North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, November 25, 1869, Image 1

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dbmoouatio IN POUTIOSI pure AN3D BEAUTIFUL IN UTERATEBBj and progkessivk in southern interests. Wl®MAN & WRENCH. DALTON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25,1869. H ANKS»mviH«j ta0BJ ; BV8ATljAWi U Dalton, Georgia. J. 1. ». iiahkb. Mill * *■ atvmm. J* a. w, jonssox.' [ • ST> u, s'e^tr. JOU NS OK*M00A &o]mKyBATJ(AWi Up Stair. In King Hollaing, Dalton, On. gao%^^ l 1 9 n i^go 0 ^i t, .t 0 i t u > as! ro sl^ d TV A. WALKKB, "J, ATTORN*Y AT LAW, King Btrooi, Dalton, Gin * ly» H AUM ° HU * WK 'a&KY8 AT LAW, WllltMHl : Street, AkVantn, Qoorgta, a, T.^AKKonn. .novly' oy» wyftBonin C3 FKROY GRKBNB, jd’to.^Ulrii In QiraSwingr <»p- ;,yVmn,o°o r g)a. IXtenfloS* SsVwfoss'totial aSriwrtSS o& icons of. Dnlton^and. Barroundlng country.- in will bo given to nnd Obatutiloal. on- Oct. lt-ly. M HAD A.DOR & BROTHERS, X O D A o p p 2 f * * c T8, And Manufacturers of Scgars, Aug-ly WhltftbaH’Street, Atlanta, Qa Sir., Atlanta, Ga Wutn A Whitlock, Proprietor. i clmrgo. froxftbojto , fr& of N- ATIONAT ^^Nq'urOnlou fyssengor Shod, Oliftttanooga, Tonn. r ' ‘proprietor. ^Qonvcnlonce and Econo- uiauHgomont. • 1 i , VS J i54Wjr iulJ ' J ** • ’’barrrtt $; m Mamifiiotursra and JoMiirs of md Straw Goods, Juno lO-Cm”- 8 BA&raiORB. Hats, 4 BBS, Jr., Wlioloul. dealer In tXi'Sr.., wino‘.r oin»; *C, PtfAOUTKKB 8TO., ATUABTA,'GL« May «7-ly. .»■*»«— piTNBR A BiftTIi; Wholesale and Retail Dealors In 4}roawies and Provisions. Coruor Broad and Howard Streots, (Fltuot’s Old Stand,) Jutyl. ■ .•. Roma Oadaoia. • Jf* TTOJIR again I" (| Kt A*. *$. “. RAWLasi At Ida own llouau again. O H'O I C-B-'K O T E Z. Broad Street,.Romo, Go. dp £ t° w r' -|y£ N. XKALON, c— ■Jteapwlter. Stationer •»» Kowsmoo, And Dealer In Dry Uooils, Qrooorlos, I rodneo. Apr-lff »i> tjamUlonStye.t,DAi.Ton, O*. Maltiaaoro. OAMUEL A. S'ZWt ItiC J, BitagBjtr A Soil, CSrooers, Produce Commission Merchants, and Dealers In Wluos and Liquors, 31 Worth Howard Street, r: novUra* . ? »jflM "W. w - ““SSSSbra and locksmth, Dealeriii ’' ' U0W Guns, Pistols, Cartridges, eto. Opposite Tibbs llimso, Haurilton Street. New Hitio-Hmado to order, and all .repairing dona on short notice, and warranted. Hlar-ly r tj. ir " ^^ltU HUFFMAN, STALEY A CO., -*-tvo • wholosulo or& Commission itOHANTS, 45 South Howard Howard 8troct8, botween Lombard and Pratt Stroots, ' BALTIMORE. Ordors Bolloltod. .m208m ■£?*** «' ,r “ BE,U rtT0nNBY8 AT LAW, King fltroot, Dalton, Georgia. g^^aa^s®sssaeMfi^ cr n District of Georgia, uud Bankrupt Court at Atiwilii Gfct In ttio stlu Cenrta In tlie eoun- ttSJof Wittield,Murray,Gontan,Bartow, Cu. tooou and Dado. Mayo-tL JOHN HIGGINH, Watchmaker and Jeweler, Bhop tn Dr. Brown'd Now Drug Storo, Hamilton Slroot, Dalton, Georgia. Jlandsomo itobW of tmro Jowetry, for lAdloo nud Gontlomou, watoneo, clocks, eto. Bopalr- ingnoatlxtmd substantially erooutod. Jutyl. JJKDIOAL AND BUllGICAL NOTICE. X) r ». A. W. BIyIojcs & Son. Formerly of SoutU Carolina, Tondor thoir Professional sorvloes to tho oltt- uens of Dalton and ourroundlng country, Bpo- olul nttontfon glvon toallohronle ouaoa. Odleo, during tUo day, oorner of King * rent* etroota, aml^nljlit at. rMldunco^ on.^lioreUm January S*ly. lor tl>o s. G. Cmni. A Memorial to Congroas by Con. Doir Croon. A bill to bo entitled tin not tocroalo ttNa- tlohol ourronov; to logulalo tlto value of niouoyt provklo for tlto early payment of tho oxistlng National debt; lor tho organization of a zyztom of spoclo pay. Ingilanks; for tbo rodttollonor tlto.loses and maintaining tho Financial Indopeu- donce'of tbo United States. Section 1. Bo It enacted by tho Somite and House of Boprcsontatlvcs of Iho Unl ed Slates in Congress assembled, That tho Bccretary of tho Treasury or such other officer n» may bo thoroto authorised, ho apd ho Is hereby ompoworod and required to coubo plates and dies to bo engraved In the jostmanner, sons to guard, nsfitr as pruc- Ucablo, against countorlbliing and fraudu lent nllomtlous, and to oauso to bopriutod llicroftom such Jtovonuo Currency and National Curronoy, and'Bonds andTBank Notes, ns may Horn limo to time bo requir ed for transacting tho buslnossaf tho Treas ury of tbo United Stales. Tno llovcuue Curronoy, tho National Currency, ami Bonds and Bank Notes shall hnvo such signatures written or printed thereon os tho Secretary of tho Treasury may direct, and tho qxnonsos noccssarlly incurred .in procuring tlto Bevonuo Currency, and Iho NallonarCurrency, and Bonds nnd Batik Notes, shall bo included nud paid ns tho ordlnary'cxpondilures of tho govcrumcul. ' Sec. Si. And bo lb farther mulcted.. That IhoNnuonnl CntToncv to bo Issued ns hero in provided shall bo la denominations of not loss than one dollar nnd not more (linn onn thousand dollars ouch, nnd shall ho nnd is hereby declared to bo lnwfat money of tUeUnllod States, and resolvable at par with gold and silver coin IttpaymoutpfaU debts and demands of ovory kind, duo or which may becomoduo to thoUnUedSlnlos, and of aU demands against Iho United States whatsoever—oxcopk for ousiom’s duties and for tanas, ana for Hint pari of Uio public debt, which wan created prior to tho first day of July, eighteen hundred and stxty-ono, and for too interest and principal