North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, October 28, 1880, Image 2

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H Indian*, roaroxaansi JUDSQN O. CLEMENTS, 5 = older* nro coming South gain convert* for their sacred precinct* In Colorado. _ 8*k that your ticket* have the name of all the democratic electors oh them, •Iso that of Judson 0. Clements for con- «""■ Only five more days tint!' the great elec- tlon.‘ Deposit your ballots for Hancock bc(1 and Clements, ir you would vote for men g W | who aro in thorough sympathy with tho toiling masses. Dr. Tanner, having failed ns n lec turer, announces "that ho will stop eat ing for another forty days. Our opinion shows that he voted to tax only the sur plus held/or sale by tho producer ort tho flrst dny of April, cxomptlng from taxa tion all Hint wns necessary for family sup- 10 port nnd homo consumption, thusextond- ing an equal and just oxemption to all— the poor farmer ns well as tho moro wealthy. And again, nnd to cap tho cli max of their insinuations nnd unfounded, malicious charges, Congressman Felton nnd his strikers have, we aro told, charg- Istricl that Clements favored skillets nnd even the nld of the poor man.” Nothing moro preposterous than this charge. Col. ClcmcntB is a conscientious man—honest nnd sensible—nud boing a mnn not blessed with a very largo over plus of tills world’s goods, nnd in his young manhood a liaid workor in tho is that Tanner is tho greatest fraud of tho corn Hold-ho would bo the Inst person on nineteenth century. earth to distress tho poor man by casting century. There Is a very great drougth pro- valent on tho Atlantic seaboard from Massachusetts to tho Carolines. Springs and wells aro drying up nnd manufactur ers are very greatly inconvenienced. The democratic Stato tickot In Indiana was beaten by fraud nnd corruption less than G,000 votes. Potbaps thoro will bo a change next month. Tho Indiana dem- ocrats aro mad at tho outrageous manner in which they were swindled. Let no Democrat stay away from tbo polls on Tuesday next. It Is tho duty of every ono of them—a duty they owe thoir country—to go to tho polls on that day and vote for Hnncock, and English for President and Vlcb-Preaidentand Judson 0. Clements for Congress. Mnrlotta Journal: Colonol Clements is n man of tho pooplo, having worked his way up from tho lowest round on the lad der. Ho understands tho wnuts of tho toiling mosses, Is In hill sympathy with them, and it sent to Congress will scrupu lously represent thetrlntorests. A man In tho 8d district, who divides his nnmo in tho mlddlo (Co). S. Wise Par- Jeer), is running as an independent candi- date for congress against lion. Phil. Cook. Tbo General need bavo no who writes his name that way is never mueh of a success at anything. Tee Felton party havo grown desper ate—they see the hand writing on tho wall—and will resort to "ways that orb dark” on the eve of tho election to win tho raco. Tboroforo let ovory democratic voter go to tho pollB, pay no attention to anything they hear, and volo for Judson C. Clements. It is said Grant aud Conkliug.proposo to formally withdraw from the Union if Hancock is elected. TbiB would bo a happy riddance to tho nation, nnd wo earnestly hopo that the contingency may occur. To this end lot every true patriot In the land vote the democratic ticket next Tuesday. An Indiana editor says: "Coal oil rub bed on the neck and head will euro hog cholera; we bavo tried it.” A radical Oditor, wo’U bet, and a very hoggish ono at that, and hence wo consider tho test! mony indisputable and Bliall try the rom- edy on our hogs, should any of them bo . attacked with tho disease. Tee Democratic State Committee, of New York, lias issued a stirring address to the Democracy of tho Slate, which con eludes: “Let vigllanco at every polling place guard the ballot-box against brl- bery. Let every Democratic vote be cast. Let every Democrat strive to be first in the