North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, April 08, 1869, Image 3

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NORTH QliOROlA CIT1ZKX, 'm^rnrATwiinN. ii. >t 'rmntsiuv, KulwcrlplT : Al'Utl. A IM>. i lloltlirN |icr Vi'iir, l imr < ; (i|>lrn Nix llollnra, In Advnnro, To t'orroHIloiMlpiilH. Mlt*x I„ S. W.—ll Is not our limit. W roRt'ct It very imu'li clmngi'to Urceii Hush- It. ,t!i II. U.. Mimunmlli, til.—Suuli coni' jiiitiritii lire ittttni'ious—iv[E i1o imyllilnK to remedy; Tile “IVeiw" story Is n IHlirleir (loll llifurmnlloii tHjino lies splendid. We will answer any qner- rles wltlilll one power. "JqcniN" Mas lieen to Town. Oar verdant yonnjt Mend entirely nils, construes thi' Intention of onr “Timely Wai'nlnei’’ latt wo think It has laid Its ef fect, and lot' tlio amusement of the tiling, puhllsh Ids letter, excusing Ids Vel'dan- ey and hope the girls will, also: MIMT.n KtisV.i'Ai'im Man—I take my ™‘’VV 1 !• J : |ion In hand to let yn no I am wel, and I " i w ,,„| (o t„wn totlicr day tn take mummy’s -that would ivmedy „„ ^ K , t C r R um eolty. I dm. _ , iiurtv well In ml Iradlll, an wns tldiikln yn idh U.-.such eon.., ; vllli -.|te clever fellers In town i.ner nul. . h,i .... « duallyth ng o [ W( , ri , Ktaiidlnon yer purlyhrlek walkwn emedy. 1 lie “ Verse’’ story Is a lahr ea-, (( ^ , u Hg Imoses lon-ndId as a land.. It 1 nmt fu , t t |,|pg 1 node I seed 2 taruashm. iiforniatlon „ our nexl. let he . to . ^ dl)wn w „ lkwn . f bine and sallsly themselves. ,,, sl |m, k utelil a llUl,—fust at faces Tile Fruit. Ill onr last we were vain enough to pro diet a splendid crop of that most delirious an then at tiler llkli.s, an I tel yu, tlmlind lots on rlh, and It moiit he I poped at tiler fete, when a clerk feller wlml stays In a hrlek storehous, a 111lty sqeelulall tookln hap, with a rltltl pen jsddtid Ills eer. and IValt—thf pencil, .V thiv cold nights this |,i s hare so slick a III emleiit llto on It, an ik, we fear, Imvu materially.changed Ids hoots was hlnck as a molasses pnddle; Bprostieels; hut IVoui personaloxandnii- lio moshimed nietu emu In thai'l so in I tlou we llnd that all was not killed—prop- [ goso'. Says he. yu musciit Ink at the gals EXI'.UTIVK XOTMT.N. 4 i” ttXttCiTIVH NOTICIIN. ■ r™ . t VIII4 Killin’ I « ATI. A NT A (’Alt DM. (OFFICIAL.) l , r»elniitafloii»*H.i,mio Howard t STATE OF UKUUCllA, By Hfrr# ll. JleuorK, Governor of until Wlioreu*, Oil Friday, lliu lit It titty of Mureli. ItiNfitid, oho July Mart (lit n hoy of •eventoeti your* oruge, wn*, under uiul by virtue ofit war- runt. urrested nnd (ofFlCIAL.) ICXHITTIVK DKIWnTMEXT, ) Atlnntii, (iu M Mureli 24, isni*. { OuiiKRKh, That T. Hnrtley, Esq,, he, unit lie Ih ln*rc}1»yappointed Inspector of lllxctv for tlif’county or by virtue of the power mulur ,.„at»v v11-1no oru war- “ ml tttttiiorlly vested In mo l»y nit net entitled ", 11 ,u,u,, > ' mMU oiuwut | “ittt uut to protect tlio planter* oft It In Statu from 1>1ii«mmI in poullnemont In tlio : Imposition In lhu*ulu of Fcrtllizvrs^-^HffittVOti VUVWVWUSM. coniityjitll or Miirruy county nt Spring Place, In | if, iwft , inly, toaiviill iMveMHu'illn'i nriinotllmse 'U®®jVonlre(t8^fiS. n |M l !ltlaX with which ho NtniHtolmrgoth which Invostlgn- | • tint tiny uud yenrilnd njl^vi^rlttcii. ttoil wit* set down for Uiu Mutiduy iicxtcusulngt nml Whereas, tho key* of said Jail were In posse*- hlon ofH. ll. MeC'iimy, Jullnr of mild town nmt county, who, ut or nbout the hour of ulovou o'clock on theutixht ot nntd Friday, the 12th In- ntuiit, wiih nrotaedhy the clmnor* of t II. Itri.I.UCK, (Jove IVAHDI'TIVK MM AltTMr.M. I Atlmitii, (Jcnrulu, Mureli 13, twill. \ •, That Mr. A. H< Wliltuker he, mid he thni'lr.ed mid iiuiuwful ttody of inuHked *nnl bliei-Hiy nppoluted liiKpe«Morof Fei'tlllKerRfi. lie, nrountllig loudutl plitols st | ihocoullly ,.r<'■nn l .1>.'ll. by vlrluebflllo |imru I lie porsbn ofsnhl sleCiuny, Jailor ns oanesuia, i ,t„ui,',rliy vrstoil tn imiliy 101 Act tmili li'ii Olil ileinmul bl'lilio llimlellvury to Uii'lll of III" to |>rutOOI lliu plulllers „r llils Slulil keysofUiesaUIJulIt olid 'from IiiiiiohIiIoi, In l lit* tinle of rerllllsfrs"—up- lily one-half. Everything else looks ns . |',.te, What’s the reason J Jmisn’t, T; and he glv mo a misepaper an (old me III ivdeit, an I red that ai' rtliu vvlint the gills Mali and green ns a grass lawn hi May, I To Uriel. Moke { The proprletom'if the “l'ra.iklli. Ilrlek ”«} «»»«'"* »«’>« t# 1 " ^ •»“ Maeldrn"’ advertised In this paper, oll'crs «'"l 1 w>u. di.sMr. I.oealhav to tent its merits on tlio |)tirclmsm yanl, ‘l 1 <l0 ’ * ,u "Imt t1»a call ri'ipili'lng no pay until his guaraidees „re ^^ then Ij^l ll, wlnkln nml f js'i'forined. This Is nil mmsiiiil opportn- K 1 'l* m l" at tnther feller, nml 1 Ilioght ho . lilty for onr hrlek makers to gel ‘ ‘"" 1 machine wlthmil risk. eta superior wer green, nml Ieft 0|ll. Xow. mister lo- ! eal, as (ha call yu, that's a Imcklhery over 1 my pcrsllidn. I never Inked nl town gnls feie nfore, and I never seed gals Used up Thisoldnndrellnhlenewspapcr,publish- ,| 1|lt ' w , iy u „tl,or; I ivekln If I wer 41 by l,'ol. Jlio. II. C'rlsty, the Imlefatiga- 1(1 M , i’,| look agin—I eildllt help it; Tile Noutliern M'Alelllimil. hie newspaper man, mil iti a new , ()n|(t „„ wll „ r , p,,? r ,. H oo the gals in