North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, May 13, 1869, Image 3

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NORTH GEORGIA CITIZEN, lir.MI V A. AVIIKMII. I.ocul Editor. — ------ ------ Tiiun^nAY. . In AllV Homo AkiiIu. Wo have juat rot u mod from a brief visit , A fori uni; of 610,00 ! to North Alabama in time to keep from | Mulu and l omalt'-Au< : being numbered Willi tbu "lost, Hmycd nr "'im |,"'m"ne« stolon.” ; wanted in ovary family. From Dalton to Chattanooga many little double their money on* ‘ * * h n A !« Col. T. Amr*' Slew Oi l pan MAtnmoHi Menagerie, lly reference to anothci column, it will j ha wi n that this world famed establish ment will visit our town on Saturday, May , il-d, Incio, and wo judge from the impres sions left behind them in the dillerent towns they have recently visited, that wo , will have t he pleasure of seeing the finest amusement organization ever put before a , criticising public. In it may lie found a collection of living wild animals, from all I quarters of Ihe globe, and an Aviary of. birds of the richest and most elegant plu- j mage. Moat prominent in the features of this establishment are the feats of the dar-! ing Ella Eugenio and Herr Elijah Lengal, j who enter the dillerent cages of I .ions, Ti-1 gers and Leopards, and perform with tho inmates in a manner far surpassing any thing ever beheld in our midst. This pro mises a rare treat for our people. \Y. II. IlAILKYiS: Co., 1-in Full pleasantries came-in our mind’s party of tourists, from up North, were aboard, and their natural impiisitlvi ness, especially the females, to glean ail historic explanation of every clay mound, ridge, valley or creek, along llragg’s old tramp ing ground, with their absurd ideas, were indeed amusing to a native. The Tunnel, of late is made to boar the blunt of many J Medici practical jokes, and we being seated inclose j proximity to a newly married pair, on tho seat immediately in rear oi a 1 it undorstooi romping damsel of the party, had an eyo j solicitation i to taking.notes mid print - *un, an opr ideal ambition was muchly sat for the aforesaid damsel in an effort t^Hibillty, wcakne.- .•quires but t •i sure proprietor or other Interested pintles.— .. ft , We simply do It as an net of duty towards llstleu, th6»e wild to o laboring under phVsienl (Ha ttons, Ac.*, wont nee. loots. AdilrossK. C dunum of! i6rri:\i,vnil,vice !u* ” thou- V l»M ns Patent •» 111111X1 I paper eve y Iromour , of printin' .* may call | the only t s“S.T.— We desire t limit any lit from tho J parti practice a Joke on the couple, missed her mark, and oh ! mercy ! ye Innocent local, for hours, It seemed, sutlered the horrible pressure of a forly-lmrse power nightmare. It was like a dream, yet it was not. It was a fcrio-comlr, miserable-happy state 1 of suspense, from which we could not ex tricate ourself, nor were we so inclined, of j Soil breathing, like sun-scorched summer breezes, waited through orango blossoms, fanned our blushing, innocent checks, till the light of tho other end of tho Tun nel relieved us of our mental depression, nndofinoxtricnblo and exciting thoughts of “bride In the wrong room,” anil other little adventures that were vividly brought I to bear upon our suiTering mind. That and the vn Evidence of Prosperity. From the Columbus Sun and Ti •the 4th lust., we extract the following : As an evidence of the prosperity and stability of the “(leorgla Home Insurance Company,” we mention that the Compa ny on yesterday purchased for 828,000, the Iron front three story building belonging to the Assignee of the Bank ofColumbus. ■The meaning is unmistakable. The Com pany is iiinn excellent linancial condition, hirg>■' and's:I fc insurruee hiishi! .il^nn8ju- I n*uglrty girl, intending to smother “two tends that headquarters shall remain at in ono” with something else besides cn- Coluuibus in Its present location. reuses, had missed them and thrown an Mnj. .1. N. Scott, tl inn whom a cleverer immense shawl over our timid shoulders, man cannot l»e found thissido of sundown, Naturally enough wo supposed tho hmo- !« the Agent of this company in Dalton. cent bride, In her eager display ofailfcction, ^ had caught us around tho neck. It was Pretty Gnml i:*tt limite. ’ r ... ; , .. -p. *i n „ rp agony, sure. Ih IJiTniffi lit ttSrftWoiniai! or C0Ur80 11 wns B0<m ovcr ’ nm * ,x '- ult1 ' lloubtlrss if wo limy estimate tho tenh- 11,1 Kencty along the route, toeetlier with waving green fields of cereals.and fine •lainis arising from impurities of the jod. Having used the Hitters at the In- at!'