North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, April 21, 1870, Image 1

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M .^.” :■”■(■ .■■■■■i^. W n W ^^^ .■■■'<■'■' i i iHiH^ ■ DiBKOOBiTICIN POLITIC* s PURE AND IJEA.UTIITTTJL, IN UTKRATUKKj AND l’KOGUHWHIVIi IN SOUTIIlOltN INTKItKSTH. BY J. T. WHITMAN. DALTON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, APRIL 21,1870. YOL. Ill—NO. 16. MIM I.M.AXr.OI N 4MIIDS* Hrji. a. In vinos, « ,-'•-. : Allm " I ’ 5 ' UtIJl % l , ll o„, 0,.., Will prm-IIco In nil HU- eenttHOI Oainpeslujl the jOliernkMCIroillt. Siicclui attention-given Jo VIlOOollMUonnfUilm». __ jrolily i.A.W.JOllNiOII, H. 1, M’OAUV. JO“ AMcOA1 JSt 0 i.nby 8A tlaw, Up Stairs in King nulliHum Dulton,Gn. Willprnotlco In the ooilrts of thiselrctilt, nml In the U. 8. district Court nt Atluntu. mr-ly WAUIII.V, 31. fe'liyNlcInn, Htirgoon nml Aecottciionir, *«ronico on King stroot, in tho old l’uxon Bon ho. Dalton, Oni, .Tun. i:My. .. Vx A. WADKKK, ATTORNEY AT IiAIV, natj - i!, ■>jginR PtvitQMi Giu 1 •■ *y* 1M5UCY .0 KEENIV • /. # Attorney at Law, Ofllctf: 2<lDoor;.tJl)8tftlrs in Glonn Mnllillng, •sop • .Dalton, Georgia. **m 'nn. criAH. i». gotidon, 1 J tenders his profusHlonal service to thuclt* Uons of Dalton ami surronmtlng country.— Prompt ami vlullant atluntlon will he given to nil carrm, Moillcal Hurglenl ahu Dustotrloal, oil* H runted tohiseivvu. Oct. 14-ly. M E A DO 11 ft llllbTIlKItS, T O 15 AC Cl O COMMISSION MK11CIIANT8, Awl Munufuctum-* of Btttsre: Whllclmll HJrool, Atlanta, Gn sny •A^HUICAN HOTEL, ' , ' _ ,/V Alnlmmn, Rtr., Atlanta, Ga WitiTR A Whitlock, Proprietor. W. D. Wtltoy, Clerk. 4 , Itaggugo carried to and from Depot ficooi •elmrgu. 'VTATlO^ATi ITOTUTa c , , J\| Near Union Passengor Short, Chattanooga, Tonn. A. Iy. MILLKlt, Proprietor. , Comforti Convenience odZln tho nmuagement. k. k. nnowx.) T3U0WNS’ HOTEL, Opposite Passenger Depot. Macon, Ga. Pel). 3d, 1870. T. FINN 13 Y, Cni*rinffO lieportltory Cnrrlngo Mntortnla, llnrncfw» Arc. No. 3 Ilronrt 8t., Granite Uloek, Atlanta, Gv ^Carriages and Wagons manufactured an ’renovated In the hest style and at short nolle) jf^jignary 10,1870-1-is. ' J W* ATKINS, * , "llAllR KTT ,ll.lGGlN8, Manufacturers and Jobbers of Hats, Cups and Straw Goods, ' Wholewlv dealer la klramllcs.' Wine.., Wtilalilc*, «ln*, *e„ DKACilrr.i'-i: s-r a., •Ati.antA, u a. May J7-ly. WtUh» Only tmttlair, 'til tlio shallow* A i'd it llttlu Inngor kVowii t Only walling'til Ike glimmer or the ilny'a Inst beam In flown, 'Til tho nlflht of onrtli Ir lailcil, From tho heart oiico full of ilny t ■Til tho mure or hrnvmi nru breaking Through tlio twilight, nolt nml grny. Only, vailing, '111 Iho renpom lluvh (ho Inst short! gathered homo, For Ihoenipmor tlroo i» fndod, And tlio'nutitmn dny. hnvo come. Quickly fonutn, qulokly gnthor t|)0 hist ripe horn's or luy licurt, For the hlonm or life Is withered And 1 hivsten to depart. Only wnltlug, 'til tho nngola Open wlilo tho mystic goto, At whoso foot I long hnvo lingered Wogry, poor, nml desolate. Kvcu now, I hour tholr foot-stops, , Ami tholr voices fnrnwuy i lr they coll mo, I nm wnltlug, Only lvnltlllg, to obey, A llilntmnd'n Nceolul Wire—A Hconc In i'n.hloiinlilo Life, My husband came tenderly to iny side, ‘Are you going out, this cvculng, my love?’ ‘Ofcourso I nml' I looked dowu comidnccntlynt my dress of pink, dew-dropped over with erynUil,nnd tho tralU of pink nzalins that caught up Its folds here nml there. A diamond braeelot cuctrcled tho one whito nrm, nnd a lltlli cross blazed fitfully on my throat. I lint never looked better, and I felt a sort of girlish pride ns my oyo met the fairy re- flection In the mirror. •Come, Gerald, make lmstol Why you lmy’nt begun to dress vet!’ Where were iny wifely instincts, that I did not soo the haggard, drawn down look iu his features—thu fevered light in Ills eyes? ‘I can't go to-night, Mndnllno—I nm not well chough.’ ‘You are never well enough to oblige me, Gerald. I am tired of being put oil' with such excuses.*' lie mnde no answer, but dropped his head iu his hands on tho table before him. ... ‘Oh, come, Gerald,’ I urged petulant ly, ‘it Is so awkward for mo to gnnluuu al ways.’ Ito shook his head listlessly. ‘I thought, perhaps, you would he wil ling to remain at home, Mndo- ipjiv “pITNKll 8M1TII, Wholesale ami Retail Dealers In Groceries and Provisions, v ' • OoVnoY llroad ami Howard streets, (Pltner’s Old Stand,) sTulyl Rom«rGV.ouciia. L v< ’TTOME AGAIN 1” • J. C. RAWLINS, 'At ills own noiiso lignin. •e II O IC M II o T 13 L road Stroot, Rome,Ga. Passengers tukou to and from Hotel ffecht c-harKo , • ’ * J Y AJkLVR HOUSE, .1 J , , kxOXVII.LK, TKXX. ThlR iionso Is situated In the heart oflho City, Is tho largest-in Knoxville, ami lias been thor ’onghly ro|mirud ana furnished with good ^'omlftlniRiiR and responsible porters always at „,oWoni.cflHcc. Mural; SI. IWO-iau. , gAMttfej. A. D. SI to gin IT A Son WliolcHttlu ctropovg. Proddoo'Commlssioit ^lorolmnts, ami Dorters In Wines nml Llquoirs $1 North Howard Stroot, ,noypm* ., • . . ■ 1 *w. V: ’ ' STAltiuioro. Ol’N AND I.OClvR'Mmt, Sew 'Guns, vlstols, Cartridges, etc. OppoMto Tll’bs House, UuWi'.tto,) Street. ..New ilifles mmlc to order, nail Ml, repairing done on short notice, and warranted. umi-i> JT„ II. icitSTiflUTI. ‘ with MOFF11 AX, STAtEY A CO. Wholesale Grooers, Liquor & Commission MKltCIIANTS, ,9 South nowuril llnwftyil St reel*- betwoen ’■ t.ombari\ mul Fnltt Siraol*. UAI-TIMOttK. Orflors sollclteil. , lmWDm line.’ ......,. ‘Mon are so stilish;’ I snid plaintively, ‘nml I nm all dressed. Olawllu took iv half an hour for mv hair, I dare sav you will lie quieter without 1,1c—that in, If you are iletei'mineduottn go. ’ •1 cannot go,’ he until. ‘Well, if you olioonu to he sulicu, I can’t help It,’ I said lightly, iu* I turned nnd went out of tlio room, adjusting my bou quet holder, tlio tube-rose unii fyejUropes rilling to distill liieeune ot every Inn" Was I heartless nnd eruol? Ibid I od to love my husband? From tile bot tom of my heart I believed that I loved lilm ns truly and tenderly ns ever a wifuilid, 1>\U l had beensoepniledand |iettedallmy brief, Hellish life, that the. better instincts were, so to speak, ontpmlicd nllvo. I went -to ( lie party, nnd hod my fill of nduliitiounndlioumgensusunl. Tlicliours seemed toglide uway.sliod with roses, and winged with music mid pcrfkme; nnd it W*s not until wearied with dancing, l sought a mohientnry refuge in tho lialf- lighted ten room, that 1 heard words wak cning me, us it were, from a dream. ‘Gerald GienJ’ I could not Well beniistaken In the name —it was scarcely common plnce enough for Hint. They were talking—two or throe business like looking gentielnon—in tho hull without; ami I could, catch now nml then n fugitive word or phrase. 'Fine, enterprising young fellow!’— ‘Great pity!’—‘Totally ruined, So Beesnnd McMerkeu soy l’— 1 ‘Reckless extravagance of his wlfirn All these vague feaguvonts 1 heard; add then some one sakl: ‘And, what Is he going to do now?’' ‘Wlmt can he do? Poor follow I I ulu sor ry; but he should have counted Ids income nnd his expenses 1 letter.’ 'Or his wife should. Oh, these women, they lie nt the bottom of nil Ilian’s trou bles.' I rose hurriedly up with my heart lient- lngtuimiltuDun1ybenanl.1i the piiikn salens, itnd'weht back toTlio lighted saloon, Mr. Albany Moore Was waiting to claim my hand fur the next dance. lAeuyou ill Mrs. Glen? How paint’ ‘I—I nm iint very well. I wish you would have my carriage allied, Mr. Moore. ’ For 1 now thought that homo was tlio proper iilaeo for me. llurrled by some unaccountable impulso I sprang out tho moment the carringe wheels struck the curbstone, nnd rushed up to my Imsbnnd’s room, tlio door was looked, hut I could see a light shinin; faintly under tlio threshold. Ikuockci wildly niid.iiersisteutlv. ‘Gerald, dear Gerald! Forhcavou’ssnko, lot me in!’ Soiuotlungfellon themnrblii hcnrthstqnd within, making a mctnltc click, nud my husband opened tho door a little wny. I laid never seen him look so pale before or so rigid, yet determined. No; wlmt do I enro forcroquot parties? I’m going to finish your shirts, and you’ll rend aloud to mo.’ ’Madollno, I want you to nnswor mo ono qnestibn,’ ‘WhatlBlt?’ •Wlmt lmvo you dono with your dia monds?’ ‘I sold than long ngo; they pnld sovdr* nl heavy bills, besides settling a naif year’s rent boro.’ ‘Hut. Madeline, you woro so proud of ^’Yonco wns^now tiioy would bo tho bit terest renroncli my eyes could moot. Oh, Gtrald, had I been less vain nud thought less nml oxtmvngnnt—’ I checked myself, nml a robin, singing In tho perfumed depth of apple blossoms took up tlio dropped current of sortnd. ' ‘That’s right, little rod brenst,’ said my husband, half joking, ‘talk her down. 8ho lms forgotten that our past is dead nnd gone; nnd that wo lmvo turned over a now page in the Hook of Existence, ’ ‘Madcllno, do you know howlfeolsomo- tlmos, when I sit and look at you?’ , ‘Woll, I Ibcl like a widower who lms mar ried agnln.’ My heart glvonlittlosupcrntitinus jump. ‘Like a widower who has married again, Gornldl’ ‘Yes.; I can remember toy first wife, n brilliant and a thoughtless child, without wlSms, n spoiled plaything! .Weft, that little Madeline lms vanished away in tho past somcwheic; site lms gono away to ro- turn no more, nnd in her stead I ooliold my second wife—a thoughtful, lender wo man, whose watchful love surrouuds mo like nil atmosphere, whoso character grows mqro nobio and develops itself into now depth nnd bonuty every day.’ 1 was kneeling nt liis sldc now, with my cheek, upou his arm, and my eyes iooklu; ' his. ‘And which do you lovo best Gerald— the first or second Wife?’ *1 thiuk tlio trials nnd vicissitudes through which wo lmvo passed nro welcome indeed, since thny have brought pto, as tholr har vest of fruits, tlio priceless treasure of my second wife.’ That wns wlmt Gerald answered; tho sweetest words that ever fell upon my enr, To the MftelllnlHtK or tho' Month, Ilcr Brltnnic Majesty’s Consul bogs to call thn attention of Machinists nnd Agri cultural implement makers to the follow ing announcement: Tho Governor Goooml of Indin, in Coun cil at Calcutta, in January last, issued a notification llmt in order to stimulate tlio trade in the fibre of Itiicea, or Cliiun-grnss, nprlxoof £5,0(10 sterling is ollcrcd fora machine or process hy means of whicli, witli tlio Md of miinml, water, or steam Trouble About lleorala. The Itndlcnl Senators nro much troubled wlmt to do about Georgia. Whichever way they turn they nre compelled to con fess there is dilllculty nnd danger. They feel morally sure that if they admit Geor gia, ftmlsccuro to tlio jieople there nnolee- A VRUY Al ' llEEMA i'TTOUKK.YH AT LAW, Dalton, Guorgln. WlUjvbtfcnn promptly to all Law Clalnia In tlio Htipromo Court or thy Unltoil Hlntca? Court of (ClalniR. ana Kxecntlvo Donavtinonts at Wn«J • Inir, D. C.; in tlio Fmlarul (Jdurta far tlio North- arn Dlatrlot of Goorgloy and Rankrupt Court at Atlanta,.UUi? latlm Htate Courts in tlio RO»n- t|[h»pC\Vl»luii‘lil, Murray, Gonlan, Rartow, Ca toosa and Durto. Mayu-ti. ^•Oliiv IIICSGINH, Wntchinnkor and Jeweler, Shop In Dr, Brdwu’a Npw Drnpr Storo, ’’ ‘ Hamilton Struct, Dalton, Georgia. Handsorao stook of nnro Juw;clry, for rAdlcs iio nro you?’ ho demanded ivildl •jy^EDICAL AND SUllOICAL NOTICE. Drul A.. W. Btyingfl Jc Son, Kormorly of South Carolina, Trailer their l'rotamtonet eorvlees to tho oltt-' Avoiiur, formerly oouBptud 1>y Mr. J. IL King. A. W. Diving^ i * « ^n.;D.'D, , .uowN. KiNnHTiiinAiT , w , Insurance and Land Agent. Agontfor iEtnu Life and Firu InBurnnoo Com- -!MHU»y.| also, .Tuirorson and .Tutmm Jthui -ii thflro liwwmnoo Comnunioii, on u., Enterprise, Cincinnati, aiul ■Mr Putnam, Hartford. • • ALSO, GENERAL LAXD AGENT K WS^oYS?wM!rAVlT,. , u 0 : , l!nli Col,. W. It. Tlhlw, Lowry A Kiisqo, lion. 1). A. WilUieraml Cel. J. A,S, Hunk*, Dullon, tin. JnnnnryD-lSiit. ' . ■_ Liyevy, Fccdand SaleStable, ' ■ Cmwforil Strata' Dnltoii, Qrt., . Wlioro ho will bd iilciwioi to ftlinlrtl to tlio luihUo, n, nil hours, No; tTtorsos I1111I Now IIok- Klos. . ,1 have u oonunoUlous Hnok; nlso 0 wilaoa, nml lion. 11*. to I lut: nml wouhl ro- HlieothiUy ask thocltiznn* nml iiublln gonernlly to alvu moil cull. Rloolc foil on short not too. Tonus moUorute. Will buy or soil stook. Nyv C. It. SNiDEIt, raopvlotor y ‘Why cannot you lcnvo me alone peace?’ ‘It’sIGerald—yourMndellnc—yourown little wife.’ And I caught from Ids hand the pistol ho wns trying to concent in Ids bosom—its mate lylug on the nihrblo hearth under the mantle—aud flung it out of tho win- dnw. ’Gernld, would you lmvo left mo?’ ‘I would hnvo escaped!’ he cried, still Imlfdclirioustnnll appcamuccs, ‘Debt— disgmee—misery—her roproaclies! I would hnvo escaped them alii’ llis head fell like a weary child on my 8hmddcr. I drew 1dm gently to a sofa, and smothored 1dm witli a thousand mur mured words—a thousand muto caresses! For had it not nil been my fiudt? And through tho long weeks of care that followed, I nursed 1dm witli unwavering enro nnd devotion. I lmd but one thought, ono desire, to redeem myself in his estima tion, to prove to Idin thatlwnssomctldng more nnd higher than the mero butterfly of fashion that I lmd hitherto shown my self. WqII tflo Mnreli winds had howled them selves away iu llicir mountain fastness, the' brilliant rain drops woro dried on bough and spray; and tho apple blossoms wero tossing tlielr ftagmnt billows of jdnky bloom in tho deep bluo air of latter \$iicro aro we now? It is In a picturesque from Now York, fiirnishcd very much like a magnified baby house. Gerald sat in a cushioned easy clmir iu thn garden, just wlioro I10 could glance through the open window at me,, working busily with my needle, What an industrious fuiry it is!’ he said rqr, n 1111 of fibre ofnqiuUty averaging lies than £>U per ton-in.tlio English market, shall be produced, all processes include’ " ' A ‘ ‘ ' A pcfbm. . All machinery, for competition will lmvo to be sentto India, nt the charge of the inventors. One year from January, 1870, hallowed for tho preparation of the Machines. All further pnrlioulnrs ns to patents, rights, &c„ may lie learned upon commu nicating with Her Uritnnic Majesty’s Con sul, Savauiinh, G11. Country papers plcnsc copy. Noclnl Equality. The Washington correspondent of tho WorccBterSpy relates tlio following: "Sen ators lmvo the use of a Iiandsomo bath room. Attached to it Is a burlier shop.— Mr. GitrrottDavis Is reported to hnvo been a daily customer. Recently ho wns in ns usual. Passing just beyond tlio door, ho looked in amazement nt a vision oil which his eyes rested. There sat his colleague from Mississippi, Senator Revels, evident ly nnt long (Vom tho bath-room, and en joying the luxury of a comfortable shave. Gnrroltriookcd on in horror, turned hasti ly on his heel nnd WAlked out. Ho lms not been in since, nnd, it is repotted, lms moved to striko out the bath-room-appro- printion.” Cuba. Tlio Cnptnin General is out ngn'111 in an- oUicrthimiiig proclamation,which, beyond its being more wordy tlmn others which preceded it, presents no feature oj diflor- ence. Do Rodas’ reception at Nuevitns was by uo means ns warm ns wns antici pated! nud tlio fact of liis being accompa nied by Nnpoleen Arango, tho Cuban de serter. tended to increase thcovidoatcool- 'ncss 0V tho S|ianisli sympathizers towards lilra. Conllagrations nro on tho inci'cnse. Tho work of destruction still goes oil, and thu inactivity of tlio Cubnus in tiic field is made up by their energy in the destruction of the property of their opponents.