North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, March 10, 1870, Image 1

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SEaio^Uvto in ^rn68t''FDiixi AN»^ojaw^jj.'VM.xN h< WHITMAN & WRENCH. DALTON^ G^QRqiA, THURSDAY; MAIiCI! lj), 1870.11': : I::'.;". 1 ' E /a. divings, . _.. ^JSSiWP • Attorney ati™^. ft., Will practice In nil tlio ebnntlcaenmportlnff tlio “ t<ratlon 8l r»i? a tionmov^ JOHNSON * McCA: Up Stain in King Unlit Will prnotlc u.-i:ilMxii). Will pmotlco In tho conrts of thin circuit, find In the U. S. District Court at Atlanta, mr-ly JJ WAMTtEX, M. D m •wb "Mr* / «9*onico ou King stroot. In the qjkl Fnxoi House. , jy , Dalton, Ga., .Tun. 13-1 y. TV.4>r WAHKKtt, 4 .C • ATTORNEY AT LAW, King ^t root, Dalton, Ga. ly* ;itiorMy ; rttt¥) OlHco: 5*1 Door, Upstairs In Glonn Building, Dalton, Georgia. i Cm GORDON, . _ Isprvlooto theolt- ns of Dalton ami surraumUnic country.— nnpt ami vlgllnnt attontlon mill ho given to oasos, Medical Surgical and Obstotricgl, on- ? 11 oasos, Mod leal Hu nntod to Ills coro. l ‘Jt/rEADOU A BROTHERS, X X O » A C O O COMMISSION MERCHANTS, And Manufacturers of Scgars, Aug-ly Whitehall Stroot, Atlanta, Gn A merican ndTfcfc, Alabama, Str., Atlanta, Ga Witrr* A Whitlock, Proprietor. W. D. Wiley, Clerk. naggtgo carried to and from Depot froo of oliargo. Chattanooga, Tonn. A. L. MILLER, Proprietor, nospttallty, Comfort, Convonlonoo and Econo my combined In tho management. Y WATKINS, • w nAitnm A iViGgins, Manufacturers Midi Jobbers of Hats, Caps and Straw Goods, 37d W. Ibiltimore Street. BALTIMORE, Juno 1041m •p-VUI^ JONES, «Tr** Wholesale doalov In iBmndlea, Mines, Whiskies, Ginn, Ac. Pkacutukk Str., Atlanta, Ga. May *r-Vy. ; ipiTNEIt it. SMITH, I .WljolMillu mill ltetilll Denier* 111 Groceries and Provisions, i Comer.Broad and Howard Streets, * ,f .‘ (Pttnc'r** Old Stand,) AulyV .ItOMK, Gkobo | A. TTOMK AGAIN l’’ ^ .1. 0. UAWLINB, At 111. own HmiM ntfnln. CHOICE II OT E I- > Broad Street, Rome, Ga. Passengers taken to and from Hotel froo of 'clmrgo JnmrtbtC jyj* N, XKALON, Kookselier, Hiotloncr and Xeusmatt, And Dealer In Dry Goods, Groceries, Produce. Apr-ty Hamilton Street, Dalton, Ga. S* 5 ™* 1 PA,y wlll,C. D. 8llngluflr .t Son, Wlinlmunlo (Iropors, Vroiluco Cninnils.lon Hcrolmnls. nml llculcr. In Winn, nml Liquor., 31 North l!ownr.l Sircut, novOin. tv. niaoixs I'nrtleulnr. or tint null nand Accident In Tho following dispatches glvo tlio par ticulars of tho torrlhle railroad accident in Mississippi, brictly alluded to In our Inst Issttoi OXDoui), Miss.. February 28.—A ikar- fal ncoldvnt occurred about (bur o'clock yesterday nttornoon to tbs tegUlar morn ing train ■ on tho Mississippi Central rnll- rtrttl for Now Orleans. Tlio train leaving ” umbolilt behind time. Vapidly appronch- _ .1 Hucknor’s trestle, widen Is forty (bet high and over n ravine. Tho endue cross- ilbly, hdt tho rcmnlililor of tlio train rim olf tho track, crushing tho trestle nml completely wracking tlio bnggngo, iniill, express and throo pnssenger cars. Tho ettuso of tho nccidont Is Inlloved to have bcon'In tho unsound condition of tho tres- tlo Umbenn which permitted a rail toslln out Of place, and thus sn/ltoh olftlib cars', which crushed through tho trestle or plung ed Into tho ditch. ' Every car was utterly destroyed. Tho iggage, mall nnd express freight broke loose, nml was scattered on tho sides of tho ravlno into which tho wreck plfingcd.— The flrtt and second pnssehgor curs iVofo shattered into pieces. Tlio remaining pas senger enr kept Us plain on the track while Its forward end rested on tho wreck of the second car In tho ravine, at an inclination of Ally degrees. Two women nnd four children, twelve white and three cofnrod persons, are known to have been killed, nnd it Is feared some others. Among tlio killed was Colonel Speers, a planter, residing fourteen miles from Jack- son, who was returning from Chicago with thirty laborers; Mr. 8. C. Morehouse, of Elkhart, Indiana; Mrs. Duncan II. Gar rett, who had just arrived from Scotland via New York,' nml J. MeDniiald, super visor of tho southern end of tlio rood.— The names of tlio others could not 1» as certained, but they are believed to bu from tho West nnd South. Among the Injured was Miss Aggy El liott, of New York, who was fastened an hour in tho wreck by tho sldo of Avo men Who were killed, luitshe was rescued with out apparent injury, except a badly mush ed hand. Colonel Paul Tote, presldentof the road, was nearly suAbentud by a number of pas sengers thrown-upan him In tho wreck, but ho is nmv comfortable. One mini's leg wns badly broken. Another's knee was crushed,' many were cut mid bruised, nml three or four nro sull'erUig severe Interiml injuries. MRWPW8, February 8(1.