North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, March 25, 1869, Image 3

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I NORTH GEM A CITIZEN. Ulrarlora of UMIon Olid H. Hull rood. 1 lie r ’> i iiih nru l!=® IV'.'-Cih ofliiB 5tt?,TrTi,llo,. t«o Dolllir. I>v Yonr. four 4'Ojlte. Ma Hullur«. Ill A.Ivniico. "jlr, 11. F. Filter wWfb» to employ aid experienced carder- Inducements liberal. See IiIh nilvcrOaeiiicRt. ^JfTo bD.fftld- , . Cnpt. "Wlillinoro o"cra fur ante, sit unc tion, Urn property seized Inst month, for K, violation of Kovcnuo law. It will como 1 off on llio flrst Tuesday In next month. , out arVbii. . . •" < , ■ : Homo Is out of ronl.—Kuhan}'. Send up to Dalton mid pet a few car Wo would like to introduce our : village. Korloty _ jurt-Houso nt 8 o’clock: iy next, tti orguntao. All are mpectmily hivltod MiiihImiiuo ns »% liruv. “ Tho Macon Telegraph, the “Old Ship of y Zion” amonget tlio Southern preas, says; ^ “Tho Dalton North Ukoroia Citizen conics to us in a newdress, as handsome as a belle.” Thank you, for tho compliment. A <‘nri»«ft-DAXucr< t A clergyman's satchel, full of sonnons, ■wns recently stolen at the Hochcstcr Hall- road depot. and tho thief explained, on bring caught, that ho needed a earpot-hag Iti order to get lodgings at a hotel. . We’ll hot that fellow was coming to Geor gia to run for Congress;; On Dll. It Is rumored that tho negro hoy who wns hung In Spring Flaco for attempting rape, is indubted to the loyal leaguers for ' the “snap J udgrtlcn t” In his case. Its the first good thing thcy’vo done. They had '* bettor look wild, thoro Is 81000 oiit on that J- sensation. VVfmt they Rupvori. It is estimated that the three factories la Columbus, says the Sun, support, cltli- et directly or Indirectly, 1 ,.100 people.— They employ nbout COO operatives, who are paid weekly, and whose earnings are spent in Columbus. There are fewer peo ple who depend on charity here than have *■’ been for yeans. Coming This Way Quite a number of persons from the North hnvo been prospecting In this sec- . ' lion recently. Every day strange faces aro visible on our streets. Improved fiirtas arc In great demand. Many families from lowerGcorgla arc anxious to como up here. Many havo already bought and aro pre- ' iiarlng to come. Let us extend to them a hospitable welcomo. AH over the State wo hear of exctirtlonlsts seeking homes in our ihlr sunny land. Railroad I.ntrrprlxc. Tho tiriflln Star considers 11 a certainty that tho Savannah, GrilHnnnd North Ala. bama Railroad wiU be constructed and that speedily. Tho route is from Griffin toXewnan, thence by way of Guntcrsville to Decatur. The road bed Is now ready for a distance of nearly forty miles, and It is contemplated that the cars may he run ning from Griffin to Ncwnan by the first of Novombcr next, * An EiwUnS Opportunity for Invest 1 meat. o The agricultural editor of this paper, j* Wishes to make arrangements witli some 5 gentleman who has capital, to make dairy farm. lie has over one hundred 9 acres of land cleared within two miles and a half of the city, with a lmm sufficient to house thirty cows, and other buildings tiy bcing refitted would make excellent dairies. Communications addressed to the North Georgia Citizen will rccclvo attention, and facilities given. Dalton and Morgantown llallruad, i today, in this city: Edward While,.!. A,.W. Johnson, A. Walker; Smith T Carter, Murray COi met county; Jane county. The meotii Warner's Hotel. Wm. E. Warner has pu Gamp Hotel in this city, ted and Improved generally. Another #25,000. Wo sec by our Atlnnto exchange Superintendent Hulliert Ims paid into Treasury 825,000, net earnings of the Stato road for tho month of February. Henry on III. CtltlfalSl The Bishop of New Jersey, Ills said, I jVM'invf: nothih. [ayrunst!) —- ttllll—H.I.OOO Ttconrd I Ims given notin', that he will rrUueat emi- " inlul ,s „„.i ,i v. i... ftmmtlon to lay hla hands upon the piles , u , wn ,, ollvul > 0 , K . n „,„i ed ter aetd Jail of false lialr and cldgaons which disfigure ' —* , -..a.*, the heads of so many young ladies seeking admission to tho Church and eommunlon. Vastly Improved. Tho Augusta Dally Tress, a wide-awake and enterprising Journal, say: “Tho North Georgia Citizen cotno to us > szniu •ffiSSSSKKSK;,; .lit, o;io July Mit11 in. a boy of ooveuteoii ... I orano, wn«, tinfibr uml by vlrtocofawar ., i\1 Veiled unit jiluct tl in oouftjicnjoiit In tin* county Jail of Murray county nt spring 1’lnco, In *uldcount v, tonu nil InvestIgutIon ofunoircbv? .. Il I. .. t.l.