North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, September 09, 1869, Image 2

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tlio Control 1 hns offered $.10,000 per to Road, In adyatiop.— npany Is striving for ly of tho Bailronife In smovo seems dla- Secretary of War, Itanllns, died on tho nth inst., at Wazhlngtoa, after several days Illness. Grant did not arrive till af ter his death, Sherman bccoino Secretary sd interim. . Hevrmic. ion the Ctli hist., amounted to . Comiinrattvo statements from i to August show an Increaso of 8,- ooo.oon, this ovar last year. . I)l«t. Ex, Gov. "Worth, of North Carolina, •died In Raleigh on the Oth Inst. . Terrible ralnslropbe. Avondale Coal Mtno In Pennsylvania, lias taken fire. Two hundred hands aro in tho mines. Ventilation totally stopped. The only shaft by which thoy could have escaped, is choked by forty feet Of burning coal and rubbish. Miners aro being brought from all sections free of charge to rescue tho unfortunates. All work in the vicinity has suspended. - Tho widows and orphans by this catastrophe will be about BOO. We rllr the one, that Rosa. A Now York paper says that. Anna Dickinson, “though much wooed, hasnot been caught." Tho poor fellow that suc ceeds with her will catch two gonders at onoo. Catching her, ho will catch it. Becoming Hell Biotin. Two of tho members, of the Turkish Cabinet, Ris said, Intend to Become Chris tians. It is thought, in Constantinople, that tho Saltan will not remove them in consequence. Not an ItnUKcroua. . The Columbus Bun thinks Bullock and others who “are afrajd tollvelnGeorgia,” oughn’tsay anything more after “swing ing around the eirclo" with forty Kuklux editors for a body gunrd. Fnn nt lent,->’crjr, The-Pall Mall Garotte reports that in one large village in Russia 1,700 persons, members of a new fanatical sect, burned themselves todeatli. • Mortality In SI. ta>nla. In St, Louis the deaths Inst week were 335, of which 144 were under five years of age. iMmlnusril on Bole. The investigation of tho case of Thomas G. Simms, Into postmaster at Atlanta, charged with embezzling United States ihnds, was concluded on Saturday. Mr, Simms wns committed to answer, boforo tho United States District Coprt, and rc- qnired to giyo bond - in the sum of $20,000, Reduced There" tiro at prosont only twenty-eight convicts in tho penitentiary In Alabama, tho Balance being at work on the different railroads. . vtgt Humor. Mr. Joseph, tho Coolio agent at Char leston, 8. C., lms rooeivod oncers to supply. ninoUiojisondlabbrersatohco. Onetbou- sand will bo employed upqp the Selma, JtomoandDaltoniallrond. Anotherthou- sand are for Columbia. Build of Bobbers. There is a band of robbers operating in tho neighborhood of Sand - Mountain; in Alabama. They, waylay travelers and tako their horses, watches, etc. * * fllnzalar. A few days agO'a darnlpg-necdlo.was extracted by a doctor from tho breast of a tittle girl in SU Joseph, Mo., which had teen lodged" there four yeavs. . Need Beron.lruetlng, . Revenue troubles aro frequent In New Ydrk and Philadelphia. A revenue offi cer lias recently been assassinated In Phil adelphia, and auothcr shot at. A reward of $3,000 Is oi&rcd for tho ruffians. It Is layed on tho whisky Ring. JL t'elfnn l'rolmt. A number of inffllestlolCuhnns, resident in Now York, have published an eloquent protest against tho sale of Cuba to t!’o Uni ted States. They declare tho wav to be lied lingers ollt of tlio people's "strong boxt” but tho full declaration of the Ex ecutive, (published in a Into issue of tho Atlanta Intelligencer) ns filed In the office of tho Clerk of tho Superior Court of Pul- Atlnnln, ton count y < ngft | ns t him for alleged viola- tlon of tho following section of the Codo of Georgia, presents a rather Imd feature ip tho Treasurer’s ense: 8. He (tho Treasurer) shall not, unfit r any circUmttancce, use. himself, or allow others to use, tho ftmds of tho State In his Ivuitls: end lor every violation of this sec tion, ho Is liable to tlio Stato for tho sum of five hundred fiollnra as n jwiinlty, or a forfeiture of snlary, If said forfeiture wll pay tho ponnlty iucuried." Tho above lnw, It is chargod in" Bul lock’s published declaration, lias been vi- olated in forty-two distinct nud sopnrato coses by Angler. Thlj, If true, Is a Very grave nialcfeasnnco oii tho part of tho Treasurer, nud If proven before tlio court will ploco tho keoper-of the State ftmds In a position anything but enviable. Of the merits of tho controversy between theso two High functionaries we know llttlo or nothing—wo only know, According to de velopments, that each lias handled the money of tho Stato in some way the othor don’t like, and which each eoncolvcs to bo dishonest ahd rascally In the other—hence this Kilkenny cat flgbt, this offart to