North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, February 18, 1869, Image 4

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AGiBtCU£iTUHAT» BCONGSI'fc ThU Dyfitu inwnt w Ul« hcrerfiort ho poyiriuc- ted by ft gcntlmn<m of much thofttellutUittQWl- edge* ftnvl a practical experience of several years, ns an cxton^vo pffinto*, From a largo, list ortho best Fat JU, Jn t he country, ami Ms rawly pen, our Country friend* tnhy oxpcot to find i\ rich n»pfl#t of useful JntolJ* gcneo lriwwhisHua * • s- / . * A faw Ganoral ton -to' Farmers, . 'So Ion;: n* colton liear, Its |jr,c»cnt price It will iio Well f'>r t’tift.litnncrs of Noitti OcMjr^ta.lo l>i.>!c V >vi'll to (lie mis- ,| )0 i )u( , tlioioilghly with soap-suds if In;; of o6rii*-inH »eivl,r for market, | yonliave tlrom ; if not, use wulor. Bedding Sotatoos, A wilier in the tlriflln Star give* the following tut the result of lii* • St P°* rloncc In hendhiS potato"-. • ' “In tiodilliiB «v potaWfs I vemovo thtf oniili-»'' too M/.0 I want my bed, an,v two tiichcs, 1 then get dry fresh manure from my stables and cover the tied four hielies In depth.with tbo soil 1 Hist removed. 1 then pine* the po tatoes as clpeo as they .can ho Inhl nit on the bed. I then cover the potatoes tW« Inches deep with good soil. Wot , , uolil before thu Court Itousn floor In D4l« ton, on tbo first Tuesday in March nott, withlu tlio legal hours of sain, tne following proporty; Also, ond lot In city of Dnltom number ul,- on Thornton Aronue, loft l>y 147 on we nt of Morris street* as the proporty ofTIm Ford, by vlrluo of a Mitpctior court 11 fa, Jackson, Cook A Co. vs Tim Ford, principal, A N Bcutor, soourlty on h a3»o, lot ulimbnr 108, In tbo 13th district and 3d section, and sixty uoros of 313 and 819; do- scribed In ttrisftd front J. TaUlftforro, to Ally Jurralri, dated Mnroli 7Ui, 18C3, recorded In Hook R, page 03, Habl sixty acre* now in possession of Vim Crow t.lcvlctUm tvs tint property <*f John Talllftferro, by Ylrtno of a II w from Whltfiold d| 11 When tlio sprouts nro up largo I fuUkili, 0 ii?n jounTmuSllmnHaoni' 1 - , r.' J, “ 111111 a oOftagh to draw and plant, In lieu of . To .^mikcluro'*ho»e:m«lc^u»o,» j .ullOCt n barrel Of bonon tllld Ol'liall of Kinugold, CatoosacountyiUoorglu^on thu them i mix with ft barrel of onk or lilelt- ' • — ■ - ory iishos j moisten with soap-suds, np-1 Towiili ply a qimrt.or two nt ft time, tlso ns I mX??, „ f r, a. him..,, ii special fertilizer on| melons, squash- j {A'M 1 'MS®’ os, early corn, and cucuinbors ( nllow- - -MS-.*., —A Inga gill to n hill, iy ta staroli nost, tno fciltowlfl, tn tlio oaotom rid, t{eo.,.UH thu . 0 Justloo obovt ,of Cutoosa conn- ... . Ijrgms. Luvymudo aud rouuned to uio by a constable.. ; Also, lot of land uualher-HS, in theMtli dint, ami Srinootlon of Catoosa .county, uh tbo prop* «rty ®f Thomas Russell; by ono ccfonty court U fa; James sTjonas vs Thomas Russell, I’rop. criy pointed oat by plaintiffsiln fifth A ho, ono bouHo and lot 1ft tlm town of lllng* ., known ns tbo W. IV. Grubb Mould .i»„.re « .i, 0 town,' •sfdonoo, Imt. for the puri'oso ofmaking meat to j “As soon ns tlio sprouts begin to feed tlio whole cotton belt. In por crack lliu ground over tlio bed, throw .. ,, , . .. ,r,l«W ,i, nu on more dirt,.say three inches, ami be Uons'of oeorpa farmers hit k they I u . 9 t0 U80 ’ rfo £ lottWV soil that will Hnd it to their bMerOsPto plant all cot-1 |)0t Ion, and leave hog raising, corn and wheat growing to those that aro in a v.-don w-herb cotton does not ns a crop I drawing them up, ns fs usual, lake a ,. . , 1 slump kiulu and cut thu slips oil about Corn raised foi 1 ^ i Bl . hei ^ b ol ow the surlkee, find prova remuncrijtiv market is not a paying crop at the tlg- yi-os It has ootnmai.ded for tlio past four years. It is niso qiilto heavy, niul to those who live soino distauco from market the hauling is quito an Item, amounting, in somo Instances, to 40 per cent. Wo suppose, ns a . general thing, the average yield of corn through this portion of Georgia will not exceed fifteen bushels por ■ - • e-acro,.which.', at. i fl cents por bushel,' will ' ' giv4?U.2,S. Tlio cost of cultivation Will, with Ilia present system of labor, amount to j 1 ppr acre, leaving to the farmer only ST not profit; and then if ho 1ms to pay for marketing will loavo him indeed but a small sum for Ids laud and -labor, lint if farmers will purchnsa for their farms lino stock hogs, and sow. clover and grass fields for tlflm, thoy will find Hint their hogs . will require but liltlo corn to mala- them ready for ninrkbt. Cut .if, our farmers aro content to go -on.ut the old pace and plant and rptato with wheat, common hogs, with which our country is filled, they need not ttliik of thriv ing ns do somo of tlio farmers a-little farther North, who aro supplied with the'boat kind of swine rnul cattle, nml have growing largo fields of clover and grass. It is mero folly, liowovcr, to invest much money in tlio purchase of good stock until wo are keep thorn, for without proper pnstnrcs and corn fields, the fine‘stock being generally lo’ss thrifty in getting a liv ing from-the woods than onr rooters, will