North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, May 13, 1869, Image 2

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J. T. w ill».M AX. i:«UI ton, * • • • Mnv 1 h rt ciap. in tli • view taken of them by Mr. Sunni r willshe accept? Our peojilo 1 «**■“i 1,1,1 ,,r “ p “ red *° ^ " ,c ,1! noro ; tlon, or by war. It in folly to fancy tlmt " n >* I Mi, UnMnv I p. SHiihI«»■* oMlio New Silica tlio llrltlnli Lion backed bin «;i. • The New \ ork Herald and growled over the receijit of Sumner's f;un,” and -ays: “It will .V, M»c< e ll, the Xorlln vn Radical press are | Alabama claims dilliculty inu-t i beginning to talk more k-usitdy about tlio to an issir—an i>>no « ule r 1 matter. The New York Tinn .< cle • r. an i arbitration and tin* footing up i article ns fallows : j.aynicnt of our lull «»r .lumui;. The taintle* wn stiflbreil (Vmn England | To Knglnnd volt luh-i-Iho rilicm liv Mr. Sumnr talent w li at liar- i qnawocimnnj P it'iuHv it it onljMx're. 1)Ut |, r ,.pnrcil toseltta Hie i!!.-qiu in', unir itu .year. Tli lit hud adjoin- as much uiviit- ['UHRrr- Milan Till on Ilia I'ollllcnlt.i . by i -land can Iw ■lotion of ju id to )ui*l, and should l tills ni cusarv article ns In very materially of living. We liear of at Holds. It Is said to wlical Itndly rusted heraver tills dan* it might bo require consilient- iwly. Ion Jtnnnfhclilrlnjr <'mii|iniiy. oil around tmvn tlio other day, we dfotiped in at the Dalton Furniture Works, ami were astonished at the many changes the establishment 1ms undergone slneo we last visited It. The litisliirsslms Increased so rapidly that the Company were forced to cnlargo their buildings, which they lmvc ilouc by the addition of four lnrge, well-proportioned workrooms, Into which new machinery will be put, to gether with tbc erection of nnent business ofiler, dry houses, etc., nil corresponding with tlio main building, which Is on the cottage stylo of architecture. The sales room, which Is very commo dious, we found full to overflowing with beautiful Furniture of every kind, stylo anil finish, all manufactured at this estab lishment. Some of the bureaus, cottage clistrs^bedsteads, centre tables ililll ward Wife*, cannot he excelled anywhere ill workmanship, polish, ct Mnj. Den. Moyers, the gentlemanly Agent, nmlOnpt, .1. W. Wnlkcr, the polite mul efficient Superintendent, inform us that many of the orders received are from u great distance, and that until recently It has bom almost Impossible to fill them nil as proudly ns, tiny desired; 1ml they hope in a very short time, with the Increased facilities that have been made in ovory de partment, to bo fully prepnred to fill nil orders ns soon ns received, ns well ns kocp the different agencies lit heavy slocks. Though tlio Company have no adver tisement In onr columns, wo nevertheless take pleasure In chronicling this evidence of their prosperity. IHfclioiiciit Itoufe Affcntii The ltudical administration has been very unfortunate In its appointment of route mail agents. Within the past few weeks no less than n dozen of these ofllccrs have been arrested for appropriating fluids that did not belong to them. Wo learn from the Dome Courier of the 8th Inst., that Chns. Mills, Doutc Agent on tlio Sel ma, Dome nml Dalton Dnllrond, was ar rested a few days since, chnrgcd with rob bing tlio Mull In Ills charge. Tlio Post Master, at Selmii, somo weeks since, gave Mr. Mill* a registered letter, mid took his receipt for it. The letter having fnlled to reach its destination, Mills was called on for his receipt, Into whose hands the letter passed, and falling to mnko tlio proper showing, was arrested. Annexation Kcliemc. Tho atmosphere of Washington, over since tho 4th of March, lias been Dill of an nexation. Tho feeling amongDadlcnl pol iticians appears to grow stronger dny by day; and it Is now confidently asserted, though It is denied by those who profess to be In tlie confidence of tlio Prcstdcnt- Genoral, tlmt tho present administration will put this question In tho foreground of its policy. 1 All right—wo have no sort of objections to Mr. Grant grasping niter tho whole world nnd “tlio rest of man kind” in Ills annexation projects; nnd Judging (bom appearances, It would seem that Ulysses evidently Intends to kick up n muss with somo body soon—either with Kpnln, England, or somo other power—to ftirthcr tills mad ambition; nnd ns wo arc too rebellious, too distort, down hero, to “shoulder arms" In defbiuo of tho “best government the world ever saw,” nil wo can do, when the “tug of ivnr’ > comes, will he to look on mul fiolloiv for tho “topmost dog in tho fight.” " Kiss Mo. Dlnnti, Itolinro 1 Hie.** Wo learn from the Atlanta Constitu tion, of tho lath lnst M tlmt one John Henry Foy, a sub-clerk hi tlio Executive Depart ment, shot u negro womnn nnd afterwards shot himself, In tlmt city on tho lltli.— Tho woman did not die, hut tho nforesnhl John did. Tho causo of tho shooting had its origin hr jealousy. Foy, according to Ids miscegenation Ideas mid Instincts, bail token a great fancy to tho ebony damsel, mul was living with her ns Ids wllfc. But the green-eyed monster entered poor,John's “gizzard,” and to end Ids troubles ho shoots Ids darting Dinah nnd lilnisclf.