North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, March 25, 1869, Image 1

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ma mi '■MSS'SSS* -1H!—HU—-L l-lSPS aa-aas™iffriw GEORGIA CITIZEN. UKMOC'ltVTIC IN rOUTKM) 1TUE ANl) IIEAI I'll't'I, IN r.lT1CU A l l! K Ht 1 AM) I’KOGUIWHIVK IN 80UTHGRM INTEHKffm WH ITMAN & WRENOEf DALTON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 180!). YOL. II—NO. 12. H AS 5KSAB1VIN ( 4'AllIDi. attorneys at law. Dnlto I. fc II tCorrcApomlunco of the Baltimore Hun.] >Vn«liliiK(on Nhwn nuU «o»*lp. "Washington, March 10. The prtBfiuro of ofilco-Hcekers upon mem bers nntl Senators appears to he growing i heavier hourly. The most pcrslstent seek- . i ers after office, not for themselves, hut for ' j others, are the women, who seem to havo I ! lately como to Washington from all sec- _ I tions of the country, and who throng the reception rooms of the Senate and House „ g street; Dutton, dcm-gln, “ . of gemewtativos to the exclusion of cv- ict* tu thu circuit, tlio United stntci i otybody else, oven of persons having legit- nut, ami the l\ #. Supreme Cr—* - • ' * ‘ ** '“ * J OHNSON- a M,c-Asm T0|iN] . YS Up Stairs 1“ King Building, Dillt R ill nmctlcc l'» Iho courts of thU c the 1 T . *. Did riot Court ut Atlunti Conictli n Illaumlng Down ot to the umn of ilolli Not to thu until or <lu ot to the nmn or cunning, Not totho man of ot tothoouo whose puash .lit the AMMONI) A WKLIIOUN. Railroad Depot und the Slcamhoi lulling utul operatl *• tout Client leui . llttlu capital B. 0. G A MIIRCI.T Dat Morclioad ft mm Feather pi I rod. l-'or W. IIAUUKTT, dealer In Dry GoodH.Gro- , curios and Provisions, Hamilton ^Street, ;ou, Georgia. Feb. 23-3m. W AV. HIGGINS, . GUN AND LOCKSMITH, JpdaioT In Now Guns, Pistols, Cartridges, oto. . Opposite Tlbbi UoiiBe, Hatnlltou Street. Now Rifles nmdoto order, and nil repairing Menu on short notice, and warranted. mlNf W AV. WEB • V wtl imatc business to transact. Haifa dozen of these women will seize upon a promi nent member or Senator at one time, each endeavoring to be first to present her pa pers, and secure the first attention fbr her claim. Failing to secure interviews at the Capitol, they follow members to their ho tels, boarding-houses nnd homes, and hour after hour coutlnuo their annoying impor- The House committee on reconstruction, at its meeting this morning, ngreed upon | a bill for the reconstruction of the State of j Mississippi. The bill was ordered to bo printed and recommitted. As agreed up on by the majority of the committee, it is almost identical with the bill prepared last I session by Mr. Fairn*, of Vivunsin. H Hot In the form of fashion Comulh u bleating down. Not untolnud’scxpnualnn, Not to Iho minor's client, Not to iho princely munition, Not to thu Ida zoned crest; Not to thu sordid worldling, Not to (he knavish clown, Not to the haughty tyrant Conictli n blessing down, Not to Ihofolly-bUndod, Not to t Im stooped In phamo, Not to IhoonrnnLinludcd, Not to unholy fuinu; Not In neglect of duty, Not iu the monarch'll crown. Not at Hie smile of beauty Conictli u blessing down. Iiutto one whoso spirit Yearns for the great amt good j Unto the ono whoso storehouse Yielded the hungry fbOd { Unto the ono who 1 floors Fearless of loc or frown; Unto the klndlydicai' «d Cometh ablosslug down. no nt (lie Inauguration i Hall. 1 j All agree that tin- Inauguration Ball | • given in the Treasury building at Wash- j inston was a vulgar Jam. AVo copy the . following from the Intelligencer; At eleven o’clock tho supper rooms were thrown open, hut so great was the rush for 1 something to cut that it is not possible that ’ more than two-thirds of those wlio attend ed tho bail caught even a glimpse of tho : edibles. By 12 o’clock the crowd down , stair8 began to thin out, and when tho gilests repaired to the dressing-rooms, thinking to obtain their wrappings ami go , home, there yecureed a scene, of confusion. | such ns was never before witnessed at any j hall or reception given in Washington; ; and wo doubt if it could bo possible to nave . worse management in the arrangi mont of | cioak-roonis than was last night displayed i | at the inauguration ball. , I I The coat-rooms for gentlemen (two In j number) wero in the attic story; colored | attendantsreccivcd the wrappings through 1 n small opening in tho door, gave checks, (and laid coats and hats awy, without re- f ;ard to numerical arrangement, under ta- ilos, on window-sills, behind doors, and ! ! in piles two or three feet high, scattered all I over the lloor. Instead of placing the j I coats and hats according to the numbers i [Ki. Hu University Jliiiguzlne i ovc aiiiH I. ns checks vreregivi I together promise! ! and there, witliou I possibilities of fin And we nut In tho quiut evening, AH alone, my lore fliUt I, And nhopluyodon her nrgun softly, Ami 1 listened silently. Id' .'ihesniigme n pay song sweetly, Like (\ chorus of wedding chimes, Ami oh | In tho music ringing Came the thoughts of other times. Inn drenm I wiHhtlll hostile brr Ill the Hummer woods und dells, Ami I led her on In Iho niinltght To thu sound of village belli), * .