of tho National dobi. which by law are payable in specie—amt it shall be a legal tondor in payment of all debts pub- " nd private, wllllln I ho United btn tes— jpt as herein provided—and shall bo re ceivable for and couvertlblo into the inter est boacinc convertible bonds authorized to bo Issued by tills act, when presented at tho Treasury of the Unltod Slates; and af ter tho payment of tho existing specie dobl It shall ho receivable at par with spccio In payment of custom’s duties nnd luxes, and for all dues to tho United States whatso ever. See. 8. And bo It farther enacted. That tlto bonds authorized to ho Issued by this act, shall lie in denominations of filly dol lars, or of any multiple of fifty dollars and ho payablo in National Currency, at tho pleasure of the United States, with four per cont per annum interest thereon, pay able in National Oil rrency, semi-annually on the first days of January, April, July and October in conformity with tho dates of their Issue respectively; nnd, nt tho will of the holders, shall bo convertible into National Curreneywhon presented at tho Treasury of tho United States for that purpose! See. 4. And ho it farther enacted, That any person or n ssociation of persons depos iting with tho Treasurer of tbo United States, tho four per oont bonds of the Uni ted States, (authorized to bo issued by this net,) amounting to fifty thousand dollars or more, shall bo empowered and Is hereby authorized to organlzo a National Bank, under such regulations as Congress may from time to timo prescribe, ami to receive from the Comptroller of tiio Currency an amount in bank notes, of denominations not less tlmn one dollar, equal to tho par of the four per ceut bonds time deposited, which bank notes shall not bo receivable for public dues, and shall at all times 1>» payable, on demand, in spedo or In the lawfal money of tbo United Slates, or in tbo four pier currency bonds, herein authorized to ho issued as tho hank issu ing tlio sarno may prefer. And Congress may from timo to lime require that tho persons or associations issuing bank notes shall hold io their banks a received fatal, to consist of spccio, or of national currem cy or of four per cent bonds, equal to twen ty-llvoper centof their notesin circulation See. 5. And bo it farther enacted. That the notes of tho several national banks sliall bear Buell vignettes and illuslratlpns and Buell signatures written or printed as their directors with the assent of tho Com;i- traUor of tho currenov may prescribe.— And tho Treasurer of the United States shallhold tlto United States Bonds, depos ited with him, in IrUBt for tho redemption of tho notes of tlto banks depositing tho same; and upon notice of protest for non payment, In sums of fifty dollars or any multiplo of fifty dollars, it shall ho the du ly of tho Treasurer to redeem the notes so protested nnd ebargo tho sum paid there for, including Iho cost of protest, to tho defaulting bank. . Sec. 0. And bo it farthor enacted* That after ninoty dayB from and ftfler the pas- sogo of this act it sliall not bo lawful for any disbursing officer or agent of tbo Uni ted Stales (or.copt us herein provided) to it sltnll bo tho duty of tho Collecting Agent vyhen ho receives tho revenue currency In payment of duties or any other taxes, to separate tho snmo by tho marginal lines, tn the settlement of his accounts, he shall return tho larger part to tho parson who shall have paid tho sarno fbroustom’s duties or lhr other taxes, and tho (iart de- 1 voted to tho parson making such payment t aU bo a certificate which, wbenpresant- to tho Treasurer of tho United States, shall entitle tho owner or holder thereof to receive in oxchnngo therefor, national cur rency or four npr cont couvertlblo ourren- cy bonds of tiioL'ni ted Stales, for an amount equal to Buch a pcrcenlago on tho rovonuo currency thus paid, ns Congress may horn time la time prescribe; and until otherwise irovided, that percentage shall not bo loss ban fifty per cont on tho Bum so paid.— And tho Secretary of tho Treasury is lioro- J>y authorized and required to give so much of the rovenuo currency as may ho required t6 ;iay tho accruing custom’s du ties and taxes at par in exchange for gold and silver coin, and tho specie received therefor shall lie applied Inpnyincnlof the Inlorestnnd principal of (ho imnded public dobt which by law are mado payablo in spedo, See. 10, And bo It further enneted. That tbo bonded public dubt, which by law is ntndo payable In specie shall bo paid 111 the order in which tho bonds wore Issued, nnd tho Secretary 01 tho Treasury is hereby D n B. B. m»>’v»- K „ aBll( I)llm ,, liisni’fiiico aiid Land Agent; Agent tar AttnaLtro aneFlro IiSntsn jo eom. panyj also, JelTorson anil Janies lttvcr Eire Inauranoo Cotnnnnlwl, ofYft., Lntonirlso, Cincinnati, and Putnam, Hartford. ALSOrGlSNmAL LAND AGEHT For anybody who ontruts their business to him. ^AR^i;'VHmtAN, awOfLottIsi[ni 1 , Ky.,«ormorlyofRlnggoia,ea. wnoiosoio qiptwnir, 377 auiV 373 Broadway, , *t • , .M«iA. a ii> New York. Mouse ernooBRs, mobgan a oRppb. I” 27 T> WAtollB*, it. »•, Vhyaleinn, Hargoon and Awoneltyar, Offers MS seryloes to tsn inhabitants of Dal ton, ami ll.oHiirronn.Uim countrr.. Having at- Rkpkuenchb— Wm. Toropost. M. D., Toronto, Canada, Win. Mctilll.M. D., Ostinwa, " J. Foote, M. D., Brooklyn, ” Prof. Frank