North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, October 28, 1869, Image 1

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■nHI Mfa —- ■*•—^ 7—— - — —-j— ; UMrt , ; .»i¥^9f¥W w* vto-ncs t niftH AND maiSJCJTtlTUX. IIV LIXEKATUXiE | AND X’XtOGXIICHHTVK IN HOXJTIXXaiXlV INTElTOSm -NO. 43. iSigiSisSESEaEESi” H“"*'"’”"»«S»«t. « ua> ■iwearStsssSi T) VSAWifc»oJiort«hiM» - ««-** ^ i ^ p ’ l - T ' ATL ?: l 1 . 1 !* au '* u l,ltlUM ’ U|L " 111 '"**»! H ahhoi.d«e, Sseisat i aw Op In n Balloon—A woman TOvj»,llb* now )>•; te^"-''.'Wiw'*1 '.in ,V'»i JJlitre. Clmile* Wise, wlfooC Um roronltut ■ made dballb'otl ascension" with him ilio other liny, at Lancaster. fel,« writes: . When my ItUsbnnd announced that ho soil thu vnonnt scnllu his balloon ' "Jupiter,” I resolved to bo tho Iddcr, though it lhouldbe a thou- „ ^..-lirs; when lie very gravely sug gested to mo about tho pay, having,’us ho sold, two cash oilers of fiftydqlltti* each.. I told him min? was a hundred doltiu-s- httohall street, AUimts, Oeorgla. mrolp. " novly etn wins A MlililA HMh t*mi» Alftbamm Btr., Atlanta, da f V’ 1 ' I [‘to and from Depot fret of ..jiturt Imp nUtO f '* v**m***tiiwSSfin^ Jl. L. M1LOM? Wotirietor. OHOIO J&uW Q IF , r . Broad StmLiRome, Ga. -'-•pnto and from Hotrt froo oft fpiuw»T , _*ory train* be market af- fords. Boom*wHvoACflfctod. Ja*tf ; ’W+SIJFS*? **bl7X AKD LOCKSMITH, jr«w-<»uiia,-Wstoia, 5 OtrMrfmf btb. yr. w ^TOd.^T*tATo*. pro. Knwyiiw *»*».. ^.^(UHHSo Dealer* In ■nnfalti, Wars,U,sen, Ol»l>l wdSneUeg AW, Agent* for tho ‘MaSoSSBSSgifread PreparaUon. taUlmore Pricoa gnerantled. ■?*«»> l)r*. A. W. Blvlnsno Jk • rormerly.ofBootIrCafollnai : rtOBBpraBSMKi «*?» «?_«*««. sa'aSto.'j. aiffl ‘jintfsrjt-ly. JW*Wfc-4 «« SkfaW Insurance and Land Agent Ageatfor jBtnnUfenndFIroInanrnncnCom. mot; alao,4effcn*na andlamp* U l y nd scone before mo. gaze upon tho grand secirab When wo got beyond tho built-up part and beneath I spied what Boomed a nlco iittla Christmas garden, with little build- ings In tho middle, which my husband told Die was Franklin and Marshall College, and just at this nioment a mllk-Uke vapor rushed downtoforo^and^ui^qrnqatU U8j at onto irt-yjdy Ond observation clutngod most profound. : 'ohf e whtlta Aolcinn *b lenco,surrounded us. ■ It was an awfully mysterious tiling tome, how this heavenly curtain of dow drops could so suddenly Itself all around us. 1-upglobo above ourheuds, seemed to l»nd and stag- id of vapor woltrhlbgupon , .! a olioetfal, mellow glimmer ’ifighb'eainSft'OTO gbovo,. which oheered trw oVHhoard'a cohsldcrablo huudio of ^yb(Mq<ainMi"Mdi as thoy scattered, through this unlimited cloud thoy crackled like little torpedoes; I wondored what caused It. Mr. W. saW: “It sounds liko electric, sparks,” Ab they famted about, —Sroicn^ wo camo out of thq top Of this cloud and hero again giimo a new sccne.-=- How Jicnritlfhlly Btmngc up herc-sirout big masses of white, soft looking, ffeccy clouds below. Oh, they looked ns soft and silky ns the finest down, and thoy rolled nbout, as it wero, in a wanton voluptuous ness. “But, where nro wo noW—wo aro entirely partitioned off; how will wo got down?” Mr. \V. said: “I will take you down now; but before wo go, let us cat a bite of our provisions, kindly famished us by our friend, John Sldfcs.” “No, indeed,” said I, “this Is a feast of reason; I can only feast with my eyes." lulling Leaves. Thoy nro Tuning, swiftly falling, Thick upon tho Ibreot tlrto, ’ Sovorall from tho noblo hrnnehos, Whore thoy wnvoU la boaiitooui prldo, Tboy aromiltug In Ilia vnlloys, First their duloot muslo sing. Tlioy ore flilUng, sadly falllttp, ; * » Close bosldo our oottdgo door ] Tula and Dwled, llko tlui loved oitosj Thoy uro gono forever hiuro. Thoy aro fulling, and tho sunbeams r.. Bhlnoin bcotfty soft around | t Yet tho fhdod leavcsbvfl fdlllbtf, * Faillntf‘on.thh uiosay groiuvli [ Th«y are falling on thostreiMnlot, *. • W^orotho silvory watet* How, ‘ And upon ltd placidbosom Onward \Hth tile waters go. ; They mro falling In tho hhweh yivvd, Where out klnUrfsl sweetly slcch'V Whors ^ ,ci Idle udmls of a^jamor Softly o‘or tho lovoU ones swfeep. triioy aro falling, evor lulling, When thoautuuinbvocBce nigh, __ When the stars In beauty glisten Bright «P<>n tho lulduigbt oky< , They dro fulling.\vliop.tho4omj>u#t . ' Moans U^cp ocean’s hollow roar, When tlio tuucloss wlutla and hlllbvrt Bmlly slgli for ovormoro. Thesjuro ailing, they Urq falling, Wlillqoursaddoned thoughts still go To tlio sunny days of oUllUhood, * Of tho blighted hopes ami dreams Fudod like tho Hilling lcaflots • • Cost upon, tho ley streams. An Iimnoneo^GrniiovMiO*. The Santa Barbara (Gal.) 'Press pongmtffaytR .' , vc seen tlio big grapevtne. s It is forty-two; old.' Lin -kA-ARK U WHITMA*, r^Jj^^^^y^^.