North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, July 14, 1870, Image 1

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BY J. T. WHITMAN. DALTON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, JULY 14,1870. MINCKI.I.AXKOI'M (’ARDfi. lY*- "*™ w7 $S£tivM„&x hm-ipcj rot ho cltlr.ons ot DuUOinimt vicinity. jam i:h h-wvi,;' '■> Grocer and Commission Morolnvnt, Atlaxta, Ukouoia. Ieohs of IKtUon ami MmntiiuUmr I'romnt ami viailant. attention \\ lit 1»’ ulvon to nil cases. ,Medical MjirgUUt} ami Ulisletvleal, on- trust oil to Ills care, Q*jU H->y» D«-‘ " ■ Calls at tent Ion to Ills manner of Treating Will 1 '"uTlFlM at! TKKTlV Inserted hi ftlUtylOS. Olllce, King street, Dalton, «corntn. A. lit Attorney at Law, AY 111 praetteeln aUnieeonnttesemnpnsIni' the UherokeeOfrcult. fipcolal attention given to A WAlMVhOU Mary yrnn n I,n*ftto. Thoinapt* trees nro tinged >\ ; ltli red, The lil t ‘ 1ilreh\vlt|i golden yellow: And hlgltlthbvp tltoUrHidtd Afftti' Hang apples, riolt amT mellow; And tlml's tho way through yonder hum ThutlookaBostlllandgrassy,— Tho way I took ono Sunday ovo, When Mnry was a lassie. You’d hurdly think that patient face, That looks so thin and Hided, Was’onto tho very sweetest ono That ever bonnet shaded lhlt when 1 went through yonder lauc, That looks *o still nnd grassy, ; host looked llko liny luinmilboiu; Thoso eyes were bright, those cheeks Wore fair, ov6r existed in tills * Will'll Mlll'V M'M'l lit Tho Htory of n riilludcljitiln Woodcut. There 1b said to bo a paper In l’hilndcl- plila which lms ono woqdcut. It was en- raved originally to represent Arthur pdng, hut the proprietor liked It so much, that ho determined to keep It on hand, and llltlii uo in. w. i mtiu.ii ivi aeep u. uu u.uiu, llllU run It into tho paper whenever anybody clso was hung, or died, or was olected, or _ ......wtyt — was cut down, thon tho noso chiseled into i tlio faco ohoffjfiisfyfrciiit. fii t Uo fiq|ll^iit3ou-or cirli - , •* .. U.’OAUY. V:‘'• MCl " V, Al , tOltNHVS AT I.AW, Ilrsln Klngll'iillilliiB, Dalton,'Ga. .A. WAI.KKII, . Hjnk> ■' aTToi'ikev atiaw; unit King SI I. IiqllnniUn. - ly*. But many a tchdor Borrow, * Ami muuy a patient oufft,, HaVo madb thoso furrows — 4 That used to ho so fair. 1'our titneB to yonder churchyard, ' Through the hum bo sUUhniV grassy, Wo’vo homo uiul laid away our dettd, Since Mary^was a lassie. And so you seb I*v6 grown io lovo Tho wrinkles tnoro than rpscst Kartli’i* winter Honors aro swootcr.far Than all tho spring's dewy posies | They’ll carry us through yonder lauo That looks so still and grassy, 9,10116 J used to go \ i U It lary was a lassie. *T but it .mtor ii'- TirnADOIt A lUtOTIIKltS, 1 T. OB ACCO COMMISSION MUIICHANTS, And Mumifaclrii-urs of SogatV,' ' ' ' ■ , Ang-ly . Whitehall street, OhafflBflOonii. 4M«Stt«WnWW»!Woh Hospitality, Comfort, (kmvcidimou ttiut keqlld-' ,my combined In the management. t - . n.K.nnowij.] , T> UQ WX8! HOTEL,. . ^ oppOBlto rassongoi 1 Depot. Macox,' (1av ' Fob. 84, 1870. • ; . v S/ko. iin.iYKm kfw. V. UHOW.V. ' HKNKY HILL VSR. H ii.lyeh & bho., . _ . Attorneys xvt Law, tics residing at a distance. d umi'JS-lim. • • ■ iv.tuiies. Ji.iB., VlwalcMn, Kiirgooii. mill Accpiicli«-lir; , As-oriluu ou King stldotiiln 1 tlio ohM’dxon House. Dull on, On., Jon. IMy. Death ot Little'Nell. She was dead. No sleep so bcautlftil and calm, so freo from traeo or pain, so fair to look upon. She seemed a ercaturo fresh from tho hand of God, and waiting for thobrriath of llfo; not ono who had lived and suffered dentin. Her corichwas dressed wltlihcto mid there somo winter berries aiid green loaves, gathered In a spot slid hhs been used to favor. “When 1. (lto, put iho Hear soniothing that loved the light, and had tho sky above italwnys.” '*”■ go Avcro.hor WQfdg. - . • , ...lo Vns'Mcdcl. Dear,’ gchttcv'pn . nobUKcll was dead. Her llttlo bird, a. poor.sllght thing tho pressuro of a linger would have crushed, was stirring nimbly In its cago, and tho strong heart of Its cldld-mtstrcss was mfito and motionless forever! AVlioro wore tho traces of hor early cares, her siiflbrlngs and fatigues? All gnno. Sorrow was dead indeed in her; but peaco and perfect happiness worn born, imagined, In her'tranquil beauty and profound rnposo. | And still hor former self lay there unal tered hi this.chahgc. Vest'tlio old fireside had smiled upon tho sntno sweet face; it had passed like a dream, through tho haunts'of misery and ’ p.cut .toxTew.-.n-., •'' ‘ ' Wholesale licftlor in • llrniiillcN* WIucm, WIiInUIch, Oliw, Ac. J’^ACJitUKE STn., A^i.\vtA, Ua. . * jiav27-ly. ,...■' . . "... . . a ■ ■ TITNKIt A SMITH, — : Wholesale anil Retail Dealers In Groceries and Provisions, Corner Broad and Howard SUcots, • ' ’ iPItner's Old Stand,) dulyl ‘ Home, GKonoiA. , , Athl» own lloilBongaln, O'H o i o id it o f r e I. Uroail Street, llnmo, Oa.