It. Hamilton, Attending Surgeon, and Prof. Austin Flint, Attending Pliy.lelan, floItlTuoirospitol, Naw York. nptjo7o Tbo poor tv ill So attended free of ebargo. .ng association or thoTJniled States legal lender notes heretofore issued; nud there after the currontdUbursemenUs or tbo Uni ted States, (oxcopt nb herein provided) Bhallbo made In tlio national currency au thorized to bh issued by this net.' Sec. 7. And lie it farther enacted, Tlml so much of the several acts of Congress as provided for tho assessment and collection of an internal rovonuo, oxcept so much as provides for tho assessment nnd collection of tlio tax on cigars, nnd on tobacco, nnd on distilled spirits, bo and the same are horaby repealed. . , See. 8. And be It ftiriher enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Secretary of tlio Treat;my and he fs hereby authorized nnd required to cause tbo requisite plates and dies toboengraved anil to be printed there on tbo requisite bills to bo known ns the “ltevenue Currency,” which bills shall 1» of tlio appropriate denominations witli such vignettes and illustrations and bear such planted or written signatures as tbo Secretary of tbo Treasury may pvcecribc, and shall bo receivable at par with gold and silver coin in payment of all custom’s duties and for all taxes or other dues to tbo United States: and shall be issued af ter the following form, with such modifi cations os tho Secretary of the Treasury may from tlpio to time prescribe, viz: —- lODol. No. im OniTonev. ltoco.’v.>iile In uyniont of flu as tbo bonds becomo duo or payable, and ns specie shall accumulate In tlio Treasu ry, which may ho applied to Iho payment thereof, to givo notice, by publication in two newspapers published ill Washington city, to the holders of tlio bonds, forlbo layment of which tho specie fault will bo ius prsvtdod, requiring them to present teir bonds for payment, nod the Interest shall ccoso to accrue on nil suoh homls which may not be presented for payment within six monlliB from tho date of the publication of such notice. See. 11. Andbeltfarlhcrcnnctcd', That It shall bo tho duty of the Secretary of tho Treasury and ho is hereby directedwllllln thirty days after tho passage of this act, by publication or otherwise, to notify nil bantling nssocinlions organized under pre vious nets of Congress, to return to tho Treasury Department of tho United Steles nil circulating notes heretofore delivered to such associations respcctlvo’v, within six tunnlhs after tbo possngo of this act; and when any such association shall return their clrculnlln!/ notes, in sums not less Ilian oqo thousand dollars, it shall bo tho duly of the Secretary to deliver to such as sociation a just proportion of tbo bonds deposited to secure tbo payment of the notes of such bank. Audinensoof neg lect or failure to return to the Treasury department tbo whole or any par. of (Its circulating uoles delivered te nny bank. Within six moil Ilia from tho passage of Litis act, then and iu ever^sueb rase of noglect or failure, in.orest shall ccaso to accrue on the bonds deposited to secure tbo redemp tion of such bank notes. Anil in ease auv sucli bnuk shall neglect jorllii! to return to tbo Treasury department, witbinlwo years from the passage of this act, tho wholo or any port of tho circulating notes delivered t o such bank, then and in Ovory such case it shall ho the duty of tho Secretary to de clare Iho bonds, remaining a3 a deposi t by such bank, to be forfeited to the United States and thereupon redeem such out standing bank nolos by giving thorefor tlio national curreiicv, or tho currency bonds authorized to lie Issued by this act, or spe cie, as Iho holder rauy prefer. See. 13. AmllieiL further enacted, That it shall 1)0 the du (y of tho Secretary of tlio Treasury, or such officer as shailbo there to authorized by law, to keep a correct rec ord of all tlto revenuecurreocy, national currency anil Int crest bearing bonds issued in pursuance of tills act, describing the same by their numbers luiddcnoniimiilonv, anilalso of nil the bonds null othoroviilcn- ces of tho debt of tho United Slates, which shall lfr.vo beeu raid, and of the bank notes returned to the Treasury Department, de scribing tbo samo in like manner: anil to publish monthly reports showing Iho amount of national currency iu circula tion, nnd of Interest bear! ng Iannis unpaid, and tho amount of bonilc nnd of legal ten der notes rcdcomcd, and of the bank notes returned to Uio Treasury department. Sec. 13. Andboitfartliorenaclcd, That tbescvcral acts of Congress audlbonmoml- menls thereto relating io the counterfeit ing and fraudulent alterations of Treasu ry certificates and United Slates logalteu- tter notes, and United Stales Bonds and Bank notes now Io force, are hereby made aud declared to bo in force and applicable to the counterfeiting nnd fraudulent alter ing of tlio national currency and the reve nue currency, and the United States bonds nnd bank notes authorized to bo Issued by this act; and any person or persons coun terfeiting or fraudulently altering tlio na tional currency, or tho revenue currency, or the United' Stales bonds or t he bank notes, authorized to be issued by Ibis net, upon conviction thereof, shall bo llablo to the same penalties and punishments nsare by law now