North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, December 16, 1869, Image 1

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WHITMAN & WRENCH. DALTON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY; DECEMBER 1C, 1869. VOL. 11—NO. 50. IIIIHCF.I.r.AWIimiN GAIIIH^ H ANKS A B1V1N08, aVtounkys at law, Dalton, Georgia. i, ^ N ,n. nAMKS. fobll *. A.utVtHdB, "ai'tornkys at law, upBtMTtm-ninft'nflnaiiii’, Dslwn.'ua. -pv A. WALKER, ■ ■» ATKJllKKY.AT LAW, litifc . King Btroct, Dalton, Gs, - >y* •g-AMUOBD A WKIMCrtJC— g ^ ^ WhltShnll'Streot; AtlUuta, Uoorgln. d.t. iuwohii. norly win wfttnonA (2 1’EItOY UltRENE, - Offlcot sa Dd6rj-ctitt*lf* 111 uiXn liuflftlng, •up _ Dalton, Goorglq. ___ . ^ . JMn Isons of Dalton and mirrminillng oo«ntr>t.— StoompHMirt tjkttniit nttoMlon wtin>o fflvon to all cimi‘8, Mod ion l HurgtcmtandtjbsiutriCTil, cto- trufltod to lila euro. OoU 14-ly, ^LjTUADOU A IJHOTttEUS, TOBACCO' * r k Q0lTHlft8i9litfSttPHAIW*, And Mannfaeturor* of StfgnrR, Aug-ly Wbltolian Street! Atlanta, Qa Tho Working Wan, •Tho Treblesfthon I know on cnrtli, Amme *&<*o'fcnnO» Ato brown wlUtfoUt Wlio, backed by no oncost ml grove*, How down tbo wpod and till lire fiolh Afiil wUlthorptiyo i»votuIer irnnre Than follows king or warrior's funio. • • ' Tlre wotUnu inftn.NyliaUi’ortire Mr, Who carvo tbo^tonn, or boar tho bod, Theybwvr opnn their l>dn«t bvoVr ' ; Tire royjil Htuinb and ftoj of 90*11 And worthier nro tliolr dropa of awoat Than dlumonda iu aooronot. - ♦ God blosj tho nohlo working nren, Who roar tho cities of tbo plain, Wire alg tho tallica, who build tho Hl»lpe, Amlorlvo lire bommorvo of tbo wain. God bloee thorn for their tolling hands • lifer* wrought tlio glory of all lamia. rasa hint Around.' “ One G: IL ^Ahl. tho jrtitii who Was'In barge oflho Confouorahllideottcrs atiort Jelawhre during tlio ivar, with, the rank of •Captain, has sluco-tho war embarked Co. of that place. His eraolty to ths pris oners incarcerated in tho.lbrt ns related to us by ninny wlib. were siUTerere, exceeds any thing in tho way of barbarism wo have ever known. Every mode of punishment conceivable ft tho'hiimaii mind, was A^l^^ffimmStr., Atlanta, OS .WAith & Wjmtlouk, Pr^irletofv , W. fi. WUoy, Clork. . , . . Jfegtopo cu^rlotl ^oaud f£Ojn Depot fjoo 91 Hospitality, Comfort* Convonlunpo and Econo my oaiubluod In tho pjonagemont. J W ATKINS, • '"nAniiETT a mounts, MimufttOluror».sml Jobbers of - - HfttSj Caps and Straw Goods, JuM won.. T3A.XJ JL-J.owiaa. J »•» * Wbolcmila hoidovla Brnmllon, Wfluen, vrbloh'les, tuns, .l’KAOUTOKR SVU., ATL,*TA, GA. M»y W-ly. -plTNBR A SMITH, *" Wliolosalo ami itciall Doslurs In Groceries and Provisions, • .VcSffnor nrbiiO fold UoIvnrU StrooU, 1 (l’Uiior'u Ohl Stand,) ^,lyl ROMS, ■OBoimlA. from the jooturo. Ahl^Json jt of Ids houso; and oh Mondn} ast. made his appeamnoo hi Clarksville, forthopurnoBoofsolicltingprdors. Think ) amount of impudence anipresump- ho must possess to havo ventured dovm horo among thoso whom ho onco so persecuted, to nsK for tliolr pecuniary out lie been upon the stroots lor- however, until recognised by somo of former victims, In,tllo persona of several voung men, whoso good furtuno it was to I?.. Si ..... T.... 11 .. Sl... mnMvlAlt. Tlio Paris oorrcstiondent of tl.o Now I ildlnde"pUlab'unchurch oliobumlrai York World says: years old. Tho Morgnu stands almost In Hie Blind- There are six Radical papers published uw of Noire Dame do Paris, and the poor TexaSy ^ yi I.U, . corpse had not far to bo carried. The Pittsburg piiys.over 820,000a month for church towers are 204 fret in height, the aiinisonients. tofSo“Ln»± ,k ”.^ Uwli,itoa,B,c ? c “ vi,i'VMsh,.°t n (Vom }« "ving in elegant retire- glass partition, with a little stream or wa- ■““» Canada. porcolating on his hood, aiul it dark rug Tho emigration to Minnesota this year spread .acroas Ids. loins. Otherwise* ho oxccods 100,000. was perfectly nude. Ills yoars musl havo Chicago has bxpciuled #54,897 on lior ranged from fifty to sixty.. A brownish parks wllldn a year. l's were wide open and fixed hi a look oT scomibl resignation,-.and his Ihoo and head were evidently thoso of an odu- Or professor of somo educational cstabUsh- ment. Ills clothing didUbtsoom to ap- _____ „ pertain to tlio condition in llfo th'nt Iliavo an intorviow e recognized. Tlio great fall liad-vory I Nilsson was paid two.thopsnnd fivo hun- littlo disfigured tlio appearance of tbo 1 drwl deUa'rs for singing at one concert in corpse. Ilisspiuo wasurokon in several I