-'feiiiisriTnfiklnmrolAafc 11 v -SLatSURBfS*&W» •« A Tr. 2 K.vrfthfc'* TP fpacwg-MCTQAiiA^wift,^ ebbi ■*VXiolonn.lo<Groo ProSsosOommWIon Morchfints, snd in WInoii and Liquors, *1 Morth Howard Street, 1 bp7*B* ^RSSOK A . ■WJIWgg^ rACTOU8 , B^r.a'nn n fC'i;!'j.WorfeS» n ^ Fark Bank: R. W. Howes, of Messrs Howes A Maov—New York. G. R. WlljjWB* A Co., Charleston, 8. C. J. L. VlUahdjkd; Savannah, a*. A. Austell, Pres’t Atlauln National Bank, Atlanta, Qa. »1 mnr4-8m*_ S WAIi*FsN,M.D m ynfelan, flnrgeon and Aceouchenr, Offers his sirvlehlio tho Inhabitants of Dal ton, and tho surrounding country* JJH tended somo*.pf tho host Medical ^Schools In Canada and Now York City ho fools confident •waijgabTsrwaore. Indicated a keen os ho also got himsSfrwfttL wmlo In this solemn still ness I was suddenly startled. “Oh, what wok that?”- Mr. W. said: “I lctoff.somc gas ta go.dowfl.” - When the vnlvo snap ped shut, tt cracked like a gnu, and madu mo tfuubld foria moment—It made such.ti strange nofteup tliCfe;"- ' • » Now we gently anil softly saukdown through this fiocey bed below; dn its inlst it wiunuoro dark tills tftuo, and «» we on mo out graduollihclow, Itaw tho"city os bo- hinu a thin gossamer curtain, • and now came suob a clattering of iron wheels, and pUfflllS of steam cngiitds, mid l inking of bollS^jontrastlggsti'angely with tlicbrlgllt, Bllcnt wotjd above tlie clouds. i licro we could seo tho hoautmiVSusqne* hanna, and.licro ond there a villngo pcor- ingfrom behind a dni'k cloud, and tho peo ple below linll'ooljig nll around Ms. and I icard a voiqe distinctly cry, “Charley, enmo down, down—come down—comb down!”. : ‘ Wo repentod thbso cloud scones fivo or six times, going up and downj and I was almost led to hcliovo that whpn wo shall cluingb from mortality tb immorality, it will & our happy destiny to soar through ' q realms of space, visiting ou spiritual w mg', tins globe; for tholgood hook tolls us that, “In my Father’s lioupo there 'nro raany.mnusions,” atjd'I verily fait, when ' was way upabove tlio clouds, that I was in the- houso of God—It wns so solemnly grand and sublime, ' Snell l’rcncliliig. A preacher. was much annbyod by a drunken man who sat under tho pulpit anil rocked nhd reeled about.. lie leprqvcd trunk is nenviy elreular, .and ^ from tho ground is- tbirty-nino circumlereucc; at three feet 'nd, the smallest place, men inches in clreuml’ereneo; atoljtabove this mciuiurcmeiit f*■ - nuell largqr nudparts' feetliFeh. coiUatniug sixty-six . three to eight inches fa diameter, ors nbout 4,320 sffuarq foot of hi Several of tho Utnbsarc.nine:Indie cumfenmco at thirty, foot from th( and one of the bnmchcsat forty- tho trunk is seven and three* clg circumforenco. It now luui ovor (1,000 iters of gropes on it growing finely, ho owner and othert fgmilTar •with It ripe, about two and a-hntf ponm . hilt call them two pounds each it makes over five tons of fault from one vino in ono year. Several porsous mado estimates on 11 last year, when tho fruit was ripening, by counting the clusters on the ton fact square, and weighing some average clus ters/ ’ Then ostimntes varied from four to six tons. This is probably the-largest grapeyiuo.lnthoworld. Baud RllrToys In Arizona—InterpKllnc: V n 1stol ories -ot Bxlln.t llsres. ■ The (icncral'Laud Oftlco liusiecelyw returns of tlio survey of the toivnshipund scctiou Hues of fivo townships on tho Gila river, in Southern Arizona, containing 103,232 acres of agricultural and grazing iniuls,, bearing evidence oflinviug Deen furnlcrlyflnder n higTi Bjat® of cultivation for qblitprlbir'and ahoundiue In ruins of claboratoandsomctimi’smagmilcentstrue- ttares, togetttor with relics of Obliterated races, possessing considerable knowledge of thoarts and manufactures; among tlio most extensive of tho ruins being Ihoso called Cnsn'Qraude, about two miles south west' of the nraotldn. ef tho cakt (ind south chnimolsof’theGlla river.'•'Thseo town ships o’mhraco tlio growing towns of Ad- ?9ddtd,'M."j).,Tiwnjciyn, , l’rof. rmiik II. nHUillton. Allsiialn»«M«e<>n. taasMrrS The poor will bo altcmloA free of charge. King Slrool, Ballon, aoorgln- t<M)«*end 1 J* i flwdiwl lfals, Caps and Straw Goods, AS...0toWWWnygSbMiitS: •p^XJL. JpjNI3l3 F dH.. *i - Wk«lt*al< Sealer In Brandies, Wines, WkUhl<»i' *VT J FHAOnTRRK 8t»m Atla*tA, Oa. M«y«My»> a m I jJ c With MOT&WW. 6TAI.KY S CO, ’vmoU*nW‘ Orders soUplt4kL- , t r ‘ JO *^ucceRaor to v BQn(mti'i Jones, DonlQt. In ftUsorts of Dry Go(m1h, Hoots, Sliocs, Trill.noi^ «ndoreOld-*Yard Stick B0 Inches ^°Rome, Go., Oct. JMy- JOIIIC HBPGINS, Waklnnakcv apd . Joweler, Bbopja Dr Brown’, Now Dreg Store, ' Hamilton Street, Dalton, Georgia. V Stern of |ltitlbc|t*s llxpciulltiireS. Tho