— Though littlo is apparently done by the insurgents wo ennnot loose sight of the fact that Spain is gradually becoming weaker nnd weaker at home. Up to this time the. Prlm-Sorrauo government lms bceu able to forward troops to suppress tlio revolution in Cuba, but each day adds to tho difficulties of the situation nt home.— Tho Cubans ftiliy understand this. In tiioir present situation, nnd under existing circumstnUccs, it is the best tliingfor them. Spain wenkoned nt homo is n help to the Cu‘ 1 ’ ’ - ’ 1 next fall, pursuant to tlio Stnto Con stitution, tho Slate will go overwhelming ly Democratic, nnd tlio cnrpot-bnggors will never liu lieard of nay more. They nil dislike to fnco tills fact, nnd yet It Is tlio plan whicli seems to promise less mischief to their party ascendancy nt the North.— Tho alternative schemes nre, first, to ngreo to tho demands of Hullock nml Bludgett to allow them to prolong liullock’s term nml tlio term of tlio Slate Ixigislaturo hy iicir o;vn not until 1872, and to bnnkrupt tlio finances of Georgia, nftor tho ihshlon of North Carolina, Florida, and South Cnrollnn. Tito second plan is to recon struct Georgia a third time, put lmr unddr military government, and provido for an election nt some ftituro time by n pnrt of tho legal Votcre, so ns to mhko n Repub lican Stnto of her if possible. Rut tho majority do not beliovo either of theso plans safely adopted. It Ib urged that the Northern States will not allow this question of reconstruction to ho ro-opened ovory month to stilt tho icccssitios of Rndlcms. On tho whole, it ,s believed by t hose who have made a care ful estimate of the vote of tho State, that, though tlio IMnglmm amendment will bo voted out,jyot that In llou of it there' will be adopted some provision, like that al ready foreshadowed by a Republican Ijon- ntor, declaring that the Logislnturo linvo iio power undor tho Censtilutlon. to pro long thoir own tornis of office, nnd that to do so would bo such a violation of Repub lican principles ns would Justify interven tion hy Congress to correct it. Htillook is iu constant attendance upon tlm Senate.— It is said that lie feels very llttlu interest iu tlio ndmlsslon of tho two Republican Senators lately elected, inasmuch ns they were chosen in caucus over ills own favor ites, nnd llmt his principal concern is to lmvo tlio term of the Ijegislnturo prolong- ed so ns to secure tho ndmiRslnn of six cars of Foster Blodgett, ono of the rebel icroes who captured FnrtPulnski when Georgia first socedcd. Tho postponement of tlm Georgia question was nnt n volun tary act, or ngrocablo to the Senate Rophb- lleans. It’ wns resorted to because they did not know wlmttodo with her.—IForiii. The III,lory thin Country Is Unking. It strikes me back of the oyes tlint we are winning for ourselves upon thu pages of ftituro history the character of tlm mean est nnd most cruel:people siiico the days of Moses. Carlyle said of us onuo that we were thirty miiliuus of bores, witli tho on ly boast tlmt we could double Onr popula tion every twonty years. Wo have added something to llmt since in tho wny of offi cial corruption and military cruelty. Not lrnlf a century ngo’a French General of Algiers brought upon liimscifn universal cry of horror and disgust, for tlint 1m suf focated a tribe of Arabs in their caves,— AVu regard sttcit expressions as sickly sen timentality,of course, after gallant little Fiiill'scouiuieudation of tho cold-blooded murder of women nnd children, down, wlicu killed,.with thesmnllpox. Thu sick women Were put out-of their mlsory. mid- the innocent children went direct to heav en, while tlm blustcdludlnns received a blow tlint taught them wo woro ns cruel, snv- ngo nud unforgiving ns tiled dare be. AA'oeau’t nil of us swnllow tlint. AA r c .ry hard: But. if a just God lives nml reigns, a fearful punishment will overtake lis. Even Forney’s Clirohielu gags nml sicken.'. I tnko bnck nil that I havo said against tlm two dailies. I promise never to revile them or Llicir editor ngnin. Tlm. editorial headed, “Shall Murder ho Arrest ed,” wns n noble protest, nnd all tlm more (iflectlve, coming from Hint source. Shor- idnn will never more ride down lo fame in popuinr favor. Ilcnpponrsto us ns ‘‘Death on tlm Paid Horse,’’ tramping remorse lessly upon tlm ghnstly forms nf sick wo men and children. Don:,' Piatt. abacs abroad, nnd there is llttlu reason to doubt that opportunities which the stnto of nlfairs presents will be taken ndvantage of by the struggling patriots.—jVcte Yorfc Herald. EfTcct* or the Famine in Jcroenlem A letter lias been received in London from tlm Anglican Bishop of Jerusalem which coroborntes^Aim-statement made on tliis painful subject by Sir Montefloro.