North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, February 04, 1869, Image 3

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NOUTIl"(JEdlllliA CITIZEN. * HFlWfaY A. WRENCH. Local.' TULUSIMY MOKMMi, I KNRI 111 V 4, (869* HFH'd'ltiTTlON. TWO DO I. LA 119 A TEAK, Four r.ipl.w fur Six Dollar.*, In Coming this Way. From lit* Home Courier wt gather the gladden ing intelligence that the Indefatigable Barney line commenced grading between that city and tWl on Che Selma, Home and Dalton Railroad, and the work will be pushed to completion. Wont we all get on a bender when then f The Bifkf Law, • The Supreme Court, laat week, docldcd this law constitutional, Brown and McCemy affirming, Warner dinohtlng, in very emphatic and strong terms. TliU la the act, aa amended by tlio Leg!* laturc, which provides for the equitable adjust, went of old claim*, etc., according to previous uud present condition of debtors. Stott’* Monthly. - It Isa matter of phasure to note the improve, ment of thla Georgia Magazlue. Iu page* are filled with pure and Instructive matter. Splen did now stones just commenced. Now la the time to subscribe. Only $4 a J Cir * Ferment Bead JL In our agricultural columns, will bo found aome ytry Interesting original wdlclea* by,the editor of that department, who knowa whereof ho apeak*. Read and profit thereby. Foreign lusaranec Cempanles. These companies, doing business In tills State, hare not, heretofore, beoft required to pay any State tax, to the great detriment of bom* compa- tiles. Thq present Legislature boa a bill beforo It requiring a license feu hereafter. It Is well. Tax' them ao high that Georgia companies may have; tho monopoly.. . 1 / .. “„•> Jnsllce Swindled. The negro, Dallas, convicted at our last Coortj And Mtticuced to work on tho chain gang twelve months, made Ids cacnpo from the guard, near Calhoun, while being conducted to Atlanta, we lehvn. lie swear* vengeipce, It la said, agalnat Mi “persacutora.” From hla past record, a dose of buck shot, from a good gun, U tho Only len ience which will effect the scoundrel, Dally Press—Augusta. AVo have neglected, heretofore, to notice tlie advent of tho above hjimed candidate for public favor. It la published by Col. IlaulefterJ a veter an Quill driver of this Bute. It present* a hand- aome appearance, and it marked with that energy and ability characteristic of Its publisher in olh- or daya. We return thanks for an X, at it la the only Augusta dally received by us. Maimed Soldiers. Fifty thousand dollars were appropriated .by the Georgia Legislature, March, 1886, for the pur pose of furnishing artificial limbs to the Indigent sod maimed soldier*. Of this aum $18,000 re* inains unappropriated. The Comptroller Gener al recommend* an additional appropriation of $10,000 for that purpose, by the present Legists* iure,.- Griffin, fc Queen. In the new Driek Store house, next to Dukof* xersnd tovenun, Is where thc*o gcniieraeu hold forth. Mr. Queen is welt known a* th-c Auction man of Dalton. . Dry Goods, Groceries, etc., can be bought on as favorable terms at thla house as any olher in town, and we bespeak for them liberal patronage. They aro In the commission business and will give the highest market ralei fur country produce, and in tiieir advertisement, in another column, tKll.Vd found further partlcu- W- ' ~ " - Mall Facilities. The Comptroller General, In hla report, very wisely suggests that the Legislature call the atten tion of Congress to tho want of adequate mall facilities In Kotth Georgia. It in to be hoped that something will be done in the premises, a* it is loo great an inconvenience for citizens of tldr enlightened government to go fifteen and twenty miles for their mail. Such an oversight might tie accounted for in tho wild? of Africa, but it is m stigma upon the United Spate/ Government, to *a) tho least of ft. The American Agriculturist. Tltbi valuwbleFarm,Garden nndllousehold journal tdr tlie present month,.la on our table, and appears lu ail Improved.and more handsome form. It ia out of the very best. Profusely illustrated with handsome engravings. It is the largest and cheap est. Price $1,6(1per year. Orange, Judd & Go., New Yorlr. Any person sending three subscri bers to the Citizen, $2 each, can gel the Agricul turist a* a premium, bitd, In Murray:-county, dti the ——of’January, ilrs. Mary A. Winn, consort of Dr. E. E. Winn, fclio was a pious and devoted wife and mother, •nd a true Christian. Her relations and friends bare lost a peerless member. Peace to her ashes. ' * lfew York Card. In anothaf column of this paper will be found the card of Mark L. Whitman, -with the wtole- tala cloth, ng House of Messrs: Rogers, Morgan & Grubb, 877 and 870 Broadway, New Ybrk.