North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, January 28, 1869, Image 4

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. -3 .• .biota ry In Vavhvnv U'.ih'nectary' lo tl'M , I'l/aiyli'li; i«i«y»H iff lUs l'.O'.in;!', ivi ills luilt.i■ lawyer, U'tctor or cli.ruyimin— A a fuf-mni'-t-wo do riiiljirbi) so miieli of llitorut val, , pa (if int cllcvt; - but tlioor.y is at last thu fmliuktioii nr ((lopping ololio to all that Ik ftttriUfltl. If wo I alio to Ilia chemist fl salfl|il#rof aoiljio «iialyzesU< (liuUlta coiistitiirnt paiia, ami by theory.tdU'yoti lo pluiit certain vegctnbtofl that lie Ims found nearest allied In composition, Jlut this does not meet" tlio dilllcully—as yet, there aro ninny'hidden mysteries iii the soil ami compositions of plants that the clioniht has not becii able to explain, but l>y practical experiment, aided'iiy chemical resenrcli, the adapt ability of certain plants to any soil is <\sccrtained. Medicine ns a science nppearsnlinost perfoctod when compared In its pros- cut advanced slnto lo the timo when liypocrates, the father of medicine, wrote. Agriculture as a science could not liavo boon behind In improvement hud sufficient importance liceu attach ed to it to have called forth and en gaged the alletiion of the learned, anil all the experience of ages been liand- oddown tons inlipok form. Within the last four- years only lias science iuid agriculture been associated ; butyncli succeeding year marks the improve ments in implements of culture—and fast indeed are the mists of ignorance giving way liofclo tho sunsliino of Intellect, and already lias agriculture ns a science attained an .honorable posi tion am ong the learned professions. Farming. .-a Tanner hinges timely attention lo little thing*; 'tins, mainly, makes the difference be tween tln'lft and poverty. The philos ophy of success is expressed in the old r.dnge, “For ivunl of a uni) n s|iOU was )o»l t ibr want of a shoe a horse was foot| Tor want of a horse a man wac lost.” It UVUtllo ililng to keep ac counts of thu peciuihiry transactions upon the farm. A Imlf honrSaturday evening would enable farmers to know 'just how they stand wltii the world,-f- Ytfti wo suspect half of the mon who CUllivale tins Soli never make an entry in a hook,- and for want of Hits, the no- cnuiila rups up fearfully at the store, and maii.r m l ides of luxury are pur chased for which they aro unable to pay nt the end of the'year. Debt nc- euimitates, tho farm is iiiortgkgcdjniid flnally lost, fur want of a little piipcr arid ink. It U a little lhlng r lo put up a tool in its place when not in use Yet many have no tool house, or place of shelter for any implement or vehi cle. Things nro left whore they were last used,' lltc plough in the fi.sid, the curt In the yard, the chains in tlie sta ble, the harness in tho wood-house, the ax nt tho woodpile, and tho rakes in the corn crili. Many do not even house the expensive implements they liavo bought, and reapers apd thrash ers aro treated like old ploughs and harrows. Tlvo parts mado of iron and steel grow rusty, and tho wood decays. A mnclilnothat is good for thirty years with proper card Is mod lip in flvo by abuse, it Is vory little thing to turn n nnt that is looso/ Yet for want of the tightening the nut ip lost, the bolt comes out jnnd the londod wagon breaks down on tho .way to market, and a wholo day for man and team Is lost It is a little thing to.keep a horse prop erly groomed, yet for want of clean fetlocks tlie skin cracks mid the horse .16 lame ; and the owner loses the use of him for months or Weeks. Ventila tion is a small affair, yet for the want of it the health of stock in stables sur fers severely, and disease sets ill. It is a small affair to provide good seed nt tlfd beginning of the year, but the whole success of the season depends upon it. It is an easy deal fairly lyithyour neighbors and snake a Farmers of North Qoorgia Look to nuiuollmt is better than. 11 precious oint- your Peouniary Interest. ment.” Many cheat on small occa- You have for tlio last score of years sioxs, do not deliver what they sell. lassssegii ncc.St-VJs. 1:, s. lloU i:i.l.| Adni'r, A 1 M, Toriuspiailo lca«w«o.MlU|V„^; A (m , r Hop, Sl-tUs.-l’ra., fco >7 M. „K piotorpSL tlio wjw t uart oriptinumUc tract or parcel of llnid» licit M FAr-K.-nv virtue ohm S if Ordinary of W nl* tlio firstlw^flay in tfllouM door In said lOUi'ri qf ItiL’t tlio lol- juris .eels iiuw uni ....... ...... ..itrt Inlirisnrn In It (Hull-lotnun (III mnilloui on.l toll.!sold wit 11 the biimiabmniinor tlio WbloWs dower. Sold us property of Batmt.|^^^ ?| ■ Dec. 24-tds.—Era. foolfl. • A AEINIFTIUTIUX'S BALK.-By vlrtuo of /V mi order' from tho Court of Ordlnury of WhUflnM county, will bo sold on Hu* first Tnos- (lay in February, 1ft 10, nt tho Court-House door In mid oountv, between thttlegal hours of sale, (h« hoiiso iu Dalton and glglit acres of land ml- Joining, belonging to cutnto,of T. 8. Burin, de ceased? also lot of land number 220, half of lot IH». ami 10 acres of lot 202, nil In tho 12th district of said comity, belonging to said estate. Due. «t-tiU*> - M. M. SWIFT, Artm’x, A DillXISTUATORS* SALE.-By virtuoof J\.' order from tho Court of Ordinary of Oil* .incr county, will bo sold on tho first Tuesday in February noxt, at thn Court-House door in Said uonuty, botween tholegul hours of sftlo,all tho real oolatoor land belonging to the estate of homo doliUHonJato of said county, deceased. Fold for tho benefit of heirs ami creditors of auld deceased. Terms ensh. A. 8. TATUM. ) A ,r„7,. WM, WALKER, J AUm 1 fleo. C<**lds.—Prs. fco 4*1. , DailXISTItATOIl’S 8ALK.-»y A ^Tr^r.-.rrrTr.-m-r.w order from tho Court of toohu county, w ill bo sold .before thu Court 1 Inline door In Trenton. Jbtdo county, Ga.. he- tWooli thu lejjnl hours of sale, on tho UrxtTueS' day In Fobniur>: next, tho umil t ided half Intur- OHtiuand to lotsof laud number;* 2sland 2s>3,in loth dlstrlctand 4th section Of Dadflrcpuhty, belnimiui? In the estate of O. T. Anderson,-du* cuafud.. Terms onudmlf tho imruluiso mouuy cash down, the balance In tvroivo mouths, with Interwrt from date. Titles mado when nil thb purchAso money is jmld. aW.-L. MTllTMAy,.Adinr, Deo. 21—tds. UlXr.CUTOlI’S SALK.