.ration of a friend, (and, wo confess, with sorno misgivings at the outset,) we found them a most valuable medical com pound, and to our great satisfaction, ac complished the object for which they w ere used. Magnolia WATKB.—-Superior to the best imported Herman Cologne, and sold at half the price. .MISCIll.I.AN I’.Ol'S ADVKIITINE3IUXTH. Watch Maker, Jewel or, AND OPTICIAN, Corner Market ami Eighth Streets, CUATTANOOOA, TKXN., Would re-peet-ull.x iiiT.>iin lii' friend* nnd tho citizen* of Northern Georgia, that uokMiw comdantly on hand n magnificent u»*nitmnit of lioiti mill silver Watches, Jovclrjr, Clock*. Silver Ware, fipoetlclus, etc. Is also, Agent for the Elgin Watch Company. All good* warmti- tint a* roprpauntiHl, amt sold nt us low prices a* nny house In tho Stuto. special orders for Watches, Initial Jewelry, Bridal Present*. oto.. iiinde on fair terms. Special intention given to general repairing. Work neatly and protnvtly oxnqnttKR and war- Orders sollcltotl. may ly* merahle bed hugs and musqultocs as in- bnhitauts. H'hy In thl* Tint*? l'ninti no Office for Salk.—A letter Trom N. F. Cooledgc. of Dalton, states that he will sell the entire outfit of the late Sprlh Georgia Citizen. To some good practical printer, or other person, wishing to engage in that line, no doubt induce ments will lie ofieivd. A small weekly paper, together with tho job printing busi ness, can he carried on with the material above mentioned. Letters addressed to Mr. Cooledgc, at Dalton, will receive at tention. ’ • The above from the Cartcrsville Express b; a puzzler to us. “The entire outfit of the late North Georgia Citizen” be longs to Whitman & Wrench, wlio have never offered it for sale, and it will, indeed, l)o “/ale” before tlm Citizen is numbered •with things of the past, if wo may be al lowed to say that it is doing a better busi ness than any weekly paper in tho State. YVe trust brother Smith will give us the benefit of a correction. Billy FlacAer. Our young friend has opened an estab lishment in Chattanooga, and has a mag nificent assortment of things in his line.— Head his advertisement iu the Citizen, und if anything of the kind is wnnting, none are more deserving your tmde. We know of whom wo spenk, and that he has a good stoock of Watches, clocks, juelry, etc. involution. The copartnership herctolbro existliij. between Messrs. Huknfzcr & Lovcmnn wns dips.jived ou the flint instant,Mr. Bu- kolzcr retiring. AVu lire glnd to learn, however, that Ida energy and business qunlillc.itions are not lost to our city, ns lie has engaged ill another business. Those who nro indebted to the old linn are re quested to make immediate payments, nt tho old stnml. !> I.M v.-li r, A tVoul o Bn our paper to-day, Er Lnwshe, tlic clock man of Atlanta, bids for tho trade of this scetion, and from the reputation of Ids house, none need fear hut wlint tho fnlr t|dng will be done by them, in any order for or purchase of articles Which ho ad vertises. Dolton »»».e«tic MOrhct. sS: The following nro the quotations nt which tlie nrticlcs mentioned below are selling nt to-day, the lflli: ,ps Butter, ."0; chickens, 25; Salt, 82.00; Ba con, 1(1 to Hots; Beeswax, 110; Coffee. 110 to Meta; Meal W'els; Eeftthors, OOcts; Flour, SO .'.('to 80.; Corn SOcts; AVheat, $1.00 to *1.70; Ilav, 80.00 to 81.20; Lard, 2Cets; Boas, 81.00; 1’otatocs, 82.00 82.00. Allnnfn Domestic Market. The following are tho ruling prices, in Atlanta, up to tho 10th of May, furnished by Hi T. Cox & Bro., commission mer chants of that city: . Corn, per bushel, 00081; Wheat, white, per bushel,Sl.eo to81.00; Term, red,81.70 to 81.70: Bye, pec bushel, 81.80; Oats, per bushel, SO to 80cts; Flour, Superfine, nor Back, 1(8 ths. 80} to S)l3.;Extm. St to $11; Fam'ily, SO.'ootoSOj; m con, filiolders, per !t>. Meta; Clear sides, lTitolHcta; IInmx, 14 to Mcts; Lard, in bbls., 10 'to Meta; in firkins 20 to 20ct«; Beef, gross, cts; but ter, !I0 to 3Scts; Eggs, per dozen, 15 tolfic; Beeswax, 85 to 88cts; Unions, i>cr bushel, $1.25 to 81.75; Tenn. Irish iwtatocs, per bushel, 61.00 to $1.50; Field Peas, red, bushel, 81.00 to 80.10; white, 81.15 to ue; nemo,lies. Apples dried, per lb. 7 to8c; Peaehca, 10 ~ — *' Hides, 25 i, 15J to l(ic; __ . .. , . Hots; Cot ton Yarns, per hunch, 82.00, looking young com, carried our ntlml to the hope Ad prospeels of an abundant yield of