North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, October 07, 1869, Image 2

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/?J- Mlwtlnn In Ilia ISoiitli. lith thl nan ot' solf-rcsppct, should bo informs in Hmt tlivro Is n giantscnri U'J J"jjui,' l ' l !!,"'» l " rw na hi that mid ndJoUBug Diati "'ll distress among tho poorer Tlicocrn in tliutaAutiiiiiol h tin- letter, is almost no enl ill It Helling nt 42,00 a’sushi rlt tlio cotton'efSp ns Iris tt— ... — - th|J\* ft f. TinTr'-" l “*‘ 1 r tli ’ tol»w»y j knmi " l yjisplentjiu^. prowl over tlif couu-1iMM ■V »J *»J linfl HP! firinclpaily world.. Um\ ]x.oplo, uud wo witlti■ hr stanllng. Numtora of (Hmlllcs arc! Mnmito-mriiotri.mrioiy < sorrow, wiul North for nearly nil llielr j ninkinfcnrmngcmcnla to movo SoptlHir k |U "Hiw atftwwoni nmio so States,•%hcmh«rb IsHdors to cat nod less nlggorl ^ Awnlie, Sloo|»crHI The City Council of Romo 1ms exempt o oxhiblt- .uikhi wlucalion.- 1 night j w . fl s purpose of growing nrlng notlilng whatever f llielr children, which f far more priceless icy nrrlvont the ago of mnn- iimliood, thun sordid, gold, nblo and experienced teneheps, since nvo known the place, havo. como amongst us and tried to build up a first clnss institution ef learning; but from the bad pay, mid worse encouragement they invariably met.with, together with the high rents they were made to pay for the privilege of teaching our children, they have always gone away discouraged and disheartened. ' Dalton hns a population of over S.r.00, and His with slinmo-fhecdilces wo confess the humiliating fact, Hint she line not the first sign of an Academy building within her corporate limits, not even, ns one of the speakers truthfully remarked on Sat urday night, .“a log cabin in which to ed ucate tho hundreds of children growing up in tho town." This is nlnmoiitnblo slate of affairs—a condition of tlilpgs that should set every mail In the placo to think ing. Truo, tho city years ngo, we under stand, owned a handsome, commodious, well-arranged brick Aeudemy; but by sorao “hokuspocHS,” Indifference to edu cation, or something else, tho building wnssuffeml to pass into pt-ivuto hands, ami last Christmas took flrpapd burned down « The qucsllon now Is, shall we enter heart and soul into the cause of education lit our midst, by not only, erecting an Academy building, but by employing nil nblo corps of teachers and paying them promptly and liberally, and encmiragiiig'thcm in ovety other Vny possihleV— or shall wo let our girls grow up In Ignorniice, and our boys run over tlie streets, visit bar and billiard saloons, and he pulsed up in Idleness und vied? HVo do earnestly hope that tho lot- -tor state of.things may not ho the ftito of tho boys and girls of Dalton, but that Our citizens, ouo and all, who feel a par ticle of interestiu the good name, the refinement, tho prosperity, nipt-tho growth of the placo (for where .education is neglected these things arc slrangors), will tiwako to. the Importance of this subject. We oxpoct to mako Dalton our perma nent home—our interest Id idonttfled with her interests—wo love her bracing ntmos- plicro and her beautiful surroundings— and we write thus plainly beeauss wo fed that unless wo keop pitco with this ngo of progression, ns well as In eve ry thing else, our lovely little moun tain city must over remain In tho back ground. Tlicre is no placo upon which tho sun of licaven shines, more healthy than this, and there is not a moro favora- hio point in the South fur tho lucutlon of a first gjass institution of learning, and wc earnestly appeal to our citizens to go to » Work at onco and lay the foundation for such an Institution. There Is not a Col lege, either male or femalo, In nil C'iicro- kco Georgia, and this whole section is full ofboys and girls, and they must all'lie educated or grow up lu ignorance. No cutcrprlso lint our people could em bark iu would add so much to tho pros perity and wealth of Dalton ns tho oroc- tion of an Academy, and the employment of tcnchers as able rind cfilclent as Sir. Glenn, who hns taught with so much snt- isfaction to our people this yenr. It would cause good, substantial men from a dis tance to buy property und settle with tliolr families nmongst us, who will never do so ns long as there is sucli on apntliy man ifested upou the subject of education by our people. Therefore, wo beg, wo plead, wo entreat, wo beseech,-every nwu. in Dalton, who owns a dollar’s worth of property, or Isas a child to school, to go to tho Court-IIouse on Saturday night next and subscribe lib erally to the contemplated Academy building. ' ' literary publications, The Harpers, the Rio l’otersons, nnd the Runners, us, and front week to Week and month to mouth, denounce our .people through their vil® publications, nro'llbcr- ally patronized by the South, whilst the various meritorious literary Journals in our own sunny clime nio sufltred to Inn- gulsji and filially dlo Out for the want of Unit very patronage which Is extended to these sworn enemies of tile South. Have our people any self-respect?