— The bishop in his letter says: “A small donkey’s load of water costs Od to tlio poor .lows whose family income is la id per week. Many Moslems nnd nominal Christians are in tlm santu posi tion. AVhnt is most drcadftil to content- { date is tho fact that springs near Jerusa- em are drying up. But tlmro is another moro tcrrlbio calamity still. Tlm locusts aro spread over tlm mountains of Judnh nnil Sanuirla, in tlm va'ley of Jordan, and in tho plain Of Sharon nnd Galileo, hav ing conm to lay their eggs, which will bo hntolled beforo tho harvest, nml as the Arabs say that cachcouplo lay two hund red eggs, countless millions will appear, enting every green thing, poisoning the ground, and thus preventing grass grow ing for tho cattle,” A Strange -lloufeter. Astmngo monster ivns captured yester day iii the river, opposite Canton, oy some fishermen in their seine, while dragging for fish, JA’e know not wlmt to call it, or whnt it looks like, or how to describe it, for )t Is unlike nny creature of the earth, air, or wnlcr, tlint wo lmvo ever seen. It is nut a fish, nor is it tut alligator or croco dile, or a turtle, but resembles tlm pictures wo have often sccti in books, of the mythi cal dragon. It is a hideous looking and appaYe'clly sa^vngc monster—tlio last mrtnnnt of a pnst age. It lias a huge, slimy, scaly body, short, strong legs, aud immense claws, long serpent-ilke tail, nnd sharp teeth sot in, like thoso of n saw. It clmWB Up rav enously everything with which it comes in contact, but seems loth to icavo tho water oven in quest of food, nud can only be seen when drawn out by tlm chain with which it is made fast. AVc should judge it to he nt least ten feet in length and weighs, prob ably, 500 pounds. AVlmn provoked it ikes a ronringnoiso similar to asoalion. —CnGranye (Jto.) American. From Koine. Tlio correspondent of tlm Baltimore Catholic Mirror,-wri ting (rbmBonm, saysl Conversions of foreigners in Rome Con tinue to bo received. On last Monday, week Mrs. Gen. Tyson, of your State, anil Miss Rivers, of Boston; ivoro'continued by Cardinal Freed, aud received holy com munion from tlm hnnds of tho snnrn pro late. Ou Sunday last two Jewish Indies ft-om Berlin, recently conm to Rqmo, wero baptized, nftor ten days’ retroat, by Mgr. Gnndolil, bishop of Civita Veccbln. Tlm interesting ceremony took placo in tho Church of S. Andrea della Fmttc, and beforo tho altar of tlm Blessed Virgin where the conversion of Ratlsbouno took place. An English View of the l’legnn Hassn- ere. ThcBO 140 women und children woro of* fered up as a solemn sncrlffiSe ill honor of industrial progress, Christian civilization, and democratic institutions, Tlmro is somo talk about nn inquiry by Cofli hut it is nlmost certain that tho Ini come to nothing, and quite certain tlint, ovon if held, tlio inquiry itself will conm tonothing. Meanwhile Iho butchery must havo been directed by an officer who is nmcnnble to n military trial, and who lias oyer hint, besides his immedlnte superiors, a General commanding; n Secretary ot AVar, nnd n President, who is ci o(/icfo Commnndcr-in-Chicf. It is these lilgh porsonages who will bo responsible for all similar crimes in tlm future if they nllmv this ono to go unpunished; nud. iu tlm probablecvcnt of their thinking itlxmealh their notice, we commend thoir conduct to (lenerni Now*. Rev6ls Is in Indiana lecturing. Now York lms moro Jows titan Pales tine. CharlotteCushmnn is tocomo homo next summer. Agassiz is threatened with softonlng or the brain. Tlmro nro said to ho five roynldrimkiirds in Europe. A Ibninle swimmer is giving oxhihitlops in Brooklyn. Tho liow fli'ocent plcccs will bo ready lit a few days, Seventy-seven difi'erent kinds of rlcoaro cultivated iu Indlft. A portrait of Cromwell wns lately sold in London for 85000. Only ten Northern mon lmvo sentk in tho Florida Legislature. Thb chtot opponents of annexation In’ San Domliigo nro tlm priests, ‘ Tournor, tho celebrated traiiczist, is to swing ngnin in Now Orleans. General Thomas lmd S20,000 Insur- nneo ouhls ltfe in ono company. Imtterles are not tolerated In Russia— not oven for religious opportunities. The latest London coinio song is called “The Ilcn-Pockcd Member.’’ Alluding to a man’s poverty costs a Philadelphian ills life tho other night. Gall Hamilton ivenrs yellow Imlr out short and “tossed bnok ft-om lmr broiv. ” Mexicans in Texas brain each other nt fandangoes tyilhout oilciting much com ment. Tlm Ecumenical Council is to have an other pleasant littlo episodo—n visit from Gqrlbaldl. Poor Paris! Tho sinnllpox had-hnrdly abated its ravages when tho plcbisoltutn broko outl An experiment in Franoo proves that a liorso will live twenty-four days on water alone. A monument to tho memory of Seth Boyden, tlm inventor, is to ho erected at Neivnrk, New Jersey. Emllo Ollivior nud Jules Jnuin'have been elected to the French Academy, tlm former vice Lamartine. An Englishman wns lately fined five shillings for carrying a red umbrella 1 through'the streets of London. : Tlm'Danlsh ttnvy is hereafter to consist of medium-slz?di vessels, eldofly monitors for const ilcfenso alone. Tlio lion. 8. AF.'D. Moore, ex-JIoyor of Rochester, New York, died on the I’d instant, aged sixty-four years. Montgomery, Alabama, wantsnbig fire proof building at government expense, to cost for tlm first dip, 81(10,000, Rations, to tlm mnnbcrof seven for tight thousand daily, arc being issued to tlm poor of tho District of Columbia. A flro occurred among tholace facto Nottingham, England Tuesday night, The