North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, January 14, 1869, Image 4

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Mamimno Onciunus in Tiifcl'am« >->Vruit trcQB,bushen, cnnon, mill vino*, will be greatly benelllled by n liohvy mulch or dressing of momiro In iho fall. This will hot only bo a protec tion to the roots from that alternate freezing atltl tlm«'iotf whh li le »o iqjit- Viotto to them,-lint it w.ll nlsnfiiniUh a supply of llinse ingredient* which are necessary for tin* keeping tip of the hiudth vigor ami productiveness of Iho tree. Wood ashes contain salts of pot ash, and other Ingredients which exist In very considerable proportion in wood, bark, foliage, and fruit, and on this nccount they should lie applied every fail to largo and small fruit trees, bn|lie» and canes. Although barn yard manuro is good material for mulching, it sometimes furnishes a rover for mico which girdle tho trees wli'eu snow coruts the ground. Spans and—^Warm, com fortable quarters for slock, will save food. They require more to resist tho cold storms. Is not, this evident to overy one? Why, then. Is so much .stock exposed to the pitiless storms? It is shrays nt the expense of the own er, either in the life of the animal, or In the extra food to suslain them.— And, how merciless to see tho shiver ing stock, w|th nothing bnt fence eor- norn to protect them, when the rain and sleet are pouring down. We shiv er to contemplate It. And yet, not half of our stock is protected. By nil moans, kind man, build barns, stables, sliods, or something, to keep yoitr suffering stock warm. Now is a good time. A merciful man is merci ful to his beasts. Wobmswn Swink—In answer to an inquiry as to tho cause and euro of worms in pigs, n correspondent of the jMaino Farmer says: “If tho writer will take the pains to give his pigs a hand ful of good rock salt at least twice n week in tlmir food, until killing time, 1 think his pigs will thrive, provided he gives them enough to eat. Tho eauso of pigs having worms is, I think, Che want of tho .preventative—salt I’igs hardly ever get any salt except what they get la the slops from tho kitchen." t IKOndtA, tMlITMHflS l:OUNtt..-K J, \ T Luboll having applied In duo form to have Uriff, Butey appointed tfunhliun of the persons mu! property of Charles A. and nary u’Lrolly D. Shays, lulnoin uutlur fourteen years of age, residents of fluid county J This Is to olio nil personsconeornod tube and appear nt the term or the Court of Ordinary, to bo held noxt after the expiration nf thirty days from .tho first intrusted with the guardianshipof the potions Deo..! 1 -i. W. H. BROOK Kit, Only, _ f 1 EOHgVa. WfT!TFl V.DM’Ot;NT Y.—G. IL T Huron having upplleil In proper.form to deeensort: Thin Is u» cite all pcvsmis eonuorimil to be and appear at my oillcu.on the first Mon* day in Fobrnury hbXt. iimvHfmv cauio, If they uhyn.ildti, II. mints should imi huvoper- ent Jetton, of mlmlii 1*1 ration, WLiuwoniiy iiatifl and official Signal tiro, thw D.oeinbor will, |niW, W. II. BROOK Kit, Only, pceomber. 24*-ff>d. ( Notioo to brediiow. F 0 Morris, ol nl, Kxcc'r ) J stmts Morrix, dee'd, j Hill to mftrfflinll rerun ) ArwlU eto. Jao P King, ft si, > Whitfield Superior CredHow. ) Court. .Amalia 0. .fscksmj fix'* ) John W, Jackson dee'd j . versus j Hill to marshall Win H Parker, et hi, > Atyslls eta. , Creditor*. , , )- H AVISO been .appointed Auditor In the above cases L,r the Court th#*creditors of the estate of Jntnc-i Morris.and Joim W. Jackson pro hereby notified to .present their claims with lull proof to me iuinipdiutvly, and. that on Monthly the 22d 'lay oT Mftt'Ji. 2869, I will pass upon iho said claims in Dalton, On., at tho Court House, .hr, 7-lnrtW.I. J. r. FltKEMAN, Amir. npplied for exemption of personally and I trill pa-H upon tlio snmo ut Dattou, on the 12th inat. at mv ollioo, Ji n. 7 it W. II. BROOKKR, Ordy. n l.OKGI/,' \\ blUleld foanty—Jus^ii7 iTTiilair V.J ha* npplied for exemption of personalty ami sstting apart and valuation of Homestead, and 1 will pitas upon the vpme at tny ofilcc in Dalton, on tlie I6t)i iust., this January fitly, 1809, Jan 7—2t W. U. JMOUUEU, Ord’y. p EORUIA. WhltteM Connlv.-tiTK?~ V^t) Vj lias applied for exemption of homestead, and I will pass upon the oatne nt my offico in Dalton on tho 12Hi Inst., this January 2d I860. Jan 7-‘it W H. BROOK EH,.Ordy. Hints to Uiuziirs A heifer or cow will makobeef quicker than a steer. An old eoW, or an old sheep, will not fatten so well with Imy or with grass. Tho longer the straw of any kind, tho worse as fodder; short straw <b said to be, invariably, tlio most nutritious. Cuttle always prefer that which is fresh throshod, a day even making u differ ence.—Lawrence upon Caltle. Tho rendezvous of n band of rob bers who have been operating in ltocky • Mount, Va., lias been discovered ami tlio leaders of the gang captured. In Halifax oounty, N. C., tlio bogs have been nearly exterminated by tho now voters, and the penplo aro killing lire few swine they have left rather than let the negroes steal them. A plantation containing 045 acres, t wenty-ono nillee from Charleston, S. ('., was sold the other day at public «nlo for $800. A largo company of Pennsylvanians are about to close the purchaso of 60,- UU0 acres of heavily timbered land, near Norfolk, Va., nt $1 per acre. On Tuesday night last the north freight train on the Central road fell tii rough a trestle three milesabove Hol ly Springs, Miss. Two care were de stroyed. Four hundred pounds of buckshot and a quantity of percussion capB mul powder wore recently stolon from the lileo of tho Adjutant General, ut Jack- son, Alisa. Pine lumber sells nt live dollars per hundred feet in Waco, Texas. Tho fqst steamer direct from Savan nah, la., to Liverpool, England, will lcavo on tho 30th instant. The young men in tlio central part, of Missouri are. organizing anti-whisky and tobacco societies. A contract has been signod to fin- i-li the railroad between Solum and . hintgomury by tho first of November 1:09, ’ Col. Carey IV. Stylos will assume the i le control and editorial direction of ■ tlio Albany, Ga., News on tho 1st of January. An icicle three feel long is a strange \. -itor fur Florida, yet such made its i>! pearance at Quincy during the late c-nd snap. . Wo often hear of farms “wearing • nt," but instead of wearing out, land v ill improve if properly managed. In Europe, farms which have been under cultivation tor centuries have been eon- uantly improving, English fanners I ay that the man who cannot kcop his land from wearing out is no fanner. Our friends in tho country should now begin to gather and save the leaves which fall. Theso aro tlio fortil- zere that nature provides—tho mate rial she furnishes for the renewal of vegetation—and more valuable than any other mauurs tlio fanners and gardeners can uso. Page, a member-of the Atlanta Leg islature, was killed iu Aiississippi, a short time Bince, by unknown parties. A converted Jew was baptized in Chicago last ifeok. This makes tho third Israelite converted since the set tlement of tiiis country. “Especially shun whisky, fast wo men and Hie United States” wore Hie dying words of a nmu who was hanged in Canudu the other day. Tho number of bogs killed at Louis ville, Ky., up to tho 29th of December, is aggregated at 197,540. Words fitly spoken aro said to bo liko apples of gold set in pictures of silver—pretty now-a-days. An immense mass of silver, suppos ed to bu worth seventy thousand dol lars in currency, was recently found by a poor wood-chopper at n point not very remote from the Duoktown Cop per Mince. So report says. A prices current from the Cannibal Islands reports fat young missionaries ns in great demand nmoug the interest ing natives. Turkey has forty million inhabitants hull an army or nearly six hundred thousand, (irct-je has only a million nnfi a ' mi-t t'-'V.elnitqn md -.m,- f'F.'HtiHA, Wnrrrtnh Coexrr.