Briglitou. .... places, but as ho lay on ids back wo did Kate GornmnlmS made tbirty-fivo tlioi not SCO those wounds. His riglit arm, sand dollars by- picking pockets in No liowoVbr, was black with ills bruises from I York.. • i-c. o tlio cads oflho fingers to abovo tho elbow. Tiicro are -forty-ono roglmofiU tri tho » dthii there was no mark of injury Russian arinyTln which overy privatecau flulslictl. Tlioy°know “the value of timo •• •'*■•1, .tread and write, *• ^ »» audlliey will no longer squaudor it. rltcli is this—tho poor suffer tho rltcli havo tu enjoy ItA 1 “Bo yec ns wise ns a sarpint, tind as hand- lis os a duvo;>> and then, if a follow comes fooling around your dove, yukan sot -TTOiiK Jvojrnt r **' ‘ • J. C. UAWLIKS, At IUh own Hotiflo again. oil O so as H O T E L , DroodKlruelt lUyno, Oa. . •Toi«*aoi!fjev51,rtkobto amt from Hotol ftoOOT chaitjo . . -• •? jnneM-u -j^ »;.|1KAL0N, StouUAeUur, Rtationop and Nownniwi, AndJ)»uU>r in Dry Ooo«Ih, Grocorloa, TiotUico. Apr-ly ° Hamilton Mlroot, Daltoii, Qa: , ttsts with C. D. Sllnglutr A 8on, , iYKlfptasalo Grooot'ji* Produvo ConunlHBlon'MoroljantK, and Doulers . .. ■' »in Winoa aud Liquors, SI North Howard Btroot, Ho v (Tin* Baltimore* W. 1,ICUlN8 auN AND LOCK8MITIL « ^ J jPfalorln \ Now Guns, Pistols, Cartridges, otc. Opppslto Tibbs lie esc, Hamilton Street. Now ltlOos Itmilo Co order, and all repairing done oa ,llQrt liotlcee yid. warranted, . nmr-l> J . **•, ^^raSOT^'/ra.-sT Auicr t co Wholoaido, Groeors, LiquQi.& Commission MEUCHANTS, 40 sdfttli Howanl Howard Sl roots, botwcon Isomburd ah(] Malt Stroola, **■ - - lUT immi Ordors solicited. . . A VKUY *5Sa5Sfflb4WMB AT LAW, King Stroot, Dalton, Goorgla, sfesssi . tin,: In tlio Stuto Courts ill tbo conn- Upon being questteuod , tas ncknowtodg- d ho was tho soma man* Ahl, and tho troathiont thoyhnd recoivcd nt ids hands, nLSui^lihulliht'h^Vlolciico* would ho ofibrod liiiii, proceeded to. possrln view somo of lils cowardly uots, to whiclc plead uuUty; though, hbclalmtsl. that, was obeying Gon. Siioopfs ordors. IIo loft Monday ovening on a sotiai bound train. . , , ■ , • Wo would forgot tho past and Invito northorn men to eomo and settlo amond us, and oxtend to tliom a welcome linmL and outer into tlio bonds of friendship and follow fooling, but Cnpl. Alit, by his mst nots of vloloueo and brutality, has forfeit ed overy claim ho may havo luid to tho sig nificant term of gentlcifian, andls noton- titled to tlio rospoet or couutennuco byany people, either northern or soutliern. Southern journals will pass him around as a man unworthy of their respect or pat ronage.—Glarkttvilie (.Tam.) Tobacco Dcntli. Wo havo seldom rend anything more beautiful Qian the.followbig. from Uie put of George D. Prentlco: “There is but n breath of air and about of tho heart betwixt this world and the next Amllu tbo brief interval of painful and awful suspense, wliilo wo fool tlmt dentil is present with us, that wo nrO pow erless, and Ho all powerful, and tlio faint pulsation thoro is but tlio prelude or end less lifo hereafter, wo fool in tho midst of tho stunning calamity about to bufoll us, that tho earth lias no eomponsalion good ououghtomitigate tlio severity of our loss. But there is no grlof Without some bonoii- cient provision to soften its intenseijcss.— ^*Tiko tlie^nonnboams in tlio stormy son, liclits upmurMarkeiicd lioarto add IbtWfttO tno stirroilhaing gloom a beauty so jail, so sweet, that we would not if wo could dispiit lliu darkuess that environs us.” Jump From tlio Nloopla of Notre I llrlef lie ins. Breckihr hlgo nnd Sherman liad w in Washington recently. _ . . , ..... . Ondof tlio lioavicst- speculators at tho **?■»■* or Jmk niiiimt*. iParIs uourto la a coal lJladc nogro from About tho only differonco between tlio IT’ort-au-JlVince.’ nted an otlicrwiso ) other day by stcal- nhnt will. JOII *lo wllll .voHr Kvcnlnas This WlntrrT Winter is fast approaching. A b emlyiL linSBcntont'lils sklrmlslicis in ttioform of Slinging winds, anil lilttersiiow-Sotmlls.