North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, September 16, 1869, Image 2

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Fifteenth Amendment. four, year# afflenortibnu l*HttteMlnra of - tho t'nlooui County Trug.-.ljr, A comupmulcnt ■writing from Ringgold to thu Atlanta Constitution, glvcB the lol lopingstatements regarding the killing of [inan VyWhllmqre, on tlioTthi has.been living In this comity Its organization. Tits, death i of a good fitlltck to several lit- in; toms vvlfivnkind and afl'co husband; and toiho county n good tri^tlilnKy vL-n Llm Hartford Timro, citizen* * -- ‘ ’ ilKl' I Convention, ad* i Memphis, will l>o held nt , Kentucky, on -the 18th of Oc- d will bo largely atteudetl. The vemors, oily authorities, steam boat, manufacturing and inlnlngcoriiora tions, oliainbcrs of connnjrco and boards of trade, aro.tnvitcd to scud delegates.-^ At a public meeting held in Louisville, during the Summer, resolutions of welcome and cordiality were-unanimously adopted in rcfcrcnfc to allVlio may attend. Ono delegate from each Congressional District lmsbccnappOintcdbyGov. Bpllock, whose order to thatefiket wo puhllsh to-day, We trust Dalton will 1» suitably represented, ■ - -- Hurricane at the Korin. A severo and destructive storm occurred nt New York, Boston, Providence, and other points North; on Iho evening of tho 8th, which did Immense damage to dwel lings, churches, fruit trees and crops.— In New York several largclmtldlngs'Wc demolished, and at Providence one hun- ' tired buildings were unroofed, several completely destroyed. The hurricane ex tended over most or Eastern Massachu setts, aiid nt Boston It was very severe— nearly every vessel In tho linrbor dragged tliclr nnchors, and many collided, sus taining injury. Quito a nutnbor of per- ' sons were killed at different places. Reconstructed Tennessee, Armed nugroCs, to tlio number of two hundred, gathered at Eason’s dopot, Ten. ncsscc, on tlio -Louisville railroad, last Saturday, atid marched through the slrcoto,. bidding doflanco to tho whites, threatening to kill any who inUrforM willi them. They -marched to the jail, bound the Jailor, and liberated several negro .prisoners, ono of whom wns confin ed for murder. Grant liuS been to {.'liureli. President Gralil atlcudod tlio Congre gational Church at Nowport, It. I., Inst . Sunday.—AtUmta £ra. Aud Ulysses bns Ikou to -Church!— Wonderful event in -his life, no doubt, llopo ho will lcoep ou going, and mayhap, if tlio Spirit lias liot left him ns it did Ephraim of old, ho will yet find forgive ness for all his misdeeds. ■EncdUrngcjilni on in the good Toad, Bardl • tcncy with which they have enforced their destructive mensures ii|>on the country, tlio Republic is broken. When thopooplo murmured and opposed the decrees of despotism, they were impudently told to "tako this or wo will give you' something worse.” the ‘‘14th amendment" was fraudulently passed. Brownlo# brought inombcre of Iho Tennessee Legislature in ehalns to attend the session .nt which it wns declared to ho ratified hy that t5lnto —these lAcinbers protesting; but they were counted. . Was there over a more sluptn- ilous fr.flld iicrpclratcd than IhisV Then came the “15th amendment,” nnd this thing, which proposes to'take from tho States tlto control of the. question of suf frage, is now under consideration. Cali fornia rejects It largely; and Tennessee lins chosen a- Legislature which Will un doubtedly repudiate it, notwithstanding the orders of tho Grant administration.— This Is ope of the worst of all the Radical moasuros, nnd it appears that tho people aro finally rousing to the dangers which threaten their rights and a centralization of tho powers which bolorfb to the Slates, It appears now that tlio “15th amend ment” will be defeated in spite or flraud and force, though Virginia is ordered to ratify it, or remain out of tho Union! Tlio Bond iol’ortqnol Theirs lire no people on earth equal to fliose of the North fbr advertising in nil its ramifications; and it pays them hand- So&icly—Indeed It’1ms made princoly for tunes for Ihousandgin that latitude, rpj, 0 fencing nround tho Nciv York post-ofilco buiid|ug was leased nfcw.ds'ysngoTor two years, for ndvcrtisfng purposes', Ijy an en terprising-follow. at 815,000, At first it Was considered 'that tho lesseo linil paid a price entirely too high to biivo himself from.loss; hut it nownppears that ho will reiilizo a heavy profit'on ids investment, as lic is renting hi# fonco privilege, for one day,tfor from 8200 to $500 jior day.