%1. * • I ..I... ,. htnl, In, ■ allifi. WEt rnvi \ivn« i.h. ~ »•••■< I’TIVi: IlfMRl'tltT l.AKCOTivn Dr^AntMt tr, > At inn (it, Giorgio, Mat cb 13, Uffli. i Onncnnn, Tlmt I»r. \ R. Whitnki-rbc, nml ho Is hereby npjiolutuil Injector of l\ntlllr.. is for lho county of Campbell, by vlrtuo of tho power and authority vc*tod In mu by an Act «intltlcil “An Act tUprotcot thd planters of ibis Hlnlo fiunt imposition luthovaloof fertilisers"—ap> proved September 17* 1WS. lion wumictaowuforthoMomlnynextcnsmfigi lUu jAy ^d^citrilui • terens, Hip UcysofsitUlJull weroin p i, II. McUutny, JnUor of said town and ,t or ubout tho hour of cloven lit ot nab! Friday, tho Ittn in. ...dhytho chunorn ofnn unnu* unlawful body of niaaWl'd mid to, proMdUling h*nde«l plstoh nt atnjr, jatlor ns uforcsnlJ, dltlUnnnml of him tho delivery to them of tho kevsonb. snMj,l); and W In i I'li’t, lhrou;:li f« sir, tin i.nld Jailor did do- „ JVOMUL, EcohSi: Davis,81 March iwr. ilui above written, i 11. UULLOGK, tiuvet l*.x, Dcpur Imciit. (ornctAt-l ExiXUTIVlt Dl.fAUTMr.KT. j, Marchlllh, 19C’J. \ ORhuicn, That Joseph T. Moutuomcry, Esq be. and ho !• hereby appointed ln-p< ctorof Pni> tlllccrs for tho county of Cobb, by virtue of tho j OWI r and authority vented In me by uu Act entitled "An Act to protect l he planters of I hi# State from imposition in tho^nlcorrerUUccrA' —approved September It, lte. Given under my hand und tbafienlof thn Exoc. utlvo Dupnrtment, nt tho CnpltolMn Atlanta, the day aitd year A hawk writ ten. BUJfUS JJ. UULLOUK, G By thoGorerni l.L'(JUNK Da March UMI. vastly .._ r wErtriT^^ .■ i ^ anco—having a new and stylish suit. An indication ofeltCccss and prosperity flat tering to Ilk proprietors.” KtoneirAII. "** Neolon, the Invtnothle, whoso past his torical career has crowned him with lau rels, to bis honor, in tho way of scars, re ceived while In Stonowall Jack-son’s “foot cavalry,’’ has placed his name still higher upon tho scroll of fame, by opening, In this city, a handsomo stock of books, sta tionery, etc., Tor tho edification of the public, the Indies especially, for lie lias so long been selling dry goods that lie Is real ly a ladies’ man. Call on him, next door north of McCutchon & Blttlug’s'store. A Karo Cano. • • > Detroit papers record a rare case of lions' esty. A man has paid fifty tents, which ho borrowed ten years ago, with Intorcst. Wonder If tho fellow lives In DctroltV If so It Is a rare case. Bali! What ims become of the water works committee ?—CITIZEN. Wafting-till the road ts finished to Dal ton, when a pipe will be run ftom Hamil ton Spring to tills city, when wo will have, not only the road, hut plenty: of water.— A'c-Mc' Cummirriat ' Vi'c were uotr enquiring. Ibr'the OAR works, Brether Hood, or else we could the better comprehend your answer. We doubt not, howover, tlmt u stream of pure water’ftom' Haftlllteh' BSffflg wonul^bff quite an accession to your village. O, I.ortly j A Woman's snfferago Convention Is in session In Wlsconsm. Think if wo had a wife we wouldn’t mjiruft to lead her into any such crowds. I.tbsrlan Cnne Heed. This seed may bo’purchased at tho store of Dowry j Easou, Iti this place; It Is a new and superior variety, does not blow down, and is much richer in sachorlne matter than the old kind in uso here. These seed arc from cane that made over two hundred gallons to the sere. Tho suhscrilwr being eonriuccd, from his ob servation, that tho eauo in this country has deteriorated since its Introduc tion, obtained seed last year from tho West, and finds the Liberian to bo a'supo. rior variety. Those wishing to plant cane this year would do well to supply them selves early, as the supply is limited. March 2.1,-2t U, H. Brown, Long Ncrdcd. Ail establishment has been started In Columbus for tho general manufacture of farming implement. Success lothccntcr- pi'iso. _ . Atlanta Ilomo,lie xinrhet. The foUowiag are Ule' rating prices, In Atlanta, up to the 2l’d, furnished by II. T. Cox & llro., commission merchants of that city: Com. per bushel, 81.00; Wheat, white, l>er bushel, 82.10 to 82.2.1; Tcnn. red, $2.00 to 82.10; Bye, per bushel, 81.23; Oats, per bushel, 80 to a:cts; Flour, Superfine, per sack, lit) tti»- $(J to St£; Extra, 84'} tool Family, 8‘i to $0.00; Bacon, Sholders, per Iti. lojcts; Clear sides, 18J tolfcls; Hams. anil fortuity anil unlaw tally actio nnd toko llii rcfromlUe tali! July Marlin nml cm ry him otti amt Wlicrca,, on tlio sntmatay montlng uo.vt sue. rrritluasslil Ki l.lny, tliolinilyor sntil July Msr- Uu wn'i illsoovercil itoait, tmugtug tiy tho neck BjffitWl “c Mr Ihocountyurotynn, Uy vlnunofth. „os to hlsitcnlh through hun«tntf by some person or poi sons unknown: - ' Now, thcroforo, I, Itufu, B. llutlock, Qovornnc or this states nml Oomman(ter.tii<uWt or tlio Army unit Navy anil of tlio Mllttla ttiorcof, Jo herebylnmothis, ray Proclaioation, otTertuff a rowanl ofriTnThousand Dollurs forthnap- prehciisloti.wlth bvhtcuco whleli will lead to Itio convlotloh of tlio poison or pciwonsporpelra tlnpr tho iiiurdcrhliovomcnlioupil, Timely Warning. If tho unmannered, palc-fac;d, wormy looking, fuzxy-Upped Young Americans, who are in tlio habit of silting around the church doors and street corners wntchin; the (bet and ankles of passing ladles, like ■a. group of eager, holi-tail monkey!, in fly time, around a sugar hogshead, don’t mend their manners we will give them a JH . jJarfi,“in : lh»r, 20 to filcte; in upon by the said lll^h sheriff and Jailor? and, dose through tlicso column, that they will firkins 21 to 22cts; Beef, gross, nets; but- * ’— “ ter, 85 to STcts; Eggs, per dozen, 14 to tBc Beeswax, :14 to S8cts; Onions, per bushel, $1.10 to 81.73; Tcnn. Irish potatoes, per bushel, 81.00 to $1.10; Field Peas, red. per appreciate about as much as they (lid the last spoonful qf vermifuge administered by their doting mothers before turning them out to grass. Wc hope this will be husliek $i.l3 to 81.20; White, feuSO to sufflelont. If sol, the next will. Com- 81.23; Chestnuts, per hushoj, 83.50 toSk j plaints are numerous, and from ladles.