—and do they wish to foster and onoouraga our nntiv'o literary enterprises—a literature that Is pure nnd high-toned in its.chnraotor? If so wo enlj upon them to exclude from their homes—to renounco henceforth nnd forev er—every Northern Weekly nnd Monthly Hurt is at all tinctured with tho devilish principles taught by tho Radical party. We can build npn literature of our own— shall wc do it? Wo have mnny able wri ters all over tho South who would gludiy contribute to a Southern Llteratue, nnd let us showto the North nnd tlio world that wo can and will liuvo a Literature peculi arly our own. Tlio "Eolcctio Mngnzlno aiul Land Wo liovc’! nnd ‘‘Southern Home Journal," Baltimore, “Scott's Monthly,” Atlanta, “XIX Century, >• Charleston, are among some of the mnny nblo litomry pub lications of the South, and wo do earnestly ,,, imin ile, llin i.Ulm, hi» properly. vizi iHMin im or ffitltl ooimtv s levied iMHlil eitec Sunnis iiml Miuiiirscttiriiig Cotnpiniy, of ^'Jtlw'towii Int.mtmliorsMnml S3, soil pm l of town i.ita niniilK.iv u7 nmi in, lu tlio loivn or "’ronton,Tin., now lu the posHoNMlon ol'li. (J. it. nylon Invletl oil Motile proiwrly of tleftan lioite (lint our pooplo, who feel nn interest ill, und desire to foster, the porlodienl liter ature of our section, will extend to these meritorious publications a liberal and re munerative support. Don't Kiiilarnto from (Joorgln. The otil worn out lands of Southern, Middle ami Eastern Georgia, have been wonderfully improved in their productive ness this yenr by tlio freo use of fertilizers nnd deep, thorough ploughing. Wo learn that two bales of cotton to tlio acre have been made by more than One farmer near Athens, nnd from SO to 95 bushels of wheat on tlio hitherto unproductive red lillls in Hie same locality, In other portions of tlio State South of us this land recupera tion has been made ‘by tlio sumo process, with like remunerative results. Notwith standing wo have.the best climate in the world, and a soil that can ho nmtlo to pro duce, by liiaiiurliig tmtl proper culldre, ns well us tho rich prairies pf t lie west, em igration from Georuin to T(txns,. Arkan sas n mi other South-Western Staton, Is enn- staully going on. When wc remember our experience In Texas one' year—the poor cropping of wheat,'eorn.and cotton to Hit: acre,' heentiso of tho live months’ drought hi the Bprtng and summer, and the myri-. ads of grasshoppers, to which tlio Slate Is always subjected—the miserable- water nnd unhealthy, climate—wo feel .sorry when wo hear of any fiunily leaving our StatO, which is so much superior In oveiy respect, for that fur off country. Before the wifr the lands of Georgia were worn out making money to buy negroes. Tho negroes arc now free, and If our farmers will spcntViholr surplus money in fertiliz ers, cultivate less land, and do it tiior ., — „ - — ^ to .nd.rv 1U from Dana toput'lor ed from taxation, foP the period ^ years, all capital nnd miiclilnery cm|iioy-! i„ I.. -rjunnpmji. Property pointeil am to £.u. cd In tho manidhcturo of COtteu uud wool-1 '“Wii™} ilua‘u“i’ r "lmrM of tlia MptUI on goods, or agricultural Implements. The Homnna i\rc a sharp awl quick** set,ami I l/i* Tim ‘ *' '' “ know wlmt Is necessary to t>c clone to build iv city. Will not our “slow-coach,” do- notlnng citizens, catch s^mo of their lire and vim, and go to work in earnest for Dalton? We must and can havo a city of nt least 20,000 inhabitants—let us all therefore go to work with a will and see what can bo done. The Institution of learning spoken of elsewhere wc must havo nt once, and after that wo must lmvo a cotton fiietory, a manufactory for agricul tural implements, a foundry, a sash, blind and door establishment, n carriage and buggy manufactory, etc., if we expect Dal ton to widen her domains and tUl up with a busy, bustling, wldo-<iwnkn t Intelligent population. Up then, ovorybody, and go to work!—no time to wait, Maeawbcr-like, for “something to turn up!” i:<lltorlnl I'nritKrniihx. The Atlanta Constitution lms recently been enlarged and greatly Improved in its typographical appearance. It Is now the best daily paper In Atlanta. A white man is confined at the county jail in Quitman who is said to have live living wives. That man is “muchly mar-, ricdl” Parson Drown low Is confined to his bed in Knoxville—not expected to live, lie will not be missed if lie dies—no tears will be shed In this direction. An old lady in Franklin couuty, Indi ana, was stung near tho temple by a bee recently, und died in less thaii ten min utes. •Johnson, K. I >.