North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, April 01, 1869, Image 1

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^wVwVWSS^>^«<WVWWS^VV‘v^.-i<WWW<»VVVVS»VWViAAAiV^A/><WVS^««.>>^iW<V>Ai«W»«WWW«.iOsA 1 IW«»)VwV>.WMVWVVV»^A^«VW^AA««i DEJIOOllATIO IN POUTIOlili PUUE AIN!) UEAUXIEUL in LITHttATOBEi AND PKOGUlflBSIVE IN SOUXU3BBN JNTJERESTH. WH ITM AN & WRENCH. DALTON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, APRIL I, I860. mim'i:i.i,axi:oi'h < vnifS. H ASKS * 11,V,NU A1«DHNBVS AT LAW,' llitlton, mmrgla. j. x. II. lusgil. ill'll *• «W*‘ J, A. W. JOIISSOX. JOHNSON- A M' R.Un; i , TuiiNKVt) AT r vW| tliisnUrs-ln Kin* llullillng, Dalton, da. W. AVE1IY, ATTOltNKV AT I.AW, King filreot, priltonf UcnrRln.' 11 imictleo lu tin. Circuit, llio United Hlnt.cs it riot Court, iiud tlio U.«. SupinmeOonnti' •jjAiMOKl. A W^jpUN,^« iXMr; WMloluiU StPool, Allnnln, Gcopglu, b. t, iiAiiMOui). uorly i oL|y iviii.r.poKs. Usllrimri Ilc^Umil till) Htcuinliout Landing. A UAit 15 CHANCE toil INVESTMENT! Tipksav Di)i.i..ut«.Pi:u Day t-siilm lilnilo .filing unit Elliott'. Null- Tnlfiil Cluuhlcul sionlil FeuthOl' Ilfiiovutor. lint llltlo onpltul PfinilriMl. For tunns, oto„ call on Folil8-2t KNOCKING AT THE 1)0611. A TOPCUINO STOltY. This glowing aun of ft midsummer nfter- noon pouted through tlio dows of tlio llltlo vlllftgo Boliool, nnd smftl! curly iiottds Snipped liko Uollcnto Hosvors In tlio litnguld ftlr. Autong tliclli nil, lit tle Kollo's shntiy rlrtgloUlfcll tlio lowest; nnd If one lmd ltllcd up tlio golden veil, yon would have scou Hint tlio weary eyes lmd forgotten to con tlus long Hue of hard words In the worn spelling hook, nnilthiit the silken fringes of tho drooping lids were pillowed lovingly upon tho sweetest little checks In the world. Yes, In' tho licntal air, soothed by the Inky droho of tho hungry flies, nnd the restless hunt of young stndont’s voices, Kiltie lmd fhllcn lisloop. Sho was dream ing, loo. Sho wns dreaming of tho littlo brother, dnrllng Charley, who,in the bright spring timo when the violets were just n. 0. Gamiuiki-i. MMimr.i.1,. Dalton, iia. In ccnc« min a ialton, Ucoiipln. nil.hi Fob; W. W. 1I1UG1NH, C1UX AND LOCKSMITH, Dealer in How Guns, Pistols, Cartridges, etc. Opposite Tibbs House, Hamilton Street. New Rifles maOo to order, awl all repairing tlouu onjriictrt notJce, and ivurrantud. miuMy hkttkuTox a imo.,, Tjcxx., Wholesale Dcnlors In Brandies, Wines) Liquors, Cliewinj? nnd Smoking Tobaccos, Fatiry Groceries, Confectioneries, Canned Fruits, Oysters and ‘Sardines, * Also, Agents roP Uiu e«'e-3ffi„ g , (ar mttcrg , And 1 VrornToVtlf-UINtnic Bf^aO Preparation. Orders solicited. FebltMIni Hnltlmono Trloesguarantied. 3TACKY HOUSE, S T „ NAStlVlf.LI*, TF.XN., Havlnir tboroujfhly renovated ami reflttcd tho Staeev House. I tun now. prmmret tho public first?class ueeointuodutIon, *s. Travtdlers will find It to til inke thin tbelrstOnplutc place. (.’■ A.TOsfl.EY. l»i ropt. T N. MURRAY, or Georgia, , . . - with ARTHUR EMORY A CO„ 1MI*)RTKR3 and dealers in English, Clormdn n ml-American Hardware, Cutlery, etc., s47 >V. BnlUniovo Ktveet., naltlinore, Mary Arthur Emory, l John B. Kgcrton. | ylun.d; Doe. 24-*i}in, *y IQUQltS 1 LIQUORS I >Juwt received cud for Bale at greatly reduced ^ rlCO id Barrels of Fine WIcklltTo Itombon, 20 Barrels of tinff’o jfrtni Bourbon. M Barrels of Silver Creek Boniixm. 50 Barrels of Wooileook Jtonrhon. • J.'i Uarrela of Clalf’s Superior Rye. 100 “ Rectified Whiskey. And a full assortment of .kinds of Honor*. I,. COHEN, Fcbll-flm Whitehall Street, Atlanta, On. ^1‘IUXO IMPORTATION FOR 1800! JJibbons, Millinery and Straw Goods. xrv.stuomi, t.vrou a ca., 257 and 2JK) Baltimore Street, N BALTIMORE, Importers nnd Jobbers of Donnrt and Trimming Rlbons, Velvet and Sush Ribbons, Bonnets Crapes, Silks and Satins, Illusions, Blonds, .Luces, Ruches, NetU and Velvet! French Flowers and Feather*, Straw Bonnets and.IstdleR Hats, Trim in cd a n d V n I vl inuicd, Rundown and Sluikcr Hoods. Tlio largest Stock of Millinery Goods In till: tltlon. Orders Solicited. •boice variety, " '■ ■•y cotnjie- l'fli. - : r.- P I .. Atlanta, Georgia, Booksellers.Publisliers & Stationers. Blank Books, Mutile. Miscellaneous Books, Ilyin kept constantly on band. Wo are ngents nlfco for THE f MASON AND HAMLIN ORGAN, And keep specimens of Styles on hand, llavt also, the imnrovem«nt«-vo.x Humana—won- do it ul addition, Itoclimul by prominent Musloinns to bo the grentost improve* munt on Musical Instruments that has boon made for years. Tho most choice collect ion of On. Ptrrunus, (,’u homos und I.iTiionitAVU Puints tliui bus boon brought to this market—i Tiieti and especially suited to tlio rellned taste. Is complete, with a lull stock ot Sheet Music, Instructors, Italian Strings, Musical Instru ments, and mcrelmmliso ol every description generally to bo found In u flrst-cluss AIuslu store We WourdospcolaUy — ''*** make and lino tono of I'lAnus. Purchased for cash and sold ntN nay Send for our Book List of Sheet Music, nnd Illustrated Catalogue of Pianos-furnlshed post paid on application. Wo assure tho Publto that, our prices ore al ways the same as the publisher’s or manufac turer's. Wobuy direct und sell at short profit. Magazines, Music and Books bouud on short uotiae, and reasouublo ternia. FUILl.irS.A CHEW, Corner Alabama aud Whitehall Sts., Atlanta. Feb. 11,18GO-3m X31RAXK L pis LIE’S LADY’S MAGAZINE.