North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, April 22, 1869, Image 3

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NOHTII GEOltGIA CITIZEN. 1 I I Al'lltL n woo. NlTlTiTrTrrrnT^ TTTTi iTTTTTrn^rniM'r Your, Vnitr Copies Six Uolliim, In Artvnnoo. HMoiita. M. Vf. Grand Mnstcr SnmiU'l Lawrence lms unpointed Dr, J. Kmmott Dlnckslionr Grand Secretary, In place of Slmrl lloso, deceased. ■tlmiihs, Sllss Mnlllo* Our fair friend will plcnso accept tlio slncorest emotions of a grateful heart for her kindness—a club to the Citizen, No ono bettor appreciates such flwors, Miss Mattie, than we. ksrrlvd, On tho evening of the 10th Instant, In this city, nt the residence of John Higgins, Nsq., by ltov. J. L. Bllteh, Mr. II, N. yAits, of Butts county, and Mrs. E. C. [liraun, of this city. , oriiln Homo Intlirnnoo Company, ho Mnoon Telegraph learns that this ompany, Instead of “lousing heavily,’’ ist only $37,000 In tho Madison Are, which tins been adjusted and paid. “Need or Discord." . A choice variety, warranted genuine, f ftnd to produce a field of sorrow and strife tho first planting, If directions aro follow- Ved. None genuine without tho trado mark—a twin dovo and adder. Always on hand nt Tattler’s & Scandal’s. Hood for Dalton, v Several Saw Mills have recently been put in operation, nmlinoronrc contempla ted. Tho price of lumber will bo brought down, while tho demand Is constantly in- ■-/creasing. More improvements nro going on in Dalton than over before, and era tbo , frosts of another winter our city will hard Jy bo recognized by strangers. Wonderful Discovery I I Atrocious Ncnllmciils or n Uovcrnmeiit Wo are Informed tlmtn spring has been discovered some seven miles north of Da- The follow ng extract tan an Infainous loncga, the medlclfilll pfopofttes or tvllleh editorial in tho American Union, puWIMi- . .. n Jt I nil nf Mnmin lttr nun Ktvnvm lb it ilnlilUW. proinlso to render it more famous than cd nt Macon, by ono Swayso, It a dcllbor- * _ . it s n II In nvlinnln I Inn in n Perm rnlvimwl niltwlflli any of tho famous watering places, Boro- ate exhortation to arson, rajw and muivler, tola diseases of every clmfaCtei' tti'o cured United States offlulnl orgam As tho If by tho magic power of “laying on cowardly, putrid corruption of a dog, In handsfIn tho shortest time, >y drinking | I.OOAI, CADim. Jl'ItlNO 1IAS COME, AND SO HAVE ATI.ANT.V CAIIIIM. SCOTT .fc LYLE’S Elegant Now Goods! mills •• I.IVIS Dll till NTOIIKI » H.EU-WIN1U Si FOX, ATI.ANVA, I I I OEOnalA, »S7^thr’«W -V m «"d tlundcrcr but a short tl,no since, seems to Impart tho elixir of lire. Some the article Is of no consequence lie s so of the most miraculous cures have been contemptible wecantsayanyl.lngabout lierfected In a few week, time, and which ’>»>• We would advise the KuK ux to had baffled all physical Skill. Tho nffllc- ''•« rlp-he'sgo ho hydrophobia, and tod Atom tlio moUntntU (op, aiid tho val- U' or “ J* n ** for takl "3 eftro of mlul do 8 s - ZWlmt Infiucncc could have been brought deuce of Its wonderful proponhs Attracts to bear to stverve OofigA’s, from its pur- sttjl moro attention. Tlio mineral nioao, Wo-nro rtt a loan to know; but it is tie* of tho water, wo did not learn, though plain oitough to all that tho truo men of a bottloflll has been sent to NeW York for Gcorgla-tlioso who stood by tho Govern- ,, , . „ . „r l,,,!,. ment before, during and since tho war, tumllzing. Aconstant uprising nml nro now tho truo dclbndors of tho dou bles ngitnto tho surface of the spiing, eiTRsloiml plan of reconstruction—have which have tho uppcnrnlleo of gas escape-1 been abandoned to. thole fate. Their fldcl- ments, Something Deantlful fur tho Codies I A “I.ovo ofa Hal," or Charming Dross I Also, n woll selected otook of A Pino Jlllcti Cowl If you wnnt to buy a very filto Inllcli fend tiiumshlves! Ixil them not like Ity lias been repaid with contempt, and It now becomes them ns men to cement their ranks moro Closely, than etcr, mid—1,15- Ilnt cow, calf eleven weeks old-excellent for cowards, crcop under tlio lash that nt- w a tempted to overthrow tho GdVei'hlilcnt of making butter, prico 885, apply to W. Vorcfnthers. Lot tlicln m-esent nn un- „ - . .nurforcfathcrs.Letthcinprcsentnnun' Tidton, near Spring Ulnco.Ga. I Prokcn front and doliiiind a tooth for a South End Ilumlltou Street. April 20—It. tooth, nn eyo for nn oyol Let them bIiow rebels that thoy liave the norvo to dcfontl themselves against lawlessness. Let tho Mow, Wire, Kneet, Dcliclonol iuwj|sonoos. mu Victor Hugo writes about tlio Mali w | 10 | 0 g(a(o orjpiiilzo Into societies—secret who laughs,” but our tlieino shall bo tile societies; and when rebels commit their man who makes tlio children laugh, the diabolical horrors upon them, because or ladle, smile, and we-ohl we smile too That man Is Mr. J. M . Townlcy. At lint ,,^| lcS within five hides of the Bpot wliera lover of good things wouldn’t have guess- such blood Is spilled—shoot dowtf’every cd ns muehf Every thing is