North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, October 14, 1869, Image 2

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tony l i:\ty, wns i effort «M mftdo I It, It wixb nsccr- jllgoneo on the part of f nml cltlrens, lire tltlo U was originally given to i allowed to paw iRtoprl d tlml tlio Academy, wWeli to twlong to tins city,>s- o private Individuals, wlmjwcro nablo or unwilling to Rebuild.— were made to raise tho money by an; but tho fact ilint such sub- ould enure to tho benefit of theso Individual oivners, without giving to tho subscribers or to tho city authori ties any control over tho Academy, prov ed to bo an Inseparable dlllloulty. In view of this difficulty several enter prising citizens went to work to boo what could bo dono to supply the educational wants of tho city. The first thing to bo dono was to'obtnln a sultablo location.— Col. IV. K. Moore, acting on tlioir behalf, addressed a letter to Col. lien. E. Green ngont of tho Dalton City Company, ask ing .that said Company would donato a suitable lot for tho erection of an Acade my', to bo owned and managed by tho Masonic Lodge, tho Odd Fellows Ixsdgo, the City Council and the citizens, who should subscribe, through a Hoard of Trustees, in which all should bo properly represented. Col. G reon promptly respon ded by offering to them tho choice or sev eral locations. ' Tho Masonic Lodge, on Monday night last, accepted tho proposition, undertook to ralso <1,000 towards erecting n suitable building, and appointed committees to confer with tho Odd Fellows Lodge and tho City Council, and to solicit the co operation of tho citizens. This Is tho most feasiblo plan that wo havo hoard suggested for meeting tho ed ucational wants of our growing populn tion, and wo trust that our pooplo will re spond cordially to Col. Mooro and Ills as sociates, who inaugurated this enterprise, Last woek wa urged tho importance of this matter, and claim to divide with Col, Moore, Col. Tibbs, Dr. Brown and others, some portion of the credit of Inaugurating tho movement.. Mon'S bo too ObllKtoK. ohavo never yet rnado anything by too obliging, tVo have often wish; it human nature was different—that ) more assimilating tho dlvlnc-t-tlint was’ less selfishness and more of terly afll-ctlon In the human henrt.— Self-Interest Is lm\oed tho main-spring of nil human action—of tho wholo mechan ism of llfb. This Is a broad and censori ous axiom, and however much It may thwart our belter nature, or oppose our convictions of virtue and religion, It Is nevertheless true, and deplorably true In tho main. Its truth Is Illustrated In all tho concerns of life—upon the broad sea of commerce, and In tho garden of our 1‘enco In Intro pc. On tho occasion of the opening of tho French Chambers, which Is now fixed for the 8lh of November, tho Emperor Napo leon, holies to issue a manifesto announc ing an agreement arrived at by tho vnrious Powers for a general simultaneous disarm ament. Tills Is tho first piece of really \ ftplenaid Company of Artiste*. Tho celebrated Templeton Troupe gavo an entertainment at tho Court lloiiso Inst night. The performance Was excellent throughout—ns good as wo ovor saw of tho kind.' They iierform ngnln to-night. Lot every body go—every thing Is chaste— nothing said or dono tho least obJcWonn sensible news wo have had from Europe ■ bio. Alice Van-? is indeed the “Star of for a long time. Wo hope It may turn out the South,” and darling Utile May Tern- to be well founded. Largo standing nrmics | pleton truly lookallkoa “Little Fairy,” have long been the curse of Europe, nml. and her singing is perfect nud tnoxpressl- tho weight of the curso lias been greatly bly sweet. _ Increased during tho reign of Napoleon, j ' An ImpoMer. om,cVTo imt! I A followonUlnghlmsolfProf. Teal, came A correspondent of tho Albany Argus to Dalton on Tuesday morning last, and oflbrs to botany sum from <1,000 to<IO,POO ! nmiouuoed by flaming hand-bills that ho own social Intercourse. How many Is the , ,| ult jj,,, New York Democratic State tick-j would give a wonderful tragical nml Yen- MIHCKI.I.ANKOI-n Alirliimscxcm I DA 1/1*0.V CITY I I* tt Trim? According to a correspondent of t]ic Augusta Chronicle, writing from Atlanta, tho money of the people of Georgia Is being unwarrantably and outrageously squan dered by Bullock and bis satellites. If nil he says is true it will not bo long before the Slate Is hopelessly bankrupted. Not withstanding the office of Attorney Gen eral was created for tho purpose of foru- foiling counsel for the Executive In all eases In which the State is a parly inter ested, this correspondent gives quite a number of eases in which the nggrogato amount of Executive warrants, drawn in fkvorof differout attorneys ns retaining fees, foots up to ovcr<U,000—some of tho eases In which they nrc retained being of tho most trivial character. And not only tills, but the Chronicle's correspondent says that Attorney Goneral Farrow has ootalnqd Executive wnrrauts to tho tuno of about <3,000 for "written opinions”— this Independent of the two salaries paid him: one of <3,000 from the State, ami the oilier of <300 per month from tho State Bond. Other ttceclngs of tho people, not bo heavy butjftilly ns uncalled for, are ci ted by the writer referred to. What reck lessness—what n waste of tho people’s ■money—w-lint down-right official robbery —is hero exhibited. >Tis truly alarming, nml If a stop Is not put to It in some way, and that speedily, our State will soou he In a deplorable condition financially.