-By virtue of authority J2J vested In us, by tho last will and lustament ©funnies Uordou. Into of- W’nllter'county,* dc- ccusod, wo will sell for cash to t|ie highest bid der, nt tho court Iuuiho door, In LaFayette, lu said county, oh tho llrst Tuesday In March’nfcxt within the legal hours of sale. Lots ofhtnd numbers, 287, 5w, 270, 2ft), 281, 207. 208,’ 314, nil In t booth district and 4th section of said county. Fold as I ho properly of said .fumes Gordon, dfc- censod, for thu purpose of distribution. - ' • • , Thomas M.Gouuon, I Kx’rn of ,Ja* JUnJI.’KSJ 3AMts M. Luo, ^ Gordon,de’ci ... r . diafK, ou lino to tlio M.1V. ooniosottluvouinr, tlionou s. : , ■ tlun of Dogwood and Tigor orc^U v tlttttM tip said Dogwood crook or main prong of ChloVa- maugaorcblLou ■ M * 1 *"* containing r “ ®3? sirWlistfKWl. • t nmnllw 2S2, on nit sblo H Administrator’s Salo. , _- fouftuTjik property, to-wit: 80 acres south half of lot No. 231,111 tl * • •cotrtUyf I ... , Tunnel Hill. Fold before tho Court-llonao door lu tho towu of Ringgold, a» tho property of 11. 5 erecK,(.., — dog so acres,inofc nwra fcltowlmrfo.t* anil fiininrtii, li«xln rtprlna brnnoli, thriien BSwji »R|a'br»iiot| wl h It. laranaorlDg, to lt»Jnnotlon-w!tli;thll luntn ciitokaiaiaaa orcelr, tlifnpu : r the east siilo to tbsuontli lino mt»i oTtTiKUaa liW'aoreiBSSJu'S rn 5r Catoosa county, Georgln-Oxceptlng nud reser ving 100 foot square around tho family burial ground on lot number 191, and tlio burial ground near the Stoiio Church, with lull and perfect right of way to nud from, mid to mo tho same, ami lo kcop tip tho fence around them, togolhr” jng tho fpIlovvingdeNCi lhed portions of lotnui bor 203, bounded as follows, ■ beginn ng on t! north bunlt of the nmln prong of Olrickamatiga crook, at low water mark on the cast lino of said lot, running north with the east Upo to its, lutersoetion with tho south side of Tiger creek, at low w ator mark, thuneo down thosotithsldo or said Tiger creek, nt low w ater mark, with the moandorlngu to its Junction with said main prong or Dogwood creek, tlienco up said Dog* woou crook on the north side thereof to thebe* BapnnK burs 2U0,104 and 191J. commencing at a point ono foot above low water mark of Chlckamauga crook on thftX#fih-sldo thereof, at the intersec tion of soutfTl ine of tho right of wHy of tlio IV. A A. Railroad, •bvlqvntho Railroad bridge, nt the Junction ,of Dogwooil und Tlgor creeks, thence along with the south boundry of right of wav to Its Intersection with a point ono foot above low wator mark of said Chlckmnnngft creek, thence npsaid orook with its mer ’~" ‘ distance Of ono foot abovo loNvj mmV'tnaJija'rth llnHrioiiYlaVd •204, thence east ward along thonovth lineof suld lot to the northeastcovner thereof,thenCe south along Its oast line to a point hue foot above low water mark of suld Chlckamauga crock, thonco up «a!d crook wltUitsmoanderlugson tUeaortli side at a distance of ono foot above low water mark to the beginning—the uamo botnr well Improved. Levied on as tho property o.t Lem uel J. Hllbbrn and D. 8. Prlutup, trustee of Mrs* Abby Foote Farrar, by virtue of a mort gage tl fa Issued from tlie Superior Court of Saul comity In favor of James H. Andersoti, ad ministrator or James A. Cprry, docohsed. Prop erty 1U possession of Lemuel J. Hilbuvn. and Ham’l Farrar, and polutod out In said mort gage Ufa. [Printer’s fco $3tl.00. Also, ut the same time and place, lot of land number ItfBftuct Jt?.), In tho Utu district and 4th seetlon.of Catoofiacounty, Georgia5 levied on as the property of George Brot|ierton ’ — mortgage il fa, Thomas M. Gordon and laA i Also,lotpciamVittuabevISO, and 132 acres do of lot number 135, and 15ncre«ioflot number 118, mid 145 aores of lot number 117, and 80 a ores of- lot number J37—all Jn Uio.‘2Stl» district and 8d than when jo.u commence,]. Wliatlit-; . Application or Mascwl-A prac-! 5SSf } AfiM'5IfaJ»^SSu5! tlo improvomout ■ y-ou did put on jrour i _ rarmer wrsles: *Iu my observa-; Housed«H>r inaiie town jor itinggoid,. catooHu ^ 1 lion* ,f ur ttMlr in comity. G.m on the find Tuesduyin ARirch.lftjp, bams ! 1 ?T! 1 WJ »«« pracllcal 4 within the legal hours of gale, lot of land iluin- and ao acre, lemlieut corn'crur lot unm- r 1 f 0 ',V 1 r OISII (llMTUCl, l#. A(.| Ill m> or oi >/, a. it. vs tho Chorokoo 1mmranco uiul Ibinklnf: pauy, lovy mudo und returned to mo by i district • oeJPp * w v * propotty of Jnlin Tnliuferfo to lotUfv throe fl s .s fi'Oin a .Itmtli’c,' rums uf ll.o 028ili dint., (i. M , N. Moatebludl ,. PropM'lv pointed out tit plain- tiff, mil Ic.j made by W, 1J. Ctmidcr. li. 0.. and turned oV«r to me. ... .nc ui n. ,1. ((imam.ouio .aluir oite'fi fa from JMitlcSl’iOoortof tils aaaili dtsi. 0, M., In furor of Samuel Moiilxomery. bffnrcr, rs Snmuul Staton, principal, and 11. A, McAllis ter and It. M. Wnilbittri; Indorsors, I.ovv mado by Weffi Crowder, L. 0., «nd turned bter I.ot of land nnmljc> 22n, In tho.lltli dist. lind I sec. or.WfilfBcfU coifnty; levied on as the ntirtlY of .T.tliii si U.ri'i. in .... n p. property of John .S. !Martin' to satisfy ono fl fn IVo ( n a Justices’ Court of- the 028th diet., G. M., ond adlacotioni ii Up ftlur.K. H. Martin. ’Property pointed xiut by B.-II. 'Martin. • I.evj madr'by \V. K. Urowdcf, La'C., and turned over to me. ’ * u..>y» uoimvrsQH,»ir. •. Hiu. 11 a ut li n »»111*1111, uuuuunuut. at. Also, twenty aoros of lmid which was boR M G CnllliiH to.CB W s elliorn, known us Col idaco; lieing part of lot number 201 In jfth trlct arid 3rt soetlon or IV hitflold county, Jolalug Win. Hmidoroon’s lot, and Mrs. Julf's lot? loylpd on as the property of flatisf- - * fa from VYhll fluid donnty court In favor t phon Folkev Vh Timothy Ford, Inakor, hlid C B Wclliorn and N F JlaThln, Indorsers. ITtipotty pointed out by plalntur's attorney. edtn2 , AIho, lot of land nnmlier‘43, Inthoiatli district and Ud Hcudion otmild countv, os tlip property of Faniuol M. Street to satisfy, ono Justiceeoiirt ... ... tl fn Jauo Streep for tho* usoof K. A.