North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, December 02, 1869, Image 1

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|S® Hr' K8 * '""“ffv. at ut, u# 1*1 n ’25S-dSJL J. A. R. HAXKB. fclrfl tTW^r Eircil. l*)t4A«l 1* r.V^ . fllutrlC'uurtKhlpHiuul the NUort tl< ^WWmr^Kfonvftot/ir yt-jitoi-.diiy RUfc SponsibleSir tio following extraordinary ►lory. Wi' give it a.- we.llud It. mid regret HptMt- l?iiBj._Th Blip l'P'V'T;to tlnl^ imnli'sSiioi-. rv.’^-r 1 * » —< j-j a, ■wwwirfticr*—*'**"**** 1 ** J~i JaTTOK XKYgAT JtXSX, ^AUjUTMONt^ jwrly CJ PEUCY OftKKXK, 4 , 94Nti&ffi3P -au Jaiiam __, J toiirtera 111* pi'ofi'HHinmv 1*mi| oC| l)iilt|»jLUmiL nil piwaw, MtHltatl Wurf trUHtiKl to lilst) ST ^SoBHMWWfl (Hit. H-ly Wrf*- *■ •*-* IHfctHt*'—' T O 11 A O C coiiyil^^tbW^Eia Ami MunufacturoworBi’if it ra, r*| a ,' AuK-ly •WhttdmiBNUpiTHOnntn, <iu VV.U -Tile KyrnhurHrfArtliHttnle* » Allailly now we fruHim*roiiml ll^ ’ • » . I'nIlomitWAvn tlm gitltUni tim; - * Hhmlow* liM»»tf ntoum thV jiti iKBSatgg- p iriulii«-luilttm.Uy.mttUi*t-s, \ ‘ „ ly was._ r , , .-fnositig nroimil among your good* lo wc tf t flic UHrffefan]W illt TmpublUltefl raw woro conirtUuTwIlu? ‘ 1 )IIJ you-over-hear of stumps? .." * frizzled ti pjj you ever 1taw to sp'ehf huw much Money you hmdo? If a manufacturer, did yuii.lmvo to mnko aflmutiily retort to somo lour oAcliri at live or ton dollars a dny?' ‘- 1 * Dll you henr nitm advocate thop'olloy. •f paylug.tiut taTxircr with paper ragsmi ‘" ' onoy -aliayor w It It -gold ? yon *■- * lli-m-ts thnt«b,>ta.ouiunMt-~< .->«'.m-i . /sawwswsws luliuei*. fltr., AtViintil. (la Win-reft WmTt.orK, Proprietor. . I Jmvo tiM»)l<|ctc(Wlmfr thWO mv» skeleton •TxalnloS ' fatherin'wcstnbllRlirtiijlt', M stisotm iri- ,oh*voiii^ (luyneua, weaonj worK, aeitlw the time clitirtfo. >• trend tho lmlbuiMiiMiifHil, ‘fltulMmn Itntmt thr mlilnl^lit liftur, lliittlio welitl nml wSfchhitf twilight OhUOliilikJ'lVFU ^t'lh^nTuiYetl Mlii'lna: Sj»lrttMsJlynmHVfllilrro\'eltni^[ _ _ IttwHl J nftfl fiJtalti'VlI'Ul t7*v‘y‘'t\v1*n«.' 1 ... A bjlJciyt!iltlt|icrliiitot^’'’ ' On*Wital«' 0«ow(| ‘ “ ‘ tliem°n«y>ii)MTor with IMo you liotr of it tax on oyctytlilng y if or wear, fit tiifilflMi to State, toi'uity, ml inmuJclpal tnxV *14 you hoar »T a I’wnililrnt rWln" aWntl ht atminbaata.'irliollr tn’KKrown uncut iflio ojtjicoise of tlwjmopti'; why# ho V»» «*• ivlng u salary nr twuity-llvo thounjnd dint* |wr nmmmV , hunr tlmt it»iogrown*l«a;- tor ilimn WKTO-tttnuV • A~Klff^9\!^t(SSSai.- •*— . in'oiw of the North is tittick tn toi'- it<^ the ({reittnyss of ttlo future Unit b raj)WI\-. ouutilug heuioe.ouE Mnuthetrrt rtf The New Vork-Times of f‘ Til ognl so i i 11 wuS'rii'Saffi’^rT* ltri^iateT, lWnr«, Whl«Hlc»,S;iu«, Sr, 1’KArllTUIlK Sra.. Ati.ast.^, *** Muy 27-1 y. ^ f ptTt^AstiOJP'^ As ■-SrrthT.nJSn amt Hotnll IHwIen lit r llronil atm Umviimt Mo sy tliii recehl filnfrimoniaVivouCi tremiiliis, nnil wlum the otUeo door of ‘Thu ourt'* closed on thorn thlvt day It olVutW ,;lml two hearts |hnl would hereafter beat as two at nil times and under nil circum- liqyfciunngday. lloth left tlnveitv on the oIiowltl(Ml«f,gii*)Hh , Sl>f<ViWl l lTOtlon», ind within twenty-four hours live hundred iiMwkiltwtHiwultojidCTtfetoi TWr fWtuif 1 liower ol' tlusthiutli Is hodlllldtltf ifstonfsh even those who had taken tilt most hmjtjftn view or tho subject. The IHWamt cotton crop alone Is estimated to return n clear profit, after-payment of all uses, of $1(0,000,000 In gofij.. lift, #Jt to ivalike t|ie. j>ros[ierit,v.wlucli cxiiem dillieU a svjMfjs.. (fttner^aliUiMtU^vX.o ^ At Ills own llousmttfuln. c n««trc * twrwi. llrotul HtrtH*t, Koine, Gn. . J JC.HKAT.OX, Toriwurt^T"— Amt Dealer la Dry UooUs, Uroeel les, “— Apr-iy r jnsiytmUftMMfttUMtoft ^^n»isr<<iaffi«rlilw¥ris, rroiiucu Uoiimussloii JtuMl'imtr, amt IH'.ule m iviuesjuB’ziriip.rti *» 31 North llowuril s jjMSr, ' iiorllia» Now 0^ina,^M^ol8| Car^rld|a8,^etq. UleUeit. loSMIlll rofta ei««jr Trajs-W nts_ WMiSy.