so now and rebel who oppose, yoti, and turn tho hor- nleely arranged that it will make you feel 5$ JLj German \ , „ nltlcont iifwortinrnt or Glass. Stone China and general Table Waro at Scott A Lylm’s. TFany house In town keep* Superior Oroco- KUWlN BATES. OZO. C. SILVAN. Tl It. M'OAIIAX, E t'linnglng Daze. Cnpt. Percy Grccho informs us that two ;-S “soger boys,” belonging to tho loth In- fantry,. stationed at Daluncga, were tried, . convicted and sentenced to the pcnitcntlv ry last week, fur six years each. They lmd been llutlcrlulng around Dnlotloga. J ,' TSi. I.n,lj*s Friend for Sins'. • . Tho steel plate for this number is nn A . nnnislug scone called “Tho First Visit. ” - ■ The fashion plates, and other Illustrations . ’ nre unusually beautiful. A piece of mu sic clinrms each number. The. lover, of fancy work will always find something at tractive. In light literature, this maga zine has ho superior. It is, iudecd, always . instructive anil pleasant. nicely arranged mai n w... muse you .uc., tliem ^nloyal people. Dorr! ‘And sweet just to go nnd look nt the delicacies, ( ;,7j w jp bo your shield. of which ho has just received a largo stock. Townloy’s Confectionery Ib ono of tho at- °"® w “ ro tractions of tlio city. Go nnd sco him.— Tlio firm of Bukofiici A Loyematl Will lie advertises, consequently there is no ,w dissolved on the first of Mrfy, We danger but what Ids liberality will give 1< ‘ 1 ) rlv l but up to hat tlnie one last grand you tbc best of the trade. w j" bo , m “ do 0 80 1 out Utol ' cnt re » stock of goods, during tho present WeokM; out t*. New. at actual cost. Just think of tho best New York has a machine that hatches prints at fourteen cents, and othor goods out one chicken nn hour. Lx. at corresponding prices. If you want real That, nothing—we lmvcnn old lien that bn hl now tIlc tlme . Dclny 1b dlin itcliril out twsutv-three In ono ntidit. I hatched out twenty-three In ono night, | “tho old way,” nnd didn’t half try. | Atlanta Domestic Market. The following are tho ruling prices, In ■ I.iUo to Hove been nn Item. Mr. John Henderson, of this city, while j attempting to jump from the-,tern of a passenger coach, while the train was in r. motion, came near being precipitated un- •• dor tlio coach trucks, the other day. Ilis ^ R feet hung in the step, which threw 1dm on Ids head and shoulder against tlio track, Indicting a pniiiful wound. Though quite nil expert in (he art he missed his nim this . time, uiid hut for the centre of gravitation, Which kept him from falling under the ' Wheel, ho might lmve missed his head.— Thorcisnousciiicautionhigpeoplcagaiiist . this dangerous practice, they will jump, if ' it sometimes eurrles them Into eternity. " Never Olvo it up. II, P. Farrow has printed a pamphlet dated AVushiiigton, April 18th, and ad dressed to John 11. Dickey, Senator from (lie 41st District, in which lie predicts a 1 ’triumphant victory “willcrownoureflorts . for the establishment of republican gov ernment in Georgia, based upon principles of justice nnd truth,” Hint is to sny, upon mixed colors. Iltsilrnuce Ascicy Fires of late have not U wholly, I confined to the nrgo dtles. I eomeslikea n T ^ & Bro mcr . thief In tho night. AVe would, therefore, j • f that clt nrgo upon every one tho advantage yea, Com bH8llc j > 0 2(ff!)5 i AAT,cnt, white, the necessity of Insurance. Major Scott, lwr bushel, $2.00 to$2.05; Tentl. red, $1.»C of this city Represents two of the best com- to S3.00; Rye, per bushel, 81.25; Oats, per pnnics in the Union—the Georgia Home, bushel, 00 to HOets: Flour, Superfine, per of Columbus, which lust year hsuodtoits- policy holders a participation premium of 14J J c ’ ts . (5 lmr 8i( | e ’,, noto lScts; Hams, 25 per cent on tho amount invested; and 17 to lPcts; laud, in bids., 10 to lOcts; iu tlio Southern Mutual,-of Athens, which, firkins 20 to QOets; llecf, gross, els; but- also, Issues participation policies. These 80 to J'SK' 8 , per dozen, 14 to 13c; are home Institutions, presided over by men of known integrity, and ])crfectly safe, bushel, $1.00 to $1.50; Field Peas, red, per He is also agent for the Liverpool; London bushel, $1,10 to $1.15; white, $1.10 to 20 mill Globe, of Which Gen. Johnston is the -M’Ples dried, nor lb. 7 to 8c: Peaches, id . to 20c; unpeofed, 8 to Bo; Dry Hides, 20 General A cent. 1 10 j 0u 4 . 4 shoetiuge; per yard, 10 to 10c- i 7-8 Shirting, |wr yard, 14 to 141 cts; Cot ' *0"^" happiness"ilepends upon ranking ^ gg- those around us luippy. Life is innile up t , olllln ,. w ill pleasure and pain, but we must rec- A , ftl . gc i oto r 8 p rl ngand summer cloth olleci that pain is the exception, pleasure iu8tore,andfor8alecheap,atCrozicr8. the rule* An hour of pain appears an age, « an ago of pleasure but mi hour. | Leather, leather, leather—a fine lot of A New Enterprise. Ill these times of progress every new hemlock sole, In store and for sale at S. C, Croziers, - Scw CltnrcliCM. X The Methodist denomination has built a (Jomfottnblc briek church-since the war, , the Presbyterians arc about finishing a handsome ediflefc, tho Catholics arc cx- . 