North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, March 11, 1869, Image 4

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t, BO' i-il»tiSSurtmwit wni.lH'm-ftw, bo rnhduc- « i . ■ l -u ..nit mu alUimvcUoiilknowl- edge, nml o practical oxpci-U-nc.c nf sercra, a.'an cnRomlvo planter, Front n Inrun Hat oftliobcut I-'arm Journals In tbo country, uu Hits realty pen. our Country rrlrmla may >xpect to tlu'l a rich repast of nteful Intctl- rnee Incs.-P I me. Why Farinorj Should Combine for thmr owu Protection. It la a tiotenWe fact that In all jti'o- fesslona niul among nil Ituntncan mon, combinations for Hi sir mutual jrectml- ary hetteflt tn«y tie forntyd, atkl In! ul- trays in operation ngalnst tlio mocittin- ic ami farmer *, amt yet knowing thi*, (Iblc to get tile good, Imnosl tlio point of coinl'ining for their' inter cst. Wo ninko nil tlio provisions (lint sustain lffo, In fact nfl tlio real necensnrfcs of life launder tlio control of tlio farmer. Wo mnlto corn, yet if you meet a farmer going to lnnr hot and n»k 1dm tlio prlco lio will tnltc for Ills corn, twonty-nino times ont of thirty lie will reply by asking bow much It Is Belling for In markol. His reply should ho such a prlco as lio can sell It for mul make a good por cent on capttal, labor, &o., invested In It. Who sliould'know the price of au art!- clo if not the producer of manufactur er of it ? If you ask a merchant tlio price of his goods wo assure you that lio will not miswor by asking what is the price in Atlanta, or, some other market. By no means. He is shrowd - enough to add on his one to throe hundred per cent,and has brass enough to toll you what he will sell it for,— Just so it should ho with every farmer. Ho ought to know that he oan make no money from selling corn nl the present prtoe, and let It remain In his crib until tlicfo is a demand sufficient to mako tlio price romuncrativo—and if all will do that we warrant you that provisions will pay as good per cent on Investment ns the merchant's ware. If tho rule lie followed other good will roBiilt from it than mero selfish gain to the producer. Idlers and loafers that infest our towns, and are not only n nuisance but a curse to oommunlty, ■will be driven by necessity to labor for the food' they consume. We as farmers will only bo. henofitted In so far. as the labor Is concerned. Wc should not care personally how many go to town to merchandise, practice physio or law—If we looked at it in a selfish point of view, we should bo glad, for it Is a rulo in oommorcc that the less the supply the larger tho do- mand and consequent high prlco. But soiong as farmers continue In tholr old way of doing business, and not Calculating the coBt of production of any articlo they many have to sell, and yjrii depend on the buyer to name the prloo of both Ids goods and ours, Jast ss long will wo. remain ns wo are, too poor, the best among us, to buy any ' ; of the luxuries or life, unless we may have been so fortunate as to liavo had ' sbmo rloh relation die and leave It for ns. ,.Then, we say let all out farmers ' coma togothcr in clubs, and after or ganization and mature and wise delib eration, sot tho price on all articles made on tlio farm, and eaoli member required to be governod by the stnn- dgrd^, Another grinf advantage to be gained by combinations is that we oan V—gpfrthToitgh'tho'elnb oivits agent all our iMcaasarleij-such ns sugar and cof fee, Balt, &o., at a small per cent ad vance oh cost in Now York or Bsltl- “ more, paying say flvo In place of twen- ._ty>flvo-or~thirty-threa per cent. Why cannot wo order ploughs, cultivators, lioes, axeB,and all farmihg implements • | directly from-the manufactory, ns wol! as to buy from ngentB and pay thorn a . largo commission t No other reason !. can ho given than that wo as a class are-silll willing to ho victimized, and that the iaet hard-earned dollar shall • be taken from us by tlio class liavo al ways got onr profits; Farmers, don’t yqu seo tlio mighty power you liavo In your hands ifyou will only not? “Why stand ye idle all tho day 1" Baisb Syrup.—The revolution In . Cuba may materially reduce tho pres ent year’s crop of sugar, molassos, and other necessaries indigencous to that island, "If so,says tho Augusta Press, t-prices will bo stiff in this country.— Let-tlio farmers of Georgia ha wise in time, nud prepare for suoli an emergen cy. Let every ono cultivate an slum- dnneo of sorghum. Bo not treat this suggestion with neglect. Labor la . much disorganized all over tho island and tlicro are few evidences of n ces sation of hostilities. Under these cir cumstances, tho crop cannot ho other wise than “short.’’ Short crops are • ■ invariably followed by high prices.— The South con avoid tho evils of those high prices, if it will appeal to its own , • generous soil. I.ettlie appeal bo made,- and each farmer can raise asultlciency of syrup |o supply the demands of the iioii-produciug ‘public. Ool.OitiNn Buttjiu—When yellow colored butler isdesirod in winter with out the use of nimtto, which is not a ■ desirable commodity in buttor, carrots may bc substilnteil. Take two large ' sized carrots, clean thoroughly, then with the knife scrape off the yellow exterior, leaving the white pith, soak the yellow part in boiling milk for ten or fifteen minutes. Strain boiling hot into tho i-rrnui; this gives the cream tho desired temperature, colors it nice ly, and adds to the sweetness of tho butter. ■ Mock should never be taken to the field direct from the swamps. ITIShbiiM t,., ..i *qc,d.-W the atmosphere for six ’ luor.ueB n il'", '.ho longer the better, and oonlpost-cd'-vith liate or uuler.ched ashes... , Isli this week an ixcuilent nlcation on bains' aiiii stables, from our ablo and esteemed farmer, L. 1). 1’., and hopo that hs will finish nl an early rhiny. day his article on tho subject, nud givo us his designs and pining for hnllding those very nesessnry c >nvui.ii'm-ceoncver,vfnrm. Woknow l int every .