* Uatudi- Calhoun t'levli... VT ... ... onhefg vs S M Street und ono snpurlor court fl , rott, adm’r of tho ontate or A. r.JiaUov. deooas- satisfy bnn sltpcrlnr court A fn-ln fuVor rtf Tbmnu. lUiuca. vs said Uurrott, us a miuhnn Uoim.lvll liiii (linj.pul hoira'or'aalc.u'o'rollbin aft* nr lot ol' 1,111.1 nuniticr S3, (it tliri Ittli dlstrlot and 8d section of Gordon c thin tv 1 lev* Postur A lliii'lln, on pin favor of O, IV. Lnmiriuo, Ulit) pun In favor ol 1 It. iv, MnCIuru v« XuuH ,C Wl llumSj amt otltora ran Jinny lmnds vs sairt m \ ip, 6 Sll®Sp{pwtfr' U A I’riiiK.lo v* said Stroot. Property pointed out liy U, VV.Stansoll. . . . Also, lots of hind numbers not known, bnt known as tlioF. L. Thomas farm, lu th0U2tli district ami Bd section of suld county, now ownudb.vJC Austlrt, andWherdoh tho widow of J O Austin now lives, levied on us the prop- BQctlpn of Kald conpty, together with all the lm- — Yirbycmenta tlioVoon, as tlio property of Will. the Jitli district, and 3il section of said MeCluro by one mortgago fl Hi, Cothran, Jfcffbik •f lvlng one iintl n half in lies North of Aeo. vsnuld McClure, from Untoomi Superior % «.. . ^ .— court? the abovo described lands being all of said lots on tho west Hide of Fast Chicklimauga crook, known asthoMcClureMiliproportyaml pointed out in Bald mortgage fl fa. . [Foe Jfl. Dec. 3-50d. : JAMKo MoCbURTC, Sheri If. ■pvADB SHERIFF’S SALES.-WIll bo sold be-* XJ fore the Court-lfonso door In *tho town of -TrontOiuiuHiild county, on thu llrst Tuomlapln February J?u.xt, within the legal hours of yalu, the foUmvIug pronorty, to-wit: J,ot oriuiufnumoer C8, in 10th dlHtrtct, and ! 4th (sculionof said bounty. Levied onus* tho snows of--winter, and slllhis L J®* l DsustsTKAToifi haj.k.—By vihuo sri w1T^^uii3o^mi&iv’TO , e''«7«-%«w . , „ . . tflij- Al» £tni£k«a. Frcm ihi* A order ftom tin- Cmirt I.ronllmiry (if Clil- 1 "iJil;, vcA'ii-V! ill fnvm'orij II lmvlsvi you nro too poor to do better. I -« t tif«siaKtt 1 ns. ewiaecd last i Wndilk Wopk-tjiVulntuU out bydermiq »e»4f we ccn't make qome figntesOat: sa^j to tbe surface ' l?'t>v jfSJouPi will Hii]iif.n (ftnUrtf mirOnw.i'-.'. -r'- an, wlljal ... . r. . ... . . aViu tUv'.Ml dlstj will iiiclueo sonit of our farmer* to the old routine of planting, sol ? luskint; money. Tako Kbit-o. now is (lie time lo sow) Tor irrtai our lands are admirably scibei ta Sts rf t»Lt iEches. culture, and wo can, ontew Hi i. ssttif flflecn litiridrcd lbs. persn*. if *.i« liavo produred »<x>l 9ee-l is «2! :: band at 15 to SO c’.s. p-r lit.—kit a! twenty cent*—an-l row Same tRe rest little sum of three bnairt-S Sr!!-?-*, (lie cultivation of aa use, eiit put iu corn, atone dollar j-w i-at e® wfbest jrscttd at the time uf sow-' vouaiy, i douglng lo the i-.- tutu of J.. r>. chus- fa— tj- uti va-■ -—r* t«I r.. •. ! lain, lute of huht county, Uuouuau.l, .Hold for o. " ■ ~ * 1 -- -r-'.-'-ol -or corn, in . the bonelft of heirs nnd are nit" It -Ivr, 11 -. mtulu tii* site amsaaa, or aoj-tied to all vari- ! kllllW11 any of rule. ., ^:«te«rtH 9 «4«wirftuia l i««or(b! ife. fete -’. wed or da* under to a : .y'^ttstSTitATUix's^ Sake.—iiv .vlrtuu of V'3** •* M'lwrru—To idsure a good - ; i _ _ r “f doting Cte winter, we a: -,-, I'rtd cur fcens with material that * good supply of those sub- rtj - j front which.eggs, are formed. /T, F:< >_ oteai cl.opttcd fine, bits oT fish, ifl : cf circs? and sucli like things . atitd from the table lOhlay will.come - v. the table in ,lue time, in tlie shape altbehighest fir«ire», -ucridotfr Etiir vf tew Uid eggs. That the poultry aevonly-flve dollara, a diSereutie rtf X*», say it=sin htaUliy during the winter, hundred and twenty-fime datbas ra Sa-t tlej ij-•:old.qccatiobally he fed. with yor, of tobacco, l’nt an Imt, lisuafty acres, aud .vour profits ajm*uairmililirf- greater. ’J’oo orach wort; lo make \ levied on us property of " " | IJJj roperty pointed ont by <lefoudunt. iu yoke of oxou und one Mugon, levied property ofiI. K. Bennett, to satisfy ... t\i onottfu JumCH Jolnl pointed out by defendant. Dudo comity < > Supci lid Tut -■— , —— Courl-Ilopse door in Dalton, wiUliu thp legal bourn nfwale, the undivided one-third interest- in the follOM- ing lots or land, via: J.«Tt miniber 211, 18 acres > I'l'amn, of fiuetioujil lot number 2U>,fraollomU lot (l * tursutt acre-,) umfiber 247, 105 a ** - ^ w In ikvor of Bald Benuott. Property _ iy defendant. AIho, lot of land number 135,-10th district uml 4tli*soetlon of yuid county. Levied prbiierty of R. II. Tatum, to satlBfy or court 11 fit; in favor of iI.X.. Speer vs t Property pointed out by defendant. Also, lot of land number 38, In lltli district and 4th soeHohi levied an as property ofdefeti dant, to satisfy sundry II tiiH in liivor of E. T. .Rogers,‘E. Ma]oiv, una. K Munn, from justice courf ofsJ4tl>districtG. M., vsF. M.CastlelunTy Pi'onerly imTnti'd out uo L, D. Graham, Plain- “in?attorney. Levied njadji by cpuBtable. Also, lots of Iatid'''numbers 108 und 215, iu the lltlidiAtriet und 41 h section, levied on us tlio property of It. 11. Tatum, to Butisiy two Justice tfleld superior _ liters and MgrelmnlB Rational Batik Austin, and ono iu lavcrof MeKesson A Robins .vs J C Austin. * Also, lot or parcel of land, aud tho pulil houBoalttmted thorbon, In tho town of Vuruol Station,' as tho property of C; -Raushonborti lovlod on to satisfy ft inortgagd'll fu, frot. Whitfield Buporlor Court, in fuvor ofRF Prater Uud T li Pitnor.ftsslgitoeB.vH said RauBhcnborg* Also, 110 acres of lot number 4, • all except 60 (tores in n.e. oornetyund 80 ftpres of the uottlh and west slduof lot.of land number 6. 9th district und fld seetlonj also 322 und 292, and <» acres of tho east sldo ol niunbertBI, ull in tltto 10th dlatrlot ftrid.3d.BeollotU also tho ofllto vlver on lot« ntimbora31H.of tho 10th dis trict and 3d Hoetlqn,ahd. number 6 in tU0.9tlt djutriol and 3d section? ull levied on A[s tlift property ofC. W, virtu©ofutlfafrola Whltlleld Superior ooiu t. In favor of A R Broy les vs C >V Lano and J W. Ross, tuakery, und J. 11. King, indorsor, and J U Jiing, socurlty on stay. .Prs fee $5 it Also, lotofjnnd mintbor 3-29 of tliol2th di«* talelaud 3d section; levied on its tho property of Absulojn CurpHutortoHatlsfy fottrfl fuarrom Justice court of 872d district U. II., ia fuvor of Win Dowry vs suld Carpenter. . . . ~ * Also, B5 reet of tbo w osfc end of city ’ lots; .