* Ami she sung lncagrttVoNOugii.idly, That was soft and sweet an.l low, Of tho pood Book's golden promise, Thai wlno end oil should flow. In a dream I wMst ill beside her, And I snw her yet tho same, Though tho promise wus for others, Ami thou* good things never entno. Then she sung me an old mug softly, Like u sigh fronuulylng breath, And 'twas only tho world's old story Of love and Ufa mid death. And 1 thought as I Hutbcsldo her, A 11 beardbergently sing, That with such sweet, thrilling voIcon .1. The choirs of angels ring. *• Eo v. o sat In that quiet evening, vf Allulouc, my love and I, ■ ur ", And she played on her organ softly, And Distuned silently. in Wholesale Denlci Brandies, Wines, Liqnors, Cliewlug and Smoking TflbAccos, Vnury ttrorcrlcs, fanfectlonoilfg, ^Canned FrulUs Oysters und Sardines, Also, Agonts fc And tho world. Hor.sfnrd Orders solicited. j on llicm, and arranging them by hundreds, hecko were given out, they were thrown icuously, and piled: hero j strfcmu’d,to the Yj £‘ V provides im- the re,-ailing of the old con- livm; good net is a flow which will ] Hshos ftttlowttlt of. ttotriah amispltera venlion of the State, and authoriz-s the ■ bcautuj uiu iiu , cin-cks and lvccive tlu-ir wrappings, and j ings of a parly of gontlrmen who recently convention* to appoint tho Governor and God bless tho solitary one, whoever sno j t j lcn the stvipidlty of the management bn- j camo over |} l0 Union, Pacific Hallroad.— other Stnto otliccrs. A proposition was may he. _ c ; m 'c at once apparcM. TIuMuimbcr of, T] . t j j. , f,, n ' ----- If u r,i.m is in trouble, help lnm out. Do chocks r«»"ed from n unit to Rvothousaml ] ," m - v , 01 lnc p ,y not help him in, nnd tlic tirst man who presented himself j a-luch included many prominent gentlo- Peoiilo soUlom hlundor on success, ns a i until nil tho conls could ho looked over, as : men of California, nnd New York, and ind pin falls into a well. the attendants did not know where any ' other Eastern States. He says they wero * coulc^ ho'found. TO" Morning Star Bitters FcblE-fim Bnltlmoro Prlccn gunruntlcd. CJTACEY IIOU3K, O ’ NA8RVILLE, TKNN., ilaTlng thoroughly ronbvntoO anti refitted the Biscay lloune, 1 am novr prenni'ml to give tho public first class acoommodat ion, at mod- orato prices. Travollora will find It to tlielr in terest to make this their Hto^ln^idnee. Jau7.% C. A T. N, MURRAY, of Georgia. with ARTHUR EMORY A CO., IMPORTERS nnd dealers In English, Gorman and American Hardware, Cutlery, oto., s47 W. Bnltlmoro street., Baltimore, Maryland. Arthur Emory, ) . , Johu B. Egorton. J Doo. 2(-3in. T IQUOltS I LIQUORS r T' Just received aud for sale at groatly reduced prices, 'FlnoVr’IckiHTo'BoUrbon. 20 Barrels of Gaff 's Extra Bourbon. 60 Barrels of Silver Creek Bourbon. W BiirroG of Woodcock Bourbon. -15 Barrels of Gaff's Superior By®. - 100 •• . llcctlfled Whiskey. And a full assortment of kinds ofJjquom^ Febll-3m miltolmll Street, Atlanta, dm ■ gi»ui.\G nipoumiox rou isgdj Ribbons, Millinery: and Straw Goods, tn.■ ivni'-N(Yrok h Co., *37 and 533 Baltimore Street, [ V ,. O '- ;■■ «i' - BALTIMORE, Importer® andJobborsof Bonnet and Trimming RPains, Velvet and Basil Ribbons, Bonnets Crapos, Silk* and Satlti*, Illusions, Blonds, Laees^ Itiiches,. Nett* and Frenfch Flowers and FeatherN BtriOr Bonnets and Ijtdles Hats, ‘ Trimmed and Unlrlmmtd, Sundowti and Bliuker Hooils. Tho largest Stock of Millinery Good* in this country, ana unequalled-in ebojeu variety, which we oiler at prices that will doty t-ompc* tltlon. Orders Solicited. n. t. rnai.irs. n. a. ca»w. . P HILLIPS A CREW, n , Atlanta, Georgia, BooksollovSjPubliBhorB & Stationers School Books, Stationery, Chrbmos,’ .Prayer Hook*, Gold Tens, Lithographs, . .. a-Bldnk Books, fltlusio, ‘ Albimii*, Miscellaneous Books, Hymn Books, Blblcr, kept constantly on hand. Wo are agonts Also for TIIE MASON AND HAMLIN ORGAN, And keep specimen* of Style* on hand. Hare, also, the Improvement—vor hitmaka—won derful addition. Declared by proutinoni Musicians to bo the greatest improve ment on MuBlpaVlnstrnments that • 1m* boon hiado for pears. » The most choice collection of Oil Pictuum, CuaoMOsuud LirnooRArn Priuts that has over been brought to this market—selected with care, and espcclally.aulted to tbo refined taste. Their ' • .. . . MUSICAL DltPARTUClfT la complete, with a full stock 'ot Sheet Mu*lc, Instructors, Italian Blrlngs, Musical liwtru- monte, and merchandise ot evory description generally to ho found in a first-class Music Store Wo would especially reoouamond thosuporlor mako.aud fine tone of our PIANOS, Purchased for cash and sold at Now \ ovk rates. Wo claim decided advantages In pleasing the Semi for our BuoVList of Sheet Musi6, and Illustrated Untaloguo of Planos-furnlahod post paid on application. We assure tho Public that our prices are al ways tho same as the publisher's or manufac turer's. We bny direct and soli at short profit; Magazines, Muslo and Books bound on short notice, and reasonable terms. THILUPS * CREW, Comer AUbama and Whitehall 61.., AUanta. _yeb. ll, HOMm • - r S ANK LESLIE'S LADY'S UAUAZINE.- Liic loiulliig fashion |>oi'lmUcal tn America, mdnibly nijuibor contain, a largo color- iid plain or tfm latest faalitmii, from design, •eat from Paris as «ooa as invented, wbicll urn tbua published slmultniu'ously In Now York nod Paris: sl.o a rour.pago uncolored fashion plate, embracing tho various loading styles.