North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, April 21, 1870, Image 4

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\ — wis» i.i,;o>n AHYKHTIHKMUNTW. cyuvqnlnit Iq tho kitchen. Into thin <lo- polll nil tho pot-iiiniof, dlijiwalrr, nnd ■h£WSB$S9ivM * Lnto w ItlilljnOox ItlMolho! llINt'KM.AMKUI'N AllVKItTISHJIKXT.N/ 1 I..I*. tllllXil U A « O.'N < 01,1 JIN. ■ ‘ QT J3I*I 113NS, FLYNN <fe Co. •tri'imy wntol of any Elu.l, reftm* plows of Uciinni In I, mill a low Imokrlfuls of sonp-muls. rCommlutflmi MoVeliantM, Lot it stiiinl a low days or until formonta- j IHnlom In lionjirpins, tliolt mill to nu ll InnTol MM | oit.MN, l’ltOVUtONS, HAY, *o., lmsliol of line oliiircoitl, a Imff-bfilhct of fomi-Tit Ati.a«t», uhoimii*. oovn-nwal, one humlfnl of unit, anil n half tHeMly oppiwlto atmrtv, Wrl*M ACw/tA potiml of cajlftnm. I sit llutiimlu short) «*H*4itou lwmlit,«nil mill pulMuMitlMon.' tiiii.* itinttlii’eoa! mayboconiotliorouyli-j1^,%,"“' 'y■'UuraU.dn'Tththeliquid,then Cmllti the i >i»m> uommilly. nnulo Its appoarauce, ■ita.vcdttd in outing it in a fow ilayi To fiiro l’!io 11 ii Ill H.irac*. Talco a pli oo or carpet, blanket, or any thick material, largo cnoueh to cover tho horse from Ills lure to his hind logs, and from tho spine to the Hour ns ho lies; wring it out of hot water ns hot ns yon can possibly lianillo It. You need not fonr sodding the nnlinnl. Apply this to tho hoist, and cover It with a similarly dry cloth, As soon as tho heat diminishes much, iliii tho wet cloth again in hot wn- u r. Thin plan will within un hourcuru the worst case of cliolia,—Samuel Ii'. — S A Jfev, Discovery vvllti Corn. An intelligent ntul reliable neighbor of ours, who lias for many years been mak ing experiments with corn, has discover ed an importance anil value In replanted corn, which is unite novel nnd worthy of publication. AVc have nhvnys thought re planted corn wnsofvcry little eonscijueneo hut this gentleman says “It Is of so much cntiScnucnCQ, ho replants whether It Is "needed or not—or rather, ho plants two or llirco weeks after tho crop Is planted, a hill about every’fifteenth row each way." Ifo says: “If tho weather bocomesdry du ring the tilling time, the silk nhd tassel Ixitli become dry and dead. In this con dition, if It should be seasonable, the silk rovives and,'renews Its growth, hut the tas sel does not recover. Then, for want of pollen, tho new silk is unnblo to fill the of fice for which it was designed. Tho pol len formed tho replanted corn Is then ready to supply Hie silk, and the lllling is com pleted.” Ho says nearly all tho abortive ears, so common in all corn crops, ts cau sed by wnut of pollen, and that lie lias known ears to doublo tbolr size In this second filling.—Exchange. To JPrcvout nirdsfrom l'lllllim up Cora. A corrcspondcnt of an exchange sends the following ns a sure menns of accom plishing the domfciYdimi: “As soon os the gcrmlnntlng.coru In the plan tod field makos its appearance, sowcorn all nround tho borders of tho field. Attorn few days, walk nround tho lot; if you find It pretty nearly all picked up, sow again. Two up- plications nrc sullldcut, and will Inst tho birds until the growing corn ts too strong for them. About n. pock nt a time will an swer for a field of eight or ton acres, unless tho birds should bo unusually numerous. Timely observation in the field will Indi cate whether moro Isnoedcd. 11mvo prac ticed this method for many years, nnd I lmvo l'uuud itcflectunl.”. Orange (trowing. A correspondent of the Now York Trib une; writing from Piilhtkn, Florida, snys: Opposite this little town, on an elevated baiik nt a singular beud of the river call ed Devil’s Elbow, Is n beautiful orange grovo of 8omo 300 trees, planted from thp seed of the sweet nmngo, about ten years ugo. To show wlmt profit can l» made by the cultivation of this fruit in Florida, I may state that the grovo produced this year a net return of moro than ten thou sand dollars, nnd tho demand for the or anges lias been greater tlinn the supply. Npnrlng Coos. Wo loaril from tho Farmer thntntn meeting of the Fnrmors Club of lioches- tcr, one of the members stated that spays Ins was considerably practiced in Havarla and Hungary for the double purposo of prploiigiiig tho flow of milk amt accelerat ing the fattening process when the time for slaughtering comes round. Its effect docs not extend beyond.two years, when tho. cmvs will go dry nnd are no longer usethl except for beef. In Switzerland some practice spaying heifers for the pur- "080 of rendering them fat nnd able for farm labor. , N° opinion was expressed by tho club ns to die propriety of spaying either fot milk hr other purposes. To ttepollKti Old Furniture. Oiled furniture that has been scratched nl-markod may ho restored to its original beauty, simply by rubbing boiled linseed oil, used by painters, oil tho surface with iv wad of woolen mgs. Varnished fitrul- turo dulled may bo similarly .restored by the use ofn vnriiUh composed of shellac dissolved In alcohol, applied Id a similar manner. Common beeswax rubbed over furniture nnd heated by tho friction' of u woolen wad briskly used, is also an excel lent ffmiituro polish. Slniiiigotmuit or Broom— If brooms are wet ill boiling suds, once a week, they will become very tough, will not cut the carpet, last much longer, and always sweep like a new broom. Avery dusty carpet may bo cleaned by setting n pall of cold water out by tho door, wet tho broom in it, kuock It to get oil' nil the drops, sweep a yard or so, then wash tho broom ns before nnd sweep again, being careful to Bhakc alt the (impsoff tho broom and notsweep far nt a time. If done with care it will clean n carpet verynioely, and you will bo surprised at tho quantity of dirt iu the water. Tho water may need changing onco or twico, If tho carpet is very dusty. Snow sprinkled over a car pet and swept oft" before it lias time to molt nnd dissolvo is also nice for renovating a soiled carpet. Moistened Indian mentis Vised with good effect by some Uousekeop- j^-o Ctttai NO l’AYl Globe Flow Cough Syrup, bn BUTTON BUSII SYRUP QNWAltD WE MAllOHl TO Tinns ft KBNXKR'8 where wu buy goods rhonper limn anywhere elm* In lnuii,iiiiilllit\viihviiyHkiM>|uiunniliiinctc of well assorted Goods Oil lmiul, mid nrucon. dug new goods, uml they do tint y to Ultima mat. Ilium. I’lireliuH* wi ll to give them u trial before stonily rcfidlvlng iillnwuiiy - cm would buy I it# cl T HR Finest Tennessee Flour, made of wlillo whont, for •iiln by TIIIIW ft KENNER. rpiMOOIlY, Hordsgrtts" and elm tnuy bo found at Tl UBS ft