North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, November 11, 1880, Image 1

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— I &G.E. WHITMAN $> •jnatllmouii gjtril'l Pltv UUOWH- ouoOKUIt.S.' "HSrltfsACO^OdiKmlaslon Mov- «r 9 ' ‘...frfflriealorl In Qmtn, Flout' noil W ■ "“SBf&WlyfUartmton street, _ g'jy ?£?< imVc'ni!^^' 111111011 ' g^S^£S5? ajiiplpss ■ "Iig, Hal ton, Uo. _., ijjjPt, .Utoinuya ut L»w-r - , „„ v „.ilo of Hamilton streot, in -nrtfjwiiaiiiK. Uiiiton, ^11. t'iSnogul Imslncss. ■-TT n. HANKS, Attotuoy at Law-Offlco T Crnif IfIngUtul l*unU8tro..tB, Wm piiio- V • “f."? (jouiSj or tho Choiokmi Circuit, uml j|“ iliool'i' iittontlon to oollootloii ol oliilms. X)o,lton, ik-To-v., 3.1, 1SSO. 'There nro 801'crippiefi soldiers Iff till# Stivto who lmvo drawn thn bounty recent ly allowed, which hiiiourited to 304,000. Algiers; ttia sold, has a river of ink,, formed by the union of two branches, one coriiliig from a'roglon of fon'uglnous Boll and tho other from a peat swamp. Tho Iron of tho one and tho gallic acid of tho other unite to form a true Ink; ■They uro taklug photographs tu ParlB that actually wink. This leads to tho hope Unit. they will oveulunlly produco thetn'in shell a manner that they con.-go duin a tale of emerge Ivo dollars. Then we’ ——— sumqnnng ^u’l'l^Li .hQ COuntlUB or Wttllciu'. Cutnosm, m8 u,Onilo.Woyrt,Uordmianil IVlittnolU. AugUBta. 1878. 4 mffii^u v° collccuSS oT claims, or otlmr business Intrust, ctl to Ills euro. March 15.1878-12m. PliYNlOlAKN. & j; 0. MV1NGS—CMllco nonr \j r'i'slilence, on Crnwfovcl stroot, Dultour Goorgltt. ■' D u R F. WRIGHT—Consulting Physician and Buffoon?Dalton, Ga. Will praotlop /iiiiflukl. Murray, Catooaa, Walker, Oor- tloii, Hiirtow and adjacent counties. Office at Parlor l)ruff Htoro, and rosldonco at tho la^e homo of R. a. ltushtori. Minch 6,1879. It. c. P. GORDON -ondors his I’rofcBB on- ill servlcos to the citizens of Dalton and 0R -^ UO'B'CIiS. C ^^TRAlTuoTBL,’ ftdfrio Ga.-Whon you come to t he llill Clly.thu most beautiful and attractive town In North Uoorglu, don’t lull to stop at. tho Central Hotel, whoro you vill thvl a genuine Georgia wolootno. Free omni bus transtor to and froia rdUroads and steam boats. U. M. LOUKIIAUT, Proprietor. A TKIN HOUS13, Knoxvillo, Tonn., by I). M. A. Huson & Co. Tho largest and best hotel In tlioolty; spacious t|ihlus.and low rates, * iun- mlllos and monthly boarders eSpeoially solle- ltcil. a OllBK HOUSE, T.aFayet,to, Ga.—By Joel Withers. This House has boon put in ox- mt condition, and poisons favoring It with their patronage aro gnuranteod sutlsfao. tlou. D ELANO HOUSE, opposite depot,.Cleyc. land. Tonnossuo. (£ It. llXNuntm, Pro- S iutor. Commercial Tourists will llnd. It to sir Interest to stop at Uils house. Buggng- translerrod to and from Publle Square free t cbiirgo. May 15, -1879. R OME HOTEL.—J. L. M. E8TBS, Proprlo tor, Broad-atrt Uoino, Ga. In tho prin cipal business square of tho city, qnd niton stops ot tho Railroad. No omnibus needed. New and clean from bottom to top. May 80,1878-ly. Iniiiiueinonts to the traveling public. . flJMtatoB, $-2 pur day. Special rates for long- erthuo. R BAD HOUSE, Chattanooga, Tonnessoe— John T. ltoad, Proprietor This House is only a few stops from the Pnspqngor.Shed.and porsons tavorln^ itAvlth their patronago‘will Bud it equal to any hotel In the city. JTAHijhW, S M. D.- THOMAS,"^uTrar—Shop on Craw- • ford street, hot ween Hamilton and Pen Iz. Agent for Wall maker £ llrown, Philadelphia, I’a.-jlt and material guaranteed at bottom prices. ' ■g; ItMurAUItAN'IN. OmuTulltnut1^ r MtTi^ n Union I’lisaunger 1 Depot and oorner Nlntn and Jiiillroad avuiiuu. Meals furnished at all limirs. Dealers in Gatuo, FIbIi, Fine Fruits, lohiiceo niul Cigars. Hot Colt’oo and Oysters spuolulty. Chattanooga, Tonn. T UOMl’SON ltESTAUItANT, Atlanta, Ga., MEALS FURNISHED AT ALL HOURS, &ml ut tho best tho markot alfords. Prloo ol infills 50 cents. BOOT AND 8UOJE BAUER. Tj^hED UAPPE8, Boot and Shoe-Maker, north •A side King street, Dulton, Ga. BAKUET8. ILLER,i CRAIG & CO., dealers In Fresh Moats, Sausugo, oto., oast side Hamilton iL-, ... Btnmt, Dalton, Georgia. JO B I» It IN • ^pilE CITIZEN PRINTING OFFICE does all InTr.., .V s . of Book, Job and Commercial Prlnt- •-^ U iii lowuatoit y prlcuB. Orders solicited tlnN,. . ’ *■ ciumus, I'llUUl uutma, «u- Uhai’. 