North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, March 04, 1869, Image 1

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J^CROFZKa >' LOVRSlijV—Wliolculo «nd FurnlililngOoodn nnd Clothing, llnmllton ilroct. B RNTON fc LYM-Ib-ulora in Dry Ooodf, tlrocm-lac, PrddaWi ,md Hardware), corner Waugh and Xlninllton struct. " T'|AVIS,W. It., it CO.—Pehlorr In Family nnd .1/ l'nnuy (Iroccrlw., Snlson utlni-lii-il. Cheater house, north t-dl'ilcV Ring nnd Hamilton. jyjtCMTCIIY k CAI,ll\\T.I.'l.-DculM«lii J)ry near corner of l. Goods, flronorlon, I’rdduoo and Hard whin, roornorol'.Waugh agd Hamilton atreot.. "\T cCHTCIJKK IV, 8.—Dealer* In Family Oro- 1V1 coriua, Produoo, ate., oust aide Hamilton atreot. N ICHOLS, JOHN B—Dealer in GroeerK Produco nnd general family supplies, corner King and Hamilton street, f IMtUVITT, J. F.—Doaletln Dry floods, Oro- i cerlca and Provisions, opposite Tlhh’sUouoo. G tlDBEB & KXIOIIT—Dealers In Drugs, Med- iciucu, Paints, Oilt«, GIRm, etc., Ko. A, Tibb'a House, Hamilton street.' H mscil. B!.—Dealer In fancy Goods, Notion* mill Toys, Hamilton street. T>ALL & HeCAUTY—Wholesale .mill. Retail d) Dealcrslu Stored Hnlldvr Ware,. Hurd ware, alid.Manufacturer* cf Tlnwaro, Hamilton street. • QMITIIEULAXI), A. L.—Dealer In Stove*, O Hollow Ware, Hifawire, uud Manufacturer •f Tinware, Hamilton street, O 00LEDUK, N. Fa K Co.-Tanners OITJco In lower atorV of Printing Iloiiso. Huiliiing, Crawford Street. Always pay cash for Ul< “ B UXTOX& ClH.MNS—House Cariientcw and Jollier*. Shop corner of lllll am! Spencer Joiners. Shopc - , . ■treota. Work warranted, expound with qlspatcli. V’BIRBrSUI'L <>.—House llarpenter and Q-ApftRI, F.—noot end Shop llaker, corner of King and Hamilton street*. QWICK, II. XI. & J. P.—Uouae, Sign and Orna- O mental Painters, and Paper Hangers. (IIIDON, Dr. C. P.—Physician and Surgeon,' VjUT may be found at Ills office over Pitman's store, when not professionally engaged, M f APEK, Or J. E.—Physician imd; Surgeon. Office over RuUofzcr & Lovenuin'fl store, wbtro ho may ho found when not engaged^ BE**'*.* B,V1S ^TW> t tXEV a AT W •Georgia. j. a. n. hawks. fobll r. a. sivisos. J OllAAOA Ot WCOAJAit V . ■VTTOBNEYSJAT LAW, fp Stull'S In King UnlMlng, Uultun.Ua. Will nnu-tlco In IUo-.qcmru of this circuit, ahil In tho U, s. UlutfBit Court ut Atlmitii. liir-jy.r " /. |l‘. ./FLH r7 ATTORNEY AT LAW, YY ILL practice III./ in oil theflfflntleuof this Horrible Tragody-Romarkublo Hop uruont. A few weeks ilnoo, in our news Items, we ihelitionocl ft liorriblu tragedy tlmt ocourrcdlnlinnnthnl, Missouri, where in a hither strangled his daughter, a little girl aged about eight years, and then cut liar little heart out and drank the blood from It while yet it was t,ulv- elrjttion.of ‘ Circuit,' mid U. S. Di.trlul Court. junD-ly Woods & Craven, Drugs* Medicines, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oils, Window d-luss, &Q. RINGGOLD litrt August U7—12mj .GEORGIA. Hugh Douglas & Co., -yy-IIOLESALE DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, AC., No. 53, Public Square, Hush Douglas* W. IV. . Pill no, . _ Annulr \\. o. D.iirolls J*. T. Anns! ron", Gray & Kirkman, importers of HARD W A RE, Ko. 58, College Street, .,’nn 11 l.n KASimUr. TENN jr. m. r.U'L, A. B. TAVUI., .1. V, J U. PAD L, TAVSL & XX AN If ER, WholMulo Bopjgellers and' Stationers, Job •3Px“i3atoi*s’, orliig. Since tlio. perpetration of the. crime, says the Quincy, Illinois Whig, the man lids been declared insane, and -the authorities of Hannibal have sent him,to the jail at' Palmyra. Day be fore yesterday ho penned the following statement of the alfnlr In'Herman had requested tho jailor to.“give It to tho highest -Judge In tho country to ho translated.’’ Mr. John' Haunt, a Jus tice of the Poaco,.translated the paper, which Is as follows : . “I, son of God, formerly Sebastian Hupfur, wish to say a few words to the world. I belioVe I wiiB the father of Are children ; one of them died, an other was strangled by its mother.— She was crazy; that was the cause of tho death of both children. God, our Father, willed. It thus ) his will was done, and she is free. She has secured a divorce from me, I bolievo bo the cause of the death of the third child, 1 killed it, it is true, but I was not tho 'cause of her death, and, there fore, do not feel myself guilty of crimo. 1 believed to have seen the devil in her (tlie child.) 1 licit! made a covenant with God, the Father, to catch tho deyil if l should have tin opportunity. I now believe her mother is dead, and I have seen her mother's devil in her. After she was divorced from me, she wnnted to marry me again. I hitcl sworn by God,.oiir Father, never to live with her again, I did not wisli to change my good spirit lor a had one, nnd therefore did not wjsli to break my word. I still have two children; they belong to the male sex, nnd are, therefore, sons of GOcl.. The three that are dead Were of the female sex, and were dnnghters-of their mother. 