North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, May 13, 1869, Image 4

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Ol’lfc VAltM llASriri'. )M i nii>'li.M l'.o l-MWl 10 Ill'll « I' 'll !■ 111.' i il l. •:iin vii".; < f<>ii Hu' On' T'!i' qll'.'i'Hun I,i ult n nilii-il v. !mt (‘rap i" 1, -I f.T mvlmi'ils? Will":'!'i!" miivii iii I'lmiT mill llu' urn" sV Aii-r lwvlllR I X'ttmllStl III" Mil I j.'it til 'll illiy i'lMiii raidin'; 111.- i-i'liii' ii- "I' ‘-ill''"- mill IV i.i p t■ 'i il "I -- niitinn, no li " ■ »' 'in'' In tin finuluiiiiii Unit iio ci'Oi’i ■■ 'I'nil'l 1'.' .... .1 in owlianK Hint will u it a ItitUof . :■ !. in I inr:" »1 111, ni llu- 1 imi- fruit tii -l, h nin. 1 > full, from tlm i lli'i I «f tin' ctirriill'i. 1 f ill • fruit in left on tin- lU'ountli nil th" iivn is Imtcli 'il, anti ft moltltud« of ilratrltetlrfi i-r.-.ilur », tamed loose lo go nji Uir lr ami ~!ln,r tile (Vultforthoile- posU ni moro ni.i. 'Ac early filling of of our apples, mid rot may bo attributed to tlrr fict that orcliards are almostnlwnya cultivated iu s mio erop which would be destroyed by the lto tiful. amt not at all lion n I iMini'i' mm iiotisc Mtliiey, llv not taUlna a ttmul tiiiiu’r. Keeiiili;; ii" arenmit "I li'ilueopi'i'nlm i'aving no attentiiin t>>tin* v" • "A stlteb in lime sav. * iiiii"." In the soiviti;.! of grain ami plmil til Hie right titno. l,i'aviii'.!rropi rs, plows, eiilln : mieoiTr. d from tint rain, ami Ii 'Min. More money Is lost lit this way most people are willing tol-huye. l’ermllting broken impl' nn tit -' I scattered birr tnelarm until tiny at - reparable, lly repairing Implement* nt, , r |, ltlll0 ,i. proper time many do H al, a proof of the 1 Atieiidhig tb‘ rbasing allTtliuls f Ik ■ A1U uni 11 elieap. L that vender, the art unrepti „ found grazing In lemioiv, grain Helds, or bruising tile IJlsli'elieving the principle of a rotation of crops, before inuklnt' a single expcrl- j Planting fruit trees vrltll the expectation ofliaving fruit, Without giving the trees half tlm attention required to make them priilltablc. , , . , , rmetielng oeonomy by depriving stoek of proper shelter dhring winter, ftQd giv ing them unsound food, nueli as imUopt ion anil mouldy hay and louder. Keeping nn inmnnernble I Him of vats on tin promises, and two or three lazy .logs that eat iSblnniy in a month than they are worth in a lifelimi'. And lastly, lie los.-s by not reading the advcrtlsi mohls or those who patronize the printer, they bclug generally tin most en terprising and liberal lions: s to deal with wlirn lie goes to town. Items for (lieI'lienlcr. Iscnched wood ashes make an excellent top dressing for old orchards which are denominated hide-bound. Surface manuring and cultivation are for grain, and, 111 particular, for fruit— burled manure ami deep culture l'or vege tables. Cows ami sheep should not ho pnstured together. Horses and sheep form a moro suitable partnership, ns their grazing hab its are etmllar. It Is sntd that one of Hie most powerful remedies for hots In horses Is it strong de coction of sage lea, made very sweet. It dislodges the hots instantly. An old anil experienced firmer says that swelled laws in sheep can ho cfectunlly cured by rubbing the inside of the .laws and mouth with u mixture made of nlutu and salt, equal parts of cncli. A correspondent of the Ioiva Homestead says lie set, In 1840, two oak fence posts from the same tree. The one set buttond down rotted oll'iu thirteen years; the oth er is us good as ever. ‘‘Every cow should fatten one pig,” Is ...i old rule, mid a good one; Hint Is, the (inliy product of a good cow should 1m In butter-milk or whey enough to feed one pig, niter the erenm and cheese are ex tracted. If fowls arc infested with lleo, damp the skin under tlm feathers with water, then iprinkle tt little sulphur on the skin. Let iio bird ho covered with insects or para sites, they will disappear in the course of twelve hours. As land issoplen- oliject In this conn in', we think It decidedly better to ctilll vale the orchard without any erop, and lot hogs run in at will. A crop of pens planted enriy mid I timed tinder after being tramped down by hogs, would certainly improve the fertility, and thereby render the ftailt better, Tho gmsscsnre not Inju rious lo llio trees, and clover will not cer tainly Improve the land, and there can bo no objection lo it if hogs nre permitted lo run on it and ent up the wind falls. To protect the plum from eurctiHo, com mon salt spread dry under the tree, ns far out us the branches extend, and dug iu with a manure fork, ouco or twice In a season, Is n sure preventative* Tho rough hark on apple trees, should 1m carefully stripped ofl', and the body of the tree wash ed wiUi strong soap aud», this prevents Jp- sects from harboring under the bark, and thereby hijnring the tree. Peach trees should I" examined thoroughly at tho root, in Spring and Full, for tho worm that kills tho live. In winter lime and ashes should bo piled around tlm root, nml dug into the ground in the Spring. Why go Without Apples? A In- ■ is ns easily cultivated ns a hill of corn. If you plant corn four feet apart each way, In the place of the fourth lilll, substitute a young apple tree. This brings vour trees nearly one rod apart each way. When you cultivate your corn you culti- vnto your trees. Ifusk your corn, and leave tlm stalk standing. They protect tho trees from driving winds and tho scorching sun. A few ears led on tho stalks, will furnish food l'or tho rabbits, and they will not eat tho tress. As tho trees grow and need room, omit lire hills of com next to the trees. Tlm expense of growing an orelmid in this way will not bo felt. Many trees commence to benr the second, third and fourth yeavs after plant ing, mid tho time Is short before you have a supply of fruit for homo use. Tim Advantage of Ilrilltilua’. An English farmer had a water meadow ■which was overgrown with rushes. lie caused It to bo thoroughly drained and laid down to grass. Thereafter ho was able to cut from it annually four crops of green fodder of tho best quality. Thoua mills of Helds in tills country nro suscepti ble of similar improvements. MtiroiKltiiff -Ulimin'. There is no exception lo the rule that “manure should always bo sprend.” Tho roots need It ns much In August