-Dal- tou, on ronU.street, being nuntburs J5mtdH7, fioutlng qii Pent* street 50 feot.each, and run ning buck 05 fort? levied on m tho property of E MUalt, by. vlrtuo of a fl fa from Wititflelcf su perior court lu layot of'Richard p.utiks vs K Si A F W Galt, M J Miti jiliy and James Morris uml B B Brown, security, on stay. -. flaw:! Also, lol of land wutdbor 1, loth district and 3d section: lovlod on us the property of thu os- ItUa of Root R Cox. deeeusod, to satlMty threo Justicu court fl fas from tbo 32RUi illHtyJbt, G.M., onottfa in fuvor of Peter Messemer vs G W Stunsell, administrator of li R• Cox, deceased, undone In iWvpr of.W 11 Weatlicrly vh G StaiiNell. uduilnistrator of It U Cox, deceased und ono m favo2.o( J il McOatighuy vs G W, Ftuu3oll, administrator ot Uobt it Cox, deceas* od. ■’ piNfeoi-'* Also, city lot* numbcrfl.74 on Thornton.: nue, and the lot situated immediately west pf Lot mtiuhor-74, as tlmpropert.v of P O MeOiveu to .satisfy a Fuperior eonrt fl fa'iit fttvor .of Hen CKlf, EGroon’for tho use of Dalton City Co., vb P C McOwcn. Sold for purohnse money. • "< D. W; MlTCilELL, SIT If. , Am lots of tniitl ittmtborf? sip *iM1d'209, Iritlid i4thdlBtrlotand.8( |“ — m»tlift property t ‘ ““ liefluorfloh, In ftivt erty of J O Aust in to satisfy two fl fas from ms, pno In flivor of-T. A. Foster, udm’r of G. W, Whitfield superior court, ono in favor of Far- Garnett, and 6ne L: II. Dobson, ex’r of II. lr. ’•“* — ’ *• Dobson vs Elizabeth Ilctuloraon, udm’xJof.jFj Henderson, and other fl fas In my bands,vsiuihl nendorson., Property pointed outby plaintifls in fl fus. Lovy.made And returned by J. \Y. Mor- Also, 70*acres —* ^ ^ - - 23 - ..ero«oflotmm._. „ bor.aifl-all In the I4t1 levied on n« tho-propbrty of W< 0. Caintonstfh* f&PMi U. IV. hlng und John Tnliafevro, aflin'r, A W. C\ Cain, ProtMirtv (minted out by l, (l.. WM - Mlt(llstrietand fldfKoetlon of Gordon-eoiinty? 9B5«L, iteres neododt KcFordl n y n®SSMa?? ,f ^mvWin I or Jim my county i ino'“ VJ ’ "" Ul “ by “ col ‘- iinr’llio. In Ihn Mih dlst. lovlod - fy Btx.Ii vh 1). M. ibor 224, In Iho fltli district ^, _. r edumyt lovlod ou as the ssasWfMwfrg E mmi James .F.dinondHon and, ^i-8e«yt •courity ot* and 3d section i levied pn as tho protiorl v Of 8. WSKBBRlSBk Al«o, lotoriutld ntynbor 170, in the fltliMf*t.' nd 3d Beotlon of Murray county to eatlary * pnnty court fl fa in lavor of B. F. Prator vs J. Morris. Levied-on Us the property of said John ^AlaoJVdt bflarul nutnljcr 14, tho south half-of lot number 13, tho ; OMit half tjf lot number 23, and the .West half- of lot number 15.ull In tliofitU ‘ rlct aitd 3d tfectiotfof originuily Chorokeo dlatrlct Mil n&n eren of iftift'd in iho southwest corh'eir latcd 12th f ;ol)3? and ng Place,, the. brick I by F. Be Morris and th» rmettola. * l '*' v r » : : S v * V, Kl:n COUNTY.—Slitvdays . Vi »4Sw*l»*»ay,pU<raf *on v-rMh? mado'to the - Of Walker count yfor leave keeps wo too closely «Msi«a>4bMi jsAm.Yvmf' to work .more titan tire* to ? *SI > ju*eva’-5?5p. A«m-r.—arc the arguments agahin it. liut we all Cml that work, cither pliys- ^ JJZORGIA. WJttxn *Tx:cn Corxtv.—Whereas i*. i> r. ef Boljcft CuYflon, deceits fnrlcavoto kcH the ient or iHsittal, is rc^nlre.1 to give us JS^TSw'SSjS^iMrtKBSPS ^nit competence. ' Try tokiceo on a small; seale 3 and gel money enougii to plaut. largely.,. ] Jrin.Jt-<m.-,rr».iuc*!.; pillar 1 erm after Cr M ill bo tlllonm*. Ovd’y. December. 21—COG. i'udmiulst ration on i lato of »ald county, 11 persona concerned bee, on.tlio flrat Mou rn, If tliqy W. U. BROOltJilt, Only. Notioa to Creditors. TI , * *—r—— r^ koiiuia, wiHTi ir.ii tOKN-n'.—TT n How to birnuvL oitt Lands M irn- V.T minis imvhm uiu>ii«nu in nBS , . .... iniui'oi'norulanunt lutlrrs orudnii ovt. Manibs.—Select, eariv in the , tiwctuiu nr u.. ji , , * . . flcceiUH'J: Tills Is' Spring, the Uml you expect to put in j tniiomiii npiuwv i small grain the ensuing fall. * In Feb ruary, or March, break it deeply with n good turning plow, six or eight iiit-[ies at least; let it remain thus, un til you are ready to plant your pens in A—take a good harrow, smooth it nicely, and run off the rows two feet distant, and sow from j to J bushel of peaa—give them onu good ploughing with a winged sweep, large enough to sweep the furrow at one time. Let them grow until August—then turn them fl rider with a good turn plow, not too d.eeply. Sow your wheat in Sep- F it Morris, ut ul, Kx James Morris, dou'd. - rdi-sui J no P King,cl al, Creditors, deal H, cmithltiinfc Kid nth* Utl. mil woods. Terms IS. S. DAVIS, Adm’a . Jan. ai-tdfi.-Pra. feo % 1. A lir.i 1NISTK A TDK's SALE.—Tlv vjrl no of an onlov frmp the Court of Ordlhury of Gor don county, Gu.. wilt bo Bold before tlio Court- House door in Calhoun, M'lthiu tho legal hours Of sale, on till- llr*t --il-t v In Mart'll next, Im.s of land mimbiSra U4 nud hi, lu tlio 7th district and 3tl section. Sold as the property of Jos. ; Trluible, deceased, for thubenellt of the hoirn I ‘‘‘K 111 und creditors. Terms cash. wit: JOSEPHUS TRIMBLE, Adm’r ,Eol Jttu. 2l-40a.-$5. - . | tho 0 trlct and it h Bcotlon, levied on ub tlio property of Joseph Killian to satisfy tno 11 fas iBtmqd from the Justice court, fltMUli dlst riot G. M.', onu in favor of 8.1>. Killian, and one In favor of K. Majors vs sahl JbsopliJCUllan. Property point ’d ont by E, 1>. Graham, .plaint ilf’s altornoy. r i.. j ...o j by constablo.; SliHl’.* ido and rtiturnoilto i: „: i Jan7,lW0. JONATHAN BLEVINS, Sh'l 'T JLMEK SHERIFF’S BALK*-Will bo sold before tho Court-IIouso door in Kllijuy,tm tbo flr«t Tuesday in Fobruury nokt, wlUit'iPtho ;ul lioura of mile, tho following propurty, to- .ots of land humbevB 189,100, lfll and 207, nil Iii . i Otli district and 2d section of Gilmer county, levied on as the property of H. 31. Ralston io satisfy a 11 fa from Gilmer superior eonrt in fa- t .John l’almor against S. M. Ralston und .... Ellington. * • Also, lot of land number 58, in the Otli dist. J oh n Tftllttfcrra Vs Janies Ijiy, und othbr. fl Tu* •all Powell to satisfyftwo Just loirt*(fttvt»ll‘tk*hme made and returned to me liy w. G. Tayjmv il C’„ ftud property pointed out-bydefendant. AIho, lot* dfTand niiiubor.* 203 nml 250, and 120 acroH of lot number 213, andlsaltctft* rfflfttlfliW- t n# iiini iivpuwi-ttaniii lu niiuuty Vit tl (Mipi riOr •art fl’fu* /rout Gordon county, on» DrilscU A and Erwin. Pendleton A co.'va J, A. Black, rvlvoft fttid W. S'? M. Tlldmas? adm’r,‘ Ad.