inchet long! OctlB nOME, GA. ly A. 0. PITXKn. It. H. SMITH, JPITJTER ft SMITH, Wholesale nnd Itetuil (ti’oecrs and Coniiuission Merchants ' No. CD Broad Street, (Fitncr'a Comer.). oct!5 ROME, GA. 6m Tennessee House. T X. STANSBURY, Proprietor, homo. On., • hear the Railroad Depot and Steamboat Depot and Steamboat Landing. The Stago Office is kept iu this House. October 8-tf. LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST Pure Drugs and Medicines, At “Tutt'e Old Stand—Establlchcd in 1849. T HE undorsigned is prepared nnd daily offering everything in tho Drug lino AT NA8HVILLK PRICESl The stock Is largo and will always he kept full of the best Medicines. Paints, oils, Dyu-stuff*, Window Glass,Perfumeries,Toilet Soaps,Rrushos, Comb*, etc., to bo found in the Eastern inurkots. Don't fail to visit the Old Stand, sign of the Golden Mortar, Mr. J. G. Rawlings, formerly with B. F. Tutt, tho oldest Druggist nnd Prescriptioniat in the city, will bo on hand at nil times to servo bis old and new customers. Physicians will find it to their interest to give me n oull. I only auk on examination of my goods nnd pricos, feeling assured I will bo able to please all. II. r. JflcCOUKLE. ju)2-Ctn 128 Mnrkct Street, Chattanooga, Tenn. CHATTANOOGA FOUNDRY Machine Works. r iE Proprietor* are prepared to manufacture all kind- ’’ .. .. kind* ot inacbinciy used in this country, os Stationary and Steamboat Engines and Rollers. Blast Furnace, Mining and Mill Machinery, of overy description; also Railroad, Bridge, and all other kinds of Iron and Bras* Oustings, Steam Guages and Gas Pipe Fitting* always on hand. Special contracts made for 'nrge quantities of (Wings. Uraas nnd Copper taken in exchange for Castings. Til OS. WEBSTER k CO. j nl2-6m Proprietors. C\ T, frticox, Grocer and Provision Dealer, FRKfUf A NT) HA NNtil) tfntTtrs FRESIIA ND CA NNED FR UITS, Staple Groceries, at Lowest Market Prices! 251 Market Street, Chattanooga, 7enn. A TTACHED to this establishment is n first class Bakery, nt which orders for Wedding or other suppers are filled at short notico. Special attention given to buying and wiling jul2-0m Country Produce. Heyicood ti Cahagan, Dealers in DRY GOODS. (JroKTlfs, Boots and Shots, Hardware, Colliery, Qoctoiirart, and >11 hind, of I’rodare, Corner dtli nnd If.rket Stroets, jl)l2-*ni» l lUTTAXOmiA.TENN. Patton tf Payne, Booksellers and Stationers, CHATTANOOGA, TENN., K EEP constantly on hnml a complete stock of School Rooks, Stationery, Wall Paper, etc., which they offer at wholesaler retail, at Eastern pricos. july2-ly* Orders by mail receive prompt attention. Chas, Sundquiai, M anufacturer ami wholesale sad R<t*i Dealer in every description of FURNITURE, Also, Dealer in Carpats, Oil Cloths, Wall Taper, Window Shades, Gilt Holding, and Frame., CURTAINS AND TRIMMINGS,' Spring Mnllrraao. and Bedding,of all Dwcriptlona. A Inrgc of Bnrlnl. on hand, which will bn4tht to any point on tho shortest notiim. call and .lamina for youraclraa. bi pmdhnaing e)aawher«. juU Bull’s Sarsaparilla. HOOD RBASON FOR TUB t)ATTAINS FAITH. Bead Ilia Captain’s Latter and the hi. Mother. Renton Bnrrach, Co.. April 80, 1889. Dr. John Bull—Dear Sir: Knoolng th.onici.n- cy of your Sarsaparilla, nnd the li.nling and bor- eficinl qualltlea it poaaoajoa. I send vou tho fo|.