provided lor tho punishment of persons convicted of counterfeiting or fraudulently altering tho legal tender notes or bonds ofthe United States, andfor coun terfeiting or altering bunk notes. See. 14. And be it further enacted, That henceforth aud null I it he otherwise pro vided by law, no individual or association of persons slmll irsuo bank notes to circu late as currency otherwise than tn accor- duucc with the previsions of lids net; and tho several nets and amendments in rela tion to banks and banking now in force, are hereby amended and modified so that -the enaetmon Is, movisious and regulations therein prescribed sliall conform tonndue- cord with tho enactments, provisions nml regulations prescribed by this act, psovi- • ■•ignatlr " Soc. 17. Andlxiitfarlhercnactod. That the capital, business, circulation ami prof its of Iho bankB, organized unilor tlio au thority of this act, shall bo exotnpt from all taxes and clmrges imposod by authori ty of tho Unltod Suites or of auy State or Terttory thereof. Soc. 18. Andholtfarlherenacted, Tlrnt this net sliall be In force from and aflorlta passage and until It shall bo modified or repealed, A Stenneo Occurrence. A Warren couutycorrespondonco ofthe Vicksburg Times gives the following ao- coun t of what bo and his brother saw whon returning from a lnorry-maklng, about 2 o'clock fa the morning: “Suddenly n bright light, shollar to tv bright flash of llghining, but much bright er, tfcll across the road, nnd, iu ihet, all around us, and frightened our horse and caused us to lliluk instantly of highway men with dark lanterns nnd pistols: hut, upon looking up to ooo from whenco this bright light proceeded, wo were notouly relieved to flud'thal It did not coino from tho dark lantern of atobber, but wore sur prised to sco a streak or blaze of lire extend ing across the heavens from northeast to southwest, and gradually dying away to- wni'dstha southwest. "Tlie.sizo of this great liglitis almost in- crediblo to relate. Shaped similar to that of n wedge was a point nt tlto northeast; at tho butt-end It appeared to bo about tho si. ;u of a man’s body, gradually going to apolul. TheHchthad entirely disappear ed in about two!vo or fifteen seconds.” TUo rromnlnre Burial. Tlio Naw York World says: Hardly a wcok passes that wo do not hear of a pre mature burial. The story alwnys comes to us nearly in tho Bavuo sslutpe. A coffin Is exhumed for one reason and another, nnd the corpse Is found to have changed its position, while Iho shroud is torn la several plncca. Immediately ovory ono whole cognizant of tbo oveut lumps to the very unnecessary conclusion that tho coffin was Interred with a living Inmate, who, on returning to consciousness, had strug gled violently, though hopelessly, to es cape. Now, t lie theory of prematura bu rial In such cases ns those Is out’rely.gra tuitous. Evory medical man knows that tbo gasses generated bv decomposition fi-o- qucntly act with sufficient foreo not only to change the position of a corpse after bu rial but even to burst opon (lie coffin.— Were the inmates of any largo ccmotcry to bo exhumed, tho enmo appearances which are now noccpted ns ovtdcnccs of premature burial would lie found to exist in scores of eases; probably, indeed, in tho majority of Instances tn which the burial had been sufficiently recent to admit of tho possibility of detecting any chnngo in tho position of tho body. Unfortunately this well-substantiated ihet Is not generally known oxcopt to scientific men. Conse quently wo hear continually of premature burials, which aro certainly among the most disagreeable ilemBof Hews which ono can meet, and which bring incalculable grief and horror to t he friends of tho sup posed victims. It is not Impossible that in rare instances some unfortunate person is buried lieforo Ufa is entirely extinct, bat to conclade from tbe mere apjicarance of an oxhamed coffin that tlio inmate has been tho victim of Buch accident is In tho highest degree unreasonable and unneces sary. | • An Apt Reply. An old schoolmaster said ono day to a clergyman who Como to examine his school, ”1 believe tho children know the catechism word for word.” “But do they understand it? Thatisthoqucslion.” said the clergyman. Tbo schoolmaster bowed respeclndly, and tho examination began. A little boy repeated tho fifth commandment, “Honor thy father and thy mother,” and ho was desired to cx- E *'' i it. Instead of trying to do so the boy, with his facocovored withhlush- ce, said almost in a whisper, “Yesterday I showed a strange gentleman over the inouutain. Tho sharp stones cut my feet, and tho gentleman saw they Were nlced- tug, and gavo me money to buy me shoes, I gavo it to my mother, for she had no shoes, and I thought I could go barefoot belter than oho could.” MalrlraoDF* When lient on matrimony, look more than skin deep for beauty, dlvo farther than tlio pockot for worth, and searcb for temper beyond tlio good humor of tho mo ment romombering it is not always the most agreeable partners at a lull who forms tho most amiable partner for life.