-k lper* h- own hottBO-andilofeln, tlie town of number not-known, lying'* hotiflo fonnofly ftwhea u- from tho superior court of M army county, WV as tho property of solid defendant. D.Iauuhour to,HHO»(y.a fl,fa from Muvruy supe- npr court in favor or A. R. Broyles vs A. J. Bar- licttand J.J); lseuhour.'.'•• town ot cuinoun, Gordon obnntv, Wintitt the i ltHfalUaura of said,on the 11 rat Tuesday in next 1 Miik’li, two lota ot land, containing 820 acres of 1 ftdd 2d Hection of Gilmor county: lovlod on aa land, more or loflB, numbers 1 and 2, lvlng In , the property of Elijah Gumming undIF riuihuu tho otli district nml 3d Boctloil or orfgiimllv 1 C. Cunspholf, udui’is of tho estate it Umvlcs - ’.cc* now Gordon county. Said proiiorty LMooro. dftocusod, to Butlsty a coat tlie property of William Edwards, dr- ffom Ujlmur suporlor court In lavi AtflO,' AT HAMIt TIMS AXU Pf.AOUt Also, lot of land number 99,-reserving the rlglit of way Of tho W A Ait Road thron^u suld lot, and tlio north half of lot of land nntpber. acres whereon*dm Swamp "ItUKtufl-ntt . . T#! tho property of »7redtrrto)c Cox to ‘satisfy’'ft county court 11 fain fiivor of V. A. Gitskiir-VB | Tlioman G. Mnrgun, maker, and -Frederick Go x, j scomity, autl bno other county court fl fa, H. ; Rogers, adm’r of Fiftnli L. Finttli, decehned, vB T.-U. Morgan.princjpul, and Fred Cox, securi ty. ilropurty pointed out by plaintlfT’s nttor- Alsoi nil that part of lot number 2fli, In tiic; nth dkirict und 3d aoctlnn, which- lion west-of Coiinuaauga River and in tho county of AVhlt- lioid,except'that portion thereof'-whichwas oonveyed by Morgan Martin fo James Morris. Property!in poasesrtnu of a mun'by-t ho namn of, Baggett—to satisfy mortgage fl fa from, Whitflold aiipurior court, flivor of G. W/Strlok*. er i'v c-o. vs A. J. HanilsQn.. • ..... Also, ail that portion of lot number 100,‘ih tlib 13th dtBtflot und 3d .section,wliicli lies oh the went aidoof Connasivuga Ulvcrand In. Whitfield uouutv: levied on ua ilia property of Jtihif A. Hogan toaatlafy one li fa from Murray sniwrl- dr court in favor of l). Thayer A uo. vs snid- llo- gan, maker, and Wm. Il. Brothorton and Janies e. Thompson, indorsers. Property in posses- r iun of Wilih-.m llogait. ' . AIbo, lo? of land muivlior 17J, Iii tlia 13lli dlst. and 3d’section, to HUtUfy a 11 fli front Whitfield Hupcrior court in favor of Horsey, Austin A eo. vh J. L. Runts.. Property pointed out by plalu- ttlf’s a'ttornoyi.;. • - •. . • c.d.ut. Also, lots munbors 47 And 4ft, Thornton Ave nue, Dalton, Gu: levied on hh tho property of K. R.Harden, by T. B. Jolly, L. C. Duecmber 2,1807, eounty to Biitlsfyitwo county .court fl-fasTonoiri vs M or paw Mooney, and o TT. H. Morns vs said Moonev.' Levied on the property of said- M. Mooney. Property K ' , Ilf, bho^avdtflbhHnd tlireehbdBUollk: .lbvled don vs said Calatfhan.- Property, iwdiited out b>:’defendant. N. B. HUDGINS, Shorin'. • JammfyT-Ul*;* • * 1 • * * - Holdnathe property of M illlmn Edwards, de- . . , Cca*od, toribo benefit or tlm hulrs and crcdl-' ol court-aguliist- .. , tors’of Hitffl deoeitsed. Fold under authority of i adm'ra of Cfiurlo8_Moprp, Ueoeubed, ' * Terms cash. Also, uiiiHt said Cumniing and Canipboll, tlie,will of suld deet J, G. M. EDWARDS, Oao of tho ExTfl on cstuto Wm. Edwards. Jan. 2M0iI.-Pih. fei-^7. fLKOKGIA, WALKER COUNTY.—At the first VT regular tonn alter the expiration of, sixty days, nppllintlon v lll bfv made to tho Court of Ordiuaiy of Walker county. Georgia, for leave t o sell the lands belonging to tlio estate of Jesse Fclf. lute of spid count y,deee«scd. for tho bene fit of heirs uud creditors of said deceased. Dec.3-2m. WILLIAM HARRIS, Adm*r. T O Nebcmlnli.C'ohb, a resident of the Stute of Alabama, Green county, the heirs of Juno i* "WOJein Bujiciior j J Unlock, n.’niUeuts of the Ftato of Arkum-as, ) Court. ; county of Franklin, and the ltclrs of flald Cobb, rt-Mduiice unknown., . Henry Thompson having applied for probate f at the February term, lfttfl. or tho court of Or- t dlnaiy of Walker county, Georgia, of tho will 1 Rill t/» rr.jrjlmll of T. w.Cobli. Into of sulci county, unci ia said { ‘ •».(»«*»« n,,',HUM you uru Veil's ut luwqt f Asnti etc. C’obb. and that your residence Is ns abovo stated: you uro hereby cited to bo ut tho Ordin- «,.w,land numbers?, lntlio 10th district und 2d section: levied on ns the. property 6f Gilbert Jones to sal isty .a ll fa trom the i’ohrt ol Ordinary of Gilmor county in) fa vor of T. J. Hlulliugs, Ordinary, against Gilbert Jones, P. A. Gates nml Thomim Ifupp. s E.U. Harden. f land numbovU, King SI root, Dalton : levied on ns tlio property of I him tier A Garden, by virtue of a mortgage 11 fa tanned from the Huporlor Court of said cWuiitjy in fli- vonofParrish A.Whitucy.vs Hamnei A Cardcli. . Also; lot of hind loiter D.j and west liiUC lot letter 0., Gordon street, 76 by 120 feet, Dalton survey, to satisfy a li fa from Whitfield superi- ootirt.i J. F, B. Jucksou vb Gordor A Fhortv— : ALs’o, lot .of land number ^25, jind GO acres of half tho gold interest in cast lmir of said lot, ot ndnjbFr 227. ami Ip aere8 or lot miinbnr 223— and six acres in tho south east corner or lot no. CiMlf the 8th district abd 3d flection of Gordon 30^. thelUli district and 8d Hcction : levied on A tad, lot H of laud axuinberu 185,1ft) and 148, in Property 11 '*'J i s , r i tho 7th.dtatrict und 2d section ot.Gllmer.pouii- | „ . A L?. 1 V. V...'7.. n.h 1 ..‘V.l. "IirALKER $IIER1FFJF BALES,—Will bo sold >>'■ BcforrithoCiHirt.-Tlbnno floor,1n the tow'n •Bnfn, tbo followRigpropertv.-to-wit :-' -•• * of George Willi*,- tomtltaTyafi fa from/Walker utierlor court, in favor of John Mcwhortof vh aid Willis. Property pointed out by plaintiff Aaso. Iotbf land number ItiO, lltn-dlstj'Irt’iiml John P.Kcan VMhnhlRansoin. • Properly point ed out l»y Plalntltfi , > •'* v :: . Also, Jotsi of .land ppmbor.* 25)3, yifl. and 273 In .11 til (lUl rlct ami ,tU si'ctloii, to stitlsfy twoflfl.' frohi the Fdnurlrtr ebuYUof ;uMcnnntvIt* favoV of JUmaHiM..Bonds.