— Advertising is n-great tliiugr-’lis a suro road to forlunc—and Hint ffouco" clinp will make a pile certain! VilKoil Minted Ncnntorlnl Npoeulnlloile. Tlio Washington correspondent'of the Cipcliiniiti Commercial thinks that tho trades unionist} anil nntl-prohlbltlonlsls will got control of tho Massachusetts Leg islature, and elect Colonel-Greone, demo crat, to tho Senate in ploco of Wilson; that neither Anthony nor Oragin will lie re-clcolcd; that Sidney Clarko is likely to como from Knnimiln place of Robs; that .Logan has tlio best chance to succeed Yates; that Judgo Moses, of tlio Slate Su premo Court, ivill^mccccd Holiertson, ef Soulli. Carolina; anil Hint Jesse D. Bright is the coming mnn from Kontuegy. In ■* Tenncssco tlio Lcglslalffro will moot Oct. 4lh, anil the Suiintorial question bo tlccl- dcil nt once. Tlio candidates nro Andrew Johnson, Emerson Ethrfdgc, D. W. O. Sen ter, nnd Noil 8.. Brown, witl^tho clianccs for Johnson. They win net Afflict tlio Month Ions. Wb frequently hear'persons expressing great uneasiness about tlio negro clomont in our midst. Thoy nro fenrfril that they will conilmie lo give tho SoiiUiern. States serious practioal trouble, Thnt wo of tlio South arc nt present experiencing some trouble from that quarter is undeni- ttblo; but tljis, in tlio very uaturo of things, cannot lost, for iftlio negroes remain wlicrc they nro, (in tlio language of tlio Louisvillo Courier-Journal,) they will soon, by aU tlio laws of uaturo, pass under the moral nuil political control of.tlie white race; nud,if they go away, that will bo the last of them. Whether thoy stay or go, they must in_a few years bo very inconaldemblo jn num bers and next to notlung in inllncnco, be cause of tlio rapidity at which tliey are bocohiing bxtlncW The Lincoln procln- hmtion, emancipating Iho rnco, was' oiily the solemn undertone of a mighty dcntli- kntll to 4hc descendants' of Ham in this country.; euil thoy are rapidly pnssilig away. Then wllereforo should any ope ]>o tho least uneasy concerning the negro element In our midst?. Wlint Dors it Menu T A. Washington telegram says: “It is a rcfnnrkablo frnjt, aud one which nUtaote more than ordinary attention in diplomat ic circles, that -all' tho available vessels, officers and'seamen of our navy nro now under orders to sallnt a moment's notice. The popular solution of this strahgu cir- cumStarico is that out government prepar ed itself for active demonstration regard! ing Cuban afiitirs, if tborcsultpf tho pend ing negotiations with Spain on that subject should require it. ." '■ Macon. The Telegraph reports business flush; thdjSbutbwcsterii railroad making 525,000. jijf week; Georgia cotioh crop wintiiSlO,- 000,080 this year.- IJacou jammed with . cotton wagoug.r. - ... — —; | Declined. Theplccnof 1 original poetry, “Addr?ss to ironiH.” is respectfully declined, be- cause of its liil perfections. • Discovery or n nodical l’lot to Burn, I’IIIoro ond Murder. Sineo tlio day Adam Was turned out of tlio gnnlon of Kdeb, thcro never lias lived more vindictive, scoundrelly,blood-thirsty set or devils than tho carpet-baggers and scnllnwags who infest the Mouth. By their teachings Uio negroes ni-e induced 16 com mil nil manner of crime, such ns house burning,-intmlor, etc.', and innocent, iuw abiding citizens aro charged with this outlawism by Greeley and his crow. Ou- ly tlio oilier day a plot oftheso miserable' .creatures, aided bj ignoraht. hlncks, to burn, nlllngc nnd murder, was diseoyored in Madison nnd Limestone counties, Ala bama. Five of tho negroes engaged in lids diabolical plot were nrrested; nnd notorious-hlnck lender, nnmed Boh Ice. who was under nrrest nnd whose testimony Jed to tho discovery of the plot, was shot and an utiknown, undisguised person, lee reported the organization to be largo and formidable, nnd said it wns led by several white’Loyal Lengures, tlio names of whom lie did not, or would not, gi\;e. These murderous. fiends had ranged, to blow up the village or Vienna and kill several of her citizens; nud,-also, to burn tho storc-of IVilllait) l’nttcrson at Bibb’s Lane, nnd murder him nnd two Ringgold early on the morning of the 7th Instant, having hired a wagon nnd pair of mules nt tlio stables. They Dcodmnn’snndpnsscllhla house, nnd wore guno some thirty uiluutes when Whitmore returned to tho house and wont where do- coaseil was nt work near the house. Whit more nnd dcccnscd then returned to tho liouso togethor. Whitmore wanted deceas ed to go with him to tlw Still liouso. De ceased said ho did not want to go, nnd started to walk across the liouso when Whitmore drew his pistol and made at de ceased nnd asked him if ho resisted. Dead- man answered ho did not resist, but did not wnnt to go to tlio Still House. . Whit more flourished his pistol in tho house in a very abrupt milliner, caught deceased hy tlio shoulder and pushed him out of the liouso mid .with his pistol drovo him before him to tlio Still House barefooted. In n short tlipo they returned, Whitmore with his pistol in lutqil, all tho wlfllo very ah rubt. Trautwinc drew up with tho wng- on nnd the still in it nboiil this time point’ in the direction of Ringgold, nnd stopped In the rond-nenr the house, while deceas ed and Whitmore were in the house.