- . pisaonfisrs taken to. and Worn .HoteJ tree 01 T AMAH HOUSE, . J j KNOXVII.T.K, TMSN. .KiKEll "'^)! I > , VPr illrod ttnW ^ uri )^ 8 ^ C( ' "4th gu°d s* and responsible porters always at • amV} * “* "■ Mnmhahl8lO-Unu .1 < •>‘J'i7T Carriage Boposltory Carriage Material", lIAri|ea», No. 5 Broad St., Granite Block, ATi-AVf a, (5a. WCarrlnges and Wmmns manufttfltured and renovated in stylo and at short np^lce. • f February 10,1S7D-I4m. •' 4 •* ' r Vvatchinakor and Jeweler Shop In Dr< Brpjvu’s Nojv Drug Store, Hamllion Streot, Dalton, Georgia, nf niim'.I„U*nlK*: fnT ] boy, kiivtu imu HUU1 nuv lovely look. -• So shall wo ... in tUolr maj6sty after.death, Tho old nmu hold- ono languid arm in -jsiiiirjithosmnllv tlglithand folded 'to his Ordnst for warnltli. It Was the haiid she had stretched out to him with her-last smile’, tho-hand that had-led him on through nil tlicir wanderings. Ever nnd anon ho passed It to his lips; then hugged it to Ills breast again, murmuring that it was warmer npw, nnd, ns ho said, ho look- agony to those who stood around, as if imploring them .to help her. She was dead, and past all help, ornoed of help. Tho ancient rooms sho had scorn ed to till with lifh, even while her own was waning fast, tho garden, sho lmd tended, the eyes she had gladdened, tlio noiseless haunts of many n thoughtless hour,- tho e athsshohnd trodden, ns It wore, but yes- ;r(lay, could know hor no moro'. . “It is not,” said tho schoolmaster, as lie bent down - to kiss her on tho cheek,' and give his toars ftoo vent, “it is not in this world thatllcavch’sjusticocrtdB. Think wlint it Is, compared with tho world to which: hor young spirit 1ms winged Its early llight, and Bay, if ono deliberate wish, exposed in solemn tones irbovo'thls bcd t - could call hot back to lifc, whieh of'>.'' ov6r existed in tfds wUlo worl lmulo hd difference, for tho pro ways Inmiited It right in overy a fresh ilttiho and biographical sketch. It lms sorved already for James Much- anau, Jcfl’. Davis, Prohst, General Grant, fmsaii 11. Anthony, Mayor Eox. Sonator levels, Artcmus Ward, Daniel tn tho Ion’s deli, Whutcmoro, Jottevson, as-ltlp Van Winklo,- Blstori.- Asa Packer, Gov ernor Curtin, and a score or tivo or others. It is somewhat rusty ilbw, tho old woodcut is, hut' the owner clings to it with unalter able affection, ahd, tho first time that any body does anything alarming, in itwillgo again with a new Bkotch. Tills won't mako so much difference now, bdeauso tho block is very much worn,'and when tho picture is printed you enn’t toll, to savo your lire, whether It was intended for a man’s faco or for a study of d simoon in thb’pescrtbf Sahara',—.Soston^lTcics. . , A Queer Will Cn.c. Vj•'*»«•[ ’ Oeorgo A. Alter andCatlmrino.hls wifu cttOh 'determined to givo to' tho survivor tho, property lie or slio possessed. Two tvllls ivoi'e prepared for execution, and ms was supposed were duly executed, and then'placed hi sojiarato, envelopes.. Tho husband-djed, and on examination of-tlio "nvelopo containing, ns was thought, his rill, It was discovered thnt-tho husband ad signed his wife’s will.and the wife lmd ft this.dilemma tlio wilh ol * ' was passed ion stating mistake” tO tho' 'sutlsfaetion of'tlmregU- tcr’a coutt, tlmt tribunal is clothed with “tills powers of a Court pf chancery,” and Is authorized “to reform said paper-writ ing,” and “to lmvo entered in iho olllce for tho register of wills in and for tho city, and county, the snld papor-wrlting, which ho (Goo. A. Alter) Intended to exccuton3 his last will and testamont, as if the said writing had been signed by him, with his care- at the 3oor of PTO , . Tho judgo decided against the petition er, on the grouud tlmt could oxe- outo a. will for a dead man.—P/iila. Xa- guircr. ; . - Novel Stilt. were tlmt . . soon after daybreak. They had read and S lked to hot In'.tho eifrlier portion of .tin glit; but, ns the hours crept on, sho sdnl to sleep. They could toll by ivlmt. sho fniutly uttered in her dronnis, that they wore of her lournoyings with the old man; they wore of no painful scotacs, but of thoso who had’helped them, nnd used them kindly, for she often said, “God bless you!" with great fetVofc Wakiug, slio never wandotod in her mind ifitniismtio stock orniwo .inivcit-y, for imiilos bnt'Onco,“and tlmt was at beautUUl music, 1 j!Igh which, she said, was in- the-air.