soot deteriorate, and wo come to tlio conclusion that we can’t raise good stock ns well hero ns in Tennessee— If we will only reason a little we will find that tlio best stock hogs are, in the end, much tlio cheapest, ns some of them, at one year old, can be made to weigh-from three to five hundred pounds, whilo If nt two to Ihreo years we make our common slock weigh two hundred wo think wo have done amaz ingly well, not thinking Hint it lias ta ken from two to three limes the am ount of food to fatten tlio old hog that it did the young one, Asa mere mat ter of economy, then, lino stock ie What wo need. iVe would then urge onr. fanners to make every exertion to make provisions enough to get all tho cotton money from tlio cotton regions, for something to eat will have to he bought if they do not make if, and tlio cotton plnpters had rather purchase provisions and inaUo.cotton, which in deed places them at tlio mercy of the grain ami meat growing-region yon will bo_ surprised to see how soon the bed will'bo covered again with slips. 1 can plant moro ground from ono bushel bedded in this wny than yon can from two bushels budded In tho usual way.” A Good UanDEP,—Now is the prop er time to lay the fomulallon of a good garden. Tills consists in giving illib eral allowance of manure nml deep working. Deep diggingennnot be dis- ponsoil with. A good garden must be good in July and August ns Wolf ns in April and -May. How few really good gardens are found durlhg raid Sum mer I Whenever ono is'known you may ho sure that deep working at tho start is tho origin of it. It is impossible to expect shallow worked soil to produce a^ueculeut veg etable in dry Summer month. Tho general practice is to hasten tlio burn ing up plocess, instead of remedying it. Somo gardens, we Admit, reoeiVo a fair allowance of manure, but by be ing improperly worked in tlie ground it causes tho crop to. he hastened to its I destruction whenever the dry summer j and .'M soirtion of ssld county, levied on in tin - -- „ j proportyof James MKeonvr to satisfy onniliu nnslitmr Imt coni ; commences. If tho same quantity 01; fromthosupei'lorconrt r.r mini ooontv, ■' A it uuiuing out u n ,.-„.|;crl in I lie irVnmnl ! Hunks for the moor,I S Folk ft Co. vs Jim M M eat and keen llie m “ miro llaB J " en ''°. 1Ke<1111 UIBgromui Kol , nC r.maker,urnl Wmntlutluln.InfloMcr. ‘ ’ 1 to the depth of eighteen inches, and Also, Stncres, moro'orhwhhclng niwt of lots width our country .yeii’twcoiimratod with unit, tho result lot of luiul numlierMS, 111 u,,, !kl section, us tho property of John H. Martin, by vlrluo of a 0 fa from Whitfield Huperlor ’court, In favor of John ilaynes v» J. H. Martin, buUtor, ii ml John Tallluferro, Indorser, utnl one sumo purlieu with T, II. Chorry, indorsor in 2d Imduuco, The undivided half of S nercs of lot of land number 1W, lJtli district ami 3d section, known us tlio Melhmly MU1 seal, on Mill Crock, nml described In a deed of L W Crook ami J C King to F Cox, elated October 5, ISM. ami recorded In book I), irngo 420, of deeds In Whitfield rmnorlor courtj ufso, the undivided lmlf of lot or land number 120, except J7 acrus sold tho State, Arid half of forty noro* in thu northwest corner of lot number l:»t, both In tho 13th district nml 3tl seution, subject to ono-lmirof tt seven hundred dollar lunacy tn fivvor of Mrs. Dr. Tluuwissou and hcrehildrem nil levied onaa tile properly ofLWCrook tp.natlefy two tl fas ffoiti from Whltflohl superior court! ono In favor of Jcsscu Williams and the other In favor C Crook, LtimPi in possembm of Dr ThoniAsnon. fee$l Also, the unUtvidcd filth of lot of Inml mum IwrIH. t)th district and ikl-seclinnt levied on us the property or James I.arui to suVisfy four 11 fits from Justice court of said county in favorof C II Wclborn vh raid Luyu; proporty in posses sion Mra .Sarah Lunc. J). W. MITCHELL, Sh’ff. AT.NO, AT SAUK Tl UR AXU PLACE: • Also, lots of land numbers 178 arid INI, 13th district and 3d scuLion, levied on as the proper- tv of A J ihirnctt to satisfy a tl fa from Whit field superior court, In favorof I tapper .t Shy re for the use of McClure, Jlenrdu A Co. vs said Barnett, property In-possesslon of defendant. Also,lot of lunil number 313, 01 tho 12th ills- trict and 3d section; levied on its the properly of defendant touutlsfy u (1 fa from Whitfield In ferior crtnrt. in favor oi J W Finohor, bcare Cloud' ry's lot, oontAinlmr K *ere, more having 1'. comfortable d\v~ lew, «nV JWCHUir uiul smoke S ouue on tho premises, fiaiupronertV levied on y one superior court tl la, W, J. -Wliltsltt, lor tun use of oflleers of court. v» W. W. (mibb-- lovlcd on nsjiropprlyofwldOrubly-Frs. fv,e|il Also, lot or land number 305, In.thft Bth dtst, and 4lli section of Catoosa county, nml lot no. ItIO, and all that part of lot mttnbor lW, lying cast of the top of Taylor’s It Id go In Catoosa donnty, and In tho fetli dlfttrlct and 3d section : levied on as tho property of L. J. ltllbtim by ono Flovii superior court fl fa, Robert O'Barr VsL. J. liilhurn. Property pointed dutby plain- tllfuuttnrncy. . . . . .. Also, lot number 300, In tho ttflth dint, arid 3d section of CaKfosa county* and one. house and lot In Ilm town of Ulukgold, (loo., ami In .. . . -—---■ Xj{( * -■ the J. J. John- pled by Fruuk Ahaton ns a residence ’. levied on rh th« l>roPf “ tv of L. J. Itllbum l»v three fl fas, ono ( lieshi & Urovcn vs L. J. IlAbUrn, and ono Z. M., On Clt-avelandstreet, known bton Btore House Lot.powpci ** • - *- *—lad Jack- Orovca vs L. J. IlllbUrn, and ono Z. m v* L. J. llllbnrn uml If. W. Cobb, Jtvnd ono Beard .V Hondorsoit vs L. J. Jlllhurm and Uco K. Black, security—ull from Bartow hBlwlo; court. Properly pointed out by plalntltls' at tornev.