- 1 j’ieys. where' fiiy--. tu-ffm .isituitiy, 7 !. aii /Jisyffi rrs-a wtrHet'atwt^o/ifrte Observer, wunn- - r — ,'etmW^Kffte^tlfli fmttlSatrjinTJttljuSir - ' mty w^igioimsuiijl aitu-4 lo Jw aiveUriir- adiirtlieeivoi'ld J’ainiior. - In- the oinar coiiveisntion uporf-ystWIif' Mftf|ect»7 aiucipallvagi iiuiHiirnl,- we round Mint he ;a^Mfsisay&: ^tiatHwUjiT^whhWIJaei’r " «:“a® I own ill the. dor| lest <ral- nut »!Kl3ie.«wik>.ii*idPsi«, srlteisi ttili liufrtwtliedtotflBBtfllsliS, ttnddlte hijC'' ‘ “ " chorus. '* “ KnltlMiuro. or the muicr.Jlfteeii vpurs., L»iiiWlS4fliffil Mt ffi? gftlttl iclf for having been,so itegligciiLofliisti ntorcsfr&nfcj (UTtt/. Orilcrs snlicltn Atmmu, i«it. s in mi' ."iiut’ lies or WllUlielil, MlllTny.Uoriluili tlttljllw, tn- tootfti iiml Dmli'. Mnvtt-tr. **• JOHN 1IIHOINH, Watclnnakcr ftfflfT’ Jeweler, tj Shop la invSWtMtW’ltew Drllgfiton ftiunliloii Street, llultoii, Oeprgta. Hmloiiie'IWMrllriiiit'11 Jinvelry, for rjidlos ,o.lSSuntleiue. B xv.ltefiff, .jit*: «<<', nep'dj- imtlcuii'u. wntclies, olocKH, it is iiUyiRiiftt Riilistinitially oxneutcil. AND BUnGIGAL,NOTICK. 4 Formm ty of Soutli CaroHun, Tomlcv tlielr I'rufi'HHlonnl ni>rvtom<»FRU«*<*Ml> y.tfiiM of Dulton nmlHurroiimlln^ooniitry. spo- rial attention fctvuu to all chronic ciuuw. OtUcc, ilurlatf the dtly, corner of King A l*entx MruotH, * “ “ u * “* tMt .. j. C. illvlngH, TonrofTl/cicnTiitf^ dli. ^ This mtmtf'tasftttfftil •fifwftr hifu lWiXmjj* years fiwined lift* ohkClHMHi^ nf ttMU^;lrs«lVm|mtaiM‘i> h tureftf t.IxtvkctorA' giving it as original ■Thd ^iriwIugo}Hsi3»‘'wnii Tt&w&p& Hill Vuu.lUvrl Euor wtiict? Ever \ ♦iV&whoti iJiu good old l^imot'iHthJ \tttr- In power, tUd you #mJv*r of splos iretty snu iM.i.mut, ,i for akiite 0*1^1 uei would be all In very goodUlstc, comus tnconfcss that; shei Is ft misemhle sUitifi'i thatiliehas ihnu\Uie tUings.wlitcli. •ho mi'dit ngt tu liave doue.auil leauits, dono the thliigs wfiMi stjfhtlgTit to hHA’e dona—hs shM»kvstf| |W ' hPr tfld wdbfsol- mpliidispositihn on tlie part ol' Ihe limiks euwsiiidtiMiie.ude«*tn>wl*,'\aiWetii«»tli^ to-dlsenimt. From rioelmmlli repoils tog runs fiiv Is'j'fmd U&t lutoft.aub W articutreut oraslmilur condition of nf- eternlty- wmitdho li*ly, nuistfollon-'atiw years of like production. :T ho supply of cnpMnl; with wlrnt wWlfe* 1 hrought fl-oni tmJWiUh/tvIHUtrtlteuUMW hlo lljo South tu1ii;iii^liii'ilo'inimtllftelur« ftigusion tier own soil lua vej'ycoiisfdum- I}I4 extent. This, with the otnnldTs'tlifldift* Of direct trade tfltt EiirijBi; iuhI pioJiKst^ ti^'lJtrpItultersjiiiiniieirliutiU'iHtnieniie ptigtotviml, and with epesl.reason. The .ifiTftPfuUmi which tluse reels snggesPb’ , s}i re to have a rofy I mportant hearing djlon csjininorojal aud nutnufiieturing iufereeto. tpPf'tlgSftgtfth Oftlif oyerUie whole country, and csiieeliiHv nm 0n ihi)m of tl,tt Atla " Uc seaboard.” , ^ - * I'MtileHcoTn Ctibn. C^yslW -River nnd small pea, nve • to >uiiiiu tm|iuonmiu HI £J1»I I'sJU'imer lejiuilture, Umbo iKd only 'ri.tlin-lew Indies o Lconscruu'iicy Uiy steueh frui, .tluTbodles hoing * esof earth.