ns they do earlier, nml their search fer It away from tho hill should bo rewarded. Some thing in the shape of phosphate of wood ashes should ho put on tho hills to stmt the potatoes and corn, but In every enso the coarser enriching mnterlnl should bo nlwnys hammered or ploughed In, 3Ulkt»ff tioais. Many families about towns nml suburbs, of cities who liavo not pasture nml conven ience for keeplnga cow, might keep a milk ing goat to grent advantage; they are eas ily eared tor and not costly to kcop; tuny he fed on the slops of tho kitchen. It milk ed regularly twioo every day, one will yield n sumoloney for n small family. Hoats • milk is hairy healthy, very nourishing, nnd is often preserlbcd l'or the sick during con valescing!, lie Tender of the (inns. Now is the time to look cnrefttlly nfler your cows nml heifers that are coming In soon. See that they aro properly and faithftilly fed nnd watered. Hive them a little salt once a week, nnd a tnblcsnnon- fttl of saltpetre once In two weeks. If you liavo any turnips, beets, potatoes or car rots that yon can spare, now is tho time to feed them out to them. Out them small and sprinkle over them a little meal or shorts, nnd pour on enough of boiling wa ter to make the whole, when stirred up, warm. A little feed of this kind, with Bomo nice liny, Is what they need, ltc- membor that your cows work linrd and faithfully all the year round to produce milk, butter nnd cheese for you, and you nre ungrateful If yon don’t think of them mid feed them well ami treat them ten derly. Let them have a good plnco to lie, nnd keep them clean nnd nice. You may be sure nil this will pay, Growlmr I'lieiimbor*. A correspondent of the Southern Culti vator snys: -Lore small holes nil round tho bottom of- n barrel, that should be other wise quite tight, till It half frill of Btock mnnuro woll crammed in, plnco It whero you can plant seed around it; keep It filled with water, and tho vinos well cultivated and you will be rewarded for all your trou- blo. Squashes, melons, &c., may nil bo treated this way. * ( nil 1 vale .vour Orchards. Orehm-ds should bo cultivated ns care fully nB corn-fields. Laylug down In grass is lujurous to tho trees. < iood crops may be raised between tile vows of trees with out damaging tho root*. ('renin ruddlug. One quart of milk, five eggs, four table- spoonsful of Hour, one tublospoonful of salt; boll the milk; moisten the Hour with cold milk; add to tho hot milk mul boll three minutes, add the eggs nnd hull np a half a eup of sugar; flavor, turn into a dUb for the table, nml, liol'ora sending to the table, strew half a cup of sugar over the top. Netting Trees. Xo farmer should pass a single year without making some additions to Ills or charding. A ieiv trees, put into the ground some time before the middle of May, will take the place of those that will die twen ty years from nmv,.nnd tliUB the supply of trull will he constant. Itxrellcnt t'nnlpnst. Coalnshcs, which are generally regarded ns worthies:-, may be mixed with lien ma nure, and will make an excellent compost lbrcorn and "tlierplmitlngs. dit the coal ashes— , . . - - the lie nei from Assorted Slilnglos ntfnjni really for the ms hot. tyim-HTj rfu» juror , One lfmirtrertimrt Fifty Aorrknf burnt, rout' Mttes from lialton, RHimtmlInnFlno Valley. Aitnort orchard on It. Will ho solil vcryohi'ini ^ Apriatf or J.'ll.'ni‘xtV, l.nn'l l;a nl. mill': CKLKllltATEB ST.U.J.IO.N •‘.TOIIIV ItKVKOlAINY’ win eoinuuiiieo the Spring Season, nt the rot- lowing Stands: . . DALTON, KKNXON l’LACK.nud nt TILTON For further particulurs hoc 1 Mil*, or miflSCUT*Is n good I representation of Crawford's G u r <1 o n Cultivator. It In In ti Isponsuble to every person who has n gar- ilen. I will warrant It to tlo nn inttoli as __jfonrtoHlxlmiulHwlth _ s£3tho onlinary liuple- rzir-Z'- - meats, I can fnralHh ajSsRSS*’'* any numbornt maun- fact fivers prices, with freight WRlecb Appl,y t° wise whjeh the highest are also Agents forthosnlo of Mupo’s Nl* trogenized Superphosphate of Lime—-ono of tho best Commercial EertlUzurs now In uso. Call mul sco Dr. A Mean's Analysis, ami get no of the pamphlets. Also, Agents for Ganlncr's Poudrotto, ft cheap and permanentFertullscr, nmnufueturod from iuri'in Ullfon, « III! nmgi” -M'l’V ••• nt VnniollStntton, Uu., hy lattor, or otfier. fromcTntHtttfstl mhleit. Tliauostandohiaiiict made, Send for circulars. V April 22 Varnell Station, da. J N. Scoff, General Xngurnncic Affcut, DAI.TOX, g a. Kttcltcn Garden. Dnngcv of ft'ost being about over, teiuler vegetables, such ns Luna beans, cucum bers, squashes, molons,okra,notyctplnnt- cil, may he started nt once. Plant shal low, only going deep enough to insure moisture to sprout tho seed, nml cover with flno pulverized soil. Dean, squnsh nnd melon seed should ho put iu the ground with tho “eyu”iloiVn; they forco their way up through tho earth better In this posi tion than when placed broad side up.— lhittor, Indeed all running beans, are best managed when planted in circles, ns tile poles for them to run on can then bo brac ed against each other over the middle of thcclrclcnnd thus better support tho heavy growth of vino they produco. Tomatoes, egg plnnts nml cabbages may also bo trans lated “ ' S OUTIIKltK MUTUAL, (Ctlnltiil'i'il 1S47.) .uiii'ii", fluor All Annual Policies Participating. isHttes Participating Polices on Dwellings uml Firt Class Htoro Houses. L I V Kit POOL, LONDON AND GLOIIK, Liverpool. Uun. Joe Johnston, General Agent, Savannah. April, . J. N. SCOTT, Agent. oslcpll K. VKAL~ Komi:, G::ouutA, Dealer In , "Watelios, ClocliH, Jcwclryi BILVKU AND PLATED.WAltfe, SiicclacIcH, French, China nnd Cut-Glass Wurc, Cutlery, Toys, Musical Instruments, Fishing Tackle, timl Fancy Goods gcnumlly. Gold Watches, fro 1r*.t 00 to *200 00 of ovary description, market prico will bo paid, be content told the'.JminiAl *-|»eak lor Itseli. r jnix , r. s,„i~\\T ALK Ell MoltTGAG E sa LK-wm The department of Lltcfuturo will embracct i' (" u> the ttiidlvlded luillot 0 acres, move or! W lietmo the einirl house dom-li, Fiction. In the form of both Serial Novels and I of lot oil,.ml number l.v.i, of tlm isith .11- , "» tlm lli»«'t nesday In July, within short storle«; n lct atidad sedlon. known as tlm oh! MeCur- bour*, oi sale. ® al EssayNupon Literary and Social TopleH .lv mill phm >. .on Mill creek, d.