North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, July 29, 1869, Image 2

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rwTWTMMwr/itrafgMi gnnll i message lo llio City _ on, recommends tliul ml colored children Ihi eduented nine public school system, ami roof. Ho sen no Ob- 1, as, in ollicV respects, nil ■ to race or color lias been ffinl’8 going it heavy for the nigger. “IVlint next, Ol King.” . Cation Field" Ntrnek by I.lftbtUiliR. The lightning 1ms been playing strange frenks in (lie lower part oftltbState. The Columbus linquirei- informs us that about a half aero of cotton In a large, open llclil, in Muscogee county, ivob struck by light ning a short Unto slnco ami completely blighted, and about thirty yards square or another field was served iu the samoivay, a few days afterwards, in another part of tho same comity. These aro certainly strange. calamities lo overtake a cotton fluid, _____ Tin* Aitnslln l’aul would not Ilsenpo. Tlio lludlcnl press of Ohio liavo opened firo upon Gen. Hosccrans, llio recently nomlnatcd.dcmocratic candidate tor Gov- . ernor in that State, on account of his re ligion. Ho is a Homan Catholic, and there is nothing strange In tills opposition fi-oni that quarter, slnco llio free soil or abolition (now Radical) party originated tiie know nothing movoment In 1840.— The Radicals would open tiro on the Apos tle Raul if ho wove oil earth. fourth of July til the South. In many places in tho Southern Slates it seems the Fourth of July has been colo- brnted almost exclusively by llio negroes. AVliy is thinV—JV. Y. JYinci Right, Mr. Times—llio negroes South have tho Fourth of July all lo themselves now-n-dnys; and you want to know why this Is so. Tlioqiiestton isonUvery easily nnswered, and It cannot ho that your Rad ical skull is bo thick thqt you cannot seo that a peoplo disfranchised, governed and persecuted by carpet-baggers and ulgecrs, mercilessly taxed without representation, lied upon by Northern seoundrqls sent hero for llio purpose, thrown iiito prison for crimes which they never committed; tor tured In sweat-boxes, In a word subjected to llio most devilisli forms of tyranny Radical hate can inflict, feet in no humor to cclobrato tho Fourth of July, tho mem ory of which ean-nl best hut force upon their minds n horrid consciousness of tho contrast between what they wero and wlial they arc. The Ilnlloek-Aiifrler Imbroglio. Wo publish on tlm flrs|, side of to-day’s pnpera correspondence between Gov. Hut- lock and Comptroller General Hell, con cerning tho refusal tifN. I,. Angler, Stale Treasurer, to honor Exocutlvo Wnrrnnts drawn upon tho Treasury.. With tho light bolween Bullock and Angler wo know nor caro nothing, hut of ono thing wo feel certain, nnd Hint is that Trensuref Angior lias not tho first paragraph of law to sustain him in Ids cnptlous refusal to honor theso wnrrnni*. IIo 1ms sot him self up ns tho judge of llio law in till's par ticular, nud is construing it contrary to llio plain intent and moaning of tho very section of tho Codo (1,048) which ho pa rades nB his authority.for ills conduct in. this rnnttor—and that, too, h»tho faco of a contrary construction placed upon it- by ' all tho State IIouso olliccrs, and llio opin ion of those who havu preceded them. It has boon the custom of oilier Treasurers of tho Stato to do just wliut Auglcr refus es to do, ns tho records in tho Comptrol ler General’s ofllco will show;, ami yet ho, beenuso of Ills dislike for Bullock or some other equally splcnotie reason, clogs tho wheels of government by captiously rofus-. ing to honor warrants upon tho Treasury that aro correctly and legally drawn.— When tho tight over the Treasury first sprung up between Bullock and Angler, live were disposed to sldo with llio latter, ■becnwsawo thought lie was actuated sole ly from a desire to guard and protect tho people's “strong box,” ovor which ho mniio such a grant “toss nnd Airy" at tho tlmo; but things linve since como to tlio surface that have very materially changed our opinion, nnd wo now consider Bullock equally ns honest as Angler. , we have nil anil wished for mill. .Vegetation Jell beneath llio llio dust and bent gout and debility, Rulntlnslwoliavo it showers—slight, lull so cool and rcft-eshlhg. A blessing, indeed, Is tlio summer rain. 11 comes in its purity t baptising tlio earth With delicious coolness, and investing with now life and beauty tlm feinting, dying verdure. Its nntural electrical accompa niment renders clear and pure tlio heavy, murky air; and as llio rolling thunder mingles Its deep diapason with tlio wild, weird notes of Llio Storm-music, we in stinctively and solemnly aoknowledga tho power and grandeur of that Ono whoso voicn tho “winds and tlio waves obey.”