— Deadman asked his wife for some clothes, and stated to AVliitmore lie did not want to£o to AtUuUi, hut would go to Ring- gold nhd fix it up with him. AVliitmore would not consent, hut acted all tho while in such a mariner that Dca’dnian, In’all probability, thought he intended to get some chance to killhim. About this time, Dcadmnri, frightened ns he was, made n break, nnd Whitmore fired five shots, ono of which killed Deadman. AVliitmore then, without sneaking to the Ihniily, on ly saying, ns lie left, liehndkillcd him,im mediately turned round , nnd met Trout’ wine in tho yard, got in-tlie wagon, rah off down tho mountain, in an op|H>site direc tion from Ringgold, and wcut to the rail road at Blizzard Itoost. Hero AVliitmore took it n foot, nnd Trautwinc came back to Ringgold. Tho parlies were arrested at ouco,ntid AVliitmore wnscomniitted to jail. Trautwinowas released on bail of five hun dred dollars. AVliitmore, by ids own pe tition, was taken before Ills Honor Judge Parrott nnd released on bail of live thou sand dollars: * "Very Conservative. Gen. DeutMins been’nominated IS Mis sissippi by tlio Conservatives. By Iho siugc parly q negro lias been nominated for Bocrctary pf State. -3BT- ■J*mS3S557"' Lord Eldlo BUggoSts a i lictwcen Englnntl and Amo baina Claims suggested th Ale. . Another .’Intiler. A planter nhmed Burk, residing near Napoleon, Ark., was shot dead on the 10th while silting with his family. Th* assas sin la uukuown. ' From llonton. It is reported that tho paying teller of tho Ninth National Bank is a defaulter to the amount of ono hundred nnd thirty thousand dollars* Atroclorii) Murder. Ten negroes hayobocnaiTcstcd inClarke county, Mississlppj, for hunting a man nnmed Plttard to death, driving him into CJiiakasahay river, and shouting him In thohend while swimming. He lmd hud a quarrel with n negro a few days before, nnd slightly wounded him wlth-a knife. The Memphis Itrniieh Kallroml. ThoCity Council of Rome have Subscrib ed $2,000 for tho completion of the survey of tiller road. It is nu extension of tho Rome road to Decatur, cutting ofi’tho an gle by way of Chattanooga, nnd will ma terially shorten the distance betwcomAt- laubi and the AA'cst. Engine Explosion. An engine on llie Eric Railroad explod ed, nenr Port Jarvis, N* Y>, on the 101b killing four men. ’ ’ • “I*lbemllsm.” Boston uses sponge enko for the Protest ant communion service Instead of bread- Dnptlst Revival. Tho Atlanta Constitution reports that the revival at llie Stone Mountain Is still progressing with glorious results. Over thirty-three members llave been added to the Baptist Churoh; Au Item. The Marietta Journal says the Concord Manuihcturlng Company recently com menced operations with a capital of $20,- 000. It is now about to enlarge it to 8100,- 000. The factory is turning out good wool en fabrics and Is controlled by men In whose bands success is beyond a doubt. Ntmlcnt Nelottrd. •Augusta Tvpogfaphienl Unfon, yester day, selected Edwin E. Levy, a deserving youth connected with tlio Constitutionalist office, to tho schoalrsbip offered by AVash- iogton (Virginia) College. The Storm In Mow Englnnd. Bostox, September 10.—Tho recent storm extended throughoutNew England. Many lives nnd vessels were lost. Every description of vessels dragged tliclr an- clipts nnd drifted helplessly. ■ Tlio schoon er Ellen Eliztt was wrecked oiff Peak’s Is-, land, nnd cloven lives were lost. A mud digger in- Portland liarbor was sunk, but her crew were saved. At the Fog Bell, nt Portland, the head light was blown over tlio bank into ike sea. Ml}IV APVEUTIMEMimTM. HAI.TON ITI'V l OHI’AXV'M A Proclamation. Ono Thousand Hollars Bcwanl. OEOIUlIAt nr Harm D. Unhook, Oovornor. or said Htnlc. ‘ Onielul InfortnnUoh Iws linen re. Bopirfmimt, tldd n uinntor Waa the county of Wiishlnittoiron mill „ v .of July, ism, Iipoiylho body or lloscs Hlnh lii’A^llltnmttxfonl. nnd that tho said Oxford hai fled rromjuatlcc, ■ • 1 have thought proper, tliorolhre, to Issue tills,- iny proclaimdlon, herohy oifdrlng a re ward of OnoThousniid Dollurs for Iho appro- henslon end Delivery Of llie said Oxford, with proof ill file lent to convict) tot bo RbcfifToflnlil county and State. And I do moroovor cliargo nml rcqplro all of- fleers In thU Slate, etvll and military, to Ira vlg. limit in endeavoring to apprehend tho said Oxford, In order that ho nmy lie brought lo trial for tho offense with which ho stands charged. . QWon ilndor tny' hand and t he groat soot of the Slat*, in Atfjtntn, tllta Mil dev Sept.. Ill the your of onr Irani, IMS), nnd of tho in.Iependencu-of tho Untied Sillies of Americalhe.N-lnety-lf.mrlh. ^ „ UMX)CK By tho Governors • • # . David O. Uottihg, Soorotary of Btato. . . 