— With It will come long evenings of leisure. Young men, wbnl doybii intend to do with tlicso ovonlngB? -• 'Thorn are a thousand inducement to squander lliom. The gaily lighted billlard- roohi, opens Us doors and fiiyltes you to enter.' Tlio theatre,-tho ball, solicit you. All sorts of similar temptations nlltiroyou to spend your timo and money, and many of you will bo drawn Into cxtmvngnnt ex penditure, by these, hi tlicmsolvcs, inno cent. amusements. Another and worso class of temptations will beset you. Tlio drinking saloon, the gambling den, etc., will invite you to en ter, ami with dchisive'cxcitemcnU Book to blind your moral perceptions and lend yon 1 Wlm't nfo you going to drt with thoso ftre- ons oveningsV will you thrbw nway their .. fidcti opporUinillcS, and tako ujion yiSU a burden of vain regret for tho years that are to comoV Do you not sco their value, if ihiproVodV - Tliuro are thousands' of young men who Mil sco thoso words, ami will, sonlo of them, perhaps, resolvo that tills winter shall not bo spent as was tlio last._ Tills winter Bhall ba devoted to neglected arilh- metic, algebra,' or book-keeping. Tlioy will soixo tho coming loisuro topenbet tliolr knowledge of drawing, or to complete thoir perusal of somo scientific, historical, or literary work begun long ago. hut-still un- Alas f liow fow of those wlso resolutions will bo kept. Yot .wo are hopefhl tlmt some will Do lntluonccd by our exhortation to use thoir timoiua more profitable man- s cofiln box. . The Knot *r m*» »«a Uroy. — Upon inybrtiom lleT" •» m&m&mss**- never forgit nor I haln'l tried to, and that is tho hist timo I kissed a gal.. If I was askod “what is tho chief cm) of man now- dasoT” I should immcgintely ropll, ‘110 psreot.” Youmayargyabulltarrlcrout a bone, but yu leant argy'a woman out ov. her will. MladvicetotneigwIloaBBabout' . tu begin ill amest the journey of Ufo, Is to J Doth fon K litror-ivlmt tHi-yCccmcil Uiorlabti take thoir hart in one hand add a club in Uio other.. Tho biggest glutton I ever ’ am tell ov, was tho follor out in Indian-1 Anil one la aoorgln’t tuna. ..... ■ - &®tuir of twin lambs for break-’ : , WJ' 1 SfiJla'2llTOmi«rttfi?Bmv<is-. tho oktyow.Uireo I . uygpyajmsbsnswl- w v*t ««y* rfroT They ISAtllfc, Tho other wore tlkfiTjrajj^ tirVn r r>r5 One kxIo with Stonewall and ULi mon. LtaaUJotiieUMs nto’ft LM>-'’ fi ” i,ot do tlio majority, of pleasure-lov- ingvouiignion. ., Tlio moans of solf-improvemont are now so widely diffused that lio one seeking 1 vlodgo can fail to obtain them, and n wo do not counsel the utter renun- v»sr\ elation of imioecnt amusements, itisnl- J ways wisdom to subordinate these things licr purposes. - jng incohaiiics, and:young men of wluttevur occupaliouyou may lio, you may ruler -your future success or tklluro to tho in Whieli you employ, this winter’s iro, Then wiiatwill you dowlth'your lihgsK—ScicntificJounml. T.xtmnt ft Ih.AnAH*. The following extract is from Profosi It fo Wt&’rerteaikbfSb where wo I behold woman,in nll{iecglorr*->dMt*aloll | to carry silks and jewelry; nota ppupet A Ntrai'tgo t'rlnifv Ono of tlio most remarkable criminal (Veaks Of the day was tbo recent killing bf Eatliev Comcy, in Bcilcfontaliin, Olilo, by a iiinii ivlio’cahio to confess to him, osten sibly. Tliowbolohfiiiirlswrappcdlii mys tery. There had been noqunrrol—the on. ly thing of a disagreeable character which tho niurckircr alleges was iiiado by Uio 'prlcstabouttliol’rotc8tnntrpliglon. IIpw Hits could offend oiio who lirld conic to con- ft'ssion is incredible. Tlio stolid indlller- onco nnd utter apathy of tlio author of tlio crlmo when questioned about it, showed more Insanity than revenge. Ills anxiety to' deliver hitnsclf up after finishing ilia bloody work Was nn'cqiiaily singular fea ture of this strange tragedy. Tho IncOiiio Tin. This inqucstorlal blackmail upon overy man’s resources expires by its own limita tion oil tlio 20th of Juno next. It lias not fulfilled its mission of oXncling and suc cessfully collecting an equally distributed tax upon nil Uio inromes of- tbo country. In many Instances men of largo incomes, »y thoir system of invcslmonts, avoided tlio tax altogether. With others tlio oath nnd schedules of property and resources are false. Tlio oath being looked uponas a more ninttor'of form, carries no moral force with it whatever, and tliolist ofprop erties is generally about ns near tho truth any lio is. Tho tax iB regarded as un equal, burdonsomo and asofbutlittlarcai benefit to tlio country. • If it Bliould not be continued by Congress, it will go by tho board and will probably bo tho initial load lilted ftorn the shoulders of tho peoplo, and tho material wealth of thocouutry. Beautiful Thonaht*. * Gratitude Is niomory of tho heart, Hope is Uio blossom of liapplncss. Desire is a treo inJoaf, .liopo is a treo in flower, mid UEU lU-JUili, HUJJU in u live in umi eujoyuieut is a treo in ftult- Eternity is a day wiUiout yesterday orlo-morrow; a day withoutcufli Timo is a line tlmt has two cuds, a path that begins in the cradle and ends in tlio grave. 