- Mark** business qualifidatlon* aro well enough known in this scclitfa to recommend him to the favora of our clothing dealers. Ills house, we aro Informed, is thoroughly Southern, no .one of the- firm being of the wooden nutmsgs, shodyism, etc., class, and understanding tho wants of aur people, with wlmtu they hav* lived, spare no pains in pro curing the very best goods for Southern Custom trade. On our friend Mark’s *ay so, we do not hesitate to commend the fir n to our merchants visiting to that city in the Bpring. Why Is (hi* Thu t It is, indeed, painful to tis to censure any one, moro especially an official, when we were active in making him an offiscr; but the universal Odm- plaint which greets our prying ears, forces the unpleasant task. No I we will not censure, but merely mako a few suggestions. The Tax As sessor of. (Ms county has been through our town on his official business, but ** like a thief in the flight,” ao quietly that but few were award of his presenco, tho consequence of which Is, many are doubled with the present already onerous enuo exacted. This doe* not seem to be treating hla constituent' with a proper degree of courtesy. We aro awaro that many do not attend to giving In taxes promptly, bat that la no cause why all should be oppressed. The tax assessor, gentleman in whom we havo tho utmost confi dence, as our back files will show, may, possibly, be non-plnssed at tills notico, but our. community is too far advanced in the roar:h of civilization to depend solely upon Important official notices being published at cross-roads, and on the oaks of the forest, In writing. Now, come, give the good people another chance—appoint a day in Dalton, state that it will be your last call, and If not then attended to, why “then comes tha tug of war’’— double tax. Bend a notice of the appointment to the Citizkx, and if the Printer’s fee is too heavy, R shall appear gratuitously. The enlight ened community expect to find each notices in the local paper. This same Is applicable to otfi- ***> A hint to the wipe, etc- An Lfldence of lUUtnlng Prosperltf. Nothing ll inure convincing than tlio returning prosperous condition of the country lurrcfuudiaf tills city, than tlio Immense quantities of produce shipped from thla Depot. Thro# hundred car*, loaded hero, have been started southward the present week, employing from three to four trains daily, whllotho State road freight yard Is rammed and jammed with heavily loaded cars, numbering stout one hundred and twenty. The freight from both F.ait and West' of here sceius equally aa great. We understand thcro la, now, 150,000 bushels of grain at Lowden, Tonn., for tlio Geor gia murker* while nt our. neighboring village, on the State Una, lied Clay, there are sUty-elglit loaded ears, awaiting 'locomotive power. Over 20,000 head.Of mules lmvo been transported over the Bute road this season. At our depot, Capt. Baker, the agent, Inform* us, that from 1000 to 1200 bushel* of grata la received dally^ 'while immense quantities of other produce are alio shipped. Laat Friday tho business on till* road csceded that of any prcvloua day alncc the pres- ent administration. If tbii In not practical cvl- dance of the good time coming, wo are no proph et. A few moro years of continued activity, and the bustle of our quick little city will surprise the natives. In connection herewith we would mention the fact ot Col. HulbUrt having mads Dalton a point on Hid through freight lino, or rather giving our merohanU the advnnugeof through freight tariff, in consideration of which facte very complimen tary- jotter wa* wr|tte:i from thla place, signed by moat of tho merchants. It Is nothing moro than waa due uis but Kupt. H. deserve* tho thank* of the planting community for. first acceding to our demands. Previously, we understand, the tariff on groin waa eleven cents, now it la nine, a sav ing of tome seven dollars on a car load. Mr. Diikor, agent bore, appear* to be fall/ up to hie laborious and vigilant duties, while ho Ugefioralty accredited with' being active ahd efficient. Dalian —Tlie Dim-Gap Read, During the past summer wo were highly elated ith the spirit of public Improvement engendered oy some of our leading citizens, in the grading, or milling down of the Dug-Gap road, so. as to render It passable with loaded wagons. But bow soon did the enterprise Wl to the ground. Tliose most active, at that time, seem now to hate for gotten that such an undertaking was ever con templated. Themero proposition of placing Dal ton In direct communication with the rich, fertile valleys of tho Armucbee, Was applauded by tho sturdy farmers of that section, and heartily did they Welcome the Intelligence of a prospective route by which their teaming barn* might be poured Into a lucrative market, and their supplies furnished nt low figures; and so was the fact her alded throughout the Stato assn exhibition of the public spirit of our people. But tlie whole thing vu like King George's parade— . .