8optl0.4t * GEOllOIA LAND AGE’ J hr.N A i:iu:Hn, 1 t ofthp Dalton City Compniiyj OFFHIIS fOR S A 1.11 FIVE HUNDRED Vftlunblo Toayii Lots ' ‘ ’■ 7P- THE OltOWI.NO CITY OF DAI.TON - A IAO,- several well improved flinns Ih Whll. iV Boldcouuty. A Vrpelnnmftloni Ono Thousand Dollars Rovrard, IQ1A. m,, ..crus B. Bullock, Oovornor of said Btato. Whorcas. Rollahlo information 1ms boon re* eel veil at this Department, that on tlio nluht of tbo«2d of August, ultimo, Dr. Thomas If But- ty.ln this Btnto, l»y a party or parties nnktmtriit and thnt on tho night of tho filth of August, nil timo, John L» Lovutt, a oUlton o( Spaulding county, wns also shot nt and seriously wound ed by 8onia person or persons unknown, while sitting In tlio piaesa of his residence lit said county of Spaldings ami Whereas, it is alleged, that Ono Lewis Travis a notorious outlaw, and who lsnn escaped pris oner from SpaUllSA counlyjnll, under a cliargo of felony, is tlio porpotrntor of those crimes; and It being Veprosonted to mo. turtt civILofll- ccrs of said county of Spalding lmvo usurt ev ery means In tliclr power to apprehend tho said Low Is Tfavls. but without avail; Now. thoruforo, I bavo thought proper to Is sue this, iny proclamation, hereby offering u reward of CJne Thousand Dollars for tho appro- henslon and delivery of the skid Lewis Travis, with evidence sufliclmit toconviet, to tho Slior- ltTofsuid county of Spalding, And I do moreover cliargo nnd requtro nil oflleers in this Stuto. civil nnd niilltury, to bo vlgllcnt In endeavoring to apprehend tho said, Lewis Travis, In order that he may bo brought to trial for tho crimes with which ho staiids charged. . Given under my hand hud tho great seal of tho State, nt tho Capitol in Atlanta., this nth day Sept., in the yuarofour. Lord Klghtocu Uun* drod and 8ixty-Nlno, and of tho Indcpomloncu of the United Htates of America tho Klnoty- Fourth. RlfFUS B. BULLOCK, Governor. By tho Governr; David G» Cottino, Bcorctavy of Btato. BeptOOdt , A Very Valuable Farm, SEVEN HUNDRED ACRE#, admirably adopt oil t- . . baeeo nnil tho Grasses, consisting of lots lkds 14n. H‘i, 177,17N. nnd sixty acres of the south part of lot number 1 Pi, all lu tho 27th district uiid 8d section. • . • This place may bo divided Into two or tliroo farms; but will bo Sold in a body kt tho very low flgnrosof $1,500 cash. Dry Goods ami Grocery BUSINESS, UT ToniD, Uttvil .*v Ur„., (Succciiom to John II. King,) •pormr llamillon <ml Kiny Struti, Fi-ontlng W. * A.itiillrou.l Do|rol, DALTON, OA., ■ -• uratottuUSUrajeof e0|> °“ " tt ’ ,a “ lnrg V I® 1 ' **U Dry Goods, Clothing, Notions Roots, Shoos, llurtlwuro nnrt aroesrlvs. Cush liulil for Ducoii, When!, Corn, Cotton, thd nil kinds of Country Produco. Doing LIVE MEN, wo will ondoavor to nu- tain tho rcimtuttoii, und servo our old friends nufl tho iiuhllo sutlsfUctorlly.' COME ON AVITU YOUR ' Products und Crush! Try us I AVo will Give you Bargitlug I AVo nuika the Ornln nnd Produce trade n spo- e lnllty,niidMuJnrhhrd wtUUoou hand toshow his usunt lllrarnllty, rn’llugsl^llriiig tCeln ln°,° r “' J for c,can #0 *' John II. King continue* tlio Brokentgo and Lxchungo busluoas us liorutoforo, lu our house. Juno24-ly . How lo Malic Money. Tlio business man who Joes not unilcr- sUmil the phylosophy of advertising nt this season of she year, may ns well mnko up his mind to shut np shop, Tlio mnn who docs not advertise is hound to lose money. NEW ADVERTISEM i:\TM. ' rn)tcv gn.KSXE, Cotton 1‘lrkliiB <*.l Night. xhuu's i.iuR'i un-. muruer mm mm two V.iu'tyorpnrti.05.un'incstlay ni’.