North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, April 22, 1869, Image 4

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A. the iiniX iilantUV" com U now up- •"><1 *»» imlvorta* If Ihogrom.a I.rough n„us.R bohoom our tanJfri'-ml to!*"'*' </’ • *E2 to the proper preparation oftl.r : »««»«• illL '» soil M ll.o reception of tUe cmln. UM ' h W tl.» wotifcMhlrtWJ^^ Hut v.o, well turned with n two-horse ; »‘»rtnn.l Mta*1 b oik. lf »‘ h f - plow lust Vail or whiter, should fieSgutn l»B l** • «"«*■* ^ turned in some inutmrr, n «oo<l I,art,or well-let It stand Ir-mt H to 8 Mum in run over It until nil the clods thorough-1 |' le SgJ- lyltroken, nml the find well sumothcd, bo-; **" " , ' r “ tore .tiie corn is planted, hand that was anerwn.ds.sha low; tvtl broke.. last Fall shouhl not Ik, turned “fa 1 ¥ "" -o,1 piv. ns soil Hint has not Iteeti t xpesed . lsK.lhotd, for -If m,y drop clean cul- «fff? ""‘rf tS tlt Ume to commence harvesthtg idant 0>wi nsthnt which lute. Itenrcnn . ' , , , , a.„ Advocate for deep ploughing, but itehould ; »* «» 1 w° U f r ‘ u I n d. he.domt at the tight litne, or a cVop nmy be “ lll "" k 5 ‘” 0 " ' , lf J * rt lost thcrehr. As ngeuewtSfule the deep- i *EmttgU 1,1 U i° erthelnndWoten,tlmrtore-Bnrftcelhe;«^«Mfc;i^'. plant has from whirl, to obtain food nnd !t makes t)it- lightest c«l e jt I’ air. A tier thorough preparation the rows hut Is more 1,able to eoagulatc %ru rt.uuUM* laid off lire feet apart, and the 1 rr ™ n ™ ,lc , nt Ueo iwogief stage, o > grain dropped every three feet in .trill, and , manngrd, will he of n nd, goWon urerrtl shallow-, ascxpi rimenlshaveprnv- 1 «***■£ 11,1 P 4 * en that corn planted the shallowest does llynm transparency . the best. ha, heard thoremark C "\"* •"••JW? MS”; that no matter how deep von put the grain, . «»<> ®. ‘ ll J° "*• , Do SJ* *? the roots will come to the fop. Cm, is »Mandta. 5 alter,I Is rather a shallow feeder, the roots rtuming 110 ? 01 on ® n °! . 9 c . , ,1 out a good distance bu not very deep,- ; su ‘> >«*»»}; M The alter cultivation is verv important, snn nnd rain it will not injure, f It lays a mat as (here are so many opinions among "«* “ r ™S*j2 E‘ fa rains, in regard to the culture, that we . best mUUlmlInn,»o,m,tatolnM will not attempt to prove that 4.11 are >" tho three roller Vtelor M il, made by wrong, and that our plan is right, but will & Go., CineUtimli, Ohio, give the plan that we have with i fa*?/' 10 lx ’ st *«!»«* h nice, s« a good many yenrs, amt which has ; i 10 w '” 1<! i " 0 , ' , laen the plan pursued by the most success- Evaporator a grot, mpto fttl formers in the State. We wish it dis-1 •««“ P 1 ?" of ,^ ii«c«y im.l„s,K.l tlialn lUr.iugh |>reiin-, 1 1 ">, ssRSssrs&ss *ss r??fff*ar up suflielontly to plough we run round it; in th „ „ f t ,„ ; ^ n g nillst li" h a . " "" c ' 1*^“* t "'°, “ r : home-made syrnp. Wo admit Unit there tliivo inches uccp, umesa the ground is . . * , 4 . » .... „, wl . ‘ ’ i . g.111 r is sonio diflerence in the taste of tins and very dry we go over the whole Held before | ill t0(1 m tbls c l ocsnot prove that wenv.t any more furrows,, wo U,h, go back | s n ,J t , >d . It ta admitted that ills and run enough ftrerows to break on ho, as goo.1 look, nnd ns clean * “Sfr " lth P'" u « '• , A the as the imported. To show that it Ismore seeoud p oughlug, (which is the Inst one j Judico ‘ thBn „ tllin n fow fac , 8 fthewec.knndgn.ssdonotenl i n ^ ]>t bc mentioned: lor the third,) wo are careful to run no : fa flol(1 ft , Mrri> , of , lis „ ynl „ to more tlaint an Inch deep or past sumnent j crc||ftllt for retttil , A , ady c ' mu U , depth l„t the plough to take all the weeds | , ^ him if he had any Orleans syr- '' r- " ";" h 800(1 P'™?'-'«»!<'» - up _ s i lc did not waul home-made, no 11 j* on y necessary to run over it once with ho , 1|lU 801110 V e 0 -good syrup, nml n hoe turning oat and culling weeds that show hcr . Sllc lld j Jf up were nat qoyered by the plough. I hen j to tho n , lt ^ nm i exalt,iued It till n„p S laid by there snoldlUt all olhc , „ hc al)d “This will do, corn hat the ground ts left ns level ns it can , j ncvcr coul(1 #tond , 10mc . IllaUe syruP) nil possibly ho. By this system the roots of, iufc ,.„ g , io ^ uk it and i sUp . I te plant are eft as near],;■ undieturbod an ^ Uie mls(ak e. the "alure of the ease will allow, at the j T |,„ ,„,.„ lniI , r , r this nrelmlieo Bnmc lime stirring the topsoil sons t6]ier- mit til'; free nceess of air to the plfttit. - epoonfttl 6r supgri creased his erop of acre. Having the groum . lay oil'the rows 8J feet wldo with a small bull-tong.,o plow-drill tlio icod regularly nnd cover si,allow with a small harrow or rako. Three or four pounds of reed will do for one aero, If the ground Is wnrm in says that a proper plnco whore, tho roots will gorml- v .to to tho hill In- nate. py aK gallons to tho I.AL.OV I AI11IS. •- /' it **[ 1 M k1 "‘ Y * ,mo ”n.\r.TONi akoitoiA. Dealers In If tho wheat should he Covered three inches deep, longer lime Is rctinlrcd In coming up, nnd about two weeks Is lost in tho formation of a now set of roots near the surface, consequently tho wheal will not grow off so soon, tho undertOotl al ways dying just ns soon ns ll.o nu.ynro formed; tho reason Ibr this, l.t.s been by some erroneously nitrllmted to tho ri.ols- diMoTnSnoy taro lxtneiitli, luslciid of the simple lari, cul.lerjr, llunlwnro, Jiglions, Dr/ ooorts, c.e, Groceries, Boots onfl Shoes, I.KATIIKII, YAIINP, DOMKSTICS, itrary to Its naturb. By (rent portion of tho wheat, tnde of grains never Ynnkr .co nbovo the surface. ! lumld‘he covered will. Iho liar- WANTKD row.orhnish. T would prefer the harrow. Country l'rtxluoo of every ..escrlptloii. for ami to Instirc ll.o wheat wWI eovoh:d,'.,lt should,bo harrowed twice, or doglifa liar- whlcl. the l.lgl.o,. market prteo will bc pula, rowcdMhat is, nllow tl.e Imrroiv. toinp about ono half every round. Therels an other. mode, that vary much resembles Hint put In by tho wheat drill, nflcr.