— Pinckney IT Tlicllon lm» applied far exemption of prr •outfit,, Ind-twill pa,, open the (lament jbynfflee m IHtumon the loth -lev of Jmi.,t]iU Jun. 5,’09. Jan. 7-Ut. W. II. IllWOKBIt, Only.’ pSUCCU, Wimflfld Ceioly—M*r4h« A. Me- AT Ciltehen 1ms applied for exemption of person alty,nod I will pais upon the lame at my oDk-t, on the 11th Inst., this January 3d lSuu.'- Jan. 7-U W. U. UKOOKKK, Ordy. moRUl.l, Gordon Coeely—It. It. Ilackuey ha VT applied for exemption of personalty an eeltinz apart and valuation of homestead, and 1 will pass upon tho some et my i|P.lco In Calhoun, on tl-e Ifith day of Jamiarv, this Jan. 0; UU1.3 Jan 7-Jtyra fet»3 ' P. W. MKCb, Ord'y. S TATP of Ceorirla, Ooanos Cocarr-Sarah F. Willinma has applied to me for exemption ol pcreonnlty and aciting apart mid validation ol homestead, and I will pans upon tho same at nix olllcoln Caihouu, on the t-fita day of January next, this January 0, 18113, Jan. 7- ’(18-fao »3, D. W. NKKb, Ord'y. erm; of (leorgls, Cortltn County— Lamlndn U Tale lias applied for exemption of poraonat- ty and anttlng apart and valuation of homestead, and I will pass upon tlio same at mv office In Cal houn, on the 15th day of January JI Ida Jan. C, Va. J«n. 1-81 I). W..NEEL, Ordy. QTATH of (icorgla, Cordon Cenutj—William U l'eraon has up].lied tp me for exemption of E eisonalty and eallmg apart and valuation of ameatend, and 1 wiil pass upon the came at my nflk-e; hi C.ill'.oiui.dji ’the 1 Glli day of January next, this January (1,1809.' Jan. 7-’H8-fea 43. n. W. XF.l’.I,, Ord’y. fj.E0BGIA) Cordon County—0. J. Duller has VT npplied for exemption of peraonully and set- tliiR apart and valuation: of • IJonieulead, mull will pass upon tlio same on the 8th day ol Jauua- ry, 1809, tiiia December 29, 1808. Dee. 81-St, D. W. NKEL, Ordy, JVKOUCU, Cerdon, County—CS S. Dorsctt V T has npplied for eiempiioo of personally and wetting apart and valuation of ImmcflteAd and 1 will pass upon tlm rainu on the Sill day of Jau- umy, 18ti9, (Ida Dceemhcr 39, 18fi8. Dee, 31-21. D. W. JxHKL, Orjy, S TATE of Ceorgln, Cordon t'oouly—Isaac- 8. More lias applied, to toe for ext-tnpilon of pevaonally and aettiop- apart alld vaUiatioii of homestead, and 1 will pass upon tlio same on th 8th day ol January, USC9, tills Dor. 23, 1858. Dec. 31-3t I). W, NEED, Ord’y.. S TATti of G’foi-pi,r, Gordon Cmltify,—fekrnlt Carpenter lisa applied for exemption ol peraoimlly ant J netting apart and valuation of homestead, and I will pass open the amno on tho sill (lay ol January, 1809, this Deo. 29, 18118. Dee. 31-21. D, W, NEED, Ordy, G IEORCIA, Cordon Coantj—IT. J. Abernathy I has applied to me for exemption of perionahV and lotting apart null valuation of homestead’, and I will pass upon the ealno on the Sill day of January, 1889, this December 29, isrs. Dee. 3t-2t. 1). \V. NKEL, Ordv. OTATK UK fiEOJlMA, (li.aanCoOKty.-iCj, O Dillingham hna applied to mo for exomption of personujtjr and sotting apart and valuation of homestead, cud I will pass upon the sniuo nt I * o’clock, A. on tho 2Sd of this iust., at u •ffleo, lips Juutiary 4th, 18ti«. Jan. 7-21. JOHN AV. GREEK, Ordy. I.nnoc has applied to mo for exemption personalty and Betting apart and valuation homestead, and I will pass upon the same at iuy oflico in Ellijny, on Friday tho 16th of *January next, this December 28tlrl808. Jan. 7-2t. JOHN W. GREER, Ordy, Q0ME OXCE, AND 10C WILL COME ACAlNl AULT & BROTHER Aro now receiving a splendid assortment of Dry GS-oods, Prln ft t , Delaines, Umgshama, Mertnoae. Jackonets, Linons, Domestics, Sheetings Trimmings, Notions, — • nsts, Bxst Tobaccos ix towx. Jeans, Cftgiruergs, Boots, Bhoss, Crockory, Cuttlery, ‘ Sugar, Meal, ColTs* Molasses, *, *» ‘V Bacon, Lard, ■n* ~ Nloor, Family Grocerlei, iill'iM- Son'll yf 1 SimUi, Q ' 1 Cheap “o'" 11 mm* 9 V-Wlmnged for country Produoo on fair prieowiU?bo paid! 1 ' nigha.t market lut&K7p“°°,TSgi°Ji w<l ' u your aiim&MJ nty oounty I will soil Doforo tilt Court-Hpuso ary ray county 1 will sell Ikuforc tho t’ouft-llou door In tlio town of Bprtnu 1'lnoo, ou Mio Hi Tuusday In February next, wlfhltt the lcgu. hour* of sale, lots ol land uuuiliors 1*27 and 12*, ' a 97tH (llatrlot and 9d ncotloii of Murray ty, as tho property of John b. O’Neul, dr- cuasod, to pay apart of tho purehuMu money for LL, AJto'r. A DMINlHTltATOIt’8 HAM’.—tty r 111 to- oftin XX. order from tlm court of Ordfnnrv of Wnl. Jeer county will ix? shut, on the ilrst Tuesday in Fctn uary noxt, at t4i>Court*Itouso door In said county, betwoert thologalhoimcofs.tUt, tlm fol* minty, bi'twoert tlmlngal bourn: sw ing proper%)vto*\vlu Two lota of land known ns nil i tabci riiu „ „ - - ---. JWVjlOW «tln» property of O. I*..Harris, ileet asml, Terms imulirknown on day of Hide. • . . . ii • J. N. Ki:uM% Adni'r. Pee. 24-tds,—ri rt, fee 97 00. A OMIXIHTRATokb* 8.U.l:.-h7vli"rtmo7rki JX. oi-ilor irom tlm Coon of onfltmrv of tVal- ker county will lw Bold, (m. tlm ft rat Timsdav ‘ * x otm 1Ih» legal Itor 12 and on i la Febru »sMl. 2S2U wi.-m uiiu one ueva -v , ,and* aro In Hut Pth dlstflct and 4t1i knotion, nml to bosold with tho Incumbrance of tho widow’* dower. Sold as the property of Samuel Cousli, AbMatascd, P. W. STItANUH, Adin'r. Par. 24-tds.—Prs. fco ft. A AKiyLSTRATlUaVS SAI.R^Hv vlrttjo of /V an prdcF from tlm Court of Ordinary of Wlilt-tleld county, will bo soldo,! tlm tlrst-Tucs* day in February, 1«M», at tlm Court-House door In said county, botwren tlm legal limirs of sale, tbs bousu In Palion and night acres or laud ad* Joining, belonging to estatoof T. H. Swift, dc- noosnil j also lot of land number £M, bairof lot 17W, and 10 acres of lot 902, all In tlm 12th district of said county, belonging to said rotate. Deo.21-1 its.* if. it. SWIFT, Adm'x. A PM1NISTH.\Toil's* S.M.K.-Hv^vlrlucnfnn order from tlm Court of Ortmmry of oil* mor county, will be sold on tlm first Ttmsdav In February next, at tlm Court-House dour tii said county, between tlm legal hour* of sale,all tlm real estate or luml belonging to tlm estate of bn m Johnson, late of said eottufv, deceased. Hold for tlm benefit of heirs and creditors of said deceased, Terms cash. .U H, TAf * wir.' wt nrr.2Hila.-rn,. fec,l. If ME, A'din’r A PMJNIATIUTOIfft SAT.K.-lty vlrtucofan order liorn tho Court of Ordinary of Ca* toosu county, will lu* sold before the Court* House door iu Trenton, Pade count v. Ga., be tween the legal boursnf sale, on tlm first Tims- day in February next, tlm undivided half Inter* est lniind to lotd of land number* 241 and m lu 10th dlstrlef-and 4th section rtf Pado county, bclnugfii£to the estnto of <». T. Andoiuon, d'«. ontlis, v censed. ’ Terms oite-lmlf the cadi down, tlio balance in twi interest from dnto. Titles made when all the purchase money Is paid; ,-Pce, 21-1 da. W. b. WIIITMAN, Adinr. Administrator’n Salo. Y-vfrt Utt of an order, In me vested, from the Court, of Ordinary of Catoosa county, w ill '" jiirtuy.jji February •S of $ - *' 1 B f sale, the property, to-ult: (0acres soutli half of lot No! Iho 12t|) district ami M section of said •eounty, lying one and a half miles North of Tunnel II1II, Sold before Urn Court-House clonr In tlm town of Ringgold, as tho property of U. L. Bwausnn, late nf said countv, deceased, for tlio benefit of thobelro and’credltors of said It. L. Swanson, decoasod. t Prs. fee # r »* J. N. MURRAY, Admr. Pso. 10-tds. Administrators Sale. B Y virluo of on order from the Court or Ordi nary of Csloosn county, will bo sold beforo the Court House door in Ringgold, on the first Tuesday in February, 1860,in said county, within the lawful hours of **lo, Inis of land Nos. 81 and 82, in" tho 23th district snd 3d section of said county, Sold ns tho property Of B. 0. Most, deceawd, for tho benefit of tho creditors of uid catato. Terms oash. Nor 19—tdj. ELIZA TILLMAN, Adrn’ G KOKHIA, WALK EH COUNT V.