<; niUum.mlm’r of M. Derry borry, «l» , (H‘W**<f,t»ri<loiliorti, vs Haiti L. I.. Thompson, l't n|iorty pointed out by-K. D. Ora hum, plain* UIPh attorney. . ' , A1 o, six aereikorlaml In tho town orTronton, Gu., ooqttplMlby M. NUUioluinuml known ns tho "Njouoln» lot r* luVieU onus the property of (tetcMiihmtH to satisfy, one il la from l)a«lc supe rior Court, In favor or K. 1). GrahniUj a«ltu‘r or M. Derryborry vs >1. Nloholas and 11. M, Wll- lcluHon. IMoporty pointed out by 12, D. Gra ham. plaintiff’* attorney. Also, ono-luilf of town lot number 43, In the . \vn of Trenton, Oa., tuiowu a* “Howard’s wtoto" lot: loviod on a« tho property of deften- (latlt to satisfy a ll iu from Dude superior Court, In favor of li. P, KopIhs, adin'r of jes«o CtiHwel, deueusud, vs 11. Mv WllkluHon, c<t nl. Property pointed out by K. D. Urulmm, pluiulilT'h attor ney. Also, fifty acres, more or 1mh*, oTaf lot of land number odit, in the KM it district und 4th suet Ion: levied oiwim tho property of .1. ,M. Jack lotmiln* fy alt fa Issued from Dade Sunurlor Court, In favor of J. L>. Carltart a;;uiuet s. M. Prothround j. m. Jack. Jonathan ulkvkns, sii’a*. Oct. 7-tds. Total Number of Policies I»ktie«l, B.1001 I'Qvty Percent Dividend Dcohuod July I,'JO. At tl»« rciquiwtof Gott’l .John B. Gordon, Prcs- Ident of the Atlanta Department or lht* (treat Southern Ovuauientton, I &w\ net * ~ - ' Plnco, J before Utu .Ceurt lltmao door ii\ Snvfod . .... •, Murray county, between tho legal lioura of Hale, on the first Tuesday in November next, the followInK’property, to-wlt: • One honuc Hid lot In tho town of Spring Place,, known as lot number 2: levied on a* tho prop- orty of J. D. Temple*, to satisfy three lustlou court 11 run, one In favor or Darby it Co., uud one in favor of J. P. Haley, ami one in favor of A. T. JlcurtsOll vs said Tuiunloss JLoviod on by bulliU' and returned to tuu. Also, lot of land numbor 2fiO, In the nib di* trlof and 3d section, as the property of S. 31. Wilson, to satisfy onejtu-t lee court U fa lit favoi of James Y. Halo/ Vs§. M. Wilson. Also; lot of land numbur 3, In the 101 h district 1 3d section* us the . ilker, to satisfy one ? f(i,in favor of William A. Ilryuut ouglily wltli the tost plows, plnnt a great, er variety of. orops, they would lmvo no occasion .to go West to totter tliolr condi tion—bountiful orops and a competency would to realized wlicro they arc. lklltors Xominntlar n Governor. Texas editors to tlio number of about forty, in convention nt Brcnlmm, liavo nominated Hamilton Stuart, of Galveston, ns tliolr candidate for Governor, and lio lms accepted. A fldl straight out Demo cratic ticket will bo put forward. Forty newspapers nrc pledged to their support. Much enthusiasm was expressed in the Oonvcntloh. GcnomlDavisnddrcssedtlio people of Brcnlmm tli'O other night. Tlio. litttlo Corporal, Tile brilliant Western Juvenile, (which claims to lmvo a largor circulation Hum any other juvenile magazine in tlio world, and to be better worth the money (ban any other magazine,) nmionnccs Hint It will conic free Ibr Oct., Nov. and Dee. df tills year to nil now subscribers for tho now year whoso names and money ate sent to tho publishers before the last of October. Deatillful Premiums are .offered for Clubs. Now is a good time to begiu. Price, Oil? Dollar a yuar, sample copy, IScciits, Ad dress Alfred L. Sowell 1S5 Co., Publishers, Chicago. nccotiiI:i* Hninllcr. Tho Stale of Delaware, originally of a small nattern; Is becoming smaller by de grees ana bcautiftilly less. ‘The Delaw river is said to bo encroaching on its bord ers from ten to twenty feet per year, and tho sites of houses which onco stoo<i far In the fields are now under water. Tho light house near Dower’s beach lms been remov ed three times, und a hotel on the same beach, that once stood u considerable dis tance from tlio buy, with large trees iu front, is uow being washed, away, by the waters. Valiinblo Dlxcuvory. A stratum of genuhio porcelain clay has been discovered In McMiuu county, Tenn., five miles southwest from Athens. It was struck at the depth of about twenty- five feet below the surface, with a depth of forty or fifty feet, clear from all sand or rock or other impurities—solid nnd com pact—tlio upper portion white, the lower tcu or fifteen foot highly variegated with yellow and red. It is within five miles of tho Tennessee Diver and seven miles of tho East Tennessee aiul Georgia nail- road, A Nlco Hot, A Savannah negro, some weeks ago, swore another negro into tho penitentiary; tho “sympathizers” got to work on -the witness, and’ he swore tho convict out with tho aid of tho Governor. II is last effort at the “calf-skin” was to swear .him backhgain 1 Where this champion swearist will stop remains to be seen. Over tlio PnllN. On Sunday morning, a man who hnd 5- registered his name at tho Cataract House, r- Niagara Falls, us.CurlSehurz, New York. U..