— 1 Just after lie committed tho rash act, ho turned to his beloycU and said, “Come and kiss me, I am dying,” Tliero was ooushjcrablb tragedy and somo romance, mixed upV.tli a good deal of nigger, In the going out of tlmt cnrpqt-bnggcr’a light. Poor wretch! ho must have lmd a great relish for the scent dc A/riqvcl Dnun on Grant. Ever since his rejection of n small sop The foreign mails bring turlli bullied iiiin making rcjimution for u . ; nnt „f n,,, p,pftvfinmg hi tho Dll* ' L ofEstb • [ Sill hr ■ uvavuiiavuted lo refer Hi., - , deelsion fafn mixed cimunbslnn ; nnd this i* a* fill'n* -he l\ ill eiMi-i’Ill 1 ■» Any oilier reparation we may seek enn only he hull nt tlio etisl Ilf a war; mul the Muraor we taka that view of tho limiter, mul act accordingly, the sooner'Wit! the nflhlr be settled. ' _ lone. Sho I g ^„ pro vinos Of I>tiu-lii:i. "ll tlie 1-ta-U matter to tlio I y,. n> No rain fellftom May 2::d to August ounly, Geo vns sqld to ; to bo plcntl- i.d mv soiling 1,l, . h amend in The T. Icr , tUan for many year, pasl. Itlehnmml, Ku. % Uv\\* Chinese xCOoUcj. f gn malts bring (Virtlicrjwrlicu- A plantation in Twigcs gla, containing 1,400 nm I'liilailclphian rcccOlly Tor ih’tii, 18(18, ami consequently tbc crons ; lllackbor^lca nro Jx*ginni wore burned up. Now bread cannot be I ful in tho Mobilo market, obtained except for exhorbltnnt prices ami j nt ten , )Pr q llar t, Ittffilf tlm» S htfUS i T'» German papers men..on tlmt 4,000 the v<nida impassable nnd no nsDistaneocnn emigrants i*ccently passed Ibrough Ham- reach tin; people. Dlscaso lias also com- burgnud Bremen, within the spneo of three ■ nf.ii (fKi.iimi <rrnmi«i*npa»»mfp nienccd to aflliet tlio population. Tlio ; ciiroulc for America. At Danville, Illinois, raeentt^ a* dm I’rtttold ls coucenlrating eonshlerablo perform, rn of doe nulledg«**» circus were | food nnd shelter. and tho crowds in their forced on Iho Western frontier, proctldmr in the U*nt, one of the nthletcH, 1 weakened .condition nyo BtilVering from A West Texas millionaire farmer 1ms named Charles Miller, met with «,. accl-; Vellef' elflldrail’a c f,: " c0,, 1,1 ft P llslure * ,!W ’ nn0 ncrcs ' dent, which it Is expected will prove total, j darting their parent*. amt pitronta their . A street-car driver In St. I-oulj nttompt- Tho nceldent o(?curred while turninir n children, to wander about the country, cd to quit tho busincwi by taking n largo The Hon. Nelson Tilt has written alot- ter “To the Press and tho IVoplo of G gin,** published in the Albauy News of llic "till nil., from which Svo make tli lowing "The story ofGov. BuU*ek'» appeal 11 Cangr,-* to subvert tin BlWtHlinWH III til tl i.ioMs a:vi> tkjmds ih am.v; j.oosm 111 (lie Stress of DALTON, Natiinlay, May 22d, by llltl b i-labr 1 a long, sad It it Is unne- i It to say, I p promise* 1 idler out State, togi-llici l 1 j his ofilcial mid lin-um ' ' efiVct hi* ptirpo- ■. wo pcctlng a cargo ol , !U1 ,i hmiiluntlug story i eessary now In repeal. Belli that wo have been nnrsueil lc ic. pcrsldent and devilish malignity, which can only h i rationally Mcouht&l for by the most selfish mul evil motives. lint our enemies nro again nt work, pre- pnrlng by personal eflbrts and printed iloe- iimcnts, 'for fcnother assault through Con gress at Its next session, upon Ilia life of our State. In u pamphlet now being dr- flllllltixl nltdlliwl tl mi,'* SI', I 1!U Ilf ( .'ill..rill limbic somersault through a hoop. Mil ler had been turning double somersaults In tho ordinary way, when, against the counsels of his comrades, ho undertook to double himself through a hoop; hut nlns 1 his foot caught against tho hoop, mill lie fell upon his henil mul shoulders, injur ing tho vertebrae lo tho extent above In dicated. Coimmiulcntlon between the brain nnd the lower part of tho body nnd tho lower limbs wns Instantly cut off, so that a pin might have run into him up to Its head without his knowledge. The Chinese In Cnliroenlii. The San Francisco Herald Is violently opposed to the operations of tho Fifteenth Amendment, so far ns tho Chlncso nro concerned. That paper says: A hundred thousand Chlncso voters In California 1 Such will ho tho record of tho next Culled States census, unless the peo ple ortlii* Slate nro up mul doing. It Is no light work to escape this great calam ity, for wo shall have to combat all tho power of a Congn ss tlmt is almost omnip otent. AVo have no desira to exaggerate tho danger—It Is real, pressing closo nt hand. Wc have fifty or sixty thousand Chinese In tho State—ncnrly all males, nnd capable Of being converted Into voters by the operation of tho Fifteenth Amend ment. At a word from their lenders they would swarm into our Courts, mid avail t lcmselvcs of their privileges to become citizens. This would give them power mid inllucnco; for, fifty thousand voters, "irhow dasraded, can put their . upon the laws mid Institutions of tlio State. John Chinaman 1ms Just ns much right to votonsCuffeo, nml wo are In favor of Ills doing so. Wo know lie Is as good ns nigger, nnd n great deal lictler