'Orting themselves to erect a sanctuary, and wo learn the Baptists contemplate building a new house of worship, while w the Cumberland Presbyterinus arc ener getically striving to lay the foundation for an increased membership, and the Episco palians project a temple of their faith, in our city. \Vo wish them all a clear sea and fair breeze. This is a good field for faithful sheperds. undertaking in our city is ono more round Urcat HemcdiCNv up the ladder of fame, hut the project set W° wish td Call the attention of our on foot by Capt. Samuel XI. Baker, for tho readers to tho advertisement headed the purchase ami sale of real estate, if prop- s!x Greatest Bomedles of tho ago, Head erly encouraged, will do more for the sU<M tllifl col " m, ‘ n , m J RC0 tho genuine ccrtifl- eess of this section than anything else.- clltra from reliable persons, more wouhl AVo want capital, wo want more good cit- ho added if there was rooiii. Hurly’sagUe izens. Georgia is attracting more atten- Tonic is a nevor failing cure for any CMo tion, at present, than the whole South.- of cl > iUa * Tevcror Fever * Ague if Used Capitalists and farmers are seeking to find P’y directions. Iturly’s Popular AVorm out somotlilng of our lmids. Many ill- Gniuly is tho best for children known, aud qulrics nre addressed to us. Capt. Baker 1,0 P'ensnnt to lake that children will cry ..t.. forit. “Rend certificate ill ndvortUnmont; lias established a Land Agency in his office f°r it. “Read certificate in advertisement, at the depot. If you have land to sell, go ^ so Hurly s Sarsaparilla Is the purestftlul and see him. Ilis plan is an admirable ' )08t mn( i u i ftn ^ uono it fov iUipurl- one. But rend his advertisement. | tles of tho 1)100,1 or renovating the system from whatever cause. Ilurly’s.Stdmach The Pcnrli Crop. | Litters need only he tried to become the fhey lire In roKoiptof a well boIco tod itook of flprlmr nnd Hummer tloods I Print#, Lawns, Muslins, 1, I 11 o 11 11, Hals, VrlmmYitKNi Not Iuiis, Shoes, Utillcrs, UunUuinen^i GooMs: Clollilnsr nnd f^ltoow. Wo respect fully ask iui cxnli'ilhntlon of goods ml prlcoHi Scott A Lylk. DWIN BATES A Ctf., Wliolcsulo Dealers in Drugs,Medicines, Paints,Oils WINDOW BUM, PUTTYj stilt Dry Goods and Clothing, l‘.*2 nnd 121 Mouttng Street, FelJll e ®m—w,o,c. CIIMILKSTOX, S. C. [orpiciAt.f , EtXKCrTlVB DKPAnTMKST, \ AtliilUu, Ua., March 24,1W0. { Ordered, That T. Hartley, K*n., be. and ho la lioreby npiMilnted Inspector of Fortiusors for tho county Of LuUren* t br Yirtdobf tho Jiower nml authority Vested In mo by an not entitled ••an not to protect tbo plant era of t .Ids State trom Imposition In tho aaloof ForttllEors" Ju apprtnrad September 17,1SU8. , . • Given under my hand and tho Seat of tho Kxeo« utivo Department, at tho Capitol, In Atlauto, tho day and yoarllrst nbovu written. 1UJFU8 B. BULLOCK, Govoruor. By tho Governor: B. B. HKGltAKFENItr.lO, .. Seorotnry ExecutiveDopartaiont. nl>4t [ovrioiAin] Kxkoutivb DkpaHtmkkt, Atlanta, Ga., MurohSO; IM. Ordurkd, Tlmt Robert Battoy, Ksq., be, and bo la hereby appointed Inspector of Fertilisers for tho county or Floyd, by virtuo of tho pow mid authority veatod in uio by an act entitled An Act to protect tho planters of this Htuto from Imposition in tho anld of Fort! Uxors"—up* proved September 17,18W. underlay bund nml tbo Seal of tbo Exec* ... ^ battheC - * tlrst nliov utivo Department, nt tho Capitol, iu Atlanta, tho day ami year tl rat above written. RUFUS B. BULLOCK, Governor. By tho Governor: B. B. DKGnArrnxnin, Secretary Kxcontivo Department. in! [ovrioubj KXECfTlVK llKrAltTVl^T, Atlanta, GenridHi Watt'll Slid, law. Ouniimm, That Joint M. Clark, K*<j., be, aud lie la horoby appointed Iuajieotor of FertUIxcra for the county of Baldwin, by virtue of the pow- ormid authority vested in mo by mi Act entitled An Act to protect tlio pluntera of this State from imjSoaition In tho saloof fcrtlltxera"a—ap proved September 17, l&W. Given under my band mid tho Seal of tho Kxoc< utivo Department, at tho Capitol iu Atlautu, the day and year first ul»ovo writ ton. UUFU8 I). BULLOCK, Governor. By thoGoveriior: 15. K. PuGRArraxHcm, Secretary Kx. Hop't. [orrlciAb] ITTIVK DEPAnTMKBT, Atlanta, Ga., March 10,JAW. r hla Lawful Dchuty, Richmond IS STQCtCJ 20,000 pounds White IaouI, 600 boxes French Window Glass, 2000 Oullona pure Llnsood Oil, 20 barrels Tmmors Oil, 600 barrels Non-Kxplosivo Coal Oil, 10 Burrcls Pure Lard Oil, All kinds of Machines Oil, fare Brandies, wines nnd Liquors; Genuine Lorrillard's Snuff. All tho popular Putent Ucdloiucs, and ovct>: thing usuully kopt in a FIRST CLASS DRUG IiqjJSE, Imported nml American Goods to our-gouoral stock, m o nro offering speelul inducements to Citsll PttVUUasors. Iu.dwim: & fox, Corner Whitolmll and Alabama Streets, Atlanta, Georgia. October 20, 'OMy nAPITOI, DRVO HTORE. Xi. H. miADFIEUD, floiilor lit Drugs,Paints,Oils,Dye