North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, April 07, 1870, Image 1

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ygutv (> Will nrnotli \SfiM0MM ... .... ■ i the col loci Ion of Clrlins. 4. A. W. JOtlNIOX. j0HN 8 0 X *M0CA ? ,V, t0K}iBYgATIjAWi ««i the U. 8. District Court nt Atlanta. inr-lj J^ WAMHKJf, 31. 1>.» ] conspiracy against the BpUrUqua. tuul to ,vo himself assumed tho (lucupntuui nml ft shepherd. Ho next appeared ns l*h) nlrlnn, Sturgeon nnd Areouchrur, SS-OlUco ou King -tie-el,.hi tho oUl Ibizan ’ Itoiino. . , |( , , •, jvj;i ,i;, Dalton, (In., .Tun. 13-ly, ul- a. walker, ''' ATTORNEY AT‘I.AW, Vn* King Street, lhflton, a A ty* l-BttcY'attfcKN*, ofrhlz youl . mro eloquence, which did not, tlowovrr, stive Idm from prison, from which lie cs- cupi;d to Kn^lnpd. Removing thence to Chill, And tailing to jirouliru iv situntion thrro, lio feutned totmUnt! At Havre n captain in the French navy ndvlscd him ’ Attorney nt I.n\v, onicat Id Door, Upstair* In Ulonn Building, top Dalton, UooitfW. ft cftntnln in the r retieli navy, ail vised him to seekiiti nsylum ip IHo tfnltwl states, -- and oflbred to take MW M'lfM slvlp ns Ihr §W to 1>*» SCI ' over. These words ■ • hilvohcuncpnllrmedhy subsequent events for llio Catholic religion has over been eel- _ntn tliuolt* ,.t anti vigilant attention will ho ulvon to nil cases, M ml lea I Surgical anti Ohstotrfcal, on* truntcil to hi* pare/» • s; Oot. 14-ly. -jyrKAnon Mtim TO v COMMISSION M KUC11 ANTS, Anti Manufacturer*of Segars, •,' • f i\THtt«a.nll BfrtHi A11.«I.?, O.v ns Sun Domingo, > Tlvo oiler was accepted, lie nraehod Port nu Prince, and thence took passage to lialtimoro, from which Ive traveled, to New Orleans. This was in 1825. Applying himself to tlvo study of 'English and the law. ho was admitted to .UQ unr, and gradually grow into popular- tv and fortune. In f847 lie was elected to Ml a vacancy in live Senate of the United States, and was re-clouted in 1840 for »lx fears, tint resigned in 1853 to go ns <Anicr- ean Minister to Spain. With Juhh Y. ,, , . , . --- -- ter«stam!rc Alnlmmn, Sir., Atlanta, Ga Whit* A Whit look, Proprietor. IV. D. Wiley, Clerk. aided to preparotho famous OsUmd Man- PT&flfcsy® oi the meapabillt.v to err, or CDS)hlr w&rimonta dujtoa Uio.lnqt ton' ifesto for tlio forcible seisure of Cuba, llis Infallibility, of the; Homnu Pgntlff, Is years, wliloli, hesa vs. lmfonjwnjji proved manners Were cnrcfril, and Pari , hisclocution exquisite, and rendered agree able by,>hU French accent; and Ills mind Chattanooga, Tonn. A. L, MILLER, Proprietor. 4 Hospitality, Comfrirt,' C6nf onloneo nml* , tny combined In tlianmungumenti 1Ht ttbbvp ordinary. Ho ftlwnyti attmoUil crdtfM when ho spoke, and mauy ttlll t*o ; T w ATKINS, 1 r mnKTT ,t ilulcitjis, Manufacturers and Jobber* of Hats, Caps ami Straw' Goods, . *711W Baltimore* i?t*<M. June lMltl mcmivcr his iief co ipoomfagainst live com promise measures ill 1850, which gave such offense to Mr. Clay. Ho was arrested at New Orleans in 1802, nml, aftuccnnline- mont for some months in Fort Lafayette, Was released on condition of not returning dhring tile war. lie was sixty-nine years old when lid died. . llAl.TlMOttE. p.VUI. JO»XIH| JISi ic!(T00Q wfiBBfifflAelSSL nrawtHes. Wines, Whlshles, <•!«*, dv. l’KACUTase Srn., Ati.astA, Ua. May J7-ly, ..pjylKit Wholesale and detail Dealers hi Groceries ,nud, sPrp.vJsioiis, Corner Broad nml Howard streets, July l Ttomb All Ain r . _ . . J. C. «A>VLI*S,. . At his own House again. O II O I O E II OTEL Broad Struct. Hmne, Ga. Passenger* taken to aud front Hotel fr^e of charge . JnnrtMf N. NEAT.ON, Itookneller, * Htnttoner and Xowamnn, Aud Dealer In Dry Uomls, GrocoHos, Produce, .(VHfaH-.f ^“Jhl^iiJ^roPt, DAI.TOX, Ga. SA^'^^'^cTp. *8..., . Wlioloftftlft:Qvooct1*t Produino Commission Merchant*, and t)baler* la Wine* And Liquors, SI North Howard street novfim*«».* • • IlnTC more. W; w< I,IUa,Ns i;iTx A Nil LOCKSMITH . - pculerlu Now Guns, Pistols, Cnrtvidgen, etc OppositeTlhlm nouse, Hamilton Street. Nuu*. Itlfle* inmloto Older, und all repairIni. lone on Bliort notice, mid wurranted. ,uiur-ly done on Short not! ijv 11 • M<) K KM*.vx, A L K V ^ 05. Wholesale. Groeersj *Liqnor & Gommission MERCHANTS, 43 Sonth Howard Howard Blrecta, botwee Lombard and Pratt 8t rods, 1 BALTIMOltK. Ordjp's *oUcltcil. i • t ; imflWm *******»*2fr>mmsrLxv, , King Street, Pulton, Georgia. Will ^itend prompt ly tivall linwClaims In the Supromo Court ortho United States; Court of ern Dint rlet of Georgia, and Bankrupt Court at Atlanta, (hi.; In the State Court* in tliu conn* .. -'*•• •- u i,i Murray, Gonlan, Bartow, La- A “• Mmvdtf. 