dc- vonrono another, this expoee. of each oth er’s quirks and turns to control or possess tho “root of all ovll" hid away In tlio “strong box” of tho Slate. Thoro Is evi dently “something rotten in Denmark!" —either Bullock or Angler Is culpablo— guilty of gross and Illegal handling of the pooplc’s money', but which one Is It? In Angler's last delivery, which is a rejoin der to tho declaration referred to, tie does not, as we understand him, deny having used the’Interest accruing on tho deposits of State ftmds made by him In tho Geor gia National Bank, hut claims that he af terwards refunded the amount, not how- over until ndvlshd that action was con templated against him. lloro we havo an - admission that toll* its Awn tale.— Wo all know tlmt Bullock handled the ftmds of the State, drawn from a N. York Bank, with great freedom, and" Angler ad mits that ho “ reftmded” to the Treasury money that did not belong to him, hut to tlio State, and which he does not deny wns used by.himsolf. So whore is tho dtlfer- ,onco between tho two?—tho “kcttlo nnd tho pot" is block alike In this ense. The question is, If Angler Is such an honest official, why did ho not expose Bullock’s rascality and perfidy long before this time. It was his duty to do it, nnd ho acted In bad faith to omit it until he and tho Ex- ecullvp got at loggerheads. Upon the wholo, wo think, botwoen them, it is “dev il catch devil," nnd tho better interests of tho Stato Treasury and of tho pooplo, wo have no doubt, will eventually ho subserv ed by “permitting tho Bullock to gore the watch dog of the Treasury,’ and the watch dog,’hi.turn, to fasten Ills teeth In the rhinoceros hide of tho Bullock, to thoir mutual satisfaction," In Charleston, 8. C., 1ms Siadc a doclslp to tho effect that when a member of i partnership goes’Into ban inrlners must go into Ik nlthouglf they may havo ot of baukru ptcy. ^ A New Wny AMobllo justice tlio.otlicr day decided lu the caio of a negro buy lOyeafsokl.who had been convicted of highway robbery, tlmt If his mother would give him a sound would dismiss tho ease. Tlio whipping was given with a vim, We THluk No. Repudiation of tlio national war debt is n question that is bolng agitated in some sections of the Union—particularly in tho West, whore it is generally fevered. The North, especially tho bloated bondholders, are greatly cxerclsod op tho subject—op pose it to the bitter end—denounco It as dishonorable, bad faith, and all.that sort of thing, none of which wo will question; but If, in tho languago of a cotemporary, it would ho dishonorable In the North to repudiate her debt, was it honorable In her to compel the South to repudiate hen? Wo think not—it exhibits on-her part tho very quitcssenco of dishonor and puritan ical meanness. Is it honorable in one party to compel another party to do what is dishonorable? In moral ethics no such loose doatrino is taught, and we Soldly assort our beltof, that if tho North did not have large investments in government bonds, her people to-day would bo clam- oroife for repudiatipu, ns much os they now jpnto about honor and good faith.— Has not the North, by'compelling South ern repudiation, perpetrated ns great a dishonor ns tho repudiation of her own debt would bo? We think sol Cruel Eviction of Irish Tenants. In the hamlet of Nurney, in Carlow county, Ireland, twonty-twoTamllies, num bering over one hundred and twenty per sons, old tenants, mostly holding-under middle men, and remarkable for" their in dustry, sobrloty, nnd punctuality in the payment of rent, have, upon the death of the person on whoso life their lenses de pended, been turned out of house and home. One marnipg two bailiffs, a sheriff llolslon Conference. . Hie llolslon Annual Conference of tho Methodist Church 8outh will hold Its next session at Abingdon, Viu, commencing on the Sid - of this .month. Bishop Doggett, wo understand, is oxpeoted to prasldo. Tsklng (be Iron-CInd. At tho last term of tho Circuit "Court of Louisa county, Vn., Judge Shackleford presiding, there were seven Indictments by "tho grand jury, six of which were for perjury in taking tho Iron-clnd oath. In (he Wrong Boom. A burglar entered tho Tennessee Blind School, a night.or two since, and, after wandering"about tho study lmlland linger ing raised maps, hooks nnd globes, is sup posed to havo loft in dlstfkist, though things wore strewn about in tlio most raoklcss manner. Nothing was missing. - • -Very Bow. The Roanoke livor is lower than It hns been known by any of the present genera tion. It can ho waded tit almost any point bctwAen Weldon and Halifax, A Big Woir. A wolf was killed In McLennan county, Texas, that measured t'wolvo inches across, tho top of tho head from ehr to car. It had Just Wiled a foil-grown cow. I4t n» Have l*encc. The Cincinnati Gazette, (Radical) Is preparing to raise, tho cry of “no Popery. ” It is alarmed. It haB an article on “the old foe with a new face,” in which appre hension is expressed concerning tho “beast that was and Is not, and yet is.” Dawn here wo have bad a little religious breeze, but It has not carried us off our legs.and we are not very much frightened. Dur ing three centuries tho Roman Catholics and the Protestants tried to destroy each other. Bociillcing millions of lives nnd whole epochs of peace, they felled. Thoy had better try what virtue there Is in preaching God’s word as each sect under stands It, and letting one another alone.