North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, March 04, 1869, Image 3

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I NORTH GEORGIA CITIZE N.' nENEY a', Wn BHOH,' L o a n 1. TduSsuIiruimsiNu, HiucifT,™'tm BUiwcnirwoN, hvoYoIAaiis a ye An,. Four Copies for BU Dollnuj In .Advance. 1 Neir Tclcgrnpti nml lil|ircst OITIcp. A Imndsomu Halo oftlco Ins been lilted up All tho Boutli tide of tbo Stntut-oitd Dcpqt, nnd those luring hiii)luoi* lit tha TeloKin.iU orBjpfcaJl/of, will Hud llnsn. (loorgo Andomon'mid Tltoi. D. bird, at their respective po't J , lu.llw non onltO| hear the old min. Onr Public Uonds. , It l< with pride tint wo icier to tho wagon roods, immediately at-onud Dullon, at tho present lima, All are being placed In an admirably con dition. Tbo aovore Btrletneaj of Judgo I’Wolt, together with tho present olHelcnt eommlmioners, aceine lo have Inspired the ntjvernl rood orerseers with on ambition cneh to have n better road than the other,. This nil comes by: having tho right men In the right place.. It will add greatly to our trading Interest. Her Own Auuger-Sontlic T|»o feral; MriaUtory bj . .. ... ivhlch commenced In tho Southern Home .Tour, bill, gf February 13, a supplement Of which we inont, and to revo Uio truublu of answering nu* rndious enquiries, wo will club tbo Journal with tho Citizen, ono year for $3.30. If any of our old subscriber* jvUM tho paper wo wlU mtko a club of ton ior thoir benefit ut $2.00 each. Wo mako this proposition fur thb benefit of our friends and tho publisher of the Journal, as it lo of rib Interest to us moro than tho Wooes* of a first clue* Southern Lltorary Journal. Tho regular subscription price I* $3 a year. Published by John V. Slater, Baltimore, Md. Duma* great story, with several otbeiVls now running In the Journal. IUnd lh >W nxmoa uml tuoiily and wi|l attend to It for you, Bather Singular. Wo have recently heard of an instance, In an ndjolnlng county, where a ooW, which has,novo* had a calf, has been giving milk for five years, und la a good tiiilclivr. This wus brought about by the children fondling with her when n calf, ai la « very commonqiradlco. She was .'J brought t6 milk/ when about threo yeara old, after tyclng milelicd several month*. To thoso Who do not like tho trouble of raising drives, this is a vdry Important discovery. • v-‘ Wesson A Uuattlng—New York. This house ndvcrtlaes In tho Ultlaen to-day.— From the references wo do not doubt Its utmost reliability, together with the fact that ft is repre rented in this section by Mr. A. M. WiUkidiywho is well known. Any of our tnerchniil^ or planters having business In the commission lino will prob ably find it to their lutoirat-to try thih Rouse,— 'Consignments will receive prompt attention. Ste »caid; ’ < Peters* Musical Monthly. Wa hiivo recotved tho abbvo valuable Monthly for February. Thu nurnbur before us contains 20 pages ol new ami btmutiihl music, also fifteen large pages of choice reading inutter. It Is ono of tho best and most Instructive publications of tho k hid Isatocd In this Country, and no - Musical Family should bo without it. it gives, during the year, over $40 woith of Now MumIu, besides tho literary matter, 'und in order to help our friends to a good thing, wo will ouraclvo* rebelvo subscriptions, atJho rato.of $8 per year; or club it with our own paper for $8 per year. W. Wi W wlth T W. !, J. UETTEIITON A DB0„ Knoxvillv, Tdtit., • . : , . Wliolninlo fitalcra In 1 Bundlti, Winn, Mqttori, Clutrlni, and SnioUng Tobacco*, Fimey UroccMca. (.’onr.tlltmeHis, Canned Fi-nlta.Oyltot-i ond Btitdlno., Alno, AgenU for tho And tho world.nmnwnmt lloraford SnlMtUIng Ilrond ritpuraUnii. FoldBafin 01111 ' 1 ' Baltimore Pt-leoa grtafinUntlr ■owtnnaTM. oio.c. Banian, x.n. u’oaHaki I F you want choice wool Shawls go to SCOTT A LYLE'S. 1 I F you want Gray or, Whitt Bed Blnnh.ta go and hny tllCtn from . KCOTT, A LYLE'S. jgtDWlN Dates a co,, WhoUonlo Dealer. In T F boa want ant tiling In Uio Prra«lng nr citing J. linn, gain SHOW A LYLE’S. CFAKHiL IKStUAXlKA COMMISSlOX .ICEXtY. Dry Goods and Glothing, in and 121 Mooting Slrectf CD1BLESTOX, S. f. FcbU-3m—w,e,o. A “Wnter’MWl Accident. .. From a private letter, wo learn, that at a recent baptising, In a rnshlonuble town not a thousand miles distant, when one of those beautiful erca« turos, jfiat wears a big chignon, was being lui rnersod in n rapid current, bet* chignon became detached, and floated off down the stream, to the great, consternation of the victim and sundry friend.’