KKNNE1I I IMowh | varfoils sfi STOMACH BITTiatSI for Debility, Loss of Appetite* WkARkzss, I Niiinr.BtioK, on Dvrfrxt’fltA, Wart or Amos or tiik Livkh, Disordered NtOliittcll, ' There nrc wo Hitters Hint raw cnmwnro with these m removing these distressing coin* plaints. Steel l’uiv- To dm*. Ruddle .1 Co.. Louisville, Ky.t tlon- -rrop will And n Istrtfd A**ori X Uaruzr Bmthsnt Kit” 1 lmvo Ixmn raved from tho grave by tho llmcly two of this wondqrrul Medicine. For tho euro nr Colds, Coitulus Asthma, Oroiip, Whooping Cotigb, fioru Throat, Bleeding of the Lungs, old chronic Throat nml Lung Dbuus srt It immwomcs ulmost miraculous powoiM, nnd Is tho most pleasant mid rellublo remedy In tho world for ilicmiroorCnHsumiilloii. Notiogcuulitouiiloss tile wdrds "Ulobe Klowert-Otigb Hyrnp" Ublown In inoli bottle, and tho "Olobo Flower” printed In five colors on each label, whloli wo lmvo put* unfed us our Trade Mark. Prewired in tho Laboratory of PKM1IKUTO.V, WILSON, TAYLOR ft CO.. Wbtdusalo Druggists, Atlunta, tin. fioldliy tlioprluotpal liruggUU, Rend (lid testimony In favor of this Orcat Mod fabio< WhitR M'l.riifit .Sphincs, Va., Aug. 3d, 1«J0, Mtesrd, Pemberton^ Wilwn % 7hylor& Co., Atlanta, Giv. 0KNTI.KM*»—T urn SMtHied to Inform you tlmt tbodobu FlowerCougli syrup has Imiou of groat benefit to ino. 1 lmvo neon Bulfcrliig with throat and lung disease for tame time, amt used many of tho most celebrated remedies on tho continent, and cun conscientiously say that none proved so pleasant nnd henuflciul, In my ease, its yonr remedy. With my good wishes for your success, I mu, Yours ltcspectfulty UiionoK PuAnoDY. A UK.MAUKA11LK CURB. Nhw ORLRARS, Jui»08tll, lfW. Mesfti'8. J. 8. Pcmborlon tt Co.: % Uknti.kmkk—Intliafullof JflfW, Itook asevore cold, wlijoli settled upon my lungs, .where it ro- mulnod without relaxation. I tried several * ‘ 1/of medicine, and consulted severul pby. ns, bnt rueotvod 1 It tus or no benettt; nnd In few monthfrl wascomidotcly prostrated, Mlolnns, tint rpeolvod IlHliS or no benefit) nnd a few mouths 1 was oomidetely prostrated, aon* lined to my bod, with the same severe cough, with pain in jny side, profuse sweats mid rest less nights. My family and friends, ns well iw myself, supposed my 1 lino to die hud ootno. At tills crisis n rrlond advised the use of tho Ulobo Flower ftyrup. I sent for u bottle i hud, won derful to relate, Imforo 1 had used up thobottlo my cough had almost censed, my night swents hud ioftine,tny unpotlto roMirnod.mypnlsobo- came regular, l slept sound, and was soon ahle to bo out attending to business, 1 continued tho use of the Ulobo Flower Byrnp far * weeks, and now, nt the age of 60 years, as good health ns ovor Imforo. I have recommended the Ulobo Flowor Byrnp to many ot my friends suffering from coughs or otlior diseases of the lungs, nnd In every ease It lias produced the sumo lmppy effect. tu conclusion, I would say tlmt tho Olob Flowor Syrup, wltll (UsVs blessing, saved in life. \ ours very truly, ItonAoe Ktxa. Ti’Skkkokk, Ai,a., Feb. 14,1808. Dr. J. Si*PimbtrUnu - I) it A it Bin—It not being In my power to visit your city soon, and as Imnorien asked tor your Ulobo Flower Byrnp, I wish you to sond mnntlo bhttlos. My soii-ln-lnw has boon oh rod of a long obstinate limgnffeetloii.bnrderingon consumption, by the use or two bottles. Kvory one who bus tried it wants more, and those who lmvo not triad wish to do so. I will remit tlio money wliuu you forward tho bill. Yours truly, II. R. TAWAFKUno. Cor.t’Mnrs, Ga., August 1,1808. Messrs, J. 8. Pemberton & .Co, i ■’ Uejitlomon—My wife was dial reus!ugly nffect- ed with mi InvotemtO Cough, mid nothing af forded her any relief until I gave her your Ulobo Flower Byrnp, which produced the most flivorablo results nt onco, and I uin happy to state has restored her to health. I also cured niv little girl of a protracted with all cough, with the Ulobo Flower Byrnp. I can conscientiously recommend It as being thobost remedy for diseases ortho lungs I have ever used in my family, nnd I have written theso lines out of glut It udo. Yours truly, _ F. U. Wtr.RiKft, Mayor, City of Cofrmdms. 828 Pkari. 8t., NSW York, March 25th, 1808, Dr. Pemberton: Umar Bui—You remember a year ago I obtain ed or you a bottle of your Ulobe Flowor Byrnp. I found It very valuable. One bottle will euro more cases of colds and coughs than any other medteiuo 1 have ever u»od. l'leusosend mu half a dozen bottles, and I will remit for tho same,- With best respects, yours truly a ""“ uyUmiul B lmvo a fliio ussoiimei7t of laidlos Dross , tlpods, such as PrintiMl Lnwiis,,/aokonots, Moxomblqnes, Prints, nnd Gents Ciudineros, tltat WO nfo bmtiid to sell at reduced prices. Come nnd oxauilno quick, lwfore the assort- mentis broken. . TIUIIB ft KKNNKlt. •™.OUU-Lot of Fluo Family Flour just re- JL! eolvod. fresh from Bast Tennessee, mid for solo by TIIUIB ft KKNNEll. "TTAItlKTY of Ktiuutcleffnnd Lcatbor Travol- y lug Rags on hand and to^sato olm^lgr^ QUHIBTMAB IB COMING M LOOK IN AT Townloy’s Confectionery t Fit Id. TO OVClllT.OWINO t Just received at TowjiIoj-’h ConfixtHonoi'y ! 1000 lbs. assorted Candles. *Jto.\es French Umidlcs. Cream lion lions. .IMly Cakes, Cum Drops. Umpe Drops, Fig Paste, ftc.f ftc. Everything Nlco nnd Krcsh ut Towuloy*« Conibt'tioncry ! Oranges, J^qnious, Frosli Peaches, 8trnwhor- rlos, Pino Apple, Oreon Corn, Urcon Pons, To matoes, dystuvs, ftc, at Towuloy’iB Coiitticlioncpy! Fresh Crackers, nil kinds, at Townley’s OoniWilonory Coconnuts, Almonds, Filbnrts, English Wal- wutsj It ear. 11 Nuts, Now liaisons and New Fig** nt Townlcy*» Confodioiitti*}- FIRE WORKS 1 FIRE AVORKBit AT Townloy’u Coniectiunoi-y I . 49*If yon want to ntnko your wives, ohil- dr on, sweethearts, and everybody happy, why goto TOWNLEY'8 CONFECTIONERY, Doe. s-K. M*AITI.A' J^YLK ft PRUDKX, Fire Insurnnpo Affonfg Olllcu at N. F. Cooled go ft Co’s. S° dUTUUKN MUTUAL, (Chartered 1947,) Athens, Georgia. ri EOltUIA HOME, (Charted IRVl.T Columbus, Goorgln. Capital 000,000 Now York City. YOHK tyOMli, ■jq-Kw U.vVkN ItOMK^ Y OU 11 ATTKNTtON 1S cordially Invited to tho “IIKNDERBON COUNTY, KY. LAND BALE Grand Prize Scheme! Enterprise, CUurtorod by the Legislatur; Kcntiieky, and endorsed and l-eeoininciided every leading«(llulnl In the State, mid upwa of Mju of lier most promliiont cltlsens. 