1 came into my blind; God, the Fath er, gave it lo me, that He' was once married, and IMS wile secured a di vorce from Him 1)0001180 He did not obey her. His wife’s name was Devil. Man says Adam and Eve were in tire paradise ; and I swear that life wht) fol lows me will get there. Sitin' says thefe was a certain apple tree in para dise, to ent the fruit thereof (Jod, the Father, had forbidden his children God,' Zngl'Father, died of grief ngjl sorrow. He was an industrious man nnd a good gardener. His divorced wife left Him nnd went to another land, and left Adam live with niin.— After tho Father died the devil return ed to paradise and desired her children to obey her. She took nif apple from tlie forbidden tree and gave-it -to.Kvo to cat. Site took it and ate it; then she gave one tfe Adam, hut Adam would not eat, ho would not obey the devil, and, therefore, lie became odious to all persons—tli.-.t is, to the devil and tlie womau, ami so am I. Man docs not believe in Christ beeauso lie was not ns firm ns I. lie did not complete his work. He was n coward, nnd was not t.lie man that I an), to follow up what He laid promised ilia Father, to-wit: to catch the devil. IIo Wag-not firm ; the devils have caught Him and Me had to die. If- you do not believe me A Rfejtal Wcddlfig-Foant la -Cash mere, Tlie goal was reached.; we wore at Inst up tho.almost interminable hill nnd in the products of the pnlnuu-ynWl. Nor, X'onii lisOnro you,' were we sorry for It. On onr right,' ns wo entered, lay a vest pile of buildings, brilliantly lighted up; beforu us,ndnrk wull.mid another arch way, loading to the abiding-places of the Xeimna ; nnd on the loft, long ter races, ascended by broad steps and sheltered from tile night-air by brilliant-' ly colored ‘.‘ahemlannlis’’of bright lii|es. At thej'oot of these steps our elephaUta were halted and made to knoel down-— every one descending to the ground and following tho Mahnrujuh,who,pre- coded by his groat otlluers of State, mounted to tho scat of, royally—a “musnud” set for. his rooeptiou.- At this point a more-cordial reeep- tlon was ntado us) ~ nis irtnjcsty shook hands with all, motioned us lo take chairs which were'brought out fob onv- use, and then gave tho signal for the procession to move on. I ustantlypylth boat .of drums und sound of trumpets, rode in n stronrn of horsemen, some at- tired iu only a bad ilnitalloh Of the British oavalry (IresB, looking cramped up and very Mint ease, but the groater number in loose-fitting Oriental gar- incuts—wild-eyed l’ntllnns, Apedis, AlVghans, am) tall, gaunt Teshmaols from many a long day’s march beyond tho IChybcr. After them marched past infantry, matchlockmen, and guns, un til, finally, the glittering armor of the body-guard, (lashing back the torch light blaze of fire fi»m thoir helmets, and preceded by a craahrpf discordant, music, announgmj tlidaWDroaoh OF-the liridegroom, flic'ulft- lo tllo throne, of Cashmere. Homo aloft, in an- open palanquin of elaborate design, inlaid with silver, the boy, although only thir teen, seemed thoroughly to realize lire pageant given in Ids honor; and, as ho passed in front of tho .Maharaja, grave ly inclined. Ids head before his sover eign nnd father. He was simply dress ed in white nnd gold, the heron-plume heiilgfastonedby a niagniflceilt aigrette Of precious stones to the folds of ids voluminous turban ; but tho mostlmri- ous part of ids bo$tumo consisted of a veil of pearls descending nlmpst to tlie chin, commencing with some of price- jess size, and gradually tapered olf with a fringo of tlie smallest seed-pearls —a veil, indeed,worth a king’s ransom. This appeared to he live indispensable part of.,royal nuptial attire - and rf« rigueur at the Cnshmcrinn court. The little prince sotyi after appeared on the terrace, and gravely seated Himself be fore the Alnhafnjji arriving just ill time to see lds.Jmde, or ratller his bride's palnihpdiitpnss in ro^lWthrogh the euiirtyard nbiLffliler. Uig. Zonafe U"? there xo remain until the final cerenio- ny should take place some years later, when he would publicly claim her hand, and load her in regal state to ids own abode. Surrounded ny women, close ly veiled in the long white sari, the ju- veuilo bride—eight years, they told us, was borage—must,! shrewdly suspect, have been tired out and asleep; not that it was possible to even guess at We ullp the following nom an ex change. Wo njfijUe nightly visitors of dry goods clerks to liewnro: “A clerk ill a.dry goods storo retir ed one night-; haying for Ids bedfellow all acquaintance dating hack to school, days.. Our Informant Slept In tlie next room adjoining,- thu door of which was partly opon, In tlie ndddlo of lire night lie siys lie was aWakenod from sleep liy hearing the clerk, in- a [olid voice, exclaim: “ lloiv many yards dill" ypu Bay. yon lynnted, inarm f”— “Three yards enough f" and tho next thing heard was a teaming noise; and Hie bctirollqw oT tlie clerk shouting out, “What are you dolug? you Imvo torn my shirt:from top to bottom. 