*, and amusement of idlo spectators. Wo leave Uio scone'to the imaginative eye. Just think of a minister, .while performing the holy rite, struggling to catch u floating muss or hair and one thing anotlicr.. QTAOBY MOUSE, rougl Use, ] it elm Trav orato prices. Travollera will And tUblrlii* torest to mako thlathotratonnlnirpluoo. Jan7-* C. A. POSITEY, Propt. gPHING lllPOBTAriUN l'Oll 18001 Ribbons, Millinery and Straw Goods. ARMSTROVdiTlTdl! A CO., 237 and 239 Baltimore Street, BALTIMORE, Importers amt vfobbol'sof . North Georgia. Wc find the following in the Marylnnd Farmer, written by n prominent citizen of this section.— It sets forth many^suggestive advantages ©four section over Northwest, that will, we think ihtcrost our readers: Voiir August number coutalned a letter from M*. Den', of Cave Spring, On., calling attention jf. general terms to tho ad vantages M Cherokee Ocurgla. Sineo then 1 have collected moro speo* iKc and detailed information, which iviil doubt- les* bo of interest to jour rtajors. Befuro railrosds supplied the place of water transportation, tho settlements followed and clung > the Atlantic coast und tho riVors ol thc west, loaving what is known us Cherokco Georgia—lor soil, climate and health the most attractive por tion of this country—In the poc-'seMou oT the In dians, until a comparatively very recent period. The discovery of gold about Duhloncga caused ‘tlio Stato of (feorgia to Insist upon the removal of the Cherokee*. The Stato then,surveyed and laid off tho laminin IGOacrc lota and distributed 'them among her citizens bv lottery. Experienced California miners sav that with the late Improve- moots'hi the art and machinery of mining, iho •cheaper wage?,'easier access and loss coa*ly trans portation, gold mining in Cherokee Georgia now pays better than in tydifbrnin. But from the then lack of t!ds machinery and urt, tho gold fever Foon died qut i:i Georgiy. The drawers or the Cnerokco lands, living principally near the sea- coast and “ well to do” at Irtyne, nt ached little value to linds lying fo far inland and uecessible only by bid dirt raid*. It*was not until 1850 that the Western und^Ulonticr Baiiroud, or the ate road, us it is called, bc iatiro built and owned • the State of Georgia, ponctrateJ tliosu rich d productive valic.vs; and it was not.until.ie68 at Hie completion of Memphis and Charleston lilroad, the Xushvi'.lo and Chattanooga Railroad and the East 'foimcs. ee and Virginia Hol^of rail* Vond began to attract attetizion to ijiat bet utifu roimtrt. Even then thoio was little nr-uuvmi- rnition la that divoeshui from tlio N'orth'TW •from Horopo, whifrt the mnvftjnent of tliei.arive p«>pu- Irftion (if the State lujd s'^ttU^ into grooves, from "'Idyll it could not W immediately turned. A* uni as a young man grew «.* in b »wcr Goorgiaj lie had negroes, ho moved lo^lic Southwest — Farmers’and.Methanltb’Clnb. Tho Farmers' and Mechanic*’ Club met in tbe Court-House, Tuesday cvculng, the *2d.of Februa ry, Dr. L. A". Fdlsonrln the Chair. Ac presided for at the lust meeting, a Com mittee of five were appointed to make all neces sary arrangements and proj o*e n premium list for rtieli articles as tuny bo offered fur exhibilioh at a fair to be 'held in October'next W. II. Tibbs, John M. Kiehnrdcoh, L. D. Fuliuer, 0, B. Brown and R. 0. VV^rd, Cuinmittco. On motion, the Froidcnt, I)r. Folsom, was added to theCoihinlt- .tee; thrce constriutlng a quorum. The report of the Committee appointed to ex amine “Farmers’ Book,” uubiniited by Dr. Word at just pieetlng, was received.and recom mitted with iiistruotiohs to cxilmliio the whole book and report fully us coon as practicable. On motion, Cupt. Wm. Ilaupirond and L. D. Palmer were added to,the Committee ntid request ed tp report to the Club on subjritgf Agricultu. ral l.iiorutuie, utid rfccomrnend suitable Journhlu for our membcrV to su' scribe to. Accotding to previous appointment, our fellow citizen, W. C. KvharJ-on nwde a very Interesting and instruc tive speech to the Club. Under the influence of his enlightened views und energy there might be great ’prosperity in all the departments of indus try. The following names were added lo list of nieuiherskip': A. X. Sen ter, W. II Kenner, C. C., Uamurond, Win. ilammond and Lewis Qail- lain, there being no farther business'the Club adjourned to the firs?Tuesday In April. l. a. Folsom, ivciidout. L. D. pALur.n, Secretary. Boiiuet and Trimming Rlbonu, Velvet and Saab Itibbon*, • • Bonnets Crnposi Silks ntiil Satina, Illusions, Blonds, I.uc«s, Ruches, Notts 'mjd J. N. Scott, aoncral las. and CflmmiBsicn Agent, JPdiltiii,. Oioffla, I S prepured loefTcct Insurance,'-on.lift or prop- erty. on ns fuvftrublo mriiisascaube