— JD The leading fashion fieriodlcal in America. Bach monthly number contains it large color ed plate of the latest lusbions, from designs sent from Paris us soon as Itivontedrwliich are sent rrom rarts us soon us invoimwi , thus published simultaneously In New lork anti Paris; also a uncolored fashion iro nccompanlcd .witli full descriptions and explanations, with humorous other illus trations. Every number contains an original letter from.Pails describing tho very modks, by a ludy whoso-position gives her uc- j a i)i e Hoelety. Tlio lltc- w '**- s to fitshioimol tlon of this Maguzlno comprises u continued story, numerous Interesting tales, poetry, an- «cdotes, ito. Tlio whole profusely illustrated i, tvc. Tho whole profusely lllustru with flue engravings* Price, $) 50 pur year, flRANK LESLIE’S CHIMNEY CORNER.—A purely literary • vents of the day, its uiin, as its title indicates, i furnish amusement for the luisuro hour, uta Itucouteuts consist prtuelnaUy of original sto- rlcs by able writers, including a serial,accounts of remnvkablo adventures, descriptions of man- nets and customs In remote countries, short poems, fairy stories, enigmas, conundrums, charades. Ac. Illustrated with large and spiv Ited engravings, or whloh there Are from flf- i to twenty Bi ouch weekly number. Sub scription price, $t per your. The cheapest periodical In the U. States, T The cheapest periodical in the U. mutes, containing 80 large octavo pages of letter press, with from 20 to 25 illustrations, besides two full- engravings on tinted paper, in oiicb page engravings on tinted paper, m cacu nuin- tier. A eontinuad storj’, and well written tales aud stories of adventure, with humorous anec dotes, descriptions of manners and oustotas, amusements for young people* Ac., constitute the reading matter. Price, #1.80 per year. i rwiuiiiK min ici. i iiLi, Aililrexs, FKANK LESLIE, ’sS7 Poarl Strset, New Yorlc City, TlESIOBEST’S MONTHLY MAGAZINE,uni JL. versally nolciiowlerigoil tho Moilol Parlor MugiiKtno or Amorlila, dovotcit to Original Slo- rloa, poomn,Skotohof«,HouHoholil Muttcr8.Gr-— of Thought, Personal and Literary Gossip. eluding special departments Oh Fashions,) In structions on Health, Musloramusemonts, etc., by tho host authors, profusely Illustrated with costly engravings, useful anil reliable patterns, embroideries, and a constant succession of ar tistic novel tics, with othor useful and enter taining litem! art*. No perron of refinement, economical hnnse- wife, or ladvof tasto cun alTord to do without tho Model Monthly. Yearly, It with a valnu- hlopromium, two eoplee, 15.80; three, 7.80; live, 117. llart rum A Fanton Sewing Maobtno for 70 saheorihoTS nt 13 enoh. Publication oinee, MSBroadway, N. Y. Hooiorost'e Monthly and Young America to gcher, with premiums, foril eaen. Morehead & openinz their swoet blue oyes after their long sleep, hnfl straycil away from earth ami istssed through those gates of glory, always open for tho entering of little feet; and she clasped him to her little lonely heart, and hogged hint novor to leave her again. Amid the greatness of her joy sho sobbed nloud and started to find Bellg’s soft arm around hor, and to hear her whis per— “ AVhat Is tlio matter, dnrllng l” llcforo poor Katie, could well recollect her thoughts to answer, tho school was dismissed, nnd she heard the teacher ox- claini, as he pointed to the darkening west, “ Hurry, home, children, or you will bo caught In the shower.’! Then Katie poured into tho sympathis ing cur of hor littlo friend nil her troubles, mid finished by saying, “I could not bear to find it only a dream; I feel as If I must sen Charley once nlorc. ” “Whero do you think ho Isf” asked Belle. “ In honven, I know,” replied Katie, “ and mother says ho cannot come to us, but we eau go to him sometime;” and her sobs broke out afresh. “ Why don’t you go to” cried Bi'llc. “ X don’t know the wily,” said Katie.— “I was very sick when tboy took him away In the littlo cuflhi, and I don’t know whero they Went.” “Areyou-pure ho went to heaven?” asked Belle, eagerly. “ Oh, I kuotvtt,” said Kutio. “Then,” said impulsive littlo Belle, ‘-‘1 con show you tho way—I saw where they put your little brother,” 'At this announcement tho glad light in Katie's tearful eye was beautiful to be hold. “ Well, will you show me, Bello—now, this very afternoon ?” “ Yi s, indeed,” cried Belli', nnd with clasped hands, unmindful of tho gather ing gloom, (rose little pilgrims set forth on IheTr jpUrn'oy to heaven. Once on the way, a doubt oppressed lit tlo Belle. t ‘ Oil,” said Katie, withswcotnssurancc, “howClmrley would run to open the door,’. mid her check flushed with nutlcipatlon. “ Do you suppose Charley Is very hap py?” urged Belle. ” Very,” said Katie emphatically. “ And wlin t docs lie do all the time?” “ Plays with the angels