damage to property was heavy. Tho fat limn hnvo invaded, politics. A fet men’s ticket wns run at a recent Iowa election, but it got very.Uttlo support. Tlio Governor of California lms signed tlm hill raising tlio legal rate of interest in that State from 7 to 10 per cent. An undo of Riel, tlm Red River lender wns hrrested iu Montreal, on Sundny. eve ning, on tlm charge of being drunk. Tho London TlmcB, iu nu tlrticio on tlm boot race, says that pluck and pcrso.vor- mice gave Cnmlirldgo tho victory. Tlm Cortes adopted a vote of thanks to tlio Caption General mid tlm army nnd na vy and volunteers of Cubn. A travolor writes homo- from Paris: Tho word I havo stood most in need of since my arrival Imre is tho French word for damn.” A mnn in New Orleans offers io fight nn alligator under water, with only n knife, if some ono will give him flvohuudrcd dol lars. Tlmlcnvos of tlio-cofteo plant nro now proposed ns n substitute forfeit. In Su matra tlm natives cultivate tlm plant Al most entirely for tho leaves. Aducl was recently fought iu Cuba be tween tho uoted Colonel Ryan nnd tlm Cuban Col. Suglli. .Tim result is not kuown. Judge Bradley, of tlm United Stntcs Supremo Court, will go to Now Orleans on tho 1st of ilny, to try such oases as may como beforo him. A new novel from ll\b pen of Mrs. 'Vir ginia Tomuno (“Marlon Hnrlapd”) of Newark, entitled “ilolon Gardner,” will bo published by Cnrlotou soon. A Boston paper says that there are very few railroads in Now England Whoso re ceipts nro not now from 100 to 500 per cent, in excess of tho original estimates. It wns rumored'in AVnsliington, cto Sat urday, that Mr, O’Connor, of Texas, lms chnllcugcd Mr. Shanks, of Ohio, for say ing tlint Conner was worthless. Tho paper makers in tho north of Eng- nnd hold a moetpig nt Manchester Wednesday, and agreed to ndvanco tho prico of all kinds of paper ton por cent, owing to tho dehrpess of rags. Tho Gloho Inn, Dumfries, Scotland, onco ffequonted by Robert Burns, niul which contains tlm chair 1m used, was of fered for sale for £700, but tlmro wero biddcis, ,, > George Ilunncwell was pardoned out of tlm'Massachusetts State prison on Friday, to which ho wns sontencod twenty-two years ngo for arson, to servo for life. Uo Is now fifty-nine years old. Mr. Scott ltusscll, in a lecture at the In stitute of Civil Engineers iu London, nr- guod the feitslbility of and predicted tho Tlio IllncU Ilt'Kline. Fred. Douglass, “tlm great colored or ator,” lias been sent, ns a special commis sioner to the Texas Legislature. Ono of thni tlm enso 0. .. , —., mlnlstorlnl gnl ectod for tills mission cltlier ns a repre- edged tlm parocli: sotitntlvo of Radical intelligence at AVasli- itigton or ns tho most nppvopinto medium of.dbmnumicatlon with the Radical Leg islature of Texas. Either Ubm of tlm dilemma Issuffiblontly liuniillnttng. Slime tlm tcnanM of iho slmnty nt ATnsldiigton have concluded lo submit themselves to Oniiftprotin 1: One of llm AVnsliiiigliu indiscreetly spoken of So iio voudnolsm of Aslmntee, wo need not “a public fmielionnry,” It is sn "umeVlmef. oiiehii liitive ”1 ’V skim milk.” Poor 11 very little cranm to sin collapse stage of blackvomlt. Hoivnbout sending an ex-cottou-field hand ns Speeinl envoy to tlm Legislature of Now York? Ills eomisols would doubtless rocoivo tlmro their duo consideration. But, singular ly, tlm black regime doesn’t tend In tlint direction. Grant doubtless thinks tlint Samira wouldn't bo npprecintcd nt Albany. —Mohlic Register. Tlio Incoino Tux. Tim Now York Journal of Commerce, spooking of tho Incomo Tnx, says: “Tlm public’ ought not to submit to it, nnd there will como a tlmo when thoy will not sub mit to it. AVo do-not sny that every man who votes in Congress to cOnlinuo it will lesson nt once his clmnecs for political fa vor or preferment, hut wo do sny that he will como sooner or inter to he associated with nn odor so foul tlint iio cannot wnsh himself elcnli in all his after liib.” ltmlicnl 1’urltnn SII.Ciller. ThoNnshvlllo Christian Advocate, in nn able article says: Our attention lms been agnln called to tlm “stated lessons,” etc., from tlm North which arc flooding tho South, and Andlng their way into our Sunday Schools. AVo ndvlso our Sunday School friends to lmvo nothing to do witli them; Uniform les sons for all tlio Sundays Schools in tho laud is a capital thing for tho Northern mblishcrs; nnd so would ho a weekly liul- etln of sermons, prayers, nnd hymns, for S asters. If thoy would surrender llicir iu- opondonco, nnd use them. No two schools, in tlm nature of thocnsocnnhnvo every Sundny tho snmo lesson. Tlm no tion Is absurd. Use yonr own Sunday School text books, nnd lot Northern no tions stay where thoy nre. Of eourso, all sucli novoltlcs will Iio popular for awhile, but they work tulschiof in tlm end. Down witli tlio VMntcu.” Tim Iowa House lms voted to submit to tiie people nn amendment to tlm constitu tion striking therefrom tlm word "males, ” Tlio young numbers voted for it. Miss Spencer, ono of tlm dlcrks, then repeated it to tlm Senate, nnd tlioro was quite nn ani mated scene. The Prince Imperial of Frnnee. It is rejmrted in Paris tlint tlm Prlhco Imperial of