010 *’ l . lU Roods not Ittstock wll bo furn- luiiul to order at Atlanta and Knoxville prices. Methodist church.-uov. j. t. Lowe, JlpiL^sabbath School at 8 o’olock, r. m, pUESpYTEltlAN CIIURCII.-Rov. A.-W. mt *i on ’ Pastor. Suvlaos every Sabbath, S B tt,ld nl «ht. Sabbath Sohool at 9 o’- Biglit. - M * l iai ’ or mootingovory Wednesday TJAPtist CHURCH.-Rov. W. C. McCall, aiiii?- r * 0 Seryious ovory Sabbath, morning Prnv .up’tbbuth School at 9 o’clock, r. M. mooting every Thuvsduy night. CFui! 15 ND PRE8BYTER1ANCHUltCH ami f; M. MoUhoo, Pastor. Servioes 2nd nliihi « , ,lt * 1 Bvoueh month, morning and Pravm. ,„ a „ bo ‘, lth Sohool at 8 o’olook, r. m.- J^_mootin g Thursday night. S T dnn\?‘f: s (KPMOOPAL) CHURCH.—Itov. 1st ttniiM SV a, \*y* p d8lor. Divino sorvieos on - r .-■** 8d Shndqya In oach month. to ATOQiic t o AU itctt.-noT. 8iUi|,„ti, 0 ‘H’yon, Priest. Servioes ovory morning, MmiIodist E, cilUHOlI. nn Thornton flow «S U S', ,l0T ' Mr. Moriull, Pustor. 8ov -— “I 011 Slll)n nUi. morning uml night. much needl'd by mauy wngouers in this sccliuu. A mnn who diivcB bis four und six mule toain into lawn with ropa bar boss, worn out collar mid rubbing traces, is n fit Bubjeet for the Society for Preveu- lion of Cruelty to Aulmals. Step by step the republican leaders liavo insidiously moved their party, until to-day it stands on tiro verge of no open declaration fur tile establishment of a monarchy. It favors, under one nud an other pretext, tho breuking down of all the barriers. between popular rule und property rule, Tueuk is to bo a baby show iu Horti cultural llall,Boston, with a prize each for the baby under a year old wilb the liandsouicBl eyes, the blackest eyes, the bluest eyes, the most Imir, the least bail' the most weight, the least weight,. the smallest hands and the smallest feet. Tho flnest'baby will receive a grand prize, “Fuke trade and sailors’ rights" is our motto in the future, nud it should be the battle cry of tho South and West. bheso two sections unite on this issue ngaiust the Eastern protectionists nnd the money power, which triumphed in the recent election, will end in this couutry in 1884, if not sooner. In Atlanta there is an old negro man who is a whitewashcr by trade. His wife is slouo blind and accompanies him wherever ho goes and helps to carry his truck. When ho gets a job he fixes her a sent mid she talks to him while ho does the work. He has not been Been without her iu ten years. AuoNQ-the gifts, displayed .-at- a-San Francisco wedding was tho hrido’s fath or’s chock for 3100,0U0. The cashier of thn bank on which the cheek was drawn wnsa giiest. It was observed that ho looked queerly ut the document, then turned up his nosoaud remarked: “Why, lie hasn’t 3500 to his credit in our bank. tliE other® day, in England, a half- starved buy was convicted of stealing turuip, valued atone penny. He pleaded that lie took it because ho was hungry, lie was sentenced to fourteen days’ im prisoniiienf, with hard labor. If soiho law could only commit the magistrate to tweoty-eight days on hard turnips, it would he a good thiug. Theue is an average of four candi dateB for Solicitor-General to each ciro*lt, mid each ono is accompanied to /Vtfanta with nt least ten friends. Tho,*ay of tho ottice-seeker must be a lmrd' one i and the life of the legislator, bested ns he is by these hungry fellow^aod their friends, must be anything Ixit pleasant. Wlmt a great pity it is pint every lawyer cannot bo either a judge or a solicitor-general. BrazS and Die Argentine llopublic have lately been afflicted witli simula- taneoiis disasters. The latter recently had a terrific snow storm, which ill ono province destroyed, it is estimated, 1,- 450,000 cattle, horses nnd sheep; tho former lias had river inundations that destroyed houses, mills and crops by tho hundreds. This flood occurred while our rivers were running dry. Gaefiet.d, tho bribe-taker and per jurer, has certainly boen elected Presi dent. Next will como Grant and nD em pire, nnd tho pcoplo—tho toiling millions —will submit likd whipped curs to this InBt and final encroachment upon their liberties, because they will bo forced to do so by tho money lords of tho land. This is our prediction, and mark yo well it will come to pass in 1884. Then, alas, for tiio land of Washington and Ameri can liborly! The millionaires, tho bondholders, the money lords, have again carried tho day in