‘the land Is prepared ns above Stated, it should bo ploughed with. n s.nnll plow, making shallow furrows, and not putting them so close together ns to till-one by the making of tho next; then sow Ufa wheat, am] brtlsli it; that levels down tho ridges ninda by tlio Wo are also Agent, for the salo of ttnpo's Kb lrvKOuUcaSu]lcri>l|n»ii!iotoorl.lmc-oacof the boat Commercial KerlUlser. now in u»o. Cull met see Dr. A Mcua's Analysts, nieV get one of the pamphlet.. Also, AxenlsforGardner'sl’omlrot.e,aebenp NlahtSoll. Samples of cacti enu bo seen a, our Store. Fanners waattnp fortl.lxors will please give as a call before baying elsewhere, inarch P-Iy plow throwing tlio wheat In the ftirroivs, j aart poriiinaeiitFertnilser.itiumiructurodn-oiii nml giving ll Ihc npiwnvanco of liclng drilled. Thu brushing at first gives to tho ground n smooth nppcnfnnco, but'nftor neing rain ed on, It sinks lo.vor where the Wheat Is, nnd Is not likely to bo frozen out, ns had ns that on a lovel surface, frointho fact that during thu freezing up of tltf it rolls down among the wheat nnd koops tho roots covered. Slli. The propor tlmo for sowing. Tho safest nml best tlmo to sow wheat, Is from the Inst week ill September to the middle of October; not sooner on nccount of the danger from the fly, nor later because it will not linvo lime to take good root before winter. J. F. 0. QNWAHD WE MARQHI TO TinilS A KK.NNEU'3 ridges, .wiiovo we bay goods cheaper tlmu anywhere ■1 re ta tmvn, mill they always keep a good stock if well assorted Goods oa burnt, unit nro'coil. nutty receiving now good*, nml they do not MlKt'KYm KOlTrt AliyKUTIHKMEXTS. T III3 BEST BAltfe AIX IN NOHTII OEOHGIA l One Hundred und Fift y Acrcn of l.aud, Four Mllei* from Dulton, j sttuntnd In n T'lno Vatlny. A good On-hard 01 It. Will ho Hold very cheap. .Apply to ].. 1). PALMlbU, 0\Vner. Apr lMf or J. H. KU?(J, i.aud Agent. body Ido v buying eliiCwHeve. _. i.l then ulil do well to glvo them, u. I V you would llko a pleasant, nleo nmoko, and get a box of FnuiTa ami Flowkiir from TIIUJS A K LINN Fit. nnd 8<1 m*ctlon of Mid t-ouiity, known ns tho FitKgornjd pftoli •wnwogd Bjyroi^hc on of paid If 1 vltlffM* - ‘ m 4 ' , W¥lfe©S'' mnt.r, under fl fn froin Whitfield Hnporlor nnnthrrM,\u tho relon aft nr of a llfu ePtato of lot p l-:th dlsirhd ami 3d m-tinn of od on a« tho property of Ill ho Mold & iuo..,„ nnd town lot numbernitt ktiowtti hoUMU on tho numo, hottmlod on Urn south hy T A Foitor, nml on tlio oast by K J Klkor. lot und HtnldeM,aml ono vaeuutltd went or Hull ltoud, bdumlcd on tho MoiitTt by II. C, Jlunt’n dwelling 'Vim 1 ; S A KKNNKR. and any brand of Suj UBS & KKNNF.U’f*. milE CELKIU1ATED STALLION .TOIITV 3IOKGAN,” will eomuenco tho Spring Season, at the fol- DAI/i i ON."KKNXOX PI.ACC.and at TIT.TOX | For further particulars seo^lUlK ora^l^o /■'1R0CKS nml Jars that hold from 1 to 4 gal- \j lonp.and a large assortment of Chlim und Uhisswaru will bn found, Chenpor than any. where else, ut TIBUS X KENNFit’s P L< c cock and Cast Flows! for sale by Uomk, GKOnuu, The Cultivation of IVlicnt. Jf we wouhl cultivate wheat successfttl- Tho prcvtilciiee of this prejiuliee In the I suns.” per-1 p Hk jj u pdipl i s the enuse of a frautl being l ic loo s ol p ] . nct | a ,,i 0 „ tlio people by merchants 111 some-of our large cities. They put 117 i.cToiing la.mi. ! gallons of refined sorgho mid !> gallons of Tlir old system of ploughing tip, nml ! New Orlcnus syrup.Into, n New Orleans down hill, is not only ruinous to the land, ! barrel, and mix it well. It is forthwith but is killing to stock nnd hands, Some ; converted into N. Orleans jyrnp nnd sold fanners are so crazy to have straight rows j ns such, nnd It is said the frautl cannot he that they will run up hill in preference to detected by taste. I consider this a. very running around it. Every one with com- harmless framl, ns no ono is injured by it, toon c '.pcrienee knows hotv much easier to and the merchant makes money, walk ima level Ilian it is up an elovation, j If the whole process of making syrup.Is yet wh u they come to ploughing do not! managed to the liest advantage, two Jgniv lor an Instant think of it. It will he in 1 dred gallons nnd upwards to the acre may place to remark (lint in attempting to run 1 bu counted on withcertuinty. on a level, !l should he done with an Ittslrn- j All must admit that this is a profitable ment. so ns tohe ns nearly lovet ns possible, crop, when It is considered that the seed for if done hy guess It is always done im- nnd fodder, if taken cure of, will pay tho properly, and a good many furrows made expense of cultivating tho crop. Thescetl to convoy nil the ivntcr to u certain point, * nre nutritions, nnd fells fled hy nil kinds of nt which it breaks over, nnd onuses a lnr-, stock. 0.11. Bnowx. ger wash than if each one convoyed its own i — f, * * ..—~— water. When properly (lone each furrow ' jcoamraKUTc" re“orn vaiixmaskbt. ) will hold Us water and no Invgo collection 1 Will gather, nl tiny particular place, If .. ilussystdra WasfoflOWcd closely, we would 1 ’ ' VL ‘ 1!UIB consider five essential points, not have so much of our soil washed into preparation of the land. -hi. iheernksnild rivers, nnd thereby save our comlftlon of the land, when sown, j an ds. whether it be tvdt or dry. lid. Thoprepn- - I ration of tlio seed. 4th. Its depth. Oth. p oKMi itieiisn to “ookvaiiv naikrt.''J The time for sowing. sorsl\ma- tioneora‘ultltntloii. 1„. The preparation of tho land. If It Having been solicited (ogive to the pub- 1 llc & n ow or rfovor, it should bo tliorough- I*’ ,n i bihI cfa\'|)crienw)i|U}ultiynting ]y turned with a two-horse plGw, to tlio niamilactiirc ol Syrup, d ept6 of six inches, or more, turning nn- tuid !■ .icving it to be a subject of vital in- d cr ail the vegetable mnlter that may he iou-t to tho country at this time, I have j „„ p if j( l, as a lieavy coat of weeds or eot^iit .1 to do so in my plain and .invar-; elovor , , t wiH aiUl t0 tko gl . mvt l, „f w hcat nrelwd way, hoping tint onr farmers may frnm s0 to 100 1 .er eenl. This Utrning w encouraged to give more attention lu . shouhl be done In tlio month of September, Iho subject than ha. hitherto been dotie, v,-llilo vegetntion is green. Ktalk land It is non aboutfutirtccu yiara since the should also, in the opinion of the writer, ( ane was mtrodueed into iliis country.- ; jfa turned, but if not turned, it should be It has spread to nil parts of the I .Mutes, j thoroughly plowed. After this, it should ami the ■ t rap lias h come one of the ticccs- lj0 harroired, or brushed, so ns to give It n - ui- - ol life. That the revolution now smooth nml even surface, nml prevent tho to I'rosi. l --ni Cilia wJUmateriallyenhaueb ] w |,cnt from accumulating in spots, by seat- ill•• ] r.i - i,i suuj) in this market, I have j tcringit uniformly over tho ground, nodguht, as large amount of the syrup | 2d. Tho condition of tho laud, when consumed ill tlii> country is imported, and w h C at in sown. To insure iv good crop, mainly from Cul»a. With this supply to j w h ea t should be sown in dry ground, just a cleat txi-.