1 iif^J fivH, Watchiriakcr and Jowolcr, BliiqvlH nr. hrrtlrn’t, N.iw Drug store, Hamilton Street, Dultou, Georgia. ttiindtMlida stoek df nnrb .tnivolry, for Ijidles ■jyjEDICAL AND SUnUICAI. NOTICE. Drs. A. W. lIlvInjxM A Syon, Formerly of South Carolina, T*ndef their Professional MerVlo*** “* Tij ~-hdflitr ‘ " i the Citll ...of Dull oh mill sitt'rmtuillng country, 8po* .olallaUpijHon given <4> alI®rnntoeowSL. _ Ofllce, during the dav, corner of King A streets, and night lit ■•■•si.inm- an Um ihnrlj XA Pent* 'csldcnee on Thornton Avcnui-.fonhoriy bccnpllnl by MV. J, H. King. -i.C'AItvniKB*,*' i jAmmry.Vly. Kino 8tu., Dalton, Jjr.hi. u* imow.vj Insui'.ancc and taml Agent. AgoiWfV AUhaLlCcan'tFlriVliisuraiiooCom- t i^wy'j.ujso. ffwfurson and JUlv o, JvRorson amt Jampf J V., 1 fimmo cmpijamw. df \ Kuterprlse, Cincinnati,nml ,a For anvhadv whoimtrutathelrhiihlness to him, d j* Refers’ to Col. C. B. Welhorn, Atlanta: and .Col.AV,D..Tlhh*,.Lowry A Ku««»i», Hon. D«.* . Walker ami Col. J. A. It, Hanks, Dalton, Ga. >11. sir. QlfMllIlA *«hro 111 Hft imH that ho law rwni .JJito-i m BuionvannnSwMSffi M. ■ vliio io Oio.iiooiilo ot this ilml -orroanilliig country Alt work warranted. TWm* s Of the teeth treated sueebsufnily. rtMfwlced. -ArlHkdftl-twrttrimertcil on thb'ruhhur basis, or any way pieforrod. , - OffleoWltliPr. Ulvings 3t Son.Ditlfoti.Oa. o6ly rOTICK—The umlersigued has pim-lia-nl ■VTOTICK—The nndcrsigi- . .... i3| fromlilslirothcr, ids interest in tho Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, Cmwford Street Dalton, 'dai, 5Vliero ho will bo pleased to furnish to Iho public, lit till hours,*Nn. nforseH and N«*w jfug* glen. I have a coiuuiodlous Huekt uiho.ii I have a commodious lluckt hn-w... .wmgDnt kid' lioiwo*.v- to Ichmiihp »mtld n>- aphotmlly tl*k thcelt f ‘ ‘" <8$iSoi-: -pj^weti ^pebi' Tin- hlghcAt uiorkot price polil for HIDES, Jbtec.nld Mqngcr Tannery. Dalton. Un.; al*o, ne editor of a liberal paper in Purls, wiiteli ‘irougilt him under Iho notice of tile u Uorofuiwilto ttike advaqUigo th, and defendud himself wiili . __ _____ Hlh Fetor, prineo of npns„, whoso sugecBsor is llig Itnmnii P.inlUl'.— And as she is bound to deflmd before oth ers tho truth of the faith, so also any questions which may nrlse regnrdmg failli mutt lio dclhicd by her judgment; beeauso hioreover, tile words of our Lord Jesus .Christ, saying,. ‘Thou art Peter,’ etc., _ religion has over been col conned, tn tile Ajioslollo Sec. ‘•lienee wo teach,, With tho appfoVttl of tlieTIhly Council, and deflno ns a dog ma of faith. Unit in- the Divine asslstaneo tho Roman Poutiil; of whom, in the par son of Mt. Peter, It hns likewise been said by our IMa .Testis Christ. 'I linvo pray ed for then,’ &e., cannut err when.nellWg as the highest teacher of all Christians, lie Authoritatively delincs what should lio . - Ami tliu years grfby. i An llxtrnordlnnr,' Tlieor.r. A dlstiuguislied Swedish chemist, Dr, ifi'BsdroCthtvUi ‘ ecs many E 'lshed; Ids dress neat, ni’ ‘ equally cxtcnslvo with tlio inihliihillty of his habits mndernti-i tho Church. . “If any ono should presume to contra dict tiiis our' definition, which may God avert, Ict'him know liiat ho thereby fhlls away from the truth of tho ihitli'.’’ / r THOMAS HOOD. It wii* not In tho SiMrtteV Oar loving lot was east; It whs tho tlmivot roses— Wu plucked thuui as w o passed! Thai churliKh sojisou i: Oh curly Invc&yvt^ sr frowned ’ 'Two* twilight, and I hade you gr But still yon held inn List; - It was the time of roses— W.e plucked them more passed! The Podeapectl. A few moriiirtgssinen a quiot gentleman and a .handsome, youtli walked into our sanctum, bringing with them a queer look ing package. Tliu queer looking package was no mnltcf ot surprise to us, for our eyes ore familar with nearly all tho forms into which tlio genlUs oi mwptors can tor ture wmid aud metal, liut while the el der of the two gentlemen entered inlocnii- versation with us, tlio younger undid the package, disclosing a pnir (ifivlieeis, seme fourteen or fifteen inches In diameter, to wliieli ivero nttaulied same stout hickory stirruii-likc appjwndnges, in the bi.ttoms of which were foot iiiecta, sliniied like the Pi woods of common skates. On ouo side uf the Bllrrup-likenppenda ges were firmly fastened mctali(( plates A ’Xodt-rn Dlurbcnril. Dr. William D. Potts, alius Duvall, nii old resident of Nuivark,. N. J., hns been' convioted of murder of his fourtli wife, at Janesville, Wisconsin, and sentenced III. •JilUl'KYlUUt n IBCUIIMII, UIIU WIUPUL-CU to imprisonment for life, tho sovorcst pun ishment that can bo indicted under tlio laws of Wisconsin. The convicted villain is a Jersey—man by birth, having been lmni in the southern part of tho State, near Ticutoit. where Ills family Was well connected. In Ills early life lio Was ncler gyman, mid At tlio llgo of fourteen was widely known ns “tliu boy preacher.”