North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, October 21, 1869, Image 2

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NORTH GEORGIA CITIZEN. J. T. WHITNAN, i:«l«»r. DALTON, : : : f OOTOBHR SI, 1 m* Tho Hdmoii »rHi« Near and Ycllur “ Tho melancholy days Iiavo couiu, Tho saddost of tho year.’’ Thus Bang tho poet of autumn. Au- iuittn, 'Un true Is molnnclioly; b|il, tlien, there {(.something bvnutiflil nml holy 111 Tk. i^miI.tIII. romwmrinl (onvrktlTm. ujno iluyn, "the saddest of tho yeiiri”— From nil nccounte the Commercial Con- T|,<, y Uwli us much tlint should ho tfWis- vcntlon, which convened i»t TiOUtsvillo on r0l ( up , They toll ua thatnnothcr aum- tho 15th, was n magnificent nfllilr. Tho delegation from Georgia wns larger than from any other State, among whom wns some of our ablest and most aolld men.— It la estimated that a hundred thousand pe»|de. wore on the stieetBto wllncBS tho grand trade procession; which ivns over its miles long nml mom than twohoursln passing any given point. Housetops,win dows, and every point wlioro observation could bo liad, wero filled with people wit nessing the procession, which Is repre sented to exceed anything of the kind ov er attempted In this country. In tho pro cession was a huge omnibus, with forty lovely girls, representing tho Stales and Territories—a Bwcct ltttlo girl, named Katie Ulrich, personating Goorgin. Every State in tho Union wns represent ed by delegates In the Convention. Kx- Fruident Fillmore wns chosen President, and tho utmost good feeling characterized the proceedings thronghoul. Thi Con' vention ndjourned on tho 10th, to. meet In ClhcinnaU, on the first Tuesday In, Octo ber, 1870—a little loo far North, wo arc fearful, to result in muchgood to tlio South, The following is a summary of tho more important niattors acted upon by tho Convention : Adoption of a report recom mending that all cities or topns situated on navlgablo streams, tho local exporta tions of which nmount to or exceed ton thousand dollars, bo made ports of entry; adoption of a-resolution to memorialize Congress to aid a proposed lino of steam ships between N, Oricaus.and Rio Janei ro; appointment of a committee to report at the. Cincinnati Convention on a lino of mtlrond from tho Mississippi at Now Or leans, and from Gnlvcston Bay and the western harbors of Texas to tho nearest and most accessible point on the Pacific; adoption of a resolution authorizing a Commiltoo on Education to roport nt tho Cincinnati Convention; adoption of a re port on harbors, channels and bars of tho Atlantic and Gulf ports; refcronco of a resolution for a commit too of fivo to rao- ■ moriallzo Congress to aid In tho construc tion of a railroad from IToj-t Smith to tho Tnciflc; adoption of tho reports of com mittees on direct trade with Eunopo, lu- temal .Improvements, Southern Padfio Railroad, Mnmifacturiog and Alining, River Navigation, etc. Too lunch I.lltcrljrl .Ion of the Art Gallpry In mer is ended—that another yonr Is draw ing rapidly te a close—that the wheels of Time are Vast hurrying u. to the nntunyi MA Would Like lo Know* Tho Sumter Republican has tho larg est circulation of any other paper Issued at this point, or In Bumtor or adjoining counties.—Atnerfctu Bepublftan. Tho Courier has tho largest circulation In city and county, or any newspaper in South-West Georgia,—RtnaHeiik Chun'tr- AVo do not Wish to lie considered in quisitive or aflldons, hu, ono of the ahovo papers Is guilty of prevarication, *nd wo would like to know which ono It Is.-* fie of our own lives, when the Gleaner of tho grave shall gather us up and Iny us by tho side of those of our friends who havo gone before Into tho unknown world. Ilow'mrehy of its bad'look hacS upon'Court of New Hampshire, has recontly lists, and “tell tho truth and sharno tin duvll." Important Lrgnl Jtetl.lon Chief Justlco Porlcy of Iho Supremo the season and upon tho passage of life, nml tho fleeting of opportunity which It typifies, and feel satisfied that wo havo improved nil our privileges?—that tho world has been made no worso by our linving lived In It?