France, who lms lately passed his fourteenth year, is soon to ho betroth ed to a ‘ ‘Gcrnmn Princess of high lineage. ” As tiicEmporor of Austria lias ono daugh ter, tlm ArchduehcssGisolo-Louiso Marie, who is now in lmr. fourteenth year, it is supposed she may 1m the "party of tho sec ond part.” She was bom on tho 12tli of July, 1850, while tlm Princo Imperial was born on tho 10th of March, 1850, so that tho Austrian Princess is just four months younger tbnn tho French Prince, Cnnlntcr. Forney Ib fighting his very best, in tlm AVnsliington Clironielo, ngninst tlm ofl'ort tlint is being nindo tn displace George O. Gorham, Secretary of the United States Senate. AVc lmd never supposed that tlio Secretary descrvcilany sovorer punishment timn a more kicking out of dffieo, but siiico Forney so zealously defends him wo are convinced thni ho ought to bo hanged.— Courier Journal. Viilvomlty of (Jcorgln. AV. S. Shorter, of Eufauln, nud C..A ICoy, of Jonesboro’ lmvo boon chosen Sen ior Orators, AV. T. Armlstead, of Lexing ton, nnd II; Anslcy, of Augusta, Junior Orators of tlm Phi Kappa Society, ftt llm commencement in July next. . , ChlncKo NtmAonts. Two Cldncsc hoys, sent to this country to ho educated, nro in Now York, in charge of Captain Do Groot. This week thoy will visit West Point, and soon niter go to An napolis. They aro bright little fellows, and of tlm best blood in Chinn, ly sent tlm editor a note demanding apology, nnd that when tlm tjft-Bsi-tige turned with nn explanation, Iio found itevels with four navy repeaters around him nnd a couple of Arkansas toothpicks sticking out of tlm lops of his bools, nnd swearing tlint ho would “show tlm Yankee scoundrel Hint lie couldn’t blackguard a Southern gentleman with impunity.” ('oitftolitiff KfinnrSi. A lap-dog biting n plcco out of a nmlo visitor’s leg, liis mistress thus expressed hof compassion:. “Poor little creature, I hope it will not nmko him sick.” Menu. Mark Twain produces ono of tlm most trilling cases of meanness 011 record. IIo says Im knows of nn “incorporated socie ty” which hired a mnn to blast a rock, and lie wns punching powder in with a crowbar, when premature explosion fol lowed, sending tlm man and crowbar out of sight Both cnnra down again all right nnd tlm man went to work promptly. But though ho wns gono only fifteen minutes, tlm company "docked him for lost time.” Uml Nwnp. A mnn lit Michigan sivnppcd liis horse for a wife. An old baclielorncquaintaneo said lin’d bet there was something wrong With tlm horse, or its owner never would have fooled it away in tlint manner. WIHch l’nj’M Most Duty, .Hen or w- -AVeil, you see I like it. It's a a great deal better than those snnaU-s on tlra pi ano.’ ‘AVlio would over have thought that you would inako so notable a housc-keopcr?’ I laughed gleefully; I had tv’child's de light In being praised. ‘Are you not going to Miss Delaney’s croquet?' Ira pursued. AVasiiinoton, April n, 1870.—Tlmro is a rumor in prominent nlllcinl oireloBto tlm eii'eet that Attorney General Hoar lms sig nified his intontion-to retire from tlm Cab inet nnd that tlm President lias agreed to accept ills resignation. Prominent Penn sylvanians sny that llm President hns as sured Senator Cameron thatHoar’s suc cessor will bo appointed from tlm Keystone Stnto, ns a set off to the little State of Now Jersey which Is one ahead of Pennsylva nia, lmving a member of tlm Cabinet ns welt ns nn Assoeintc Jusllco on tho Su preme bench,—Cor. J/criiiil. lira careful consideration of discontented early commencement of work on a ship T?iw1i(m1o in li'nnlnml T*, 111 1Li7f 1 n « ■ Radicals in England,—Pull Mall Curette Don't Want nny Moro of It. Tim Lnivrcnccburg (Ind.) Press says: “It has at last come our turn, ns a com munity, to bo exercised over by spiritual ism. A medium is here. One of tlm staid citizens of our city went to sco lmr, was persuaded hy lmr tlint 1m could tty, climb ed into a tree, lit out—nnd wns picked up ft-om tlm ground, soiled and battered ter ribly! He don't want nny more spiritual ism luUte’u,” canal across llm Isthmus of Darien, Tho course of lectures on "Free Reli gion," lately set on foot at Lowoll, Massa chusetts, hns proved a ihliure, tho atten dance being much too small to warrant tlio expense. Advices ftorn Madrid Btnto that n dis patch Was read I11 tlm Cortez on Thursday nunonneing tho flight.of General Jordan ftorn Cuba, nnd surrender of many rebels nnd declaring the rebellion at nu cud iu Cuba, Prophecy. It seems that Patrick Henry lmd little faith- In the perpetuity of a “Republican form of government.” Here is hn extract from ono of ids speeches to prove it: “Iu time, as has happened in all other countries, tlm Government will pass into tbo hands of somo unscrupulous faction, bent oh aggrandizing itself und its limm bers at tlm oXpeilso of tho country. * ‘ They will ride yotir cbuntry with tho sword. * * Sivnrmsoftnx-gatliers will infest tlm wliolo land. * * The fato nf all other republics must bo ours.” Tho Latent About Roconitrnoflon. AVo clip tho following paragraph from the Knoxville Press nud Ilorahl of AVod- nesdny: Hon. John M. Lon. of Nashville, pnss- od through tho city yesterday, cn route