“Ten thousand men marched up the bill, , And then marched down ugitiu.'* Committees of Finance and Examination were appointed, and.ordcred to report to thoChsirmau of tli* meeting .which appointed them, tlie whole proceedings published, and tile work was to bo Immediately commenced. What those commit tees ever did, Is yet to bo made known, if any thing wasdono. We are of the opiuion that tho work fell still torn for want of euergy. . It ws* decided not only practicable, but that $1000 would accomplish tlie* object. Influential and men of ability of that section were, and are now, willing and anxious to push up the enterprise,— Shame upon our merchants, who were to be moat benefitted, for not giving Ultra Importance de manded. If the mutual beuefite to the good pen- pie of this city and those valleys were not sulfi cient to prompt an investment of thla kind, the miser's worship— “Gold, gold, gold, the chink of gold,” Might have done «o. Tlie advantages to be reaped by tlie early completion of tills enterprise arc too plain to need enumeration. Is there energy, perseverance, and liberality enough In Dalton to again start and flnirii the work of cutting down the hug-Gap ridge? Echo answers—wait'and see! ’ ' Co-operation—It* Benefits, The subject of co operation has; we regret to Wr, like everything clad of the same character, received too little importance. The benefit* arc too numerous mid plausible tobc gaiiisayed, even by Uie hiostifitVednlous. Our idea in venturing the suggestions to' follow are, simply to show how •asy it la for mechanics, by eloso application and tho aid of each other} to rid themselves of tlie lcachc* **110 would, draw the lust drop of life’s b'ood, for the rent Of uncomfortable shanties.— Wherever co-operation, or mutual aid, ia pipcUo- ed l).v working men, wo find them successful. The benefits to the town and member* arc too obvious to mention. If wo can only produce a spirit of enthusiasm on this subject, practical prodf will sustain us in our most sanguine hope. The plan to pursuo is very plain: say form a stoicty; as Is done in other places, of five hundred members. Let each member take two shares, of five hun dred dollars each, upon Which he pays ono dollar week. At tho end of every two weeks $1000 is thus collected, when tho members draw lots for tlie privilege of using tho niOney iu building a house. The w loner gets the money, gives a mort gage on tho properly td the society, and when the houso is finished pays a per cent, hr rent on it,, say of ten dollars per month, towards' tho liquidation of tlio debt, freo from interest. When, tlie borrowed money is repaid the niortgago is released ami the borrower owns tlie bouse. One man can toko more than two shares by paying ac cordingly. As* wo.have not that number of me chanics in our midst all can engage in it. It cun be differently managed, but we gire the above ss what ia considered the most successful plan prac ticed. Will aome one take it iu hand f Sonthera Rome J**rnaL / Thla favorite Southern Literary journal is mak ing rapid strides in iu success!*] career. The beat contributor* are now writing for it. Two stories juat. commenced— 1 “i«//ar’a Fata, ortho Incarnate^ Fiend,”, this “GajnblerV Orphan,” and several short ones; In a/rew weeks Alexander Durooa’ new story— 1 "Lore and Liberty, or the Man of thoPoople.” Price; per year, $8. Address John Y. Slater, BaUftnore, Md. Wo send the Journal and CinSfynor $8,76. A Good Idea* The Columbia Bun domanda that the Legist* ture shall past stringent laws against hunting on Sunday, thudenabling tho people to go to cbuich if they wish, instead of compelling them to stay at homo''to protect their cattle against hungry doga *96 “four dollar shot guna.” The/ can do better nearer Home. We see that many families are leaving various parts of Georgia for the Western States, and are sorry to know that even some of aid Early’s citi zciih are preparing to do bO. Our advic* to all is to stay ip Georgia. We hive whipped Rad icalism, can do it again, and the old Bute hat a living and homo yet lor all honest and industrious people.—Aar/y Couniy h'eiu. Those dissatisfied with Die existing lUte of af fairs In that portion of Georgia, would do well to visit our section, where peace and quiet reigns supreme, csrpet-bsggera are curiosities, nigger* era niggers, and the country Is prolific and ploas- ant and. provisions are plentiful. Do not risk your precious icslps smongrt fho marauders of the for Weal. Married, By the Rev, J. A. It. Hanks, 1 on tl.e evening of tho 2d Instant, Mr. Jons L. Oxi.t to M»*a M, Callawat, both of Spring Place. The above waa accompanied with a beautiful and delicious luart cake, for whtcli we Under tlio sinccresl cmollbni of our—appetite. May their brighten Idealdroatns ba realized, and their bliss ful pathway adown the stream uf timo ba aa sc- letto as—their courUhip. It'Is Em Bo* Wlult Wlijr, tint oita or oitf Ijrg.'