— Virtue like some flowers, bloom often In tbo sbado DH. M, GUHBRA JJENT1ST. Fonnorly of Knox County, Tonn. TukosploiiHuro In saying Hint ho hna P'-nmy noiitly located In Dolton anti now outtn iuh Bor* vleo to tfio people ol till* and surrounding country. All work wnrruntod. Terms cash. All dlsoAAos of tbo teeth treated success fully, or no pay required. Artificial teeth Inserted on the* rubber I>uhK or uny w»y m-ofonod. OfllcowitUDr. Illvlngs A Sou, Dalton.Oa, QCl> Eovoaao. Thlo Bill Is rocolvablo tn meat pay me i amt t un llllllcti taxes Tor ten dollars.. [Hern date and signal mm.] KJanatnvo.l p:\vn: tic* end te. for tea dolta (Hero dale i On the back of tills Bill there shall bo the following endorsement, viz: s'hlf part or bill No. 1WK), ivhSn to u .nil] 0 a.,...— dvawlMolc.] tile: o iasoit flato nml «;W nil, for i ilntlo. or irlllbearOiU of013. tH’’ 1 ’’'”* fled that the oxistlng national bauks may, upon depositing tho requisite currency bonds, receive bank notes and issue the same as herein provided; nud provided farther, Hint It snail lie tho duly or tlio Treasurer of tho United States, nnifbo Is hereby authorized nnd required to give tiio rovonuo currency, tlio nallonnl currency and tlio four per cent convortiblo curren cy bonds of tlio United States iu oxchdngo, nt par, for gold and silver coin or for the six pet' coot spccio bonds of tbo United States, whenover tlio samo may bo present ed at tho Treasury for the purposo of be ing so exchanged. Sec. IB. And be it farther enacted, That the rate of interest charged by tho banks, herein authorized to bo organized upon loanB nnd discounts, shall at no timo ex ceed fuur per cent, per annum, which in terest may bo deducted in advance on the loans nnd discounts when mado; and tbo loans nnd discount upon which a higher rate of interest titan four per cent per an num may haycbceu chargedidiui; be deem ed and held to be usurious, anil upon sat isfactory proof of such UHUry tbe courts shall declare tbo debt I bus created to be void and not recoverable by legal process. See. 10. And bo it fnrt)iorqnucted, That tbo coupons attached to tbg four per cont convertible bonds shall be In tho snme form ns tho national currency, and when lltcy becomo duo and payablo may be detached by the owner of suclibonils, and whon due shall bo lawful money, provided Congress may from time to time preserlbo such for- Thlnk orlt Boys. Boys, in selecting a business by which to gain a livelihood through life, will do well to pondor tbo words of Ilorntio Sey mour before making their choice: “I sco around me many gentlemen,” lio said in a recent speech, “wiio like myself, belong to llic pursuaslon of law. Wo are jealous of our profession; but gentlemen, let me toll you, that no lawyer that over lived In tho pursuit of his profession ever added ono dollar of wealth to tho country, no ph clan over did; no preacher over did hanker ever did. Wo aro useful, X tiuai, in our several avocations in life; out It is ourbusluesslo lake advantage of tliomis- foriuiics and follies of other men, and when tlioy have earned the dollar to put in our pockets,” No ono can say Ibis of the farmer or tho mechanic—tbo noblest occupation which tho earth affords, nnd which, followed as they should bo, will give an upright man that feeling of con tentment and satisfaction with himself that lie will not find in tho squabbles of law or tbo tricks of trade. Wouran’s Work. Darning little stockings For icstlco little feet | Wiuhlng llttto tacos, To keep thou fresh anil ewcot | Hearing Bible lessons, ’Penciling oatoelilsm, Fraying for salvation From borssy sad schism, Woman’avrork t Bowing on the hattons, Overseeing rations, Soothing with a kind word. Others.’ lamentations | Guiding clumsy Bridgets, Coaxing stillon cooks, Knloriulnltigoompany Aud roudutg recent hooks, Woman’s work I Burying out of sight Her own unhealing smarts| Letting in the sunahlno On othor clouded heart i| Diluting up the wounded, Moating of tlio sick, Bravely inarolilug onward - Through dangers dark nud ihlok | Woman’s work I Leading lltllo children And Mootingpiauhood’s yours) Sliourlngto theslntul Mow God’s forglvoness cheers | Scattering sweet roses Along uuolher’s path | Smiling hy tho waysldo, Content«tth what she baths Woman’s work I Lotting fall her own team Whoro only God can soo | Wiping off anothor’a With tondor sympathy) Learning hy oxpci loncc, Teaching hy example) Yoarnlng for tbe gateway, Golden, pearly, ample, Woman’s work) Atlsstoometb stlenrc— A day of deep repose) Der looks smoothly biatdod, Upon her breast a rose) Lashes resting gently Upon the marble cheek) A look of Mossed poaoo Upon tho forehead meek. Tho hands softly folded, Tho hlndly pulses still) Tho cold )lp3 know do smilo, Tho noble heart no thrill) Her p’llow needs no smoothing, Sho oruvolU for no caro— Lovo's tendorost entreaty Wakes no responses there. A gran la tho valley, Tears, hitter sobs regret) Auotbor lccson taught,) That life may not forget) A fane forever hidden, A race forever run j “Dust to dust,” the preacher said | And woman's work Is done. [Floayuno. ■sl. Gen. John Z. Wool. This old veteran died in Trey, N. Y.. 80 years old. He made quite a reputation os an officer. He was first a clerk, then a lawyer. He entered tho army during tho last war with Great Britain. The Wheat Yield iu Minnesota. Tho progress of Minnesota fa tho prro- ductlon of wheat, is among tbo agricultu ral marvels of tbo age. It Is estimated that tbo surplus wheat of that State tho present year will he fally fifteon million bushels, while but a little of tho groat grain plateau