obtained In any fust efiis Companies. Will mIno fill orders for produce, as well as sell Morcliuudta or proj„*itv 0 n .dives prdi anv description of- Mcit oofuuiisHioii. ,-Cliargca modyrnte. prompt Incorporated In U39t The Georgia ilomc Ins. Company, OK COLiaillES, GEORGIA. Capital ASSO.OOO..........Ailed $110,280 87 Jab. F. JIozkuan, Pret.... .D. F. Wttcox, See. Issues Participating Policies. Velvets,. French Flowers and Feathers, Straw Bonnots and LadlesYInta, Trimmed and Untvlinmod, Sundown and Blibkor Hoods. Tbo lafgest Stock of Millinery Goods In this country, and unequalled In choice variety, which wo direr lit prices that will defy oompe- ' UCltedi fub26-3m* titlqn. Orders SolU QNWAE.D WE MAUCH! to tides a ickxxeEs where elso in , of well assorted Goods oi> bund, staittly receiving new goods, und thevdo not T HIS Georgia Company is prepared to give am ple protoctldn against loss or damage by tire, on teruis a* favorable as the nature of tlitf risks will justify. All losses promptly adjusted. Apply (o J. XVSQOTT, Agt. Oqt. 2‘2-tlm. Dalton, Gn. DLALUllS .IN Paints, Oils,. Window Glass, Futty, etc. IN STOCK-, SOME OF TllE . .. Hold 'Vrtt.W, fraip. Tl*;5 t Rilv.r •»’ - in r 10,000 pound* While Lcml, COO boxe* Kn-noh Window ■ . MOO gallon* Pure Linked OU, 50 Dnqrel* Tnimura Oil, 60 bntrola Kon-F.ipio'ive Coal Oil, '10 baiTol* Pure Lnrd Oil, ’ . All bind* of Xaoblnc* OIL Fiito Brandic*, Winn* »nd Liquor*, Gtnulno LorrllUrd’a F-llull. All tlm Popgl«r l’atant Medicine*, and nvtryvlilng uiimlly kept In a ITruLl*!* Dniq lloutt, Um, Ing rccmlly added a large aasortineut of Imported and American Good* to our gimoral aloe!;, vn nru offcrlog ipcclal InducamenU to Caibpdrbbalor*. - nEDWINE As FOX, Corner irKttchatl and .llnhutna sirrrts, OctSJ-l,. ATLANTA, OXOHOIA. . M. o. mAIIktiam, sealed id Clurtered 1617.. .Burned Fund 8500,000 'flic Southern Mutual Ins, Comp’y Or Ariir.v*. Ur one u. Profits Dlrldcd Annoally betirern Vrarlp Polity Holders, tbu* Itedoclng the Kite* of In- auninco very Material!;. n^HlS old nnd.stcrllniq (Jcorglii Compan.r ..ITvra 1 to tbo public reliable prelection against loaa ;ro buy gnoda cheaper than onywhero • or damage by' fli c, on torma M larorablc aa the W&teK *■»•«<"»*to*8Uw«y.- u-tacqbH- nblv ami promptly paid, Apply to J. 5. SCOTT, Agt. Oct. *22-7m. Dalton, Oa. . „ .. , ’ffL nybody to t'XDKrt Bku* them, rurebau. ci s woulitdo well to give them a trial before buylujyelHowliere. XTOU wlllflmla Tsti-ge As^rirtidcntof Fiirtyt X GAUDjtW Sauna at TIBBS X KENNERSi JL wheat, for mile by Bits & KENNER. I F you would like u plorumnt, nice smoko, go and get a box of Fruits and Fi.ow .-.rh from > TIBBS & lCKNNEU. T IMOOIIY, Ilerdugrass and Clover Peeil for Hull. Ut ' TIBBS A KENNEItJfi Blow, for Halo by , TIBBS JCKNNBR, "AILS—a tine assortment. Finishing Brads, J^l Ilorse Shoo Nulls, Iron and Horse Shoos iduy la* found at * • TIBBS A KENNER’S. ~TT"OU will always And tlio Choicest Rio CotToo X und any braiid of Sugar yon de.slro ut TIBBS & KENNER'S. /~1ROCICS and Jars that bold from 1 to 4 gal- lomj,nnil a large assortment of China und Guisswaro will ' " ’ where else, ut I, Cheaper than any- l'lBBS & KENNER’S cock and Cast Plows, for sale bv tibbs a Kenner. T IVEUrOOL.' LONDON AND GLOBE I l FIRE -INSURANCE COMPANY. Cavitai* Sbvkntbcn Million iw Gou*. Fiiya losses Immediately without doduction,— Ten payments, in advance, will insure first eiuss dwellings fnrevevt without anv addition' al premiums. Apply to J. N. SCOTT, Agt. From 4 to339 Ilonsn Poweh including tbe culubraled Corliss cutioflf Unglues, Side Valve Statldnary En« glues,- Portable Enginos; Ac, Also.Circulur, Slulay und Gang Saw Mills, Sugar ''ills, SluU\lng< Pul- Cane Mills, Shafting! Ac.,Latli and Mill Grist Mills, Boots and Slioesj Solo Leather, Calf-skins, Shoo-Findings, cto. Keep* comically on linti'd a Very cxlcnclrc anil well telcclc.l aloclt, whloh’ I, purchased cx- dualrely roc emu, dlccci fi'Cbl tile Mumlfuuturcs. Special ultcntlon gltcil to oraeta: Empire Block,’Whilcball Street,"ATLAXTA, C.l, , febUVly Boots cSo snofep. Ga H. & A. W. FORCE, Wholesale dealers in ’ BOOTS & SHOES, Whitehall Street, Atlanta^ Oa. XT' KEF on hand the largest and best selected IV Si ili * OILCLOTHS! OfjALt K1NPB AND QUAI I . » PleteH,.. v Yankee jQ16ck.\ fti’.s...... French nmrEttftlfiniClocV^ba. W ob ti. Gold IMI, Silver Case, for 1 r.b Fine CIiiiw rial)*, per nett . 1 50 ■’ ‘ Cap* and Knucera, per sett, 160 , Itu», ii p\$__ r irnd bow. tor. . ; 1 nu’s utid other Vloilnt at higher prices, flollnStrings petbdnell, 10 Tcij Ylolln a d ‘ Cremona .... Fino Violin &Hne.