-ht, young men named Doifiw’g, Tliclr prlu- lu’o a largo cotton field, three mih-s el rail ohtect wns nlunder nml W «i n,„ from the city, on the.Hamilton road, be- clpal object was iilundcF, and but for llie arrest of Ice, wlioso conduct aroused sus picion against him; thnt section of coun try would doubtless bnve been the scene of a fenrfril enactment of bloodshed, plun der nnd rapluO—all of which would have (jeon tho result of tho iniquitous teachings of Radicals. AVo are heartily sick of tho turmoil, strife and blood-shed that is eve ry day wltriOBsed In tho land—we long for pence, enduring pence; but tills the coun try enn nover liopo for as long ns tho pres ent Vindictive, revengeful party remains in power. God liasteu tho day when q new order of things—more peaceful, har monious qud brotherly—shall rulo tlio .lialioiil _ J» Eire III Atlnntn. There seems to bo n fatality attached to this city. A destructive lire occurred Iboro ou Marietta street, last Sunday morning. Five stores were burned nnd two stores In tlio Narcross corner consid erably damaged, hy tlio burning- of the socond floors, used ns parlors for tho Na tional Hotel. There was a stiff hreezo and tho tiro ilcxuirtmcnt wns rather out of. ear. No. 1, was the only fire company lidt como. to time. Loss estimated at $100,000. Insurance $58,000. I'nnimcrrlnl Convention. Atlanta appoints threo delegates rind Hires alternates to the Southern Commer cial Convention.' V. A. Gaskill, Amos Fox nnd AA r . B. Cox, aro tho delegates. Horrible Affair In tile Coal Mines. Allof the minors in the Avondale irilncs, in Pennsylvania, of which wo Bpofco Inst week, wore found to ho defld. About 125 wore in tlio mines, nnd 105 lmvo been found. It was probably (be most liorrlblo accident thnt ovor ocourrod on tho Amer ican continent, so many of them lenvlrig helpless families. Just think of GOO Wid ows aud orphans nmdo by one casualty. Columbus. .Tho Sun says that on last Friday $25, 000 wore paid from the bank for cotton; country produco scare? and high. Mnvnnnnli'. Tho Republican says Saturday, 2,500 bales of cotton were shipped by water, Jessb AYatkins, who has been several times reprieved hy Gov. Bullock, wns hung last Friday. ^ An Infamous NcoumtreL A fellow, who' gives his name ns J. AA'. Donaldson, lias been playing nslmrp trick on somo'crcdulolis women. Ho goes into the country, finds a victim, 1ms her to sell her property,- or personal effects, with the undorslnudingof his giving them employ ment In tho city. Ho .becomes guardian goto their monoy nnd elopes. Ho has not boon detected yet. RlackTaiiK«o Rugluic— How to Core Cat. tlo of It. AVo learn Hint Black Tonguo is still pre vailing to a considerable extent in this nnd adjoining counties of Alnbnnm, among tlm cuttle end deer. Mr.-Si J. Johnson informs us that bo counted saven dead deer nt ono small pond in tho woods, about 25 miles from Rome, in Calhoun county,. Alabama. Tlio Courier is informed thnt : cattle should bo‘ fed on slops nnd lmve their longues greased when this.discaso shows itself amongst' them. ‘ T|ioy rcfiieo to cat. ' _ i California. California understands the three-fourths rule. Being asked to ratify the proposed negro-equality amendment, slio returns tlircc-fourths of her Dew Legislature ugniustit. : Attorney at I.*w, Ofllec: 25 Door, Upstairs in Glenn llulUllng, rap Dalton,.Georgia. Gi longing to Mr. AVm. II. Hughes, and pick ed clean five rows of cotton. The pickings were carried off inSfifbty.—Columbus Sun. Whoso Non Is Hot A son of an ex-President of tlio United Stntes, who, for some mouths, has been living no one knows exactly how, 1ms been admitted to a charily ward in Providence Hospital, AA’asliingtoii. Tlie Cotton Crop of Ison. Correcting an csljnmto niado by tlio Charleston Nows, a correspondent of that paper insists that tlio crop of tills year will not bo more than 200,000 hales over that of 1808. AVo shall bo surprised if it is as much. -All the qccounts of tho crop in Goorgia which reaches us, show that tho fields now look much ns they usually do in November. The crop is nlmostuni- versaliy made. Picking will be pretty much over hy middle or last of October. Tills is'an extraordinary stato.of affairs, nnd although a greater area wns cultiva ted than last year, we have serious doubts whether tho yield will ho greater. AVe liopo it will, hut really see no great chanco for It.—Jf««m Telegraph. Not tho l’lnce. Mrs. E. C. Stanton, tho old “bloomer’ gal, is unmistakably a “brick!” Though in ihvor of AVonmu’s Rights, she is not opposed to tlio men. At a meeting of tho “strong-minded” in New York tho other day, she contended thnt women should lmvo a club-house, at which they could lmvo little rbnsls nml lnvite'tho gentlemen. She said bIio considered it “a good thing for men nnd women to be together.” No doubt of it; hut woindu’s “club-houses are not tlio placo. lIo)v Tilings Have Chnngetl. Gov. Gonry, of Pennsylvania, said that lie enmo out of tlio ivnf ns poor ns a church mouse. Ho lias been Got-ornor two years, nml in viow of his probable retirement-lie offers to pay 834,000 for a fiirm. STIio Ponnsylvnnln papers wnnt to know where ho got tho