-ruU tho first regular term afterthe expiration of sixty «my«’appltoattonwillbo made to tlm Court of Ordinary ol Walker county, Georgia, for lcavo to sel l tho lands belonging to tlio estate of Jcsst* Pelf, late of Halt! eouniy, deoeasnd, for tho bene fit ot heirs and creditors of said deceased. Doc.3-2m, WILLIAM HAllUIS, Atlin’r. mo NebemlabCobb, a resident of thoitufoof 1 Alabama, tlruenununty.thu liolrn of Juno Hlaiock, residents or tlm Statu of Arkansas, county or Franklin, and the heirs of said Cobb, residence unknown. Henry Thompson having npplied for probnto at the February term, 18,;n, ol* tlm court of Or* dinafyot Walker comity, Uuorgla, of the will of T. w Cobb, lateofsah'l county, and in said appllca Ion suited that you are heirs at law of mild Cobb, and that your lvsi.tonoo is as above Uu .T , y to ,JU «>t1ho Untin- ry’s Olllco tor said eounty, ut ■ said February Tonn, 1809, and mild will will then bo ottered for probate, and unless some good cause is shown to tlm contrary, tlm same will be better admit* eel to j- Tills Dee. 7,'lfll*.’r fee<3 MILTON HuSSKLL,Only. rTI-pCGrA, WALK Ell COl-NTV.-Wlmrenm V.X C. Farris bus applied foF lot Cora of Ad- miiiistmtlon on tho cstuto or ltebucca Hobson, late of suid county, rlueeawed: These are there, [oer tootle and n< montsli nil and singular tlm kindred and creditors of said deceased to filo tho|r objections, it any tlmy have, on or before tlio Junnary term oftho Court of Ordinary, to bu held in siibl county on tlio first Monday in January, 1800, otherwise said lottura will be JUJpljcuiit. Given under my liand uml Otnulul signature, this «*sth November, I. tiH. Dec. 8-90(1. MILTON RUSSELL, OnPy. ‘ r^EOUClA, WALKER COUNT V—Sixty days VT nftordato application will bo mndo'to the Court of Ordinary ot alkor count v lor leave to sell tho realiv belonging to tlm estate of ot “°wnty, doceiisul, for tho.beno/U of lmlrfluml oretlitors. ixuv 8*2m^ J. L. EVATT, Adm’r. jn.EORQTA, Walki-r. CouNTY.-Willlam F. \T Clement, Exoeutnrof.JesseGrtllln.Uoeeas- eit, has applied for an order allowing him to re- sigu Ida trust uHSuid Executor, giving as a rea son tlm dissatisfaction of Dome of tlm legatees under the will, and jutming JeruSha Griilin uhk 8U tah o.iji.rsgu tor his successor, said Jeruslm being the Sv4dcAv of Jc*«o Grilliu uud the prin- “ R*\ r , U , U( } U‘is Is to cite tho till'l Jo- ru.shaGrlltlnaiulthe —••-•- — . . ’Cftr nn'd i' Court out tVi?. 0r ^ ur rtl ' 1 0u l < , 1 ., nni 1,0 Kfanted amt res- Ignat lon allowed. Wlluctis my Imml ami olll- rial signature. rPrs tee At Jan. 7-30il. . MILTON RUSSELL, Ordy! tlm east, lino of said lot. ritb tlm east IIno to t-lrn nt,thenou W. with original or of the sanm, t hence 8. to the town of Ringgold, Catoo- a tlm lawful hours «af salo, und niubOHtHnn host blddori Lots nr land nutnbni'M ltd nml Jfl'Jj and also an other tract or parcol of Ihml, Imlng60 acres otr the west end of lot nuinborlWi aho another tractor parcel nflaiid, holng part of number 203, bounded us follows, beginning at tlio east bunk of tho main prong of Chloknmauga creek allow 'n 1 : 1 I’&Sng. Oftrek. thence up said IU vail »Ui mo gnteilngstotbojunc. Wood and Tiger decks. 1 hence up « anu n f ciilcka* .Otlietmgl lining, . , nv, 1 o following imSts and bohmlH, ticgln. - ■ ■ ! I..!. I lit ' 10 of said lot to tho Medicinal ..mime down enld brsnnli with .ndorings to Hs^unotlon with the main i south'HnufA^Ito lAginulng. nmVliig jkKlmaUpn,'X76 ahres, exciuslvv of tlm B ‘V iimiit Intoad X69ff vat Ion °. id I of said in Uu»2SfTi dTSirlet and 3d section of tlifly, (Jebtgla—excepting and reser ving 100 feet H(|imr« around tlm family burial gfrtund on lot number Ifll, and tlm burial ground near tlm Ktone Church, w ith full nml perfuet right of way to and from, and to use the same, and tg keep uptlie Whop around them, together with all tho ground occupied by tlio right of wav, and to all lands and parceFof lands here tofore sold to and for tho use of the Western »% Atlantic Railroad t also, excepting and reserv ing tliofollowlngdoSQrlbod portions of lot nuin- bur 20iL bounded as follows, begin ping on tlm north bank of tho main prong of Chickaumugu creek,nt low water mark on tho oast-linn of said lot, mailing north with tho esst lino to Its Intersection with tho south sldoot Tigororook, at low water mark, theneo down tliesoutbsldu of said Tiger creek, at low water mark, with tlm ineamlerlngs to Its Junction with : ;ihl main prong or Dogwood creek. I lienee up mild Dog-, wood creek on the north shl** thereof to the be ginning! also, excepting ami reserving tho fol* lowing described parts of said lota of land limn* ben* 203, lid ami 193. uomiuenelng at a Point one foot above low water mark of ClileVahmuga ereok on tlio uovth side thereof, at tlm lni«r*ee- lion nfamith line of the right of wav of the W. X A. Railroad, lmlow the Railroad bridge, at (lie Junction of Dogwood nml Tiger eieOk*. thence along with tlm south bournlry of right of way to Its !jitorsoc|ion with a point one loot above low w’uter mark of said Chickamuuga reek, thence up said crook with its virtue mimuiga , cromc wiui us meAmler- ings, at a distance of one foot abovo low wntoi* murk to the north line of lot of laud uuinbt‘r *201. thenceenst ward alongtlmnorth llncnfrald lot to the northeast corner tburi'nf.thencohoutb along its cast line to a point one fool al»ovc low water mark of said Cblclcainaugn crock, thence iipsatdcreek with itsmunnderingson the north aide at a distance of one font above low water mark to the beginning—tlio mono being well improved. Levied oil a* the properly of Loin- uel J^ Ullburn and D. 8. Print up, Mrs. Abhy Foote Farrar, by gagollfa Issued f said county In fuv miulstrator of Jut; . .... . crty’.lnoiosdiasion or LuiuimsI J. llilburn and 8am’l Farrar, and ]ioluted out iu said mort gage fl fa. [Printer’s fee flti.OO. Also, at the ranm time and place, lot of luml number bis and 1«9, In the Otli district and 4|li section of Catoosa comity, Georgia: levied ftn as tlm property of Uuorcu ltrotherton by one mortgage 11 fa. Thomas M. Gordon ami Jus. 41. Lee vsaald Brotlmrton. Property pointed out In said mortgage fl fa. [Prs. fen £>. and 14.1 acres of iot‘rtumberll7, uml so .. lot number 137—all iutho^th district and 3,1 section of said county, together ij lth all the 1m- nvotoinentH thereon, us the property of Win. McClure by one mortgage 11 fa. Cothran, Jufitu's A co. vs suld McClure, from Catoosa Superior court; the abovo deacrlbed binds being all of said lots on tho west Hide of East Chickamiitiga ;ek, known as tho McClure Mill proportyuml u ami ui'M ikok' 1 »• ircc»i. JAMES STcCLURK, Sheriff. ADF. SHERIFF’S 8ALES.-t-IVill ho sold be- foretlm Court-House door In tho town of *zvnton, lu said ccmuty, on tlie first Tuesday In February next, w ithin tlm ldgtil hbur.i of aide, tho following properly, to-w It: Lot of land number 68, in ioth district, nml 4th section of said eounty. Levied on as the property of 11./,. Kenedy, to satisfy two fi from tbuebunty court, in favor of E. D. Graham, adm'rot M. Deunyberry, dec’ll, and one in fa- vor of R. A 11. Haw kins, ngnbu t said Kenedy. Properly pointed out l,y defemhmt. und levy mmleaud returned by A Stephens, D. Hierltr. Also, one lmy mure, levied on as property of Wui. Waddle to satisfy one il la from Dade eounty court, In favor of K II. Davis vs said Waddle. 