511 Prizes, $314,320! Comprising tho Holiest river bottom tobnoco farms In the wealthy comity ot Uumlersoii, Ky tbolr nppurtenanooH. On pit 111 jjKvtapc 6150,000 Smallest l*rlae, ®H0. •'Now Uav All of thoaliove nmRrst class com panics, pay tbolr losses promptly, and nro very liberal In thuirsettlements, ltatos ns low as In Any Com- panics of thusamo class and reliability, \octly 1PR1NG HAS COME, AND SO HAVE SCOTT & LYLE'S Elegant New Goods! Also#20,000 in Grcenbaeks, rent monoy, ui will bo distributed to tlm winners nr the first seven prlws In the sums of $10,000, $1,400 uild $1,300 each. TiolcotH Five T>ollni*«T Each of wblob entitles the bolder to mi eni.... chance of acquiring one of tlm splendid Prizes named. The Flue I drawing will positively take place Juiio fltli, 1870, at Masonic Temple, Louis- vllle, lty. Among many hundreds who have given unqualified comiflcutos mid endorse ments of this inngnigiebitc enterprise, we men- tlon a few, viz i W. N. Ilalduiiimi, Louisville Courler-Ionnuil: B.l, M. MiUor, Frankfort Yeo- mam Col. J. ,0. Noble, Padiieah Herald; R. G. Thomas, Lex In at on Observer mid Reporlur: Editom Nashviliu. Teim., Ilepuhllcan lianner Editors Kvmisvlllo Ind. Journal or Courier (toy. Stevenson, Hqn.T. C. McCreary, U, 8. Sen- ator; Hon. .J. T. Huiieh, Bjieakerof Ky.Legbdo' turc, Hon. It. T. (Haas of llenderHon, Ky., Hon. O. T. Cox, State ftuqjoglst for Ind., or any prom inent official or business imm in ulthurbt tho following cities, whore tho Enterprise Is best knwn.vlx t Louisville, Frankfort, Paducah uild Henderson, Ky., or Evansville Ind. No Behemo over presented such attractions ns this, as every dollar invested by ticket hol ders. fs Ipdd In trust fly .the CQiimiHHlnuc t-.* a;*, pointed for that purpoflu by the Legislature, until tho druwlnsMiTKcs pinch and the prizes are delivered, ^ . Iu order tohnro yotrr tickets properly regis tered, buy at once of your nearest club agent, or remit by Express (prepaid), Draft. P.O. mon ey order, or registered letter, to either or the follow Ink flnmioliil agents who will furnish full descriptive el renin vs: L. II. Lyno, Ciujh’r Farmers Hank, Henderson, Ky.: U. H. Alexaudor, Commercial Hank, I,on- Ms vllle. Ky.t John C. Latham, Pres. Hank IIojv rklnsvlllo,,Ky.i Jmnos'L. Dallmn, Commercial Hank, Paduaah, Ky.t B. G. Thonius, Cash. Ohs. and Uept’r, Lexiiugton, Ky.: W.B. lylor,C«sli. ■ "eposlt Hank, Owensboro. Ky. ood Club Agents wanted ovorywliore. MINCHI,LANIIOIIN A|>VBRT|«BtfBUTS « A bktOmtobt ok tahiiioi*. f A Ulti:, A Nil INSTRUCTION.’ 1 I I/VllI-I01 {' H UAZAII. A supplement containing nnmorons fnll-slz* Cd patterns of useful nrlickM aceoiupitnles the i*i:hiodicai.k. size oV IluflHirV Weekly. , culumlei cd paper, und Is pi rjMiu; SATUIULVY kveniKh 1‘0ST. I’ll roe Months Gratis til This “cheapest nnd host or I ho LltornryWeok- lies” is offering unequalled liutuaomunts to now subscribers. In the lljjt paper of Oelnller^lt COmmenenl || printed on sitperllnu lubllshed woskljrf patterns, etc..a vi»1 iso and Interest 11 noultii. dress, and U< ebes; Its editorial m i the circle It Is lit ruott mid itljns,* mruuii mm n> nun. b‘‘Hl(les. good stories lllld lit- oruvy mutter of merit. It in not surprising tlmt ho journal, w|th such fentnres, bus achieved n a short time an liumoiiso success; tor sntno- blng of its kind was dcslrud in thousands of families, mid Its publishers have filled tho do- maud. The young lady who bays n single uniu- »erof Harper's Bazar Is mndo a subscriber for lb*:—New York Evening Post. Tho IlHMurls exciillouF. Like nil the imrlodt the Harpers publish, it Is nltnrtsl _ .Ll! 1 tv ‘Vi"i. I? by Elisabeth Presoul I. It ulso Is now rimnlni Userial, MiU'd “UeovgeCantuvbuvy’s Will,” by Mrs. Henry Wood, the famous author of “Bast "NEW* NOVELETTS will coetInnallysucceed eaeli other. Among tfttlsd uUiiill' till blind, or In progress, are “Dmler a Han, liy Atnundu M. Douglas i “ismnle's Becrot.”by Frank Loo Hen- * NEW BUHSCUIHEIIB for 1870 Will llavelhelr subscript Ions dutoil hack to tile paper of Outo- her 2d. tint 11 the largo extra edition of tlmt dale Is exhausted. This K ill he thirteen papers In addition totho nwihirlvuoltjy numbers tor 1870 —or fifteen months In nil 1 When our ext rendi tion is exhaust ed, tlm immosof all newsuhseri. lairs for 1870 will he entered on our list the very .e?lef from any of thorn. I heard Hurley's Hit ters highly spoken of, and tried n ImtUo, with little fhltu In it lieforo 1 eomineneml, and to my surprise and Joy, Imforo I finished one hoi lie, I nnd prolonging my life. 1 consetuiillonsly re commended tbelli to all sufferers as the best * - ters known, and ndvlse them iilmys to ask Dr. T. A. Hurley's and lmvo no other. You JOHN W. DIXBON. Koulsvllle, Ky,, Doootnbor 10,1808, ; ■. » •JTOTICE TO ilOTHKUBl " Dr. Ncnl»rQolt*N knllint Hootiling Syrup , Price Twenty-Flyo Coats per Dottle. Usolnthe future only Shawiook’s, ii co nation quite up with tile advancement or tho p. Pleasant to take, harmless In Its action, Iclent und reliable In ulleuses. In valuable in the following discuses: SVMMKR COMri.AIXT, iRRKOlfLAUITIKS OF • Uowkls, Ukstivbmkm, Tkkthiko, ftc# Gives health totho child and rest to tho mother. nilsvllie, Kyi- eveWll butt lei James Huddle ft living In yoiirelty,I usei ... Hcuhronk's Infant Boothing Byrnp, mid found it to do my child more good audit would rust bet- - - .......... in uu „ n tp,, p remudy 1 over tor after using it than any other remudy 1 over tried. I can say with confidence, It is tho host imuHelno tor children nt present known. I wish you would got the Druggisth here to keep it. I any one does, please let tlm know; if not, sent mo one dozen by express, ami I will pny for it d thn ofilou hero. Wrltume when yon sond It, am oblige Mrs. Sauau I.. Itandolimi. JJX'HliliY’H .Uimi TOJs-IC, 1'KIlKKCTt.Y, la* depci r . . le. There hav cured by using It, who huv tried tho tfsiuil remedies without benellt. CRITICAL KOTHIKR OF TIIK PRKIS. Ittirpef'a Iktlnr Omit ulus, hesldos pictures. “ rns, etc., a vnl'leiy of nlllilUt* or especial ind Interest it) tile falUlly I articles nl ‘ oUsOkqepliig In all Its brum MMPvm cnls wlilclj thn Hurpers publish, it Is almost ideally well edited, anil tho class of renders for whom It is intended—tlm mot hers and daugh- in* in average families—can not but profit by food sense and good taste; which, wo have *- * * ry many homes “to- t. ho doubt, lire to-day inukjiig ., '!51 1 ?X» , V. r .A??i l A l . 1 * ,, ^’| l , | 111 i y ** uvo V m ' n bffore tlm jtm,begun taking lessons tn personal and hoiuuliold and sochil iiinmigement from this good-natured mentor.—The Nation. BUOBC1I11’TIONB.