— ihnitAhoceatr — r —a peetilOHUbr-r TbcCiuliftiis pi the interior profess to lie tsmndcnt of suecces, auil give the Spanish troops much, trouble. jlHMtw in tlonlroucry.. '' lctpau .wlio wUueeaoiletrgu'cs UtpnHicUku* ofa diliieuUy la , ja;, .AluliamiVHu-Satinslajsnli trruoou Kiift; Itoneral Clanton met the (Mi McKlaetry, of. ilpluic, a»4he ... i. aiidilenouncisl Klin .fur ebum re-4 life, and inimu ySenemlC.) Alc- KipHtg-.dcew )ii« .uhitiii,,suufipeil It three Kuics,at demand Clanton, nml-thon run. Tf " ’ " - lie (fyncml only succeeded idgli-ln*lttm dtilHt’uAUQi' Very «i(1iim1ilt>'and',N#o'*fi’itsf 1 Vo'ii ■ (lung women somo time filter tlfh luacojtuiuc. which makes Torre cnrrcfei ind,evt writing from-Wiiyren ■ypi^awfti'^Xililh, .ImA la thahj it. (beaticaat tifly otdtoi , any. I glvo ymt my prerentlw for the puhlfegood. Jlvopiiiiouistlintthoeauw UTliftmglis,flint flijisl be killed, nnd ldue vitroV will do H; mid this tstlih proan:' Have some VSMbUkatwiil hold your seed mid taku four mmoes of vi —— Unrt oCtltah Prices \ppmsrhioic. The following llroni tlic tiimnclnl article of tint conservative sternly-going and (levs crsuiisiitloiial I’lillndelpliiu Is-deiT, Is wor thy of consideration: '• Thd end of high prices of almost every. tofirr ““ 11J “ reoctiC failure of an old and supposed to he wealthy wine house at Ngw i ork, lias pprelionslon ill the money miir- irdicnsjoir is tlic lumiisliment lillie smne. Ihie. At CUieugo we have" reports of mi apiufhojidrd panic there. At Louisville There is a right sharp ■ lanwar^.,: -s- e lit wemuiy wine : nuickelled appn ket, anil iljifed ol' trouble 11111 S*nm,»l«tn I'vlllpn. A correspondent of the Western Utirnl saysliis "Is tUahtiy” recently treated him lo II dish which was a novel one, hut was very grateful to his palate and lie furnislws tltg xeclpp for the lieiH'lit of those who iiing, and If not ] would liku to try it, as follows: lie well. Tins "Take one pint, of Hour, two'eggs, and one pint of buttermilk, half ft teaspoonful of kihIii, half ftciiplhl of stewed piim[ikiii, passed through a coarse solve. Heat tint eugs well, add the other ingredients to tlie tlour, stir them well togr-ther toa thin , nf tght sharp pressure with liigli rates for Inoiiey, and . nncy which flUrfr. 7' ” > > u 't meliiu- This year's grain nnd pnslitce have on ly benfi mtirb'ted to n limited «xl«nt, aud Uio etirri'iit' prices tliua far obtained have been so nnnatisfuctnrv Uuit the Weal is pooref than itwSteheifm. t^tlic^WejL is to eftclv husliel of wheatj dissulvo in hot wntet, then fill tn to your vessel is much cold wa ter** yon tlilnk'wtlHloat the ntgnlUly of. *esd, ndiUNKM" dhwSred Titriif, jmi whyatyikliy smnlls nnd skiuvuil a terhysstlMee tiie uveniug, and yonrscedis luipl tyady tosoiv uuthu-nli 1 ormnflipio.- Njiiiniu.qr n&TB*fi*y, And If liKUrFt%e(<rhps lUssuptiUesoitait In plain word's, _ Tlio hqgdrOlt Is yet to, be naryei.ted, .miil grave apprehensions, atjt liegloiling tribe exfcitcd -everywlicru test prices give wny otthceoinmeueclnent ofthamovement. Consideringthecinbar- mssntents which Imvo ls-cn occasioned hy tholoiv rnOgoof prices in grain, a corres ponding decline in the price of hogs would ..bebut hirturnl, though an eVrnt which would greatly eompliente und nggmvntc present tinamilal troubles aln-ndy shown ftt the West. .These facts point to the S rftiuT conclusion of forced sales and tower rices, WkviimiMAi«wimniua* M«r.p»o . Tlrwnwh. • nlirtlt pr Sresrr yours, ■ Anil It ortea .-ecaiml lltetirttflilssS Through a lainillaauihitpr tear* | ■ Anilwwoiu-y wsnUorer gtitliereil jluis auil.heart on Jlfe’s OsTH wny— ' For II ehiaired him as he itmmM<st . 'fill the .hurling of the day'. - J have kunwalujilrlt renin*' . ' Tliaii Ihifealmesl luku, ami eleur , Llnuitf »-iitibo.l4m-*irina •WwiiuVrit J; . •'Till De«m T» lli> rarli—'.- In a’ eoiitaiti fmtuiia' Mslno thero'lirtti, si'Vei'ili yuttes flglte*, Coujiliewha luul «Wd.t«ijab,yC . . nitty' resoWeil But beingsmthi-r Miorf of gomls,. timy. lim-dly Hit like paving onttl ' in n-tilrorsc: eral, that the wIiobkcOricemTs'nfit WiTrtlt •lie kick from a gentleman.—Columbus Ana. «wn, •». * . 