11 The. poor dreamer Imagined lllillself in his store, waitiijg oil a lady customer, wire ivniltod tjirce. yards of onlieo. The. shouts ofjaaiaiuisnt lyllicJi tho eve.ut.. croated, can Well ho imfegliied am> ; do not let me die, lint liave me belie id BLAMK BOOK It A X f F A CT l'RI Its, od, and if my head rises, thou I liavo told'Abo truth ; hut if It falls I have been a liar. There are but two ways ■V ITfO.I .11. Mllt ri.L', heaven the paradise. When you have ^ L - PHoPuuaon, j 1)eh01K , C(h „ l e lnirv my ,, mlv in \ llu mM . die of my garden, my feet toward the —life ami death. Hell is the earth- TWENTY HOPS THOM PASNKNCKH DEPOT, Rtilroail AYP-ime, lietween 8th nml flth Siruet: CHATTANOOGA, TENN. ftrmi-fsi.MO per Ry; Single ntouls Brt c»'nt T. 11AVMOSD, 'VKI-LllOHN Mlammotul N irdlliorH, ATTORNEYS at LAW tu»v*l.v Whitehall StreeL AT LAN l A, (* A. Medical and Sui’gical Notice. A. W. IU ’INflS. 5.C,. BIVINfl?. sms. ..i. ir. Bin'BA'asSi sojt., F ORMERLY of South Oaroliim, tcnUiT their i’rofeasionnl mirvloe* to the citizens of Dal ton a ml surruuiuliiiK country. y^**Spccinl attention to all chronttcafrx. JJJjTUlHcis during the day, oonur ot 1’enta ami King strcetA, and- night at residence, on Thornton Avenue, formerly occupied hy Mr. J. H. King. JHiiimr " * n-tf. TjOtAXK LESLIE’S LADY’S MAGAZINE.— .L? Tho lemliiiK fanhlon periodical In America. »»y ml plate of tn neiit from “ ITi-shlona, from designs invented, which a Hein irom rnris ns soon aim mvim vu, i thus published slmultuncously In Ni and Purls; also a four-page uncoloroi npnuleil with full descriptions und explanations, with numrrous other lllus- t*rations. Bvory niimlmf contains mi orMnnl letter from Parts ilesorllilnc, I lio very latest jionr.s, by a Intly.n-liosc posit mi gives her ac- oosstn fiwilllimiiblo sneloty. Tho lltoriirv por tion of this Mngaslne comprises a continued story, nhmerons Interi-sting tales, poetry, iin- ’ eedotes. Vo. The whole, profusely Illustrated with flue ongrttVtlYgS. Prtoe, »l W per yeur. The poor maniac, after drinking the blood of llio child, said that lie would never again want for food or nourish ment, that tho blood had given him It I’ everlasting. We lire informed that since the perpetration of tlie deed lie lins not partaken of a mouthful of food. The case is, indeed, a remarkable one, and tlie statement ho lias made is, we believe, one of the most singular pro ductions we ever read. Witokri Hymn Hook'.—A jolto is told of hjtrfeachor iu Nebraska, Who had with a friend just before servi ces. As it happened tills friend occa sionally luxuriated in a smilo of tho aidiltlt, and sometimes carried a mo- reeoo-eovored ilask in his o.ycrceat pocket. , Hy mistuke tlie ministor took lire friends OVfel'fioat on his departure, and walking into the pulpit, began the exorcises without dolling the garment, it being rathor cldlly in the room. Iteuliing very minlstorial ? over his congregation .from behind Ids Speotsl- cles, he bogan drawing from Ills pock et as ho supposed, his hymn book with the Introductory, remark that the con gregation would sing from a particular page which lie had selected bulbfolmnd. Tlie minister hold tho supposed book up in full sight of the eongregat ion, nnd attempted to open it sidewayB, but it wai no go. His reverence was dumfoumled, tlie audience giggled, and. tlie w!«e scene was tnado ludicrous by a fellow ill tho. back part of the congregation.,'not al together too sober, who drawled out: ‘Say, minister, kin wo'ali (hie) jine lu that nr hymn ?’ . ffitot QMw* tho mailing itudnnt, . 