— Tho foturo of Georgia and of the whole • country, under itudlcnl rule, foots dark enough, and wliat is to lie<ho end of it all tho God of Ilcnvcn nlone knows. Viper tlml 1ms been warmed to life but to sling its benefactor to tho heart. How many an ungrateful child, adopted In helpless Infancy out of tho merest com- pnsslon, hath brought both sorrow nml grey lmlrs in quick succession to that ono to whom Its very existence was duo, ! - Oiu-o I hiul money nml n Mend-on belli 1 ncl great Morei I lent my money totuy friend—I saw my frlcml no more.” Thus Is life In all Its concerns—nnd thus Is human nature tho world over. A friend bestows n gilt—a book perchanco—rare and brautlftil, nml tlirlec denr for the giv er’s sake. It Is praised in tho presence of another, who nsks the loan, and it cannot well lie rctliscd.. Tlio time when books should lie returned comes round, but not tlio book; nnd nllcr waiting long, a kind request Is Bent llmt It may bo returned.— ltcsponsc Is given that tho book has pass ed Into another’s hands, nnd when it docs come home It Is not recognized ns tho same dear token, so soiled nnd worn. Tills Is but ono of a hundred of the petty grievances of every day life. We do unto others as wo would, In like circumstan ces, bo dune by. True it is thnt “ono good turn deserves another,” but it is forgotten thnt it should be arc-turn. Wo offer our umbrella, our lamp, or some thing clso equally ns much needed nt tho Unit, to n friend. It Is well received, ns It should lie,for to himitlsnn “obliging” favor oil our part—a flivor that should be sufficiently appreciated to Insure the Im mediate return of tlio article or artlelos loaned; but ’tls not until wo need them that wo find their places empty, nnd re member whoro they are. “Don’t be too obliging, ’’ which simply means, do not ofifcr favors where llicj will not ho reciprocated ns well us ap pointed. liana r.vcrjr Devil or Thom! Outrages upon white females, by negro men, nro becoming so frequent of late in various portions of the South, that it is getting to be dangerous for them to go any dlstnuco from homo without a male pro tector. We learn from the Nashville Ban ner, of a Into dnto, Hint a bold attempt at rapo wns recently made by a negro man in tho neighborhood of Somerville. Two ladles wero riding nlong in the direction of town, when ho assaulted nnd pulled one of them from her horse. The other dis mounted and attempted todrivehiin away, when tho wretch, fearing that a brother of tlio Indy was coming, took fright nnd fled, but was afterwards arrested, iden ti fied by tho ladles, and lodged in jail, from which ho wns taken that night by n party of disguised men nnd bung. A ftweot Hot 1 Wo lmvo n sweet Governor, a sweet Treasurer, a sweet Attorney General, In a word, n sweet sot of State, officials so journing nt tho Atlanta Opera House, flirsicnlly cnllcd tho “Stato Capitol.”— They all seem to bo nt loggerheads, nnd pour hot shot Into each other every day through tlio Atlanta papers. "Stop thief!” “falsehood” "baso nnd malicious slan- dcrsl” etc.', nrc among somo of tho digni fied (!) expressions used by these llndicnl fonctionnrtcB. This is truly a “ Kilkenny cat fight”—a light which is bringing to tlio surface a considerable amount of Rad ical trickery aud meanness, nnd we hope (toy’ll keep It up until a full expose is made—’twlU result it: great public good. The Inst “say so” is from t arrow, who belches forth a rousing columbind IniO the Angler battery. “Skirmishing all nlong the line!”— Angler will be on band next, then the Bullock, nnd llndicnl fur will fiy for true! Somebody will get worst ed in the general melee, but a continua tion of the fight Is necessary—so, forward to the battle, braves! et will bo elected by 30,000 uu\|orlty, the , trlloqulal performance that night nt tlio samo ninouut that tlio new Constitution ; Court House. Night came nud with It will bo defeated by 30,000 minority, and the performance, nnd a more miserable, the samo amount that negro sullVnge will scoundrelly Imposition wns never before lw defeated by 30,000 majority. The three practiced upon our pooplo. Those who M'f It 1339, $510,002--Securely Invus-' 1’olloltM Issued ill Lust Blx Months, 1300, Oiiiittttl #23P,0UO-.Ga*»li Paid Up, Southern Life Insurance Co. ATLANTA ukPAllTStBST. it nominal JOHN 1). GORDON, President. 