the suhslantinls of life. In this connec tion, It Is our opinion, from observation in North (leorgia, Tennessee and North Alahanm, that the wheat crops were nev er more flattering. Corn is a largo crop, nml looking well, though backward. The cotton in Alabama looked well, and the stand nppenred to l>q good. For Chattn' nooga wo can say but little, owlug to our short stay. There Is, always, seine ex citement up in this city, and wc found on this occasion tho provnlllug mania to ho Velocipede on the brain. Wo regret not having spneo to give our experience with the Velocipede, hut wo nro inclined to thiuk they are a splendid substitute for ri ding on goats. We think a wheel-harrow is much superior if well practiced on. Bus iness was dull, hut wc found the National Hotel doing n lively work, ns folks will cat nta good table, “let tho wldo world wag as It may.” In North Alahanm there seems to be a new spirit redivlvus in tho pcoplo, and ev ery city, town, villagc'nml plantation pre sents evidences of energy nml prosperity. More particularly did wo Ilnd this so in Huntsville, which is not only tho most mngulflcciit city in tlic South, hut shows mure life and animation than others that are much larger—yet, it is Inflicted, like all others, with those who grumble about Bull times. Tho Huntsville hotel, by Jns. Venable, Esq., needs no flnttcry to recommend it to the public. Everybody conucctcd there with a re (attentive and polite, tho rooms are finely furnished, and nbovc everything else, elenn and comfortable, while Jim’s tnblo can’t bo excelled ir. Nashville,Mem phis or Atlanta. He is a natural epicu rean, don’t care for expenses, nml the con sequence Is, that if anyljody wants some thing good to cat they go to tho Huuts- vlllo Hotel to get It. Long may ho live to cater for those who hunger. Ortho railroads, wc'flud our Stnto road in nn excellent condition, and never once think of ‘blojv ups,’ ‘runoflk,’ or anything of the kind. It is certainly ndminiby con ducted, and one never regrets having ta ken passage over It, The Nashville and Chattanooga railroad is constantly improving under thcnblcsu- perlntcndcncy of Mr. Thomas, though around the mountains It is quite rough, hut tho admirer of scenery most grand is so enraptured with tho mngniflconco of Lookout mountain, tho Tcnncsseo river and fertllo valleys along thp lino, tlmt tho inconveniences are soon forgotten. The train missed connection nt Chattanooga Tuesday morning, owing to some derange ment of the engine. The Memphis and Charleston railroad is certainly ably man aged, If wo mny judge from the comforts of the traveler, and the speed of Us trains. Wo believe its schedule is Ihstcr tliau any other Southern road nt tills time, whuo se rious accidents hut seldom occur. It is n rare treat to rido over tho Memphis and Charleston road ill day time, as It certain ly passes through tho garden spot of tho •South. 'Tnko it nil and nil, every thing in the South scorns to ho wonderfully im bued with the spirit of progress, and uono more plainly shows it thnn our owu section. f ilm JinunrpuKi niMivrii uunu, color*, will bo tlio tno«tbeautiful IMuctl from tho pro** *lnoo tho nrt win tl 180ovoreil. Ucinmnbcr, 11 t« ,-..,701* lit the vorltl whcMolllii.trntlout i print ol lu from ouo to woven di-tlnct color* lit nxlnulcltmirofcitftii. AMUe from thuhuuutl* lul llliiH rut lout w liloli tirroinptiny It wcukly ovury nuiuhcr I* rrploto w lilt alnu Imj Ilomnu* pc*. i«ovu nml llUlnnnlo Title*. It 1* u lit COUl* pantoii of ovory fln>Hltlo— llio imi;:ur.lut* of ov- cry branch of lltcrnturc— tho cliiimiilon 6f nil nobit) IiiUubIiIoh—tho Hiipport or tnu Ihrmor. tnorohuut, urtlMin, amt iho otlucnllon or tin tn»**cit. Ht'iitl forH|ioi*liuon copit**. Holtlhynl. new* th ab m. Hub-orlptlpn. fi tier minum.— Ad lire** THE WKSTKltX WOULD CO., Corner l»ark riuccnml College IMucc, 1*. O. Box 1,929, Xow York. 1 V ' " ■ ' i.m.i: w IN'i** i in’ r.u in Fw ciVuntl Mechanic*' Manuel, oillto'l by Oco, K. Warliitf, Jr., autlioi of'DruInniK forProttt,” •'Klemonl* of AKneult mv." Ac. A hook or great value to every one. Pena for 1« iwao circular. Agent* wanted.. TREAT ft CCC, Publishers t»T Prong wry,N,Y. , /SOLUU IIX'3 PAT KN T RED JACKET AXE /"l I.OUIOt’S NEWS t NEW 1IKEF MARKET. Market In the basement, roar or Chester Rloek. Long Rill Harrison,” trlio t* a gentleman, n -• * * '' * **-t*r, will ,,A 1PR1NU IIAS COME, AND SO HAVE SCOTT LYLE’S Elegant Now Gooda! They nro In rcociptof a wcllaolcctcd stock of Spring nml Knnimer Hood* I Prints, Lawns, Mu hI Ins, ... - futons: Fiiist— It cut* deeper. Hkto.vo-. Jtdon’l Httck Inltlio wood. Tinun— It does not Jar the liaml. Fourth—No time I* wasted In taking the Axe nut or the cut. FirTii—With the same Inlior you wllldn cue-third more work than with regular Axe*. Red paint ha* nothing to do with the good quulltle* of th!