-serlhe.l in a ‘ . j'aH ‘•f , '» , >* » »'"' ,,M, rs isoan.j |sj, i,,.. Sketches .>t Travel aiul A.I venture; .teed nm.te b\ I. V. Klim and L. \V. Crook to F. 7tli district and 1 h section of said e«»u,,iv „!'V oil. n bos 0 N WARD WE MARCH! TO Till 113 .1 KENNEIFf hand, nml are con- )ds. and they do not ... ~ar.L them. Pnvehas- would do well to give them u trial before buying elsewhere. T HE Finest Tennessee Finer, nnvdetof whit' wheat, for sale by TI 11H.H A KENNED, llrifl IIIKI titlin' ra.-i-n IU TXUnS A KKNXKUS. DloW, for sale by TI1111S & 1 "VTAl LR—ft llneassnrttnent, Finishing Brads, Horse Shoo Nulls, Iron and Horse shoes found ut . TIBBS & KENNKll’s. bar will be tin* Various subjects that l’< iirsuitsan.l ' l her of Tow nor Co oreinolt Poets, vlll form an Important feata • THAI. Nearly every nn Mill ereelt '. King and l u | cox, on record in the Sup. - Williams vs. --aid Urm «!»»* j street. Dalton-V John Gavin to si U’lillllehl Superl lit Is I irtgagu fl fa if ILLUSTRATED SUPPLEMENT ON FOME POPULAR TII1CMK, A STEEL ENGRAV ING IN THE BI>T STYLE OF THE AllT, OR A LARGE CARTOON ENGRAVED ON WOOD, a. 1.—Contains a Cartoon of the Grand Drive in the Central Park, a Spirited and Anl* , Shore, from u plot nro by Kop so It. go. 4,—An Art supjdenumt, containing New Yorklllustrated withIJlSnperb Illustrations. No, ft,—A Superb Cartoon of the Lovee at New Orleans. . Fovellv, freshness, and continual ehnngo will -ngllHl. T Silver l'latod Teaspoons, sett, Table “ per sett, Cups ami Sausers, persott, '• Ten Setts,44pieces, Violin and bow, for i m Cremona'saml other Violins at higher prices. Flno Violin Strings, per hunch, li Guitar Strings, poraett of six, l 0; now from hot bods or cold frames to oiiott hods, nnd forsttoh work we can most heartily reeommend Ellerlxi’s Transplan ter. With It a plant can ho removed from otto plnco to another durlngcvon the dryest weather without cheeking its growth. If you ennuot get n transplanter, mix clay, cow dtuig and wnter into n pretty thick paste and dtp the roots in it, open the hole, insert plant and fill half up with dirt, pressing tho latter woll against the roots; thou nqtuj In a littlo water, and after it Is nhsorbud, fill up with dry dirt. Don’t press tho surface of tho ground around tho littlo plant ns if often dono; press tho dirt ngninst the roots and lenvo tho surface loose to net ns a mulching to prevent too rapid drying up of tho soli, In transplanting, the largest plants (to not nlwnys succeed best, but ho sure to throw away all tho sickly ones—those that have grown np weak nnd slim from being too pinch crowded. If tho weather Is hot nnd dry, transplant only Into in tho after noons, npd when tho operation Is comple ted, go over tho wholo suriheo of tho ground with a rako, leaving tho sttrfnco well pulverized; this wilt keel) the soil moist for a long tlmo in dry weather. To insure a constant supply .of vegeta bles, sowings, at intervals of two weeks, should be made all through tho early part of summer. Keep tho surfaco constantly stirred about tho growing plants; for this purposowc havotoundthe "potato dlg- S ir” tin admirable Instrument, superior to to hoe in soino respocts. Imagine four or live steel prongs substituted in place of tho blade of a hoe nnd "set” on a ‘handle pretty much tbo-snme ns u hoc, and you nave a pretty good Idea of tho Instrument. 11 is sold by'all dealors everywhere, wo be lieve.—So. C'nltirator. Among tlm Cutvos Jim Smith was n noted auctioneer.' One day he was selling farm stock. Among the articles to ho sold was a heifer, Very attractive in her appearance, nnd conse quently “Jim” dwelt quite extensively on her many excellencies, winding up with the elegant nourish that sho wns ns “gen tle ns a dove." .Thereupon a long slab- sided countryman, whose legs were somo twelve inches longer than his pants, ap proached tho heifer, nnd stooping down commenced handling her tent. Bossy not relishing such familiarity, lifted her hoofs mul laid “Greeny” sprawling some ten feet off. “There,” said “Jim,” “that shows one of her best traits; site’ll never allow a strange calf to come near her!” “Giveney” meanwhile pickedldmselfup and giving bis busby pate a harrowing scratch, exclaimed: “Xo wonder, when her own calf lias been bleating Uround her nil day.” Fish ltnoks, ooo httmlrcil In paper, **—0 81 Ivor Thimbles, WH1 soul nooillos by mail on receipt of or now WheolM, If neoessary. Clocks Repaired and .warranted, Jowolry mended In best, style at Now York pvlces. Gold Bona ltopnvcd. Wtiddlntf and Engagement Rings inado to or der and ongraved us desired. .Society Badges and plus furnished to order. Spectacles Repaired, and Glasses put in us de sired, Glasses selected tft suit ugos, carefully, nnd on scientific principles. A t borough knowl edge of the Science of Optics, and twenty-live years experience iu the spectacle business, ole me to do all l promise. Find Bobbles mul Glasseakcpt always on hand. /"NROCKR nnd Jars that hold from 1 to 4 gnl- yj Ions, and a large assortment of China nnd Glassware will be found, Cheaper thnn any- Where else, nt T1U118 & KENNER’S jLOWS 1 Blows I various sizes of Rtecl Pen 's, for stile by TIBBS A KENNER. JauMsx SKBimut TIBBS Jt KKNNKKS. T KT THEHR MU LIGHT! I 1 AND THERE IS LIGHT! wherever Estrella Oil or Illuminating Fluid Is used. Try it und he convinced. It cannot ho excelled 1 It Is the safest, cleanest and eheapost! Best light nowin use—bents anything! Burns as long. If not longer than Kerosene! It will NOT EXPLODE f It Is warranted to bo all that I claim for It! It needs hut an Impartial trial to prove It! It Is retailing at. SIXTY CENTS per Gallon 1* Come one, eotno all and give It a trial! I guarantee satisfaction! Do not use Estrella Oil with Kerosene burn ers. for they are not adapted to its use. Old Lumps repaired and chpugcd to suit my oil. at any time, ut a trifling cost. (HI, Lamps anjl Fixtures always on .hand. Thereisnoono but myself, In this comity, authorized to sell this oil. I have tho exclu sive right to manufacture nnd sell it. Thous ands Ipive tried 1t, and will use no other. 