\ pti-bilm Guitar String*, per wott of AeeOrdcons, from Fish Hodks’onehundred In paper, I’nroPUverThltobkp,',• * . • .\60 Spectacle*, from .. 25 cts to 25 00 Best Needle*,' 4 paper*, Assorted, in case, for 25 W ill send needlM by mail on receipt of 25 - WORK DEPARTMENT. The fleet in A or/A Georgia, pm Wntc'ie* rep-li ed in best stylo—new Jcwela or new Wheels, tf nccefsnry.' ‘ Clocks Repaired and warranted, . Jewelry, mended in best, *tylo, at New York prices, * Gold Pens Repaired. Wedding and Engugement Rings made to or- dor and engrjned ns 1e>lred. Society Radges Chamberlin & Boynton’s •»•{[ * J | Fpbctncletf Repaired, and Glasses put in as de* Dry Goods and Carpet Store, jlte 1 -’ *ui> n 6 «, careiully, * , - „ nhd on soientlflu principles. A thorough kuowl- Atlantflt Georgia* edge, of'the Soiencfe oF Optics, anti twenty-five I years experience in the spcctaolo business,’ tna- Stork-in the city of Atlauta, and will alwiiyx sell to Country Merchants at JTcir lToYk I /^VUR stock of Carpets, Oil Cloths. Rims, Mats!' ly AT l L,3 HWrichjgj°.tlie spectat tllh freight chled.. Km. 6^ Q Ottoman. Window Shades Laca.nd Dam- ask Curtaluir, Table or Plano •Cgveps, and eycry •l-tiglu bejonging to a First [Ciass Carpet and Furnishing Storo i, t>. luioas................... c. jounads. Jlalone If Johnson, Dealers In taPQeecItes* Pravtsi.o.ns, &e. (’OUNTRY PRODUCE bought and sold. Store ' A 6th door from Kohcros* Corntr, Marietta Str., Atlanta, Gn. Terms cash. Nov. 6-6m. Saws, Beltinm ^c. Hentt for uesarintivo ulrculur and price lwt. LATEST'ARRIVAL OF NEW Married, On the evening of the 2d inst, by the Rev. T. J. Brumous, at the residence of the brideV fnthor, A. J. IL’.tiSKrr, E-<jr., to MimKarxii K. Faith, nil of W.iitfie.d county. W W. HIGGINS, • GUN AND LOCKSMITH, j Dealer lu • I New Gunfl, ristols, Cartridges, etc. Opposite Tibbs House, Hamilton Bti-cct. ! New Rifles made toorder, and ull repairing! done on sliori notice, and warranted. m:ir-ly j M.NNKS3EK tlOl’HK FALL AND A diatin^Wiod Slnlbodbl MinitU-r and pronfl. j „ m , ibofetaumbout tanrtlnB. ■ - "* ***• * ‘ lpnwr* .labnma, Mis-isKlppi, Louisiana, TAxu^—with the lea «f rai.-ai g cotton. If ho had oq negroes, inee 1S48 he was attracted by the gola (g.ver to tlio Pacific, or to the Northwest by tiic 'rupid growth of Chicago, Milwaukee,D^Uok and wtlrer NoAhwestcrn-tpwnk. NevtYthelew.the Wlowing comparison of the census of lt>50 und 1800 shows n very rapid increase in the pi^ luc.lon of Clicr- okco Georgia, nearly -tho wltole increase being in the last three or four years of the decade. In what is now Cu*®; Calo.isa, Chattooga, Dade, Fl‘»yd, Gordon, Murray, Whitfield and Walker •counties, the population and products were rela- tively as follows: * Population—ISf.O, (15.4GC; 1800, 87,598; Bush. Wheat—Ififiti, 113,991; I860, 583,306; Bus Corn—1850, 2,377,3S5; 1660,8,091,528; Dales* of Cotton—1860, G,740; 1S0O, 21,202. Since tho war Cherokee Georgia has boon gain ing rapidly iu population, but'chlefly at tho ex pense of tho middle, southwestern and const sec tions of the State. A recent letter from Augus ta, Georgia, says: “/ am a practical mechanic, desiring to move to North Georgia lo live," und would “bo pleased to start a foundry.’’ Tha words in Italics express the general feeling pre vailing iu lower Georgia, prompted partly by a desire to get away from tho crowd uf negroes, and partly by the attractions of n richer soil and healthier climate. A letter from Dalton, Gu.,dntcd 12th January, save: “Not a dwelling houso in town to he had— nil full, and many of them have two families in one hoiuc. Many new families arc coming hero as soon as they can get a place to shelter them." in a very few years the current of population, which was formerly from lower Georgia to tho southwest and northwest, will flow back to Chero kee Georgia. Its advantages are: 1st. A healthier and softer chmato 2d. A richer and more productive soil. 3d. A greater variety of products; it is far enough north to raise as muoh and butter wheat to tho aero that can be raised In tho ’northwest, ■and it is far enough South for cotton. • 4th. It Is nearner to market. 