- fl*rs. ftseftl. Fob. 4-tds. JAS. McCI.UItR. Bhcrlflf. 10k. dnw.4 id number 03,1.1th district and third section, lcvh'dson us tho property of William B Butt, by W W West, former sheriff, to satisfy a fl fa H orn tbo superior court of Marlon county, In favor of Jackson M Gill vs said Butt. Also, lot of land number 'itl In the 12th dlat. m tlraiwiiig Lands, IVo vroitlil caijl (lip attcnUba of our famors to tlio Vary great importance of tl.e proper draining of our laud%, and especially tlie lioltoin lands. Low lauds ill this country are, in common parlance, “ soapy"-— tliut is, tho water from flic Hills steeps through the soil and remains on tho lower lands until dried by evaporation ; nml then it is only tl.e snrlncu that is dried, leaving a lew below,' a wot, sour soil that IS f;il:d to upland plants. Every ono has noticed on boltotp lands', in wet seasons, that tlfo coni turns yellowi and is good for nothing. It does so - for. the simple reason that-the water on level lands, with clayey foundation, aiiot ba absorbed by tbo soil, but weU'incorporated with soil, tho result would bo entirely different from the uuual scarcity of vegetables in mid summer. Deep trenabiiif and deep manuring willallow vegetables to draw moisture from tho soil, nml remain aue- qujeut for a long period. Try it; now is tlio timo to perform tho work, and our word for it your reward will con sist In greatly increased crops of veg etables,.ns well as lengthened harvest. Leached Wood Ashes An Eng lish fnriper gives tlio following in re gard to the value, of soap ashes : “ Aly opinion of soapers’ ashes is confined to tlio application of Tt ns n top-llrossing on pasture land. About twelve years ago 1 agreed with a soap boiler for 1,500 tons of sonpors’ ashes. I used to' apply about twenty wagon loads per acre, and a single bushing would, lot tho whole In. I was laugh ed at and abused for iny folly; the wiso-fiues alleging that iny laud would he- burned up for years, and totally ruined; all of whioh I disregarded and applied my soapers’ ashes every day in tlio year, rooking from tho vat, without mixture whatever. I tried six ncrei mixed up with earth; hut 1 found it only doing things by halves. My land never burned ; but from the time of application boenme a dark green color, bordering upon black, and has given ms more, but never less than two tons per aero over since.” A Hecii'K Wouth One Thousand Hou.aks.—The Ohio Cultivator says tbo following recipe is worth ono thou sand dollars to every housekeeper:— Taka -one pound of snl soda and half pound of unslacked lima aqd put them in a gallon of water, boll twenty minutes, lot it stand till cool, then drain off and put in a small Jug or jar; soak your dirty clothes over night, or ‘until they aro wot through, then wring them, and rub on plenty of soap, and in. ono boiler of clothes well covered •willi water add oho teacupful of the washing fluid ; boil half nil hour brisk ly, then w«sh them thoroughly with some ayds.) rinse, and your clothes will look bettor than by the old way- of washing twice beforo boiling. This is nil invaluable ieeipo, and every poor tired woman aliould try It, in; with said Uno’i'Brcct. south, tlicnco cant fec-t; tiionco wonlh 432 feet, thence euat ... f, thence Mouth 233 feet to the south lino of mild lot nmnhei* .17, thonco cast on said lino to thocdntVc oflot numberSil, 12, 3* thence north nbmitalxtv rods to a corner, thonco duo treat to tliohoKirtnln/j coiner; levied on as tho prop- orly of Jarnoa A Ault, to satisfy one fl fa from a Justice court of tho «72d (list riet, G M, Horsey, • ten *t Co., endorsers, vh Jam os Crow, maker, 1 James A Ault, endorser; levied and return ed to tno lyr a constable. prs fee W Also, lots of tttttd humbc.ra 40, It and us, ull tu thofith dlrtrlct ofthr?ihl section of originally Cherokee, mnv said countv, levied on us tho import v of John W Beck, to sat lsfv ft Ii fft from ho Just Ice court of tho lOTJlh ells, li M, A M Nor- •Is A Co., vs said Beck; levy made and returned to mo by a constable. Jnfh Also, city lot i nmnhnr923, 21, ID, and one-lmlf of 77, «H Mtuatod on tttylvlfigo street, and also a part of lot number 2f». on said street; all levied on ns tbo property orW It. Berner, by virtue of a fltii from Whitfield superior court, i«» favorof - . ... LWCrook,maker, •, indorser. i of lot n umber 101, throo acres hundred nntl forty-five Hild said Be Also. 1 cm lot number —, ...... ttcros of lot,numberJ!»7 W thirty-four and nunlbHMWHOTHH lot number 2,X); all of suid lota in iho*S7ih dis trict and third section of said comity: said par cels of land constituting all that portion of the farm owned4)yJ C Austin, nt time of hlsdeath, which lios south of thu road leading from Lu- Fayettu to Dalton. Paid pronerty Yielng now in poosession of Mrs Austin, tlio widow and cx- qoutrix of J C Austin, dueeasod; levied on to to satisfy t wo tl fas from superior court of said county, against said J C Austin,.one in favorof McKesson A Bobblna, and tho other tn favor of Farmers and Merchants National JJank. ice$.