* Axe; for all our Axe* are painted red. ir your hardware storo does not keep nur goods, wo will gladly answer Inqnlrlo* or fill your order* direct, or S voyon filename of the mureM denier who •cp*ourAxe*. LlTl'lNCOTT ft HAKEWELL, PlttHlmrgh, Pn. Solo owner* of Colburn** and Rod Jacket l'nl's. W ANTED. AGENTS—^7# to gM) per month, even*where, mulo mid fbmale, to Intro- oncothc Hknoink iMi'itovKO COMMON SENSE lnu wlllHtl ’ braid and 4 . . . . manner, Prfooonly ♦in. Fully warranted for tlvc year*.. Wo will pay glow for any nmchlno that will mow a stron ger, more iH'autiful, or mnra elastic Mcam thnn our*. It make* tho u Kla*tlo hock. Htlteli.” Ev- cry second Htlteli muy bo cut, and still thocloth cannot l>o pulliMl apart wlthoat tearing It. We puy Agent* from SiStotJOO per month uml ex- IR'iises, or a rommlnsloii trout which twice that iimountenii ho made. Address BECOME ft CO., l'lttHhurgh, Pa., Ronton. Mum*., or St. Louts; Mo. Cautiox.—Donotbc Impos'd uihui by other pa rile* palming off worthless east-Iron mu- chine*, under too satno name or otherwine. OurH I* tho only genuine and rosily practical cheap nmchlno luanufnctnred. jry 1 .. rfectly wonderful! Everybody Imys rnt right 1 Agimtsiunklng fortunes 1 IUiih- truteil efienlai.s free! Address Al'KX S. M. Co., 20S Rroudwny, N. Y. T xiimm.K I’K^ciLs, L For Alurktug Clothing, fte. gj- ||r ._ -j ' pound* White I,e;ul, 600 boxen French Window GIuim, 2000 (billons pure I.lnsccd Oil, 20 barrels T.*.unor* OR, 600 barrel* Nou-Explo*lvo Coal 011, 10 Ilarrols Pure laird Oil, All kind* of Machines Oil, Puro brandies, wines and Liquors, Genulno LorrlllanPs Snuff. All the popular Putonl Mod lollies, and overy. thing usually kept In a FIRST CLASS DRUG HOUSE, Having recent !y added a largo nsnnrtmeut of ImiMirtcd amt American Good* to our general ntoek. wo arc otlbrlng Hpeclal Inducement* to Cash Purchasers. iir.mriNi: a vox, Comer Whitehall and Alalxtma Streets, Atlanta, Georgia. fN.trITOI> DRUG KTORU. I*. H. BHADFH3LD, G run tid In oh lint*. Trimming*, , Gallo Notion*, Shoe*, Gutter*, Al*o, a well selected stock of Gentlemen's Goods: IlntM, OIotlilujY nml NIioom. Were*pectruily ask an examination of good* and price*. Scott ft Lylk. After tho 20th Instant we wi New Store, one door north o South End Hamilton Street. ■y A DIES, call and examine thoHc Ueautlfiil J J Gemmn Warn amt Gin** Setts; also, nmg- nltleeut iiHsortment of GIuhn. Stone Chinn nml geilOQil Table Ware at Scott ft Lvr.u's. I F any houso In town keep* Superior Ciroee- rtoH—Sugar CotTtje, Flour, ete,, go anil^ eon- .... uml European Patent*. _ Opinion* no charge. A pamphlet, 108 pages of mw and Information free. Addre** us above. We wish to call tho attention of our readers to tho advertisement headed tlic SLx Greatest Bemcdies of the age, read this column nnd see tho genulno certifi cates from reliable persons, more would bip added if there was room. Hnrly’saguo Tonic Is n never falling cure for nny case of Chills * Fever or Fever * Ague if used by directions. Iliirly’s Popular Worm Candy is tho best for children known, and so pleasant to take that children will cry forit. “BeadcertIflcateinadvcrtlscment." Also Hnrly’s Sarsaparilla Is tho purcstand 9 number! Of people in this city who arc maih, nnd none equals it for Intpuri- HRklng 1'rieml We call attention to tho advertisement of Dr. IlmdAoId. Pnrtieulraly do wo call attention to theemmenagognoof which ho isIheniithornndsolo'mnmifacturer. This remedy is endorsed and applauded by tho best physicians in the country, also by many of nur most reliable and responsible Citizens, in whose families it has been tried with the most satisfactory results. There nn- number!of people in this city whonre Willing to testify to Its ctliciency, nnd who Duly refrain from doing so through motives of delicacy. We can assure our readers that it Is no quick nostrum, but a genuine, reliable remedy. We publish the follow ing evidences of its merits: Tai.l.ujkoa, Ala., srarch 0,185D. Ml-. L. H. Bradlield, Atlanta, Gn: Beau Sm: Your medicine is golngrlght alongand Is making friendswherevertned. It is giving entire satisfaction. Wc have been slow thus far to recommend it, but nre doing so now boldly and truthfully. . Please ship us via Borne, at once, per Height train, four dozen Female Hognla- 'vtor.' Yours truly, # It. A. Mosely & Bno. For sale liy L. P. Gudgcr&Co., Dalton. • flip Weather. ties of tlic blood or renovating the system from whatever cause. Hurly’s Stomach Bitters need only he tried to become the most popular Bitter known, it is also pleas ant as a beverage and conducive to health. Dr. Seahrook’s Infant Soothing Syrup we arc told by those that have used it, is bet ter than any other that they ever tried.