— '' ’ ' We’ll stop It, you bet. Tho AprlngTImc* Tho New York Express makes the fol lowing parenthetical allusions to the late cold snap: Sprlnglins como, cries a jolly pnragrapli- ht. The genial 'warmth (of coni fires) is felt tndoiii's;,watcrs sparkle and leap (in iron pipes) down the liill sides; tho green grass is springing (under the show):birds are slnglngdu cages); fliriuors havo already commenced plowing (out the roads), while somo of their sons are busy sowing (wild oats). Thu trees are filled with buds nml blossoms(ofsnnw). Briglit,othcrealclouds (of snow) are flitting through tlio sky.— The lark’s brilliant song (hu’s almost fro zen to death) is heard In the morning.— All nature rejoices and so do we (that the snow isn’t ten feet docpl) North Oeoraln Citizen. “Tills excellent paper cotnes to us this morning vastly Improved in Its typo graphical appenratice. Always interest ing, yet we must confess Its new dress lies infused new life into its reading matter. This Improvement denotes the prosperity we wish It." Tho above is from the Atlanta, lntelll gcncor, and coming from such a source, of course wo fed flattered. While acknowl edging its well wishes, woretumthesamc. Important to Tobacco Denlera. We publish the following letter from Commissioner norland, at Washington, dated March 10, I860, in relation to stamp ing tobacco, which wiU provo of interest to many of our fenders: In reply to your letter of March 3tb, in relation to stamping smoking tobacco in tho hands of dealers, I liavobo say that since the 13th not packed a; stamps, ns required , 20th, 1808, must bo so packed tihd stamped at the expense of the owner.Or holder be fore being sold or offered for salei Ul ‘ Green tipples, per barrel, SO.tW to $8.00; Dried, per lb. 7 to 8c; Peaches, pooled, 18 to 20c; impeded. 8 to 0c; Dry llldes, 21 to 22c;- 4-4 Sheetings, Tier yard, 10 to liljc; 7-8 Shirting, per yard, 14, to 14) els; Cot ton Yarns, per hunch, 82,00. Dalton Domestic Harhct.' The following are tho quotations nt which the articles mentioned below aro selling nt to-day, thc.23th: Butter, 80; chickens, 21; Salt, S?.flO; Ba con, 11 to ]7cts; Beeswax, 30; Ctiltbe, 80 to 38cts; Meal 8'cts; Feathers, 30cts; Flour, 81 to $0.10; Corn 7lcts; Wheat, $1.00 to 81.00; Hay, 81.00 to 81.25; Lard, QOcts: " ' , 81.00; P<' th ultimo, all smoking tobacco , and stamped with tax paid required by tho Act of Jul;’ ” Special No. 03,'i to which you refer, „..cco, and snuff prior to February fifth; 1800, and did not in any way relievo those articles front liability to stump oftcr that ••In n Horn.” “Tlte male mos»iulto never bites,’’. Says •n exchange, Neither does a male goat Peaa, Potatoes, 82.50. Rend, O Won,an 1 As health is the greatest hlesslngot rarlli.solsdiacnsethcgreatcalcursc. Tin first wish of tho heart, therefore in a tem poral view, should be health. Nor la this all. As diseaao renders us unfit to perform tho various duties appropriate to our sta tion in life, there is a moral obligation resting upon us to preservo our physical intogritv, by using the means at liaud for repelling disease. Now there ts nothing so destructive to. health in females ns a continued suppres sion of the mensea. It Is a condition which makes a woman useless to hcreolf nnd a burden to her friends. Dr. J. Bradfield’s Female Regulator, Woman’s best Friend, is the only certain cure. Lose not a mo ment in embracing the remedy. For salo by L. P. Gudger&Co>, Dalton, From tho Army Hospital; the bloody battle-field the mansion of the rich and the humble abode of the poor—from tho office and the sacred desk; from the mountain- top, distant valley nnd far-off islands o ' tho ocean—from evory nook and corner o ' the civilized world. Is pouring in the evt- uiu GiviiiMiu nuiui, in its uiuvv dencc of the nfitonishing effects of Dra^e' , Plantation Bitters. Thousauds up on thousands of letters like tho following may be seen at our office; * * * * I have been In the Artny Hospl tat for fourtcon months, speechless and nearly dead. At Alton, III, thi me a bottle of Plantation Bitters, bottles have rnado mo a well mad. C. U, FlAUtE. _ Magnolia Water.—Superior to the m .. related only to the re-p(icklng .and re-m- best imported German Coloflge; dad sold „.,cral jluniz D.ntiUM of tlujlr rcpw.tivo at half the price. __ riinnWw ^ JK» r i»w; wy Iwu/I and thd a llnoiwnlU Jzy or Mzreb, In the yenr or g rjiAl, one t!iou««uil ejaht .hmulnxli anil '■iiliu., anil of tliu iiulviMinilcnoo of tlio ^gSgg^Sffiird, Secretory of HuScf^m&t [0»»icUL.) KXKCUTIVlI.imPAntHBXT,» Atlanta, Un„ Murob 10,1 m. \ Tolhu JhorlfT, or Ills Lawful Dubuty, IMohmond Wliorca« f on tho loth day of Fobruary*, A. D., 1?