0<sl Is a spirit; in finite, eternal aml just; truth is immortal; the sword cnutiot pierce it, fire cannot con sume It, prisons cannot incarcerate it. , Ah ArlifcMettc.l Kaehta*. - rcl-1 • We find the following account of an ox- traordinary nmchino in tlio Elticrton (Ga.) - _ „ , _ n . ... / Haw a Chism Kuiperor Beta Harried. uaretub , ”f“ •» Tho Emperor of China is IS years old, witncsshq[Uioopma.llonofarmchlner^ andistohomnrriedtliisycnrWlUilmnienso 1 by a gontlcman of this pomp to his first and chief wife—tho Em- - : -ir a. • ’*• lulty that we havo yet heard of. . This maclifnowill mnku almost any .... ----- ft JQIMT. UlOOllW. Watchmaker and Jeweler, Slion In Dr. Ilrown’irtfow Drug BtrirC, j ‘ • Humllforifcfibot, Dalton, Goorgla. ltnnilsoiuo stock of nuro Jowulry, tor JiUllos AudGontlumuu, tnguoutlyatirt sulw ck or imro jowmry, *ui mhh» wataluw, olookH, oto. Hoj>a*r- ulwfiChftnny exocattnl.- Jnlyl. m EDICAt. AND SUIialOAL NOT1CB. Di-S. A. W. lllvlntirfca & Son, Formerly of 8outl» Carollntti Tomlor thoir Frofosslonal sarvtoes to-tU«*citl- nou8 of Dill ton and surrounding country. Spe cial attention given to allcln-onlo ojwwj.- oilico. (luring Uio day, corner of lung* i onw BtroutB, and night at rcHidonmi pn Thornton Avenue, formerly ocouplod by Mr. J. u. A.W. Bivingd,) J. G. Divings, f . King. . January 8-ly. X)“- “• “• MIW*. K „ 0 STB „ DALTOS, Insurance ami Land Agent. Agont for ASton Life and Fire Innuranco Com- pitnVi ulHO; .roirori»on and Jainn lUver I s Iro Insurance Gpuiuonioa, of Va., w ♦ *• 'Enterprise, Cincinnati,and Putnuin, Hartford. ALSO, GENEBAL LAND AGENT fv°»iKmi’c2if'j. I tTmfflJnftSirom January 9-l2m. ■A Now Rornwly for.Innoct Bnvajyon. • Mr. Ed. R. Wytho, of Vigno coniity, Inita says a most.uSuiuI aud slniplo nioth- od of preventing tho ravaecs of inseols up on plautsaiid trees has comb under his ob- sorviitloii; Icsro^l tluit most insects that infest plantsbavo a horror of vinegas,«ud this is Uio substanco to bo employed. The mixture to bo used consists of ono ;«vrt of French vinegar to nino parts of water.— Uo,hl4lu,ed good.nppie viusgaiv and finds t effectual to insects op flowers wldcli wore badly affected. Jt is to bo applied by means bf n gnrdan syriugo or watering pot with n lino nose. Tlio snmo nrltclo says that tbo result of last year’s oxport- iiqnts were tli&t fruit trees sprinkled with lio vinegar solution boro fruit abundant ly, while tiioSo not so treated producod scarcely any. A G.rffeotl" Wedding- Two daughters of tho Duko of Aborcorn were recently married on tlio snmo occa sion in Westminster Abbey, amidst prin ces, Statesmeirnnd divines, forming a soono of tho most gorgeous description. Tlio Frlnoo atld FHnnesa Of Walos were pna- cht. Amougthoniffnorou8proscuts,whioh •ere of wondrous richness and value, wore io following: From' hcr Majesty the •ueeii, a ^njlant gold loekot, with \»r- tfait in relief of his late Royat HlgJiness Aggnssix'suow bookcntiUod t‘A Journey I SoTOtfcffSf bypWftUu? ajorifft in Brazil:” lonced. to-doy, (U»canled A region of country which Stretches I mtrq^bpt pot esteemed; ruling By across a wliola continent and is flooded foe [ slon, not aflbetion; imparting hor weak- lialf Uio yonr. whore Uiere can novw W nc no t her cpnstanoy, to tbq'sox she 1m considered as fry land. ItislruothaU Ity-w 0 “o i*“ “ » wife, partakiiig- tho in this oceanic river system, flmliflriii lys^gn^lswrlng tlm anxieties ofalius- tion has an annual instead of a dally ebb band, dlvldiug his her domcsUo nnd flow, Uint its rise and fob obey a lar- aiU^oncot'sprciVdihg' clioerfolncss around ger orb, nnd nro ruled by tho sun and not | by Uio moon; but it ^ nevertheless, sub-1 her, for ins sake; , sharing tho docent refine-- jeet to alHhe condiUons of a submerged [ mentsof tho world without bofcgproffdbf district, and must bo treated as such. In-1 Uiem; placing sill her joys nnd happiness tho Ufo of tho inhabitants, than any' mat-1 find hor the aflbetionNtorthoardentinstruo- rino tides. Pdoplo sail half tlio year abovo. districts wherofor tho other halfthoy walk. | ftbrh infancy; training them up to thought tlurngh liatdly dty ’shod, over tliBsooEQti l yirtuo, to pioty-and benevolence: ad- Soir W kihite, ir aromodte^h arooidmto^I dressing thorn ns rational boings nndjiro- witli tho dry and wotsensons. And not 1 parftig {hetn td'hdcbinV'mehahfl ivbiiicn only Uio ways of ltfo, buUho whole aspect inthdrturn. MerilnitlcS’tlauglitorsshould 1™,areS^d. clmraoUiroffi “ land ' ,li- 'ilio.two