North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, February 10, 1870, Image 1

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DEMOCRATIC! IN X*OIJTIOS| PURE AND REAUTIEUU INUTER ATUREj AND X’ROGliKSSIVlfl IN SOUTHERN INTERESTS, WHITMAN & WRENCH. DALTON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10,1870. KIHCr.l,I.ANEOI»« CAItDtl. * Dalton, Uaorgta. ■ i. X. n. banks, foliU- n. a. mvinaa. i. a. w. jonn.on, b. j. m’oauy. JOUKSOS A DAW, Up Stair* in King Bulliltnpr, Dalton, On. Will nrnot-lcn In tlio oouct* of this circuit, and Iix tho U. 8. District Court nt Atlanta, mr-ly lVAUUHN, M. D., Fhynlclnn, Burgeon nnd Accoucheur, «2'pmco on King atroot, In tlio old Paxon Dalton, Go., Jan. 18-ly. yv A. WALKER, Ul ATTOBNKY AT "DAW, ang J&lng Btraotf' Dalton, On. ly* S .i'Kitcr auiinNu, ... ■ • Attornoy nt Law, Otllco: 2d Door, Upstairs In Ulonn Building, •op Dalton, GoorMit. Cm C1IA8. „ lor* hla prof fauna of Dalton and nurroundlng country.— Prompt and vigilant uttuntlon will l»o given to nil eases, Medical Surgical and Obatotrloal. on- triiHtod to Tils oaro. Oct. 14-ly. M 1 m a Don & nnOTliRiis, T O D A o o o COMMISSION MKltCUANTS, And Manufacturer* of Sugars, Aug-ly Whitehall street, AtlnnJ/i, Oa MEUICAN HOTEL, Alabama, 8tr., Atlanta, Ga ’ WntTR & Whitlock, Proprietor. W. D. Wiley, Glork. ' * _ llnggugu carried to and from Depot freo of cluirgot N ational TTOTT3L, Near Union Passenger Shed, Cliattanoogo, Tenn. A. L. MILLED, Proprietor. Hospitality, Comfort, Convenience and fccono- my combined In tho management. T W-ATKINS, • I . with ... ** BA DUETT A lllGtJlNS, Manufacturers and Jobber* of Hats, Caps ami Straw'Goods, »73 W. BalUmore Struct. pAUL JO.NB8, Jr., Wholesale donter In llramllcn, P'lnes, WliiNldsn, Gina, Ac. P«AOIITttKB STB., ATLAHTA, GA. May 27-ly. •plTNED & SMITH, Wholesale and Detail Dealers In Groceries and Provisions, Corner llrond and Howard Streets, (Pitnor’H Old Stand,) Julyl Domu, Gkouoia. XT OMIC AGAIN I” i-tr •T. V. RAWLINS, At his own House again. O II OXO u II o T K X. Broad Street, Home, Ga. Passengers taken to and from HotM'fr cliargd . Jl im?3 N.XKALON, HooUMelter. Mtatlonei And Dealer i:i Dry Good!*, Apr-ly Hamilton * M A MULL A. FAIN, . p , Q with C. D. SllnglutV & Son, WiaQloMule Ci«»*o<*c*rH, Produce CunBnl—lon Merchant* and Dealers GleimltiKN. 'Should auld acquaintance bo forgot?” Not If they lmvo monoy. During 1800, tho nmount of Internal rov- ornlo collected In New York city urns 830,- 000,003.88. tho olcctlon returns In Spatu show that tho people have declared against a mon archy. Christianity commands us to pass by 1,juries; policy, to lot them pass u8* Tho presont high price of buttor Is nt- trlhutnhla to tho uso of tho piano, instead of tho eliurn, among farmers’ daughter#. Tho .King of Portugal was recently Blnp- ped In the faco til n Spanish thoater by n lady whom ho had rudoly pushed. Thieves broko Into a Church at Auburn one night recently, and earrlod away tho empty contribution boxes.. Sherman says of Grant: “Brant always stood by mo when I was crasy, and I al ways stood by him when ho was drunk.** Tho prettiest girl In California rises ev ery morning at 0 o’clock, and milks Ihrco cows before breakfast. It Is supposed that Congress will pass a law that the people liaVo uo rights oxcopt just such ns Congress tu Its gonoroslty may bestow upon them. Nqw llnmpshlro farmers are sending all ovor tho country specimens of their granite, carefully packed In the centre of buttor kegs. A Canadian postmaster hnd a keg of damaged powder, mid throw a lump Into tho stove to soo whether it was good for anything. His widow Is now repairing the house. When Milton was'blind he was married ton shrew. Sonic one told him sho was a “I am no judge of colors,’’ said Milton, "and It may be so, for I fuel the thorns daily." Savon men were frozen dend between Pembina and Port Abercrombie, some days ngo. Tho thermometer was thirty live degrees below zero. Tho Norristown Register rejoices In a subscriber 02 years old who has taken the paper since 1801, and always paid for it In ndvnncc. -May bis tribe increasol Congressman Dawes declares the expen ditures of the first year of Grant’s ndmin- istrntion were forty-nine millions of dol lars, in excess of the last year of ,1 ohuson’s term. An expert negro girl of Augusta, Geor gia, went through a policmimii’s pocket while ho slept nod was rewarded wllti Toil# mouth's Imprisonment. A dandy swell in Now. York is In a fix, His limits wore made so tight for him that bo enuti get bis boots on, and if bo put’s tins boots on first, ho can’t get tho pauts nml Newsman, in WfiiHHuml Liquors, SI-North Howard Sir novUm*- Itnttlniorc. W. Hovr Guns,. Pistols, Cartridges, etc. Opposite l’iilba House, Untnllton struct. - Now Rifle* mafia to order, nml nil repairing done on »hort notice, and warranted, nxar-ly J. i r. lv ’'iTS ShTrSux, X ( Wholesale Groo9rs, Liquor & Commission MERCHANTS, 45 South Howard Howard Street*, betw Lombard and.Dratt Street*, BALTIMORE. Order*, solicited. maOin A VERY & FREEMAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, King 81 root, Dalton,Georgia. Will attend promptly to all Law Claim* la the Supreme Court ortho United Stijtc*; Claim*, and Kxeinftlvo Dojmr* nt* at Wiu*h- . tho Federal Court* for the Xorth- Dixtrlct of Georgia, and Bankrup • ... - - ing, D. C, orn Dlntr.