0 f-- moony pay, (Im Imml, It cannot pay thubOul. Tim WoiMmp mwit bo Orow ilud. That tho pained may bob right j If t lie plowman dia not plow* *, Tlion tho pout could not write; Tlmn let ovoty toll be ballowdd - Tlisit mail porfArnla fiU nbin', . Anu liavo Itrtataftrt of honor, Ahtpart of ono groat plan. The man who tnrhs tho noil Ncei^ not have an earthly mind \ - Tho digger ’mid tho coni Noofl not bo In spirit blind t Tho Wind can shod a light - Oil oaob worthy labor done j A a lowest things aro bright In tho radiance of tho sun. ■„ Tho pout, the divino 1 . The thought that for his followers •A brighter dny will siiino. Lot orery human laborer Enjov tho vision bright, Lottho.thnugbt that comes from lieavon lie spread like houveh’s own light 1. Yu mon who hbldtbe jmn, Rise ltko a hand inspired; And poets, lot your tyi-dji With liopo for fnan be ilrpd I Till tho oarth becomes a tomplo, And every human heart Shall Join tn one great service, Eacli happy-in his part. TO-MORltOWt Tho sotting sun with dying beam, Had waked tho-purple bills to tire f And citadel, and dome, and spire, • Were gilded hy the far-olf gleam. Anri in and opt dark pine trees crept ' Full ninny a slender lino of gold ? Ctdld notes athwart tho rlvor swept, And kissed itAnit onward roll'd} Anil sunlight linger'd, loth to go.' Ah,'well I It cuuaeth sorrow To p/lrt from those we" Jove,below, Yotlilltherward tho tid’o^liall How To-jnorrow. FoiiFun.-t-A clever gentlejnan^ome* thing of a wSg withal,' fell a victim to the wiles of “John Barleycorn j” recent ly, and hecamo•“sea-sick,”*if the Ili- bernianism may be nilowedj^o that he had to anchor in a^fenco corner ancl “heave." Holding on to' a rail, lie poured forth a'''promiscuous cascade “tremendous tn behold.” ^A sympa thizing friend, vrjiilepassing; feelingly inquired, “Jinllo, what’s the matter ? are you sick ?” Tlie Victim turned upon him a look in which was coucen- ti atecl a perfect avahyiche oD'dproaeh- fql contempt, and blurted ojjh between intervals of hts copiohs uplteavals— ft) ^(npiig- for fuu ?” 4 The tide was ebbing on tho strand, And stooping low its silver crest To crimson sou.weed laid at rust Upon tho amber-ribbed sand, Dubbed o'er the rocks and on the shore; Siting parting wreaths of pearly spray*. Tlieu floo away. Yet turned once more, . And sent a sigh across tuo bay. As tbough it could not boar to go. Ah, well I it cansoth Borrow To part from tliosc wp love boiow, Yet|thltUorwurd the tide shall flow Tomorrow. Two hearts had mot to say farewell, At even when the'situ weut down; Each lifc-sonnd from the busy town Smote sadly as a passing bell. Ouc whispered, ‘'Parting is sweet pain, At inorn end ova returns tho tide;’’ “Nay, parting rends-tim heart in twain/' And still they lingered side by sidiSr And situ they lingered, loth to go, • Ah, well 1 it causcth sorrow ,*• To pajx from those wc love below, For shall wo over moot or no * Tomorrow* HBBTO t, lirouglit, liotii I'lorpnue. Night tlie Arrioiui i-kisI. Tho Ihtmgjill 1 , GflUt. ?. J. 1: London, jell JHtttliurtt, (luinl for Slevm Leone, O.kvmUei- 2 seven feinslfe |>nssengu’rs, two priests, two Kroomcn nml nimi ship's erew— On lire night of thu 20lh tho vessel rtvuck on n sttml hnnlr not marked in tUfe Olmljs,' nnd which wus not at thu timo surrounded by hrokon water All efforts proving useless to saro her, nml two bunts nml one of the Kroomcn being lost, n raft was formed and s.tip- plled with some provision)), brandy nntl-sherry, but tlie Cnptnln uhlorlu- lintcly forgot- wnter^ nnd his ahosteoti- tninlng hi.s instruments, clinrts, ,te The raft whs towed by n small bout,, seventeen feet by six inches, but its they oould net mnko bond against the current, tlioy tvere nil, twenty in nnm : her, forced to got Into tfie boat. Thoir provisions, ,l;c., were soon exhausted, nml tlioy began to drink sen water, Which soon made ono man, n sailor, named llrolvh,' crazy. When nil the food was exhausted tlioy drew lots who should kill Brown before ho died; The lot fell on a colored boy from^ntlnirst, who, however, refused. At that mo- Uteiit the Captain providentially caught a fish, tlirco potmds' weight, having maden fish-hook from ft woman’s liair- pin, which lie bnited.with a portion of. n.crnb caught in some senweed. While the fish was lifting devoured Brown ex pired, 'and wns thrown overboard.— Previous lo this tlie crew and'passen gers had greedily sucked , up some blood which enmo frbm Brown’s body wheu tlie Captain bled him to modernta his frenzy ; some crabs nnd.buttorfUes were ftiso voraciously devoured. Ou the 5th of January they fortunately repelled the Isle <16. Los, where they wore,treated with the gi'oatest kindness by Captain Curren, of llife Aificrifeiirt tvlialer 8. A. Paine, or Providence, Mass. Captain L’lirron toolc-thom to Sierra Leone) Whence' they were'sftnt hopnfe as distressed British seainon.— The twenty persons were nine days lit an open boat, during which they drift ed 200 miles under a tropical sun, and had only twenty pounds of provisions, and not n drop of water all the tltns. >ife-V Harper’s Bazar gives tho following An Inuvan.v Love Lettel 1 .