our dress,looklngaotVesliaiid hi lglitusniiiom- t i f du,rlmd clout have short cotes and party III lie liest tiling we can savtor |' lx | n „. |,„| n mi d n t pnrlieidar aliont tiler tin* Colonel is, Hint after being Congress, he couldn*t get in. iicidli of n Venerable .linn. SUiirl Hose, sa\*s lliu Atlanta Constitn- fete—I’ve seed cm kick the cows when tlm wndnt stand stilat milkin time, and tote i chips In they frocks til. Them nr gals sod n gild ele about ther eapaeety an 5 \\on, tlu; vetenm neWHpa|K»r man of Mil- about local hahitashuns. («ewhillko, Is eon died Suuda s v last from IVneumonia in yer name lncal lmhltnshun tu; well mister the 70th year of his ngc. He had resided local hnhltnshun, youre n smart ntau I ih Macon from “time immemorial and Ids reck in—yon ve got such a big name, and hamewasasfamilliaras house-hold words” yu no wBut eorporit capacity is hut idont in that city, lie was a bright Mason and and i dont no what harry uuthius without Craud Sccn*tnry of the fJmnd l.odj the time of his death at a local hahitaslum is; hut yu town foke ! lmv a hepe of things we dont; an i reckin It saddens our heart to record the death j ifc 1 ! ,s ' v,,, b i’jf H ,( ,n ar town gals lmv a P . . , r ..... grate clump of Imre on ther beds as big as of this good man, and impu. m.> forcibly , ni0 ur gals lmint got hut jest upon our mind the truth nt “all tlm^ls S i little topnot. t dont see iutu It; but I good is passing aw: Hnsiness was retain its cause tlm 11 v in town. If tlm nearly entirely suspcmlc.l, nml the at'orca jM»k the emitry hoys .lout mi tljffbiUlmy , i 5. \r * . i e i.iu fete and ankles tlm a re mi ty out of It, for closed u» Mmron, on the occasion of his mammy and nancy jane have a •death., than which no higher tribute could hepe longer stoekens than me an da(lv, an paid. if tlm niut got fete what do tlm want with cm? lint I must stop mister local lmhlta- slum. 1* must rite soon. Yodm til deth .1 HUMS 8. (|. e. (il.lUUAUUU-:. Xow Yorlc llantwnro llowxo. Mr. A. .1. Bankston, (piite a gentleman hud a good judge of— well you can judge for yourself, as he advertises that Shellmr, Smyth iS: Co., of New York are extensive importers of Hardware, There is nothing like tradeing with a big house, where you , , .. , ,.. . , I.,,,. . ’ and treats on sub eels adapted to this soil can make better selections and buy cheap- i •' 1 . .. v r I.. tvSi i. ami ehnmte« A very notable feature is the Whereas, thnnitflt ffcar, tbcHubt Jailor ilM de liver mild key* to tlio mild iimiutborlxeil and »»• law fill bund o t iimskmt and armed men, who upon mi nil delivery did open and enter said Jail, mid forblbly and unlawfully *el*e and take therefrom tile said July Marlin uud carry him olTi nml Whereas, on (ho Saturday morning next sue. reeding hi Id Friday, 1 ho body of said July Mar tin was discovered dead, hanging by tltfl neck from tho.ltmhofu tree; and Whereas (lie Coroner'* Jury Impannoled to pronnunct*upon tlioeauHeof death of the mild July Martinttlil rendern verdict lliiit hucamo Ills death through bunging by noiiiu person or rson* unknown: , therefore, I, Hufu* 11. Bullock, On proved September 17, IfW, (itven under my hand and the Soul oflhoKxpe. utlvo Depnrtment. nt the t.'aplnd In Atlanta, rtlrsl nhovn written. Atluutu. tluorgla, Mureli Util, W>. S Ounp.itcn, That JiwopliT. Montgomery, Ksq., he. and ho U hereby appolutod luspeutorof For- tillxer* for tin* county of Cobh, by virtue of tlio power and authority vented In me by an Aet entitled “An Aet to protect the planters of tills State from Imposition in the sale of lertlllxers" —approved September 17, ISO*. Dealer In' Boots, Shoes, SoIc-iiOnthcr, etttiixii’txmxas. ivrc. Jsaf keetw const nnliy ini hUnd a vefy 6xtanjtVb and i’ll Is pur •leeted stock, wide KXCLt’SlVKI.Y FOB CASH DtllKCT, FIIOM TIIK f j* Special Attention (liven to Order*, Km pi re IBook, Whitehall Street, feh-ly Atlnntii, ticorgln. ! purls oft ! illld elfeetWo ,V FOH o«H. '' AMolhcb'm; : MANt’tr'Al’Tt'HItlt!’. I !!rIbolKiraStf, ulty,-t have been found ents, whleh ueiitralli SiirsiipiirUIn, mid oft of III" patient. Ills | 'TlVhis tlio pure and g . loot,and will, on trial, Ij tain nmt perfect cure of t plaints! CIIKW, P ,m ” ***’’*" ? Atlanta, (iuorgla, BoolcBolloro,Publi8hor3 & Stationers. ItlHiik Hooks, Music, Album*. Miscellaneous Hooks, Hymn Book*, Bibles, kept coiiHtuntly * * ibund. Of this State* uiid Commamlordn-chtof of rto j writ it u.iy ipniiiT, ins, in j, iioiiunii, ,i,,n, ,, ji rd of ft vc TltottMtllitl DoIJnrsfor tJionp- j 1 • HimKNHlVA ivhloli pi'etlOIIBlOII, with tho conviction oft In* person or persons perpot in ting the murdcrubovomentioned, 'Mvon under my hand and the great Seal of the tlie Capitol. In the city of Atluutu. \ Q nt>) i, See. K.t. Department. Dealers Ut - Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils WINDOW (]I.ANN, VUTTV, KTC. We nro agent* also for TIIK MASON AND HAMLIN OUOAN, And keep speelmen* of Style* on hnnd. Have, also, tliu Improvement—vox iivmaxa—won. derful addition* Declared by prominent Mitalnlans lo he the greatest improve, mcul on Musical Instrument* that ha* bocn mudo for years. Tho most choice collection ofOu. Pictciik*, CiiuoMos und LiTiiooiiAril I’niNT* that has ever been brought to this market—selcolod the Ciinlltil. In Dm city or Atlanta. | OnuRntaT