-nt cut off, wo must look to [ ns ( ] r y nH W c can find it, at tho sowingsea- li'ime production to make up the doficien- KO n. Thla ’fact is well known to many f y lien , consequently farmers will find it j farmers. AVhoat sown on dry ground is l«* their, interest to make enough syrup for t no t so liabje to smut, and other diseases, tlu-ir own use if not for market. I a s when sown on >v*6t ground. Tlio most ltavim: made up his mind to plantcanc, thorough poaking in ii sOlution of blucstono I t tho farmer lie certain to select the best will not prevent smut if sown when the variety of seed, regardless of price. A 1 land is wet. Tho writer once saw this fact dollar or two spent for good seed is made fully demonstrated. While sowing a Cold up a hundred fold in quantity and quality j in wheat the ground was ijry, until half ot of syrup. The writer knew a crop Inst' the field was sown, and at night it rained year totally ruined and made worthless enough to make tho land plow henvy for for syrup by having broom-corn mixed l half of the day. 1 proceeded with my with it. Tho Liberian is tlio Iwst variety 1 sowing, and from .the first wet furrow, the iii this section. It is a magnificent look-; wheat was smutty, until I came to where irig cane, which stands beforo tho wind ! the groijnd had dried off, nnd after that, bi-iit-r than any known variety; nnd no the smut ceased. All the seed had been ‘'in* knows the trouble of harvesting cane { freatod alike with bluestonc. Tho condi tion i.~ down hut those who have tried it— 1 tion of tho laud, when wheat is sown, may and moreover, tiie quantity and quality of account for the falling sometimes of blue- tli- ‘ vrup is materially injured if it falls stone as a prcvculivo of smut, i vlm-e it is ripe. The Liberian cane is | 8d. The preparation of the seed. . Ilav- • In r in wicharine matter, nnd yields more ing selected seed'from tlio best matured yrup to the wagon load and to tho acre, ' wheat, it should then bo sieved thorough- JOSEPH K. VEAL Dealer in Watdiosy ClocdiH, Jewelry, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, SpcclnelcM, Fmu-li, riilna aml Cut-f51ii«.-< Ware, Cutlery, l’oyn, MiihIcaI liiHlrumeutH, FlnliiiiaTackle, und Fancy Goods KCiit-rnlly. f tme viuer.s; TIBBS & KENNER. Gold Watchen, from **:» 00 to fioo oo silver “ “ • io oo to no oo lated “ “ ...; 5 00 to 10 00 Gaudex Seeds at. Tlplis A KKNNEUs. L i:t tiierk re i.iritt i AND THERE IS LIGHT I wherever Estrella Oil or lllumlualiutf Fluid is used. Try It und l»n convinced. Jt cannot ho excelled ! It Is the surest, eleune«t and cheapest 1 Best light now In use—heats anything! Burns as long. If not lo.igor than Kerosene! it will not•Explode F It is wunauted to bo ull that I claim for it! It needs liut an impart ial t rial to prove It! ll Is -.-utnlllug at SIXTY CENTS per Gallon! " 'wm ~ r ' >‘iul 1 miu und l0 AprU'8. ,J ’ 1). W. MITLTlELle, HUorlfT. AI.BO, AT THE I AUK TIME AXD 1*1.ACE! AIbo. that pit reel oriand in iho city of Dalton, hounded on the north Ity Waugh id root, nnd pit the ca-d hy North Spenocr att'oet, being wo reel on wild Spenftr street, ntld runuitig hack west 7A Toot; nlbo, lotsmimhersAI and M on North Spuncerstm'h eucli BOxUOiYut: all levied on a* 1 ha properly ot U. W. Crook hy vlrlllu of a ll fa from (Jlmttooga Superior Court, MuKeiulu, Cndow ,t Co. vs wild Crook. Also, lots ol hind nunthors 103and lot, of the lull .district and 3d section: levied on i\s tho property of Cain Broyles tosutlsfy u 11 fit from Whit field fiujwrlor Court In favor of 1*. M. Routli vs 0. }ViLane, tusker, Cain Broyles, In* dorscr, C. W. Bond, security, nml James, security on stay. Also, the north half of lot of laud nmnhei •iOl, of tlio lOtlt dlst riot unit !ld mucUou : levied on as tho property off. W. I-ano to satisfy u ll lu from Wliltlleld Hupei-lor court in fuvor of J. B. DautEler vs C. W. Lime, and Nuney l.une, sucu* rity. Levied on to pay tho purchuso money promised for Held land. Also, lot of laud numher 102, lu tho 120i dlst, and Bd Nta-tlnnof said bounty, except 1U aores sold l»y H. O.Cudv to Adamtuppcs and lliomaa Nalon: Bald lot Idvled on ns the property oOL RusPollto satisfy ono Justice court tl fas from the W*d district, a. M., N. P. Harbin vs Edward Tucker; maker, and M. Russell, endorser. I,ev- led und returned to me hy u constable, Also, lot Of land numher 7, lu the 13th district and 8*1 section nfnriglnully Cherokee now said countyOcviod/m as tho property of defendant to satisfy one attachment ll la from tlioH72d dis trict, U. M., W. lb Bvothevton vh Alexander Price. Levied and returned to me hy a But HIT. Also, a house und lot In Tilton, Whitfield eo., known us tho Dr, Smith properly, now in pos session of Dr. B. F. Miller: levied on us tho property of A. 1*. Sloan to satisfy ll fa from \vimlluld Superior court in- favor of William Pritchett Vs H. 11. blouu, A. F. Slouu nml J. P. Shire. Also, lot of land number lit, In tho 13th dlHt. und 3d section, as the property of Jf. G. Collins liyylrtnoofa t! fa from Whit Hold county court lu lavorof JohuBryuntvs said Collins. A Iho, one acre on the east end of four acres on Iho Bouth side of Ridgu st ret t, known ns part of the lot owned by K. M. Brnmblott to satisfy afl fa from Whitfield superior court in favor of A. Burkhcart A Co. vs J. L. My mil t and E. M. BrahihlettI Levied on as tho property of said Bramhlutt. Also, city lots, numhoretl 21,23and23. on north depot street to sat Isly two fl ms from Whitfield superior court In favor of the Dalton City Com* puny vs P. K. J.- Clurdy. Levied on us the prop erty of defendant und for purchase money. Also, lot 343. of the I2tli dlst rlet nnd 3d section t .is the property of L. W. Crook by virtue of a ll fa from Whitfield superior court in favor of J. W. Fincher vs J,. W. Crook. Hold at the risk of J. II. King, former purchaser, who failed to comply with his lild. Also, 70 acres of t he north 1ml f of lot 110, in tlio lltli district ami 3d section, its the propnrty of R11 Sapp; levied on virtue of n fl fa from >\ bit field superior court, <; l> Finley, ndm’r of Hold Fliidly,deceased, vs R It Sapp, and PCMoOwcn It. SOUTHERLAND, D. Sh’lT. _Api ll P,' IStgL, ■ G EORGIA, Whltlleld County-Whorcas. M P Jlorry, ailiulnlatnitdr of Jolm Broudrlok, deceused. represents to the. eourtiu Ills petit Ion duly tiled and entered on record, that ho 1ms fully ndnfiulBtcred John llrondrielc’a estate: TIiIh is, therefore, to cite all persons con- ceviied to show cause, if any they can whv said administrator should not lie discharged from his administration, and receive letters of dis mission, outlie Monday in July. 1403. npr-3m* , W, U. BROOK ICR, Only# »ontIti hy II. C, Hunt’d dwolllii und north. By Dr. D. G. Hunt t lovlod on nftl.