- God b ooraSTcd, Bi’imdieSjWincs,Gins,Scgars - . Deniftrs In r * Xiyc.'XlourhoiHtml Mnnongalirla Whiskies i... i- .Miimiriiotiu'OisofUioCelolmttoa -. STOPGAVALL IHTTEBS , ■KtE-lir-A,.. yiillelmll sncot, Allamu, U.n, ' J;^ tt ^»AN,STAf.Kricd; * ’WlioluBtiin - ' Grocers, Liquor &' Commission ■ ,/joi 'i MEUcilANtS, ' 13 Sdlllll Htlwiml llomtnl Slfeols. :il6tt?ccil V l-omlliml itml Pnit Sli'pets, " 11A1.TIM0I1R. ortien aollolteri. Muyai-loiu. | IVIIIUII, DIIU earn, IHIfl HI IIIU 'IIII, VTUU knows. It may lmvo boon. Opening hor eves, at last, from a very quiet sleep, slio begged tlmt they would kiss lior ouco again Tlmt dono, slio turned to the old-man with a lovely, smile upon - ho( faco, such, thev said, ns they lmd never: scon, nnd could never forr ' " - - X>i-h. ^V. •VVe-ItlvlMKS & ^oii, 1'orim-vly of Soft!ll C.'uvnllnu, .JroLiU'ii'g^"' I ' JitmutryHy. quiet Inlnd, and manner quite uualtered T)«- , ‘‘ , '- BKOWS ’ft,x I1 m I .:, D .G TO „ Iiisui’aiico and Land Agent. Anout for .EtnnLifemi«l Fire lii*nvm»ouCmu- l'utmun, lliutroiTl. v AT.RO, UllNlill.U.-.I.AND AGKXT . Juuuury D-l-m. . • v •• '.k\ Livery, Fccdand SalcStablc, ' Cniwforil 611-cel l’allon, 0e„ TVlieVo lie « H1 I"' tiWW •<* .'.",.^1? 1 n nlvu nuui onll. Ijl/jpk foci ..-- - - . - QAK1UAUV AND . AVafjoii ikannfaotoryi - D.itTox, Osoiiau. Aloi)g the' erdwdod path tlioy boro lior nownspurd tho newly fallen snow tlmt cov ered'it, whose day qn earth' lmd.bcon as llOotingi -' Under tlmt porch where sho lmd- sat, when Heaven In its' mercy brought her to that peaceful spot, sho passed.again,' and tlio 'old church received hor In Its quiet shade, Rolling n Klmro In Future life, lie fore a court in tho province of Posth, Iluugary, a suit wns peuding, tn which an aged Jew was to make a statement under oath. ■ ■ Ho wns ready to take tho ontlf, when an other Jow arosonud ’protested against it: » "This man (lare not take mi oath.’! “AVliy Hot?” nskedthe judge. ■ “There exists a Hebrew prayer which contains tho sentence; that ‘ovory Jow has u share in. till) life to come.’ It is now abouttwenty years ago, whlls 11 wns pres ent, when tho man who is how about to 1’lnntatlon Wnunns. '’UmlilnAkt* “!.! C i ft i: os reimktifleit tfhd jsilnumVittiif nil'work witfroiitixl uml ifitlsltutf AImviiK raroi work tlnnoou short notice. Aprikes-i-jiit..-;; AliltorlKlil* from -lattlinlr.” “Tiino moves with equal Blowncss, whether wo experience many impressions or none.” "If wo could only so conlrlvo our liycs as to go into tlio country for tlio first note of the nightingale, nnd return to town for the first unto of tho mullln-bcll, existence, }t is huinhly presumed, might bo moro en- "Thc gardener, llko all hcitdgnrdcuers, was opinionated.” . “Olio’s life clmnges In a tnolnohti” "The feeling of satiety, almost inscpnrn- blo lrom largo possessions,' is a Burcrcauso ol misery Ilian ungrntillcddesires.” “Xo real busiucss in them,” (referring to tho Fenians.) “Their treason is a fai ry-tale, and their sedition a child talking in its sleep.” ‘ ‘Xiuc-tonths of existing hooks aro non sense, nnd the.clover hooks area roflita- tlmt nonsense.” “Tho external llfo of a nation is Us most important one.” “Thrcescoro-and-tcn. at tho present day, is tho period of romantic passions.” “You know who tho critics nro? Tho men who have-failed in literature nnd art.” “Xovcr you sign a papot* without lead ing it first, and knowing well wlmt it means.”' “There Is no man', however gifted, oven however conceited, who lms any real con fidence in himself till lie has noted.” “He loved conversation, though honev- crcoiivcrscd. ,‘TUofe must ho annudicnoe, ’ he would say, ‘and 1 am tho audicnco.’» St. Aldegondo “was opposed toallpriv ilege, and, indeed; to all orders of men ox-. m a ”“ 11 * *' i^i.-etsqtit. - - - / A citizen of St. Faul, Minn'., whoso lifu was insured for forty-tlnco .thoushud dol- A voty,. novel and interesting suit was istltutcti a " Wiho mul Otlierwlno. The San Francisco Hoard of Education lms resolved to disolmrgo any Tomato tea cher who gels married. Ah Ohio paper Bays that ono thousand married couples were divorced in tlmt Sl.-iln lust vp!ir. t,II f wifT t- A man In Chicago a few nights ago eat two quarts of Ico cream on a wager, aud died before morning. On tho-lst inslant an Island oti the Gre cian coast was gobbled by an earthquake and disappeared. A Minnesota, preacher supplies liino churches, his circuit being 170 miles long. •Last year his entire salary was §308.00. Tho grasshoppers are running the farm ers In Kansas. They causomore ditmugo than tho Indians, nud can't’ ho killed or dflvbnaWny. Vr 1 lied Cloud, noticing tlio great- number of hald-hcndcd people-ill IVasliingtou, re marked that lie thought It was a. poor placoTorsoaips.' • 'J ;, jS A nurso in Oakland, Cal.; lm's bicii Bc'n- tcuccd to six months’' imprlsOnhieilt fo'r boating a. haho four months old ju tut uu.