than the majority ofDndlcnls, nml wo can sco no good reason why lie should be oxcludcd from tho polls. Certainly not because of the “Impress” be may “put upon tlio laws nnd institutions of tlio Stnlo,” for If so, then of all God’s creatures tlio negro ought to bo tlio last allowed tho right of sufiVage, for Ills “impress” upon the whole. South 1ms been fatal to law, older, pros perity and everything else, Pautliem Cultivator. The May No. oftho Southern Cultivator lms been received. This old Southern Journal, (nmv In its 37th year,) may not lmvo ns ninny pictures ns somo of the Northern monthlies, hut It Is a strictly Southern enterprise, is printed on paper nindo within a few miles of Its office, nnd owned and edited by gentlemen who, bom nnd reared in the South, nnd long engag ed in planting there,' must be, to a grant extent, familiar with tlio peculiarities nml wants of Southern thrilling. It will ho found, moreover, by any one who will take tlio trouble to oxamliie n copy of the Cul tivator, (mid all are Invited to call at this offleo nnd do so,) tlmt tho lnrgor part of its contents is mndo up of communica tions IVorn experienced farmers living all over the Gulf States. Tills wo regnrd ns an extremely valuable fenlura—giving, ns It docs, a peculiarly practical cast to this j zino. Specimen copy sent, oil appli cation. Published nt Athens, Gn., by Will. & W. L. Jones, at J2.00 a year. r». Imllnn ARHIrs on tbe 1‘lnlns. Tho St. Eouls ltcpublicnn learns tlmt Indian matters continue unsettled In tlio Southern District of the Indian territory. Tho warriors nro dlssntlsliad, In conse quence of tlio failure of tho Government agents to furnish tho supplies stipulated for. Tall Bull, ChUff of the Dog Soldiers, lms already gone north of the Arkansas Diver, and is only waiting for tho grass in order to renew hostilities. Forty lodges of Arrapnliocs, nnd linlf of tho Klowas, under oid Snluk nnd 'Spotted Wolf, nro still on the Bid Blvdr nnd tho borders of Texas, joining tliolr forces with nbout 130 lodges of Comnnclios,.nll of whom refuso terms of pence. Hot y« llntlcsMl ,T. M. Holbrook, tlio great lint Mini of Atlanta, lms mi advertisement in to-day’s paper, to which wo Invito particular at tention, While In the “Cato City, a fen- days ago, wo dropped Into this immense establishment and found fl-lciul Holbrook mid his retinue of clerks up to their ears in business, shipping lints nml “steh like” all over this mul ndjolniiig States! Tills Is n great establishment—a popular establish ment—nt which hundreds of fashionable gents eongrognio dally for the purposo of tho Now York Suq, lms grown more and more venomous. Hear lilin “ Grant is to be pitied. J’oor fellow, he’s like the yellow dog now hi tho mcnngcrlc —he is too small lorn lion, lio don’t look like n tiger, nnd nobody wants to seo n dog. His Cabinet don't suit the people, Disappointments don’t please the Senate, and polltlclnnh impose upon him.” Office is tho sum total of Radical ambl tion, of Radical hope, of Radical expecta tion, of Rndtcul love of country. 'Tls the chief Corner Stone of their Party, nnd thousands nil over tho lpnd nro to-day members of this rotten, revolutionary, clas tic organization, tor no other purpose “Hmolie'om On*.” Sevchil cases are reported In which nblc- hodled negroes in tho South, .too lazy to work mid no longer aldo to find anything to stonVIiaveith-llbomtoly let themselves starve to death, Every swell case Ik set down ns a horrid Kiiklux outrage. “Somc- tlilng must be dpub—terrible state of mor- rnls—no loyal mail's life safe—everything In chaotic confusion,” cry' the carpet baggers and scalawags; all or which they know to be lies manufactured out of whole cloth. They say “something must ho done, ” to which we respond nmen !-nnd f licit "something” should ho the getting rkl of this pestiferous vermin, (licso breeders of discord and dlsaffiicllon among the ne groes, tlieso cncouragcrs of tho hlncks to steal by their lying misrepresentations to them nbout the laud and mules nnd (pro visions tho government Is going to give them. If wo could get rhl of these scoun drels, tlio negroes would quit starving nml go to work, and tlio “loll'Vprlnts up nortli would have a few more ku-klux crumbs less to throw to tliolr renders. bogging nnd plundering. Orozon. A correspondent writing from Fortlnml, Oregon, under date of April 12, says:— “Spring is now upon us hi all Its beauty. The winter has passed without the fall of a flake of snow. I have seen lee three or tour mornings of tile thickness of window ^ 1111(1 the fall of rain has been no more seeded. I think tho whiter has been milder hero than even In Now Orleans.