— He followed this profession up to tile ago - • • ” ' d ‘ GriltscilJiieh, aProfeBsnrijfAlm Uiiiverslly of U|wal, lias come to the eouulusioii Unit tliosu Egyptian mummirs, which arc found 111 tho nuelcut tolnbs on the Nile lu a'com-, ptete statu, that is to say, without having beuu deprived of their brains lind entrails, liko most mummies—are not embalmed at all, but “nro rcnlly the bodies'of individ uals wiioso life lias* been momentarily sus pended. with tliu intention of restoring them at some future time, only tho secret of preservation was lost. ." i • Professor Griisselbaeli 1 proolk ill si ' — • • • ers, Ids ex years, wlile ,_HML I alieccssful. lie took a snake mul l rented it ill such a manner ns o benumb it us lliougii it lmd been carve tin marble, nail it was so brittle that, hag he allowed,it to fall, it would linvo broken into In this statu III) kept it fur Be am! then restored it to ill With it slnnulntinif lltiid of ivhieli is secret. For snake lias been,undergo! composed of successive df ructions, apparently wit linrin. ; The professor Is reported to have.sent a petition to Ids government, requesting that a criminal wlio lias been condemned to dentil may be given to tin id the sumo manner lug to restore him years. Itisundersi dcrgolng F ‘ mt-nts. dcrgolng this cxtierlmcnt is to be pardon. of thirty, when lie relinquisheil iteutirefy Uf course, If tho man can lio kept in n for tlie practice of medicine. The Ml stntcofsiisiioudcdanimntloii for two years, • •- ho may ha kept) Tor. two thousand years, and, if tlio professor succeeds. Wo may lay up a few specimens Of contemporaries fo’r exhibition In tho thirty-ninth ccutui-y.— Appleton's Journal. ord of ills ram-cr is principally a rccorff of unmlers. lie had four Wives, two of whom belonged to prominent New Jersey families, and wrromniTiod to the doctor during ilia residence tn tile Stale. The manner of their deaths—at the time re garded ns suspicions—coupled with the ascertained thel that tlio doctor's last wife Wdipolsmled by him, Convinces tis ail who ara familiar with the circiimslnhces that they met their death at his hands. Ilis third ivlB lie married at ilufliilo, N. Y., and she died nlso suddenly, and without apparent cause, two years afrorwnril.— A Is,.lit •> 1-non mrn'lio •iioHiitnil Ifivo 1-MlA About ayoar a^’hd ntarrivtl Mins 1^112- abtlli Moon*, of Jnm'svllle, and aflcr llr- iiu' with lu r six numihs, h!il> was in turn sacrilicnd, bur dentil bnin^the result of poiftoji udniiuistiTed by him.—-Xiiv York WoM _ ^ • Th© .Surromlcr. Jdlm Eston Oooka in his new book, “HnnwiK ami linger,” snys: Ou liioJOth of April, 1800. tho old sol diers of tlio Army of the Potomac ~ it r-tu •* i . a .i —----- , 8tr&tc1|cd the hands of comrades to the each having n short axle or bearing pro- they lipd fought so long. To-day they .i , ;“ l ! 1, .b' 11 _ j 11 lr )‘; Aip-’n whjch the nr0 rc , u |y to do as much if civilians would ^ r i ^ '!■ 'I only lot tliem. There Is a personngo eppi'mlagcS Were imulj of lint niore fetoeious and implaeablo than ttie st! ins of w nod about llireu mehe8 wide in . |],. m , 8 t s.ildier—it is tliu mail who has tlie broadest jHirtmn, beiit sn that one side j sla p| nt imine and never smelt giinpow- ! ‘'Vfi'#* re » t font-lit,,clapped made'lb meet it aliout midway to form a sort of loop. In tlie holluin of lids loop were placed tho foot pieces above describ ed,, provldedi with toe straps mid a clasp fof tliu heel. To the fippftrciid of the stir rups was attached a piece of wood to lit tlio outer-and upper conformation of tlio calves of the legs. ■ In less 11 tnr* than it' took us to note tlicse points, tlie young gentleman—who was subsequently introduced In lis as tlie sou of the' inventor of this slnguiar device— hnd strapped on the wheels and commenc ed rapidly gliding about among tlie chairs and tables With singular swiftness and gmcufbhicss. A space being cleared ho proceeded to exccuto with seemingly por- ibet ease, the inside and outside roll lig- urc of eight, etc., amply ■demonstrating that the r 'pedespced” lias all the capabili ties of the skate, botli in tlio variuly and grace ot tlio evolutions that can bo per formed With It. ■ ■ Tho Pedcaiiood is light nnd strong, and dinary parlorskate w-uid bo useless., -Tlie Inventor, a largo und lienvy man, informs Us ho can