picturoeqne cnsoaa»s,'akmtoEo| j noae»tj. t Thoro was once to ho a meeting of tlio ViUitba^d^ffitarf U !.W^e^mUfo! flowors, nnd ths, wnvfff «>o I tstrl bo lanes,. Irnls : t o gRro anRlca.or Us r W ould oelicrsolf. Twill takoapeop at immciisity ns nrtiofaOnanwttImtitot these beauties,’ thoughUhovlolot,notpro- nionthsupoii itssumwi. Inordor toun-1 gum | ngftttond ,| 1Q nl00 t n „. ‘iwills™ kind of a calculation liy simply setting for addition, multiplicatinn, division i shhtmction; and.tlio turning'of a crank. It works with perfect accuracy, and can be nwdo to add. up any number of columns at tho samo time. The inventor is exten sively known os n gentleman of extraordi nary gouim, and. has worked unUringly for'lho last twenty yoars for tlio accom plishment of his designs. Ho lias succeed ed at last, mid wo hope that his invention miiy ho tlio sourco ot a rich toward for his labors. ■V/TAUK L..WIimiAN, , ... ®olfsJiitiv}il,Kr.,'*’rriierirolTtli.sgoia,G Wholesnlts-Olotltinf-, - M <• in anil S79 llroartway, N.wTorfc Honso oIltOGEttB, MORGAN A GRUD11. ]q27 T| lYAUlil'i’i *»•» Fhi'HlelnW, Nnrfeo...-nl.d AsriracW Offers his sorvlsoa tojtlie or Dal- ton, anti IhCBnl-rmfiliUna country. TJ.vb'S »t- tumlud some of Ills Post Motlloal Scll.nls in CiliiaUaiuid Now York City lio lools ccmflUcnt rout lio due ijlvu Boutrat ■atUfiiot oii. Ofjkc in. IVo. S, Otw King's Store. BlUMtBUNOKS-'- Win. Tomnost, M. D„ Toronto, Canada, •Win. McGill, MOsliawiv, ” .J. Footo, M. D., Brooklyn, ” Prof. Fruuk II. Hamilton, AttBndlmrBurBOon, Tho poor will bo attended froo of charge. JytNTIST. DB M auEIttl A. Forniorly. of Knox County, Toau. Takes pleasure in saying Myftt ho has perma nently loeatcdJn Dalton and now offers lus so^ vice to tho peoplo of this and BJirroundlng country. All work warranted. Terms cwh. AU dUtoasc8 of tho tooth treated sucopssruuy. prno pay roqulrud. Avtlflclnl teeth Inserted Oil tho ruhhor basis, or any way prefer rod. Oilico with Dr. Divings * 8ou, Dalton. Gu. ocly durstand now AiUy watorJiaa thnniostoxy A.wo: ^ .. ofkmnn in L , discovCreif that varnial hor “flwliolnimcdiatriypronhhnoodlior tlio most bropuiyibro^^oft^t,, iv Tho Host KcnmrlcaPIo Father nnd Non. A most remarkable enso of consanguine ous aflbetion. and synmnth; father and son living in the adjoining coun ty of Fleming. Tho Dither is about forty- aiiu divided 6y land,, than nnotwi rivers. Indeed Uio wholo valley nquntio, notterrostriol basin; anult is strange, wlienlooked updn from this point dfvieV. that its forests should 1m loss full of nfo, comparatively, than its rivers. Xjnth taw is AlstsMi. A most desperate negro named Harry Floyd, wasliung by tlio peoploof the neigh borhood in which ho resided, about fifteen miles Southeast of Clayton, Ala., n few' days since, for committing rapo upon the person of a white girl. about twelve years old, daughter of a widow.' Tlio offense was committed a month ago, hut Floyd was not caught Until Tecti'itly. -A jpry of “—■“- ftpir- persons—twolyo wiiltca and hlhcks—was c<?nvoiicd by Judge tyuii'* and alter hearing tlio testimony thoyidoridodto hang liim. IIo confessed tothismutroj&lshdalso'lo hit attempt'd s oh' apQth?r lfl^g)r|.i3 years rid, alsoti daughter of a widow. Ho further stated Uiatlio.Jutendodto mnko a : youhg'la<Jy oiio of his viothns but tho dog prevented. Ho wfts Stubborn to Uio last, and vvhou ‘/Swung off" rofused to-kick, hut liun; nearly, twenty- minutes before lio riiokw todcatli. - A SwcoliSot. Tho Alabama Legislature uluo body, if whatthu Monti. sayB of ftbo trUK “All tho'tmevcs, libnl- tontiary convicts, Yltokqp. Immmors, big amists, barbert and 'shhomak^, woro-ln their seats.' Had'thero not boon prosont a score of- truo Alabamians, in thg sill of a Uttlo band of Democrats^ Uio ci com-might liavo boon nflstaVoh lbr a nntlc asylum or a penitentiary. Tlio As sembly may begonornily characterised pntally MElfSiaC Prince and Princess ofWalos v a pair of gold bracelets; of elegant design, sri; In diamonds; step, a magnificent pair of on- ravod glassJugs, with gold mountings.