- piopl-l ly <»r G. .1. Fulu. deceased, to dntUfy ono Inferior court fl fa lu favor of Edmond Ellis vs Lot or laud uumBer 2<V) In (1th district Ami Ctl di-otlon of snld county; levied on us t lie prop- ertrof J \\ Bvevs to sat Isly one tux U fa: levy, made and ret timed By a const tilde. • ! Also. I«d or land number .VI, In 711» district nnd 3d dflettou of said enmity: levied op us the prop, erty or Alexander Murray, ligeiit fur A G Mar, ray to wit Inly a ftixfl fa: levy made und return- t:d tome hy a constable, Also, out* lot of laud number 224, in 14th dls- t rlet and Up not linn orsnideoitiify: levied on ns the property or ED Umlgliid to. wtlsfy n tax 11 hi: levy nmtle and returned to moBv li. L'. Also, fiOneretinr lot number 13 In t he 7tB dls, trlct tind.ltl seetlon Of (Jordon county, ns the propert y of G .W RragdAu, to satisfy a tax d fa: levy mmlo uud returned tome by u eonstnldu. April 7, HW. GEO. N llltOlfDON, D.Hhtr. u ull and give It n trial! Yankee Clocks, for French nnd English Clocks from 23 00 to Plated Tea Spoons, sett, Ten Setts,44piece**,' Cromotm’snnd other Violinsut'lilghcr prices. Violin und bow, fn Cremona’s nnd oil Fine Violin St rings, y GuitnrHtrlUf Aceordeons, . - notuthipled toltsiisi. GUI Lumps repaired and changed to salt lay 'oil, at any time, nt a trifling cost. »hundred in paper _ „ JillT *-*' -* eetmdes. from Test Needles, 4 liajiers, assort . Will send needles By mull c lies renn Wlibpu, Clocks Repaired and Warranted. Jewelry mended In best style ut Ne prices. Gold Pens Repnred. and plus furnhhed to order. SpetftnolCBRojinlrcd, and Glasses put lu as tle- slrcd. Glasses selected to suit eges, carefully, nml on Helen! Hie principles. A thorough knowl- •\\ftvt of the Science of Optics, pud twenty-live •ears experfenee In the spectftcle business, enti tle me to do'ull 1 promise. Fine Pebbles and Glasses kept ulwiiyJ on hand. SKCBIIITV AND iAKHTV, A great many Robberies lire holng committed ill over t he eounti-v, und Watch Makers uro frg- iiiently robbiul. Toscoure my Customers, us well ns myself, I lie von large Fire and Burglar Proof Safe, in a Vault, All valuables are put In every night, ad the store Is well guarded. Orders solicited from every where. octl-Om. nrnls have tried It, mid will use no other. 1 have n good assortment of Dry Goods. Hats, Caps, Boots, ShooHuud Grocuries’ut the lowest cash prices. Come to [poftroMml A DM IN ISTI1A TOU’H 8 AI. K.-lty vlrt no Of nn order from thu Court of Ordinary of dots don county, Gn., will Bo aoltl before the Court- House door in Calhoun, within the legal hours of wile, ontliollYst Tuesday 1n May next, tlio lUJek pillow* for a Bridge out hoUostanaula ri ver? sold ns the property ofFtcjihen McGinnis, dcao’d. Terms cash. JEHBE MILLER, March 17, lSiK’-tils. ( . Admr. G EORGI A.Gonnox Coi’XTV—MnrgaretHhiun- Idee havlngiipplled lii iironer form Torpor- manont let tersoiinlmninlsi ration on thu estate nf B W Hhnmhlee, late nr said county, deceased: This is to cite all nml singular, the kindred nml creditors of jl W HInunbleo, to he and appear nt my oJlleo within tho tlmo allowed hv law, ami show cause, If unv t hey can, why iiermaneut administration should not Be granted to Mur- unrot Hlmmhleo on said estate. Tills March 31, BMMfrl. V llIW NEEL. Onl’y. pfflSI ' ,0 * 0 ''' o“o™"Tuyto»ym Juno, , omn -I'lip nmtivlitqi] hnir Into,-oat In lot nr Inn.i nuinlior I I. In 1 Hi fit.tMol , u „| (Hi aoou, ' anlfi roulily, na UU'in-niiovly urJnmoH llulllnu. worl ll, -.o antlal); n.uiiurliH- conn mortgnm (row »UM OQUnty, In favor of Aloi ki\,,w ,‘ l »lo«o» UUnjwn nml Jmnca ItalfirMwnnKi made uud return- propnrty In poshess 1 oii of miid MmVbtoji, ' « ^amo, at tiixbauh rr.Arn, Oil tlin first Tuosfiny In Muy non, winn,,,,,,, lcgsl honraotanlo t U111 tiuoliiiy iilulc, ilirco or four year. <>t,i n „. yolio oruvou, roil nml wliito nifijil, lonr i.r Sre years oUl, ouu«|iccklcfi uuitvy ooVf, mro ,Vre t’",* IffrolfWl fn In lavorolJuroliTMIc-nmiiDn Apviie, im 1 AI.K Ull. MOBtftAll K SA f.K-W'llt |,„ , 0 ]j EOUaiA. GolUlOX Codntt.—tviiercns K.M. \ bung applies to ino ror letters of dismis sion ns Gpurd Inn from the estate of SuruliHeott nml Mavv .T. Strap, formerly Mary J. geott, mi- nor* of J. D. Hcott: All persons concerned aro iiqtjnedtoUlutliolroBJeetlons, If any tliey have, within the timepreserflied'iiy law, alsolottors or dismission will Be grunted the nppHoulit.— \\ Itness my lirfiul and seal, this .Ian. 20,18tjt). Jan. U-Dm. 1). W. N ERL, Ordy. KORGIA, Goiuiox County.—LowfsL.Green VJT administrator of Win. W. Green represents to the Court in Bis petition duly filed and en tered on record that he has fully administered Win. W. Green’s estate: This Is thereforeto cite ull persons enneernd kindred and creditors to show cause* If ally they cup, why said inlmlnU- tTutor should dot Bo dlseltnrged rrotn Ills ud ministration and receive letters of dismission on tlio first Monday in July next, tills January Oth, im-un. D. IV. NEEL, Ordy. _. ndmiiiM mtorof Nicholas Moss represent* to tho court, in Ills petition duly filed and en tered on record, that he lias fully mlmlutstm-cd said — ‘ j “ G EORGIA, WhUflcldCounty—YVhorc«s,J.D. * Nell, administrator of ll. 8. Roa<-h. deceits, cd, represents to tho Court. In his pelltlon duly filed,unit helms fullyndmluistcreil D.8.Roaclrs estate: This Is therefore to cite nil persons concerned to show cause, If any they cun, why said administrator should not Bn discharged from Ills administration and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday In July, 1809. Fob. 4-flm. W. 11. BROOK Ell, Ord’y. This is therefore In cite nil per* sons concerned, kindred umlorodltorst 108110W- cause irany they can, why said administrator should not bo' dlsclmvgetf from suld adminis tration, uud receive letters of dismission on two first Monday 111 July next. This. January 7, 18X1.4:11 D. W. NEEL, Ord'y*. ImS'.'»ln'“' ll ' yl " "' Ul " u U «“' liiirto «f IoIh nutnlii't', »1( nml :nn In tlnViU ,. 