— Those are accompanied with full descriptions aud explanations, with numcrous'other ill IIS. t rations. Every.number contains an orlgluHl letter from Paris desorlblng tho very latest NODUS, by a lady whoso position gives her ar- .esstofhshlonalilu society. Tho literary por- tlon of this Mugnxlno comprises a otmllnnod story, numerous interesting.tnlos,. poetry, cedotes, do. Tho whole profusely lllustr With flno engravings, Price, Ip so por year, UtRANK LESLIE’S CHIMNEY CORNER.—A _IJ-purely Htemry pcrludlcal. Exoludlngb- venU ot flso day,Jts alm,_as II* tltls tndicaus. lnmlo to vest tho appointment of the Pro visional Governor in tlie President, blit tills was defeated by a vote of seven to five. It is General Butler's purpose to call up tho hill (or action at tho earliest day possi ble. Tho committee determined not to report back the Senate joint resolution ex tending the time for tho removal of civil ofjlcfrs.ln thirty days. Tho committee, it seems, received information that General Stoiieman lind extended tho time for three days, and this, together with the evident disposition of the Ilonso, ns manifested yesterday in recommitting tho bill, both had tlielr cd'cct upon the notion of thu com mittee'. This action may bo regarded as killing tho measure nnd burying it beyond resurrection; and it seems from this that tho now Congress does'not propnso to. change tho policy hitherto inaugurated uponthcsulijcctofreconstruction. Much was lnpeti of the new committee on recon struction, but from nil appearances tho majority seems to lie actuated by the same views that prevailed in the old committee. President Grant to-day, issued an order dispensing with the military guard which has been on duly abou t tho executive man sion over siiico the assassination of Presi dent Lincoln. Tho-e lnsldomtion of tho Indian appro priation bill in tho House this afternoon elicited one of tho most earnest and spir ited discussions that has been heard in that body this session. The bill is exactly tlie sains as that reported last Congress, but which failed to become a law m conse quence of disagreement between tho two houses. TIuj.House committee of ways and means, hendedby General Schenck, to-day paid the customary official visit to the President anil Secretary Boulwell, ind'al- so called on Commissioner Delano. Thoy lind along conversation with Secretary Boutwcll relative to financialinattors, dur ing which the Secretary declared that it was his intention to sell gold publicly, and never at prlvato%lc; and also that It.was his opinion that ho had the power to invest surplus gold in bonds, nnd he thought he would do so. The Secretary further in formed the committee that the rccoipts from customs were increasing. Fred. Douglass, Geo. T. DoWnlug and other influential, colored men have, it is said, formed an association for the publv cation of a paper here in the interest of tho colored people, to be under the edito rial management of Fred Douglass, Gen. Sheridan has gone to New York, where ho vviU remain a day or two. Ho does not liko St. Louis, and the President, at Isis request, added tho State of Illinois to his command, and his headquarters will he established in Chicago, blind pig falls into a well. I me altcnuams um not Know where any other Eastern States. He says they wero Don’t make a fool of yourself by laying jKgjjfflOSffljg* wasYlnnchno of-wm I detained tetrdays at a railway station, nnd out work you can't do. . lle.mon waiting InTtho valnhopeofwlfing “Uid not induce the railway officials to They who fire nch, arc they who maul ^ ^j )C j r CO ats. and ns the number increased •' send a train out until they held an indig- their own business. ! the confusion inside grew worse. Piles of nation meeting, and telegraphed to the Some men, byonenction, can sweep out doling wero knocked about right and ; Railroad Committee at Washington about a life of honor and happiness. 1 lift; checks were lost, and affairs assumed • .. .. . ... . , 6 ■ If anv one has stumbled and fallen, help : a hopeless aspect. The impatient crowd ! J ,lc treatment they were receiving. V, hen liimup^cntlv, and pass on, before a crowd , at last broke through the lines and filled j they did start they were compelled to gathers? * ttho narrow hall to suffocation. Matters . shovel snow at different points, and were The river thatlooked so beautiful an hour ! vcry badly ftd * A t ono point they shovel- - WPQj»» .eon; but it is now tlie ; ««f^f^^folnted a"5 were I W ftwagh a snow drift one thousand feet river ol ne.itni dragged OUtTlEStt thu din and unroar of long. 11 hen they had the track clear, tho Itls not your province to harness into] nn „ rycxc itcd voices was deafening. ' " ' - - - - quarrels not your own, lest In time you nn(1 (lcq , „. ero i u .. u . (1 „„ have so many on hand there will be no • g ; j 0 An j sl ^ ouc time a row was tlir« time to attend to them. j ed. Members of the committee were sent for, and tho mode of giving out garments Tho Lost partem* was changed, A policeman mounted a During the occupancy of the city of chair, and the numbers of the coats inside Moscow by the French'army, -ft party of. were called, but matters were not in the oillecrs and soldiers determined to have a least improvi d. Hundreds became