—thnt wo havo, In short, lived ns holy and uprightly ns It Is possible for finite crenturcB tb llvo? God who by Solomon commands tho sluggard to "go to tho ant,” crcntcd the nnt before Ho crcntcd man—and created It for this very purpose, among oilier things, to teach man wisdom. Iudccd, all tho crea tures of Ills hand, animate, nnd Inani mate, »ro His preachers, and nil Bhould bo mndo Wiser and better by tho lessons of the prcnchors around us. Tho sllont falling of tho leaf—the radiant hue of woods, fields, gardens, orchards, nil na ture, Indeed, toll us that decay Is legibly written on every thing terrestrial; and ns wo, view tho mnhy-Uttled landscapes, and list to the sighing of tho autumn winds, let It not bo In vnln. While the beauties of this soason surround us, let us not bo practical unbsUevors, or forget the good and great Being at whoso bidding they are hero. As the "soar and yellow leaf” rustles to t-hp ground, lot us remember tlint man cometh forth ns a flowor and Is out down—"that all flesh Is as grass, nnd all the glory of, man as tho llowcir pf U»o grata. V lu-cvory evening’s twilight—in overy season's change—wo are remliidbt of the npproach of thnt hour when, ns winter shuts up, the current of the Vegeta-: bio sap, and stiUs tho-rourmuring of tho rills, death will freezo within our bodies tho vital current. If wo would havo our last days op earth boautlful, glorious nnd peaceful, let ns live ns mindful of thoso warnings, nml when life shall bp drawing to Its closo— when bur harvest is post and our summer eudod—how sweetly and soronoly will tha sands of life ebb away, and how tram sfcendently happy will wo Awl as tho beau- ties of tho "better land” open up- to bur enraptured vision- Tho pnlo descending yoar, yet pleasing still, A gentler mood inspire* ? for now tho low* incessant rust lea from the mournful gror«,“ Radical ItiCR on Gs>rgln< The Albany (New York) Ewnfiip Jour nal, which claims to ho eandld inRs state ments,-thus represents society In IheBtate of Georgia. Wo know not whore the ed itors get their information, but Wo would llko to see even tho Georgia Radical who Is willing to endorse tho statement, or any thing approaching it: “Tho accounts ofeoclnltroublcsand do : mestic outbreaks in Georgia are becomiug very frequent and painful. Oh the part of iho whites who sympathized with the rebellion there Booms to be a deep-seated and uncontrollable prejudico against the nogrocs, which monifosts itself in ovory form of outrage nnd oppression. In mak ing contracts with tho blacks for sorvloo ns arm laborers, tho usual practice hns boon, n consequence of tho oxtromO sonrelty of monay, to pledge thorn a portion of tho props; An organization is said to exist, having branohos in nearly oyery county, with tho sworn object of preventing such contracts from being carried out. Tltoy either drlvo tho colored people away front localities where tltoy havo been at work, or intimidate p'ropnetore-by threatening toburn their oropsnnd barns—threats that In soma cases havo boon fulfilled to the let-, ter. Thoso societies are also pledged to " >.dmoQ from voting. And' to .... illshmonthy them afsOhOoTs and churches. Several Bohool buildings erected under tho auspices of tl\b Fccod- M.reor tne snranxe Explosion in Ronth- men's bureau, have been destroyed, and - ; wost ucnrKin. poreonsengngedlntaveh.lngcolorodchll- Aa wo prodlotcd, says tho CuthbertAp- dren subjected to violence. Murders of peal, tho terrifio oxplosion of which wo jiiolteusi.vebIacks,.whodare to defend thofr decided that whore any property is trans ported over a railroad line -composed of several distinct roads, tho original com pany which received It Is ltablo for the loss or injury, should any occur, whether tho damago be on Its own road or any other. Won't hr kls nokto. U. 8. Grant has a note in Chicago of 810,000, which' is overdue, and ilio great man don’t fry hard to pay it. Tho man who takes up tha note and returns it to Ulysses will get a flit office, Nnt Beupcetnbla, Tho Nashvlllo negroes havo gonerally abandoned tho Radical party. They are understood to have kindly assured the par ty that thoy^ylll return, to It, Jf It shall over become respectable enough. Arranged tarn Dig Vote. The polls are so for apart ib Texas that niggers can’t got to tho different places to vote more than once on tho sanlo day, so Grant has ordered the oleotion to bo hold for a week. Thoro wilt be a large voto KORGlAv Walker Comity—Ws M.Roben* \JT lms applied for exempt lull or personalty nud sotting apart ami valnatlon of homoHtuad, and twill pa** Upon tho Marne, at my otlleo, ti( LuFnyattu at 10 o'clock. on 1st orNoyotnbotv OeJfu*dt, MILTON RUSSELL, Only. . COIUM, 6riV Washington, lost week, Goncrol Sherman mode a spcepli, in which hojaidi “It is gratifying that tho country 1b flow in tho enjoyment of ponco. Every man can conic and go as lie pleases, am. has all tho liberty ho ought to havo, and more too. If this does not satisfy tho American people, they ought not to be “In tho enjoyment of ponco!’,’ Where 16'it? Certainly not hero at thaSouth.