North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, December 23, 1869, Image 1

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J. A. It. UAWK8. ATTORNEYS AT I AW, it; A. hiviwob. T*\ A./.W AI.KHU, r+ ~Z, «**■>»* ATO>» SBV «iifiy- .»»«■■”-■ /-(-Kins SH-ooC, mlton, On. 1>* H ammohd*vki« skys ~ ,, AWi ' \yiilt<n>Viii StB-"t. MTnhfhrfifhrKln. A Ttirlililt Itoitffgyj t ri — „ I,on,ioyciljtho nlcnsurc»thiti morniuijm bdnfflntrrttlucedioavi'ry hffndR'MneTuwJ IMi I:uly, in prder’to give mean opportu nity of witnessing n perfect specimen of Oriental Itcnuty. AIti'r iv t»ooil ot‘|>« r- sunnion, aim allowed mo to ropy her prdl tile. lie? eyes uud QYC-MvEfljmj intense ly black, though Isuspool the latter woid stained of 0. deeper dye, limn the natural one. llcrrnnplextonwns: beautifully lair. With Urn slightest liul of carnation ‘»u(UWr eel over her face. Tier lips, sippet lips, thttl made tis'siffh oyotf to*lm nenr'titfm" Her glowy hair, which war, bound nil kalomkeir, or painted bandkorcliicl, resenting a whole pntorre of (lowers, in loose curls upon her shoulders and dow ONr DEipEajtHEUt 2d, 18(39.'j J5,£j > ^-rr-Tri-TTBOTi^-f -xj--s»MV»4-F^rTrr-.-'nrretxcr<Y-»->-"r~r*'^MTij«T»3Ug^^ ■Ml { lW SeiM^ !rt» Sts jail** OmliHiryiMil ■ Hats, <JiBa.awl-StrJVW.,Goods, »7»W. Ilflltlmoro Stroot^ „- Juno 1 in<uat<«iwtw i T -ii -- -— WholcwLl. SMSWn 1 "*** VhllSIWi' OlS*. *H). —■- “TFii.tTH"-*- Bfc•" xfT M»y>7-iy. • siutoconccnl; tUei, anil clonk,-she . anil elegance-* could equal,' No jvoml sigh for l’aradiso, win'll the cn to- bepoopledw ilh shell" Miiqo'6 y&li to CbHtU&i law nulliorizing llio Governor of‘Georgia I'l-ruor bus tlio authority to dot his runbOongroRS cau nritllirndil: thorltv nor ilimbilsli It. '‘T^nb Utw»ott^.sRfo««Si!ronottr}i cdntrol.of'Congress, in AnYtcbJicct «4i ul nfl ’ - TVltrii^Uiilifful (olk«w)i!1 ill mniicrs a ft, :.VMW<o-' k»UY..« A CoIiiiuiL.of lltnfrosllo I.1K1K rrom the Nun Miiti'Iimir loirlliivniil, » - v The following startling ramor, concern* log tlio snn’ii atmosphere and what sclcn- tllle (IknfirofilHjt Is ”ohig;to,('to witjiou.r earth", wo .fliiil gojug tlio rqiinds 6f our ex changes, without credit, 7 Vugivo it to out; minium for what It Isworth,' rentitikihg that if wllht IsUhcrejtf (figitijincd 1» true, tiny ni.ij look rail f.'i -lire works," some dayeJotyoVy Cw distant, on a grand scalot Thcsun’satmosiilirre^aypifintillelnen, 1b In-a-lilghly excited coriilitlmi. TT Col- uninnfinii':nctlcliql|Os8lioolingoulfnrth- aird nirlhck front tiro solnr' Spuorp, anil litftg onPfortf-Ilvo ihlllldiis'of h6v words, it' has accomplish-' ” ‘ ’ ' ua. mnl the. nnd Nowsmnn, roooHos, PHortnCo; BOt.flawfiic'aaV'* S* «n»gij*A«oij ojosialo Groco^i,!,. 7 'TsMliants, amt Dcalora lAtMKUnrM onU-i>i J5wa«a etreat, ^ » 11 * VF3 * r rffw G uns, Pirttola, Cartr: Opposlto Tlbtw IIo^ftQr Hamilton 8troot, * Now Miles mmlo to or.lcr, and all rcpalrlni? *:. do ; iTJ. co en.&. Commission MKHCnANTH, (ward FW#ll?il Btroota, botwoon nbura jjMj JJrjuj atrocts,^ Orders solicited. i llALTIMOltE. course, i *lw» ki*w mwmlHii:; too, * axmmmii-!?** ,.A«M»miie«HUn#Ulw|roye, »- A\nd lmd one more good grin beWru * ' * rrofi* t ... My Inn I nought In saddened mood, And with foolbtgflor regret} ^ ! TUp«wPrtO|iy ) iiyus , ftilt iituuml, 1 never could forguU And Alfo1itid»i*1Sri-'d, VAlIrfO irt liund, • 1 imuHe<l—l can’t fell wh^ : , iri ,. x lie fore a mirror oir a stand, X ««e. C r> 11% sro' I My cravat was turned lull/ round or more, And sbookod MrSWw-1 . Tlmt my*iaitTvaa.l>o<by jntninod before, And tltoTlnTA^WKWl t(^1)AUlnd l • TirrtiVti'no yi v^i Ayftuv.Wouabt,. • s 18wore along tno stairs, : pvu. t^i9Eh> V9k««wt«) earnhi;« -*t,m A nnppiog in tho oars, rtH iMSilti Mist .fNntokiibockor;) -4tT Mh ttlne Cvfra^. VjrtllJ - TV *. ThcConalit«Uouall»t,Ihvlewofthoprou- nlilquiiUliulog. oft matt* radfilJoOrgla-and (the consequent certainty that a day pf ro- trihutlon will kTirely comu^ gives' tlio fol- lewyng^ltaeeutnelij' > «fy»i«w»T ' Pcndingthisjlqypfn,'trihullon,wpcoun- bbTour pieplc lo avoiil'all deeds of violcneo ivml rather neck to thwart their enemies ■by acts of wisdom, manifestations of supo- MMhMgiilsywitl coming tbojiSSIttiwfiji „ ns if wo w«ro a eiganlio lump of coal ftfra' f ’ T roaring fttrnacSr. Tills column of light at •T . i • Intcrvalstodfcitasil - • - • • nfojts cli'ccts tlmt two ytMiidmi, tlioyitlii jmd 'neither.' tho cSpciTchco<nf cncli other, supposed the dark glnss of Hiefr 1 telescopes hod, been broken or.