-I». Johnson, iiiliiri* of J. H. Johnson vh Giles llmltfe*. rtuhl lot nointuilxmt In II fa. Also, lot of hind numhot 7U, 8th <ll»tiict nml 3d neetlon: lifrloit on iih thoproinu'ty of Hhoilu John.ton, to siitUry one Murray Superior Cpufl ll fa, in favor of Janie* Gilbert for Ofliecr* of Court va IthoKa Jolmaon. Also; lot h of Inna number*'373 anil 202, eth ills triut ami 3U sooupn of Murray county: levied on us the pronul'ty of w., J. l’nunJUH, to Hatinty ono-Murray soporlor Court Ufa, in favor r" Jamuti F. Haley v» Hahl Pcoplo*. Oet7-t«K W. 11.1C A MS Y, D. Sheriff. __ __ licforu tlio Court hbuHeiioor In Haiti ty.on tho Jlrst Tuu?day in November next, bo- tween the tntiml hours of sale i Onu lioiiHO um.1 lot In tho eity of Dalton, ad join Ina on the north the lot and house now ok nupied by Timothy Ford, contain# two acres, moru or leu*, It IiuIiik the house uud lot apart for mild Ford by IJ. ll. Brown, as.-dirm! Bankruptoy. <>uo double log house — * » -'hfflf e, In the city ol 1 owors (nml one [• nine yours old: all levied <i the pro)MMly Andrew Joliuson. - - Tlio Knoxvillo I’rcss & Ilorald says:' “Private advices from Middle Tennessee nssuro us that among .dispnssionato and observing men tlio election of Andrew Johnson to tlio Senate is now a conceded filet.,’1 Wo trust that tlio Herald’s advi ces may prove true-, tbvwith all klr. Jolm- son’s faults lie lias nevertheless shown' himself to bo a warm friend of constitu tional liberty—an unilineliing, uneompro- mlsingf opponont of tlio present corrupt party in power—and tlio election of-no man in Tennessee to the V- S. Senate, would please us better, or do ns much to wards extricating the country from tlio perilous situat'iQU into which it lms been Plunged by ltadieal scoundreUsm, Mg Teit. • It is said hy ntiu v.dio professes to lie " l: jiostcrt, tlint tiic roaring, ranting stroii'g- liiimlcd women or this, country lmvo-all got big feet,'which wclliitik aecotuits fu( llieir masculine pfocUritlcs. These nian- fema’cs ltad a rousing Women's Rights “sny-5 , n’>nt Cincinnati tho other day, and , , .. . ,,, , some enterprising newspaper reporter Jim beuator tldnU hatu ascertained by some means (guess he saw ll ‘° of or uf ft nl » ttoito-tbat.Mrs, PirnliWwears fourteens, j tllkc “ ;" va >’ lie a Miss Susan ]!. Anthony’ elevens, Mrs. w !iolesome.lesson to tha others. A little school girl wns playing on tlio railroad track near Newark on Thursday, lvlieii she saw a train approaching. Slio hurried to get oil 1 the truck, but stuck her foot carelessly under the rail in her haste and could not cxlrlcato it. Slid was thus held on Hie track until the train .reached nnd crushed her. Afrniil lie wont tfot hla JSImrc. proceeded to lublo roek, nt tho falls, placed Ids coat, watch and money in elinrgo of a boy who was standing by, and walked oil’ into tlio water a low foot from the livitik. Ho was soon carried over tile precipice and dashed to pieces iu the whirlpool below. Oermnn Immigration. A day or two ago a company of ilfty-llvo German emigrants left New York for Mis sissippi cin Washington', Knoxville and Grand Junction, They are tlw first in stallment of a colony uumtoring some six hundred and fifty, who lmvo purchased a tract of land nnd propose to locate ill tlio vicinity of Water Valley, Mississippi.. Camrht. A firm in Augusta, Gn., lmvo been de tected in an nttempt to swindle tho Geor gia railroad. M. Rich & Co. reported the loss of two boxes of goods from Now York, and threatened to bvingsuit for their val ue. Tlio agent of tlio load, being satisfied Hie gouds had hotel received, put a police man on tlio scent, who traced tlio missing boxes to tlio collar of Messrs. Rieli & Co. It seems tlmt tlio boxes were taken from tlie depot without being checked on tlio agent’s list. Wanton to Ml*. Three colored men attempted to lako seats ill tlio dress circle of tlio National Theater iu Washington, a night or so ngo, nnd, when politely reqestod to go to tlie place ussigned Tor colored people, refused to leafe tile dress unless compelled to do so hy tlio ollloors of tlio house. They then left under compulsion of their order, no physicnl force being used, nnd it is supposed tlie question of the right of lie- gibes under tlio recent corporation law relating to places of amusement will now bo tested. Hull Do I A Georgia editor objects to the proposed Editorial Convention ill this State. lie says that tlio nffnir will only to n big'drunk, and “we can get drunk nt homo on whisky that wo are used to.” Tlmt editor must to a constant sivigger of the ardent, and is daily on “a big drunk,” or lio would not liuvu such a poor Opinion of tlio “fourth estate.” Itoatod. Intelligent* from Paraguay to the 22d of August contaius details of the complete of T. Ft ml, by vlrtua of two Tux 11 fan I: of Jniritea Bela..