- raorclftil manner.” - A widow in Xehrnska is imilcr arrest p'n a clmrgo of killing her four clilldrcii, iii order to remove all Impediments to a second marriage. Beauties often dlo old maids. They sot Buch'hviiluo to themselves that tlioy don’t strongly in invor ot ino equal envision oi all proporty, except land.” ■ Ail agrecahlo person in defined as ‘‘one Who agrees with you.” Cnt'clilng h i'ly lu C'liurcli. ,'A-lady in ono of our churches rested lior head on tlio hack of tlio pew in front, 113 all devout peoplo do In the time of pravof i hut in tliejiow before her sat a y oung nidti who noither bowed his head Or kneeled.— A hcautiful plume nodded and dnneed up on tho bead of tho fair ono behind him, occasionally touching tho nock of'tho youth, who ovidcntly considered it it fly or somo "other troublesome Insect. For a tlmo lio‘boro tho unpleasant sensation without n mhrmur, hut at lostpatienco censed to bo a Virtue, and from tho flash of, his eagle eyo brio could plainly see that tho hour of “that fly”, lmd coins'. Instead lnrs. dropppd dead while fishing near that city, ono day Inst week. _ . .- Courting is -tiio poetry of lifo,*and inar- riago Is the prose; olid tho practfeitl polnt is,-not to let tho poo try Bpol! ono’s appo- titofor tho proso. : Java must bo_a pleasant plnco to live in. During tho pas’t year 183 women and 38 children were killed by ’tlgere, JS3 persons by crocodiles, and t\vcnty-t\Vo by Bnakos. Nico kid gloVcs can now bo bought In j?arls for. two. francs .(37i cents) a pair, and tbei market is so overstocked thatman- ulhcturers can’t koop up the prlco. - - I Belgium,nllttlo kingdom of it,382 square miles—about the slzo of Maryland—gives Instituted a fuw days nga in- the Circuit Court for Tho bill alleges that tha complainant has buried her hus band in a com.otcry belonging to a Jewish- congregation of the" city, of Baltimore known- ns tho Ilodoph SchTilom; tlmt sho desired now to'romovo tho remains of her husband, hut that tho congregation deny her the right, nnd slie'prnys thnt-tliecourt' may compel them to. deliver over to her tho keys of tho cemetery. This, suit in volves tho question whether .a congrega tion has a right to pass laws rcstiictingits mpmbors frqip removing the remains of tholr-rolatlvcs from thoir burying-ground. This is a law that.custom lias for a long tlmo sanctioned among tlio Israelites, and its legality: will he determined at this trial, rllttllimore. ~ i Gazette. s - Geuornl War. The following letter;' dated at Denton, Texas, gives nn account of tho present dis orderly condition' of tho, Indinps of tho .Toxa8 frontier: . . Parties from west of hero report tho country full of Indians, and tho greatest alarm prevails among out citizens. - Last night, twolvo miles wrist of- here, a party of Indians took nnd Carried off sixty hriiul of horses. A, great many of.our norse- raisers - aro gathering mid driving - their stock back to the interior. -Some of us are stlU, holding on, hoping-*’ ll0 government, will glyc usqjfotmmon, but I nm fenrfol if it comes at all it. will ho • too lnte. ' ■ Wien wo saw that Gen. Sheridan'lmd gone to tho front wo fait that our Indiau troubles writild So‘dil bo brought to a closo, but be fore lu) lmd time to do anything lie must, ho stopped to givo the cut-throat chiefs a ohalico to lmvo a talk with their Great Father.’ An express from the Comaiiclics ot Fort Sill soys: “Bo Olt tho lookout.—. Ono hundred aud twenty warriors, lmvo left for Texas.” - Tho reports front all di rections Indicate a general war. .' A Quack Doctor Units ,V,tny With six • AVomcn'iit (l ThnoT Dr. Young; tho quack cancer doctor, who swindled Messrs. Jariics & Jones .of —t,.i_-^-Lti-.. o. - ] lna |j C0U his wife tu- ituou oiouuuii, Hunt .ttiiiott State ho hfrils, swindled a dozen or two of gentle men, and ran away on .Saturday moruing with six young women froiri the neighbor hood of tho junction of tlio Ilolston rivera.- Ho took the Western train at Uriloli With four of the damsels, and wns joined nt Jonesboro.’ by tho other two. He chocked his baggage to Louisville, mid is supposed linvo gouo to Utah with his “happy sq., (oditor of.tho -jffow Ago) of Sail Frauelsco;'- have been in this city (nt WUllard’s) for tho past few days on busi ness connected with tho mission, und will leave tills evening for Xoiv.-York, nnd in foiy days will embark for. Germany for-tho purpose of establishing tlio order there.- WushfligioiL Slur. ■ ■ .; • llotv G-tiklU's.I-(tr,lnti aot luto Print. ono ■■ It seems that Bullock’s merely to givo Grikklll tho pardon to carry nrotlnd In his breeches pocket.