embraced within its limits, lias yet been brought under cultivation. Ono farmer, the past year, harvested ono thousand acres, with an averaga yield of forty bushels to tho acre. Insanity Among tho Bpeealator*. A noted gold speculator of BobIou, who lms been fa tho business for somo time past, was sent to tho insane asylum last week fa consequence ofhismlnd becoming deranged by tne excessive oxcltoment In cident to tbo hazard and uncertainty at tending such transactions. It Is rather a sad ease. Ho left an occupation of gooi prospects to entor the arena of bllnt chance, and fa tho chase of riches lias probably mado ehipvrreck of all that gives value nnd comfort to Ufa. ' The Yalae or Cabo. Tlto revenue on sugar and tobacco com ing from Cuba to tho United States Is an nually 839,000,000. In return we rend goods toCuba that Is worth onlvS20,000cach year. About lmlfthe sugar woroclevoin this country comes from the “Quoon of the Antilles,” and Gcnorol Cespedes pro poses to equalize onr trade hy setting up a republic and inviting emieratton, thus creating a greater demand for our manu- facturos. Nowapspsr 1'nbllshlng. Tho expenses of publlshlnga newspaper may be Imagined from the financial state ment recently glvon by the propletors of thoLouisvlllcCourlor-Journnl. Thettems of tho cash disbursements during tbo past year wore as follows: Printing paper, 885,- 000; typo sotting, 878,042; editors' salaries, 899,000; business salaries, 831,000; special and press dlspatchhcs, 831,000; office ex penses, 810,000; correspondence, 810,900; cost of dollvcry of paper, 80,000; and cur rent Incidental oxponses, 89,000—making total of8300,197, or 89,000 a week, Tho Courier-Journal says thoro Is but “ono sure principle governing *tlio relations which should exist botweon tho press nud tho public, and that Is the principle which enjoins perfect good faith and, fairness, os understood by standards that regulate tho ordinary Intercourse of private busi ness and common Ufa.” Hndilau Dentil. A very Budden death occurred fa Eulhu- ln, Ala., on tlio night of tho 19 th. AMIss Jennie Boyd, an accomplished and popu lar young lady, fa tho millnery business, retired to bed apparently fa good health, with tho exception that sho had bad a slight neuralgia attack on tho day before, and the next morning, about olght o'clock, when her room was entered to ask her about tho making nnd trimming of a dress, sho was found cold and dead fa bod. Tbe Latest. Tho editor of tho Cincinnati Times Is a wretch. Hear him, Indies: Tholatestabomfaatlonlsthe “kangaroo skip.” They lap tbo hands, keep the arms close to tho sides, and go skipping and jumping, hopping and bouncing, very much like the kangaroo. This, fa Connec tion with thecamel's hump and thodlmln- utivo boot heels, make their motions os racathl as tho dignified strut of a Ismo ibanghal fa the wet grass, and reminds ono of tho ruralist’s opinion of tho jig- dancer, who “looked llko ho was trying to shako a shiUfag down his trowser's leg," < Tbo Will or tbo Lata Amos Kendall. Amos Kendall, fa his boqnesta to his grand-children, gives to each twenty-five thousand dollars, except one, to whom ho gives but ten thousand-dollars, becausoho was fa tbo Confederate army. A mean spirit tbat fa old Amos! Feu Picture. A Mississippi paper, which keeps a re porter expressly for description, has tho following picture of a candidate fur office of tho Radical party, which it opposes: His head Is about as largo ns a coon’s nnd recedes so rnsidly from tho root of hie noBO that if a stream of water were poured povpcndiculnrly upon his brow, more of It would run olf tho hack of his head than ofl' his face. Uls organs of in tellection, if lie ever hail nny, nave vaca tur anil taken up their abodo in the poste rior part of his brain, which makes tho cerebellum appear like a market basket hung to tho hack of tils head. Ills teeth seem to tie all gone, nnd Ills gums close up to keep his dim out of danger. His noso looks like tho butt end of a liioodbcet, and his eyes look like auger holes in a musk- meHun rind. And tho Revenue currency thus to Im 'issued shall bn lawful money of the United State8 and receivable on a par with gold j „ A and silver coin in payment of all custom’s feiturcs and penalties ns they may deem duties nnd other taxes', and when so paid ; expedient fa-Went such coupons from slmll no longer bo money. , „„ . ^‘>*1! detached before they becomo due Sec. 0. Ami lioit further enacted, Unit and payable,' ▲ Heavy Htorm. They have had a heavy storm along the Chattahoochee at ami below Columbus.— Tho Sun sayB! “Tho storm of Tuesday night, wo apprehend, did much damage below us of which we havo not yet reclcy cd particulars. On the plantation of Col. Bcvorly A. Thornton, about fourteen miles from here, in Chattahoochoe county, nearly overy house on tho negro quarter was unroofed, or wholly destroyed, besides a large amount of fencing. The planta tion of lion. Wj A. McDougald, in the same county, also suffered. Is it tho Treasurer of Captain KldilT AVhllo Mr. 8ilas Corwin, a gentleman of clglity-tlirco, was amusing himself by digging out clay in tho ynrilof his resi dence by tbe rivor bank, at Now Wind sor, on the Hudson, he discovered a large earthen jar, covered hy a flat Btonc.