* —* from tlio Jw*tl<v court fort lie h72«1 ohtriot, 1 M., In favor of linker A Ault va.James Holm D. \V. MITCHELL, Sheriff. ALSO, AT Tilts SAME TlM'l AND PLACUt All that mi l of lot of lot of land number 331, in mil ilMt let ami :i«l section, Nvlilch lies Iu the county of WUUtlvUl, and went of the Conuasjvu- #a rivoiS except that portion of stilil lot able' wiisHold off by Moi't'a Marlin to Jatiu %r —* said land levied on to* tlie property of raison by virtue of atnort#n#e tl fa from Whit tlehl Superior Court, In favor of Ueor#u Strlcli er A Co. vh A. J. llin raison. Also, t lmt pared of land In tlie city of Dalton, at the corner of NVauuh and 8pu bounded mrtlui north ny Whii#1i fi the east by Sponcer Street, iu lot or Win. C. llavrbon on the _ Ides of Ills lot. and deabrlhad hy a deed fr . AVSTKCT* K* W.'nOt.I.AXIi,' • Kliiunca.ttiiumUtJg'. ; ' W. I*. JlOltiHs, SirtiMiiry. JUIAUD or niUKCTOttHI John B Gordon, Allr.uta, Gti. ' Z . .1 M Johnson. • “ Unhurt Thomas, “ # Wadn Hampton,C’olumldu, 8 C. • aTmilnls.vvAitKUHta, Gil. Kdu'Utd TL 1) K BlltlOft iiittitviyiii uu. Uobmt Toombs. Wn*nlng\onjL It J Smith, Cuthhovt, Gn. A lt Colquitt, Nowton, Uii: W A Caldwell, Greeimboro, N C. .........a here to Hscluims to tbo oltUotiH of chorokeo (feor«la. For your i»upn6rt und pat romitfu wo rely upon mr Holid monied basis, and tnanaKemeut by a tourd of Direotor* or tho hltfhoat liuMiutw* in- okHty, rtbiinolul Ktandln# und profe»»iomit po- lit Ion—it Hush of gout lotiien who havo too in uch reputntIon und credit In utaku In uuy or#anixa- tlon that is not flmt-elas*. Thl* t* purely a homh i nhtitution, and lias fully complied with all the bite State lawn. It Is THE PJONKRK SOUTIIEHN LIFE INS. CO., Willi no dMorimhmt’ou ugalimt tho SpulUern 'olloy holder In ro*id6noe,truvbl or rat oh of idjkhborhood, improve her own property und enhance her own prosperity. More than *30,- 000,000 lmvo been aunt North by Southern people for Life Insurance. IIitmlredH of tliousaiidH of dolluru are aim ually Kent from Georgia for this purpose. Wo must keep thimnoucy at home: —Quoad It. I make no war upon other CnmpanluH, lmt In tend to uuiko pPVHouul appeals to all, and net that overy one Khali havo a fair opportunity of obtaining this, the chop post and stiTusr mode of milking a certain provision for hi* family, and ehooKin# hib own vhiumih und kuioiiuojis Trustee* of tip? saCrt'd funds * ftPIIAKS. wir FIVH HUNDRED ' Yniuftlilo .Town Lots THK GltOWING CITY OF DALTON f tl)c sucred funds of his Widow uud ~ with permission, T respectfully refer to lion. D A Walker, CDMoCiitchen, W KMoore, Fit Morris, John II Ivin#. W J Vnderwoml, Col. W JlTlbhs. Itev. .1 L iflltqh, and I K Shumate, of DaUoii. Und Col. H M Carter of Murray. inrlngmy ulmencofrom Dalton I will lio rep. ented bv F.. U. Sarhkkx ami l»r. B.B. IlnowN, ..imtH,iir"* ' *| **-*- Bop l«-4t ° 1 1 lui l ,rovt3ti furUJIi ln Also, lot numhur 70 nnd onedmlf of lot ntftn- lliiltau, Im. AUu (lil huii ,mlR rmnieJinil.llnc, 4 SiudiWiB feopmiwir! “ ml Also, |(M ucrosi part of lot uninbicr 813, 13th district und ;td huettou, 00 aores eluartid; good hewod Inn dwellItitf, stable, eorucrlh,Hh»dK,Aot good nrohurd of curly pcuclio*,nnpln8 and pears, well wutored in ovory (leld, aiuluxuullout well wator ut lioUKO) two umt a half uillos from Dul ton Also, lots numbers SI, 33, and ono half of-lot 23, la thu 13th district and »d hooUoii,400 aoro*i two good springs, tht'oil wells, upjile, puuolJt cherry and pburtreosj HoaurbsCoimliullhefeok bottom,80 tp 100 non?