-uiimnl, owned by every firmer tliat reads his article, would- thank hil-i. if it inftucos their masters -> build for their codiforl.] , Barns nii-i stables. Kett to the t-omlu rt of lus family thuf*l iner should provide for the com fortable fuedtOg and protection of Ids stock, lndood ;tlio .most successful atoyl; rnisors will ird vise new heginlici-s, whoss ffmlted menns will not enublo them to build both a fine house and good herns, to expend most' of tholr capital and labor at the start in the construction of the latter, contenting Ihom.solvos to lire for a few years In a cabin, that they may the earlier begin to onjoy tho proceeds of tholr outlay A good barn With plenty in It on a farm, will soon enable a fnrmor to build a fine house and what is qnlte as im?, portent flit It with plenty. The advan tages are numerous and hardly to bo appreciated until ronllzed by expert- once. Saving is more important than nr Johnio’s Composition on Cows. Tlicro aro a great many kind of cows —there is the red cow, tho brlndlo cow, pale old yellow cowf'tlu long tall row, nud the hob tall cow, and a cow that undo Bill called a mala cow, when lio went to tho quiltin’, where all the gil ls' was, and I went home with Idih to eoo It, and It nnsn’t nothing litit a Durham lib®' Til's bob tall cow la,a vory use-' fill ootv, for whon Ahiia Jane goes tb milk her hi grunt time, who don't lilt her in tlio faco, for she can't switch her tall at any great-length; but olir old yellow cow that has got along tail Hinge it clean ovor her hack. I forgot to piontion tho butt bond cow, pud tho chw Unit has got horns. My I’n always keeps the but bend cow that ain't got any hoi ns; for ho says that they ain’t no hollow,horn dleoaso among them; hut I alwiys want a hollow horn cow, when a|io dies, I can got tho horn to blow!' In the,first place,.I like to go a poflsdm hunting, and a horn is a useful tiling to liavo along; and in thesocond place, and last, and best, I like for my Ma to Imro one to homo to dinnor;.and hosidcs If a cow don’t liavo tho bollor-horn, Sho will liavo a holler tail, and She can’t tig borod with aglmbldt, itffd the tail will como off, and I therefore think that a cow that ain’t got horns or tail looks worse than hut head cow—I will some to a does. MtiIRR. Qsnli-Wo liavi aug Sawa In our am Oaaia Biuiv, r To Cobb Corns.—Wo clip from an exclmngo, n remedy, which is said to ho 1 vory effectual In removing these troublesome nud painful excrescences. ,, , , . . 'Should the remedy ho what Is claimed making, and this is particularly true in fpr , t) ita dllcover ^ odsorvos tho thanks the vnrlous employments of hushan- 0 f the entire community wbo.suffer dry. Por Illustration, when our moad- with them: owe liavo been properly prepared tho " One tcaspoonful of tar, one of expense of growing'Is hut KirKlS and snoh is now tho perfection of mowing machlnos and horse rakes that but lit tle expense need be Incurred in ourlng hay. And In a good barn, it may h(| rapidly stored away, keyoud nny^ con; tingonCy of lost or spoiling. * Stacking Is a tedious and laborious process, which foW understand ho*w to do, hut any one with Bouse enough to drivo ap ox wagon and muscle to uso a hay fork may haul hay into'tho barn., ..plover, the cheapost and best of all lmy, can not ho saved during the Winter In slack, whllo 'on an average one fourth of herds grass or timothy is ruined or; scrlonsly injurcd, oven if well stacked. Another advantage Is tha economy and convenience of feeding.- If stneked it must be fed away in the meadow, leaving tbo staolr opon every day to the weather, and no protection afford ed tho stock while consuming it, or else hauled lip to tho lot and re-Btackcd more frequently thrown into a-tali rail pen covered with boards. Tbo haul ing is much more laborious and un pleasant, than it would have been when frosK and sweet upon a frame properly constructed for the purposo. Besides, it Is no light task ovary night and morn ing to climb up tho sides of aliigli rail pom take off tho bbards and throw out n fow turns of mouldy hay,, half of it to bo trodden and wasted by cattle shivering in the oold and rain, thou place the boards and climb down again Into tho mud. Compared with this, the very thought of forking down bright. Ono barrol of • dry liny into the racks and mangers of k ' . cattle in cemfortablo stables, all In (hi dry, is refreshing, ; nnd.will:savo in dol lars and cents, as well ns time, labor and comfort; Besides tho Bating from waBlngo iu feeding, a less amount of forage will koep cattlo thriving when I,n ™ properly protected fof'the satno reason that but little lire is uocessnry to keep a close room warm compared with open ono. Plenty of good clean wheat straw fed! tinder Bholter Is better than stacked hay fed in the open weather. Makingmnnureis another vory great advantage afforded those who have good- barns and stables. It is qnly by regular applications of innnuro, that wo oan conttnuo-to draw largo annual drops from onr meadows or fields, how over produotivo thoy may be at first, and .the barn yard furnishes tho largest amount of tho very best manure to the farm nt the least cost to tho farmer. Without it everything runs to waste, and In a-fow yoars tho effoots will be manifest on the best farms, in the crops annually diminishing, ns well ns 'tho lean stock, showing at each reproduc tion less of tho original blood. I lmd intended, Mr. Editor, malting a fow gonernl suggestions upon tho lo cations and construction of barns, hut II.I. uifMluiroi-s or Ciroulsr, Malay, Mill Cl-oaa-CatSavrs. Cllomilnir Axes, all shnpu). Colburn’s Patent Axo. Sbovolu, Spsdos and Milos'Pntout Covered Scoop. PIANOS 1 PIANOS 1 PIANOS! <Tbe Parlor Favorite.’ miiE immense doniaud for this popular in' X utrumulit lies imluooil us to make Its man- fifiituro a speciality, and wo are ronsopuently onnblrd tonlTer them at much lower rates than are churned for similar Instruments by otlior umbers. Inqulro of resident dealers or send for onr llluslrutod cntalnjtno and price list.— Address ., . U«o. M. Ocita * Co., Boston, Mass. coarse brown sugar, and one of saltpe tre, The wbold-to ho warmed togeth er. Spread it on kid leather (lie size of tho corns, and in two days they will he drawn out” Information to Railroad Travelers, Tho following rules of the road aro based, upon legal, decisions, says the Augusta Constitutionalist, and ought 16 ho univorsnlly made known : ! The courts liavo decided that appli cants for tickets on railroads can he rejected If they do not offoi; tho exact amomit.of their fair. Conductors aro not bound to make change. AU rail road llokets afro good-tlll used; condi tions good' for this day duly, or otlior- wise admitting time of, genuineness, are ofno' account. Passengers who loso their tickets oan be ejected from the care,'unless they pnrehaso a second one; Passengers nro bound to obsoryc a decorum in tho cars, and aro bound to comply with all reasonable domauds to show their tickets.' Standing on the' platform,-or other- wiss violating tho rulosbf the compa ny, renders a person llabid ‘to be put off the train. No ono has "aright to monopolize more BeatB than lib has paid for j any article iff a‘ scat, while tho owuer is temporarily absent, entitles him to the scat on his return. . Tub Constitutional Ambnoment, —The following Is the Constitutional Amendment as it'ffnally passed both houses of.Onnuross: , , , •‘(Articlo 'fifteen, flection one. Tho right of eltlzfeiis’of tho United' States shall not bo.deniod or abridged: by tho United States or by any State on ncoount of race, oolor or previous condition Of servitude.. “Section 2. Tho Congress shall have power toanforco this. art,!clo< by appro- -Ktlflt. Crook Inis . OUEUll, Ord'y. /•T 1:011(11 A. Mnnny Connty-Wl lln Ur Oeorgo W. MunlKomory, nditiinli nu tlio osuto of tllrsin Moiitiomory, do havopollllonod lor loitoi-s of dismissionit sold ostato: This l«. iboroforo, to clto nil sonsoonoorniid, klndnid nod crodUOrsi to si lull IIIIU I'BCfilVO lfclli , ‘*“~ tlhoun on tho If County.—Ploiwant Kilolts Mon of vuluatloi ux'oiuntlon of por* (xhas*pilcrl' 11 vl Rnd vuluntlon of and I will ui upon the At my lltli Inst. Qr>ry v exemption of pornon* themuioutiuy oliieo iv' ll. llUOOKRn, Ord’y. Count; jltli, jufnorVm&orTourteon 'youre. pf ngo nml realdentti bf said county s ^ , Thie it to clto nil povton-i oonoorned to lio nml appear at tho noxt tom of tlio Court of Ordi*' nary, after tho expiration of thirty days, at show cause, If any they onn, why J. M. Koll should not bo int rtuilofl with t ho HUimllanshL. of tho^person and property of said minors. Witness pty ofllclal alBnatnro, thisi 1-obruftry 87th, 1800, MILTON HUSSKl.L, Ord’y. M a roh 4-30(7. ordur n-om tTinChiud of^OO^fimiT n°f Will. county, between tho U^albom^i of jirtlo,tho fol* KW licionH the estate of.jnssn Self, Inu o? liolng part df lot niimber79B,, in thostli dlstrlot ul Jtt; ami 4th sootlop of said county, and qonslstlug if about 100 acres. Toi-jrts Mb ' 7 '' . .' Fob. 11, lniSMds. , Wu. HAItUIS, Adtnr. MJCelthlmri Till C1 EOltOIA. Walkor County,—Whoroas, Man* VT ell Illgffins bus applied to tno for letters of admlnlstrotion, clo bonis non, upon tlio cst Kto of George Glenn, into of said eounty, deceased t This is tocito all persons Interested to bound, appear at tho first form of the Court of Ordina ry, after tho expiration Of thirty days,’ to show cause why letters should not bo grautod the apnlloant on said ostnte. , witness my hand und ofllolal signature, this February H7tn, 1809. . .. . Mttl-oll 4-flQcl. MILTON IW3SEI.L, Ol-d'v. ,rtgto suit! ocooasea, lor iuo purpose or uisirn bittlon, and If no objections are railed 1 will grant tho prayer of tlio potttlonbr lit the first regular term of tbo court after oxplration of sixty days. Fob. *0, IflOh-SBiftfeW EUSBELL, Ord’y. GEORGIA, Walker C’* VT mluistrator of David L. Trundle, having applied to mo for loavo to sell the laud belong ing to tbo estate of said Trundle, late of said eounty, deccuscd: and this is to cite ull persons intorosted tliutat the next regular torm of tho Court, aftsr tbo expiration 6r sixty days, an dor will bo allowed granting said IcaVe,- If Honey, Glycerine,Elder Flower, Boqnetnnd PaIm, Quality, Stylo und Porfumo warranted . equal to the English and sold fully 6CCpor _jnt. ohonpor, which uccoonts for tho great iHllliug off In tho demand for the ihrolgn soaps, nnd the unpreaentod success of tlio Ainorlcan Cdmpany Toilet Boaps, now sold everywhere In tho United States. McKKONE, VANHAAGEN A CO.. SoleManfrs^ Philadelphia and Now York-. March 4,1300—It MILTON RUSSELL, Ordy, ■ I UniliTU lit All U—-IIIBUUIIIUIII XX by a hunter und truppor of long pructlcal oxporlonco, with diagram and directions fov making trap.. Also instructions How,to Train Animals, Includingmluiy amusing and wondor* ful tricks. Roth for only ton cents. JesssHa- way A Co., Ill) Nassau St., Now York. K( ton Kyans,udminl ’xoftTnr ^ said county; Wv*'^ Agents Wanted for How to males the Farm Pay. TTfOW to double-tlio value of land and tho XX profits on stock, and how to raise three times the quantity or all farm crops to an aero. 700 pages and 140 beautiful and useful illustra tions. Farmers, young men ami experienced tits find It pays to cAnvoss for this book.- .. to |800 por month according to ability and full particulars, mldross { dcCuttor A Co., Philadelphia, Pa. - - jrnns,administrator, nml 8. A. Evans, of thd cstato of Jatnos A. Evans, lato yi doouased, has applied t6 mo for lotaqf land numbers 7ami8,*“ *’ add Ocl oootlpn of said count; jf'ltdilH and creditors of .sal ceasedi if no objoetlon iH ntlsod at tho first rog- ular term, after the expiration of two moutlw, snogey passod. grujLtirf£ .tJl® BtWfflrW P March 4—2in.