« Also, all of lot of land number ITT,, nth dUt. and Rd sect Ion of mvld county, except forty a- ores of,’of the east side of Bald lot; levied on us tho property of I) FII Walker to Kutlsfv a tl tu fromthoHujicriorco ‘ ' of Blalock A Brolhor and J Hubbard Stubbs, iudor Also, all thntpurtof lot of land minthcr 121, 12th diet, and 8.1 see, which lies west of tbo K T und G railroad, uein;< ninety nures of said lot, 1 —‘ | the property of A N tho inferior court, in Tim Ford, pri.icl- county, (la., w Ithln tlm h - -- -- - her 31, In tho 2Hlh dint riet and 3d section of .said county, containing loonemv moro or less, us the property of Alfred Kponcgul, deceased.— “ *d for the uenelit of tho heirs and oreditord mid deceased. II. J. SI’rtAYBKllllV, tomft uy TN^onuH, tjyt . - Also. buoucrcH, moro or less, of lots of land 314 und Ml in HtMlUtrtOt, 4thStfolloil or said coun ty* now In possession ofMutabotb Thurman* as- the properly of Buhl Thurumr *“ Iben Justlcn court ft fas,- from 1 in favor of 8.1). IHrfiCrts va si levy made aud returned by A . i,'from M 1st district, i said K. Tit 8! * nt, ii,at inn omiri n ius/irniii uiiHiinsl uld K. Thurumn; „ _ jitMartlip c— to. lot n of land humhors 10 and 27 In tl district or thiUth section of-snUlpounty.lnpps- scwiiori ofTGMoFarlnndi levied on us tho prop. Srty of said Mr.Farlan.1, tosatUfv tn' -“. fas In favofol H» Allgoo.l v< I IIU..I, V.) nu. ... mvofofHO'Allg) I, uml T Q McFutlamlLScouritv. , , ; ■ • so, lot of land mnnborlOMn tlieltth district nnd 4lu section of said county, In possession or X G MoFarlund; levied oi» n« properly of Mid Mo Far hind, to satisfy a superior'court tl fa, tn favor of 11 8 Allgood vs G D Motarlaud, and XG (McFarland, security. rosTrowED SAf,i»: Also, nt name time and place, lot of land nmn, bw 09, In tlio 7ll» district uml 4lli sootlonof Sttld coiiiity.execpt fio acres Jn the nortjiwest cornor of said lot, set .‘isldo as the homestead or Ilexl- k in h Klleubnrff, In possession of said Ellunhurg nml levied on rh the property of sulvl KUcnhurg uml wlfh, toBRtlsfV two eouuty court fl ftm.dii and 3d section t levied.’ favor of jesso T. smith for tho uso or Sarah Me- Chum vs suld Clluuburg. I d soctlon oseph l»u< rtTUvorof 4 . ... r< Alsqflot.of laud number <3, fti llml’th district >n.l 8u sect ion or Murray county,to faHsty ono "* * ,r ’* lyoWlCy* {*- ’ • w. iMtloo court Ufa In favor of M. M. . . MoutKoinwyi luflkeiVJ.T. lluhe: . Bond, Imlorsui|: lovlcd on as tho pi'opsrty of J, AlHO, , |otonani) iiutnber 8ft, Jn tho Dili district f l 8d section of Murray .County, to fittsfy two tlco court fl fas In favor or (J. I). Keith vs J. Mooro nml ^1. B. Moore I levied on us tho ^AlioViot’nf 1 Inn'.nimfibCt' 27(3, In tho 20th dirt, and W feqtlofllovlcd on a* tho property of oan Terry to eatlsfy one county court 11 fa vmvof Qi C. Terry, and Assigned to J). A. kor vs Win. Terry and J. W. Torry, oxocu- tors of Duncan Torry. dreeasodt A. A. SIMMONS, Sh^flf. ‘‘VfTALKKft MORTGAGE SALF.—Will bo sold before thoGourtHousodoor InLiiFayetto .on the flrstTneHOuyUiMnifh : .•, » South half of lot pumhtri* 13S, and north half or lot number ICC levied on to satisfy one W«l- leer super court mprtgugu fl fa, against Joint M. Smit h tu favor of Jesso T. built h, for use of Ha. rah MoClnne, Proporty in .possession of said Smith. JsnV A, A. S1MMONS, Sll’ir, A nmNisTiiA-ioii's sale.-H}- wmo «f Jx. mi order from tbo Court.of Ordinary of Fulton county, 1 will soil boforo the Court- umes Gordon, late of Walker county, de ceased, wo will sell for cash to.tho'highest bid* ut the court liouso door, in LuKayette, in * flratXF — numbers, 227, 2u0, 2t!So,°*W1, 2U7, 208. 3U,ftUtu the Dili district and 4th sootlon of said oouuty. Sold us tlio property of *uld James Gordon, do- ccuscdk for iho purpose of distribution, Thomas M. (Jordon, ) KxTn of Jsn. Jan.l4,18C9 James M. Lkk, f'eU £ district ami 3d section of said county; for llm purpose of distribution among the legatees of salii deceased—-If no objection In raised at tho first regular term afier thu expiration of two months, an order will bo passed granting the praver of petitioner. J. M. COMBS Oru’y. Fil.nmiy • [Pra. fpB»J. G EORGIA, Catoosa cor ntv.—To all whom it may coneern.-Mift. Mary E. Shield* having applied to me in proper form for per manent letters of admlnDiratlon on tho estate of Robert Oh lei da, late of said county, de ceased: This iu to cite all uml singular tho creditors and next of klu of said Robt. .shields to bo and appear at my Oflleo on thritirjit Mon- day In April next and sliow cause, if any they can. why letter icftSidmlnl.strut ion should not be nutated to thu applicant. Witnossmy hand and ottcial signature, Ibis February 1st, 1WJ. JOHN M. COMBS, Only, JiunJ-SOib ’ [Prs. feu |3; C l EORGIA, Catoosa County. -To all,whom X it may Concern.