<M, l»rl»cJ»a Leow«a brought before W. Milo 01 In, etuatloo of tho Pvuoo In amt for tbo county of lllcltmond, upon aflklnvlt of ono George W. Bvoivlliurit.olmrgcd with theoffenii'oflaroony aiu.l was then nridthorK for said offense, after lmvlng waived an indictment by the Grand Ju. ry of said county oritlchmond, sontencodtobo linprlRonud In the common Jail of tho county of lUfhmondt ami to bo employod at hard labor on tho public Works for tlio term of throo months, and upon discharge thorofrom lo pay all costs of prosecution und Jail fees, and Whereas, A petition signed by the Hon. W. Milo Olln, thcoftlcck* presiding at said trial as aforesaid, has boort presented tome, recommen ding . fu>*orabls action In her caso Und asking the remission of tho unexplred part of tho sold term of Imprisonment, setting forth that Mr, Robert Douglass, a respectable cltixcu of said county of Hlchmond feels desirous for the reform a tton of tbo Mill Prlieli'W Loo, oral to llllhg to give her i>ermaaeut employment! N*ow, thoroforc,considering this to bb a proper coho for Executive Interposition and believing that the ends of fhstleo la her caso have been attained by the punishment already Inflicted; Ordered, That tbo said Priscilla Leo be, and she Is hetoby fully pardoned of the offense with which she stands cliurgcd, that tho nkexplre'd term of Imprisonment, together with all costs nnd Jail fees In and by the satd sentence Impos. ed as aforesaid upon the said Priscilla Loehcj and the same aro heroliy remitted, and that she bo forthwith discharged and set at liberty. Given under my hand and the Real of the Exec utive Department, at tho Capitol, in Atlanta, tho day andyeardrst ahovu written. - HUFFS 1). IlULI.OCK, — • - iruor. mwt S B. BULLOCK, Governor, is, Hod, Exi Department, [nrriciAU] ■ Exr.cTjTiVa Dhpahtjirkt, At hint a, Georgia, Mavuh 13, il OaocnsD, That A, W. Harwood, Esq., be, and lynui by virtue of tho power and authority vested in mu by an Aet entitled l‘An Act to protect tho planters of this State from Imposition in ilio salo of Fertilisers"—up. proved September 17,18W. Uivmi Under my hand nml j ta,thoduvm\V mCU By the Gove] Kcokxe 1 March 1M|. “. • . (orsisub) OUDERCP, Tliat Dr. Jamw H. l’rlou, bo, nnd ho is hereby appointed Inspector of Fertilisers for the county of Terrell, by vlrtoo of the power and authority vested In mo by an Aot cut tiled "An act to protcctjthd planters of this State from Imposition In tho sale of fortllUcrs"—ap proved September 17,1808. Given under my headland th* Real of the Exec utive Department, nt the Capitol in Atlanta, the day and year above written. JtCFUS I). BULLOCK, Governor. By the Governor: Kcokxk Davis, See. Ex. Department, Murcb ItML rjXHE “ ,.,vi; UHl'tl NTORBI ” RED1VINK l 'OX, ATtANVA, : i i OKOT.OU. Dealer la Boots, Shoes, So! CALF ilOth, SIIOE-ir , IISI>riVGS, Keeps constantly on band a very extensive uml well selected stock, which U piirebMud UXCLl’StS’kLY FOR CAEII1 DIRECT FROM TIIE MANUFACTL'REItt Czj* Special Attention Given to Orders. Jiv Empire Block. Whltoball Street, >-ly Atluufa, Georgia. JK. J. BltADFIELD'S female Regulator, Femulo Regulator, Female Regulator, TToman’s Woman’s Drugs,Mcilieiucs, PnlntSjOils WINDOW PI.ASH, rUTTY, ETC. torrtCIAL] OaDcneo, That tho North Gsonoi a Citicsh, of Dalton, and tlio Signal, of Dabtoncga, Goor* gla, be, and thoy aro hereby added to the List of Newspapers authorized to publish Execu tive orders and Proclamations, from and ivftor March 1st Instant, In aeeordklico with the order of T jbruarp 20, ultimo. Given undoc my hand nnd the Beal of the Exe cutive Department, nt the Capitol In Atlan- to, tho day and year tlmt above written. RUFUS B. BULLOCK, Governor, the Goveroor: Icotnx Davis, Secretury Exccutlvo Department. lx STOCK! 20,000 pounds White Lead, 600 boxes Frcnah Window Olass, 2000 Gallons pure Linseed Oil, 20 barrols Tanners Oil, 600 barrels Non-Explostvo Coal Oil, 10 Barrels Puro Lard Oil, All kinds of Machines Oil, Puro Brandies, wines and Liquors, Qonutno LorrlUard's Snuff. All tbo popular Patent Medlolnee, nnd eveiry. J J thing usually kopt In a . Sldrts,! fff FI UST CLASS DRUQ HOUSE, [orrtctAU] Exsccnvn Departmrxt, 1 Atlanta, Go., March 4, 1809. \ Or.DKRED, Tlmt Dr..Ilnratlo N, Hollefteld be, nnd hels hereby appointed Inspector ofFortll- leers for the county of Washington, by virtue of the power and authority vcsted.ln mo by an act entitled ”Au Act to protect tho planters of this State from Imposition in the tale of FertlL izora”—approvod September 17,1W9. Given under my band nml the Seal of the Exo- cutive Department, at-tho Capitol, In Atlan- iv tbo Governor: Ecocxs Davis. Secrutary Executive Department. (orviRiAL.] PROCLAMATION. 1’rorlninntlon.