Atlanta lira, alter describing tho ,GovernorV -oafrtnpo tolls us about tho ’‘elegaqt. now farnlture for the Exoontlvo Deportment,” ns follows: ‘ ‘ g ml vantago of the Governal' , s ab sence from tlio cltZ tho Messrs. Kimball ttvo rooms In the State House, and anoth er room is being oddod. Tlio furniture far tueso rooms hot lust arrived, nan U'of th»' very finest quality: being of heavy wfefant, bcaiiUfauy onrvbd and diSMriKef. This ftirnltuto is now In tho State House, and will bo *rat intirtha Executive afilbcs an as thoy are ready-far It, When Jxcsllenay returns ho will scarcely 1jh Ohio te yecognlzo his own apartments, so Tux payors of Goorgtn,4his Is Iho way. your money goes, Press excursions,’re taining fees, lino fanilture, magnificent' carriages, nnd tho peculation tlmt Is going on generally about tlio “Opera House,” will soon bankrupt tho State, If It line not already dofio so. . ••TUsiOlUca, Inhabitant.” press a renutrkabla citizen of that placer: ' .“JoliU AVagnof, the oldest roan in Buf falo—ono hundred mid futu: ywtrs—re cently walked a intlo and lialfin two weeks. IIois os cheerful ami us briglitMany of those other old men tint chargo around so In tho tiewspapore, nnu is. in ovory way remarkublo. Last N ovember he walked five blocks in a rain'storm, without any shelter but an umbrella, and oast his vote for Grant,, remarking that he had voted for forty-soven Prcmclcnts—which waso- .lie. His “Bccond crqpof rich brown hair”- Arrived from New Xiirk yesferany, and Uo has a now sot of teeth coming—from Philadelphia. Uo is fa bo merited next week to a girl ono hundred andtwo years, old, who still takes in washing. They lrnvo boon engaged eighty years, but tltjSff parents pcrslsteh'tly refased.their couseut until three days ago.” ' A Nlninico Wory, The tendon,Herald 11 singular Btotyi Not' nuuiy yeai'fl since certain minors working far underground, enmo ulum tlio •hody of a poor-fellow who had perished Homo chemical agent to. which tlio body, lias been snbjectcd—an a go tit prepared In tlio laboratory of nafare^-haa cfiiicfaaly brouglitii up to the surfaeo.and for A while, trait crumbled through exposure tat}ie atmosphere, It lay tho Imago of. a fine, sturdy young man; No convulsion had. passed ovor tlio focom death—the faatUros wore tranquil;■ the half was blaok ne jet. No 6na roeogulzcd tUQ.fiteo—A gcuorauou had grown up eluco thb miner lind gono into tho. shaft far the lost time. -But A tottering mid woman who- lind -hurried, from, her cottage at hearing tho nswa,- wdffdi tfedhShtfllihesoWiig years sho not forgotten. Tno poor - mm« won to hav* boon her husbnua .on the-day after that on whlc)i he died. Thoy wore rough people, of course, wjio were looking ou; a liberal education and refined .faoliiig are not deemed; essential to tho man whose work is to got up coal, or even tin, but there wore nadry eyes when thegray-boad- oit old'pllgrlm scat norSolf upon tho youth ful corpse nnd-poured Into: Its. deaf .oar many words of endearment unuseu for the^qneso'ehUho'ottctspYputeg, sterwte stood still with tlio dead. flentUira npnso;of Hen. Bntler. ReW"? : cd by the Ih-osidout. It ls'Shld that the trranigorS of . - gla Agricultural State’Fafr,hftorluvltlng tho Presldontand members of the Cabinet, with other prominent Individual*, to at- tond, wrote fc letter totho Score tar Navy, asking him to‘pat a goverum vessel at .tho eeiVioo-of the disUngulsl Invited guest*. Whether Iho Secretary, would liavo compUed wltb the reqnesMs not known, but after tlio GoorglOrpkffcrz came oat fa abuse of Genera) Buttat,-who also hod boon invitod, tho Soorelary repftoit that ho oould’nt furnish the tcescl nnd moroovar that ho would not attendthe fair. It ls nadoretood that tlio matter had been -talked oyer among tlio ineinbors of Oabinctrfa *tt Infarmul .^ay,'fuid)liait' President,, as well nil all tlio incsnbcra of ths'Cnbiiict^bad expressed thouisolvcs-dis- gustetf With Ufa attacks of tlio Goorgla pa pers upon Get), liutler, nnd all ngrced'to decline the .Invitation. amsyillu uudFloioiice, ou tlio F4rt Yuma and Fort Grant witgon roads; a« well aa numerous prodiictivo nu-ms nod pastures, well stocked with cattle and sheep.' Aim Experiod. Gon; Thomas has forwaded oToportof his observations in^ Alaska.'to tho wax De partment. He etates fa sabetance that our new possessions are not worth much to itpybody but tho officers who are paid a salary by tho Government to llvo therc!— The soil capnot ho cultivated lior stock raised to advantage. rishlOK Exlrnordlunr]-.