— From thoir Royal Highnesses Prinoq and Frincoss Christinn, a beaiitlfolly pamtod cliiua casket. From tho Duko ofMarl borough, fugntnd tlara.ofclemuil design, of diaroonds; also pearls; hrijllnnts, and a gold lockot. . You Hi nnd Aep. When tlio summer day of youth, is slowly wastiug away iuto tlio nightfall ot ago, and tho shadows of past years grow dcopor, as life wears to its close, it Is pleas ant to look back, through tho vistaoftime upon tho sorrows, and follcittos of our ear lier years. If we liavo a homo to shelter, andhearts to rejoice with us, and friends have been gathered together around oAr firesides, then, tlio rough plaeos of our wav faring will liavo boon worn and smoothed away,, in tho twilight of life, wliilo tho Builuy Bpot wo havo passed through willgrow brighter and morcbcnu- tiful. Happy, Indeed are thoy, whore In terference with the world lias not changed tho tono of thoir hoilor foofiugs, or bro ken the musical chords of tbo heart, whoso vibrations are so melodious, so tender and touching in the evening of ago. MnrrlAffe on llorMtotek. A runaway couplo wero xecwiuy mar ried ou horseback iu Hawkins county, East Tcuuessoe — - v -™ -.-10 pain tllo other is similarly affected. Hllio fivtli- of a burn Instnhtly. Ho burned his hand ec ; mg the headneho the son has it at the and in hls. ngany.popped it into a pot of I auno time; if ono suffers with thotootli- varnish and was agreeably surprised to r ac ; le u, 0 . nthcralso suffers' with it! wlien find hinisolf,imnipdutteiy-relioved, of aU 5ne^fcta V X-tHo'oUio?rttaTt Silo, and pain. Somo French chemists liavo been a, it goes on through all tlio catalogue of c mT^ on fe^WnS& ^«c to s?nhWfat.: has discovered that “under the uiunonco | petites* temperamouhL-r and gonoral ac- of powerfully induced currents the white {tarisT Whatono likes andrats,llio other blood corpnsolos of the frog swoll up.^-1 [ikes and oats; and t(hat ouo dl Botwecn their walls,' which booqnio very, t won ’t ' smooth, and tho interior granular nucleus [ fl one a froo apace Is left nnd-the grannies nucleus mnulfest ■ Tr while sun Wtot India ' cate an rioc 1 jiorson it touches. lug of a fan attached to haekiiAotl^rmnapowhcraitiaconsumod, f""’" down from tlio Comers of its mou fhot radiate from tho conti is drawn tightly ovor its hours, and; tlio 1 taost r*markable OT nil, tlioy ilrcamntthc samo timo, and tlio dream ofonoisthosanieasthatofthootlier. Wo has been invented.' , Tho) itlvely Is Friday SSlsWr n»j-r „ Friday, long remombered ns n. day of ill trains - that rare s continnnily carrying onion, has boon an eventful ono in Ameri- swarms of our substanttal itemprs Jp, pUp .... kl.tnmi' on.l A nliitKf nhf In nWrillmsfo * Wmvwtfrtiirlfns HhAntlimiY"iril* cau history, , aud Americans ought ndt to botifraidofit. Friday, Christopher Columbus soiled on. * , *Fri3n^toif'wsrianitor,ho discovared- America. _ , „ , . Friday, Henry TTT., gavo John Cabot liis commission, which wfl to tho discov ery of North'Amoric'a. Friday, St. Augustino, lh« oldest town in tlio United States wns discovered. Eriday, tho Mayflower,with thepllgrims, arrived at Frineetown, and, on Friday, they signed tho august compact, the fore runner of tlio present 'Constitution. Friday, Georgs Washington was horn. Friday, Bunker Hill was seized and for- tihed. Friday, the surrender of Sarratoga woo made. Eriday, tbo surrender of Cornwallis oc curred; and, on . . „ Friday,, tho motion was made In Con gress that tlio United Qtntes wore, nnd of right, ought to he, free and independent. movomont.- _'rado upop tho-streots Is duller than usu al—scarcely any coming wagonsmhko glad tho hearts of onr merchants, and' land* haVo dopreriatefflirMluo velY muqh; Npf is Rome tho billy losali ty that has sii Herod. In our Cherokco oouutryond 'North Ala bama exchanges wo sea notices of porfoct colonics onilgratingto oil parts of tho-West and Northwest. Texas seems to bo tho ihvorito destination. A strong antipathy exists to going to any Northorn State. quickly nppeared at tho other end.' Tho pipe was drawn through tlio drain by means of the Hue, and au 'expellee of tcu dollars saved. I/nlwn I’lM'lfl*. Three and a half miles of snow sheds on the Union Pacific road will he completed this week. Tlie company expect to finish seven miles by the 1st of February,,cow ing all the deep cuts on tho doublo lino, and a close fence will protect all tho leaser cuts, placing the road out of ali danger of Interruptions from driftlhg snow., tt’bnt EverrUotly Otis** So tto. A gentleman who had amassed s ootn* petenue was recently asked by sifleidfoc secret of ids success. “I havo acconrata- ted,” said ho, “ono-half of my property hf strictly allciiding to my own business, and .tlio remainder by letting other poopte’s alone.” lt*lrlbutl#Ns Wo learn tlmt J. P. Jewitt, tlio original publisher of Undo Tom’s .Cabin, Is no* working ns a journeyman printer in Phil adelphia, and Hinton Rowan Helper, tho author of the infamous “Iiupondlng Cri