dis- Tbo Rndl««l Plan. i lie Content With Your Lot. Tin; plan of the Radical leader* in Con- I Never complain of your birth, your gross now is to exclude the Democratic del- training, your employment, your Hard- — r oofKln i"' uls l““ then to refuse seats to n flufllclcnt number you. ‘God understands his own plan, of Democratic members from other States and he understands what you want, ngreat to secure to their party the coveted prize ; deal butter than you do. Tho very thing* of n Iwn iiiinia vnto .o fi,n( »ii rtV ,»«,• hr. 1 t,i at you deprecate, as fatal limitations or of a two-thirds vote, so that they maj he obslr (J ctinn ^ ar<? p ro lmbly what yon most able, if they choose, to override Grant's j want . What you call hindrances, ohsta- cs as they overrode Johnson’s, and to , cles, discouragement, nro probably God’» carry anv constitutional amendmenta , opportunities; ta nothing new that through their body. To accomplish this, | they will stick at nothing. No law, no y 0 | \ truce to all 6uch impatience!-— morality will real min them. They havo ' Check that devilish envy which guaws had a taste, of tyrannical power, they have ] y° ur heart, because yod are hot In the quatred It copiously, its maddening Dimes | are in tlielr brains, and they are now rag-1 will, and do his work in your lot in your Ing for it as a drunken maniac rages for his ! sphere, under your obscurity against your liquor. Thoy arc determined to persist to temptations; and you will find that your the last in the use of force and violence aud outrage for maintaining complete con trol of the Government. ilitlon is never opposed to your good, hut really consistent with it. New Invention. A spring wagon has been Invented by % gentleman in Mayslick, Ky., which he proposes to run without any kind of animal | or steam power. He lias already perfect ed a Small model, which runs up or down hill very rapidly. The power U received from an immense coiled steel spring, which will run for half an hour without being *• * —.woundup. In going up hill the spring ex- n” will please make a note of h aus ts itself, bvit in going down lull it winds ,e their customers the benefit : tK „ir„ n th.» invontm-dnim.. a roll In tho I'rlfe of Nuftnr. Tlie New York Times says refilled sit gars have been reduced fully two cents per pound from the highest figures made dur ing tho recent speculative rise. Best crush ed and granulated sugar (Stuart’s) is now quoted at 18 cents cash, per pouud, in lots of twenty packages and upward. G “about town 1 this and giv of the reaction. Tho Snow In Maine. The depth of snow in the woods of Maino is almost unprecedented nt tills season of 1 itself up. The inventor claims that he can carry very heavy loads over any ordinary road. Cuban Xcvr». from Havana, under date ot rgenls propose to conrentratS military levee, amt fur this purpose chose courage.!, ami loft with handkerchiefs tied oral ladies lost everything _ in -charge' Of the attendants. Hundreds ofladlca waited hours for their escorts,, and ns they were not Informed of- tho rea son of the delay, their anxiety was truly pitiable. Several, overcome by fatigue nnd fright fainted away. Many persons waited from eleven o’clock until five in the morning, hoping to fmd their clothing, and daylight found anxious crowds sta tioned at tlie doors of tho dressing-rooms. It* oontunts consist prlnoiimlly of original i._ rlc* by abluwrltora, including a aorlal,twcount* of remarkablead ventures, descriptions of mini, uersaud customs in remote countries, short poems, fairy storDs, enigmas,. conundrums, charades. Ac. Illustrated with largo nnd apir- ited engravings, of which thoro anv from fif- teen to twenty in cadi weekly ndmbcr. Sub- sorlption price, |1 por year. •YTlRANK LESLIE-sTlBASANT HOURS.- JJ The cheapest periodical in .tb“ ” containing KMurge octavo pages ol withfrom20to25illUMtmt]oiis,bos 1 page engravings on tinted paper, in each num ber. A continued story, and well written tales and stories of adventure, with humorous anec- dotes, descriptions of manners and cantor nnls for vnuncr rumple, Ac., const it $1.50 per year. B muscmcnls for you lio reading matter. Address. FKANL , 637 Peart Street, Jtew York Cltya * T\EMOUEST’S MONTHLY MAGAZINE. JL/ vorsally aoknowlo«lgod tho Model Pa:. Magazine or Amorlda, devoted to Original Sto- He®. Poems,Skciohcs,Household Matterfl.Goms of Thought, Personal and Literary Go*alp(in- eidding special departments on Fashions,) In. structinns on Health, Music, amusements, etc., by the best authors, profusely illustrated with costly engravings, useful and reliable patt embrohlerlos, ami a constant succession < tlitle novelties, with other usoful and e telnlng llf riitur.’. No person of refinement, economical wife, or ladv oftoztccan afford to do wl the Model Monthly. Ycarlv. fl, with a We premium, two copies, f'».50; three. *1*. Bartram A Fanton Sewing Mact sabserlhers at *3 each. - Publication nfflro, wm Broadway, N.T. D*#OreefsMonthlytnrlYounr to. fetnsr, with premium*-, for *4 f sab. Tho Fifteenth AinoRdmout in tlio West. The Legislature of Minnesota, largely lladical in^-both brandies, has refused to act upon the proposed Fifteenth Article of the Constitution of the United States at this session, and the leading Republican press of the Stato commends “its decency in refraining from intcnnedllng” with the question at all; - The Cincinnati Gazette, tho ablest of Western Radical Journals, is decidedl yoi posed to its ratification, nnd calls 11/a “botch,)’ which “ will not stand popiflar discussion.” The Gazette also predicts that “ft Legislature’cannot be ohqjwn in Ohio which would adopt ft. V, 1. 