-pht out of so stroiig wns tlio Jlnoli of .golden' Mill the vislnm JtisprodiiUcl tljat lioforo tlm ond of next year this magnotio light will liivve got near enough to Us to make Us Immediate and actual IntlUcnco folt. It is announced that in consequence iWo may eximct to see nhoiiomona tlmt hnro npvgr boon soon or Known before by tho liuinnn race. If any of our renders -nro llicreforo -yotidisiioBcd. to compinln of the weather ami tho cnrUiquakos, lot tbom ro- mcmlicr that, by this lime next year, they may hare an entire now lino of experiences tooxplaiu and onduro, Incompartsoilwilh- arhteli tho lllful -winter and rough, nulo autumn of io-day, may soom like a Juno morning in paradise; and tho earthquake’#' Hto :;i'iils«ul IK«nrt< jfpw dpjffy , llow-nh tl'oOTuH/ttl lirtCff^ \ W ^ - won\ <»f k'tddUv^i* fi\Hs|Wi ^ THcnlbdl8l*plngtcdivtlrop culls f"**? _ • Olvlf-thoy kftew who wftlk'Atl tliu t*nvth f ^’"dursdfVrtw, 1 griff nild pitln -*• FT\V tfti'l’f- klmnu'ns •. **^r»er« rJftAdbjo ngdftfr'^ # T1 ' " i >i and the pi*or<-bt may * .y|b0 pimple pUt^j»C''glyo,« V w , And J«Ul delight to wl^Uoivd lu-iU tb) V-a ' ■.rtclmn > ng»tb« uud ’ ’ I*! ' il luvrlu- lost.’ If maids unkimjto nmn- O.r, )YlJ4t ibo hcavet> tbut waits beyond, itfti apqfr ? Asatars rtport tflp v * In m|m!c gl* ■. Sawordsofi -viDlviltAtl . Tlmt broatln | d .Viui it ahan bi /. “Atid swectcrt e- A IIIjt Iljirrol. or Nniitll I’AcIutiCoNs §iplth* of tho Curtersvillo Express, grows' ‘very happy In bis Inst [salio over ft. “Chrlst- nja's present” liv tIig.BliapoToi^)lloij{ kip 1 fulTof go()(l\Uing8, one ‘oriUopart^rsvjlljBJiicrcbilnts, the contotittf .of wjiloh ho enuhilrates “lluisly;” ‘•The liivt thin gtluil cauglitourcyowas Out It fihjf.busqet of (lutn Jinga Turnips, o finest wo cvyr .saw;. then como about a ok of Apples and Oranges, followed h -fan' each of l’lnc-applcb, Peaelies, rawhereips. Toniatlocs. Salmon, I^oh- pip niiilStraivlicrry ion .Ham, .togcllicr r, both ci usliud and diock and tits lightning’s' storm a placid rocklugln tin; craillo. with, a pleasant lul laby of thunder. . jVilh pacl refined, C , butter, Crackers ' Jlaco, Nut lxnpon, Sodi l’enchcs and ing.Tdatclics, SAS»4 Smoking ijfipC That Jlour harrol, brother Smith, must cartaialyibd one of /1113c dimensions, or clso tlio packages it coulaincd were exceed, ingly small. Ilow.wnji Jt, neighbor? Ors, Extract arch,- Jiiusins,'- Dried q.OnhJusV Roap,IilAok- llC's J ,*Veqetable Candy, Slickers, Ha nd Chestnuts, ceps, itc., A'c. :lv created tbp ofllcors bold by I xs-not Georgia aStatoV If nntpwlial Is site? Imye hot lier'RefBvSscntntiycs been admitted into the House of Representatives nnd have tlicy not voteii tliere ns tlicicp* resentathTs dr a Jtate? '^V'gsbbtfWir clod; toral vote .for l’resluent and Vivo l’resl- ilonticounted; uvtl|4UMnntoi ^’WJiOti'^IVt lias tiius teenfbrwia-^d-omeililly W- jtktroijJi.Sini^tiscJgiiizedas mbtaui-. by Wo. Utonmiul Mo’nsen lUtrrtcd—Tno : n,.niiWiT.iveai.o.t. . . A recent foftriul'.lUmi of news from tlio Sa»"#i&Mni« turf moof which lmd been smouldWilg ‘.rptqgo- I nit into n-suivof llameo, wbleh-si M tlie nearest 'henso about 11 o’clock in tho forenoon, tlielico speSadihg quickly over tlm whole city. At 8 o’clock in the ovening 1,800 liouses (mostly wooden, but thirty-live of great siso), six ch'urohos, two eloifiters,; all.tlio stores oudLun. im- mcruW'miomit of gfitld (nbout’f.oOO.OoO pounds) were destroyed. Tlio fearful rap idity willi'-wliicil tho -fkinies"Bl*iul pre vented tlio people in nearly oYHy case front-pressrvhigi thflld goods.