-and.the'other In favor hf :WBVX Bailey,both agaliint Daniel Btout- Prop- tyli^OMeHHi^n of dvreudttiit and jiolnti>i| out 'Also, lot ofland number3t 1n thn 8th dtatrlot and 4th'»iee.t1on of fluid enuuty,4tiviud'on as tho property of Isaac JcCoUJur to satisfy a.fl fa from Coweta Superior court ut favor of Anthony A limit vs. Raid Collier. JfronejRy .pointed out In the town of Lu te, the same be inset own lots, supposednumuerk '4 and'3, Alifl GlnTbo 1st range of tlio Boutliwcstsoct Ion of-waifl towlfof Lahayctte, lying south o( the aD’eet tliat.ynus west to tlie oreex from tlie Ulot/eTlpteuahd west of first street ;tliat rfins liorth and 86utn rind fronting 1. DAIIen's pr>‘«^nt vcsldeucft. .Also, tho liouRc and lot adjoining roeldencu .of ifiyD. Alien on tho north side of the at rect first men tioned, nunposed tobdpttrt of hUmbcrT.bUt tlie numbers'6rall the abowbcdrir unknown. AIho, half of lots uumbeis Sflfland 67. In tlio 7th dis trict nbd 4th peql ion oftaafd coijuty. levied -on hr the property of John Culd’well- to satisfy a tl fa from tlio Inferior court of Buld'county In >fu- vorofJohn Dickeou v«said Cnldwclr. Property poinjto^Qi\t by defendant. , • Prs foe $0. • Also,’ one'littndrefl acre* of the west and nbrt h part of lot of laud hunibcrf? In tin* 28th dlritriot and 3d section of said county, levied on ag'tlie nropcrty.of VYiq.'T. Clanfents to Buttafya fl fu ftoiu Jitatioo ctniiTofP53tl dtairlct G. M., flivor of John Puryear vs' said CloluontB/ I.ovy made indorser, tho other frOinMurray superior court In favor at J, L; Ktluioudsrtn vs said Tiirry. Jan. 7-tltS.-.1 . J .(-it. T. M SUMlff. AT.flO, AT TUll ^A>tE TIMB AXD ?f.AC<f ' &B the property, of John Russell to satisfy one county court tl fa in tavdr of George Fw aln v* *A3 11. Kusaell, J oil □ 'Russell and .Ac li. Russtil. Also, onohouBe and lot in.the town offcprlue Place, occupied tuld olvhed by Gideon Jacksouk levied on as the property of defuudaut to *at- tafy one county court-fl la In favor of Jumos H. Woods vb suld Jackson.- . Also, lot ofluml utiinbor 312. in tlie 26th dlst. and 2d section: levied ori'astliOpi'Opertyofde- londant toeattaf.v one Justice court il fli in la vor of J. F.' IIalcv vs A. A. McDonald". AIho, lot or Hind number274,'In the 9th dlst. nnd-Jd seetlonj levied on as tho property of a. J? Lonnhrd to ririttafy one Justice court rt la id favor of J.. F.Maltiy vb sttid Leonard.. Also, lot ofTajuf numbcY Ifl, In tlie 10th dist. amt ad Hection or said county: levied on uxlli* •Property of dcfeudliut to satisfy one superior court fl fa In favor of Samuel M/Walls vb Wll- lium WillluniHou. . , ..; Also, piut of lots of land number 199 and 240, in the 9th district and Ud section of eatu coun ty; iHvied.ou. us the properly' of ijufendaiiV io satisfy one county court fl fu in favor of Joseph B,F"wanvH Itliodu'Johnson. ' Atao, one Grist and Fuw Mill and premise* om ’Bfill Greek, knownIwthe Gld Jackson Mitt*: levied on a* the■pyoirndy ,of defeiiduut Jack- ftbu to Hiitisfy one county court tl la in favor of G. I>. Durtiuin, survivor, Ao. vb 0, Jackson and. 15. LKUgnridge’. • Atao, lot of land uumher 271, In tho Cotli rdist. and 2d He^tlon : levied on aethopi operty of dn- fonflnnt to wittafv ouo superior court d ra hi fa vor of W. J. I’eeplea ve Bpi rv.Cordero.. - Aluo. lot or land number .115^ In (lie lOtli dlst.. ftml fid section : levied on h» tlie.jiroperty of tt. Moony to satisfy one superior court 11 fu in fa vor or Danlul Johnson vs Isaac Jurnugln and tram pel Moony, indorp»T Also, lot of land miniber 29. in the 8tli district: itntl 8d Hcction: levied on as the property of de fendant to satisfy one Justicu court fl la in fa vor of Frank Vurnberg V» Hester Glass. Also,40ucres’of iuml on tiiftBonth side of lo> ofland number42, in thoDth dwliict'and 3d*rc- llon: levied on as thP'pVopertV ordeictldnnt io satisfy one snpvi ior eonri fi,fa in favor of M. Trlmralcr v» C. W. Bond. ' Jan.-7. Wv H. ltAMSXr, Dep; Bh’ff. Also, 100 acres, moro or loss, of tbo north pitrt if lot of land number 175, In tlio .10th dtatrlot und 2d HCfctlon of Glliuer county: levied on as tlio proporty of Galvin Douglass to satisfy two 11 fas, ono from Gilmer superior court In favor of Joseph K. Mull, udm’r of John Crumby, de ceased, against said Douglass, tho other, from thd'Justlce court of tho 959th Dlst., G. M., in fa vor of John B. Moore tigainBt Calvin DougluBB and Jesse Horner, indorsers, • Levy mado and returned to me by con nt id >h ,d is MUSK improved with'less j (iW<a IMtifiKn.^55 Sr-1 1 Mrllli-mnnurt or clover, j OVCKI*, In his "History of Civilixs-1 , D. S&T#it ilbjk” says lliflt tnnpringo floes not tie-. Fcott, fortb« benclltof said ward* and Creditors. ’ ‘ m| « - , T. A. FftaTRU, Gnaf. Gorno.v Gorxrv—Two month* ito applicutfon ^1111»« made to the tirt of ordinary of said county, for leave to "! laii'ta belonging to the estate of Janie* Dec 24-2 (^.qku, pond upon love, but upon tlie price of corn. It is evident that children have lunff known this, mid have cveu meas ured love ns men measure corn, ns an-, , —- pears from the common expression', "I ■ th.Su^atj'^«¥»t«»*!lIt c 2Sn?flre'or!«5«u l ive you two bushels and a peek.”— I Jtnn't'tan juu,s J. uunu, Aitu.f. application wili be made to the ! That gr Tlio statistical lover docs not say, ,a.s fi KonerA, GninMvar ho used lo, .Amanda I love thee,, }£ t *of JrflinaJy of« hilt Auiamla proyiaionH are cheap-— There ,is no tolling what hue n«ve!« Mini plays a inan.ihornn^Wy iinhuc* ! lli litis iileu mijiht j)rc;'|;irr r «nr! par- / t eorgt\. __ at'iy WOBstlhe ^11*? U* j.’^'lfrVi^:. kom Ilpw im*rtOi;ilt:»t» h«i oil* 1 , hktt a^it fornW'T^r UfiF: V« fl'jie heart ho*vfj <\r ,.fw of ’ISi V« at:«- i IF»j»e> *i;n 11' \Vith the imrLiftrh' :y refrain . lM-’ingthe —m— —J ...... ctparlegatee^rtnd this Is tocltc the sahl Je- rushaGrlfllnnnd tho next ofklnoftlio testate to appear and show cause ut tho regular, term of the Court on tho first Monday iu February noxt, why thoorder should Lot be granted and res- ignation^UloWod. -Witness my hand and olll- clal *lgnntur«, [l’rs. foe 13. Jan. 7-30d. MILTON RUSSELL, Urdy. Jan. 7-tds. 1*. 11. MILTON, Sheriff. 1 EOUG1A, Wxlkkr CornTY.—A. D. Stownrt ( 11 ......... VJT having applied to bo appointed guardian of tho person and property of Elizabeth J. Mc- Culluh, a minor under fourteen years of age, . resident of said county : This Is to cite ail'per- CocxTv—i wo month*, „ou* concerned to he and appear at tlio term of ion wHl be made to the i tlie Court of Ordinary, tobo bold next after tho aid county foe leave to • expiration of thirty.days from the first nulili- to the estate of N. J eatipn of this notice, iuid show cause, If they ^aid oonnfy, deceasefl. for the \ can, why snltl A. IX Stewart, should not lie id itltov*ami heir* of satdestate. : trusted xvltji the guardianship of tlio person H. C. HINT, Ailmn . nud property or Wlzabeth J. McCifllah; Wit- — —rr — ness my o01cIul Hlgimtur<\ RtK.v CoraTT.