'Property pointed out by defendant. Also, one yoke of oxen uml onu wagon, levied oil us tlm property ot H. K. Rcnuett, to satisfy one fi fa from Dade county court, in favor of Jamc3 Johnson vs said Ilcnmnt. Prouerlv pointed out by defemhmt. 9 Also, lot of land number 13B. 10th district nml 4th Hcetlon of r.ahl countv. Levied on as the property of It. H. Tatum, to satisfy one Superior court 11 fa, tn favorof JI. J„ Sjujer vssaid Tatum Property pointed out by defendant. Also, lot of land number 38, in 11th district Uhd Mi.auc.thm, levied on ns property of do ten dnnt, tosatlsfy sundry 11 fas in favor of K. T. Rogers, K. Majors, and K Mann, from justice court of97.1th (list rlet tJ. 3f.. vs F. M. Castleberry Property pointed out be Gralmm, Plaiu- tltl’s fit to: gey. Levied made by constable. Also, lots of lund numbers 108 and 213, iu tho 11th district and 4tInjection, levied on as tho propart y.of il. I|. Tatum, to satisfy two Justice court 11 fas from 060th district. G. >'L, tn l'avorof said Tattnn. Property pointed out by defendant. 1 Ido by i stable. /TFORGIA, Walxrr Cot’XTV.—A. D. Stewart V..T having applied to bu appointed guardian ol the person amt property of Elizabeth J. Mc- Culluh, a mlnor umlcr fourteen years of age. resident of said county : This is to cite all per* sons concerned to be and appear at the term of lliu Court of Ordinary, to be held next after tho 0x Rif, ft Vlou of thirty days from the first publl* cation ot this notice, und show cause, If tin v can, why said A. D. Stewart; should uol be In* ol ' the per and property of EltzabetU'j.''5kIc0uHuh!' v Wit! nesH mv ofllciolrignutuve. Jan. ,-30cl v MILTON RUSSELL, Ordy. fa.EO“OIAj Uorno.v OouuTf-Two monthu VJ uftur ilutu uppUoutfon will bo miltlo ta Iliu S!S r .W,S"lm bounty, for lonvu In -MtlobluUu bclnnpiupto tbo t-stnlo of.Inuiou ,1.'.. * c "p Wtu or uubl count y aeourutiul. tor tin. buiclltof tlio heirs ami creditors of said es- tut e. Jau. 7-'2iu JOHN J. DODD, Adiur. ;. A * Go *H?". Countv-T« u „.unimr after date application will be made to the 01 . wuh ! cou, ‘ty for leave to bol . n "» ? r, 1 nw to ,lu ’ estate of N. J. *2?vl« te u. 1 deceased, for tbo benefit of the creditors uml heirs of said estate, Jan7, l8flO-2m H. c. HUNT, Admr. G KUKUIi, Gordon Connty— Two months af ter date application will be made to tlio Court of Ordinary of Gordon eouuty, for leave to sell tho lands belonging to the heirs of John Bcott, deceased, viz: T. 8,1). C., S. 0. and M. I). Feott, for the benefit of said words and creditors. Dee 24-2iu. T. A. FOSTER, Adni’r Also troctionnl lots of luml numbers 28 nml 29 In 18th district uml 4tl» section, levied on us tho property of M. W. Shercy, to satisfy a tustieu court 11 fa in favor ot' John Alllsdn vs said bhe- rey. Levy nmilo ami returned by constable. Also, lots of hunt number 218iinil 219,10th dis trict and till auction, levied on as the property of Joseph Killian to satisfy two fi las issued from t he justice court, 060th district G. M„ one in favor ol N. Killian, and one in favor of E. Majors vs said Joseph Killian. Property point ed out by E.'D. Graham, pluintltf's attorney. Levy made and returned to mu by constable.* Jui|7,i8o9. Jonathan dlevins, th’ir. Court-IIouhu door tn ElliJav,.,.. the first Tuesday lu February next, w Ithln the legal hours of sale, the following property, to Lots of land numbera 189,190,101 and 237, all in tue 6th district and 2d section of Glluiureounty, levied on as the property of 8. M. Ralston to satisfy a ll fa from Gilmer superior court In fa vor o.F John FuHnor against b. M. Ralston anil W. 11. Ellington. Also, lot of lund number «?.ln thnntli djst. and Sd 6eetlon of Gllincr county; levle ■ •• the projierty of Elijah Gumming and Franklin C. Gaiupliell, mlm’rs of the estate of Charles fa Issued leased, to satlSfy from Gilmer superior i Jones, 1*. A. Gates und TliotmU llepp, Also, IMHOI’b“"i nuillburi 186, lu uml 1 In. Id the7th district and 2d section oi'Gilmi-.- eoun- ty : leviedouiidthe nroperty old. F. William.^, adm’r Oldfenry GoJlfus, divcjiPeii. to«atifitv a h fa front tho Court ol Ordinary in fm or of T. J. Htalliug^, qrd’ry, against s. f. Williams, adm’r ol Henry Cblltns. Levy mucLe amt returned to mo by a constable. Also, loo acres, more or Iocs, of the north part of lot of land number 173, in the lOih district and 2d section of Gilmer eonntv : levied on as the property of Calvin Douglass to satisfy two it ras, one Horn Gilmer superior court tn favor of Joseph K. Midi, adm’r of John Crumby, de- montha- ceased, ugainst said Douglass, tho’-other’from 1 he Justiee court ol' thete»8t It Dlst., G. M., in fa vor of John It. Moore against Calvin Douglass and Jcsso Harper, indorsers. Levy made and returned to me by constable. Jan. 7-tds. F. 11. MILTON, Sheri IT. a EORGIA, Catoosa Countv.—Jume9 L.IlntT- uker having uppllcd to mo in proper form i r ^t»t?» l AV U i nent admtuistrutidn on the estate of Isnae IlufiUkor, late of said county. ^ 0 ViV <u< ^ ’ ibis Is to cite ull uml slugulur tho M aut l next of hln of said Isaac Hutlii- kertobu and appear nt my oflico within the tlmo allowed by law and show cause, if anv Jhojcan, why letters of administration should estate. gmntud 10 Jamos L * HulTakcr on said DSmbJrTtE'SEJ 1 “ uiofflc,ttl •'gnuturc, this j>uo. KMoa. G .EORGLV, Catoosa Couxty.—D. H. Ellcdiro having applied to me In proper form for luuors of administration, do bonls P non, on tlio SS? Joliii Natious, or said imulty, dei^ and noxt n/te i°,!«V h U i R . U t s , in «V lar tbo creditors blnof said John Nations to bo and mytifllee within tho time allowed by be granted to DeelT AXJLT A BROTHER. * Hamilton Street, Dalton, Ga. \ALTON and mobganton adjourned Meeting of tho tl»°e 4th Saumrv'' i J t T° l “^ d ttt8 P rl, ig Place,ou l *V l ‘*‘P ol January, the23d lust- invited to attend. ‘ ^urprtsteo^niosUy lor of tho commission or*: %omb,rl W , , ° mr * ra ?fega&-; G E »i.p c ptffl^ e 0 ^ POTUSuoni lrtturs of .Miolol.traUon on tbo S tale ol Wni. B. Dunn, lute of said coimtv. de ceased: This Is to dto all and sltigular the cred itors and noxt of kin of suid Win. B. Dunn to Wnli l K^ p0Ul ' a V ra / 01,100 'ritblu the time til- low ed hj law and show cause, if any they enn VA mlulstrttt !°u should not be grunttHl to IV m. Henry on said estate. Witness my lmiul and official signaDtro this th day of December, 1868. [Prs fee S3 ^Doc. 1Q-30J, j, m. CO^ns.M’ ryAi.KER POSTPONED MORTGAGE SALE yi Will be sold beforo tlio Court-House door in LsFavotio, on tlio first Tuesday in February mxt, wilUh tho legal liours of sale, tlie Al lowing property, towit: Lots of lend Nos. 182, 188, 136, 187 138, 163, 166, 167, 168, 168, 17o! 184, 1^6, 188, 189, 191, 192, 207, 208* 212, 216, 220 ond 249, situated in the 12th dis- tflct of the 4th section of Walker county, and also lota Noe. 301 nml fraction 838, in the 11th district of the 4 th section of Walker county, nlpo lot No. 25, in the 7th district of the 4th section of Wnlkcr county—each represented ns contain ing one hundred and sixty acres, except said frac tional lot No. 838: levied on ns the property of William Dougherty to satisfy a Superior Court luortgngo li fa in favor of James S Hamilton, Adm’r. of T. N. Hamilton for the use ot I3eu. 0. Yancey ts. William Dougherty, Dec. 8-8w. A. A. SIMMONS. Sheriff. W HITFIELD PIIKKIFF'B SALES—Will bo Hold before tlm Court House door In l)Al* ton, on tlm first Tuesday lit February, within the legal hours or sale, tlm followng wroportyt Lot nf land miinborillA In tlirt lltb district of ltd Reel Inn, and 00 norm* or lot 3lu. In said district und suction, tlm said «0 acres bounded on lot Ms by the top of tlm rldgo In tlm snut Invent oor- ncr and running with tlm original lints west to tho top of tlm ridge on lot number 1119, and then up the top oftho rlitgnho far us will make 60 aerea with a straight Hub from one rldgo to lliu ptlmfi to sallsf^' two tl,iaj from the mi perl or onurt of said cmmiy. uttolotiirub) Wlllh A Barrett va John Tulllatevro, maker, liitd J F il Jackson, Indorser, tlm otlierOltoloaguis Willis S llurrrit John'^Uaferrtb maker, ami W Guthrie. *'<3'vser, levied on tw tlm property of said Tal.'»wvi , o. . l»rsfeu#> Also, eltv lot number 1.1, on Crawford nlreet in til.'City Of Ditton, levied ou as tlm nroporly of the clte'oi'okw InMUhinee and Hniikfng Gom- piiuy, to satisfy one Justice court 11 fa from tlirt MM ill-ll bil, (i. il,. 