1 have a good assortment of Drv Goods. Ilats, Caps,Boots, Shoes mid Groceries nt the lowest ho aimed at In tills department. m to lllustra. t ions will usually be valuable as works of ttftk those on steel, and the Cartoons, consist Ing ot vIowb of Aintsrlcau scenery, hy our most dis tinguished painters,and Hlustrutlonn of eltur- aoternnd lire, hv our foremost draughtsmen. They will imprinted with extra care on Sena, rate Shoots, and may he cither bound In tho volume ut tho closo of the year, or framed to hang upon tho wall, The Jouhxal, In this fen* ture, will he unllkoany other. . Euch Number of Al’l’LliTr OI\ ’ S JOTJKNAL rOXTANS 33 FftffOM or Mending Mutter I Tho Ureut Novel of VICTOR HUGO, Entitled THE MAN WHO LAUGHS; BY THE KING'S COMMAND! Wus begun in the first number. U Tenns fol ,l elubs may bo had of tho Puhllsh’rs Specimen copies sent gratis upon application. „ igcoi . the. country,nml Watch Maker-,...,., qucntly rohlicd. To secure my Customers, t well us myscir* 1 have a largo Fire and Burglar Proof Safe, In a Vault. All valuables aro nut In every night, und tho storo Is well guarded. Ord era solicited front everywhere. oeiW5m. JWI.Intliu RlllS'n'S, ! laor'S-fe xisuil M""'!'" 1 ? HI,"'.' Smith vs John Glllcnu. Levied on m! t'luinw?'* erty of said Gill con tor the purd^ ,uSR i ll 10. WBi. • uonc J IL F. WHEELER, D. rlO-J, In the lilh dial aid lot levied on astir osatisfy ouojustice e t he »72d district, G.M..X. B.lla property of M. led nnd i ake id M. I ell,' . 70 acres«rt he norili half of lot »10, In Hr 11th district and Ud section, us the propnrty o U H sapp; levied on virtue ofa II f.t from W hit field superior court. C 1) Finley, ndin'r of Roll FllUlly,deceased, vs-R II Sapp.and l'C Me said In 8hlT. July, at the Court Imusedoor, in LuFiivottft in. !!•■-*, In silt ilistrlct and iliHt 1 if I till it. ('i!ri,,i, 1 l* Sold ns the property of Roht. Carsoa, dc t ',.. V, for Hie purpose ol dlstrllmtIon iiniomr li.’iVJ “■ “■ ,:A wjSJ' fTiXECUTOltS ill from t he ( county, Ueorglti cash prices. Como to ^ mnrl8-0m gBRINU 1 H. C. CMOZIMll'N Now Spring Goods! In a few days my Spring Stock of t urn! (Successor to Bennett & Jonos,) B Y, JONES, • (Si Dealer in all sort* of Dry GmuclSi BooIh, SIiooh, HATS, CROCKERY, Ac. Will notbo umleraold—Yard Stick SO Inches longf Rome, Ga., Oot.RV-ly, ■ elegant assorted Dress Goods, Prints, Trimmings, Hosiery und Notions in overy vnilety, Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Hats, of all kinds, Gentlemen’s Goods, Domestics, Linens, etc., will ho opeded and otferud to tho taado of this city ami sect Ion nt t he lowest reasonable prices; fueling confident of my ability to enter to the tastes of the most fastidious, in stvlu and qual- tty. I also have a splendid stock of tho best. Gro ceries, Sugar, Colfee. Family Supplies, Tobacco, Powder, Dyestutfs. Hardware, Citttlery, Table ware, nml an endless variety of articles too nhmorous to mention* Cothc and hcu for yourselves I 'll lie pleased with goods nml pries! It is a pleasure to show goods! Come,examine and price them Look for the Sign C.CKOZ1KU, inmiltou Street, Dalton, Georgia. TUTAltlUITA rOAIJ: < 01,1.l.Ga:. Full Board of Trustees. Faculty Complete. Under tho Presidency of J. T. MONTGOMERY, A.M. Board to bo Paid in Money or Produce, From *12 to *17 per Month. Tuition, the same, From Eighty Cents to *1 50 per Week, atid Mulonimt ApaVa*“ * - —* dally use before the Classes. and splendid Aparatus oil'lmtul and In o before the Classes. Pupils charged only from tho day of entrnne may o"*— " ulurstuulr nnd may enter at any tlmo. For further partle- tho President. WM- T. WYNN, , Prest. Board of Tn\stc^*f| j Having presided over tlio LnGrangd F College l'or thirteen yours; four yearn ovt Centenary Female College, of Alahatua, and one year over tho Atlanta Classleal College, respect- lully submit my claims to tho public, with the confident hope, thut tho Marivtta Female Col- lego will be as complete asuceess, ns that of Lu ll runge, Summorllold or Atlanta. Having for and educated over six thousand girls In tho South, It will not appear presumptions in u to solicit the patronage of every uuin ami w O 1 lTItlt EXtttioMELX.VUY I Nearly Six Hundred Pages of the Choic est Mending for fit) cents. In ovder to give the people nn opportunity to become better ae.iualnted with their beautiful magazine, “ONCE A MONTH,” the publishers will send the first six numbers of this year uir.eG «•»JitWh number of ,l Once n Month*’emituliDR'.Kidouble-column pages of the best stories and entertaining und lust rue- l ive reading to be tound in any magazine la the country. The subscription price is *2 ri yeur. Its typographical beauty is not excelled. Send SO cents, and you will get this beautiful magazine from Januavv to Juno ot this year, containing 57U pages or choice rehdbif Address T. 8, AUTHOR uori’ts x. o, AU l tiuit iv SUAS, fcV.i A 811 Chesnut Streot, Philadelphia. the object. Respeetfidly, I solicit correspondphuu, o rmi tome,and.all necessary iutovmatlou shaU bo promptly iifibrdod. m 18-1 m J. T. MONTGOMERY, Brosldent Slarlettu Feuiulo College. MUHIt.lY. M urray sheuiff'.s sale.—"Will bo sold before the Court-House iloor, In the town of spring l’luee, 0111110 111*81 Tuesday In June next, within the legal hours of sale, the fol* lowing'property,, to-wlt: Towii lots luunbers !to, ai, «1.34, :J5, 3(1, 37, mul 42—all In tlm town of spring Blaeo—and lot of laud number 25H, in thelith distrlot and 3d see tioni levied on as tho properly of Janies Ed monson, to satisfy one 11 fa from tho Sutierlm* Court of .Murray county, Edward M. Gault, bearer, vs. .lames Edmonson, maker, uml J. D. W. McDonald, Indorser. Also, lots ot land Nos. 234,233,310, in the 20th district and 2d sect Ion,to satisfy a tax 11 fa due on said luml. Levied on as property of J. N. Moore, by.ahailttVaml returned tome. Also, lots ot'lund number 217 and 218, la tho fltli district mid 3d section of said county: le vied on as the properly of.Jus. Edmondson, to satisfy two 11 fas from tho Superior Court of. Murray comity, one 1m Georgia Episcopal In stitute and Christ’s College vs. Janies Edmond- son—tho other II. B. Roberts, for tho uso of tho nfliuers of Court vs James Edmonson and 11. 