—Robt. Sr Churclt having applied to me in kroner form for permanent letters of nduilnisLrauou dti the estuta q( Nel son Headrick, late of said county, deceased: This‘sto cite all and siugulnr tlio creditors nnd next of kin of said deceased, to bo uml appear at my oflleo on < ho tlrat Monday la next April and show cause, If any they can, why ad* ministration should not bo granted to Robert S. Church on said estate. Given under my hand und official signature, this FeriTunrvrlsf, 1»: ». JOHN M. COMBS, Only. February 4*300. [Prs. fcoy. ^1_KGRGIA, Catoosa County,*v(). W. Trim- DMINISTItATOR’H HALF.—By virtue oi nn order from the Court of Ordinary of Wul< county will 1>e hold, on the first Tuoadayin Apt 11 next, at the Court-House door Irisild county, betwuen tlio lcg:\lhours ofsan,tho fol- lowing property, to-wlt s The land belonging tho cstnto of .Jesso Self, being part of lot liumber’AI'.i, in tho Bth district pud 4t n M ellon of siibl county, and conalatlf of about 100 acres. Terms cash. Fob. H, IStifi-lds. Wm. HARRIS, Admr. EORGIA, Walker County—Not Ico la hereby fl f Thomas A. BnrI'ord, lutoof said Jt deceased: This La)tocitw nil nnd singular the i of said Thomaa A Bur nt lav office, within the , arid .show caude, if any kindred anil ford . ime allowed by appeu ty law they can. why permanent administration should not lie granted to O. W. Triinmier on said estate. Witness mv band and official sig nature, this 5th day of January, 1881*. Jan. 7-JiOd. J. M. COMBS, Only. C l EORGIA. Catoora County.—Joseph Wh'te X h:e,i npiilind to me for exemption of per sonalty und realty and Betting apart und valuation of homestead, nnd I will pass upon tho mime lit. my office in Ringgold on tho 20th dav of thin lust. This 5th day of February, 1809, Fob. 11-21. J. M. COMBS, Ordinary. giv 3 ft , , - time dnrlng the year J. J. Mprgan, Into of Bald county, departod this Ufa Intestate, tft\u poison lias applied for permanent mliuiula- .. .tion on the i’stuto of Biifil Morgan, and that in temra oft he law ndinlnislvation will ho Tes ted in tlioA*4'k of tho sffpcrlor court, or somo other fit ami proper person, thirty Mays after tlm publication of tula citation, unless noi ’~ alid objection la made to his appointment. GtVou under my hand aucl official weal, this Jan. 23,1M9-27-1 m MILTON RUSSELL, Ord'y. Also, lot of land'’number 181; of thoSth illst. and 3d section of said county s lovlod on property vf Thpnms Clmppell to satlstypnesn- parlor court ll fa In favor of Dawsou A, Walker vs Thonms.Clmppull, ragkol’, und LI W. Crook, (ndoraer. ■ ; ■ , •*. . •,;%,.*' Also, the undivided half of lot of.Inml mini* sr flfl; in the nth district and Od levlml a as the proporty of A, U. Crumloy 1o satisfy ip J uaIlife court fl fa in favor of A. M. Norl hi Co.vs A. D. Crumley. ■ . Also, lot of laud mtmhev 1M, of tho 10th (list, .ml Ikl section t lovlcd.on as tho proporty or 0. L.Cox to•satisfy pnoinfoniorcourt fi laln fuvnr ofklohri Bryant, indorser vs 0. L, Cox, 'maker, arid J. D. Isimhour, indorsor. ' r V Mao, onu Urlst andSaw Mil), in theMtlidist. id 2d section to satisfy one superior court fl in faVor.of Madison Bates vs M. T. Triinmier, tho property of said Trlinralcft * *'--i, lotofliur* - “ A*.. Ti'iini ,, - - - wfi'rfiieotli ai.trlot' and 3d aeetiou to satisfy ojfo suporlor oourt tl fa in favor of A. J. Ku til sue kor Vs C. W. Bond! us tho property of said Bomk Also, lot number 115, In thK ftth dlstriot and M seotlon to satisfy one Wine court 11 fa in fa- vorpf Calvin Rollins and Elisabeth Audorson, exeriiitors of James Anderson, deceased, vs A. H. Vinipg and It. T. Bock and WebAtor tho property of A. fl. Vlnlng. Levy made W oonstalfle and returned to me, . y . u,uuo u > seotfori (ft satisfy nno BiipiHor enuft fl fa (ii'ff. vor nf Hawkins A Durham vh Jonathan Oshorn, firlilftlWM, anil John C. Bairs, lnUorsov, a. tho . .. _ r ttrpec, hi tin<,. , lotmiinhturU13,,n thsKof dliilrlotnn ilosntl.fyono * ' riot and 3d fl fa tn fa vor of K. A. Glddens property df said Johnson. Aifio, lot ntiriiher 225, in t v .j- J r-> - - tho loth dlstriot nnd tion.tnsKtlHfy one oounty court 11 r a tu - - °\'' BBam A. Brynut ys I.uwson Curpon- tftr, as the property of said Carpenter. Also, tho doteiidaut's Interest In lot of number not known, wbc'reou John Mold now lives,.n(F •ftvy j umd u „ ll Jroturn ull U t t „' , ,’: io «» | ;; ! ' • - K; a, UUDqtHS, «h, t; „. KPS m oriuiidnumbera 64 and M. in tlio 7ib ana oioaitor.. bv'.-n».