—83,000 Reward. Stats or.Gzoroia: By Rufus B. Bullock, Gov. of said Stato: Whereas, Hoof or George W. Darden was ar rested by i ho town Marshal o( tho town of War- rcnton.ln thooounty of Warron, In this State, under and by vlrtuo of a wnrrcnt Issued by tho Coroner or satd county; and. Whereas, Tho said Dr QcorgoW. Pardon was placed in confinement in the county Jail Of said county, by said Marshal, and the keys of ftald Jail placed !u possession of Johh C. Norris, High Sheriff and Jailor of said county, ou Friday the 12th day of March Instant; and, Whereas, The said John C. Norris, High Sher- iff and Jailor os aforesaid, having reason to he- lieye that an attempt would bo made by nn un. authorized and -unlawful body of armed men, who were thon and t here at au surrounding said Jail, to violently tako from said Jail the said Dr. George W. Darden, ho, the sji%l High Sheriff and Jailor ns aforesaid, called upon many of the good citizens of aaldtowu and c ounty, to net a posse for tho protection of said Jail; and, Whereas, Thqsahl good Citizens, through fear of the aforesaid unauthorized and unlawful body of armed men, declined to serve ns called Whereas, Certain tnemliers of the aforesaid unauthorized and unlawful body of armed nien surrounding said Jail enmo to tbo houso of tbo satd llighBhcrlfTand Jailor at or about ulevrn clock on thonlghtoriho Friday aforesaid,and demanded tbo delivery ortho keys of tho sold Jail? and, Whereas, Tho said High Sheriff and Jailor having, upon refusal to deliver sahl keys, had good rooson tobellevo.thathisown llfo dungcrcd from tho violence of said unauthoriz. ed and unlawful'body of armed men, absented blmsolf, taking with him tho said koys; and, Whereas, Itoliablo inromiatJou has been i colvod at Ibis department, to tbo effeot tlmt the said Doctor Ueorfto W. Darden was, at or about tbu hour of midnight on the said Friday, tho twelfth day of March instant^ taken from the said jail by a person or persons as yet known to tho oivll officers, and thon and thore, in the prosoneo of his family, ruthlessly and barbarously murdered, his body buvlng been almost, literally riddled with pistol balls? and, Whoreos, It is reported by the aforesaid High Shoriff und Jailor of tbo county aforesaid, that tho offering of a suitable reward Is essential a means of Insuring tho arrest aud conviction of the said person or persons, at present un known, who, it Is aliogcd, havo committed this great crime against tho life of a citizen and against the laws of the saJd Slate, In dehanee ofberaffleora: Now, thoroforc, I, Rufus R. Bullock, Governor of this State and Commandcr-tn-Chlef of the army and navy and of tho mUltla thereof, do hcroby Issuo this, my proclamation, offering a reward of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS, for the apprehension of the party or parties oom- mining said orlme, together with evidence which will lend to his or their conviction. Given under my hand and the great Seal of tho Hints, at the Capitol,In the oltv of Atlanta, ams^mst^as^ S ine, and of tbo Independence of tho United f -WI - - . [orruiAbjJ ExRcrfivu Depatitmskt. . ) Atlanta, G.t., March 4, i860. | Ordzrkp, That Dr. Rol.u J. Massey be, and lie Is horoby appointed Inspector of Fertilisers for tbacounty of Fulton, by vlrtuo orthopower and authority vested In inoby uu act entitled ‘•An Act to protect thu planters of this Stato from imposition in tbu sale, of Forlllizurs”— approved September 17, 18J8, , Glvon undor Uty hand nnd tho Seal of the Exe- cutlvu Department, at Atlan- to, tbo day and year tlrst utmve wrltton. RUFUS B. BULLOCK, Qovernqr. By the Governor? Euozxs Davis, Secretary Executive Department. % the ninety-third. ' RUFUS B. BULLOCK, Governor. By tho Governor» March ( ‘ 0TT,,,0, *® 0, ot lilMt. torriciAL.] Proclamation. WnsRZAS, InphrNuanooofan Aot passed by the General Asscmhlyof this State, an election for one Justico of the reaoo and two Constables Is to bo held In ouoh of tho MiRUa Districts throughout this State, on the Mxwt. Saturday (the 8d day) of April, Now, thcroforo, L Ruw» n. Bullock, Governor aud Commandc rJf&uMof the Army and Na\-y of tills State; oiritor tho MUltla thereof, do here by Issuo thi r'flnlrlnr Ordinary of eaoh oounty ip this BfrtpiWnWWf ,luo auff'publltfnotfoo the^ of, to cause an election to be tabid in eaoh of tho Pence and twp Oonstabiesi In manner and form Exec- ! lapltoi, in Atlanta; if, Governor; VwzpA^s, 8*0. Ex. Peperfment. Oa^i V nKbuen. REDWING.* FOX, Corn.r Wlilt.tull and Atabaraa Street., Atlanta, Oeorsln. Oolober », 'ca-lr (orricui.) Jem ?