— But wlicu tho artillery of heaven dies in lliif distance, nnd the agitated nirstglis It self to rest, how pleasant It Is lo listen lo the musical chime of the murmuring rain, and glvo ourselvee (ip to dreams Hint lnnko melody in our souls—melody, soft and low, ns tlio lullaby of those falling drops. Bcmitlftil summer ralul—how lightly tho misty pearls descend, pattering upon the roof and window-panes, or with low, bcll-Uke tlnklo, they trickle ovor green leaves and fragrant flowors. Basiling, splashing, tho bright drops come from tlio floating clouds, and perchance n glancing ray of sunllgh t dngiicrroolypcs tlieirspark- llng linos In llio how of promise, to which wfl lift; our trusting oyes, remembering that Its uow-born nnd oxqulslto beauty was first gazed upon by patriarchs of old, as It floated across tho overarching heavens af ter llio mighty delugo. Under such ctr- cumstnnccs wo are profoundly Impressed —wo remember our present blessings, our doparted joys, nud an wo drink from the molnncholy cup of past memories, nnd while tlio sweet effects of that cup cm shroud our hearts, we lovo to repeat— ** When nil thy moroles, 01 my Uoil, , My rlstnicsnul surveys, Transporteil with tho view I’m lost In ivomlor, lovo nnU imilso." Nlngnrn Falls. A gentleman, writing to us from Niag urn, gives an interesting description of llini fur-fumed spot. Tho thomo is old, but can never become trlto or common place. AVo oxtract tlio following from his letter relntlvo to tlio Ilorse-Slioo Falls! “Tlio grandest anil most important point is on Hie Canada side at the 'Horse- Shoo’ or 'Canada Falls. ’ The sccno hero is sublimity llsolf, but so blended with tho torrihlo Hint tlio soul 1b bowed down and Overwhelmed with tlio vnst Idea of tho omnipotence and omnipresence of Deity. In our gum suits (hired for tho occasion) we followed a guide behind tlio great sheet of solid water, descending ns it ilpos from a height of 108 feet. Tlio spriiy around us resembled a thick cloud, and tlio tUun- dorlng of tho mighty waters flllcd our hearts with solemn awe. Hovering ahovo and around, llko an angel of light, wns tho never-changing beauty of the over- rcninining rainbow. AVo stood upon tho sclf-snmo spot where AVillis Gaylord Clark, under tlio inspiration of tlio moment, wroto the following appropriate nnd beau tiful lines: “‘lions apeaks tho voice of Oml, lot man ho dumb. Nor with his vain aspi vinos htthor enmo: That voloo Impels llio hollow sounding floods, Ami llko n I’rosoiieo ails llio distant woods, (tore gronhigvocks tho Almlghty’sdngov piled; Forages hero Ids painted how lias smiled, Mocking tho clmngos and clrnnoo of tlmo— Steroid, benutU'idi sycno, sublime,' ” Itoynlty at tlio Will to IIouso. IIow our President regards the people Is shown from the feet that “the boautlftil nnd spneious grouuils around tho Execu tive Mansion, which horotoforo liavo been opou to tho public, nro to ho considered private hereafter, nud no ono outsldo of tho President’s household will ho allowed to trespass. The public walk, Bouth of the Executive grounds; is also closed to tho public, and is used ns n pasture for the President’s horse." This is upon good Radical authority, tlio Now York Trl- buno, and squints pretty strongly of roy alty, or imperialism. Look out fot Hie Empire nud Grant tlio Emperor! “Lot us have pence.” lilt IFF HESTlON. Chicken cholera prevails 111 the Vicinity or Dalton. Great numbors are dying. The corn crop of Florida Sb represented to he tlio finest for many yolli's. TlieRiHliealsHireatcntlicOxford(MiBS.) Falcon willi suppression. A water-works company tins been or ganized In Wilmington, N. C. Agimnp feclory Is* about to ho cslah Hulicil in Columlnis, On. Tho wheat crop of Virginia is not as largo as was expected. Chlcngo’ls now said to contain 880,000 Inhabitants, Win. Dart, colored, lias been appointed keeper of tho House of Correction at Char leston. A-deep plot line been dlscoverod-at Mad rid-Ibr tho nssasslnatioa of Serrano, Prim and Romora. Emmersou Ethorlilgo, of Tennessee, an nounced himself, at Paris, yesterday, asa candidate Tor tho United States Senate. AVo notico friend Bogle Is pushing ahead ivlth his new brick. Quito a; number of dwellings nro going up In dlfliirent pnrts of town, several of them very hnndsomo. Pino rnlnB'havo fellon ahovo nnd liolow this plnco vory frequently within tlio past two or tln-oo weeks, whore tlio corn crop, wo learn, never looked more promising, Tlio Virginia Radlcnls are moving heav en, earth, nnd tlio Infernal' regions—tho latter more oxteuslvely—to break up tho into elections in that State. AVe understand that a largo Flouring Mill will soon bo erected in tills place.— This Is n desideratum long felt In tills lo cality, nnd such an institution would give now Impetus to our growing llttlo city, During n thunder storm nt Rockwooil, Cannda, on Tuesday, a man and two chil dren were struck by lightning nnd severe ly injured. Tliora are about eight hundred .visitors at AVhjto Sulphur Springs, Vn., Including tho Turkish Minister. A railroad to tho springs hns just boon completed, thus avoiding Hie tedious staging. llnvoc Anions' llio Cottle, A fatal and mysterious disease, wo learn from tho Lynchburg (Va.) Republican hns mndo Its nppoarnneo in tlio region nround Bristol, from which slxty-nin'o cnltlo in tho immediate vicinity of tlio town liavo died. No cflectual means to nr- rcst tlio disoaso have been discovered, and it is said a great panic prevails among the peopjo, who not only fenr tho loss of nil lliolr cows, hut nro apprehensive that the disease may take somo form injurious to human life. The AilvnnlftffON of llio V,;:: Said ox-Fresident Johnson, in ills recent AVnshington speech: “Tho slave property in tho Pouth, val ued nt three thousand millions, wns thou productive, self-sustaining, nnd added to A recent dispatch from AVnshington City gives