-"h. Ni, novH (ir ,r. n somi; All rtortou. coin!?r ■ ! Ht liotfflnfltoflletiiolrolil6otioiii.ifnnvB?SS8Ar" " ItWn thtt tlmn im-Hvrlhna hy law, nl“ V oi aismlnliM will hn Kiunto.l tlioafihllcn'u lYltneMH my liana und seal; thin Jun, au«,o dun. 2 Ml in. i). W. NEBX only f suporlor oourt 11 la In far G EORGIA, Walker County—Notice Ishoteby given to all persons concerned that some year or twosinoe Thomas Jones. Into of said county, departed this life Inte.stato.nnd no por tion hits applied tor udmin 1st rut inn on th tute of subi Thomas Jones, and that lu ten tbu law administration will bo Vested tn tlio elovk of th^Buperior cortrt, or some other fit and proper person, thirty days after publication of Ibid citation, unless some valid objection is made to his appointment. Given under my hand and official signature this Jan. 23,1Si)lhliu MILTON RUSSELL, Ord'y {nant- ms^fss or onira a iuSSS n " ,n b°r» M, 31, S3, 31,85,3ft, 37, 4. and 45, all in thu town ot Sprlugriucoih sai(i ^ountvof Murray, and lots of land numbers u >°, nt, » district of tho 3d section of originally Chorokeo now Murray county. levied on risthoproportyofJnmesEd- tnomUotv. toRNVify ono Ufa from the superior court of said county, K. M. Galt vs James >M- mondsou, maker, and J. D. w. McDonald, in- ^ovuar. ■ jt. t. BECK, Sheriff. t w* AI .?.?,v AT ' rnR * aMk And rLAcn: r ^^Iftrilstriet and 8d section to sHitstj ono simeiior court fl fa tn favor of M T porty of said Bi soventy acres . -II In 9th dlst. t superior court fl lain William ligs applied'for permanent let- G EOHGIA.W W. Will lair. . . ^ , ... tern of Administration on tne estate J. H. Wil- inter having applied in proper form for llams late of said county.dec'd: J’hcsui aro thore- lermiincnl letters of Admlnlstralinn on tho os- lore locite and admonish till und tdngulur tho kind ted und creditors of Said*' ' **' '** their objections.; if n * before tlio February tonu ol\ho Court of Ordinary, bo ln ld in said county.on tlio first Monday in February, 18J9, otherwL-o said letters will bo granted the applicant. Given under my hand und official signature, this 23d of Jummrv, Jun27-v0d, MILTON BUSSELL, Ord'y. G eorgia, walker xounty.—sixtv days alt or Unto application will be nimlu to tuo Court of Ordinary of Walker county for leave to soil tbo realty belonging to tho e.stato of Thomas Evatt, lato of said county, dtcoasbU for the benefit of heirs and creditors.- Deo. 3-2m. J. L. EVATT, Adtn'r. ‘•By* edmi r 7, 13th district, fid . .. 11 —ue of n it fa, Wm Talley ys T O Morgan and James Forsyth, as tho proporty of said Morgan, from tho justloo of8lj!d dlf.lHct,G M; levy made und ' rned to mo by T B Jolly, oonstuble. •' * , kno j the v in possession f. Ordln . ...... _ | _jj tho first. Tuesday in April. lSUO, between tho legal boms ofsnle, bnforo the court hoiiNOdoor In ltinggidd. Lots of land numbers 81 and 82, tn tho 28m diatriot oi* tho 3d section, possessing r Wat t Powr.p Sold us t he property of B. O. Morse, deceased, for benefit of holrr ’ Fob. ll.'lSjiMds JT Williams, Executor Suwell, Uecensod, applies to me for letters of diSCtiBSlon from said Executorship: These aro therefore to cite ull persons coneorued to ho and appear at my office oh or before tho first Monday In June next, (IW30), nnd show cause, if any they can, why said Thomas H. Williams, Executor ns aforesaid, .should not ho dtr-miaaeil from his said Executorship. Given under m; hand aud Official signature, December 7tli,lEUS J. M. COMBS, Ordinary. Dec. lD-flm. [Fix. foe *5. SI EORGIA, Walker C vX Carson, Adm'r. of lit ed, inis applied to uie for I riplli . . estatecd'naiddcc’ . ... Utbutlon and payment of debts, und If ... jectlon is raised at the first regular term aft . tho expiration of uixty days, an order will l>e passed granting tho prayer of tho petitionow - MILTON RUSSELL, Ord'y. Jan. 21-2m.—Prs. fee m' '”-,’ 0 ,vU? l *wi- uuui'v u m in iavor ot ai t 1 ^ . Bond, us proporty of said Rond Also, lot number 271,-ami- seventy acres on in 001'iift of 1°, 11 utuber &(i5, all In 9th dlst. anil r l V l'-.a 1 ?. f 1 " { y Oho superior court fl la in nrmsert J K 11 v ? Julm v Champion, as propci ty of said Champion. t Awo, lots numbers 01 nnd 95,91 h district and nt soot ton, to satisfy a superior court t\ fa in fa- vor of Daniel Iacnbonr vs Japies D W McDonald riSrhe propyrty of said McDonald. Also, thirty acres on tho northwest corner of lot uumhdr 17, in loth district and 3d section, to satisfy ft Justice court fl tu in favor of BF Greenlee vs William Wiggins, as tho jiropcrty ot said i> Iffgins. Levy muilo aud returned to me by constable. Also, lot number 91 In theOth district and 3d section to rattsfy a justloo court tl fa In favor of K O Stafford vs Jeptha .t Wm filler*!, us the Ijropcvt w»f said Ellerds; mado and returned by Also lot 277 in tho 27th district aud 2d section, to suttefy one superior oourt fl fa tu favor of K 3 Howell vs John Young; proporty of Young. - Aiho, ono wagon, to satisfy a suporlor. court fl Ta in favor of M G Collins vs Charles Hopper, admr of Morris Roberts, dre'd. as tlio property SEY, D. Shff. G EORGIA, GoK&on CoonTv.—Lewis t, Grenn administrator of Win. W. Groon TonrcHeiu] to the Court in his petition duly tiled uml «, Il oo record tliat ho hoB fully adinialiior,a . W, Green's estate: This Is therefore to cit,< nil persons copoernd kindred andcroditors n. show cause, if uhy they tan, why said admltilH trator should dot he discharged Rom his ad ministration and receive, letters of dismission on thoflrat Monday iu July next, this Jummrv 0th, iwili.jlm, ■ l). W: NKNL, 0.3)7 i^LKORGIA, Gordon County—J. A. ColllnV VT administrator of Nichorau Moss rcprcsiMiti to tho court, in his iwtition duly filed und en tored on recoM. that ho 1msfully adminlsterni said cstulo: This is thereforo to cito all per concerned, kindl ed and creditors, toshow . . .o if any theyenn, why sttid udmlnlstrstor should not bo discharged from suld uduiiuL trill loti, aud receive letters of dismission on tho first Monday In July uffxL This, January: IStiO.