with such love ly wings,” cried Kntie, with great anima tion. “ And they pick up the stars that lie all over the floor of heaven, and the rainbow, I suppose they keep them up all summer; and ohl Charley use to love rainbows. lie once cried because'—' “ Dear me,” said Belle, interrupting her in great dismay, “It rains, Katie, and tve■ are ever so far from home; what shall we do?” “ But we are almost to heaven, ain't we? T,ot us hurry anil-go in there. ” “ Yes,” said Belle, “ I see the door.” “ "Where? where?” cried Katie, breath lessly. “There!” responded little Belle, point ing to tile little rising ground ami iron door of tho village vault. “ Oh!” faltered Katie, with disappoint ment, “ is that heaven? Oh, Belle, it is like n grent cave!” and hor little Hpquiv- crcd sadly. “Why,” said Belle, “ that is where they took your brother—tho very place—nnd you said he hnd gone to heaven; besides,” continued she, brightening, " when we get through tho little dark door, it may be nil beautiful nnd bright on tho other side," “Perhaps it is,” said Katie, more hope fully. But now largo rain drops begnn to fall vesy fast, and tho thunder storm, in all its sublimity, burst upon the little travelers. The burdened west seemed gleaming like an ocean of flame, nnd tho floor of heaven resounded to the solemn tread of tile mighty thunder. Still llio little chil dren, with clnsped hands anil pale lips, pressed on, and tho angels who “do al ways behold the face of our Father,” watched over them lovingly, arid they walked securely In the heavenly company. At last tho busy, pattering feet reached tho gloomy entrance, and Katie’s sweet, hopeful lips were pressed close to the door. “ Knock,” cried Belle; and with all her strength, Katie did knock, nnd a hollow echo was all hor reply, while the dead form within heeded not the call froin fresh, young, hopoful lips; and thelittlebrother, with closed oyes nnd pnlo, clftspcd hands, heard not the imploring cry— “Charley, dear Charley, It is your sis ter—your own sweet Katie; won’t you open the door?” “lie docs not hear you, Katie, it thun ders so,” said Belle;, “lot mb wait a little wldlo;” and they waited for the thunder to cense. Soon there was ft lull In tho storm, and again Katie, strong in fivitli, knocked at the dreary door, and her lov ing cry, “ Charley; dear Charley,” echoed sadly back. “Do you hear anything?” asked Belle, with trembling lips; “ Is ho comlbg?” “No,’’replied Katie; “I thought I once heard his littlo feet, but It was only tho rain.” “Perhaps,” suggested Belle, with large; Imaginative eyes, “jwrlmps ho Is playing with the angels ft great way off, In n beau tiful garden." ' “Ohl’* sobbed Kntlo, "I hope he will not love the little nngols more than me.” “Knock once more—Just once,’’ whis pered Bollo. With Wavering fliltli, again tho littlo soft hand pleaded for entrance, and the tremulous voice cried piteously— “ Charley, darling, dear, sweet brother, please open tho door to your own poor Ka tie. Don't lovo tho littlo angels better than mo. Oh, Charleyl Charloyl” She threw herself upon tho wot ground, and sobbed In an agony of grief alid dis appointment. “Katie,’’snld Belle, half frightened at this outburst, “lot us go homo now, and como again to-morrow and try.” “No,” said Katlo, with touching hope lessness, “ I shall novor come again. Let Us go.” She rose without nnothej; sob or fresh tear even upon the tret check; but tho grieved expression of tho sweet, childish month was plMbil to behold. Back again over tho dreary way went Katie nnd Belle. Idttlc shoes wet, little dresses dripping, littlo bends bent like dew-laden flowers, little hearts very heavy. At Kntlo’s door stood her anxious motle Tho AllKnl or the House. ’TlssnW that over round ont path Tito u’Moen uuguls stray, That glvo uttegnTpl ilnmmsliy night or, peering through shadows for her darl- j| a, ' a “"Wued by tho arms, nnd with ode cry, that spoke all the ! roaUcl . t | 10 most knowledge, aud takes agony of bitter doubt that had crept unto from him tho least time. her confiding heart, exclaimed “ Oh, mother, I have been knocking at the door of Heaven', and- Charley would not let me In.” Dear, grieved, little Katie, rcfhsing to be comforted in this thy first great sorrow,’ it may bo that ere tho violets come again, God’s hand will beckon unnwarcs, anif with a better guide thou shaft Indeed find tho door of heaven. Then knock, little pilgrim, and. thou slmlt lie heard amid the •halleluiahs of tho heavenly choirs. Back shall roll the blessed portals, and Charley shall load thco, with eager wings, to tlio feet of Him who loves Uttlo children, while tlio song of the angels shall be, of such is tho Kingdom of Heaven. , Lltfliiglu)il® Allium.-, 1 Honks, UlMi'S, Ami gliut-il our steps by iluy. But there's nn imgcl In llio house, Mock, watchful ami sincere, That whispers words ol hope to us AYliou uooo hestdn mourn)-: It Ib tho one, the oimsoii one, - Thill's linked In us forlifc, Tho ungel of tho happy lionm, Tho falthliil, trusting wlte. 