Hie country n picco of informa tion which does not surprise us in the least; and It Is to tho effect Hint tho patronago of tho Government is to bo used for StokcB in Tennessee, Davis In Texas, nnd for tho nominee of -tlio ultra Radicals In Missis sippi. It is said that Radical members of Congress nud leading members of tho Na tional Republican Committee have been iu AVnshington urging this conrso, and liavo obtained a promiso that it should bo followed. Grant may have a polioy of his own, but that policy, whatever It may bo, is overruled by Uio ultra Radicals of Mas- 8snchusctts, who control him and tlio gov ernment. Turner IMseltfirglHl* Tho Infenious Turner, Grant’s nigger Postmaster at Macon, who was rocoutly arrested for counterfeiting, ami whose trl- nl lias been progressing for somo days in that city, has been discharged. This is nothing more than Ave expected—ho is a loyal Radlcnl nigger—a favorite o/ tho Grant administration, and it would have required proof stronger than Holy AVrit to find him guilty before a Radical Com mission; and, suppose such proqf had been produced nt tho, examination trial, up cvldeneo liaB the country that lio would liavo been prosecuted ? Look nt Foster Blodgett!—ho wns indicted fbr per jury, and what did It amount to? AVliat- cVcr ho may have been, ho is a good Rad ical now—so good nnd true Hint instead of being tried for tho crlmo of which ho stands charged, ho has been appointed to an important fiscal position, where, aptly renisrks tiiq Savnnnnli News, tliero will bo g»9fl pipkings. Now that Turner is de- elnredoot guilty of counterfeiting, wo slinll wait with some anxiety to boo whether ho will lx: reinstated as postmaster at Macon, W be appointed by the ndmiuistpqtion to somo other equally responsible position In thoSouth, Co«l Elopement* Ono of tho coolest elopements wo ovor heard ofis reported to liavo occurred re cently nt Barr Onk, Michigan. A young woman, Who after flvo years of married life, hod become tired of her husband, anil fallen lh lovo with his younger brother, packed up her bed and clothing in tho presonco of her husband, and with her paramour drove to tho houso of her father- in-law, her- husband-nnd another brother following on foot. Here tho wholo matter was freely and deliberately talked over, tho woman doelarlng that sho loved lior hushirad’s youngest brother hotter than she did him. Tho youug man then coolly helped liis brother’s wife and child into tho wagon, nnd gotting in' himself they loft, for pnrts unknown, nrlffliam Voiuir Won't Glvo lip Ills Wives. AVhllo tlio Congressional excursion par ty wero at Salt Lake, thoy called on Brigh am Young,and tho Mormon Prophet plain ly told Sountor Trumbull that his people would oxpol from tho Territory Federal ofllcors who wore objectionable to thmil, and Hint tho Mormons would not obey tlio .net of Congress in respect to polygamy.— Trumbull cautioned him that it would not • bo safe to inolost public ofllcors in discliargo of their duties, nnd that Gen. Grnnt would enforce tlio laws of Congress. But Brig- am exhibited no disposition to heed tho warning. ^ _(Wj; AVhoro is tills property now? Locked up in safes anil vaults, m.-n-produetivo nnd a bunion upon tho people.” Trnpreily. A ilrcndftil tragedy occurred nt La- Grange, Tenu., a few days since, in which one Grimmett, a bricklayer, heat out tlio eyes of liis employer, Dr. J. H. Scarbor ough, because lie would not ncccdo to an unjust demand for a claim of $0. Tho day after this brutal net, tlio Shorilf with ah assistant started to arrest Griminctl. who Btnbbcd llio latter nnd shot tlio for mer', and tlnyi^frado his cscapo. Plantation Bitters. Tlio vnst amount of Plantation Bitters now being sold and shipped from Now York is almost incredible. Go when and where you will—nmong tlio wharves and piers, and at the depots—you will seo great piles of these Bitters awaiting shipment and conveyance to every nook nud cornor of tho country, and to tuo hundreds of for eign ports. They aro very populnr among all classes of peoplo, anil are conceded to ho just tho thing for this climate. No Bitters have yet been introduced which liavo bccomo bo deservedly popular nnd worthy of patronage, to all who require a tonic and stimulant. They nro prepared with pure St. Croix Rum, Calisaya ami Cascanlla Bark, and all tho world knows full woll wlint bouefieial results accrue from these combinations. Macinolta AVateb.—Superior to tlio best imported German Colongo, and sold Nr.\V an, i;nth. (official.) Kxecdtivr NRt’AUTJrRNT, m Atlanta, Gcorglu, July 83, 1«W. n all whom It may ci Whereas, U Is a wall r .. ‘ tho civil autliorl- rom tlm several knojjn fact In tho histo ry tif tho lutaltebulllon, that t '* of thU Strito exacted from tlm »ovoral ilolng business tlmroll), loans nt hugo la.of their capital stock, urirt assets 1iloll liavo novel’ boon ropntd, and thut tho Bald Hanks have thereby bccii fodUded to insol vency | uml . Whereas, Robert F. Curry ns ProaUlont arid Director or tho Northwestern Brink of Geor- Bin, Walker P. Inmnn m Caahtor and a Director of the satno llnnk, ami William H. Inman as a Dlmitor intlmBUiho Hank, were Indicted at tho March adjmirnod Term of tho Suporlor Court In nnd for Catoosa county fora mlsdo* meaner In tho Insolvency of said Hank on tho first day of April, A. D. 