— True, tlic tramp of soldiery marching to tsittlo, tho booming of cannon, tho rattle of muskotry, tho lurid flames shooting heavenward from hurnlnghutldlngs, fired by vandal hands, is not heard or scon anywhere; but somothlng equally bad i9 seen, and felt all over tho country: Radi calism rules nnd reigns—Its despotic, grinding power.over nil tho land prornlls —’Its felt In oyery avenuo of life—in com merce, In tho social walks of life, la the courts of Justlco, Infloed everywhere, and' the people mourn because of its.oxaotlons and tyranny—because of tho tithes they hnvo to pay to kq?p this tcrrihlo enable of oppression in existence; and this the hUmnne, Uouso-burniug Sherman calls “ponco!” “more liberty than wo onghtto Jiavcl” May the God-of Heaven deliver us from such a peace as Hits—Wo want none ofltl “ . A Model Jo.lleo or Hie Pence. There is a eolorod-Justice of- the Pence ill Jotlferson comity, Florida; tmfiicd Pcin- hrp^, who geantsldivpjioaB 4* tho very rcnsoanbJd s um of fire dollars. . A>wJW . Mr.,Tracy,.a keeper, ban.just boon <lle- missed from a Yorkshire (English)insane asylum,- bccausc When it iras Ills duty, to gfye a patient, h-wAwn bath, lio deputed tho task to two lunatics, who boilod tho man to death. Lynched. A negro having outraged n young lady near Fort AVashington, sixteon miles hp- low Ayashlngton city,on Monday last, was arrested, and being taken to jail was selz-. ed by a party of disguisod men and hung. ti«od Work.* A “quiet, iuofibusivo person,” in De catur, Alabama, is reported to have killed 18 out of 18 desperadoes who recently at tacked him. For a quiet man he’ll-do. Return, from Colorado. IF nil returnslffom the Coloriido.electian show that the Demoamts have gained' largely, last year tho legislature was Republican hi bbth branches. In the now legislature tho Democrats havo two ma jority In tho. upporbranch, and tho Rad icals'seven majority in tho loiror branch. IIenvy ou Editor.. ight editors lti IoiVn hnvo been nonri- d fer thp legislature, Others of tho fraternity are talked of for similar posi tions. - ■ ■ irty ami ■iuitSBr . peppi B ,1 for I.lfy Iusuraiujo. llmHlveus«l*thoa.iind«of- V* 1 donats uro tuituuuiy'Keut rrn ni JUco r« 1 t n —ttj;---- . r—I purpose. Wolinistttoepthismoiloy ttt liouio': kOBOIA, Wlutflelrt County,—SViu Muhim ,,0 uooO It. 1 , 11«« switted for O.ri-miitlmi of iioraoimlty, 1 umko no wnr nponothov C<mumnliis„hut ln. 1 will niiHS.upon tlioeamoul my olUooln tend tOmirKo noiwonnl npronls to nil.- mu, f,,-n tlilllmi on Clio-yutl Inst, a ,. . -. j tHUt ovoi-y mid sliiUI tidvon I'ntvnpnnrlnntly of tl ollunnost and taro — Hr' gave an account last week, was eausod by thedcsoentofan lmmcnsc moss resembling nictnlic lava In » state of fusion, which oc- ourred about-.twelve.miles northwest of this city. . Tho explosion took -place In mld-nlr, aud one of tho fragments felt in tlio yavil of Mr. J. M. latthnor, of Stew- nrt’county, and.ponctrated tho ground to- tho depth of eighteen Inches. Sir. 1. wns absent at tint time, bu t returfilnghomo and ascertaining from Tits family What had be fallen, proceeded'at qnco to excavate tho strange substance; and soon brought it to light.; A portion of the same is noiy on exhibition at EathulaC Old Harriot »«o» w.nlilnztan and Slu Blblo Proplietp. Mrs. Harriet Boosbor.Stowe, not satis fied with her Byron letter, notoriety, hns announced.thnt she will write a new life of George AVashington, showing him up In tho light of of voluptuary; Aiidnot only this, but it is said that-she'has also fns- tenod hor clutches on tho prajrtietk of tbo Blblo, and designs writing up their am- odrs^in a'stylo-that will make a sensation in the Massachusetts boarding schools.— Old Harriett ntust havo met with' s6me serious backsets, recently In some of her amours, and bunco tho prolilicncss of-hor pen on, tills subject. Oranth at tbo Sontb. The leatcrial growth.of tho .South dur ing the last four, years is strikingly shown by the editorials in some of tho Southern papers. Tho bfilolal'figurcs dtthe deport ment in AVashington estimate that the cot ton orOp-af tho Southern States this year worth *340,080,000, while tho total value of tbs exports of the South Is set down ats*38,800,400. At this rate the value of Southern preduets is about $sl 82 per head for the entire Southern population. These figures go to show tliat the South is even Uow tho richest section of the country. and reflisa to exile homos-and thcmsolves whoii ordered to do so, qro of constant occnrrenco, and In no onso do we learn of tho arrest or punishment Of tho assassins. “Killing nfcgorS” seems to bo a favorUo posstlmo with amateur sports men throughout tho State, and is pursued with reckless disiOgftrd of Jiunishmont.