11. Brown, Seoeurlty on appeal. Also,40uercs of Northeast corner of lot num ber 18, In luth district mid 3d section, as the property of Win. WlggitiH, to satisfy one .Mur- Tuy Superior Court ll fa In favor ot Matilda Cleveland vs. Wm. Wiggins. Also, lots of land numbers 221 nnd 223 In the litli district and 3d section of, originally Cliero- f . now Murrnv county: levied on ustho pro- tv of James Edmondson, to satisfy three ll ..... from the Superior Court of Murray county; One Samuel Griswold vs. James Edmondson, one R. S. Norton, lor tho use of the ollleers of Court vs. James Edmondson, and one Clark & Uuudcvoft vs. James Edmondson. Also, lot of land number 1(J0< lut lie nth district and 3d section, as the properly of 8. 31. Wilson, deceased. Levy made and returned hy Uulllfi* by virtue of Justices' Court 11 fa. Baty X lilll vs. S. M. Wilson und U. E. Wilson, mid W. W. Glddons, security on stay liodd. Also, lots of land 257 and 238, in the 0th dis trict of 3d section of. originally Cherokee, now Murray county: levied on us tlm-property of James Edmondson, to satisfy two ll las from Superior Court of said county.: One Levi Co hen, for tho usu of tho ollleers of Court vs. Jns. Edmondson, and one Eli 8. Hill, for thoilse of the ollleers of Court vs. James Edmondson ami il. B. Brown, security on claim Bond. Also, towiilots, in the town of Spring Blace, numbers 33, *.M nnd 37, (excepting Unit uuvt sold to 8. L. Stow and afterwards to Z. Wilkins,) numbers 30,31, 33, 31,40uml 42—till levied on as the properly of James Edmondson, to satisfy a 11 fa from Murray Court, F. .C. Shropshire, vs. well, and Jus, Edumndsnu. Indorse 1 -i 11. T RECK, mi,* « vumii r.v l lliilllUl’, Hllll glMTS / forlt the ruling prices. Try him, ut tho d Store, south cmlHamilton street. R,"SOUTUEiiLAND, D. SIi'll’. April 8, law. / 1 EOKGIA, Whitfield Count v—Wlierra 0 . M B Berry, udminlsitutor.of John Broudrlek, deceased, represents tothecourt In his pet It Ion duly filed and entered on record, that ho has fully administered John Broudrlek s estates This is, therefore, lo cite all persons con- corned to show cause, If any they can why said administrator should Hot be discharged from tils administration, and receive letters or dis mission, oivtlio first Monday In July. I'd *. :vpv-3uv* W. 11. BUOOKElt, Only, r-\ KOllGlA, Whitfield < “ -Whereas,J.D. IT Nell, mlnilnlstrator of D. s. Roach,;dCoens- iid,'represents In tlmCmirt, In Ills petition duly filed,that he has fully administered D.S.Hoitoh's estate: This Is therefore to cite all persons concerned to show outisp, If any they can, why said administrator should nol ho discharged from his administration and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in July, IWJD. Fol).4-0ni. W. U. BltOOKER.Ord’y. court ol onlliuiry ofslRI eoulity for leave to sell tlm huids of John Hamilton, deceased, except a dower, for distribution titnnngthe heirs of deceased. R. Ii HAMILTON, Adm’x. April 5, IHin. nout letters of administration, do lion: on tho eslatn of \V. II,* Dowdy, deceased; This Is to cite ull persons to slmw eauso nt tn.v otllee, on the first Monday In June next, why permanent mlmlnlstrat Inn should not be granted to 1dm cm said Dowdv’s estate. Wit ness my hand unUvOlllelulsignature, tills April 13. 1«K). - W. II. BitOOICKR, Ord’y. Apr. 23-30(1..* A DMINISTlL^OU'd "sALK.-lty virtue of tm order-rrcim the Court of Ordinary of Whitfield comity,'will be sold on tlm first Tues day In June, WW, ut tlm Court-House door hi said county, between tlm legal hours of sale, tho real estate belonging to estate of R L Cook, deceased. Benefit of heirs uml creditors; tunas cash. April 13-td W. L. COO 1C, Admr. 'ry\ EORG1A. Whitfield Comity.—Win ho sold VT l»y the Sherltf ot’salil county, on the 13th Inst., at tlm residence of Gllliurt Long, one and u fourth miles from Dalton, twnliend of cattle, two years old each, estmys. tnkon up by said Long and appraised according to law. By order W. H. BROdKKU, May 0-11. Ordinary. 'ALE,—By virtue ofnnonW door, at ayette;in said county, the Bo Uh ifir (II jnl X,’ illl ti, tltll. ifatt ,1« J®" 1 linn ot said county. 8olil as tlm nroWrtv nr ffoiU'D, (foeraKwt, foil tbciJnSlSi',,, 0 '. May o- A 1, ' M !S{ Tli V!' 1 ' P « a J-K.—Iiv. virtue Of nS kei count j, Georgia, \t ill lie sold on tin, lira* ln.v iii July Iioxti III Uu- Court liaii.o .K ;* town **l Llll'uyetto, ill said oountv, pai j of lot No. 88, In the stb district aid T.f an of wild enmity. Sold us tho probeftyol • I ayne, deceased, and sidd with the In- •ranee ot tlm widow s dnwrer. Broneriv tor the benefit of creditors, and terms In the to May li-ltb. D. 0, BAYNE, Adin'r. / 1 LORGIA, Walker County—J M Law mil re \ I administrator ol .'•lias Law ranee, deceit M-d having applied to me tor leave tosellthw lands belong to said ileeea-ed. for the purpose of dls, trlbutwn, said lands lying iu tlm countUhi of Walker, CatnnM*. Bauldlng, Bolk, Terrell Low ndes. Lumpkin. Murray and Forsyth; this Into notify all persons Interested that St tho 11 rat regular term ot the court after thocxidra- -fslxty days. If no objection save fl®, an Given under thy litv March 27, HJ0'J-2m mr, a to sell. hilsigntbre.thU MILTON R USSE LL, Only. ( l EOKGIA, Walker County.—A. ( nUlratprof David L. Trundle, having applied tome for leave to sell the laud belong, ing to tlm estate of said Trundle, late of mill county, deceased: and this 1st oetto ull persons Interested that nt the next regular term of tlm Court, lifter tho expiration ot sixty davs.nnor. dor will bo allowed granting said leave. If nu good eutise Is show n to the emit rurv. March 4-2111, MILTON RULE'LL, Ord'y. GORDON. J. s.b. r< nr. A 1.80, AT THU 8 rs. C. W. Bond. fl ORDON RHKUIFF’8 HALES.