—Tho Dodger's Oxford, Mississippi, special says seventeen persotls Were'killed by tho railroad acci dent, among whom Were. Colonel Speers, of liramlon. JIlss., •—— McDonald, road master, and two chHqmi. whoso mimes are unknown. The reinalmlorkillcd, with a few exceptions, voro emigrants oil route to Tcxns. Fourteen or fifteen passengers wore wounded, several fatally. McDon ald’s body wns horribly mangled, nml is hardly recognisable. Tlio train, with tho exception of tho engino, is a complete wreck. Rnltlniorc. "llL'X AND 1.0UKSMIT1I. Deslcrli, Wow Qunfl, Pistols, Cartridges, etc. OppositeTibbs Honan, Hamilton Street. • Net* Rifle* madii to order, and all vepuli'lHR Mono on short not lee, and wurrimtetl. m«ir-i> J. ,r - ,V v'iui MOK ’ MA N, STALEY A CO. Wholesale Grocers, Liquor & Commission MERCHANTS, 4s South Howard Howard Street**, hot ween Lombard and fruit Streets, BALTIMORE. Ordors solicited. A VK ' n ' * FKKKMA ^toux E vs at law, King Slreul, Onllon, Ooorglu. Will nttcml promptly to nil Low Claims In tlio Bnprotnu Court ortho United Staten 5 Com t. of Claim**, and Kxoontivo Donartmonta1 at M iu»l • tug, D. C.; 111 tho Federal Court.** for tho North ern Dlstrlot of Georgia, and Bankrupt Court at Athuita, Gn. 1 in tho State Courts In tho eonn- tios or Whitfltdd, Murray, Gordon, llartow, La- toosa and Dado. May d-t f. JOHN IIIGGIN8, Watchmaker and Jeweler, Sltop in Dr. Brown’s New Drug Storo, Ilamlltou Stroot, Dalton, Goorgia. Vtnndsomo stock of pure Jowolry. for Imdies nnd Gontlommi, watches, clocks, etc. Repair- 1 hk neatly and substantially executed. Julyl. JJJKDICAL AND SURGICAL NOTICE. Drs. A.. AV. HIvliiJJH Ac Son, Formorly of South Carolina, Tomlcr their Professional services to tlio eitl- Kuns of Dalton and surrounding country. Spo- etak!Meat ion jjivon to all chronic cases. ■‘nmcirdtirlnu tho day, corner of Kinu A Pont* •stroots, nml nlRlit at residence on lhornton AYdnue, formorly occupied toy Mr. J. II. King. ABV. Bivings, 1 •I. c. Blvings, \ JanuaryS-ly. D H. B. B. DROWN, Kino Stil, Dalton, Insurance and Land Agent. A gout for .Etna T.lfonnd’Flro Insurance < puny t also, Joirorson and James HIv t'lrn lnsumnee Comitanies, ot N a^ Enterjudso, Clncfaimti,and Putnam, Hartford. ALSO, GENERAL LAND AGENT For anybody who ontvntR their business to him. S^Mt'ofers to Col. c. B. Wclimrn, Atlanta: and Col. W, II. Tilths, Lowry & Eason. Hon. D. A. Walker,and Col. J. A. It. Hanks, Dalton, Gn. Juuuury 9-hhn. •!>«. Formerly of Knox County, Ten Ti>kfri pleasure In saying that he ha itclttly located In Dalton umlnowoflcr vice to tho ]>ooplo ot this and sun country. All work warranted. T**r...« " softlio teeth treutod succossfnll; oilulrod. Artificial teeth Inscittal — • ' ty way preferred. It Sou, Dull tiling All dlricas on J ho rubber huslv.r Oitlcc with l»r. Blvings fi mlovsign Dalton. Ga. ocly Livery, Feedand SnlcStablc, Crawford Street Dalton, Ga., Whcro ho will ho pleased to furnish to tho ’Public, at all hours. No. 1 Horses nml Now Bug gies. I hnvu a npipmodloua Hnekj also a Syagon, and horses, to let; and wouhl.““- ‘•pect fully ask t ho eltl: 1 Ogive yorms 1 Nov T>IUD\V DLL’S COAL OIL (lit K A »K—thebest .* J nrtielu in use for Carriages. Wagons, and Mill Greasing. Call nnd get 11 box, only twen ty Rev cents, ut Lowav & Eason's. How wo arc Nlaii'lcrcft AbroaO. The following anecdote is going the rounds of tho press. We do not vouch for its truth: * OomMtAY Find the Verdict.—At a re cent sreSioft of one of tho courts of South Carolina, an entire negro jury wns empan- nelcd. A case was hroWght before them, the witnesses examined, and the nttoflleyt* made their resprcllvu ariruments. The judge, after laying down the law and recKpitWlaliBg the tostimy, gave the papers into the hands of the foreman, a ratlier intelligent looking darkey, with In- structionR pa soon as they Ihttttu a vetdiet to bring Vt ill Without fail. Thirty minutea or morn elapsed, when the jury returned, headed by the foreman, and* stood before the judge. As the foreman appeared to hesitate, the judgo enquired: “Afr. Foreman, have you found a ver- dlct?” “Ko, Massa Judge, wo haben’t found ’em no how,” replied tltc ehrtllV juryiAan. *Tt’« a very plain ense,” said the judge. “Can’t help It, mnssn, eouldA’t see it,” replied ebony again. “Oti what grounds?” enquired the judge. “We didn’t look into tho grounds, Mas- sa Judge,” replied the foreman, “do ossi- fer he did take us into ft room and locked us in, nnd told us when we found do ver dict ho would loll* us out. So wo pognn to And do verdict, and search ebery nook, corner, crevis, and in eltry ting (Tore was in dnt romp, hut we found no verdies—no nuffin ob do kinc dhr.” Not for Joe. A young man living down town, with out the fear of his sweetheart's parents be fore his cyes^ulertook to “hook” the ob ject of his adoration from a second story window in her father’s house, on Friday night Inst. The old man hearing the “mss,” went out in his night clothes, look ing like the ghost of Hamlet, nnd espied Joe going up the ladder. The old ntau caught hold of the foot of tho ladder and let something drop. It wns Joe. Crab bing him by the collar, he lifted him to his ibetaud nearly shook bun out of his clothes, after which he led him into the house and lectured him as follows: Look here, you cussed sneak, whenever you go and learn a decent trade, nnd kin make enough money to pay house rent an’ raise a family, yon’kin come here without a ladder, walk hi the frontdoor nit* marry my darter, an’ not till then. D’ye hear?” And the ferocious old man led Joe out of the house, and told him to “git.” The young lady has signified her willingness to wait for .Toe. I piny of the proprietors of our manufactories are colled upon to-day or to-morrow by a young man who wants to learn a trade, take him in—that's Joe. Joe’s willing nnd the girl’s willing.