*'aver Kill corpses were fotitfiiliHrti'rpd in the slreets, anil ns mahy more are said to luvyc heel iutho waw, .ffiagaaga. yntir.n ii'ii. him- ^^Rlmreln kjf Halton, Gcorglu. Ilnnilsnmo sthotf ofiim o Jow'dry, for rallies nii stmaicAi. nBtice. mist h of Dal ton timlHurroumllng country. Bpo- ciitl attention given to all , oaicc, (luring t lio day, corner of King it l ont r. streiils, mill Uliflit 111 rpsliloncoQU Thornton Avenue, formerly occupied by-ilt.u? II. King. A.AV. Hiving*, i rot yj.ft.llfftnga, \ January 8-ly. pa.u.».WiH^ im8mtD „ TM , Iiisnranrc ftJid Land Agent. aji Lifoniid Flee Jnsurnncp Com* ......., ^JonVvtfoimntl Jainen Hlvor . . niiu Insurance Compitnlr*, of > a., * .. Knt 1’i niiHi', Cincinnati, and ' - ' l’utlmmr, Hartford. ALSCJ. OENEItAL LAND AGENT itoganvlwMivwho ««trnt(rtNlHvl»tftlirthfc tdllrm. M-mefor* to Col. OB, Wolborn, Atlanta: ami Col. W, n. Tlblm, Lowry A.Nauonr-H^n. AVjilkcr and C«l. J. A. 11. Uankn, Dalton, Ga. Vlamtary 0-13m. ^ ■wiioiosiiio soiotwner, mm■wdnrmbiiBwnyr "*•' * w .^.VWSS «*.f*« <WWH;'' Ilouyo ofROGEIlB, *"A*\ , riti'i' in tlio ^uiton**§?)Cctatoiv in a,Iiing. article, ti'l'is.tjio“WmajUii;.legejid ortnovlrgiiiia Trinccss, nnd disiwts tho itlusiio»»bqnl»miui&nt^e>^i^Abp siio is sailrtonmfo'liail, “ |lj g^osTicr history, and especially; an ^account of lior visit to Eiigllnd; and speaks of hor: ns “the na- ke^ llttie savage whp played. ciu'lwlioels.V He- contends tlmt nll'yf our hJCns abotlt, piety, anoSfltfto gentle blomV of; th^Hiuidolphs is qnito a‘ mtslake; that tho first Randolph was a carpenter. To tlio descendants of tho Randolphs nnd tlipso 'clnlnling tlio. blood of rbcnlioni&s tlie articlo will pcrlmps prove interesting. Iloltlcn MnxIniN. ; Pay your delite sooitasyounbUiernan- SiH!ak your mind when t^eccMary. *• ^ Ilold your tongue wllcu prudent. ' - Sbeitk toajviond iff d Bccdy coat.- - r -- •It you cftu’Wcml a man monoy, teJMrim ? * |. 'Aim at Comfort and propriety ,°!il»kripvBcdgo'j'gii6»a‘nco aijdon’i pro- iiiffltot)WtbdSifoil ImVcu’tOTt.:. C 71 * ErfttHaui yourfrlengs, butnovor beyond youwSicans.w. .Tivof ' for stealing a-co.w, ’ watoli. r 1 “UiillOvltikovwUatm’qlijplfieltiU said tlie cow- stealer • to tliO^Khcr.- * “And sure, Pat, I imvcn’l { licco Imndy, liut X think it is - ng tlnjo.’J yvolllil.'lit. ArCcpli ' Itiva urchin um otlicr-dnj ga Icssoitfrom tho serine if, broko out: prospeef'limy appi'iir, coutimiq'to culti vate tlioSo'lmliits of ludustry wnlcn hiivo iwiKI land forlwartOB with the ncgro'pMiuhlioii. it is no r» nirOTiotoj pcopfe tlmt Uteso troubles lucnaco us! Rmlntltho'ugii tlioy will be rngerly sopglit for ns tools nnd in- striimcntHtp.woi'kqiilRiiUock’slittIcganiq. tlioy mb not atiiaiiliJ(5o4xl|.hUtliti>nmiP, to glvo him any encouragement, anil, with n or treatment omonr part, tlioy will, 10 contrary, liclp hammer him nnd Ills scheme to pjcpe% . it would ixi iinmeasnr- nblo folly to net oUirrwisy, nnd wo feel as sured that those nislibsed to rashness in jif indeed there nro' nny such, must be promptly taken in band by the inllucntial men of ever^wg^ovjiopd^aud kept in a state of ropiTSstoii. ^TTmnkGbdl wo have our briidit aRy Icffcamk our- incomparable lsoil. Kaaicaiism cannot take tlicse nway (absolutely, nlthonph It wfay make the ono look dipt, lwrehanpo, or cau6Q.tbo other,to onrbtil-iUi proditot, ftutmflot*all the vittls of wrath shall have been poured out, wo will yet remain invlueiblo, and we may still grow rich, powerful and happy. I'ltVf rcn*ii ( Etiquette. Always say ‘yes, 1 'si^ ‘no sir, 1 . ‘thank j’ffuvVgood night,’ ,nod iriornirt»i. r uso tio slang terms.*— Clean faces, clean cloijies, clean hoes aud ♦clean llngorritails, indicate good broediug. ; Never leave youf .dilUV*a jihout tho room. Have a pRleo’iw ailtl every thing in its place. «¥ ^ y lLui4id'< > iLai4 a t> n ““ ’ —- leffnWfni .imMk Always oiler your scat to a Indy or old gentleman. v% —* Never put your foot on cushlom WQQRvU /khln*-Am((iiig or writing, nor rend’ob talk aloud wliilo public plucost *anil-c»yccially in a privntu room where nny ohms sinking or plhytdg thapbrno. Bo careftil to IhiUfft nmonC's-foellfigs by mikimljmtulis v .Novpy 4 tidl taiqp,; make faces, calrndmes, rulrciuo the lium-, mim ic Ihc uiif’jrtnim.le, oor,|)Ctcfuci'to bisects,' birds or aninmls^ ■ Itoiilovaf or Disabilities.. Tho idllmvmgis tlio bill for tho removal of disnliililics which has been Introduced by Mr.