1)UN*. II. HIM. A. II. COMR'ITT, Vico rreatilunls. A. AUSTELL, K. W. HOI.I.ANT), Klnaneu Committee. W. C. MOUIU8, Secretin-}-. Ill-ill! Hill. Ilotaiet TIiomM, ** Wllile Ilillllllt-Jll, INlllunOIlt, S C. wagers are to lie taken together. Terrible Knrthqiuiko In I’eru. A terrible cnrthqiiaks occurred In 1’crU August 2-1. Tlio Pacific Steam Naviga tion Company’s steamer Payta wns dam aged. The earthquake was bo severe ns to throw down passengers on tlio steamer. It lifted a heavy Iron snfeln tlio purser’s room, nml raised the vessel entirely out of tlio water. The shock wns not repent ed; lmd it been, the vessel would undoubt edly have licen lost. Tlio peaks of the mountain on shore wero seen to tumble down and crumble away. The Inhabit ants of Callao nnd other places nlong tho Pacific coast were fleeing into tlio Interior, nnd nll.vnlnubto products being removed. Highly Iniportnnf. Tlio Augustn Coustltutloimlfot of tho 3d publishes tlio following dispatch from Its. special New York correspondent: “There nru indications of a strong combination to advance the price bfcotton. Spinncrsnnd exporters are large buyers. Cotton goods doing bettor.” From Wnnhlngloti. A report from Washington is that tho vacant place on tlio Supreme bonch will be tendered to Mr. Hoar, nnd tlml Juilgo Plbrropont, of New York, will bo nom inated as Attorney Gcnornl. Mr. Picrrc- pont contributed twenty-five thousand dol lars to carry the last elections in New York for tho Radicals nnd lie 1ms contrib uted to tho Graut financial fund as only a rich Radical could. Grant would of courso consider It a mischievous prece dent to neglect to reward him with a high office. Pendleton's llleelloti Considered t'cr- fuln. . A special dispatch from tlio offieo of tlio Cincinnati Enquirer says thnt the returns from the Ohio canvass show Hint tho elec tion of tbo Hon. George II. Peudlctou as Governor is now certain, by n larger ma jority thnu the most sanguine of Ids friends lmd anticipated. went were completely sold by this travell ing vagabond—nnd tre wore sold too, but In a different way. Tills contcmptlblo Im postor nnd swindler got us to print h!m five dollars’ worth or programmes, nnd left town “between two suns” without pnylng for them. Wo also understand that lie left without paying nil of bis hotel bill.— Ho said be wns going to Chattanooga.— Lookout for him Chnttnnooglnns! NcUsored Paragraphs. Order lins been restored in Valentin and Gnllcla, nnd n state of scigo will be declar ed wherever outbreaks occur. Tlio second crop of rice Is arriving, n thousand bushels nt a time, nt Savannah. A Neiv York mansion, recently present ed to a briilo, lms a <7,000 (gold) parlor eai'iict War is said tolas threatened between tbo Mexicans nnd the Texans nlong tho Rio Grande. Tlio newest liook out says that farming requires brains. There are some jasoplc manifestly who should not bccomo farm- t' ii l'liitiiKy, AiiaiMii, ciu. l-Mwin-tl Tlinlints, *• 11 Jt lllltlur, MiiiMikiii, lln. ftolirrt Toombs, Wmminstnn.Gu. JI.I Smith, Cutlilioi-l, Uu. A II Cnbiiiltt, Newton, On. Wm .lollllHlou, Clllll-lni-.o, X C. It 1, WHIliialmin, Allemltih-, s C. W A Cnliln-ell, uu-ousboro, X C, Tolnl aTinihnror Policies Issued, 3300 I Fol-ty Tor Cent Dividend Duclsred .Inly I, ',:■.). At the roqnasfe of Hen'! John II. Oni-don, l'i-c- . cut of tho Atlniitii Dopiirlmont of tills ai'ont Southern Onninlsnlluii, I util lu-l-e to present Tns toflioolllsntis of (Jharokto tlnoraln. onrsupport nml pntronnnu iro roly upon Id monied busts, nml nniiniaeinent by u ' ‘ ' it business I u- I.ooks Rovoltillimnry. The news from Paris has an air of revo lution. It is announced that the Deputies of the Left will proceed to tho Legislative Chamber nt the lcgnl timo of session nnd protest thnt, ns the Emperor lms violated the Constitution, they nro absolved from their oaths of nllcgtnnco, Tobacco Crop, Tlio ILyhbliburg (Vn.) Nows says: “Wo lonru from our country friends that they havo gonomlly commenced cutting their tobacco, nml thnt tho quantity is much, better than they wero fed to uutleipato from tho lateness nt which it wns plnntcd, nnd tlio Injury dono by tbo pvntraetcd drought. Tlio crop, however, will bo n small one, and a great dcnl of It, it is fenc ed will, be cattgut by the frost before it is ready fur tho knife.” Drcndfhl Accident at a Dints Fair. A terrible accident happened at the In- dinnn State Fair at Indianapolis, on the 2d instant, by which twenty-five persons were killed by tlio collapse of a steam- boiler, And a great number wounded.