— I)r. Seahrook’s Elixir of lion and Bark is the most pleasant nnd reliable remedy of the kind before the public, and good cflects can be relied on being produced from using it in all cases when recommended. Head the advertisement beaded the Six Greatest Kemedics. For sale by all Druggists, tf. For Sale by L. P Oudger& Co,, Dalton, _ Ayc”lmdquYto n scries of Spring showers j “^Vew'dZ'ng^nmfrof horses were ’yesterday. List week Bomo parts of the 60 ld In Lynchburg, Va., at 22J cent! per county was visited with a sovero storm, pound—the second sale of the kind that blowing down fences, etc. j nas occurred there. RDWIK n.VTZS. OBO. C. 8CLMAX. T. D. M'OAUAX, •ptnWlN RATES ft CO., Wliolosalo Dealers iu Dry Goods and Clothing. 122 ami IU Meeting Street, CHARLESTON, S. C. Fi'bll-3m—w,c,o. N EAV GOODS! NICE GOODS! FRESH GOODS! SWEET GOODS! Townloy’s Confectionery! Fresh nutter Cmeker*, Sotlu Craekcr*, Cnaiin Crackers, Sugar Cracker*. Ronton Cracker*, Flo Me Crackers, ami Farina Cruokcrs, at Toxvnlcy’H Contbctionoi;y X Sardines, Herring*, l'kklcN, Cntsnps, l*oi)iH!r Sauce, J) run il.v Tear lie*, Jellies, Syrups, nt TovFiiloy’H Oonftjctiouory X Tomatoes, l'caclie*, Strawbonicsu l'lno Apples, at Tovuloy’H Coniticilonory X Fresh Candies, Oranges. Lomnn*, ote., Cigars. Tobacco, extra flue, nt April 20-ly TOWNLEY’S CONFECTIONERY’. OIIA8. 6UNDQUI8T, Manufactmcror and wholesale and retail deulcr Iu every description of FURNITURE, DKALER IX CARFKT8, OIL CLOTHS, WALL l’AFER.GILT MOUUXIIS uml Fit AM KB, CCRTAIXS, Sraisa Mattukssks, ftr. A large assortment or Ilurlal Case* nn hand, which will be sent to any point on tho shortest notice. Call and examine for yourselves be fore purelianlng t’howliere. Chattanooga, Tenn., Market str„ July 2-ly. , George W. Montgomery, administrators tho cstato or Hiram Montgomery,docniKod, ;o petitioned tor letters ordlsmlsHlou from said estate: Tliisls, therefore, to cite all ner- . — — ‘ snow sons concernc*!, klndre«t nnd creditor*, to show cause, If any they can, why said adinlnlnt rat ors should not be dhchargeil from their adtninls- trntlon, and recelvo letter* of dtHtnlsslon oi thoflrstMondayInKe_ptomt>cr, 1H». Fcb.23.Jfiy 8m ANDKU80NFARNSWORTH, Only. •J^OTICE TO CREDITORS. All parsons having claim* against tho estato of D. M. Teenies, late ot Murrny county, d«Tcns- cd, nro required to present them to the under signed by the 1st Monday In Augu*t next, that they may bo passed Upon nnd audited. April SWm. W. LUFFMAN, Reo’r. T AUSSIG, LIVINGSTON ft CO., Kent, freight paid, on receipt or price. More convenient than Ink.—Am. Agricultu rist. Invaluable to the houMckcoper.—Uodcy's La dy's ikmk. r A very useful article.—Am. Institute Report, 18H7. Addre** 1NDKUIILK PENCIL CO. XoRTiiAxrTox, Mass. Unsold by Stationer*and Dealer* everywhere. milK DEST8FOUTINGGUN IN Til EWORLD! JL Roper** American 12 nml 10 Gauge Itreech Loading Repeating Shot Gun. Improved by C. 31. Spencer, Inventor of tlr " Ride. Firing four shot* in „ second*, using ordinary ammunition. Manufactured by Ho- Drugs, Paints, Oils, Djo Stuffs AND PATENT MEDICINES. Also, Wholesale Agent for FROFIUTTS REMEDIES t t'rophit!'* Liver 3tcdlclncs, Prophltt's Fain K1U It, Frophltt'* Antl-llllllous Pills. Tho excellent rcme«lle* ofO. M. Frophltt, 31. D., need no reeoiniiiendutlon.Tlielr well known power In removing thudlscasu* peculiar to our Koutbom ellinate. having alrctuly edabllshed for them unenviable reputation In Georgia und the adjoining state*. A* tho majority of jair- non* living lu the Month are prc-dlsposed to dUcuM) of the Liver, It Isgrantml by all Intel ligent physician* that most nr tho pains and ache*.of our iM-opIo are duo to orgnnfo or func- ttonal derangement* of that Important organ. iTstrYko^-U 1 *'•- 1 *Wvttfc MihII- test linpu lul*. ATENTK.