-fim , p, W, KEi L, Ord'y. Q L0UU1A, Gordon Conflijr—Ts ter dutc application will bo made to tU ., Two montlia «: ter dute application Court of Ordinary of Gordoh county, for In. sell tbo lands belonging to the heirs of John Scott, decousod, vis: T. S , I). 0., 8. 0. and M. It. Scott, forth® benefit of said wards nnd creditor*] D*c 24-2iu. T. A. FOSTER, Guar. fffsr W. U. RAMSEY, l.und proportyof Elizabeth J. Mo- ' * j of age, e nil per- Culluli, a minor under fourteen ; TnE Wooi.PECKr.HBi—An excliange says: “ Wo Imvo soon plniitoca killing Iho woodpeckers lor sport, 'l'lioy uro regarded as a uulsanou,. because they peck boles tn the sliuek, and aro charg ed with eating young corn. But "in tins last particular injustice, is done tlicin. If you will go to every ear Vucy have peeked, and examine cloBe- j ly, you will Und that a worm lias boon ti.ero eating tho corn, but it is not there then, because tbo woodpecker Or Milan loVluU Sloan, by virtue* of a il fa jowrt of said county, V AT 8loan and J 1* Shis... Also, 52 ucrox.morii nr loss, of part of lot of land number 103, in the 7th district, uml 8,1 sec- tion, to pay tho nurohnso money, levied on by virtue of a fl fa from Whltflohl Suporlor court, E. W. Nuney llardcastlc, for the use of Jacob ». %r . .. " »r. of J. I. L. Hard- olntod out in said R.-SOUTHERLAND, D. Sh’ff. fl fu from county Und got* vs 8 W Sparks; property pointed out by said mortgage. R. SOUTH KULAND,.D.8. DMA-lifitATRix'S SALR^Bv virtu* of an nrdor from tlio Court of Ordinury of Whitfield county,’ Svlll he wold, on the first Tues day In. >fnvch next, before tlio Court-House door In Dalton, within tlio legal hours of sale, tho undivided one-thiril Interest in tho follow ing lots of land, viz: Lot number 211, 48 acres of fractional lot number 210, fractional lot (48 acres) number 247,105 acres of lot number 240— also the remainder of lot number 21U, 55 acres. Terms cash. Sold, as tho property of W. F. Kennedy, dcCcat*c*d. for the benefit oY heirs and oredltovi. JOSEPHUSE*J. KENNEDY, Jan. 21-Lls.-l’rs. lee &1. * J Ailm'x A DMINISTRATIUX^ BALE.-By viitiio of ***, an order Irom tlio Court of Ordinary of Whitfield county, will bo sold,on the first Tues day InMnruli, IsoO, tit tho Oonrt-IIoUso door in said oounty, between tlio legal hours of Bale,the two lots ot land, lot and 171, in said countv. on which J. II. Del verst on lived nt tlio time of his death, containing 820 aero*, moro or less, ono third cleared land, und two thirds in tho orlgi- of M C Dyer, lute of said county, deccusod, rep resents to the Court, in Ids petition duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully administered on said estate— This is therefore to cite and admonish nil per sona interested to show cause, if any they cun, within the timo prescribed by law, why otters of distnisson Irom snid c^ute should not be grant ed to said applicant, in Aptil next. Given un der my hand and official Signature, this Oetobei 1SG8. J. M, 00MB3, Ordinury. Oct 8-Cm * esident of said oounty : This is to sous ooiieerned to be und appear at the Court oi’ Ordinary, to bo held next ulteutiio expiration of thirty days from the first publi- cution’ of ( this notice, und show cause, it they cau, why said. A. D. Stewart, should riot bo in trusted with the guardianship of tho per und proporty of Elizabeth J. Mr ness my official biguature. Jan. 7-30d. <f~1 EORGIA, Murrcv Cot.'KTV.—'Whereas, *Vk VT W. Ruuibert opjriles to me for letters of administration on tno estate of S. M. Wilson, lato of said cqunty, deceased: Those are there* foro to*cito and mlmonish ulk and singular tlus kindred and creditors of said deceased, to fllo tliolr■ohjeotlons, if any they have ♦on or before the March Term of the Court of Ordinary tobo IihIiI In suld county on tho first Monday In March next, oiliorwlso letters will ho granted tho applicant. Given under my lmnd and oitl- oial signature this 19th Jau., Pm ANDERSON FARNSWORTH, Ord’y. JAn. 2l-20d. ItQLA, .. mevy has applied for exempt ion of per- •iuui.v' and setting apart and valuation of mnestcad, andl will pass upon tho same at 10 clock, tho 20tli day or Febtmrv, JW9. Fob. 10—-t. A. FARNSWORTH, Ord’y. EMPOEIUM! fieCulluh. Wit- Mi LTON RUSSELL, Ordy. r*K6l \JT M. James und John M. CfttloU,. Executors of tho lust will and testampht of Tbps. Jones, deceased, 1ms applied to mo for JeiiVo to sell 1b8 south half of lot of land untrib'eu 209, In. tho 11th district und 4th section, for-thb iiurposoof distribution among the legatees of said -fS»s tu tor, and If no objection is raised at tho first reg ular Diem after tho expiration of two mouths, an order will bo passed graining tho prayer jof petitioners. . - - Mi ETON RUSSELL, Ord’y. Junuary.2l-2tn.