— Farmers linvo been plowing nud sowing wheat nil winter, including tlic.iiioiith of March. The wheat crop promises well. never cuts it oil'. I am writing in latitude 40 north—five degrees north of Chicago. Tho diffcrenco ill climate between these two points is most extraordinary.” A Touching Keene. . The Entonton Frees relates the following Incident that occurred during the trial of Elbert W. Bailies, in Jasper Superior Court, for the killing of Harvey J. Eync-li. Bailies wns acquitted by thojury: “Emmet Lynch, a brother of the de ceased, mid a bright little hoy of seven summers, was called to the stolid. Upon tho question of Ills competency being rais ed, the Judge subjected the little fellow to examination mid decided him a good wit ness. Tho littlo fellow being sworn, mov ed upon tho feelings of many stern hearts. When being ordered by thu Solicitor Gen eral to kiss the Bible upon which ho wns sworn, lie opened its sacred pages mul pressing It to his lips, lit tho sincerity of childhood, impressed n kiss, the eloquence of which brought many n tear to eyes un accustomed to evince such emotion.” manners. There Is nothing which ndds so much to a young man’s success in life ns the prac tice of good manners. A pollto mail will bIiow his good breeding wherever lie goes, on tho sidewalks, In the buggy ns ill your parlor. If you meet a man who rcftises to give you half tho road, or to turn out on Hie sldownlk, you may class him ns a man of no senso of Justice In his soul.— When we speak of polite men we do not wish to be understood ns referring to one who hows low and taken o.Thls lint to ladles doMioflaudnum a few days since Owing to the utircllnhleiies* of negroes, tho demand tor white scrvnnls In ninny parts of^i'lrglnla Is unprecedented. The recent heavy rains have caused tlio Bnvannah river at Augusta, Georgia, to rlso to tlio height of twenty-one Iketand a half. Tho survivors of tho "Old Eighth Geor gia” regiment propose n reunion on tho 21st of July next at homo convenient lo cality Tho vnluo of property destroyed in La fayette county, Miss., by tho recent torna do amounts to ?15,000—a heavy blow on n people already impoverished, A spring-gun plaecd nenra lien-roost cost tho Bndlcnl party In Memphis n col ored vote the other night. True, wo lisped. Tho greatest rush for places nt Wash ington Is said to have been made upon tlio Fost Office. A general impression pre vails, whether true or not, that there, pro In that concern hotter chances tor stealing than lu any of tho other departments, or (,'ourso ■ Tlio Washington Chronicle says that tho whole of the Radical ninjorlty in tho Senate condemn tlio course ofjlr. Sprague, This is nodouht true, but ifntnny time Sprague wishes to buy that ninjorlty he lias the money to do It with. The lllflbroiiec. Senator Spraguo, when lie speaks keops Ills linmls In his pockots. Most of the Radical Senators, wlfcii tlioy talk, nre try lug to get their hands into the pockets of other people. ,,, The Urtlelics for Women t Tho best argument wo have seen advanc ed against females wearing britches, wns given by a Col. Pierce, nt tlio Woman's Dress Reform Convention In Washington. Ho hurled a bomb-shell Into tho enemy's ranks by declaring that in marrying, he would nut know wltothcr lio wns marrying a man ora woman! Snow florin. There was a regular snqw storm lu some parts of New York on Monday night last. On Tuesday morning the hills in the neigh borhood offlinglinmpton wcrecovci-otl with snow, and It wns fenred that forward veg etation had suffered. cqmitcnnncc and who never turns hisfuce away ftom the poor, wo mean Iho mail who hns a kind salutation wlion he meets you in the morning, and a pleasant “good light” In the ovenmg, a limn whoso face s the Index to Ills heart, which is always devoid of oflenco. Buell a mail is bound to succeed; such a one will And friends.— Young men be polite. Cnucelltna Internal IKovcnuo titnmpi. Commissioner Delano lms decided with regnrd to affixing nud cancelling internal revenuo stamps, that In all cases where any ntlhcslvostamp shall hereafter he used, except ns may bo otherwiBo provided, tho on making nml delivering, or giving _ Instrument, matter, or thing to do tax ed, shall so affix the stomp tlmt thcciitlrc surface of each stamp shall lie exposed to view, nnd shall cancel the same By writ ing, with ink, upon each stomp, hlsliiltlnl nml the date, or by such mcclmmcni means ns tho Commissioner may heretofore re quire, In order tlmt such cancelled stomps ciinnut ngnin lie used. The cancellation Heavy Thunder Ktoru*. A heavy thunder and rain storm pre vailed in tho Cumberland Mountains, Wednesday night. Hugo trees were ,up rooted nnd blown down nnd fences destroy ed. Shingles nml signs were torn from houses ntCImttnnoogn, Poor Noldlcro! Wilder, the negro whom Grant appoint ed Postmaster nt Columbia, S. C., lmd for his competitor D. A. Moore, an ox-Fedcr- nl Captain, who entered the army in the spring of 1801, served five years, and lost a leg- ■ "c. t ■ Hen. I.ce lii Alexandria. The Alexandria Gnzetto says of Gen. Lee’s reception in thnt'cltj’: “Many a dainty glove tlmt touched his fingers'lins boon preserved by actual or expectant mothers to be handed down as a vnlimhlo heirloom; wnny of the young ladles, not satisfied with tho pressure of his hand, wore rewarded with aklss.” ciliated, entitled "Tlio SmtiisofGorgin— 1/Clter to linn. Juliii I). Dickey, Senator 41st Senatorial District upon tno status of Georgia, by Hop. Henry I\ Farrow;’’ tlio reftited slanders of Gov. Bullock nre re lented, reasons nre ghvu fur the non-nc- lonofCongms at its Into .