—Lou- kville Sun. Drill for Voluiitners. Full In! To good wayB and habits. Attention! To your own business. llifjht Fine! jMbnfully to your duty nnd keep sober. Quick March! From a temptation to do anything which is unmanly. Haiti When conscience tells you that you are. not doing as you would liku others to iloito you. WWl‘About Fare! From dishonesty and falsehood. Fresent Arms! Cheerfully when your wife asks you to hold the baby for an hour. Break Of)! Wad Imbits, and everything which is likely to retard your advancement in the world, and a place in the world to come. .' ; r ; Who Working Hnti. 1 11. ( Tito noblest men I know on csrtli ‘ ^ Are won whoso Imuds.iirobrown with tollj And vrln'tlwreliy n itlmirttr nmnu Tlmn follow. Xing or tvurrlor. I.nio • Tho wnrlihiR mi'ii, ulmlVrtlia tlul:, ' 1 Wlinrnrvo tho atono or boor tho libit, Tlmybounithil tltulMHinnt hruw. Tlio roj ol Hlnmpnml .oiilof lloil t , , God bless the noble working men, Who rear the cities of the plain, Who dig tho minors w.h.Q pnlld llie ships, And drive tho eonlnibrco of tho main. • God hi ess them; for their (oiling hands Uuvo wrought tho glory of nil lands. Ovor tho mountain walls the rain, Mqans the rain, weeps the rain j Psalm of anguish and prayer of pain Sighs the sorrowful rate. Yet far below tlio valleys are bright, And rippling rivulets rush to Hie sea, The sweet bi his sing in tlio silver light, And lilies bloom on the laughing lea. Over my life sweeps ihe sorrowful rain, Solemn rain, sighiug ; rain t Prayer of anguish and plea of pain Monn with the moaning rain. Yet still l know Heaven’s plains are fair, And the soft light fall on the sea of gold, And white wings wave in theamhoralr, And the Father smiles as He shilled Of old, V hat Will You Tnlte? “Wlmt will you take to drink?” asked a waiter of a young lad who for the first time accompanied Tils father to ft public dinner. Uncertain wlmt to say, and feel ing sure that he could not be wrong if he followed Ids father’s example, he replied, “I’ll take what father takes.** The answer reached his father's c'rtf, ftnd instantly the tell responsibility of his po sition Hashed upon him. If he said, “l’H take ftle,” as he had always said before, his son would take it also, aud then? And the father shuddered ns the history of sev eral young men, once as promising as his own Wight lad, aud ruined hy.drink, start* ed up in solemn warning before him.— Should his hopes also be masted, and that open-faced lad beeomo a burden? But for strong drinks they would have been active, earnest, prosperous men; and If it could work such rum upon them, was his own lad safe? Quicker than lightning these thoughts passed through his mind, and in a moment the decision was made. “If the hoy falls he will not have me to blame,” nnd then hi tones tremulous with em’dtmri, and to the astonishment of those who knew him, he said, “Waiter, I’ll take wa ter;” and from that day to this strong drink has been banished from that man’s tabic nnd from that man's home. A Bnp nt tlie Girls. An Omaha lecturer thus discussed the question the other night: “Twenty years ago the ladles were their own drcs8-iuakers,and how beautiful they looked to the brave men who then courted them. Then tliev wore no hpppi. switches, no anything, hut weru^nst as r.,j . ,1: ItMita*' (ill !>><: -'Vi One Kcvr :XBrlc dealor sold aevontymlght nlohtlncB valuqdat, fifty dollam oaCh.ih A schooner tended with hogs sailed Inst Week frofii;lJtyaW^dk!hli , .'‘tq MoMlo., will UM.600 Ion* ofgunno this season. 1 : Tho jatc foMt did not effect thoomngo crop.ln'FWHdl\.’ r A fellow In I)a nbury, Connecticut, boasts ,of amu^oliu.jilno luichpad^taagtln,; UtlmmgJWM .wit Krocories", Ls the polite n'amo for dnmk lit Chicago. Cabbages, Ixrts, ertcry; turnips,spinach, 1 radishes aml onhpis nre'vcrj' plentiful anil Cltettp In tlio Satartnah jnnrkot just now. Tile EntfBWj' TSayt thntnt least SfQ'.OOO worth of garden seed Have been, solil in Colmnbus during tho InsdlVtlVo montlw. Sofobhody has written n neW so’iig cailod '»<" IT . trash vlotei^* '• 11 t-i A'lubn illoil In Now York a loW ilnj-s .