111 I nvar of.l. A. It. Hank, vs the ClioroUTO lu^uraiiec utid Hanking Com pany, levy juade uml returned to tue by u con st able. Aliio.lot of land nuidbcv 183 In .tlie 12th dis trict of tlm 3d section of originally C'hevokoe, now u lift llelil eo fluty, as lltu property of J. Ji Jones, tosattHly one justice court fl fa from the s72d district, G. M.| tn favor of Black A Dowdy of JJ, H. Wltalev, deccjscd, to wtllsfy Whitfield Huperior Court fi fa it, favor oT L. -W. Alexander, BxV. or J. il, Alexander, deceased, vs KrUheis Wlialay, Exr’x. of D. II. Whs ley# doceasotl. J7. SUTHERLAND, D, ShlT. AI.SO, AT TIIK SAT £ TIMR AND I’LACK, Ninety acres of lot numb r $82, on west side of lot, and 20 noros southeast corner of lot bum* her 283, and ID) acres of Jet number 294, milk ing 220 aerc a, mors or lof h, in lliu 1 lili district and 81 section of said county's levied on ns the property of Johh TaMiiteiro to snlisly three fi h im from a Janices’ Court of tlm rt2rtth (list,, G. M , all in favor of . J.ohn A. Hoskins vs Danii l Kelly and John Tnliufeirn and l). S. Mullinnx and S. N. Montgomciy. Prop.'rly pninted out l#y plain- ttff, nn l TeVy tnailc Uy W. E. Crowder, L. C., and turned over to me. Lot of. land number 282, in tho 11th district and 3d «eytion of Wldtfieid county: levied on as tho properly of it. M. VVHIIarmmn to satisfy one fi fa from Jitidlocs’ Court of tho fiifOth dist. (L M.i in fAror of Samuel* Montgomery, bearer, , J J .urned, low iuwlo uml rutiU’iiort lu mo hy i v » »■»•* “WtWSSH. "'I 11 !'■ -*’• constable. Jarl>3 , ter and II. M. W illhtmu'ii, indoraera. Lew Also, lots of land numbers 222 and 223 in the „ lft ,j 0 |, v \V. K. Crowder, L. U., and turned over mil (Uati'lctot tba3»J section of wild county aa . • .* ' , tlie property of Wm. L. Kinoannon, to satisfy w “■ u , - — * »»■•••*(•• '»•••••' Lot of lard number 223, In the 11 tit dist, and 3d see. of Whitfield county: levied on as tho properly of John 8. Martin to satisfy one fl fa from n Justices’Court of the 628th dist., G. M., in favor of J. M. White, bearer, vsvlohn S. Mur* tin ami K. H. Martin. J’ro ertv pointed out by E. H. Martin. Levy made by W. E. Crowder, I* l'.,‘aud- turucii over to me. H. W. ROUKRTSON, D. 8h|T. onu superior court 11 fa, Martin Want vs Wn L. Kbicannon nml ■flamnel K Klneamum. edm Also,at Oio sanm time and place, lot tt numbers 70 ami 7ft In the Writ. [IDtrlot, wnl 3d .seclion or Wliluirid county? also. 73acros of lot number 71 and 117 acre; of lot tin labor 76, In the same iHrtrtot amt ssottim, liclngthe lands oonvvyoil by W.F Nh'ltcls toL E Wilson; lovltglpn as tho property of defimilantfl t o HHtlarj’ thfun tl ras from Whitfield Superior court, and tn faviT of Wolfn, Dash A Fischer vs Palmyra Wilson, ox- eoutrix Of L K Wilson, Ooccimk'iI. and onu In fa vor of M A Mattox va PalmyraVVHmou, and one In favor of William V. Nichols Vs Palmyra Wil- non. cxeeuirlx of L K Wilson, deoeuaed. Also, twenty acres of land which waa sold by 11 G Collins to C It Wolboru. known na Collins place, being part of loi number 401 lu 14th ills- tri't nml 3-1 section of Whit Arid count v, joining Win. llimderaon’slot,nnd'Mri). Hill’s lot; levied s of lot of land nuinborfti, In tho 14th on as.tlm property of dufoml f.i from Whitfield county co Fclkcr vs Timothy F v'ertUrt In fitvor OrSte- Iriy four JhirtWCmirt fl fas, two in favor of phen Fclkcr vs Timothy Ford, maker, and C R ^f irm i u 'J’» WOlboritand NT Harlibi, Ibiloivcrs. .ITopctty j u-V, 1 ..^rnwViV.- m SllVf.n.wiiH!? 1 ?. i'i iKilntcd out bv nlaintifl*’s attorncv c.lmJ i llllams, Hiin rdliei il In m\ bauds\m said 1 .'. u -‘ > ' u .!• 1 Wllllama. Property pohitdd out by defendant, levy made and returned by J. «, Floyd. Abo. lot of land number -13, tn the 12th (HsU'lo uml 3il section of wild coufltv, as the property IsTy oflo J" *’ uurlty on ntuy bond—this tironertv t»7V».« • 8| -'' BCMtonnlrtVlii. Ilnguolt. 1 'I i.,' U , m Also, imnort'ii hr lot nf luml htWhcVl i£S,V; uoruu ol lot liiimluT im, umlWMCuKroi. ’ >g lior 193, anil SI) iioi'ra of Ipl niimliui'iM-Jfi*,?, 1 , 1 ? 1 ' ' ’ ' ' “ "«* ooul,,} 1 ; tehRtf,. ntabio uml returned to im\ CNi hmdoby uo ^. A Iho, lot of land numbov.’UO, in tho «’ia i, and 2d flection : levied on as tCnron.M d J pf ' N. Mooro to satisfy two Justloo eonrt « favor of O. D. Kutth va J. N.undMR , >u Levy mfldo by u eon.itnblo ajid returnctl tn 10 '' ih \?r?\,iVT t 3i°«ud rt |sV!S n iHl^ use of p’mmilu WflMit v» ,r. n, V for u port of tlio punihuRO monos-of »«li loQ 9l.. c “'- Aln’o.loloflHmliimnbm'iJI.luiiioutii,li.i.i . ' Hurt Ull Hootlou or Willi oomin-1^lovle’l, „ ,?F, ! , ct - yroiiurty or Jumou IJrtmomlion lo mtlurvi!" uupm'lor court 11 fn iu luvor of A. CuurtL 0 , .lumorf Krtmomltfoii uml souv. uomiI tv M I ‘j 1 hoh.buhiou «t wm. wiiCS Also, lot Ofliiml mnuburto lu tlui Hull ai.j uud Scl ui'ctlon : luvlert on iu tho iironorlv JW’ Stoonoy to m»tUf,V0J)0 county court d f„ n rS »f Samuel M. Stl’C tl'Cl to flatlwry one Just lee court fi fti Jane fttreet for tlm Use of F. A. Rtiush- enborg vs 8 M Street and one tmporinr courUfi Il A Pringle v« said btruct» J’roperty pointed out by G. W.Sfansrlh Also, lota of land pumberfl hot known, but known as tbo E. L. Thomas -Ru in, lip tlie |2tb district nml iiil section of said county, now owned bvJ C Austin, and whereoj. tlm w idow of J C Austin now lives,do vied on as tlm prop- ertv of.16 Austin to satisfy two il las from Whitfield superior court, one In favor of Far mers and Momianffl Nattoiial Hank vfl J C. Au-tln. und one la f.ivcrof A Robing vs J G Austin. • * Also, lot or parcel or land, nud tho public bouse situated thereon, lu the town of Varnell Htutlotif us tlio property, of C.. ltuuslienlierg, levied on to satisfy a mortgage tl fa,*from Whitfield Mipcrior Court, In favor ofRFPrater and TII Pltner,uti.siguecs,v»;4ulUKaushwilM‘j'g» Also. 110 acres or b)t number I, all except fiO awe* In n.r. oorner, ulttl 80 acres of tho nouth and wvstHldo of lot ofldnd numlmr ft. both hi '9th dtsfrlet und 3d Mfcttnfl: nlxo322nml892,'and W) acres of tlm east ride ofiiupiboritU, all In tlm 10th dfslrlct and 3d section; also tho west bank oftho river on lots numbers 319 of tlm loth-dls- trlri,and 3d section, and nu\nber 0 in tho litli district und 3d auction; all levied on ns tlm nitiperty ofC, W. Uuic, ov virtue of a fl fiifrom < Wbktlcfd Hnperiortourti in favor of A It Broy les vs (J AV Lane, anti ’J W’ Rors. makers, and J. H. King iuiloracr, uml J C IvRig, security on htay. ' Prs tec ft A bo, lot of land number R29,of tlm 12th ills* talc' and .Hi] siit tlonjdevlod on us lb.