— .XouMtfe Journal. The Or rot Bridge Across (he Ohio Blrer. On Thursday tho lnrgest span of any truss bridge in the United States was com pleted on tho great bridge across the Ohio river at Louisville, which is destined to connect tho Kentucky and Indiana shores. The bridge Itself will he, when finished, (nnd tho cugiuccr in charge expects to turn over lift contract for tho building Bomc time in November,) one of tho mnsi. splendid structures of the kind in tills or any other country. Tills last span covers three hundred and seventy feet, nnd Is a marvel of engineering skill. . Democratic Victory In Cnll/oruln. The election of two J udges of tbcSuprcnfo Court of California, members of. tho Leg islature, nnd county officers, took place in that State on Wednesday thu 1 st Inst. Thu Democracy carried lho State, but we have not loarncd tho particulars. Cast year tho Radicals succeodod, hut California is rev olutionized. And the same causes that havo wrought hor revolution are at work throughout the repulillo. The Grant ad ministration would be enough to kill a dozen such parties,os thu Radical party If -1 ,cr./ S. C. CR0ZIERS. Best Cal Icon aL per Turd! .Fifty pieces of tho bestmakeund latent Styles Just received at above price I • Host Collet* at 3fc pounds to tho dollar! Mon's beet whole stock Brogan shoos $1.751. A largo stock of Kentucky Joans and Camluiorcsat 25 to 75 cents por yardl Caps and saucers at 25 cents per sot A good stock of Brown and Blenched Homes- . icd,lints, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Queen* vrurt and Notions. -Tho Best Chance for Bargains Ever before offered in tills country. If you don't belleye It oomo nnd examine foi yon reel ves, as thu goods mustliO sohl.-_ Pulton, Sept. 7, ’OO.-am your most cart " . . '“lltr.inj lliKcAVj Chairman, 1 ’ Tho resolution of Mo Mmiiptii. Convention, Axing Uic Udltl bf representation, a. above Vo- ferreUto, 1. u follow.: “That t lie Oovomnr of oncti State amt Tnrrl- “lory .hull upiwlnt a ili'luraUon at hirin', nut “oxcjjxllug onn for oooh Conurculonal DU- I In pur.uanco of tltoahon reguo.U anil lu to- conlauru with lho rmnlutlon ounion, I hereby aiUKihit aa (lulomto. at lurgo for and In bohair or the Stuto of Georgia t For tho First Congressional District—Aaron Wilbur, pf Savannah. ■ For tlio Second Congressional Dlstrlot—Pa< '%»ffl^'r y i.l°nat m.trlel-Il. t, For ftio ]?ourth^otogtowK^mal PIstrlot—A. D» ^For^tlVo Elfth *Congrcs.iloiisl DlsMeD-WlI* II ForthoSlSh’ Congrosslonul lJlstrlct—John White, of Athons. . For tho Roventh Congrossldnal District—Wll* tho Senlof tho Kx. ccntlve Department, at the Capitol. In Allan- ' * onr flritjthovo wrlttoil. ■ *uk, Governor/ GEORGIA LAND AGENCY, " 11KN H. QBEKN, /.gem or tho Dalton Oily Company, ovFP.ns yon sAtn riVE HUNDRED, Yaluablo Town Lots —*x- T1IK GROWING CITY OF DALTON "tYTIIITFIELn Sukki# Vd Salks—^Wlllbosold TV boforo tiro Court house door In said coun ty, on tiro first Tuesday In Ootobcr noil, be tween tbd usual hours or sale t x ... City lot letter l). in tlio City of Dalton, cm Gor don Btreot, fronting on Wald street fifty feet, and running hack one hundred nnd twpnty foot. Also*, west hfilf <Jr I6t letter C. in tlio. city of Dalton, on Gordon Street* fronting twenty-fivo feet on wild street, nud running hi\olc one hun dred and twenty feot« Also, lot latter J. on CUyler 8trert. Ju the city of Ihilton, fronting on snld Street no feot, nnd mini hip lmek ono hundred and twenty foot. Also, lot ot land 102, lu the 12th district nnd 3d section of-Whitfield oonnty, oxeept invert rfnd a half acres, sold by s. C Cady to Thbfiias Na- lon nnd Adam Capnes, all levied oh*to *ntl*fy tvo Justice Court fl fits issued Jrom S72d dis trict. G. M.. ono in favorpt J. Avlt. Hanks, as signee. against Merret Bussell, the othor in fa vor of J- A. it. Hanks, adin’r of K. M. Galt, do- censed, lu'nlnst Merret Rnssell, as tlieproperty of said lilt*, soil. Levied and returned to mo by a constable. D. W. MlTCnELL, SU’ff. ALSO, AT TUK 8AWB TIM8 AND FLACK t Town lot number 70. on Thornton Avenno, and land lot ntimlror 14, in the loth district and g soctlon, ns t ho proporty of F. W. Fischer’s on to, to satisfy a fl