—Munn~ft civ, Editor* Kclentldc. a\mcrlciin.S7FarkRow,Nuw York. Twen- elnostrlkedirectlyatthorootoftheevll. They ty-tliree j,;oa r*’ ex iierleuco In obtalulng Atncri- V.®® * 1, n * *• oynse* out often, cloning re»f Htamp JA3. D.ORNK, General Ag’t, 022 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, l'a. ANTED—AGENTS—To Sell thn W AMERICAN KNITTING MACHINE. FrlcoMA TlieHliunloHt,ulittii|>OHt nml ItostKiilt- ting Mnchlno ever Invented. Will knit ftrJU,oiX} stltclics per minute. ‘Xlbcnil InduceincntN to Agents. AddressAuKUicAxICxrrriau3lAciURK Co., Rostou, Mu;j., or gt. L : M L. ilu, ♦SOW SALARY'. Addrens U. K. 1'iAXO Co^ N. Y. A RK YOUIl IHJCTOi: nr HruK«l-( r.irNnei-l Quinine—It equal* (bitter) Quinine. I* made only by F. KTKA i:.N>, chemist, Detroit. D. r __ nes*, Catarrh and Kcrofnhi, wuseurtMl by hhIiii plo remedy. Her HvtupnUty nml gratitude proiuptHliur tosend the receipts free of charge to any ono fdtnllarly nflllcted. Address Mrs. 31. C. LEGGETT, Hoboken, N. J. I 7IRR1NG RUT NOBLE.—Self-help for Young li Men, who having errod, deslro a txitter tminhoood. Kent In sealed letter envelope*, free of charge. If lienetltted return thn iiostnge.— Addresa PlttLAXTHROS, Ilox P, PhAa., l'u. mUIRTY YEARS’ Experience lu tho Treat X ment of Chronic nnd Keximl Diseases.—A Fhy*lologleal View or Marriage.—The chenpcHt boolc ever published—containing nearly 800 pa ge*, and 12)0 (luo plate* and engraving* of the anatomy of tho fiuuian organ* In a stato of health und dUcnnc, with a treatise on early or-* deplorable cousuquenccs upon tho inlnd and body, with the author'* plan of treatment —1 ho omy rat lonnl nnd successful mode of cure, a* shown by a report or case* treat od. A truth ful adviser to the married and thnso content- plat Ing ninrtingc who entertain doubts of their physical comlli Ion. Kent froo of postage to any address on receipt of 23x*entH, tn stumps or ik>*- tnl onrrenoy, by addressing Dr. L. A. CROIX, No. .11 .Malden Line, Albany, X. Y. Tho author igay ho consulted Upon any ortho disease* upon which lit* books treat, Cither personally or by mall, uml thudlelncs sent to uiiy part of tbo Fnou4to333 I Iocs k Fmvi: a Including tbo cclohrated Corliss cut-off Engines, Bldo Vulvo Stationary Kn- S lnc*. Portable Engines, e. Also,Circular, Stuloy and Gang Saw Mills, Kngar Cane 3HUs, Kliaft ing. Pul- leys, Ac.,Lath nnd Sblnglo Mills, Grist MtllH.CImiTnr Kawsl Replug, Ac. Send for descriptive circulur and price list. YVoon ft Max* Stkam Exo. Co., Feb 11-Om - Utica, N.Y. J D. YYILLl.131 EON, • of Georgia, with HORSEY', MILLAR ft CO., Wliolosalo dealers tn Foreign and Domes tie Dry ‘ Goodn, jVoiions, oto., No. 2S7 liultimoro Street, corner Sharp, npr2» Daltiuorb. PIANOS I )IANOH I THIS GOLD UgCDAli » *•* *’ mo ».i» «:i, n ii ii ii, in ii i ii ii eii’-i", oiil ill I <11, I" the Ijottomof the Coughs, Dysimpsln, Colie, Kick Headache, Rheuuiiitlsm, Coustlpatlon, 3Ienstrual Ohstruntlons. etc., so common among our pcoplo. Euraohe, Toothache, Acute UheumatlHiii. Neuralgia, nnd IhhIIIv pains of m. pa,s 1L RRADF1ELD, Weolesale Agent for Frophltt** Celebrated Family .Medicines, . „ „.WUltcliall Street, Atlanta, (la. I*- I*. GL DO KB ft CO., have Frophltt'* Rem edies for Halo lu Dalton. NovB-ly LLINERYI MILL1N EUY1 ** Wholesnlp and Retail at Knox’s Millinery and Variety Store. Whitehall, 4 doors from Alabama street, . Atlanta, Go. MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS, Sw itches, Curl*, Frlxet*, Chignons, Druids, oth. Dress Trimmings, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, etc. Bridal Bonnet*, Hats, Wreaths, etc., gotten up tn superb style, und at low pricks, to suit the taste of the most fastidious. Orders from it dlstaneo promptly attended to by Mrs. Knox, in porMon. Country dealer* would do well to call, exam- I no nnd prico our goods before purchasing else where- _ W. O. KNOX, Febll-dm Atlanta, Ga. A TLAXTA MARBLE WORKS, ' Adjoining Calhoun House and opposite Georgia Railroad Depot. Constantly on liaml and made to onlor JlonamfnD, Tombs, Head Stonri, Tablets, Unis, Jfaacs, Bureau, wnshstand nnd Centre Table Tops, Marble Mantles and Hearths, and furnishing Marble or nil descriptions, as cheap as ban lie furnished this rido at Now York. Call nml oxanituo material nml price*. Design* of 31onmueniH nr nny other Ytnrhle workiWnlslird Creoofelmrgo. Wx. GRAY. B, D. QATMAX, Agt. feb'26-ly Fropt. QOX ft BROTHER, OoiuniiMHion Moi'ctlmntH, Forsttii But., Atlanta, Ga. • Pretnpt attention given to solo of Prodnec, Groceries und 3Icrclmudl*e, amt filling order* for Fmkuconr Mcrcluuidlso. October RH2m. J AMES IL WYLIE, Peach tree Street, ATLANTA, GA, Wliolosalo Grocer and Commission Merchant. Bolo Agent, for Atlanta, for tlio Y'nrns nnd other Manufacture* of the Now Georgia Faeto- ry, near Athens.