-. AManta,(la,:In the Stale JOHN IIIGG1NH, Watchmaker and Jewel cr, Shop in Dr. Brown’* New Drug Store, ■’llaxdlHon Street, Dalton, Georgia. Ilhudsomo stribkof pure Jewelry, for I .miles and Gentlenti’u, wiiteheH, clock*, ete. Rupulr- iug uoatly and guliatauUally executed, Julyl. •JJKDICAL AN D SURGICAL NOTICE. D1"M. A- w. ItivInjrH Ac Son, Formerly of South Carolina, Tender their Professional services to tho citi zens of Dalton and surrounding country. Spe cial attention given to all chronic eases. Oillco, during tho day, corner of Klng.'fc Tent/, streets, and night at residence on Thornton Avenue, forme " ‘ x, “ * * *' A. W. Hiving*, J. C. Riving*, riy occupied by Mr. J. 11. King. January 3-1 y \1t. II. It. BROWN, D Kino Rtu., Dalton, Insurance and Land Agent Agent ft i Life *, Jell'orsoi J-'lru Insurance Comjn Exiterprlse, Clnefn Putnam, Hart t Janies^Hivi j-jhNTisi. DI) Ar otjehha Formerly of Kndx County, Tenn. Takes plonsuro In saying tlmt ho has perma nently louutcd In Dalton and nowotrura his ser- vice to the people ot this ami surrounding country. All work warranted. Terms cash. All diseases of tho toetli treated successfully, pay required. Artificial teeth Inserted » «ni.w i.i.ata r»f m,y wtiV preferred. *“3on, Dalton.Ga. ocly x the rubber basis, Qtllco wltli Dr.BtvingSitS ’OTICK— 1 Tho undersig ..... from his brother, his interest In the Livery, Feed anil Sale Stable, Crawford street Dalton, Ga., Whoro he will In* nleaapd to furnish to the public, at nil hours, No. 1 I!or»,'« nml Ni w Bug gies. I lmvo a commodious Ilueks also Vienna., February 2.—The Arch Du el tons Elizabeth of Austria has tied lo Anv erica, having embarked at Ilamburir. Rome, Fub, 8,—8iueo the assembling of the Ecumenical Council, seven of- its members have died and four have left the city. Gov. Recti, in bis message to IhcFloi Ida LegislsUUt'o, suysf “Tho condiltou of the capltol buildings and grounds is a disgrace to tho .State and a dishouor to republican government. llevels itUcrtds organizing a Congres sional minstrel trouj). He will preside at the “bones,'* Sumner ns the dignilied bas so who is always drawing “bones” out, Chandler as the lambourhiist, and Butler as the champion jig dancer. A large and enthusiastic,meeting was held in Lafayette Square, in New Orleans, the' other nigiit, at which a preamble and PcsdlUtioim were adopted in favor of the Executive of the Stale assuming control over local and minor issues. Washington, February 2.—Tho Senate Dually got through with the currency bill to-day. It gives the South forty-ilVe mil lions currency, by retiring three percent;, takes twenty liiilliotib more away from States having excess, hnd allows the re moval of old banks to sections which lack currency. Forty-throe pauper negroes died in At lanta last month. F. M. Longley retires from the AY cat Point Shield. The first iron building ever seen in Am erica was erected in Boston in 1842, Supcrintcmknt Blodgett is in Washing ton City, aud will probably be nbsont for a week or so. John il. Surratt received one Vote fur United States Senator In tho iointconven tion of tho Mississippi Legislature. Only six States—California, Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, New* Jersey, aud New York—have Democratic Governors. Columbus, O., January 81.—A resolu tion was introduced in the House to-day, the amending of the State con stitution so ns to permit women to vote. Georgia RerouKtriietlon. Georgia is now passing through the bard ordeal which visited Tennessee. Many of the professional assassins, peripatetic mountebanks, strolling mercenaries, cx- gamblcrs, pimps and deck-hands who tig ered in Tennessee, have reappeared lu Georgia, as distinguished persons. This blackleg is a “Judge.” That rounder is a “General. ’ ’ The other thug is an ‘ ‘Hon. ’ ’ So ou through the whole disgraceful cata logue of “loyal people.” Terry and Ids tribe arc of course no better; aud next we shall have a “loyal militia,” then loyal murders by tho 6core, then loyal plunder ings and conllngmtions. Finally perhaps Go Fool Whnt I Itnvo F«U. A young lady of New York h» tho lmlilt of writing on tho 9014001 of tomtrornnoo. llor writing* worofult or potho*, Am i oylnOoil *uoh (loop emotion of *oul, that a frloml uccttMcd her of being n umnliio on tbosnlOootof Intoxnpor- ixuooj whereupon who wrato tho following touehlngllnu*:— Go fool wlmt 1 lmvo felt, Go boar wlmt I lmvo boroo— Sink 'ncatU a blow ft futlxor dealt, And tbo oold world'* proud scorn | Then Buffer on fyom your to yciir— Thy solo rollof the soorohlng tear. Uoknool nsl imvo knelt, Implore, boaccob, and pray— • Strive the boanttod heart to molt, Tbo downward oourao to stay— Bo Unshed with blttor (mineushlo, Your