cause of union and reform.” Tee Macon (Ga.) Messenger tells a worn derfhl story of how a mule killed a negro. Tho man was riding a mule to tho town of Gordon. Just as the town was reach ed the hind legs of the mulo, without any provocation whatever, wero seen to fly Into the air, negro Bhot upward about ten feet, and foiling upon his side on the earth, his body burst completely open He died within ten minutes after the fall. Address or flio Kioto Exeeullvo Com mltteo, Tho Slate Democratic Exccuttvo Com mittee, nt Its recent session In Atlanta, Issued the following stirring address to tho people oTGcorgla: Fcllow-Uitiune: Tho executive com- mltteo of tho democratic parly considers this a proper occasion to issuo an nddresi of the people of Goo.-gln ns sym ssrsifta Hancock nnd Engllslil Tho unfortunate dm been llio enuso of mucL linvo been sol "will be ,o fully nnd (tint our onnonunU will not Be able to find in tho future any possible ixpcctnllon of disorganizing a party upon tho thorough, complete and perfect harmony of which the tuture not only of tlio south but of tho union so Inraely depends. Let us bury the differences of the past, or remembering them, let them bo re membered alone as a wnrning ngaluBt fu ture possiblo divisions, let us accord to. each other Hint our difference! were from honest convictions and that disloyally to the great principles of democracy, whlcU aro few nnd Bimplo, had noplacoln either wing of tho party. Now that tbo smoko of battle bn* cleared away, lot it bo tho effort of every mnn to do all in his power to s well the democratic volo nnd roll up for Hancock qud English a'majority ordarf hundred thousand as Georgia’s quota to tho victo- ious columns under the head of that Boi ler and statei tho treaty, and, indeed, for years past ho nnd other radical lendars havo shown nn Increasing desire to protect cnpllnl nnd corporations, letting labor lako caro of It self. Though tho letter may not actu ally havo Mon written by Gnrlleid, or mny havo been, it Is a ljnppy statement of prevailing ideas. At this wrltiug hostilities hnvo actu ally commenced between tho Utcs nnd Colorado people. Secretary Scliurz, who, from netim! investigation In person, knows all about Indians nnd their wlilto neighbors, Is making political speeches In tho north, instead of nttendlug to tho vl* tally important work of Ills department. Ho should bo Impeached ns soon ns Con gress meets. Ills imiuin. Alia I serious business ofl to be overlooked. Tee Utica Obtervtr says that there ore 800,000 more Democrats in this country than there aro Republicans. There are really more Democrats in each of tho Northern States of Connecticut, New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, In diana, Colorado, Nevada and California than there are Republicans. These Dem ocrats can give Winfield Scott Hancock a splendid majority, and onjoy a Democrat ic administration, if they choose to do so. There is not the ghost of a chance of Greenback Weaver’s election to the Pres idency. Let every greenbacker here abouts remember this on Tuesday next and vote for Hancock and English. Ev ery vote polled for Weaver gives that much more strength to the Garfield crowd Don’t forget this, grcenbackers, on the dsy of election. Hancock is the candi date of the toiling masses, Garfield of the monopolists. . Tuesday next will bo an important day la the history of tho nation. It 1b tho day upon which a President of the United States and a member to congress from this district will be elected. Re member the day, 2d ot November, and be sure and cast yonr votes for Hancock and English and J. 0. Clements. These candidates are tho friends of reform and of good government, and tho opponents of the rascally crew now in power at Waabiogton. Vote for them) inn wilt) HOB IRusimiWl Hr himself that “peace ImB its victories as well ns war," nnd wbosd accession to the presidency will be tho harbinger of pence to tho country by tho obliteration