* properly of AbsAfoiu Carpejitei'to satisfy four 11 fan from Justice court otteTid ilhirict w. If., in -favor of fronting on Pouts? street ft^ u 1 ng buck lift fact; lovtcilou iih tlm property of K M Galt, by v'.rtuo of a fi fa from whitlicld nn*‘ ncrlorcourt in favorof Umhard Ranks vs E M A F W Gait. M J Morphy uml James Morris uml |J It Brown, a-'cilrlly on stay. daw3 Also, lot of land number 1, 10th district and ” ’ etlon; levied on us the property of tlmes- of 'W H Weatherly vsti W t. fjox, deceasi'd , . _ . ,.,.iiigbey vs U.W Rtansoll,udmlnlstrator ol ltout, Rurtx, tlcccas- ed. prs foe & Also, city lot* umnborn 74 on Thornton A ve ilin' Mcrelmni Mill sontbwest ... Calhoun: levlpd on us tlm property of.S. R. Rar- rett. adin’r oftho estate of A. P. Halley, deceas ed. to satisfy one superior cou H Ufa iii favorof Thomas It. lleeso vs sabl Uurrelt, us a meolian- lcllen. Also, lots of land numbers 20* und 200, In the l It lulls! i lot and 3d section of Gordon eonntv, as tlio property of Ellaubolh Hyinleison. adm'x of F. Henderson, to satisfy two JtlflUeocourt fi jus. ono tn favorof T. A. Foster, adm’r of U, W. Garnett, and one 1.. 11. Dobson, ex’rof 11. II. Dobson vs KIMfabeth Henderson, adm’x of F. IlouileraoH, anil other 11 fas In my hand* vs said Henderson. Property pointed out by plaint Ills In fl fus.^Lcvy made nml returned by J. w r . Mor- Also, 7« acres oflot of land number 31ft, and 70 acres cfiol number 311, and 1ft acres of lot mini- her.51..—hll In tliolUh district uml 3d section: levied on »w tlm property or W. C. Cain to sat Is- ..- M. .Young anil J. W. 3 fi fa In fa’ •s, Sc W. C. Cain, and t G. W. King and John Taliaferro, adm’r, Jtu. vs W. O. Cain. Property pointed out by ilefen- dunts In fl fas—other fi fas vs said Cain. Also, lots of land numbers ftsmid ft«», all In tlm Lit lj dlst rlet ami 3d flection of Gordon county stlic property of Jn ’ to sat- ti fa lu favor of^t’Kdwl- Jtimes J.ny, and one >»’ of (i. W. Ring ami s Lay, uml other tl fas D. W. MITCHELL, Sh’ff. levied. Kfy one superior nil Fain, adm’x. xc, va county court 11 fa In favi John Taliaferro vs Jamc inmy bands vs saidLav. Aten, lot of land number 202, in the 7th dint, and 3(1 seel Ion of Gordon coimtv: ' ‘ ‘ the’properly or-Mary M. Powclf. a tvh lhvwcll to ft.UDTy two Justice cm luTavorof Young. Jackson A on., uml one E. Barker vh Mary M. Powell, adm’x. Ac. Lew made and returnod to me bv W. U. Tuvlor. I’.. C.. uud property pointed out bv ilofendiint. Also, loth of land numbers 20.1 und 253. ami 120 acres oflot nmttber 213, umlNiaeresonotnum- bur 253, nml W)uorcs of*lot number 419, and aft 2^.ft—all in tlm lltb district vu.m ii iu** n inu motion eouniy, one j.U'v‘Xl‘1 ei co., nml Envln. Pendleton A co. vs ,J. A. Black, .survivor, and W, J, M. Tiionnifl, adm’r, Ac,— Property pointed out. by plaintiff's attorney. v : ; ..f o. lotof lumlnninbc. ... mu her 227,,and 10 acres of lot mini In . ... and 3d section of Gordon o county court fl las, one In s Morgan Mommy, and all in the 61b ili-1 of E. si Tls vs fluid Moi Levied * Tty of fluid M. Mooney. Property In* iiliilnf !l7ln II A... pointed out. by plaintiff tn fi fas. Also, one, pine safe, three tables, droboand three beds) thepropoi „ e Interior court tl fa In fa •s fluid Calaglmn. Prniiert.v pointed .... ■fendimt. N. I). IIUDG1N8, .Sheriff. Also, lot of land number 08< ... right of wav oftho W A Alt Road IhiAngh said WT ATJ\ ER SHERIFF’S SALES.—Will tie sold lot. and tlm north hull' ol lot or land number I >V before the cnurt-Iloneo door, in the town log three acres whereon tlm Swamp i of laiFuvette, ftVtilker count v, on ihotlrflt Turs- ritimted—all j day in February next,within the legal hours of '* ’ ‘ ” -Ingprope'‘ ' id grave. * id 3d seel Ion of orighmllv vlmr n id FreiL Cox, • t by plaint ill ’.-J uttOi'- u«>. . [Pr«.feo«4. A!ho, all that part of lot nmnhor 291, in tlm Otli district and 3d section, which lb s west, of Connusuuga River and in tlm eonntv or Whit en,i .i.„* Hon thereof which ".tlm folio „ ... .. .. 1.otfl.oflandnmnt>ci **fv a | triot and 4th ecclWn, levied on n> the" propertv of Geoi'go ftVillts, to satisfy ml fa from Walker Hnnertor court. In f.ivbr of John McWhnrler vs I *“W U .Jfrop'Tty pointed out by plaintiff I Also, lot of lmiu nhufricV l.k\ lltu district and q lU'j jKOperly of Washington Run* illHHIKK’S *Xl. -iVJ. in'lorn tho ooamtoMo a '"Si'w&luvdfi'.,..,.. of, and also lot or bind number 49a. noiefl thereoT, said lotn ofliiitd being nit I'snioiM’i o iii. jiiiggeu,, • --i-^b. Also, lot of laud number 291..excent ntin,.. « a floortW by MnrRnn Mrtrtln to Ju.Mft 11 .'to ( nml that part of lot of land mtmbor, iw.^ " JuniM Morris deeded to Morgan MarTin n V’ 4 the9th (ilHtrtct and, 3d flection of Murtilw 1,4 Whitfield countles: levied ou m tlio firm.IS 1 * of N. F. Harbin to sutlufy three fi lasivJ.n ll'?!/ tl.rtrt HUportnr umtrti oiio In fl»vw "r S.3M-' Folker vs James C. Austin and ChsHoaV tmTflon, lUftkerr, mul N. I». Harbin; eiuioffl and ono fitophon FcIUcivh Ed wn rd- »nrt Itulu., K. 1’onl, .luinuu Mon'V « a! lunleVP. Harbin. ilitdoMH's, mid the nit! *' ,tu I.. ,,r w,. 11 *.v. 1,1,5 ot Him- tl t to -rtiiftfy a superior c asom. Property point ,lmf3 59.0, y)j, and 27? in t li Hcntion, towitlsfy two 11 fu* conveyed by Morgan Martin to Jmnes Morris, of James M. Romte, amt tlm other in' favor of I roimrtyih posurssion of a man by.the name j \\ lloy Hailiiy.bolh ugiiiimt Dnnirl.Slout, l’rop- %Vr, i .TO ll ~ l ° niortgiigofi fa from ly--tn possesriton of dervudaut and pointed out Whitlicld anperlor court, favor of G. W. Stridk- by Wiley Rallov. 1 - A. J. Haralson, r 81 in the ?th district i.-j —- Also. lot.of land ..... Admail that, portion of lot number I93.ln1lm and 4th section of sub. l ,., ullv ,,, nv , W | <MI un . lam district anil 3d sect Ion. n bleb lies on the ! property of Imihc J, Oolllor fo’ontlsfv a fl fa from west sliloolCommsaiiga River and in Wblltletd j cowotii Superior court in favor of' AnthmiV x lounty : levied on ns of John A. limit vs., said Collier. Property pointed out Murray supui'l- by H.J.Spmyberry, plaint iff Vi uttnrney, o. Also, two acres,jtioro or lyas, of vacant land us J in tlm town of Ln^yrite. n.r. aantc * ' I’M r, Mt^posCflaiumLei's 4and 5, Hogan to satisfy i or court in favor of D. Tlmyer A oo. vs flit id |4o maker, mid Wm.II. Brotlmrton uml Ju: ebbing to^ sli. Also, lot of laud rminbi ami 31 recti on vo satlsiV superior court in favor o. tHTs at'onmv rro ^ (5rty l ,0lnt «d Also, lota numbers 47 and 49, Thornt nuc,Dalton, Ga: levied on as tlie propel R. Harden, by T. It. Jolly, L. C. Dceeinii. uiulor a fcrl facias from t he J uat levs’ C auity, in fa’ a (1 fa trom Whitfield r !lors'*y, Ada! in A eo. 1 " ' by imil;i- rr yctti’, lying •sf io tlroorjck fro or first street that i .... fronting 1.1) Allen’s prceer i of said tov. that i id w cat fltdeuce. Ah tlm liousoiuid lot adjoining residence of f. •out first uu liber 7, but t T-M (ii.-i riel, (J. M.. c I fa from'tlio InVeriort Also,. and ft", in tlm 7lb Uis- inl'-l county, levied on Caldwell lo sutlufy a fl rt of raid comity in fa- aid Caldwell, Property Ga.ije.vjed,on a» tlm .property Carden, by virtue of n-mortgage tl fa Li«imd J pointed out'by defYniYiinf! ’ Fra fee trom the hunerior Court of said county, in fa- * Alwo, one liuudml acres of l.lmvrTBt mid norlb An-iy- toSlffi. uSi U'fmJi?Whlttt iu“.!,'rt'.' {'-o!hjJ£thV oi court. J. K R. Jackson vs Cord, r A hhort.-- ; of JpJiu'Furrroni' vamM Cl - ’ —- jVroTICE—T”0 DioiHln nflcr date upplIc.Uon mn.' i° ," ie Court "fOrJnvi or WhUlield Coutitr, for le.ivo to kII tlio real estate uf.I (IICralg. daoMMd, for the benefit or hoi™ nml creditors. W. c. IlICHAItDSON’, Admr. Nov. 19, >08.-2111 /CHEAPEST nnlfBEST PAPER—th uh tbreo now snliBerllicr. v e will send a copy grn'.j,-. Huip v !^. i ^XECDTOR’S SALK.