money. Geary’s experience is not singular. A\ r o know lots of*nicn in this State whoso credit was not worth a pinch of snuff before tliey held ofllco un- ■<lcr this dynasty, who now oivu [limita tions and livo in palaces. D ll. .T. A. CT.OT'TON, OF HUNTSVILLE. At,A., Slny Du coiibuUihI in Dulton ou tlio uml of September^ Ho trentswltli perfect success—Files, Fistula, Fissures, JHr.Uitui^B, 1’olypuH, Tumors, Ulcers, Wens, AbscesflOB, Scrofulous Alfections, Dis cuses of tile Kidneys, JJluddor. Uruthru, etc; l)lj U lUllllR,- Ltu. , _ to (ILjcitsei of FE MALES. • Refers to tlio folloAving gentlemen who lmvo Special ultonfion give been his patient*; Dr. Jus. Fort Iiozcmun, Columbus, Gu. Dr. J. T.*8iui8, Albany, Gu, * Dr. II. Miiraimll, Atlanta, Ga. Dr. J. Miller, Augusta, Ga, $5000 WORTH .OF GOODW ON TIIK MARKET AT REDUCED RATES! • A* . S.C.0R0ZIERS. Tlio Best Calicos nt 1V,4 por Yard !• Fifty pieces of the best make and latest BtyloH Just rooelvod nt above price! Best Coffee nt 3J4 pounds to tlio dollar !* • Men’s best whole stock Brogan shoes $1.751 A largo stock of Kentucky Joans and Cussiiucresnt S3 to 75 cents por yard!' Cups and sauoors at 25cents per set. • A good slock of Brown nnd Bleached Domes tics, Hats, hoots, Shoes, Hardware, QuuviiSware and Botkins; Tho Boat Chance for Bargrtiiis Ever before offered in this country. If yon don’t believe it eurne nnd' oxamiiid for yonraelves, as the goods must bo sold. • • 8. C. CUOZIER. Dalton, 8opt. 7, 'GO.-am Urljcltnm’s Wive*. A Salt Lake c^rcspomlekt writes ns fol lows of tho Young harem: “Brigham’s wives, as araopg themselves, are social ngil cheerful, so-far ns eon bo seen. They mnko but littlo show of intellect or of lit erary or artistic tastes, though sorao of them play tho piano. They aro rather of the domestic turn, aud talkJVooly with a ’ stranger (properly introduced) about their cliildron, past, prescut nnd ftitnre; boast laughingly of their fecundity, and allthat sort of thing. What fashion, litcraturo, art, sorosis arc to the civilized wife, child- bearing «is to these women. It absorbs their thought* and forms tho staple topic of their sinull talk, either among tucir own sox or tho opposite.* J * A 88ET8 July 1,1809, $510^02-Secuvely Inves- J3l ted ; . rolielcs.Iriuucd in Last Six Months, 1300. Capital $239,000-Cash Paid Up; Southern Lifo Insurance Co. ATLANTA DEPARTMENT. okkickiis: JOHN n. GORDON, President. BEN. H. HILL A. II. COWJU1TT, “ ills. ** ... E. W. Fiunneo Committee. W. C. MORRIS, Socretun’*- HOARD OV DIHKCTO/lS ! - John B Gordon, Atlanta, Ga/ A Austell, “ 1 K W Holland, •* .J F Alexander, “ JII Cauawnr, ' J M Johmjf • B C Yance Ben II Hill, ltohort Thom$9, “ Wade Hampton, Columblu, 8 C. C II Phlnixy, AugustarGa. Edward TlioniaB, “ • 1) E Butler, MiidiHon, Ga. Robert Toombs, Washington, Ga. B J Siultl), Culhburt, Ga.. A H Colquitt, Newton, Ga. Win Johnston, Charlotte, N C. UL Willingham, Allendale, 8 C. . W A Caldwell, Greensboro, N C. Total Number of Policies IhhuciI, 81500 Forty Per Cent Dividend Declared July 1, ’09$ At tho request of Gon’l John B. Gordon, Pres ident of tho Atlautu Depart inant of this great Southern Organization, I nin hero to present IIh claims to the citizens of C'hurokho Georgia. For your support and putronagu wo rely upon onr solid monied basis, and management liy n Boanl of Directors of tho highest business in tegrity, stnnding nnd professional po sition—a class of gentlemen who have too much reputat ion und credit to stake in any organiza tion that is not fb’st-cluss. This is in * home institution, und lias fully eouiplk all tho-late Statu law’s. His THE PIONEER SOUTHERN LIFE INS. CO., With no discrimination against th" Policy holder in residence, travel<ul V b ui premium, nnd asset* amply sufficient to pay thro ($3) dollars too very one sho owes. We ap peal to t lie South to keep lior money in her own neighborhood, improve her own property nnd culiauco hor own prosperity. More thanAHO,- 000,000 have iKicnsent North by Soutliornbcoi * for Lifo Insurance. Ilundreds of thousands ... dolbg-s are antnmlly sent from Georgia for this purpose. Wo must keep tuis money at home wo need it. I make no war upon other Companies, but In tend to mnko porsonnl appeals to all, amis thnt ovary one shall have u fair opportunity obtaining this, tho chcapost nndsufesrmodoof making u certain provision for ills family,'“and choosing IIM OWN FRIENDS and KKtdlltlORS as Trustees of tho sacred funds of his widow’ uml Arrival of Morntoiin. Ou Monday adevuooufcruv hundred and twcnty-nlneMormonSjfromEnglapd,land ed at Castlo Gordon, New. York. Abput half of them aro women, aud ono hundred and twenty-nino children nro under eight 'yours of ago. Fully forty pci’ cent, aro under twenty. Most of them aro natives of England and. Wales. Afow aro from Switzerland, Denmark and Germany.