Stuffs AND FATENT MEDICINES. Also, Wholcsula Agcutfor PBOMlITT'S REMEDIES f ProphIll's Livor MedloincH, Prophltt's Pain Kill It, Prophlti’s Anti*Bfillous Pills. Tho excellent remedies of O. S.Prophitt, M. holr well known powor In removing thodlsousus peonllur to our Southern climate^ having nlrcmly established iiltii i-iiiiiiiii', hiiviiix niruiKiy uhiiiuiishvu hem unuiiviublo reputation in Georgia and idjolnlng States. As the majority of per. living in tho South-are pro-disposed to of t he Liver, It is grunted by u'll Intel- igeitt physicluns that most of the pulnsi and The nunteville, Ala., Imlcpomlent snys most popular Bitter known, it is also plena- the past last week finished the peach crop ant as a beverage and conducive to health, in that section. From the general notice Hr. Seabrook’s Infant Soothing Syrup of our exchanges we fear that peaches will are told hy those that have used it, is bet- Iks quite a luxury on account of their scare- ter than any other that they ever tried.— ity. There will be but few in this section. | Dr. S^abrook’s Elixir of Iron and Bark is the most pleasant and reliable remedy of JtiHtlflnble Homicide. AVo learn that, on tho evening oftho*llth instant, Sheri ft’ Milton of Gilmer county, while trying to prevent a disturbance, in his official capacity, was set upon by ono of.thc party, who snapped a pistol in his . Sf face, whereupon the Sheriff quickly drew liis pistol and shot the man through the i lungs, killing him in a short time. The 'deceased, we learn, was a bad character, -and had previously threatened Sheriff • Milton. 25,000 AB«..t»W»ni«l. I tho kintl before the public, and good oflbets ran lj”reliu-donl.ingp.-ofincc,IVo.u:, 8 i„g county and township in the United States, >t >» all «n«cs when recommended. Read to sell 100 bran new articles which are tlio advertisement headed tlio Six Greatest wanted in every family. The Agents can R eme dics. For sale by all Druggists, tf. double their money on every article. The business requires but two or three hours’ I ^ or kuleb) L. 1 juigu A Co., Dalton. Applcton*s Journal. AVe have received the third number of this paper, and after a careful perusal, find it, indeed, a credit, even to Applctons’ establishment, than which none have a higher reputation. The highest nim of the Applctons’ seem to be the enlightfficnt of the people in everything that is pure; beautiftil and instructive, and while this should give them a claim upon the South ern people, their unparrnllelled liberality to olir schools, colleges, and benevolent associations sustain their claims beyond question. They have donated thousands of dollars to Southern educational inter ests. But the Journal, on its own merits, enters tho hold of cultured literature, and "needs but a single* perusal to recommend it to an appreciative people, as it is entire ly free from political insinuations, every lover of pure literature should take it. See prospectus in new advertisements. labor every day. Constant employment F.XEC'I’TIVir NOTICES. tho address of every one. AV. II. Dailey & Co., 148Fulton st., N. Y. Dalton Domestic* .Haricot. Tho following arc the quotations at. „„„ , 1.1 21 ... , , v , instant, ono July Murtln, a boy or which tho articles mentioned below arc years of ago, was, unUor ana by Virtu selling nt to-day , the 22d: [orriciAi.,1 l’roclnnmtloii—83,000 Howard i STATE OF GEORGIA. By lturcs B. Buu.ock, Governor of naiil State: SVhcrcaH, On Friday, tliu day of March, onteen virtuo ofttM-ar- rant, arrested and placed In confinement in tbo To tho Sliorlff, County: Whereas, on the tilth day of February, A. D., 1809, Priscilla Loo M‘as brought beforo W. Milo Olln, Jnsticoof tho Peaoo in and for tho comity of Richmond, Upon affidavit of ono George W. Rroadhurst.olmrgod with the offense of Rirccny and was then and thoro, for said offense, nftcr having M'aived an ludictiueut hy thcGrund Ju ry of said county of Richmond, sentenced to he Imprisoned in the common Jail of the county of lUmimond, and tolas employed at hard labor on tho publlo works for tho term nr three month*, nnd upon discharge therefrom to pay all costs of prosecution und Jail fees, nnd Whereas, A petition signed hy thd Hon. W. Milo Olln, the officer presiding at said trial as aforesaid, has boon presented to me, recommen ding favorable action In her euso and asking tho remission of tlio thioAplfod pUft of tlic said term of Imprisonment, nutting forth that Mr. Robert Dongluss,a respectable citizen of said county of Richmond fuels desirous for tho reformation of tho said Priscilla Loq, und is willing t ogive her permanent employment: Nom-, t herefore,considering this to ho a proper caso for Executive Interposition and bcIloVlug that the ends of Justice In her base lmve been attained hy tho punishment already Inflicted; Ordered, That tho said Priscilla Leo be, und she is hereby fully pardoned of the offeuse with which sho stands charged, that tlio uuoxpircd term of Imprisonment, together with all costs nnd Jail