'Tlssuld Hmt angels wnlk tho rarth— l'ln siiru It must bo so— . When roUhil our path, soarco seen by us; Such bright things enuie and go. Are there not linings by onrshlu As fair us angels oret As pure, as stainless, as llio forms That dwell bcyomlthu stars) Yes 1 there are angels of tho oarth, Pure, Innocent.and nillil, Tho unguis of our hoiirtk und homes, Kaoti loved and loving child. Gems of Tlinnirhl. He that is not aware of his Ignorance will ouly be misled by his knowledge. Happiness without health is not impos sible, but Illsofverydlfllcultattainment. There is no sorrow Hi tV' human heart that will not flimlly fret Itself to sleep. Fnshion 1s the nice of llio rich to get away from tho poor, who follow as fast us they can. Tho greatest genius is never so great, as lug. Tho eliild sprang to thoso loving highest reason, That writer docs tho most that gives his ' Tile MldorlcM of it Xtleli Man. The New York correspondent of llio Itocliestcr Democrat Is responsible for the following; “ Alexander T. Stewart clears one thous and dollars a day (Sundays excepted) all tho year round. Cornelius Vanderbilt S 'ends guilty to twice thnt sum, white XV. . Aster rates his iucomu nt four thous and three hundred nnd thirty dollars per dicln. Sleeping or waking, the last named gentleman mills a three ciollnr bill dropp ing into his lmt every minute of the twen ty-four hours. He cannot sit down to converse with his physician without Imv- ing a little more wealth, if not health; he ....1 i. .. i.s.. ...:n. n ..i r . i:.... Ill}* »' Hiuru wi'uiui, u nut mruuiii uu cannot unburden his mind without feeling his burden increasing in Ills pocket; and lie orinnot walk down Broadway, however tlio weather mav he. without meeting a shower of money. At every turn cash stares him in (lie most insolent manner; banks tling their dividends, nt his head; ruthless financiers wnt him with coupons; unpitying and soulless corporations dump their lucre at his door-steps;, nnd contemp tuous bill-stickers plaster ills door with greenbacks. One might wonder what that follow has done to merit this treatment, and the only charge that can bo brought is tlint ho is a rich man’s sou,: nnd there fore must suffer. " A Queer Idea of Justice. A blacksmith of a village in Spain mur dered n man, nnd wns condemned to be hanged. The chief peasants of tlio place joined together, and begged the atomic thnt thu hlncksmith might not slitter, be cause he wns neccsSnrv to the place, which could not do Without ii blacksmith to shoe horses, mend wheels, etc. “But,” said thcnlcade, “how then enh I fulfill jus tice?” • A laborer answered, “Sir, there, are two weavers in the village, nnd for so small a place one is enough; hang the other. ” Henntor lilll, of Georgia, and the NOW York Tribune. Some days ago tho Npw York Tribune, ill commenting on tho nctlon of the Geor gia Legislature hi regard to the Fifteenth Amendment, indulged in somo nspcraluns of Hon. Joshua IJI11, Senator oteut. from thnt State. Yesterday tlio Trlbuno pub lished' the following; Bra—In your paper of Batunlay Inst, in referring to the nctlon of the Georgia Leg islature on the adoption of the iUJeouUi constitutional nirieniuncnt,yunmakowlial I consider nn ungenerous allusion to my self. Youdcscrjbe mom “hanging by the eyelids before tho doors of the Senate nt Washington,” etc, If yhif mean by this expression thnt I vox the Senate ns a body with my presence, or individually by my calls or my tetters, endeavoring to pro cure admission,as a Senator,It is an uu- wnrran table nsscrtlon. I linvo not spent an hour In all with tho Senate or Senators slnco tho recess ill De cember, and hut little timo before that. I did, about tho first of December, call on Scnntur Sherman, to request him to pre sent my urcdcnUuls to the Senate. And although Invited by several Senators to visit them, and-frilly appreciating tho ci vility, I have thought It more dignified Independent to do so. They, wiltnot chi Time is tho only touchstone which ills’ ttugnishes the true prophet from tho Im poster. Gold mny he all the time in a man's mind, nnd yet none of his thoughts he gol den. Without confidence friendshLi is' hut n mockery, nnd social interoouree a sort of war In disguise. Life appears to be too short to bo spent in nursing animosities or registering wrongs. Timo lakes astep, nnd arbitrary systems are overturned; the Btutues of their au thors nlotio remain standing over their ruins. Slanders, issuing from red and heautlftll lips, are liko foul spiders crawling from the blushing heart of a rose. To quell the prido even of the greatest, wo should rellcct how much more we owe to others tlian to oursolyes. Society, liko slmd.ed silk, must bo viewed in all situations, or its colors will deceive you. Tho greatest part of what we- know Is the least of of what wo do not; thnt Is to say, even what we think we kuow is Imta piece, nnd a very little ono, of our iguo- rnnec. When nil around us Is drenr and dark, tlio hidden glories of heaven may been light in a. tear trembling upon tho eyelid nnd pictured vividly and beautifully upon tho souL . ..... Thoywilfiiot charge, me witli obsequiousness. I think I under stand what is duo to my own self-respect. It will lie