pray or* burlosquod, your tears (Idled. Go woop ns I lmvo wopt O’or a loved fathor'* foil— 800 every promisod blessing swept— Youth'* HweetnoH* turned to gall t Life 1 * Aiding flower*strewed all the way That brought mo up to woman's day. Go soo wbftt I lmvo soon,. Behold the strong man bowod— With gnashing Veeth—Hpsbnthcd In blood— And oold and livid brow j Go culvli hi* withering glance, and soo There mlrrorod hi*soul's misery. Go to tby mother's stdo, And lxor erushefl bosom cheer | TUitiu own (loop anguish hide; Wljxo from lior cheek tho blttor tear t Mark lior worn fratno and withuml brow— The gray that streak* hur dark hair now, With fading fTanio ami tremhliiig limb | And traoiMho ruin baok to him, Whoso plighted faith In early youth Promised eternal lovo and truth, But who, foresworn, hath yielded tip that promise to tho onp: And led lior down through lovo and light, All that made lior promise bright—. £hd obulnod bur tliuru, 'hUd want ari-l strlfo, That lowiy thing—a drunkard'* wife— And stumped on obildhood'shrow. ho mild, That wintering blight—ill0 drunkard’*child. Go hear, ami fuel, and boo, and know, All that my *oul hath felt atul lcnowu— Then look upon tho wine onp’* glow j Bee If It* beauty can atone— Think of It* flavor you u 111 try, When all procluim, 'tls drink, and dlol Tell mo Unite tho IkiwIT— Hate is a ftioblo word 1 1 loathe—utihor—my vurysou! With strong dlsguet Ih stirred-" When t sub.dr hear, or toll Of that darkbovehigo of Hull. Trutliriil and Obedient. “Charlie! Charlie!” Clear ami sweet ns a'note struck from a silver bell, tho voice rippled over the common. “Thnt’s mother,” cried one of tho boys, and I10 instantly threw down his bat, ami picked up his jacket and cap. Don’lifo yeti Have it out! Finish this game I Try it again I cried the players, iu noisy chorus. I must go—right off—tills very minuto, I told her I’d come whenever sue called. Make believe you didn't hear! they till exclaimed. But I did hear! Sjtc don’t know you did. Bill i know it, and— Let him go, said a bystander. You can’t do anything with him. JIo ? s tied Lo his mother’s apron-string. •That’s sol said Charlie; and its to whnt every boy ought to be tied; and in a hard knot, too. But I wouldn’t lie such a baby to run the minute sho culled, said one. 1 don't call it babyish to keen otic’s word to his mother, answered the obedient boy, a beautfUl light glowing in his blue eyes. I cull that mauly; and the boy who don’t keep his word to her will never keep It to any one else—you sec if he does! Aud lie hurried away to his cottage homo. Thirty years have passed since those boys played ball on the common. Charles Grey is now a prosperous’business man iu a great city, and his mercantile friends snv ofhim-that “his »rd •*;:>.“ *. r o *! ana We asked him ouco how no acquired such a reputation. I never broke my word when a hoy, no matter how great the. temptation, and Lite lmbit formed then 1ms clung to mo through life.—Child's Might. IMcIicm. The man with good, Arm hoalth is rich, So U tho mail, with a clone consohmeo. So aro tho parents df vigorous happy children. So Is tho editor of a good papor, with n good subscription list. So is tho ofnrgyman whosocoat tlfo llttlo children pluck hs ho jmssos them oh their ^ So is tho wlfb who has tho whole heart oiT. a good husband. Bo Is tho raaidon whoso horizon la pot bounded by the ‘coming,* hut who has a purpoao in life whether bIio over nmt him or not. Sols tho young man who. laying his hand on his lioavt, can say *1 navo treated every woman I over I should wish my sister treated by other mnn. * Bo Is tho llttlo child who goes to sleep with a kiss on Jits lips and fhr whoso wak- HJg a blessing waits. • RSyoiiiio la IMUo Co nil I)'. Tho Griflln Mlddlo Georgian j[lvcs tha rollowlnj |inrtlculnrs of a recent autrngo by Fbdcral myrhildons in Plko county: Ijist Saturday, N. Boilers Hill, J. W Scott, H. XV, Jones aud Thomas Harda way went to tho premises of Thns. Moore, an orderly, worthy, and Inw.-nbldlng citi zen of Plko comity, and pretending to act under orders seized several stills that were iu tho Btlll house of Mr. Moore. After re moving the still they set fire to the still house and destroyed it. The tiro was com municated to tho plantation fenco of Mr. Moore, nud Hint of Mr. John A. Wilson, nml before it could bo stopped, consumed 100 or 170 panels of fonoQ for those parlies. Before going to Moore’s, they went to tha house of one Josh nn l.nssltcr and seiz ed stills. Mrs. iJissttcr wns in bed, sick. Ijissitor was not at home. These delect- ablo chaps, Mrs. J,nsailor enj-s, cursed her and wo are reliahly Informed said they would burn Lassiter's still houso if she. were not sick. Saturday availing Moore sued u Warrant against tho parties fur urson, nud Just be fore tho train from Atlanta to -Uncoil pass ed rids place they werciirrestcd byBhorifi' Hoyal. One of the parties wont to Atlan ta Sunday mornlug, and this (Monday) CarlniM Mftdo ofCnMilnsr FInIi. Overtaken by night, when traveling through tho Jura mountains