—Will be sold x’X on the first Tuesday In Juno next, before tlm Court house door In tlm town of Calhoun, within the legul hours of sale, thy following property-towlti Lot oflaud number 131. in 7th district und -3d section of Gordon county, levied on as tlm property of M. M. Douglass, tosatlsfyoneSnpc; rlor Court 11 fa in IHvor of Zlmvl W. Jackson vs M. M. Douglass. Levy made hy former SherltV, Also, lots oflaud numbers 153, and 135,‘lu ,7tli district.and 3d section, excepting23 or30 acres in tlm north comer'of lot number 135: -levied on us tho property of R. II.Nesbit. to satisfy one superior Court tl fa in favor of D. IL OoUins, administrator of Jacob Collins, deceased, vs. Wm. A: Nesblt and R. H. Nesblt. Lots of land numbers SOI, 232, 237, all In tlm I4tlrdi*t. and 3d section of said county, and town lot, number not known, wit h a brink house on tho sumo, bounded on t he south by'IV A. Fos- ter, and on tho east hy K. J. Kikm*, lot and sta bles, and one vacant lot west of Railroad, boun ded on tlm south by. II. C. Hunt's dwelllug and north hy Dr. p. G. Hunt: levied on ns the prop erty ofl*. J. Fain, deceased, lo sat I sly one Inte rior Court ll la in favor of Edmond Ells vs, (». J. Futu; principal,uml dosluh Bagwell, ludors- ur, for tho imralmse money, l*ropcrty pointed out by prafntllf, in tl fa. N. B. HUDGINS, Sheriff. AT TItK RAMK TIMK AXO I’l.APK WIU. »K One lot oflaud, no. I, III the24tl; (list, mid 2d seel Ion of Gordon counts*, n« the properly of Calller A Grover, t o sat Isfy one tax li fa In raven* of B, R. Boaz, T. C, Levy made and returned ♦n mo hy L. C, Also, HOnores.of lot numherAi, In the 25tli dls. nut y—Whereas MBps . WPUfl iftlmperson and nrep ort ,v of John, Nancy and Martini Whitlow, mid others, has applied to. U)J) court of onlitmrv of Whitlow, guardla : , supplied to the court of ord 1 nary of said eonnty.foradlselmrg*' front Ids guardian» slii|> of said persons; This Is therelore to cite » concerned lo show cause, hy filing applicant object ions in my otllee usual letters of itlptutssR, ty.—Notice is here- .. MocoBcmrafoiL that some time since. Rleltard M. Rovers, lateofsalfi eon lily, duijnVtcd this life, uml no person lias applied for administration on the estate of said Richard M. Revet s, ami that In termsof the law administration will be vested In tlie clerk of the Superior Court, ot* some other fit ami proji- er person, at tho first regular term of the court after tlm expiration of thirty days; unless soniu valid objection Is made to his nnpniutmcnl. Given under iny hand nnd official signature. This 21th day of April. iw>. SOd, MILTON RU8SELL.C ”|S^i:av drug store in dai/iqn t ^ EVERYTHING TURE AND FRESH! rm. J. IP. GROTES Begs leave to announce tffthe citizens of Whlt- flold uml adjoining counties, that he has Just tills city. u ‘ - - —• - opened, In tills city, a large und carefully selec ted (In person)stock of J,Drugs,Medicines,Chemicals, •Standard Butefit Medicines, AVinOs nnd Liquors, of tho Burcst nnd Finest Qualities, GLASS, l’UTTY, PAINTS, VARNISHES, P ATTON & BAYNE, Clmttunoogn, T.onn., HoolcHollcrs m»<l Stiitionoi*H Kcop constantly on hand a cojupleto stock of School Books, Stationery, wall paper, Novels, Albums, Chromos, etc., which they offer at wholesale ov retail, at Kastorn prices. Orders by. mall promptly attended to. jully il plate ot tlm latest fashions, from designs . out from Paris as soon as invented, which are thus published simultaneously in New York and Baris ; also a lour-pugo uneolored fashion plate, embracing tlm various leading stylos.- Those are accompanied with full descriptions and explanations, with numerous other Bins- tratiom#, Every number eontulns an original letter front Burls describing t he very latest MOfiKs, by a lady whoso position gives her uo- cossto tashlonablo society. Tho litemrv por tion of this Magazine) comprises a continued story, Humorous interesting tales, poetry, an- eodptes, &c. The whole profusely illustrated with lino engravings, prtoo, *3 50 per year, T?UANK LESLIE'S CHIMNEY CORNER.—A JL* purely literary periodical. Excluding e- vents ot tlm day, Its aim, A9 Its title indicates, is lo furnish amusement for thu leisure hour. Is contents consist principally of original sto- rles by tible\yrlh i rs, fnelmlingu serial,accounts of remarkable adveutnros, descriptions of man ners and customs in lenmto countries, short poems, fairy stories, enigmas, conundrums, charades, Ac. Illustrated with largo and spit*. ite*l engravings, or which there are from Ilf- teen to twenty in each weekly number. Sub- script Ion price, *t per year, \ DMINIKTR ATOU'8 8ALF..-By virtue of an ourt-iiouse door legal hours of salt turgess, late of su F rank leslif/s pleasant iiours.- 1 ho cheapest periodical iu thu U. States, nu l 0< V.\ t ‘V 11 ' * n hi rgooc t a v o pages of letter press* "1th from 20 to *25 Illustrations, besides t wo full- I t he *i w ? slo V lvs Of ailventuVe, with humorous , M » W j dotes, tlescrlpt ions of manners and customs, order from the Court of Ordinary of till- i , . mer county, will bo sold on tlm first Tnesdavin P*j?° opgray lngs on tinted paper. In each mini- June next, at tlm Court-lIouHO door in Raid ■ V® 1 ,* A continued story, and well written tales county, lHJtwcimthpK ...... real estate of Potcn* Bi tv. deceased. Terms cash. ’April 22.183'.). * i amusements l'or young people, (te., constitute («‘t, THOMAS Flt'la/lKbA'fni'l'. tl,U P “ r 637 Pearl Street, New York C'lty, Oils,AVhlte Lead, Painter's Brushes, etc., etc., Dyestuffs, Spices, Essences, Lumps, Lamp Fixtures ami Oils, and overythlngln the Drug Line, togothor with a suporb assortment of FANCY TOILET ARTICLES, Tho Finest and Best Soaps, Most Popular and Fragrant Perfumes, Purest and Best Lilly White, ALL KINDS OF BRUSHES. Prescriptions Carefully Prepared by tho Doctor lllnigeir. With nu experience oftwenty years prnetlco ol physic, and a thorough knowledge of tlm Drug business. I feel not the li'ust presumptlous in wlto may favor mo with thoir patronage that perfect BUtislaction will be giv en in every particular. Remember tho NEW DRUG STORE, where evciythlng 1st resit and pure,in the Tibbs House No. 2, betwooii Hotel Eutrance and Tibbs & Ken- ner’s store. luarlS-ly tho property or 0. D. Durham, to satisfy one Superior Court fl t'u in favor of W. K. Moore, administrator of John Odell, deceased, vs. Churles 1). Durham, adiulstrator, John Haw kins, deceased, and Charles D. Durham, impro- Steffi of land numbers 284 nnd 283, In 80th illstriot ami section: levied on as the property of A. R. Russell by virtue of two Justices Court il fas issued lromMustlco Court, 1013th distrlot, G. M. t of said county, Goo. Swain vs. A. R. Rus- t riot and 3d section of Gordon county, levied n.. to satisfy one tax fl fa in Ihvor of G. R. Boaz, T. ' ’ "*ymade and returned tor * " " u. in., oi sum eouiuy, uuu, sell, lor liurcliuse money. _MaytjJ AY. A. RAM8EY, D. Hhcrlff. G EORGIA, Mciiuay Covxtv.