-dbu 1 ajifw. oil llv.ll* O, II' I 1,11^ 111111b,, II11 v Hi IU 1IIOW 1*0 God made them. A lover could then tell whether his love weighed one hundred and eighty or seventy-live pounds; could tell at a glance what she was. But now they could not toll whether the girl wns made by the divss-mnker or by God; they lookod her over, nnd were not suro she was not half cotton; touched her head, anddidu’t know whether they felt nature’s hair or a musty waterfall. Twenty years ago wo were all better, looked better, and were bet ter Christians. We had progressed for the worse., and as we cautiiuied so would the boys follow.” A Good One. In an article upon the probable scarcity , of ice during the next summer the Hart ford Fast tellstho following story: “A godfl mnH.y years ago, when tec In slimmer was a rarity in cities add fth un heard of thing in the country, a good dea con of a rural church was charged with haviug got decidedly fuddled one 4th of July in Ncw Yorlc. lie was arraigned for his misconduct. With tears In luS eyes he confessed his fault, but plunded in pallia tion that it was a prodigious hot day. and ice in the punch ltd look so cool and invi ting thnthe couldn’t resist the tchiptdlion, and he supposed he did actually drink to intoxication. A tew browed brother on a back seat listened attentively but Incredu lously to the defence, nnd nt Its cc arose. “I lmin’t no objection,” said ho, to a man’s getting drunk if he own up to it and is sorry for it. That’s a thing a man’s liable to, and p’raps, sometimes h'e can’t help it; hut when tlio deacon comes in here and undertakes to excuse himself in any such way as that—talking about seeing ice in July—I go lor jerkin’ him outibr lyln.” Boor or an Iron Still Dcinollslicd—Thlr* ly Bon Under tho Rnlus. Scranton, Penn., Feb. 28.—Tho boil er of heating furnace Xo. fi, nt tho railroad Iron rolling mill of the Lackawanna Iron and Coal Company of this city, exploded about r>:fiO this afternoon. A portion ot the roof, with all its heavy timbers, shaft ing, &c,, seventy-live feet hy ninety-five feet, wns blown into the air, and fell with a tremendous crush. The noise of the ex plosion shook half the city. Twenty or thirty men Were hurled in the ruins. Nino persons were killed. Nations Without Tiro. According to Pliny, remarks the Now York Observer, tire was a long tilile un known to some of the ancient Egyptians; nnd when a celebrated astronomer tbowed ittothcui, they were absolutely in raptures. b Persians, Phoenicians, Greeks, nnd Hides i iiidesi The highest market price pnl«l for IIIRKS, at old Mungor Tannery. Dalton, Ou.; Tan Hark wanted, for which tho htehest mhr- jti^Hcewm^ho paid. W. U. CARR A CO. # l’nlitlcnl IVnckstera. The following spicy hit of truth comes from the Jonesboro’ Herald, and was elic ited hy a disposition to “trade” by sonic of tho candidates in the “hill country”: There is a clnss of political office-seekers, who will stoop to the basest means to sc- onro their own interests. Principle they do not possess, nnd their ambition is self- The . ... - ml other nations, acknowledged that their ancestors were once without fire, nnd the Chinese confess the same of their pro genitors. Pompnnion, Mol a, Plutarch, and other ancient writers, speak of nations who, at the time when they wrote, knew not the use of fire,, nr had just 'earned it. Facts Of tile same kind are also attested hy several modern nations. The inhabit ants of the Marian Islands, which were discovered In 15.11, had no idea of tiro,— Never ivas astonishment greater than theirs when they saw it on tho desert in one of their islands. At first they believ ed it was some kind of animal that fixed to and fed upon wood. The inhabitants of tho Philippine and Canary Islands wore formerly equally ignorant. Africa pro- i hi our day, * homo oli a visits : r»% to Ohio, ; whero he •WMflkii !••' , A nmn in Alli’glmny, I’enn.ylvrmln, brnko hln.nrm, n few nights ngo, In pulling off |iis boot*. Tight .boots, ithosoi They liavo n benutifbl, young lady in Covlngtou who (moke* Iter sixicighhin day. ... ' : ’ > . At Hristol, TonnoMco, a crnxy man in-, sists U)WI1 attending ichuruh'with his Ad dle, mid up one dare mcddlo with him. George Peabody died on the. 4th of No- vcniber, nnd was Anally hiirlpd . three nionths and four days nfler his 'death. Ill iinltimnre nearly 6,000 women And stendy employment throughout the season in packing oysters. ■ German papers Sity tho emigration, to America will he linger tilts jeftp-t’tiau ever. ■' . ' Mr. Hamlin lifts introduced ntiili,^ pro vide n territorial govornmen for the District of Columbia. There 1b nota member of tho Wisconsin Lrg'slalure who cap claim that State as hie birth-place. »u:ii! A Sunday seliool tenclior in Npw Yorl; gnve a merachnum pipe,to onolof ills schol ars ns n reward of merit.! ... , Josh IVtliiugs Bnys: "Ono ofthcIWrcst scenin I ever sre’U wnz twp old maids wnitin on one sick widower,’’ A London coilrt Ims compelled a lius- hand ,to pay for a clgnr epee nud a tohacoo pouch; bought by ills wife for her lover. A young Indy in Philndelpliin ndvertlucs that she.will give SilO.OOO to any rospecta- hlo young man who will marry her. A new; hotel isproposed in Atlanta, ono gentleman offering to givu Ally thousand dollars. The Ilnrtford Times says tiiHt