1'. tliot nml (III HCi'llou of mild county, IjcIiik tl,,! I’llioo or plot or imiccl which tho iTorcii. limit now occupliM mi ll liomcHtcml. Kovlcil on >o «nt Dry n mortKmtoil ru Issued ri-om ttissilhc, * tli F. WHICKLKlt. D. shir. /■'J.K0IKJIA, IVai.kuii Oouktv—Ilohl.C.Tnckci* VX liuvlfijt nlipfipd KMiKfippoliucd irunifilun ol llm person nnd properly or Xfiirtinrot Ilunhcs. II minor under fourlocn years of ono rtwldeni ol Mild county i This Into rile nil n.rl Kims conccnwd luuvnppeiie ut Iho term ol Iho Connor Ordhmfy, lohelield noxl urtrrllid oxpfrutloh of Ihlrly tliiysBrow Iho llrsl ml,H. entlon or litis notice, nnd .how enn.c, ll can, why ,nld li e Tneker, should not Im hi Irusted with Iho Runrtllinmhln of Iho person anil property or said minor. (vitaesH my om. olid slirmdtiro. This March ‘20,1H.1I April Kind. SIll.TilN I:I‘'r-1:1.1.,, /"lljOnutA, Walker Donnty-Wm J, uwliTas .V nppiled lor lellers of admlalstm- yon with tlio willnuliexed upon tho oilmen! .Tunics Jt pwJliRs, a eeslilont of said enunlv do* ceased, I Ids Is to notIJJ'all andshiRulue ftm kla tho oxplralloa ( .r Ihlrly days, und slio se, if liny they (-an. 1 wliv sniii ininiini^ti-.iii. y days . of this notice, nml show aid Y J Malone dlnn of said ml- f *1 KORGIAr IVliiUk-ld Co.nuly^Sam’l Swan VT ami Olliers have in line form applied to have the old road changed, commencing nt Ids residence and running directly westward torn* near the laud line now owned by IV in. M. Var- noil, formoly owned by B M Creswell: This Is therefore io cite all persons concerned to show cause nt my mlleo on iho 4th of May . .., ..., llipngod. KORG1A, Gordon County.—'Y .1 Malone , . \X having applied to bo appointed Guardian unnP i' ,u lwdwii nun property of Fouril Malone nnd AdlUnu Malone, minors under fourteen years of ago, reslileuta of snld county: This is to cite nil persons concerned, to he mid appear at tha term of the Court of Ordinary to lie held next after the expiration or ihlrly days from the first puhllenOc" *•— - • • enuse. if any they ... should not Bt* appointed Guard nor*. This Aluren 24, Ln.*9. l> IV.NEEL, Ordinary. EOljGlA, Gordon County—W W Harkins J nnd M1- Blalock Raving a; piled forpermu- went letters of .-idmlnlslraiipn on the estate of ". C. Blalock, deceased: This Is to cite all per* soils to show enuse nt my office, within tin-time prcsciiBetl By law, u By peruumciit udm|iil«t ra tion should not Bo granted to mild applicants on said NN C Blalock's estate. This April7,1809. JWd. D. W. NEEL, Onl’y. G EORGIA, Gordon Comity.—.Tntucn Lay, ad- iiiiuisiratorof R, C.-Smitli, tleeeaseil,rop- resents to t Itu Court t lint Bo Bus fully adminis tered .-aid estate: Therionro therefore to cite all persons concerned to Be mid appear at my office wit Bln t lie t line prescribed By faujtbshnw cause, It any they have, why loiters or dismis sion should not no granted. Given under my hand and ofileial signature. This April 7, IS®; - 1>. NV. NEKIj, Onl’y, aftifcttnny they ran,-why „.ia mtmlnIMtafioh with tlio w 1 annexed, should not Bo entrusted tosald nnpR^nt. Given under my Band and official signature, this -March 27.1st if. apr-liQd - MILTON RFdsell, Onl’y. G KOUfHA, Walker Coiinty-rNVhercas, NvlT- lliim Kfnsoj* mid Nancy 0 Swninovnro tho exe.eutormnlexecutrix named In the hist will nml tustiueut of James Swlunoy, deecnnet). (Ills is to olteoHnnd filngnlgr the khiaud creditors und U-gatccK of mvUI d»-cca>ed to Be nml appear at tlu) first regular term of tho Court am’r tint expiration of thirty tluy*. and show ease, If miv they can why mi udmlnlsti-Htfon with tlu* will annexed should not Be appointed upon (Be es- tato ol k1il«l dectiscsl. QIVoiBunnermy hand offi- otul higimtuvei this March 27. IM9. upr*aKl MILTON RU8SELL, Ordy. B F. JON HR, • (Hucccssor to Rcnnctt A Jones,) Dealer in nil sorts of 1>vy Goodfiti Hoots,- Wlioos, 1IATR, CROCKERY, Ac. Will notho uiuleraold--Y'urd Stick 33 inches long! Rome, On., Oct. 13»ly. r , • SPRING TIME IS COMING,GENTLE ANNIE! N. CVCTlOXIEirS New Spring Goods! In n few days my Spring Stock of new and elegant assorted Dress Goods, Prints, Trimmings, Hosiery and Notions In overy vailety, Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, ■ Hats, of . all kinds, Guntlumeu'dGoods, Domestics, Linens,elc., . olfured to the t.mdoof Gils city mid seel Ion at the lowest reasomililciu-ices, feeding confident ofmy ability to cater to tho tastes of the most fastidious,‘in stvle nnd qual ity. . 1 also have n splendid stock of tlio best Gro ceries, Sugar,Coffee, Family .Supplies, Tobacco, Powder, DyeituflH. Hardware, Cutilery, TaBlo wiu*e,‘mid mi endless variety of urlicles too numerouH to mention. Come and see for yourselves! Yon’lH'u pleaded with good*«nnd prtc'4! It Is a pleasure to show goods! Come, examine and price tlici Look for the Rig: 8. U. CBOZIKR, Brick Store, South End Uum1li,ou Street. next, why said roadshoiild not be so ehangetl. Witness my official signature. A prill, lsi9-39d NV. II. BBOiMCER.Only. G eorgia. NVhiuit id coumy-whercuH n f Coolcjdgo and otherslmVIng, in due form tippled to huvon roatlestabllHhed, commencing at the southwest corner of TC Davis’ fields,und running east By t lie Tannery of N FCooleilgeA Co. tlu-uco By the mills lormurly owned By It Ault, now By Win. Burk, nml Intersecting with the Dulton road near tlio railroad crossing ut oi-ncar NV U Long’s: This Is to cite nil persons concerned to show cause, lfimy they can, at my otlleo on tlio first Tuesday lu May next, and show cause why said should not bo establish ns above. Witness NV. II. BltOOKKR, Ord’y. April 8, ISolKWd- 'J^'OTICE—All persons int rut or. do Bonus non, with the will a nut Hied that the undersigned, mlmltds- Ill mn tliofl ■Iff G 1 EORGlA, NVnlkcr Comity—'Whereas Miles W NVhitlow.gnnnllurt of tho person uud nron- oily of John, Nancy mid Martha Whitlow, and others. Bits applied to tlio court of ordlnurv of said county for a discharge from Ids guardian- ship of said porsoan! Tills Is tln-retore to cite all persons cont-cnied to show cumin, Bv filing oBJeelons Inmy office, why the said applicant should not Bo-dismissed trom snld guardhutJ ship of above mimed persons, and receive the * IfH ' * ’Ismlsslon. Given under my ti-.ruiitdre. March 27, is?.i-30d MI LTU.N RUfabELL, Ord’y. 1-fORGlA. Gt'l. _ lniH j applied for laillllLUIt iHIKUI. Dalton, Georgia. first btorc, south end Jlumiltou street. IGrClUEm FEMALE COLLEGE. Full Board of Trustees. Faculty Complete, ttiulor tho l.xo.l.lon j0 y^ ioNTuoMi . KY A J( lloiu-d to bo Paid In Money Tuition, the same, Eighty CenlH to 01.30 pcrNVeek. A now und splendid Aparutus on hand und lu daily usp Before the CBisses. Pupil* elmrged only fr—* H ARDNVARE STORE, .. thaduy ofuntrunuo, mid liutv enter ut any. time. For further partle- ulars address the President. NVM- T. NVYNN. Prcst. Board or Trustees. Having presided over tlio LnGrango FemuU College lor thirteen years, four years over tin Centenary Female College, of Alabama, nnd om .Wholesale and Retail, DALTON. OKOnaiA, Chester Block, eor. of Hamilton and King St*. E. d7~wood Begs to inform all the people tlmt ho has lust opeqed a Hardware Store at this place, embra cing a very extensive assortment of material and implement?, cte. A t-’nll Lino of Steel nnd Iron, Funning Implements of all kinds. Carriage, Buggy uud NVngon Material, A Fine assortment of Tools, For Carpenters and Cabinet NVorkmcn, For Blacksmiths, NVnuon Makers, Tanm-ns, Boot and Shoemakers, Brick Masons mid Coopers, TOOLS FOR ALL THE MEOIIANICS, Full outfits for tho Farmer, und many oilier “vtlele* not mentioned herein, Just purchased uthemont reuspuublo terms, from Msuul'uc- nrers and Importers. It Is the purpose or tho proprietor to furnish vorytlilngin Ids line ut prices, just tp Buyer ml seller, and he respectfully solicits nn ex- ry of Whitfield county, for leave to sell lots of land numbers 277,278,203, 231, 21), 212, ull In the lltli district mid 3d section of said county, as tlio property of said deceased, for the Benefit, ofl Be creditors of suld estate. This, March 4, 1839-211).