- so.t|mt If any officer of tlio lafrBollarnd him ho could draw it Ihcrefrohi and dciy.arrost. But thc'bost laid jiliUiB oven of such sharp cus tomers ns Bullock rind Gnskili; sometimes come to grief. There.was a batch of “procs» nnd other “plmt tnkes”. to go to tho Era office that day, nnd a blundering clerk sent tho pardon with -tho rest, anc next -morning all Atlanta wns posted on what wns intended to be a very private little gnino. "Of courso it raised Cain,— They say Gnskili .blrissed tho eyes, hvor, lights, otc., of tho clerk aforesaid to such na oxtent Ihitt if'Wa'S feftt'ed’lio would lmvo Tho richestparf of tho'whole affair, liow- Vtrpwns tho consolation said to havo boon ' Gaskill h ’ “ ffif to Imvog, . ... family.—liristol News,. .. ii ho lms nothing hopikfor in tlio life to conio; it must ho certainly hulifllTent to him whether to swear to a truth or a falsehood.” > TMlrihltor was examined Into, arid, os tip strilggo transaction was found, to have wild,sold ... Times. — Civil TVtir. - In UiPiVriusstori' in Coiigrcss lho lladi- cals tliri'uN,i',l civil war if a Democrat is clccted-FreviuHt. “Sir. I say hero,” toi^ Sonator DriV “that whenever the tlmo comes that TV nation shall seo Clearly tlmt the voicetf. j'ts iqgal voters lms tx-on overthrown hy\|s vote In tho city of Now York, then a IVo poftlofi of tlievotors Will rise as c”* r ’ ' SS‘T.,„ civil war iu'llUa'couiirv 0 !’" . TlinnU Clod. . . Tho- Bryan Appeal, it Texas paper, thanks God in tho fellowing style: • . Thank God that wo havo never soon nor heard of any Southern woman perambu lating tho country ivlth gVcen-specUicles mid netmorplirauito apparel, preaching “woman’s rights,” “free love” and“spir- itimllsm,” as wo lmvo often scon those lantcrn-fnwcd, thin-Bhankcd and forked- tongued “strong-minded” women do, who hair from that region whereof Boston is tlio social center. Wo feel grateful that wo havo novor -hciird a Soutliern woman contend that tho holy ordinance of mar riage should ho solely, a tlmo bargain, like contracts of hire 'and ■partnerships, rind dissoluble by consent of parties, AVo all fool' prri'ud of this, and at tho same time, if these gfech-cyed Spinsters , of the Erist want to boliovo thcro- is no God. and no fixed codo of morals, and to enjoy tlioir frce-loyoisip, and to drink hard cider on election days; tlioy are yyolcomo to do so. Tho Virgin Mary. In tlio Catacombs; tlio subject of tho Nativity, which occurs on two sarcophagi, ovidontly belongs to tho last dcclino of tlio porioctofclassieChristianart.' With those two exceptions,- iio'tfncC of a representa tion of tho Virgin can he found In tho mural or sculptural art of tho Catacombs. -lb. , • ' . and declare llutt tho Fresidency by that never toko his seat I como tho first real Oratory. Akto eminent daily practice, during tho Whole of a Ion llfo, to commit to memory some strikin passrigo of ait ancient or modern' author and to, this lmbit his friends attribute- much to the liveliness of his fancy, an- thc richness bf-dlelion wh|oh olmraeteriz- ed Ills eloquence.—Lon- Qiiei'itr/y (1808). ofl'orod lya-ft'iend. Gnskili want ed to know if- his fricud thought the affair would injure him in public estimation.— "II—1,-no” wns tho reply—“riotliing can hurt you. XWeyrdpfc tC Messenger. . Grant'ns. Gpltty. tin TVhUlotuorc, Tho Now York Sun (ltad.) doolarcs' that, tho Houso-must-follow up tho'prlnclplri laid .down in tho'rejcction onVhittcmoro, That a man who bestows au ofllco upon another person in consideration of money or valuable presents given to him by,the nppoiutcc or ' Ills fijomls. is himself unlit to hold office, ahd that'tho IIouso will' dd all-in their power to exclude such a man from office* It insists tlmt tho nouso shall Hot stop US its application to tho case of Whitto- more; but givo it a wider application- Tho following oxtfa'ct Will show wlmt sort of gamo tlio'Sun proposes they shall hunt: I Is itnot notorious that tno President of the United States has received presents In money, houses, lands, and in other forms, from certain persons , arid tlioir frictlds, and In consideration thereof lias conferred' i thoso persons arid their friends lm- ... .antand lucrative offices? Of tho recep tion of tho presents nnd the bestowal of the offices tlicro is not a shadow of 'doubt; for this was dono openly aud ostensibly boforoalltho people. If thoro bonny doubt tlmt tho offices wore bestowed solely or partially In consideration rif the presents, i$ It riot tho duty of tUc inqulro Inin 4-tv A nth f inttd - •' • Into tho matter? . lironulmtii. Mr. (aftenviud Lord) - j3rouglinm once, after truvclllug all night f proceeded, to ad dress tho olcctors of Leeds beforo ho had, performed:his customary ahlutioiis. At lug tho Whole of'a long tllQ eoriclusion of a-diatribe ngnlnBt cor- — • ruption ho Jiftod up his lirinds aud exclaim ed: “Those, bonds nro clean.” As they happened to bo Very dirty; the gesture did not add much to bis asseveration of luno- ccu’co, peoplo of Gudsdcri, Alabama, ar- ver ofoxcltcmcntovcr the fact that a pi ty of somo twenty Cherokee Indians, il- scendants of the tribe