1 ’ "• ♦ . The auorslu i bull front . reported hack tho credentials of Mo«rs. Hilt and Miller, Senators elect ft-ojti Georgia, with the recommendation thalnhoy be laid upon tho tabic until the tyjf cbnciirhtng' that State-be acted- upoiAy Congress. -Mr. Trumbull stated that ho mado tho report by direction of the committee, but ho was in favor of taking up and acting upon the credentials ii °? " ,c 17 iiRiRSRB the Senate Judicial Coi rutoriirclutlon. The notorious demon, IVcndcll Phillips, thus Intcrplvta Grant's hmugtiral: “I havo no doubt lie will rigorously exo- law that Congress nuts into Ills _u$ Congress sliould cover tho th cannon, banners and scaffolds icurity of person and property is and till it can bo said with truth, will have peace."> Beauty Ila^UcC. A fair friend fond of floral fixtures, says (hat if you will proctife a large sized tur nip nntt scrape out the inside, lcavinz a pretty thick wall around; fill tho cavity with earth and plant in it some clinging Vino or morning glory. Suspend the tur nip with cords, andinalittlo timetho vines will twine around tlie string ami the tur nip from below, aud will put forth leaves and stems that will turn upwards and curl graeefuttv around the haw. tynir, with no protect inn from tlie cold but their thin dress akirts tin-own- over thfirshoulders. Inthcladics’cloak-rooms persons wero allowed to select their own garments. Inconscquonceofthlsarrango- _ __ ment, very common-wrappings were ex- in Idaho last spring, i stopped onenigil changed for olegnnt opera clonks, nndsov- withsomo settrers wlioliveJm a logcahi the dvs-Ttcd palace of nnnbtcman. That over their lu ads, and many of the Indh's niglit thc citv was set (in tire. As the sun wero obliged to go out Into the sharp, frns- weiit down they began to assemble. The' • - -■ women wlio followed tlie iortuncs of tlie French ornty were decorated for tho occa sion. The gayest and noblest of tlie army wero there and merriment reigned over the niwd. tl f i During tlie dance the tiro rapidly np- K hcd them, they saw it coming, but s fear, At length tho building next thoono thev oocuptctf was on fire. Coming to tlie windows, they gazed upon tlie bit- lows of fire which swept the city, and then returned to their amusements. ■ Again and again thoy. left their pleas ures to watch the progress of the flames. At length the dance ceased, and the ne cessity of leaving tho sceno of merriment became apparent to all. They wero en veloped in a flood of lire, and gazed on with deep and awful solemnity. At last the fire, communicating their own building, caused them to prepare for flight, when a bravo young officer, Carnot, waved ills jeweled hand above ills bond, nndcxclaimed, ‘-One dance more, and de fiance to tho flames.” All caught tho en thusiasm of the moment, and ‘One dance more, nnd defiance to tho flames,’ burst from the lips of all. The dance commenc ed;.louder and louder grew the sound of music, and faster and faster fell tho palter ing footsteps of dancing men and women, when suddenly they heard a cry:—‘The (ire has readied tho magazine! Fly—fly for your lives 1’ Ono moment thev stood transfixed with terror; they did not know tho magazine was there, and ere they re covered from their stupor the vault explo ded, tho building was shattered to pieces and the dancers were hurried into a fear ful eternity. Utah Without Money. Many a man is rich without money.- Thousandsofmen without nothingin their pocket, andthousandswitlioutevenapock- ctai-ericli. A man born with a good sound constitution, agood stomach,ft good heart and limbs and a pretty good headplcco is rich. Good homes are bolter than-gold— toughmusolcsthun silver; and nerves thpt flash fire and carry energy to every func tion, is better than houses and lands. It is bettor than a landed estate, to havo tlie right kind of a father and mother.— Good urecds exist among men ns really nmongherdsaud horses. Education may do much tochcckcvil tendcnices, or to de velop good ones; but it is a great thing to inherit tho right proportion of faculties to start with. That man is rich who lias a good dispo- sltion-wholsnaturally kind, patient cheer ful, hopeful and who lias a flavor of wit and fun in his composition. The hardest thing to get along with in tin's llfo is a man’s own self. A cross, Bolfish, despond ing nnd complaining fellow—a timid, care burdened man—these havo ail been de formed on tho inside. Their feet mav not limp, but their thoughts do, Cur- ( engineer had only steam enough to carry -eaten- t,lcm inl ° lhc tU T lll ° f » drift. After re- ' mnining two days in this condition, about fifty persons started on foot for Larainte, ninety miles distant, reaching there in four days, after much suflering. From Lara mie they came through to Omaha without, detention. Over two hundred persons were on the train when it was left (n tho snow. A Hfcjit with BMlmjt, “Talk about bedbugs!” said