use it constantly for two hours Without fatigue. For gymnasiums, colle ges, nnd parts of tho country where no ieo over occurs, it affords a delightful, honllli- ful, nml graceful pHstftnc#t nil seasons of tho year-j-riiticiitylc American. A allocking Cnso or II31Iro;,1,oh 1 a On IVtdne^lnyiof lnstyfeok', a eltfze'n of Queens, Long lain ml, named I Ion ry Klenn, Was nttaeked by a ferocious dog nml lindly bitten. Tin* attack of the bruto was ob served by Messrs, ltmvlaud and Gillen, who drovo tlio dog away; and carried Klenn to tlie post ofllce, where bis wounds 'ivero dressed. Uo was afterwards re moved to liis home, whom her Anally re covered so ns to bo nlilo to resume Ills ev ery-day duties. On Thursday Instills enn- dimt excited sUMiioloiu lie compliiiiied of folding (lixzy, which ivob attended by iutu- sen and vomiting. Uo mitered tliu ’nger beer saloon of Mr. Sclimidt and asked for a glass of Ingor, wliieli when offered lie re- fuseil toaeeeptand left tlieliouse. Under ’tlid liorse-slied be obseryed a pail of water, wliieli liefrantically seized nnd dashed to tliu'ground.. Uo llieb sliirtcd on a run for eiwiii. bis residence. He dashed open tlie door in a paroxysm of terror, yellipg with dc- llriinii and pain, frothing from the mouth, nndblocdlng ftsmi tlio nose. Uo continued unrelieved in his sufferings forpbout'nn hour, and, ns he seemed to grow worse, it was found necessary to enuso his death by sniotboringbim between feather bods. The Rrtro*pcet. Uow.diiforrnt is tho view of nost llfuln tho man who is grown oldin knowledge and Wisdom from that nf bin) grown old in ignorance nnd follyl Tito latter is like the owner of,a barren country, tlmt alicaulifiii and spacious Inndscniic, divi ded into delightful gardens, green mead ows, fruitful fields, nnd can scarce castbis . cyo on a single spot of Ids possessions tlmt ■ -"* r ‘ is not covered with some beautiful plant or ilowor.—Atlditon. ids lintuis, saying; “Fight Oil, my bravo boysl You are covering yourselves with glory, nml ivc are watching you!” If til-oivi’i.iiia h il li-an at Anjniint* tux tliuy would linvo buteliend or liand- enfted tile men or Lee—would you not ineisscursV You would certainly linvo split tho nir witli every brass band of tlio army, and shouted “llosannah” at their humiliation. Doll, soo the ditioroncu between men who light nml men wlm do not. Tfli) old soldiers of tliu Army of tliu Potomac kept quiet. When LcenppcurcdntGen. Grant’s quarters every bend wfis uueoveivd. Vlc- odder lory saluted defeat. If tko Klnrlfi were t» slanil Sllll. If the revolution of the enrtli on its nx- is were to be suddenly stopped, tlio tem perature of qyorything would be raised to soph a degree 11s to be incnpnblc of exist ing in any other form than vapor. When a btillut strikes the target it liecomi-s so hot tlmt it enmint ho held 111 tlie Imml.— Its volocity is nt tlio rate of 1200 iiiot a second; but wlint mdst bo tile llcnl pro duced when a body like tlio earth, moving at.tiie-rntuof ninety million feet n second is 6uddeuly arrested! It would sqnn be cnilvertod into a sea of lira nml all llfo rfprgnniKfltiim of his cab wmiltl become extinct, It Is hot pi'oba- will go oyorb'mrd certain, hie Unit this ealnstropiio will tnku place in our generation, but ns the light of tliu sun-is a&id tar be due to the combustion of worlds in its atmosphere our time limy some tlinoconio to add fuel to the flames. A I'mirli Lovo Wlrnfogcm. A Paris correspimdent .tell* this story concerning stumbling blocks iu tliceoursc ofAruefovo, liiid bow they were overcome: YV/oijUg glfl is beloved, and gives biiek sigbWor slgli. by a young centleninii, her 8U|ierinx)8oeiairy. Her parents forbid Iho courtship, ami request tliu lover to visit Hr ■' no moi'e. llllt tile iinule of tliu Inver in a coustnpt visiter—twlco a week regularly —at'the hnuso of tho young lady; whoso Hither la his friend of mnqy years’ stand ing.' Ho nlso passes two evenings per week in tlio society of Ills nephew, whoso lovo matter ho disapproved of. Now cxnlfiinlng it, found a letter from his daughter. Tho latter was nut under lock nml key, nnd it was only after an attempt to suffocate herself with cltnfcoftl fumes, tlmt pity-bocnnio ‘akin to love.’ ” The Turin*. Tiio Hails', Fnst hnd West, ftro to lock lionis on the tariff issuo.V A bitter Radh cnl paper, Iho Ht: Paul Dispatch, thus throws downlhu gauntlet to Horace Gree ley aud the protectionist of tlio East: Grcoicy never said a truer tiling than whin lio declared that tlio tariff question “is ihotssuQ next in ordor.” When lie rnpose to accept tlio issue,_ nnd If U10 Republican party is not hold .enough to ‘ r " and tnko " gnipplc with tlie. question, mi bide uf tile people, it must look __ tho for defent. A Wise Ckolcc. Tlie 'American Baptist tells tho follow, ing story, which wo commend to our young female renders, nnd.nmlcs also; ‘Wlict-o did von ilrst meet wltirynnr bride?’ I said to if young friend of mine, who had invited me to his wedding. Ills reply was: A year ago I' was ono of a large dinner party of Indies and’gen- llenicil, at wliieli a ynung Indy was notic ed not to drink any ivinc. Our host ob served it, nnd said: ‘A glass of ivino with you miss?’ ‘Excuse me, Bir,’ said she. ‘What excuse! Are you a teetotaler? Wlmt, linvo wo a tcototaler here? llal lm!"a teetotaler? Why, do you nevor drink wine?’ _ - ‘Never, Bir.’ ‘Why not?’ ‘From priucipic, sir.’ . Notiilngmoro was said; Her decision of character deojdy impressed Bit. I sought an introduetlim to lief, satisfied that ouo of such principles Would pmke mo a good companion. 1 became a teeto taler myself, nnd now sho 1ms last) be come my wife. That’s why I 'married her. , ■ Our friend was right. Su lady will, make 11 line tromi there were more like her. marking the LobbyTsI-- Loglslntion at tho West is freq mnrkcd by a groat deal of sagn'eiti - sal tui ■ l ll-llli . Tor Hyorybodjre ijottf planllbg fcau comhicucbd inBqtU' tot county,'AW, , I,!,» .'noia viiuVj (lin t is being made tn Imild a sec ond ^ethpdlst elmruh'nt Alliens,, Another largo oot ton fliotm to he put under way In OMidul Tlio flrotnen of- Savniinnli nro to liavo a grand parade on; tlio flrtt of iPty, Tlie time td blib SB3^teatfpfhon tlio iit isdh'ybu. ; Wlmt Is tlie ^oaljeet Vfnnt of iho, ago? . llllt of ftmil*.*, , / 4 ; „ j, ,. q,. [ An ncter ought to be a happy man,-his work Is to piny. Vhy do tldcFes load ir Cbrnflirtahio ,11 to?' ceritise they take Ihltigs'so bns’ T(io mosi effyetiml ."way to! p^.. - out of eoimtenaneo is to cut ,hii licnd off. Gen, C’huiton Is becoming tlio popular Democrti tie caotUdato for Governor of Al- nhanm. , j. ; „ i,,t ,,| Tho divorce business seems to bo popu- lt»r in Augusta. Three couples hnvo been umimrried Intoly. This year’s yield of sugar in- Cuba is estimated nt flftcon. to twenty por cent. •liflrVof liist year’s] [ ’ Forty-one snpw-stomu are- the number correctly recorded for Springfield, O:, from October lOtll W 8th'. A Uttlo child, eighteen months old, died n few days ago, in Augusta from sucking- the bloom of tho yellow jesnmiho. Whatpniicr ought |ieoplo with sovere coids to write upon? Why, tlshod, or cours.i. 1 A tilnlcnl jbacholor suggests to us • thut ninny of the girls dr tlio period nro less facts than figures. Wien Adam and Rvo partook df tho treo of knowledge,,, did they spljy tho higher bmnehea?_ ’' WliytBh' lliaiTtlho' 'siit!fts'liis M eli , flurcii liko another who builds castles iu the air? BccnMsi lie indulges iu-funcy too much, Tlie brack of' the State Road is being ex tensively repaired lu tlm vicinity of Cnr- tel'BVllle. It needs it ail along tlio line. Thu Hcbrcw/i of Amerlcus nro making arrangements fur tho eviction of a syna- gouge. A Lady physician ia Lnfayette, Ibd., returns her income from her profession last year at ©3;odo. Tlie Itev. Clmndler Robbins sn)‘s, "In. nocenee is the morning twilight of perfec tion.” A colored paper out.West prints It obit uary notices under tlio heading of “Ne urological.” Tho South Pacific Railroad Is now run ning trains 185 miles from St. Louis, aud has twenty miles’iiore nearly Uoud, : Tho-city, of Atlnntn is mnrfhing on.— Last week, Coli Adair dls|HJ6ed uf.dne hundred thousand : dollars’ worth of-rral estate. • • ■ ■■ i .' ln .' The dried fruit trmie;of Western North Carylhm is gaibing in iniportaneo. The town of ML Airy iildnii 'sliippad 220,0C0 pounds tlio past season. Tim ncsiilt In Tennessee. Tim Nashville Union says tlio new C011-. stltutlon Jins boon'rnttlleil liy nil over whelming majority, linil tlmt there was never n qiifetcr election known In ,tIio isiate. Tlicrb was |mrdlyn quarrel ro- iidrted. Tlio Union say's Iho .election, of jtndlqil Shcrlffij, .bolli Northern men, in tho two largest coiuit Ic's in the State, Da vidson and Shelby] will disprnvo the slan ders of ,tho, rcconstructiqitlsts, that tho life of a Northern Union man is not safe InTenncstec. , ^ ^ An llxpUnKtloti; a yjung I. Would pmcli&il turn. A resolution' Imsbeen of fered in tho Wisconsin Legislature, which ought to pass. It provides tlmt. “alij|>or- 8011B acting in tho capacity ofloblwists shall, during thu renmliider of tho seisiou wear a biiduo on tlieir lmts or caps,, or in ennnpicnua place 011 the broadest part of