- On. account of exceedingly lour water in tlio’ river, largo numbers of fish ary caught with seines. Long ngo thn smnll- er streams nnd ixmdsbf the country dried np,-And now dio “father of waters” in this section is drying up. too. On Satur day last a party from Valdosta, in the “bend of tho river,” took several bushcU fine trout, brea&vpereb, catfish, ate. Not only Aro-tlio streams nnd ponds dry and drying, but a large number of tlio wells of the town and surrounding country lrnvo fulled to supply the wants of tlio people, and this now for several mouths; clouds of dust fallow Wigous and buggies, .and are raised byoveiypufl'wiuci.*- Valtkata [Rtiiei ' for tire nenolll Or tlio Poor! A lot of minstrels of-a wester A city started, out op a .‘.“tour” roccutly,.. They wcutto a town not far. away, and nil* Yorfisod to given jxsrfoHnnnoo for “tho benefit of- the poor, tlpkets reduced to couls,” The hall was cram- Tho next morulng a committee,(or-tlia poor called upon the troaeurer of the con cern far thoamouiitsnidoonofitlinducttcd, TheiTreasn rcr expressed ’Ostonislunout at tho demand. “T thought,” sold tlio chairman df the committee, ,l ynu advertised this concert for tlio bouofit of tlio poor?” . , The treasurer replied, “Didn’t wc-iiut tickets down to t.wonly-flvoocnhi so that tbepoor could all oorno?” Tno committee vnnishod. Tho Ltlllo Iii.l 11 its. Ten 111 Uo Injuns »tmiillii« In u line, Dne todaleit hOme,undlheu there were nine, Nino little Injuns nwlngiegbn agntc, OnotnmUeil oir and then tlioron ci eclglit. Eight little InJungnovorhcnrU of Heaven, .Ono klpked the bucket nnd then there were sovon. Seven little Injuns cutting up tricks, One broktlhts neok, nnd tlion there word slf. SIX little Injunskioltfngill alive, Ono went to bed,and thon.thei-o woroUvo, ' live lUUo.blJimt on n culliir door, Ono tutubloil In, unil then theca wurofauc, .. Fdur'Uttlo Injuns outonn spree, . Ono iU'ud drank, niul then there trero Utroe, , TtirnellttteXdJunsoutln'ncnhec, - One tumbled ornrbonrd and then thero wero ‘we- .. .: a - - '• • - - - • a Httlz Injnne foolin’ with n gnn,- . Ono sho'tt'otllor.alid then therqwfW„°Ai>>- • , Ono llitla Injuii'lliiu’ allnlonc, . He gal uurled, end then there ires none. ■lerrlbli. Lunnllo-kllllng is proposed in England amt menus of. relieving the asylums. 'tMliftbses. A doll’s shoo manufactory in Boston liAs turned out40,0«« pairs this yonr. Tongno IKB. Eighteen ladies nro announced ns public lecturers this year. The number wlioglvo ..... ip service.” With a comical, drunken leer, tho follow looked up and said, “Such preaching as that ’ud puko a dog. (hie, ughl) You’d hotter stopl” Thn Fnturo. Tho Autumn of tills year Is fall ncllvity fa tho way of commercial Conventions, Agricultural Fairs, experimental trials of -farming implements, tho nvcmgo produc tion of "prizc-ncrcs,” ctc.,oto. Tho New York Express congratulates the South up on their evidences of recuperation, enter- priso, and coming power thus: “When tlio South has complotcd all its needed railroads to tlio seaports, and 1ms developed ovon a moiety of its mineral wealth, Itwillprovcaltogctlici tho wealth iest part of tho agricultural Union. In cotton land4 it Is without a rival in the votld, and In BUgnr and rlco, in tho pro duction of cnttlo nnd corn, and it should occupy tho foremorst placo on the conti nent. Wo repent, then, that for the South thore are good times ahead, nnd wu nro glad to sea so many timely stops taken to exhibit hor health nnd oncountgo Its In crease. What has boon dono is m dospite of Fedoral intorforonco, political nndinlll- lary, nnd, without thatlntcrfereneo, lior wealth would ho vastly greater and her properly every way Improved, Distressing. On eunntnghnm’s run, narrlSon coun- ty. AVest^Virginia* a disease called typhoid flux has been making terrible ravages.— Tho Clarkshiirgh Cousorvat vo staU-s that ,f Wnltcf Curniiugbannagod A Now Tlli-ory of the Aurorn.EbreaHs. Dr. A. W. -Hall road a paper iKifore tlra Polyteolmlo bninch of tho American In stitute in New York, Thursday evening, on-tho cause of auroral lights. His theo ry is that tho boreal display-lq produced, by tire rays of tho sun,- which nro reflected ffditi elpuds Burrouudlug the pole to tho ico and snow of. the Arctic regions, and tlienco again reflected, to tlio clouds, mid so back and forth, until it'comos within our rongo of vision. The glancing and flashing of tho columns of light, lie holds, uro caused by the motion of tho. clouds. . Sliclillo nn|! XorthornGeorgln Coinpsrcil. The editor of tlio Atlanta Constitution, Writing to liis paper, says: . Tlio country along the line of the State road presents a very different appearniico from that along tho Maeon and Western and tlio.Ccntral roads. Tlio difference is quito marked. Tile-former laeks tho cot ton fields of tlio latter, and shows loss cul tivation. It is more uneven 'and picture sque, but sefemingiy less productive. But' whilo thus apparently superior, tlio