sis,” is a pauper in Now York. “The mills of God grind slowly yet they grind exceedingly small.” A Yaukee Tracker flofdtMl. Two colored girls in a school in Chester- field county iloggod thoir wlilto Yankee tcnelicr for attempting to brush ono of them with a switch. Served him right House. Iu Horses. Tlie following is recommended by tho Southern Cultivator os an cxculiont salvo for wounds nr galls on liorBes and mules; Take ono gill of turpentine and one-half pound of tallow; melt tho tallow, and pour tho turpentine with tho tallow while hot: rub tlio annual’s shoulders with it while it is warm, with a woolen rag, thkoe times a day, until it Is cured. A Fast Heel A man recently arrived in a town fat Minnesota, bought a lot, buiita house, and Bet up house-keeping within the space of forty-right hours, and hod a son and heir born to liiui before tlio first meal waseatan hi tho houso. I. ts press. Ho will lw BimultoncouslyproYld.- odwltii second aud third wives; and from ail'parts of tlio Empire victims nro bring collected to swpll tlio list of his harem.— Evory Tartan family, yro baUcvc, is oblig- cJ'to contribute lis quota. Local' selec tions nro first made, and the holocaust is scut to Pekin'where a fresh Selection takes place, a‘nd_ a “chosen” , number are con demned to a lifo long seclusion. Thoy are not allowed to sco thoir relations; many nover sco thoir lord and master, tuid in the event of his death, they are still condemn ed to perpetual Isolation and celibacy. Til* Sspslii Vote of New Torlt. Tho popular vote in Now York, In tho into poll,'foils short310,000 votes—the dead loss foiling On tho Radicals. Tho Herald, in its comment, concludes that “by default tlio Ikmocrats have gained nhsolutopos- scssion or tlio State, nnd tlio consequence will probably be a work of reconstruction in tho City and'State affairs as comprehen sive, as. tlio Radical- reconstruction of tlio KMV7 MHII*. Forty distinct malls are received every twenty-four hours at the Philadelphia pe*t- ofllcc. About 125,000 letters are received and dispatched from the office daily, dr about (0,000,000 ft year. Thirty thouaaml letters are received daily from tho dty. Any W»jr. An Iowa paper tells its readers that they can get Chinese laborers “wholesale, retail' and pig-tailt” Chime:*, or otimato. It is flow said that the Pacific Railroad is working changes .in tho climate of tho plains, causing an abundance of rain to foil where continuous droughts prevailed. This extraordinary phenomenon, if true, is' thought to Ijc produced by a batter equilibrium of electrical cntrenla. Siuirlllcoons. .Hero is a slightly socriligcous morsol gotten, pffjiy -one Professor Bouton,tot "Worcester,. Massachusntts, recently. ’It could not have, been dona by- othor than a Puritan: “There havo boon many saviors that Bliould not ho forgotten, and in idolizing Christ wo make'him stand tn a light ill which lio dtd not sot liimsolf. Jesus,Lho GoUilcsn moralist;. Bqnopa, tho njri dliof, Thomas Potno, Theodore Pn William Lloyd Garrison. Wondoll Pbl and many more, were hlmvtors. ” A Point of Lnw. Wlint a crusty lot of irascihlo old cur mudgeons’the English Parliament of 1770 must .Have been to pass such a law as this; tliat ‘‘Whoever should lead Intomatrimo- nlal bonds any malo subject of Hor Majes ty, by menus of roueo, or powders, por- fumes, essences, artificial teeth, folso hair, Siianish cotton,, iron, corsets, crinolines, high-hcriad shoos, or folso calves, should be proscoutod foksoroory and tho marriage declared null amVvrid.” A New. School of Mormons. A dispatch'from-Jackson- county, Mo.; __atcs tlmt a colony of Mormons havo comc.thoro from SolsLake City, and sot- tied down near Indopondonoe. These peo ple ore returned' immigrantsfrotp Utah, who have f —“ ■—• 5 “ D “ ,w . A Saot Motors. A young wife remonstrated with her husband, an intemperate spendthrift.— “My love, lam only like tho prodigal son; [shall reform by and by.”. “Alrelwifl jo liko tho prodigal son, too,” the replied; “for I will ariso and go to my fother."