That A. W. Ilurwood, Kmj.. he, and our' o'ie tliousaml'elglit hundred and j H hereby uppMlnlod Inspector of Fert Hirers sixty-nine, andI of the Imicpemleneo of the for the county ofdly United States the nlnely-l bird. UfFfs il. BULLOCK, Secretary of State. KxKrfTivi: Drr.MiTMKXT. t Atluutu, (hi., Mureli ID, I SOI*. \ n* lib Lawful DchUty, Kiehmoud .Mary I mid runner. Thisngricnlttmil Journal fur April Ison onr table, mid a most liouutilul specimen it It is emphatically n practical Journal, Some of onr host merchants trade with this house, we understand. liefeuted hut not lllsemirngeil. The working men have organized a par ty in Atlanta, which the (\in*titution seems Milch lo deplore. They brought out a Candidate for Justice of the Peace, last Saturday, who was defeated; hut nothing shortness and pointedness of its articles. Published by S. Sands Mills & Co., Balti more, at the low price of 81.50. A large lot of ready-made clothing just veeived and for sale bv S. C. CltOZIKK. To I be Slierltf, County : WbDreus, on the 10thday of February, A. D. IStifl, I'rlscillu Lee was hrought before W. Mil. (Bln. Just lee of the Pence in and for the couni j of Blehinond, upon atlldavlt of one George W Hrmidhurst.charged with Iheolfenseof lureenj and wit* then und there, for said oBeium, nfte having waived an Imlietmeiil by the Grand Ju ryofRuld county oflllchinond, sentcueed tola |iuprl*otied In tho common Jail of the eoimty o Ulelunond, and to he employed at hard labor on , the public works for the ‘ *' uud upon discharge therefrom lo pay all costs oi proseciitlon and Jail fee*, and Whereas, A pul It Ion signed by the Hon. W. MlloOHn,theoilleer presiding ill said trial as aforesaid, has been presented tome, recommen ding favorable action in her ease uud asking the remission of Hie unexplred part of the said term of imprisonment, sidling forth thid Mr.Robert Douglass.a I'espeetalde citizen unity of Richmond feels desirous for mutton of the said Priscilla Leo, and Is willingtoglveher permuticht employment: * horeforo,considering this to be a proper i Kxeeutlve Interposltlrtn mid helluvlng i Hint the ends of Justice la her ease have been i attained by the piiuishmeiil already la tile ted j Ordered, That life Mild Priscilla Lee he, and She Is hereby fully pardoned oftheoircnse w llli whirl) she stands charged, that tho unexplred in of imprisonment, together with nil cost-* j I Jail fees la and by I lie said sentence Impose I ns aforesaid upon the said Prlsellhi Leo lie, | I tile Mime are hereby remitted, and that she : forthwith diseharged and set at lllierty. . eu under my hand and I lie Seal of the Kxee- ' ullve Department, at the Capitol. In Atlanta, : , hv virtue of the p< ad authority vested lit me by nit Aet entitled ! All Act to protcet the planters of tills hlnlo ! •mu imposition In the sale of Ferllllxers"—up- j roved September 17, Ih.s, Iven under my bund and the Seal of the Kx- I eittlve tile t'apltol. In Allan- viuid year II r*t BUFI S II. BULI.DUK. lu, the du.v By Hie ( KlOKNK D March D-lt. ivrltten. , See. Kx. Department. Iokk Kx At. | : Di:e.MiTM«:> is her Atlanta. Georgia, Mureli tail, JHiW. n, That Dr. James II. Price, he, uud ho appointed Inspeetorof Felllllxcr* for the county of Terrell, by vlrlue of tlio ( power and authority vested in luehy tin Act entitled •*Au net to protcctjtho planter* of till* Statu of three mouths, J from linposltlon in the sale of fertilizer*"—up- 1 September 17, 18iJS. under my liaud|and the Seal of the K; Atln.da llouiestlc Miirkcf. The following tire Hu* ruling prices (lamiU'd, called athdi'tlii^till'll mni'ctilin'- AtlanUi, «p tn (lit- .'itlinl' Api'U.furniillcd ugh nml compact organization iti the lit AVe say, go il hoys! Jx*t us onei • out in our might all over the conn by /!» T. Cox & Bro.. bants of that city: Corn, per bushel, 02(« OH; Wheat, white, trv anti sweep tletnagogueistn, petlv-fog- per bushel, $2.00 to8*2,10; Tenn. red. 81.BO Klim mid all tlu- ntliiT isms Into tlio dim to W.00; live, por Inisliol, *1.23; Outs, |wr hit she!, ji"i to Hlk-ds; Hour, Sttperllne, fier past. Keep the iron hot, the sparks will kindle a llatne that will light ns on to vic tory and prosperity. Too little has this large class of our best citizens heretofore Itcen honored in the public places of State stud Government. But the time is mining sack, os lhs, 81 to 84; Kxtra. 84J lo 80; Family, 851 to8‘».75; Bacon. Sholders, per lh, La’ls; (,'lcarsides, into DVls; Hams, is to (H'ets; Lard, in lhs.. 10 to tOJcts; in tirkins IDA to20cts; Beef, gross. Acts; but ter. 05 to '-JOcts; Kggs, |x*r dozen. Bltol4c; Beeswax. 05 to JJSets; Onions, jter bushel, when they, and tlirike who join the phal- 81.25 to 81.75; Tenn. Irish potatoes, per anx, will override all other parties. Such ! bushel, HJ-oto 8L50;J? ieltl lVas. red,Jht an organization, with intellect, honesty and industry for its guide, would, we are sure, do more to harmonize the e tun try than anything else. (Ircid licnicdlcx. bushel. 81.10 to 81.15; White, 81.20 to 81.25; Chestnuts^iM'r bushel, 80.50 to81.: Green apples, per barrel, 80.00 to 8^.00; Dried, per Ih. I to He; Peaches, peeled, IH to 20c; unpeeli’d. H to Be; Drv Hides. 20 to 2.