1 - »t ebteofso uiany vft iuscriptK,'j"JiiVns‘written of tlic tli: „ ^'.ChitoJirnS*. _ ministry^- -VithlUis-heiKitiURj’.'gdvn- udnuifSftdiMr to thc'seiiate of fthhie-vCiow *ar Jiniiisrujv .IJ^athe cmanui hklhy dajrfc An tliu governor to writer home-fti ei^ifriripiSf tSTuS ivhiftli trluis'iiit csl wh. tielloI^.lUpiHnh - - ' • .' T •» - ' rfslilcncu on Tliornt«ni JammvyS-ly. -pan. u. ». nirtnvN, M«>- p-avs-4‘*^P«»*. liisuraiMM Mu 'I jlWirtoT^ISfSlSiiTrre jmnv; , Kiitui'iH’lHU, Clm-lumUUuha ' " r * sSHl 'wstmA-s mwwTh M’alkuru Wliolomilh Clotlilnu, j.w-4 *t rxti r a .5 Sitsws . 377 ami 370 Ijroiutlvuy, *.12 Itoiisu n WAUItBXv »f1M •■hysielnu, (.urgraii , n n0- Arfoertheiir, totMiuil\hc suri'oumtfhg ^>eutv>kt'jhiv4ntf ■ n-nil.-il -iiiui-or th, tjio-L, IfVlf-ui Seliiml, .0 Citmi'lu aii.tXiov york tttkv .Tie. fuallr MHPtoea" tlmt ttc ton give giMiitJ.samti'hilia'i. • i -. , 0(/fcefn Ao. 2,. Over. Amp's Atore. . - Uspsaiesiuta-i • -i .■- - Vm.Ti-nipi'Ht.M. 11..Tm-onto:Canailll, . , vital] MiStlUrM. I1..-SIP)1H»W•"* • I J.,l-'ool,',.it. Ji.| llremloyscc-'J '-S'" —*■ 5 HiiU. l-’nniV If. HumUIMt ATiwMwgwniyMf, amt Prof. Auslla I'll ill Ilelllvj TBS’ iorltpcfr' ■f-f ™ _ ” ' N> Won't-ifakirW Cotton Dole Anwjgio Uvod in Cam ' manj<ye*rsftri», wli(jh«d Im .state.. iA'gifflpnri'; jitSI an oppi)ttiimtt-toeiiipli«w tot1jiM|cb>53fo was fL-Hei-ptiC as to now diiepveriEs'hftd tlio : fiew selbncS s, leiutr liei ffutly jfttisjleil that.if the world should tiihi owr, nlcvlid water wiailihspill out of liis Tci); Wilt billy gngb in tp steuni cars by s(oW ilegii'i-H.' Hat fill tlio vials Of l.iia euntempt woai poured oat'UpOtetUQ him of u telegraph, anil 1m was wuut to sir' tlmt nobody need try to coma "tliogroon over liim Unit wny, for !m hml been in tlie Legislature. Finally the Flute roml was built; mid one day workmen began to put up telegraph posts right in front of his house, and to stretch tlie wire. Ilis exul tant neighbors thought they hftd him on that occasion, mid asked: “Well, old fob low, wlmt ikiyou tliinkViftcIegriiplir nowf 1 ’ Ho was cornered, hut iliod game. Dnvw- higliinisulfiipaninclitalliTjIiesaid: "Hen- tluiiim, 'wlieud.twaa iirilig -laigWiiturgr 1 m^tWs-af^rttwj'T.W-iyii^ehHyff.i'bn-^imiyi'gji^fi.f letters unii smn . dies, hat it iieveFwfil tnke a, cothnf 11:111-—- iiever!’7 . i .1 x:-* cr. *w‘f***i» ‘Ho you retail things liere?’ asked a gronn-lookio— spcelmen nf hunvmity.'hs hii’piikcif liU ue'ad iutaailriigsuitd. ‘’best sir;’ replied the clcrR, thUikiug'lie iiailgut a customer. ‘Then I wish you would rc- tnil-my dog-+e had it bitten off flbfrut ft eiitlXftgd.VAVttd greeny strt)Ued.<lnwn Tlie MIUoo Prtsbuem. It,will geotify tlm rahitlvcs mid Friends lie heiul, anil hi Atlanta, says tlie IiUeHlgeneijr, ofilm ^ogug. ipijii .w|iQ,!c(t.thelr homdsdn Uds city tei embark hrthe (Unliaft expedf^gh gpi toftt-O Uuit Ul-iirted>at«wme% the I.illteti, 4ud Who 4re uiin' lield'AapuspuocsJiiNas-. •atf fnr viotafiiigtlm-pAitrgtUy hnfs, ttWJ' tlic tfuitad States Navy i Deportment nf Wiislilhgtmi 1iii*ii lit nlJled. AAmiViil Pour tmHihmtoh-iv vmftel-lo Nnesnii' to'hring ' Itiieuv to. Key AVest, provided thcyydrdgc r\ MuMVak^iuftSguthtoi^olatelJiititoiavis,, i-r fctiiftifiT. enuugh.b£3l>« eutcrprbw iippn-wlik-h they 1 - '‘sQjj^'.cuittiriilhiai'iCwiwPUtOfiuttcwill- higtocouis-lpntje'. "!7‘ LKr»lividdo*lfilllIlin. trial ftt Lclifthtm.'Oltlu, oli I’Douneii, • ind icterl the counsel (lire tlm 1 flC»t Wife Ivor, wulk- of the prisoner: t ,tely mtamff money necessary to bhbt! I tlioy went tn 4he <ild. ggptlaiuau H previously Joined Oijmi Jn the bonds of mnWimourt and iWivrT Wm to untie tlm' knot The worlhyoldteipiirr scratched his- Uiwl mr' “ ' ‘ “ " * I vom oolirt. . Toy imimiMtel to live te> eaoh other until death should yob part. Coinr out into the yanh**' .Then-seising ft entfhat Hiitfn tlio donrhriiy, Im directed John t» taku hi>r by the- luU and Jane hr tlic heiul, UHll fa pillf luteur '.Therf lilTitlg a slmrpnxe, .lieeaM> ai dwtflHtotfe' yiiu jsu-t.” The axe tidl, .midilia couple wetp/Hvmagd,. . ... .. • - - WeaSitelyT*. VWnderblll. ‘ .Vanderbilt himtmil Ms-stll elite ImilfnniV del tented ftvlth ktppsriiirtrttF'rerehp'nttcs.'