—fdo |6. TTlAltLY R08T POTATO-American and For- Xli olgn Spring Wheats, Oats, Barley; Corn, Clover Soods, Gross Seed,llogs, Fowls, Best Fod der Cutter* Send for the Exr uni mental Fakm \%TANTED, AGENTS—873 to #200 por in YV ovorywhorc, mdlo and fomalo, to 1 duco the Gkruink Impuovbo COMMON SI month, 9 Intro- ^ SENSE 'EWING MACHINE. Nlds machine will stitch, hem, fell, tuck, quilt, cord,-bind, braid and em- broldor iu a most superior manner. Priee only $18. Fully warranted for flvo yenrs; We will *iay $1000 for any machine that will sewa stron- ;cr, nioru beautiful, or more clastic seam than jars. It makes tho “Elastic Lock Stitch." Ev- my second stitoh may bo cut, and still the cloth cannot bo pulled npurt without toarlng It. We pay Agents from 975to$200 per month and ex penses, or a commlsslon-.ffom whloh twico that .amount can be made,* Address BECOME & CO., Pittsburgh, Pa.,' Boston, Mas*., or St. Louis, Mo. Caution.—Do not ho Imposed upon by other parties palming off worthless cast-iron ma chines, under the same name or otherwlso. Ours Is the only genuine and ronlly practical cheap mttohlno tmmufafltuiod, . miTE PATENT MAGIC COMB .L Will color g r Address WM. PATTON, TreasOiwr brown. Bold o?c v - / Address , . Maglo Comb Company, Springfield,-Mass. XgENTSj i^ARMEItS/GAR DENER^’ 'AN 54 FRUIT GROWER8.-flend for particulars of “BosY* improved Fruit Trco nnd Vine Invlg- orator and Insect Destroyer." Samples to test will bo forwarded to any part of tlio United States nnd porfect satisfaction guaranteed.— Good Agents aro wanted in overy County.In the Unltod-State*. Address . .J.AI1EARN, '■ 03 SCconA SWftct, Baltimore/Hd. ... .ERNAL REVENUE, illeotor’s Ofllco, 4th Diet. Ga. Dalton, Oa., Feb. 18,1889. Notice is herebyglvon that tho following sot- xurcs made by mo at the times nnd place*, mul for tho causes stated below In each case, viz: Ono copper still, ono cap, one worm, seized February 0, 1889, from James Mostollo, John Liles ami John Pike, in Walkor county, for vi olation of scotlon 44, act of Congress passed Ju- ly G*Jo half barrol of whisky, eoutnlulngslxtocn gallons, from same parties and lor sumo cause. «— -mj.-.- containing thirty. id for sumo "ITTANTED—AOENTS-jTo Sell fho YY AMERICAN KNITTING MACHINE. Price *26. Tlieslmplest.clicftpostand best Knit ting Machine ever invented. Will knit $-.’0,000 stitches per minute. Liberal inducemor'" * - Agents. Address A vbricanKnittinoMa Co., Boston, Muss., or St. Louis, Mo. ■XTTA NTK1).—Salesmen, Y V ami others, for a N< - i, everywhere, farmers New Article in greutds- -- - jy one agent his first month. Address imuiodlutcly, drawer 124, Louisville, Ky. j with theabovo diseases, and for Jersey City, N. J, 9,1809, from Thomas Smith, lu Walker county, for violation of sect ion 0, act of Congress pass ed July 20, 1888. One ooppor still, ono cap and ono worm', selz- ou February 0,1889, from .James Cargal. in Wal ker oonnty, for violation of section 41, act of Congress pussed July 20,1808. Ono copper still nml ono worm, solzod Febru ary 13,1589, from Thomas lIoRuud, in. Murray County« for sarno cause. , OuQ.coppcr.sllU, one cap am) ono worm, selz- Co February 13,1889, from Horry Bates, In Mur ray county, for same cause. One copper still, ono cap and ono worm, solz od February J3.1869, from Gorrnrd Johnson, of Bpring Place, Murray eounty, Guorgla, for,sumo One keg containing two gallons whisky,- Ono keg containing three gallops whisky, Ono sorrel nmre, wagon nml harness, all seiz ed February 13,18(19, from Pioasont L. Foster,- of Murray eounty, for violation of sootion 79, nrtl.ulo thirty-two, not of Congress of Juno 80, . 1804, nml seotiou so. act of CongrosB, passed July 20,1808. • Any persbn or porsons.claiming any of the foregoing articles, nre required to appear umr mako such claim within thirty days trom this dato, and give bond as required by law, other- wise the sump will bo sold for tho-uso of tho United States. j ’WELLS ii. whitmore; Fob. 18,1889-3t Dobutv Collector.- A BLESSING TO LADIES.—Dr. Wm. Ray has discovered a simple plant that never fails to bring relief,- when checked by cold-or othor- crwlse. These Vegetable Monthly Powders call be depended on by ladles In “timo and lior need. 1 ’ Price, $5 por package, by mall, so from observation. Address, in confidence, Ray, M. D., P. O. Box 4787, Now Yorx. for fenf of; running inlo^lqqg lUl^le, I will defer these items till some future rsiny duy. Very Bespeotfully, L. DTK Aouioultura-l- Items.—Corn soak ed in strong lye is said to be an-infnl- iblo romody for swlno troubled with tbo kidney-worm. Salt and brimstone given in modernto quantity- is a pre- ventitivo. . . A grindstone should not be exposed to the, weather, us-it not only iouires tbo wood work, "bit tile sun’s rajs nKr- den the stone so much in time as to render it almost useless. ’Noitlicr should it stand iu the water in which it runs, ns tlio remaining iu the water softens so much that it wears unequal ly. nud “ont of tune.” > Pens and beans being both rich in nitrogen, are valuable in repairing tbo waste in the muscles of nnimals, and arc especially advantageous in tho pro duction of wool. Potatoes should' always be kept In tbo dark. Rural housekeepers do not need to be told this but many others who live in towns and cities should know that potatoes exposed to tiie light, for a day only, have tuelr flavor injured, muj. lljq longer exposed tho w,orsc.t|iey fire-', Never nso o-grecnisb potato,'—American Agriculturist. !