Micir prison, ivitli tlie name of theseboino they represent plainly printed thorepn.” Tlie plan here pro posed.would lend a new nnd brilliant variety to tlio vestibules and stair cases of tlio National Capitol; and 0110 greet advantage df it would be to facilitato commerce, sinceevery lionor- nb’.o memlx-r would know his purchaser at sight. If would save no end of expen sive introductory suppers nml interlocu tory cocktails,—AVic l'orl UYibnnr. Cnbllict Kumorj,. >,i ,1 Tho.Wnshlngtou correspondent of tlio Baltimore Gazette says: r \m General Grant is said to lio contempla ting a coup d’ent comprising a e- lUlnct. [*' nnd ler wlll_ lmvo prominent positiou. tlmt of Secretary of State- or •S of tho Treasury. This change,is 1 lie neccssnry tn ensure (Jynef hold on thoPresldeiiliulsiiecai nml to defeat tliu aspiratinnt members oi his pivsent Cn bluet in tlmt i tion, Thcso reports are eontradleti [I,,, YTo««f \ r „id- IUomIiI nfl iLI., recti . . inlhe.New York World of on tlio nfithority of General' Rutler, but Well-informed persons declare tliqm strict ly true, nnd .they lmvo born reiterated in telegrams northward to-day,"»The fact is tlmt Rutler is assisting tlie -President ill lobbying tlirmigh tlie Sno 'Dpipingo treaty; and if sueeessftd, lie will nave n ' in " ' sent hi tlio Caliinet. Tills limy be relied upon, denials from Duller to the cnbtrnry nulivithstandlug. 1 Won't Loots lb. 1’olltlolnns. The AlcJinhdrliijGaxctle Says tlmtngcn- tlcmnn from tlio oxtram'e South, who hns hecn-in -Wasliinglon .City for-gome tiino past; cudcavori ug toprocpro col 1 - red labor, lifts left for his heme, having been unsuc- Jhnt forty- ^ ^ _ qiu^VasU- lngton, bul tluit thoy could not ho spared, by the Radicals of tlmtclty until after tho Juno clcotion, ■ §WlS SW/c AcopltnlaUs Tlicro is in V n spelling nnd definih; four syllables. A friend mr croni mistake made by a il boy ill tile country, 111 tlie r~ lessoii. Ono of tlio Words t a lie “Acephalous: tvltlioul divided, ns uadalj Intdi its Separajo sylla bles. connected by a hyphen (ivhicU Vfolns words or syllables, ub soa-watcri”) which probably led the bay to glvo a now word ’ definition: “Ikon Bixdlitnnd d a lad, after tlio boy,above j Mid missed).“Ikun do it,” nnd lie did: A,c-t-i>-li,af, Accnh—alauso withoutnhendi” "Jlostnllol ’emlaagli- cd,” ntir infurmnut says, “when tlio boy Tho census of- South Carolina,is comple ted., Tim,total .population is ooi.oifti, of A New-York onrri-spnndent of tlio Cih- cinunli Times, writing ofTrliiity Church, says: “An extremely fashlounblc young tean, who wiis showing a country cousin null), who whs showing ft country cousin tho Interior orthc'churtli, wnsnsked ivhnt tlio alplm und omega, bn tho baptismal font signified. ‘Tile A,’ was tlie response, •stnuds for Hie Almighty, and tlmt other thing there lsii liprse-Hhoc tn frighten n\Vay nvil Bpirtts. Everslneo tho laird wns horn, ill a stable tho horse-shoe, you know, rep resents his diyiiiity.1 After this astound- i’lg bit of tlieologfonl oruditlou, tlio bluo- eyed llttlo Idiot smiled ns complacently ns if she had Inst discovered a fourth member ot tho Trinity.” Tho Jo lino's (TmrKo. A nigger Judge in .Mabanin, ivli first ensu entile nil, am’ ~ ready, ivhs told by a lilw„ looted Ul charge the |ury. PMt oil lusxpcetiiclus, and said, ‘'(iciu- men jiiry, I charge yen half a dol lar apiece, And you must pdy it licfore tlm ense goes on.” Tlmt nigger wi" ‘ tlio United States Senate yet,—Hr m. t-temI l«tt ’-I- A Noeliiloloaer- ;! RevClA tlie negro Senalnr, occupies tlio seat once occupied by Jefli-rson Ilavts.— This nfibrds the Radicals a theme for fre quent comment, llut tlm Detroit Free Press asks, “Does not Znclmrinh Clinml- ler fill Hi" s.-al oni-i- occupied by Isnvis Casa? Is not Fenton in tlie seat of Silas Wriglit, -Dick Yates in tlm seat of Dotlg- lns,_ClmrU3 SuBjfcF in that of Daniel Webster, Drakcin tlmt ofTlmmasH. iva-,Colmxin tlmt once occuple 1 liyGcorgo Clinton and Martin Van Daren, and Grant ill tlmt nf Georgo Washington and Jefferson?”, _ Illsgnirerul Ncciiom In Itpy ll p-t. A special telegram from Kev West in forms us of tho attempted Us- 11 Cuban a few days sitico, and her of armed Spaniards who fern'll rived from Havana are supposed t plicated ill the outrage. Tliisbu Spaniards coming ncross from OI American soil for tlio purpose of in- in n ltttlu blood-letting lir ■-.lSISMi'lork.” The Dos Moines (Iowa) Registcy records the following recent occurrence in tlie Sen- I‘ ,el:e hfb .-mlllra nt opportunlti nto'pf tlint Sbile: u„.i «r .i™n to n„i.i. p._ 1...:,. tho diMir-kce|)cr nnudmitaf “SlJingSfrSm tho lfonse,” and Mias jla?y E. Spoheer, Eugrossing Clerk of that body, njipenred and modestly,said, “Mr. President.”