—AVhercas, Miirtha A AVldttle lmvlagapifilod in prop- or form for letters of udmiuist rut ton on tho es tate of Woodford 31 AVhlttlo late of said poiuity, deceased: This is to cite all and singular the kindred nnd creditors ol* suitl deceased to bo and appear ut my otllee, within tho time allowed bylaw.und show cause, if any they can, why letters of administration should not ho granted to said applicant said estato. AVitness my liund and olllciul slg- nature, this 20th day of April. 18<J». up 20-30d. ANDKUSON FARNSAVOUTH, Only. a GORGIA, Murry County.-AVherens Martin A r . O’Neul having applied to ho appointed guardian of tho property of Mary Jane, George T., John A., AV ill la m IL, Harah C. ami Jas. Bux- tor. orphans of James Baxter, tleoeased. This Is to cite ull persons concerned to 1m nml appear ut tho .Tune torm of the Court of Ordi nary, tobo held in said county tho first Monday in Juno next, and show cause. If any they cun, why said Martin A'. O’Neal should not uo ap pointed guardian of said minors. Given under my hand und oflluial signature, this tith day of May 18(B). ANDERSON FAKNSAVORTII, May 0-30(1, Ordinary. m J. F. GROVES. H AKDAVAUK STORE, Ai AVholesnlo and Retail, d.u.tox. (mounta, Chester Block, cor. or Hamilton and King Sts. e, eTwood Begs to Inform nil tho peoplo that ho has Just opened a Hardware Store at tills plnco, embra cing a very exteuslvo assortment of material and implements, etc. • A Full Lino of Stool and Iron, Farming Implements orull kinds. Carriage. Buggy and AVngon Material, A t lno assortment of Tools, ,, For Carpenters and Cabinet AVorkmen, For Blacksmiths, ...... Brick Masons and Coopers, TOOLS FOR ALL ’HIE MECHANICS, Full outfits foi* tho Fanner, and mnny other articles not monlioncd herein, Just pnrohased on the most rcasonublo terms, from Manufac turers uml Importers. It Is tho purnOfe of tho proprietor to fhrnish everyt hing hi Ids lino at. prices, Just to buyer ami seller, and ho respectfully solicits an ex- uiulnution ot Ills stock. OnkPrick! Tansts Cash I Feb. 11, lBClMy C ARDS, BILL AND LETTERHEADS printed at the Citizen Office on short notice at the lowest prices, uml In the finest style of the art. ILMKR SHERIFF’S 8ALK*-AVill l»o sold before tho Court-House door in Ellijav.ou first TueRilny-in Juno noxt, wltldu* tho lojOil hours of sale, the following property to- Two town lots, i» the town of Elijah—ano known us tho property where N. L. Cooper no resides, uml the othur known us thu Stott gr„ eery lot, anti now oeouphal hy G. II. Randall: levied onus tho proportyof William Stott, to satisfy sundry fl fas, from Gilmer Superior Court In lUvor of Chafles Baker and others vs. AVUlium Stott. Property pointed out by plulu- tlirs uttoruoy. Also, lot of'land number 113, in tho flth dls- t riot mid 2d section of Gilmer ootudy: levied on as the property of the heirs of S, AV. 8tal Also, 30 acres, more or less, or lot of land nomber 43, in tho olevouth district that second section of Gilmer county: . levied on as tho property of John L. Rood, t o satlRfy a fl fa fvmn Gilmer Superior Court in tavor of J. B. Clarke vs. John L. Hoed; principal, and Thomus J, Work, security. Property pointed out bv plain- A DMIN I6T U ATOIBS S ALE.—Uy Virtue of an order or the Court of Ordiffary of Gordon county, Ga., will be sold buforo the Court Ilonse tloor iu thu town of CurtorsvUlo. Barlow coun ty, Ga., on tho first Tuesday In Juno next, one town lot in tho town of Adtdrsville, Ga., eon- tniulng one-fourth acre, mpro or loss, jr/inlug L L. Neel on tlio north and east, and Joining >, Onl'y. . Rogers, ndin'r.of Etiimy Hancock, rap ids ududnlstiatloii, ami i mission at the first regular term oj imsunan, after the expiration of Him* immths. This April24thtmi. MILTON RUSSELL, Ord'y. dux, adiulstrator t>fjlenj. Maddux. having applied to me for U*avi> to sell tholainl belonging in the estate ot said demised, thin is to nnthv all persons iuti'ii-tcd. ibid at tlm first regular term of the Court, after the expi ration of tidily days, ifno object Ions are tiled, an order will be passed granting said leuve. This May 1st, tm* ■ May (Mod. .MILTON RUbsKLL, ord'y. /"I ATOOSA SHERIFF'S SAI.US._WHI bo sold VJT before the Court house df>or in Ringgold, (hi., on the first Tuesday In June next, within thu legal hours of sale, the following properly, the lunds of the Academy on the south, nmi a the west;, Sold tis the property Imok street . of E. U. Clark, deceased, for the benefit heirs and creditors. Terms cash. Tills April 14,1800. #5 AV. J. CLARK, AdmV. f'1 KORGIA, Gojtnox CorxTV.—AVhoreus R. M. \JC Young applies to mo for letters of dismis sion asUtiimfinn from the estate pi*Sarah Scott and Marv J. St rap, formerly Mary J. Scott, mi nors of J. D, Scott: All puraons concerned aro notified tofilethulrohjections, If any thuv have, within the time prescribed bv law,.also letters or dismission will be granted the applicant.— AVitness my lmml and seal, this Jan. 20,1800. Jan. 21-Gm. D. AV. NEEL, Only. f^VEORG1A, Coupon Coi'ntv.—LowisL.Green \JT adminlstvatorof AVuf.AA r . Green represents to the Court in his petitlonduly filed nnd en- terod on record that he has fully admlui.-tered AAm. AA .Green’s estute: This is therefore to efto all persons coneorml kindred and creditors to show cause, if ally they can, why said adminis trator should dot bu discharged from his ad ministration ami receive lutteps of cIImiiImhIou *'*'* * *-• r —-*oxt, this January acres ofi’ottlmsonth sltle of lot number 14a, all intlto 27th district ami 3d section ot cutooMt county, Ga.. as the property ot a. Clarke, by one Catoosa chanty court fl fa. A Graham. mllun, vs A. Clarke principal, ami A. I. licet, - urity. Bropurty pointed wit hy plntntlffhi ti fa. Also, the south half of lot oflaml nutnhcrl22, in the 2Mli district and 3d section of Catoosa county Un.. as thaproperty of J. C. K. Cotter, hy one Justice court ll fa. \A\ Suttortlcld vs. J. C’.K. Cotter. Levy madeand returned to tao by a const able. Also, lot of land number3*». In thelith (list. 3d nml section ofCntonsa count v.ticorgin as the property of Henry Hulsey, bv one Just IcAConrt tl fa, Foster A Vavnum vs Henry Hulsey. Levy madeand returned to tnubv a constable. AV..1. AA*11 ITS I TT. sheriff. f'1 KORGIA, 1 Catoosa Cot*xtv.—Thomas IL UT AVilllams, Executor on tin* i stutnot J. T. Sewell, deceased, applies to \ dismission from said Execute therefore to cite yll per ami appear nt my miSoo r Momlay in June next, (isn't), and show any they can, why said Thomas H. AVUIIatm. Executin'as aforesaid, should not bedisudssed from his said Executorship. Given under my hand und pilioluj signature. December 7tl|,UU8. J. 31. COMBS, Onlinary. J)oe. KMlin, [ Brs. fee *5. KORGIA, Catoosa County.