6th. In Chcrokcc'Georgia stock must be fed from 0 to 8 weeks, in tho northwest from fi to 8 months'. Finally, with all these advantages, a nun can make three dollars or moro by farming In North Georgia in less time aud with less labor than ho can make one in tho northwest. I have other interesting facta, us to tho agricultural und forest productions of North Georgia, but not to mako tlda too long, I must rcsorvo them for another cowTuunicntion. neut Temperance Lecturer once remarked tint gj whorje he would, from ono end of the country to the other, Iu hardly ever failed to find I’fnnta- tion Bitters, and while ho condemned the prac tice of using these bitlfs loo freely, ho could not i-onscii iitiou-ly say Unit ho would discard them from the side-bomd, for lie himself hud ex- pc. 1 .nci'd beneficial results from their use, utid ilmt, from u long aud close observation, he was convinced that when used iumleralely, and as a j medicine exclusively, they weie all that was rec- | omuicnded. At the same time.he warned Ida 1 heaters nut to puli ti.e cork too. often, for Urey j were fur Ub I'lcut-aiit a tonic, to T Ii ji Oillobcr 8,1 l.l St A. fbTANsncnv, l*r , Rot tho M ASK I*. WlIiTIIt.Y, lute of LonUTiilc, Ry.j lorineVly ot Ringgold, Gu., W Knre receiving almost daily additions to our stock of goods, to which wc Invitfl tho attention of promp buyers, knowing that wo can make it to tlmir interest tv do so. Our stock consists in part of Staple' and Fancy Dry Goods, Udlt6> WILSS CLODS and TIIIMMLVCS bi great variety nud atylca! Wholesale CLOTHING, i WHile Goods, Bleached and Brown DOMESTICS. 377nr.d 3VS ilroadHay, | Men’s and Boy’s NEW YORK. Ilouec of ROGERS. MORGAN A GRUBB, J ’ .: iteadv Made Clothing, D ^•Dalton DopiMtk Market. Rutter—w <q wh*. Hi cent-, jot dozen. KI.GQqR—llo to per barrel. M E A I.— Tp95 cents per bushel. CORN— TbvS3 per bushel. BACON-—15tq H per lb. Slit*AR-’-Brown, lrtto 2r cts.por lb SYRUP—73 to $1.00. WHP.aT—$1.73 per lm«hcl to ?2.00. OOKFElT—(in to J3J cell Is per lb. CHEESE—85 to nt> “ “ COTTON YARNS—$2.10 to $2.2J per bunch. CALICOr—12-\ to 17iets. per yard. CANDLES—fallow, 25 cts. per lb. Adamantine, 80 cts. oei lb. PE APE—50 cents. CHICKENS-15 to 20 cents. l’OUK—10 to cents per lb. OATS—-GO cents per bush. COTTON—24 to 25 per pound—In demand BEESWAX—80 cents per lb, ONIONS—1,00 pOr bush, Female Regulate ATLANTA WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. Ryb—ft bushel, nominal. Oats—V bushel, 7fl@80. Declining rapidly. Flour—« suck tH lbs—superfine, 4 50($75; extra* 5 family. 5 75ft}U 00. Baoox—%t lb—shoulders, 13*^ clear sidea, 19, hums, lsfyio. Lard—W lb—lu bnrrrjsr, 21t flrklnv,21VS22. Apples—grfeon,©4 30; dried, ft !»•, dulli Pkaoiiks—'WJb—peeled, impeded dull. Field Peas— 1 |l bus— red, 1 05©10; white, t 10@15. Butter, 20^i3o; Eggs, 1145131 Onions, ft bused, nominal; Irish potatoes, •» bushel, 60 to 1 00; Virginia Salt, ft Buck; 2 30: Drv Hides, fl 9., 21 »irKiiui! omii Bui fti t iwj i'i ' Hums, •t-4 nliectlugs, Itie.; 7-3Shirting, l4J.»; Cotton Yarn ^ bUiiell, *2 00@10. A tobacco mamirnctorins oorn))nny lias commenced work in Columbus— They employ Bomo twenty-live or more hands. They tako tho weed from the leaf, and put it in any commercial shapo dcsired. Their presses and ma chinery are all new, 1. J. liKADFIELD’S Linen Drills, Cottonades, Slimmer Cassimcrs, T weeds, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES, For Ladies and Gentlemen. Prepared and Sold by Boat Friend ! Prepared and Sold by Druggist, ^ Atlanta. Ga. <3* For 8aloby L. V. GUDUEIt A CO., Drug. . .. « ** ’an,14-fy gists, Dalton, Ga. til ML OSCE, AMI YOU WILL COME AGAIN! AULT St BROTHER Are now receiving a eplcndkl kasortmehl of X>ry G-oocts, Prints, Gingriinms, Jackoncts, Delaines, MerlnocH, Linens, Domestics. Sheetings Trimming*, Notions, lints, Bebt Tobaccos is toww. Jeans, CasimciKS, Bonis, Shoes, Crockery, Outlier?, Colic© Sugar. Multtrscs, Buuon, Lurd, . Flour, Family OroeerieR, which they will sell oa cheap oh any Retail House North or South. Goods exchanged for country Produce oh fair terms. All kinds of Skins wanted. Highest market price will be paid. If you will come once, we’ll mako it to your Interest to come again Meal, Hardware, Cuttlcry and Qusenjwar; 1 Wood ami Willow-Ware iu great rariet; Abo, a splendid lino of j. s. ouviia,] [n. o. waddail. OLIVER A* W ADD AIL, WAHSIH OTJSE aSD Commission Merchants, Coimer Alabama and Fortgth Str*., Atlanta, Ga. Aok.ntb for Marietta Paper Mill—keep •.11 sue* Printing and Wrapping paper bn hand, nt lowest niorkvt-;prictfs.’ [Nov. C*0ni. CAPITOL DRUG STORE! Is complete, at prices t.OWF.R than they can ho purchased elswwhere in this Stat^. Our StbcK of ID'jp’y G-OOdlS! t dipurti la complete in evory dipurtment. Dress Goods;. Linens, Ca?simefcs, Cloths, Twoedi, Jcuua, Kerseys, DoineiticS! Blankets, Flannels, Hoop Skirts,- Rulnioral and Boulevard Skirts, fthttwls, Cloaks. Hosiery, Notions, Gloves, Ribbon?, Labes, Trlintnlhcs, lUid evt-rr thing uiu- nlly kept in a u Firai Class Dry dood3 Store I JSrCnli and examine, and Sutlsfv yourablf •» to quality of Goods nud tlio low prices; CHAMBERLIN & BOYNTON. Octoiisr 29, 1868.