in Franco many years ngo, we stopped for supper and a night's lodging at a small wayside dor some apprehension ns to how we should faiv there.; hut the Cordial greeting of the landlord, whose fat, rubicund Dice and moist, twinkling blue emotive promise of good entertainment, soon dispelled our fears. One of Ids first questions wns wheth er wo liked trout for 8uoner fresh from tho brook. Of course we did; hut to our as tonishment—it being now pitch dark—we learned that the fish lmd yet to be anight. Being an ardent angler, and curious to learn'how the thing was tabu done, upon his invitation wo accompanied him to the scenoof action, a brawling mountain brook Within it few vardfl of his doort Before starting he took from a closet, where it had Ixvu stowed away, an ordinary glass- globe lantern, with two lougtiti tubes fixed to it on either side, through which tho llamo was supplied with air. Lighting it, he then took from his pocket a common pruning knife with a hawk’s-hill, called a “sorpei” he Was noW prepared for the fray. A walk of two or three minutes brought us to the side of a deep, dark pool, which, witli the glare of tho lamp dancing over it like a “will o’-tlio wisp,” looked like the bottomless pit. With the quoor-looking lantern in Ids left hand and the right armed with the for midable kplfb; tho landlord seated himself oii a flat projecting rock whence the de scent was seen to the bottont of the pooh •lie then slowly thrust tho still burning lamp into the deep water, where it looked like a great glowing kohinoor. Holding it thus for about a minute, ho raised it even ly and slowly to the surface, and atound it. to our delight and astonishment, were fifteen or twenty fish ofdifierontslzcs press ing their noses against the glass as if eager to get at tho light. Then, selecting the best fish, our host adroitly lapped four of them on the head with the bill of his knifo. They turned on their sides dend without a flutter. Tlius in less time than It takes to write tho account wo had four prime half pound trout, which, with the addition of an omelette au lard, such as tho French only can make, a mound of ijcrfumed gol- despemtiou will start Up an organization ! i un mountain butter, and a bottle of fm . .1 ««({/,„ ri f f i‘, n mi, „ | Baune, covered with tho dust of a quarter fot the protection or the people. Then I 0 j- ft C(in t ur y < wo had a supper worthy of proclamations and invasions. Finally, | record in Brillat-Sjivarin’s immortal after the usual course of riot and plunder j iologic du Gout, This pleasant little ad- lms run itself out, we shall have jxeacc.— venture at tho wayside inu was recalled to ..Of ding that they should be Interfered with in tho discharge oH their “legitimate du ties.” They left town Monday morning and went up tho railroad by private con veyance—we suppose on another house find fenco burning expedition, Wo aro informed by some of Mr. Moore’s neigh bors, whom wo know to ho reliable and truthful mcil, that* Miv Moore: lias not dis tilled any liquors since the Bummer of 1^08, when lie was regularly Hocused as a distiller.' 1 Modern FArnproplitiiff. Tlmt was a lilttor Juko oT tlio man in Now Jersey who put a quantity of Jalap In sumo beer Iris Med J was about to drink. ■Tho lbneral was very generally attended, A limn lit Now Hampshire, tlio other day, cat fifteen dozen raw oysters on a ivauer. Tho silver trimmings alono on Iris colllu cost twelve dollars nud thirty ffva cents. John Smith hi Nebraska said tie could handle a rattlesnake the snnto ns n snake clinrmcr. Thochurllshncssot 1 thuunder taker ill demanding pny In ndvance delay' cd tho funeral four days. A circus rider in Texas tried to turn threo summersaults on horseback tho oth er (lily. Tho illaunger sent hack to New Orleans tlio following day for another aumincrsnitlt man. A man in New Jersey couldn’t wait for tho cars to get to the depot, and jumped olT. His widow hns sued the hisumnco company, Few men wpulllnttcinpt to dry dampen- ed gunpowder in a kitchen stove. A man in Canada did. Ills nfllictcd family would be glad of any information as to his where abouts. Ill Missacliiisctts the other day a man thought he could cross tho track iu ad vaucu of a toooniollvo. Tlio services nt the glare were very impressive. A man warned his with in New Orleans not lo light thu fire with kereseuc. She didn’t heed tho warning. Iter clothes fit his second wife remarkably well, A hoy in Detroit disregarded his moth er’s injunction not to skate on tho river, ns the ice was thin. His mother doil't have lo cook for so mauy as she did by one. i iv-. Blit Bulloek and his gang will first stud' inory by a statement In oor exchan ges. It seems that a light is quite as at- .