*StSYcMOff,'of J Omo,'tti tho llouso of'Cdilgresk, an'ij tvhldi some of ourootem- porjrlcs" tonn-tho“brlhoryand eorruptloh jblll,” iVtftle not altogether lnajipllCaiilB of jh it’ omu'IAk- iVe., jwo-Ui I rd s of cacli Ronso cMlftftjln}; ihctpiii,* ThnldpotUlu: , fatindatlon oTtliu proposed Eiiloontli At. ticleof Amendmont tii the Constitution of the United States hj tlio Lcglslpturcs o | lhn'e-fiHTfBsrtf**hO Stnfcs.-all 1ogal“ani shall, by who, durlu crqslty or ivur held or ofi'etl inor to-nny person cmintcimiieqil'tfie ns hnmXIncoin:’* * nficr as such, •*, abetted or of Abro- [glmni iWhirtod^’Bik ! hl preach ’’ ^ 4 J B abpgetanytlijng f°ybfe^i£an't they im**!"®*’' ^--itaoMiimhe refuseditirTirCiicIi poll " " njitivd 15m a good’ would not aijccj't! t ■ 'oa'cnrs.— They^camp to Ompba lnabpdyjmid.tber i separated on different roittee running ea., nud south. Somo fifty piissed' ovor the Chii-.igo, Rock Island nud Ppdfle Railroad ij to Cliicago, Ciiuiiimati,- i^ii llnilol ,d other poiiiU) Eait. ' laby ■ ‘ IKaw nro StionlilXlva, * * ''-*f Evcrylxxly should live on tlie sunny sido Pf their houses ns much ns possible, nncl allow tho sun’s gonial rnystopouctrnto tho rooms. Darkened parlors arc fashionable ovils. True, it is tloomy enough to bo nsbcrodintontoinb-ltko apartinont, where one can scarcely gropo his way to a scat; and to discover, when his eyes customod to tho diin light, that every chair and sofa has on its linen "duster,” appa rently equipped for traveling to somo un known laud. But ladles mnst havo their carpets kept bright and fresh, ovon lf their dioeks nre paler for Itl And so tho shut- tors nro tightly dosed, and the hoayy cur-' tains drawn. But for tho snkoof health nnd beauty! 'ladies, lot this bo dono only in tho ’’best parlors,” if It must bo dono at xpoct her send out , rilllant blossoms, unless sire placed thorn ntn window where tlidkunsliino would In vigorate them. Na.inoro'Bhould Bhoex pect hor children to'show fresh, rosy com plexions, or to ilovelojrgenlal dispositions, unless they live in light, Bunny, airy rooms. —Bxchawjt. • » - Tito Mobile Woolciy XtcfflNier. Tho Mobile Weekly Register, tho oldest Democratic paper in the South, is said to luivc readied a larger circulation than was over attained by any .JourhKl South of Ma son nnd Dixon’s lino. It is full of iutor- cstlug varied matter, having nn.nble.Ag- rlculturai DiipartiiKut, presided over by tlio veteran Editor and sneyessfid Agricul turist, lion. C. ~C. Langdou. ItsGoneral lUtorhiure, rootdy, ktorics, &e., niako it highly acceptable to’tho ladies. Tlio coming year will open with a now continued story, of iloop Interest, by quo of tlio jnost disthiguloliod writers of tlio day. The price was recoully reduced to ?lt,00 per year, which, for so largo a [m per, (ia pages,) is extromdy cheap. ,—.)*.* , AilvertlHlne. There are many who tliilik that adver tising doesn’t pay. For tlio information qrsuch, wg give tho oxpef iouedof thu most succcpsftil business men within ourknowl- “ffltliout ndvcAiscmonts, I would bo n poor limit lo-dny.”—II. T. llcniliohj. "My success Is owing to my llbbrnlity in advertising.’”—Jkmuor. "Advertising lias flirnlshctl mo with a coinjictcnto. Amos Baivrenco. "I advertised riiy productions nud mado money.”—Nichols Longsworth. “Constant nud persistent advertising is njiveludo to wenltli. ’’—Stephen Girard. “JI6 Who invests m dollar in'business should Invest onb -dhllnr in advertising tlmt business.!’