• «Fehir TTEADQUAUTF.RS JLJL —mn— CAICI'ETK, OIL CLOTHS ami CUHTAINN. KENDRICK'S CARPET STOUR, 3Inrbly Uulldlug, Marietta sir., Atlanta, Ga. Wo keep constantly on hand a very largo stock of Carpets, cmbmolng all grade*, from thochcnpcAttotho best: Floor Oil Cloth*, alt wldthst Damask and Luce Curtains; Cornices, Window Shades. Rugs, Matt*; Indeed every thing needed torurnlsli a home mny lio found Ut S. b. KENDRICK'S, Nov.l8*ltm,•- Atlanta, Ga. Hasjnstt ... — for tlio best Plano* now made, c. _ Philadelphia anti Now Y’ork Piano*. OrncK axd Wardroom, No. o. •forth Liberty, near R- BALTIMORE, MD. FinnoK Rultlmorc Street, Commission Merchants, No. 31 So. Front St. ft 33 Lctltia St., PHILADELPHIA, PA. «3"Advaxczs Made. CuAnocs Rlabox aclk.-CO Correspondents kept thoroughly posted in all changes of the market. Ivory Fronts, nnd tho Improved French Action, fully warranted for five years, w ith prlviledgo of change within twelve moutlis, If not cntlroly satisfactory to purchaser. ^ "•"> I'.""I I’.U I"' 1 '1 .Mil - ,ll\\ .(’ on hand, from #76 to *300. Gen. Ko s ho liavo ourPlanos In use: . K. Lee, Lexington, Vu. n, Wilmington, N. C. dih, Chattanooga, Tenn. lercc ft Wood, Chattanooga, Ten agents for the above celebrated Plano, - -rn ono enn always bo seen. Bend for Circular, containing names of flvo whore Send for Circular, containing names of flvo hundred persons, In tho Poutli, who have pur< chased tho fitioff Piano since tho lato war. April 29-ly ■gt ST A BUSHED IN 1WI. r X\ M”. .t K. O. Olnrlio, Importer* nnd denier* In FOREIGN AND D03IKST1C HAR DM'A RE, KeepconHlnntlvnn hand n full assortment of Iron, Steel. Nall*. Nutt*. Washers nnd Rivets, Circular, .MUl.'lVnmii ftCro*a-Cnt Saws, Leath er and Ruhht-r Rolling and Packing. Atm**’ Shovel* and Kpade«, Rullding Mati rhil. Pocket and Table Cutlery, Carpenter*' Tool*, Him*, Spoke Hubs, Agrh-idtunil Impk-im ni-. Spring* rrlngo Hardware—all of Iscomplet, - purchased else whero lu this Stnto. Our 8 toe It of HUY GOODS 1* complete In every department. Dress Goods, Linens, Cassliurrc*. Cloth*, Tweed*, Jeans, Kersey*, I)ome*tlcs, Rlanket*. Flannel*, HoopKkli t*, Ihilumrul and Boulevard Hklrta, Shawls, Cloaks, lloslcry.NoHona, Glove: Ribbon*. Ioicos, Trlnuolng*. and every thin usually kept lnu First Class Dry Good* Store! Call and examine, und satlsfv voutwelf a* t quality or Goodsuud tho h ' fn t \ini'ii mO THE LADIES! # Miulnme A. Ui’niunulloi*. Wlsbes to Inform her Lady friend* uml tho public geuerullv that she lias returned frornX. York with a full stock cf FANCY VARIETIES I finch n* Dress Trimmings, Knit nnd Woven Worsted Goods, latest stylos: French Jewelry, I min «>i-li i n - in ( "l"i -lifli n->li|.p. l-.' Iiiir Cover*, etc. Also a full aHMortmeiit of Worsted nnd 611k Embroidery .Materials, etc. Hair Work or xvkRV Dlscuiptiox 3 to onlor nnd kept on hand, such as Wigs, Bands, Switches, Curls, Frlxxettc*; ul*o, IUI>- lmns, Flowers, and overy variety of Ladles' Faney Notion*. -Kfrilavlng bought principally for Cash, ena- blcM her to compete wUu any Houso lu the city. ‘ lanta, October 29-I2m. j JJUBLBY’K POPULAR WOK 31 CANDY'. A* this Is really a. speclllo for worms, nml tho best and most p.dutubh- form to give to ehll- ilrcn, It Is not Niirprlring that It is fast taking the place of all other preparation* forworms— itbulngperfectly tustelo**, and any child will take 1L Jakes Ucoolb, Proprietor. klosrni. James Ruddle ft Co.—Gentleman—It r ives mo great pleasure to any, after using all ho other worm remedies known to me, with Ipurtlul success to my children. 1 was udvl*- to try Dr. T. A. Hurley’s, amt since u-lnglt my children have becotnu well nml healthy.— The children would rat it nil the time, ll I* so pleasant, If wo would let them. I helluva it 1* the best und Hafcst remedies known, and us such recotnmeud it to ono aud all. James W. Travis. Louisville, Ky., July 3,1808. HAR DfA R E 1 Tommey & Stowart, Whitehall Street, WHOLESALE AND BETAIL A large ana complete assortment Foreign nml Domestic Hardware. At prices not to bo undersold In this market, collid'd lug in part of Iron, Steel, Nalls. Cutlery, Gun*. Rudder's ami Curriugo Material*. Also, Rrooks’ Pntutlt Wrought Iron Sorow *aml Re volving Press, for sale. fcliSMy C OXftlULL, t „ Atlanta, Gn., Wliolosalo and retail dealers In Forbiox and Doubstio Liqi ous, Cio a ns, ToaAcco,ftc. W.B. Cox, \Y. R.1HU,J October 2D—Cm. W C. LAWK HE, wholesale uml rot nil Drug- • gist, dealer In l'alut*, Dlls, Gin**, l’ertu- mom nnd Fancy Articles, Corner Marietta and Peachtree htreels, (Old Norcross Oofnor,) Af lanta, Georgia. OctSKm. *£' B. BIPLEY, (E8TADLI6IIED IN 1R50.) Dealer In Crocltcry, Chinn, Ulasswaroa und 811- vor-I’lated Good*, Houso Furnishing Goods. Looking Glasses, fte.