«‘t5. T i«i.i Orderzd, That Dr. Edward Seoxlas bo. and ho Is hereby appointed Inspector of Fertilizers for tho county of Thomas, by vlrtuo ofthepow. er and authority vested In roe by an aet enti tled “An Act to protoct the planters of this State ftom imposition in the sale of Fertilizers" —approved September 17.1458. Given under my hand nnd tho Real of tko Exe cutive Department, at the Capitol In Atlan ta, thu day and year first above written. . „ „ UUFUjfB. BULLOCK, Governor. By tbn Governor i JJ.. K. dsGravrzRaciu, 6eeretury Executive Department. /"IAPITOIj drug store. Zi. II. BHADFIEIJ), Drugs,Paints,Oils,Dye Stuffs AND PATENT MEDICINES. Also, Wholesale Agent for rROrniTT’S REMEDIES: Prophlll's Uvor Medicines, Propbltt’s Pain KU1 It, i'i-dpilitfs Antl-BlUlous PiUs. The exTtli'ent'rumWlrs ofO. S;Pronl.ltt,M. D„ need u6 reoommumlMtlon.Their well known power In rehiovtngUiedlson'SoS peculiar toour Southern climate, linvlng already uetablislied for them uu enviublu rupututlon in Gcorgiuand Iho Adjoining States. As thu majority or per. sous living iu the 66utn arc pru-dlsposcd to rilsujMO nflho Liver, It lagruuto/l by nil Intel- Ugpntphyslolans that mout of thu pains and’ uches «»f our puople arc duo to organic or funo- tlonul dcmngotiiunts of thut Important organ. Propliitt's Antl.llillious IMUs and Livui Mrdl- einu strike directly at ih«m»otoi thuuvil. They cure the Llvur, which, in nine eases out often, is t liu bottom of tbo Coughs, Dysnopslu, Colic, hick Headache. Rhunnmtlsub Cni)stipatlon, Menstrual Obstructions, etc., no common among our punplo. Earnohe, Toothache, Acute Rliuuumtlsm, Neuralgia, and bodily pains of •enr kind, duo before l'ROBHlTT’d PAIN ILL IT, liko chaff before the wind. L. U. RRADFIELD, Propbltt’s C o I elira/ml 11 y°Med ieih ea Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. I.. P. GUDGElt A CO., havo Propliitt's Rem- udirs for £olo lu Dalton. - NovMy . •' ' [oryicut.) Kxzci tiv* DcraitTilsXT, ) Atlanta, Go., February VS 1800. \ Ordered, That Dr. James W. Hefty bo, and ho Is hereby appointed Jnspeytor of Fertilizers for tho cpnnty of Baldwriu, by Vlrtuo or the power and authority vested In me tiy an act en titled "An Act to protect the planters of this State from Imposition In tlio salo of Fertilisers —approved September 17,1W8. Given undvr my hand and tbo Seal of tbo Exe cutive Department, at tlio Capitol, In At lanta, tbo day and year first above written RUFUS Zl. BULLOCK, Governor. By tlio Governor: B. B. dzGiupprnrxip, Secretary Executive Department. r-XKCISTITZ D«.r.\nTNKRT, Atlanta, Ga., February 25,10)8. Ordered, That Gaorgo A., aud he la hereby appointed Inspector of Fort il- izora for tbccounly of Newton, by virtue of tho power and authorit y vested In me by au acteu- tltlod "An Act to protect the planters of this Stato from Imposition m tUo sale of Fertilizers —approvod September 17,1808. ren under my band and tbo Beal ot cutive Depart moot, at tho Cupltol, In Atlan ta, tbu day and year flrst above written. RUFUS B. BULLOCK, Govomor. By the Governor: B. B. PBGftAPPKxnsin, Soc rotary Exucntlve Department. iuttngagmu of tlio rebellion., £ho lintre-d of tho ' n ngainzt tlio Spaniard Is Intense, :d by the policy hitherto pursued by ovcruinont toward the nntlves. (official] Ezkcutivr. ne*iRTXRXT. AtUutn, Ga., February za,-isso. Ordkrzd, That Dr, John B. Hendricks be, aud bo Is hereby appointed^ Inspector of Fertilisers for the connty ot Newton, by vlrtuo of tbo pow. er and authority vested In mo by an out enti tled "An Aet to protoct tho plantors of Nils Stato from Imposition in the Hale of FortlUzors" —approved September 17, IftJP. , Given nndor my liund and the Seal of tbo Exo. cutive Dupurlmeat,at tbo Cupltol, In AtJun* to, tbo (lay ami year first abovo written, rUfus b. bullock, Oovonu By tho Governor: B. B. ozGaArraKRKin. • Secretary Lxeoutlvo Dcr afttua ot- (owip*! F-xzcrriva DzrARTVtXT. \ Atlanta, On., February iB, 1880. \ Ordzrsd. That Dr. J. R. Harris be, and he is hereby appointed Inspector of Fertiliser* for tbeoounty of Meriwether, by vlrtuo of the pow. cr nml-authorlty vested in me by .au aot cntl. tied "An Aet to protect tbo planters of this Ftuto from Imposition In tho salo of Fertilisers' —approved September 17,1809: Given nndor my ligml and the Real of tho Ego lullvo Department, at tho Cupltol, In Atlan By tho Governor: U. B. uzGnAsrBxneip, Seoretary Executive Department, (orricuL] Ohdeued, That Joel IL Griffin, Esq., be, and bo is hereby appointed Inspector of Fertilizers for tho county or Houston, by.virtue of the power and uiRhwity vested in me by an net- on. titlcxl "Aa Aot to protect the planters of ilils Stato from Imposition In the solo of Fertilisers' —approved September 17,18M. . (i : BvthoGoypniof: • r ; JJ. B. dXUraFVSXXVID, '■ Sectary Executive pepitrtmont. asrlMt violin a Cremona’- v ! nlh*T \ :■ fine Violl t >t:lng", j A eob nl r n sjr i dp » f * C I lil: Hi*■•-. nhe lntudrc-1 li. papei I*urn hllviM-'Tffitublci, ... Will scud needivt l*y mail on r wohK depart::r.H-r-t: st:n Wuiobi -i roissOrt-tl In bed style-new or new Wheels, I: n<-r*-i >ary. Clocks R ‘pair. -I and warrsiiteJ. Jewelry niende«l in ' * -t stjloat Now York pno«8. Gold 1'ens RepurcJ. \vu?ldlng anti Kiigiiernieiit Ilingn mad*'to nr- der and ehgrav'.t ;i- b-.irod. &«jw-luty Badges d Pol ! i.v WUolMzlO DtllRZlBt, WUoleialo UriiKKl.t, AtltnU, On. Atlantz. 0». .it Tor L. V, OODQElt i. to.. I'm,;. Eliu, Daltou, Ua. Jau.U-ly r-UBPETSI D4t.Ht.OT>,81 V.) or all kind, amt quilltlM at Cliumticrlln Ac. Boynton’s DBV GOODS AND CARFET STORE, Atlanta, acorglit eft.