■'WOlfllllVUHk tlKH'itiKftiKUlIll millllc ttCllumMv : , . . ... ! a ‘ XkBUIIIM Willi il llgllt in ({UllCUSilli- toKivninnii call, stock fci on hIioA 'notice, themselves with pillage; and Georgia will tractive to the Hull of the great deep ns lo Terms iiioiicnite. win hrivw mii Htock. come out of the business poor indeed. This J their cousins of tho mountain brook. Tho N° v • C. li., lMoprlctor. • , 1 nrofessioiml fishermen 011 thu nf is reconstruction. of MERRY A BROTHER. professional fishermen on tlio coasts of | Franco, having recently discovered this xoi \«roK«ary. fuet, are now making draughts of fish at- The Alabama Senate having asked Gov- *"!?&•»» l ,J® nc i? , b / P 0 . w *r ft)1 «*»•«** erour Smith why the Slats militia hnsnot i cl * ^' r f< Fieltt and farm. lsicn organized, he replied by a special I lessagenn Thursday last, tlmt for the i"ciV- sons set -forth liis Message, ho had not deemed it necessary any purlieu of it. CJoofl Idea. North Carolina proposes toexempt cot- proper tu organize 1011 aml woolen mills from taxation for flvo 1 years. An Htnqiioilt Kpcwh. Oil lfarden’s bill ill the Bcmlte, to pro vide for tho enclosure of stock, tho Hover- end Senator from Coosa Bpoko substantial ly as follows: Mn Puesidknt: This bill allows tho people lu the low country to nut up fences lo keep out stock, nud provhfestlmtifany stuck gils over tlmt fence the owner shall pay the damage, ah. Now, Mr, President. 1 liopo tlmt mil won’t pass, all. It would cause more squabbles than anything that 1ms been got up since Adam was created, all. Amt, sir, speakhi’ of Adam, I would say that We have no account In tho Bible that ho lmd any fence around tho garden of tiding, ah. No, sir; and the common ality of the people duu’t want any fences nrouud every little township lu the low lands, nil. The Senator from Autauga speaksof Ids people, all. Sir, I know more about his people, as he calls ’em, than he does, ah; aud 1 hike the liberty to say tlmt the peoplo of the broad piny woods and rolling hills nf AtUniignunu't want their stock Teuccd out of any part of the coun try, ah, No sir, they, nml all Wo people in' tho hills and mouuhihious country, want our cattle and our stock logo wlmr they please, ah. Sir, thu low lands is freu roaming grounds for the stuinp-tail bulls anil long- tall heifers of the mountains, ah: for the broken down horses and tho gaily fillies, ah; for tho turkeys amt the geese, ah; for the sheep and the goats, ah; and wlmrtho pigs and thu old hogs can root holes and crack acorns free from trouble mid vexa tion of sperit, nh. The Union Hag Heats over It.nil, nh; and wherever that (jag floats, tlmr our stock aud our poultry Imvo tho right to cackle aud heller and taro up the ground, ah. Sir, If this bill passes, tho whole country will get into a slate of in- volvation, ah; and things will be worse mixed up than they was in old limes when the children removed tho ancient land marks of their fathers, ah. I would vote for a bill on this subject, hut nut for tho one before thu Senit, ah. My sentiments is— l/)t the thunders roll from pole to pole, The lightnings flash across the sky, nh, But freedom for all nurcnttlu and hogs, Or olso forever diu. nh. The speaker carried bis point by a large majority.—MonUjomcry Mail. Well Done. A Minnesota farmer 1ms cleared 8150,- 000 iu three years. ' "Mr. Marshall, Aro Yon Hlckt" A Washington eorrespomlout of tlio Courier-Journal tolls this story of tho gift ed Tom Marshall, of Kentucky, and ft Lox- 1 Ington editor; nnme'd John llognn, ns re lated by tlio latter, himself. Said Ilpgnh! Uo mid Tom lmd been on ft bonder tlio previous night, Mid at Inst took lodgings at tho l’hoiiiix Hotel, Lexington. Of courso, the matutinal eoektall wns (near ly requisition. John ordered a brace of them. “Mitio stuck," said John, ’.‘but Tpnris catno up with a henvo. Llkon d—r-d fool," says John, "I thought I lmd tosay something,.o I said, ‘Mr,-Marshall, aroyou slckl" Tom raised hlmsoirup on Ills nrm, jmd wlllveyds glaring, nnd an ex pression of Intense scorn; e|itcufn toil: ‘Ifcll; Iosco a gentleman vomiting, mid ask him If ho Is sick. ’ ” John says, Dom that time ho )uis never tried to relievo the ombnr- rassment of a situation by any mdlaarorids interference. Take Coro I Tho Blchmond Dispatch had better, “mind its oyo," or Vlrgiuin will bo kicked out of tho Union before sho is fairly In.— Such pnmgraphs ns tho following are ex ceedingly “disloyal," though very logical. Tlioy suggest wlmt holy Ben and manly Chawls call "treachery.” Says tho Dis patch, under tlio head of n "New View of tho I'lflconth Amendment:" Tho moment tho ratllleattoii of the Fif teenth Amendment is completed, it will become a part of the Constitution. Tho moment it becomes a part of the Constitu tion it will render null and void any oxist- iua law that may lie Inconsistent with It self. Now. under tills nmendinent., every State will have tho right to require any qualification in a negro voter whluli-is al so required lu a white one. It follows in evitably that tho moment this amendment becomes a part of the Constitution, all that part of tlipnct admitting Virginia to rep resentation iu Congress which is incon sistent with tho nmendmont will ho at once done away with nud bo nS if It had never been. This wo lay duwunscertaiu- ly true. Ucntitlfiil Cxirnet. Do trees