fcos in nnd hy the sutd suntonco impos ed as aforesaid upon tlio said Priscilla Loo he, nnd thosamo nre herohy remitted, nnd tHlit sho ho forthwltll discharged nnd setut liberty. — jpal - pooplu are duo to orgunio or func tional derangements of that Important orgun. Prophltt's Anti-Billions Pills and Livot Mmll- cinostrlke directly at the root of thuevll. They euro tho Liver, which, iu uRio casus out often, is the hottdm of tlio Coughs, Dyspopslu, Colic, sick Headache. Uheumatlsm, Constipation, Menstrual Obstructions, uto„ so common umoug our pomde. Euruche, Toothache, Acute Wo aro agofits also for TUB MASON AND IIAMLIN ORGAN; Havo tyro* iroinlnont to ho tit# greatest improve meat on Jlttslenl Instruments that *„» vM n unit ns and LiTitrtotlAfn Imuxts that has ever boon brought to this mnrket—selected with dire, and ospoolaUy suited to tho refined tasto. MUSICAL nttPARTlCKHT . Is complete, with u full stock Instructors, Italian Strings, ments.and morclmndlso. of ovory dosorln generally to ho found In a first-class Music Store jjebMVs to? PE11FECTLY UEI.tAtlLE. tmorally to bo round in a tlrst-oiuss music store Wo would especlully rccommond thostiporlov make und flno tone of our PIANOS. Purclms‘*‘l Tor cash und soli\ at Now York rates! We claim ducldod advantages In ploaslng tho %ud for onr Book List of Sheet Music, and tod Cutuloguo of Piuuos-furuishod, appl biioS't 0 ho!i>ancts°onred B l triod Uio iwdal remedies r ............... _ nmnufno* ta’rbr’s; Wo buy direct nml sell at short profit. Magazines! Musleniid Books bound on short rfotlce, uild reasonablo torma. Wovihj of Attfntiolu . To Dr.fuos. A. Hurley! I hereby certify that during IrtSt Vo'af I was uttnekod with tho Aguo whilst in Vlcksbi Miss., nml useil several popular medicines v but tuuiporury relief. Ou rwi PHILLIPS A CREW, Corner Alabama nnd Whltohuli Sts., Atlanta. Fob. 11, 18004m Of UinSmb! and Qualities at At Boynton’* QARPETH I Clminl^erlin Dry Goods and carpet store, when my medical attemlant ordered Quinino in large doses—'frequently aahigh us GO gra* E day, and which must havo cost me nen i. I consulted Dr. Smith or Louisville, i ml hoprozcrlbed quinine nnd arsenic c< 1, which I i I uefOseil to take, p cd with culurgpd Liver and Spleen. AbonUthis time the advertisement ofHurley's AguoTouio appeared in a city pafier, and 1 determined to give it a trial. 1 did so, and lmvo no rcuson to regret it. Ono bottlo rustonnl mo completely; und since that time I have soon nearly a hun* dred cases In wluoh it nCted with equally hap. PY results, and would oerlafnly recommend It us preferable to any oilier tonic bofora tho pub- articlehrlnnulmrton lie. Jamr.s MAims, Engineer. FIRST CLASS CAR PET AND' FURNISHING IjCfnJsville, K V., June 15, INJ5.. STORE, •«*» hy l.. J». C“ “ ^ Incomplete, nt prices LOWER than they can bo ^ft 0 * 1 * Gowgla} purclmsiul elsowheru in this State: Atlanta, Georgia. OUR stock of Cnrpots, Oil Cloths, Bugs, Mats, Ottomans, Window Shndoa, Lace und Dam ask Curtains, Table or Plano Covers, and every . Uudger & Co., Druggists; onr Stock of D1IY GOODS. Is tbtnpleto In very department. Dress Goods, Linens, Cnnstmcrc#, Cloths, • mSH Tweeds, Jeans, Kerseys, Domestics, Blankets. Flannels, Hoop Skirts, Balmoral und Boulevard Skirts, Shuwls, Clonks,Hosiery,Notions, Gloves, Ribbons, Luces, Trimmings, and every thing usually kept In tt First Class Dry Goods Store I Citil and examine, and satisfy yourself as to quality of Goods and the low price*. CHAMBERLIN A BOYNTON. October 29, WW. fJNO THE LA DIES l Ulndaitio A.. Bi’artifitillor, Wishes to Inform her Lady friends and tho public generally tlmt sho has returned fromN. York with a lull stock of FANCY VARIETIES! Such as Dress Trimmings, Knit and Woven Worsted Goods, latest styles: French Juwelry, Embroideries imColnrs, such as Suppers, Clmlr Cover«i etei Also a full assortment of Worsted and Silk Embroidery Materials, etc. HAitt WORK of kVicky Dkscriptiox Made to order und kept an. Urn ml. such us Wigs, Bands, Hwitehes, Curls, FrizZottosf also, Bib- bons, Flowers, und every variety of Ladies' Fancy Not lous. . . „ . • 4B*IInvlng Imugltt principally for Cash, enn- ‘ * BHfliwj fi JJURLF.t’b POPULAR 1VOE3I CANDY. A, till', is renlly a spul-lfic for worm., and tjip cst and most pulataldo form to give to fchIK palatable I surprising . tbo place of all other preparations for worms— It being perfectly tasteless, and uny child will take it. Jamks Uuddlk, proprietor. Mesrrs. James Bmldlo A Co.—Gentlemen—Tt R ives mo groat plcusuro to say, nftcr using lilt ic other worm remedies known to me, with but partial sueesss to my children. I wasndrls- ... m . •» -ifoy- * hies her to com pete with any House iu tho city. Atlanta, October 20-12ui. to try Dr. T. A^Hurfey’sj and sluce fixing it .... childrenImVoJiccomo well nnd henlthy.