of the celebrated Chief Knskovy, are on tludr way to Gads den, tlio object of their visit lining to make known tlio locality of certain lend nnd sil ver mines said to bo within ono mile of the Double Springs, Just outside the corporate limits of Giulsdcn. Tcxitt. Thu Texas legislature Is thus photo graphed by the Galveston Bulletin: That journal declares “it would ho difficult to gather a miscellaneous coilipnliy which woliid not ho its superior in any of the at tributes of inanllood. It need not excite our surprise tlmt ils acts are in keeping «jth" its general character. The members of.tlio lower House becmto lmvo neither knowledge, fear nor apprehension of any hcrenftor, nor any punishment for their Jiflbnecs, cither .poli tical, physical or spir itual. Starting with assumption of pow er and a knowledge Hint if once the people of Texas olitoiucd possession of |the reins of government all would be losl to them, they havo hesitated at nothing which promised success.” Oinrllt Not tti lla so Xoiv. Tho l’hilndulphin l’ost (Uudieul) eon- ^ fosses tlmt “during the war independent 1 and honest men deliberately urged the election of rascally or suspicious Kepubli- cari candidates, because they knew they would vote right on national questions; “hut,” says that paper, "the war necessi ties no longer exist, niul it is cowardly nnd mean for tho Republican party to ask tho people to vote for had men.” Tho Tost appreciates where these “had men” nro leading the Radical party, and hence its -yarning/,V V.AsriU > [Two Wo COlTCSp such distil the. State 1 application', tlmt lie d stituiloii; did not So We Cong cess at Novelty on tlio N According to the Paris pi. don theatre goers have expo sensation, which exceeds ii freshness the must brilliant imn Botieieaplt. It seems tha II., nt a performance nt t Theatre, was seuil so tottc.... curtain waslov/crcd, then pr« up, and the hifypij amt was aiinouno tlio audicnee, together with tho I gratifying addendum, that mother ami h.dtl were doing well, all of which was re vived witli frantic applause. Afrantio^clutch and a spring behind him. . ——— Imagine .tho.horrorof tho youth to find in comfortable snpport to over 0,000,000 poo- ftkt.oraboutfiOOtothoequaromilri, . « sadly disarrapWng tho contour of braids A society, lms liecn formed in Chicago and chlgnqn. /Tho lady was indignant, under the namo of- the ’.‘Brothorhood of MUlaut.Bonedieks.” No person is ad- that time. ^.Eyplnuntions and apologies "ilttca as n mombo folloWedj.and the disorganized was put in vorcod llvo limes.. • —i—»-<.♦«. '• , and when'it’s don'owlthuswofeolascon- Otirt-veiiowHiiip to be iiitrodticctl ,nio teuted as a hoy that’s been spanked and .. • . . ■ Gentians-, Wtaway-to cool;” ■ a m s °“ d,o ' v in San Francisco, a resolution wns adopt- tho cost of living-is greatoriu that country ed lliat. upon proper, application from. a than .any other, although tho prlco of nl- sufflehmt number of brethren in Germany' 'most ovi ‘ •- •— ■“ — 8>?«: authorized to issue a dlspensatioufor sucli 1 .A raotlior in "Warren, Pa., wliil6 putting pendent.Order of Odd Follows in. Gorma-' snaho colled up in tho hedtclolhcs.. Tim ny. Tho Grand Sire, E.-D. Farnsworth,: snako wns killed, aud found to mensuro Esq;,.of Nashville, Tonn., and Frank B. fivo’fcot In length. Austin, Esq., (oditor of.tho — * * ' Ilittllmliftm will Itttlo or Fiabl. A few days ago Senator Drake declared, in open session, tlmt tlio election of a Democratic President would precipitate tho country luto a civil war compared with which tho “Into unpleasantness” was a gaino ofboys. Tlmt will bo just as tho Radicals like. If tho Democrats elect their mnn, though, Mr. Drako nmy rest assured that they will put hint in the White Houso if it Bhould take n fiyo years war to do it. :. Three Grcnt NrolHUtcn Gone. d Sir- James Clarko is no more. So, too, is ono'of tho greatest of modern surgeons, Mr. Symc. Also Sir James Simpson.— These tlirco did much to maintain the glo ry of tho old Edinburgh School. Clarko reaped his honors in London. Simpson niul Sytno reaped theirs in Edinburgh.