fa for faxes for 1«W, in favor of tho State and county, anti balance duo on fl fif for year’s support to widow and children, from Court of Ordinary. Also, ono oity lot number 00, on Hamilton Street, between tlio lot known as t ho King Cor-, ncr lot nnd a lot owned by F. B. Morris, prop erty now in possession of J. It. King: levied on as the property of Boht. A. Anderson, to sat* isfy a fl fa from Fulton Superior Court, in favor of S. B. Wight fs U. A. Anderson und A. C. Van E 5!i!o, ono sorrel niaro inulo: levied “on ns tho property of .James Mitchell, In tho possession of B. F. Holland, to satisfy nfl fain favor of tho Court of Ordinary vs Jus. Mitchell. Sept. P-tds. It- SUyilEllLAN D, P. Bli’ff. A Proclamation. $1,000 ItsWAno. ... GEORGIA : By Rufus Jl. Bullock, Governor of sahl State, Choreas,O/Wcial information has boon rocclv- cd at this Dopaf tmont, that a murder was com mitted in tho oounty of Coweta on tho 27th of July, 1800,.upon tho body of K, Rainey, iiy J. A. Corloy, nnd that said Corloy has fled from Jus tice i * 1 havo thought prnpor.thorcforc. to Issue this, fny proclamation, hereby offering a reward of Ono Thousand Dollars for the apprehension and delivery of thosuld Corley, With prom #Wf- Helen t to oonviot, to tho Sheriff or said county and State. And Ido moreover olinfgc nnd rcqnlrqbllofti* oors in this State, civil and be vigl- lant in endeavoring to uppreliend the said Cor- ley; in tfrrter that he may bo brought to trial forthnaflfomfo with which III stands charged, Given under trty baud find tho great seal or th_ Stato; at the Capitol in Atlanta, t lilt Sixth day Of Soptetrtoefdn theyear of ouri^mlOacThou sand Eight Hundred and Sixty-Nine, and of • the imtorrvndenco .of tlio Unflod States of ‘ Amoricu tlie .“Inety-Frmrtli.. RUFUS fi. BULLOOK* Governor. By tho Governor: David U. CoTTino/SoetoUitr of Staid/ DESCRIPTION. Tlio said Corloy in about 43 years of ugc, 8 feet 11 lnohes or 8 root high, dark lmtr, blue eyes, dark skin, and weighs 143 or 160 pofinds.", supO—It. •! I-' T. II. PlTNRR, Admr. f1 EOltGIA", Whltflbld Cnnnty-W W Baker, VX ot. al, have applied far a now road head ing thu Tunnel Hill road at or nour tt)c five mite post from Dalton, ami croaking mill creek lit n jfflj Baker and Glaze, thonce through tlio Anltfurm to T C Davis’ housojthero intersecting tlio Var- wfil Station rond: This is to etto all personH concerned to show oatiso at my olllco on first Tuesday in October next, why said new road should not he established jn terns of tho law' Witness my official signature this Sopt «th, IROO^Oil W. II. BROOKEU, Ordy. Printers fee $5 “A IlMlNISTllATOn'S SAI.K-1 will offer ta sate to tl\c highest bUlilcr on tho firs, ./ednesday in Deoemher noxt, on the promises If not sooner sold at private sale, nil. tho land belonging t o tho estate of R Chactnlu, dco’d, consisting of 170’acres, moro or loss, four miles from Pulton. Sold tot benefit or holm and cred* CHASTAIN, • Acting Adm’r by mutual consont. Sept 3,18(19. wa-ed solciy for Independence nnd noililug I ^d olghl pollcainen, armed with rifles, less! Tho proposition of Minister Sickles uuMOfcd tho cak.-)S and drovo out tho in- Is denounced as unjust to Cuba" and espe cially odious to tl(o patriots. Tho rtqht of Spain to dispose of them Is not recog nized, and they do not hesitate to declare that they prefer annihilation to being bought and sold. They declare that thoy are making an honest and legitimate ef fort to throw off tho Spanish yoke, and hope eodfldcntly that the American peo ple will see that they are not devoured by tho rapacity of tho present administra tion, but left at least to work out their own salvation. Jewish Persecution Moldavia revives tho atrocious middle , ago persecutions of tho Jews. Families * ^re driven from thoir homos, womon in the ngonies pf childbirth are dragged from ik*r couches, and meu of tho Hebrew race who Juive spent thousands-of money in chnrity and Improvements are robbed and exiled. Another Counterfeit Swindle. Since the United "States "Treasurer hns been in receipt of the now counterfeit ten dollar notes so admirably executed, the parties who have been sending circulars throughout the. country professing to send fec-slmlle notes, now send out other circu lars claiming to bo the parties who are giving the description of the. couqfeneit currency. Another new dodge Is to clip notices of the counterfeit from the papers, ■ nnd incloso them for tlio piirpsso of sub- stnnding.wliat they say. This is merely a new attempt to swindle the illiterate, habitants to take reftigo In t!i" ditches, shed8,.and under temporary structures.