tiio new Constitution Ims been ratified by. twenty- one States, seven mililnry districts, nml '‘GenernlHeynolds.” . The little village of Summerville, nrnr Augusta, was visited hy no less tlmn three ArcB Inst Snudity. Loss, six or seven thou sand dollars. ' North Carolina imposes no restrictions upon tho marriage of Arst cousins, and it Ims already received several emigrauts from New Hampshire. A Texas paper reports that ex-Confcd- crntePostnm8terGi'ftcraIHcngiin has writ ten ftttd published a letter in which ho “npproVes of Hadicalisin in all its 1 parts.” The next session Of the General Confer ence of tho Methodist Episcopal Church South is appointed to begin in Memphis on Sunday, May 1st. There is a negro In Holly Springs, Miss., whoso onlyuamoisCImriesljewis William Augustus Cox, and ho refuses to bo set free. On an Indiana railroad train n woman Wits given a whole car to herself. She had under the scata jar oi sour-krout, and the passengers couldn’t stand the boqtiet. A young boy in Illinois, n (fcw days ngo, laid u train of powder through the kitchen, nnd then Ared it, '‘jin# to scare inn.” lie hasn't been nhlb to sit down with nny com fort siiico. Congressman Whiltoinore has been lec turing Sunday Schoolchildren on the evils of keeping bail company. He alluded to himself ns a striking illustration of ills text. . , The GrlAln Star relates of a lad attend ing the Male Institute tn Hint place, wild works at ulghts nnd Saturdays nnd pays his board nud tuition. lie always 1ms hi* lessons perfectly. A negro woman on Carter’s oreek, In Maury county, Tenn., nged tliirfy r nliie years, is the mntherof twenty-six children. Ilcrymmgcst, lately horn, are twins, which mnkufoiir children horn within tho space of eleven months. A Chicago gambler has invented a new thing for cheating in gamhling. It Con sists of n small mirror set in a llnger-ring, which, put on the little Anger of the right hand, enalilrs the dealer to see every card he deals to hi* opponent. "Tiio wife of a Boston-man ran away to Denver about two months ago, nlid'thu 'btlier day tcldgraphod her husband to semi money for her to come homo with. lie re plied, “Don't cut your visit short ou my account,” nml she is in Denver yet. ;p«iii In tlio wiubt ood il 'lmi il't mwrt Swootly lllnalmtlng.i hhin lunol'mlff Innocent ©hlldhootl | .tiJfirbhniMiabofiTAJ'iM^ J!-' ^ ^ Fvc^ihoroountolnalr, i hemplnuund inori^r^, . v „y. Blue eyes nnd hfucl Peep from tliQlioducs, Slmded by «nh jk>nii<$*, • Fmyod at tho edges, iqilntlmiyM^EvwWi 1 ^SUrfMWWHdniHAtkW"^ 1 "^ "* •« “ ill I Unitor tlio oraliurd tree, - Fijiurtlii* on oliorrtosrr . viii • : i Trampliiii thoolovor btooino riown ’nioim tho grimu, KftngtesAnMiuhlsthM, .il'liiq m(T ,-, u^ir laitoputlmwoo., e ... .,-pod,ii»;nrt>prinhv... . dT .viw ProlncIVy fusirlotioii 1 Coining tho purest UlooiV, ,. ,'8|re W >U’iihigoa°ltm»*olo,. ; Doimtlig ficnUi nruior , 'iatiifeVllfu'. coming injitii: I DcnrlltUo lnhobcipsl Ilnm in tlio \\ llihvoo Oli, llmt nil Itttlu otjbs, '• Ilml meli nchlliUiootlL . Coil’* Ohio spreiul over.tpcm, " Oofl's greott iKnrith them j | Ito Sweeter lioritnga - Could wo I'maaonth them I A ItomntJlr Slbri'. A magnificent piece of human ImTr—tho largest, Ihiest nnd mostyalujiblu ht Amer ica,says .Hie New York Stin—is uuWluiog- ing lii tho window of THrimtn(jn'$juo2jb OmMl'iith!ct,''itMr.Oriwdtntjr. • n dark broiyn Ime. sOftas Silk, weighs seven ounce's; and issixty-four Inehoa'in leuglli— live feet four Inches. On n medium sized woman lids Would sweep tlio fioor.' The longest piece of hnlr on record, exhibited at the Igindnn Exposition of 181)1', belong ed to Lean Fmlerft of Furls, and wns sey- enty-two iiiehe* m length. , Tim stony of this one that nteasdred sixty-four ingbtft is rather romanng. ' It.fcanio from, tho head of a Swabian peasant girl, whohiid two suitors for her lmml, ono a poor farm hand, who enrned six kreutzers n Any, nnd the other a rich miller. Tho mil|i owned tlio cottage in which the Stvahla_ girl and her wlUoWcd mother lived,' nttd bring ns selfish nnd unscrupulous ns ho was wealthy, threatened to drivo. tlieso tenants out of their hollies uulns his suit wns successful, although they had already paid part of tho prico demanded for the cottage, and were saving and working to pay the remainder. In tills mnorcc.noy n traveling hair merchant nppenreU iu.tlie village, nnd sooner than marry the wealthy miller,or. on tlurothcrlmiid; fin veher nged liiuthcr driven from holisc nml home, she determined upon the sacrifice of her beau tiful hair. It whs taken to the Leipsie annual fair, sold there for 6176 tohn Amer ican denier, nml found it* wny to its’pH-s- cut owners. It I* valued at between 6’hiO umlSi.'OO, . Tlie Xntlonnl nuiurtl RoonI. A IVnshington letter snysi “Itlsslngu lar nr d saddening to con template tho Hum. sands of able-bodied pcgrocs wily “roost” every day, ‘and nil day, in front pf and. on tlio sunny sides of the public buildings, and sleep iu the galleries of thg, Sgnnte