18051 nnd also for a fall- uro to redeem tlio notes of tho Bald Hank on tlm twelfth day of April, A. D. 18U7, which, It hi ulloged, wore on that day presented for pay ment to the amount of Fifty ThouinndDollars; and also fora failure to redeem thunotesof tho said Dunk<on tho twenty-second day of Octobor, A. D. 1867, which, It is alleged, wore on thattlay presented for pnymont to tlm amount of Fifty ThouBuml pollut'd uuil Wimroaa, satisfactory proof lias boon madb to n\o that tho affairs of tho Bald Hank havo been fairly and legally nrtmlntstci od and gen erally with tlm Bnmo care nnd diligence that agents, revolving a commission for tholr servi ces aro roquirod and bound by law to obaorvo, and tlmt tho insolvency of the buIH Hank and its inability to redeem its hotoa liavo boon brought about by no agency of tho said Robert Curry, Walker P, Inman and William II. In- inn, but nro tlio necessary results of the action of tho olvll powers of tills 8tatd during tlm Into Rebellion and tlio destruction and loss or prop- orty occasioned by the Into civil war i ami Whereas, tho exponsos, Inconvonionca and trouble of a dofonso Will work great hardship and damage to tho Bald parties: Now, Therefore, in consideration of the foots and circumstances aforesaid, and to tho end that impartial Justioo may bo dono, I, Rufus U. Bullook, Uovornor and Commundcr-in-Chlor or tho Army and Navy of this State, and of tlio Militia thoroof, by vlrtuo.of tbo power nnd au thority in mo vostod by tlio Constitution nnd laws of this Stato, do hereby pardon tlio said Robert F.Cnrry, Walker P. Inmnn and William II. Inuinn of tliosnld misdemeanors, wliorowith thoy and each of Almm now stand and stands charged and indicted In said county of Catoosa as horoinUoforo recited, nnd all misdemeanors consisting in this insolvency of tho said “Tho Northwestern Bank of Georgia" or in ftiilnros or refusals to redeem.tho Notes of tho said Hank in specie or In current bank bills passing at par, nnd committed or alleged to liavo boon committed by tlm said -Robort F. Curry, Walker P. Inman, William U. Inmnn or any of thorn since t{m nineteenth day of January, A. D. 1861, Given undor my hand nnd tlm Seal of tlio Ex ecutive Department, at tlm Atlan ta, the day nnd year first above written. RUFUS B. BULLOCK, Governor. By the Governor: . Paul Lester, Scot’y Ejeout va Department. Jnl 20-4t wmv ADVBUTIN11MI1NTS. MINUttMiANROtlA C. Jtventod. Price #25. Warranted for 5 yents. boro, Vt. , ; ■. N 13W "Y n r _ Noav COMPETITION DEFIED COME AND SEE FOR YOUtlSELVESl A DAY for Ull. AdilftiM A. J. FOt.I.AM, V.-Y. ' qV/TUSKET SHOT dtlltfi varraiitoa to;jlio M. II. Wofi-lo shnot ]|, w just opened in tho uowlw finisedW/est building, Corncr'Ilamilton and Gordon Street Noiivtho now Railroad Bridge, u splendid stoolc A SK YOUIt DOCTOR or Druggl iV Uulnlne-lt equalfl| (l)Ittor) made only by F. STEARNS, Uliom ;hit for Sweet ) Quinine. Is Chemist, Detroit. The Purest, Best and Cheapest SOLD BY ALL OROCEBS. |OI.miiW’S PATENT BED JACKET AXY3 O' those reasons: Fiuar—It outs deeper. It don't Htlokin'tlm wood. Tiuno—It.does not Jar tho hand. Fourth—No ttiuo Is wasted hi taking the Axo out.of tlm out.- Firm—With tho samolaboryou will doone-thlrdmoro work than with regular Axes. Red paint bus nothing to do with the good qualities of this Axo, for all our Axes aro painted rod. If your hardware store does not keep aur goods, wo will gladly nnswor inquiries or HU your orders dir • * — keeps t Pittsburgh, Pu. 8olo owners of Colburn's and Rod Jacket Pat’s. Stllson’s] for monthly use. Simple, conve nient tuul neat. For sale nt millinery unit fan cy goods stores. Samples by mall on receipt of one dollar.. Dr. J. II. Jlonnus, Marietta! Uu., sole agent for S. C„ Georgia, Fla., Ala., Miss.,Ixi [omciAi..] KXUOUTIVB DurAUTMRXT, Atlanta, Georgia, J ply 21st, 18( Whereas, By an Act passed nl tlm lust session of tho General Assembly of this State, entitled \n Act to provldo for farming out tho Peni tentiary, rind for other purposes," Messrs. N. Hawkins, Samuel McCombs and L. Carrington uppolntud 00111111188101101*8 to tnko un in ventory of.tho property, stock, etc., in said enituutlary, and • Whereas, Tho said Commissioners have, as •oquirod by tho said Act, transmitted to this Department such Inventory of property, stock, etc., together with tlm rcoolpt of tltoLcssoos of tho Penitentiary for tho same, ami Whereas, Tlm said Act provides that tho State shall bo relieved from all expense on ac count of said Penitentiary, except that of tho salary of tho Principal Keeper: Now, there fore, it la • Ordered, Tlmt Overton II. Walton, Principal Keeper of tho Penitentiary, do discharge and dismiss.from tlio-cmploy of tho Stuto, each and cry employee heretofore connected w 1th said Ponitontinry, such dismissal to t ako effoot from and after tho receipt of this order. All Exec utive Orders heretofore issued making appoint ment of oftloors in said Penitentiary, except that of Principal Keeper, aro hereby revoked; and persons named In said revokod orders will ccoso to be ofllcors undor tho State Govern ment, from umUafler the i-ccolpt by them of a duly cortifled copy of tills order. under my hand and the Seal of tlio Ex ecutive Dopuviment, at tlm Capitol, in tlm elty of Atluutu, tlm uay and y<uir llrst above **”FUS B. BULLOCK, Governor. mi JL Pliyi ’liyslologlenl View of Marriage.