*c: 4-t Sheetings, jH*r yard. 10 to 10e; 7-S Shirting, per yard. !4*to 11 i ets: Cot We wish to call the attention of our ton Yarns, per hunch, §2.00. readers to the advertisement headed the Six Greatest Remedies of the age, read litis column and see the genuine certifi cates from reliable person lie added if there was room. Tonic is a never failing cure for any case, of Chills Jt Fever or Fever A Ague if used Ly directions. Htirly's Popular Worm I'isliorumti'N Kui|ioritim. Joseph F. Veal. Home, Ga., has just re- reived and isoflering on the most reasoiui’ nmre would |,] t , a lurge and most excellent assort- ilurly sague „ M ,„t 0 f Fishing tackle, silk, grass, cotton, trout and trot-lines, Limerick hooks, sink ers. lishing-rods, corks, seinc-eord. and rything else in that line which can he Candy is tlio best for children known, and mentioned. He has, also, a large Jewelry and China establishment. .See his adver tisement, and give him a trial. so pleasant to take that children will cry for it. “Head’certilleateinadvertisement.’ Also Iln rly’s Sarsaparilla is the. purest and linittm Domestic Market, itest made, and none equals it for impurl- The following the quotations at ties of the blood or renovating the system which the articles mentioned below art from whatever cause. 11 u rlvV Stomach selling at to-day, the 25th: Bitters need only he tried to become the most popular Bitter known, it is also pleas ant as a beverage and conducive to health. Dr. Sea brook's Infant Soothing Syrup we tire told by those that have used it< is bet ter than any other that they ever tried*— Dr. Seabrook's Elixir of Iron and Bark is the most pleasant and reliable remedy of Butter, 50; chickens, 25;*Salt. 82.00; Ba con, 15 to 17cts: Beeswax, 50; Ooll’ce, 50 to 55ets; Meal 85cts; Feathers. HOcts; Flour. 85 to 80.50; Corn 75cts; Wheat, 81.00 to 81.00: I lav, 81.00 to §1.25; Imrd, 20cts; Peas, 8L00; Potatoes, 82.50. utlve Department, ut tlicCupItul lii.Atlatitn, '*• ‘ nl y«*iirahov)i writ ten. HI FUs ll. BUJJ.OCK, Governor. i, See. Kx. Department, thoHay By the Gov Mureli i>Mt. IX STOCK I 20,oui) poumU White Lcml, fioo boxes French ITImlow Uhi*^ 2000 Gallon* pure I.tiiHeeil Oil, 20 hurrol* Tanner* Oil, AW barrel* Non-Kxplo*lveCout OIL lo Burrel* Pure Lard (Ml, AH kind* of Machine* Oil, Pure RrundlcH, wine* and Liquor*, Genuine Lorrllhtrd'* Snuff. AH tliu popular Patent Medicine*, und « thing usually kept in a FIRST CLASS DRUG 1IOUSK, Having recently lidded n lurge iiRHortmrnt of Imported and Aiuerieuu Good* to olit* g»'ln'fal atoek. wu are offering Hpeulul inducement* in ('u*h Pureha*er*. ncmvixi: a fox, Corner Whitehall uud Aluhiimu street*, Atlanta, Georgia, telor*, Italian string*. Miihlenl liistru- Cnl*,and merclirttidDe of every description ,-Uu*rallvlolMj found lu a flr*t-olin»* Music store We would especially rceotiiihcuu fliUHiiperlor milke and flue tone o'f c buy Send for o ... Book Ll*t of Sheet MiinIo, and lllii-l ruled Catuloguu of Plano*—furnished post iMild ou nppllentlon. We iiMHuru tho Puhllo that onr price* nro ah w av* tlio same us tho publisher'* or umnufau- turor'H. Wo buy direct und sell ut short profit Magazine*) Music tool Book* houiul on short ifollee, nml raisoimblc term*. vofy-! ( lAIII’DTN ! OIMT.OTjlN ! or ull kliid* and Qualltle* ut Cluuuhdrllu & Bpynloji’H DHY GOODS AND CAUPKT STORE, Atlanta, Georgia. October 20. '(Ki-ly Kx l.rivrt DKrAnTMKXT, I , Atlanta, On., Mureli I. ISM. \ \ OunKiiKO, That Dr. Ilobt. J, Massey he, nml j he Ih hereby nppoluted Inspector of Fertilizer* ' for the county of Fulton, by virtue of the power ami authority vested lu mu by nil net entitled I "An Aet lo protect the planters of this Slate from Imposition In the sale of Fertilizer*"— j approved September R, IHitt*. Given under uiy hand and the Seal of the Kxe- thet'iipllol,In Allan. pAOITOI. I ii. IMIl'U N’l'OII,:. UllADl’IKLl), Drugs,Pjiints,Oils,Dye,Stulls AND PATENT MEDICINES. Also, Wholesale Agent I" P ICO PI I ITT'S U KM EDI F.S: tn, the day; By the Got Kvokm: Davis, Secretary K. r tin rill i Kx Prophltl's Liver Medicine*, Prophltt's Pain Kill ll, Prophltt'H Antl-Ilillio ’ nil*. the day rltti Bytbet It. BULI.O lie Is llervn for the eon • Kxeeutlve Department. By Rufus 11. ltuUoeh.Gov. of said State: Whereas, Doctor George W. Darden was ar •hied l»y the low ii Marshal of I lie tow n of War •atoii. in the county of Warren. In lids Slate Dki 1 a IitM f.xt, ) Aiinnta. tin., February 2A. isi». ^ n. That Dr. Edward Seexla* he. and by appointed Inspeetorof Fertilizer* •f Thomas, by virtue ortlic pow. er and authority vested In me by an net enll. tied "An Aet to protect tho planter* of till* Slate from Imposition In the sale nr Fertilizer*" —approved September 17.1 AW. GD'un under my hand ami I he Seal of the Kxe npltolin Allan- The die idles the day r first ala Hite HI'Fl's 11. ni l.Lnt K.Gove utury Executive Depu eorge IV. Durdei Atlanta, Ga.. Ke . of O. S. Prophltt, M. j D.. need no reeomiiiemlatloi|.TIidr well known 1 power lu removing thedlnease* peculiartoour Muitheru ellumte. having already established | for t hem tut enviable reputation lu Georgia ami , Hie adjoining States. As the majority of per- i sou* living In the South ure pre-dlsimsed to . disease of the Liver, it Is grunted by all Intel- i llgent physician- tlmt most of tin* luilm* nml i aches of our people are duo lo organic or func tional derangements of that important organ. Prophltt's