anil House, while their wives, sisters and mpth era throng the .sonpdiotlsos froin^upyning to night, .with their lilt buckets and crack ed pithhers, Waiting thejr turn for tho cor* pomtlon gruej. Hera they stick,: ppd if they were competent to everything that is doiie in tills city iu every branch of busi ness, governmental and ■ local, nnd wore set to work to dp it, there would not bo work enough nil told to go half round, or to give tlioso engaged continuous employ ment for or.c-fonrth of the,,year. Now, Gqvcrnoy Alcorn, of Mississippi, writes a letter to tho guard inn nngcls of these btaeks here, nnd offers to pny the travelling ex pense* .pf nil who will go to him, furnish employment on his plantations to all who wish, nnd give them one-third of all tlio crop8 thcy trtako, mid nol ono will leave. Tlio (hot Is, their votes nro wanted here. Tho rrlao it* coat; In a speech to his friends tho other night nt Washington, Spoony flutter said; “Tlint grand spectnclo which is tlio 0on ! summation of tho work of the Fifteenth Amendment lias been Just witnessed iri tli admission of a nogro ns n Senator of tli_ United States. Gentlemen, that Is the crowuingtietof the great nml noble work." Which sentiment the New York Fforlrt, paraphrases thus: “The half million Union dend nnd tho three thousand million-debt l'rnd tlu-ir apotheosis in n negro Senator. ” Hove (told Excitement. Tho remarkable nnd'Inexplicable fall in gold deems to bo drciiting gtKtf eomfti6tibii in NeW York. It iS'tUrhlng;Wiill street top6y*tuH7 , .‘ Tlio niftiil^y raiirketis nssen- sitiVo nnd sickly ns'ft baby with tlip mons- lcs. Money lenders nro alarmed.. Fnil- ureS are njiprcbendcd. A panic is tlirertt- enlng, nnd nltogcthcr, matters nro mud dled. ’'' 1 ' ; ago leaving mi estate worth fotlr hundred tlmusandv dbllars, which lie willed Id lllb United .States government to lw used in nssisting to jiny tiio national debtl - 1I0HI- so left two nopiicws nnd n nlcco iu cxtrclno .poverty:and indigence, who propose 1 to break tlio \y Me. ThogovertHtelitpriiiiosea iioiiiold bit io tlie craXi’ Ulan’* 1 bequest, In oppositloh to tlio linvftil niid natural claim of Ills poor relations. 1,1 mtl -I hi_ —-t vr ' dd M-e Who Cincinnati IIAIIroml. The CincinIWll S,mtliern llnllrond Bill has been defeated in tho Kentucky legis lature by n decided vote. Wo profess td uow hut little about ■ *uph tilings, htit fmadn (hom tliat direction Soiitii is now blockaded, ought to bo oonclusiVo ns to ijty for additional facilities.— Vdguuiiiitdidi Imr yitl, West Vlrzlnln. li d '- Tile West Virginia Legislature lias adoptedla resolution to amend- the State Constitution;, striking: out tho word white” from tho suffrage olnuso, and re storing tho bdllPt to thoed disfranchised on occount of participation in tho robollion. Noutlicrn Form nml Home. ,Thi* vnlunblo periodical, is boforo us, filled wltli its usual,vnrloty pf interesting riinttcr, published by J, W. Burko & Co., Jtncon, Ga., and odltcd by W. M. lirownc. Tills is a Soutliern work, nnd worthy, of Southern patronngo, ; , lintf. orynbn. , Tlio'Washington correspondent muha. BaltlmqrO Mtiltsnys: “An unoAieial jutler lias been received in this city trnip Madrid, giving information, claimed to he based on trustworthy sources, that tlio {Spanish offi cials are willing to enter into negotiations Ihr the sale of Cuba to tho United States for sixty millions of dollars in gold, freo from nil claims for Indemnity of whatever character, hut tlmt tho public sentiment ■ hijSnnln is so strong against this that it , . . would ho unsafe for the regency to enter IIow much strength does It bring to you upon any such negotiations'. Inconfirnu- In your lnborB and 1 exertion?. A rutiled t ! on j , f this statement it is uliderstood that - „n h,; . . | similar information is in possession of n tho Queen's English is said to bean exact SSSSlfenfei ^ r ^ scuts, even I , tribes in tills state. (VmirrcKKloiinl Xllernltfve. The following murderous assault upon A lletntirlinblo t’nso of (lie Nuspenslon or Lire. , A daughter of Josiah King, brother of ex-Governor King, of Ithodo Island, now lies dead iu Stonlngton, Connecticut, yet sueli is the remarkable preservation of her features and complexion, nnd such the re tention of warmth in. the body, that tbs best medical men are in doubt as to wheth er the case is one of actual dehtli or. only temporarily suspended! miliiintion. All tlie ordinary tests of lii'o and dentil lend tn llie.lnfereuee.tlmt sho i* teiilly tlwfJ,:While absence of plhcr phenomena of death lends to a counter conclusion. The case is con sidered one of the most remarkable on rec ord. It will not only start uow discussions in the scientific world, hut it will bring into importance tlie inventions for pro tecting tho buried against the dangers of tha.gmvo or Vault, where indoubt, ,n’« :t (Supremo Court Decision. Tlio Supremo Court of tho United States has dcpldod that divorces obtained in,In diana, if valid there, are valid throughout tho country; also, that Congress lias no conslitutionnl 1 power to establish prtlico regulations within tho States; nttd there fore, tho not of March, 1 1807, td prevbnt tho snlo of coni oil for ilium Illation which is lullninmitble at a less temperature tlmn 110 degrees is unconstitutional, , :„i , Fronolig.' .