of sec tional lines und tho renewal of eonfidcnco in that love which the south feels for every section of tho union, nnd which lacks only opportunity to make itself so mniilfosl that its worst enemies shall never again bo able to give tho appear ance of plausibility tho oft repented and unfounded charge of “disloyalty.” Tho voto of Georgia ought to bo solid for the democratic candidates, presiden tial and congressional. Tho prineipnles of the democracy nro in harmony with tho Intoresls of all of our people, of what ever race, color or occupation. Wo have no ciiisscs who aro nsking bounties from the government. All that wodonmnd is equality and protection under the law. With the least possible burden that can be put upou honest industry. To curry out theso ends wo must not only elect a democratic president and vico-presldont, but wo must have a good working majority iii congress, without which It will bo impossible to repress those frauds for which tho people have been made to contribute more from their hard enrnlngs than would havo beau nec essary, economically, to carrjr on the en tire government if proper reform could have beeu enforced. To effect those ob jects Georgia should sot a glorious exam ple. There must bo no break In our con gressional line, and to secure this result the safest course is to support the candi dates nominated by the party. In organization there 1b strength nnd assured victory; without it all is doubt and uncertainty, nnd there Is so much at stake In tills canvass that nothing should bo loft to chaiice. The recent lose of Indiana and Ohio, which wo will redeem in November, should not touch us with dismay—rather let it incite us to grenter efforts to secure that hnrmony without which success is impossible, and lot it teach us tho vital importance of frowning dowu all opposi tion to tho regular nominees In tho con gressional districts, for if wo foil In tho M-esldoulinl clootlon wo shall liavff to look entirely to a democratic congress (or tho preservation ofeonBtltutlonnlgovornmont. For thlB reason tho duly of standing by tho domncrntlu organization appeals with redoubled force to every man who recog nizes tbo fact thnt tho prosperity, yeal tbo safety of tho south, depends on tho mnintninatieo of- tbo limitations of the constitution. The control of tho legislallvo and cx- ccntve departments of tho government by tho republican parly will fix upon the south an undue share of tho burdens of assassins, outlaws, barbarians, &o. And the government nud an nlmost entire ex- cIubIi: sregard of tho most s term Is too flagrant Carroll. Texas has a cash bnlanco of nearly 81,000,000 In her -State 1 treasury, and it Is given out lhi)t Governor Roberts will ad vise the next legisl- millions more in vcrslty and blilldii Statc-liouso nl i hopes to odmilei split tho Stato in t' but tlio. measure will bo opposed by thoso determined lo make two States out of Texas nnylie"’ ’ *- Tee Sets erfam -reports that portions ofi oil of gigaulie size <mUyt«~-WUi any such vote—forsooth, if ho hnd done so tho voters of hiB county, who are sen- slblo, honest mon, not bora idiots, would never have sent him three tiroes to tho lower branch of tho legislature, nnd then for the fourth tine help elect him by an overwhelming majority to the sonata from tho 44th senatorial district. But to this last charge. The “pot and skillet” law, by which namo It was called, oxempted from taxation from $200 lo $800 worth of personal property In the hands of honds of families, and was repealed white Mr. Clements was in the house, ngitlnet which repeal he voted. He sub sequently, or immediately after the repeal of this law, voted for a bill exempting •100 worth of personal property from tax ation. As wo have before said Felton, and his followers have grown desperate—Jud Olomonts has managed to got hold of the longest polo and Is about to get the most of lbs persimmons, and henco theso charg es, concerning his legislative