Bill Jones, wlio had been across the Plains, “you Should haVS seen some of the critters I met ' one night containing (foljTono'room ‘and a E ioft When it camu tlmo to go to bed ili -v strung a blanket aerbss this middle ,.r il,V room, and the settler's fondly siopt on onu side of it and gave mo the other. • I laid down to go to £W, and the bedbugs be gan. to gather lik lunch-eaters around a free ‘lay-out. ’ I tried to klvor up and keep away (rom ’em, imt the pesky vanillins would catch hold of tlie befl-elnthes ami pu ! , tl ; c “ fr° Tn m e. They dlilijS think nothin’ of draggln’ me round tlie room if 1 on v , x ’, e<n 'ill about midnight, anu then I looKed around for some way to escape. There was a ladder reaching up intrt this lnft T . i ' Into the loft, and I thought tho best way to _get away from tlie. blood-suckers was to rnsliloiinlilo Itcllgloii. Fanny Fern makes the foUowiug sharp thrust nt fashionable religion: Our Catholic brctln-en havo set us, at least, one good example; their churches are not silent ns the tomb on week-days. Their worshippers do not do up all their religion on Sunday. It may ho only for a few moments they step in through that fJJP . -. open church door, on h week-dav, to kneel was comm’ up, Elmohy I saw a and lay down burdens too heavy else to ho — borne. I like the custom. Should rather the year. In many places it lays seVOh I thaJfHli snvs feet deep on a level. The Bangor Whig | Tlio hisurge..., i says some of tiic gangs of lumliermen, In ] their forces andeslftbfisha seat of govern^ starting to come out, have found it neCes- j 'hont at some point in the jurisdiction of sary to put their horses upon large sleds, i ^eutiago dc Cuba, f bey exiiect aid from to be drawn over the drifts by men upon &«££ taoUnited MeXie °' M snow shoes. It has been impossible in some A strange iron-clad war vessel, showing sections to get supplies to the camps, and , colors aud said armed with Arm- consequently operations are to some extent; Jf ron n Rjins, lias been sighted oft’Verde or snspe,uied. ‘ Many lumbermen from the jShSierahwS nelgUbffrhooa ol jloosehead J-akc have gone in search of her. conic out. * ll . ^ :l P ta in General refuses to allow ——„ either Cubans or Americans to leave tho An Editor p’nrttcuinr Abont nt* Enttn?. j island, except under certain restrictions. From an exchange we notice that an Advices from the interior represent tho Ohio editor is particular about what he SP** 1 ' 8 * 1 troops to be committing great eats. He says; “The woman who made 0UWa S cs 0,1 the butter which We bought last week is re- Th« Neirro'* ruturr. spectfully requested to exercise morejudg-1 The Nc\V York Sun having granted that ment in proportioning the ingredients.— Cortgress lias done what it pleased m cre- Tho last batch hac^too much hair in for j aling Sambo a sovereign voter, makes this butter, and not quite enough lor a water-1 pcrtinuit inquiry: fall.” “And now;flv his future. What better call he have, or d), or be, t’nan heretofore? Farewell* Neck! J Laws don’t change his hair, his color, or Tlie Atlantic Monthly says that the yan-! h* 8 shins. Society cannot change its ctis- kcc “school marms” intend to put their j t° ,na i "1" 8 b°ps antf restaur- “fcctonthencckofthcSouth.” To which | t ho dS; tiimigh'^nuinc?-^ the Galveston Star responds by asking if small, and the party bunkum so entirely they think our people have no eyes. And ! overrode all the moral and'lftl con- to which we say: FareweiLnecki ApftU-’ 8 doi ?’^5 t \ 8 ' i nr }’ y r -av*H ngo c.mnmon cake will be a veritable sphere compared || ie J twaddle of TilUn, and'the sVfUhcli with the everlasting llatncss of. that neck rants of Dickenson. The end has come at when tho o£wsnidfcct light on it. >• p„-. A Datiffcrou. YVorann. At the reesnt Milwaukee IVoman’s Rights Convention, Mrs. Llvrrmoro said to a dapper little fellow about four feet high; “Why; my good little man, I could pick you up and run away with you." If theso strong-minded females keep on in this way we will soon fmd them picking up stray little men on tbo highways and by ways nnd using them ns they would a vin aigrette, A Tonlliful Couple. Tho Spy, at Columbia, Fa., has tho fol lowing notice of a marringo: An cxtraordinftly marriage took place at.Yprk County, on the nit. Tlie bridegroom is in tho sixticli and tho bride over one hundred years old. The parlies never saw each other but once before tho day of marriage, and it might bo called a caso.of purolovo at first sight. The bride is a popular personage where she resides. Many of the most prominent persons of York havo called: to pay their respects, making the aged pair presents, Ac. She says no more hardships now for her. She will live tho new life which sho has so aus- piciously begun, with comfort and ease; leaning on the strong arm of a doting and loving husband for support and consolation in all her troubles and trials. New Locomotive Hcitrt-Llght. Tho new locomotive head-light in use on engine Ho. 27, on the New York and Now- Haven Railroad, is described as follows: “Live stcamfrom the boiler passes through a quarter-inch pino intoa lackct Biirrouud- ing the burner, tlio vaste"bcifig conducted snv the reminder, nnd theopportunlty thus afforded them, nnd I Heartily wish that our Protestant churches could thus be opened. If rich Christians object to tho promiscu ous use of their velvet cushions and gilded prayer-books, at least lot the aisles and tho nltarbo freo to thoso whQ need God on tho week-day; for tho poor, the tried, tlio tempted—for thoso wlio siirluk, in their shabby habiliments, from tlie Sunday ex hibition of fine toilettes, and superfine Christianity, Were I a minister, and obliged to preach to pnnlers and diamonds nnd satins, on Sunday, I think I should havo to case my heart in some such way ns this to make my pastoral llfo cndurahlo. olso roy office would seem to mo tho most hollow of-all mockeries. “The rich and the poor meet together, and the Lord is tho maker of them all," should bo inscrib ed outsido my church door, had I one.