-o The civil '.powor scorns cntirfl” , Alter Them. .A Now York judge hns directed the grand jury: to inquire If the'rtcent gold combination in AVall street wns not a vi olation Of tlio law making , it a criminal, offense for twenty or more porsons .to con spire .together to commit any act injuri ous to trade or commcrco. Waltlna tar aHtnil Man’s Shoes. A private lottor from Nashville, to gentleman la AVashington Qity, says tliat in vlow, of tbo precarious oondltlun of Senator-Brownlow’s health, and a prospect of hls belng nnnblo to continue much lon ger in the Senate, Emerson Ethridge has mado a compact with Andrew Johnson, whereby the former is to aid tho latter In his Senatorial aspirations, with the un derstanding that whon Governor Brown- low dies Mr. Johnson will help to elect Ethridge us lilssucocssor. Tliis letter presses' thO opinion that Mr. Johnson will' bo electod Senator without much- opposi tion. Important Ottlilao. The Augusta Chronicle Is informed that Judge Andrews delivered a decision at Warren Superior Court on Wednesday lost, to the client that a widow could not claim a homestead from the tend of her husband. Tbe Exptailon at Indlnuapolly. The number of killed by tlie explosion at the Indiana State Fair is now reported at twenty-new*, while severer of tho wounded will probably die. Th e cimso of the explosion is supposed to hare been a lack of water in the boih-i. iota whore puhllq.ollicors are lion- . ..drolls of doing tholrduty.ihoy are or overawed by (ha predohiluanco of _...leta sentiment, or baffled by the frop- masonary of tha secret societies. Here wo havo a legitimate fruit of Democratic, teaching, encouragement and example.” More stupendous lies wore nover before promulgated than thoso In tho paragraph quoted ahovo, and how tho devillsh.Badi- cals North can expect the pcoplo of tha South—tho “rebels,” as they are pleased to term us—to. liavn tho least respect for them, solongasthoy uttersuohliesngnlntt our people fortho sake of pqrty poiyor, is a mystery'to us. AVo liato, Wo loathe, a. pcoplo wlio will misrepresent tlio Soutli- in tho face of truth in this way. Wo want no social or governmental affiliation with them—would to heaven wo were as fin- separttod from these devilish North taon ns the East' Is from tho AVest. So long as this spirit Of Radical lying goes oh con- cerning Our State and section, there Can nover bo any other tlian hatred botwocn tlio North and South. Nover has thoro oxlstcd greater qnictude at tho South than at Iho present—the' negroos are Well Creat ed everywhere—no violence whatever ex hibited toward)) them—not the first freed mail’s Bchool brilitlihg has ever been de stroyed, or tho first “inoiTciiMvo black” murdered In til! tlio State—nil of which the lying editorof tho Journal well knows. There wneanelcctionineomeof thoNorth- em States, and to help defeat the Demo cratic party, which is tho party of law, ardor and tho constitution, gave rise to tliese lies; and so long as this party-op- poses them in their hellleh principles, just so long will they continue to belah forth their slanderous falsehoods concerning a people who are powerless to help them selves, and for no other purpose than that their wicked and corrupt organisation may havo a longer lease of power in tills already radically cursed government. lilt. Bt. Formerly of Knox Cr sRtapliwsi' ovminA ty, Tran. ,t. hqjpis Brims. roumlhiK ma on*l «rort,tbo Court UouhoiIaoF wta i -t nunilrar )f Mid con.. __ homo*, iluociuwil, ntau,.Wftllc9i• Ooonty.-lto«U whom It MIt*VE|.I.ANi;OVI> AtlVKIITMEMKNTM. A f HMKT8 July 1,1800, (1310,002—Soouroly Iiivoi* FIVE- HUNDRED YttltfRble Town ' 1’plloleS-lamiciVlii last Hlx Months, U00. Ciihii ni ,an,ooo^cn«h pnw up. Insurance Co. ’MBNT. ovrtaNBSi JOHN D. GORDONV'l*rc8Ulonle' ^■ u ' u,I ‘ , V.cei’rc, l ao?,'.: , '« , '‘ <l;,TT< .A, AUSTEW., . F.. W, ItOI.UAKIV Klnnnoo Committee. W, C. MOimiS, iecVrhinr.. ■' the UROW1KO CITT OF DALTON EWllrtllmnl, ' " ‘ ' J P Altntundor, *• ‘nomn*, Tolftl Number of 1'oIIcIam iMued, MOO I -Porty Per font Dlvldcml lioolarod July LJODr . At tlio vof|\m«t of Oon’l John 11. Gtmloh, Proi-’ Wont of tlio Atlnnta Dopurtmout of tl*U Rrunt Sou^jii ur|mnl*aUon^, I uui Jioro tajuvuent •S*t)Aym?riup|iUrt iui?tpiftrjmi® " “ -\ia»inoniu<UjiM»t«( wndmani of Dn*ootnr» of tho htglieal tosrity, ftimnclul *tnmUi»if atm prt , Hltlon—a oluHoof gontlomeii who hnVotoo much raputhtlon uml credit to xtaku Ua ntiy orjritnlr.u- tton that 1* not fliwt-olas*. Till* i« puroly » HOMK t NHTITl’TION, ami llttM I'lllly COUlplK'd WUU all the lute StntolnWMi It I* THE PIONEER SOUTHERN LIFE INS. GO;, With no tlUalminutlou acralnst tho Southern Policy holjfai ln mfflr" , ‘nml uauot* i ionco, tmvoloi* vatus of amply fmfflclcht to pay ry ONKMheowus. Woaiv wis uiline -.