villa- pis fn Middle Georgia aro loss fresh, thriv- ng and prosperous looking tlinn In Upper Georgia. Tho trains below Atlanta show tho cflfcct8 of tho wiir uncorrccted. Tlio towns abovo exhibit growth nnd adorn ment—tho houses nro painted; now build- ' Mfal, tho man’s friends to remove him must have -had no friends, far no oqe stir red. The drunken beast commenced vom iting. Tho preacher, very much vexed, said, “Will no ono he kind enough to re move this creature? If not I will stop tlio ings aro moro .ploutifal, while old ones are ' ' ’ ' more renovated and refurnished A NwatHsh t'olany III Missouri. John Swanson; proprietor, of. An exten sive cotton factory hcttr’-Stockhdlm, Swe den, Iras just puroliascd 12,800 acres of land In Dunklin and Stoddard counties, Missouri, whore ho will establish a colony, build a factory, mills,-etc., and carry on tlio cultivqjiuu and manufacture.?!cotton. Tlio land sqlocted is well adapted to cotton vnisiug. Dunklin county will export this scasou. 7,000 to 8,000 bales, and Stoddard about 5,000. Tlicentcrpriso gives employ ment to 1,800 lainillcs, a parj. of whom are oil tlio way from Swodfiu.niid the remain der are soon to fallow, . Knluetlou or tlra Halo oflnteivist on tlie l'ubllu Debt. A Washington correspondent of., tlio Baltimore Sun says: I hear of Soveral bills to ho Introduced at tho next session qf Congress providing for a reduction of tho rates of lutcrcst on ;ovcrnment bonds as fast as tho period of lino rolls around when it becomes option al with the government to pay off or con tinue its indebtedness. One hill will em brace a plan for tho payment of the debt in twenty-five years, the Interest In quar terly installments,, nnd payable la Europo ntnot.moro tliau four per coat, per annum. It isnrgucd that this nrrangcmcnt.or quar terly payments iu Europe will enuso Eu ropean capitalists to eagerly seek and pur chase our bonds. A Carvings Containing Four Persons Torn to Fragments by nit. U. Train. . One of the most wonderfal and. unpre cedented escapes frmna horrllde death that ivas probably ever recorded occurred at ‘our o’clock on Tuesday afternoon, on tho Eouisvfllo and Memphis railroad. Whilo tho train was rushing with full speed with in a short distance .of .Hussellville, Ky., ami near tho crossing of a country road, a cavrlago, dvaWu hy Two mules, und con taining four .persons, siiddouly appeared upon tlio track. Tliqcngineei was horri fied at‘ tlio sight. He flnidderod os he blew “down breaks,” and reversed his en gine. Tho catriago teemed to standstill, while tlie- train s.ivopt on, threatening to. carry with it destruction ana death,— NotTilngcuuld stay itsswlftcourso. Tlicro was a craslu The carriage wns torn lute fragments. ' Two of. tho inmates, a lady and gentleman, were carried a distance of one hundred and fifty yards on tho cow catcher, and droppedfato a cow gap. The- other two, agonVIolhan and-lady, redo oil tho cow-cntchcr, to Which they clung with desperation, for tho ulstanco of ono hun dred yards boyotid, wlion tifo train wns llnally checked, and thuy-wore taken otf. Had not tlio-.flrat two fallen into the gap, thoy would iiqvo inevitably been crushed beneath tho wliccB of tho train. Tim cs- enpo seoms providential and' miraoulons. d£he frame of tho carriage, having first como in contact with tho locomotive, broke .couiiiu’t ». .-. J: „Jad?lph!a hrekorJias gone-to nn q asyluni after ono .day's nxperloneo ' ->- Chicago talks about a wedding -with 9lffO,000 worth of diamonds. Very True Young man tisualy swell whtlis sowing thclr wild txits, But thoy hlways shtliik fast enough whoa the doVU stops hit? th'fc field fa tho autumn to harvest tho'eropi i- ..j • ».* Tho rod of faith is % surest lightning conductor that can ho placed undor tho thtutder olpud* of Ufa. < .’*■•*. -m- Nnd,itml CnrreUCy. Tho forthcoming report of Certdml Splii- nfcr Will show that tho total amoiuit 'of national currency, of all kluds, in' cireu- lationloutho 110th of June last, was'Si78,- 035,83801. . ^ • I'd'- *• Rciuovhl of jltn-rr tlnI\or«Uy. . Tlio Georgia Baptist Convention at Greclisboro’, on Friday last, passed the foUowtngrosolutlon, by a vole of 03 to 0; llesolvcd, Tlittt It Is tlio opinion of this Association that the most emeient means of. advancing tho -prosperity or Mercer University is to forever diHcoimtenniico tlve ftStawou of t(a rciuovAl from its v rca * ent dotation; 1 1 ' ' Hot ehoukH or it.. . . TIio,Now : York. Evening Jfost (Badleal) Is opposed to Um aequisltlou of Cuba,on the ground thiit it will Introduce more, negro suifrago, of which the Post thinks wo haVo ns much already as can ho well uuuuigal , . ... . . Tho liouso in which General Imo surren dered Uto Army of Northern Virginia to G eneral Grout in advertised for sal*. Increase of (told ■.!