— I qould not preach to- thoso paniors nnd their owners. My tongue would bo par alyzed at tho sight of thoso kneeling dis tortions of womanhood, bearing such a rcsemblanco to organ-grinders’ monkeys. I am not sure that I should not grow, hys terical over it, and laugh nnd cry nt tho same breath, instead of preaching. I can never tell what vent my disgust would take; but I am sure I must have some esoape-valvo. You may say that such worshippers (Heaven save tho mark!) need preacldng to. I tell you that women given over to the devil nnd his works are past praying for—“having oyes, they see not, having ears they hear not." They are ossified—impervious; they are dead-sea apples, foil of ashes. Movomeiit on Foot to Annex Cnnadn. A correspondent of the Philadelphia Press, writes from Washington as follows concerning a movement now on foot to annex Canada to tho United States: There Is oh foot a polvcf fill movemeut in favor of tho annexation of Nova Scotia and of the Canadian Provinces to tho Uni ted States; A strong deputation of Nova Scotians who were hero lost week, and wlm since they were corruptly and against their will, ami In the face of tlielr protest, seal ed to tho new Canadian “Dominion.”— Thoy declare that connection hateful, nnd, ns it seems to be tho policy of England not to interposo against any tree movement of tho colonics to tot up for themsolves. they do not anticipate any resistance should theyvoto for annexation to the United It is said, on good authority, that Hon. It. J. Walker will sustain tins movement in a powerful argument. He is quoted us bedbug raise himself up through tho holo made m the floor, and looked carefully around tho loft. Soon as he saw mo he motioned to his chums below—tho blood thirsty cuss-and cried cxultin’ly, “Como up, boys; he’s hcrol’ ’’ Tho Reconstructed Cabinet. Itis claimed that in tho reconstruction of the Cabinet, President Grant lias suc cumbed to tho Radical leaders ip Congress. Tlie Baltimore Gazette says: “Tlio Cabinet, ns at present'eonstituted, may ho regarded ns thoroughly Radical and high protectionists, although tho Wends of Gov. Fish claim that his politi- SJJ proclivities are towards conservatism. Of Mr. Boutwoll’s intense Radicalism, no ono can have any doubt. Born in Massa chusetts in 1818, ho worked ns a boy on a farm. He next served an apprenticeship in a mercantile houso.and rose, by degrees, until ho became a merchant hltaself. Af ter being twenty years in commercial life, he studied law turned his attention to pol' .— —agree- „.. lvv ho has mado himsoif speciality notable by ills bitter Radicalism, hit vindictiveness toward the south, and for tho prominent part ho took in tha impeachment of tlio President." Unknown Heirs. Tho following article wo copy from tho Woekly Examiner, published at Waco, Texas, thinking it might interest aud per haps bo of advantage to some of our read- tot ’ , “Unknown Heirs.-Alexander Me Culloch, General Land Agent, WacO. Tex as, has in his possession land certificates amounting In aggregate to thirty thousand acres of land, belonging to tho heirs of tlie inch who fell with Fannin nt Goliad, nnd with Travis at the Alamo. Mr. McCulloch is desirous of communicating wfth theso parties but knows not who, or where they arc.” Wo liopo tho uuknowu heirs of these fallen heroes may ho found. 'em All Vote | ' Massachusetts lends off iti the advance- Went of another idea. A Young Men’s Suffrage Convention was held in that State ono day lapt week, at which, according to a cotomportiry, tt was clearly proved that it is unjust to deprive a lad of tho privil ege of voting on tho ridiculous ground that ho has not reached tho ago of twenty-one. Will It be said that a native white of cigh- saying that Congress should vote flown the j teen is leSS capable of voting than tile un- Ut^d.rkey.whodapobllintheballot: last. FornpBy has his future in his t hand, lie is master of his situation; now ?ive him a fair'show and sec what he can do.” Chinn. Few arc aware of the fact that China contains one third of the human race.