>tu inni. ^ ’ uiutuviUA ono su hi imvwii nuv opnoyuuiivy III t.H,lflW>-U.*. W. II, BUOOKER, Ord’y. 1 1 obtalniuff this, tlio chuapcMt and sttru*r inode of tttai .uviklug acorlivln,py.oylplon for hi* family, uiul. QbhHkl ..'X!i!iS‘2S. I istoreW»»»■ ( u .ISthltflold Countv. Sim n Viuy| Morn** Jhltn HKlnp; W J Vl\dmvnoi1, Co ,AV mnuto, or Dry Goods Lots s anil oni'-hnlf or fot mim- ct ami Hd hpcl Ion, acres ui uiiuiuu vitiimiw|iniuut itj 1 i#i. iiitiiiimin, s?i!i 1 Al*o, 105 aoro*, part oHot i——*“ J dlntrict and Ad *oclinti. 00 nol ton AWo: lot* minil»or* s|, 23. and ono lialf of .lot 2.1, tu tho mh dhllietnml »d Boctlon’, 400 ac'fi**, t'vo KCMMl Npniiux, three wolU, dpnlf. jif.t.-ii, Also, 820 nerds, wn lino peach amV awjlft , house, hunt, cotton gliAandiliroMhar. Aluo, 120t\crcH, onu mile Mouth of Tilton Do* axsl [ 1 ,ui,r ° v ° a ,>yfovo th ° wdfi i>ut An Improved Ihrm Oii CJoudmiuga litvcr.'nino 70, 74 uml 87, In ldlhiiml 1(1,2 donhio lojfbablhrt, with uhwlroom*, orlb* and Mtablc*; young aiiplb and peach orchard, well of water at lioi Bluing* and crock; 140 acres on au l*laud in ConnBnuga, hllllr*t citi** hottom. Also, lots mtihbors 187 and 144, l7lli district and Id ftuctlou^Uiwiu Cans comity, four til Ilf* 8. W. of Kingston, ono mlla from Klnguton find Homo R. 11., tmpt'dvcmcnuon lot 1ST, an ‘ laud oleavcd,«ior a mile from lllglitotir ImprovomcntM op lot HI, but lar^o qiml «o Improvements on N>tl44. but largo qmiTlty of long leaved flnu tlmbyr, will bo aold together or Hoparatcly. Also, lots 831 atid ttff, mid So'rt&rcs of 22fl. lnth_ .... -» -*- •* - iu\ItljMicilon. 850aorou with good br in”. OIMf lot SmiVm SwHohftso DAltdti, oti t«m~Iiiieiftd\VM Htmd\\W (MKl^oocf limber. - PMt-d jaw,- bt change Cor city property! •(. n! : < 1 DROOKElt, Ord’y.. Iias applied , x „ r will push'Upon the samu at,iuy oflloc \\\ U. Blip OK Hit; Ord’y. Mrtrrw^.ioimirKtngi Wd viidiTwr . ll.Wbm,- ltov. J L imtcli. and I-E MlimnaW, 1., r ... resented l»y K. It. Hasskkn aud Dr. B'. H.-Huoavn, Agontri, and Dr. J. It. MoAkkk, Medical Exniu’r "op mt - n. J. AfA^EY, Uon’J Agt. n EOUQIA, Murray Cotinty—Ellas M Wallcer (— \T mis applied for oxoinptlon or personalty /71 and BotUng apart and valuation of homes tend, and I will pas* upon tlio Maine at 10 o’clock, A. I' on tho AOlli day of October, 1809. at my offleo. ANDERSON FARNSWORTH, Ord’y. Oct. 10-21. EOUQIA. Catoosa County—Mart id Quinn AHOON’S PATENT BROADCAST SEED SOWER, § and I will pti»8 upon tlio samo at ray bfllcc in Ringgold, on tho 88th day of October, 18op. OctT 15-2t. *J. M. COM 118, Only. MiJvvtiA, >v>woom uounty—3- „ hus applied for exemption of Por«onalty, setting apftrt and vutyuUon of homoHtoud, [orifICIAL.]* . , HXBCCTIVB Dr.r AUTgkNT. j Atlanta, Ga., Octoberh, 189ft. ' j Whereas, Information ha* boon received at I this Department, foom rollublu and responsi ble persons, to the effect that It N Nelson was, arrested boforo tbo publication ofn Proclama tion oiVorelng a ruwurd of Onu Thousand Dol- lartf; It Is • , < Ordered, Thnt tho Executive Proclamation oftlio WtU dav or Septonihor, ultimo, offering a riwvavd of One Thousand Dollars tor the arrest of said Nelson, lie, and the same Is, hereby with | drawn and invoked. Given ti - dependence of tho United States or Amfcrica tho Nluety-Fuurtli. 1 RUFUS B. BULLOCK. By the Governor s DAvin G. Uottmmj, Sccrotaty of Stato. Oct 21-4t. . , . UT and Grocery BUSINESS, bt '*3gnSsSi£g^< . DALTON, OA., .^^“{^"“Iwi'lalawaBa ~w« Dry Goods,Clothing, Notions Boot., siloes, Uurdwuro end Orocorleg, CggU pald tar Oucou, Whoat, Corn, Collon, ui all kinds of Couutry rroduoe, f [ llelng LIVE MEN, wo Will oodouvor to auir Ulntho ropututloii, and *erv« ou? old trlandl nnd tbo ^ubllo Niitisfiiotoriiy, *• COME ON'wiTuVopn V Pi'oauoo. uml OaMltl Try ub I TVo will Glvu you Bargain* I Irt V * • • ’• Wii «.nko tho Ui-oln nnd Froduco trade a .)>— Omltty, and Major Bant will hg on hand .oxbow Ills usual liberality. i «p5r*iBj|3|SKa3£T iff rot * 1 "‘ a MV - John K Klnz ooutlnueg tho I Kxcliungo buaiuoaa. »s horot Ycry Yalaablo Farm; ' IIUNDltED ACHES, ndminddy adopted to Corn, Wheat, Onto, io buccotuul the UraSHUM, eoiiHtHttng oflotRUiim- bora 14A 140? 