«. Socrclary Boutwell has consented to in- crenso tho amount of gold to bo sold to tho Baltimore importers to SiOO.OOO per week. L.rxu Exports. Among llio exports from Baltimore on Saturday were 33,SlO.bushcls of wheat to Liverpool, and 15,371 bushels to Dubliu. », Ensitig Ibslr Vouneleae.. ,, A-Now York firm of hrokors eased their conscience by subscribing far elnlreh purl poses ten per cent, on half a million profit made out of the gold corner. I Ud Aln.k. Worthless. Mr. Seward’s pieaus over Alaska'.have found a foil in an official report, just sub mitted by General Geo. H. Thomas totfai President, representing tho territory of Alaskans well ulgh worthless. • Whnt Negro Raving. Can Da. Throe Virfftato^dtes,’ Including ths wife of Gen.-liohert E. Lee, havo puh- lished In Bichmeml' pnpers'nn nppcnl far aid to remove the Confederato.dcad from Gettysburg to Hollywood Cemetery. ' •_ MIshtF Sorry. "riiD, my jowol,’.’ said Pht. “J’m mighty sorry you Can’t ditto wltli mo to-, day.” “Arm'll,midwhycon’tldtnowith you?” Said etlm astonished P1IU. “Bo dnar,” returnedPat,-“I hav- ye as yot.” A nowly mapfied'mji'ndowh lfho had lui in'ehr r. Fellow, i»t says, ni&ro of IuuipIueSs ho oonld not posSlhly livo. IBs Wife is ohllg- o<l. to roU him on tho floiir nnd ilnt him with a brick hntovery day to keep him being too the farce of the collision, and thoy wero dropped, ns ft Wore, on tho cow-catcher os tlio train passed on. Tbts is tlio only Way lu.whteh tholii escape can he accounted far. Strange, to say, they wero' only-. slightly bruised.—AWitn'fie Danner, Oc- C'lnsiilcnl, Very. The following is a verbatim report of a conversation between two young Indies who have just finished their ednention at a Northern classical school: “IVeie you at tho picnic?” “Yes, and we had a high old time of it.” “I wanted to go so had, but mother was so hard pushed 1 couldn’t get oil'.” “I was rigged, but I couldn’t cornoryou anywhere In tlio'woods. Wo lind a bully time: ond you know I prom ised my gnlliint tlmt he should lmvo a sight at you.” “Well, Dm Borry; hut you bet I’ll put in my bin licks at tho fair.”—W. Y. Sim. - 1 ' Fallen Men, Tho. latest 'suggestion from tho entor- nbont six years, dleJ.on tlie duth of gust; nnd tho day fallowing hcr hrothcr, aged nbout sixteen; on ijcjitemhor lst, nn- oHicr hrotlior, ngod abouffourteen; on tno 7th, another hvollior, aged about eight, nud on the 8th still another brother, mak ing In bnefamlly five victims in little more than a month. What Is tho cause of this difference?— There Is mere money below than abovo, hut loss Improvement. Perhaps one reas on is tlmt thoro to heavier immigration to Northern tliqn Middlo Georgia. Tho coun try was more devastated abovo Atlanta, and tho people have lmd to build more, and have built with taste. Nearly nil tho now buildings in tlio villages on the State road aro neatly painted. Tho offect Is clinrm- Ing. Tho towns look fresh and Inviting, and ncstlo cosily among tho hills. Cnlmn Dots. Tlio Tampa Peninsular of tho 18th says: Wo lenru from Kov West that a Cuban filibustering steamship, mounting four insnnd manned by 126 men, escaped from mufort, S. C., a low days ngo and is now on tlie high sens. Slu) is manned mostly by Amorlcnns, nud wo will soon hcarsomo livoly work about tho Spanish shipping.— Tlio authorities at Koy West lmvo ardors to keep a lookout for nor. A small Btcamcr 1b lying off Koy West, supposed to lmvo como to tnko recruits for tlio insurgculs from tho Island. ItocruU- ing far the Cuban army, has been going on there far some tiino. Ono thousand dol lars bounty Is paid to recruits. How to I'luco Your Uods. A Physician lvrltlng'to a Dublin .medi cal paper advises tlmt a bed should be plac- ed with tho heatMo the North. Thcelcc- trio currents passing around tho daTlh eft facts tho nervous system, and stooping with tho head lo the North, tlio oflbet on (lio system is iuoro beneficial than any other position.. He tried tho experiment with sick persons, and wllli tho most Satisfac- ,, .... lirol^udll°pe^ifit 1^!m'\’o ll hc prasent^nt hciyja-to the North; perhaps it wished in both galleries. The resolution 0 ur State Fair I10 shall ho lmppy lobo ... iiasalty These men, they soy, do not desire lo bo bad. “They are lWdStray by n false curl, a little paint and powder, a pretty foot, a nicely rounded form, a wink of tho eyo, a smllo, or tho flutter of tho handkerchief. ” From theso temptations tho “strong miqdod”, desire to roinova them. But wilt tiro “fallen men”-accept their good offices? We expect uot. tlinngfcd. A resolution has Leon introduced In tho Tennessee Houso sotting apart a portion of a gallery for Iho use of negroes. Here tofore, tlio colored folks havo had -full Simula Drunkard* MurryT Waldeck, n Gorman town, hns given pub lic notice that no license to marry will her granted to any individual.who is addicted to drunkenness; or, if having been so, ho, must exhibit fall - proofs that ho is no lon ger a slavo tp this vice. The samo govern ment has also directed timtinevory report made by tho cclcgiusticlo, municipal and police authorities, upon petition for licanso to marry, tho report shall distinctly state whether cither of (he parties dcsjroua of entering into matrimonial conacotioa is addicted to intelhperanco or otherwiso.