— In one" old cow house, on the land of a neighboring gentleman, there wore hud dled together fourteen persons of different ages and sexes. This cruelty was prac ticed becausotho owner bad determined that nobody should live on the land. The Prohelle Dew Drop. A deltcdte child, "palo and promnturoly wise, wns complaining on n hot morning, that tho poor dew drops had been hastily snatched away, and allowed to glitter on tiio flowers like other happier dew drops, that live tho whole, night through und sparkle iu the moonlight, and through the momitlgonwardstonoon-day.. ‘Thesun, __ said tbo child, ‘has ehosod them away with i-t his heat, or swallowQd them up in his wrath. ’ Soon after cahtc rain and a rain bow; whereupon life father polhted Up wards. ‘See,’ said ho, ‘thoro stands the -dew drops gloriously re-sot—a glittering jewel—to tho heavens; and lho clownish foot tramples on them no more. By this, my child thoh art taught that what with ers on the earth blooms again in Heaven. Thus tho father spoke, and knew not that he spoke prefiguring words; for soon after tho delicate child, with the inorningbriglit' ness of his early wisdom, wosoxhalodllko a dew drop into Hcnvcn. Tw. Btnles. A'bilfevill be offered in thenext Congress to ninko two States of Tennessee by sepa rating the Middle and "Western divisions from the Eastern. tlusy didn’t kill themselves. It is said that tho California victory secures tho rejection of tho Fifteenth amendment by tlmt State onftiiUi ckttttoi Messed bo all the righteous political pow ers of this,—Louisville Courier. to nColored Cub bf Grceloj'. Horace Greeley thus raourncth over tho" disrespect shown to a little colored broth er of life: A negro lad lately employed as office boy in the Tribune 1ms set-up ns reporter on thestafl'ot oueofour contemporaries, Iu that capacity ho attended a meeting of En- ^ 10001-81108107001112,In thoBoivory, whence- o wns, by resolution, expelled on account of his color. It strikes Us that tho Engin eers Uro unduly sensltlvo. -The lad is In telligent nnd polite; lie "made a very good office boy for us; wo presume ho makes a satisfactory reporter for our contempora ry; and wo don’t see why ho should not bo allowed tho.pcacoftil pursuit of Ids Vo cation. JelTeraon Dnvls* Tour In SrodnnO. Tho Loudon Standard of fho 15th of Au gust chronicles tho movemont of Jefferson Davis thus: “Mr. Jefferson Davis is tho lion of Glas gow ond.lts vicinity just now, himself and party having" established themselves in that City, and made several excursions In the neighborhood. On Wednesday, en route to Glasgow, thoy passed through Dunfermltnc.nnd visited tho AbboyChurch nnd ruins. Mr. Dnvls then pnid a visit to Stirling, nnd left for Cnllnudcr in the eve ning. The nows soon spread that tho cx- Presidcnt wns in the town, nnd as lio left per train in thccvculngtlirco hearty cheers wore given by tho large eoncom-so of peo ple congregated on the platform. Mr. Ditvfeafterwnnfe visited Dollar, At Gins- gpw he visited tho Exchange, where, in expectation of a visit, there was a crowd ed attendance. The assemblage opened anassiufe In tho centre of tho hall, up to which Mr. Davis walked, and at the end of tho room enterodhisnamoin tho visitors’ hook. On leaving tho building Mr. Dnvls was- lodd'y cheered. Tho smpbulldlng yard of (lie Messrs. JTsp ,w & Govnn was also visited, after which tho party return ed to tho residence of Mr. Smith, Bcnvuo, Downnhill. On Thursday Mr. Dnvls, with Dr. Charles Mnckny, left Glasgow for Obni). Mr. Smith and a numbor of friends accompanied him some distance down the Clydo. On leaviug tho Broomiclnw quay, where there was nlargo oonco.urso of per sons, Mr. Davis was followed by loud cheers, Which he ackuowlodgcd by raising life hat nnd bowing ropcntedly. A simi lar demonstration was accorded liim nt Grccndek, Dimoon, Innollnn, Rothesay and Ttghnabrnfch. the crowds who were assembled at the different piers exhibiting fl KOH01A, Catoosa OocOTV.—Wtiorone, Mrs VT Mien Tillman, lultninlHtrntrlx of B C Mom,, lata of wild comity, doa'cil. represents to tho Court In her petition duly' fllud ond en- torod on record,! Unt she has.fulfy administer'd A Very Valuable Farm, SEVEN HUNDRED ACRES, lit Wockl’A Statlcfn Vulloy, Catoosa County, nflifliluffif AM opt <h1 to Corn. Wlirnt. Ontu, To- meco am! thaUrsHRt , H : .cnnHisUnK of lots nmn* Iwrs I4K. 140,177.170. iVna slAty .Wrosof tho houHi partoflntnumber 14U,nil In tho 27tli illstiict uml 3(1 suction. This placninny bo divided Into- two or threo farms: hut will ha sold In a body at tbo very low figure*of $1,500 cash. G eorgia, whitflchi county-j v Wilson lms implied for «xctn|>ltnit of personalty, nniU will juim upon tho wuiio nt S office on tho 14th inst. This September 4; . W. H. BUOOKKR, Ordy. QAIIOON’S PATENT BROADCASt SEED SOWER, For Sowing nil kinds ot Grnln and Grass Seed. Tho Hitnd Mnohino will how Fifty ncres of whont in ton hours; the Horse power 120 rare* In tho sumo time, und the work Is done in tho most