117,17l>, anu sixty acres of t lie-smith put-toridtnumber 1VI,all in tbo 27th distriot, and id section. ' This place may be .divided lntr» two or three farms; mit will ho sold . in .a body at tho very low flgm’e* of $1,500 cash. A L I/Akohel LSO, KOlt SALK one of lliebc*t iniprovod' plantations on pm Yanffo lllvor, unit Wusp a being chlotly In WoHhlngton.eminty, and part ly In Sun Flowor utid Holme* count lea, ills- MiMsippi, fonttiining in nil 2510 ndres. Cini lie divhiiHl Into three or more .plantations! floo acres cleaved, 500 acres la cultivation, OW uercs doudoned lieroro' the war. Improvement* fins*. Cypres* timber immoiisoly ValiiiiDle,*- Wlll lie sold low to 8uttlo up an citato* Tltler perfect. A. T N°t T etjuul for fai*mlttg purposes to the eeluhratud Sweet Water Valley, to which if He* imlitigu- ou*. Thy hilly ,)>ornpiis contain rich dopcwirk of iron and lead, and ilia gold deposit * itnisaid. to l»o superior to those of Uuorglu aiul North Carol him . . G 130 ” 0 ^® COMPANY,. Or COLUMIIUS, OA. Tho Hand Muchlne win sow -Fifty acres of wheat in teu lionrs; tlio Horsn power 120 reres lu the same time, ami llie work 1* done in the most povfect iminger. Hundred* of lettm-s frbin anpHVts ortho country speak it* it raise. We rCforto L. A. FOLSOM, 51.B.. Agricultural Editor of this impel*, whb huh ono or the nm* , chiucs. ... . —. I Tho prlto of Hinul Sawor Is *10, and of Powor 'Q SoWt/MOi Send fdjCirculars. . , b ' D, fli GOODBLL k VO<, Sole Manbrne’r, £. 1 Sepft. Antrim, N. il. I rroTHE 1 iiA!DiE« r MRS. J-^jE B. PliAVEft Would tho Ladtpa of DaltonTiiid I thoMurroutnllngcountry, that '*ho lit* Ji(*t ije; etived and MiQirad at her Store oil King Street, ] a Bountiful Stotk of T Spring i nnd Nuinnier H«lta, Bonnot*, Rlbbrnis, Flmverr, 6tc., 1 and every Variety of. Mflfncry Gowh*, of tho I latest ami most fashion able style*. Site will be R leased to seo hor old rrlerfds and customers at er now pluoeof bUstno**, WUcro they can pro- I fexMi u rs ($0,000 Acres ol'Vulniblo North Georgia Lands, J. v, W.fWKiW 4 n - Y-JVILL- york hovko *6 Continuos to funilsh perfect iocnrity agnln*t | is* or dumngp by tiro on all kind* pf tnsnrub! DALTON, J on all kinds, jtmtorutufl. Agonts canbe foiiml at every prominent point In the Southern States, to whom applications for insurance may be made. ■. . , Oct. 21-2m. LYLE A PRUUEN, Agonts. FOR CHEAP GOODS up Mill* on Coulmulln Creek, dlscontlnhod and loft fts a private way; This Is to cite all persqns con. corned, to shoW canso at ray Oflloc on tlio'22d day of November next, why said, xood should . nol ho discontinued as a publio road uml left us unrivntoway. I Qct. 21-lm. all cases, Modloal Surgical and Obstetrical, en trusted tohls care. (ktg'lWy,' Confederate Archive*. It is a filet generally lvoll-kiibsvn aijt' theWnr Pfjjnrtrocnti isiappeaesridn of.a- lnrgo.nutnlinr of floctmionts known ns tho “Confederate Archives. ” The’most im portant payor's; howevoV, those emlimdng tho dlplpinntic correspondence of tho'Bn- vls govornmont with foreign governments, hnvo nover heed utionrthcd, nnd it is now stated) Pn wlmtnppeara reliable nnUio'rity;, thnt thoj; wore sont toCanndattfswiweoko before the fell Of .Richmond In'(fiinrgo of Dnvls’sprivnteSecretary. Ahdx-Confcd- erato officer testifies tliat in 1807 thoso ar chives were sealed, nnd deposited -in.the vauitsofa bank in-Montreal. Three docu ments are stilt! to be Valuable, as affecting tho Alabama question, and (bowing to what- extent.England-was committed to linothcr'kiafi' ' B n. crue. ji». oonnoN, | _. a * FK Prompt and vigilant attention will bo given to l B*kT5* vgRBjf, ... *•—*- * ■ “• -*—rlcal. on- I , BaOTuitu GOQDBAKGAINS “ Live and Let.Live Store F Until mlr Neu' Stores ’nVo built on tlie “Old Br(9k,jIot«l8abaro,7'you wHTRD‘1 «hoii the East sipE .or iiasulton stiiekt, Ji’lyo Doors North of King Street# DALTON, GA. . T OOK FOlt THE U REliFLAG! And Atitilon A Commission Merchant, Wh en xou coxa to DAtifotfi ,, . BAXNKU,. BkV* i»Yl. iTiitUTON and Lank Ba,iu»ktt wil! be On h'nnd tonoll y< ' give you Liberal Prices ». „ .- Cheilp Goods apd. give you Llbernl Prices for yonrt’rrtdnco.. Ouvpurposo is to aid In rtovoloping tho great CHoui-ccH of Whitfield uml tlio ncljolnin^coun- 11 o*, ns well us tonrokou living by selling good* 1,1 ***&#■ “A Growing Countryiflakes nGrov'i»gTo'vn W.o wtll keep constadlly chi ftft’dd ft well * luutodtaitock ami -wllf give Hberul ixadw 1m ftnylblbganduyuyy thing; tu ' I Will SCI! Ol\ . - j-.-’i-o-■-I — tUEBl’At; WEDNESDAY AND THUBBDAY, otT 1U ° r “ , “ with tiosjftlmwlH, Hoods, Noubla*, Bod Ticks, Un- | jnom soli or labor | bifrfiliipibnd . - Wheat, Bacon jmcl (lottonj uml tho bamroof K'ltaM or ultwjta.; eoL Strlnog, No. I tlooS or nil JilmK Illllg, Hoots uml Slim.-.-—pi trailing, umltlml Is tohositllslK-i! fuctnili!o™;ant votmOWN litlCh. . ...