Anli-IUIIious Pill* ami Ltvei Medi- I elite strike directly at the root of tliuevll. They I cure tlm Liver, which, In ulnceusu* out often, . I* the hottotu of the Coughs. Dyspepsia, Colic, , sick Headache. Itheuiiuitlsm. Constipation. Menstrual tlbstruction*, etc., so common among Our people. Kamelie. Toothache. Anite Itheiimalisiii, Neuralgia, ami bodily pains or .every kind, lieu before PIIOPIIITT'S PAIN i Kll.f, Pi', likeehuirheforc tlm wlml. L. II. BIIADF1KLD, **’—lesnle Agei ‘ * ed Kan OUIt stock of Curputs. Oil Cloth*. Bugs, Mats, Ottoman*. Window Shades, laice uml " ask Curtain*, Table or Plano Cover*, nml article belonging to a FIRST CLASS CAUPKT AND FURNISHING STORK, I*eomplctc, nt price* LOWER than they purchased clscwhureIn till* Stuto. Our Stock of 11UY UOOIlMJs complete lu every department. Dress Good*, Ltneu*, Cassimeres. Cloth*, Tweeds, Jeans, Kcr*eys. Domestic*, Blanket*, Flannel.*. Hoop Skirts, Halmnral and Boulevard skirt*, Sliuw Is, Clouk*.llo»lery,Nollon*, Gloves, Ribbon*. Luces, Trimmings, uud every thing usuully kept In u First Class Dry Goods Store! Call and examine, ami sullsty yourself as to quality of Goods and the low price I’JI v \i ut.* III. tv .(• I Affi.'vlloii of Hie lloite*. Hi .. Dehlllly. Dhetisesof Hie Kidney*. D; pepsin, Erysipelas, tcuialelrreg. ukirltles, Fl*tuln. all skin DIscaM'*. Liver Complaint. , ludlgeslfon, Pile*,- . Pulmonary. ( l)tseu»e*. Scrofula or King s l.vll.- T I'. OCtWER & CO., lV.ltim, llu. Ip nr.KY'H .vOuwtonic. l'Ettr'ECTCT It l;f.f A fir.E, only f.’liH'ify for Clltttit anrf Pnver or Ann.' nmt t’cvrr Hint In or fait tin aunt'iM- etl upon Is Hurley's Ague Tonic. There have been thouHumls cured by using it, who liayo tried tho usual lemedlv* without hcnOfll. Worthy of Atltntion. To Dr.Tho*. A. Hurley: ... I hereby ecrtiry that Uurlttg last yen* I was attacked with the Ague wjdlst In Vicksburg, MI**., and used several popular medicines with but tcuiporury relief. On reuching homo tliu returned lu when my medical uttem lu largo (loses—froqui iter day, ami which must iloo, found he preset " - * blued. Willett I type, impossible. refused to lake, preferring to let the disease Hike It* course. 1 was almost bloodless, extremely exhaust od, and promnme-' ed w Itli enlarged Liver und Spleen/. Ahontjlhls t line the ad vert Isemont of Hurley’* Ajjuo Tonlo iippcnrM In a city paper, irrfd 1 determined to give It n trluh I did no, nml have no i-cunon to regfet It; Hue h6Ulo resloTCd ison .v-.w ... -i emupletely, iiihI since that thhu I have seen nearly a hun dred cases In which Itactcd with equally liap- sl would certainly recommend 1* pv result*, nml would certainly recommend it ns prefeniido to un'y other tonic Jtoforo tlm puli- He. Jamk* MAtiTix, Engineer. KW&W* Co., BViMwW; D.Tlton, Georglu/ rpo THE l.ADIKs! 3Indiiinn A. Urnminilltjr, Wishes lo inform her Lady friends and the piddle generally t hat she lias returned from N. York with a lull stock er FANCY VARIETIES t Such n* Dres* Trimmings, Knit uml Woven Worsted Good*, latest styles: French Jewelry, Embroideries In Colors, such aHHIIpper.*,Clmlr Hair Wo .'to order... Band*, Switches, Made to order and kept o Curb lions, Vlow’ Fnnev Notions. 4g*ituvtng bought pr/netpall.v for Cash, etui- Ides her to compete with any House In IhucUy. Atlanta. October 2fl-l2m. II A K Df A li E ! Tommey & Stewart, WhltehuH 6trcct, plai'i'.l ih ("Iiilhii'im'iil hi Ilie comity Jull of mill nam:m:t. Tlifft llu- cIi'oiiiha Uitixs, INroiililtlV L'vlubmtiHl Amity Mi-.lli-luoa, county, by said Marshal, and the keys of said i ‘ , , ... Whitehall Street. Atluutu, (iti. rI::’." u " 1 ‘" my " ,B n...,,,,™ 121 h day of March Instant; Whereas, The said John C. Norris, High Slier- llVuml Jailor a*aforesaid, having reason to lie- Move that an attempt would he made by nil un authorized and unlaw ful body of armed men, who warn tli(>nnml thereat nnsuwmmllngsaid Jail, to violently take from said Jail the said Jtr. spa per* authorized to publish I live order* and Proclamations, from nml aft j Mar» h 1st instant. In ueeordanee with the of F .dirutirp 2’!, ultimo. GP en under my haml and thn£onl of the Kxe- ‘•ullve Department, at tlict'iipHol in Allan. I la. the day am) year JJr.*l above tvt ifteu. IIFFFS It. BULLOCK. Governor. Her I.'M'ILLINKIIV! MILLINERY l * i Wholesnlo nml Retail at Knox’sIHillinery nml Variety Store. Whitehall, (do Julio good eillzei i* IV. Darden, he, the said High Sherlffiind | called upon many of the I By (be Go Er K.\ illv'e Department. MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS, r the pi election of said Jail; and. aid good citizens, through fear of the aforesaid unauthorized ami unlawful Isaly of armed nieii, declined lo serve as called upon by the said High Sheriff and Jailor; and. Onto Kxw i-'tivk Dkimiitmi Atlanta, (hi., March r.n, Thai Dr. Horatio N, llnllelleld In Hal*, Boiiiiels, Itlhbons. Flow..., Also, A Splendid Slock of Hair Good* . Switches, Curls, Frlzel*, Chignon*, Braid*, ell). Dress Triiuiiiiiigs. Fan by Goods, Jn\voiry< etei lii'ldal Bonnet*, Hat*. Wreaths, etc., gotten up In superb style, ami at Phicr*. to suit Whe ■tain lemtM of the •said a Ini lie lleml. O Womnii! As lmultli is the Rivatcst hies •art h, ho is disease the on»iteMt fill's tlu' kind before the nubile, nnd yood elllrts Hist jvMt of the