- . ■* Fine Pebble* and - Glasses kept alvrayi on hand. BiCCRITY- AKD SAFETY. Eat.tlljlifd In 1851* t. tti Bit.ID FIELD, Dealer in Paints, 6il8, Dye-stuff, Ph tun AND PATENT JtEDIVINIB, Alto, Wholesale Agent for ProphUCt Remedies I rr<■phiti’s Liv.r Medicine, Prdphitl'fr Pain Kill tt, Prcphitia Anti-Billions Pill*. T. At. & It. C. GJaARKE, -r Importers nud.dcalcrrln -, ' Foreign & Domestic Hardware, FAMILY GROCERIES and Dyc-Stults. to which we invito tho ntten- ion of our iriends and the public, it is our in- tention ncit tu be undersold. Wo buy all kinds of Produco for Cash *ur Qooda. Remember, our motto U QUICK SALhS AND SMALL PROFITS. The excellent remedies of O; S. Prophilt, M. I)., need no rccomniendiitioh. Their well known power in removing tbe diseases peculiar to our Southern Climate, having already established for them an enviable' reputation In Georgia and the adjoining States. As tlie majority ol persons liv ing in tho South aro pre disposed to diabase of the Liver, it is granted- by ail Intelligent physi cians that most of thd^pntns and aches of our peo ple jrc duo to orgauic or. functional dtrartgembnt ol thftl important organ. ProphitCrtAnti-Billlotls Fills and Livcrr Mtditllle Strike directly nt the root of tho qvll. They dire tho LI vet, which, In nine case* out of ten,’is at the bottom of tho Coughs, Dyspepsia, Colic, Sick Iltadneho, Rheu matism, Constipation, Menfititial .Obstructions, etc. v so common among our people. Earache To’othaeho, Acute Rbcumatism, Neunilpla, and bodilv pains"of everr kind, flt'e before PROPH I JTT’S PAIN KILL IT like chaff boforc the wind, I*. Il.'BRADFIRI.D, Wholesale Agent for Proplutt’s Celebrated Fami'y .Medicines, Augl5-d6m Whitehall Street, Atlauta, isOtrnv iv MMSO.V, jnn 1G Hamilton Street, Dalton, Ga, H A Ii D W ARE! Tommey & Stewart, ATLANTA, Whitehall Street, GEORGIA, orrsu at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL A largo and complete assortment Foreign and Domestic Hardware. At prices not to bo undersold in this market, caubisling iu purt of Iron. Steel. Nulls, Cutlery, Guns. Builder's und Carnage Materials. Also, Brooks' Patent Wrought iron Screw and Rc- Dccl7 SELECT SCHOOL Boys and. Girls. H aVRDWAltE STORE, Good Reason fbr, Ii«r Faith. It la a mattor of/not that those newspapermen know what they are talking about, remarkvd an old lady the other day, when they say Messrs. Bn- kofzor and Love'nan are feelljog out—even tho new goods that they have just received—at cost, Tho old lady had good reason for her faith, after buying so many goods for so little money. Go ye and do likewise, Wholesale and Retail, DALTOK. GEORGIA, Chester Block, eor. of Hamilton and King Sts. e. dTwood Begs to inform'ail tho people that ho has just onuned a Hardware Storo at this place, embra cing a vary ©xtonBlvo assortment of material and implements, etc. A Full Line of Btoel and Iron. Fi A Fin# assortment of . ^ -, . _ ., For Carpontors and Cabinet Workmen, For Blacksmiths, Wagon Makers, • Tanners, Boot and Shoemakers, Brick Masons and Coopers, TOOLS FOR ALL THE MECHANICS, Full outfits for tho Farmer, and many other articles not monltoned borein, just pnruhased 11 .Lino of Stoel and Iron. ■ . HSaste^s‘^swui’ 10 assortment of Tools, -. the most reasonable terms, from Menufao- ^ U It°U t^o puvpose^of iho proprietor to furnish ovofyfchf Tho exercises of the ubovo named School will commencuMonday, February 1st, lfitw. Those desirous of their children-receiving, the benefits of a good education, will find it to their Interest ( 0 patronize tbo uudertigned, who will spuru neither time, lubor nor expenso xiiu ctuuui jtt iiiuuiuu hi umiowii oi luuggain, which Is remarkably healthy and ull'ords good society. Young men aro prepared for any closs in col. Those from u (fist lege. Those from u (fistaucu can procure good board in respectable families at reusouitble terms. Terms for tho 1st sosslon of flvo months aro as follows: Primary Department, 8 00 'olving Press, for sale. feb25-ly K EEP constantly on hand a full assortment of Iron, Steel, Nails, Nuts, Wuriicrs and Riv ets, Circular, Mill, Tenant, and Cross-Outlaws, Leather and Rubber Belting anil Packing, Amos' Bhovela aria Spades, Bullditig Material, Pocket and Tablo Cutlery, Carpenters’ Tonis, 'Rims, Spoke Hubs, Agricultural Implements. Spring und Axles, CarriageTiiddtvaro— (ill of which nfe offering low for cash Orders from the cotintrV prthnjJtiy attendpjl to. t3TAgents fur FAIRBANKS STANDARD SCALES and Knoxville Iron Works. ^ Sign of M2ig Padlock* Oct. 29-1 jr. PcachtreivStr,', Atlanta, (1 