-^.. T. Stewart. Tho IlcllMon Why. Thp JETnilqil States may blustor, hut a foreign war wltM A first class power Is by no means desirable. The Secretary of the Navy tolls tho reason why. Ills report shows that, out of forty-six iron-elndsaml monitors, lllirtj-two ; Jiavo been condemn ed android. Ilo likowiso.atinonncos that many other vessobi are outiroly tmsuited for naval purposes. So, not ohly lmvo tho Radicals destroyed tlio merchant 'marine of Vfio country, but, in spito.of many niil- lions spent, they have not nrincd ships ouough to protect the const,' iiicitscrof a . fight with I'ranee or England. m . Thai KHonccii Him. ■" A married Kontlcmnu every time be met tho.(qyi,cr bf bis wife cdinplniheil to him oT the ugly tcifipcr and disposition of his daughter; At last, upon one Occasion, be coming weary of tho. grumblings of his aoo-iiyluw, tint old. gontlommi oxoklmeilj UVOu ore right; sho is an imnprtluoul' J»do,-nmHf 'I-henr .rtny'morffjafjnpUilnts Tin vs. llnllnck—'l lirco Cheers for Tlft l The Washington correspondent of the MacbiiTclcgrapli’an'd.Mcsauuger.'.wriUhg on tho llth'instaritt gives"aii account ofa must intcivsling meeting between Con gressman Tilt nnd nndGovbrnor Bullock, before tho Synato JudicjrijjqgoinmiUuo.— It isejcellcnt.rcaitin^, so' wb extract It for the benefit of our subscribers: t -1 ww»t Tlio Senate Judiciary Committee bad a meeting yesterday afternoon, to consider Georgia mailers, at wliieh (ioverimr Bul lock was present in behalf of the late ne gro mombors of lie MmM of iimt Stato, and lion. J. Nelson Tift oil the part of the iwoplo of Georgia. Bullock insisted that Georgia n still a unreconstructed in sentiment an'during, tho Into war, and-that thu only way in which slio can bo brought in an feieipubiS condition of loyalty is by tlio passage ofa hill requiring her Legislature to reseat tho nogro members, nml the application of the test oatli to Democratic members of tlio Legislature mnl of Congres’s. n■ “ " Mr. Tift quietly listened tq the harangue of tho great reconstruetor.'wUli exemplar II II rtiUtoo- i fit On ml ill It’s. A rortmi kahle ninn hsn lieen rtldnovoVed In the person of Thomas B. Btyah, of fHl- Bogn nullity, Tlllimis. He wns'n cnlidt- dnto fin' delegate to-lhe OnristltiiHoiml Cnnvenllnnlii HJff Stale,'and was award ed tlm certificate of election. - Blithe has rcfiiswl to norO|K It, saying his opponent was fairly eli'i'ti'd, and that the Informali ties which led tn therejeeHiei nf a number of voted (br (hat gentleman do not alter tlm fact that he was really the ehhlee.'ofk majority of- tho penplo. This stralglit' ftirwarii honesty Is so limisal In these ras cally Bndienl limes, thn'l wo would'n«t hosHnte to bet our Inst dollar that that 5 * mail is an oM-iirs'ifom i7 lemoerriti “ ‘to" i^i PMi Ua8totoMllMM#^m* J ■). A ’loml Sugyoallnu, ^aj*OV atod by so|ue of our eqtomBora- cuuiiiiil too til representative ilmU repair to Wanliingtonaud appeal to (lie jiieUee nml mugnannty of the Radlcai*' Congress to' refuse" iSullock's requests to mayo tho State leuinnded to military rule. ^ - ‘"i^8 *J V -Jt* Not I’lllufkll. +rt*t. "Denr mel" exclaimed Htiggins, “that new surgeon gave .Sqaulam’s hoy a now liufr.nn the elllld’s owu ehcck! What a painful must liavo bccul ,, "I’Vo had a pnir of lips taken from my .cheek more than once," replied Mrs. Stig- glns, “and It wasn’t a painful operation at ■ -||‘ -Til ll ftn * 1 . Tlie nonsuit. Thd Radicals in Congress liavo necer- tained liy a close count that only ono Stato is lacking to complete tho work of secur ing the mtillcntlmi of the odious and de grading Fifteenth Amendment, and|umco tlie reason of tlie terrible energy jUst now going oil nt Washington by Radical Con gressmen to re-recrtiislrnetGcdrgln. They are determined toqiirsccutb .and humiliate our people as much os possible for no oth- owrdtson thaivheean8o.'of-'tholr''p«trlotle devotion and nilherpmvi tn ConstliiltloriKf principles, wml nothing will satisfy them until Georgia Is thoroughly lladlcallseifj ,, (. -■ «nfi,Mmssiwr. 