heart, therelornlnn tern- i i -. ....,.j iv,.,.. poral view, sltould he health. Nor is thm ran he relied on being produced It om using • „ A s diseasc rendcrs us unfit to perform it in all cases when recommended. Read j| H . various duties appropriate to ‘our sta- the advertisement headed the Six Greatest tion iti life, there is a moral obligation Remedies. For sale by all Dntggists. tf. nstmg upon us to preserve our physical + mtegntv, hv using the. means at hand lor lelliug dii "Secrcln ol' tlie Great tityf Is the title of a handsome volume, just m s r ow there is nothing so destructive lo iimiuthnrized and uni: surroiimliug said Jail came to the house of the said High SJicrlffnud Jailnrat or about eleven o'clock on Hie night ofthe Friday aforesaid,uml deiuamled the delivery ofthe keys ofthe said jail; ami. Whereas. The said High Sheriff and Jailor having, upon refusal to deliver said keys, had good reason In believe that 111* own life was en- da age red from the violence of said unaiilhorlz- cd and unlaw fal body of armed men, absented himself, taking with him the said keys; ami, Whereas, Reliable Information lias been re ceived at this department, lo the effect that the said Doctor George W. Darden was, at or about tlie hour of midnight on tlie said Friday, the twelfth day of March instant, taken from the said jail by a person or persons a* yet un known to the civil ollieers, ami then ami there, In the prescnce*of his family, ruthlessly ami barbarously murdered. Ills body having been almost literally riddled with pistol bulls; and. Whereas, ll I* reported by the aforesaid High Sheriff ami Jailor ofthe county aforesaid, that • offering of a suitable reward Is essential as leans of insuring the nrre*t ami conviction the snid person or persons, at present un known) who, it I* alleged. Imve committed this „ line against the life of a citizen ami ligninst the laws of the said Stale, in dellatiee ’■ her ollieers: Now, therefore. I. It a fu* It; Bullock, . T u. v health in females as a continued wipprefi- iri.suotl by Jones Brothers & Co. Atlanta, rftm ot *thefnelisi rt. It isa condition which It Tells How Fortunes arc Made and nm^c.s a woman useless to herself and a — " * ~ ’* ’rD& Lost in a Day—IIow Shrewd Men are. Ru- burden to her friends. • Dr. J. BradtiehrA Ined in AV are Swindled hv tViill street—How Cmmtrvmen ! ieniule Ileguliite, W onmii « best t neml, ii ,o, it,,,,. i« the only ra'i'tnlu rni'c. Ln-omOE# mn- llutlw . li.iipns " • 1S . meat In embracing the remedy. and Mcrelinnts are Hlack-mailcd—How For ante l)y l/. i. Ciudgcr&l.'o. ( DaUuh. Dance Halls and Concert Saloons arc Managed—How Gambling Houses and Lotteries are conducted—llow Stock and Oil Companies Originate, and how the ! Bubbles Burst—and treats of Now York The Mammoth Cave. Extract from a Private Letter. Wo groped a I tout for many hours in this wonderful place. » never saw anything like it. The freaks its People, its Society, its Rich, its Poor, nature disnlaved Itere nre very strati; (heir life, their habits, their haunts and : and strike the beholder with awe. But the .I In....: ,„„'r.,ti,.iv niuwL-4 1 J ^ l ‘ hi sonio parts of the cave is close and then pcculmi ties,lot turn ldl l. ,Q '•, H tifiinj?, and when, we came out I found Gill Enterprises, Humbugs, Ac., Ac. myself saddled with a terrible fever, which All that Is great, noble, generous, virions, ! entirely prostrated me. Tlie physiriat 1 or bad never seen a case like it before, and no mysterious, brilliant, startling, guuM.-*.-*... - • - - ,* ,, , P ii .1 ininunuiihK ...l remedvhe pivHcribeu seemed to do tlie Hlmbhy, and of all that is inteicstiug an ] cnst 5 00( j # >[y nf e was despaired of.— worthy of record in the great City. Mrs. Wilson, with whom I was residing, As the Metropolitan Centro of the Uni- had in the house a tctl States, New York City reflects all tlie Bitters, and site Insisted I should try it, i bottle of Plantation good and evil of the land In their most in- for she said she knew it to he a certain cure tense forms. There is no man, howev often lie may imve visited New York, who ho pepsin, cannot learn, from this work, much re- ly consented to try it as a last resort. In in all cases of lever, debility, ague, dys- ,&c. I had but littlo iaith,hutfiiml guiding that great City and its many and less than three hours after tho first dose niy fever left me; in two days l was sitting i- uii. and before. Saturday night I wns a: tk will Ik* found especially valu- up, and before Saturday night able to those, who expect tn visit Xew York, well as ever. I tell you all this 7 _ that you and would shun itspitiiilis, Iiy studying it may know how to nothin any case, of lever, in their own homes* without*cnsL or dan- or any similar disease. I flrmlv believe ger, and yet learn all. , the Plantation Bitterfc saved my life. This very interesting work is sold only j * * *. In my next I will tell you about by subscription, in this county, by J. I’. ‘ maonolia’ WAIEH.