-l , rB. fee $fi. ro tho Court-Hoitso door in El 1IJay, the first Tuesday iu March next, within tho. lepil hours of sale, tlio following property, to- T.ots of land numbers CO, 180 and 117, In tbo 11th district and 2d section of Gilmer county: levied on ns tho proportyof John L. Reid to satisfy ono Superior Oourt fl la iu favor of Jus. B. Chirk uguiuht John L; Held, principal, und Thomas J. Clark, security. Also, lotofland number 93, In theCthdistrict and 2d section of. Giluier county: levied on us the property of Augustus Builey to satisfy two Justice court 11 lus, one lu favor of Smith «t Joluibon against Isaac Bailey und Augustus Balloy, tho other In favorof A. J.Glenn against Isaac nnd Augustus Bailey. Levy, mado and returned to me by constable. Ja».23-tdsi V, II, MILTON, Sheriff. G KO it ipay concdrp.—J. M. Lawrunco having, iu proper tonn,' applied to mo for permanent lotters of administration on the estuto ot Joim F. Vickery, lato of said county: Tills is t6 cito all und bltigular tho creditor* aud next of kiu John V. Vickery lobe and appear at my oflleo within tho timo allowed bylaws nml nbow cause, if<iny they can, why lettor^ of lultnlnis- trution should not be granted tbo applicant, on aald estate. Witness my huml' und official Big* lutuvo, this Jan. JGtli, lfti'J. Jun. 2i-30d. MILTON RUSSELL, Ord'y) PLANTERS’ _. regular term after tho expiration of sixty days, npi^ation will be made to tbo Court of Orditinr^PrWalker cdtinty, Georgiu, for luuvo to soli tlio lands belonging to tlio cstnto of Jobss Self, lute of said county, deceased, for tho beno- Alabama, Groon county, tbu heirs of Juno Blalock, .residents of the State of Arkansas, county oftPrunkiln, und the heirs of suld Cobb, restdenco unknown. llqury Thoiupsou having applied for probata at tbo February,tonu, 18o9,of iho court of Or dinary of Walker county, Georgiu, of tho wilt of T. w. Cobb, luloof said count v. and in uuid Headquarters for Everything!! T1BB3 tt KEJiWEtl H AVE (in hand and are constantly receiving the largest and finest assortment of CHOICE DRY GOODS, Embracing all the new styles of Ladies' prCAs Goods, Cloths, Cnsinicies, Vestings, etc. * READY-MADE CLOTHING GOOD, STRON0 FASHIONABLE. Ladies’^ Hats, DieasTrimmings, Yankee Notions. , New'Styles •' Hats, Cans, Boots and Shoes, jh evay Variety of Price anil Excellence, Also, a very largo assortment of Crockery, CuttlerV, Hardware, and everything required to make a fUll lino of FAMILY GROCERIES! FARMING IMPLEMENTS! Of tho latest and most approved Patents Also,' all kinds of Field nnd Garden Seeds, at Jl'o, 1 and *2 Tlbb's House, Malt on ■OCo tlio Xiadlesl ■ l&uStine A. Braumiiller, Kay, administrator of \V M L Howie?, resents to the Court in hin petition tlint he Ui fully administered said estate— This is to cito ail and singular Uie creditors and next of kiu of said A. Mv Kay, to be and ap pear at iny office, within tho time allowed hy law, and show causo, if any they cau, why said ad ministrator should not bo discharged from hit ad ministration on the first Monday in July, ISCft. Dec. 24-flin. • p. W, NEEL,’ Ord’y. ■Utlefield, ndininistintor of B. A. S'-i .ton represents to the Court in. his petition duly fried nnd entered on record’ that he has fully adminii- teied snid estate. This is therefore to cite ad persons concerned, kindred nnd creditors, to show Cause, if any they can, why raid mjnmiihtrator should not be discharged from hi* administration/ nnd receive letters of dismission on the firs'. Mon day in February, IStJl). This Julv 22,.18ttS. D. a W. NEEL, Ordy. «... County.—Feldn Administrator of Emery Kay, repre tho Court, iu his petition duly filed and aim red on record, tlint he 1ms fully administered Kn.ciy Kay’s estate j This is therefore to cite nil person8 concerned, kindred ami creditors, to show cause, If any they cun, why Bald Administrator should not he dis charged from his mlmiiiistration, and receive let ters of (fismission the first Monday in Feb., 1868. July 3l)-Gm. 1). W, NEEL, Ordinary. Love, Guardian of tho Minor children o Johnson Moss, deceased. ItaVbg applied to tin Court of Ordinary of said county for * diflehiugi from his Guardianship of snid Minor'children These arc therefore.tD cite nml ndinohMi all «r.' Briiguln.r the kindred *ml ereditois of raid dpcea* ed’s Minor children to be npd appear nt my olfi* within Hie time preflorjlird by law, Jo show cans' if any they have, why raid letters should not b granted the applicant. Nov 25-flm I). W. NEEL, Ordy EORGIA, GORDON COUNTY.—Osborn UT ReetK, Administrator, of W. 1). Walker, dccoosed, represents to tho Coiirt-of Ordinary hr his petition diilv filed and entered dri record tbit holms fully administered said estate: l’his is therefore to oite^siljiertrinseoncerned, kindrod nnd ereditoi^'to show rnuse, if any they can, why Bald nihninUraior should not be di»- .charged from his administration nnd receive let- tersjif dlsmhjsiop on the first Monday in May, 1809. D. W. KKEL, Ordinary. November 5-8m.. G eorgia, Q6ruow county.—I'liobo inham 1ms applied for oxomptiou ot'personalty und sottingapart'and valuation of homestead, rnul 1 will pass upon tho satnout my office In Calhoun on tlio 19th that. This February 9. lSU'Jf* 1). W. NEEL, OnV>^ Gordon County,—.'T. j. Frown “ i of personalty i of homestead, EOivui.i, iiumiua \JT lias applied for ex and sc"* ^ -