*? JAMES V. HORNE. Adin’rdo Bonus non, with will uitnoxod* G EORG I A.NVB it field County—NV. J. M. Thom. as having made application for perma nent letter* of administration, do Bonis non, on tlio estate of NV..1I. Dowdy, deceased : This is to cite all persons to show, cause ut my olllee, on the Hist Monday in June next, why permanent administration should not Bo grunted to him on said Dowdy'* estate. NVlt- ness my hand und official signature, this April 13. IStZi. NV. H. IJROOKER, Ord’v. Apr. 23-30d. _ A DMlNlsTRATolFS SALE.-Rv virtue of X-K. an order from the Court of Ordlnurv of NVhitfield county, will Be sold on the first Tties. day in Jane, 1839, ut the Court-House door * ’ * ' ’ * n the legal hours of*snle, •g to estate oflt LCbok irs und creditors? term: NV. L. COCK, Admr. S'! EOHGIA. NVIdtfield Couutv—T' D Jnsius VJT has applied for exemption of personalty, nnd I will puss upon the same at my office, on tlio 22d lust. This April 12,1839. NV. II. BltOOKKR, Ordy. ntiug to the Court that lnt has fully udmluis- tci-od said cstiltc: These are therefore to cite ull persons concerned, to bu and appear at my olllee, within the tlmo prescribed Bv law, to show cause, If any they luive, why letter dismission should not Be granted. Given .... dornfy Imndand olllclalsignuture. This April ” ,on D. NV. NKKL, Ord’y, Corxvv.—Joel Fricks .... ...i-mptlon of personalty .Hug apart and valuation of homestead, l will pass upon thu same nt. tnv olllee In Calhoun on tho 24th Inst# -Till* April 14,18.1!) -I. D. NV. NEEL, Ordy. ('1 l:<»;t A, Gordon County—Sanuiel D. Nel. son has applied for exemption and set- ling apart antl vuluution of homestead, mid 1 .7 l L'°. hn ' nu » l l«*y ofllce In Cal lioun on thc2ttU day of April. Thfs April 14,1W.». . «* * • D. NV. NKEL, <iril’y. 'ALE.—By vlrt ui-ol'un ” ''Gordon rt House ext, one ^ 1 EORGIA, NVnlkcr County—J M I.nwrmicc, VT ndn'iInlstrntorbfRIlas Luwmnec.deeeusetl having applied tome for leave to sell the lands Belong to suld den-used, for the purposu of dls- trlhutton, said Imids lying In the counties of NVnlkcr, Catooso, I'mdding, Folk, Terrel!, Lowndes, Lumpkin. Murray and Forsvtl»: this is to notify nil persons interested tlmt ut tbo * “ * of the court lifter the expiru- if “* 1 •d Marcii 27, lHJ9-2ui MILTON RUSSELL, Only. G EORGIA, NValker countv—Appllcutintt li liv ing been uiudu to have mi administrator appointed upon the estate of John NVeuvbr.IntK o» »nhl county deceased, this i» to cite all und tdngulartlio kin and creditors of said deceased to Bemidappeurnt the first regular term of tlm Court after the explrutIon ofthlrtv duvs. and show cuiisu why letters should not" lie granted to some tit niul proin-r person. Given under my hand and olficlui signal uro. this March 27/ 18G9-30d MILTON RC63ELL, Only. G EORGIA, NVnlkcr C'onntv.—A. Gralmm,ad ministrator of David L. Trundle, huvlng applied tome for leave to sell the land Belong ing to tho astute of said Trundle, lute of said county, deceased : ntld t Ids l* to t-ltc ull persons interested.! hut at tho next regular term of tho Court, after dor will ho allow . .... good cause is shown to thceontr Tuestlay in Jn talnliig one-ft J.L. Neel on tl tho lands of the illo, C r less. Joining <d lolutng Fold i than any I Imve tried, and equally as good, j ly, so that fill tlio faulty wheat, client nnd 8tor if id't better. cockle should bo removed from it—*the fill- I :tnd tlmt will make good coin will fcy should be. removed, so tlmt you will muke good cane. Gray, gravelly ridge- 1 lmve none but tlmt Which nvIU produce l-.t.l, will make the finest nnd best syrup, I healthy and vigorous wheat, the cheat ami and i pecially now ground, and turns out ;• cockle, because they nre a nuisance. 'u ll to the load, but not so much to the * Asa preventative of smut,soak your seed a-. i e a 8 bottom. twelve' hours, in a strong solution of blue- l ar.d intended for cane should he vrell» stone, then drain, aud it is ready forsoNv- broke in the fall, or early in the spring, j iug on your well prepared soil, to tho I ;m d again ploughed deep, nvcII harrowed amount of from three peeks to ono bushel f ami rolled (if necessary to brake the clods) j per acre. ,iu;i before planting. Do not plant till 1 4th. The depth it should bc covered.— tii ground gets warm—any time in May Wheat, that It may come up well, mid he will do. I Im ve umdo excell« nt cane plan- 1 strong and vigorous, should not be covered at June. If tho land is thin it should more than ono inch, it will then rcceivo to solicit the patronage of _ man who has a daughter to Be educated, with the means, lit Money or Produce, to accomplish tlteoBJi * promptly afforded. Itu .. President Marietta Female College. J. T. MONTGOMERY, >ATTON X PAYNE, p ’ Chattanooga,,Tenth, llOoUMellOX'M 1111(1 StllUoilOI-M Keep ooiistautly on hand a complete stock of School Books, Stationery, wall paper, Novels, Albums, CBromos, etc., which they oiler at TJ1RANK LESLIE’S LADY’S MAGAZINE.— JL? The loudlitg fashion periodical in America. Each monthly number contains a largo color ed plate of the latest fashions, from designs sent from Paris us soon as Invented, which are thus published slmultatM-ously in Now York ami Purls; also a four-page uucolored fashion plate, cmhruuiiig the various leading Styles.-• These ure uecoiupunled with full dc«ciTptkms und explanations, with numerous otlu-r illus trations. Every number contains on original letter from Paris describing tho very latest modkh, by a lady whose position gives Ur - cess to fashionable society/ The lltorar< Honor this Magar-Ino comprise* a com... story, numerous Interesting tales, poetry ccdotes, Ac. Tho whole profusely Illustrated 1. — - -jjf. try por- n tinned with fine engravings. Price, $3 50 per ye E RANK LESLIE’S CHIMNEY CORNER.