W. C, LAWS H13, tVnOLZSAlaK AMD RETAIL DRTJtJGIST DEALER IX Taints, Oils, Glass, Perfumery, and Fancy Articles,, Corner Marietta and Peachtree Streets^ (Old Norcrost 'Corner,) Atlakta Gronoii Oct. 29-Cm> Be Cartful Where you Lem Tour PfaUK to U Repaired. , A groat ipnnjr ftobhoriex aro being committed- * jII 6vcr the countrv, y ithd Watch'are fre quent l.v-fobbed* To sccurq tiiy Cluldmers, iff well iis myself; I h ive a largo Fire ail'd Burglar Proof. Safe, in a Vuti.C All v nluablesAre put iqqvery night, and the store is w«ll«guarded. , - Or tier a so licit ttl from everywhere A STICH IN TIME SAVES WINE! ' IF TOD WISH TO SAVE -MOXT.V IN' THE SAME l’ltorOHTION 00 TO 'i unbziBxt’i new- sji - X sortment » Dry Goods and nt thy New Brick House, on first Storo abovo Holland’s Livcrr *ir Ing Lowry d* Euson’sj consisting In Bleached and Brown Domestics, t’HiNTS.T.AliltiS’DKESS GOODS ■luimingpj HoKiety^mi Notions iu variety, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Qbcdnswure, abd fdble Cuttloryj SUGAR, COFFEE; TOBACCO, POWDER, and an eiuiidss variety of articles too numerous to mention, all of which 1 offer at. EXTREMELY LOW PEI0ES Call and see for yourselves, and you pleased with both' goods and prices. It is a pleas* uro to tbow goods. S. C. CBOZIEB. B. BII^JLEY, (ESTABLISHED' IN 1C50.) Looking Glasses, Ac.—also Kerosene lounpa and Dll, ami tho eelebrutcd'non-exploslvc Star nml Comet Burner*, Short Chimneys, the brut Road crossing. Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 25-1 y. H. F. JO.rjES, SUCCESSOR TO BURNETT AND JONES, Dealer iu all jSort* of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Crockery, etc., Will not be Undersold-Yard Stick 30 inches long! Octis -Rome, g'a. iy ^TLANTA MARBLE WOltliS, Adjoining Calhoun House and opposite Georgia Railroad Depot. Constantly ou hand and made to order Monuments, Tombs, Head Stones, Tablets, Urns, Vases. Bureau, wash-stand and Centro Table Tops. Marble Man ties und Hearths, and furnishing Marble of ull deserlptions, as cheap as twin he furnished this side ot Now York. Call and examine material ami prices. Designs of Monuments or any other Marble work nirnialiM free of charge. \Vu, GRAY. 8. B. Oatuak, Apt. fybVtWy I'ropt. A. O. PITKKR. IT. H. BM1TH. PITiYER. ft* SMITH, Wholesale and Retail (iroccrsiind (Commission Merchants No. CO Broad Street, (Pitncr’s Corner.) octl5 ROME, GA. 6m Tennessee House, J A. STANS3B.U 11Y, Proprietor, Romo. Ga , » near tho Railroad Depot and Fteamboi.t Landing. The Stage Office is kept in this House. n. t. rniLwrs. P hillips & crew, Atlanta, Georgia, Booksellers,Publishers & Stationers. School Books, . Stationery, Chromos, Prayer Books, Gold Puns, Lithographs, Blank Books, Music. Albums, Miscellaneous Books, Hymn Books, Bibles, kept constantly ou hand. Wo aro agents also for THE MASON AND HAMLIN ORGAN, And keep specimens of 8tylos on hand. Have, October S-tf. also, tho Improvement—vox humana—w c»n. derful aditltlon. Declared by prominent Musicians to ho the greatest Improve, meat ou Musical Instruments that ..13 00 Intenuudlato Classical course 18 oo As to qualifications, ho refers to tho faculty of tbo *'Stuto University, For farther particulars address anything in hi* lino at prices, Ju*t U> I seller, and he respectfully solicits luatlou of his stock. _ to buyer JQALIOX ft MOKGAHTOWX^ ^^ Election of Directors. The subseribors to the Capital stock of tbo Dalton & Morgantown Rall-Road Company aro hereby notified that-ah election fora Board of Directors lor sold Company will bo held in Dal imnauy , iootlon fora Board. Directors for said Company will bo held lu Dol ton on Friday the 5tb of March next, fltook. holders In person, or by proxy, arc requested to attend. By order of tho Commissioners. Feb. 17-tdo. r.uwARi) White, Pocretary. has boon made for years. Tbo most choice collection of On, PictcreS! Curomoband Litiiouravu Prints thathusever been brought to this market—selected with carc.^und especially suited to tho refinod t&sto. NUStCAL DEPARTMENT Is complete, with u full stock ot Sheet Music, Instructors, Italian Strings, Musical lustru- ments, and merchandiso ot every description generally to he found In a first-class Music Store . Wo would especially recommend thesuperiot mako aud fine touo of our PIANOS. Purobasod for cash and sold at Now York rates. Wc claim decided advantages in pleasing tbe buyer. Send for our Book Li*t of Shoot Mnalc, and Illustrated Cat&loguo of Planos-furnlshed post paid on application. We assure tbo Publlo that our prices are al- •ays tbo samo as tho publisher's or mauufse- \r. B. cox 4* • *-w. ntLl. COX tfc HILL, WhtUeale dealer* ia Foreign and Domestic Liquors, Oigara, Tobacco, dbc., rxAcnmK Str.,. .Atlanta, G*oaoia. October 29-fiin.