talk? Have they not leafy lungs—do they uotat sunrise, when (he wind is low, and tlio birds are enrofing their songs, piny a sweet music? Who has ever heard tin: soft whispers of. tile green leaves In spring time on a suuuy uomiug, who did not icel as though rnlu- >ow gleams of gladness were running through his heart? Aud then, wlion tho pcach-blossouis.lmngliko rubies from the stem of the parent tree—when tho morn ing-glory, like a nun bclbre'tho shrino of God, unfolds her boautilbl face, and the moss-roses open their crimson Hps.spurk- liug with the nectar that fulls from heav en, who docs not bless his Maker? When autumn comes—tho season of tho, “acre and yellow leap’—when tlio wheat ts In its golden prime, aifd tha corn waves its silken lossels In the air, how those who think, how mid remember tlio reaper DpathI And then again in winter, wlion the bosom of Old Mother Barth is cold, and the white suoiv like a shroud, is ouhur breast, and the naked trees with leaves all fallen, stand quivering lu the wind! t’Mirj- on tho itoucli* It line already been announced tlmt a negro 1ms been chosen to the Biiprcine Bench of South Carolina. Tho Charles ton Nows gives the following nocoimt of thu individual: ,T. J. Wright, 1 a colored man, who sits in ll«‘ General Assembly as Betmlur from Jleniifort county, wns elected yesterday Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of this State. AVright wns horn ill X’euimyl- vnnin, gmdnntwrntthoLnncnsterinti Uni versity ill New York,•studied law for two years at Montrosei Pennsylvania, and was admit let! to the bar lu Susquehanna coun ty, being the first colored man. admitted tu practice iu I’eunsylvnuin. Ill 1W15 ho camo South and was made legal advisor of the South Carolina frecd- lilffln Hu wps a delegate to the Itccon- structlon Cohveiitlon, mid was afterward elected to tile State Senate. AA'right is quiet, well behaved nnd de cidedly inelligcnt, but neither his decency nor hf« little knowledge of the law emmoil his election to the highest judicial pnslliim In the Stale. He was elected solely ami simply because ho was a culim.-il.mnji. "♦ •+• ♦. 7 ' lCMdlcnl r.xtrnvujDtm'c. A leading Northern paper, speakilig of if r. Daive’s speech, says: ‘■From such a man in smiha place truth Is precious indeed. Tho IX’inocrats may howl till they spilt tho mighty domo of thu capitol against tho oxlnlvmranco of the Federal Government, hut they will lmvo no more oll'ect on ltadieal representatives and the ltadieal party than on the eohl marble statues tlmt decorate the pile.— But when tho Radical Mr. Dawes, oVMas- sachusetts, stands up with the documents to provo every word tlmt lie says, ntnl in flicts the faithful r.ouuds of a friend upon tho oxtrovaganoo of tho administration, ltadieal ears are pricked up to hear him, nml 1m is nut to biucrlcU down nml his damaging statements disposed of will, a l’udsnnp v/avo of the hand.” Tho pocket nerve i» touched, and the cud ot Radicalism Is nigh. tlonernl spilt np. Ohio needs reconstruction. • One thou sand divorces wore granted In that State during the year of gmed 1800. ltSttftlNlYO. - The Messrs, lfrtlrhniiks, of St, Jolmsbu- ry |iavu thalrextenslvoscalu works during thq lost year nearly 8,00Q;000 feet of. lumber, tho largest amount ever con- sumed iu tavolvo months. 'oTrt itenteT Daniel Webster’s old farm In Fninkltn, New Hampshire j wns sold ntewdnysslnoo for 815,000. Tlio nlaekaonril. Tho cjiivalrous X’ollnrd, is writing un- pleasnnt things about his wlfa in the Bal timore papers. .Dentils In Atlanta. Thoro were seventy Interments • in tho ccmetry last month; 18 whites, f>8 blacks. Whites over teq, U; under ten, 7;nogroes over ten,'34; under uin, 28; white paupers 8; colored; 48.—CoMtitution. Don't It, AFllllftm'Jennings, Assessor of Internal Revenue for tlio lburth district of this State, reports to Dclauo tho discovery nnd destruction of about a dozon stills in tlmt district by n mo.uuted expedition of rcyc- nuo officials.- During tho expedition spe cial dotcctlvo 0. Cowlnn was fired upon whilo making search for hidden stills. A Poor C'lmiico, A man namotl Moore,, recently oonviot- ed of mnnslaughter. and sonteiicad- to 20 years imprisonment by the Fayotte (Tex as) District Court, writing to a gentleman of Brcnham, says; ‘with a Missouri judge, nu Indiana district attorney, and a reconstructed jury, a Texas white tuan lias a poor ohancO for justice.. It Is stated thr Western Texas Ihop son fa so large ns to 1: Iowa remunerative I market, but the suggestion fa made tt Imndsonio profit is attainable by grind tho nuts for their oil. In tho Meant*. A AVnshiugton letter says tho bill abol ishing tlio franking prlvllego will meet with considerable opposition In Senate.— Senator Morton will mnko a speech against it. He 1s not opposed to the abolition of tlio privilege pure and simple, but bo is adverse to that feature which restricts f free circulation of nowspnpers. ~ intt—7— l.xoncerolwl. Tlio Louisvlllo Couricr-iTourual fa re sponsible for tlio following: It wns reported tho other day that our troops on the Plains lmd fought a bottle with tho Blackfeot Indians, in which one or two of tho latter, camo very near gut ting hurt. It fa now said thnt “the report was very greatly exagerated.’’ More lernrhlnc. Two negroes were taken from tho Jail at Lebanon Tenn., recently and humr by a nml) ef men not masked. They had boen ’ rnnahnlfle. ■X young man living in Lafayette, Ind.,. is humility personified. Tito other day ho asked a young lady ifho might "bo allow- ed-the prlvilego’of goldg.homQ with her," *mprlsoued;for horse-stealing. Tho num- A IMujuft Top tho InvontorH. Speaking of tho finishing stroke put to “the iulanious busi ness of reconstruel ion, ” in tho adinissiou of Virginia, tile Now York World says: But the hour y of triumph M ill ho the turning point in the political tide, and the fortunes of tho Republican party will be gin to decline from tho moinciit that thu subjugation of the South kcciuh complete. Yaulting ambition will Und that ij; 1ms overleaped Itself and fallen on the other side. This device of universal negro suf frage will return to plague the iuvoutors. Mfjiiaro on flio Iten<1.‘ Don Piatt, tho Washington correspond ent of the Cincinnati Commercial (Radi cal,) lilts the nail fairly on tile head, as fol lows: and ivas indignantly reftisod; wltereupon hcinqulred, 'Very humbly, If ho might Iks “nllowod to sit ou tho ibneo and sco her go by." A Hplej r.molo.. A young lawyer recently obtained a di vorce for a pretty and wealthy client. IIo’ sent in a bill for #1000; Tho next day the lady called on Mm nnd inquired if he Was in earnest In proposing to her. “Propose to you, madam I I dlcln’tpro- poso i to you," replied tho astonished at torney. “'Veil, younsked for my fortune,"and I thought you would have tho graco to tako mo wlili It," was the calm reply.. Th'jiawyer wilted. Washington City. Forney says tho agitation of the: ques tion of rcraqvlug tho Capitol (ms already cost the people of A\ r nshlngton not less than 812,500,000 within a year in tho deprecia tion of real estate. If Forney and his co- agitators would emigrate to sonio distant dime real estate nt tlio national capital would soon go up again, Tho proposi tion :;t least is worth an experiment. Ntt'nm Whistle.. Detroit hns passed an ordinance nliol- Ifliing steam wlitstles. To the ear of tho mnn of business tbo early mornlng ahd evening steam whistles are music'. They speak of Industry, prosperity, and practi cal progress, nnd the country’s future great ness may lie foretold teem their increasing number. Donlc of TcliaoHNeo Notes. Tho Legislature of that State has direct ed plibltc officers to rccotvo Rank of Ten nessee notes, old issue,, for all dues to tho State, taxes nnd otherwise. Notwith standing this one of tho Nnshvillo papers quotes the Old Issues of Ulo Bank at 08 to 70 cents. Tl»« Nollt) Trnlh* • Tho Boston Post truthftilly says Con gress fa the only obslnclo to a restoration of tlio Union—it Is On rebellion against tlio (lcilee of tho country—against its return to CUuatltulhilml government aud general prosperity. Tliisis tlio general sentiment, independent of party bias, ami is express ed, in substance, by papers of both tho great political parties. McniuirltuTu Atlanta. The New Era of yesterday says that lion. S. A. Darnell, meinberof the Houso of Representatives from Pickcus county, is very ill with the Cerohro spinal Menin gitis. lie was ubout during tho forenoon of yesterday, though lie complained of not feeling well. At dark lust evening his ill ness wns cmisiderctl vcry.serious, Scycral eases of this fearful diseaso hnvo been re-, ported in Atlanta, though none are report ed as having been fatal. erase Out In n New Quarter. Tho United ftlntes Consul nt Athens re ports tho total destruction by earthquake, on the morning of December 20, of the town of Santa Maura, ou ono of the Ionian I.stands of. thnt name. At the date of tho hdvioes, January 1, ten dead nnd fifty wounded men. hnd been taken from tlio ruins.' Thera was not a house left standing. Thb survivors slept iu tlio open air or uu- der tents, her of men who have been lynched in that State within the last three weeks foot np n round dozen. Member, or the Convention. Of the niembers composing tho Tennes see Convention, says tho Athens Post flvo nra natives of Virginia, five of North Carolina, throe of Kentucky nnd two of Maryland. All tho others were horn nnd raised in tho State, nnd not one of tha body was horn North of ihc.Ohlo river. Yaxrnncjr. A resolution has been introduced In the Houso of Representatives nt Nashville to suppress vagrancy. It provides that any able-bodied person loitarlug or wandering about without employment or visible means of support shall be deemed guilty of vngriincy, and punished ns such. A New Hobby. Senator Sumner has struck a new hob- [ by. ne now wants the negro admitted’, to the educational facilities of West Point. Sumner la incorrigible. No sooner is ono ' dntk subject disposed of than ho hatches out nuotnor. Tlio mnn is, evidently, mis