record, just upon tho heels of the election. Let no ono bo deceived by theso or any other groundless rumors that may bo gottan up by Felton and Ills sattallloa for purely electioneering purposes, but go ahead and voto for Judson C. Clements, who will bo found sb truo a man in the national halls of legislation to his pooplo and State as he proved himself to bo white a mem- borzoi the Georgia Legislature. The in terests of tho iaboriug mnn will never suffer in his hands. Ho is their friend nnd will over bp found battling for their protection. Tee Cincinnati Commercial, Hint for months past bns filled its columnswith the vilest abuse of tho south nnd her pooplo, whiningiy says io ono of its recent issues, “Wo havo novor spokon uukindly of tho southern people.” Its editor knows that this is not true. He hus lost no opportu nity for six months past to say tho moBt mnlicious things about our pooplo—has .called them ku-klux, shot-gun brigands, not only tblB, but be has characterized southern business men ns dishonest nud not to bo trusted. This tirade of abuse of a noble, liigh-loncd, Christian pooplo is not cnlouluted to “bridge tlio bloody chasm” worth ncont, but llwill react most disastrously to Hie commercial interests of Cincinnati, so for ns tho south is con cerned, if it is persisted in Georgia should elect a solid democrat ic delegation to congress next Tuesday. This is all-important since tbo recent elections in Indiana and Ohio, whore wo lost several members. No mnn who Is not a democrat nt all times nnd in all places, and unswervingly stands by his party in every vote ho casts, should be elected ns n representative to our national halls of legislation from tlio great democratic State of Georgia. Remember this, dem ocrats of Whitfield county, nnd enstyour ballots for that true nnd tried democrat, Judson C. Clements, on tlio 2d dny of Novomber. He will “illustrate” Goorgia and our grand old party nobly in congress if elected. The following nra Hie Democratic Elec tors for Prcsldont and Vice-President of tho United States for tho State ot Geor gia. Be sure these names aro on your tickets: 1. JAMES O. C. I1LAC1C. 2. RICHARD K.KENNON. 8. SAMUEL D. llltADWKLL. 4. WILLIAM IIARR180N. 5. CHRISTOPHER C. SMITH, 0. LAVENDER It. KAY. 7. JOHN I. II ALL. 8. REUBEN 11. NISRET. 0. THOMAS W. AKIN, 10. SEABORN REESE. 11. WILLIAM E. SIMMONS. Judge Bond, of Baltimore, United States Circuit Judgo of tho Fourth Judi cial District, went to South Carolina, which is in his jurisdiction, several weeks before tlio usual time, in order to work out the details of a plot to carry South Carolina for Garfield by placiug Republi can Supervisors In charge of tho elections to play tlio Davenport game and disfran chise enough Democrats to count tho State for the party of fraud. Judgo Bond Is a bitter partisan, nnd will perform any amount of dirty work for his party. Recently among the steerage passen gere of a steamer from Europe to Now York, wns a woman thirty-two years of age, who had not grown au inch since she wns six months old. Her head de veloped steadily, aud is that of a full-sized woman, but tbo rest ot the body Is thnt of a baby. Sho cannot tuako tho least noise with her mouth, bat seems to un derstand all tliut is said around her. The father attributes her misfortune to the influence of witches. <$(W ^dvertisqinqnfn. Coining on Special Trains!—50 Cars!