time enough for you to instruct mo lu nmuners when Senators shall com plain of my importnnitics. As for my “telegraphing solemnly,” or in any vein, what consequences were like ly to ensue to my oolleaguo and to myself by the refusal oi the Legislature to adopt theamendmeut—and what Congress would do with Georgia, nnd how soon It would act, I will merely say; I have not ventured to predict tho action of Congress lu regard to Georgia, or anything else. I have my opinion iis to tlio proper course to lie pur sued by Congress to secure the best Inter ests' of both government and people, but while the present circumstances exist, I carinot expect it to influence Others, arid therefore do not urge If Be'speotfully ninxfm*. Never be idle; if your hands cannot be useftilly employed, attend to the cultiva tion o'.' the mind. Always speak the truth. Keep good company or none. Make few promises. 1 ,ivc up to your cngngoriienls. Have no very 'intimate friends. Keep your own secrets if you have any When you speak to ii person look him in the face. •as Good coinimny nnd good conversation are the very sinews of virtue. Good character is nbovo all things else. You had better be poisoned in your blood than in your principles. Your character cannot bo csseutinlly injured oxeept by your own nets. If any one speaks evil of you, let your life he so virlious Hint none will believe iiim. Drink no intoxicating liquors. Ever live, misfortunes excepted, within your Income. More are drowned in the bowl than in tlie sea. ' Washington, D. C., MarchAS, I860. Crime In l-pnnsjlvtinln. A Chrimbersburg dispatch of tho 01st givs an account of a horrid outrage com inittod last week: ' On Thursday afternoon last, a little'girl 13 years old and two young ladies, daugh ters of neighboring families, wore ravish ed by a negro. On Friday a negro ID yen'rs old, Unmed NorriS, a native OfChninbers- burg, was arrested, and is now in Jail; charged witli perpetrating these outrages. There is but little doucit of his being the guilty party. List Friday night an effort was made to take Norris from tho jail nnd hang him, no less thnn eight hundred peo ple gathering About tho buildingl Speech es were made by a number of prominent citizens, nnd tlio mob was induced to dis- k.u, mini youngs Indies outraged daughters ot three of oiir most respectable farmers. A i,mi(l YVImle. j No! Two GormansTnul a very- peculiar case | Thu CoUinibu lncourtat NcwYork,histweck, Between the wait, a large l them they lmd invented a whale os targe wlthsome ns life, which they exhibited to tlio public ■ wont to British ! ns a veritable live ontf nt so much admit- 1 reallfce a lrirge lance per head, fournssisturits being pine-' Ulcneo in tlio t ed Inside to work the monster. The dc- starved l ccption wns complete, hut nt the conclusion They could mu of a performance sonic spies in tho audi ence waited behind, aud’observed tltofonr Jonahs emorgo. from the Whale’s belly, wh'croupon they nttneked them and out the whale to pieces. Tho suit was brought liy the manufacturer of the whalo to com pel tho owner to pay for tilm, which the court decided he must do. turn to Georgia, which aud are content to remai remaitader of their lives. . A Woman Xnrg.-i Titov. N.. Y., Mm Can't Volo Tor tlio Negro- It appears there is a general bnlk among tho whiteBndicals of Virginlnnt thonoml- niitiou of Harris, a negro, for Lieut. Gov ernor or Virginlii. Even tho principal newspaper organ of tho Badlcals in Vir ginia,' the Lynchburg Press, refuses to abide by that nomination, and tells tho ne gro Itadicals, “the white people of the North or Hohth will not vote for colored people to fill high offices unless no compe tent whites can bo found to fill them.”— And fitrther: “Wo accord .to you cqunl legal rights, such as wo have now br expect to enjoy. Can you nsk mori; titan this? Surely not ifyou are reasonable,”. . named Mnbb was ini _ Villgao, Saratoga count ing, by a mulatto with t... meriy lived ns n paramour, entered her house arid' asked 1 hcrncek. ThinnurdererlffimedfiL , himself up, anil is hotv in Ballatoii) Gold lii TcnncMiep. Gold lias recently Ihoh" discover, ii in Hawkins oouuty,Tonn., ahontetevcu miles east of Uogeravilto, on tho'sontlrtldo b?llio Hoiston river. Tlio specimens exhibited are saiil to bo of the richest quality; sur passing the celebrated mines of California. A company of. energetic gentlcmori, pos- nroivnloiv’s Tlileveg and Assassins, Tho Avalanche's Brownville (Tenri.) special says a hundred milttinnrrivcd there a day or so ago, After pressing all the horsesXn town, they started for WoodvlUe, where a squAd of militia was fired into a few driys since. It Is reported thnt they destroyed a store, and then Iiad an en counter with some armed men, by which the militia lost fifteen killed. Thta, how ever, is not fully confirmed. Considera ble excitenient prevails In that quarter.