-^' nnd het ilie intenmptlen ofpro- discharged-it, 1 vhaim»,r cousteyuoi ceedfM*,' TheanmllMle nksnssih, togclli-' er with, her brother, were arrest lod£d iiKlftil. - i#iiiass&asid& IlK^COhjJdiitfll Was ilellvo'red.— The 1 pluce.irft* mid ho was lecturing on the.Sandwich Islands. S|ienk- jqtt of,the jauuiihdK.*fiS J&SU"' "At .tills' jmtwtel usntjlly .IHiAtjgiteipifnnihitihnp'ljc-' fore" irio'tmmoncej' hiii I am’ a. stranger here, and SiBVIent about aakfiig fitvors.7 hair, nnd think; not of imy grant bWfJltrlibd.- -"ljt rt’lTi'oriifg, 1^' is.l.. iu ailmimisliUig, eourtccusyiu Mwalungr ve«y-«wileBt nud wire: m lmiftortiim of i>TOr.3«*!i;»iiaJH:' -TK*»nfi'Api86l#SBrt^»Wtt- luU.ti’-'-iuuuy .Tnitts ssiai- Jlna-iveefu. A ; ^uftirfa^teMurpiiaiitng^yftiity^^ppetllng-' dnitn^B|JE|t)ffi^^U)i 1'uQnwiiig iVUVcdote At -uiii.eXHiaiso- -)f-J»luininrey Marslmll, of'Kenteloky; who'wOuld bea proiiiisliig ftutdtfliUSwi' urdihlfWLof .the’ Vat Alen's JllStaiatWi. r Hucing tftwar, yvlieii the relmilleneivil l’eg^oip^was^p^ wild ifid iml lute nilUcitiUg lipuu'iite pre serves, loi'fleetuiijly warosd-him not to ciMnci.'mifllltlhVUifiithrmil tlinlmty troops 'wl|ieh attempted to enter Kentucky' would m'ss.diBi'Wttdciid.lsaly. Wl» lust -‘it would Im Aon-mill'll to cx- . ich aUcniptOil to enter 'n|b pent that of liteni-tUlcrv, hut If licTonnif tlie nuStailb in mil wirylm would iinmedt- irteljwtBMiel Wirougli." ' ■ * , What Itocs Ift HraaT ' TimJJfcw York Tribune publishes a rc- port'lliMlitlietecn students, of the Wcsic- Jim University fa Iuiv.i, have petitioned foe tlio removal of a colored member of tliujr class, mul wants to. know “what does it moan?” -Sure -enough, what does itjnennj. ■ Is ihu WestgeUiugtlrcd of tho “pian and hrolherlo’ * - Nrnnlhle. Mr. Bryant, tliu venerable editor of the kw York F.venlng Post, gave tv young contrihiilor to lilsyintMTsome advice which Is susceptible of a wide application.' H» said: “My-young friend, I observe that you have usi; French expressions In'yoar nrliele. X.think If you will study tlm English language, that you will Hud It capable, of expressing nil tlio ideas you nniy.liave, ..lliavualwaysfimnilitso,mid wfattps 1. ^lo het. reatik 'ftuliistanto where I won templed to use n foreign word, bat that, on seatclilng, I 'finusd i» twUcronc In lily own lhiiguagc.” • • name Wilier Works. -*> 1 The contract for luiililiiigflieltome^U'u- ter Works' 1ms been taken'By aiiriu hk that city for 327;000. Tlm reservoir, will ” bo cnjiablo of sny^iljrtftg the foyii, wllli tiireo huiliTrfJrlioiisnud giiTlons of water halter, fry tiuicktV in a nlmty of lard, mill serve wlilluhut, wlthei'emilsivi eti-neil, or butter.'* Khnt ana KMInl. Tlmpgiortous negro thief nnil burglar, Bill) Wagner,, wlio Was formerly tlic scourge mul terror of tlm ihvollers in tlm SliUlUOM nf Jtiuion, wns shot mid killud re- ceiitly Wfifto SneEptlhg to t*8i*a|)c. A Iwiiuj' riddance. . , > Usivi<> iMckhon jnnilu eight hundred bales or cotton thin year. This h* fiugge.s- tivc. -»W ('MNlf. Tlio Huhjert of forming a new county from |K>rth»n» ofl’elthir, Montgomery nnd Ttiimvns, )8 Mug diMninmni by Hie eitirj-n^ interested. fto«therw N«fMrlllrN in Mew T*rfc. On Saturday last (»eorg»a six*^ cIomhI m Xq\v York at 81 (J 82 ;ac vena at!»2(fr92J; Aliihiinm eights OS; South Cnroli* na sixes 70; Xorth Carolina ex-cou* poph 40(7/47; Atlanta eights 85@87; .Sa* yvnnah 8\;yens 8o(« 87. NHnrp Mepitrtee. A.countryman sowing his ground, two siimrt ful jows ridiug that way, one of them called to hint, with an insolent air, 'Wall, honest fellow,t-sttldiic, “lis your InisiiH'Hs to sow, hut ife reap the fruits or your la bor.’ “TU very"likely you may, for lam sowing lienip.' Miilk.r Heavy. The prolits of tlio lottery business in New York must he immense. Tlm inter nal revenue people say that lien Wood lute made 32,000,000 on which lie lias paid no tax. . 're rxtiM*til»h the tfauftnal treat. An Illinois sucker inroposes tlm siinph-st method yet. Flit it all in greenbacks and keep them ill clrculntlon'tlll worn out. . -j, gHmvIelctf. The MlllcdgcvjJlu Federal .Union says that jteDmilcl and Nclsou, botli of whom were found giriftj of murder at the tote term of Wilkinson .Supmior Court, are, the-nmourit of ChgiM,O06, 'The mrc Kt(* ; ho'kliid nfflimi' VwlllO 4>r CttHl. city. TfelMnlcl s^ntoiio^l to bo jiung ; tljo 10th December next, iuid Nelson to bo imprisoned iu th« Voniteutiary /urJife. ’ t.* Lasff Time Af|pr. — A-girl olglltoeii years of ago,'named OfTcuurao. las paid roteit The- ToSP-wns 'Mary John,lit Baltimore, who was bitten 8000,000. Mr. l’enlaxly comphdcit hi* bytadog twenty-two munths ago, died on about the snniettme. ' If coiiSists'of benC- tite: Uth-Of liyilrophubln. . betkmstewnriimscliarUtihiephrixm-s ttd< f "7 : Tlie Iviioxviile Press anil Herald says Ihq value of the Coaf Creek eonlshipiied from that cjranty, is greater tluin that of ail the other eommuilitiia shipped from tlie ijouaty. Thirty and forty cars go out ,-ery au£ }p he loaded. * Bud on Them. • The question of cxcliulingthu Bible IVom tlm public schools in Pennsylvania is be ing ngitiitcd In the newiqiapen—which proves tintt the newspapers there nrehanl up fbr a suhlect, A Bl* Day’s Work la tlUMs. On Saturdays last, 8,103 Ullcs of cotton, wit!) a total weight of 3,710,304 poamls, and valued at 8001,43873, Were shipped to foreign imrts from Savannah. On the same day 2,200- bales were shipped to do- . • mestio iwrts. Nuteun, Democrat) forSecretary of State nstnireareni'nrtstl) nirrsnint tongues 0 y, r ^.teei, and Allcii. -Uemocrat, for fo praise Win. 'The-nthcr only a ehftu) tfifilnUW&X 25 overt;reety. . ' notewl.tytbAt Will-noHnst ns King nf tlte 1 ■ n te- — appreprtetemWtrtWPwHMjMfe Irtittfie wi '. A Tonnx l-nr<l«ncd. Yomig J&'iehuni, or Jicw Yolk city, wliualmyt tiueii years ago got into great built. . Itertei »'rom « K.j.- QnurUr. . , .; - • One Kcplimilali Pkitt, wlio Is by tlie grace. i>( wlmt iscallnf.“7cgonst«PetioD,’’ aLV- cuit Judge In (tenth Carolina, hoadrenm-. adryammiii it,hii»tnud«him prophetic. M’heu meu'.ofiijrjlk talk tiius, be xure the light is breaking. In a recent chaegwte) thatir»l*d iliny (rfiHaraweH-Dietoie* he said that-‘.‘lie-thoughtHurt, .atnoxlistaut day; ImtaxTbe tnBkcittWwartJ ’il’itUpIi'Jls- viro'vftthtlio hclief Ximt Uvauettior jtevr Uli iuteliigeni ’native white -Onrelitm gentle- Jmeuj’, ■■ -7’ - a7- should -he -glrrd ter kitbw 1t“nwJjy; I am aware, - though, Uiat-chihlren liave become scfo-diiind: 1(1*11 of . late, litwlngfiteuiiilliim. nedteulrbjr i>egl^ot|unHJ{^rpftU()ljitt sMi& 41id wiiniau jiiDreioi-nt hagaiir*' - u ••••’- u e i ■ nw . '.vsoA.-i.-i.' .> - -■ mis-iitre -V ■ * .To o'tl««tcnl> uintv't "*• ‘ A i m H « Y ffl H n’ If—w " ,u * * * ©JSu-hVii^Wuhu* A ml. If Iil« hrIrHImk* chnlim* f *» lie # • Ai»rotty » : <niiitn,' , * liwrulljlif nmre—you mnv . - Tlmt*i» only lUithtKlunnu^. • * 0 .. . r% “.' ' . ' A'mnn Vho w<un^to a tiling of.tVrw, once plfvre<l ib bet that-ho coirnl prove river ’ * f ppiRKPe K lco Trt thtf pdoftlo of TlitS uniV HuirouaUIua fountry. 'All work wurnintiMi. “■ ftko lf<th . . .. . jiHrtHl. Artlflc-Inl t. o l-ubli. r linsl.H,..r tiny why p iV Soil. I>: MOIitlX^’-Atld greet tv. stri tiie xbieotewitli one eye ulosed. jR^WPiaw. "•• • (msc mvolvlng 838,854, ts,bcii)g aqhl- tmted-just-now in Atianto.. It IS the ElfiTm 5f Hlfij Cote, of-Marietta, oguinat K TruIhwT,yStt|x'ri!j,tendent pf pte jjfgst- eru nnil .