— The latest returns made to her central au thorities for taking purposes, by the local magistrates, make her population four hun dred and fourteen millions; and this is more likely to be under than over tlie ac tual aggregate. Nearly all of those who are over ten years old not only cun but do read aud write. Sontcr'N Militia. The Athens Post says. “Numbers of Governor Senters militia arc said to be tic- New Woolen Factory. The Marietta Journal says that the Con st w ■- - vi- — ,'w ; , cord ‘Wodlcu Factory, seven miles from sorting. Several have passed this place that pface ’ on the Creek, is near recently—making a straight shirttai! for completion, the machinery having been upper East Tennessee. Their complaint received. It will fim 22 looms and 000 is, rugged rations and strict discipline- spindles, and will give constant employ- two contingencies they say they didn’t con- ment to 52 operators. The very fiuoet woolen fabrics will be turned out. True, Every Word. If you haven’t business, advert isc; if you havo business, advertise. People go to places that are advertised, aud they go by thoSo that are not. A place that 'adver- Itov. Mr. Anthony. 'The latest news we have heard from thi3 gentleman, came through the Macon Jour nal A Messcugcr. That there had been ono hundred and thirteen shots taken out! j! 1050 arc not * A 1 , , -. of his wound, besides four or five thick- j ^'snSuStSly tathekw that may nesses of cloth that were driven in advance ] ]iass it, aud pretty much everybody does of them. ' the latter. Mr. Anthony was of tho opinion that T Mr. Mann did not intend to shoot him at . ° r " '“ ,T<! , r Ml "*- f T r ^ VCd 1 found Su-iSaua! fe^of MS uy d. \Y. Hurkc. . cf . K found a tree that had attained a “Father is as wc\l as wo could hopo for. I diameter of fifteen inches, showing tho Ills wound is very critical. I antiquity of the mine. A quantity ■*' * . of fine metal was found at tho bottom of ono of thu furnaces. Mark Anthony.’ 1 Charily. Tho Rome Courier says it has i iliahlc Oovcrniiio:i( Spy In Oregon. . .... .. ,, . „ ,, , | Oregon tradesmen are said to be ngita- informaion that tlio Masons of Cherokee tC( j lt| , the ( , !aco tlra , a , le V Lodge No. 00 have undertaken to educate been making a tour of the Stato all the indigent orphan children of Masons I spying out the dealers t selling twenty-one or twenty-two chihlren In the Cll . n is , s!ti(1 m „, c tim . s f tUo#e al . different schools of this city and vicinity, j rcad _ v doJ<;cl ^ ^ amount ^ S o 0i000i andarrangements have already been mado to educate eight or ten more. Comment is unnecessary. ** A Fiirh^. Ir >>v . A I The Hawkinsville Dispatch titya Borne twenty-five negroes, on the plantation of Mr. James Bohannon, about six miles from Hawkinsville, had a frolic, which , . , ended in a fight with pistols, knives and jmaideu, all forioin. All Forlorn, Who Tl’cepni A colored waiter in Macon; tviid had proven false tdliis plighted vows, was seiz ed one night lately by the friends of the in jured “fair one,” and, by the display of pistols, was forced to marry her. After marriage, liowever, Mr. Darkey ran off, pe uucoo* bludgeons. Ten or twelve were severely j • wounded, and one killed. | Rdrcipt to nomove Lice ou Cattle. —. -j- | Titus Oakesy a Westchester co., Pt*uu., m v N° Pooled. farmer savs lieu on cattle may be removed : Two little boy« were met after dark by a ! nR fejlow who demanded tlieir,money. Sitid j !° ° T . .. . . . one of them, “I have no inoney.” This ! * Anthracite eonT anhes, sifted through a might havo been a sufficient answer. But. f * n , 5 S1CVC Into Hm? hair, is pftcctual; ay tho the other made assuraucti doubly sure by calves on their bucks'and sift it all over adding, “and I haven’t any pocket to put i , hcm ’ RcattQi' the ashes over tho money ml” .lloor. It seldom requires more than two Don't Bwcnr. , Profanity Is ono of the offensive and din- ansvin, hut there migh t be danger if they gusting habits to which humauity Is given; M>eut L* 0 miu or wet, to say nothing of its sinfulness, (which ~ u Vf" every one of course uudefsnmds,)profano ! . c . swearing is a vile, vulgar, low brea habit, A Southern paper says t jat rats may bo froni the indulgence or which a proper self- effectually kept from oafs iu the stock, or H1V UUIIA., U1U mwWULIU^LUUtllluCU mat., UO IIV n uia I . .. . » . . .iv/».niviiiiiuif,iuvuvi n iiiv.ll II II- — - J — into tho Bmoke-pipe. From a reservoirof favorite llieory before tlie necessity of re- ■ ‘” x ‘ lla receipt lor a mule, nnd is struck respect should restrain a mad, even If ho in tlie barn, by sprinklin] common air, tho combined gas and air subject, and becomes au lmportantlngre-, takoabandlult, It wilicometoaclosetho then burning with intenss flams, giving, dient iu the adjustment of tho Alabama' sooner; it is stated; triple the. light of a kerosene ; claims, head-light; Fitio pfral can bo read by the ' light of the burner on No. 27ono thousand foot distant, . Tlie apparatus Is very sifll-1 f!,, the CkTizS M Everybody Should telco a first class family journal. bnco* As birds sing oftener on lowly roofs than j time will be beneficial t 1 ashca prec- . Tho asAw ha rata, pro- ation, and they t the samo iho stock. hilled: palace domes, nod roses love bi-ut to climb j tug Fretdou Womcv. _ 7 M,vu j o'er lowly wiudow’-sills and cot'ago-eavefl, , A new French hook on Dmalo lv>antv Charlea F i-b agio, a bridge contractor so totho poor, God’s blcwingcomo, freight* pays tho-America u- women ur« iJ»e mo«i l the WUJfl Yalloy Road, >vnskilled a few od with dearest wealth; and to tlie huniblo i beautiful in tho world- and that n xt to j dayungroby being runover. I heart His loveissw^eotest. 1 them come the Ru-sian ladie?.