• E very spoutsman,farmer, a house. MAN, shpuhl send for our pamphlet of 2C pages, contain lag a full description of a now Invention by which tho most Inveterate kick ers, runaways, and nicious horses can he drlv on with pcrioct,safety. For breaking and train-' ing horses, it fs better than Barov's or any oth- orpysteim Sent free. Address N. P. Borx& A Co., rarkesburg, Chester Co., Pa. applied to mu.far oxomptlou of jraonaltynmlHuttihg aphrt ami valuation of lomeatead and 1 will pass ’upon tho same at my ifilco. ou Monday, the 8th Inst. This March 4, BCD. It - MILTON RUSSELL, Only* j .EOliSltA, WiLXtn CorsiV.—Wllol-eus, Calyon. Admhs or Robert Carson, doceas- lias applied to mo for loavo to sell tho real jtteofBnl^dboeuaod. for the puvpohe of dl8- rllmtlon nnd paynmnt.of debts, ami If no oh- ectlon la rulaod at t he flfst regular term after tho oxnlrntlon of sixty days, an order will ho .paused granting thopmyet of tho petit loner. 1 .. MILTON RUSSELL, Ofd’y. Jan. 21-2m.*-sPrs. fbo $-1. 1 /3.EORGIA},WaUtait CooBf r.4-A. U) Stewart IT having applied to ho appointed guurdlan ortho porson and propeVtyorEllzabotlt J. Mo- Cttlhih, a minorunder fourteen years of age, resident of nuld’couhty.j Thls lgtocttrti(ll per sons concerned to be uml appeur at the term of Cut low of this notice, and Hbow.enube, if they can, AVhy said A. D. Stewart, sltotdd not be In trusted with the, aunrdjanshlniof tho person and property of Kuxu'both J. Mct'ullah. Wit- "WWaWWSBk-krttaii, Ordy. KORGIA, Catoosa County.—Milton Evans havingappllod. In-proper form, to bo ap pointed Guardlun of tho:portion and property of R. W. M. Evans, a minor nndor fourteen ears of age nml resident of said county: Tills ..— ■* to? to and ni>- >l’dlnary tolm r of thirty days from the first publication of this notice, and show causo. If nny they can, why said Milton Evans should not bo intrusted with ** Is to cite persons concerned to* 0b mu K nt the term of tho Court of CH’dinary next aftor the oxplration of thirty dlanshlp of the person and property (il^HiiicI R. W. M. Evans. Witness my baud aud siguaturo, this March J March 4-oOd. Sr. 1 uiid official COMBS, Ord’y. ri EORG1A, Catoosa Countj*.—WhCrens,Tho«, VX Russell, udm’r of the estate of Johu Mc Donald, lato of said county, deceased, has ap plied to mo for Icavo la soil nine acres off tho northeast corner of lot number 119, OLh district aud 4th section of Catoosa county, exci acres off the southwest corner of said last tionod lot, for the benefit of tho heirs and arod- Itorsof srhl deceased; and If no objection Is raised nt tho first regnlar term aftor the expi ration of two months, an order -will bo passed granting tho prayer «f petitioner. March 4-2m.-foe $8. J. M. COMBS, Ord, G EORGIA, Catoosa County,—Whereas, .Jus, H. Anderson, administrator of James A. Corry, Into of said county, deceased, represents to tho Court In his petition duly filed and en tered on record,Jthat he lms fully administered on said estate 1 This Js^thorofpro to clto nml admonish all can,within the time*prescribed' tors of dismission from said estate should m be granted said applicant in Scptembui* next. Witness my band and ofllclal slgnatu 3d day of March, 1«»9. ’ „ J, M. COMBS. Ordinary. March 4-fim. . r - . [i’rs. foe £ u . notified that the nnd' trator, do bonus non, with tho will annexed, O. II. Kcnnon, dcooasud..will, on the first Mo_ cJuylnMttym,xt.apply tb tho court of ordlim- ry, oiWhltfltjW cCxratjv fbi gnod, ndinlnis- 111 unnexed, of the first Mon* urt of ordln - cdtmtjv fnt leave to sell lot* land numbers 277,278,283, 204,241,242, nil In tho 11th dlstrlot and 3d section of'suid coufity, as tho property of ealtl deceased, for , the benefit of tho orodllors or said estate. This, March 4, 18G9-2m-*3 • . JAMES U. HORNE, - Afim’rdo bonus non, with will annexed, lX has applied for exemption of porsonaltv ami setting ui»art and valuation of homestead, md I will pass upon tbo same at my office :* )nlton on tbo 18 of Match.. March l,18C9-‘»t . W. H. BROOKER, Ord'y Ultuat Cot/hTY,— Young T . , BORGIA. MUIUU - ion of personalty and TX b»» applied to ino for exemption of per llou Of nomattcad. and tonally ami sotting apart amt valuation of 0 at my oillco In Ellljay homestead, nml l will pn»s upon the sumojU • * ” my offieo in Spring l'lneo ut 10 o’cloek, A, M., i spring Fine day of Fobrv , b. 10-2t. A. FAUNl VORTH, Ord'y, asasiiiss tuto. Jan, 7-ant JOHN J. DODD, Aainr* 1 ’ rr.of dismission on MounAv County.—Nathan ** ‘ for exempoon of .... im»8 .upon tno sumo ut 10 ui plook, the Oth di DMIXISTItATOU'3 BALI ¥S!UV " u, ' i Ttmm^dra'T. bvT.trt™° 0 W,M- r ««**fonurriy jffiy jfffo 1 , 1 , 8 ™ 1 , 1 . and M M 's or,. fflndlofllotliolt Withia tho time nr (.court, In Ills ji /ytton IXM-J ofthelai Borgia; Walker CounT.Y.—Whereat,Will. ‘ Jinnies ami John M. Catlett, ’Executors last will and testament of Titos, Jones, dcooased, linn applied, to niu for leu Vo to sell tho south naif of lot- of laml mimhui*. 2i»9, In tlic llth district: and 4th seotton, for tin* ptff pose or distribution among I ho legntooA of said testa tor, and If no objection is ml sod ut tho 11 rat reg. ular torm after tho expiration of two months,- an ordor will be passed grunting tbo prayor-qf pctlllonci's.- MILTON RUSSELL,Ord’y. J^bnpry g^m.-Ria. foe. $9. 1 rosTrttMKb. E XECUTOR'S BALE.—virtue of «ui|, 0 rl- llv In 11,0 ruled by »n order from tbo Court of Ordlimry of Gordon oounly, G.., I will „|| on tbo first Tncsduv In April next, bof.r, Uw CoUrt-lfouso door In Culboun. between th. Ic-.l hour, of rate, tlio following lands, to wit: 8 Lot No. 28-1, In tlio 8th district nnd Id icctlon of Gordon eotintj-; lot No. 204, In tb. 7tb dl.lrlct and 4 lit section of Walkor county: i of lot No 112, In 13th district and. 2d auction of Plvkini county) * or lot No. 000, In llth dlitrlct and lit section of Lumpkin cauiity; lot No. 811, In Oth dlatrlot and 2d Motion of lilhitoro countj • lot OB, Oth dl.tilct nnd 2d icctlon of Gilmore coun. tj ! part of lot No. 210, In 7th district and 9d section of Oihnoro countyt * of lot No. Ol In 20lh iliatrict and 2d aectlon of-Glhnoro.count, Sold an th. property of Joacph Wllion, dc'. ceaacd, Tor tho h.ncllt of hia hrlra and creditor. Tcrnu calh. WILLIAM MOBLEY, Ex'r l-'cbOB-tda. [l’ra. fee *10. rt F.ORGI-At CA-fbooa' COofl-dV.