— In our judgment tho town ofWnldock Is right. No man, who is a constant swiggor. of liquor, should bo allowed to marry, un til ho has alvcn sufileieut ovldouca of his reformation. . BullrMds Forty Years Igs. Tho Washington correspondent of tlie Cincinnati Commercial copies from Niles’ Register for May 16th, 1880, tlio fallowing notice, from which tiro reader Will'be able to forn» some idoa of tho-curly efforts of Americans in tho business of railroading: “The Baltimore nnd Ohio Jlallroadwill lio travelled lq .wagons: olglitecn itttlcs, to ElUcott’B upper mills, m a day or two, at tlie rate of at least teq miles an hour.— Tens of thousands will embrace the oppor tunity of-seeing work yot at- tompted in tho Untf ThaFrcCdman’sSavingsandTrnstCom- ' pony, wllh,headquarters at Washington, havo just paid eighty thousand Hollars far a lot on l’enn'sylvftdls Avenue, on which it exixcts to erect a splendid hanking house*' .. ’■•a tt to Im Y V' ; .- 1 « - The Yenusesss HtaSu Fulr. i This great-fair at Nashville U proving* success. Eight thousand people Were tu attendance tho first day. The cxliibifiou of blobdcil stock and cattle was flue.’ 11 ( RIZ Duys. o«t—oisTrissttas iumI Mew merit 1 On and after tin 12th instant the time by railway between 8an Francisco and NcwYork, Bhiladelphlaand Washington, will lio roduced from seven to six days.— Whenovor expedient another rcdoctloh of from twelvo to tweaty-fbnr hours con ea sily bo mado.. * rt A Clergyman Murders his Wire. Tho Grand Jury of Kano county, Illin ois, bare found an Indictment for murder ngnlust tho Bov. Isaac B. Smith, of Tur ner Junction,' a liltlo toivil thirty njlles west of Chicago, for tho drowning of his wifo lost Juno. Ho commuted tho crimo for SO,000—tho amount of two, policies, ono fair 68,000 nud one far 5(0,000, gu her life- . ' . ■ Ludicrous Mistake. .A ItlclmiOUd newspaper having slated by mistake that Secretary Boiitwoll had purchased, this month, six million dollars Worth of “bones,” instead of “bondB,” tho Secretary- has received a letter from E. King, Jr., asking, in good faith, what Wns being paid for hones iff hull;, ns ho had a largo amount on hottfi* frombclngtooliappy. most romantic nnd beautiful countries wo lmvo'-cvery nilmito.proscntlng something new to bo ’admired by strangers on tho road'.' “The wagons willstartondilfarent hours In tlio day, lind soon, perhaps, hourly.— Each wagon, drawn by 0110 horse, will carry from twenty-five to thirty • persons wltli entire convonloneo. Tho thirteen miles will bodlvidcd hito two stages, fora clinngo of horses, which may be elfacted in about half a minute, from tho excellency of the gearing. Tho faro will be moder ate.” ' . , ■ Ex.l’resldoni Dnvls- Wo nro Informed .tliot yesterday a com- mnnicatlon was received from this dlstln- gulsliod gonHcman, dated nt Baltimoro, Md., in aiiswor to tiro Invitation tendered him by tho Executive Committee of the Georgia Agricultural Society, in which ho gratefully acknowledges thoirlflnd remem- nrance, and statos lie is now 011 his way to tiro State of Mississippi, and that 11 Ills Stupidly Uceuvcrlng. . onicial figures-at tho Treasury Depart ment estimate that tho cotton crop this, ear wlllbe woyth $240,000,000, whuo tho .otal vnluo of export* of tbn Soutli Is not doyra at8328,500,OWL Tlieso figures/ .that tho South Is rapidly recovering tlie disastcr of the late war, andtha fawyears'Bhe will gain - her farmer . tldn-of commni'atiu and fluanoial impor- tattSo In tlio country* ’ — w — A tleus. It has been eloquently said th tlnnlty-tfas eoiupolled to flee from the mansions of-tlie grant, the ncndomies of the philoBophcrs, the halls of legislators, the theungs of busy men, we sbtmldffnd her last retreat with 'Wbmott, at tho fire side. llcrlastnUdieneowonldbothoehil- dron catlroriug round the raotlror’aknoo, tho fast sacriflco tho seoret prayer, escap ing lu sileuco from her lips, and heard perhaps, only at the throne of God.' CurUluuls# (a thoftomau Catholic hierarchy, Ufa regular number of Cardinals is sovonty; but this number is not kept up. At pres ent thcre'nrc but fifty-sovon Cardinals.