porfoct manner. Hundred* of lotto from nil pnrts of tiro country speak Its pru* Wo rorer to h. A. FOLSOM, Si. D.. Agrleulf of tlio Agricultural This Is tlicrcford to cUo and admonish all porsons'Interested to show cause. If any they’lt hln tho tfttio prescribed by law, why leG tors of dismission from said estate should not bo grunted said applicant in Decombor next. * Witness my hand and official slguaturo this Oth day of September, 1HW. J. M. COMBS, Ordinary. froin^ Editor of this paper, who ims "Mines. Tho prico of Hand Rower is $10, and of PoWer SoworirtO. Send for Circulars. D. II. C " ‘ SopO- irpliy, deo’d, rem . itlon, duly filed nnd entered on record, that he has fully ad ministered Jumcs Murphy’s estate :■ This is therefore to cite all persona concern ed, kindred und creditors, to show oause, if ty they can, why said administrator should _ (the discharged from his aumiulstratlonand recolve letters of dismission or first Monday In Decemhor noxt.' Th Is Sept 6,10(10. J.mTCOMBS, Ordinary. /~1 EOltGIA, Catoosa Count}’—James Longly \T has applied to mo for exemption andscN ting apart and valuation of homestead, nnd 1 II passu J. M. /~1 KOUGI A. Catoosa County—Whorcas Alex- VT under Smith and B. M. Smith, ad* uiiiiistrators of John Smith, deceased, repre sent to tho Court that they have fully ndmiuis- tored snld cstato: These are therefore to elte all porsons concerned, to ho and appear at my office, within tho tlmo prescribed nv law, to show cause, if any thoy have, why fetters of dismission should not bo granted. Given un der iny hand and official signature, tills, fiep- temborflth, l800.-3m J. M. COMBS, Ordy. f 'I EORGIA, Catoosa County—Whereas, W. J. VJT Whltsltt having fllod his petition in prop er form tome, praying for letters of adminis tration. with the will unnuxed, on thoastatoof M O Dyer,tills iu to otto all legally interested in tho oxocutton of this unpl feu tlon, creditors, legatees, next of kiln ami others. tt> bo and op- pear at the next Ootohor term of tho court or ordinary of said count}*, and show* oause if an v they can, why lettoraof administration shoulcl not hqgnvntedsaiduppllennt. Till*Sept «,l»». scpJKkl- J. M. COMBS, Only. a 'ALKElt SHERIFF’S SALES.—Will bo sold before tlio Court-Honso door, in tho town iFayottq, Walker county, on tho first Taos- day in October nextf within the legal hours of salo, the following property, to-wlt: . One-elghth Interest In tho north Half of lot* of land numbers 210, 247, 8th district und 4th sootlon of Walker county: lovled on as the property of John F. Vickoty to satisfy two Jus Jioeeourt fl fHs ln rayorof .IUeluml Jlorgan vs John F and W 8 Vickery. ,j£ tonan ‘!. num1,urllu t containing 60 acres, 103^ acres of lot number 118, all In antli district anil 8d sootlon of said county; levied on ns tlio UOODKLL A CO., Sole Manufae’ le Manufae’r. Alitalia, N. II. A Proclamation. GEORGIA l By ItuSis B. Bullock, Govornor of snld State. Wiikrrah official information 1ms lmcn cel veil ut this Department, that a murder i committed in tiro county of Telfair, on tiro 22d day gf July, 1809," upon the body of Joseph T. Rawlins by John If. Brown, and that tho said Brown has flod from justice, I havo ’thought proper, therefore, to issue this, ray proclamation, hereby offering a re ward of Two Hundred Dollar* for lho appro- heuslon and dclivory of the said Brown, with proof sufficient to convict, to the Sheriff of Mild county and State. And I do moroovor charge and rcqntro dll of- fleers In this State, civil and military, to be vig ilant In endeavoring to apprehend the said Brown, In 6rder that he may he brought to trial for thu offense with which he stands charged.. Given under my hand aiftl the groat soul of the Stato, at the Capitol In.Atlanta, this 10th day ■ l Lord, 1800; and United States RUFUS R. BULLOCK, August, in tho year of our Ii the Independence of tho U America thoNlnuty-Fourih. .. DESCRIPTION^ The said Brown Is 88 years of ago; 5 foot 10 11 inches high, dark eomploxlon, dark Iml bluo eves, swro built, weighs about 103 pouni wore largo whiskors•und mustuoho, when la... seen; is rather assuming in his manners. nftHl rpo TIIE IjADIEB 1 MRS. JANE th GRAVES - Would announce to the Ladle*! of Did ton a lid the surrounding country, that sho hts lustre. « KmSiT^k'of hcr 8tor “ °“ K,n * , ' trou, ' Nprlng and Hammer Hats, Ilonnots Ribbons, Flowers, ole., and every Variety of’Millnoiy Goods, of the latest and most fashionable styles. She will bo pleased to see her aid frleud* and uustotuers at her now plucu of business, wooro they can pro- cure now lluts und have old ones renovated and trimmed. April 10, MHMy nu Gflgor desire to have a sight of'the f»^ moils QX‘Prc8i(Icut of the Sonthorn States. *» hORUIA, Gordon County—Margaret Keys has uppllod for exemption of personaltv . setting npart find valuation of homestead, and I will past*unon tho same at 10 o’clook, A. M., on the 18th Instant, ht my ofllco In Cal- lidnn. • D. W. Neel, Ord’y. ^ * EORGIA, GOnDdx CouxtY.