— Business is entirely suspended. sesscil of sufficient ter in charge, and wlil ftilly develop' llh capacity of the" mines. Tile Oldest i lly. Damascus Is the oldest city in (he world. Tyre nnd .Sidou havo crumbled; Bualbcc 1 is a ruin;,Palmyra is buried bvifieserf, NlncyaTi aud Jiabylondmvo disappeared' from lira Tigris and Euphrates; Dcma ras remains wiiat ,it was before tlio dai a of Abpihaw—a center,of trade and trawl—. an island of verdure in the desert—“a pres idential capjted,!’ pith martial and daered' associations extending through i hirly cen turies, . • Wlicro tho Hpoclo Oopn. It.seoms that Jfolin Chinninnn Is getting all our gold and'sliver. Every steamer leaving San Francisco takes out-hundreds of thousands. Tile test ono carried 3823,- 000. This has been going on for many years, Spooie goes to Chlua from nil parts of.tlio world, but never returns. It was so with silver before the finding of gold in California, and uow gold goes the same course, ^ , Cmi’l Tills! T!ic A Washington special to t Courier Jburnnl, says it Is understood in h Southern circles of that city, Hint the re cent extensive transfer of troops from dif ferent points is owing to tho discovery thnt the private soldiers cannot bo rcliod'on,to enforce nogro.supremacy in the South, mnt their blficei-s find-their positions very uu- coriiforthnle. A I* re tty Conceit. Itwnsripretty eoncolt of n roirinutiu fath er whose name was llose, and who named his daughter “Wild,” so that she grew up under the appellation of “Wild Hose.”— But the romance of the thing was sadly spotted when sho married a man by tlio unmoor “Bull.” Lost-Her Hoop-Skirt. A few evenings since, with joyous spir its end gorgeously erntyed. I sallied forth with cbnrming Clara, lor a (lashing prom- enndo. Ah, what strains of nmgiu power swell the chord of youthful pride, ns one treads tho walks of fashion with a beauty by his side! Clam, with grace bewitch ing, seemed to trip on fairy feet, nnd eneh passer turned to view us, sailing gladly up. llio street; thrilled this heart, for my loud atlcction’s queen, heating time witli quick est, measure, to her orlnolino. Suddenly my charmer faltered, as ifshockcd by some groat ill, while the anguish of her features, seemed my very sold to still; lightly on my erm she languished, and I cried in anxious fear—spoak, my darling Clara— tell me what’s the matter, dear) Methinks her gentle form grew lesser by the collapse of her gown, ns she sighed in trembling accents, “ Save, my skeleton is down)" Speech or n Tennessee Scalnwes In Con- Kress. “I will stand here, Mr. Speaker,” roar ed Mullins, “ till the Angel Guhrel snaps Ids Inst gun. I will stand here till the E ‘ issants carry me out plccc-mcal through ic key-hole. I will stand hero until the Arolianglo tires the crack of. doom, amid the wreck of matter aud a crush of boards, and Asia tumbles into Africa, leaving the polar star to gleam like the eye of h—I up on a mighty void qf collateral chaos.” A Hoy Mwollows nNnnlte. About six wcoks ago, a son of Mr, F. Burr, who lives near Martinsville, Somer set co., N. J., swallowed a. snako. Tho boy was returning from school nnd stopped to take a drink out n trough. For several days afterward the boy enjoyed his usual health, and then hegan to display an unu sual appetite. His craving for food was incessant aud whatever was placed before him ho devoured ravenously. About a week ago feeling something hi, ills throat which.wns choking him lie put his -linger down and tho snake wound itsOlf around it ami ho drew the reptile out. It meas ured in length nearly two feet. The boy is recovering, After the “firciwow.* 1 Tho New OrloansCresoent, of Saturday, has information from a' highly respectable citizen of Corpus Christ!; Texas, of a ru mored movement on Mexico. Our infor mant says that lie is convinced thntamovc- ment in that dlreoliou will soon bo mndo. Troops are being rapidly concentrated in Texas, nnd it is thought they are lining sent there for the purpose of being ill read iness for a movement on the “heroic land" of Mexico. Additional barracks nnd lios- pitalsnrobcingeonslruetod at Brownsville. Fort Blnggold and El Paso nnd Corpus Christ!, it is thought,.will be the base of supplies. Whether the aboyc surmises nro correct or not, it is true that tfhops are rapidly pouring into Texas, nnd thnt additional barracks and liospitalsarebohig construct* cd at tho points named. An “Oiitrna:o” In Atlanta. The New Era says: Oil Tuesday a wo* mail eamo tq' the olflce of Df. E. ,8, Bay anil asked him to go mil rind seo tier sister who had been shot. into his bug gy nnd took Dr. Westmoroland-wltli hint, and proceeded to where the mother of the girl, Mrs. Wiliams, lived; near the ceme tery. They found the little girl lmd been shot, the hnll entering under tho right shoulder, Uear the bash of the neck, from whence it wnsciit out, Tlio girl wAs about twelve years old. She saifi she, with hor little brother, was in a neighboring wood gattierlug .sticks, when a negro mnn.cnmo up and .ordered them off tho premises.'