—1870, .. ... Terms: llarpov’s Bazar, one year $1 00 All extra copy or olther the MiiguKtim, Week ly, or Bazar will be supplied gratis tor every ■dub of Five BulMcribors at $f 00 each, In one ro- mHtnneof or, SixCopies for$J (w, without oxthi »TiibRerlf»llofiHlO Harper's RbigaSlne,weekly, ad Bazar, to one inbliVsH tor one year, flu oi)f r, two of Harper's Periodicals, to tom address lawcis bo snpnllod at nnv tlmo. Vols.l.nnd It, of llnrpor's Bazar, for tlm years elegantly bound liigveehlrtoroeo cloth, WIH^ bo^scTit by express, freight prepared, for Tho postage op Harper's Huzar is 30 cents n ,. cur, which must ho piild attlm subscriber's post-office. Address llAUl'EH ft nitOTHBHB, Now York. •iiir-IP umiik Tl$ H|800 Ogplds O.UOtt tU(.U t fab i)2fl»(01M 'popiui.nbw tnmo X.ioa.1 u] 04no y _ •sif'QM iq«|.i o; \ 1110.1J U| os op |(| w pun ‘Siijpunisfiuo; jo.10 'pnqjOAO •moii sjsa’iiuii.i u-mo m.n ,,oU|oodg 0Aanx„ UI|M X|.itiuiaoiiu unfitij t *ox onmiou,!—*u *x *|dd|ss|SH(K ‘KimisnoiA 4, CI ’J« ‘AT'IN H '*AV ’V B8.14PPV •4ot|io Amiiniqi.tuns ptm joditoqo ‘apino.ii sso; oq |(|av poiuoiu hiiix •pon|mo.i eq p(Hoi(H .fpto ){4oa .aox uo kiJimm 'ss.ijdxo a<1 oq Ht.wsosun Bit u; sagugouj Miononp.ip *Dnio .ion A’bioav) pun snSuHomt xjsaoj ssnjppu ouo uy. 'tioiiouoap'tuuajad uooug HOflnqona o.-uqi aoj Ksojppu ouo o; 4op.10 uy ###-#####Q 0 | t( | , u •Roml .101 pmWnHtipi tsu; 40 p.iiq,r spiHbl -m a 01 , •03|.ll(‘f’OX oHujpntd t 4oj Pjms pmiuguop sjspjiqj 40j •OX OjtUR.MKl 40.1 puns S|N|qll|,T innuiioui 40J ■ v/i»x •py of TUo l'oat and one of Tlm LudySiFrtond, is: 1 A ropy or tfio largo and bouuMful I’rcmlitm Heel Engnitlng— 1 “Taking the Measure of tlm Wedding Itliig’*—enginvedln England at n cost of $2000—will uusentto every full ($3,S0)sUhsorl. ber. nnd to every poison sending a club. Tills adelpbla. lier, and lo every poison sending la Irulya beautiful engraving. Address IL* liKTKU6ofi ft Cti.. alu walnut street, 1‘hili tvziri'Fir.i.D. TtriUTFIELD Bn uni r r's Sa Liial-Will bo sold TV before tlio Court lioimndoor III said conn- ty, on tlm first Tuesday in May next, bo- twoon tlm mmnl bourn of sale, the following ss, In' 1 tin IB. h ((lit. nn.l IM si'O. fit Wlillllcltl t'oinity : ns tho nreiHii-tv It. SUTH lilt LAND, 1)011. SUolltr. • (lull l><)\. llm l snld o^eiutor Sot 1!? "V^nnwii. mitl l , A-Vi:;!eo/iA u lv„vr , ^:;;i tub May term or said Court wliv iIIk lStffiS,n5 exeuntorslilp should not ho ruVokud t uni in defaUB thereof it Is f 11 rt 111* orilercii itmt .!l\ Marel. ^ ” m ' 1 .) AT VIIK 8AMK TIMB ANO I'LACH, Lot of land number 4, of tho 13th district nnd m\ sect ion 1 levied Oil by virtue of ml fa from Si array superior Court, D, A. Wiilker vs Ci »• Tuoker, us tlm property or suld Tucker, Also, lot of land number218,12thdl*trl0t and Jkl sect Ion: levied on as thoproporty of William Henderson, to satisfy one li fa from theBupurl- S r Court of said county, tn favor of J. II. 11.' Jmekelford, administrator, do bonis non, on tlm estate of A. I). BhnekoUord, deceased, vs iwir 2111, all Gordon c ter atni. lliuorosslng of tbo Oostanuula ltivor, nboul 2A. acres In timber (nine and oak)—largo numbor duyofsulo If desired. Sold for tlm benefit, of tbelielrsahd creditors ofsabl deoeased, Terms aisli. • YV.J.M. THOMAS, Adm’r, April 14-tds. f BORGIA. Uordon County.—R. II. Kosbctt proper form for lottors of guar- 10 person nnd property of IlilseD in tlTitiiMlVlY) on tlm person and proi... sons concerned to ho and appear nt my otllod oil'or before tbo first Monday lu May next, ta shnweuiise. If any they can, why said icllera a ">;^ai:;. i;mntc " f wisia&. mi. iKOHUIA, Gordon County.—James3L Hat? X bin, administrator on the estate of .John riqklund, deceased, represents to tho Court ... bis petition duly tiled tlmt lie has felly inD ministered tho estate of John Htrlekhiud I ThW is therefdre to eltu all persons conoorned, kin- dred and predttoi*s, to show eatiso, lr any they can, why said administrator should not ue dls* elmrgeef from Ids administration and recylvd loiters of dtattWoiu D.AY. NEEL, Ovd<y { . Bob. 10,1870-am. . . 1 tho It no l’crifediy icoliuLU*. The following certificate, from a reliable cit izen of Mlssissipid, speaks for Itself: Mhimman. Miss.. Get. 10,1808. Mr. It. Y,»H. Chadwick: Dear Sir: This is to nortify tlmt I bought from you, by your roeotn- niendutlon, a bottle of Hurley's Agm* Tonic, and It cured two casus or fever and ague of fir- teen months* stumllug. 1 cheerfully recoin- mend Hurley's Tonic to the pub!lo generally. *«X ofiu*ioiid 4oj puns (oiuoii) sniqomMU aoj *OV ‘*0V ‘841I0A f 1)40AON 40J S4i)01UU •^oa jo 1:0084ns uti po.uos OAiiq \ saoiuo OHOq.w am 4.»piift ‘.HS||v* ‘B4iiqs)(0|A ‘|dd|ss|ssiK jo ?uoui •J4tidnn •mioo.iia liioippiv pun *y *w 'n iioofiaus l.lI"w*u* 1 D , fi|Jil (:uoi»)f4ns«i)omjiouo;sKjmt«oi) oopuj oq.a) i s|OU||lt-‘|)|.\o«U|.uto.‘*.i»iiit ^00 Isoptjs' pajfllfl oqi jo iuo|i| sjiii Miosuqoi* A\04puv'm»H iwo.Ml 4;oii».io.| mu o| poiqopuj jo ijii : MjfppqiH ‘tttMusapi iiooJtJilH UfiMO *|iiiuu|on|Q ‘kjouo|v *x *H 'S4K t.fMoniuoH 'oiijAHjfio’i *(ift a j; 'a ; n *P«k ‘fl°”lfll •oHnpnim Mmutioi* iu.)||»;»jvf tolipa “(i -K ‘utltii •A'I *WH tSHO(odoii ,((401111 ns»i» sp; paouuou piiq *ii|huooxim ‘.*oqmi aijK jo sui»|0|<(i;d 4timi|mo |houi .104.111‘hsioo u n;hii| Fuiitmt jsiiqo-i oj po4ojs.M | no* 0*011*1 ‘.Cuunjui *s *n qin louoioo “v *8 'A ‘110.107 *h 'smo *uoD 'foK :8:ir)N3ua.iHn ^•■MHllnpuiodBiU qonsoi upmit4n.vou pinoofimmb 11.(111111)400401 ‘fiomib 11 sn iiMop out mood Xiim .(oq; )nqi ‘outooXmu spu uiofiAV osoqj o) |Ui() *oAOqn oq j oj .tojo4 t 'djuoipiuo A’npoods IOU I * # —* r - r - Respect tony. Y JOHN II. tpiIGHT. For sale by L. 1*. Uudgor.ft Co., Druggists, Ballon, Georgia, *- They are lu reeotjrtof aweUsuleeted stock of Niirlng niul Nuumicr Goods ! Muslin s, Lvfstros r Linens, Also,41 well selected stock of Oonilonmn'sOood Ilntn, Oloiliin^ niul j oxnm lm\t ion of goods 8COTT ft l.YLB. Bout U. Etui Itaimlton Btvoet. T IIK LADY’S FRIEND. Two Months Gratis Ml Novelets for 1870: “Did He Forgot I... . . Louise Chandler 'Moulton; “Tho Cascaiinons’ Aunt,” l»y Elisabeth Presoott, author of “Ho- twoon Two,” fto.j “Solid Silver; or, Christo Beano’s Bridal Gift*,” toy Auuwdu M.. Douglas, author of “Tho Dehurry Fort unto,’* ftc., with' numerous Shorter Stories by a UrUUnnt galaxy of lady writer*. . . . A tlnoly executed Steel hngravlng, a bund- some doublo page,finely colored Fashion-Plate, und alAfgo assort meat of Wood-Cuts, ill Uhl rat ing tho Fashion, Ftmoy tVork, ftc., uru given in every nuinlier. It will givo a popular pieco of MUkie in ovovj' number. Purify your lJloo.l! DUDLEY’S SARSAPARILLA. YYith Iodide of Potash# Affeotloit 0/ the Hones, Habitual Costlvcncss, Debility, Diseases of, tho Kidneys, Dys- x . j Diseases, Liver Complaint. Iudigostlon, Piles, - Pulmonary Diseases, Scrofula or King's Evil. To Dr. Thomas A. Hurley: Sir: I deem it an act of Justice to you tostato uit in the mouth ofFehrmiry last. I lmd a s~ uroattack of infiainatory rheuinatlsm, wlik mipletely prostrated me. At the same time iy lungs were much nfllictrd. T was so rcdttc- 11 tliut It was with tbo greatest difficulty tlmt l conbJ walk. 1 procured sonio of your Com- mund ExtractorBarsnnarilln, and cominoimed aklng It 1 fonnd,tbivt I began lo Improve—my coffglr bccatffo less severe—the. soreness of my ’ • “igs and breast gradually subsided—toy rlieu- tic pains lessueqte. I attribute this mainly ... your Barsaparllla. 