-WltCfCna, Wtj “ ■— 1 * '-ahnit tailed ii tbo 3 itrail section of said county, i'pr the f (tlatrlbuGou rinlong the legatees of salt! doccnsed—if no objection is raised at tbo, first regular torm uftor tbo'expiration of two months, an order will ho passed granting tho prayer of petitioner. J. - M. COM Bfli 'Ord’y. Fobt-uary 4-tds. I Its, fee it. G EORGIA, Oonnoa CouaTr--.Whcrcn«A. U Kwy,-administrator of W *1 L BoWlf. rep. j-eaent. to tboCuurt In hi. petition that lie In. .fully odmlnUtcrcd aald c.tato— Tbt. la to clto a|l nnd alugular the creditor, and next of kin ol said A. M. lCnv, to bo.and ap- honr at my olfico, wlihtnThiulmo allowed b, Lw nnd allow cirnsc, If any-they can, wh» .afd td- mhiirttralodflltoiilil not bo discharged from bind- ministration on tho llrtt Monday ft. July, tsea. • Boo. 2-1-flm. 1>. W, NEEL,. Ord'y. ^V.qvdov from tlio Court of OrdlntUT of Ca- county will be sold, on the first Tuesday ......(i’ll, 1809, between the legal houra of sale, before the court house door In Ringgold, Lots of,land numbers 81 und 82, in the 28th district of ihutkl section, possessing one of tho Finkst Water,Powers in tub Statb. Bold as tho property of B. C. Morse, deceased, for benefit of heirs and creditors. Terms cash. Fob. 11,18o9-tds ELIZA TILLMAN, Adrtlf. C\]£Q11QIA,\. Gordon County—X VJ Littlefield,- admiuialrutor of B. A. Sta.ilon ropresonta to tho Cpurtln hla petition duly Hle.l nnd entered on record, that he hag fullr admlni.- tcicd .aid.citato. Thla la therefore'to cite all persona concerned, kindred nud crcdttora, to .how cauae, If any they can, why said administrator should not bo discharged from his adndnlatratloii, nnd receive loiters of dlamU-lon on the tint Mon day |u February, lfldth This July 22, lsr.s, O. W. NEEL, tlnlv. G F.ORGIA, Catoosa Covavr.—Thomas It. Williams, Executor on the estate of J. T. sewell, deceased, applies to me forlottei dismission from said Kxeoutorslilpi These ... _ tliercforo to clto all persons epneorned to bo ami appear at my ofllco on or liefora tho first Executor us uforusald, should not be dismissed from his sulrt Executorship. Given under my bund uml ofllclal signature, December 7th, 1S(& _ J, M. COM11S, Ordinary, lioc. lU-Cm. ’- ‘ * k [l’rs. fee |3, f 1 F,0!M, i’Atos* uaty—Wltcfcns, Wll- U Jlnra J Whltsitl, administrator of tho estate Of M C Dyer,, lute of said eounty, doccnsed, rep resents to tho Court, in his petition duly filed and, entered on record;, tliht lie luis fully. Administered on 6tiU4»8ts»o—. . • 11 • 9 v fiis is therefore to cite and ndmonislMilI per sons interested to pIiow cause, if any tfio’y cun, .wltljtn the limo prescribed,by lstwiivjby - .ettcrs of dtsintsson from said .estate ahyuljpot beigrnnt- cd to Bald oppllcanvm April next. Given un- dbV rny'iiahd had efikinl signature, this Octobbi 18t:8‘. • '\ l ■ J. M. C0MD3, Ordinary. VW* --p ; a EORGIA, Catoosa County.—To all whom It* mayiGanciUTr.-—Robt; ««•' Church lmvlni applied to .rtio’'1n proper form for permanem letters of administration on the estuto of Nel son Hendrick, lute of said county^ jlecudscrt s This is to cite all nnd singular tfio creditors and.nuxt of kiitf of said dcccusod, to by and appear at my oltlce on the first Momtuy in noxt April and show cause, ifanv they cun, why ad ministration should not be'grantcd to Robert 8. Church ou said estate. -Given under my hand and official signature, this Fetiruury 1st, 18C9. JOHN M. COMBS, Ordv. February 4-30d. [Pr*. fee $3. Samuel jflu- 3Pa±xi with' o. d. si wown' a- sox., WHOLESALE GROCERS, l’coJuco Commission Merchant!, and Dealara in Wine, and Liquors, 3) North Howard Strut, nor-flm. BALTIMORE. TTNlTKb BTATE8 INTERNAL REVENUE, U Debffty Collector’s Office, 4th l>lst. Gq. U Debuty Collector’s Office, 4th Diet. (lu. . • . DALTOaN, Ga., F«b.35, lWla. * Notice Isheroby given that the following sol. zurus made by mo at times and places, nml for tho causes t herein mentioned, m cacti eu^e: Ono copper still, onc cnp. and ona tvonn, se.lz: •ed February 17; 18J9. from Wm. Singleton Cox,- In Murray county, for .violation of.section 44,- act orCbngro^s, pasted July 20,1808. Twp cpnnor stills, twq caps und t vro worins, of Congress passed July 20, 1808. ...... One copper still tidtV OTUcup.sclzodFebruarv 18,1809, D’om Rabin Cohuttali Spring* ■Xur violation or section 41, act of congress, pass- ed JulwSB; 1W8. ’’ ' ; ., Any person or person* claiming any of the foregoing articles, aro required to appear and make such olulnrwithin thirty duvs from this (lute, uml give bond as required .by., lkw^othor- irF©UM4t.t«l Debuty ColleotoY, '-rmtiki'X v 1 *'.', • agentb- wanted for Secrets', of CrreM A Work descriptive of,?fiii‘.Vn-tUo3, And tb YluoBt.thu>My*tailcb, aHaei1 os A ttbd Cfimos of Now York Oity. , - - If you iVlsb to know howFortnnos firotnado nud lost In a day j -Uow-Shrowd Mon avo mined In AVull Strcotj, how Countrymen aresWlmltsd by Sharpers : bow Ministers aud Moroltantsnro Blaclnnalled: how Dance. Halls und Concert Suloops are,Managed j how Gambling Houses and ock nnd Bubl' 35 fine Burst, read this work. It contains 35 (lno en-| C Hravlngsr tells all about tho Mysteries and ■rimes of Now York, aud lmtbe Spiciest and Wh# @ j ^ Send , for Ciroulqi s and nee our t erms;and* a fnU dcflcdptlpn of the wotk; Address, JONES ’ coi m -• i. CAUTION—Ihferlqr worka-oLa altnllnr olmr- acter aro being cirquhitoiH Sen that the books .Sfi.flne euffmYtngs and soli ju E RRING BUT KOBLE.-Solf-neln for Young Mon. who, having erred* desire a better lanhood. Sent, in.senled-letter envelopes, froo fcharge. If bcncfittcd,,return the poitAge. BoxT, Philadelphia, Pa. AdtlvcasPniLANTURos.l r HAVE MALE ADVERTISING A STUDY. L . For Ten Cents - will send to nny one a list of the best Newspa pers in the United Status. I would onco Jrnvo paid a thousand hollar* for this Tory infor^ mation.