-1 A new French invention is a portibio fresh-huttcr cliiirn, to, bo used nt cnoli nienU: It Is niiida pf crystnlnnd mounted ou silver feet. A silver rod revolves quick- ly in tlie crcnm, nud presents a pnt of but ter’ every three minutes. A Xov Itulo for Resilience. General Ames was admitted a* Senator from the State of MiBBisslippi, notheeftuso lie wns'a resident of tlmt Slnto, for Ijo 'edfi- fi-sseshe wns not, hut simply, because he had “declared hts intention to bocomo a resident” in cnilo of hi* election I It is, bereforh, only necessary, in tho opinion of the assembled wisdom, for a mnn residing in Mnlnoor Iowa, nnd who never raw Georgia, to declare Jut Intention of becom- iug-a ettizen of tho IntterStnte in order to 'iu eligible to CongressI JIas tho nation myted with nil moral sense that UuUklim ie shocked by such lawless and outrigfcouS conduct ns this? “Till! Murder Hnnln.” Tim New York Press dcVotck loHg edi- torlul: chapters to the nmiiia for killing, which now prevails throughout the North. Singular to state, so much of that business is now going, on in tho regions of “high mornlldeftS|” that they have no time to concoct the cilBtolttnry records of Bodlliel'n horrors. . Nlrlhlnir Llhencss. i Tlio Bridgeport Farmer says of thatdtte toriqus fanatic and agitator, Wendell Phil lips: 'Unison inordinately vain, conceited; arrogant, supercilious, bigoted, dogmati cal, dictatorial, traitorous old reprobate, hut never had sufficient courage to stand forth nnd expose lilmSelf to nny of tho pon- nltlcs of treason hy a single overt net in exemplification oi his teaching*. Seven Graves. A Pennsylvania cemetery contains sev en graves sldo by hiclc^ in which repose tho llfeiesit remnlhi) 61A man nnd his six wives. AVlich til) first wife died tho third wns three years old and tho fifth an infant of twelvo months, while tho last wife vyns not horn until tho year following tho death of the first. The Steamer City or Iln.lon Tlie greatest anxiety is felt nt thu North for this stonmer. She loft Halifax, if wo mistake not, ou tho 22d of January, bound for Liverpool, siiico when nothing has bcert heard of her. A number of theories pre vail ns to her flvto, hut none of them gtvo nny hope of the iwfetyof tho vessel. A vessel has been ordered to sen to cruse In sonrch ; of her oUt olf tho routes usunlly ta ken by tho Liverpool steamers, nnd evory effort is being mndo to ascertain her doom. Strong hopes nro ascertained tnntiiho (tiny lmvo been driven oat of her course, nnd, though dismantled, still nfiont. R*d art the uiie Farmers in tho t nols, have rcccritiy lost ten tl In rs’ worth of tlicop hy tlio discaso known ) “senb;” _ Cnrlon*. Tito chliro nlphnbcl is found In tlicee ihuViincttr r,|, d teitl mnsl- - God gives tlio grazing ox ids meat, Ho quickly hears the sheep's low cry; : ticllnhl, Tlittddcus Young Smith, of tiio 3 mission in'LoiilsviHe, Kentucky, \ tho Courjer-doiirhal that tho Sni posoto resist.thn effort to nhollsh my, nud Hint tlio Mormonp “bid dcllanc to every crusade tlint originates in tho cor rupt court of AYasiiington.” ■- ——.—:— ; l Si,|,reino Court. . , , ; - ,,Tb?rc between soventy-fivo and ono hundred, cases still to ho disposed of on tho docket of tho Supreme Cottrt. MW, Both witty nttd slffil'l) Was tlmt woman of BnltinVorei who soht to her grocer theso line’s: : “Mr. Ttttlto;, tljls hero tiling hns got too much hcffijjilil it for molasses, and not qnite ettottgh for a clothes line, so I bcg’j'ou aVIU extlhnnge it for n purer nrlt«. elo.” • 1 nil - . 1 ‘ - Nhnrp Roy. ‘Look here, hoy,said a nervous okl gentleman to nn urchin, who was munch* ing sugar-candy at alccturo, “youaroan noying me very much.I’ “No, I ain’t, 1 ' replied, the uishln, “I nm gnawing this *ugar-eahdy-"'T fiT ,i<A * ■ St. Loul^re^eJ\redttealjjjy ll}-jlB(k000 bush- sofwIiententtdjmnttbfiiOtUredoveri.OfiO,- 000 barroM of lloiir Inst -year. Down I Down I It M tltoitght tltAt gold will decllnoto 110 bcfot‘0 thedo'vriward tendency is check ed, nnd nnother itnnle is apprehended hnlong tho ganihlefs nnd Stock brokers. rl: ' TerrTble. , Tho number of live*-lost by tliodcstruc- lion of the steamer Elttmni pn tho Missis sippi Inst, week, in now stated at seventy. Pnlhcilc'Appenl. Apahet' ln Stockton, Wisconsin, 1ms tho following bathetic and irresistablo ap peal toUkdebtOffi: * Cohie in. AYo tfnnnot forgivo our debts ns pttr Hcttvellly Father; we nre unablo tn do bo; our powers nro limited. But wo can write reeolpto and stamp them nicely When full payments nre made. Will you tify. ttsf Wc are waiting anxiously. ‘ Spoons! Vnfrntine Day was agcntlorcmlnderto BchBt'Bhtlcr. Ho received about six thou sand, nnd, insttnd bf love, silverware