* cleared; no buildings, Also, 320 acres, within two titllesor Tilton, flue pencil uml upplu o rub aid, good dwell lug house, barn, cotton glu and llmutlicr. An improrod farm on Conasauga Itivor, nlno miles N. K. or Dalton, on the upper King's Bridge Hoad, GOO dci'CHt lots 70, 70. und parts or 70, 74 and 27. In 12th nnd 3d, 2 dntihla log oahlns, with shed rooms, orlbx and stubloH; young apple and puuch orelmrd, well of water ut liouso. springs nnd crook) 140 acres on an island In tho Conasungu, all first clutm hot tom. Also, lots number* 137 nnd 144, 17th district and 3d section, 11oh1u Cons county, fouV tulles B. W. of Kingston, onu uiUo from Kingston and Home B. It., improvements nt. lot 137, and good land cleared* % of u inllo from Hlahtour lllver; no Improvements on lot 144, lmt largo quality of long leaved line timber, will bo sola together Or separately. Also, lots 231 and 232, and 30 acres of 228. In tho l‘4th district uud.ttd section. OMaercs with good cotton gin, Saw Mill and Grist Mill. l*rlco$T,fl00; or will exohungo forelty property, Aluo, lot*413. In 10th district nml 8d section, ICO ttcrcH. all tliable land, n) acres cU ured; good ie buildings nml excellent Spring, 13 miles froi.. Dalton, on tho Ducktowu lload; young fruit trees and good timber. Frico ^KX), or will cx> change for city property. Dry Goods~aiid JStSSwy nr (Succcaoi's tojolm ll. Kliijf,, SSOOO WORTH OF O O Ol) H ON TDK MAUKKT AT UKDU.CED RATES! 8. C. CltOXIEIlS. Tin* IlCHtCulleos at 18*^ per Yard 1 Fifty pleee* of the best make and latest Style* just received at above ptJoe l lies'. Cqffeu at V/i pounds t« t Iro dollar J MvnVlmst whole stock Brogan Shbe* V-73 A large stock of Kentucky Jeans and Cans!mere*ut S3 to76 cents per yardt Cap* and saucers nt 23cunt* per set. A good .-dock of BrowTimid Bleached Domes, ies, Huts, Biiote, Sliqea, Hardware, Uili'uiswjro ml Notions. Thu Best Clmnoc for Bargains Ever before offered in this country. A Very Valuable Farm, SEVEN HUNDRED ACRES, Two Hnudred nml Fifty Acres Cleared and t*r-' ■■*>— ii -Wood's Station admirably adopted to Corn.'WhOut,- Oats, To- biieooand the Grn«scs, odnststlng of lots mint, her* 14H, 140,177,173, nml sixty aore* of the Mouth part oriot number 140,ull in tlio 27tli district und 3d section. Tills place may ho dlvidod Into two nr three fivvnift; bUtwHlbe sold in .a body at the very low figures of |4,IKK. civsh; ' iw.ll Dry Goods, Clothing, Notions Iloiii., Slioi-H, Huvilwuru nn»V Uroccrl.i, ' Ca.h paid for Bacon, Wheat, Cora. Cotton. ana all kind, of Country Produoa, Ilcln, I.m: MEff, ire trill .ndearor toina* tuIntlioMpututlon.nml.orT, our old frt.ndi and tlia pulillo latuflietorlly. . COMB OK WITH TOC* Produoe and Oaaht Try u. | We will aiy. 7 0I, Bargain, I w« makatlio Uraln and Produoo trad, a olaUty.and Major Bard will U, on tmnd ( hi, usual USerullty, P ‘ W f ° r • U * n viS, 1 , 1 . 11, the and hu.lue,. a. hur.toforii, fii ‘dr Juno 24-ly GOODS I KICK GOODS I EBESU OOODSI iT SWEBT UOODII Townley’s Confectionery 1 FrMli Butter Alrackersf Soda Crackers/ Cream Crackers,- Sugar Crackers. Boston Cracksrs, WO-Nlo Crackers, aud Farina L'rasksm, a# Towuloy's Confooilonery t Oyster*, Sardines, Herrings, l'lckleS, Dalton, Sept. 7, ’O'A-um S. C. CROZ1ER. is, id ttdjoUti.igtl.u id south IT. IV Bobbin* to R, K. Wllaon on record in WlUttlold Bnpefior Court: levied on aa thu pvojjorty of ll K. Wilson to satisfy a ll la from Murray Superior Court, Siimiid Money, ludor. ..... \r f who,... i n v (V'tim.. .... 11. tjUTHEULAND, D. Sli’ff, riAT035AMt K it I FF’S* SALKS.’-Willbo hold lie for o llm f!nurl-iroii*udoor lu Hiuggold, iiitbo Tuosdiiy In November Miext, ho. A lso, fob plantation* on tl.o Yazoo River, mid Wasp o being childly iu Washington county, unu partly in Hun Flower mid Holmes counties, MU- slaiinpi, containing inaU25IU acre*. Cun In* divided into throu or more idantutions; 1100 nere* cleared, 500 aero* In oultivatlnn, (J00 a ere* deadened before t ho war. Improvements first dims. Cypre** timber lmmon*ely valuable.— Will be sold low to settle up an ustalo. Title* perfect. 5,000 UC/ . ingpii Water Valley, port li ;m<l lead, and the gold deposit* ill Caiolliia A 5,ooo acres of-Jan«t in Mouroo countv, Ea*t Te.nie**oe. Much of thl? hind 1* ijual for farming purpo*n* to tlio oclcbrated 1 Wa" - - - Town lot number 27. and 10 foot off df the east Hldo otuumber 28, both Iron. In# on and north of Nashville-htreet iu tliu town of llinggold, and town lot number 45. except ton feel off of the north end of wild lot, being tho lot whuro* on P Alllggln* formerly resided; all sold a* the property of *nld Iliggln*. bv two superior court 11 fa*, ouo T M Gordon und .J M Lee, for use of ofllcer* of court vs said Higgins, and ono T M Gordonund J M laiu v* *ald iliggln* for purolmse money. Levied upon u* the properly of PA Higgins, mid pointed out bv T M Oor- don, U'va.fcQgt. Oct. 7.1W0. tV. .7. WHITkITT, D. Sliff. PATENT BROADCAST SEED SOWER, i or Sowing ull kind* nl Grain uud Gnu-s j 50,000 Acrcp o'fVnlunblc North Georgia Lands, AS FOLLOWS. ’W-rnirwiprm Peppei* inne#, • . Brandy reach as. Jellies, Syrup«,M C ATOOSA MORTGAGE SHERIFF BALK.