-a Tlio children would eHt It all the is so pleasant, If wo would let them. I bollevo It is the best und safest remedies knowu, nnd os such recommend It to one and all. . _ James W. Travis. Louisville, Ky., July 3, lfcWS. " ■& PAIN Butter, 510; chickens, 25; Salt, $2.00; Ba- county Jail of Murray county nt Spring Place; In con, 104 to Octm; Beeswax, 85; Coffee, 80 to said county, to await investigation oranoffenso HJlcts; Meal 85cts; Feathers, 50eU: Flour, with which lmstooijoliargod, which luvcstiga- uulio, iiiuiimuiiw, A Uiuuuio, uuuio, xiuui, 85 to 85.50; Com 75ots; Wheat, 81.30 to llo '‘ «-u8»oMownMi-lhoMoiia#yncztraBuingj 81.75; Huy, 80.00 to 81.25;, lOlcts; “"■J ” ’■.W); Potatoes, 81.25 82.00. Wlicrwi., tlH!kcy.of»al<lJnllwcrolD ik».0» 1 slonofS. B. McCumy, Jailor of said town and Dnllun Society. I county, wlio, ut or about tlio Hour orator .b T ^^ tineo ; ihl v 3oc ^ i8 T I rasSKt the fourth Sabbuth evening of each month thorized and unlnM’ful hotly of musked nnd ftt J. B. Nichols’ Counting Toohq at 4 o’- armed men, who, presenting loaded pistols at clock. A full attendance of tho Board is tho person of said MeCnmy, Jailor ns aforesaid, respectfully solicited on next Sabbath eve-1 ,lw orlll,n 11,0 " 0,lvcr >' lo u,<!m of th,) ning, as business of impoi'hniCe Is expect ed to bo transacted. Dr. IV. J. Manly, Pres’t. J. X. Scott, Secretary. keys of tho said Jull; aud Whereas, through four, the said Jailor did de liver said keys to the said unauthorized nnd lawful hand of musked and armed men, who upon such delivery did open nnd enter said Jail, nnd forblbly nnd unlawfully seize nnd tuke therefrom the suid July Martin and curry him Gratifying Increase. In stating that the annual return of In comes, for the year 1808, in Atlanta, and the 4th District showed nn increase' of 50 per cent., says the Atlanta Constitution, wo were in error. Tho returns show an increase of ono hundred per cent., and shows the unparalleled prosperity of tho Gate City, Deliciously Medicinal.—This is the off; ami universal verdict pronounced upon Plan- WHorons, nrt tho Saturday morning next tntion Bitters hy all who liavo tried them, ceodlngsnld Friday, the body of Haid July Mur- The well-known health-promoting ingred- tin was discovered dead, hanging by the neck ientsfrom which they are made, and their from the limb ofa tree; and inValliitblc merits as a remedy for indigos- Whereas, tho Coroner’s Jury, impannelcd to tion and all its consequent ailments, and pronounce upon the cause of death of tho said tho preventive qualities against diseases July Marlin did rondcr a vordict that hoourao arising from climatic changes, miasmatic to his death through hanging by some porson influences and imperfect secretions, arc so persons unknown: widely known and so hntiorabl.y endorsed, Now, therefore, I, Rufus B. Bullock, Govomor that we trust uo one will forego the ad van- of this States und Commandor-ln-ohiof of tho tages of their use; Army and Navy und of the Militia thereof, do hereby issue this, my Proclamation, offering a Rend, O Woman! | roward of Five Thousand Dollars for tho ap- L. 11. IIKADFIELD, Weolesale Agent foi “ ‘ ‘ bd Family J Prophltt's Celobrufbd Family Bledlclnos, Whitehall Street, Atlanta,Ga. L. 1*. Q U DO EH A CO., Ituvo Prophltt’s Bern- LL1N KU Y ! MILLIN’ SHY 1 Wholesale nnd Ret nil at Knox’s Millinery nndVaricly Store. Whitehall, 4 doors from Alnbumu,Street, At hit ' HARD? AKE1 Tommey & Stewart, GEORGIA, ATLANTA, Whitehall Street! iitn, Ga. MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS, Hilts, Bonnets, Ribbon*, Flowers, Also, A Splendid Stock of Hair Good* Switches, Curls, Frizets, Chignons, Brulds, ctb. Dross Trimmings, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, etc. Bridal Bonnets,Huts, Wreaths, etc., gotten up In superb style, and at low rairus. to salt tho tasto of the most fastidious. Orders from a distance promptly attended to hy Mrs. Knox, in person. Country dealers would do well io call, exam- ino nnd prico our goods bofore purchasing else where, W. G. KNOX, Fobll-flm Atlanta.Ga. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL A largo and coinploto assortment Foreign nnd Domestic Hardware. At prices not to ho undorsold in this market, consisting in part of Iron; Stool, Nolls. Cutlery, Guns, Builder’* und Carriage Materials. .Also, is’ Patent Wrought Iron Screw nud Ho- folH5-ly Mj BrookL - volving Press, for saloi /SOX ft HILIa, Atlanta, Ga. WholcRttlo nnd retail dealers in Fonr.iax and Domestic Ltquons, Cioaus, Touacco,&o. W. II. Cox,) W. R. Hill, \ October 29-0m. W C. LAWS11E, wliolcsulo and retail Drug- • gist, denier lirPutnts, Oils, Glass, Perfu mery, and Fancy Articles. Corucr Marietta and Pcuclitrci Strocts, (Old Noreross Corner,) At- lantu, Georgia. Get 29-0ul. A TLA NT A MARBLE WORKS, Give tho day und year first above written. , , RUFUS B. BULLOCK, By tho Governor: Governor. Evokxk Davis, Secretary Executive Department. .m251t [orriciALi] ProclniiihtldiL GEORGIA: ^ ByRbkuS B; Bli,i,pric, Govcritor of snld State, WiikUeaB, ofilelnl information has been l'o- ceived ut this Department tlmt murder was committed In the county of Wilkes, on tlio SOtli day of