—Arlottio Put- VJI man has applied for exemption of Porson- alty and setting apart and valuation of Homo- stead, and I will pass on tho same at my office in Calhoun, on tho 18th inst.. nt 10 o’clook, A. M. Sept. P-2t; D. W. NKEL, Ord’y. 7^1 EORGIA, Gordon County.—Luiza McEl- VX reatli has applied for exoinption ol per- sonulty nnd set ling apart and vnlnutlon of homestead, and I will imss upon thu same at 11 o clock, A. M , ou tho I8th Inst., tit mv offico in Calhonn^t D, W. NEEL, Ord’y, ^pcpt.yni Whitfield County.—Whereas D. VX W. Mitchell, adm’r of Wm. Talley, dec cas ed, represents to tho Court in his petition duly llloil, that ho has, fully administered said Tnl- ley’s estate: This is therefore to clto all per. sons conoorned, to show cuuso, if any they can, why said administrator should not ho dlsolmrg- oil from his administration und rooelvo letters or dismission on t noxt. j Sept. 0-3m. . II. BROOKER, Ord’y. Lot of land 203 In tho Utli district ami 4th see of said county; levied on to satisfy u countv court fl fa in favor of Caleb Cotially vs Wiley Icy: property in possessed of said Bailey. One-half interest In a grist njnl saw ndU, sit uated on lot of land number 282. In the 20tli ills- trlct ami 3d section orsald county; levied on to satisfy ono Justice oonrt -fl fa issued from tho 1050 (list U M. in favor uf John Puryear vs Wm TJtcn. Lot of land number 282 and tho mills situated n said l^ud, iu 20th district und 8d suction, to satisfy one snuprlor court attachment fl fais- sued from \Valkor Suporloroourt, in flivor of J P Clcinauts.v8 W T Uou; proporty poluted out In fl rag Fifty *nero8 of lot of land number 100, in tbo lull dlstriot and 4th section of originally ChOt*- okeo but now Walkor county, as rheproperty or Nathaniel Connally, to satisfy one fl fa issued from tlio Superior Court of saidooanty, term, 1808, *•* ^**•*•* -*• 1 —*-• »» » Connally? _ . and pointed < torfiey. Sepl. 2-tds. i favor of Lemnel M. Jones G'i appll ettins exemption of oxoiupt valuntii ny offioo on Monday, at elevon o'clock, tlio vui Inst., 1809. Sept 4-11. - MILTON RU88ELti, Ord’y. pass upon tUo snmo at my office ut Jl •k, on Monday, the 18tli day of Sept., 1800. 14^it Milton m;ssELL, ordy. ! EORGIA, Walkot County—S O Sarrott has applied for exemption of personalty ami I will pass upon tho same nt my office in LuFnyotte.on Suturdny.tho 11th inst, 10 o'clock Sopt 4-lt. MILTON RUSSELL, Ordy. EORGIA. Murray County.-Geo W Howard VX has applied for exemption of personalty and setting upart and valuation of homestead and I will puss upon the same at 10 o’clock, A. M on the 18tli day of September, ism, nt mv office. . x. ANDERSON FARNSWORTH. Ord’y. Aug-ly KW YORK MOVED TO DALTON I FOR CHEAP GOOD^ GOOD BARGAINS * Go to tho “ LIyo and Let Live Store t” , Untilour Now Stores aro built on t Brick Hotol Square,” you will flml ua o. East side of Hamilton street, Five Doors North ot Kitig Struol, DALTON, OA. Mat * A P a *1**8, UxV. Lrvi BttnTHKhTox and LAxe IUrrrtt will bo on hand to sell yon Cheap Goorti.„. glvo you Liberal Prices for your l'roduoo. Dultou’ami ,Wa»»tr l ,U “ g, ' 0 ' , '‘ h of 11 ‘A Growing Country’ makes a Growing Tow n. 1 1JS 1 k £' C11 < ^ n ". t . , ! nt !‘ v on hand n well Hbottil trades 'lor Sr!i^xS? tbinB t,m , t th0 Mdn or labor or Jx« r *i er ? can produce; rtfWhrin? 51 Vtt1 ^; ffiruuT, With Ills Shipload ssesssBtsst oUxMo " TO LIVE AND LET LIVE 1 For the convenience of our conntrv friondt, crssSuVvS 1 ’ = 1VAOON VAItD, on tlio.rcar of tlio Olit Ilriok Hold Snimrc.» (haltor, Ore uni water, for man and baa-ia. •fS0,0(»(> AW'ch orvnlmiblo North Georgia Lands, .as roLLows: m wJ, ”| 2 Ml "|« »> 0" iso;" S loo ; = •Si ‘ 11180 3 11112 5 UM;B liw-S 1234 5 '1200.* .1281 1283 ■12881 c 109 12 ? 384 4*1 c 'f 473.5 ,2 488 Sljj 41X1. ** P 4IU 74l| 8lW 121 4 15 40 ? 07; ai to 18 54 10 671 •• 812 I 48* 0 711 ”j KM 1 ♦* 14fi| 315, ”| 258 12 j 152 ir hu\ iiJ’isi Bill ”1 mi Sfluif 1 415 18 * (W3 100 21 C 042 0*0 ” 1104. 1190' • I 34.11 200! " *202' ’» ..... $5 •• bd 11 . 207; ?‘l ! SHlOf ’150; 13, 231 17.5 242 IJ ; 547 18 ,4 t;153 ”i <1100 10! si 1118 3l.20,r 87; «. I 538 033 ” ! 203 21 I 303 22 52*1 131 24 ' 83 26. I 88 28 i W1 1 " i; 803 23! 63 25; 101, ” 200 “ nil 3S 28 152 203 220 • 39 3.0 818, "Si !ii. I 125' 5 314 6 C3 | 407; *• £ .450: ” - 811.17 < w:i8i !