| TO DIVE AND LET LIVE 1 For au> oooveoluoco-of our t-o-oll ry Ci-foeOs lgaoqtnt AI»o, will k<-op on lintul n lnl-no " 'Suonr, UolTeo, Oner tho Confederacy. ThO latter’s' diplomat ic history is quite a mystery. NMr not u> he R.OikM, The Navy, it it now gtvon out, will not be'further reduced, and everything, we are told U to be put on a war footing, al though, we are assured, there Is no pros pect of trouble between this country and other .nations-' . history is quite a mystery, ihu» N|irlng, Monntnlnn. A corroshOhdofit of the Clilchgo 'fi'Hi- uneluis paid a reecnt visit tothollot Sul phur Springs beyond tho Rooky Moun tains In EttttolVIml River Valley and for ty miles from South Pass City, and.tlSo descrtptloit ho gives of them is very inter esting. They lie in a bnsiii containing about 100 acres, aud arp a quarter of a milo in extent. Tho middle spring is bottomless, seomlng to eomo from tho Very bowels of the earth, aud the volumd oT hot water it throws out is positively im mense. Tlie water nt the edges was so hot that ouo could hardly hold (he baud in It, and the temporaturo gradually in creased toward tho center. Tlia water is of o'dcoj) blue colei 1 , strongly impregnated with sulphur and very clear. Tho Iodiaus havo long lmthucl In the springs; aud call them “great niedicina for a sick man,” nnd tho party of which the correspondent wns a mcmlior found a bath very invig orating. Itisquitoaouriouscircmnslauco that ui thin a hundred ynrdfl of .tbo spring, a well bns boon dugVldch contains clear, cold water, perfectly sweet, nnd. without the least taint of sulphur. .The - small streams in tills valley are remarkaulo for the white fish they contain. Two goutfe- rnon took sovonty-four of tliospeoklod vn- rlnly in two hours, some of which weighed nearly throe pounds. “No sooner woulc tin hook touoli tho water,” nays thocor- respondent, “thnn-there was a splash, a jerk, and you know by tho norvous tight ening of tho Hns you wore ready, to land a lino fish. ■ Ilenvy Lom. It is believed that the losses in stauding aud dry tinibor, fencing, cord wood and valuable material from tlio tire in the Dls- nuvl Swamp will hardly fall short of 8100,- OW. IIHVHH LIUCUI. UI taUKitr, wmuvi asuum.w iuuh 1*1 alj other kimis ofliroourioa, which I will b ^bbivp foi { cash, or exclmiigo for Country IV My good* u ororo buyiim. ‘ * ‘SOtflVO and fresb. .Uivomo iny personal attention to soli- soil I nnd customors, wo will, a* soon a •be, got out, bayp a . . , WAGON YARD, am dbo only, licensed Auctioneer In, D give mo a Call. U W. BAUUETT. Auotton and Com. Merchant. Dalton,-Ga., Oct. 14-3m. of tlut 01|l Brick Hotel8ffnav8,.with flro aipl water, lor man uml IjchsIh. . /'• BKN-K. QllKEN. Aug-ly * AgX‘ Dp It ail City'Co, u-SKeViS." TyA-KADOR & BROTHERS, 'TOBACCO COMMISSION 5IERCIIANTS, And Manufacturer* oT Sogarov Aug-ly IVliltcliall Street, Atlanta, Ga k DMINIST^tATOR'S SAI.E^-By virtue i county, Ga. S FfiRCY GREENE, • Attorney at Law, Offleo: 2d Door, Upstairs iu Glcnu Building, *P Dalton, Georgia. A DMJNISTU. lUltiiorlty In mo vostod b the Ooyrtof Ortliutivy of Gon. . , 1 will sell on tlietlr-stTunaday inDerembor next, before tlio Court House door in tbo town of . Calboun, betweeu tbo lrgul hours ol' sale,, the following property, tp-wit: Lot uumber 148, 20 acres more or loss, lot mini- |bor 147, and lot number 175, 100 ucros move or loss, 7 ucros of lot number not known, in tho 24th district uudftrt fcdoticra'ofsufei countv; sold tho .property of Juuieti M. Smltln er., deceas ed, for the benefit of thO heirs and credit Terms cash. JOHN J. DODD, Adlu’ Oct. 21-Prp. feo 87. . Gordon bounty,! will sell, o llmrdt i i the first Tuurirtay " *lonsc door tlie legal flibdefendunt I dial in tlio above Btuted'oobo doe* not reside in tlie copi , county of w bitfield, and it fuvtner appearing 1 ham. duocasml, for tho li that lie dob* n6t reside In tlio State of Georgia: 1 crodltoru. Terms cash. Ivin ou motion, ordered th*t BAid defendant ap- D. 51 pear and anHWor to said coho at tho next tornr of tho Superior Court.or bo couHliRirad in dc- lUult, and tho plaintiff ho allowed to prooood . “xparto. /^fEORGIA, Gordon County.—Luvonia E. Ob- And it is fnrther ordered that ho boservod VT born lias apidiod for exemption ot per- of the J tonalty and Betting apart und valuutipn of _. 51. DURHAM,) T. P. AVCOCK, ! Adm e - . fee |5. with a copyttC this public at lou In torras law. Granted .Tnlv 27, ISfift. J. It. PARROTT, I cortify tlim^ tho within and forogoing is „ tmo copv from tho minutes of. the Superior Court or ^Whit Hold county. Given undor My hand at office^ this 28th July, 1«». July 2\Mm IIENKY L. SIMS, p. o, B. < homcBtoud, amt I will pasB upon the samo tlio 30th mat. at 10 o’clock, A. 51., at ray ollioo D. W, NEKL, Ord'y. iL imooKuii, Ord’y. /Y EQRGIA,,Walker- Count.y.