March, ultimo, upon tho l»ody of Thom as Tlmxton; by an unknown person or persons, and Hint said unknown person or psrsons lmve fled from Justico i I have thought ptoper, therefore, to Issue this uiy Proclamation, hereby offering n reward of FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS for tho npprehen- sion Uiid delivery of the said unknown person or persons, with ovIdencuBufilclent to convict, to tho Sheriff of said county nnd Stiltci And I do moreover charge and requlro nil of ficers In this State, civil and military; to he vig ilant in endeavoring to apprehend tho said un known person or persons In order that they may ho brought to trial for tho offeiiso with which they stand charged. Given under iny hand and the great Seal of tho Stato, at the Capitol, in the city of zYtluntu, tlils^hlxtlwlay of Ajjril, in tho yenr^of I.ord one thuusiind eight hundred nnd sixty- nine, and of the independence of tho United Ibn||;|i(| JIUFUS B. BULLOCK, States tho ninety-third. By the Governor Governor. AgrlcnUnml Durcnns. The Atlanta Constitution snys: .TheCity Council nre fitting up in fine style ail Agri cultural Bureau In tbo room over the mar ket, at tho corner of Pryor nnd Mitchell streets. . It will be under the charge of Hon. D. IV. Lewis, Secretary of tho State Agricultural Society, and will be open all the time. As health is tho greatest blcSBlilg on IT!;""" 1 , 0 ”- wU ? junta*.* earth, so isdisenscthegreatcstcursc: I'he tie bonVIctlon of tho person oriicruona perpetru first wish of the heart, therefore in a tern- ' ,OB 1,10 ”' ur<lcr f 0 '! 0 poralvicw, should be licalth. Nor Is this all. As diseaso renders us unlltloiicrform thisninotoonthduy of March, in tho yr • ' " * * * our Lortl, one thousand eight Jiundroi Si id und Don't get Angry, Mothers I It is so very pleasant to ride in an omni bus opposite a baby who is sucking sugar cundy, nnd playfully wipes his dear little nands cn your best black unmentionables. the various duties appropriate to our sta-, tion in life, there is a moral obligation uJftod^sto'tc»thonliiotMbSK"' ™°“ ° r ““ resting upon us to preserve our physical Rufus B. bullock, intecntY. bv usllijl tlio incans at hand for Dy tlic Governor: Governor, rcnclling Aaso. | David g * Cott1no ’ S^rotarj-of state. m25U Now there is nothing so destructive tt) health in feBinlos ns it continued suppres- sion of tho menses. It is a condition which on the estate of Hiram Montgomery, deceased, makes a woman useless to herself and a, I P?titioncd lor lct^^dismlssioti from burden to her friends. Dr. J. Bradfleld’s Female Regulator, Woman’s bestl’nend, cause, if any they cun, why said administrators la tho nnlv pertain elite Lose not a mo- should not ho d I soli urged from their admtnis; mentinembradra; u!eremedy. Kl?ES.^ r? ^ ****»-*- For sale hyL.f! Pudger&t'o., Dalton. 1 8, i receive letters or dtsmlsslon on a din - In Beptcmber,180e. Feh.26.lSS9 S'DEHSONTARNSYTORTH. Ordy. Manufooturorcr and wliolcsalo und retail 0 11 AS. 8UNDQUIBT, Manufuoturercr ai aculcr in every description of I^UllNITURE, ALSO DEALER IX— CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, WALL PAPER,GILT MoLtuxas und Franks, OunrAiNB, SrniNO Mattresses, ftc. .. largo assortment of Burial Cases on hand, which will ho sent to any point on tho shortest ur - * .... sent to... notice. Call, and examino for yourselves be foro puroimslng elsewhere. Chattanooga. Tcnn., 5iarkot str., July 2-1 y. FnoM4to369 Horse Power including, tho colobrutcd Corliss cut-off Engines, Sldo Valve Stationary En- S lnes, Portable Engines, e. jMso,Circular, Malay nnd Gang Saw Mills; Sugar Cano Mills, 81mftlngj Pill, leys, fte.,Lut1i nnd shingle Mills, Grist Mills,Circular Saws. Bolting, &o. Send for descriptive circular and price list. Wood ft Maxx Steam Ewo* Coi cm. Utica, N>V. piARDS, BILL AND LETTER HEADS printed Adjoining Calhoun House and opposite Georgia Railroad •Depot. Constantly on bund und mudo to order Jlonuomltii ToUilis, Head -Stones, Tablet., Urns, Vases. Bureau, wnshstand nnd Cant l'o Table Tops, Marble Mnutlcs aud Heurtln, und rnlHlilug Marble of nil description*, a* cheap bun he furnished this side or Now York, Call und oxnmlnu materhil and prices. Designs or MonuiiniiiiB or any other Marble —''furbished freddf charge. Wm. OKAY, *» Agt, ' Ir “ ' H. 11. OATMAfr, febfiWy _ 1'ropt. pjOX ft BROTHER; OommlM^ioii MorclmntN, Fonsvn: snv., AfLXyri, cIa. Groceries und MerehuudiHi. for Prokuccor Jlorchandlso. October'15-121111 TAMES R. WYI.TE, PcueJitrae Street, ATLANTA, G^V Wholesale Qrocor and Commission Merchant. ry, 1 ' At limit-. „Fcbll-3m iq-EADQUARTEltS C’AHI>ETM,Oir. CLOT1IM nnd CtlflTAllVN. KENDRICK’S CARPET STORE, Marlde Building, Murietta Str;, Atlanta, Ga. Wo keep constantly on bund a very largo stock of Carpet*, embracing utl grade*, from eheitnest td tllu lust i Floor Oil Cldtli*: nil widths; Damask and laicoGiirtains; Coruit Whtdrlw Siuide*,_ ltu|?», MOtt*; indeed oVer.v thing needed tofuriush a hdtho inav be found at S. 8. KENDRICK’S, Nov. 