- Address Box G?2, N. Y. City< . T3 E8PONBIBLE AGENTS WANTED XV To dispose of guaranties for this sate of Landed and pthfer valuable property In differ- ent parts of tbo United" States.- Profits very ah «vlea easily effected, nnd no loss'of time i other business. Address J. T. MilLer* Co, u2i^t Uox4,P. O.Port Deposit, Md. obi. B.js.nnonw', Insiu’ance and Land Agent, KINO STREET, DALTON. OEOROtA. A GENT for jETNA Lllo andlire Insurance, Company. Also,. Jcfl'crsbn ami .James River Fire, Insurance Companies, of Virginia, Enterprise, at Cincinnati, and PutnanV/at* ifatv ford, Fire Insurance Companies. ' _ G-oneral Land Apent, For anybody who ontrusts their business to hii care. Refers to Col. O.'D. Welborn, Atlanta, Col. W.-H. Tibbs, Lowry & Eason, IIon. D. A. Walker, and Col. J. A. It. Hanks, Dalton. form' for „ttUonontbee utcof Thomas A. Burfon), late of said count deceased: This Is to'dte ull uml singular tL_ kindred und creditors of said Tliomus A Bur- ford to ho nnd appear at mypfflqc, within tho tlmo-allowed by law* and show canse, if any they can, why permanent administration should not bo granted foO. W. Trlmmier on said ostute. Witness ray bund and official sig nature. this 6th day of January, 1889. Jan. 7-30J. J. M. COMBS, Ordv. „ has applied to mo ter exemption nnd set ting apart mid vuluntlon of homestead, and I will pas* upon tho same on the 1st day of March next, nt my office in Ringgold This February 17th, 1889. ’ • J. M. COMBS, Ofdy. | 1 KORGIA, Gordon County.—Feldeh Kay, J Administrator of Emory Kay, represent* to the Court, in hi* petition duly filed nnd entered on record, that he has fully adiuinutcred Kuiery Kay’n estate:' this Is therofdre to die all persons concerned, kindfedand creditors, to show enuste, If any they can, why said. Administrator should not be dis charged from his administration, and receive let ters of dismission the first Monduv in Feb., 1868. July 80-6m. D. \tf. NEEL, Ordinary. of. Georgia, Gordon County.— Uriah O Love, Guardian of the Minor children of Johnson Moss, deceased, having applied to the Court of Ordinary of said countv for a discharge from ilia Guardianship of raid Minor children: These nro thcreforo to die nnd admoninit all and singular the kindred ami creditors of said deceas cu’s Minor children to be and appear at my ofiic* within the time prescribed by law, to sfiowcauir, if any thoy.hwve, why said letters should not b® the applicant. Not 26-6rq D. W. NEEL, Ordy a KORGIA, GORDON COUNTY.—Osborn Reeve, Administrator, of W. D. Wnlliai*, deceased, rcpic»cnta to tho Court of Ordinary in his petition duly filed and entered on record that he has fully ndmlhistcrcd said estate: This is thcreforo to cite all persona concerned, kindred nnd creditors,Jtof ahowcaOse, if any they can, why said administrator should not be dis charged front his administration and receive let ters of diamistion on the first Monduv in’Mar,. 18994 D. W. KIEL, Ordinary.’ . November 5-6m. rt LOimiA, GlLuan Countv.—Two- month* VX aftot date application will bo made to tho' Court of Ordinury of said county, for leuvo to' *cll t he, real ostato .of X’oter -Burgess, lute of eald county, deceased,*.f f • . TJI08. FRISBEE, Adm’r. ri January gl-2m.—rr8. fee |kl. CFias. StnuSquisl, E ANUFAOTURKR and Wholesale and Retei Dcaler in every description of F TJ H. 1ST I TUEE, Also, Dealer in Cnrpets, Olf Cloths, Wall rapsr. Window Shades, Gilt Moldings and Framas, CURTAINS AND trimmings. Spring Mattresses and Redding,or nil Description*.- A large assortment of Bnrinl Cases on hand^ which will he sent to any point on the shortest notieo. Call and examine for yourselves,’ be fora purchasing elsewhere. jal2-12iw Market-Street, Let. 3d and4th, Chattanooga, Tea* /"'t EORQIA, GiLMRn County.—Liiusl-fok Di- IT vottoB iNGtLMKtfSupBnioaCouaT.—Elmira Worley vb. Henry Worlov.—It appearing to the Cqqrt, bv.^hn return of the Bhorlff, that tltddo- fonduut does riot roslao lu tho eald county of x ' r. n nt Gilmer; and it further appearing t-bat ho docs Arthur Etxiorv CC Co.. not reside in the said State of Uoorgia: j It Is, on motion pl'.Thoinua Fi Grain-, counsol for Lfbolant, ortlorcd tllat Bald defendant be 1 and American Hard WU r«, v«»lary.-oMi., ■ W. Baltimoro street., Baltimore, Maryland. Arthur Emory, ) Johu 13. Egcrton. ] Doc. 2-1-Stn. ni. cox, ofTontt, j. t. coi, ofT.nn II. T. Cox If Brother^ Commission Foreyth ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Prompt Attention Given to Sale of Produce, Oroctriet and Merchandise, And tilling order. lor Produce or Unrohandtat. R»m TO—Bnilnaai Uoowi generally of At lanta, Bait TouniH*. and Soutbnoetern Virginia. Out-Cm STOVES AND TINWARE. A.Xi.Soutlio3?ltmca Manufacturer of all kinds of TINWARE, , ‘ AND DEALER I ft Stoves,Hollo wW are,Hardware, And ovwythiDg hi hi* lino of business; whloh bo proposes to sell at cheap as enu be bought In the Southern or Western,markets, at wholesale or re tail, ami clafrhs for hi* Tinwaro a superiority over that of Northetn.or Eastern manufacture. Roofing and guttering done promptly, cheaply. Hamilton street, Dalton, Ga. july-e'm - ( HEADQUARTERS F0&,, -J; \V^ Carpets, Oii-Gloths nnd' Curtaru*. - ' •Kendrick's Carpet Store, Marblx Rcildino, Maiuktya srg., Atlarta,Gi. W E keep constantly on hand a very largo stock of Citrpste, clubracing-all,grades, from tho cheapest to tlm'beet;'Floor OllClotha, all widths .Damask.j>pd Laro Curtains; Cornioes, Window ■Shade*, Rugs', Matts ; ats'o Wall Paper of all kinds. Every thing needed to furnish a homo may bo found at 8. H. KENDRICK’S. Nov.; 2—-ly AUapbT.Qfti c ’ If. H.KENNERv wifh Every ftumor sho\t!<l take his homo -, W«. • Sotiectibe (brthe ("n lzEMr j , ATLANTA, <5A. .. Wholesale. Groopr and Commiasion JMoroUant. Pole Agont, for At\a'^k v for teo TiVna'and ,*lVbU-41m U'oirman, Staley It Coi,. WHOLES ALE, GRO OURS, .Liquor and. Conimisiion Merchants) til W. Baltimore and tt German fits., BALTIMORE. 