—A purely llterury periodical. Excluding e- 1s of tlio day, Its ylm. as Its title Indicates, 1 Is to furnish amusement for the leisure hour. Its contents consist principally of original sto ries By able writers, including a serial,accounts of remarkable adventures, descriptions of man ners uud custom* in remote countries, short poems, fairy stories, enigmas, conundrums, elm runes, Ac. Illustrated with large und spir ited ongruvlugs. of which there are fro— teen to twenty in caoh M eekly uutnber. scriptlon price, $4 per year. _ The cheapest periodical lu tho U. States, outaining H)large octavo page* of letter press, with from 20 to 25 ill tint rat Ions, besides two full- page engravings on tinted p*i>cr. In each num ber. A continued story, and well written Yules and stories of adventure, with humorous anec dotes, description* of manners and customs, amusements for yi— -— n lot In the loan of Ailulr ^ - m J. L. N ______ P on the HOulltVund *1 ns the property tlu-l.eneflt of his N-rnts etihli. This April NV. J. CLARK, Adin’r. AIKORGlA, GORDON COUNTY—CicrWor- VT fh-e, Superior Court, April 12,1839.—It not Being possible for the Hon. J. R. Parrott, the Judge ot the Superior Court of the Clu-rokee Circuit toattCnd tho regular term of said Court u said county,from sickness in Ids family. It Is ordered that said Court Be adjourned ’until the 3d Monday in May next. April 45-at. U. C. HUNT, C. S. C. JjJ’BW DRUG STORE IN DALTON! ^ EVERYTHING PURE AND FRESH 1 S5 TIBBS HOUSE. T>XT. J. X<\ GBOYES Bogs lonvo to announce to tho olt Icons of NVIdt-' Held and adjoining cpuntics, that Be has Just opened, lu this city, a largo ami carefully selec ted (In person) Stock of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Standard Patent Medicines, NVlnes nnd Liquors, of the Purest and Finest Qualities, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, VARNISHES, Otis, White Lead, Painter’s Brushes, etc., etc., Dyestuff.-, Spices, Essences, Lumps, Lamp Fixtures and Oils, nnd c FANCY TOILET ARTICLES, Tho Finest and Best Soaps, Most Popular and Fragrant Perfumes, Purest and Best Lilly NVldtc, ALL KINDS OF BRUSHES. Prescription* Carefully Prepared by tlio Doctor TUiuneir/. With nn experience of twenty years practice of nhy-do, and a thorough knowledge of tho Drug Business, 1 feel not tlio least presumptions In stating to those who xuay favor mo with thetr patronage that perfect satisfaction will bo giv en lu overj- particular. Remember tho NEW DRUG STORK, where M urray sheriff’s sale.—nviu bo sold before the Court-House door, in tho town of spring Place, on tlio first Tuesday in May next, within the legal hours of sale, tho fol- lowing property, to-wil: Fifty-two acres oflot of laud number 24.N, In the 9th district uud 3d seetlon of originally Cherokee now Murray county, 27 acres of saUl land described Indeed from James Edmondson toWH Tibbs, und 25 acres described In deed from James Edmondson to John Oats, and re- corded lu Book L, page 205 of deeds from Mur ray superior court. Also, the undivided lialfof lot of hind num ber 320, in tho27th district nnd 2d section of said county, except IM acres sold By James Ed mondson to 8, R. MeCnmy, town lot number (1 lu Spring Place | also lots of land numbers 117 and 118, of the 8th district und 3d section, to sat isfy a superior eourt ll fn, F. C. Shropshire vs J. S. P. and S. A, Powell, makers, and James Ed mondson, trustee for Sarah A. Powell. Levied on ns the property of suld Edmondson. Also, VS interest of lot No. 275, in Urn flth dlst. and 3d section of said county: levied on as tlio property or NV. J. Peeples to satisfy a tl fa from the Justices’court of the 1039th district, O. M., Dawson A. NValker vs NV. .Land J. 11. Peeples. . Also, lot pi laud number 151, In the 25th dlst- nml 2d section or mild county, to satisfy ono just ice court II fa, M. II. Bogle vs J. O'. Worley. Lev ied on u« tlio property of said Worley. Also, one,hall Interest, in a lease on tho farm milu from SprlngPluco, which *»— «— of January. By three Justices’ court attachment tl fas, »iie J. L. Galt vs Frank Allen, one J. U. Henry vh trunk Allen, one NV. J. Johnson vs Frank Allen. Levy made nml returned to me Bv constable. R. T. BECK, hherlir. Also, lots of land numbers3 tnid^4Jn tlio 25tli district and 2d section,us the property of T. J. Peeples to satisfy ono superior court ll fa In fa vor of C. D. Durham vs If. K. NVilson nml Thos. J. Peeples. Property pointed out by plaint BT. Also, lot of und number 150,27th district and 2d section, said lot levied ou By constable un der an attachment to satiate ono Whitfield'sit- ncrlor eourt tl Ta in favor of Allen Floyd va G. M. Dnvls—as tlio property of defendant. A**?- lot of land number 137,108, 251 und 255. 20th district and 2d section, ns the property or A. B. Russell, sr., to satisfy two Justices’ court 11 fas, George Swain vs A. JL Russell. Property pointed out by plalutlff’s ugont. Also, lots of land numbers 137 and 108, In tho 26\U dlstrlot and 2d section, ns tho property of James Hembroy tosutlsfy three tux ll las. Also, lot of luiul number 173 ami 180, In tlioStli district and 3d section, to satisfy ono countv court 11 fa in lavorof Thomas Morris and F. ll. exocutors of Jnmos Morris, deceased, vs U, 11. Tucke- —• • — * * April 8, 1839. ninniim«H,D#. m .G n D A i i ’ * , . ^ amusements for young people. Ac., constitute everything Ls fresh und pure,in the Tibb» House manure suitterea oil it aud ploughed the heat of the sun, so that it Nvilleoiueup the ruadiug matter, price. ♦i.flOperycar. | No. s, between Hotel Entrance ami Tibbs & Ken. It Is ruM Hint n little )>ln,star pm in 'early: IwMesotic lielow (hesurfhee, Istiie 1 A-Wretojnt^C tE_8US, ; ■wr’a.tore. 637 Pearl street, New York City. marl84y of Mrs. lease terminate! .... 1879, containing 15 i CATOOSA. . ... L*»nperiL_ . stiid county wo will soli beforo the Court Ilonae door in Ringgold on the first Tuesday In Muv J'bxL lit 12 o'clock, m : Lot of land number 72 in the 28th district of said eomitv. Sold as the property ofC. 8. Evans and NV. W. Gilbert for partition. Terms cash. Possession will be given tho first day of November next, tho present HENRY ALBRIGHT. C l LOHGIA, Catoosa CouxTr.