— No less tlmn fifteen thousand persons wero on tbo Fnir grounds, at the time, an immense crowd of whom had thronged Reconstruction around the engines to witness tl,e contest p-fl of rto ,u Ift( u nl his of speed and power .and the mystery h home in Wisconsin." A simple announce- ba s or gf En- the bolter, tiudiere, etc. weighing a, high wtll , h ^ fl J nd u goln tlll! roundg ,. osfivo hundred pounds, were thrown in ? every direction, and to the distance of sev eral hundred yards- It is said headless trunks, arati. b-ptxM beads wen patter ed in cvctt fijjwtSira; asai in wae instance the lifeless tody of a aan wa* fraud jam med into n Imn' -vT je!e, and the arm of another was found driven several inches Into a plank. This is certainly one of tho most dreadfully appalling accidents, from the same cause, on record tn the whole history of mechanism. Tho description given by the Indianapolis Journal of the scene which followed this terrible explo sion, is hcart-rcuding in tho extreme. Sflnnlnalppl. If Judge Dcnl is elected Governor of Mississippi it will bo nt wlmt you almost caU tbo point of tbo bayonet. Tbo Radi cals in that State lmvo issued a secret cir cular, begglug for moner, to be used os tensibly in defeating Judgo Dent. They say they must bnvo twenty-live thousand dollars nt once, or their cause Is lost.— >Tis “lost” already In thnt Stntc—the great tidal wavo of conservatism Hint sub merged Radicalism lu Tennceseo nml Vir- Fnitcil on to ItCNlgn. Tlio “great captain of the age” has oc copied the presidential chair' only half a year, nnd in that short timo lie linsso disgusted Ills supporters, thnt tho Anti- Slavery Standard calls bn him to resign. It thinks Ulysses recreates too much, particularly nt a time when the country so much needs a president. The ,-UlnlKtcr was IUglit. As ignorant fellow who wns about to lie married, resolved to mnko himself perfect in responso ot' ike marriage service, but In tlio last gamo of billiards between Grant nnd Boutwcll, the lntter is said to have won. It wns tbo “pocket game Nearly every herd of stock near Sllyor City, Montana, has been run off by In dians, nnd somo murders lmvo been com mitted. A negro in Bridgeport, Conn., arrested for adultery, wns naked wlmt lio was “ta ken up for?” replied lie “believed It was idolatry.” ThoLndics of the M. E. Churcluit Home are making an effort to procure a bell for tlioirchurch. A large meeting lms boon held nt Salt Lake City to take into consideration tho subject of the admission of Utah into the Union ns n Slate. Real estate in Philadelphia, it Is said, is worth nothing like what it wns two or three years ago, nnd Is still declining in value. 'file President lms appointed Thursday, tlio 18tli of November next, ns a day of thanksgiving and prayer. ThoPrcsbytcry of Baltimore, Old School lms voted in favor of a reunion of tho Old and New Schools by a voto of 23 to 12, A lady correspondent of a country pa per says: “Wlmt a pity we can’t travel like men do, with a box of paper collars nud bosoms.” AdvikfefroritTennessee indicate the con test for Senator closo between Johnson nnd Etheridge. Sarstymrilla Townsend died In Boston on Sunday. He wns seventv-six years of , and of course had never indulged in bis medicines. In the Superior Court of Loo county, Georgia, last week, Florence Gilmer was convicted of the nnmler of Ellen Percy. Both colored women. The Cincinnati Opera House lms been transformed into a Bible House. Sensi ble! About Half a million of property wns destroyed by tbo flood in aud about Phil adelphia, Tlio Sumter Republican reports frost tn tbo neighborhood of Ainericus on Monday morning last, There is a womnuln Bullitt county, Ky„ seventy-two yenrs old who has a child about five months old. The father of the child is about twenty years old. „ ...TMiHlnoSa i. ti-xi-lty, lliiiiitc-liil sliitiillug nml iiroresslimtil |io* alt Ion—1» fill— nT si-lit It-im-n ivjiultiiviitnoliiuell l-i-|iiiliitlfin nml creilltln stake In imy ui-giitilzii* ttmi Hull Is mil lli-Nl-eliiHN. Tills Is purely a iiiiMslssTiri-Tiox, nml line rally euiil|i[tcUwU|i nil the lulu stele lews. It Is TIIK PJOXKKIt SOIJTHKItX IJKK 1X8. CO., ‘Villi mi il [--.i- it ill! ii ill inn iignltist Hie southern ■ollev liolilcr In i-eslilunee. travel nr rules of ti-rmlum, etui assets amply sunlcleat to pay .hnifisj dollars toovorv OSS Allens-es. Wuup- prul I n I lie Knot li tn keep tier money in Iter us a m-lalilHii-lioml, tini'irovu lioros-u property ana onliaiice tier nn-n pviwpi-vHy. Morn limn WO.* IKRO,-) Ini, e li-jrii si'ii l Xurlliliy Soul hern people siininee. Handrails ot tnnusnnilA of J miniially- sent from Georgia Tor tills pliriiose.