— Tlmt officer replied, “Miss Clerk,”; and Mish Spencer proceeded Jo read, in a clear- nml distinct voice, a Message from tlie House in relation to certain bills which Intel passed that boJy; At tho conclusion of the message, tho Senators -approved of this'first official act performed bv woman in tlm luiva Senate, liy h'general'clapping of hands. Itosonroos of the South. Tlio New York Day liook'ftirnishcs some ctistnmhnuse llgures to prove the strength of tho Smitlilnlier prolific imtU- ural resources and wondorftil vitality.— With less tlmu one-third tlm population kind nf work in Cubit for 1 and Cubans: . , 'ml ^-i-.nxa! . -iLa.j, 0 ' -T-ph’Vit 1 “Not <lnlllj." We piihiisii tlus inrirnin the Hon] JCIin II. Ream nmster-Ucnornl totbo S fMtesasti in tlm Courier-Journal. Tlio hnratoinJi in question was fuuudcd upon a statement in one of l bo Tuans pniiers. nml wns given simply ns nows. It piilucd us vary much to give it, for ive imd no desire to injure ilr. Rengnn, hadhig always eutertaiued regard for,him ns a-puhiie nlllceraml a prlyatfo citizen. Wc are glad tlmt In- puls ami nnqunl- - - wi _- — ilisngrcc-.iblo charge hud. ngajnst him.—Ojuiacr-Joiii'- n:K. >-.! > of the Uulgp, nnd amid all her trials nnd Imii tflim, exclusive of specie And bulUAti; onc- lmlf the entire exiibrts of the cbunlry.— ivhlclr 274,1)01 lira Avhito,' and' 266,138 bluet.'' Tlio necessary subscription, hns lieen made by tho citizens of AtlanUi to secure tlie location of Ogh-tliorpe CqUego at that point. It is stated tlmt : gold in considerable quaulfll.s is coming hack tfl tho United. Slates from Europe, mid thu Uoiv of sjirer from Canada has begun. ( I Tlm Louis bum Legislature Ims finally ndjotlrpcd. Tlio itp|iroprUilons foot up $18,000,000—nindo by a gang of loafers \rlio don’tpny tuxcs on $10,000. - Tim best way to deslriiy bugs b to jiour kerosene,on IhijbiM nni1 sotlt on.flrc. .In surance eomimnies will tako notlcothat a. patent bus been applied for. If you would find, a groat many faults,, be on tlio look but. If you would'find them lu still greater ubuudanoo, be on the look In. <’ A clergymitn consoling a young widow on tlio doatli of her husband, remnt-ked tfiat .siio could not find Ilia equal, 'll twit knofr about tlmt,’ replied tho sobbing fnlr'oho;‘but I will try.’ A Female school teacher; in Yhlrsville, Conn., flogged a hoy for contumacy, ami necldentally ppt out hls'byc. Tho boy’s rnlhcrsucd for damages, and gotjiiilgmcut Tim negro who murdoyod a llttlo white boy hjjlarrlscpunty ni^bort time‘since, ims arrested n few' days ago nnd “lost” while-being conveyed tp jn.ll, lip Ims ijot been heard 0? sinoo. . A clerk in tlio Treasury Department linsibcCn dismissed for lending money to -his brother olerks nt usurious rates. ‘ Tlio Rndienl party could bo diselmrgedforsteat- ing money., 'IUtJio neighborhood oMlbuston, Tcx- ns ; Uiu ground is parsbed and the vegetn-' bits, lire wilting for Ifcj want of rain. Ou tlio Rio Gramle, t.bocottpn ou many farms is lipnnd.lQoklngwdih. . . (uni'i> \ General Robert E. Loo saya that lid link never rend a liiBtory of the late'tear, jjhr tlio biography of ,a man engaged in H, “us 1 ho: dqcp not w|s)t to awdked. moiimries of tho past. ” Wlint a grand old pntridt hud Is of ngrli!uItura,.tiio!soulli furnislicd 0i,0t2,03ll‘or'nehrly ten'tnlllibhs more than the exports of the lAdMtrUU piTsl- uets ot the bnlnnco of the Union. The total Imports of tlio country for 1800 were ?'il,(11.1. If wo allow onc-third of this for the South, qnd that Is'rcnlly too liberal, she would show a balnneo of trade in her lhvorof $54.037,7(W, while tlio bAl- anco against tlio other atauds at $39,01$,- Aaron Aljicnnt l.-Vniile.v. ThoSqyanuahDullyltepublican Iriibrma us that “thorlatcst accounts from tills nn- torious Individual is, tlmt he Ims been ap pointed Superintendent of tlm South Car olina Lunatic Asyulum nt Columbia.”— If tiiis inforniatlod bo true, and lu- enters upon tlio. duties Of his office forthwith, Ids Bpp.t iu the Georgia Legislature will be va cated. A happy rldancc el'nn intolerable nuisance tiiis will ho to Georgia, for which ivo feel tlmukful to tlio man, or men; Who made tho appointment, il‘ made. 734. rnrpot Unsworn. “There is a certain kjml of vormln tlmt infest thcso BriuthMn $tatcs I11 tiiedmpo of political mountebanks and [ulvoiiturers from' tlio Nortliern States, teho thrust tliemselvc* upon us who have no defi-nders jn the hallaof Congress, ns Federal ollleo In tile halls of Congress, ns 'Federal olfiec holders. -They take pri interest iu build ing titi A )iarty herd Wr tho ftlturo perma nent benefit of tlip Soutii, fartber tlinn their own grasping nmWtion'dictatet.”