1 have now boon taking it for over two months; lmvo laken.ln all, five boYtles. Its effects have boon most sat istactovy to me, and I advise others simllurly.nfllictcd to give you utrial. •TOS. CLEMENT. Tlio'gentleumn whose mime is appended to the above certificate lias long resided here, and nt the present time is one ofthe muglstrutcsof tho city of Louisville. H f»**»• Mince Meat. Ono pound of lean beef, one or apples pared and chopped tine, ono of currents, one of raisins, ono of susmr, tenspo.mful of salt, half an ounce of ulspieo und cloves two nutmegs, t1»|utcomxl grated rind of two lemons und two oranges, half a pound. of citron, and a pint of wine nnd a half pint of brandy. Apple Custard. Stow three pints of apples, mash them nnd add lour eggs, well bouton, one-fourth of ft pound of liutter, sugar to taste, ami nutmegs, hake ona, crust. Add a little I ’ i’oR'rtmTS or lnsT.xani.nui aVtiom.- 1 Tlio brandy to the above, If you want it more ^Toos."^ highly seasoned. Percy, Louise Chandler Moulton, Elizabeth .. I Prescott, Amanda M. Douglas, Mrs. Margaret NnU and Wntcr for C’olle. 1 Hpsmernnd August Hell. It may hot lx? generally known that one ro ?V'So®I!Stha ft fliJrSr < ^vUinr tcaBjiOonful of common Halt dibsolvcd in a i Jj l | v l 0 tlio Novninbor uml December numbers ot cup of 6ol(l water, will give almost instant this ycnrln addition, making lourteen months reltcfiii almost any ease of colie in man;!!" ami a quart of llsh-brme is ono of the heat tile mngnlfioent Deeenitoor lloBday number, reniedioB for hots or colic in horson. I have making thirteen month-* in ail! never failed of success In giving weak salt '[>'•“ one ariSiS isV tV iJJSJ water in any case of colic, to nursing iu- o„|,y of the*L. a uy's P Friond and mioof ^0 Post, fants. A less quantity than a teaspoon- $t. ’ iYill will often relievo adults —Cur. South- i A copy of tho largo nnd beautiful Premium 2“ •/, iT,?.K r r W ? VC aaui “* • 001,1,1 1 steel Engraving—“Taking the Measure of tho Ci sl La.lauUJl. tVeddlng Hing"—engraved lu England at a cost '• •-»- ; of $2«k)— will bo sent to every Dill (#LA0) subsor!- * Cheap. lier, und to every person sending a elub. This Corn Ik selling iu central Michigan nt; •«gggjjj 18 J,&?ft pJtkrson thirty cents ln r bushel, delivered on the Jttowubmt street. Philadelphia. rain ;.d. Wheat i's verv plentiful, nnd 1 * worth only fifty cents, 'the “encral com THE GOLD MEDAL niwfoif fimn nwtmloU to C1IA8. M. 8TIKKK’ for tlio best Piuuoa now mmle, over Baltimore, ' hlludelplila und New York rlunou. Orncs and WAUK-nooM, No. 0, North Uhorty, near Halttmore Street, , UALTIMORK, MD. Rtioff’s PianoM Have all tlm latest lmpvovemouts, Including The Agraffe Treble, . IvoryJTronls, artfitfio' Improvutl French Aotfmr, fully warranted for five years, with prlviledgo ofclmnge within twelve months, If not entirely satisfactory to purchaser. Seeoml hand Pianos and ParlorOrgans always on hand, from $7A to $300. Referees, who havivowr pnvnftZ fn \wcv Gen# Hobt. K. Loo, Lexington, Yn# Gen. Uolit. Ransom, Wilmington, X. C. Gou. D. 11, Util, Charlotte, N. C. Gov. John.Lotohor, Lexington, Ya. Joseph Rotih, Chnttnnoogn, Tonn, Messrs. Pierce ft Wood, Chattanooga, Tei are ngonts for tho aliovo celebrated l'iuno, where one can always he soon. Bend for Circular, containing names of ftve hundred poisons, lu tho South, who have pur* ehiiscd tho Btloff Plano since tho lutu war April 20-ly lit ft, tuaunna.n .<m \\\\\\ (•qtpqqm.ioj l)*)s|vooini.)otiimu.)An||iiq A(p|puiio 1 pun >a jiioii hoR(|ns fin 14 n p no | I3ii.ul .(m pnpuoutt OAIIIJ sipis.u onuiBoqx , |lliito00OtlB.fl«14|lU«>Bllft I ‘oj |)|sjujui|ni (Main \ f(<nuAv sasua*14011140 .C4t1.rujoqi jo (mu ‘{uijdsoii mDUs ps>H«r! |W»» •imsoqj ptM|u|4.innHoj ‘u(«uo;)s;av *.»n)|iniA\inv oj poAOuina j cifrO ill M.mnjsiif .(.!•>A0 u| fiofi.iao •ous q ipioq fipufi.'iisttosip 8|uj4«M(ffqj.MKO.ul u; pun *A*4juiyiri s|oiiiiii >ii8r,’ni|i jo.uonN.ius' ««q« ‘•ssjK •xatmjnxjo.flio nnijoaoonro tllltwil t»u« .io.Chk su.U i HWt ui ’ (tlMjej p.)UIW04 AII0 40U ‘lu.Muiii.m j air .lopun otiitto qoiq.u sosno .ftmttt oqijo pim “11110,1, ‘o!i|.vqsirX5 I 0l?nmtn ‘r. *8ox simjdsoq jo o»4inio fi»q 1 tf pint |wi^.nto.( oqj «I 'IWI HI A|»1I| fillllOA tl JO SU.W J1I04J AlfillPflOO •OIISOJOIIRJ4UJ poOfiA'tft Ktl.tV 1| IJ.-qq.W IIO| Jllllltl* •aitos j«twwtfl 1s4u »\\xi 'jmqstiqMjso-04 Xljpoavl* oq Alim l|1|1iot|$>nqo4 jtiqj miojupuna poAoad •in; juqj ii; tuojsA’s ni(| OAti.q oj *0*110*111 oqj jo pp.ufio.nt apnjanj juoAtijd oj op j jn«i i jiiojjnd tt 01 ’ons*|j fiutti Avon jo juuomu 084111 .(uttaoti 'sfiutti Avnu .((ddttsoi n*odo4d joii op 1 'unoo.u oAto.wx* oj X|8 U104.1 it; (pnomtApii o.vitq Alim JJ..WJ 4.1AO.UOII) OSttO*|() 0|qllp;ill4IM spil jo 11110 j juijx oaoh<')<i pun *aj -|iqoo(t* 11 (|tr.)j(|ouo.fii ptntfiiinq) uoiidiuiipnor) jo luotu J11041 oil j opftot 1 oAtiq sauoft jqfi|o.(oA PAB V1.YM1S AND PILES. •XOIJiaKIlHXoO iv order from the Court of Ordinary ton county, Georgia, will ho sold on t<>» mat Tuesday in June next, before tlm Court House door In Dalton, Whitfield county, within the legal hours orsale, the following lots ot latta, tO'Wlt l j* i-ots ijumtoevs 250 and SftTTin tho 8th district and 3d section of Whitfield eouutv—lot 20, In the 10th dlst. and 3d sec. of Whitfield county— and lots an, (Hi, m, 4.1.40, ai«, mo, 70, 111.74 and .42, ull in the 13th disl. mid 3d see. of Whitfield# On ttitvrfrstr Tuesday In July next, before tlio ('mirt-Ilotisc door in Treiiton, Dude county, tho following lots of lund: Lots numbers 4 and ft. in tho 10th (list, and 4tli section of Dado comity—lot number o, In tho Wtb district uml 4th section of Dndo comity- ami lots 20Q. 2ft7» 117, 178, 210, 245, 172, 258. 40, 02, 88. 210,220, inn. ir.i, J38, lSS, 20 mid SO, all in the 11th district uml 4th section of Whitfield county. Amo, On tho first Tuesday In August noxt, boforo tho Court-House door In Lu Fay otto, Wulker county, the followtngilots ot lund: Urts nnmjicrs M, 0.40. 