— Bdsidcs tho President of tho company, there are nino missionaries accompanying tho pilgrims. The men nro cliiefly me chanics and factory operatives, and a few aro colliers and farmers. i>c»poti*iu. Tlio Emperor. Napoleon has pardoned all French political exiles* without reser vation and without any iron-clad oath. 4 LSO, BOH SALE one or the best Improved plantations on tho Ynzoo River, ami Wasp o being ehloHy In Washington county, nml partly In Sun Flower nml Holmes counties, Mis sissippi, containing in nll-23111 acres. Cun ho divided Into threo or more plantations; 1100 ncros cion red, 500 nerofe itiDuUfvntlop, ooo mires deadened tiefovo the wav. lutprovoiuouts til’st class. Cypress thnbVr immensely —*—■ W4U bo sold porfuct. ttv ■ _ aluabtu. low to settle up nn estate. Titles A LSO B,000 acres of land In Monrod county, Hast Tennesseo.. Much of tills hind is equal for farming purposes to llie celebrated Sweet water Valley, to wlilok it lies contigu ous. Tlio hilly portions contain rich deposits of iron and lead, nml thegbld deposits arosuld to he superior to tboso ot Georgia aud North Cai-Qllna. • 50,000 Acres ofVnlimblo North Georgia Lands, as vollows: N E EW GOODMt NICE qpODB! FRESH GOODS I SWEET GOODS! Wil-g-i .1053 11. 'lUSlt r I'109ft j 1140 43f o: 111 «l •M 41 - no » un “ 0AIIOON’S PATENT BROADCAST SEED SOWER, For Sowing n\\ kinds ot Gmin qnd Grass * B.eed, Tho Hand Machine will sow Fifty neves of wheal' In ten hours; the Horse power 120 re res In tho sumo time, and tho work Is done-in tho most perfect manner. Hundreds of letters from all parts of the country sneak its praise. Wo color to L. A. FOLSOM. M. D.. Agricultural Editor of this paper, who has ono of tho mu ohlues. Tho price of Hundi Bower is $10, and of Powo Sower$i)0. Bond for Circuhirs. I). If. GOODELL & CO., Solo Mnnufac’r,. Sold)- . Antrim, N. f(. r£IO THE LADIES X MRS. JANE B. GRAVES Would announce lo tho Ladles of Dalton and tho surronudlng country, thnt sho bts lustre- ctlvod-.tindopeniid at her Store on King Street, u Beautiful stock or • Spring nml Hummer IIutM,* ltoimcts, Ribbons, Flowers, etc., and.every Variety of Millnory Goods,' of tho latest ami most fashionable styles. Sho will bo pleased to stio her old friends and customers nt her now placo of business, wocru tliov dan pro- cure now Huts und have old ones renovated and trimmed. • April 104809-1 y W ItJi permission. If ospoct fully refer to Iloti. D A Walker, CDMeCntchon, W K Moore, F B Morris, John II King, W.J Vnderwood, Col.-W II Tibbs, Jtev. J L lUilch. and I K Shumate, of Dalton, and Col. S M Carter of Murray. /^t EOKGIA, Catoosa Countv-*-3aimiol Johns VJi has applied to uio for exemption nnd sot ting apart aud valuation of homestead, and I wilhiuss upon the same on tho 20th of Septem ber, lo o’clock a. in., tit iny office in Ringgold • Sopt 0, ,1809, J,'M. COMBS, Ordy. /^1EORGJA, Catoosa County.—W C Self VT has applied for exemption of person alty and sotting apart nml valuation of homo- stead, und I will pass upon tho same at my of flee In ltinggold, on the 20th day of September, at 10 o’clock, A. M. . J. M. COMBS, Oxcl’y. i Sept. 0-2t. 1 UO R G I A, W’liitlleld County—Mrs. C. G C. Whitman, wife" of j' T.‘'‘’WhitiVmn', has upplicd for axemptlou of porsonultv, and sottingupiu-tand valuation of homesteall, and l will pass upon tlio same at mv olffee on ... ....... This September 14, IMS). W. 11. UROOKEU, Ordy. the 2-1th lust. _. Green 1ms npplled for exemption oi per sonalty and jjottlnir apart uml valuation of homestead, and 1 will puss upon the same at 10 o’clock, A. M , on tho Jlth inst., at iny office In Calhoun. D. W. NEEL, Ord’y. Sopt.lO-2t. Old 0971 “.81 iw.i •*, y. i ICO, 7 51 wj:: 41 JlS 109,12.151 aw 11 317! L! 353 ^’£ 354 'S - 4201 g IS ___!£ 8 - *H), 41 204 10 4 Townley’s Confectionery! Fresh Butter Crnokers, Soda Crackers, , Cream Crackers, fiugur Crackers. Boston Crackers, IMoNlc Crackers, . aud Furiuu Cruekurs, ul Tpwuloy’H . CbiUbotiouory ! Dried-Beef, • Beef Tonguos, 0> "a,.cH, Herrings, I’leklcs, Cntsup«{ , Pepper Sauce, Brandy 1’each cm, J el lies, by ru pkvvt Xo>vlil cy’s Confootlouovy I i’cucnwx, Sirnwherrica, Fine Apples, at Townley’s ConlYsctlonoi’y! Fresh Candles,* * Oranges, Lemons, etc., Cigars. Tobacco, extrii flue, at April 20-ly TOWN LEY’H CONFECTION F-UY. * «* 14 ' S5; 48, 214 15 ™k;! 72117 k 415 18 * | 'IPWv »f i 199 21 C 720i “ Z 898 1 lion IV S II IU " ! 