'b" s ..S’ Aii i lwitridfil' Inihntls said tw-.lMqy iw. eently d'od-.ln fc’rmww. Fibshcawf ll^n pmenodMl frmirlls bortv. and aohotoMM approarh its ofralln ivltlmut ■ wqwnsiHUil; ashoeli. WhentedlOitihsftirHIWHiditon ed all over the room.iaapiHttotowtotto excel lent msiUiiin-di that cMid. J> • rpiieajTIi s^**' " ' apjidhrii M lie fmhVifluim inmc A^^bnjraa j^uiiuo^i^mjmlw^i^t^,, - »-■* HMUM. a ‘-’.jtm Mi. liui'liiigamehasNeets«totol>|)iMi tbst UieCliini'se-A umrloott'tiMty Ms taw rntilli d by Uw IVhiirgwveniraeitt, out M attestyiteqn}- .dispatched by tpaoM nas- seuger to Washiugtnni •.i '■... w v *’ - A wniJjd-mJ/' ■■■• 1 A washlrtgtori date of the f*fh' i»ys: “Senator Drake-Kha prepared a sixkxiF nmn spoech, which In’will ileflvor In tlW liennto to-morrowyon his liiH to abollstr tho appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme' Court In all eases Involving tlio constRUr' ttonallty of tho laws of Congroso. ti ls very Radical in its tone, nnd evon goes so far ns to declare that the court should not be allowed to declare on the legal-tender Tlio l’l-encu Cable. * . A member of Congress, prjio, while lit Europe.ltist summer, luvestigntdil tlie sub ject of .tlio French telegraphic cable, 'says the French governipfUk has. tho right to scrutinize all dl.ipatchi!i scut by that line, even’tho telegrams'from and to our’ gov- cmnnint? Iili|iortuiit lo who Null “Dlttora.” . jjj jy S3CS80 J fo* McMiuu My’Temiessec, gives:notice that all ’opittcrsorniiy; 'fliltalnj o large ' (ire llabio to pay, tfx. Thlaisiiinn- nco wl tha'dccUion of thd Comniis- jsioner of InMMIlM^uie.. Druggists and others selling ‘.‘bitters” will lmvo to procurb'licenso*l6'rctailllquof,‘‘' * ’** „ J.,.Cost of tho - •- rrr The report of Commissioner Wells, -to ry pnllenco, nnd wh&i he bail coneluited: quietly gave tho' brief history of Mr. Bullock; front tile time ho began llio ns a telegraphic operator d owi to tho present tlmoT flu said tlm Stilt would nnvo ratified ment hail not Bull, parly not to do. s also lmvo been reseated 'i tho Supremo Court of tho Stnte, , m ,., Bullock refused to call the Jx'gishturc gethorfor eight months, Tii edly urged to do so. His ol Congress to deliver tho Sti\to before tho m Inltira'ncxt month. Mr. Tift, also Bullock had robbed the. State Treasury, over {*100,000, nnd tlmt ho was a trailin', a liar and Hilof, omplmrizing his words by snapping bis fingers in Bullock’s face.— Tho-commlttco llstoncd ngano while liu «lioko, nnd wlion lie pot throton they knojf more than they carcdto. They, however, dismissed tho contestants with a promise to consider what hail been said-on both sides. ' ' Hereditary Nobility. A gentleman expatlatod on tho nnd propriety of an itcrcditary n “It is, but right,” said he, “lq order lmifdilown to postorltythovlr men wild havo beeit-cmlnont viec&to the country,- tlmt their 8hoifiil.cqjny tliohonbreaotdhnte ns a reward for Suolnioryhlbaf m "UytHp snmo rule,” said nladyi'fifi aman ishaMb uil for his mlsdcods, all his posterity should bo hanged too.”-- • • ' Ktnio mxtiii. • >r y; Stato Rights.ooem likely to'eomo up in Kontucky ouccf'moro,'bml In n'Silmpo Id which It will bo hard to gotqthcni (jilt of tho way without goingucar to tpodi that thoro nro no States'.. It ina quuUon oftnxatlou. Tho power to lay taxes is tlio firs t necessity Of tomato ment; that is Its ipi)st vlL'vl"funcUQin v and one in mustlxi absolutely free.—* This general prlnOlpl.riB'nfl doubt l|io ba sis of tho decision JSjt grycn Ih Lolilavillo; that it Is unconstjuitiniuil for Cougccss to dcelnro that States Slmll uot-texloertalii kinds of property^ g)' Ugitod States bonds.. ' llo ain't AclorgvmnnwiU a subscription braid ref somo charitable object outof a ciooo-Uotpd parishioner,win attempted to oxuqsp bitiisylf on file groiliu flint lie nfready Owed n great dealof inoh ey. "Hut,” sahVtlio imnlstcr,'"yen gwo God a larger debt than ypa do any oilll clso.”- “Tlmt is toopartan; but then Ito ain’t pushing mo Uke-tho balauoe ofjny creditors.”- ■ i' »T mm — Ouo Hiraltrcil nqi F.uonull. Tlioro'woi'aspmo’fatliorqntRr'fiiTicoe^.J Inga gt the session of llio IVonmn'seNa- tlonni Snfilrngo^Amociatlou IreNew York Oil tho sill. /ThoSpceclics of several of kllio Indy speakers wepe so buoaib and-So ardently in-ihvor of ‘SfrojrtoynV that-the '.modest part of the nudlcnco, tho 'jVoMi say?, riiadea’sUtJllpfgo rrom-Uiolimll.