—AVhoreus Mli- KORGIA, G Oil don Coi?xtV—.7. A. Collins, tcred o . .. record, that ho has fully administered said estate; This is therefore ro cite all per sons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show “■* ' *’ i, why said administrator rged from said admlnls- rtlj * 4 cause if any the., should not be diselmrged coolvo lotto tration, and receive umiits «i uisiiiissiou on tho first Monday in July next. This. January 7, 1803,-(im D. AV. NEEL, Ord’y. EOUGIA, Gordon Copnty.—lames Lay, ml- vT ministratot'of it. C. Smith, deeensed.rep resents to tlie Court that he has fully adminis tered nnld estato; These are therefore to cito all persons coneerncil to hei ami appear at; my oflleo within tliot lino proscribed hy law, to show cause, if any they have, why letters of dismis sion should not ho granted. Given under my hand and ofiloiul signature. This April 7, 1WU. 3m. d. Al r . NEEL, Ord’y. /'Y KORGIA, Gordon County.—Tames Ltty,ad- UT mlnlstratorof John Lay, deeeasod, repre senting to the Court that ho has fully adminis tered said estute; These are therelore to otto all persona concerned, to bo nml appear at my otllee, wltbin tho time prescribed .hy Iqw, to show cause. If any they have, why letters of dismission should not be granted. Given un- dovmy lmml uml official signature. This April 7,1803.-3)1). . I). AA'. NEEL, Ord’y. G EORGIA, Gordon County,—T. A. I. Phillips- lmv ng implied to me for perinanenl lot- ters otadudnfstrutton on of Polly Phillips, deceased; ■ * This Is to oltenll persons to show ciauso ntmy oiHee, within tho time proserfbed hy law, why permanent administration should not bo ginn- lisuiisslon < erned to bu i tho first c1 Kt ijjrtj ton Kv 4, ad in In it- M Corry, la m EOItGIA, GiLMKn County.—HitijL van Di- in Gn.MKit surnflgoitC'opHT.—Elmira fondant does not reside in the said county of Gilmer: and It. further appearing tlmt ho does not reside in the said State of Georgia': It is, on motion of Thomas F. Greer, counsel Georgia - S'. Greer,.««»»««« for Libelant, ordered that said defendant bu served by publication of this notice, once a month for four months, previous to the next Term of this Court, in the North Georgia CltL zon, a public Gazette of said Hi ate, published iu Dalton, Ga.—October Torm. 1808. ' N. :tt, KNIGHT, J. 8. c. ■ A into extract from tho Minutes of Gilmer Superior Court. 8. F. WILLIAMS, c. a, e. January 21-m4ir).-Prs. fee $3. /''IKpRGLA.Gnmai; County—Toseph IL Col- VJT Hns having applied lor permanent letters of administration on tho estate of AVilliain Lmrk, late of said coufitj*; deceased: Tills ia to clto all persons, to show cause at my office with- in the time prescribed by law. why permune * ad mi i»ist rat ton, should not he granted to sa Gordon County.—Two months af* VT ter date appUeatlon will he made to tho Court of Ordinary of Gordon county, Ga„'ffor lenvo to sell the lands belonging to the estato of James Sams, dec’d. AVm. II. DABN E Y, April 20-2tn. Administrator. KORGIA, Gouijon CountV.-W.R. Burnett, T admlnlKtrator du bonis non,.with the wllL annexed, of E. J. Ransom, deceased,represents to tho Court that lie has fully administered the estato of said 13. J. Ransom: Those-are therefore to otto ull persons concerned, to bo und appear at my oflleo within the tltpu pre- . iitor, and 8; A. Evans, '.v of the estate of James A. Evans, Into ot said county, deeensed, has applied to mu for leave to M-ll lot - ol I I number.- 7 and 8, ill 1 la* 27th district and :id section of said county, tor the benefit of heirs and creditors of said de ceased; if no objection is raised at tho first reg ular term, alter the expiration of two months, an order will bo passed granting 1 lie prayer ol petitioners. j. M. COMBS. Ord’y. Marolt 4—2m.—fee $1. . ■ ;0RG1 Af Catoosa Got ntv.- AVhereasf Jas. Anderson, administrator or James A. . - „, lute of said county, doeeasod.vepresents to tlm Court in Ills petition duly filed and en tered op record, that he 1ms fully administered on said estate: Tills is therefore to cite nnd admonish all peivons interested to show cause. If any they can, within tho time prescribed bv law. why let ters of dismission from said estate should not be granted said applicant in September next. AA'Itness my hand and official signature this 3d clay of Murcb, lHift. • resellts to the Court, in hlVpetltl'oiu duly filed and entered on rccmtl, that ho has fully ad ministered J. B. Elrod's estate. This is thoroforotoolto all persons concern ed, kindred and croditqrs, to show cause. If any they can, why said administrator should not he discharged from his udmiuist ration and receive Idlers of dismission or first Monday in August next. This May 3d. 1MOO. J. M. COMBS, Ordinary. G EORGIA, Catoosa Cnimty.-AVhercas,Titos. Russell, ndin'r of tho estato of John Mc Donald, hvte of raid county, deceased, has ap plied to inu for leave to sell nine no res oil* the northeast corner of lot number 113,3th district and 4th section of AA'ulker county, amltlllcf lot no. 120, Oth d. and 4th see. Catoosa 3 acres off southwest corner or said histmea- t lotted lot. forthe benefit of the heirs and cred itors of srld deeensed; and if no objection is raised at tlm first regular term after, tho expi ration of one month, nn order will be passed granting the prayer of petitioner. May 0-2in.-roo *1. ,j. y t , COMBS Ord. scribed by luW, to sliof why letters of illsMibsl u«um»j«iriuion .auoiiui.not. t.e granted to said- said npplleimt. Glveivunder-mV Hamlli AWais^®^ 1 4m. ,gmilmV - Thh why letters of dlsmiHslon should i G EORGIA, Catoosa County—Nnthan Lowe, .\(l"iuil-l lalMi iif W t! (— 11, lut" <’i • ti‘l county deceased, has applied for leave to sell north half of lot mimbev-22. in 27th distrlot find 3d sect ion ol snid count \\for tlm purpose ofdls- trilmtioii. It uu object inn Isralseilat the expi ration of one. month an order will be passed granting pruyer lor petition. April 5,18(13. J. AL. COMBS,' Only. /GEORGIA.Gilmer Coiinty.—-Brvant Evans VT has applied for exemption of personalty and setting upart and valuation of homestead, pass npon the same nt my oflleo in Elijah, onthel4U|||MMMta^dta *