^ IVu must keep tilts money nt liomu: like uo war upon ptlier Companies, bill tn make persntial appeals to all, nmt.... jvery one slmll have a litlropporluiilty tof obtaining tills, the elieapi-st iindsiiresr nose of milking il cel-tnln provision ror Ills family, nml eboosttiR ms own VKti'.itim nml aiaaiiiioas n« Trustees of tlm sacred fuuda of Ids willow and ournAXB. IV nil permission, I respect fully refill- lo Hon. Ii A Walker, C 1) MeCiitehen, W K Mnere. F II Morris, John 11 King. W J Vmlerivooil, Cel. W II Tibbs, liov. ,1 I, lfillch, nml I K simulate, of Du 11 mi, iuui.Cn!. km carter of Murray. PucJllg Ply absence from Dallon 1 will be nip- . -sellleil by K. It. Kasss|:muiiI Dr. 11.11. Ulton'X. Audits, and Dr. J. It, MeArSK, Meilleal K.vmn'r jllf-n- • II, J. MAKKJOY,tleli'l Agt. GEORGIA LAND A( 1IEX B. UIIEKX, d\youi of tho Dalton City Company, OPFKR8 KOll BALD FIVK HUNDRED r Vn I nablo Town Lots THE UUOWIKU CITY OF DALTOH IjSO, aevorttl well improvea farm* In Whit* on lino of tho 8. It. ami D. lt. It., 8 miles from Dalton, Iium lino upt-liiKi mum framo hulltlliiff, 4 vooinsj 100 neros oleuiotl} IflUOyounK fruit troi'M' of chnlcu viiriotlus,sot out by Dr. lliiiiilltou, tlio wull know ii nursery man; gooil bottom ami good upland, and abundance of timber. Also, 10.1 ncrcfl, part of lot number SIS, 12!1» dlKirlt't nud mi suction, 80 iicros olearad; jcood bewOd Iok dwelling 1 ,•table, cornnrlb.tdiodM, Ac; Kood orobard of early peaches,iinplos and imars, wcdl watered lu every flebl, ami excellent well water at bouse; two und a half miles from Dul Also, lots numbers 24, 28.and on6 half of lot 20, lu tlm 12th district und ild sootioii.tOO nero*, two good springs, three wells, upjdo. peablj, chewy and pear trees; UOncresUnimnudaerook bottom, 80 to 100 acres cleared; no bulldlugf. Also, 35M acre*, within two miles of Tilton, Hue peach uml apple orchard, good dwolllug bouse, burn, cotton gin uml thrushcr. Also, 120 acres, one inllaHoutbof Tilton De pot; wns well Improved before tlio war, but botiBca burnt. An Itnprnvud farm on Connsauga llivor, nine miles X. K. of Dalton, on the upper King's bridge Road, (100 acres; lots TO, 70, and parts of 70, 74 nnd 27, In 12tli amt 3d, 2 double log cabins, with shod rooms, cribs nml stables; young apple mid poach orchard, well or water nt uousc. springs uml creek; 140 acres on un Island lu tho Couasmiga, ull ilrst class bottom. W. or Kingston, one milo from Klugsl Rome It. It., Improvements on lot !37,andgooil land obfiired,^ of a milo from lilglitour River; no Improvements on lot lit, \»nl largo quality of long leaved lino timber,.will bo sold together r separately. Also, lots 231 and 2.72, and 30 acres of 220, In — | with gi tho 12tli district and 3d section, MOuerc* cotton gin, Saw Mill and Urlst Mill. P. or will exchange forelty property. Also, lot213. In 10th district mid*3dscotlon, 100 ucres. all tilublu land, 80 acres cleared j good log buildings und excellent Spring, 13 miles from Dalton, on tho Duektown ltoad; young fruit trees and good timber, l'rieo *500, or will ox- cliuugo for city propurty. SSOOO WOK TIT OF C400DS OK THE MARKET AT KEDUCHD RATES! S. C. CHOZIEliS. The Rest Cal Icon ut 1&4 per Yard! Fifty pieces Of tho best make and Intcst Styles Just rooefvod at uhovo price 1 Rest ColTeo at HV4 pounds to tho dollar 1 Men’s best whole stock Jlrogun shoes $1.781 A large stock of Kent uolcy Jeans ami CiiHHlmeresat 281o78 eeiits per yard! Cups and suucers ut 28 cents per set. A good stock of ltrown and bleached Domca- tlcs, Hats, boots, ttltucM, Hardware, tj nee us ware and Notions. Tho Dent Chance for bargains Ever before offered lu this country. Dalton, Sept. 7, ’0£).-u H. U. CUOZIER. f ri|>cr years! c? when tlio A letter from Calais, ^fc., says the dam-. 1 him In tho eiiurcli, “AVilt ago to vessels uiul buildings, by tlio recent 111 ICMpOUSU Ul li.v- IllfUiIUj,v ra-MHA, Hill by mistake lie eoinmltttcl the oliicu of bap tism lbr tliose of -clergyman asked U V, a y, 11 ftfewwawto bo tky wodfica is vovy great. Eastpovt is report- wife?” the bridegroom answered iu u sol- . ’ .. - ; , enm tone, “I renouueo them alll” The cd ncaily dcmollsuea, astonished mlnistcrsaid: “I tbliik von nro Ex-President x’rankttu Pierco died at ho renllod: T ‘All this I iu our exchanges, tells all Hint could bo told in n volume of the atrocities of Radi cal reconstruction. Here is n fellow whose “home” is in‘Wisconsin—his interet thero —his sympathies all witli the people of tho Northwest—^who, some few months ago, seized ids carpet-bag, migrated to Florida, nud by negro votes and tyranni cal Federal interference, is set to rule a Stato in tho prosperity and welfare of whose people lie lias not the remotest in terest. And this “Governor ltec’d” is only a fuir sample of the thousands of carpet-baggers who liave descended upon tho South, like a swarm of Egyptian lo custs, to devour the substance of the land. Tlie people of the South have rcasou to titanic Heaven tliat at length the day ap proaches when many more of these fellows will be forced to go “home” to Wisconsin and elsewhere and stay. +Onllawl»m la Florida. The Macon Telegraph reports bloody doings in Jackson county, Florida, as fol lows: On Wednesday night, tho Sflth'nlt., a white man named Columbus Sullivan, in a fool;” to which ho replied: steadfastly believe.” Tretty Nlmrp. It seems that the president lms settled tbo great