1 11 |^g. L rnmuyaugn. oim Order* for Groeccjes, Q^v*ignm*ntr?of on® If you want white cl: Troluco solicited; ^oy19 Wi* J D — . - ^ __.jt 1 served by publication of this notice, Onco n month.for lour months, previous to tho noxt Term of tbls C6urt, lntlie North Georgia Citi zen, a public Gazoite of aald State, published In Dalton, Ga.—October Torm, IftW. . -,*1' N. B. KNIGHT, J. B. o. A trne extract from tbo Minuted of Gilmer Sunorion Cottrt. 8. F/WILLIAMS, January 21-m4m.-Pra. feo*9. i n. m TTAVINGdetermined to reaumohisprofcrelon JLX as h Tailory teqdcra Ids scrrlce* to the pub lic, and asjis to.sharqji porfiohof their natro'nngc. lie feels -Confident,^from prt'et'p'xpcvicncc.iiiat th* pitbRojfcrin ''llo ua.well served in hi* line in Dalton as dlsJwhero.” ' ** t^Ilo will bo In constant receipt of the v lat- (,at fnsditnrtg, to enablo hlm to Compete'with]th best workmen in hia buflinesa. ■ ' ’ ’ Grotci’ & Baker Scwinj. In addition, I liavo become tho agent-of tho world-tcnowned Grover & Baker Sewing Ma chines, the best In use. Pcrsons wishing to pur chase a first class Machine con do'bo by calling a tv mShop on King Street; Dalton,'GV.< w’hei ^tnfe'Machin* la !ri stfcccssful operation. , Yon can buy your Machine as cheap from J. N. B. Cobh «aht the Mapti/uctory. ' Ga.l and ex amvne jhc Mschine,Jor.your8elf. - , , . . IT UoUUI^ UUIII|IOUIlUr ' - " r I also have for sale fntetly right* for .lankson Universal Washing,Compound, which pave* soap (tmfi libor, findywiU'Whah. itiian’yJklnd 6f litlfeWhi ter equal, tofreestqno water.- ' • “^“Family ( only One Dollar. “ Purchase white ebthe*.- * • * ' *- .J^N. B. COBB sonalty and sotting apart und vi homestead, and I will pirns upon- tl. _ lay ofllco In Ellljay, oh tile 12th March next, at 1 *'\ , lock, 1*. M. J. W. GRElilt, Ord’y. Fub.25-2t. G eorgia, efituntt county.—t. j. Davis lias apnuedito me for oxcmptlon of per sonalty, Betting apart and valuation or homo- -'‘end, and I!will puss upon tbo same at my (llco in Ellljay, on 12th March, 18C9, at 1 o’elocl Feb25-2t JOHN W. GREER, Ord*y. C't EOROLV, Whitfield Countt^—T, IL Pit^ vJT ner having applied to bo fippcfinfed guar dian of tho porsqns and property of John. W., “walvA.wttd rjiia A. Croswelt, minors, real- outs of said county: . .. . Thls’ta'to Cite all poTSQiis coneerrion to bo and Dr. O. Stafford p ESPEO’TFULLY tonders his Professional uf JlL vice* to the citizens of Murray and adjneen counties. Alt Diteam peeufinr to Fen\ale*, aw Chronic Diieanas of overy description treated Ofllo at the residence of Mrs. Humphrays*, n#» Hawkins’ store, Rook Creek, Murray county. Libel for Divorce. I SABELLA HENDON versus John F Hendon 1 . WJiitjUld.Superior Court— It appearing to the Court by the return of fho Sheri IT that the defend dant floes hot reside in this county, nnd it further appearing that said defendant docs not rc*idcin this State: It is thcreforo ordored that Fnid de fendant appear and answer at the next Term of this Court, else that tho caeo bo considered in de fault, nnd the plaintiff nfiowed to proceed. It is further ordered that this rulo be published in the - North Georgia Cif,iz?n opco n month for four month?. June 9.1&98. JAS. MILNER,j.s.o.,c.o .,T.' ft J. A. Glknn, attorneys forrislntiff. Notioe to Creditors. F B Morris, ct'al, Excd’r ) James-Morris, dcc’d, J Bill to marshal) versus J Asfetteetc. Jno P King,ct ai, [■ Whitfield Superior Creditors. ) . Court. Amelia O. .TacksCn Ex’x. John M. Jackson d*c!d vcrsns H * Wm .B Parker, ct nl. •ala minors. ‘ md official slgnatu . W. IL BROOKER, Ord’y/ EORGIA, MThitflold County’—Whereas, J. D. Noil,-administrator of 1), 8. Roach, decca*- ed, rent os on ts to'tUo poun, in hi* petition duly llledvtnhtho has fully udminiatered D.B.ltoaoh’* estate: jTbls la thoroforo to cite till porsons conbernc-d t o show causo, If any they cun; why said udjninlstrator should noli bo discharged from hi* administration and recoivo letters of rlA, Whitfield County—Two - months date application will bo made to tbo rdinary of said county for leave to soil •W. L. COOK, Admr/ s and otliurs liav] “ ' * dipdby orut — r the rosldvnee W Fincher, leading to the Morris Old MJll ** ipunuediand . Ta . — r j^ho m ■ said part of road 'should J —- - v - "—"iro’B ml] ^8aldroad to Farnbrp’ 1 W? iMnoOKERyGrdJy. ,, Is^horeforo to clto all persons 1 show causa*at my. office On the Hd, oi “ xi-i why Bald joad ■honldm-*’ »•!, and left a* a private wAj Bill to . roafshall .... Assett* etc. CJJdlV'Jte.’ LYING been appointed Auditor iu the above casoi by thu Court tho oredltors of the estate of James Morrifc and John’W Jackeon aro hereby notified to present their claims with full proof to me immediately, and that on Monday (ho 22d day of liarch; 1809, I will pass upon the saidoluimsin Dalton: Ga., at tho Court House. Jan 7-tm22d. J. P. FREEMAN, Audr. BORGIA, Whitvibld County.—A. J. Bar- IT nett has appllod for oxemptlon ofjperson- lUty and sotting apart and valuation of home stead, and I will pass upon the satno at my of- fleo in Dalton on tbo 5th of Maroh next; • Fob. 25,1809-2t. W. U. BROOKER, Ord’y. /-I EORGIA, Whitfield County;—J^os. 8. Tbom- IT nson havingffffWo application for perma nent letters of administration, do honls non, oiLthe estate of Williams Crook, deceased: This Is to el to nil porsons to. show cause at my offleo, on the first Monday In April next, why permanent administration should not bo granted to him on said Crook's estate. Wit- nessmy band and offieial Fob.25-30d, . , -• . ■ . I Coanty—Lowls Evans i due ronn a^Ued t - have tho road, established by ordor of inferior court, leading from ■ w. ■ II. Iiuffrf, south-to 1 lio county Hnojliscontinucclns a public road; Thte he «d, of March tOOKER, Ordy. ft