— AmWcnn Union. (Hadicttl.) tlMllry loiws. .'Tlio Tteglsintiircs of Maryland, New \ orknnd other Northern States,' says tho Augusta Chronicle nml Sentinel, ate ninv- legal tlm rates of interest agreed upon by ' L -'belfeyo, - eoiitraeti Hniltii Uaf oi ilia, -wo tlio oflly Boiillicrn State thus far thnt has acted 111 this matter. In Georgia the mon ey borrower, to obtain tlio nhiount dCsir- wU and the money, lender, td eomnmnd the current market rata Of Interest, gen erally confederate discount and, taking seven pe? cent, discount Triiiri tile face ot a note bcM-hfg soven .licr cent, in terest,-’or ns one brim? law-abiding citi zens phrases it, “oboy tho law, which nl. lows seveu off nml soven on, with a libcr- nl clmrge for commissions, according to the shite of tho.ninrkct.” |A Toll Toutlt: There is n youth of fifteen years in Scioto, Ohio, who is six feet six indies high, .and is.stlll giwilig.' His pants hare tb bo woven in a rope-walk. Oa folds up like a two-foot rulu, nnd lias to got (ipon hbkuccs td ptit his hands'in his {raekcls. I’ouinto Opsiosltlbn to Woman HiHTrago In tbo West. Tlio Indies of Pcoriaii- Illinois,. opposed to woman's suffrage, Jiold a meetirig 1 liikt ij'eek, with closed, doors. Tho attend ance uumbefed ono hundred, including proinipeut ladies. . Rcsolutious woro pass- ed coudemiiiiig tho 'movement of sitfiVagc -to women; and n petition Urns draivh up ‘cuIHug' on tho cbiisUtntlonal 'ebqycnttim uot.te l^il,those wiinaro tryingto incor- imratba clause, granting francliisc to ivo- Itioll Ulitlic hoW constitution. A Hlsurttreriil Declaration. " The IVnsliihWton. edri'cspoiideut,of tho Niiw' York V^ifid. qJinrgo thiit' General ■nks, lit a recout dinnor party in Wash ington, said: . If ho had bis. way,-ho teoiljd mako war tr)jo-^carU)d SoutUrpn!...,,s 1 “.tack,’ , s(l(tj'n«:i)Idgentlchintl, ‘‘.It iavo'1 Pte4be Southern.Suites, nnd fiatlin oblnlu board, ouo of the most dollghtful sermoiis flffw IWsbIuii of thorn, BoingaSkvd , a <;i,si.n,.d wjaSflD.AP.? blwct or. such.» ouurap nil the tequiremonteuf the reoonstriil acts,.ho answered tlmt whrtt the Repuhli- can patty luiyetqfeuri is the Northern nnd Western Deiitoermw, nml that ’ such njumtiire ilSiffaml trary eoiitrbf Off fid SofitliV’ ...... safety in bj^upw nnd arbi- natters In t-ulia, Disjuitclies reeeired by thu Government from pur,Consul at Havana, make ho men tion of auy negotiations between tlio Span- I’c'elry Not Ilpacl. It Is nojiscneo to say tlmt imliistrinl nnd scientific nativity excludis Ihoariistie ami kills pnetry. No one brniicK of trim g human culture impedes another; as a, Ug. arm is no liimlram-u to liraltliy -s or a 1’1,-er iieml. Thsro are sytmi- s of an actual revival of rifletrv, 011 a graud scale. Never before wns pi«tic Utste-so widely dlllttscd; mo . r was there such nn. atidtenyo for great singers; never 1II1I tho cohoes of true poets, which lift flewfipApcrcofllcrsand laMes’nlUunis, tell ot so high a -standard, and so earnest 11 tanging lor iniaginntive satisfiictions.— Great pm-ie- tab- timir Inrm aud toneless fglirawg Muikespeiup. born to-day could not write Illinds or Hamlets, but lie would find bis owu wor!y,not less glorious, and tlie work! IS ivaiting for hitn.—J’lt'n-ni’s Mapiuine. ’ fntai orvhflcmoiiL is want lug but 11 proper degrrv of under standing,, tuny: bo: improved by tuition fW",.V r “>' 1 "s, to drserve tlio epithet ot' ... .. suqli persons frequently . 1 -.--.cWtiiJjn tho faculty <{( judgment, It- is not uncommon to find 1 A Sterling Trutli. The. New York Day Rook tells ivlioie- somo truths. - Ilero is a sample: “Wten tlio Ik-moc-mtle party of tlio iin •« ucn „ United, States falls so loiv'ns ioia, able to get into power again only by nieg.-r votes, it is taluted nml corrupted beioud lvrov- its cry; wortliloss.-to-il und' basiftrcyeriosta'll tlmt e-Iw Ivtidereli SffJII*, nn-l, l>oirerful in tliu past or tlm; can c\cr make it of tho slluiiUsl laliie In lie jiuver ruiiirn to vlclory'ngain imi'iVi't geN 0 Armlnsr (lio Roallim Niairs. Tliofollbwingis Hie biil whMi passed tho UrntudbhitesKcimloMi ilieCl.-l: "y^’lly-L.Thal tlm ;|ii»ta of anns-duotoeaeli uf Hie States of VI ynjmOnrhlj^ti.Houtli Cai-olina. Georgia.' Alabama, Florida,-Missi Louisiana, nm' ~ .Arkansas, 'aimary, lt03,” !t’oi.G Hoorn).,V,wife. - . Gert, Robert E. I.-.,-h.m -iftv ,|„|. -, birtTO'iifdllt (bn edit isliniithbiillesaml (Siban insurgents took-' GodfriIcmU'Lii%^’'H-.'fr!l!!t|< ing tQ a cessation of hostilities- strueled. mt