—Whcrca* U. M. I Jun. 7-30*1. MILTON RUSSELI*. Ordv. lr-ttcf* of dtainta- 7-* ; . - ill be sold beforetlio Court-House door, In Lafayette, on the first Tuctdav in Fobtuary next, wHliin tlie legal llouti of aule, the fsi- lowing property, to-wit: Lou- of laud Nob. 182, 183, 186, 187, 138,* iAft-'-v-MO, 157, 158, 1«8, 170, 184, 180, 188, 183, 101, 192, 207, 208, 212, 215, 220 and 240, situated in the -12ili dis trict of the 4th section of Walker coiibty, and also lota Non. SOI and fraction 838, lu the iltb district of the 4tli Motion of Walker county, aIio lot No. 25, in tlio 7th district of Ihe 4th section of Walker county—each represented as contain ing one hundred mid sixty acres, except said frac tional lot No. 338: levied on ns the property of William Dougherty to satisfy a [Superior Court •tgugo li fa in favor of Jamei. S Hamilton, n’r nf T N Mlimltlbn fn» llm n»/^ q|' Q rstatotof Snnib Soott 'Mary J. Fcdtt, fr*' ■ aWSEfflTffl V/Iil. »• - tMWMl "tall ’ All |wMorw eoncernvd 1.;. t It i r w»!oct Nm*f if any they him*, • Cr..-.- northed by law. atao letter * * » granted tlio applidlnt.-i- i a*al. this Jan. 20.1*00. D. W. NEEI-, only. il 1 /^.KOItGlA, Walkfu CooTr.—Wlierci\s,Win J/J \ T M. James and John M. Cutlett, Execptort f < : Dl’GlA. Mr.r.ftfiV Gdcxty.—^Wlibrcne, E. t y t\. K-:u» *.Tt jtpidlc- for letters of b,.io.» llm efUte. of S. M. WJtami. f •*!d*-/i.»nir.'d.‘."*-.rfed: Thcff ttrff (hero. talrall, uml singuluv tho ■' i-1 ilceeasott, to file Mr, J. U. Iluun of Loxin-rtrm, Ky;, j i eolil 0110 Immtreil mnteeto Httl) fl Lylu. \ on Wuiliiesilay lest, for $150 pur lieail. ' , . t . . Iii.- M ir.-li Term uruiuCour. . Ul'oat (1 mn a HO lias lioenctoiin liy tils u. 1.1 Is .ill nmat^.on >ri" ttm Monday in frost to tlie orange- proves in Ftoriffa. In some jmi-la.i-f Knstern 1‘Iorulu the , L ’f 1 -Mitei trees have hdoii !viiled. ,ian.ti-.i5.i. J ‘ Prepare soil to plant Irish potatoes, 1 /~mieai*E9t icL‘« and Loots. 1-lili of l'cLruarv. Jr» wuf««i{5 oft he hwt will ami testament of tfho/i, Jones, deceased, bus applied, to mo for loavo to acll tncBbutn half of lot ofland number 2G9, in tho llth district and 4th.section, for tbo purpose of distribution among thu.lcgateos of suld testa tor, and If no objection 1* raised nt tlie first tok- nlar term after tho expiration of two months, Ull order will bh parsed — - > jKitWort<?raj : MLLT . January Sl-Cm.-Frs, fee *J. /’'I EOltGlA, WAtKun CorxTV.—To nil whom VT it may cpn^ern.W.. M. laiwranco having, In proper tbrln, applied to me for penuaiicut lettmn of adnilnlHtratlon ou the estate of John F. Vickery, lato of said county: Tills ta to Cite all and singular tho creditors and next of kin John F, Vickery tobo aud appear at my office within tlio - time allowed by-law, and show cause, ifupy they can, why letters of, adminis tration should not bo granted tlio applicant or said estate. Witness my liaml and oillclal big. nature, this Jan. IRth. iwts. Jun. 21-300. MILTON RUSSELL, Orfl’y Adui’r. of T. N.Tl«inilton for the Yancey v*. WilliaimDouglnu ~ ‘ ‘ A,’.A. HI Dee. S-Sw. ilMOXfl, Hhtriff. rr6pcirty : pointed out by plalntiu^s attor . Atao, lot of land number 10, In the 121 ft tlfst. Also, .... ...... aiid 3d sccllou, to satisfy a 114a from Whitflcid suporlor court, John Doe,.t , “ , “ T " " W. o. Fuffold, ’ Wm. Morgan, Isimc Boring and I*. M.Bouth—i. tlm property of P. M. Routh. Property point ed out by plaint Ilf’s attorney.- i Ww;M.: Lot number 70, on Hamilton Street, Dalton, Ga., krnnvn ns tlio Earnest corner lot.: levied op ns tho propurtvof IDE, -Wells by all lain favor of P. 51 .Cruigmilus vs B. E, Wclla amI L. W. Earnest. Also, city lot op Cnylev Street; botwefln Mrs. Bowmans-uudiDr. Gudgors, lncloriod withiauicl Gndgera lot, being 40 feut front by 118 leer, and lot mtuiuer-A on fuyler firect, nlso lot numbor 7, ou corner of Eaav Siorrisund-Dopot-SttAct, liftiitjnc on t lio former 60 loot uml boundtrtl'ou tlio cast hy-Dopot atreet, runningbi-ck J80 fci-t, nil of said three lots icvied-ou ufl tho mrOportV of L W Crook, by virtnoof a fi.fa from Whitfield superior court in favor of.J \Y Kinflior va L W Crook.,; > prs foe $5 Also, tlio house and lot on tho comer of Ham ilton and Crawford street*, i fibin jusliutf court offl71*UdI»trlQt, G;.MA two in favor of Andersou ft Gilbert and ono in favor ofW. W. Gjlbert vs Washing! on Ransom. Prop erty lu possession of Bald Itaupom, Lovy-mpdo anarotuvnod tojno by J, T. DoftlitvL. G. •* ‘ Atao,lot ofland iftimbuf 67 lu tho 7Ui district and 4tli sL’ctton of Walker county, IpvTccl on to fiHtisfytwo superior eonrt tl fa*, one In favor of Ell Fowler, thn fltli oi- In favor of A. ’ * Jesso Jay.. Bald lot ta unimproved. Also, tbo undivided’ half of lot of iKfld nnpi- bi’vlSO, lylngin thn.26th district and Stl section, ite the property ofG. 11.May nnd'W..vJ. Kay, to •sKtWfy- an oxecntfdn' from IifiiVlny Hiiperlor cojjrt in favor of John. P.rVanrvri av. J. ltuW G. ll. Muy.'Jj D.THenUo'ar,' I>nvi*1 8m 1th- and J.- F. btanferd. Property yioifttod’orn by pl’tlJb'aU’y. Also, ISO acres, more or ledfl, of lot of land num ber lt»,7Uidtalriet nnd 4th section, 1 being tbr ■placfl Wborcon G. W.Holflen itmv llvhs, liivicd on a* the property of TttbUiM A Fenta. lo sattaiv r a fl fa front the Superior eouH ’of'Haul county, •in favflr of Josso T. Smith x& T. A. Sentannd i>. Ct'Fpvrlas endorrior* for James IT, Culberson. Pi’opflrtv pointed ont by 1). GV’Ftvrrlbs; kor county, C ATOOSA SllEmFF-S SAT.kS.-Wlll besoM: before tlio Goui't-Honso door,- in tbo tow tv oi Ringgold, Catoosa conuty,.Gt , orgla. on tbo first Tnesday'ln T’ebniary-nextVthu following, property,.to-will - • *: - ’ r t ofland number 3?, in tlio lltb districtand- I’otinu of Catoosa county, n as tbe'nVop'Brty- of Henry. Hulsey by/me J native fcoutt fi-fu from; llOtth district. G.