—The sensiblu reply to a coiTospomleiit following love letter was piokftVl up iu J Vour husbaml’s salary of $1,(100 a' ICokoma, Indiana: “ Oh, My Dsui-est 1 year, upon which lie, you, nml two Muler i will tri to ancer .vine Deer let- i children are obliged to live, seems a ter. <■() how my throbbing heart! Docs small sum, from a rich man’s point of akotolimbrnsoyou onso nure. 1 view,"blit a very considerable amount Darling Ilosy Bud wont you marry I iu the eyes of tlie poor, who are the mo. i here the ekohnoeri will. Pont great majority of mankind. Mostfam- her movements, for tlie close silver hit- i u t that ugly tiling lake you a Buggy | ilies in thu United .Slates live com for t- ticc-work of her litter \vas evidently ridin agin 0 liow i Felt the first time ! ably upon less, and more might do so, constructed with the intention of dis appointing prying eyes and securing perfect isolation, as well, 1 thought at the time, n3 perfect darkness auJ ex treme lieal! More warriors, more elephants, more fireworks,more firing of caniioii ensued, ami then it was graciously intimated to us, greatly to our satisfaction, that his highness had prepared a dinner for the Irish raja and his companions) to which permission was given us to pro ceed forthwith.—I’ulnani's Magazine. F ltAXlC LESLIE'S CULMXEV COItXEIt.-A imrelv llterurv porloilk'Hl. Exoludlna e- VI,ills of tho day, fls Mm, us Its title Indicates, 1, (O furnish amusement for tho leisure liner. Its cnntcnls consist principally of orlalnnl sto. rtes hv itSie writers, fneludlnga serial,iicoouuts Virren'uu-lifthlemlvcntures,(1 csel-lptInns ol hlan- uorsaml iustoins fn l-emolo countries, short poems, fui-.-y stories, enigmas, ooijumlruins, charades. Act lUustrsted with InrifOamUpIr- ited euaruvlnsis of which tr A Chuvcli-Spiro. A church-spire means a great many tilings. 1 always say that to myself when I Bee one. • In the city it means embellishment, rivalry, social gatherings, flirtations, marriages, wedding-parties,deaths amt burials It means ambition for distinc tion for superior holiness, for promi nence in cliurcli-govcrument, for admi ration nnd applause. It moans,moroover,Hintwearesolilali and corrupt in our daily practice,; but there is something, onco-a-week, wo can point lo ns an offset. In tlie comilry ttlq church-spire has fewer of tlioso significations.- On tile frontiers none of them. There it means dependence on God nnd Hie necessity to acknowledge it. Blit everywhere—in town, country, nml wildorness—a church-spire is a eon fossion that tlieru is anxiety about what will conre hereafter.—Itnmance of “ To-day,” in l'ulnam'e Magazine. containing H J? LEA SANT HOURS,— Irtlcul ill tho U. Staten, o pages oflot tor prer Vit h front : ’0 to3\llu%*at ions, bcaWos two full- u engravings on tinted paper, lnoaon nutfl* lior. A continued story, and well written talc nnd stories of adventure, wit h humorous anec dotes, dcsCidptlons of manners and customs, amusements lor yopng |)eople^fto M constlluto the reading matter. l'r!o(\qi.fW> per year. Address, FRANK LESLIE. M7 l’earl Street, Now York City. J Yorsallv aoknoWloaged tiio Model Parlor Magazine ot AmorMa, devoted to Original Sto- ■ rles. Poemi»,5kotolie«,Household Mattors.Goms of Thought, PersonuYund Literary Gossip (In cluding special donartnents on Fashiohs*) In* struBtions on Health, Music, amusomonts, etc., by tho best authors, profusely Illustrated with by tho best authors, profusely Illustrated with costly engravings, uso Ail ana reliable patterns; embroideries, and a constant succession of nr- tistle novelties, with other usoful ancl enter taining literature. • • No person of roflnement, economical house, wife, or ladv oftasto can afford to do withohfc the Model Monthly. Yea^y, *3, with a valua ble prmni urn, two Bopies, *3.50; throe, 7.59; five, *1*. Bartram & Fanton Sewing Maohine for % subscribers at *5each. , „ Publication offloe, MSBroadway, N.T. _ .. ^,m%T/ni,',7miS'."r,?r»( n «, K h Amcrlc “ to recently written by Maximilian, Tho “Loyal” Cuss of fcha South. “I never hear ot* this loyal element iu the South,” writes Don IMatt, “that that we tutcheil our lips tugether. O ; were it not ioi 1 tile undue proportion how my hole frame did quiver but i j of tlloit* income spent to “keep up np- must 6top or 1 will go crazy. 0 how pearanees.” \V*j are gene raj ly too we will divide tlie sorros and joys j anxious to pass for beitag riclier than and eomfei’t.a of life Anser rite of from | wq are, and therefore sacrifice much of your George.” ! our substance to show. When con- —:—— - I scions that we arc laboring truly to A X ew Vif.w.—“A very modest and ' get our own living, and to do our duty charming lady” recently confessed to l.iu that state of life in which it hath the editor of the Richmond Enquirer pleased God to call us, however small that when visiting New York she had j may be the result according to tins seen tlie notorious “ Black Crook.”