.t ftrjr Good* and Clothing Stotf. In tho city I. dolct- mlii'nl to clone outll.bu.hi.u.t lint oott, «nd ir wo m.y Judge from tho crowd, dully putvIiM* log from llulofror X horerntn, it la really 10. If ony of our friend, want cheap good, let thorn flock thither, Dalton Domcitle Market. IIUTTBIt—SO to coni a.- DOGA— in coin. I>ur dozen. KhOlllt—,I0 to Ml per barrel. Illlili- to80 ccuta per Ira.hol, CORN— to 1J pci Inuhol. Il.iCQN— 16tnl8perlh. SUGAR—llrown, Into SO ell. per lb SYRUP—70 to , WIIBAT—*l.» per hnrtiel to (5,00, COKPKR—80 loanj cents por IU. OIIKKSR—85 to 80 •• COTTON YARNS—(2,10 to (8.2J porbuncli. OAUGO-UI to 11 Jct». per yard. 0ANDI.ES—Tallow, 25 eta. por II). Adamantine, 80 eta. pet lb. PJ5APF,—50 cent.., GIIICKKNS—15 to 20 cents. PORK—Ifl to cent, per III. OATS—00 cent, per bnah, UOTTON—84 to 25 per pound—In d.mand UERSWAX-80 cenu per lb, ONIO.NS-1,00 par built, Atlanta Markets. From Mei.ri II. T. Coz k tiro'. Market report, of Tuoal.y, we find the Atlonla price for produce lobe, for rorn (I5n,l— In acGrc demand | Wbrzl from 175 to 825—dull and confined to want, of inillriw! oata 0Ho06—nctlre i Flour P to 12 per b.rtvl; llullt meal. IVorn 14 to 181—heavy de mand;. Ibid ]0a20; Rutter S0a85; Kgga MalB; Mralti5nMt IrUli Potntora 50n to 1.25; Pea. ,1 to 115. Unuanal demand lor couture produce. How often do yon hear the complaint from mother and father that their non or daughter la not wall | that they havo no appetite; that they feel languid; that (heir hcadachca; that they aro growing thin and feolilr, and that they hare 110 life or energy ltd. That they aro low Iplritdd, and perfectly Incapacitated to participate in any pleasure., or perform any mentul or physical,du ty. And the question I. often asked, wliat shall I do for thorn! or, whatnliall I give them I Our enawer In, let them try Plantation Hitter, moder ately three time, a day, and our word for it they will recover. Msoitou* Tfavitn—Superlnr-t6 the boat tin- ported Upnnun Colonge, und cold nt half tho Female Regulator. Art.*!tt.t, 0*. liar. 5H lSt'A, Bn. .1. JliiAnviKUt—IViiv nlrt—I tniro pb-tiaurn In atntlng thut some tittle pl-cvtou. to tlio Into wnr. I Oacit, with lUo minnat wuccom. on n .or* MHlSinHK Blio bdil been aufrut-InirHoverolv from auppresa- i'il mount ruut lon, and this Mcillclnu aoon restor ed her to houltb, Mm ia, tOMlay, living in At* lunliu aoilitd iuuI well. I will Miutc, further, that 1 know of Its being used; with equal Httoc8*M, on n Hecvjihl girl m my broUinr-tmmw^rpfvaKOr Rutborford of Alli ens; Giu Thla woman hud, I think, been di*. cased for. six yeura. him was u house aorvYutt. and Hcemed cured, un to the time of “fl‘ecdom. M I <lo not heultate to - Indorse your', prepurut ion Soldtiy L. 1', (itnlgcr ACo., DruggUt., IMltoti, State Items.' Dr. H. Marshall, of Atlanta, has in vented a milk pail vrhioh, 'Yhoitjjh it may be kicked over, holds on to tho milk. Tlfe testimony for the State in the case of the Ogeei ltee prisoucra nt Sa vannah, Ga., was closed on Friday. It has been demonstrated by actual experiment in several Southern States that free negroes and hogs enn't live iu tlie same neighborhood. Unhealthy for the hogs. Business is brisk in.GriMn, Ga., and counterfeit legal tender of the denomi nation ef $20, $50, and $100, of .tho Is- sue of May 10, 1802, have made their appearance. Lande in the viuiuity of Columbus, -Ga., liava increased at ' least 50 per cent, from tho low price at wbiclt they ranged just after the'cloiio or the. tvar. Dillon, Radical Chief Of Pollca under Blodgett, at Augusta, Ga., who killed Red aome lime ago, has been acquit ted. The Eagle and Phoenix Manufactur ing Company of Columbus, Ga., will declare a dividend of $10, to $12 a share on or before March 1st. » .41 tVfUtj C01111>1111 >*, lit , Dalton, Saturday, I'Hrum y u, |sun. liftereatlntf apfnken wilt l«t bfWettt, nml Hooka fcrtiunscrintloii lositnb| opi-nfalt -til trlemlly to the oUtolprlaO Bln umitutly- ■ Itc.1 tunt.rnil. order or llie cominl..lotior^ M ASK L WIIITMIV, nf l.nnntlllr, by., formerly ol Ringgold, Oa.. Wholesale CLOTHING, Allnlti) 310 nroaituny, . : MAI VtiRh. UnmoornouKiiq. Mono,\N'd mifnit, j,-.-) Janunry 23, IM0-8t. Rewind nniTK,ue7: J, lm.YDFIKI.D'S romalo UrqHint or, Kemulo Hoquliitor, Fuiuulu Uiq-iilulor, YToman's YVoniftti'tf AVuumu's „ . Bu^t Friend 1 Prepared tm 1 So d M '—titaw- ws£ » Aljnnlq, <^i\. t?*FprSnlnby.La P. OUDOEIt * C'uVbj-uJ* isti, Dulton, On. .litii.U ly ..... ., A . ...mmmmmmmtm "THK iilV 13 D : PK.'.LEIIS IN Drug's, Moiliomea, Paints, Oils), Window Glass, Putty, etc. tO.OoiJ pon’idi IVI ill 2 l.oiti!