51 20 -1 37 “ 3 • 52 44 380, »IU • 407 »• .3 1450 311 17 OH 18| 2fl5* l! 1077; 2} «» 3 140 , 44 | 81! i: a 44 % !ii 5 I 14' 18117- j 157 ttj* 1 1 BRING MAS COME, AND SO HAVE SCOTT & LYLE’S . Elegant New Goods! They aro in receipt of a well selected stock of Hprlug and Hummer Good* 1 Somothlng Beautiful for tho Lndlos!. A “Lovo of a Ha(,” or Charmlug Dress I Prints, Lawns, * Muslins, .Lustres, Linens, lints, Triiunilni :asu Also, a well selected stock of ' Gcntlomou's Goods. IlntH, Clotliinpr nnd HlioeN. We respectfully ask an examination of goods and prices. Scott & Lvlu. .South’ End' 1 lain lit on Street. G eorgia dyeh, Unequalled for Beauty and Simplicity,- PRIDE OF"TUE’80UTn t A Buautivul Bkd roa Wool on Bilk. PRIDE OF*YOUTff: Ax ExquiBiTX I’CHri.H.'ron T»’oor. ox 8ufj PRIDE OF fllE FARMER s * ARicu Baowx von Wool,' EXCELSIOR; A Spluxdid Black von Wool: DosidG8a YaLLow,GuRKxnml Bnowa for Cottoo* All prepnrod by apmetlcnl Dyor xnd warran ted. wLiberal discount t« dealers. «j-Sa\nplCM sent free on application. Address. WM .KING; Jn..5fc Co., Athens, Go. 49«For sulo by Scott & Lylo, Dalton, Ga. May 27-3m. . and Maryland wl si genllemon of Chicago . , .. .jhlng to settle In North Georgia, several small farms. HO to loo acres each, nil hi n convenient, access to Dalton. Coin* -forhtble buildings nnd growing fruit trees pre ferred, but not indispensable. VT has applied for exemptin' .. ..... of personalty ami setting apart und vulmUionof homestead, r . ,. . . and I will pass upon tlio same at 10 o’clock, A. Imperialism is more magimuiuious than ! M.,on the 25th duy of Beptomber, nt my office Hc[)ublicnnism, iu.tbcso (toys. ! J ' M ' c0MBS ' 0r "’ y - -J^J"E1V TORE MOVED TO DAI.TON I FOB CHEAP GOODS GOOD BARGAINS •. . Go to tlio “ Livo rtntl Let.Livo Store 1” EAST SIDE Of HAMILTON STREET, Elvi Door, North of King Stloot, DAI.TON, UA. Bs* B. GBEF.X, Mat. h, Basteii, UhV. Lovi ltUOTUSRTON uml r.ASK IlAltSltTT will Ira on hnnil to soli you Clit-ui) Goods nml t’lvo you Liberal l'rk-u. for your Uro.liroo, Our imriiosn Is to nlil lu dovolopluu I tan u-n-ut rasouraos at Wlilt Arid umi lira udJoVnlnucoun ties, ns well os tornnko n living (lylicllin ISSSSS For wo feel ugreul Interest In the growth of Dulton, nnd we know Hint. “A Growing C.ouutry niultosnai-owlng Town." Wo will keep conslunllx ou baud n wetlse- lfc ea.* 00 * and will al»! liberal tra.ln-.- lor nnyiblngnml everytblog that tbo soil or labor of Nortbern Geornln ran in-oduo.’ orivni',5 « ch valley.flintier, will, bis sblplond ofn best, Huron und CbttOArnnd tho bnrelool. monnta n-.boyTflrltu bis imund of Ginseng or llloo.l Hoot, -wo lmve but one rule ofuelloh In trading, and that is to be suiigffcd TO LIVI5 AND LET LIVE I For lira con vonleneo of onr country friends nnd customers, we will, nssoohustbo lumber can be got out, lmve n WAGON YARD, J" too rear of tlio Old BrIc!*Holcl6m m re. with' shelter, lire and wulcr, lor imin undllbasto. a,:„bkn e. green. Ag’t U&UonUlfvCo. able city lots in Dalton for farm property, und others wish to exchange farm property for city lots. For convenience of all persons wishing to make such exchanges, we keep nt onf olllco a book in which the property to be exchanged may bo Registered. . • . all those seeking to invest in Mldiilu uml South weslurn Georgia, oi* in Pino Timber Lunds, convenient tollio Atlantic Ports,‘toour corres pondents, BUTTS & BROTHER, Mucon, Ga, TJ10K RENT. JD The Small Frame Building, Brick Hotel Bqiiurl', noiroeouplud by tho Dalton city Compuhv. r Information of any of the above uddresa BEN.K. GREEN, * - Dalton Ga. TT ADIES, cull nnd examino those Buuutirul JU Oerniun Dure and Glims Setts; also, mag- niUaent assortment of Glass, Stoqo Chinn amt rul Table Ware nt Scott A Lvi.k’b. M : i-itBY re bho.. DALTON, GEORGIA. Havo Ju»t roeolqod an olognnt assortment of DRY GOODS & GROCERIES, Yarns, Shoes, Leather, # Hardware, Cuttlory,. Notion*, Please call and oxatnlno our stock boforopar- chasing olscwh^o. .» r Wo Will Not bo Undersold! Wo havo aocurod tho sorvicos of Mr. Wilbt P. FAnxsWoitTn, who will bo happy to serve his old friends nnd patrons, march 18-iy Have Just comploteil and oqulpnod a now Livery, Fcodand SaleStable, Crawford Btreev Dalton, Ga„ Whore thoy win ho plenked to furnish to the ptiblle,, at- all hours, No. L Horses nnd New Bug gies.. lliey lmvo a commodious Hack; also wagon and saddle horses, to lot; and would re- Bpeotfnllyaskthooitlkonsand public generally togivousucall. Termsinodorate. r f any house in town keeps Sniienor Groee- I’Ich—Sugar Coffee, Flour, eto., go and con- vlneo yourself that it Is Scott A Lvlb. A N cxcellon excellent stock of Trlon Factory Osna- n ' and 4-4 Domestics, and Thread at TIBBS * KENNER-