—Br virtue of nuthori- -i ity in me vested by an order from the Court ot Ordiuary of Gordon county, Ga., I will sell, the Hint Tuesday,in February next, before tho Court-House door in Calhoun, between the le«ml horn's of sale, tho following land?, to wit: ° Lot No. 284, in the 8th district nud 3d section of Gordon county; lot No. 264,.in the 7th district and 4th section of Walker county; | of lot No. 112, in 13th district ami 2d Portion of Pickins county; $of lot No. 600, In litli district and 1st section of Lumpkin caunty; lot No. 311, In 6th district and 2d section of Gilmore county* lot 66, Oth district and 2d section of Gilmoro’coun- ty; part of lot, No. 216, In 7*h. district and 2d acctioti of, Gilmore county: J of lot No. 61,, in 2filh district and 2d section of Gilmore countv. Bold as the property of Joseph Wilson, de ceased, for the benefit of his heirs and creditors Terms cash. WILLIAM MOBLEY, Ex’r. * Dee. 10-tdfl. [Prs. foe $lo] Hr. £, O. Stafibril R ESPECTFULLY tenders his Professional ser vices to the citisena of Murray and adjacen counties. All Dittatt* jjimlinr to Femaitt, an Chronic DUeaut of ovory description treated Ofile ut the residence of Mrs. Humphreys’, r.en Hawkins’ store, Rock Creek,‘Murray countv. Fronm ty pointed out by J. I.. Vbori, Also, lot number:WJ, m tlie L’lli di 3d section to aatisly a 11 fu fr per lor court. J. F. H Jackson Pointed out by plaintiff’s ftti .. ...... Also, lot oflaml number 177,* in 101b district nud 3d section, to sat lafy a tl fa Baggiisa A Dvr vh J. I,. Calior, Irom Wliittleiil superior courn— Property pointed out by plaintiff's attorney. Also, lot of bind number 13, iu tlm 12th i/fst. mul 8il section, to satisfy a 11 fa from Whitfield county court, John Bryant, beard', vs M. 8. Collins. Property pointed out by id’IT. r.a. Also, lot of lund number 221, iii tlm 10th dint, and ltd ncotlort, to satisfy a li fit froth Whitfield superior court,.fobn Dotyox’r J. R. Cartriglit, W. O. SftUold, Cx’rs vs Uiclmril ltoo. can cfeOt Wni. Morgan, Isnao Boring mul F. M. Houtlt—aw tbft property of 1». M. Routli. Propertv point ed out by plalntlfi’’s nttornov. 'g.w.fl. Lot number 70, on Hamilton Street, Dulton, Ga., known-iih llm Earnest corner lot: levied on as tlm propertv of B. E. Wells by a tl fa in favor of F. 3f .Cralginllcs vs B. E. Well.>4 mul L. 1\ . Earnest, Also, city lot on Cuyler Street, between Mrs. Rownmns' and Dr. Gudgers, inclosed with said Gudgurs lot, being 40 feet front by 11$ feet, and’ lot numlmr ft, on Cuyler Sroet, nlsolot number 7, ou.corner of East Morris and Depot Street, routing on the former ftO feet and bounded oil tlm cast by Dupot street, runnirtgbrek 1R0 feet, °'l of said three lots j—— -* L W Crook, bv vlrt ...parlor courtrih lav Crook. Also, tbo bouse and lot ( Bton uud Crawford at root a, now ocpujdod by J C Worthy us tlm grocery; levtecf on ns (he liropcily of J C Worthy by a fi fa frobi Wliit- field superior court in favor of A B Dvcua vu Timothy Ford, and J C Worthy ^ Co., Kecuritv Wlim3 R. SOUTHERLAND, D. Sh’tr; * icnts. Levy mafie all of saiifthree lots lovfed on as tlio propertv of L W Crook, by vlrtlto-of t; fl fa rrom Wliitfldil ■ '■ ofJ \V Fincimr vs L W pl’S fee tbo comer QfHiiin- •<l to mu by W. H. Goodson, L. C. fbind nunibej-2ii.; i)Y tlm nth (list _ ,t Jio proj; i Ju-t ice court of071 fsaid l.arisjxm, to flatisfy Fl» district, G. M., two in i tlm south side of Main Ono lot situated Street, now occupied by L. N. “ house mreotly fust ol' T. if. 1'UnnnstffirC — to satisfy liousdi uml Norlli of Muiu Strt! h hi qom Whit iL'lrt Simhrinr Court in favqf of j}' fo liter vs Tlfnry f. ltoljlns, hinktr, uml O. C- Dai is, indorser. Levied on as tlm propertv of If. t. Robins. Tlm lots are In Varnell Station lropertj pointed outby plaintiff. » ' B. W. UQBERTSCN, D. Bbfl*. rORTPONED SALES. AT TIIK SA1IK TIMK AND l'LACk.WIU, RE ROLp; At same time and place, The renewable lease or estato for years of the Dalton MnniiCnctmlng Oomp..ny,'in two pajcels of land adjacent to said Foundry Lot, whereon the Brick Machine Shop of said Company is situated, which leased parcels oi land und term or estate for years are more par ticularly described and set forth in a deed or lease made by iho Dalton City Company to said Manu facturing Company, dated 1st October, 1856, and recorded in Clerk’s Oflico of Whitlicld Superior Court, Book D. page 75— ull levied upon to satis fy and by virluo of 'sundry fi fas from 'Superior Court of said county against fluid Manufacturing Company, ono in favor of William Irving, one in favorof Vanderpbol &Smite, one in favorof Rris- scll & Co., ono in favor of J R Brown, adni’r-of J W Lewis, dec’ll, md one in favor of I K Shu mate. All of said property,iu poflscsdim of de fendants. [Pm. Jue for.above levy $5. Also, lets of land numbers 83-t and 351, in 12th district and 3d section: lex iod on as tlio propertv of Audersnu A Gilbert and ouo iii favo. of W. W.Gilbert vs Washington Kannom. Prop erty lu possession of said Khuijoui, Levy made und returned to we by J. T. Lealte, T,. C. Abo, lot of liitKl number.R7 In tlm 7tl» dlatrict and Uli section of \\ ulker county, levied on to .Riitlery two superior conrt fi fus, ono in favorof Ed Fowler, tlm other liufavor of A. I. Lcot vs Jesse Jay. 8ald lot is unimproved. Also, tlio undivided lmlfof lotof land num ber 130, lying in tho 26th district, and ml flection, as the property of O. R. May und W. J. fifty, to uatlsfy an execution from Murray Huperior court In favor of John Bryant. vs wf J. Rav. (i. Muy. J. D.LsenUour,-David Bidltb and J. F. Btnnttircj. Property pointed out by pi’tffs att’y. Also, JJ0 acres, more nr luds, oflot of laud ffmn- ber JO,/tii district rtnd 4th section.- bring the place wlmrcon G. IV. floldcn flow lives, levied ou as tho tironertv nf Thnniiiy a c.-.uij <a .... h...... •••■iioo vmiwiBVja iui uiiimis Property printed out by D. C. F.. . Also, 60acres pf the bontUcftst kinubei* 87, fflJtli t district and 3d. section of Wul- kcr county, levied on ae tlm proporty of James o»« Justice court,fl fa issued .ftout the J.»Jd diflti'Iot, G. in favor of T. Tally Swennry ,ln ■ ufisflession. Levy made and re- 1 1 urtu!d to tno by W. B. Goodson, L. C. Also, lots of land, numbors 2ft2. 217. 211. nil In the 261 h district und 8d flection of Walker oouii* tjVlovied on'to flntisfy One Superior Court fl fa Also, lots of land numbera 170,' 177,18ft and 17ft intliV 3 1 4, i h section, loviud on tot, sffiL.ii 1" tlioStli rtJHlIcluurt Ith soellQB, lcvli.rt on to rtot .conn n /u ingntnuti Jiiimm H. Uogeis, lavrtr of Edwin Bates & Co. Pron- orty In posaesslon of defendant, und pointed out py.pi’tl’s nttorney. • . Jan 71863 A. A. SIMMONS, Sli’fl’. ■\I/*4 L ? KU MORTGAGE SALE—Will be sold } \ before tlmCouH llouflo door iu l.aFnvette on tbo first fimtuluyJu March : . ^Sbiitb hrtUoflofniiinliei'U-/, and north half Of lot number lid, levied on to satlfttV one Wal- S.« P ifiVV. e ^?S w . rt 11 fiMiguluflt John M. omitb in fin or of Johhu T. Smith, for * “ ru|i McCliuiiv proporty Jn Smith. Jau 7 * ‘ uuuibu ««vSi >ja opjinly court I ruin fnvor of Ba-.l'miocvi f jrSrti!!; 011 “ s !IW “ rs “ w jm Also, lot of land mimbor 14, the south half lot number 13, the oast-Half of lot und tlm west half of lot number 15, all in tiinp.1’ district and 3d section of orlglnallv Clmrri Ul * now Murray county: luvlud on usthcmoiv of T. T. McMullin to Niitlsfy one ll fa fro,,, superior court of Murray eonntv, Jan. M.m'r bearer va T. T. MoMnlllu, C’alvfii Rolling , ti J onn It Upm»B,anH JoUu Q* MeUounoli, aocurl- on Htay. ' A Iso, no acres of land in Urn southwest corner oflot ot land numbor 233. In tho UthdiatrlcU.I.i Jd section, It bring tlm place wltoro R. H. L Tint Imiian formerly lived, and described In ’<1*55 from J. Edmondson to John Oulu, dated Fii March, 1863, recorded In Book L, paget:3-In one bouse and lot In tlm town of Bprluir Flue/ number not known, lying betwouu the brlri bousu formerly owned by F. B. Morris ami tl,5 blttrivBmlth shop of J. C'. Henry: levied on tbo property of John Oats to mithffy one nr* from tlm superior court of Murray' county, w L. Cook, survivor, Ac. vs said Oats. J '* Also, lot of lund mimbei'814, in the loth ,u,, and 3d seclion : levied on as tlm property 0 f j • HV 0 ?