— 1 Tlm cheapest nook ovor published—containing nearly 3C gos, and 180 fine plates and eilgravthgs o anatomy of tlm human organs iu u state of heulth nnd disease, with a treatise on early or- rorfl.ltsdoplnrubloconsoquenocs upon tlm mind and body, with tlio author's plan of treatment —the only rational arid successful mode of euro, as shown by a report Of eases treated. A truth ful advisor to tlm married ami tlioso contem plating marriage who entortain doubts of their physical condition. Sotit free of postago to any address on receipt of 25 coats, in stamps or pos tal curroney, by addrossiug Dr. L. A..CU01X, No. 81 Malden Lane, Albany, N. V. The author maybe consulted upon ntty or tbo diseases upon whleli Ills books treat, either personally or by mail, and medicines sent td titty part of tho world. . . of NEW GOODS, in the lino of Ladles Dress Goods, Whito Goods, Ilooslovy, Notions, Urddorlcn', itnvdwnve, Hats, Boots and Slioost in fuct, anything you eall for, which will bo sold AT llEM.UlKAllI.Y t.OW FIIICES ; For Cast, or Produoo! My stock wns bought nt rodiiood cash prices, nnd will be disposed of accordingly. ^ Our old friends and oustoinurp uro most cor- dlnlly Invited to cull and try us, Juim2J-3m Kit 11Y A mto., DALTON, QEdnUlA. Havo Just vooolqod an elegant assortment Of DRY GOODS & GROCERIES, Domestics, Yarns, . Shoes, Leuthal’, tiardn-ai'O, Cuttlciy, Notions, Etc., Eto. ricaso eall and examine our stock before pur. chasing elsewhere. Wo Will Not bo Undersold 1 Wo liavo sucurod tho sorvlces of Mr. Wilbv P. Faukswouth, who will bo happy to sorvo his old fi'ieiqls and patrons. murolnB-Iy kF~ y^ARQE Auction Snlo! Will bo sold nt auction*, nt tlm King Corner, Dalton Gil., on Saturday, the 7th of August: | |Ono hundred acres ot luml. a part or the Bar nett place, in 13th district and :!tl section, thir ty acres cleared. This land llcslnmicdiutclv on tlm line of tlm SelnVa, Romo A Dalton li. R,, ami ten miles from Dalton. Also, lot of hind number 108,13tlfd(strictand 8d section, 2ft or 30 acres of tho very best bottom land, a very valuable lot. Also, Dalton elty lot number 7, at corner of Morris and Depot streets, 60 feet front by 100 feet deep. undivided third interest In tho Earn- cat & Wells Smoko House, and lot on which It HtumlB. Said lot woll located and is 100 feet front by 90 feet deep. Also, a largo quantity of agricultural imple ments, woll suleeted uml in good repair, c bracing everythingusually found on faring, Also, onegootl lmggy horsoandtwoooltH,ono and two y . 8. PAYNE * CO., “Now York Brnnoli," Manufacturers amt Wholesale Dculors in Hats,Capa,Em’s,Straw Goods, * 108 Gay Street, KNOXVILLE, TENN. We would respectfully call the attention of McrclmntH to tlm above card. Our connections aro us follows: It. J. Clppcvly & Co., 230 and 2ft2 Canal, 98 Walker, ami 105 Elm Streets,Now York City; A. G. Atkins & Co., Erie, Pa.; J. It. Lon. heart & Co.-, MeudVIlle. Pa.? Ark, Baird & Co., Canton Ohlo,\ With till* combination wo pro fess to bo 11m largest Jobbers of Hats in tbo United States. We will duplicate bills bought in New York, Philadelphia, or BrltliYioTe, uml yoU cun suvo freights. will keep 6n hand at all tim'os n full lfiio of tlm above goods, to suit the trude of tlrfa sec- tlon. Merchants, boforo g6mg East, will dcr •veil to ojwtHvino our stock ifml prices. Hespeet fully. elty written. ltU By thoGoverno Euoknk Davis, Sobrotary Executive Department. Jul294t stlmir llio price. Facts for tho Y<adlcn. lhavo a Wheeler & Wilson Machine, (No. 289,).bought of Mr. Gardner, in 1858, ho having uaed it a year. I have used it constantly, in shirt manufhoturing, as well as; ran $700 work. I havo never expended fifty cents on it for repairs. It is. to-day, in tho best of ordor, stitching fine linen bosoms nice ly. I started manufacturing shirts with tills Machine, and now have over one hun dred of them in use. I havc.paid at least $8000, for the stitching done by tho old machine, and it will do aa jnucli now ns machine I h ierliu, N. Y. (official. 1 JjxuccTivu Dbcautmp.xt Statu of Gkouoia, ) Atlanta, Georgia, J uly 20,1809. | Whereas, a vacancy 1ms occurred and now oxlsts in tlm ofllco of Ordinary of Cobb county, causodby tbo death of Ellison A. Dobbs, tho person having boon clcoton thereto: Now. Tlmroforc, I, Rufus B. Bullock, Govorn- or and Commumler-ln-Chlef of tlm Army and Navy of this State, and of tlm Militia thereof, by virtue of tlm power ami authority in me vested by tlm’ Constitution ami laws of this State, do horeby appoint Charles P. Slmpard, of tho county of Cobb, Ordinary thereof to flit tho vacancy aforesaid; and order that he, tho said Charles P. Slmpard, upon Ills executing and tiling in this Department his ofllciul bond ns Clerk of Ordinary in tho sum of One Thousand Dollars, with aneli sureties thereto us the law requires, and us shall bo satisfactory to me, bo commissioned. Ivon undor my lluml and tlm Seal of tho Ex. coutlvo Department, at tho Capitol, In Atlan ta, the day and year llrst above written. RUFUS D. BULLOCK, Uovornor. By tho Governor: it. Paul Lkbtku, Seet’y Exeeuttvo Department. Jul29-lt A SSIGNEE’S SALK OF REAL ESTATE. HOBTPONKD. Jlv virtuo of an order issued by tho United States Court for tho Northern Distrlet of Geor gia, I will