- lowing statement of my ease; * ** I wns wounded aboiit two years ngo—wns takon prisoner and confined for sixteen months. Being moved so often, my wound* have not healed vet. I have not sat up a moment since I was wouuded, I am shot through the hips. My general Health is impaired, and I need something to assist na ture. I have moro faith in your Sarsaparilla than in nny thing else. I wish that that is genuine. Please express me half a dozen bottles, and oblige Oapt. C. 1*. JOHNSON, n 0 . „ , 6t. Louis, Mo. T. S.—Tlie following wns written April SO, 1805, by Mrs. Jeunio Johnson, mother of Capt Johnson. r ' Dn. Bull- 1 —tlear Kir: My husband, Dr.'O. Johnson, was u skillful surgeon nml physician Central Now }oik, where Jio died leaving; above 0. 1». Johnsun to mv care. Atthirteai years of ago ho had n chronic diarrhea and iiti fula, for which I guvo him your Sirsnprtnlla. (i cured him, 1 liavo for ten years recommended!*, to many in New York, Ohio, and Iofra, for soro- fula, fever sores, and general debility. Perfect SUCCOi-'S Im* .ittninnd if '/'/,.e: sue... Im. attained it. Thi cure ejected <n torn, of acrofula and fever tore. :«:•« almoet mi. very anxious for uty son to again havo rccourau to your Sarsaparilla. IIo I. fearful o! gutting a apurioua article, hcncc Ida writing to you for it. Hia wounds terrible, hut I ho- Hove he will recorcr. Ilcapectfuliy, jknnju Johnson. Dll. JOHN BULL, Manufacturer and Vonder of the Celebrated Smith’s Tonic Syrup, FOR TUB CfRE OF ot a V E .1 J- II PE f E It, OR, CHILLS AND F E V E K. The proprietor of this celebrated medicine justly claims for it a superiority over all remedies over oHerod to the public for tho eafe, certain e-peedy. nnd permanent cure of Aguo nnd Fovor’ or Chills nnd Fever, whether of short or long standing. IIo refers to tho entire Western and South western country to hear him testimony to tho truth or tho assertion, that in no coaowhntov- cr will it fail to cure, if tlie directions are strictly followed nnd carried out. In igrcnt many enae. u ainglo doro has hc-n euOioicni for a cure, nnd whole famlllca have been cured by a ainglo hot tie, with a.perfect restoration of tho general hdnlth, It in, howofrr, prudent, and in ever/ cneo more certain to enro, if itn uao la continued in amallor dosca for a week or two after the dis ease has buen checked, moro espcc'allv in dinicult and long ttandlng cates. Usually, tlila mcdloinfo will not require any aid to koep the bowels ingoo I order; should the patient, however, require l cathartic medicine, after having taken three t: four doaesnf the Tonio, a sln;le done of HULL' ' VEGETABLE FAMILY PILLS alii boat SWlV HR. JOHN BULL’S'Prlncipal OIRcc: No. 40 Fifth. Croat Street, .nr. , ■ IpUiaVlLLR, Kr All of Ihe above remedies for rale bv. J. B. NP'KLIN 4 C(l, . , - „ , Ghnttanocfdi, Toon., And hy all other rorponaihlo Druggirta. on. n. n. nnoir.v, Insurance and Land Agent. KINO STREET, DALTON, OKonOU. A GENT fop AiTNA Llio nml Firo Insurance, ./V Cnmpany. Aim, Jcllnmon mul Jatrna River fire Iiirurnnce C'ompanlra, ol Virginia Enterprise, at CftichiliafR and Putnam, at HarL ford, Firo liisuranou Cuinpanua. Aud Gonoi-til Ijancl Asront For anybody who entrusts tlirir biuineaa tn hi. before !° P- Wolhorn, Atlanta, puvoiinwng eieewuerr. Jul2-12m j * "* T»bha, Lowrv k Eason. Hon. D. A. Market Street, bet. Srfart</4<VCh«ttoiM»ga, Twui ” rtlk ' T> and Co! - J - K- Hanks, Dfiton. $- nm