} And Jiuxes i rfiicli YVimluU 1iia«l, 2000 gallon! Pure Linseed Oil, . 2o barrel* T.umcia Oil, 60 bum'll Non Rxplui'ir* Coni Oil, ^ • !' 10 bnrrula Pnrmlaiinl QTACEY HQVfiE, ” ' • ^ All kind* of Macbinc.* Oil, Pure Bramlles, Liquors, Grftblno Lortillaid’* Sdfcfl. ■llnvlng thoroughly rmiovuteu' iml ri'ntlort -" l U" l’op"'^ Patent MedMu# MHlVvurytiling aeiMDy kept In « Hral t l«<i liritR llcusc. 1I.V- JJiq ijlncoy Hous«j. 1 liiti now iircimretl to glvn ; lux' recently added a large MRSortidont of Imporlcil auil Aincrlcnu Guodi lo our gtnernl *took, wear® price*. >*<■'■> Urn-H- U 5.010 •ILNh.-. TAkl ra'Wjwf. • r . *v- . . v ' JUKI F 'I HU pun r-t. fJnW M'att'bw, lr.Mii y>:< ;'l ') ;o “ •• R-S» »' • 4 lot ItV-J' Y.mU-o flkkMt f t ... ..’ 2 w,tt 1 inr China Piste-, p* r -<-tl up- nnii ivtlecr(, per aclY, 1 T;.»is )4 pl««, lu on nroto lirlqt-... TrnvulU-j-a « Ul llVul lYt'o tlle't'r'm’ -Y^'ropt, nhjt'«ft’omukoTmlttiio)r»ioi Hugh Dougias & Co., •WHOLESALE ■ W :.DUY GOODS, NOTIONS, AC., . No* 53, Public Square, la ft Av vmsm inx rcc . Offrring spovUI iuducvuiciil* lo Gsib purubuK'iv. RED.WINE A VOX f Corner M'hllchnii amt *liabatna Street*. Violin M lor. CrttuoimV siid utber Viodus nt bigbsr prices, line Violin String, perbimeU, I Guitar filings, |) w r u ti ol *ii, ATLASTA, UKOHOtA. W. GRUTO HPXEJLP ffe po, ' • Jobber* of DRY GOODS, Grocerieb, Notions, Hats and Shoes. No. 10* Market Street. Nos -Am OHAITAS’OOUA, TKKJtZ DR. n. II. UKOIIW, Insurance and Land Agent, KINO STKKKT, PAI.TON, IIKOlUllA. A GENT for .-ETNA Idle lind Flrc !n,“Uniner, Company/ Alan, Jofforaun and Junius llivcr Fire liuiiraiiue Cmnpanlua, of YlqjliiW, Enterprise, at Ciiicinnutl, and R jlnain, at Hart ford, Fire Injiirancc Ombpnnlci And cure, ltefcrj lo Col. C. U. IVellioni, AtlimU, Col. W. II, Tihhs, I.owry Ac Kmttm, Hon. D. A. Wiilker, and Col. J. A. It. Rimka, Dalton. la. OOIIEN, luranTtii or RivntiUr*. »'lnts,VIn,Clears, He. D F.AI.BH In RYU, IPiCnilON owl MONON- (1AIIKI.A Wills Kills, ■tiatiufnetnrt.vul tha eolrhinteil JliUeri. Btoro Romp on WMti-hnll 3tK, Alliuitn, Ga. Nuv. S-Stu' , Boots iJb Slioc3. G. H. <St A7W. FORCE, Wltolaule dealer. In BOOTS & SI-IOES, Whitehall SI,tit, Atlaul,,, 6*a,- K BF.P on hand tlio largr.t mid beat 'elected Siimk in the city of Atlanta, mid will iilway* sell to Cmiiitri Mereliuitta nt ^*YtlP t’or/t I’rlcrS. with frldnht added. Nov.-6-ly. a. uataift, ...a. c. )oiin>om. Jllttlout H Johnson, Dcttlera In (aro-certes, Pro-viaione, &g. f M>U.NTRY PRODUCE bought and reld. Flore W 6ih dtmi from Nororo^ Curlier.’ MK/.eUs Sir., Atlanta, Ga. Terms ctiih. Nov, 6-Cm. nr. E. O. StafTord n 7.8P2Q rFCl.LT t? nde. • Ids ProfaMlonsl JL\) vice* lo the citizens of Murray and adjaoru cbiintlee, All Diiiaif* pteulin.r to ?‘knaln, ah rAix>nie.J)i<<ai«f of every deziTiplion- treattd Oflle at the‘reaidoiKM of Mrs. Uumpbrty*’, nca Hawkins’store, Rook Creek, Muirey county. lipnu aTobution ii'^nlnat Isuoc Huiluy uml AoumtliM lluiloy, tlio uihor in favor of A..T.Hh'nn uguina Inane uud .Augusta* Hnfli'v. L*ivy mudu uml returned t»me by couwliible. Jun. «-l»U. , I.*. H. MILTON, Shmlir* G eorgia. wniTxiKiapcnuNw.—w. i,. Kin. eunno.i luinapplied fur *'“•***“■ “**■' valuation of linimwfcutd. mid thernme of my uniee ln Ihiltnn ff FaOROl A, Wni*»Cot NTv.—.1. C. Crow bus iipjilh'd for exemption of perMitmlly, I will jwuw 111*1 hi the *n»ie at my office In Dulton on iliuUtb Fntirunry next—.fun. 20tli. • • — ye. ii. ltuooKKU, ont\v. KOUGIA. WiiiTViKt.n Covxtv.—tVm.ltldle. vUT boa aAplted for exemption of personulty and bet ll t und %‘uluntion of lioineatewu, and I wlll jMi!*i* upon tho mime at my office lu Dalton on ihc OtU Feb. next. Jau. »dt, W. n. BROOKERa OnPy. OIL CLOTHS I Or Al.t KlNt.8 AND QCALITIKH, AT Chamberlijn & Boynton’s Dry flood* and Carpet Store f Atlantn, Ceorglu. f\UU stuck of Carpets, Oil ClotL*, Rug*, Mata, UttoinanOVindowNliade*,. I*sco himI Dune Accord eon*, fhua Kish Hooka, one linn.ircd in pnp> i’uio Silver Tillmbltl, Spectacle*, from 25 ct* fo 25 Heat Needles, 4 pnprr«, assorted, In case, tor vs Will scud iicvdic* hr mail on receipt of 29 v ’ v WOtlC DEPARTMENT. 77i* D*$i in A orlh Otoryi Watcics rep’ired in hot stjla—n«w Jcw«li or new Wheel*, If nccewiry. ask Ciiriaim, Tit We ur Piano Covers, ami evert I Ulocka Rcpiired and w iirtideiH'ionglng lo a * | Jy'Vclrv mcndcil lo be*. Pirat (Class Oa^and Pui'nishing „ r . i, S. OUVkill.] [b. C. WAODAIL OLIVER & WADDAIL, -w-xt :ej ia: o tt ss 33 AND Commission Merchants, Corner Aluhamaamt Furujlli Stri.;Atlanw, Us. tSfAttzSTS for Maiuvtta Papkk Mu,!.—keep /iimMSMUBlMKS HAI.F..-WIII tiu aolil '.II wzes I’rittllii(j itnd .Wrapping paper on Imutji lx Iiefuru tint u.jiiit-llituM- tioor In lillijtty.ou at loweat market.prlcew. I tnc aratT.uw.tny hi Mttreh nnt, w-ltiun tlie — ^———t—— 1 — emm »p store llth itlatriet nml -At -ei-tl.m Uilinm- etuinty: lovlett on a. tltii tiroiH.rly uf -Tulin I. It.