Holi, free from ull In Saturday, 21st of August, 1869, hours of sale before tho Court IIouso door in tho city of Dalton, Gu., the following described real estate, ull as tlm property ot Timothy Ford, Bankrupt, td-wlt: One houso amt lot In tlm eastern part of said city of Dalton-, whereon said Ford now resides, containing two acres, more or less, beluga part of lot of laud number 201, iu tlm 12th district and 3d section: also oao houso uml lot, near tlm sumo, wlicro .Mr- Phillips now resides, known a part of tlm Schwab property, containing llovolution iu Japan. A revolution is going on in Julian which threatens tho complete overthrow of many of its ancient institutions. Tlio govern ment of tho country, if report speaks tru ly, is about to undergo a complete reform, and instead of an absolute despotism it is to be a sort of representative nnd consti tutional monarchy. True, nn Doubt. Prominent Undicnls in Washington de clare that there is no possible hope for tho success of Hint party in Teimessco at tho approaching olcction. Conservatives claim tho Stato by 40,OOOor 50,OOOmnjority. From all tho information Hint readies us from that direction, it would not surprtso us if tho Washington Radicals are correct in their opinion ns to tho result of the elec tion iu that State. L 111EL FOU DIVOilCE IN WHITFIELD SU. vnuioti Couut.—KlUabuth Eugolhardt V8. Charles Eugolhardt.—It appearing to tho Court by tho ruturn of tlm Sburitl, tlmt Uiodofendaut in tlm ubovo statud caso duos not rosido In tlm county of Whittlold, and it further appearing tlmt lm doos not rosido in tlm Stato of Goorglu: It is on motion, ordorod tlmt said defendant ap pear and answer to said caso at tbo next term of tlm Superior Court- or bo considered In du- fault, nnd tlm plaintiff bo allowed to proceed ox parto. And it is further ordorod that ho bo sorvod with a copy of this publication iu toruia of tlio law. Urunted J uly 27,1869. J. It. PARROTT, J. 8. c. c. c. I cortlfy tlmt tlm within ami torogolng Is a true copy from tho minutes of tho Supurlor Court of Whitlleld county. Givi hand nt oflicc, this 28th J uly, 1869. KXHCUTIYB HEP A ttT M BXT, ) Atluutu, Gcorgiu, July 23d, 1809. j Whereas, a vacancy hns occurred and now exists In tiiu ofllco of Ordinary of Glynn coun ty, causod by tlm resignation of John B. Miller, tlio porson having boon elected tlmroto: Now, Thoroforo, I, Ilufus B. Bullock, Govern- or and Commamlor-in-Clitof of tho Army and Navy of this Stato, ami of tho Militia theroof, by virtuo of tho powor and authority in mo vested by tlm Constitution uml luws of this State, do hereby appoint George McK. Mitchell, of tho county of Glynn, Ordinary thereof, to All tlm vaeanoy aforosnld; and ordor, that ho, tlm said George McK. Mitchell, upon his execu ting and tiling in this Department Ids olllolal bond ns Clork of Ordinary, In tlm sum of Ono Thousand Dollars, with such sureties tlmroto as tlic law requires, and ns shall bo satisfactory to me, bo commissioned accordingly. Given under my hand and tho Seal of tho Exec utive Department, at tlm Capitol, In Atluutu, tho Uay and year first ahovo written, * RUFUS B. BULLOCK, Governor. By tho Governor *. Kcuenh Davis, Secretary Exocutlvo Department. Jul 29^4t of land, iro above laud ... less; also,8 .... iiiuium iirijB, adjoining said square described, being a part of said lot ol.. her 201, iu 12th district nnd 3d section. Also an undivided lmlf interest in t wo city Is, numbors 21 uml 23, on oast sldo Thornton venue, and well Improved. Also, ono undivided lmlHutercst In a elty lot umber 2ft, fronting on Spring Square, and ..lug back 200 loot, with a comfortable 1k thereon, wlmro Thomas .Tolly now resides. .ortabie house „ w resides, of land VA miles northwest of Dry Goods and Duni.tkss, BY Tom I>. Dat a .Sc (Successors toJolm B, King,) ISJSe. DALTON, OA,, Dry Goods, Clothing, Notions Boot., Shoos, llnrihvnro aim (Mgjjgr imia for ltucon, Wheat, Com, Cotton, all kina, of Country Prortuoo, BoingMY* MEN, wo will cmlearor in.„ tain tho reputation, nmUervo our oW ft-lou l"" unit tho publlo satisfactorily, ‘ 1 COME ON WITH YOUR Produoo niul Cash! Try us I AVo will dive you Bargain, | Wo make tho Grain and Frodnco trade a clallty, and Mifior Hard will bo on hand hU.tuttU Uherallty. '°“ bo "- 'imS^BrlagthSW 0 >"' W oo,. John 11,Itlnprcontinue, tho Brokera.n ... hOU«e“ n8 “ buatnoa. aa Juno 1TEAV COOllH I NICK GOODS I FRESlt GOODS 1 at SWEET UOODSI Townloy’s Confectionery! Fresh Butter Gntekeftq Soda CruOkers, Cream Craokors, Sugar Cruckors, Boston Craokors, Pio Nio Craekorsi and Farina Crockers, at ToWttley’B C6nfootloucry j Dried Boef,’ Beef Tongues) Oysters, Hurdlnort, llerrlngH) Pickles, • Catsfips, Pepner Sailed, Brandy Peaehoa, Jellios.SyrupBjftt Townley’s Oonrootiouoi-j-! Green l’ctt., Oruen Com, Tomatbcfr, Peaches, Strawberries/ Pino Apples, at Towriley^s Coulbotionory J Fresl’i Cand(eSJ Oranges. Lemons, ot6V, April 20-1 y Sl’8Vv’3°FECTl6NEUY. July 2$ R.-S. PAYNE A CO. ^UI.T A Bittf., Vauxbll SJfAtlOX, Oa. DryGoodSjGroccrie^Notions Boots, Shoos, Hats, Caps, etc. JOHN IIIGGIN0, Watchmaker and. Jeweler, Shop In Dr. Brown's Now Drug Store, ilumilton'Strcet, Dalton, Goorgln. Hnndpomo stock of pure Jowelry, for Ladies nml Uontlonum, watches, docks, etc. Repair ing uoutly nud buhstautlally oxdcuted. July 1 Fnosr4 to 350 Horsk Power Including tho colobrated Corliss cut-off Enginos, Sldo Valvb Stationary En ginos, Portable Enginos, Ao. Also.Cifoular, • SPRING HAS C03IE, AND 80 HAVE SCOTT & IjYIjE’» Elegant New Goods! Thoy aro in rcoolpt of a w ell Hdcctwl stock of Soring nnd Numraor Goods !