was tlio pnssion portrayed. Some of tho wri- tefs wclro Vefy “spopny” on him. PolnlCil. ' * Greeley, of tho Tribune, qnlls tho editor of tho New York World' “a linr—a grace less, slmhielcfcs, villainous, detestable 11* " Hpiirat^IIorficd is pyidontly losing his teniiier. K'ufeBSesHvrf. A Northern ritpitalist proposes to sub- scriho fifty thouSahd dollars toward estab lishing a cotton factory in Griffin, if tho Citizens of that plhco Will invest a liko amount. This would bo sufficient to em ploy flyo thousand spindles add ono hun dred hands. ’’ ‘ ’ ’ To Help l*(>y tlio Nntlonnl Debt. George Fox, n New York miser, recent ly deceased, loft ft will bequeathing nil his property, valued at betweon three and four hundred, thousand' dollars, to dhoU. S. Government, to assist in paying tho na tional debt. What a fool! Don’t Worry. You gain nothing by fretting; yoti only waste your strength hy ft, Choose your Work, plan ns skillfull)- ns you can, put your whole-heart into wlmt you nro about to do, and leave tho rest to a kind Provi dence that overlooks not n single ono of us. Do you kuow how many years of your life niid happiness nro mortgaged by tlio Imbit of worrying? And, after all, wlmt.does ft accomplish! How does ft help you oh? Weald lie' unsafe’ for' > tiio~regctVoy to enter copy of tho temperance pledge taken by j not com bine tho best elements -and help the Congressional Society at Washington: thom to wol . k together to the best advan-| A young la(ly ln Now Ind„ * c i , 1 ', 10 umlcrstsned,. do.plcd^a our tngo, but only tho worst, and gives them boasts of twonty-seven fittitfinionlfti' ch- l - —- - -, - ‘•ruth, faith and honor, that we will not ft i ouc a q u, 0 c i m q c0 , gagements ftactured hy her in firo yciars. nggrandizement. They will sacrifice their i uso intoxicating liauors .ns beverages, nor i , t jL t 1 • • • own political friends nnd talk, work and | traffic in them, and that wo will not fur* guq*« so vote for the enemies of their own party to nishitasan nrtidoof entertaiument, or | rp. nrft Tiiinni. accomplish their selfish purposes. This is for nersons in our employment, and that | ,‘ t ; ro nro 'X 0010 ! 1 U , ” 01 f ‘ w l ? the mcauest treachery, anil does not stop In all suitable ways we will discontinue its . could have married Grant—and arc darned short of absolute and Inexcusable villniuy. use.’* I sorry now that they didn’t. . An Ainictsil llu-ibuml An ox-nrmy officer In Indiana tells a story, of An acquaintance, who, having re imivea from hM'dative town Wlictt a-youi” iHatt, went tiaek there for his Wife, 8. lit-ed hut a short time, nnd ho jotirrteyed back for another, who also soon "went to bo nil angel." Again he returned to his natlvo village, and this time ho brought hack two charming creatures; onohehiaf- rlcd and tho other ho kept on hhnd ns ft supply in caeollio Itaftpor should nmko Him a widower for tho third time. GcorlfDl. Tlio Washington correspondent of tho Baltimore Garotte writes to tlmt paper on tho 1st, tho following about Georgia: Georgia will probably ho again admitted into tho Union, so far as tho Hnuse is cou corned, lo-dav or to-morrow, illSm'^^ ’ AVbrttn Wrctl-lil „... x Cd, lo-diivor to-morrow. Ithasboci jiately agreed to admit the Senators lately chosen, to! tho exclusion of Miller She has a long string of engagement tings njul Hill. Tlio Hon. Snrratt Bingham hftiiging np in her Boudoir, mid .points to ! eontemplntes rehearsing his oft-repeated them with a feeling of pride nklh to tlmt speech; but ho will finally voto witii ids which animates tlie brenst of a “noble’red - iblljw conspirators. ThoStato will he sub- nmn” when ho shows oil 1 ids collection ol’ jected to tho “conditions” imposed upon scalps. - Virglaitti To Correspond. • TftomAh8lon of tho Governor of Missis sippi iu being I painted- yellow, to corres pond with the present polltlonl complexion ofaffairs, ’ _ , ~ Coni Trade. Somo idea of tlio extent of tho coal trado in this State nmy he fornlod, when it is known that tho Western and Atlantic Bond alone has over two hundred coal cars now running. .... Takes the Romaneo ont. A fellow who has a partiality for tho beautiful wrapt up in storo goods, says: It takes the romance frmn poetic youth af ter hurriedly wnlkihfc a Bqimrotocatchup to a dninsel aCcked IQ feathers and ribbons, nnd wearing a shoft dress, to find that her shoes are f dn down at tho heels, Tho Difference: it Ims been shown in Congress that tho Actual oxpcuscs of tlio White House are #27,000 more per year undci Grant tlmn they were under Johnson. Roil lid. A widow at Dos Moines, Iown, nrgues tlmt life insuranco is tlio duty of all men. Her husband wns insured for §20,000, which will set her second husband up inn- llrst-clnss grocery. i Hurd on Clilengo. A drunken man in Milwaukee was cook ed nearly through by lying down on a mnrblo-slah in n billlnvd-roem, over f leant pipes. Ho said ho thought first lie. wns irt hell, nnd when it kept getting hotter 1m imagined ho wne in CULutg-j,