-Supgy2| to tho Perdue, of Tunnel Hill, who is now can- imported German Colongr. and sold 1 »r thi* hereby is.. :• this. In-Chief of the tie nillltIn thereof, do proclamation, offering a f FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS the apprehen-loii of the parly or parties com mitting said crime, together with evidence which will lead to hi* or I heir conviction. Given under my hand and Ilia great. Seal of lliu State, at the.Capitol, In tlm city of Atlanta, tld* lifte Lord one - nine, and r and he Is hereby unpointed Inspector of Fertil Izer* for the euiiuty of Wu*hliigton. hv virtue ot the power uml authority vested in ine liynn act entitled "All Ael tn protect the plantcl'fl of till* state from Imposition In thcsnlo or Fertil izer*"—approved September 17. ISi'.i. Given under lay hand ami the seal of the Exe cutive Department,a| HicCuplml. In Allan ta, I he day and year Hi st above written. . rtUFUiin. IICBLOCK, Governor. By the Governor; Et OKXK D.wih, Secretary Executive Department. tlm: a dl*1 film in I •e promptly i GEORGIA, ATLANTA AT wholesale and retail A large and complete n**ortincut Foreign nml Domestic Hardware. AI price* not to he undersold In this market, consisting In part of Iron, Hteel, Nulls,Gallery. Gnu*, Builder'* and Curringu Material*. Also, Brooks’ Patent Wrought Iron Screw ami Re- volvlng Prt^s. for sale. fvh2i-ly QOX A 1I1LL, (dcMile and retail dealer* In Fonrr .. . N Ac. Atluutu. Gn., Whrilesnlc nmt hdrtll dealer* In Foi Domkhtiu LiqroitH, Ciuaiih. Ton.u W. II. Cox, I W. It. HUM Oclohe uml • ‘20—On | Fehll-Cnl ; ^TLANTA .MAllRLE WORKS, • purelli. W. ti. KNOX, Atlanta. Gu. I.TOX. (it; id Retail Dealer In JOHN If. GKII'FI.V, Wholesale DRY G-OODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Hardware, Cnllery, Adjoining Calhoun House ami opposite Georgia Railroad Depot. Constantly on hand mid made to order .MimnnirnK Tombs, Hrntl Stones, Tablets, 1 I'riis, \nnc»i iUUt'ntii uastodimd and Contra Table Tbps. MiHlde Maufle* ami Hearth*. and fui'iiishiiig Marble of all description*, a* cheap j a* ban lie tiinilnhed Oil* side or New York. Call i and examine material and price*. »f Monument* or any other Marble ork f vtstied free of charge. W.M. GRAY. torn, Oats, rioti r. .Real, It. U atm ax, Agt. felviVIy pox A BROTHER, C'oiiniiiHHion 3[oi*c*lkiinfr Forsyth Siit., Ati.axta, Ga. cut ion give * Mereluiiid • Mereluiiid i*( Ksetui, Cuffee, H«y. Rope, Bagging ami Tics, H5-I2III AMES R. WYLIE. J Peachtree Street, ATI.A NTA, GA Wholesale Grocer unci Commission Merchant. Real Estate and Livo .Vtock. sole Agent, foi other Muon fact u ry, near Allien*. s of tlie N« •rgln » « Felil Mm State* the nine It day of March. In tin . thousand eight hundred nnd . , , limt v”lllr«r ,,Clt ' ,,l, * W °f ,h ° U,,|U, ‘ I . »>h!ng silelinflleli Ri l l'S II; BULLOCK, G By file Onvcrnor: See. Of State. lie call* the especial all lag Live Stock, lo this brunch of I lie will have unparalleled facilities lof furnish ing horse* and mule* to those of hi* funner friend* desiring to purchase. Give him a call. vl|c* of Ids business, tho JJKADtjUARTKR.S CAItPLTN.OII. CLOTHS illld CL’UTAINN. KENDRICK'S CARPET STORE. Marble Building, Marietta Sir., Atlanta, Gn. distantly on hand a very large stock of Carpet*, ctnhraeliig all grade*, from , . mg mi grimes, irom the elna pest to tlm best: Floor Oil Cloths, all width*: Damask nnd IgieeCurtain*; Cornice*. Wjmlow Shade*. Rugs. Malls; indeed every glvciiliu a call to lie satisfied. Ill* motto is "Live nnd Let Live.” Quick Sales ami Small I'rnin.. ,Kilty II. UlllH'IN. March is-lt. i thing at | Nor; 12-1 tin I ESTABLISH ED IN 1831; ig*. M ilsli a l : S. KENDRICK'S, Atlanta, Ga. KXKfTTlVlt Dr.VAItTMKXT. ) Atlanta. Ga„ March 20, l*ti'.i. •; OatiERKD, That Robert Bailey, K*q„ ta*, and he I* hereby appointed Inspector of Fertilizer* for the county of Floyd, by virtue of the power and authority vested In me by tin act entitled "An Act to protect the planters of thi* state from imposition lu the mile of Fertilizer*"—ap proved September 17,18<K under my hand and the Peal of the E: W tain Address .1. A ll EA RN, is) Sec! ebruted Clipper Mown illld Itoape ihlo t ' .t REAPER Co., 12 Ciiffst., New‘York, t.NDKR ! INE. practical ii INDUSTRY SEWING MA- BI'FI'S B. BULLOCK, Governor. ... . . .-GitAFPtxnin, Secretary Executive Department, chain stitch, sewing. Gilt. Test operate It. An elegant r. ii, & it, c.'; < in,-ice, Importer* and dealer* In I FOltKIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, lithe Keep constantly on hand, a full usHort incut of M.r*—. Ivon, Steel, Nalls, Nulls, Washer* and Rivet*, hlncN Circular. Mill,Tenant A Cross-Cut Saw*, l.eaili- er ami Rubber Bolting nml Packing, Ames* Shovel* und Spades, Building Material, Pocket nml Tulde Cutlery. Carpenter*’ Tool*. Rim*. Spoke Huh*. Agricultural Implement*,Springs and Axle*, Carriage Ilurdwurc—allot which we ure offering low lor cash. 416-Order* from the country promptly ntten- Inion la Is dally. Sent In perfect order C 1EORGJA, AMiBHeld County.