— Aud accordingly, off sho went Use. of Popot. Paper is entering into nearly everything wo use'. Tho Yankees now make It Into pails, waslitubs, nnd spittoons. Vlrgisis. - -. ... u; Tho “VenerableMbtlicrof Statos”hav- ing dono ovorything to get into tho Union, oXcopt'dean- the boots of Congressmen, is still left iu a problematical condition. Sho is aptly, compared to a certain garment of Dicky Dout—alittlo bit In and a great deal out. ' Bliirnloos Movlns. AcorreSpondentwritlngflomHaj'sCUy, Kansas; says: Tho buffalo migration sodth hns hard ly commenced yet. Sometimes a herd eighty miles wide crosses tlio railroad, thus showing Hint tho race is not dying out vory rapidly, and that tho sixty thou sand roving Indians Oil tlio plains will not want for steaks and roasts for a year or two to come. • Woman’s Ktaht. ThoCrowing-Heu Society of Now York, Farland upoa A. D, BfobarfMat'Igtt Wd5qu»g»S|aapa«lt»b«fahi5rife, Thoy d5iagaS£5B?5 SStHSSSS SsssiSPSssss wsaffiraasssyr®? infiuoneoof tlie Now York Tribuno-upon mowropudiato tlie divorce question, and tho civil rights doctrinao ofwomon." > • - ' „. jW and with that jmthoirrnlcs of foitli, do tho groat Salt Lake nro not anr-ObjOcUonnblo class of tlio now colony ffiay bo vtfry useful Jptablcin Slissourl. It may provo but tho beginning of an oxodna from Uio present disaffection in Peabody vs* VnndOvUllt. Vanderbilt, has had his statute built aud •dedicated With, appropriate oeren m nlas. Of course ho paid for it. Tho'' cost wns 8800,000. Mr. Peabody comple. tod his about' tbo samo timo. It consists ofbertbfoetkms to Vartans charitable mir- poscs to tho amount of $0,600,000, Tho ono has fomo—tho kind of fame that will livo so long as there are hearts to bless and tongues .to praiso him. Tho other only n cheap notoriety that will not last as long as tho aliproprlate metal of which his Btatutelshuifb.. •' • " Hard Nuiue. ^ Poor whisky is called “fifteenth amend- mcnt’Mn (he Soutli, hocauso it’s hard to swallow. ■ Credit. “A wlso provision by which Constables and Sheriffs get a living.” 8Mooftu ' ? waw ot,,nr - constant On TUcsday-tho Guvommont works at to-allithn HnrporiB Forty wore sold at auction.— fosout 6 For thor musket-footory $176,000 wnsro- ssols, and ce ( vc g ) and for tho rtflo footory, $30,000. Tho sate includes tho buildings, grounds, nnd tho magnificent water powers attach ed, to them. Thb purchasers will uso tbo buildings for mnnufhctorics. Conjugal Insurance. Tho Now York Sun, horrified at recent transactions n'rnong Now Englnnd peoplo in Now York, suggests tho project of a Conjugal Insurance Company- “Among tlio questions to bo answered by applicants for lusuraneo, tho following would not bo. inappropriate: ■ ‘Aroftoo-lovcrs uumorous in your neigh- ^^‘Who are tho clergymen in your par- very Dulcet. Mr. Forney entreats tho negroes, now assembled nt Washington in a Labor Con- veution, to wricomo the Clihioso as mon auil brothers. Onion* for l'onltrjr. It is n Well-known fact to owners of poultry that tlio occasional use of onions, mixed and fed to poultry with thoir food, is ono of tlio best ways of keeping a yard of poultry in health. Tlio use of this vegotablo would prevent three-fourths of the disoaso'lhnt a poultry-yard is subject to. - Cooking tt Cnn of Powders A small negro boy in tlio fondly of the editor oT tho Tallaluiesco Floridian, took it into his head, Wednesday night of lsst week, to test tho effect of putting a threo pound can of pSwder on tho fire. The re sult wns'tho killing of tho boy and a genor- alsmifth-iip of plastering, joints and things generally in that part of tho houso, with a severe shock to all tlio inmates. Well to Remember. A distinguished itiodical writer says:— Never enter a sick room in a state of per spiration, ns tlio moment you become eoOf your pours absorb. Do not approach con tagious diseases with an empty stomach, nor sit lictwccn tho sick and tbo fire; bu- cmiso tlio heat attracts tlie vapor. Preven tives are preferable to pills or powders. Awrul! ...A terrible report conics from Washing ton to tho effect that old Brownlow is go ing to mako a-speoeh of two Weeks’ dura tion.' Tlio. South will now ho- terribly re- vciigod. What punishment could be great er limn listening to tho old reprobate two horns? But two weeks! Horrible to con template.. ' Grftpo Vines About Rocks. Tho American Journal of Horticulture says: It Is a well established fact that B ripon very much earlier at tho wiion tho vinca nro planted near or about rocks. Last year, wliilo grapes wore nearly a failure in tho open fluids, thoro'wore eases where it lino crop of per fectly rliwned bunches wero raised from ■ vines whoso roots rail about rocks. Tho rooks absorb tho heat by day, aud keen tlio roots of tho grapes warm by day and night. Rocks in gardens nnd fields aro generally regarded as nuisances; but if tlioy aro lelt, a good usu can be mado of them.hy planting vines about them. An Item for IlrMos. White uncut volvot is the fashionable materials for wedding gowns.