—50 Cars! JOHN ROBUSTSOISPS Great World’s Exposition New Electric Light Show, Aniiual CONSERVATORY & Strictly Moral CIRCUS ! -were. Park, Chicago, in excavating for a sower, Tho Indications are Hint the huge animal perished itr-jin ancient marsh or quag mire, ana there is luipo qf the recovery of tho rest of tlio skeleton. Tho curved tusks nro nbojit seven feet long. And now it combs to light that tlio ballot box gives Cincinnati Ohio, n larger population th'nn tlio census returns. The discrepancy only Amounts to 10,000 in fa vor of tho ballot box.. But the census enumerators Woro not ordered to’ register tho repeaters. A DISPATCH from Buenos Ayres, by the way of Lisbon, says: A terrific snow storm occurred In tills province on tho 18th of Soptorabdr, and it is estimated that 700,000 cattle, 000,000 sheep and 250,- 000 horses perished. Jfli.mlhnton.'i < %ctvqrli<imn,i„ w ^dvMisqiiiqnls. MRS. LYDIA E. PINKHAM. OF LYNN, MASS. oil from any of Us benefits. Com pared with llicso results, how insignifi cant becomes tlio personal ambition of any mao. Mny wo not therefore appeal with confidence to our political associates or ovory class nud unite in an earnest and determined effort to move forward with the sins-lo purpose of obtaining in Geor gia, fa Novuiubor next, u complete demu- erntic victory. When we shall liavo douo tills wo will linvo preformed our full duty, nnd if by defection elsewhere, wo nro doomed tode- feat ill the national election, tile demo cratic party of Georgia will bo without reproach, and so far ns it is ooncurnud success will have been deserved. Lot Georgia ill 1880 be wlmt she wns in 1870, the banner stato ill the democratic col umn. Iiy order of tbo stato democratic oxccutvo committee. L. N. Trammell, Cliairnmn. Wnitliliiffton Letter. [From our Special Correspondent.] Washington, D. C.,Oct. 23,1880. Cliairnmn Barman, of tlio Nations! Democratic Committee, Ims discovered two telegrams, now acknowledged to bo genuine, which seems to provo beyond a doubt tlmt the republicans are colonizing Florida from New York. Tho telegrams aro signed by Marstinl Jewell. Ono of them speaks of men sent by different steamers to Key West. It is addressed to a Federal official In Florida. The re publican explanation of the telegram is that it referred to men so shipped by the democrats. This is of course false, for if Mr. Jewell had knowledge of such colo nization by any party bat bis own bo would of courso make the fact public No better campnlgnammunition lhnn that could be iiungincd. There seems to bo no doubt that Mr. Jewell and his com mittee aro fairly caught Hite timo, nnd public sentiment will, ns It should, con demn them. Sending voters away from New York, with its tliirty-fivo electoral votes, is a full admission Hint Mr. Jewell bns no hopes of carrying Hint State. There havo been democrats who, since tlio In diana election, were doubtful of tlio Em pire State, They hnvo Mr. Jewell’s opin ion now that thetr fears were groundless. Another discovery of the week is a tet ter said to liavo been written by General Gnrfield, in January last, in which ho In- timntes that the Chinese treaty, under which Chinese Immigration lo this coun try takes place, should not bo meddled with until tho employers or buyers of la bor in this couutry had supplied them selves on satisfactory terms. General Gnrfield denies tlio letter. Some men say, after examination of the origlnnl, that the General wrote It, nnd sonio thnt ho did not. In tho House of Represen tatives the General certainly did all ho could to prevent tbo early obligation of LYDIA E. PINKHAM’S Tlio Positive Cnro Tor all Female Complaints. ThU preparation, aa ita name signifies, consist* of Vegetablo Properties that Aro harmless to tho most del icate Invalid. Upon ono trial the merit* of this Com pound will be rooognlsod,asrellef Is immcdlato i and vrhsn Its use Is continued, in nlnoty-nlne oases In a hun. dred, a permancntcuro is effoctod,a*thousands will tes tify. On account of its proven merits, it Is to-day re commended and prescribed by tho best physician* In the country. It will caro entirely the worst form of faljlng of tho uterus, Lcucorrha*, irregular and painful Menitruatlon, all OrarlanTroubles, Inflammation and Ulceration, Floodings, all Displacement* and tho con sequent aplnal weakness, and is especially adapted to the Change ot Life. Itwilldlssolro anti expel tumors from tho nterusln an early stago of development. Tho tendency to canceroua humors thoro is checked very speedily by Its