-or to ReiincU A Jonc^) i. OR Cloth*, Rtiij., >tat«, . _ Itado.,' Lacs aud Dam* ask Curtains. ¥at>Ieor Plano Co»or», audovery rUnK,8 ’“ Ka Iscomplsto, at prlees LOWER than thoy can bo pu rehasud clsowhure In tli Is Stato. Our 8took of l)KY GOODS Is complete la overy department; Dress Gfcdds, Linsns, Cassimorcs. Cloi ‘ irseys, Ilomestlcs, Blank* rtsi Balmoral anil Boulovi . tks,Hosiery,Notions, Gloves,' Rlbbous, lobes, Trlmmlngii, ami ovory thing usually kept In a First Clas-fOrv Oondi Store l Call and examine, und latlsfy yourseir as to quality or Go ° ,fj|^luERLl^ r )t C JUOYNTON, October Wjieiw. inn Vn'ttlt.Aliyul'al' nndtlie.ii,iels\vdlir .OnlerssoHcUod trow JJ F. JONES Dealer In allso.. r Diy GnodN, IlootH, SIiossh, IUTS, CROCKERY, do. ( Will notlM undcrtol i-l'ai i lick SC indies “fiSra*, On., Oct. iz-ly. ' I.T-ARK^WHITMAN, tuc orLoulsTllt, Ky., tormcrly of r.lncnold.aa; "WIlolcKalo Clotliinur, 577 and 570 Broadway, / - -r*i VorR. nonao ofROOfer.S, MORGAN A GltUBB, Ja27 riio tnE Ladies i Matlamo A. Bruumullcv, WisbM to inform her. Lady friends at?fl. tho ? ttbllo generally that she has returned TromN, ork with a lull stoek er FANCY VARIETIES 1 Such a* Dress Trimmings, Knit and Woven Worsted Goods, latest styles: French JowoU'y, Embroideries lu Colors, such as Slipper*. Chulr Covers, etc. Also u full assortment of Worsted and 811k Embroidery Materials, etc. Hair Won* or DjACRiPtiox bona, Flowers, uml every variety of Ladies’ F iBr^favliiVbought principally for Cn?h, cna. bles her to compete with any House lu tlio city. Tommey & Stewart, Whitehall Strati, OEOSUU, WHOLESALE AITD RETAIL A larboardcouptoto auortmant Foreign and Domestic Hardware, volvlng Press, for sale. fo'bil^ly" C OX ft lllLL, Atlanta, Ga., Wholesale and retail dealers In FoftRiox and DoMttfeTiu Liquors, Cioahs, Tobacco, fto. W. B. Cox, I W.R.HUI.I October Sg-Cm. W - C. LAWfiHE, wholesale and rotallDrug- • gist, dealer in Paints, Oils, Glass, Perdu tuery, aud Fancy Artleks. Comer Marietta and Peachtree Streets, (Old Noixtoss ^ lanta, Georgia. • ^ILLINEUYI MILLINERY 1 Wholesale and Retail at Knox's M illiuery and Variety Store. Whitehall, 4 doors from Alabama Siroot, Atlanta, Go. MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS, * Hats, Bonnots, Ribbons. Fiowore, Also, A Splendid Stock of Hair Goods ■twitch*,Curls, Frlzets, Chignons, Braids, etb. Drew Trltniuinv* .Fancy Goods, Jowelry. etoi Bridal BonurtH, Hats, Vre.tbY ete., gotten np la superb style, nnd at ww seicrs. to suit the taste of the most fastidious. .Ordors from a distanoo promptly attended to by Mrs. Knox, tnoerson; - * Country dealers irnahl do well to call, exam, ine and price our goods bofore^urchMingelse. Febl Mm . ' Atliudn, Jo. A TLANTA MARBLE WORKS, Adjoining Calhoun Hotnm and opposite Georgia * UallroUd Depot.. Constantly on band aud made to ordor Monamentii Tombs, Ifeitd Stones, Tablets, Urns, Vases, Bureau, wftsbstand and Centre Table TppSraMarblo Mantlde and Hearths, and lururnbing'dHi-blQorall descriptions, asoue: as ban bo furnished this Side of New York. C* and exatulun material and prices. Designs of Monuments or any other Marble work rmaishrd freo of charge. Wm. GRAY. 8, B, Oat ha x, Agt, ~ fobm-Jy Propt. QOX ft BROTHER, OomnilwHton SleroliimtB, FouavTU s«t„ Atlanta, Oa. W waist notivLly in flic fluid nru jcid Itacrnvnznnrc lu Now York, ho Now York Metropolitan Itccord I: There never was a time in (lie histo- I’ this city when cxtmviignncc wns enr- ;to such a dizzy heiidit ns now. TTni SuilnllU 1 ., nuu.,»f kMP constantly on haral a very largo ofCui '—■ ••—- ; AMCKLA.rA.N, ( ., c _ D:si , nt! . ( 7 &S o„, "VVIioIomuIo Grocuni, rroituco Corarai.slon Mcretiants; Doalcr. In Wlm'sj nml Ll.iuqrt, iNor^Rowarasuon.’ "..■'T.CA'I jjATTON * I’AYN'E, _ Chattanooga, Tcnn.,., UoolrBoUorci and tStatlou«r« tio. Jnlly Q.RRAT ATTRACTION . _ SspiS*. Uaoii & Collnivp7’«, 211 and M3 Markot Street, Chattanooga, Tend. HARDWARE! aRvlftwYbr Messrs. C.C. Alexi Civumt, o^mnggold, ore with this honSfl. (3 11 M ni i u file hi rm ernn * V wh oi c I ale and retail dealer In eve^y description of X^UXfclS IX Ij XJE, CARFfeTS. OIL CI/JTHR, l WALL PArf*h,GILT MoLuixas and Frames, CcuT.vixb, A large assortou hi or Burlal Cnaos on band, which will ho sent to any point on ttietthdrWka fur to ' cimiiuuonuu, Tv MuikoUlr., July Hy. Sum 1 tow Ilonas i’mvnii incluJlng thu celebrated Corliss ctu-oir Engines, 24UIO V til v o sttttlojuu^r En. i'5 c \iVS.»taV,‘'<i!:iS love, ft * jyjEDICALAND SURGICAL NOTICE. X>r«< A.. W. UivlnffB Sl Sou, Formerly of Houth Carolina, Tender their Prolomdonal service* to the olt sens or Dalton andAurrnuudtng country. 6m clnl attention given to allehroule cashi. Office, during tlio day, comer of Kina ft Pents street*, and night at residence oa Thonteon Avenue, formerly occupied by Mr. Ji U, King, A. W« Livings,) * J.C.Bivlng8, s JanuaryMy. 