‘-' .-'Ion, nml nssurance is given tlmt Congress recon structs Georgia nt it next session. Hu de nounces General Meade, and all who disa gree with the views of Governor Bullock, who Is lauded for tho "firm, decided nnd the bold stand taken nnd maintained by him. I do n it mention these flicls for present comment, hut to warn the people of Gcor- « ln, and to suggest tho pulley which I link might to govern us. My own opin ion of Governor Bullock nml those who nre co-operating with him fbr the destruc tion of the Constitutional State Govern ment which they lmvo sworn to support, is, tlmt they nre moral, if not legal traitors to tho State, and It does nut lcsseh their moral guilt, Hint, instead of using person- retextsnud i their nb- ft-om which there could bo no np;ieal. HoW, It may be asked, should such a Governor nml siit-li liieli brf treated by the people whom they lmvo sought tobetmiT Innsft-er : Trent them with silent obser vation; -there Is no alternative which would not lie worse. They will doubtless hope to excito disturbances and violence which onn bo tised ns pretexts tb accom plish their purposes. It will he our duty, not only ns good citizens, hut to defeat the purposo of our enemies,'to sec that tha laws nre Btriotly observed nnd enforced, maintaining, in all tilings, a position of conscious reetitudo ami a patient endii- mneo of evils for which there is lio pres ent remedy, Evils nro sometimes permit ted, to correct or prevent still grentcr ev ils. But ns God is trim, so justice, with its compensations, will, In good time, pre vail. I believe tlmt the counsels of our ene mies will come to naught. Tlio backbone of their project is already broken. Many of their onco friends In Congress lmvo boon enlightened ns to tliolr character, motives nnd purposes, nml will not, even for par tisan" — ” " 1 mil holdstl w reconstruction acts of Congress, nnd Is en titled lo the same rights as other States ill the Union ; Representative Blnglmm, Schcnck, Jenekes, Poland nnd other Re publicans, nud the entire Democratic par- ' There is now really hut one disturbing clement between ns and a miilority ofCou- gress—the fight of lliceolored man to hold office under onr constitution and laws. It wns reyresented, nml gcnemllv lielicved, that the Legislature ncted in wilftil viola tion of law 111 declaring them Ineligible. The opinion nml decision bf.mdSo Schley in the rase of the State vs. White, which was printed in the Nuthninl Intelligencer and distributed in Congress, modified, nud in some instances changed, the prevalent opinion of the action of the' Legislature, that ease will lie decided by the Supreme Court of Georgia. In Jimp. The decision will Holtlc the law on that subject. The people of Georgia will nldilo by It. Con gress will, in my opinion, bo satisfied of its Justice, will admit the State to- Repre sentation, mid thus will end our Federal troubles. SKCOXO ,\NN1 Ool. O, TP. Amosi Now Orleans Menagerie, Circus, and— AVIARY 2 UNQUESTIONABLY•TJH: BEST, AS IT is VX- pOUBTKDLY THE LAltUEST Exhibition Air^rr^iitlon on tlio YMEUICAN CONTI N KNT! Seven Large Shows Consolidated, elegant Ir.tiroMtlnn oncli o.ilu. A New Instrument or Dentil. 8(* v cml cnscH lmvo ivcontly occurred in New \ ork nml Brooklyn, where windows [mye been pierced and persons shot bv bulletR without the usual noise incident to the discharge of n gnu or pistol, A cor respondent of one of the New York i) >ors states that these bullets are not sn .. roin air guns, ns has been supposed, but ed by the elasticity of a bjw, It is in this case accomplished by the equally forcible elasticity of an india-rubber strap. A bul let placed In this gun, and tbe strap being foreiby drawn back and then loosened by a trigger, its sudden relaxation gives a force to the bullet but little inferior to the expansion of the suddenly - released gases of gun powder; and t|jis can be done with out any greater noise than is created by tho bow gun as its bow is released. If QnOEs for tliooltl nml tMyounjr: ,t1«o i these statements nro true, these weapons IS’ will prove very dangerous In the hand? of Cotton Dying. from tlio Government, Dana, tlio editor of supplying themselves with the ciegnut lilci -KT.... V....I. u-. i -- ’ found at this mammoth emporium. A mail Is consldered out of the fashion who does not wear of Holbrook’s lints— therefore everybody should send for one. linn? the Ylllnln. Tho Athens (Gn.) Watchman reports an outrage, in Ogh-thopo county, of n ne gro fiend nnmed, Qcoi-go Hopkins, upon tho pei-son of a Miss Gray, aged sixteen. After he had accomplished Ills hellish pur pose, ho shot his victim through the head with a six shooter. Ho was arrested nml confined in the jail of tlio county. Every Hu 1 lire ^ punishment for using adhesive stamps which have . already been used. ^ ♦»». Tlio Imperialist. In tlio last issuo of this journal, wo find a defence of tho Loyal Leagues, involving a pretty broad intimation that tlieso Had- Ical machines, whllo pretending to work for a “true ltcpublicnn form of govern ment,” are secretly plotting for empire.