—ah * aud Oil, und tlio eolehrulei — and Comet Burners, Short Chimneys, tlio r Burners over InventtHi. hi)*6tore .... ^Lain pi Ichruleil non-explo*lvo Star ........ inter - —— ' and hafist Riirne on Whitehall Sir., a Tew door* from th« Rntl- lloail crossing. Atlanta, Un. f Felt. 25-1 y. D ,. I. J. DRADFJELD'S Femnlo Regulator, Femalo Regulator, Female Regulator, Best Friend! Rest Friend 1 Best Friend I Prepared nnd Sold by Prepared anil Sold by L. II. BltADFIKLD, * L. Ii. BltADFIKLD, Wliolosalo Druggist, Whoiesulo Druggist, Atlanta, Gn. Atlanta, n - Di 1ST' OTICK TO 3IOTIIK1ISI Dr; Nenbrook'fl Inlliut Boptliin^: Byv u i>X Uso In the future only fiisAanooa'*, a eouibl- nutlon quite up with the adviineenieut nDlho age. Pluinmiil to take, harinlefc* in Hh notion, enii-lent andii’llHblolnulU'USusv luvaldabloln tho following dlsvuecat # 8fmkkh CoKPLAixt, lr.RKoer..vniTir.A or tun RoWLI.S, llrSTiVLXCBS, Tkltiiisq, fte. Give* health to tho child and re l to the mother. NAkitviLLr, Tkxx.. t ck IS, 1S68. .Tunics Ruddle ft Co., I.ouUvIlle. Ky.—'When living InyoureUy.I used several bottle* or Dr. HcnbrookV liifkni Soothing Syrup, nnd found It to do my child more good uml It Mould rest bet- tvrufter using it than any other i ‘ * tried. I c with uonfidenci * the best. mciMcino forviiihii en ut present kimu n. I wish ikecnit. If If not, send puy for it at M lieii yon semi It. and L.RJ presr you would go|tlit»DrngglHt* hereto keep it. MMt ''“Tl, : ivexpn t he ofilce here. Wrfto oblige 31ns. Kabau For salo by 7.. P. Gudgcr, ft Co., Druggists, Dalton, Georgia, For Salo by L. P. GUDGER ft CO. gists, Dalton, Ga. Drug- a.l4-ly Boots dto Slioce. G. H. & a7~W. FORCE, Wholesale dealers in BOOTS * SI-IOES, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. K EEP on hnml the largest nnd best selected Stock In the city of Atlanta, nnd will ulivny.*. sell to Country Merchants at Jt'cw Vriccs, with freight added. Nov. 5-ly. J. 6. OLITXR.] [n. C. WADDAIL. OLIVER & WADDAIL, WAREtlOUSE JJURLKY'8 riTOYIACH BITTERS: For Debility, Loss of Appetite, WiAKxass, Inoioestiox-, oa DvsrersiA, Waxt or Action or tub I.ivan. to .m nta. For sub? by L. P. Oildgcr ft Co., Drttfgisi Dulton, Georgia, nnd 1 “ “ In tlio United btuli*; ul by all other Drug-MU Commission Merchants, Corner Alabama offering 1 OF*Order* from tlio countiy promptly ntten- Fnlrbnnk's Standard Scale* a Work*. pi of RIG PADLOCK. id Knoxvlllo 1mm ch-Tr Ktr„ Atlnntn.f Stoves. XI1 Forsyth Sirs., A llama, Ga. £35TAoknts lor Maimtta I’Arra Mill—keep I sizes Printing nnd Wrapping paper on liaud, Ii*« lowest liHirk- t |>i ice-. [NOV. C-8tlJ. . 1 11'NMUTT ft RLLLIN'illATH. Ii. Plumbers, .steam nnd Gas Fitters. Copper Smith*; and Ornamental Worker* In .Sheet Metals. Roofing In all 1U hrmehes^-TIii or corrugated ken Iu all! Sheet Iron, Copper 1 alley*, etc. i* it qulrst! 1 Railroad Crossing, tur-ftn Atlaxt 1 * * 1 ni;. BBAB&OOK’S I'LIXIR or PyUOPUOSPlIATK Itliout thi f either, separately c, of tlle-o Ylll»H«l>h' »HCd Iron Pipe for Ho*e, Tin Plate, tr, Dittlj etc. V'nsh RusIiir, Plugs, •r Closets. cte.,eto. oflag, In best stylo, In Tin and Sheet Iron. H. R. Crossing, opposite National Hotel, roar-din ATLANTA, GA. Guuges, Pumps of nil T Plumbb’ Ifni) Cccki Contractor* T IQUORSI LIQUORS! J ust received aud for salo nt greatly reduced uo Hnrrcl* o 10 Rarrel* o 80 Rarrel* o 80 Barrels o 13 Barrels o 100 « . And a full assort ' Woodcock RotfrbC ’Gutf'sSnpcrlor R\ Rccilfle.l Wlikkoy. aent of kind* of Uq •1 had .’I i* vtq'uirs«i after 11 debilitating di-i IRIlKUl I. MtlTI* * P«’e»d!;ir uiule shouhl.lx: m;R bout it cases for nothing ciu woUtako 1 Tor safe by L. P. Dalton, Georgia. ,OS Of Unuor*. L. COHEN, Fcbll-3m Whitehall Stroet, Atlanta, Ga. ■\TOU will always find tho Choicest Rio Coffco TJIMPLOYMENT that pays. For particulars, i nnd any brand ° r ^ Kiro *Vt'A Wq. Brattlc- 31 an ii fne tu red by Jn Louisville, Ii And for sale by nil Drugjlt April *» lKO-Lhn.