ftorn AVnshlngtnn, ivlioro 1m hns been spending some lime in tlm Interest of tlm pcoplo of his native State. Judge Lea teels hopeful in rcgnrd toTonnossoo affairs, notwithstanding tho offorts of Mnynnri, Stokes & Co. to put us under military rulo, nud thinks that nothing further will bo done in tlm attempt to return the State to political bondage;. llnlit* Upon Itcvoin. Senator Hovels has stated la Conversa tion that tlm constant rush upon him since Im took Ids neat' hns almost pl'ostfiVteU bis nervous system—so much so that he Con siders himself compelled tn seek a plnce of rest. Uo states that tlm raids of. newspa per interviewers lipoil him hnVo boon tre mendous, nnd believes that where other Seimtors have ono caller iio probably has ten. Ho prpppsca to leave AVnsliington tlm Inst of th» Week for tho North and AVcbt.—Jirchanijc. Hurrah! Sumner, your nulrnnl “took.” Now, load him out and let him rest awhile. A Contrast EnvorUUlo toWoiiiniiNltlckt.. It Is said tlint tlm Womeu jurors iu A\ r y- omlng during tile lotig Howie murder trial wore taken with tlmir mule companions to ft hotel BVcry flight, and tlmro placed m separate but adjoining apartments to pnss tlm night, And here, ovory morning during tlio trial, upon arising ft-om thoir beds, theso Indies kneeled together, nnd- asked -wisdom of God to onablo them to. property and wisely dlsclmrgo their new duties. Tlio men, meantime, wore drink* ing whisky anil playing bluff; This is a question going tlm rounds of tlm Press, nnd suggested by the fact tlint nick nncksnnd finery for fashionable wo men pay into tlm Custom Department enormous sums, cigars' nnd liquor for odious man taking nearly ns much. Hen pecked husband Bays tlm question don't benr argument when It is for n moment considered that man earns moimy, and, ci cl muiis, is compelled in the cud to pay tlm bill. Coins: to Europe. The AVnsliington correspondent of tlm Philadelphia Press writes, April 7: “Pri vate letters received Imre stnto Hint Andy Johnson will shortly go to Europe and re main there six months,” Statistic* or tin, Jews. Tlm London Hebrew National estimate* tlm Jewish population of tlm world at (!,- OOQ.OOO, ono half of whom live in Europe. America contnius 200,000; Russia, i,!lCO,- 000; Austria, 000,000; Prussia, 254,000; otlior parts of Germany, 102,000; Fraucc, . 80,000; Switzerland, 8,000; Groat Britain, 51,000; Syria nnd Asiatic Turkey, 52,000; Morocco nnd North Africa, 010,000; East Asia,'000,000; Bclgtum,. 1,800; Denmark, 0,500; anil Italy, 5,600 Jewish inhabitants. Tlio Sixteenth Amciifliiient—ThoTVotnen In Earner. On Monday last Mr. Julian presented a Joint resolution to amend tlm Constitution of tlm United Btatcs by adding Article 10, ns follows: Section 1. Tim light of citizens nf tlm United States to vote shall not Iio denied nv Abridged by tlm United States or by nny Stnto on account of sox. Sec. 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legisla tion. ' YlnvClK mul Attt.rk. • A lA’nshington telegram to tlm Cincin nati Commercial says that a statement is mnde by a prominent friend nf Ames, to tlm offect tlint Hcvols, after tlm expira tion of ids tonn, Mareli 3d, 170, will go into tlm scrvico of Gen. Ames, nnd tnko c]inrgo of tlio latter’s plantation in Mis- AVbore did Ames got tlint plantation? —Ex. AVo don’t know toilers lie got it; but hum 1m got it, is a question easily answered. It wns by dishonest means, of course. Fietlcile. Hr. Hopkins, of Utica, X. Y„ lias col lected with great care nnd published, sta tistics, concerning tlm growth nml preva lence of tlio crinm of lieticido, which are of a most startling character. Taking New York city ns nil index, tlm Doctor shows that tlm inerenso of produced 11I1- ortions has bccu alarmingly rapid. In 1805, tlm ratio to population wns 1 tn 1(1; in 1808, lto 4. Theso figures represent a stnto of morals which challenges ilm gtavo consideration of legislators mul teachers of religion. flood Enough for (lenrgln. Tim Now York Times of Monday lias at) article urging tlm immedinto admis sion of Gem-gin. After complimenting tlm into decision of Judge Erskinc in tlm Stephens enso it lias tlm hardihood and consistency to say: “Let Goorgia bo admitted then, without further useless discusioii or unnecessary delay. If tlm Senators nro bothered atmiii- teclmlcnl questions ot lniv,let them remem*. her that tlmro is no liny for reconstriu-timv nnd colored suffrage, except great law of national safety! Aud that is law enough for Georgia,” Even *0, F(Irabu. Tim Rev. O. B. Frotlilnglmm said, In liis sermon last Sunday, thiit “our Presi dent is n«t infallible. ” AVo have long sus pected tiii» weakness on tlm part of thu President, but ivc neverdreatned tlmlanv- body else did.—Courier-Journal, ... <* — .... Sot Much, It IVoli'n, The New York Evening Btei .-ais.tlmi tiie Republican party, having extinguish ed slavery and made all men free, lias an other great duty to perform—tlio abolition of tlm protective tariff. Tim parly won’t doit. Nftino Donbf. Ait AvknDwiR correspondent asks: u Ts, Theodbro Tilton a'limn or awomnn.V’ 3 * oonm stiy ho i8 t though nobody von 11 v- knows whether she is or nut,.—CVur.u'- Jimmly