— The Imperialist jus titles tli is on the grounds (1) tlmt a people who wilftilly abandon control of their own aflkirs nre incnnnblc of self-government; thnt (2) truth impels the oonfrssiou tlmt tho Republic is iv mere idol of rnm* and straw; and tlmt (3) a de clared and responsible government is bet ter thnu a sham. Tlir l*oor Xcffro. Huston .1. Lomax, a negro carpenter of Abbeville, South Carolina, holds the fol- j lowing offices mid receives the pav annex ed: “t. Member of the House of Rep resentatives from Abbeville, nnd Chair man of the delegation; nay, 8(1 n day mid mileage. 2. County School Commisslon- er ’.pay, 84a day mid mileage. 8. Census ms nu ex. ?. nkcl ', ; W’ "'0 believe, 81,50 a day. 4. _ , . “ ” uc * I Commissioner of Elections, to he held in Every honest roan in the^tale,, May ; pay, 82 n dny—total,- I offices and ! 814 30II day nnd mileage I” ■ Cotton. - * 'Tile receipts of Inst week ut all the ports- j ' nw reported by tele- day nnd mileage!” How Would It Dot A large number of tlio most reapcdtahle they helped place In power and who have offices to bestow, and licnp nil manner of hitter curses upon them. Oh! (he hcau- th s of Radicalism! ^ ‘‘U-t us have pence.” ' h ;}|,o ul^slntes -Flli tutlou ef (bn Heart.” j lwl « A woman nt one oft he city dispensaries I {HC KtoW.'S M HM applied for medical njj), stating her d!«- I jW - . Tbe receipts nt the seaports are ( discovered. How wotilil'ft'do'Vsks the ease to bp lllratimi of tho heart. Some ofi j ?,? hrefjs up : . Ago, to arrest General Butler ’whenever the Dalton kisses arc down with tbe same I b vw t hero , I s 1 KSSSSS on’t deceive, 'plantation* C °“° n C °'" inS ,h I Jrt&e is’retorncdl 11 ” ” nti l ^“wSeliold '0(V‘'to!es 3 l’hfw’“ 1 r 1 jdilfouul ? UenWl™ 0 tru»?'jit“nW, a beojrti»e l " a * 1<l bbfioo ninn of tm-bnlent character wns killed complaint. If appearance* don igliborhood, repot cot ton plant is dying in considerable qaan titles, especially on tho sandy and gray lands. It is thought in many places, ns seed nro scarce, that the cotton will he ploughed up anil corn plmitcd. The fif teen days ol rain which we have had, mid tho cold of Sunday, greatly Injured cotton, nml the'damage Is being njiparcnt under the Influence of warm weather. Tlio Atnlmmn Question. The Loudon Times, of tho 7th, has an other editorial on the Alnbmna claims. It says England endeavored to do justico to all parties during thu late rebellion nnd must decline to acknowledge any other motive for her action. She hns offered to submit to arbitration tliO qiiesttbn whether she has been, culpably negligent, but she cannot go further. Extravagant misrep resentations were necessary to ftimish the basis for such a policy os is foreshadowed in Mr. Sumner’s speech. The Times con eludes by assuring' Americans that It will prove a failure. On Their Travels. It is reported ftom Washington' that a sub-committco of the llouso Committee of Foreign Affairs intend to visit Cuba and St. Domingo next September; nnd thee* traoi-dl'nai-y assertion follows Jhnt “Gen. Hanks lms drawn three thousand dollnra from the Houso contingent fund” to pay the expenses of the committee. ThoNow'York Post, (Radical) expresses the hope thnt Jlr. Banks lms mado such mistake. Tho Post thinks a Con- Rressionnlcominlttcehnsnorlght to squan der the people's money in this wily; if they want to go to'lho Avfcst Indies let theni pay their own hills, The Jicfrro Kmiljb *1. Tho Savannah Republican ofHie 8tli in staut says, “the telegraph inforinrqs timt tlie President dccll nod yesterday to a visit from tlio ambitious little Savannah negro who hns taken Into his headitho sift ly idea of being Postmaster of Oar city.. Grant nnd nil tho rest of the ' Rcpiililirami will get sick enough of negro'impudence before they are many day* older. Giving tliu most (-■ EntOrf ii lmiKMit Kvospresented to Ihe Publle, tntrqduplnj liltlon, liloti lic-nulITul l.n<tu>*, More Accomplished Art 1st*, Moro llrllllnnt PontH, Move Trained Aniiatd*, More Schooled Kqutnc*, Moro Gorgcoit* Trappings! A LAHGU11 711 IK! HUTTER MUSIC I Flnoi- Kquipmonts! Ami moro convouiont nml Bplemllil mipolnt. meats Hum lmvu ever boforuboon OOmbtncdin uny ono nmusemont orgnnir.itIon I The Oxana Street Procession OU THE TROUPE AND CARAVAN At 10 o'clock, A. M,, Is of itself a feature of ploaH- log nml tbrllllng intcront, prosontlng tho be. fore unheard of ■pootneuinr novolty of I.omllug lilouK A- Tigers Loose lu (ho tirnml Kctlnuc! Ami otlicr ivomlors uo less attractivo. i'For furtlior paritoalam aoo tho various Put). ^ licatlonH, PaaiphlctH,l'rogratmnos,Llthogiiiplw,Ac. (CSTDoorn opou at 1 and ii'4 P. M. Tlio Arena 0 Entcrtalnmont commonolng nt 2 nnd 7. "Will exhibit at CiiattanoooA, Tenn m May 21, and at Calhoun, May 24. May 13, lwan-at. NEW ADVEKTISEMENTH. T 1(1*2 LATEST NEWH, LOWRY & EASON Have tlu* pleasure of informing tlio nubile tlmt tin r in receipt nroncofllio largest ami iM’Nt m li’ctcil .stock o’f UooiIh ever before olfcr- cd by them in Dalton, foiuslHliug of nil such S ic t •St ! Oil (sOOlirt US to II t tlio MimtH of ovory oifc, uml in tm before 111 Uo YOU :good. . two uloo, young hand, nml will tnku you buy your goodc, Major UuarU ami Col. ARc men, will nlwavH be • “i-Ulshow .