controversy over tho Louisville post olllcfo by appointing a woman to [lie position. So tho men cannot be jealous of each other, and they are too gallant to l>e jealous of a lady. Tito Morm. Accounts from vnrious points in Now England and tlic States of Pennsylvania, Dclcwnro and Mnrylniul, all give details of dumngo to railrdads, uml on plnees on banks of rivers, from tho floods. There were very few fatalities, but great quan tities of property were destroyed. ginia will sweep the rarpet-bagMrra and scalawags down In Mississippi—this t.icy . unknown person, and a negro boy with plainly see, nnd Itcucc this cry for more him wounded slightly, money; and if “twenty-five thousand dol- ,..9? * rlday nignt, October Rdj.Col. Mc- lars in that . .... W1 , the Radicals carry the keys to the “strong i cinennfttan^s point out a-t the pcrjKrtra- box” nt Washington. * i ton. O-car (Jran^rry. o:, of the negroes — f cfispected, was killed on last Saturday Tho Domlholdern nualuRt “InJj.'’ j rn6rn Tho Appeal says, a rumor prevail* in ?y; and if “tweuty-fivc thousand dol-! ucloixt isi, uoi. Aic- ) will liiivIjcnt l ^llan a prominent bwycr ol Marianna, ^lll buyenoug i votes to dc rcat ^ wounded, and hU daughter int btatc, it will lie fortbeoimng, for ! Hifcd. Calvin Regers and other JiegrtKJi r Memphis Hut the hcudhaldcrs of New York nrc to enter tho ring against the elec tion of Andrew Johnson to the United States Senate. They charge him with be ing ptwsessed of tho determination to ini tiate the poliey of repudiation, and that generally he is tfcclr ojwn and avowed en emy nnd in opposition to tliclr schemes.— No doulit (here will ho lively times In Nufhvillc this week. TK. < T... Tie? talk of Congress again imposing a direct tax on cotton I* continued. IVc do not suppose that a measure so partial, unjust and unpopular will lie resorted to- But if it should lie, the planters of the South lmvo tho remedy In tlu-ir own hands. They have only to comu to the conclusion to sell their cotton for nothing but gold, nnd tbo Northern Radicals would soon 1)0 brought to their sensce. QAIIOOX'S PATENT BROADCAST SEED SOWER, ForSowingul! klmln o! lira In nml limns From Mexico. Dispatches from Mexico City to Septem ber 2ikl state that a revolution had broken out in Potosl, nml Col. Macias lms been defeated iu an attack on the insurgents. The Governor of Conhullo nml Nueva Ijconlmd prevented the government troops from entering their States in pursuit of the revolutionists. No Doubt of It. A Raleigh, North Carolina, paper claims that the Governor and Treasurer of that State, assisted by New York operators, lmvo been making a fortune by depressing Slate stocks, buying them in at a low price and then, through their official iuflucncc, appreciating them ami selling out. Draut In Favor of Dent for Movcruor. A special di.nnatch from Grenada, Miss., says: “Judgo Dent, in a speech thero yes terday, in reply to Gen. Alcorn, said Grant was in favor of his election, and lmd told him he hoped lie would be elected.” Oflleer* of Klnjceoltl Temp. Noclely. At tho regular quarterly election of Ca toosa Division No. 1, Sons of Torn perance, at Ringgold, Ga., for the quarter com mencing October 1st, 1809, the following officers were elected: Win. H. Payne, W. P.; W. L. Whit man, W. A.: It. 15. Trlinmier,R. 8.;J. I). Igou, A. R. S.; J. P. Nusli, F. S.; J. Par son, T.; J. P. Dover, Con.; C. II. Whitsitt, A. C.:Thonms Cox, I. S.; W. N. John son. O. S.; II. A. Whitman, Chap.; and A. T. Ilackctt, P. W. P. his home in Concord, N» H., on tho 9th instant. A lady near Memphis: a few days slnco gave birth to five boys. It is proposed to revive tho South Caro lina Military Academy. A strong effort id oeing made to secure tlio services of Gen. Jos. E. Johnson ns President of the University of Nashville. A very heavy rain storm prevailed iu New York from Saturday night until Mon day at noon. Considerable damage is re ported on the New York Central and Erio roads. Northern capitalists propose to invest 6100,000 in a cotton factory at Atlanta, Ga., provided the people of that city invest an equal amount. Four thousand acres of land in Sabine, Newton nnd Jasper counties, Texas, were sold recently nt bankrupt sales at prices varying from ten to fifteen cents an acre. It Is reported that from three to five hun dred Mormons will soon depart from Utah to Europe; the majority to work up emi gration (Yom vnrious countries. Another Cuban expedition of four hun dred men, armed and equipped, is said to ho about to depart from tlio vicinity of Neiv York. D R. CUARTjT38 GORDON, temlurs Ills nrofr.ssioiml sorvioc to thoelt- 1/t’iiH of Dalton and Nimonndina oountiy.