— Will be cold before the Court-House door, In Ringgold, within the legal hour* of sale, on tho tli _ in Dveumi) af laud number iM, lu the 2-Sth dlutiiol nty, Gn. .. itlOh Of Ui .. _ property of Green Bradley by pne superior court mortgage II fu. D H Andcrsmi v* Green Bradley. Property pointed out In said mort gage ll fa. , I Pr*. fee »3. Oct. 7. W. J. WlllTSITT, D. SUIT. of I^i Fayette. Walker eountv. on tlio firm Anea- day in November next, within thu legal hours of sale, 11m following property, to-wlt: Ono eighth Interest in lot number 222; and onc-eighih Interuwt in .south half of loti num ber* 2k» and 217—all in the Sth district and uii section of Walker county: levied nn as tho •:?rtv of John F. Vlekory to*atl*fy twujus- e by U 11 Limit or. L A. A. SIMMONS. Sheriff. > the rond leading frdm J. E. Willson’* ford, on Sugar Creek to Coatiulln In the direction of Red Clay dlicontiniied u* a Public Road, anti left its u Private Way: This 1* to cite all person* eon- corned to show legal objection* at my office on the llrst-Tucsday In November, why said Pub lic ltoud should not ho annulled and left a* a Private Way. Witness my hand nnd otlloleial signature. " ' W. 11. RROOKEK, Oid'y. Oct. 7-30U. appoint Del 7-1 Senator Vwlsou recently romarknl to ryuL of Lopez by tlie Allies, lirst at Curu- Scerctary Boutu'cU tlmt Iw dmM tvateli I guuty, whcroiio lost 1,000 killcil, 200 pris- witli ciose smitiuy tlio eumluct u! somo of | onors ami Wcannoti, nml then a t Igitacion, the national banks of New York city, | where lie lost 23 cannon nml abamioticO which, itis supposed, liavo tent Uiemselvee j Iii a steamers, wliicli suhscqiiently fell into j It plfciitlou In pfopc lmvo John Kulth, mini' discharged from such administration, and Wli- In Hendrix appointed iidtn'r, d” bonis non. In Id* Hteud: Thl* 1* tlicroforu to cite ull pcr»on* concerned to show cause at my omen, If any they can, on the first Monday In Novomhor next, why said Keith Should not be disclmrgod anil Willi* Hendrix appointed ndm'r, do bonl* non, in hi* room on said Tuteieitutc. Witness my official-signature. Gel. 7-lm. W. 11. BRUOKKR, Ord’y, G 1F.ORG! A, Walker On Y having boon ... .... Raidwin to bo appointed admiui*t‘’ratrlxTipoa the estate of Edward Baldwin, lute of said county, deceased : Tld* Is to imtUy all persons iiitmvotod, both kindred and creditor.*, that at the tint regular term of Hu* Court tube held I’Qgil I tho first Monday In November i 'dnt an udminl.-t rat or upon said estate. MILTON RUSSELL, Ord’y. Andrew Curuu! i of iHTsonnlty, at — i imruy t iiuivy.iMJV, ml ||, fit , . , . , .i ... | oet 7, nsat-lt. .JUI.TOX Itussi lu tlio huslncss.of locking up. : ,'*>lil ami i tlio hands of thu Allies. Tlu. Provisional j >, koiwi.V.' itv.-Tntvty tffl «at- JX , bus applied for exempt! ... 11 will jm** upon the same 'riUny.Nov.lfitli, .iULTON RUSSKLU Ordv. ' Fifty acre* of . , power 120 rere* u time, and the work isdonoln the most perfect manner. Hundred* of letter* from all parts of the country speak its praise. Wo refer to L, A. FOLSOM, Mr D.. s\grleu!turai Editor of this puper, who ha* ono of the ma chines. Tho price of Hand Sower I# 410, nml of Power uwQi'ftX). -Send for Circular*. , D. ll. GOODELL A CO., Solo Manufae’r, . Antrim, X. IL rpo Tina LAD1E.S1 SIRS. JANE B. GRAVES Would announce to tlio Ladle* of Dalton nnd thu Hurronmling country, tlmt olio hta lustre- (dived and opeimd at her Store on King Street, a Beautiful stock of Npriiig nud Nmmtirr HnB, Honuctn, Ribbons, Flowers, etc., and every Variety of Mlllnery Goods, of tho latest and most fashionable styles. She will be pleased to see her old friend* and uu*t outers ut her new place of business, weere they can pro- unrenew Hilt* and have old ones renovated and trimmed. April W,l8«My KJflj 7 s EW YORK MOVED TO DALTON! N E I'OTt CHEAP, GOODS GOOD BARGAINS “ Live and Let Live Store I” Until our Now Stores are built on the “Old Brick Hotel Square,” you will tlml us outho EAST SIDE OF HAMILTON STREET, Five Door* North of King Street, DALTON, GA. ** 11172 1183 ~ i no s 11KI3. - i’lllO-} " 12W 4411 109.12 Si! 19 fffi *' 812! 2 152 13‘ 171 20 14- til “ 214 IS .(]'(■» “ ii 199 21 S 720 “ " 8tW; “ “ 273' H i| 11 i7 290 4 I29ili ” 30 0 40! •' 111 1 ‘ 120 > 1 2 JiVt f 270 9 ltd 11 3« 111' c* 254 17 e 253 “It* .799, “| | 1090 ••!