- Something Beautiful for tlio Ladles t A “Lovo of a Hat," or Charming Drew! Prints, Lawns, Muslin s, Lustres, I. I n o n s , Grenadines, Huts, Trimmings, Notions, Shoes, Gutters, Also, a well selcotcd stoolc tit Gentlomon's Goods:' IifttH, CiotiaiiVgr ritLa SHoew. Aftor tho 20th instaut wo will bo found ntorif Now Store, ono door north of J'osho ytottom/ South End Hamilton St reet.- S.- A s. J N. SCOTT, General Insiurnnoo Affohii Daltow, *Oa. S OUTHERN MUTUAL, (Chartered IM7.) . . Athens,Georgia. All Annual Foltoios Participating. Also, ioucres oi jiwiii iy\ iiuioh iiorunvusc oi Dalton, and known us lot numbor 4, being a part, of lot of luml number 183,12th district uml 3d section. * Also, lot of hind number not known, In tho 9th district and 3d sect ion of Whittlold county, uml bolter known us tho Leo Evans’ lot, amt now occupied by A. 1>. Bowman: containing 160 acres, more orj less. Sold for the benefit of tlm creditors of said Timothy Ford, bankrupt. Terms cash. BAXTER B. BROWN, July 29-tdsi Assignee. Saws, Bolting, Ao. Soml for descriptive circular and price list. T IVERl'OOL, LONDON AND GLOBE, , JJ Liverpool. J D. lVlMJAMSON, • of Georgia, with HORSEY, MILLAR & CO., Wholesale dealers In Forelgnaml Domestic pi'y GJooclw, IVotioiiH, etc., No. 287 Balt Imoro Street, cornor Shari), ttnite: U Dcp idstates internal REVENUE,) Deputy Collector’sOlltco, -lth DIst., Gu. s Dalton, 1 '.Tilly 8,1869. Notico Is liorehy given that tho following seizures wero mndo by mo at tlm time, pluccs uml for tpocausesstatod below in ouch Ono co]—*•“"** 27th. im r still, c pluccs .. ami worm, seized April lth. 1868, from Win. B. Swan, for violation of action 23, uctof Congress passed July 13th, 1896. Twolmrrols, 47 gallons whlsko\vsolzcd Juno 21st, 1869, from Betterton & Bros., in Whitfield county, for violation of Section 43, uct of Con- 28d, 18G9, from sumo in Gordon county, for same. Ono barrel, 40 gallons, whiskey, seized Juno ,24th. from sumo In Whitfield county, for sumo. Any porson or persons claiming uny-of the foregoing articles, uro required to appearand make such claim within thirty days from this date, and glvo bond as required by law, othor- wise tlm same will be sold for tlio uso of tlio Uuitod Slates. J uly lft-3t, WELLS B. WHITMORE, Dop’t. Collector. July 20-lm HENRY i under my SIMS, n. e. s. c. Killed by n lluunnny Horse. In Philndelphir, lust week, while a Mrs. IJogau and three; cluldrou were sitting on Fifty frozen theiy doorstep a runaway horso dashed in Of the best Fry 4 Jura In tho world. Call I upon them, killing ono of tho childreuumV iiU'4 exu.iniuy l.ljenj nt Scott S. Lv!e*«. T ; 1 badly wounding thy othert. G EORGIA. Walker County.—Applloatton having boon mado to have a guardian up- R olntod for tlio person and proporty of Win. B. untor, George W. Hunter, John llunter, Jus. Hunter, Joff. D. Hunter uml R. IDmter, minor lmlrs of JoroihoB. Hunter: ThlWs toclto all f ’ersoii8eoncermul to show causo at tlm next orm of tho Court aftor tho expiration of thirty days, why u guardian should not be appointed for tho person and proporty of said minors. July 29-lm. MILTON RUSSELL, Ord’y.' ('1 EORGIA, Gordon County —W. M. Shamhloo VX has applied to tlio Court to mako an addi tion to his exemption and sotting upart and valuation to rornmr homostoa«l, and I will pass on tho same at my ollieo in Calhoun on tlm «th of August next. D. W. NEEL, Only. J illy 29-2t. J irtuo of -— — inai* bitfield oounty, will ho sold on tho firstT..,o- duy la Septomhur next, boforo tho CoarUIouso door In Dalton, tho following property, to-wit: Ono lot or land In tho county of Dawson, Goo.: and ono city lot in Dalton, number 4«, On Mo- Cttmy street. Sold us tlm proporty of W. H. Dowdy, deoensod. Terms cash. W. J. M. THOMAS, Adm’r., do bonis non. a Grist Mill? ono Sorp ss Swoop Ho fphum Mill; utable for c WOOII, oic. A; lot of t wo-horso and ono-horso TurnlnK Plows. All in good ordor. Apply to W. C. TILTON, neur Sprlug I’luey; Ua. /’Y EORGIA, Walker County.—Newton Earp \JT having applied us- tho next friend of tho minor lmlrs of M. C. Lawraneo, deceased, for the setting apart and valuation of homestead, I will pass upon tlio samo at my otfloo at ten o’clock, A. M., on 4th day of August next. J uly 29-lt. MILTbN RUSSELL, Ord’y. c1 EO IJT ha aud sot sotting apart and valuation of homestead, nnd l will pass upon tho sumo at 12 o’clock, M., in tlm 7th day or August, I860, ut my ofllco. ANDERSON FARNSWORTH,.Ord’y. July 29-at. P EORGIA,Murray County.—William U.Gmy VT has applied for oxomptlou of porsomilty and sotting apart and valuation of homOlteud, aiul I will puss upon tho sumo at 12 o'clock, M., on the 7tli day ot August, 1869, at my olllce. ANDERSON FARNSWORTH, Ord’y. ' July 2P-2t.. EORGIA, Murray County.—.Tames Gray has OT applied tor oxomptlou of porsomilty and setting upart and valuation of homestead, ami 1 will pass upon tlm samu at .10 o'clock, A.* M., on tho 7th day of August, 1869. at my olllce. ANDERSON FARNSWORTH, Ord’y. Jllly29-2t. P EORGIA, Murray County.