— world’s computation in dollars and He asked her whether she thought tho I cents, we have no reason-to be asham- exhibition objectionable.^to which slie j ed of it. There is, however, a false wjttily replied that she “saw no objec- j shame, which often induces an expen- tion to ladies going.” The New York j diturc for worthless tinsel m order to Post thinks that is perhaps tlie wittiest j give a spacious glitter to a moderate mead Ky- It 1r ssiil will yield lift; $15 to $20 n |iouml An ftgrnYlnn sect. In I ing tlie property of tlie tho poo,r lies sprung np in Mcxic An Ohio liuly, of no “projudii lms lately sired n negro For seduc nmlor promise of nmrrin with “cnsle." A \Vh§iiihgton coi-respomlent i sides tlie oeenpnnts of tho Uongrc.. sional gullet-lea as'“women, negroes mid men.” During jhe fiqitson jilst closed Cin- oinuuti lms Blnughtered 350,555 hogs, about 10,000 less than last season. When “ono of tho best fellows in tho world” dies, it is extremely pro Hint ho expftnsei Railroad robberies of the most dar ing kind become' very common on the .trains running to and fr:m Chicago. O ne man was garrotted hy four rlifilmis on tho platform between two efttB. A bachelorbcingnsked why iiodidn't marry, answered, “that tiio women were claiming tiio right to go to the polls, and.they would soon claim Hie right to go courting, nnd that ho was oaljCwSltlng’for a good offer.’’" . --i;' Tiio number of mjlltfauftm How ill camp at Nasiivlllo coat of tlie Slate-at the rate of $20,000 per WOlltll,. : ' '- ; : During the pftsLfiv'o years clt an av erage, one mail lifts been Jellied every nine day* while walking, or lying oil thft track of Massackus.ells v " ' i -ono oi mo ucsi lonows in the dies, it is extremely probable will have lo be buried at'tlio i of his friends. Retributive Justice. /Tiio Forum, published: at Bdeynts, Ohio, recites the fallowing “ Startling Instance of the Justice of Heaven The retributive, justice of Heaven has never been more clearly Shown or exemplified limn in the i'atc of tho Judge and jury who acquitted tho mur- I I am not disposed to grin, having; had j remark made about one ot’ Hie stupid-: competence, which thus becomes opportunity lor observation. I member once, during the war, calling on the late lamented, iu company with General Rorcerans. Wc were fresh from West- Virginia, and tlie General’s kind heart was full of affliction for tho loyal element of that State. I said nothing, but Mr. Lincoln, observing that I grinned, at last turned and ask ed mo what I thought of lire loyal ele ment of West Virginia? “Well,Mr. President,” I responded, “I liavo been iu Virginia nearly a.year, and so far ns I can discover, General ltosecrans is correct in Ilia division We have tiio disloyal elumont and tiio (liffcrenco between them is this, tho disloyal man joins tho army and shoots at you, on principle—tlie loyal man gets behind the holly hush and sliools at yon fur your boots.” “Tlie meaning of which is," adds D. I’., “that tlie man or w tiuan wire was disloyal to his or her section during that terrible war is hardly worth tak ing iuto account. And that rule ap plies with equal force lo tho North us well ns to tho South.” Dead Cmsnr Wakos Again. Some of the sensation journals pub lish the following: Advices from Paris state that an im perial paper, tire Independent-, says thcro is now in Paris a Freficliinau, just re turned from Mexico, who asserts that the Emperor Maximilian is not dead. According to his statement, when the unfortunate monarch was shot ho wns carried to a convent to bo buried. One of the monks found ho was still alive nlid dressed Ilia wounds, applied air pumps to his lungs and a galvanic bat tery to bis nervous system. The em- pet-or wits restored to consciousness and tho body of a soldier put in his place. This Frenchman gives the name of the village whore Maximilian is now concealed, nnd shows a letter of credit cst plays that ever drew an audience. Sold Aoa;n—A physician passing by a stone-mason’s, bawled out lo him, ‘Good morning, 41 r. W : hard at work, I see: you finish your grave stones ns far us ‘In Mcinorv of,’ and then you wait, I suppose, to see wire wan ts:t monument next?’ ‘Why, yes,’ replied tiio old man, resting for a mo ment on his mallet, ‘unless somebody is sick, nnd you aro doctoring him, and then I keep right on 1’ A humorous old man fell in with an ly, while, more judiciously used, it might prove abundant. Uontinueyour courageous struggle with life, but do not waste your resources -upon any false bravery of conduct or apparel. case are too-well known to justi _ bursal at this time. Briefly, a brutal beast bearing the name of. Brown) in cold Hood, nnd without thu slightest provocation, assnssinatod Bolmeyer on a public street in Dayton, in broad day light, in the presence of numerous wit nesses, for tiio only reason that-Bol- moyer was the editor-in-chief of tlie Dayton Empire, a Democratic paper. Brown being feftHful of tfie just i.idig; nation of tlie people of Montgomery county, prayed for a elmngoof venue, had bis casu transferred to tlie loyal county of .Miami, after a mock trial, was aoqiiittod by a jury organized for that purpose by a loyal court nnd Slier- ill', notwithstanding tlit 1 proof of guilt wns incontestable and overwhelming. This was the judgment of man No\V witness the judgment (iT Almighty Giiil! Every jiiryiuau OJI that panel that acquitted Brown of tile murder of Bolmeyer lias since been bereft of rea son, met unnatural death or committed suicide, and ns a fitting capstone.(o this arch of retributive justice, Judge Faisons, who presided over tiio mock trial, died a few days since a Horrible (icatli in the Lunatic Asylum at Day- ton. Verily those who “sow tho wind shall reap the whirlwind.” “Sweet aro the uses of adversity,” lays tho Athens Tost, but tlie adversi ty that brings sugar np to twenty cents a pound makes tile sweetening come rather dear. , r It costs English railroads o throe quarter million dollar-, for personal injuries done It Is proposed .in Cong continue the office of Gene thine Lieut. General of the l.'Bri pond on tiio 20th o The State-Auditor • na.was committed to j;. by the Supreme Judge for eo of Court in refusing to comply wit! an order of the court, ' The largest than on record", in mod ern times, was .Miles .Darden, a nativo of North Carolina, horn in 1798, He was seven feet and six inches high.— At his death, in 185J, ho Weighed a Tllo Bulk of the World’s Gold. Tlie Now York Mercantile Journal ill discussing tlie folly of attempting to conduct tiio future business of tiio world upon a gold basis makes the fol lowing statement: All gold that exists in the United States to-day, could bo placed in a ignorant and rather finperlinont young • * ( l unre of less than fifteen feet in mini.-iler, who proceeded to inform j ' vl< t l nlu 'J 0 ! 111, ■ . 1 . . A rnnm mm i.timlioii I tlie old gentleman, in very positive terms, that lie never could reach Heav en unless lip was horn again, and add ed i “I liavo experienced that change, and feel no anxiety.” “Ami have von been hol'n again ?’! snid Ins companion, musingly. “ Yes, I trust I liave."— “Well,“said the old gentleman, eyeing him attentively, “1 don’t think it would hurt you to bo born once more.” An Empukm! Toilet When the French Empress is alic ut to pass from her apartment to her dressing-room. Hie first femme de chambre ton.lies an electric bell that corresponds with tho room overhend. Thereupon a tap-door iii tho ceiling of tlie dressing-room opens, anil the toilet (.lie Empress has snid: “Sister, skip that, skip Hint, lie’s signified her intention of wearing is blowing! I want to know who licked 1" lowered from nhovo—petticoats, slip/ Skip THAT-Si8TKa, UK’s Blowino In order to amuse the children on a Sal hath, a Indy was engagod in read ing from the bible the story of David and Goiinh. nml, coining to that pass age in which Uoliali so bonstiugly nntl defiantly dared tho young stripling, a little chap, alinnst in his first trousers, dross, tunics, all ready to put on, ono inside tho other, with their trimmings of flowers and ribbons, flounces and lace. A quarter ®f an hour after she is (Tressed, necklace,'jewels end ear rings arc in their pincc, and then Hie hairdresser is summond—for tho Em press, contrary to tho usunl fKshion, leaves her coiffdre to tho last. The whole process is computed in less than half an hour. The insurance companies of the country paid to tho government last yeaV a tax of $1,814,185 57. Sentimental—Our devil says somo evenings since while talking love to hisRweetlieartshe blushed, which caus ed him to ask: ‘Miss; what liavo yon done to bo aslinmod of, Hint you blush so ?’ ‘Sir, what have tho roses and the strawberries end the peaches-dcinq, that they should biuslt so?’ A photographer in this city was re cently visited by a young woman who, with sweet simplicity, asked, “How long does it take to get a photograph after you have left your measure ?” A room ono hundred feet long, one hundred feet wide, and ten feel high, would bold eight times l.lle total amount of gold in Hie known world. The “Golden Calf," worshipped by tlie would-be statesmen or our day, who desire nn accumulation of coin to tho extent of $250,000,000 in OliV Na tional Treasury ns a basis upon which to resume specie payments, if melted down, ivouid not All a square box measuring nino feet each way. Mow puerile, then, to clog tlie wheels of ihlnnco nnd commcrco by a blind silbservioucy to ridiculous tenets of lire dark ages. Goal and iron are infinite ly moru valuable to commereo than this boasted metal. Take Away the Pulpit—A dis patch from Cincinnati says: Tho Pres byterian Convention in session hero’• Im-gcly attended. Uj«KU B sing the kind of preaching needed, Dr. Thomas made the following remark: “Take away the pulpit; como nearer the pcopio ; remove tho formality of the ministry. \Yo build up tlicso bulwarks of satnn, tiio pulpits. Twenty years ago I kick ed -mliio out so ns to get' nearer un people.” .. North, Carolina negroes liavo the su peratition that'by carrying a portion of nnh’ffi'ifefld human hunos nhotif- tlieir of pulverized human bones about their person they tan commit any crime with impunity. Mean and Contempiulb Tiio fel low wire ponned tlie following, which appears in tlie New York Express, ex hibits a spirit of cowardice and atro ciousness, which Could only r.menato from a narrow-minded sneaks Yesterday Jefferson Davis was for mally discharged by the court, and hereafter there will bo no pretence of a trial with him. \Yo tyust lie will now liaVfe tiio decency to remain in ob scurity ; it is pretty certain that if ho were to sliow himself in tlie streets of Now York, lie would stand a good chance to be knocked down by some indigqaiit discharged soldier. Poor creature, ho is a melancholy example of tho ruin and disgrace wrought by criminal ambition. ivi uia ucaiiiiy in tao-ii u little over 1 ,OO0 pounds. A paper published in Kenadaville, Indinua, observesf “If Mrs. Graut should happen to get the measles,cvei-y fool woman in-the country would put lire red spots on her facejaudeom’meuca taking opsom salts.” . The Prussian,government proposes to abolish Hie patent system. The sys tem has JleUbben pro'iliit'tivo'of good' results in Germany, neither stimulat ing invention nor proving nilvanta-' geous to the public. The question no* agitating Massa chusetts is whether.tue school-children are in tlie habit of intoxicating them selves willfciair. The Rev. Mf, Thayer says they are, but tlie Bostdh Post is inclined lo doubt the statement. •The claim presented before tlie com missioners appointed in Indiana to as certain tlie damages inflicted iu that State by John Morgan’s raids amount iu value to $407,390, nnd $113,590 01' been thoso liavo been approved. Tlie Greenville (Miss!) Times iu its advertising terms says: “Marfiaga announcements will range from a nice cake to a barrel of flour—according ta. tho ‘felier’8’ appreciation of ills happi ness.” . . An Englishman relates that Ire ro . cetitly dined'in Nevada withi>' 0( iji 0 ; of that eonltttohwealtli,' Q fegJBg “Thomas S ?' “Ihomas T. Carlyle,” remarking, Ilicm men Koll allng ink, they ken.” j 1 * 0 'marshal of Davenport, Iowa, resighed for two reasons. The tax payers refuse to comp forward with the. Yes, doubtless, there would bo dan., gor, if the tvrilor was a specimen m'! t "° tax ordered to be robed to: 1 011 pay oft n -part of the city debt, nml bo New York manhood, and Davis in his enfeebled cond'Vion, had gold to tempt tire dislic, ue8 ty 0 f 011u w | 10 could makesuo’j anattnok asthe above. Indiana F>;Et Two local papers of Indiana get after each other iu this wise: , “The reason why-LnFaycj todoeon'l build a rink Is this: The ladies of that city liavo such large feet that not over foul- or live of them -could skate in a r.nk at one timo ; • therefore, the con cern wouldn’t pay.” Whereupon the LaFuyctto-edilor-repHesr“- J fho Torre Haute, editor, afflicted with llie'-dai!y exhibUloh of ngrioiiltural- hoofs,' is dying of oiivy. Goodwin, of our oity, oneo mado a pair of twenty-eights Ibr a Torre Haute belle. He built them in tho back yard, on a sort of-marino railway, anil launched'them. 'If ever nn old woman lived In 'a shoe, it wns down at Terre Haute,’’ sides threaten to take -his life if bo at tempts to collect it forcibly. Tlie following is Aunt Betsey’s tie-' script ion o/her mljk 'uian : .“He is the .meanest imiii in the world,!' slid exclaimed. “ JTo skims his milk on top, then turns it over a’nd skimsit on the bottom,” ' ’’ - - - >! ) : Tun only One,—An English capi talist 1ms oousoienti.ous sernples about receiving ovor three per Cent, interest ou sums six pur cent. Unitod States bond?, tyhicli lie .holds,Tand only eol- lbcts.(.lie-half of liis coupons, dounlihg tire other, half to.(lie Government.' .- Tennessee Bull Dpa.—The famous^ Mullins,'-op Tennessee, is described in action as a man of modliirf) size, thin, engular, grizzly ns Jolinllvown, somo sixty-years of age. swinging his arni3. like wind-mills, with fijc© nflame, veins on his forehead, swelled to whipcords, nnd a voice, pouring ont a torrent of feoBtradictory and impossible tilings.'