— This Jar contained 690 Spanish dollars, hearing date from 1720 to 1778. The coins were still bright, and pronahly wore never incireulation. Since tho discov ery, in tho neighborhood of Naw Windsor, spades havo becomo trumps. Masonlo Appropriation. At its last session the Grand Lodgaof Georgia appropriated 8*100 for repairing tlio buildings and lot occupied hy tho Southorn Masonic Female College, fa Cov ington. ItcllRloue. • The Bynod of Georgia, which Is compos ed of tho several I’resbytarlcs of Georgia and Florida, will meet In Tallahassno on the 34lh instant. Clu Hons* r.uvu«d. The Early county Nows says: Wo regret to learn that our young friend, J. W. Al exander, Jr., of this county, had his gin- house burned on tho night ot the 8d Inst, together with about 14 bales of cotton, Supposed to ho tho work of an Incendiary, Tho freedmen on the placo bod no interest fa Iho cotton hurnod. A Good Year’s Work. Mr. J. L. Long, of this county, with negro man and a little son, 13 or 14 years old, lias made fifteen heavy bales of cotton this year!—besides making nearly or quite com enough to do him. More—no had to build Ids home and outhouses, tho most of which he did nt night. A man that works that way deserves credit. Mr. Long was the bou of a wealthy plantar, who taught bis boystowork, nnd lio himsolfwas worth between 850,000 and 8100,000 before tho war. Why should we despair, whon, with the will and onergy, so much can bo ac- compUsbed?—Laffranyc lleporUr. Huow In Atlanta. There was a slight fall of snow In At lanta last Friday. Io havo all lio Gets. Somo editors make ft great fuss about tho amount of money Brigham Young gets for hU hiborlpus duties. If wo hail ninety-seven wives, nnd more spoko for, wo should require ns much tnonoy as ho docs to keep them looking decent at tho present prices. Ono woman makes a man’s pocket-book Blck. NlArnti la Che Nan. Scientific investigation Into tho myste ries of tho sun’s surface lias tioen great this year. A great magnetic storm was iredieted. An examination of tho sun (trough now nnd poworftil instruments has revealed new atnl wonderful appear ances on Its surface. Immonno spots, millions of mllcB lu extent, nro said to havo appeared. Ono of them recently moved a hundred thousand miles in n sec ond. Wo nro told that, too, that violent physical changes nro going on; that tho hagnotlo storms aro regulated hy fixed laws aqil occur every eleven years. Tho next ono Is to be fa 1870. Its effect upon magnctlo instruments will bo noted with Interest by tho first scientific men of tlio ilny. What cffcot these atonns will hnvo upon tho atmosphere, vegetation nml tho light of tho sun, will afford plenty of food for speculation and thought.—Ei- diangc. ________ A WfJillnr and a Funeral. A fow days Blnco tho Bcv. Mr. Tlmlotr orEostCambridgo, Mass., was called to lorfortn a doublo scrvico at tho samo hour and at tho samo house. Tho mother was dead, and nt lior request, previous to her death, tho daughter was to bo married as 60on as posslblo. It was so arranged that tho mnrrlago ceremony was ;>orfnmcd at thoBldoof tho coflta, nnd then followed the funeral services. There sat tho fnth- eralono, tho sacred tiohnving boon broken, nnd there was tho daughter forming tho now tlo while deeply mourning for her mothor. Tho services were strangely sol emn. Another Colony. Yesterday afternoon two hundred nnd filly colonists from Austria reached this city. Tlioy came toscttloon land pur chased in Henrico for them by tho Either of Mr. Emllo Mnltl, who has resided near lllchmond for somo time, and who will su perintend thelrsottlcment. They are sub stantial people, and all havo something to commence with. Moreover, they linvu been reared to work, nnd, llko thoso who lrnvo preceded them, willprospor. They bring a priest from fatherland with them, and will havo tlieir own chapel in which to worship.—.Richmond Wfiiy, Nov. 18. The Emparor or rranoe. Napoleon Is said to bo greatly changed In appearance. He looks haggard, care-, worn and anxious, and walks with consid erable difficulty. But for tbo support of a cane and the arm of one of fas suits his movements would bo exceedingly slow, Interesting to Ilusbands and Widows. An Interesting caso has just been decid ed by the Supremo Oourt of Ohio. A hus band died and willed all Us property to Uz wifa so long as she remained Jits widow. In caso of her contracting marriage, tho property was to revort to the children.— Sho did marry, and brought salt to recov er her dowry. The court docldcd that hor acceptance of the conditions Imposed by the will, was a ban to any farther claims. Sho therefore cannot live with her second husband and draw her support from her first. Tho Biff Ship on Duty Again The Great Eastern Is gottlng ready fa England to taka out and lay a cablo be tween Bombay, Indta, and Aden, an the Bed Sea. Pronounced a failure at first, that big ship Is proving hcrsolf tho great est Eucccssonthe sea of tho nineteenth century. _ Tains or lbs Gotten Crop of tbo South. Says tho Mobllo Advcrtlsor: Estimat ing tho present crop of cotton at two mil lion six hundred thousand bales, and tho price at twenty conls, tho clear profits of the Cotton Statue cannot he less than ono hundred and eleven million dollars. And whon we remember that this clear capital is realized from a single staple, to which are to bo added othor valuable crops of su gar, tobacco, rtco, wheat and corn, wo Bball find that this people ore digging solid wealth out of the soil and laying it up more rapidly than any poople fa tho world, A(b«Isti nail Infidels* A Convention of “Atheists and Infidels” was hold on Monday fa Philadelphia.