12-12m. Atlanta, Qu. ■gSTABLISHED IN 1P5I. X. M. & XI. C. Clarice, Importers nnd dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, Keep constantly on hand a full assortment of Iron, Stool. Nalls, Nutts, Washers und Rivets, Circular, Mill, Tcnunt ft Cross-Cut Saws, LeUt In or add Rubber Bolting and Packing, Ames' 81iovcl* and Bpaderf, Building MuterhU, Pocket and Table Cutlery, Carpenters’ Tools, Kims,. Spdko Jitlhs, Agricultural implement*,Springs amd Axles, Carriage liardfi-urc-MtU of which we rtfo dfferlng low for cash. ftSTOrdora from the country promptly ation- «rAKCTits tat Falrhank’s Standard Scales and Knoxville Iron Work*. Sign of BIG PADLOCK, Pot. 29-ly. Pcach-Trco Str., Atlanta,Ga. H UNNICUTT ft BEIJ.INGRATR, Deal or* in Stoves, Tinware, House Furnishing Goods, Steam and Gas Fit tings; Yulrcd, Gauge Cooks, Whistles; Steam Guttges, Oil Cups, Wrought Iron Pipo for *» * ..«tuii n, i lyater aud Gas, Ptimps of all Pattorns; Rubber Hose, Tin Plate, , .Shoct Iran; Copper, Lea«l, eto. Plumbs' Bruss Goodsf Wash Basins, Plugs; C'cokSr Water Closots. etc., etc. ccckSjWatcr Closots. etc., etc. Contractors for Roofing, in best style; in Tin and.Bhectlrori, «. 1L Crossing; opposlto National Hotel, mar-Om ATLANTA, QA. Y OU will always find tbo Choicest Rio Coffee and any brand of Sugar you desiru at TIBBS ft KENNER * N' otiCk To motHeIis f Dr. Nenbrook’i* Iu lit nt Soothing Syriip! nution quite up with tHc advancement age. Pleasant to take, lititmlosi in its action, elllcleut uiid reliable iu all eases. Invaluable in the following diseases t. Svxmzm' Complaint, IaBEocLAntTufl or thm Bowbm; Rkstivkmkss, Teetuiko, fto. Gives health to the ciiild find rest to the mother. J. R. RIPLEY, (ESTABLISHED IN 1M0.) Dealer in Crockery, China, Glasswares and 811- or-Plated Goods,. House Furnishing Goods, linking Glasses, fto.—also Koroneite Lamn* 8 11, und tho ecdohratud non-cxplosi omet Burner*. Short Chimney*, tl ■afkst Burners ovor invented. M Stav tho 1IKST 49*Store f m Whltohuli Str., a fow door* from the Bull, toad Grossing. Atlauta, Ga., Feb. 26-1 y. D B. J. Bit A DFI ELD'S Female Regulator, Fuiuulo Regulator, Foraulo Regulator, Woman'S Woman's Woman's Bc*t Frlopd! Best Fritmd ! Best Friend I . jr. Bbadfield, L. H. BRA DFI ELD, Wholesale Druggist, Wholesale Druggist, Atlanta, Bodfs cfc) Snoes. G. H. & A. W. FORCE, Wholcsalo dealers In ' BOOTS &> SHOES, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ua. K EEP dn haHd the lnrgfcst and iical selected Stock lit tile cllv of Atlanta, and will nlwny.-. sell to Country Merchants at J%~CW ITork Prices, with frolght addtfd. Kov. 6-1 y. J. 8. OLIVER.] [O. C. WADDilL. OLIVER & WADDAIL, •W DEL DEI 3EC XJ & E3 aso m ., Commission Merchants, Cornel* AlUbamaand Fonyth Str*., Atlanta, Ua. AnKNTS for Mauiktta Papku Mitt—keep all sizes Printing and Wrupping paper on. hand, nt lowest morket prices. [Nov. 6-gut. H 1 UNNICUTT ft BELLINGBATH. i'himh'ors, tafi Roofing in all its branches—TU» or corrugated Sheet Iron, Copper Valleys, ettk Railroad Crossing, inr-Orn Atlax ta,Ga. T IQUOltS i LIQUORS L Just recelvod and for sale nt greatly reduced prices __ i -..-’rcIs of Woodcock Bourbon. 16 Barrels of Gaff's Superior Byo. 100 . “ Iloctlfloil Whiskey, a full assortment or kinds of llguorcr. L. COHEN. Whitolmll Street, Atlanta, Ga. And a Febll-Sm TJ4MPLOYMENT that. pays. For particular, Jjj address f*. M. SPENCER ft CO., Brattle- boro, Vt. NASnViiuL Tkxm;. Feb. 12, .Tame* Buddie A Co., Louisville; ky.— .., ...t,... ^ . etty* I Seutir'ouk'* Infant Soothing .. Syrup; and found it to dO my child more good und i^ would rest bot- “--Jtr ter after using if than any other remedy 1 over tried; I l*nh say with Bonfldchce, it is the best dic’liie for children at present known, iwlsh a wouhl get tlioDj uggistH here to keen it. If unv one does, please let mo know: if not, sond inu one dozen bv t xpress, uiid I will pay for it ut t he oftibo hero. Write mo whon you send it; and " " “ L. Raxdoli’U. oblige H intLEY'8 @T03UCiH BITTERS! For Debility, Loss of Appetite, Wearners, IXDioKs ritJjqthK brsrsrstA, Waxt bv Acti«n ok tub Ltvztt, disordered Btomacli. Tliore ai*o iio ilittcra that enn compare with he*e m removing- 4heao distressing bom- i by. Li 1»: OndgAr ft Cou Drnpgiste, covilla, and by ull other Drug stores itcu states: J-JIL SEAljItOOK'S tiLIXin OF PYROrilOSrilATE Ii*om nud Cnlywltt. Tlits olcuunt comblnnttun' iiobscssu, nil Uio toxic properties of Peruvian Bark and Iron, wUhoutthodisugroeubletu*teand btvd offectM of either, sepunitely or In othor preparations, of thesa valuable medicines. It should bo tu- ;cntle tonic impression keulu nil eases when a gentle to is required aftereonvaissconoofrom vuvebs debilitating disoase*. or-in-those distressing lUREori.AUiTtLS peculiar to femiUes. No te- it hvat it cuses for uotiiiug eun well take its place. ALL OY TJIB AUOVB UZnWtSCA Manufuetiiretl hy James Huddle ftCo., Louisville, Koniuoky, And for sulo by all Druggists In the Union. April 8,1809-12U).