-lil .to vntlafy ono Superior Court tl ft lit favor of.hi*. II. Clark uffttuat Julltl.r- llultt, prlnrtpul, utul ^ Love, thmullati of the Minor children uf .Idmioi. Mo », dcct««cd, having applied to the Court of Or Jiuary uf ntitl eoiuily fur a -liM.-h.rgi- from hla G lardlitualtlp of aald Minor clii'il-ru: These aro then-fore io cite and admitui-li all aud lingular the kindred anil creditors of mid deceas ed's Minor children to be and appear at my ufllee . , , , . , within the time prescribed Ity law, lo allow cau.e, A negro woman was found (lead in if nny thoy have, why saitl letters ahtnild not be the woods near Columbus, Ga., tlio other day. She preferred starvation to work. Gov. Bullock lias pardoned Col. J. J. Morrison, who waa indicted in Folk county in 1866,for killingMr. Chisolm,' in Codnrtown, on election day. Tito Georgia Legislature has passed a joint resolution extending the time for the collection of Stato taxes until tlio first of Mnrcb, David A. Walker, a post office clerk in Atlanta, lias been caught stealing. Ho Is connected with one of tho best families in tbo Slate. Tho Covington Enterprise stales that, on the 25lh inst., Mr. William H. Aaron fell through the Scaffolding at liis gin house, breaking both arms and his nose. A gentleman informs tlife Macon Telegraph that last year hfe Wad offer ed a hundred acre place iu Southwest ern Georgia for $100. Tills year tha owner demands $3,000 and can got it. There will probably bo more cottoh planted in Southwestern Georgia thi* year than lias ever been before since freedom. Early, Calhoun and Clay county farmers have "ootton on thi> brain.” Did Georgia Repudiate her War Debt?—For several days we hare no ticed an effort in our Legislature to pay for Sharps Riflca purchased by Joe Brown, In 1860. New Englanders forced us to repudiate our. war debt. Now say we, wjth the Columbus En quirer, hold them to tho bond. That pajief Says i Ittobk tbe Radicals of the North nearly three years to make Gaorgia adopt A Constitutional amsndmcnt forever repudiating “any debtor obli gation incurred iu aid of insurrection orrsbellion againettlm United Statesi” Tbe said constitutional amendment prohibits either the United States or any Slate to “assnme to pav" any such debt. And yet we find tho Log* islatnre of Georgia entertaining a pro position tb pay a Connecticut firm for manufacturing Sharps rifles for Gov. Blown in I8601 Repudiate it atones, we aav, as ail debts to Southern mon, contracted oitber directly in aid of or during tbo rebolHon,. have been repu diated.- D. W. NEEL, Only G eorgia, oordon"county.—o>imm Rcov-V Administrator, of W. D. Walker, duueaacd, if present* to tlie Court nf Ordmniy in hire petition Unlv filed and entered on record (list holms fully miiniiiintiri'd add estate: This'is therefore to cite nil personsMncerned, kindred and creditor*,Jtp show enure, if liny they enn, why said. arinunUnitnr should nut ho du* charged hi* Hdministrntiun nnd receivo let* iers of dis uis-rion on t':o Drat Monday in May, 1809.. D. W. N1CKL, Ordinary. November 3-6m. Iiibol fop Dlyoroe. William T. Clark versus Susan A. Clark, pATQoSi rilTKmOH COURT, November \J Terra, 18»»8.—It appearing from the return of the Sheriff •lint the defendant resides out of raid county, and it further appearing from proees* that sho reside* out "of said Mato: It h therefore or- derod by tlie Conrt t!iut tho defendent appear nt tlie August Terra, 1 Sol), of raid Court and defend. And It Is further ordered that till* rtilo be publish ed, dneo a mouth for four uioutha in the /forth Georgia Citizen, Whitfield county, Ga. - J. K. PAKUOTTfJ. s.,o. c. c. A true extract from ths minutes of Catoosu Superior Court, November 14, 18ft8. Nov. 26-4m, u. W. TRIMMIRR, c. a. c. ... Cataau Caantj —Whereas, Wil- final J Whlt-itt, admltiiMraW of tho estate of M O Dyer, late of raid county, deceased, rep- restruito the Court, in his petitirn duly filed and entered on record, that ho Ins fully administered ohr said estnte— This is therefore to die and ■dmnnfdi all prr/ sons interested to show causc, if any they can, within the time prescribed by law, why filers of dismissotf from tuid cstnio rimul-l not bo grant ed to said MipUcjqUn April noxt. Given un der ray hand aud.oinewl rig'.uturo, llils October 18«8. J. M. t'UllBS, Ordinary. 