* In oxelii Juco UHlUl.... Bacon, Lard, Butter, Corn, wheat. Rye Meal, Clilekom*, Eggs Country Cloth 11 JNTERE&T1NU TO THE LADllS, If you want to seo tho nicest nx«ortmcnt of DrcSHGtHKlH Consisting of itllt be dUrorcntgnidea of Liw 3T OWRY A EASON keops on hand, ut all J J tlinen, tliolieut ofCotreonnd8ng.1r, tor fam ily use. Thby always keep the lient- of lmligo and Madder. Bu sure you got hoiiio of tliolr ln- ligobefore*yoiiHot your bluu pots. unhid Hitt; i It. the place it la to b J.01VRY EASON'S. assassins. Ntrango Discover}*. The Post-master at Cumbevlaud Ford writes us that a Mr. Farmer recently found on tho mountain near tho ford, un der a huge rock, tho statue of a man, carved in wood, almost as natural as life, and having the appearance of being made two thousand years ago. It is supposed to bo somo heathen god, worshiped by the aborigines nbout tho tlmo that Homo was destroyed. Wo lmvo a very imperfect memory of events of that dato, as we were not then particularly interested in thorn, nnd therefore suggest that the statue be sent to tlio museum at tho Kentucky Uni versity for further identification.—iVanJt- fort Commonwealth. Dreadful Occurrence—A Drnnknrd’ii Ntonmch on Flro. I.Q'VRY & EASON’S. JJKADY MADE CLOTHING, from tlioflneBt x\ Cloth to till* coai'HOHl Linen, all grades and colons In bulls uud "F~0\VKUY A EASON iilwayshaTou 1 J.J nicetissortmentor Bedsteudi*. Cod Paint nt bucket*, Willow-ware, Churn*, Butter Paddle.-, Half Bindiel Measures. rnilK Farmer ranflnd, by wd 11 Ugnt on rehouse, * _ ngnodspade, Shovel. Hay Fork a. Slowing .Jiulos, both Dutch uml Engindi, Oniln Blade*. Scythes, and the best of A non. nnd ono hundred other useful things tod tedious to ninutinn. LOWRY A EASON. ’ ATHI IIATH ! H AT HOLBROOK’S. Do you want lIutH—Hut* of every style, color and price? If mo. goto J. M. Holbrook'*. White. hull Street, Atlanta, tin., i i find any but*,but umbrellas walkingeanen, trunks, linen, nnd tin undid)* variety of other useful Helen, run boliud at thin cntuhlDhiiieut. Go and moo him when you vislt-the Giflo Cltj’. May JfrBfi . .. Ahmit midnight of Sunday last the pco- plo of tlio village of Rainbow were awak ened by tho cry of fire, which proved to he emttsed by tho burning of a two-story lYamc house, owned by John Darwin; and occu pied by him as a liquor saloon, which was completely destroyed. Those neighbors first on the spot found Darwin lying on the ground, bo badly burned aa tone near ly insensible. lie was conveyed to a neigh boring house; hut died in great agony l»c- forc morning. It appears that the unfor tunate man, as soon ns he had discovered tho fire, ran out of tho house, but subse quently Returned to savc his five children, lie was badly intoxicated at tlie time, and entering the burning building, the flames struck him in the face, and immediately, owing to the amount of liquor ho had drank set fire to the inside of Ids throat and sto mach, burning up his tongue, so that, when he was found, tlmt organ was a mere tato of OwciCH. Kennon, «b. - e<:u*c»i, to-'vit: ®.»1>-. . Tl, ° oliijflren were suvc-cl bv tho , ll {‘?, , 1 ”i?i 0 mil ilwHSu.mi'ra 1 Sr’sJlS A N ORDINANCE.—no 1t, ami It 18, Imrohy XJL ordiiliioil. by tlio Mayor ami Council of the city of Dalton, Tlmt tin election will hu buhl on Moinlay, tho ‘21th proximo, to Hiihmlt the question to tlio people, whet her mi uppronrla- t ion of two lmmlrcd dolhirH hIiuII be made to ho used in thecouHtmetlon of arond. iiorou* dug gap, out of the funds aeernlng by ordinary tax ation. Those voting lu favor or Halil appropri ation, will plnco npon their tickets. For the up- ra’-SMK r ul ’ G eorgia. Whit Hold County-Burry Gaxuwny ’ has applied for exemption of iiorHOimlty, am) setting apart- and valuation of lioimwtoad, nml I will piuw upon the Maine nt my office, on IUuMUi ofMuy. A DMINISTRATOII'S HALE-By virtue of an JY order from the Court of Ordinary, of Wlilt- . Held county, will bp sold, on the tlrafi Tuesday . In July, ls5ut», before t\v« C’ouvt houso door In ” | Dutton, On., between the legal lionin of sale, , ! tho following real astute, hclonglng to tlio e«. T ii 1 J i " n 1 '»* ! llt, ‘ dlMtriot and I neighbors, one of them badly scorched, count v, ns the property of i„ . The eldest boy says d grand carousal had Uio lament of' tho cmiitoni pr wild ret ramn nnr ? ?" '"irf ^T’ „"' hU ° May iwA.' A.hi.V Ilebota* non some one intoxicated was drawing liquor, £ ~ lie probably set lire tonnobl fraffier bed nenrthc barrel. Everything in the bouse 1 "“'erfrmn the Opart <?ronn,., wns burned, nnd the c-bildreu lire thus left orphans, and unprovided for. A Diplomatic Ncnmlnl. J\. order from the Court of Ordinary, ker county; will ho sold boforo the Court houso •lor lit- Ringgold, In Catoosa county, Ga. t on tho flrst. Tuesday in July next, lot of in thejBt h dlst. and nth s. 111 tho 2St Ii (list, nnd nth suet Ion, i hair of lot numbor 107, lu tlio 27th sect Ion. both lying In Catoosa coumy, . r . ALo. before tlio Court koufla door In Iml ay i, minih t ! i ' r ," ltaly mKS^mtsSssSBBMss. here. it ostensibly on leave or absence, to ] sthdlHt.amUth uecticn, numbortni.mthoaith visit his European home. Humor, how-1 dl«triutam ever, connects his departure with a “ * *bthis: ■ITritO WANTS TO SELL Qlt BUY HEAL ESTATE? gli the efforts of E. llulburt. filiperlntrn- dont of thu W. A A. Railroad, nml other dlmhi- gntMlioil Railroad oUU’tnlM, a convention wuh lield in Atluuta on the 4th of Jaiiunry, huvhig for it h object the promotion of Immigration to the Soul h, and 1 he attract Ion of capital and hcI* tturn to the lino of tho Western nnd Atlantia Railroad, thiiM Increasing population and pro* Miction, uml eulmmdtiujpm vnluor>rrent estate. It cannot he denied tlmt Upper Georgia pre- McutM more inducementM In ciuirmntM mid ca|>. Itol than almost nay portion of the South, the salubrity of cl I unite, Itu vunt mineral rcMOurer-, Hiiporlor uml extensive WATER POWERS, tlio protlucIlvciieHH at Iih varied soils, itn In- ereaKlng rail road’u at tniCtlons tliut but few portions of thu South can boast of. in order to fucllltutu theotdectH of tho con- vent Ion, nud to afford n medium for the Mile and purchase of property, the iimloraluurd lui* opened in tlie office of tlio W- A A. Railroad Depot, a REAL ESTATE AGENCY* where he may Ihj consulted by thorn* u Idling to lmy or soli Real Estate. Having an exteu- Mivcueqimlntaiieo with tlio people of this Mo tion. iih well iih wit It the nature find udupUtioii of theNoil. imrtlCM may rely upon prompt nnd accurate information. Having hcun a prae* tloner bribe law for a number of yearn no' diffi culty will lie experienced In Judging of the legal force of tit Ium. I’nrtluM owning land along 1 lie info of W. A A. Railroad, or conttglouM thereto, are respect ful ly invited to call at my office nml proenreu blank, wherein they may fullv tffinerlW the proinlNeH proiuised for Male. Tlieso hlunkn will general dlntrihntlou tlirougiiout tlio North, thereby liringlug tho land of Upper Georgia prominent ly hclore tlio publle. SAMUEL 1L BAKER, Dalton. April, 181W. Agt. W. A. A. It. It. P.S. Prompt attention given to tho Knlonnd purchase of city property, nnd.charges will ho rensonttblo and Hatlsfactory in every Instance. jgll LAW81I11, A CITIZEN OF ATLANTA FOR THE LAST tWKXTV-OXK YKAItB, ’ Dealer Jn Wntclies, Clocks & Jewelry. »fy illver-wnro I liave made of silver coin, WITHOUT ALLOY. Silver plutod ware Is Trlpple. ond Qimdrnph*. CLOCKS AT WHOLESALE AT N. Y. PRICES 1 expound* added. DIAMOND JNWELIiY, tho fli)C8t.qmility, of solid, 14,13 nnd 1.4 caret. Eycrytltiiiif Warraniotl! ns repreaemtort | ami would refer lo uny person who hns bought goods from mo within tho Inst 21 yours, na Jo lylmt my guarantee 1h worth. WATcnca,-Ct.ocxa A Jbwulhv Hkpaibbd. Wntcli Makor'* Tools and Material. May 0,1BQ0-I2in. A very a freeman, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, King Strcot, Dalton, Georgia. Will nlt^nd’promptly to all Imw Claims in Iho Supremo Court of I ho United States { Court of Claims, and Excentiva DepartmontM at Poll ing, 1>. C. {in tiin Federal Courts for Hie Nitnh- uni I>i-t i'i«l <>i ‘"”i Gii'l i in 11- Mj’i « 1 Gi i'l i't Atlanta, Ga.t In thu State Courts In the comi ties of Whit lield, Murray, Gordun, Bartow, Ca toosa uad Dado. May TTILLINEIIY GOOBH! MRS. E. 1*. O'CONNER arefnlly selected stock of 3Ulliuerv. Mf li-i- l.ikfn i " I'-'O' "i • i' ■ i. 1 ":- " ' toodw. giving iionmlf ample tlmo to visit alltim ugliorpu film lms quite u vart herself that slm can till ull - - - T -_-- v Concls, giving tlm most peiTeet satlpraet lety of stylos, and flatters " .* -“(fers for Millinery ‘ ruction t«> j P■ ,. v.nw- | (leal of scandal. Itls this: lliat thcaforn- ) C r. All sold ns tile proimrty of David Trundle, Raid minister (lid purloin thu affections and I deceased. Terms made known on duy t qf sale, virtue of a certain fashionalfic lady .here-1 Maj lMQd. • A. ORAltAM, Adm r. ahouts; that the lady demanded matrinio- j * uyiiNinTitATOH’S sale.—By virtue of un ny; that tlio minister could not or would i order from tho Court of ordinary* of Wni- lid vcuxtnnce, took himself Off. tb Gil- lot nrioml munliel-aOmul *7, III Uio*tll<IUtrU't P i" 1Iow ' call fhrfljtni ministers do such tilings.— ilrm among heirs. Tenns Umdo known on q Ly. YSlkraUl. ; of-rlo. Mnyl-l-TOd. U. J. GLENN. A«Ui» ^So'ha^ftlso onqm’nd, all grades of Moarnl jj Goods, which are put up ut tlm shortest m> Hho would rtlsocall tlm attention af country Merchants uml Milliners to tlm WholesHlalhj* partmentorT. O’Conner, In adjoining room . where persons wishing goods at wltfllesalo » And a largo variety of Mllllneiy^and *amj Goods, nt very low prices. When visiting the “Gate City," give them a *B«ims over G. W. .IncV* confcolloner y, WW (0 Hull Hlroi't, AUunlii, Gu. Mny S-9ni- TnrinxeiBLD simtunt's S*ir.-WIU U0 sow W li-Koro I 111- Court lluUW iloor In tv, oh tlio llrst TursOlty in -Iiino iie.vt, betnei'i tlm iimal limns of Kiilu: Slid iiu.livi-i.-.l luUnnUrost lu rlty lotu nm" lirrstt uml 1U, on Tutver or Olfortf otaMG in tlio city of Dolton,-leTled on to totlsfy »* ™ from tVliltllolil Superior Court, In ftavorof l>> ■i II. EniUrey v*. .lumen A. Puxion, rroporu rtuy imlnlcil out by I.-r.nGnirtln