— Prompt und viKilunt attention will In* given tt nil eases, Modieul Surgical und Obstetrical, un trusted to Ids cure. JMJOIv FOR THE RED FLAG ! Ami Auction A Commission Merchant Wjiux you comb to Dalton. I will sell on TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, At my Auction Room, n largo nfisortmont of Calico, DcIuiicm, bleached and brown Domes tics, Shawls. Hoods, Neublus, Red Ticks, Lin- suys, Punt Goods of nil kinds, col. Stripes, No tions of ull kinds, Huts, Roots nnd Shoes—in fuel n\l goods nt YOUR 6\VN PRICK. Also, will keep on lmml n large und complete assort ment of Sugar, Coffee, Ducon, Flour, nnd ull other kinds of Groceries, whloh I will sell cheap for cash, or exchange for Country l 1 Unco. My goods nro new nnd fresh. Dive mo n call before buying. I will also give my personal attention tosell- Ing lands, efty, property or live stock. As 1 mu the only licensed Auctioneer * Rive mo a “" ’ Dalton, .Fifty nrreu of , power 120 rurcs the same time, und tlm work Is done in the most perfect manner. Hundreds of letters from ail pni'ts of tlm country sneak its praise. Wo reforto L. A. I'UI.HOM. U. D.. Agricultural Editor of this paper, who bus one of the mu- •lines. Tho prloo of Hand Power Is $10, nnd of Fowor Sower SrH). Send for Circulars. D. il. DOODKLL & CO., Solo Mnuufao’r. BopO- Antrim, X. 11. A Very Yaluablo Farm, SEVEN HUNDRED ACRES, In W ood’s Station \ alley, .Catoosa Comity, admirably adopted to Corn, Wheat, Oats, To bacco nnd the Grasses, consisting of lots mini- ■ 14*. 147,177,17», and sixty ncrasof thft south of lot number 14«, ull lu tho 27tU district nud 3d section. , This pla<?omnv ho divided Into twoortlhr. farms; lint will lx) sold In ttbodv at tho very low llgurai of $4,800 uanh. Dry Goods nml Grocery BUSIXfiSS, ut U-orn u. Hui-Il & nro., (Suocoimot-i to Jnlm It, Rtn(.) Corner Hamilton unci Kino Frontln* IV. 4 A. Ilullro.a VofioV * 1 IIALTON| OA., u.Vorlu’ifoQlcw° al ‘ on <5n.U Dry Goods,Clothing, Notions Boot., SUOM, Uordwsro and Oroo.rtc., Cosli paid for Baoou, WUo*t, Cora, Oottonj iuid >11 kind* ofCountry TrodiiM. Bolnf I.IVB MUX, *o will .nduTor to,«. tsln tlio raputulloo, sud lurr. our old frlead. nnd tlio publlo ■utufkotorfi/. COMB ON WITH TOCB Produoe and Cauht Try us 1 Wo will Giro you Borgilbs I 0r * ,n «■">«»•• trad. . Olallty.and Mnjor Bnrd will boon band to .bow III. u.utl tlborulltT. to5 i lSSr’ r 'i 0 ri h „^s;M«»» w •■•»»•«»- John II. King continue* tb* Urokaru* ... boS™ n *° M k.r.tofo?"T o« June 21-1y I.SO, FOR SALE ( plantations — “ I aike being clilet of the best improved ns on tno Yaxno River, und Wasp „ -..Icily In Washington county, nud imrtly In Min Flowernml Holmes counties, Mis. sisslnpi, containing lu all 251*.i acres. Cun he divided Into three or more iihiututlons; 1100 acres cleared. 800 acres In eultlvutlou, 000 acres dea»lem*d hefuro tho war. Improvements first class. Cypress timber immensely valuable.— Will ho sold low to settle up mi cstutc. Titles perfect. A LSO 8.000 acres of land In Monroe countv, East Tennessee. ’Much of tills land Is equal foV funning purposes to the celebrated •Sweet Water Valley, to which It lies contigu ous The IifRy portions contain rich deposits of Iron uml lead, uiul the gold deposits aresald to he superior to those ot Georgia aud North ('■> t-fii i n-i <50,000 Acres of Valuable North Georgia Lands, 737 j " rpo THE LA D1EH I MRS. JANE R. GRAVES Would unnounco to tho Ladles of Dalton and tho Huvroumllug country, that she ht» lust re el I veil and opcimd at her Store on King Street, a Ucuutlful Stock of N|>rliiRr and Ntnnincr lints, Uomicts, Ribbons, Flowers, cte., and every Variety of Mlllnory Goods, of the latest - .... ]|1( cure uuw'Jluts uml have old ones reno'vated and trimmed. April 10, lSWMy d most fashlomihlostyles. Shu will lie pleased to see her old friends und customers at place of business, weuro they cun pro- N BW YOBK MOVED TO DALTON I FOH CHEAP GOODS GOOD BARGAINS “ Live and Lot Live Store!” Until our Now Stores are built on tlio “Old Brick Hotel Square,” you will find us on tjio EAST 8IDK OF HAMILTON STREET, Five Doors North or King Street, DALTON, 0A. Ben E. Greek, Mat. U. Ranxkh, Rev. Levi RnoTHEaTon and Lank Barrktt will bo on hund tosell you Cheap Goodsand give you Liberal Prices for your Produce. Our purpose Is to aid in developing tho grout resources of Whitfield and tho adjoining coun ties, ns well as tomnkou living by selllnggoods l* or wo feel a groat Interest In tlio growth of Daltou,nml wo know that “A Growing Country mukos a Growing Towin' We will keop constantly on hand a well sc looted stock and will glvo liberal trades for anything and everything thnt tho soil or labor of Northern Georgia can produce. For tho rich valley farmer, with his shipload of Wheat, Uucou uml Cotton, and tho barefoot mountain boy- "-lll’ m» pound ot Ulnscng or Rloml Root, wo lmvebut.ono rule of action Iu trading, uml that is tolm satisfied TO LIVE AND LET LIVE 1 For tho convenience of our country frionds und customers, wo will, as soou us the lumber can bo got out, lmvo a WAGON YARD, on the rear of the Old Brick Hotel .Square, will shelter, tiro and water, for man and beasts. , , BEN K. GREEN. Ag’t Dalton City CO. mu 1172 11*5 3 1192 - 384 ; g 187i 10 81 P'|* ! 