« : " 151' ” T| 10 13 2 251 211 3 ,;433 8 4 085 ‘‘I * '687, ” 898 id Grocery UU8IHE88, BT -".KU'X, *^SsBSSrw4SwSX*-. DALTOK; OA., Dry Goods,Clothing, Notions llotili, Ul.ooa, nurdwaro anil OroccH.’,. Ca.U imld for llacon, Wheat, Corn, Cotton, and nil kind, of Country Prodso., Being LIVE MEN, wo will andetror to.u. tolnthoroiratatlon.amlHoiyo our old IMondl nud the public autiMfuctorily. COMB OS WITH voch Produce nud CnMli! Try us I "Wo will Glvo you Bar£alnjrrl tn, ‘ k ° ar " ,n “nd Produce trado a .pw pft,d for June 24-1 y. JfEW GOODS! NICK UOOBSI rnlsu noons i ' SWEET OOOBII Townley’s Confectionery 1 wrncKem. Boston (JrneVer*, ; 1’ioNle Crackers,'. End Farina Crackun/a! Townloy’n C'oulbotionorjr) Dried Boef, " Beef Tongues, • . ° JB a’rdlnM, " . Un A •• Cuts ups,. Jollies, Syrups, al Tovrnley*» Conlbetlonory ! Groan Peas, Green Corn, Tomatoes, Peach os, • •. atrawbsrries, Pino Apples, XI Townl©y*H Conlhotlonory 3 Frosh Candies. Orange*. Lemons, ele., II 2Wy ’tSwJsIkTS’ C’ol ». extra fine, at . CONFECTION HUY/ gPRING HAS* COME, AND SO HAVE SCOTT A lA’LE’ft Elegant New Goods! They are in receipt of a well seieetei* *td6k ut Nprlng and Hammer Goods’ Something Benutifal for the Ladle's. A “Lovo of a Hat,” or Ckarinc 3 Prints,* Lawns, . Muslins, Lustres. (rfctfn'rb/fD/ Hats, Trimmings,* Notions, Shoes, Galters, Also, a well soloctod stock of Gentlemon’s Goods. IltitH, Olotliluip nud Shoes. 8ontli End Hamilton Street. 4 LSO, FOR SALE one of the best Improved plantations on the Ynxoo River, ami Wasp olieing ebielly in Wuifiilugton county, and partly in Sun Flower and Holmes counties, Mix- sisshipi, containing lu all 2510 acres. Can be divined into three or more pluntutIons; 1100 ncres cienred. 300 acres In cultivation, 000 acres deadened before tbo war. Improvements first •• - in , 8# timber immensely valuable.— porfect. A LSO 5,000 acres of .land In Monroe county, East Tennessee. Much of this laud Is equal for farming purposes to tlio celebrated SwoetWater Valley, to which It lloacontlgu ous. The hill}* portions contain rluh deposit? or iron nnd lead, und thu gold deposits ” to he superior to those of Goorgla au Carolina. reaaid North LSO, several well improved farms in Whit . field county.. — attention to Northern Georgia Lauds wo would relcr all those seeking to invest in Middle and South western Georgia, or In Pino Timber Lunds, convenient to tliu Atlnntie Ports, to our corres pondents, BUTTS * ***** l A BROTHER. Macon, uu. GEORGIA 1>YI3H, VX Une<inulled for Beauty and Simpllflfly. KNCELSIOU t . A Qrbxxmn Black *ok Wool : • Besides a Yxllow.G ttssM nit d Buows for Cotton. AU prepared by n practical Dyor itml war ran. tod. Liberal dlsenuut to dealers. AS'Sumpla seut free on application. Address, ;-v. WM. KINO. Jn., & Co., Athens. Ga. 49*Forsalo by Scott A Lyle, Daltoii, Ga. May 27-3m. German Ware and Gloss Setts; also, mag nificent assortment of Glass, Btone China and general Table Ware at Scott St Ltlx’s. M E BBT * DRO., DALTON, GEORGIA. XlTANTED-Mfor some gent lemon or Chicago TV and Maryland wishing to settle in North Georgia, several small farms. 00 to 100 acres each, within eonveniutit access to Dalton, com* fortablehnlUlIngs and growing Trult trees pre ferred, but not Indispensable. Have just recolqod an ologant'^ ^jOrtmeni of DRY GOODS & GROCERIES, S OME of our clients wish to cxebnngu valu able city lots In Dalton for farm property, and others wish to exchange farm property for oity lots. . For convenience of nil irorsous wishing to ttinko subh exchange(, we keep,ut oul* offleo a E ll l Th cl! Tho Smith Frame Building, on tho Old < Hdtel Sniinre, now oeehptcd us an offlee by tho Dalton City uompnny. ror information dfany Aiig lO-ly Dalton, Ga, tlou to bo relioved from his oxecutorslilp of said deceased, und have 11. Sutherland appoint* odbHmstmtor.cmntcstaifloittoaniiexo: u^ T ^8 8 ^ t*'crelore to olto all persons concern- .A k ‘ n ., ru{ ’ nn ‘! oreditors, to show cause at my offitie, if auy they can. on the first Blonday in October next, why sdid L. W. Alexander should not bo discharged, nnd 11. Sutherland ho up- pointed administrator, ogm testamonto an noxo. W. 11. BROOKER, Ord’y. Sept 0-1 m. Ga., on the first Tuesday in Oct. noxt, within to give thebj^gal hoars of sule, tlio following property ^Uoj iot of Jand number 173, in the 28th dis- BEN E. GREEN. Ag’t Dalton t ityCb*. W. J. WHITSItT. D, Bh’ff. Domestics, Yarns, Pleas* call and examine our slook before par. chasing elsewhoro. We WiU Not be Undersold! Wohavosoeuredtboservlcos of Mr. Wilit P. Farnsworth, who will be happy to servo his old friends and patrons, march 18-Iy 8 nVde¥*1Tr7)tiier T : Have Just completed and equipped a new Livery, Foednnd Sale Stable, wnerotiiry will bo pleased to furnish to tne public, at nil hours, No. 1 Horses and Now Bug gies. They liavu, a commodious nsek; also wagon and saddlo hbrses, to lot; and wouldye- speetfully ask tho eltlxonn and publle generally a call. Tennsmodernte. TF ally house In town keeps Hupertor Groes- JL ricH—Sugar Coffee, Flour, etc., go and con- video yourself that it is Scott ft Ltlk. if, ny TIBBS ft KBNN