** Miss Norton thought a wqninn was bot- tqi' off with six 1nfiiJ)anils than withonp sj!p- Could not love, and Dr. Ilottr de nounced marriage as a crime. ho submitted jo Congress in a few days, places tlio cost of-the war, down to Juno. 30,1800,'ntovertfl,171,014,m Tliisviist amount includes tlie war cxjictisc anil ex penses groiving pgkaf-jlipjware. To jdi(s lie ndd.s estimnlcd losses, and State, coun ty, ami town expenses, nnd foots the wiioiq n.t tlio enormous amount of nine thousuud mjiilouiofaoi!ars, > ’,.. 40^ si . l.-o'itcrnl .Vimiputy. CV ‘.: Tho Washington correspondent of tho Ginclnniti Enquirer says Congress'will uafionbtodly vote for gcncralnmncsty un- dorr tlio fourteenth amendment. •'Evctl Bcn. -Butler doolnred Monday, os chair man of tho Reconstruction Committee, tlmt they would bring in a gonorai pardon ing bill just ns soon as more important matters ponding in tho committee were disposed -of. Senator Ferry says his bill for repealing-the tost oaths nnd providing amnesty will go through the Senate wlth- Out matorlaljgjBBjjtBr^v urtfrto ■ai*rfri»'i^cr7 UIU. .« Ho. qiktoff^H* > W*rWrrfM* l .'' ; "" lias figured A bloody murder Occurred at pulling dii Fronklia' coufity^ A: ;yiM<naSgSNo£grT—-,r ll >8if.Mffk. who diacuity ocourr^.j^r f nmdo no # moro tulip- TffubaS»ls« aqd Thomas Uiist.- jjio latter nccosnig the former of speaking disrespectfully <Ca lady, lykich'Enbinka ' ''’epiplmtically doplea. “ Ul^t/ilrSwa knife anil commenced stab]ung inm,'atia a'mini named GuU|prd.Ii«gan .beating him over tliO hoa4 with a revolver. Eubanks stdrt- •eil Jo -run, -but was shot ■ by GnFlford and' killed.'- Onllfdfd was cnptufcig'but Idlest Ss ttrtl at largo. L A Ifomcdy. ■■Reniedy for ctinccr, tettcr pnii other skin diseases. Toko" the yolk'of an egg, put In salt as long as It WU1 mix and stir well to- ircther: then spread on Ono linen arid ap ply twice a day to tho part affected. It Hi»N Loaded* ,, An Indiana nmn uf an inquiring tum of mind, put ono ond of a gun-barrel into iW fire, nnd looked down the mu/.z|o to usd whether it was loaded, A coroner’s'jury decided that his suspicion was correct. Another KiitlfMul Projoet* Tho Tusk;doom Obsorver *;vjrs thdt m Northorn coiniMiny, having amplo fridm^ nre cmlcavonug to got n char ter fcriMwIfJ road lo cnnnecl Kastport, oh tho Tunir' sco river* 'With Northjwrt, mi the WWr- rioif. i n tiT Net nlCdidf... “ ^ ’ U is proposed to s*.nd tho HnUorkiafv poinUxl JluIffrs on to-’WaShih^hrt toajte ivictJJuMbWtdoNainfer: ThtsishefAW jidoa; and notnilig if they {meet ^liy'qucslion''like \tiyr~* T ' ‘ should thsy gd thcto and sh in fcll fils hfdopUBnefi^J wo fiaVo nol< it would haS'o a (bathers wolght witl Kndieals in Congress; for It now i that thoy nre bent on perpetrating a gtent wrong npoh Georgia. Iron Factory <>t Opel Ik it, AIslNHM, - A party of enUu-prisiuggentloraeafro» T*co county luivo bp ugh tt be “Savaunah Warehouse” at Ojipiika,,Ala., with aU the projHirty beluugiug to tho same, and inteud urccLingau extensive iron foundry. ^TTruo, If not IMvimatif. In oii(* oMiis Into letters to the Cincfna- ti Coinmerbial, Don Piatt very pointedly reminds the readers of that journal that “the cheapest, philanthropy is (hat which' frees somebody efsc’s nigger. Ilad 'thesq slaves boloiigcd to ns, instead of tho South; is there any ono simple cnorigh to believe that wo woulflTpivc had a war of*enuuicI- pation? Not much. ’» ^ Mtafll For U. v ‘*mm a -rljljo voto of tho counties of West Flori da, qu tlio question of annexing that sec? tiou of the SUito tu Alabama, is olllciaHy aunounood. ns .follows: . Eor unuoxatiiNi UQ2, against 0G1. ^ «u« f Troop. Co lie Nont 18 Irolnnd. The English Cabinet linvobccti engngwl in discussing tlie Htnte of ailhini in Ire- liuiii. They lmvo resolved to proclaim Tipperary ■ and parts of Ulster county In a state of insurrection; nnd scnd OjOOO more troops lo Ireland immciliatcly. As soon (is Vnrliaments meets a bill'will bfi introdufed cmpowerinVtho Government to suspend tlio hnhcaicorpus not whenever it miiy_ think best. *'■ - of the aninlnls that ho says entered -Noab’s Ark, ami tlie ■OTT WAfWfrj ; and lie finds ACk-wa-i four miles long, half mile wide, and ml high as a tall tree. Mifi . tollilI'lll Atoilc li.v iii ;'•**»»* ikimoyoung women of Lewistown, formed-n souiely', pledging ils moinbers liotto kiss any man who uses tobacco, but tho organization grief by a reso ; ‘ iimuiiiriously; at^jlio^lhlrii fti^ffjKomber lxs nt liberty liu exception in favor pf somo ol tbdr.patticular mulo friends'. -- -True. -Wnoovoftis .wise is apt <to eusiieet nnd bodU1ldeutof4llm»elf( nild. uiion tlmt no' count Is -'willing to Uhearkcn smto qohn- ■solt" .whereas tho foolish man 'liolng Iff uroportion of his folly frill of hlmsolfiind swallowed up ill conceit,, will seldom lako nny connscl-lmt'lils own, nnd tlmt-for tl(o vory reason l.rfiuiso it is hls-own. “irer.l Took” lli.n’l Asri-i- with Timm. i»?lPSd.*°«r'tWtt while there -ivcm-cpniparntlvoly.moio whito soldicra on the slok lfet lut-.yoar : than there were •cbWhJiV-itofiltBrS’, tlitro lvero comimratlve- ly more deaths among tho colored soldiers,' nndgilso more -discliargcs on surgeons' ctefifiSat^b of disability. — e.uiento. -'--ilar sights growing lupus lino of pcacb- itreof^finicariyflfty miles iii longlh, around .Pototstaifg..Fa- voqil extending towards RiolilV(pu4,‘-TlW are growing from tho bfooStwo^a thfpwn up. by the Confc.dcr- atammy. Having eaten thp fruit wliilo on picket,liutjftliqy-cast. £ke seed, aside, anil uojv .tle-y.appfur In one continuous lino of lorty-fivo mUeoJn' beautifuUnyw, -which yielded att abundant crop tho pres ent yeai*.-——»— Y ” —»** _ * • , Dlvorco hy Wliolonala. . Tliruo hundred and twenty-one npplicn bns for diVbfco cmno before tlur Court or Common Flops’ for 'WddleMX ,yfin1g& Mass., -this-winter. The fair lnlarcoco ls that, iu tho-opinion of tho parties- them selves, Mnssacluuctts wives Mill husbands are not wortmaving. Tiiilnt (ho Clroulnllon mt-HtmUi 1 ^ W • . ConftiUlKloiiMl, ^5the Supreme Court, ou tho 13th,Chief ’Ju^licQ Cli^sc (b livoivda decisiou that the act of t^ongrefs taxing tho circulation of the Slate Gauks wiis coustitutiouaU Th? met that though the tax- may Ix^p rohibit- ory lit -Uj'cb.-uaoUiis does -not invalidate •the constitutionality of Die law. \’^ TIluy ' ; |T | .ut l<» l;rt’lli*rk | Tlio editor ufa qoutli OeSfgin |ia[ierhaii interviewefan intelligent giqitlunma from (lie IVc-’j IvIio'stuU ii that tliu Georgians liVArkansasiii'e generally dissatisfied, and Would return IT they eouid. IlMnU Robhrapy. and Wnnlcr. I.OTifi, Dec. 1).—An alteni|ii was miule yt sterday to rob the bank atGaiiaiin, Mo., ill which Mr. .Shoots,,the hanker, was •killed. ^Aimlhcr/pian, name imkiiowu, U said to be killed,mid (>ric of the robbers se verely' ’Wotthded. Tho particular* have not lH!oiuvcoivi>d,.rmt rumor says theirolfe bcrH .suceyi’^lcd jiu uhtaiqiutf )?0<h0u«. ^ r0 - l , fA^ph’VHicmn-bofisUng ai-diiiiierlhat h# curetl liis own llams, Ono of his guests rw* plied i^tWiniy*doctor, I would sooner btt your hfmi dmayonr pati.Mrt, 'u* - ? - ■' 'Sf' li,P Xu ' v siinipx. The I’dsI om jMprtmuU has made ilie Hulegthm of designs for a new.series of hg;!^ will Iks one-third ow ju use, or tlm bubo stamps, and eousisU entirely of profile busts. -Tlm series will ooinpriio heads of the following distinguished. Ai«§i* icans—i QCiit, 1'rauUmi 2 cent, Jackson; 5 cent, Washington; U ceut, Liucoln; 10 cent, Jctlersou; IS eouk, Clay; 1ft cent, \\ r eh.slcr; 24 cent, Scott; 510 cent, Hamil ton; 40 ccr.t v O. II; L’cray, Tlio Hondholdors Qnnklns. AtlantAfT)eccn11 >cr 10.—The holder* oPHoorgia S(ato bopds, issued since the wnr.’c^pres.vgjpat aiixicty and fear re- •aartiinyWro measures iM'fore OongroRs af- * fecting Gco.:gia ? s iDconstructionv Besides ,tbo. regu|j>f State bonds a largo umoun|. have been issued, granting State aid to railr.o.'ids, all of wliieh thoy fool woidd bb seriously nml dangerously n(footed by too' mucltOongreasional interference. I.uuij)^ I.lgiitod by Eleolrleiiy. k Tho public lamps In Independence Square, Philadelphia, lhstnight were light ed aud extinguished by electricity.