8.1,70,20, Oft, 18, «fi, 01,04, 321,8,00 und 202, in tlui 12th dlstriut nnd 4th see- tlon of Walker county—lot* 03,40,220, 21>.V?Sft, 210,171,113 and 218, lu the Oth dm. and 4th sec tion ot Walker county—lots 1(H,323, 133 and 1(W, In the 8th district and 4th section of tVnlker county—lots00,87 mid )0(j# in the 7th district nnd 4th seetlou*-*tofs 104, [TA uml J507, in tho 20th district nnd 3d section of Walker cofinty—lot: HI, in the 27th district and 8d section of Walker' county—lot 31ft, in thc2ftth district ami 8d see- tlon of Walker county—and lots 277 and 2tm. tn tho 28th district und 3d section of Wulker connty. All of tlu»nbovo4iroporty bolnnging to tbo cstntu of John Malcolm, Ucccnsud, uml sold for* thobunufllof the holi>mul eru«Utors of said deceased. WTcrnw of sale CASHI ■ Note.—Any persons having claims of any kind to any of tlm above specified lands, will ploii3u pi’URent Uiem on daj^of sale, AdiuV.debonis non, with wiU unncxed. April 14, J87«-tils. . ifoSTPoXKfi.- (TiUAROIAN'S SALE.—Ily vlrl U from the Court of Ordinary of WhlllleJd county, I will sell before the Court House door lu Dalton, within the legal lioiirs.of sale,011 tin first Tuesday la May next, no shares ortho cap ital stock of tlm Dalton City Company. Sold iji property of,. Duff K.. Carrie H. and Flnrhli Green, minors. it EHECCA 1*. GREEN, Nov# 4, Ison# * Onzrdlun. ti MAGAZINE. /"1K0 vT h.i uniLBQt _ nnd I will pass on the same nt my oflleo I houn, on tho 28th Instant. 1870, At 11 o’clock# t# 10-n o# 1} ' NEEL, Ord’y# April 14,1870-2t {21 EOUUIA, Gordou County.—Elen l»tttf \JT huSpiipplied tor exemption of personalty and setting apart and.valuation of homestead, and I wnumsjfnpon tho sumo at my pllleo tu Calhoun on the 22d instant, 1870, lit 10 o’clock, A* >L D, W. NEEL, Ord’y. C ATOOSA SIIEItlKt-'S SAl.KS.-,ViU tie sot., before tho Court-House door iitinuggohb Uu#< on tho first Tuesday in May next, bo-» t wctftt tho legal liourir or sale, tho following property, t h-wit: Lot of lund number 810, in the 28th district and 3d section, and lots-numbers *17.7,0 nhd 8# in.tlio27th district und 3d section; also one un divided liulf Interest lu lots numbers 210, 220. 2lftund 210, in the 2Klh dist rict mid 3d section os Catoosa county: nil levied on as tin* property of James Evans, deceased; to satisfy ouu BUptv rlor Court tl fa Issued from tbo Superior Court fit wild county, in favor of A. Gruyham, guar* dlan, ts Susan Evans, ndmr’x. und Milton Kv* ana, administrator of JiimeH Evans, deceased# Property pointed <mt by plaintiff. Also, one town tqt In UluggoUl, Ga., fronting nn Nashville st reet 30 teet, more or less, running back oft feet, moro or less, .to an alley, and hounded on the east shin by mi alley, it being the lot on which Wtllts’ shoe .--hop Is sitnuted > levied on as tlm property of G. IV. Ilruee, tosntv lsfy one superior Court fi ta issued from Catoo sa Hipc.rlor Court, In favor of W. C. Patton -ft? Co. vs G. W. llruco, principal, ami W A. Wood*/ security. ■ Also, fto acres rtf tot of land nuinlier 4fl. In thut lltli district nnd 4th section, lying In tho 8. >>Y corner or snld lot: levied on ns the pro;»erty of James Fulcher, deceased, by dm*BupMrlorCmirt (I la, In favor or James W. Cm ry vs James Ful cher and T. J. Wilkins. - T. H. CON, Sheriff. Also,ut theVqiiie time and place, the Boiitlf half of lot of land number III, In tlic2.Mli ills-# I riel and 3d section of Catoosa county. Ga., as tlm property of Jesse H. Conly, deceased, tosat- Isfyu sujierlor Court 11 fa from Catoosu omtity/ oftmurs et Court vs Aaron Peeler, adminlst rato.V of Jesse It. Conly, Bold subject to the widow’s dower. J. P. DKAVER, D. Sh’ff. April 7, lh70. (A A, tvhit Hrl.l County—IVlii’iTiis, IV11- \T lls Hendrix, administrator du Imlius non 01 T C Tate. denM,represents to the court In His pHltionduly tiled tlmt 1m has administered- said estate: This Is incite nil pei*souB concerned, to show cause, if tiny they cun, why said administra tor should not lie discharged from his adminis tration, and reecdn* letters M dismission on the first Monday In June, 1870. Tills Minch 1, 1870.-3ln W. II. BKOOKEH, Ojfclv. /^ikorgia, WI \X after dntuln AVhit field county . AVhltfield County.—Sixty days dutuInvlll apply to tho Ordinary of 'Unquestionably the Host Bnnfnlnod tiorh of tlio Kind In tlio World.'? IlAni'kit'# M.voazixe apart from the illustra tions, coutuliiH from fifty to oiuf-huudved per cent, more matter than any similar periodical issued lu the English language. CIUTK’AL NOTICES OP Ti/k VnK88. Tlio most jiopular Monthly In tho world.— Nmv York Observer# We tfirfst fetor tu torms of eulogy to the high tone and vailed excolloncos ofli.uirKn's azink—a Journal with a monthly circulation of about j20,000copies—lit whose pages are to bo •found some of tho choicest light and general, reading of the day. Wo speak of this work us un evidence of t ho culture of tile American peo ple: nnd the popularity it hasucquirud Is mer ited. Each Number contains fully 144 pagus of rcudltig-iiiut tor. appropriately 11 lust rated with woodcuts; nnd it combines in itself tho nicy monthly .nnd tho morn philosophical quarter ly, blended With thn best features of tho daily Journal# It 1ms great power in tho dfc&uinimv- tlon of a tore or ptfre BtcfHttfro.—Tnuunr.n'ff G11M0 to Ainericnn Li feint ure, London. It is one of tlm wonders of Journalism—tlm editorial nmnagoment of Haiu'Kii’s. * » * All tlm periodicals which tho Harpers publish are almost Ideally well milted.—The Nation. N. Y.« Wo can aceonnt for its success only by the simple fact tlmt It meets precisely tlio popular taste, furnishing,a variety of< * * * 1 ' structive reudlng for till, county for leave to sell tlm interest ri EOROIA, Whitfield Comity.—Will bo sold \JT before the Court House door on tlm first Tuesday in May nbxt, one yoke of oxen about 8 years old, taken up ns estrnys liy R. I*. Biotin, uml upprulsud at $30. Bold iimlur statuto. D. W. MITCHELL, Sheriff. pURLKY’S POPULAR *t-y of pleasing uml In- I.—Zion’s Herald, Bos- sCHscni i'noNSr~i870/ Terms: • $! 00. riAZIXK, Wrkk- a supplied gnitls for WORM CANDY. As this Js Wally « specific for worms# nnd tho best und most palatable form to. giro to drib Is dot surprising that it is fast taking the place of nil other preparations farwonns— It iming perfectly tasteless, and any child wljl take It. James Uudule, Proprietor. Mosrm# James Ruddle ft Co^-GeiJtlomen—It gives mo great pluusure to May, after using all '• other worm remedies known fo me, with partial success to my children. L was ndvhv- lotry Dr. T. A- IIuiTey’H,and slneo using it iny children have become well and buultby.