*5f., .loscpirMommy va said llutacy, Lovy uiudo und returned to me by ,a countable. Atao, tho niidlvldod one-nlnth Into vest in and to lot of land number 2. In the lltli district and 3tl section of Cutfloau county, as tho property of G. WVTtirnor-by 0110 Justice eon i t fl fa from tho 110'Jlli Dist., G. M*, of Bilid county, Wm. M. Tur- Vier vs G. W. TurtiOiv * LoVjtW-and returned to ^iteffi?bf lnnd burabnrs 7, 8,’ 41, '42,-43 and t»fl, ifi tho 28tU- district find 8fl 'section of Catoosa county, as tlmproperty of JolinD. Gray by tlio following fl fas froniJOutortHU'supril'IdYcourt — L Ji. f WuUs lor t!)o,uae of Gralgiuiles E, JJ. .Wolta lor tbo,uso of P^M, Craig miles vs J. lXGrnyVandoiuf Hp'cncor Marsh vrt.L.D. Gray, •principal, und Cffflsn ft .OJmttortga Rltor-U. ; U. Co. endorsers, one A. ft Y. ltuod v* Robt. Gray, maker, and .MX Gray, OntfOTtribr, and ono Morii o %Marsli va J. D. G rojvnnd onu E. J. Dossier .tb . D. Gray? principal, and Kobt. Gray, soourity occupied by J ... ... fed ouias the of J (J Worthy by a - fl .fa from Wlilt- C AVorthy us the grocci*);7 lovted ou as tilt E XECUTOR’S SALE.*—ily virtue of nuthori- ity ia me vested bj an order from the Court of Qrdiuirjt of Gordon county, Ga;, -I- -wiK sell, on tlie first Tuesday in February next, before the Court-House,door in Calhoun, between the legal houi-o of sale, the following lands, to wit: Lot No. 2*4, iu the 8lli di*tiiot,and 8U lection of Gordon counfy; lot No. 204, ia the 7th district and 4th icctlon of’Wulker county ; ^ of lot No. J12, iu 13 tli dist riot and 2d eection of lMukin* 'county'; \ of Jof So. BOB, iu llth district ala) 1st sectiou of Lumpkin cauuty; lot No. 811, in Oth district and 2d urction of Gilmore county; lot fi5j Bill district and 2d icclioji of Gilnioro coun ty'; part of lot N6/216, in 7lh dist rict-aiid 2d section of Gilmore comity: T of lot No. 01; in 26lh district nnd 2d Motion of Gilmore county. Sold as the property of Joseph Wilson, de ceased, for the beue6t of his lmir* and creditor*. Terms cash. WILLIAM’IIODI.EY, tfi’r. ; Dec. 10-td*. [Prs. fee f)10. Ur. £. O. SlaliTord ~ R espectfully tenders tmiffl vices to U10 clttxena of Murray and.ndjace* counties. '.All^ JHitatu j>JevJinr fo an Chronic JUftjiam* of every, description trented OfKe at the residence of Mrs. Humphreys’, HdwkinB’etorc, Rock Creek, Murray county. — .—vLti^ytjnl turned to mo by W. r Good son, L, 6. Also, lots ofland, numbers 252, 217, 214, all In 1028th district’Add 3di.8tiat1on.Of Walker noun-- m\ lovJcd on to satisfy ouo Suporlor cotu’t fl..fa against JnuiofliMi Piiiatcrltng In-favor of -.fl T- out by plaintiff’s attorney. > • . « - tisattafv.ono Walker auporlnr court flYa; favor if .John M- Combs, jtdro’r, J. T. McGquejl, d?a’.d, vs J. IL Evatt., Property In.poftfcerislflfa of said T!v«lt; and pointed out by philntfffs att’y. Also,*80 aerefl of lot numbor 300, m'ul lat 303,ull II. Rogers, favor of Edwin- Bates ft Co. Prop- pointed ; 'A.yAv SIMMONS,Sh'ff. f , whloTtml, iuid KObt. Gray, s _ . ....appeal. Said propertypolntcd odtbj^plain- tlfl>,uttornevs. [Pra. fee on this levy 44.. ' Atao, lot of land nutnbur 200,'1n tlio 38th .dlst. and 3d section of Catoosa county, as the prop erty orL. .f. mrhnrrt by ono BaVtow supenor court fl’fu, Beard ft Henderson vs L.. J Hllburn amt Gcmg«8. lUuulc, security. Property point- gold, ntunber not known, in tlie northwest an- glq of Nashvillu,m)d.Gospcl Ubige Btroots, con taining tivo acre*, more or Jhsri, us tho property "of AYm. J. Henry by oner Chattooga superior court 11 fu, Rosser ft Beaty vs said \v. J. Henry. Said property occupied by J,.T. Rape and poin- nr. & »v. iUtii Uisirict njid 3d section.of Catoosu county, aa the property of Isaac Denton by ono Catoosa -superior coiirtfl fh,-JfW‘. Wofford vs said Isuuo Denton. Prppartv.pointed out,.by plaintiff ’* ntffti’ncvs.. - XTtfALKEK’JiipTtTGAQE SALK-tVtti \£ soid W before the Court House door In LaEavette on tile first TuVsdayin Maixih ft 1 • *.! Timothy Ford, and J C Worthy ft Co., security. ■ wkuiu R.* SOUTHERLAND, D. S1F1V, AT.BO, AT THW fl AM I1T1MK AND VI. ACE: Qne lot situated on the south side of Main Street, iiQAy*pecuplod by L. N. Spears, also tho st’oi'u honsB dlrectly.casU)f T. 11. Pit tiers store house, an»V North of-MfdbStreet, torsattatyiotie li fu from Wliltlleld BuperJpr CQurt,in Javor of B. F. Prater vs Henry--ft Roliius, maker,and o. C. Davis, indorser.' Lcvled on. as tlift property of IL F, Robins., Tbo lots uro In ’Varnoll Stutiou. Propei-tj polutcooutby plalntilL ■ .*• • t B. W. ROBERTSCN, D. Sbff. . .r0STr0NEP r SALE^ r AT TUH'SAMK TIME ANfr lit IOI.D: , M Pinne tiinggmhplnce,, T,l?o rtpiejvab^ le«#ft ir e*tuto lor year* of. the Daltoii Mittlrtfnc til ring (’omp.Tur, in two parcctaioMHnd adjacent to said ol tand nml term or estate for.yvaragre. more par- • . * r K a tleujftrljf described .gnd fet.fyrtli iu Mdeed,or Iptoio made by the-Dalton City..Couipany,to;raid.M,ann* facturing Company, dated 1st October, 18^6, and’ rei’oCded in Clavk’k Oflicc- of WHtlfield' 1 Superior' Court, Hook 1) prga 70—alUfivietl upontoraat!*-; fy omlvby vlrtuo -of .inndry li fa* from Superior' ^.oyt$ of>1 * ' " * 4 Company. .(avor of YanderpooVft Shiite, _ . ^ _ aell ft Co., ope in favor of J R Drown, adm’r of be held in eald comity, <Sn tho first Monday».;in ■J Lewis, dec’d . and dne in fav6'r 6f v tX Shu- Fabtitary next, Qtherwj*? laid letter* nill p» mate. • AH of said 1 property in pofsesVlcm of de- gr*nt*d the applicant. Given und*V tfiy- TihW'il ehdauis. : 1 fPra 1 . fee Tor alioyCBfevyttfi,' *nd flffiel*l »iRuature thl* 28d December, 1868. Atao, Ibis of land ntunber* tiifaiu\iol, T i«i fstli ANDl?RSt)^ FARNEW0RTH' Urd’y. Istijct and 3d lection: leiifcd ono* the property Decctnbfr 24—S04. ' 1 1 rr Edn^.lA.'ifunRAT'CouKTT.^-W herea*, It. U A. Giddcua rpplieato me forlettem of ad mihjsthitlon oh the estate pf •Wi’ii.' E. Cleveland, Uie of said epu^r; dae'eapad—These are tbeii* -fore to cite amt admoniah .all and *ihgular .ihe -tlie 1>rdport.y of T. T. GOSn’rill byJflne stiporior »ww»f|aTO' . Jun. 7-tds. V ’ J.AH.atd0J.URK, Bliortff. EORGIA; CATOoriA Couwt^-O. W, Trim- \y mlQr having appliiMl;tn..propertfiorm’for ® Tlionmfl iff BtiTilS® at cflf efid ooun^, ford to bo and ■appoar at anyjolllcqjlwithin. the «hoiiW-»oUHi.fftaMti> ; IV. TiTiumlor on Jeu.j-aie. ■ ,ff..M.Cff>ipPjOrai-., ourt of Ordinary} bu hold next after intrustod with tho gimrtliahBhlp of thy persons nnd proporty of sliId Minora, witness ihy tiffl- •*uid«Ountr, doccasod: 1 • ' Tll:'] TIIOS. FRJSBEH* Adm’jy January 21-2m.—Frp, foe fl.