—'Thomas II. X NNIIIUms, Executor on the estatu of J. T. Howell, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from said Executorship: These are there faro to cite all persons concerned to bo and appear nt my office on or before tlio first Monday lu Julie next, (1839), nml show cause, it any they can, why said Thomas 11. NVilllams, Executor ns uforesnld, should not be dismLsscu from Ills auld Executorship. Given under my hand and ofileial signature, December 7th, 1808. J. M. COMBS, Ordinary. Dec. 10-fiun [Pra. foojft tut at mo next regular term ol i the expiration or sixty days, nn Rowed granting sahl leave, If ’ vii to the contrary. M l ETON RUSSELL, Ord’y. /YKOllUlA, NValker County—R. J. Glenn, VA'guurdlun of Fitmcls Glenn, deceased, Inis applied to me for leave to sell tlio laud belong ing to suld doc-caned, for the purpose of distri bution, and If no objections nre mlsod 1 will grant the prayer of tho petitioner at the first regular term of the court after expiration ot sixty days. Feb. 20. l?:2»-2m_rtM‘AJ MILTON RUSSELL, Ord’y. Kay. administrator of \V M L Boivkv, rep resent* to the Court in hi* petition that Ijo. has fully administered said estate^- This is to cite nil nnd singular the creditors nnd next of kin of said A. M. Kav, to be nnd np- pear at my Olllee, within the time allowed By law, nnd show enuse, if nnv they call, why $aid ad ministrator shouhl not Be discharged irotn jtis nd- minlstration on the first Monday in July, ljoil, Dec. 21-fun. D. \\\ N’KEt, Ord’y. B-avn to st-R lots of iaml numbers 7and 8, lu tiie 27th district and 3d Hcctlon of suld county, for thu benefit of heirs nml creditors of suld de ceased? If no objentlon Is mlsod at tlio first l-eg- whNV term, after tho expiration or two months, an order willbu passed granting the prayer of petitioners. J. 31. COMBS, Ord’y, Maroh 4—2m.—foe <3. ' G EORGIA, Catoosa Countv.—NVhercas, Jas. 11. AmUu-sou. pdmluUtrutor of James A» Corry, late of said county, deceiiMotl,represents to the Court In Bis petition duly (lied and-en tered on record, tlmt ho has fully administered ...i,within tlip tlmo proscribed bylaw, ..... . y . tors of dismission from said estate should not Bo granted said applicant lu September Boxt. NVltnessmy hand nnd olllchil signature this 3d day of Murcli, 1835). March 4~3:n. (1ILMER. c1 EORGTA, Gii.MKtt County —Liubt. t on Dr- V^T vonoKixGiLMKrtSufimionCocRT.—Klmtrft NN orley vs. Henry NVorley.—It nppcuring to the Court, By the return of tlio Sheriff, that the do fondant does not reside in the said county of Gilmer? ami It further appearing tlmt he does not reside in tho said State of Georgia: It is. on motion of Thomas F. Greer, counsel for Libelant, ordored that said defendant Bo served By publication of this notice, oneo a ■month for four months, previous to the next Term ot this Court, in the North Georgia Citf- *on, a public Gnxutto of said State, published In Dalton, Gn.—October Term, is<w. X. B. KNIGHT, j. b. v. A true extract from tbo 31imites of Gilmer Superior Court. S. F. WILLIAMS, c. s. c. January 21-mtm.-Pi s. fee $9, G EORGIA,Giuten Couxtv-M L Long has applied for exempt ion of personalty nml setting apart uud valuation of homestead, iind 1 will pass upon the same nt my olllee in Kllijay April 21.1839, ut 12 o’clock. M. npr 8-^L JOHN NV. GREER, Onl’y. G eorgia, Gii.mi:u Cquxty.—a U Johnson lms • applied for exemption of per- KounUv, aud l will pass upon tno same at my otlleo at ten o'clock on the 2lth Inst. April 8, lt>39—2t JOllK F. G It E ER, Ordy. «:g upplloil to. mu for exemption of personalty, ami I will pass upon the same at my otlleo tu Elijay, on tho24tli of April. 1839, nt 10o’oloek A M. nprll 8. JOHN NV.GIt KER, Or’y. _ Smith \JT b»s applied for exemption of pdYsotml- tv uml 1 will pass upon tliQHnmo at my olllee, at 11 o’clock, A 31, April 24,1809.. April 8-2t --••12KR,Ord’y. JOllNNV.GR El DA DIE. SHERIFF’!* SALES.—NVIU be sold l»c- the Court-House dooy ii\ tho town ot • the first Tuesday In G EORGIA. Murray County—William and George NV. Montgomery, administrators on iho citato of Hiram Montgomery,deceased, have petitioned lor lettors of dlsmlaslon from said estate: This i9, therefore, to cite ull per- sous concerned, kindred and c-roditors, to show cause, If miv they enn, why said Administrators .should not lie dUohuiyed from thoiv adintnls. (ration, and receive letters of dismission the flrttt Monday in Hejitemher. 1W9. ' Monday in flej>tomhcr; 1W9. Veh.25.1W9 ANDEUSUN*FAItN»W0RTH, Only. A'l EORGIA, Catoosa County.—'NVhoreas,Tints. \T Russell, iitlm’r of the estatu of John Mc Donald, late of said county, deceased, 1ms up- piled to uie for leave to sell ntuu acres off the northeast corner oflot number Hit, Ulh dlstrlot and 4th seetlon of NValker county, amlallof lot no. 120,9th d. nnd 4th see. CatoosaVo., except » acres off southwest corner of. said lust men tioned lot, for thu benefit of the liolrs nnd cred itor* of srld deceased; and If no objection is nilseil nt the first regular term after tlio oxpl- mtlon or one month, itu order will Bo passed grant ng the prayer of petitioner. April 4-2in.-feo »1. J. }f. CQMB9, Ord. _ Administrator of W it CVsB, lute of suld' county deceased, lms aptdlud for leave to sell north lmlf of lot number 22, In 27th district and 3d section of said county, for the purpose ofdls- trlhutlon, Ifno object Ion Is raised at tho expi ration .of quo uiofitU an order will Bn passed panting prayer forpotlHon. Agrll5.1W9. 1 EORGIA, Catoosa County.—Jns II. Boyd \JC has applied to mo for exemption of per sonalty uud setting apart and valuation of homestead, and . 1 will pass upon tho sitmu at my otlleo lu Ringgold on tho 24th day of this just. Tills 13th day of April. 1839, Apr. 11-2L J. M. COMPS, 1 Ordinary. C ARDS, BILL AND LETTERHEADS printed ntthoCrruBN Office on short notice at the lowest prices, and in the fin?st_*ty!c of the wt. pis Trenton, In said county, ou mu unv * — May next, within tho legal liouru of sale, tho liblricUml 4th section of originally Cherokee now Dade county: levied on us the property.of tho Em pire state Coal and Iron Mining Company to satisfy a ll fa Issued out of Bibb Superior Court lu favor of James Curtin vs Thomas X. Mims nnd Tho Empire State Coal nnd Mining Com pany—garnishee property.- Pointed out By B. II. Tatum, plaintiff’s attorney. • „ April 8- Jonathan Blevins, sirir. C ARDING MAC in ML—TRc understgacd has in operation,‘tBrce miles from, cast of, Varnellstatin, a Double Dotring Carding Ma chine, nml wishes to secure the services .of an experienced Curdcr. Iwill furnish him with a ■yfOUtHERX DISTRICT OF GEORGIA. J3I The nmlersignod hereby gives notice or hi* appointment appointment as Assignee of Ttinotuy Ford, of »VBitfield county,* Georgia, who luwboen adjudged a Bunkrupt on his own petition. By tho District Court of suld District. Dnltou, «n„ this April 7,1809-8t B. B. BROWN, Assigns EORGIA, NVhltfleld County—Notlco la here- \JT hv given, to nil whom itmny concern, that I Uclro to beromo » Krco Tm,lo; ; . FME , [S0 .. 1 hereby give my consent for my wife, 3Jy*. M, C. Emerson, to Become a pubUe qrrtren mu der. April?, ISO9-3t C. J. EMhJ-SON.