* DALTON Variety Store and City Saloon H. P. O’Jt'ElI. Ko. 4 Tibbs* Houso, Ho. 4 H AS on hand and la constantly rccelvjng everything In the line of Confect ionor ea and Fsicy CJrbccrlo of American and foreign production. Canned Fruits, Pidklcs, Wines, Jellies, nnd In fact, any* thlug you may wish in this line, can be found at No. 4, Nlbb’a lloueo. Fiiuet Cigar* and Tobacco the market afford*! Look Here! ■ I will positively do po credit business hereafter and gentlemen must not ask for it, as I shnlUcr- turer’a. Wo bny direct and soil at abort profit. t*l n, y refuso them. ... Magazines, Muvloand Book*bouud ou abort For the liberal patronage received, I would notice, and reasonablc.tcrms.__ I return thanks to my many friends in this and Corner Alabama and wStehaH BtJ.,^tFauila. ! adjoining count!*, and solicit a continuance of Fob. ii, lMtt-Jm 1 the tame. febl8-l MILLINERY 1 ■JJILLINERY! Wholesale and Retail at Knox’s Millinery and Variety Store. W. CHUTG HFIELD & Co. Jo1>l)prs fif • '•< - ’ DRY GOODS, r GnocEntr.B, Notion?, Hats and Shoes. Ko. SOD Jinny*! Street, ' No8-3tii (J UNIT A NOOOA.TENN- Fallon # Faync,. Booksellers and Stationers, CHATTANOOGA, TENN., K EEP constantly nn bund a complete $tooko Srlinni n»ini/a -* 1 - fc-it ,. whieh they offer at wholosalo or retail, at Kioderu prices, july&ly* Orders by mail receive prompt attention. GREAT' ATTRACTION MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS, Hats, Bonnet*. Ribbons, Flowor; Also, A Splendid Stock of Hair Goods Switches, Curls, F^izcis, Chiguons, Braids, elb. Dress Trimmings, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, etc. Bridal Bonnets, Hats, Wreaths, etc., gotten up In auperb style, and at now vriceb. to suit the taste of the most fastidious. * • iftc peruou. .. Orders from a distance promptly attended to by Mrs.'Knox, in tierspn. Conntrv dealers would do well to call, exam ine und price our goods before^tirolmshn^slae. Fobll-Cm ’Atlanta, (ia. T IQUORS 2 LIQUORS 1 AS 50 Bairels of Silver Cr«.:k Bburbon. N) Barrels of Woodcock Bourbon. ]5 Barrels of Gaff’s Superior ltyc. 100- “ Rectified WUiskoy. ' And u full assortment of kindk of Uuuors. FcbU-Jm uiuors. COIIEN. Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. To tbe Laciio, Madame A. Braumuller, W ISHES to inform her Lady friends and the Public generally, that she. baa returned from New York with A Pull Stook of Fancy Varieties; Such as Drew Trimmings,' Knit ami Woven Wonted Goods; latest styles; French Jowelrv, Embroideries in Colors, such ns Slippers, Chair Covers, etc. Also, a fiijl mwortment of Worsted and Silk Embroidery Materials, Crochet Needles* Bair Work of every Fcucriptioii Mad* to order and kept on hand, euch as Wigs, Bands, Switches, Curls, Frizettes. . Also, Rib- hons, Flowers, nnd every.variety of Ladies* Fau- cy Notions. * £gTHa>ing bought principally for Cash, ena ble# her to compete with any House in tbo city. October 2?-12m, ISach ft VolbttrgSSj' 231 nnd 233 Market Street, diattattQ0g3,Tcaii*,' Who selling Good*, such ns Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Boots,,Shu?s, Clothing, ’etc., at such prices as were ney^r known' before, and which defy competition. Call and examine prices'. Having bought our good*; in the firm New York Houses, we nrd able to supply. merchants and farmer* at wholesale and retail prices, unusually .low for thii market, Messrs. (A C Alexander, of Louden, and J. H, Cannnt, of Ringgold, are with this houso. noviy u I. cox, of Tenn. j. l'. cox, of Tern' H.T. Cox ft Rrothe?, Commission Merchants, Forsyth Street, ATLANTA GEORGIA. Prompt Aticntion Given to Said of Produce, (Groceries and Merchandise, And filling .onlcr* for Froduco or Mcreiwndik. Rej-zr to—Burine** iUons««i genfrally of At* lanta,'E-»st Tcnnisauoand fc'o'uthwwtcrii Yircluia, Oct 6fn ' HEADQUARTERS FQR . Carpets, Oil Cloths and Curtains/ Itendrtcli’s Carpet Stare, Minrn.. UoiioiNo, Mamtrt* Sib., .Vu*ht*,0*. \Y E constimtly on luindu v,.|y l.u sl .«ook of O.upja. emlimvin- nil Krartfa, from tho •" •!'« b « r ' I l''l»or Ofl ©otli nil widths' Dnoinsk »nd Uc* t'ui-tninaj Oorafcut, Windo- Slmdcs, Rn-s 1 Miitt*; nlfo Wall P„nor ol all klnda. E.or, • thing hooded to furniali a home ma, ho found at S. S. KE.N'URICK’d, i K'nv-l 2—Iy Atlanta Ga. J. H, KENNER.- with , . "' , •- flafl'tnan, Stagey .ft Co.,- WHOLESALE OEOCERSf Liquor and CommisUon. Merchants, 311 W. Baltlmora and 50 Gern\jih ?K, A , . , BALTIMORE. Orders for Groceries, and Consipnmantx d'f Frodued «d!ic!tetl.