'Tbit. B. V. JROffN, - : \J . Kixa Str^ Daltox, IusurftiicB Trtul band Agent; Agent for Atnn Life and Fire In an ran cu c»ww pany; also, Jeffl*r*on and James River Fire Insurance ComiMUih s, of Va., '*• . EuterprUo, Uncfnnulhaml - a Putnam, Hartford. . ALIO, GENERAL'LAND AGENT For anybody who outrun t heir business to him. 49-Kefer* f&CoL C-B. W.-Uiom, AtlanU*. and Col. W; II. Tibbs; Lowry ft Eason, Uon. D. A. Walker aud Col. J. A. K. Ua»Ue, Dalton, Go. January iM2m. __ : IHJOn ilOl'uXAR 4b Co. W HOLESALE DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, ftC., No. 63, PCBLtO SQt'ARK, NASUVILtB, TCX.V. Hugh Douglas? 1 W.X. Paine. 1 L. T. Armstrong, f . W. C, DibroU, J Jam Y-bm* gcblMm VTooH A ■-“■at rdim-oiiti. Court-ilo* hour* c Lot.2{o s l of Cordon ct and 4th section t 113,- in 11th district an ] •»’.!*. county;. , of lu, Xu, #OH, ill ll P AUL, TAVEL A KaNNER, ■•r WliolfMlIo XtookMollcTH »Sc tjtiitloucrw, JOU PRINTERS, . And Blank BookManti'facturem, No. 48, Union Tjtreet, Naehville, Tcnncssoe, January 14-flm. ono. O. SSLMAV. T. X. M’OAHAX, ^ITATK of Otortfix, (Jordon O'Loro. Guardian; of llio Minor Jchudot, }lo*s, fleccomJ,' MiFIng'X ( Court of Ordinary of m!U county for' from Ids GunrdiutitJiip of. said Minor i These aro therefore, lo uite.and admonh singular ilia klndhed kttd creditor* of sal ed'* >1 uuil- children to l>o and appear at . wiling the thuo proscribed by law, lo show ca'ife. If any they hare, why xoid tellers should not la giihtrd (ho applicant. . , • Dry Goods and Clothing, . ►WIN BATES ft CO., Wholssalt Dealers la bWbM)UI 'IJuilSiStMwrtetla^TR i Wb kaep constantly on hand Rtock of Curpot*. embracing all grades, from the cheapest to thu beat:. Floor Oil Clotha, nil widths? Damask and LaeoCurtains? Coraices, Window hhades, Rugs. Mattat Indeed every tlih,, nccilcU toDirauti 4»unU Nov. 12-ltrn. - .Atlanta,Ga. TjISTABLIBHED IN 1851; X. M. 4& 14. C. Clnvlco, Importers and dealers In FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, Keep constantly on baud a fnll assortment of Iron, Steel, Nalls, Nutts, Wisher* ami Rivets, Circular, Min,Tenant ft Croaa-Cut Saws, Leatlb ur and Rubhor Rolling nnd Packing. .\mca’ Shovels and HpaiVea, Bmldlng Mnteriifl, Pocket and Table CutleFy, Carpenters’ Tools. Rims, Spoke Hubs, Agricultural Implement*,Spring* and Axle*, Carriage Uurdwuro—ttllof which wo are offering low lo> ofisbl •l^-Ordurs from the country promptly attea. 49*AgonU for Fairbanks Standard Scales und Knoxville Iron Works. _ ' f , . : Sign of RIG PADLOCK, > Oct. 20- ly. Puaoh-Treo otr., Atlanta,On. TTl'.' JICtlTT At UELLI.VGBATH, It Doalcr. In g'lnvOB, Ttiiwor®. Hiinic FtTfnUBWz Good., Btcam ana Goa Ft# ling*, Vttlves, Gunge Couks, Whistles, Steam Oontraotnrs tor Uooln#, lu bei;t My to, tn Tin in and 151 sictlnc Street, tllAKLESTOX, 8. C. Febll-3m—w,o,o. A. a. MT2CKR. If. M. SMITH. riT.rEn ti sjtttruy Wholesale and Retail (i racers nod ConiUiission Merclfiiuts Ko. CO BroMitjirreiflFltncrYCorner.) ootlB ROME. GA. Ctu Boote Shoes. G. H. & A. W. FORGE, Wholetalo dealer* in BOOTS «& SI-IOES; - - • Whitehall Stfctt, At Uinta, Oa. T^.EEP on. hand’tho lamcs^ .and. host *olsctctl ISl Stbtsk lii tho city of Atjanb, and wllUiany- soll tb Country Merchants at «iV<0 1*0)-ft JPrtccs, with freight added. . Kov. fi-ly. J. 8. OLlTSli.] [B. C. WAbDtll. OLIVER it.WADDAXL, ™ n * |“!ST*Ml ■W ^l. DEi 33 DSC O IT S 23 • . ANU. Commission Merchants, Oot'ntr Alabama and Forryth Slrt. t Allanui, Oa. CS9~A0KXT8 for Marietta pArsi* Mitt^-koon \11 Fizoa Frinllng snd Wrapping paper on hand, at merket pries*. (Nor. tyj part of lot t section of (jihnore county: , 20th dhtrict nnd 2d section .► Fold ss lhV prepertv of* ecasrdt for tho benefit hf h!8 heirs' und u Term* cn*lu . VULLI AM MOBLEY, Ex’r. / T KOIKilA, 0oiino«*Cbi'srr—Wlierew A. S \J Kuv, .Umraiuraior of W M t, Bo.ltr, rtp. rONllU 10 llio CvUl t ill hl»"pill(tlo)l that ill) 1«1 roily Mi'li.llildcrtil WU tnulr— ' , Tht« l« lo oilo all anil .trijrultfrOl* mdltfira and next of kin of, iJtft A- M. Kay, to b'i mid .#• pMf «t ray offliT, williln ili,lim««U< *“ " and -how caii.-e, if any tliey van, n minlairaior aliould not Ijo di.-vlia-gril Irur ralnl.iriiilnn on llio lira; Monday fii Julr, i)co. 24-Ora. D. W, NEEL, I Bcow, J dotraard, tapiravni lilii jiMitbin dutr.ttlvd'a liuliaii fully ailmiuiniri Tliia fa thororure to vite'uU pvKOn: kiiidrvd and dMUoZOo »bn. value van.' ithy ^.Jd’.dinblLtntqr aliould charged frttnr lila-adniiilUlnttlbli and ic.:i ul rltaioirluii on lbc flr>t. Mninlar lu May, taa#^ . . . 11, W» NEEL, Ordinary. inwAtOW C'jKn/y-.-tVfii KoVtAbcFl-aui. uud entered on rcooi il. that teieJ. hIJ csiaio. pensrai eooecriicd, lliidA.'t cillwl If kiiy liny ian, Si,,, should not he dlMlnurgcd (Yen unit rewire Icjtara ot dlamfr- Hay iu February; ISO'S. Till oin _____ l-> ' / < E'IHU. hitiu V i liaui J Wl.Uaitt, of M (1 Dyer, late of « rerrilt! lo jho Court; In witi'lail cli-reiMid, dial un raid cm !«-• Tina la tbci eons' inlcri's! dlthln tlio fltoo \ , dUndtrou Irani slid . rauta i ed to raid. anpUc-w dvr ray baud and < sift n-lra