use. in fact it has proved to bo the great- ast and best remedy that has ever been discover ed. it permeate* every portion ot tho system, and gives now lifoand vigor. It removes folntne8s,flatulcncy, de stroys all craving foratlmulants, aud relieves weakness of tlio stomach It cures Wonting, Headaches, Norvoua Prostration, Oeneral Debility, Sleeplessness, Deprcuslon and Indi gestion. That foetyng of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backocho, is always permanently cured by Its use. it will at all tlmcj, and under oil circumstan ces, act in harmony with the law that governs tho female system. For Kidney Complaints of either sex this compound Is unsurpassed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Is prepared at 233 and 835 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Price 11.00. Six bottles for *5.00. Bent by mall In tho form of pills, also in the form of Lounges, on receipt of price, $1.00, per box, for either. Mrs. PINKHAM freely answers all letters of Inquiry. Bend for pam phlet. Address as above Mention thi$ paper. No family should be without LYDIA E. PINKHAM' LIVER PILLS. They cure Constipation, Biliousness, and Torpidity of the Liver. 25 cents per box. G KORKU .WIIITFIKID tOUNTY.-No- t-Ioo Is hoiuhv given that 1 will noil to the Highest bidder for cash, within tho legal hours of salo, on tho flrst Tuesday in December next, nt tho door or tho court house in tho city of Dalton, said county, lot of land number 169 in tho 12th district and 3d section, belonging to tho estato of ,lohn A. Christian, doooasod, to pay tho debts and dlvido among tho distribu tors of Bald deceased. Said lot will bo sold in halves, dlvldod east and west, and by vir tue of an ordoi from tho court of ordinary of said conn tv. OKRA CHRISTIAN, Oot. 2&-tds.[Pr’a foo *3.05. Adm’x. This magnificent appointed Model Monitor Entortatnmont invites otltmlBm am comparison. Thoro is nothing half bo varied and aomprgbenriyo on the road. Kvorytmag about It splc span now. It Is fit no senno of tho word ono of tho old-tlmo cam osb shows or tho pust, but i» organized on a soalo of Immensity hithorto unparalleled. jtkVGvy Act and Feature a Novelty I Tho ontlro sorloTof vast Pavilions brilliantly tlluinlnntod with tho now Bru»h Elootrlo Light, in many respects proforablo to the EDISON ELECTRIC LIGHT! 1* mm* IS purpose, by tho Fftchbcrg Steam Fngine Company, .f Fitchburg, Mass. The Biggest and Best TROUPE of AREN1C CELERITIES Ever assembled In tho unlvorso, Introducing nono but absolute novoltlcs in tho Ring. 50 GREAT DENS AND CAGES. 100 STAR ARTISTS, Malo and Fenmlo, from tho host Equestrian and Uyrnnio establishments In tho world. OurtouB nnd Rnro Lions of tbo Sea, Immense Sumatran Rhinosceros, Liv ing Hippopotamus, Crested Stemmatopus, Afrionn Nylghau, Riding Oy- nooophalus Baboon, Gigantic Nemmoolr, Great Sahara Eland, White Java Feaoocks, Royal Yak, the Hartbeast, Cnbia Bara, or Water Dog, Living Egyptian Crooodile, 20 feet long, African and Colorado Antelopes, Foonah, Sun and Sloth Bears, and an Endless Collection of rare Beasts, Birds and Reptiles of Natural History. EXTENSIVE AND INCOMPARABLE CIRCUS! A HERB OF MONSTER ELEPHANTS, Trained differently from any In oxlstenco, embracing every known spoclos, from tho tiny yearling to tho most stupendous inulo. A Comprehensive College of EDUCATED ANIMALS! Tho most ooraploto and oxtonslvo ACADEMY OF nitUTE SCHOLARS ovor established. A MAGNIFICENT NOVELTY PARADE QNE TICKET ADMITS TO EVERYTHING. Ono performance only. Doors open ot ui o'clock. Admission 60 cents. Roducod rates on Railroads. Nonlghtshow. D. G. HUNT, " PHYSICIAN AMD DBDBGIST, Bast side Hamilton Street, DALTON, - - GEORqj a trusted to Ills care. He can ho ro i i 10 ? 1 ' 'li the day. In his oflloo at thoDrmr stow.’ pi-olcsHlonally absent i nnd nttor ifbJif,' wSrnssortod'stook'oV 1001111 attont| on to his MgiiHMlMilk, PUTTY, DYE-STUFFS FINE TOILET SOAPS, BRUSHES AND PERFUMERY, foi^uori , nnoiitnl 0 |ind l Modl 1 onl’'p,u”io i o!