— cher, Tho three did much to maintain tlio an- mrd; cicnt reputation of tho Edinburgh School of Mridleino—tho best of Paris was riot tho best. Nor« Heiuli,. ; A Washington letter says: “It is noto rious tlmt tho appointments of Grant havo flH In almost every instnneo given offenso to ling Is less than* anywhere his party, rind led to Internal wrangling and dispute. Tho Whito Houso is cou- by sore-licnded Senators lives. Senator Sumner, aiiks among the sorc-honds, litol in a street car, tho ■~^d In a conversation Carlylo says that a nmri who has been only a iittlo educatedrind thon riddled by conceit, is' llko an egg tlmt has been but': littla sat on by a hen and then descrtcc’ it is spoilt for hatching, or for use. . A youug Indy of Indiana slioL a saloon keeper the other day bcriariBoUripersistcil in solUagwhlBkoy tohef loyOT^jftthcn, mw tire yuitr-* t ms mngtiiige - wards attributed by a reporter to ono of the most prominent inemhers of Beecher’s reeutm, vviticti was mane, tnu.uiiii.uiii uuv satisfy him. .Hbilmv writes to a Brook lyn paper saying tlmt “tho whole story is nn .invention of a drunken man.” Tho taugimgc uns actually used, hut not-by Don’t Ktnre "tlnl.j.” The Modtgoincry Advorliser relatch tlio fiilloWlHg incident of tlio' negro -llli of Ju ly bntberirio ricni* tlmt cltyf Judge J: - D; Curinlutihani spoke. Ills Pacific' track hritween Cheyenne ..a Wasatch. Troops pro In ptjl’&Ult dr tlioiii at RuwlihS rthu other points.-’. General Shofmah.advises that tho lino of tha road ho.kliardrid. liV judicious dlspdsltloris df infantry; and will probahly reinforco Gen eral Augur’s command with the Four teenth regiment. Tho Sioux In tho vicin ity of lrert Fettormnn lmve committed depredations slnco Red'Cloud’s return from Avnshlngton. Thcsonnd other facts lead tho officers of tho army, to heliovq that a general Indian war is immlriont. — -— : :— Another ilck nt Mr. Grant. The Now York Sun, replying tff tho Troy Titties says:' . - . ’ Having long believed and foponlcdly stated that General Grant wns himself the inventor of tho plan of campaign which resulted in-tho capture of Vicksburg, wo nro bound now to declare that silch Is not tho cose. Tlmt plan - did not originate with his mind; but with tlmt of nnotl General Grant adopted Hod oxecuf with success, hii ss. So much credit justly bc- itn,'but thril ls all.' - 1 needier’ ilnsphcniy nt tlio last .even-, ’lymoutn Church is cxclt- us circles of Brooklyn. At services there is it general .. views. Onoof the speakers meeting said, alltuling to the catching the lover Briber, married him; familiarity of some people with IleaVeil.— whereupon tlio wounded saloon-keeper “SupposeChristwere ouearlh, (hoywould said ho considered hiinseif the luckier man “ **— ' of the two. Wlmt Minnesota Wants-—A I.on* Tarrlir . anil it.Western l-nrlj'. ' What tho peoplo of Minnesota wants, Is a Western party; a party pledged to Wes tern ideas, arid voting for Western politics. It is tlmo to stop sending men from Min nesota to Washington, to vote for Massa chusetts and Pennsylvania. The peoplo of Minnesota want a .party pledged to tho. Western idea of a low tarill; a party, tlio members of which, In Con gress aud at lion;e, shall represent tho in- crests of the agricultural West, nud. not thoso of the manufacturing East. Tho interest of Minnesota is iu-a low tariff, and tho Republican' party cannot fairly represent tho people of thjs Stnto except b^ advocattog their interest in tills and Perhaps tlio most important question in this State at this time, as well i;s tho most difficult to deal with pmctically. ls.thu is; suo between tho railroad .and tho people. It is the dtity or Iho Republican 'party to tlaco itself squarely niul unequivocally on ho side of tho people in this strugglo ben tween them and tho corporatloris'at whoso mercy they now are. Tho peoplo havo a right to expect tho party tlmt claims to represent them to be in sympathy with them in this matter. Reduction of taxa tion arid cconomyAn.government, is to bo tion, and should.ho insisted on by tho par ty!— liochtster PotL An tmlinii Wnir Api>rciiciiiictl. The-probability of ilri tndlnuAvar iiiis been very much sttengthoried by tho re ception of-dispatches froiri Gcnoral Sheri dan, nnnouriclrig tlmt considerable bodies of Jndians are irtcrtliig. across tho Union ~ ritween Clioycnnq .and i no «iiniicrs. The New York Sun (Iiq>.) discusses nt considerable length tho prospects of tho lX*mocrats for a majority in the next House of.Represenlativcs. It cites thirty districts In the old free States, now repre sented by the Republicans, which arc like ly to go Democratic this fall, nnd gives tho Democrats a change of ten in the South, which, it says, can by effort be made twen ty quite na easy. This will give us a Dem ocratic House, hut the allowance from tho .South is too small. Radicalism has mode its lABt serious struggle in the reconstruct ed iStatcs. Enropcnn Crop*. A Frankfort letter of the 13th of Juuo in the Herald says: ^ JVhat was hitherto a probability is now ft fact. Iho harvest will he ft failure in Italy, a very hud one In,Franco and a very small one here on tlio Rhino Arid in tlio whole of Western Germany, while Austria imu Hungary will liavc an early and ex cellent harvest. Fearful Accident In n Neh<wl. A platform; crowded with elUldrcu, in tlio Roman Catholic school-house At West chester, New York, gave way on the 3d of July, ns the children were