06t ^6in' ” ^ , ' J. aVTJIME; AND DIALER IK e Dry Goodst HEAVY 1 Yirna, 0 R 0 0 E R I E S , j Bhirtiiigs, N'-ovea, ... Tinwalo, ' Leather, Grain, Hay, t. ■ r.Te., KTO., l'annel’ Hill, Ga.; I/’ EEPS conatanily on hr.nd a Urge stock of all JV STAPLE GOODS, and 6 preptreU, at all times, re pay th* Ilfgheat Market Price for' all kinds of My old fri*nd?aml thepublio generally are In- vited to call on me beforo BELLING or l’UK< CIIABING chowhero, aa I am determined to BELL GOODS 0 It EAPER Than any Tlouif* this aide of Atlanta! j July23 4m # > . , aved ns ierired. ooffioiy Daygca il Pius furnished ta order, ft pec table* Hepitml, and 'put in as do- Our Stock of GrOOdLO fired. GlafreittoUcUd to suit ages' cardwfy, Ia 4 compUte, at price* LOWKR than they can lie purchased «I*eahcfe in tins Stale. in complete iu ufury diq-iMiiuuic. nnd On voleiiUfie i>i ii. ; leg, A ti/orovgh kiiowj Dies* Good*, Liuens, Caraimeref, Cloths, fdge of tho Bclom-o uf ttpilw.'' «wd twviity-fiv« Tweeds, Jeans, Kerseys, Domctticx, IllankoL*, Jcbm expjrioni'Q in the apuctaclo bnsiiu-i, cni- Klnnneh, Hoop Skirta, Hulmural and Boulrvnrd ulejme toUo ail that DproinUc. Skirts, Shutrln, Clonk*, Hosiery, Notions, Glove*, | Fins rsbbioaaitd GUsius kcptu’.woya’oa hand. Ribbon*, Lanf, Trlmiuirig*, and every thing uau- { ' ally kept in a First Clans Dry Qoodu Store 1 | E3TCnll and examine, and ftitiafy yourjclf aa ; to quality of Good* and the low prices. CHAMBERLIN A BOYNTON. . October 29, !Sd8, BKOURITV AND BATET7. Esfablbkcd In 1834* T. M. *11. cTei.AKKE, Importers and deal dr* iu Foreign & Domestic Hardware, i you Jin Vepnir- /. A gr?at ninny Robberies are being committed oil over tlio comttrft and' Watch MnUrs arc fre quently rqbtod’ To pccuro my Cu^iomcra, si well us myself, I have a large Five and Jhtrrjlav Proof Safe, Leather and Rubber Belting and IVeking, Arne*' Bliovcla nnd Bi»deg, Bifilding Material, l’ockot mid Table Cutlery, Cat - - • — Bpoke Hub*, Agriv ' and Axlca, (.'arringu nrr offering low for eoali , _ Ordera Irdhi the country promptly attended to. tar Agent* for FAIRBANKS STANDARD SCALES and Knoxville Iron -Works. * stffu of Itlfr Vddtoete. Oct. 29-!y. Peachtree fitr., Atlanta, Ga. Cutlery, Carpenter*' Tpolg, Rfnia, hr, Agrivulttiral iitiprement*. Spring CarrUgo Hardware—all uf which vft L. U. RnJUEIEhn, , I)i altriu Paints, Oils, Dye-stuff, ulugh asd patest medjoi.vxs, Al*o, Wlmleralo Agent fur UrophitCs Itemedic$ t Prophiti’a Liver Medicine, rmphitt* Tidn Kill It, . . ProptilU’a Antl-HlDSoua' rills. T'.ic uxccllei.t rcmcdli-x of 0.8.1’ropldtt, M. D., need • no. recommendation. Their well known power in removing tlio Uiacaac* peculiar to our Southern Climate, having already established for them an enviable reputation in Georgia nml (tie adjoining Sfutea, - A* tho-majority ol |m-IXJH» fir ing iu tho South aro pre dhnoet’d . in.diaoare of. the Liver, it is granted by ull Intelligent physi cian* tliul most of. the pains and nehea of our pco- plo ate duo to organic or functional derangement ol Hint important organ. ProphittV Anti-Billiou* J’ilJi and Livdrr Medieiuo strike dlrdctly at the root of tho evil; They cure tlio Liver, which, in nine ca*r* out of ten, Is nt the bottom of (lie Coughs, Dyspepsia,” Colic, Sick Ileiulaehv, Rhea mutism, Constipation, 'Menstrual Obsu-utUon^ etc., ho eouiiuon among our people. Earache Toothache, .Acuta Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and todilv pains of overv kind, lieu Worn I’UOl’lL ITT’S i'A IN'KILL IT like eluiff bofore Urn Wind. Ii. II. BKAUPlBLDr Wholesale Agent lor Prophitt’s Celebrated Faini'y Medicine*, Augl5-d0m Whitehall Btroet, Atlanlii. • STOVES A|D_ A.L.Soutliorland MnnufaeMirer of uli kind* of T11ST AV A. 11E, AND nr.Al.KR IJi Stoves, HollowWare, Hardware, And every tiling in hi* lino of. buiineas, which ho propone* to aeU a* cheap na eim ho houglit iu the toutin'tii or Western markets at wholesale nr idi Staple and Fancy Dry Goode, Ladles* DRESS (itiOIIE ami TUISIU1.VG3 In great urluj-antl sljlrsl il7n7# Clondk, Mouched and Brown DOMESTICS. Jlcn'a anti Rov': Kqadv Made plothing, Linen Drill’, Coitonadoa, Summer Curaimcra, Tweeds, . HATS, BOOTS AND -SHOES, Fur Ladies and Gentlemen, Hardware, Guttler,y and Qtiecnewarc, uud 'Votid mill Willow.Wnro In great variety. Alio, a »|iltnjid Ittje uf; To tlxo llandiosl Madame A. Branmuller, \\7 IKIlKft to inform her tody friends nnd tho vv Public generally, that she Inis returned from New York with A Full Stock of Fancy VariolioB i Such n* Dress Trimming*,^ Knit mid Woven Worsted Goods, luteat atyh-s; Frcneh Jewelry, Embroideries in Colors, such as Slipper*, Chair Cover*, ete. Alan, a full assortment of Worried and Silk Embroidery Material*, Crochet Needle*. Hair Work of every Description Mil da to order and kept oti hand, such ns Wig*, Band*, HwltcHen, Curl*, Frizottei. Also, Rib bon*, Hon era, nnd uvery vuriety of Ladies*. Fau- cjr Notion*. {2f"HnVirtg bbilgllt principally for Cash, ena ble* her to compete trltli any Uouso in tlio city. October 29-12tn. " . ' ‘ \V. c5Tl)AWSH13, wtin-.r.AU; and HafAlt D Xt U C> G- I S T . V DKAI.EH. IN Taints, Oils, Class, Perfumery, and Taney Articles, Comt-r M.rirtki anil IWIitrco Ftrcdi*,. ■ {Oht Xorcron^Coruer,) Ari-AMt.i .GaonoiA, n,-t - ' - LATEST arbival a. A’, jo.rvs, SUCCESSOR TO BURNETT AND JONES, .Dc-tlcr tit alt Sorts of. Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Oruykery, elf., , '• * v not It CnSmo’d-YurjSlick 36 lonyl OetfS ROME, GA. ly a. o. rifN»:n. n. i*. * mu. rmr#:R a- ftjnnj, NVliofisalo auil Iletail GrocersandGoinmisNion Merchants No. 00 Dfpadtfireiitfi l’jtiH-r’s Corner.) ocll6 ROME, GA. Cm Roofing and glittering dono promptly,, Hamilton ntreet, Eultuii, Ga, july-Hin ASlHlTIpilpll! IF YOU WISIl TO SAVE MONET IN TUE SAME 1'UOI’OUTtON UO TO OROZimB.’S NEW _S;rORE, I HAVE JUST OJ’BXKD AN ELEGANT A«- sort me lit of Dry Goods and Grooeries, at my New, liriuk House, on Hamilton-Street, fi»t»t Store nbov9 itoilaiida Livery Stublo k adjefiq- iug Lowry fb EaHon'a, coiniatiug in part of JlluAcliod and Brown Dotifasticsf r'RINTS, LADIES'DRBSSGOODS, Trlnuninge. Ilowcrj and N*tlbtie In V.rltiv, J3oots and fahoos. Hardware,- QiieQUajvare. and Toblo Outtlery, SUGAR. COFFEE, TOBACCO, PONVDKR, and an entile** variety of nrtklcu too numertma to mention, all of wliiyii l oiler ut EXTREMELY LOW PRICES Call ami *»*o for yoiirrelves, and-you will bp ple iSed Mill botli good* and price*. It id* pleifi- tb fhuw good*. - , : L S. C. OROSjIEH. "Tlt-.niqOa itTuitri Foil r *“ ? * Carpets, Oil Cloths and Cnrlains. Kendrick's Carpet Si ore, Maupu Bcildinh, MARiinfA Stk., ATLaurx.Gt# XJJ ft keep.cqnrtanny on hand a very Urge Sock Vi bf CarpctH,embracing All grado*, from tlio olleape^t M tho boat; Floor Oil Clbtlii, all width* Damuxk apd toe# Curtain*; Cornice*, Window Hhader, Ruga,.Metis; olrq Wall Paper-,ol all kind*. Every thing oeedird to furuich a bohie 2* a e. ntvfiDiwu pay bo found fiC B; KftNCiR ICE’S. Ati.inU Ga, OF jfE\Y PILL MD \\7 Kare. receiving nlinout daily largouddttipn* T » to our atoek «*l good*, to uhloU.w« iuy1|e' tho ettentlon nfpromp buyer*,* knowing that we can make it to their intercut u do so. .Our stock eonsiaw iu part of Tennessee House, t A'. HTX-N'DRURY, Pmpricrtf, K5m»; Oi, • .near the-Railroad Depot m.d Fieambont Lutdlfig. Thc Btagu.Gfllee ia “kept in tblsllpuae. • OcIqImt 8-<f. w. b. coS . .v,:................w. js. mill. f box s Hti- jit, Wfirleialc rkafers in Foreign ami Domestic Liquors,, Cigars, Tobacco, £c., ' PKAciiTunx Sre.,..... Ath.nta, Gcomia. Octotor . DALTON MALE AND FEMALE H igli SoLooi. rpUE exorolaDt cYtho.Dalton Male and«Fe- X lunleUlgb School will bo resumed on tlio liil| Janunr^* next, unUeP tho control of the Tlfe* crnlr.*n"of In*tri|Ptlon Is eoffipte, cm’.'vac. InR all the.branches usually taught in common ^Thn foliowhqj rates of tuition bavo bcon as. ftrri*C|ssjyjer injtntb (payable monthly), eJ co - - ah!>< :i9*No / BzTSAm*tft ; • If raroitt* itoi-lrb. If. rtrriuqjoinOnts will bo made for their daughlers to take Music J.cfcsoua Under competent ilml efficlenL tcueJi. :• Jlpar<l can b« procured with goo<i l'aiaiUce at Yety roitannihln ratos-.A . D0C. 24-2UI. • J< It. Gp-.NN. A. M. Dalton Select School, for The year isoa. y—- — of lao burner* 1« tbi# nortnnti tttoujrlt imteh nerflcolod br.-m...f no *U ThVirlV' 1,Uai ° aoknosvKvig° Bales of ,TdltIon p*>r month, 4 tvookn : Primary. Lrauohc^ArttlJmattc, Gaogra- “lVMl-.;",'.”:--,; t T. K. acURAY, er GEORGIA. —With— Arthur Emory & Co., *Tr?iPORT£H9 an«l dealer# in Enilisli, German JL utul Amevleau Hardware, Cutler)'. e:<\, st7 Yr. Halt iuioro Btroot., JJaltimorc, Maryland. Arthur F.inory, ) John D. Egorton. \ Dec, 21-Srn. J.H.ItUNN'ER, Mrii WaiTtnan. Staley S Co.. W1I0 UK SALE 0 uocnis, /liquor and QOmmisiion Jff rclicnlr, tit \V. Ralllrat-ia ali.l 5U Gsrnmn S|«., itAi,UMoiti:. 1’AMILY GE0CER1ES and Dyo-Stuff*, to trbieh wo Invito- tlio iitteri ^ . w lion of ohr iricnd* and ilio public, aa it i.« our In- Orders for Groceries, end Cbua;”arac:irt of lention ifot to In* undersold. Wo buy all . kinds Prodnea solloited! uorU>3a»* of rrodiieo . for Good*. Remoiubor, ” our rayttols • QUICK SAl.hB AND SHALL PROFllS, X.OU'tlY ii Slut SO.V, jin 18 I/muiltott hW«t; Ihtliun, Os, u. t. cox, of Tcnrt. J. t.. cox, of Tcmi M. T. Cdx H llrolhcr, Commission Merchants, Foreytl* Firt-cl, ATLANTA* GEORGIA., fiat nTtv ,, .HjVitR&Lh ft- uno., RESIDEITT DEHTISTS, •, Office oyer John II..King*. Dairen, Ga. H ATING pnrmaneptly located here, and beli.jf J i protidyd witli tho lntv»t improvements in Dti - ul material, aro prepared to do -nrlhlbg pci tain jng Dental Suigcry. .All work warranted to give MliiliK'ttnn. J. rtplilkoiion. • W# prepirt a/'Snpcrtor WgetabV T«>otb 1’ow. d*r,” guarauteod to contain nothing pdhrlpustn' the teeth. tfepty-My 'Prompt Attention Given to Sale of ! wuii Produce, Groceries and Merchandi e, i - c - '*> A..J filling ortlcraforProtlucoor Morcltoottee. j ’ fiarr.* roir-BtiiioW RoWti gVncntliv of-At-' T’ ‘ ‘ ‘ 3to, E-irtTomiiKfcuml Scu'twoatern Vitglnlv. I *J** rut 7 ? r< ^ tr! ' Oi»t e«ijf l "hirjvtocr.