--C C Tipton VT ha*upulled toineforBxmnpt4QUQfPCrBon- nlty ana Betting apart and valuation of. lioinc- suind, und I will pass upon tho same at. my of- fiau ou Ylonday, tlvo llth day of (jot., lfrjft. BQptSr .miltqn Russell, Oni’j*. TFany house in town keop.y ffypetiqr Oroee- JL rio*—Sugar Ctifferi Floitr, eto., go And ieen- v|ace.youre8if that it i* 8e»?rr * Jiri.rf. A DMINISTR ATOR’S 8ALE.-Will be sold the first* Tuesday in December next, pi Want to on ordor.of the Court of Ordinary Catoosa county, Georgia, beToro tho Court- House door in tho town of Ringgold, within the legal hours of soio, lot of land number 233, in the 7th district and 4th section of Walker county, Ga. Sold for benefit of heirs aud cred itors of Mark Thornton; dlicensed. ‘Terms ^oci. si-Frs.fools.' “• ASDB,U0N ’ Aa “' r - BORGIA, Catoosa County.—Wm. C. VJ breath lias applied for exemption of per* soimlty and setting apart: and valuation ‘ homestead, aud I >Viil pas* upon the same at o’clock, A. 5f.; on tne 1st day or Nr • atmyoiBce. L Oct. 21-2t. . day dr Novoraber, iwo, J. M; COMBS, Ord’y. EW GOODHl-^.H i » O * O ' • FKESIF uoudsi '"vliim/T” *S** M *reifc tUffROmekorsf Boston Crucxei-*, FjoNloontekOT., TfF •and lurina Crnukar*; *| Townloy’N CoulocUouory > DrIM liver, "" ••'” ' n^ssr* Sardines, . >i y, •« ■ .. 1 0«Ul«>;Byxitt>wat Townloj’ii OonnouUoiuory J uro “ j i.SW^ * i‘y ***teassr TownlejV Contb'aUonorj'l ^DCan.n^-''' ’’ U * '*** Oranges. Leipons, otffr, Ai^nta':y;’ C T&w4'lnv?Soxi-^cT^w5$ S l’lUNG uTs COME, ANd SO UAVB:--."'' W-'OTT A I.VT-3C-W El©gan t- N 6V*TJo0 <f(i htuiJ_5a* nmMfll I ■ i. «. ' *i'**f. 1 r.tJuojjA, ... •: — «-•:»•(*- ;tbwj They .ore in rocolpt of • wuHseicoied Hook of Nprlm# and Hnpuier Good* I Someth lug Beautiful Tqt ’iA’J.ova.'ofafltttiv. or CharinUMl '*»*}*$ :T_ 1‘ Lawn*, ‘VJ Muallns, ..OMttlKl IMn-N' 1 .KAMlInTi VR4** *rntteVmd,/n£ 1 jvnw^/nntL ♦?( ham T7# \Vo respectfully ask an examination of goods and l»f%. Scott * I.tlu. New Store, one door nonivo! Veafe«TR i tftt«rw Sojuih Nml Hamilton Street* b. A s.^4 !>(.« ,.rn-.r--i DAI.TOX- fiKORUIA) *' »« lliif aJuiiVdOolqml an clogan, a-Horkwahl at .rtvn ra ,b a Tir p.tTf-u) ff dry goods ^ groceries, •yttantEd—for some gentlemen otch[engo. W and Jlaryland wiBhlngto sottlo in North Georgia, BCVQval. small farms, 80 to 100 ucres oaoh.w.itliin convenient aouesK to Dalton. Com fortable buildings and growing fruit tfcos pre ferred, but not’indlapcnsnljle. and others wish to oxclmngo farm property for oity lots. For convenience of all person* wishing to make suoh exchanges, wu scoop at our oflleo a book in which tho property, to bp exchanged may be Registered. P ROPOSING to cbnflno otir nttontlo.. NortHom Georgia Land* ura would rotor all those Booking to Invest In Middle and Sonth western Guorgla, or in Pino Timber.. Lands, convenient to tho Atlantic Ports, to our oorrus. pondents, “ BUTTS *% BROTHER, Mnoon, Ga. TTiOR RENT, JD The SumlL Frame Building, on the Brick notel Square, now aoaupiod us pn o iby the Dalton City Company. ! with the improvements theroon oon- ;of dwelling houso add Photograph Gal* For information ofsny of ihe above addresa BEK E. GREEN, Atiglft-ly Dzitan' Ml testate* t H&Wtf’J!' IiSS'S&, •' h yt*hTfW ;• ;> • vw U ■ vjJh*W*.q«?!:v ..r < .r. v ' . ;• "’{Ju hi.’f'it. jV'.'f''. Utelii A k -*P ■ • Leather, ,»iipaDA Ji . <it u«u,rt, '•rJrf '■ V ffSBri ... hoii.' i : . ; Flc»(‘ ctliand'e.Bmteo-nvtWMko'itar.p* " .Jtf .t- chasing eisoUrher*/ R tiuirf Atn‘1 nsWayfrajfiwraHA Amh I mMaoA Utt* igfj«jft to omrtl: :ttfK9Stm ted 4flw .vH*i-s«rr Wfi.wiyMmeiirdfi ffl ' ItePi^TlttiW'rtu ICW '• •'•* *•••:- v ' : * -■• * i- - * ■' \r«,li«v«»e<t<i?otftlV’,!,evTlcoa nt. Mr.'. TV'tej p; FABS8ir'ii«TB,‘ vri)0 Will Wiino* tarem ■j^yle a pity den, A- JJTyo InteiOqniUi© A-froutm BORGIA Httfll; ^Sartwl'lsA;)’ 1 ? AC 1 VT • . Columbus, Gcorgis- r * u - >7 t ,E|C' PHOTOGRAPHS! A .EfBrPiprftar ,tx t Tbn undcMigrted would rdspHetfully inform the citizons or Dalton undiYi^iuitj’, that ho will bo fqunq at tho^ For^mwlmyt, — ... r , all klndB of pictures. . Rest light for small ohU- TEW -YORK D rpiiio latest news. . , '■ , Have tho pleasuro of InfoVinliig thd ilnhlfe that ed by them In Dalton, conni*tlng of all such Goods as to meet therwants of<«var5'»nflf fhnd all wo havo to say is, oomo and s«o us bfcfort* you buy your goods, ami wo WRVtflq yom good. Major Hord and Col. Allan, two nice young mop, will hand, and .will taka grent plctfsufo In showing our stock. Wo will take in archango for o Steal, Chiokens, Eggs, Country Of iri«