— The girl refused to go and went on gath ering sticks, wlieiv tho-vlllian drew a pis tol and shot herns abovo stated. After shooting.the child, tho rascal lnndelilscs- enpe, aud 1ms not since been lieiird fnim. It wns one of the mast wanton pieces of barbarism llmt ever eamo to our notice, A l.mlj p. ST. The-Miss V-nn Lew who has boon np- ppiiitcd postmistress at Bichmond, Vn,, was ri Federal spy during the war, nnd is said to-have famished Grant repeatedly with valuable Information. Happiness. Thoro is nothing purer than honesty; nothing sweeter tmuf elinrlty; nothing warmer than'lovo; nothing brighter than Virtue; nothing more steadfast than faith. These united in one form the purest, the sweetest, the richest,' the brightest nnd most steadfast happiness. Tito Great Iiiccmllnry. Tho Washington correspondent of the Louisville Courier-Journal is responsible for the following apocryphal story about the Great Incendiary, Gen. Shermnii: The army ofilcurs here are quite aston ished at General Sherman’s mode of do ing business. An olllccr yesterday called to confer with him ns to breaking up Lin coln Barracks near tho etty, nnd asked him what he should do with'the property.— “Burn it, burn It, sir,” said Sliennari im petuously. “General,'’ said the,ollleor,. “please put yoiir order in writing and I will obey.” “! burnitl”ligrilnex claimed Sherman. The ollicer asked ids written order therefore, when the General asked wlmt was Its vulue. He was inform ed it wns worth .satin,000. “Well,” said Sherman,' “tho fact is this city Is a had place for soldiers, arid I want to get them away from it. You had bf.tler put it up for sale aim clean tl;e tiring opt quick,’’— Subsequently General Emory called to as certain what orders he had for his depart* inent. “Whatdcnarlment?” inquired the Commander-iu-Clriof. “The Department of Washington, D. C.,” said Emory.— “Busted up, busted np, sir, yesterday. I am going to get all tho troops out.” That’s wliat'he used to say down hero in Georgia, “bum it, burn it. ’’ . M'nl()ng Tor Dinner. ’How much longer, waiter,” ns&d q fete m5enev‘lo n YV«;i,inX y n WU1 unlawful interval ensued. Tim whiter continue their journey to Washington. wa8 again summoned. On this occasion 7 . lie escorted his guest to tho window.— iihmio inland. >£ook into tho yard* ycr honor. D'ye Lyman Tierce has been nominated for seo that* old cock thoroV Well; I've been Ciitmn Atnilrs. Tlie New York Herald says, parties have arrived here who came from Havana on the steamship Liberty to Baltimore, leav ing Cuba March 12, and bringingsomo In telligence from Cuba, which indicates a dif ferent state of affairs from that which Is generally sent by the cable. It is stated, that ill spite of the continued assurances of tho Spanish- otficinls that tho government troops arc gaining OTery. battle fought with the insurgents, in nearly every collision that has occurred tho latter have hnd the advantage. They state that every Cuban by- hirih isdetermined toget rid of thp yoke of the government, and those who nro too old to assist actively in the field nro com trlh'uting a great portlon of their wealth in aid of tlio rebellion, ' file hatred of the Cuban against the Spapirird is intense, caused by the policy hitherto pursued by the government toward the. natives. rxcrnvilffniicc Ih New York. The New York Metropolitan Ilccbrd says: There never was a,lime in (lie histo ry of this oily when oxtmvugnnco Wns car ried to such n.dizzy height as now. Not in dress atone, hut in houses, in carriages, In horses, in entertainments, in halls, in parties,-In every way in which riioucy can bo expended; It, Is poured oqt like water. Tho result is dress, without taste, homes Without happiness, anil social intercourse without enjoyment. Tho extravagance of tlie women is, indeed, saddening to con 7 template. Exorbitant prices aconsked ami cheerfully given fur:dress,.white diamonds and jewelry cost a fortune. Some of our. fashionable belles have their dresses im ported ready made from Fai'is, copied ex actly In its minutest details from the court costume of the Empress Eugenie und the ladies of her conrt. Not Much Difference. Governor by the Ijemocrats of Rhode chasing him for tho laet hour, and when I ed m tho new ono to bo Submlttod *by*tho ev^vvlfnes^cfa^ubbo e^ciftim^rcnlicd 0 InnH. catch him yer dinner will be ready.” Reconstruction Committee. "No,bull 1 ’ Gov. Diilloek In IVa.lifngtnn. In the Washington dlspqtehes'of Jhe 23d, to tlie Louisviilo Courier-Journal, Wo tirid the following; Governor Bulloek, of Georgia, is here working actively with tho intense Hndicnl faction lo tear up tho present government in that State, and have Congress remand it to a territorial condition. Of course BuUock is to bo tho head with unlimited power of appointment and removal. An other point lio is striving for is to be em. powered to declare martial law ovor nnri portion of the State, so us to rim t ho State machine nftcr the Brownlow stylo, The Georgia hill issetfor Thursday. Itisccr- t»in that that portion of. the old bill declar ing tho nets oft he late Georgia Legislature inoperative, null and void will bo etnhrac- Orilovln Culm. There is a terrible fuss in Cuba, says the Macon Telegraph, hut if they will send over tliree or four of tho old Confederate Georgia regiments, with Gen. Gordon at their head, they will cloAriso things out and restore quiet in a month. nun over l).v n Velocipede. An.lrislunan, at St. Louis,' lyas run over by a velocipede the other day on the side, walk, Hw'overinghimaclf,lio said, “Wliy don’t you drive yobr domued horse In the sthreel?”