*! 10 u aupovlpr court tlfu, Ud! ow, Mohinalo A Co. vs said Beck. Also, tbo north.half of lot of land number F7 in tbo 9th (Ufltriot and 3d section to satisfy % Huperior court mortgage fl fa In favor of (J w . A. Edmondson vs John O'Connor. Levied c as llm pro puny of said defendant. Also, lot of land number 243, oftho loth dht and 3d Boot ion: levied on ns tlio property of J D. Isenlioar to satisfy a ll fa from Murruv «un»! rior court In favor of A. It. Broyles vs A.J. L»r. nett and J. D. Iscmliour. * r Aluo, tlm west half oflot of land numbo oftho Otli district und Sd section: levied .. tlm property of George C. Terry to satisfy u 0 <l /«r’ Rl lL « fro , lu iRforlor court in favor of W.W. Peclc vs James Adams und G. C. Trrrv , indorser, the other from Murray superior ccuri In favor of .J. L. Ldmoudscu vn Bala Terrv 1 Jau. 7-lito, R. T. BECK. Sliuilf. West half of lot of land number 261b district and 2d section of said comity, Rud half tlm gold interest In east lmlf of nufd iui, uml six ncrefl in the soutli cast corner of lot» 3d-:, In tlmHtb dial rlet und 3d section : levied( as tho properly ofJolm Kiiflimll to satisfy oi.„ eonntv court (1 fa in favor of George Kwabi vi A. B. itussoll, .John Russell and A. R. Rusatl!. Also, one bouse und lot In tlm town of Spriu;: Place, occupied '• , *-- * r levied oil as lb iflfy one county Woods vu said Juck.Hon. A of lund n umber 312. In tbo C«tb 1IU1./I and 2d flection : levied omm tlio properly of u*' I lendant to satisfy one Jmdicc court tl fa In L vor of J. F. Haley vs A. A. McDonald. Alao, lotof landututther271, in tlm Dth rtbt. and 3d sect Ion: levied ou as the propertv.of A. J. Loonr.rd to satisfy one Justice court ti la tuvor of J. F. Haley vs said Leonard.- Also, lotof land number 19, in tlie lothtU... und 3d section of sajcl county: levied on asilw pertj; of dcf.milant to Satisfy 01m superior ,,f ’■ i‘ of Samuel lift Walls vs Wi(. court 11am Will Linn part of lots of land number 199 and 5>. 'I ’tb district and 3.1 section of said tlm propi t ty of defi uchi in tbt ... ty: levied satisfy 01m county rt fi fain favorof Joaoja 1. Swan vh Riiodii Jolinsi . Ab-.o, one Grist mul Saw Mill and prrmlu •will Creek, known uh the (ild .Tuckson Mil! : levied on as t lie property of defendant . * hou to satisfy one oounty court 11 fa In fuv C. D. Durham, survivor, Ac. vs G. JueUmi B. J.augbridgi*. Also, lot of lar.d and 2d section : lei fen'dant tosatJsfv 1 ver of W. J. People Also, lot of land number 31ft, in tlm ICtb (list, and 3d seel ion : levied on as the pioputy of! . 3 satisfy one Juijttee. 11.k Varubcrgvfl Hester Ghte.*. ncrefl nflaml on tliesomli side of W ::nlHn*42,In tbeatli district and .'Miff'* thapropertj'.of defendant tj s-upcriori \ la in favorof-M.I. .^B of Sa- r Jn post.esB|on of paid A. A. SIMMONS, Slrfi*. A. Glddens.i’pplies to mo lor letters of nd tnlids-trhtinn on the estate of Win. E. Cleveland Into of said county, deceased--These nro there fore to. cite and admonish ull and singular the klndjcd nnd erwittori of said deceafled to Glo their ohjectiens, If any tliey have, on or before thd February Term of the Court of Ordinary to be held in said comity, cn tho first: Monday in Febiuary next, otiicrwiso said letters wU’lj be granted the applicant. Given ,undor tny hand and official signature this 23il December, iSfla; ANDERSON EARNSWOlff 11, Ord’y. Decorabvr 24—80J. iT'tATOO.SA SII EUIFF’S PAT.ES.—Will bi* mil I VyJietorc tlm Cotirt-IToufln door, in the tova I •;t UlnggoM, Catoo«m connty, Georgia, on tin I first luesdayiu February ncxL Uiu following property, to-w it: Lot of laud number .'l a . tn the lltb district 3d section of Catoosa countv, us tlm pro;, of 1 leu ry Hulsey l»v one JuM'iee court H fa 1 1109th dlpti’iet, (i. M., JA-mirti Mooney vh Hulsey. Levy luiuto und rolurtmd lo ine constabb'. Also, tb.' undivided one-nintli 1-iterrvt in to lot ofliuitt mmlliorit, lu flic, '.nil iH.trlrt •ii' * on 01 CaLoma county,astbnproper (». W i Turner by one .fustlee court fi fa fron 1109th Dlflf.j G.^sr., of said county, Win. M. Tur ner vs G. W. Turner. Levied aiui returned 101 me by a const able. I Also, lots of land nuinbors 7, P, 41, 42. 43 nml I 06. In the 28th district ami 3d sued ion of Catoo* I comity, as tlm property of John 1>. Grav 1 , n ?, n r uH froniJCatoosa superior rim..,,. E. B. W ells for tho use of p. M. Craigmiles vsJ.l D. Gray, and one Sjieneer Marali vh J. I>. Gniv, ; luincipal, und Coosa A (fiiattooga River ll. II- I Co. ondorserfl, one A- A F. Reed va Uobt. Graf. I maker, and J. D. Gray, endorser, and one Mooff I A Mufrii vs J. D. Gray, and ouo E. J. Dozier v* I J. D. Gray, prinriiiul, and Robt. Grav, Bccurlty I onnppeal. Said property pointed out by plain' I till’s attorneys. f Prs. fee on tills levy61. > Also, lot01 laud number 200, in tlm tMtli «IW- und 3d sretibii. of Catoo3it county, as tlm prop .orty of L. J. llilburn bv ono Bartow superior I court fl fa, Heard A Henderson vh L, J Hilbnrn and Gcorgo S. Black, seciirlt v. Property point ed out by Dodson A Payne, plaintiff’s utt'yp. Also, ono bouao and (ot In tlm town of King- grid, number not known, in tho northwest an* glo of Nashville and Gospel Ridge streets, enn- tainlng two acros, more or less, as tbo property of Wm. J. Ilonry by ono Chattooga superior court it fa, Ros.sor A lleaty vs said W. J. Henry. Said property ocuuplod by J. T. Kapo and poin ted out by plnlntltrs altorneyfl. , 4 , Also, lots of land mttubors 148 and 147. in the lltb district.and.Kd weotion of Cutoosa county, ns tlm property of Isaac Denton by one Catoosa superior eourtfl fa. J. W. Wofford vfl said I«uw Denton. Propsrty pointed out by plaintiU * attorneys. Also, lot-of land number 239, In tlio 2flth (HsL and 3d section of Catoosa county, as tho proper ty of R. F. Curry,by onefl fa from the city court of Augustu, Git M Presloy YiiI’Ch vs R. F. Curry.— Proporty pointed out by plaintiff's attornov. Also, ono lot of land mimbor 111', in theSitn district uud 3d Huotiou of Catoosa county, n» tlm prbporly of T. T. Goanell by one sunorior court 11 fu, Wilcox A Hand vh Williams. GW”?*’ Aco, Property polntod outby plaintiff Jan. 7-tds. JAS. MoCLTJUK, Slicritr. EORGIA, Catoosa CoritTV.—0. \V Trim* mler having applied In projier lorm mr permnnent letters of Administration on ti o^ tatuof Thomas A. Burl'ord, latoor said coun>)» deceufled: This i« to clto all and singular > '<> kindred ami creditors of said Thomas A pur ford to bo and appear at my office, within tw t lino allowed by law, and show cause, 11^ they can, why iiermauont ad min 1st l 01 , should not be granted to O. W. Trlinmw r 0 fluid estate. WrtnesH mv band an d ofllciiu sifc naturo, this 5th day of January. 1869. . Jan. 7-30d. • J. M. COMBS, .0W- EORGIA, Catoosa Countv.—Mrs. A^.L V_T N. Chambers havingappllod tob(japP n > , Guardian of tbo person and propertyo**.. yin Chambers, roflidenta of flnid oount>j*,. Is to cite ull persons concerned to be an» . pour at tlm terra of tho Conrt of Ordinary m' held noxt after the expiration of th|rt> o»> Irom tho flint publication of this notice. flbow eauso, if any they can, why said A‘» e ‘l», P Cbiuubovfl slloubl not bo intrusted with guardianship oftho porson and propejy n( j said Melvin Chambers. Wltnesfl inyk| nd *- offlelal signature, tills January fttb.iroJ. Jan. 7-30d. .. . ; J. M. COMBS, Oraj. j. L. M, ERWIN, HOUSE CARPENTER AND J0lhE«. [FORK warranted to give satisfaction. jj t cld Methodist Church building. Oct m