erable—though tho Lord, no doubt per mits him to remain ih this world of sin and sorrow for some purposonotyetman- Infinite minds,—Alhciu Pott. No Ico flown lloat. Tho Tribune says consternation pre vails nmong tho ice cutters on the Maine rivers. Now companies hnvo boon form ed aud new houses built for gathering tho. wlutcr‘8 harvest, but scarcely any Ice has 1 yothecn obtained, Dinner to tbe Colored Senator front Mli.l.slppl, A select party of colored citizens gavo a dinner to-night to tho colored Senator (llcvol)fVom Mississippi, at which were presont Senators AVllson, of Massachu setts, and Harris, of Louisiana; Repre sentative Kelley, of Pennsylvania; Mayor llowen, Cook, corporation attorney; Mr. Bartlett, correspondent of tho Independ ent, and about thirty colored citizens.— TFuafc. Cor. Hich. Dee, Tt»o rinnhliiR Privilege. „ . , The National Houso of Rcprcsonthtlvcs “ l ho policy of vengeance hns been irictl 1ms passed a hill abolishing tho franking privilege-by a vote of . 174*to 14, T ‘ *- ‘ anil it ends in thouiutiruiut aumumamumt llmt reconstruction U a-failure; unless wo can raise up a now people—a peoplo we have conciliated and protected to recon struct upon, instead of the people we have persecut'd. We have kicked with viiror, and tho more we imvo kicked tbe deadlier has grown the antagonism.” Tho sumu writer d-dares that the small men who wrangle over the youth fear her Still. Homo ThtovoN Mitel. Tlio Athens (Tenn.) Post, of Friday, says two olllcora of the law. passed through A thens last Saturday in charge of two ue- gro horse thieves. Tlio horses wore stoleu in Marshall county, Tenn., and tho uo- . ,^w.— T It is to go iuio ujUuit on :\iul after the 1st of Jiuiu- urv, 1870. Tliis' will pe.a good law, and will rid the country of a nuisance which HhouMhavehoenabutodyearsago. When members of Congress arc debarred the privilege ef franking home portable saw- jnills, patent mowers and ivnpers, and car.loads of stationery stolen from tho government, wo shall have fewer com plaints about the detection of regular mail matter.—Athene Pod. . Doctor* lilKftirreo. In a case in ono of the courts the other day a Doctor Rogers sued for tho amount Humored Disturbance in Hsnth Curs* linn. A Columbia special in the Charleston News of Tuesday says: “It is reported that thoro has boon a disturbance lu York, caused by tlio conduct of disorderly char acters from North Carolina. A rumor was in circulation that an engagement hod taken place, and that soven or eight men were killed.” . Tho FlRotfnth Amendment. TJie cfl'oct of thh Fifteenth Amendment will lie to confer the lmllotupon about 900,- . OOOnogrocs 800,000 of.whom rcsldo in tho old slnvcholdlng States. In tho States of Kentucky, Delaware and Maryland it in creases tlio veto as foltowg; Kentucky, 40,- OflO; Maryland, 05,500; Delaware, 4,500, Death of n Well Known Oeorttln. Tlio Montgomery Advortlsor sayB: Mr. Lanier, a gentleman well known in tho South died at his old homo, tho Exchange Hotel, in this city, on yesterday. Mr. Lanier was for many years a resident of Macon, Georgia, and kept there the well known “Lanier House.” Iteronulner tlio District or Columbia. Senator Pomeroy has introduced a bill in the Senate providing for the abolish ment of barrooms and other drinking pla ces in tho District of Columbia. It is nt Washington that several of his col leagues will hnvo something to say in op position to this, and tlmt the people of the district me solicitous of knowing whether the hill mils restrictions will ap ply to the dispeusatfanof “milk" (puuche) nml “cold tea” (lined) in,llie basement of the Capitol building. Uentft Duller. The cock-eyed mnn of destiny, accord ing to tho New York nerald, is “digging out tho fmndations of his party." His wav ofspllttjng up his own Mends is sport to the Democratic boys, but death to tho Itepubliean frogs. His leadership is yet to bo confirmed by some wfao nfld states- of liis bill, 3123; nml it must have been a man ‘ko stand. At tbo present rate bc- oonahlnilnn to il,o oPti.n „ M i:| fore he comes to thnt point lie will either consolation to tho parents of tlio child fiavOboleadorsliiporclrattEfiirtv to lead.” ... treated, which had died, that six doe-. This sounds plausibly enough, but, tho grocs inn. arrested near Brown » Irony, Itnrsiworc tho treatment did not kill It,! truth Is, Butler bears tho same relation to iu this county. Wo understand tlmt a :'nlthmigli three doctors sivore tlmt it did. I Congress that Fnistaff did to Bnrdolph, band of disguised men took the thieves j With buoIi n lmi from tho officers ncar Ooruorsville, Tenn., of the trcmmul uud shot them, ;ti three doctors swore tlmt it did. caingrcss lmill ± iinrou mi in i ini unipn, net, ,1 lnml.omn mnlnellv in fan,,,. I Nyiliaild Pistol. TllOrofa a deni of W1H1I- ach a Imn lsoiiio majority ntaioi LX|f ng ^„ n( f CTS, n betimes, but perfect tiemmut they could not ot courso unity and understanding when any steal ing expedition is ou baud. eutertaiu any doubt of its iuiioceucc. ■ tSiMOMtuMaki