-Utah tic- Hailroail, for work done Tfl-T7,'fd ifiii1;fiig flic emhankmeiit over At iatoona t-'ulvet-Ljind for other work dpjio KMBfrifitnil QuTeraVille,' •Actvnrtfi, etc, The iviihuriiliirs'iire David Irwin. Jehu Imrrisnntl I). P, Ilili. ■ A TorrIUlo 'NV,! _ . . the upper part commenced betweert tiro secflinl and'th: ihidr-s andsBredi'^auWly. that the to', uipo of tlm family, was-uut ojh In this emergency Wnllncoeame tu tlm desperate rcsiilyc of inifiiling foom tlm third story to thcgi'oimil. . He took-hischild iuhisnrms and his wile’s hand, and together .they nfodmho fearfot leap. Wallkco and Ins child'Were S'ltlfd. Mrs. Wallace had hotli Icgs'btokoivAnil'her skull IVaelurcil. She can not live. the fuller*,; Ol) nil’ Utc hurl n-iiaui| -tiiwfsdS’rfl'rd'il^iiioi his side of tlic river was the- other Ilis clmllungu -was soon accepteil-, d a Is-fc of teudoltaT*. ipuilc; when point- ' to Uie opposite shore of tlmrivor, lie aewdJy asked—• that side, and i ingtO tin sbnewdiy “Isnot Hint midship of ttiffriveri 1 ’’ ■f'Ybs,' 1 ’ was tlm lliniiedlate answer. .‘•‘Agreed,’’ said tlie man; “nnd is not this tfic oilier side?” ‘‘Yes," sald lhe other. ,6 Tlicn, , i«aW the nuur, \>ay mo my-ten ihdhrrs, for by'your own coitlbsslon I have proven Hint this side of the. rivua -is the other sido. ” . ■ • Tlie dumb -foutidcd antngonbit,''over-; cftmc-hytlilk profound logic, humeilhitely paiiUhe money. • Tlie nurfml Mlilil'Cnunl.’ It is Stated Wiat tlie furtiiconilng Presi dent’s mpssogo wjU. endorse tlio Darien Ship Canal project anil Jlie.trcn.ty wltli tlio Coluiiiblan government, inaWng pro vision for tlmt work. •rile xtena. af.UM 301k. •Thr-Heiwhleftiyir Hfo jjfo) tif.FH,h?y uiglit,. tbodhtii.axteMded sll over thmmtui- try, JuTIew York city flit) (X'fhtM tni tlnr streets fronting the river were Mmsled, and Hie'HoBokfcfr ftato Were fo.vered with tra ’ ter,- owing to the unusually Ugh- tide*,—' He veil vessels were sunk iu the Hudson. Hmtsrin«4rrtfiirot)fod lir Alhtmj-'aud ya- rioijs toiyns In llnssachuscjls, nnlncrous djsg.TfciV^itirEiili of W(UNL*qmrtod on j-iif^pts tyelj; drifeii Uyromis-anij twenty m«v m Giioi'gclown, trmtbto-aiuV much notoriety on necount of eeHriltr..flhnoctal IrrepdrKrllVs.'Iias been parifojttjd put of Stag Sing liy Gov.' 11 oH- mnu. Awilsued,’ 1 Itpn. John Erskiim, of the Southern Dis trict of Georgia, Iish l»'ti -assigned to tlm Unitexl-Statesltistricf Court of tlm South ern Distriat afFforiilq. Sometime ago the minister in cliirrge of - jg-fjjtte,,' ,n sssuir ms mis- ' — in stealing' liai 'Ciltoniflo, where tile s^qjjp^stiid to have lmcu the severest ever ex\ierii'itceih V, . ; Some teiilo “Union • soldier,’> -having raised- • distnrbftuco -oyer sortie of Mbx- tiy’s exploits, thh'gftltilrtf jsii'tiisan defrudg hhiisclf, amt then adils: .. “I think it htoh time for ft people who glotys in ‘Sheiman's- mmfcli from tim mountains to tho sea;'in which lie made a ik-sei t dS-Mid ermatry tlmt tfty tn his thnk-rt»ho received with linssn* Bhert- dau’s triunqiiuint dispatch ‘that hehad- burned tiireo thousand how*' and Milts, and made ths Valltey of Virginia' so des olate that fturow eotrtd pol'fly oyer It without carrying lira mtionn’—to cease ob|ee.i«g Unit auybody did not 'ohserve the rules of mitigated •vnt. ” Vlekwl Up,’ Tlioymtug man whg has beep trirteltag about lately Jumping ofiftlie trains to kiss lils-slstcr, nnd then npnlogizing when lie found his mistake, has'become converted, nnd will lend a different life. Ho tried tho thing on at Now Haven tho oilier day, and when tlm damsel raised her veil Im found she wns so black tlmt charcoal would make a white mark on her. a Chtutli at ltiuetmvn. Pa., lmvin' intothelinbitot' spending his leisure es, was dlsnilsSeiHiy Iits m thoirght