* 547 IS A 1100 10 s I 51 20 ~ 1*1178 2 4H *M‘ II a»| 3.51 aw, I 231 - li-ftHl 1*31 I 159 13 242 14 I 38 15 Q 48 “15 IM “}| HIB; * iijjSji:: 5 fe 311 17“ | 9H 48 1371 “ 17 19 73! ' 81 ' lid! • TowRloy’g ConTcctlonory J Green Pena, Green Corn, Tomatoes. Peach**, Strawbcrrln*. Pine Applaa, H Tosvntey’fi ConrccUanery J Frcah Candle*. Orange*. Lemon*, cti,-, • . . M , ClarmTWMmextra fine, at April20-ly TOWNLEY’S CONFECTIONRRY. gPBING IIAS COME, AND80UAvF HCOTT & LYLE'N Elegant Now Goods! They are In roocipt of a wellaelaetod atook of Rprlngr and Hammer Goeda ! Somothlng Beautiful for tho l.adlea! A “Loro of a Hat,” or Charming Braaa i ftinta, JsHWU*. «, -L i n e n a , Oronadlnea, llut a, Trimming*, Kotioua, Sbuee, Ualtera, Hnl*. CUotliJng, and Shoes. South End Hamilton Street. “| 25121 i I , 4331 3 1 “ a 085' •• 13'; " * 5 t • u * 72 Wi 7 j* 210 “ < r F.. Gun Ma ivill bn give Orrp i hand i Liberal 1'rieci li R. JlAN.xr.u, Rev. Lkti 1 Lank Rahuktt ii Cheap Good* and luHfciliath Cady Btnntrm eights, nnd Mrs. Norton-nines. The LouisviUo Cornier-1 Pol ft tea In loss#. The political prospects In Texas aro |lournal wyk that a pair of such feet would I good. Tho Waco (Tcxti-s) llc^ister, of Bin»wrf-adimrahly for tlio pedestal^ of a j u late date, has the following: “We do Government lias declared £bpcz an t Ufwr, TUo ImpIouM Mcoumlrol* iipplieatiou will Uu u The California (Mo.) Journal reports ; for tilebctreii lie caso of a minister in Miller county, \ i Court of Ordlimrv of Cat . tho flr*i regular term of tliuC ni plratlon of thirty day* fnpu t leave tom li Hu* lauds belongin I nt W. U. l)iiaii, l.u,«< of rt.ibi cun ry Uuv* ' f i..^ , lv ictothu j i l^utS • -A G.v of Whilrtcld ii «<mpltt of Jtunkcr I till monuments, nnd | not cousider purselves ovov-exclUiblo or w>v . 1 It inks theh.v h»b*o ‘.hurts « clean up tho | enthusitwUu iu politics, hut if Gen. Ham- j fashioiud silver table spooua/whiohlio ,vho, comhicUnga prayer meeting it. the - rjKonou, anraoV clmmocrof death, took from the drawer of J^T ioy t ha* aftprfod for .' to,option ot;. the bureau ngnlnst wliteli he was ie.ining, ’ w hllo-in the act of praying, two heavy old- • "Wi*7is™Sl K *’ A ' fI " fnahLSni tl bllvtn* inlilit onnniu ivliink : ■ * ** * '*’ •" n developing 4 he great ml tlie adjoiningcoun- „ . living by sellinggood* red n great Intercut In tlio growth of and v.v know that win.- Country makes uGroningTown.” Ill keepeon-lanily on lmnd u deck mill will give liberal nude* for. 'I, verylhli.g tlml the i»oii or labor • • 'ii, -mi pr-idm e. • • , 1 ■ i r. " ii Ii id i shipload ‘ • T ‘ *• and the barefoot ii*lig n triplin'*. .'i*unb:t» .■« tr , i TO-LIVK AND r.KT JiTV;:’ For tbu conVuiijuuec of o» r -qnuiury Mond* umloustoiiKis.we v.ill, a^400Ui io iumber can bo got out, lmvo a WAGON YARD, * on t ho rear of tho Old Briok Hotel Square, with shutter, lire and wuter, toyuan and biamt*. Aag-ly ‘ Ag’t Dalton City Co. D—for some gentlemen ot Chlca; I ilea go sol tie In North 80 to ItJO acres M' ERRY & »RO. ( DALTON, GEORUIAv W ANTED—for aoino go and Maryland wl*hli Georgia, several huiiiII far each,within convenient access to Dalton. Com fortable building* and growing fruit 1 row pre ferred, but not IndUpeutiablu. . . Dull on for farm property. others wish to exclumgo farm property for city lots. For convenience of all persons wishing to make Hindi exchanges, wo keep nt our ottlco a book iu which the property to bu exchanged may be Registered. liavo Just receiqad an elegant assortment of DRY GOODS & GROCERIES, Domoatlos, Tama, •hoee< Leather, Hard ware, Outtlery, Notions, Blr, Kto Bloase call and oxamino our stock before pur chasing eliowhora/ Wc Will Not be Undersold! Wo havo secured tfttfaerrleea of Mr. Vfuif P. Fanvaworth, who will be happy Dfirtr his old friends and patrons, march 18-Iy J^TLE APBVDEfff Iffro Inmtrancc ApoiitH, Ofllco at N. Y. Cooledgo A Co’s. Daltox,, Ga. S OUTHERN MUTUAL, (Chartered 1947,) , Athens, Georgia. riEOUUIA HOME, (Churted 1859,) •Northern Georgia T.umls we would reler all those Necking to Invest In Middle und South dorn Georgia, or In Bine Timbor Lands f ‘ «—‘-.toouroorres lltOTHER, Macon, Qa. F or rent. The Small Frumo Building, on tho Old Brick Hotel S,inure, iiqiy occupied its gn oflloo by tho Dalton City Company. ' j Also, for, gala lota numbers 80 and 32, King lor information of any oftho above address Atlf 1V1, VljR Y(m£ itojjf:, ColumbuH, Georgia. piIOTOGRAPIIS! The onderafjrnod would respectfully Inform tlio ell.1 sons or Dalton und vicinity, that ho will bo founa at tho BHOTOGRABJI GALLElft For a fow days, whore ho 1* prepared to take all kinds of picture*. Best 1 ight for small ohlb dron between 11 and 12o’ulock, clear days. For rpiIE LATEST NEWSi LOWRY Sc EASON od by thorn in Dalton, oonalatlng of all auch Goods as to moot the wants of ovory one, and all we havo to say Is, come and see ua before you buy your goods, und wo will do yon good. Mujor Ilord and Col. Alton, two nioo young men, will always bo on band, and will ta»° grout plcumifo Ui showing our stock. We will take In exohango for our goods all th® Country Produce usually take in store, to-wlt: ore, to-w imeon, j-uru, uuucr, v**m, >rueni, Rye, Flo-*,, Meal, Cblokens, Eggs, Country Cloth, Rags, *’• A N oxcollent stock of Trlon Faotory Osna-