witucsslnga (lisclmrgo of lirc-works, nnd precipitated the mass of human beings to the ground. Over forty .children, and several adults, were severely, and Borne of them fotefry wounded. Among the latter a monk and two Christian brothers. lio Waul, too Merit. A bachelor snys tlmt all lie should nsk for in a wire would ho a good temper, health, good understanding, agrocablu physiognomy, figure, good connection, domestic lmhits, resources of amusement, good spirits, conversational talent, elegant nmuuers aud money! Important Doi’Ulom Chief Justice Chase has rendered an im- portent decision hi the Circuit Court of tho United States 111 Vttgiula, ltv a suit in equity brought to Oriforeo payment by a defendant to the pluintilfs of tlicir distrib- utiro shares of nn estate, by vvhicli decis ion tlio administrator Who IhVestcd tho motley of minor heirs in Confederate bonds ivas fffquired to litakc a Mow settlement. Afraid of Joint. Tho Montgomery Mail secs great dan ger ahead from the coming uf tho pig-tails. It says: Tlicrc are breakers ahead from t-hiaChi nese invasion. The lluns, Goths, and Vandals wedged their hordes into the heart of tho Roman Empire. They got ft foothold. The law treated thorn oil na equals, and Rome went down. Is the Am erican Republic stronger than tho Roluau empire? Tossibly! ]!utlC3'*.H*Kilin t'0, Colli'ctorBiiUcy’sdeliilcatlolixnow.raach tho cxtracmliiairy amount of six hundred thousand dollars. Ills securities, Messrs. UpdykOj Douglass, and others have been called upon to make good the one hundred ' 1 Cure ror l-oltnn Onin A ddffespondo'rit gives this ns a ciirq for .poison oak: Sihiply hiitho tho parts pol- sqned wlth hot writer, ris tlot ns criit be home; ltcop increisiiig’ It till It can no longer ho used without burning: * Norir press a soft;toivol against tlio jirifts sons to absorb tho water, and. avoid l-Uhhlhg; thon -apply ri rather strehg- sbluttdii of Strong ilnvy or pliig thbriried Oli the pol-f iotied places, and lot It dry: ■ tf lio Solution is best when tho water is hot: ihavu tried this; and have boon.qlifcd; of Aery nearly so, in trio to four days at the most! Iiiiporlttut llcvc-mto Decision.. .. lio Commissioner of Internal Revenue, In reply to n letter from tho popnty Sbcr- jff df Gwinuott county, states that there is lio penalty against Stato Courts for giving judgments In ihvorof unstamped instru ments, hut such cases can ho appealed to tho United States' Courts.. lie also calls upon officers to report persons who issuo tho. rovcque laws. Tho’penalty in such cases' is fifty dollrirspn copvlction. Wlmt a “Loyrtl* 1 Kinta lms Itccelvu«L Massachusetts lias received special ap propriations during the present session of Congress, amounting in the aggregate to St,800,000, .Besides this, special exemp tions in taxes on manufactures; amount ing noarly to .sovcral millions more. Who can longer; doubt that'tho government of this entire; country is admlnlstored in tho solo interest of Massachusetts monopo lists? Ihousriml dollars, for which they guvo lrodds, thus leaving tho Guvernnieiit a loser; of halt'll million, „ . , owing to the doings nt the immaculate Collector,—Courier- Jeurnul. Tin- l'roxprct In Ulliiol.N. Tho Democratic" journals of Illinois aro hulking vigorous wittf.irc upon the new ColISlitUtlon; wldch is to he voted for at the coriiirig election. Tho opposition to it ia on tlio increnso, aud there is good rea son td hope tlmt it will he defeated: Tho Pittsburg Post says that theodlousncss of tho fifteenth amendment will redeem tho State of Illinois, aud bi-big it hack into tho Democratic fold. ■ Don't l.llio It, : The New York Tribune takes it in higli uuugeon tout Jeff. Davis, in a recent Sun- (laytaiOQl 8i>eecli in Memphis, clcelarctl thai: “the cause of constitutional liberty, for which our revolutionary fatliers. finight nnd hlcd, n was “still dear to his h^artf” If this lio treason, what’s the use of any moro Fourth of July? “Constitutional ”seem3 to stink ns ft dead dog iu tho nostrils of tho Radicals. • <c8 '- j — • - lliichvl»r*t I'roinotoil. Tho Supremo* Court of this .State has decided that a bachelor is a family, that ho is tlio head of it, and as such entitled to the privileges of tho Homestead Act. Another Ilid. Gen. Grant has been canonized by tlio Northern Methodists. They are building a church on tlio Hudson river under the immo of tho Grant Methodist Church.— Tlio tower will ho surmounted by a Hugo Regalia'. * Heavy Itick. j Tlio Ohio Statesman gives Grant tlio fid- lowing thrust under the fifth rib: “If Mr. Toombs never got tlio chance to call the roll of his slaves on Bunker Hill, he la mr- tially recompensed by being aide tu detail a member nf ids stall' as the ehieflnwolU- ecr to the administration of Grain."