sdeh coinjuot linjlf' 4 ywwtt-lict-. ' 'I Hi successor was n Tvyy promising young mail, but ho linsriusfbeeo arrested for murder." and tim Hook is agaift without it shepherd. ... f Naiilli Carolina. During tlie past year, (South Carolina lias paid over two nnd.a half million of dollars for intemaPreycnue, one million -of State taxe* ittul. an 'reduced lx* debt tlmt It is otie-sixtli less thin that of North Carolina. The value of her ripe and net- ton iHriiits, the season, wlH'rea ' ' ' iivp mlftufos. got V’pnn the Ball. . A Washington dispatch.says, the roll of the Itoino ol lleptesentatlves Is mtufc up, aiuk tiiat It exeluitet the Itsprusentatives from Virginia, Georgia, Alulinmn, Mis sissippi, Texas and Louisiana, except tile Radical, Sheldon, ftom tim tatter Stale. Heavy Blow. A train was blown from tho track of the Harlem Railroad during tlie storm of Thursday last, with the result of burn ing the baggage ear,'killing ouc passen ger oiitright, anil seriously iujurjug eight oklmri... „ . • *"•" -Tho Monroe Ailvcrtitor say* it .coste about four hundred dollars to winter no elcpl'mut. 'If Georgia could Whiter Iwf Bullock that ohcnpl BloaUnl Mock at the rate. • The Macon Telegraph anil Messenger says: “Competent judges, with European nnd eoutineutnl experience declare thnt the show of blooded horses Inis equalled if not excelled any exhibition either in Eng- laniVor Amcricn OimhI Kxniiiple. Forsytlio, Gn., donates $7000 to hor schools and colleges, Tlmt town will make her murk. - ' Worth Tli In kin a About. Ait Ohio journal pointedly remarks that ‘cvcry'cord of-wood glvdh to the poor will • be so much foci saved from us iu the next * yroi'ltl.’ . . t , t . TuMthii, Chap. AmitE. was' trying to pcrsiindc little Eddy to - retire at sundown. “You hi-', my dear, how Ihe little chickens go to roost (It“tlmt time. 1 ’- “Yes, Aunty,” replied Eddy, ‘hut tlie old lien nlwnVsgoes along with-tliem.’ Ambition. Tim road ainhltion travels is too narrow for frlepdcUfp, top crooked for love, loo rugged for honesty,Joo dark for science. JVcur Uoutc. • The survoy of thofoute for a direct rail road hetweeu-Uonio nnd Decatur, Ala., Ims-hecn nearly completed, Tlio distance Is 113 miles. _ •tlHtmm*. Tile Atajhnpi legislature 1ms ratifled •the fifteenth Amendment to tlio Nation- ul Coustitiilioit. niuVoto in tlic Senate wsa 24 tel Of; In Ihe .House, Cl) to 10. Ail the Viewly'elected members of the lu-gis- Jnturu have Ixicn admitted to scuIh, " A I*■»!«». • Dyspepsia should bo a rare disease in Paris; fur we are assured that over 10U,- 090,000 apples are on an average sold in that clty.cvery season. There Is nothing tlmt will keep tlie stomach so healthy, audita dependent organs so well timed, as tile free use of apples for food. A AVoriil's Fair Iii.BiinnIo. RiisSia is to signalize tlm year. 1870 by luddingu World’s Fair, which wo suppose, eveil'in point of nfocrlnl grandeur, will exceed tho.French Universal Exposition of 1807. ■ More of Them. A Wuslilnbtou dispatch reports tlic de falcation of a Naval Paymaster on tho Pa cific, totIiotniioof$4Q0,000nhd Muccoth er* for unknown amounts, Corruption, seems to run riot. Ain’t Uolu*: tu Ills. To tv visitor j-ceoutly .Senator Drownloiv rejnarked: .“XTes, Jolinson. anil Etlier- idgo lmvo administered on my political es tate and enst lots for my garments; hut,” hoaddoil, withargrlm siliile, “X ain’t go ing to dio." FlKht-n-lth indinna in Texas. Information 1ms been rccoivcd la Wash ington of a severe-tight with Indians on tlio Texan frontier. Two hundred cav alry met 400 Indians on tlio Upper Brazos nnil fought them for two days, when tho Iudinus iloil, leaving forty dead oil tlic field and their camp equipage, horses and provisions. Nono of tho troops were kill ed, although nine of them were wounded.