. I’blllleol Dlinbilltlen. Gen. Butler gave notlco hi tlio House op tlio 23d, pf Ills intention to introduce a bill to remove disabilities from ovrry man now loyal to tho Union regardless of past offen ces. The Athens Post says, if the Gencr- eral will stick to that arid carry it orit, he may keep tho spoons. Violation.. A little while boy, who sold apples and peanuts in tlie building appropriated to tho mootings of tbo North Carolina House, has booh removed by. thn “Heu.” K, Mil ler, Criegre) doorkeeper of tho IIouso afore said, whoset up a stand for himself. This is against.iho now'Constitution, which abolished ull distipcllous of raco and col or. ' Got Hln Rownrtl. Gen. Joseph FoKnipc, who was one Of Uip first tq respond to tho call of President Lincoln for three months troops td put down tiie .rsbelhon, -and fought through tho war, .has been .it-movctl from tlio post- ofilco at narrisburg and a babbling Bndi- cal put in iris placo. Geq. Knipo is the first imui romovod from oflico In Pennsyl vania by Grant's administration. <oolt ’ Tin’ son brilcv. JlreMpniaguercsidiug at Whltewatrir, Wiscdnsth,' ivasilellvering a college valedictory address, a short time ago, when in taking Irishandkerchlcffrom iris poeket.'ho pulled out n pack of cards wlticli fell to the floor! “Hullo,” he ex claimed, “I’vegot on my father’s coat." The worthy divine, ivho.snt In front of ills promising son, was more contrised than his son. v’.r*: .-V'-* 'xr». riniiGiern Kirnrllios. The New York Herald, of tile lllli says; Snuthcrn securities were, |n general, higher and firm in tono through n sympa thy, more or less defined, with Govern ment bonds. The Southern States nit man ifested a disposition to pass a' law requir ing agents of outside,ftlauiance companies to deposit state bonds as security with tlio State authorities. The demand which tills measure lias and will crentO for Southern bonds is another sourco of strength’in tlio market. ■ .. A DevoluHoti 111 11m Freight ; Tlio Nnsliville Press learns that tho rail road companies whole lines center hvNash- vilta intend holding a convention in April, for tlio.purpose of devising measures for doing away with “expressing” altogether, the outline of the plan whioh they propose is to take all sorts of freight at theirsever- al offices, and deliver; itiifits destination at Uio.usual schedule rates.- . HriiliiK Filling. -An English writer, referring to'tho re tirement of President Johnson, says: “His bitterest enemies hriyc riot imputed to him llu!fhuItofanltclilngpa|nv;.ftndyctamong American politicians, palm’s do Hell most damnably,”. A Kbltkoapeare NUbIHI)- AllerOil. Shakes|K)aro slightly, altered. "Oh, Romeo; WhereforonrHhoullomso?’ i Thou lov’stme not, or thou wonld’ststny ntho-me-o; ■ Tlio babe is sqilalling for his dad.e-o, An endless riuisnnee to.lils inammy-ov Bo, Romeo,-cense thee now to ronm-o-o, And hie thee ns a dove to lio-mo-o. I.oiilsliiim. Tlio Now York World says tho pretend ed Governor of Louisiana has signed tho mixed-school bill. This is .a mensure of “perice.” The little wooBhcndsare pigged in alongavith finxen-curis, and tlie white nmn-foots tho bill. Now York Dry Goods market. The following was the. state of tho dry goods market in New York on the 24th Inst.: Dry goods—all classes of goods are soiling nt low and unprofitable rates. Ad- rlandoe prints are down to 8}c. Brown Cottons—Massachusetts B12J; No other change. .. , ■/ _ - .loii’swn Of iiUJob losl, l,i» lilstory tctls as nluln. fiort kRvu him rlouhlo portionM buck iiu uin Goil aid not t*ko hii plntfuey wife—’Us tru [ once saw a marriage." TJtc 5T«yy Npnnlsh Ciovcrumcuf. Tlio Cories lias at last agreed upon a form ol' governmeut. A king whose ten ure shall bo-eighteen yenrs„a Constitu tion, Congivss, etc. The Church und State to he separate. This will be a deci ded improvement upon the old govern ment, which ita«' noted for ite imbecility, intolcraueo and bigotry. Tho xvny fche done It. Tliefe is an old lady in Lvtichhufg, V:i., who says she mmlo.a'pair of socks lust fif teen years by merely knitting feet to them every winter, iiud legs every other winter. That old soul is a genius, and no mistake! Kwollow a Fat I All Irisliinan called in great liaste upon the doctor, saying: “Bo- labors, my boy " ' )?" . ' i Tim lias swiillowed a mouse ?” “Tlien-, be JalieiB,” sold Aliernetliy, *■ tell your bfty Tim to Swallow a eat.” Negro Outrages. The. following from a Pennsylvania pa. per is enough to, chill the blood of-overy - true mdn, yet tho ne^ro ' worshiping dev ils, up there jmss it by, as if there aras not a sjaric of manhood in them. Oil, Lord! canst thou not visit a nferitod punishment upon the ravagers of these unprotected females? ' A negro reconliy violated llireev in nil tlio lladical journals outrages three'white girls in tli tho offence is passes.! over without ran- ~ ft Young; Auiorfcu. on Ills Trivvcl-. ‘A riewshoy 'jufit'orrlved in l curiosity ns a specimen of