— They seemed desirous of disqominating their principles, if thoy hnvo any pi-fact pics, and to fako away from mankind tlio liopo of Heaven. There were only seven teen persons presont at tbo “Convention. ” til* Yield. Tho Athons Watchman loams that Mr. David Kilgore, of Walton county, rsisod tho present year, on one aero of bottom, lying on Shoal Creek, seventy-four bush, els of com, without tho uso of fortlllzcrs. Incident, It Is minted of Butlor that whon last at tho Aster Honso, a spoon, by accident, fell out of his hand and Into Ills bIoovo, but soon dropped into tho plate with a loud ring, whereupon tho crowd at toblo had their fan, and “Tho Beast” it 1b sold, really, and perhaps far tho first time fa his life, blushed. Knot lo bo Annexed. A delegation of prominent Canadians, favorablo to annexation, called at tho White’ Honso on Friday and hod an in terview with tho President. Thoy repre sent that a largo body of tho pcoplo of Canada are anxious to link their fortunes with those of tho United States. Tbe Goal Trado In middle Goorcla. Tho great importance of tho coal trado, as promoted bv tho special trains and low freights ovortho Western and Atlanllo railroad, is evidenced, says tho Columbu3 Enquirer, by tho face that ono hundred nnd fifty cars aroengagod on Hint road lit Its transportation, nml yet cannot supply tho demand at Atlanta. Tho Constitu tion says that two hundred more cars aro needed tbr coal, and that tho road is build ing thorn osfiist os possible. Mors Radical Thrents. Washington letters stato that Radical Congressmen are outspoken In thelrtbroata of thrusting from their path tho only re maining obstacle to tho accomplishment of their ohcrlshed purposes, to-wit: tho Supremo Court. Thoy declare that if tho dolay fa pronouncing tho constitution and the law fa respect to tho Yorger caso bo of sufficient period thoy will rush a bill through Congress depriving tho Court of jurisdiction fa all such cases, and which will remedy tho defect which mado tho hill in tho McCardlo caso inoperative for tho purposo designed. A Heavy Failure In Wow York, ■ The failure of the house of A. Blninger & Co., wholesale llqor dealers in New York, established In 1770, was annouc- ed fa that elty on Monday, and created much excitement fa business circles.— This firm occupied tho same position fa the line of Its imocial business ns that of A, Stewart & Co. fa dry goods. It was tlto oldest hbuso of tho kind fa this coun try. It Is sold that tho assots of the con cern greatly oxcccd tho liabilities, but that it will toko somo timo to reduco them to cash. Tho creditors havo been asked for an extension of time, which will prob ably bo gran ted.^ Bound (lie World. Now is the timo to start on n voyage Marlow Items. Tho CarterDvllle Express stales that A, A. Skinner & Co., of that city, shipped ono hundred bushols of chestnuts last Wednesday. A stock company Is being raised fa Bartow county to hold ofalr next fall. Bobt. B. Stegall has presented Sam. Smith with an ear of corn, contain ing 33 rows of groins, and 59 grains fa a row, making 1,310 good, sound grains of com In tho ear. The Hun Domiac* Canard. Tho repott thatlho government has sent an expedition to tho Gulf to fako posses sion of San Domltfgo, Is positively contra dicted. Tbo Albany, which sailed far Now York on Thursday, was regularly assigned to tho West India station, and took out nothing more than her regular complement of arms aud ammunition. Another Warning. A murderer named I’iko was executed in New Hampshire last Friday. His lost words were: “I wish” (said tho doomod man) “to leavo a warning in ray last words to thoso who aro incllnod toward fatemporaudo.— It hns decided my fate and mined my soul." Distinguished Visitor. The Borne Southerner loams that Dr. Mausoy, of Baltimore, with Bishop Fierce, will attend thoNorthGoorglaConfcronoe, at Borne on the 8th. around tho world. leaving Son Fran cisco fa this month, all tho points to bo visited may be seen to good weather.— Tho Europeans mako it by a start from Paris tor Now York, 11 days; thence to San Iranchco, 7; thoncoto Yokohama, 91; thence to Hong Kong, 0; thonco to Calcutta, 12; thonco to Bombay, 3; thenco to Cairo, 14; and from Cairo back to Par is, 6—to all 80 days. Klffh Fries. President Grant has offered his Gum of threo acres, olevon miles from . St. Lonls, to the county for a pauper fiurm, tho prleb asked being 870,000. For Africa. News hns beep received fa Washington that tho ship Golconda, which left Haiti- more last week, sailed to Hampton Bonds aud took on board, on Thursday, nearly ono hundred and fifty colored omlgranta from Portsmouth. They wore from Tex as, Tennosseoand North Carolina. Yke Vaiao of Cabo. Tho rovonuo on sugar and tobacco com ing from Cuba to the United States Is an nually 039,000,000. In return, we send goods to that island worth only 820,000 each year. About half tho sugar wo re ceive fa this country oomes from thn “Queen of the Antilles,” and One: Cospedos proposes to equallze our t slitting up aBepublic nnd Inviting c tiou, thus creating a greater demi our manufactures.