— The children would eat tt all tbo tiuuvit Is s« S U-anuiit, if we would let tlicm. 1 believe .it is ui best nnd rtnfest remudlus known, uml as such recommend it to one and nB. James W. Travis. LotffevtHey If y. y July t, 18S8# For sale by I#. P. Untlgcr ft Co., Druggists, F. FiSCIIMM, Watcli Maker, Jeweler, AND OPTICIAN, icr Market und Eighth Streets, CHATTANOOGA, TKXX., espcetsully inform his friends und 1' Northern Georgia, that ho koeps jKTBpcolmon copies scut for ton touts. p^alut there is," too buic\\ produce aud too . A SJj* little mnnnv . ix burgs, K und 1-1 Donu‘stk'1 UlUv moncj. ' low prices, by TIBBS ■Ion Fivctnry O&uu- Jtlcs, und Thread r* TIBBS ft KENNER. tho Elgin Watch Company. All goods warran ted as represented, and sold ut ns low priucs us any hr «'— **-■»- Bridal IV tn.tlH* fitllte. irderstor Watches, Initial Jewelry, 1-uiim »l osents. etc., made on lair torms. Special al(entiou given to general rwp*ilrlng. Work neatly and proinytly executed, uml war- runtoil for ono year, l'he public ore inspect- * stoqk. iuuyty« fully solicited to uafl and examine Uls stork Orders solicited. II.\ui*mi's Maoazixk, ono > An KxtfO Copy ofeltherllmM MV or llAzxn will lm supplied j, Club of Five Subscribers at $100 enoli, in reihlttmiee; or, .Six Copies tor $2000, without extra enny. iliscruitIons lo IlAnrim’s Maoazink, Wi and Bazar, to 01 Avo of llarj otic your. ::n's 3 .... - Rilutt-- m , ... $iu 00: or. two of Harper’s Periodicals, to 01 address for Ohc your, $7 00, Hark Numbers cun be supplied ht any llmo. A Complete Set of Hakpeii's Maoazine. now amprising 30 Volumes, lit neat cloth binding, ill lie sunt l»y expri'sH. freight nt expense of ptirolmsnr. for $2 25 per volume, single vol- umes,by mull, postpaid, $300. Cloth cua>s, for binding, fts cents, bv mail, postpaid. "** '*■ b on liarpci's Mugiizlno . . ... jiring Place. Murray connty, between tholegi * of sale, on the flint .Tuesday in Mu tlie.following property, to-wlt: Lots or laijd numbers 231, 270. and all of 23ft, except six acres (the Plemon’s Mill place) nil iu lOtll district anil 3d section sand lot 810, of tbo 27th district und 2d section: levied on tosatlsfy a 11 fa for the purchase money, from Murray Superior Court, Z>. A Wulker vs BsmimdJWoney. A pri 17,1870. W. 1L ISA MS E Y, ft. Sh ’ff, G KGRGIA, Murray.County—Horace F Hall administrator ot Thomas Hull represents to the oOtirt, in his petition duly, filed and on- torn! on t-eeord, tlmt he hfn fully administered said estate: This Is .therefore to ett-tf all per sons concerned, klmlrcd nnd creditors,!osliow cause if any they can. why saidml m In jst is tor should iiUt bo diselmfged frlrtrt snld udminls- tiiitton, nnd receive letters of ilisinlMslnn m« the first Moniluy In May ginirdhiti or Mary Ana, John I). and Mar garet C.^lieli-sof Thomas Dowling, deceased, having applied tolhe Court pf Ordl»i«r,v of said county for 11 discharge from his gtiartllxfiship ot the person and property of sahl Mary Ann, John D. und Margaret C.. heirs of said Thonmn Dowling, deceased: This Is therefore to elto ami admonish till persons concerned, fo show eifUMe, by flllhg objuet I011V In my oillccr# why thff suld John II. Dunn should not bo dismissed from bisgtmrdluiisblp of suld Mary Ann. John D. mjd Margaret heirs of said Tlmtnas Dow- ling, deceased, uml receive the usual letters of dismission. (liven under my oftlclal slirnutrrre, this April 4th, 1870-3m. J. M. COMBS, Ord’y. ■XTOTICK TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS# All person 8*1 ml old cd to tlio estate <rf Y# E.M1W Jor, lute or Walker comity, deceased, Are here by required to make immediate payment; uml lUose having claims again*; sahl estate, nro hereby notified to present tfloSHtoe in terms of theliiiv. A. T. IlACKET. ArttoV. Mil roll 24, 1870-Ow. zV. order of the Honorable Court of (MUnary ol said county, t will sell forcash tot ho highest bidder before the Court House (loot* Ut Ring' S old, on tlm first Tuesday ill May next# withm lie legal-hours of sale, lot of liuhl number 7», In the 28th district mid 3d sect lou of said conn# “ apipperty of SlminsSheiVi*H,,ffc> j benefit * G EORGIA, Catoosa Comity.—.fames A. Park, adm’r. of tbo estate ot Daniel Major', (to* ceased, hiis petitioned tor letters ot (IlsnTlsstoVt said estate: TblsJs therefore to elto nil' persons eoneurued. to suqjv enttse, by filing 0I1- Jeollons lu my ofilee, why said administrator should not ho discharged from Ids udfti1nn*tm* tlon nnd receive letters dlsmissoiy on the first Monday in July, noxt. Glyen under my lmhd uml eUletnl signature/ April 7, J8?Q-3m# J. M. COS1H8, Qrd’y. The postn.. n year, which must be paid ut tho subscriber’s p<yit-crfil2o#-Addi ess Il/tu*i:tf ft BpoTiiuns, New York. 3 is24cents T IIK JIOST roTUf.AK ./(TVKNILK MAOA- Z1N1! IN A3IK1IIGA. -p^n. sKAimooiv's ELIXIR OFT Ylt OPlIOSrilA TE Ii-on n»<l CnljBln. This elegant omutoluntton possesses ail tho tonic properties of Peruvian Burk und Iren, without tho disagreeable taste nnd hud effects of olther, sepavutety or tn other preparations, ^3f these valuable nmtlfellies. It should bo tn- ken In all eases when a gentle tonle Impression Is required utter convalescence from VKVKnsor. dobllttutlng dlseasi's, or lii tbo«e distressing inin:orr.AiUTiKS peculiar to females. No fo mule should be without it. If liable tp such dis eases for nothing can well take it? place. LITTLU CORPORAL Was a larger circulation than any othor Juven ile magazine fn tho world, and ts bettor worth the price than nny other imiguzlne over pub- iistoed. It Is Entirely Original und First Cinss. The Little Corporal is the most entertaining publication for tho young tlmt wo have over examined. We cannot see how It possibly can lmveu suporlor, or If it could lmvo, how the twung'folks could possibly wish, tor anything butter.—Tlio Pennsylvania Toucher. VOW IS THE TIME TO BEGIN. Hack Numbers can always ho sent. . ..—. .. ^...... -.w copy, containing Premium List, 12 coats, orfreuto any one who will try to rutso n club. Address ALFRED L. SEWELL ft CO., Publishers, C l EGRGIA, Murray County-—IVherons. Win. X HussleiMutmlidstrator of Hllas M. Wood, (leceasdd, represents to the Court In Ills net I- tlon tlmt he has fully administered sahl estate: These arc therefore to cite all persons con cerned, kindred and creditors, t« show ouRse. lr any they cat), why,said administrator should not bo dlsolmrged.and receive lottbrs of dis mission on tlm fli-st Monday In dium next. Given unddr my ImtVH and official signature, this 24th day of February. 