—Two mouth* IT after date application will bo made to the Court of Ordinary of Whllfield countv, for leave lo well the real estate of It. H, Moore.clec’d. march 4-2m. W. K. MOORE. Adm'r. [OKFICl.U'i] Exixctivb Detartmkxt. ) Atlanta, Georgia, March 23d, 1&0. j OnnKazn, That John M. Clark, Esq„ be, and he is hereby appointed Inspeetorof Fertilizers for the county of Baldwin, by virtue of the pow- erand authority vested In inoby an Act entitled "An Act to protect the planters of this State from Imposition lu the sale of fcrttllzcra V-ap- CAltl’KTS. oIL CLOTIIS.TvALL PAPER,GILT C ^lHAS. SUNDQUIST. J Manufaet uret er an dealer lu every det>eriptio bd'Agent* for Falrhank’s Standard Seale* uud Knoxville Iron Work*. Sign of BIG PADLOCK. uicry, nml Fancy Aft Ivies. Corner Marietta uml Peachtree Street*, (Old Nortfro** Corner,) At lanta, Georgia. OetlRMim. R. RIPLEY, (ESTABLISHED IN IttO.) Dealer in Crockery, Chiim, Ghuisw JJFRLEY’S POPULAIt SVOB3I CANDY. a for worpvs nnd. the A* tlrtst* really u ppeclfle fL, — ™ , . ..cut and most palatable form to give to chit- dren, it i« not surprising that It i* fast taking the place of all other preparations for worm*— It being perfectly tustolrww, and any child will lake it. Jamkh Riunt.r, Proprietor. S lve* ..... B ...„ , ie other w6rtn rcmedle* known 1 but purl iul success lo my children, ed to trv Dr. T. A. Hhrfey'*, and since lining It hiv children Imve heenpio welLimd healthy.— The children would cut it nil tlie tlme.B i* *o pleasant, If wo wo I fid let tlfeni. 1 believe II i* tho best and safest re " ’ Dticlt rceommer.a It to o 3 nnd ull. N OTltf: To MbTHF.US 11r.‘ Nenliroolt’il Infiiut SooiliiiiK' Sji'up! Use in' the future only S cvimooK'*, a combi- nation quit* up with the ndvnticeiueht or thb age. Pleasant to take, harmless In Us action, SCMMKIl CogrL.UXT, taUKOl'I.Allll IKS OK T llOWKLH, RKSTIVKXK6*, TkKTHISU, .tf. Give* health lolltcchild and rest to the mother. and Sll- nlHhing Goods, laimp 1 ■ Invented. H'6*Store tew doors from tin- Kalb Atlanta. Ga.. Feb.S3-ly. D R. J. BRADFIELirS Feiualo Regulator, Woman'* Woman's Woman's Prepared »t Best Friend 1 Best Friend ! Best Friend! Prcpui l. ii. Bradfield, L. 11. BRA11FIKLD,. Wbolesnui Druggist, Wbolesale Dfugufst, Atlanta, (hi. Atlanta. Ga. Ai'For Sale by L. V. GUDGEll A CO., Drug- gists, Dalton, Ga. Juu.ll-ly Boots <db Shoes. G. H. & A. W. FORCE, Wholesale dealers in BOOTS & Sl-IOES, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, (Ja. K EEP on hnnd the largest and heat selected Stock in the city of Atlanta, and will ulwity, II lo Country Merchants at I'oi'l•' ifrlCCSi with freight added. Nov. 5-ly. j. a. ouvcr.] [il. e: K-ahhaii.. OLIVER & WADDAlii, WAKEHTOUSEI ASt) Commission Merchants, Corner Alabama and Fortylh Sire., Atlama, (Ja. Aoests (of MAititcTfA Pareu Mill—keep all sizes printing nnd Wrapping paper on hnnd, at lowest morkot price*. * {N°v. f»-0ia. Peach-Tree Str., Atlanta,Ga. SIotcn, Tinwnro, House Fnrrfishlng Goods, Steam and Gas Fit ting*, Valve*, Gauge Cock*. Whistles, Steam FLH I\I r r I 1? JK, Mot id Fa *, Cr Utivo Department, at the Capitol in Atlanta, i A Inrgi the day an«t year first above, written.. i which w BUFUS B. BULLOCK. Governor. • notice. MATTitr.8Hr.rt, Ac, large assortment ot Burial Caecs on Jund, will bo sent to miy point on (liu shortpta (/tinge*, Oil Cup*. Wrought Iron i’lpe for Steam, Water and Gas, Pump* of all Pattern*, Rubber Hose. Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Copper, Lend, etc. numbs' liras.* Goods. Wash Basin*, FJugs, Cccktt, Water Closets, etc., etc. Contractor* for Rooting, In best style, in Tin ATLANTA, GA. vasn’.ng tor tlu*: at half the price. By the Governor: d examine for youraulvcb be- ! /^tARDH, BILL AND LETTERHEADS printed h.W.n^gf.rTc'K Ma'krt Mr., July " L'« at .hr H UNN1CUTT & BELLINGItATII, Plumbers, Steam and Gas Fitters, Copper Smiths, anil Ornamental Worker* in Sheet,.Metal*. Rooting in all iti brimolie8—Tin orcorrngitted Lotitsvijfc. ivy.—When living In voureltv, I used MuVencl bottle* of Dr. .Smbrook - ’* Infant Soothing S^rup. and found it child more good ami It M ould rent bet ter after using It than any other remedy I ever tried. I can *av with confidence, It Islhebest medicine for children nt present known. I wish mu one dozen i»y/»xprc**| and 1 M-Jll pay for It nt the olllco here; Write mo when you suml It, nnd obllgo Mu?. L. Raxholtu. J_J UR LEY’S STOHAcit HITTERS! Fdr Ucblllty; Los* of Appetite, Weakness, IndiokstioX, on Dyspkvhia, Want of Actiox of tub Liver, fir Disordered Stomach. , r JkLj,. these m removing these distressing com- plalut?. For sain by..L..l». Gadget* & Co., Druggists, Dultoii. Georgia, und by all other Drugstores In the f'mftJu«tntcs. *J^R. SEABROOK’S ELIXIR OF I'YROVllOSl'HATE li'oit uml C'nlyHili. t all the This etegauf combination posse*) uxu- pfiihcrMcs of Peruvian Bark and Irpn, \>it bout tho disagreeable taste anil bail (•fleet* * ’•* C r, Hepurutely dr In oilier prepanitlons. Sheet Iron, Cojtpcr Vulley.«, ute. Railroad Crossing, tnr-Hm Atl a iqUSksT LIQUORS I Just vocelvcd uud for sulo at greatly raduced price*: * ^0 20 Barrel* of Guff’s Ext no Barrels of Silver Creek Bourhop, 20 Barrel* of Film Wlekllffo Bourbon. no Burrel* of Woodeonk Bourbon, lft Barrels of Guff’* Superior Rye. ' - IcdWbh Reetlfled iFblskey. Ami a full osaortmentof kinds of Honors. ^ Febll-3m Whitehall Street, Atlanta',‘tin, E mployment that pay*. Forrurticuiafs, r: Jf. M'K.vt K.n * cV).. Hratlle- should l>e tit- ewion znsor of ejitm^,a»pa,igely3r in oilier oftlicHPValuabletnevllelne*. It ken in nll.oar 1* required n -io-aisi-WfK ionic should ho without it, It llnhlo to such dls- case* for nothing can well take Its place. • in those digressing For sale by L. V. G nil fee r * Co., Druggist*, Dull on, Georgia. * All of tub -tnovi: mkoihneh ilUiiufarfurcd by H«‘Wlc A < -» Louisville, Kentucky, And for sale by all Druggists tn the Union. April P, lH£M?m.