—Thomas J. Poo- \X pies lms^pplld for exemption of person alty and setting npart nud vulnuUon ot home stead, uml I will pass upon tho samo ut 10 o’clock, A. M., on tho 7th day or August, 1809, at inj'ofllco. JulylM-2t. Ico. Julyi2)-2t. ANDERSON FARNSWORTH, Ord’y. G EORGIA, Murray County.—Ono month uf. tor date application will bo mndo to tho Court of Ordinary of Murray county, for leave to sell tho land belonging to tlm estate of Thom as Hall, Into of said county, deceased, for dis tribution. HORACE F. 1IALL, AdinT. July 20-30d, nnty. Tlm petition of J. N. Scott, D. Bnkofzcr, W. n. l'rudun, A. W. Lynn, L. D. I’alnuir, W. T. Mc Carty,-of said county, showotlitlmt they and such othor persons us uro now or may hereafter ’ oeiuted with them, desire to be incorpo- JSt elation. Tlm object of said Association shall ho tlm accumulation of a fund by monthly subscrip tion or savings ol mombors t hereof, to ho In vested in real ostato or in such other manner tlm Board ol' Directors may elect, (except he two hundred shurcs at fifty doll lie paid as follows: Ono dollar on cu'oh shard at Urn time of subscribing, nud ono dollar on each share, ono month thereafter, until said shares are all tally paid up. Thu Capital Stock may lie increased to one thousand shares, or any In termediate number by u vote of tlm Board of Directors. - None of said stock is at present paid in. Thoy desire to be incorporated for nineteen years. J. N. SCOTT, ) * D. BUKOFZKR, ( W. JI. I’RUDEN, ) A. W. LYNN. ( lotltioneis. L. D. PALMER. | W. T. MCCARTY, 1 A true cony from tho Minutes of tlio Superior CourtoT Whitfield county. July lo, lSii'.V-lt. HENRY L. SIMS, Son., Deputy Clork. /^t EOUG L\,Goauox CouNTv—Perry Walraven \X bus applied for oxetn]iUoli and setting apart and valuation of homestead,-uml 1 wifi pass upon tlm sumo at my otttoc in Calhoun on the 30th of this lust, at 16 o’clock, A. M, This July 21,1809.-2t. D. W. NEEL, Ord’y, apr29 Baltimoku. Dealer In all sorts of Di’y Goods, Roots, Slioen, HATS, CROCKERY, Ao.’ Will not be undersold—Y'ard Stick 30 4iiches long! - Rome, Ga., Oct lft-ly. pAUL JONKS, «Ti\, • Wliolcsolo dealer in BrnmllcN, Wines, WhlMklcn, Gina, Ac. PEAcuTUKi^STn., AtlaxtA, Ga* May 27-1 y. Wholosalo Grocers, Liquor & Oomiilission MERCHANTS, 46 South Howard Howard Strcots. botwocn Lombard uml Pratt Streets, . BALTIMORE: Orders solicited,.’’- m2Q3m H UXTSVIIif.E HOTEL, HUNTSVILLE, ALA., VENABLES & WILLARD^ Proprietors. Noav tho Square. Omnibus nt ovory train, I | ‘ ' — Ju-tf LOllIOUS NEWS! NEW BEEF MARKET. . i. Davis A Harrison will keep constant ly on hand vuksh, kat Beef of tlm vory bust quality, ut ns low rates as cun possibly bo of- fared. Marl Block. Long Bill Harrison,’; who m a gentlomnn, a flarket In tho basement, roar of Chester , .. . . .lo is a bo scholar, and ugoodjmlgo of Beef, will do all tho purchasing. May 18-tf. ordor from tlio Court of Ordinary field oounty, will ho sold on tlm tlrstTmwduy ir August next, atthq Court-House door in saif county, between tho lcgtil^liours of sale, all tho real estato belonging to ostato of U L Cook, doceusod. Uonollt of lioirs and creditors; term: cash. April 15-td W. L. COOK, Adrnr, f Y EORGIA, Goudon County.—E. A. Miller VX has ujiplled tome for exoinplion and sot ting apart and valuation of homestead, and I wilLpass upon tlm sanm yt my ofllco Ip Cal houn ut 10 o’clock on tlm2fld Inst* July lfi, 1809.—2t. , ;D. W. NEEL, Ordy. H °NKft :-ftoo p'ounqs nice-Honey Comb for il)2 30Ui ealeby • Lqwry & Eason, • *• ct. apart ami valuation of homestead, and 1 pass upon tlm same at my offco in Calhoun, on fb2'30t.h lust. This July 21,1869. D, W. NEEL, Ord’y. G 17 J30110TA. DYES, Unequalled for Beauty and Simplicity. ritIDE OF THE SOUTn: A Beautiful Run foh Wool on Silk. PRIDE OF”YOUTH: Ax ExquisiTK Puni'LK, von Wool on Siuk* PRIDE OF THE FARMER: A Rich Bkowx fob Wool. EXCELSIOR: A Splkxdid Black fob Wool: Besides bYellow,Gbkkx and Bbowx for Cotton. All prepared by a practical Dyer xnd warran ted. ^Liberal discount to dealers. -es-Snmplos sent freo on application. Address, WM. KING, Jn., A Co., Athens. Gib J®“For salo by Scott & Lyle, Dalton, Ga. May 27-3m. J^TTLA'STA MARBLE YARD. D. N, JUDSON, Agent, Manufacturer and Dealer in Italian and American Marble Monument*, Sox Tombs, Head and Foot Stones, Furniture Marblo etc. Ofllco and Y’ard, Cornor Pouchtrcc nnd Walton Streets. Julyl-ly* Atlanta, Oa. J A. TURLEY, • COG HILL, E. TENN., Denier in • General Merchandise and Country Produce Solicits orders for Flour, Corn, Meal qnd.Brt* • ’ In ordering glvo tho prico you can pay- —* -“t Dopot on K. T. A Gn. Kail- J. A. TURLEY, Cog.Hill, E. Teun., via Athens. TJETBO Oil., llio vory liost np£c«plo«lv5 JL burning Fluid now offored for sale, ami It has stood tlio tost in ovory instiuice. It more body, lostalonger. riids gives more ngnt than any othor oil, and Ih guarantied not to* 0 . 1 * tho most delicate fabric, and to bo perfectly non-explosive. Glvo it a trial. For salo by TIBBS A KENNEIt. T A JU < iftfici is, mono oiling — Scott A Lvlbs F any houso in town keeps Superior Groce . rios—Sugur Coffoo, Flour, etc., go and con- noc yourself that it is Scott A Lylk. salo by TIBBS A KENN hit- Si izembiquos, I’j’ints, ami Gents Casimett*’ xnut wo aro boumi*to Soil at redimud Como and examino nuIek.JiefQro tlio meut is broken. ' TIBBS A I\L>Milb.