1870 ANllKltSON I'AUNSWOUTII, Orfl’y. Feb..24-3m. fX i ... VT llain Ilousley, .... or Thomas J. Abuoi*, dceoasedi has petitioned for letters of illsmtsslou from .suld estate: These are tliureforu to elto all persons concerned, kin dred nnd orcaditors, to show canso, If nny they ean, why said administrator should not ho dis charged and receive letters dismlssory oi\ tho first Monday In July noxt. Given under my hand nnd official signature, this 30th day of Miireh. 1870. ANDERSON FAltNSWORTn, Ord’y. March 31-3m. ty. Bold ceased, for tho Tills 21st March, 1870. March 2l-tds. refit of heirs ami fifedflors# ISAAC H. JOI1K, AdftiV# fore the Court-IIonsc door in Troutou,ou first Tuesday In Miiy next, withto tho legal hours ot sale, t ho following property, ttM Lots.of lund nnmbors 170 and isft, in tlie 11W# district and 4th section or originally Clicrokeo * 1 ooyjity i !«'• led on us t)to properly u( ll. Mm-vlson, CA’ccutotof tlm last will meat of John McKuig, Into of Dudti mid testament or John McKatg, 1 county, dcecased, to satisfy' a fl fa Issued from Dade Superior Court, in favor or Parthana KII- * said Sniufraoh il. Morrison, uxeoutor, linn y WALKED. C l KORGIA, Walker County.—K. V. Boss, ad# X intnlstratrtx of 8.8, Boss, having applied rov leave to sell two acres, more or loss, of lot of land iinmlicr 00, in ilth distrlat and 4tli soo- tion of Walker county, for tlio purposo of de fraying expenses ot and impj'oving said csti This Is to notify all persons luterestodtlmt loss gooil reasons are shown to tho contrary order wilt be grunted at the fiTst reguluv it- ... of the Court after tho expiration of thirty days from tho first publication of this notice, allow ing suld administratrix leave to sell said laud. Muivh 31-ltrn MILTON RUSSELL, Onl y. iETRG OIL, tho very best non-oxplosiv . 'burnjng Fluid now offered tor sale, mid it j AM. OF THE JLllOVK MEPiriNES Iffnnnfine111 red by Jniuen Huddle ft Co., Louisville; Kentucky, - ■ • iiistujieo. ’ itViiaH \ For sulo by L. P. Uudger ft Co., Druggists T)K' £1 r more body, iasts longer, nuts gives tuoro light j Dalton. Georgia, tluin any other oil, und is guarantied not to sett AIho by Dr. Gi-oves^ Druggist, Dalton. ^SSSSm^StSA for sale by aBDruggists to tho V TIBBS ft KENNER. 1 rTMIK best French Lily White yoi JL at llIUSClI April 14, mo. H IRSCHHERG # * ndministrntor of Y. E. Major, deceased, mi dug applied for leave to soil t’ 1 —* * longing to said estates This is to no..., .... tics Interested to show cause at tlio first regu lar term of tho Court utter tho expiration of thirty days from the first publication of this notice, why an order should not bo passed S 8. ptH>i DimuniuH it. iiiuii iBuii, UAUUiuur, no other fi fa issued out of suld Court, lit fuvorof G, W. BlaeknoB vs said fi. H. Morrison, executor of the estate, ftc., or John McKuig, deoeased. Property pointed out by Robert II. Tatum, plulnt I IPs attorney. JOHNATHAN BLEVINS, Sh’flV April 7,1870. T"vADE SUPERIOR COURT, November Tenn J J lSl.T-11111, So. W. S. Eakln A Co., et nl., vs. J. M. Juok and wlfe,;Ct ul. It appearing to tho oouit that- A. T,,Oben- chain and wife, C. M. Ohcneliuln, J.M.Jaek nnd wlfe.'M. J. Jack. fi. M. l’rothro nnd wife, K. J, Prothro, and W. L. Fulton, Guurdluns Of B. Easley, resldo out of tho State: It is ordered tlmt sorvleos on said parties lie perfected liy. publication of this order in tlm North Georgia Citizen, once u month tor four months, und tlmt this order bo entered upon tho minutes of court. J. R. PAUltOTT, j. s. 0. c. c. A true oxtrnet from tho minutes of court, This January ftth, 1870. J. O. PACE, Clork, may concern s—Levi Bird having apn for letters of ndministration on the estuto of John Bird, deceased: This is to notify both creditors ami kin that, on the first Monday in May noxt, said Levi Bird appointed ad- mjnlstrator us aforesaid, unldss good reasons are shown to the contrarv. March 31-30d. MILTdN RUSSELL, Ord'y. H 1RSC1IBERG sells tho best and cheapest White Hose for Ladles. April 11,1870. I F you want to get 11 good article of French Perfume, call on UIRSC1I. , „„ , . April 11,1870. KORGIA, Wulkor County.—Whereas John XX M. Catlett and W111..M. James, executors . ' or tlm lust will and testainont of Tlios. Jones, /^IROCKSnnd .Inis that hold from 1 to 4 gal- deceased, represents to the Court tlmt they Glassware* wilVw—f. 9L*. ! .” a _ n _ n .? : hnvc fully, disohnrged their trust as said exed- wherp else, at . TIBBS ft KKNNER’fi A GENTS WANTED Ainorionn Kr practical Family K ted. Price $2ft. Will knit 20.000 stitches por minute. Address American Knltttojg MacVm 3 Company. Boston, fttoss., or St. Louis, Mo. March 31-3m. they can, why sal ilex editors should not boills- VTED everywhere to soli tho I charged from their executorship and reoolvo Knitting Mnohine, the only lettera 01 Uismisston on^bofl^ilonilay in Ju- r Knitting Mnchlno ever invdn- fy. 1»>70. MILTON RUSSELL, Ord’y. H IRSCHHERG sells tho best and cheapest and ehenpesi April 14, ltffO. GILMER. G ILMEUU SHERIFF SALES.-Will bo Bold T boforo the Court House door in tho town °t, Killjoy, on tho first Tuesday In May nqxt, within the legal hours of sulo, tho following; property, to-wit: Lot nl land number 7, in thotOtli fljstrlotaiut 2d section of Gilmer county: luvied on ns tht* propeity or Alexander Murray, to satisfy one Superior Court ti fa from Gilmer superior Court, in favor of Officers of Court *vs Alexan der Murray. Property pointed opt by officers of Court. Also, 145 acres of lot number lift, und 20 atroH ot lot numbc.t 101, all In the lltli district undid seotiou of said county, tqsnthfy one Justice Court fl fa In favor of E. W. Chastain vs II. H % Fi’ady. Property jiolnted out by iilaintlff.— I.cvy made and returned to mo by H, WilUams, constable. Also, lot of land number 7, In tho 7tl» district und 2d section of Gilmer county: luvied onto satisfy a tax fl fa from Whitfield county, the State and county of Whitfield vs B^Goanor, tax for 1KW. Also, lot or land nnmhor l ift, in tho 20th dis trict nnd 2d section of Gilmereountv: levied on to satisfy u tux fi fa, tin* State vs C. B. Tuck, or. Property point ed out iu said fL fa. April 7.1870. V. II. MILTON, BU’ff- ot ago, resident — all persons con cerned to bo and appour at tho May torm of tho- Court of Ordinary to ho held next utter the ox- ' "ition of thirty days from *tlm first pulillciu 1 of this notice, nnd show cause, If any they , why sahl Sarah S. Teagnp should not bo ujipointed guurdlun of suld minor. I Murch 31-lm, JOHN W. GREER, Ord’y*