— Tfm oWcst of them fa eighty-nine years, of age: the youngest is CardinaLLuoion Bonaparte, aged forty-two. A Precocious l iulerslnudlox. Two urehlns, “Tom” nlid “Jaok«.” wont to sdiool for tho grit "llrno. Tho teacher asked' “Tom”, what hi* umuo "Taute,” replied tho boy,. • ' “No, my hoy, you should not sny ’Tom,’ hut ‘Tnoin-ns.’" *',. ■ ■ “Taumiiri”.ropontedthohby. . “That’s .hotter. Now,, my -lad” said, ho, turning to the otlior, wlroso faoo. sud denly hrlghtonod up with a newly com ceivcdldoa, “what’s yaurnamo?” “Jaek-ass,” replied tha urchin. tranied the Other one. "Mother wnttt* to kuow if yon won’t please to lend hor your'preserving kettfo, ’causo slio wants to do up somo npplo sarsc.” -“I would with pleasure,hoy, blit tha truth is, tho hut time we Vent H-toyour mothei, she preserved It so cflhctimUy that we have not seen it since.” “Well r you needn’t bu sarsy about your old ket tle. Guess it was'full of hotes When wo borrowed it, and mother wouldn’t have troubled you agin, only woscqd you bring homo'n now one',” . il-xN- Jtuniorcii ncslKimtlou or Uulbert. , that, V..' nil lonei-r qursLii'ii Hie truth', lliiit Supcrinlemlnii Hulherl has placed his res ignation la tlio bauds of hisExpresSetoncy, nnd hus acceptcd Iho position of Superin- teiuleiU oflliuClmUnnoogannil Meridian Rallrond. It is ftfilrnicd that i lulhort ten dered, his resignation to save ldmself tho mortification of being'removeil nnd re placed by tho Ditto P—Blodgett of uul- vcrsal renown.—Augusta t’hronk’e. Grant’s Nouthoru Tour. ipfio President has been In receipt qf sev eral letters from prominent men in tho Stflith, nsking that ho make a trip through tho Southern States lu.Uio early part of November. lio replies tlmt, if Ids public duties shall permit, ho will visit tho At lantic seaboard' 6tatee, but fears that his presoheo will bo required lit Washington during most of Novcmhcri • - - Bnliock on Another Mission or.Nlscblrr, ThoLouisvllto,Kentucky,corruipoudent of tbo Augusta Chroqlclo, ju hl^ letter ol'. thp 14ti their own hcads-t Will do just as Well. I will yass. I present.—Moron Mmewjcr. Cosrklilloc ■ Clerxj-mmt. Tlio citizens of Wcstjfart, Connoctlcut, hnvo just had a UrsC-closa Bqnsuttbn m tho horsowhippiug of their prominent clergy man, Rev. Mr.-Collins, by Morris Kctoh- uqi, Esq. Mr- Kotchum had zomo do mestic trouble which led to n seperatlon and all sorts ofstorlcs word told about film, of which tlio clergyman was said to bo tlui author. Tho latter was mot by tho injur ed husband, nnd received such a beating ns a clerical member of society not often thinks of. Having boon soundly thrashed, the minister wciilto tho CourtHoUso, and firelight ncomplnint or wfenultand hattory against Mr. Ketchim); tho trial of which will dovclo|xi somo luteresting features of eubui'bau lit-, for Wiialiiugton to-morrow'01 though whnt wifi bo tl lam not informed. cuts ho can havo'hut diiq! to traduce a njuro tho people of tho State ovor wh w claims to- bo Chief Magistrate. Sinco my arrival here I have gotten hold of somo' queer rumors about id*-Bovinity’s plans; - widen, If trus, will create some astoidsh- mont when thoy become known In Geor gia.” ■ ■ ' ' ' Dr. LlTinfslon* Ilasr* From. A missionary has arrived at London from Zanzibar with tlio iyolcomo news that a toiler liad bceii .received from Dr. Liv- ingstono, dated February,' 1800. The great explorer Was then alive and well, although short of provisions, on Lake Tangaunyika. This fake, which is situated about fivo do- K rces bolow tho cqhator nud to the loft of 10 Mountains of U10 Moon, Is tho -most prominently distinct feature of that vast srra (itcopnlM Wfitch the discoverer of Lnko-Nganii iris so bravely nud persever- ingly underUtkoU tfi explore. MOW Ike Goja-Oamklers Manured. Gen. Bnttctheld declares that he has dls- tlmt tho gold ring were tapping iph wires daring tho gold pnnlc. been tapping llrom ovor sinco, lmvo used the information thus obtained to forward their interests in Wall street. > Tlio GoVtarttttteiit itMol tho Prirnteor Cuba. Goran\feniing ou lUo.Boizviro of the Pri vateer Cuba, Iho Wilmington Journal ^iii. action of tlio President of tlio Uulted States is most oxthiordtiinry unitor all tlio clraumstauocs of tho case, By an order tho vessel is seized and \U'ttW% Confiscated while sho Is being tried before tliopropor trihunaltosco if she has even rendoreu herself llnhlo to bo tiled for any violation of law—bofore, Irnlocd, sho bail been hold for trial. Tho disbanding of tho crow edicts nil that Spain oonld do in her capture, for the otllcore, If tho vessel, should ho discharged, would not be allow-, cd to reerult In ft port of tho United States, This nctlon, of course, dlSjios. s of tho case of tho “Cuba” Wore the Counuls-. toner transfers I it to the Dhtriet (,'qurt.