^h ll Z ol tho host quality. xo,no8 coinpletu ami •January 21), 1880. T. t, THOUAS. THOMAS & FENTON, MARBLE DEALERS, AND XAUVACTURKRBOP lOmD ■liWIJUcii N. EAST CORNER '* * KNOXVILLE, TENN. <«-Wo uso tho FINEST MARBLE, guarantco tho LOWEST PRICES and tho very HIGHEST 8TYLE of work, J. F. TREV1TT, Agent, Dalton, (Jn. August 6,1880—12m A dminiNTit*trix’n hale.—Agrooa- hly to an order from the court of ordi nary of Whitfield county, will bo sold on the first Tuesday In pocemhernoxt, within tho le gal hours of sat<\ town lot No. 78, on Thornton Avenue, Immediately south of Dr. Manly’s residence. Sold ns tho property of Micajah Martin, lato of said county, deceased, for pay ment- of debts of saiil deceased. Torms: half cash, remainder on time with good somirtty, MRS. 8. MARTIN. Administratrix. Oot. 28-tds.[Pr'8. foo *3.00. ADVERTJSE; THIS PAPES (| ^.iSL'SSiSV&i t nbove office, whore PEOROIA, WHITFIELD COUNTY.- VT George W. Sapp lias applied for exemp tion or personalty, and sotting apart and val- uation of homestoad, and I will pass upon tho same at 10 o'clock a. m., on tho 22tl day of No- vembor, 1880, at »y ofiteo. ^ w. jl Underwood, ordinary. Oot. 28-4 w.[Pr’a foo *1.50. J Caps B.IU, Pomp,ns, fideSi.’ (^fluTlUti SUl i d 6 «» Md ConductloJ BudfoSI pswol VslwbU UfbrmaUos forMuUdso* lUUtdfo* UM HENRY DIETZ. LOUIS (J. SCHUETZE. H. Dletx tSc Go. POBK pi BEEF PACKERS, Curora of tho Rising Sun Brand Sugar Cured Hnms, Breakfast Un coil, Shoulders,Dried Beef,&c. No. 38 WALNUT Street, CINCINNATI. Sop. so lNio-siR. THE AVALANCHE -OF- f)fy Grood^, i<t& -AT- Herron & Son’s stock now full to repletion with ovory- Has boon Marked Low Down FOR CASH to suit the timo and means of all. Special atten tion Is askod to our Full Lines and incomparable selections in RICH BLACK SILKS. ELEGANT SHADES OF BLACK CASHMERES. LADIES’CLOAKS IN HANDSOME VARIETY. FINE SCARLET FLANNEJ.S AND FLANNEJ.SOF ALL COLORS AND QUALITIES. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST LINE OK LADIES’AND GENTS’UN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY. Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Co. Total Assets of Co„ $29,055,5911 1STPrompt and liberal settlements made 43-Tliia Company issues Terra Politics oa dwell In g8—throe years for two promium or five years for three premiums. LEVI BU0THERT0N, Agt. Jan. 10, 1810-ly DALTON UA TOM. D. BARD, [Successor to Hard, Russel A Foad.] FEED and LIVERY STABLE CRAWFORD STREET, Dalton, - - Georgia. Splendid Top-Bugglos, Hacks Ac., with good, saro horses, nl ways on hand nnd within one hundred yards of tho Passenger Depot and the Hotols. PRICES MODERATE. A reliable man will bo In chargo of tho Bta lo, and will sc ‘ * ~ ‘ ~ dny or night-. rft bio, and will sorvo patrons at any hour of tho The Yl’ureit and Beit Medicine ever Made. ropcrtlcs of *11 other Bitters, No dlMuooVon ptmOiljrloo* eiM -Hot. Hop Bitten aro in\edaoTaiiod and partMt are their Titj jlTlMtruVb ml iljn Is ttl I|t4 »»1 hlra. To all whoso ompploTnwntscause irregular!* tyottheboweI«or\arinanr organs or who re quire an Appetixe^LTonlo and mild StimuUnt, UopBittcraareinvaX^Me,without Intox icating. aim No matter what your fevllngs or symptoms are what the disease or ailwnent Is use Hop Bit ters. Don’t wait until you a%r® tick but if you only feel bad or miserable them at once. It may save hasV avail hundreds. $500 wlM bo paid for a calsa they will not cure or help. Do not suffer your f riendi ■uffer.but use and urge thcm% toui » Hop B Remember,Hop Bitter*is noV'rtl9»_drugged drunken nostrum, but tho Purest^ Medicine ever made»the “WTALl! and HOFI” and no person or family' should be without them. ■■■■■ an absolute and Irresistible ot forDrunkcnnea, use of opium, tobacco i narcotics. Ali sold by drugsnr*- ~ for Circular. Dtp Bitten «f| Tf.ii-ln -li-j-.W.V i-iiil Timintn. i UNDERWARE TO HE HAD IN —ALSO— A COMPLETE, ASSORTMENT OF MENS’ WOOLEN GOODS. Ao., AND LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, IN BEWILDERING VARIETY AT THE L.OWEIST PIOCEIS. ALSO AN HEM AND VARIED STOCK -OF- Boots, Shoes and Hats! For the Fall and "Winter Trade! Purchased for CaBh from the Leading Manufacturers of the Country, and offered to our Friends and tho Public at ROOK BOTTOM PRICES! THE IaAEXES A RE invited to inspect our MAGNIFICENT ASSORTMENT OF GOODS. Wo bollovo In ox- boo our splond if’ oxooUowo ° ftml low Prices. Thoro is no stock of goods in tho city to equal It. CLOAKS, DOLMANS, ENGLISH JACKETS, SILKS, SATINS. J as. Herron & Son, Hamilton St., Dalton Q-a. Octobor 14,1880-tf. EXCELSIORS STOVE HOUSE! HOMCDTT BELLINORATH, 36 38 Peachtree Street-, ATLANTA, GrA. Jobbers and Doalcrs in COOKING AND HEATING STOVES, Banges and Furnaces, Stamped and Plain Tinware, mwsMmmsn© mmn % Marbelizod Slate and Iron Mantels at Prioes from $16 to $200, Grates From $2.60 to $60. CoflToo Mills, Toilet Sets, Sail Irons, Wrought Iron I’lpo for Stenm, tins nml Wntcr,Pmmis, Bull- liei Hose, Stenm nmi Ons 1 ittings, Clinmlcllors, Pomlauts, Urneketn, Globes, ote, Plumbers’ Supplies, Bath Tubs, Water Closets, Wash Basins, &c, or gooa ‘ i ln th0 stlU0 - I)on,t fa “ t0 AGENTS FOR KNOWLES’ STEAM PUMPS. I’lpo nml Drnin Plpo, Unlvanizod Ivon Cornice Win- October SSI. ItMMIm, Tt J. WATERS, (Successor to II. M. Crosby,) DEALER IN MARBLE and GRANITE, Gay Sir., 3d door below Lamar House, KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE. July 22,1880—12UI. E. E. BROWN, Jeweler. A FULL LINE OF WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER-WARE, 8PKCTA- OLES,EYE-GLASSES, VIOLIN STRINGS, Ac., constantly on hand. If you want anyihlng ln roy lino bo suro to cull, ns I am pronared to furnish any kind oi goods ns low as they can bo obtained in a»y of tho larger cities. Quality guaranteed iia represented. 49-Prompt and careful attention repairing Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. July 22.1880-0^m. JQU. J. P. FANN, RESIDENT DENTIST, r>alton, Goorifln. ALLKINDS OF MECHANICAL und Oporativo Dentistry exocn* tod In flrst-olass stylo, and at reasonable rates. , , ... . Tho Colluloid Plato put up in partial or fm* sots of teeth at low rates. Teeth extracted without pulu by the uso of Squlbbs pure sin* phurlo Ethor. Tho patronngo of tho publlo Is rospeottunj solicited. A»“Cfllco opposito National Hotel, over tue Atlanta store; 17Jnn78*tf. Moticcs. C ~\ EO 11(31 A, WHITFIELD COUNTV.;- X Pursuant to an order from tho L° u f l Ordinary, ot Gilmer county, I will soli, on ti>“ flrst Tuesday in November next, at tlio court houso door In Whitfield county, withini tne legal hours of sale, for cash to the hlghM bidder, at nuhlio outcry, as tho property ■ “ I). Kelly, doooasod. a town lot In j». oi. *'• ivuiiy, (looeasou, iv lowit town of Tilton, Whitfield county, Ga, JO} 1 lug on south, lot of W. T. Brown, frontu 8. Western and Atlnntio R. R. twenty*]* amftwenty-nlno feet hack, formally occ»|P ,, j by Dr. J. It. Osborn. Deeded by J. •J»** tt „ nt i to deoeasot .and being In 13th district a> 3d section. House on lot. ROBERT V. KELLY, . Administrator A. M. D. Kelly, deceased. July 29-4w—[Pr’s. fee *4.00.] -T. H; rimer anu w. «. won*, no- John M. McCoy, denensed, have tiled , tit ion for letters of dismission from *** „_ r „Vnrcl as said Executors; and all persons coney are notified to show cause at my ofllce," |)CJ . they can, on tho flrst Monday In no' fln j next, why thoy should not ho dlsmlMC recclvo letters of dismission as prajc‘[ [ n -. W. J. UNDERWOOD, Ordinar) July 22,1880-PrIntor's foo *5.00. - G eokgia, wm-rriM.i* ‘'V'lffii- ttm.«...»<... it o n .i»ii 1ma nnmlCU ivtA... , ii .I,.,t lYiI’Iut Wilmington M. Smith has «PPJJ° l l, l Jr W* of administration on tho cataU’ ’ on § Smith, dcceiiscd, und this Is to oltoau P t | l0 ooncerned, to show causo at my cm”’’ t jj C y first Monthly In November next,li rUU f can, why sate appUcaUon sl.nj,l.n^p, Sep 8018S0-lm[Pr. foo *3.00 0vdlu 1