182.181 i m» ” 2314 till 1 214.1 731 1 799 *30 243 721 17 % g*' iwr. ltd il 3* w 284 17 255; “ ?.« “ liSjSb ! fit 20 a I fill ** 434 ” 4»» 6:w; ** 033 ! “ 205 21 303122 62 23 131 24 85 23 33 r “ 131 JJEW GOODMJ NIC! GOODS I FRESH GOODS! »W**T GOODSf Townloy’a Confectionery! Frtslt Butter Cmokors, Soda Crackers, Crcaui Crackers, Sugar Crackers, Boston (.ruelews, PlaNioCntsltn, »ud Farina Crashers, at Town 1 oycionVooUoii+vy I Dried Roof, .. .. ' Door Tongues, Oysters, Sardines, Ji.n ■■ “TBBSl:.: "" OUiip*. . - rrBBte.. Towuloy’si Confotitlonorj I Green Peas, Greou Corn, , . Tomatoes, Peaches, 8 tru wherries. Pint AppUs, at TflWnley’g OonfbotEonery i Fresh Camjles, ,, Oranges. Lemons, etc., » —. Gtpfiirs. Tobacco, eilra flne. at April ao-iy TOWNi.EY’s confectiomiry; gPRlNailAS COME, AND BO LIAVK HCOTT A LYIjJE’8 Elegant New Goodsl They are lu reoefptof n wellssleoHd itok «r Spring and Rammer Coeds 1 Somothlng Beautiful for tho T^mdlaal A “Love of a Hat,” pr Cfcamlag Pvem f Prhttir,- lfusl Vns. Lustres, Grenadines, ' Hat*/Trmt things. Notions, Shoes, Gaiters, Also, a well selected stool, of Gentlemen’s Good* IlntM, Olotliin^ nnd Shoeo. We respectfully ask an examination of good» ami prices.- ‘ Scott ALtll After the 20tli instant we will be found at oor view Store, ono door uorth o* * — --*•*- South End llntnilton Street. . ....d Maryland winliingto settle In Noi... Georghv, several small farms. 80 to W0 acres euoh,within convenient Dalton. Com- fortuhlu buildiiigM and growing fruit trees pre ferred, but not Indispensable. nnd others wish to exehange farm property for * dor convenience of all norsons wishing to mukosuch exchanges, we keep utourotlloo a book In which the properly to be exchanged may be Registered. Northern Georgia Lands western Georgia, or In Pino Tiinbor Lands, convenient to tho Atlantia Ports, toour corns- pondonts, BUTTS & 11ROTHE1L r Macon, On, r Tho Small Framo Building, on tho Old Brick Hotel Square, now* occupied us an ofllco by tho Dalton City Company. Also, for salo lotsmimhors no nnd 32, King Street, with the iinprovomunt* thereon-eon- slst Ing of dwelling house ami Photogruph Gal. Aug 10-1 y • address r*. ix>vKEN, Dalton Ga. /2J.EORGIA, Catoosa County.—Catoosa Supr VT.rlor Court. August Term, 1809,-Edward Fowler and Robt. N. Chesnut vs Hugh P. In. man, Wm. II. Inman, ot nl.—Rill Tor Injunction und relief In Catoosu Superior Court. It appearing to the Court Hint defendants in tlio above stated Rill of Complaint Is n non res blent of tlio State of Georgia. It is therefore ordered l»y the Court that tho said William II. Inman appear ut the next tormot tho ty of Catoosa in sabl Stato to ho held c second Monday in Pobraary, 1870, then and tlioro to nnsw’or said Rill of Complaint and befnro tlm next term of this Court, nnd that such publication operate ns service of said Bill Injunction and sunpamed on snbl William II. Inman. J. It. PARROTT, J. s. c. o. c. A true extract from tho minutes of Catoosa Rtmcrinr Court, August term, 18U0. Oct. 1 Mm M 1 KKRT A DUO., lULTCiX, OIORUTA. Hutu Just recelqeii *n «lt'(uut uitortanl rt DRY GOODS & GROCERIES, Domestics,' faros, •boss, Lsathar, ' ' Hardware \ Outllsry, Pleass eall and oxamlns omt stosk bs#orspm»' chasing slsewhers. We WiU Not be Undersold I We have secured the sskvlosc of Mr. Ifiaar P. Farxsworth, who will he happy to serve his old friends and patrons, roaroli 18-Iy JjYLB A PitUDEN, Firo In^urnuco Agents Ofllco at N. F. Cooledgo & Co’s. Dalton, Ga, S OUTHERN MUTUAL, (Chartered 1547,) - * Athens, Georgia. G eorgia home, (Charted isoo,) Columbus, Georgia. •VTKW YORK HOMeT" -IN octly Now York City. pHOTOGRAPHS ! The undersigned would respectfully Inform the oil Uons or Dalton und vlolnity, that ho will bo founu at the „ , PHOTOGRAPH OALLERY Ftjr a few days, whore ho Is prepared to take ull kinds of pictures, nest light for smull chil dren bctwuon 11 and 12o’clock, clear days. For adults between 1 aud 4, either clear or cloudy. Sept. 23-21. ILL. DEAN. rjHIE LATEST NEWS, LOWRY & EASON Havo tlio plcasuro of lnforming the nubile tluit they are now- in receipt of ono of tlio largest and best solucted Stock of Goods ever before olivr- cdhy them in Dalton, unmdKtlng of all nucb Goods us to meet tho wants of everyone, uud all wo liavo to say is, come and see u-s befoj u you buy your goods, uml wo will do you r •< «' • Major Howl nud Col. Alleu, two nice youug men, will always bo on hand, nnd will take great pleusure In showing our stoek. We will take In exolutngu for our goods nil tbo Country Produce usually take In store, to-wlt Rhcoii, Lird, Rutter, Corn, wheat, live. Flour, Meal, Chicken*, Eggs, Country Cloth, Rags. Ac. A N excellent stools of Trlon Factory Osiih- burgs, U and 4-4 Domestics, and Thread s? low prices, Qr TITO* * KENNER.