this land of boasted freedom—of fine ballot and free thought—nnd they lmvo carried it by buying up tho votes of free men—of tho toiling masses—nnd driving them to tho polls nnd voting them like lignin cattle. But this cannot always continue. It only wntits a resolute leader of tho populace to mako them uncomfort able—to take from them their power—and such a loader this country will have sooner or later, i God hasten his comingl Driven Insane by Ilomorsc. About twonty yours Ms father' lotto Chautauqua co, ™TS tlto family. Snrah Lyon,, a- handsome girl, was a servant in tho family. Both Marliu Baltlcs.andthohlrod man, Lynch, wore ill love with tljo girl. Thdy qunr- rollcd over hoiynndi odiSidity'Bdttlfcfi 4h#t nnd killed lils rival, Ho was tried and convlotod of murder ’in. Uip.^ipt, degree, and sentonccd lo nuo year in tho Auburn euliury, .apd Allen to bo hauged was required hy'ft'«tnliito lliCa jUR passed. 11 is ensu was brought before tho court of appeals. The court decided that iho aot of tho legislature was uneonslilii l ipunl, nnd Battles was sot at liberty. He enlisted" in the union army and served stantly haunted-by the ’prosenoo of tho *'11!.Lesson from'the Loutcs. Nashville Thtfih|Mon, in Ids egged by the seasons,! sayk: Ul'obfl Oetober'lms beon rotidlug'lo us llio brief, sad lesson nf Life. wjnds glow sob Ions. ■ ■'' 1 ‘tWo all do fndo as a loiif.’’ The trooi; ... ----- , , to-morrow, next wpek, will bo berefti of wdeks ago Mrs. Siulth became Impressed their grace and eomltness. Slnmilllg like UiiVt Blie iind her daughter, a bright In- hi’oknn-hentlud mnuriiorsi with their bare tiilliguiit girl of bIxIouiI, wore nljjjji witli mt—stintijhcd toward boaven, tbey t B exposed to piUless storms, and will bq mi light to protect, them, I wc stand whim life’s summer ends, unless we have found sholteplu the mercy of God. Jliin, like tlie weakness, ami nma ho hud killed, nud he was sorry that tho sentonoo of tho law had n«t beeii car ried out. Ho endeavored to lmvo himself ■placed on trial agalu, hoping that he would be reconvicted nnd hauged. He finally became a nmuiao, nnd was placed iu tho Western asylum for the insane, He is still an Inmate of that institution nud imagines that his victim is nlwnys present iu Ids cell for the purpose of mock ing and torturing him. He nt times throwi himself on his kuecs and bogs Lynch to kill him. Although only forty years of age, his hair is ns white as mnn's of 70. Everyday is ono of terror to him. Dying otjStni'YBtlon. Mnttiar mill IlmiRlitor I'nstliiir l® Alone i:pv n ' u, ‘‘ , " 0 ‘' A niili) iiiinh lif'tlie Villngo of Plioonix, N1 5uj lives Jrfioph Srtilth, an honest. In- dliBtrlliUBifnrtner, Not until about throe agp did Mr. Sinlth.nvlncu any par- ,r.intqrpst in i t'l(uru|i nmtlers. At ilm'o a revH'iil iieuiirrod in tho Meth odist elun'eh lii i’hioutx. Mr. and Mrs. Smith attended regularly, and 1 experience ud n.clmuge of heart. Three or four I'ltATEItNAI.. I) onTl? N ^‘ ODGE ' No. 1(15, F. A. M.-Mcots ™llioMiimUthMonilr ' " tlays In oaoh month. f* 1 KT?®* 01 ' UOSOR-Moeti ovory Friday Save four Best Seed Ibr Planting. Under this head the State Commis sioner of Agriculture, in circular No. 13, says: “The attention-of farmers is again called to the importance of saving the best seed for planting. The yield of. the next crop will depend, to a considerable extent, upon the care used in saving seed Seed should bo saved from the best laud jiho best plants, and the best bolls, , Again there was much complaint last -spring of the fuilure of cotton Bced to germinate, Siuce seed are generally saved from tho early pickings, ivliieli are often gmued before Bced are sufficiently dry to be safely stored in large bulk, farmers arc cautioned against risking their plnntiug seed from early picked and early ginned cotton, in large hulk, unless frequently examined and stirred to guard against the injurious effects of heating.” AUkm The twin daughters of John Ramsey, of Lexington, Ky., are so accurately alike as to puzzliroven their parents' in-deter mining their identity. Not only aro thole features exactly alike, but tlhey are the same size, saino height, same figure, same weight to within half a pound. They are now in their 11th year, have never been sick, nor separated for any length of time, nro in tho sumo ^classes,, study from ono book, nro both roibarkably sprightly, quite handsome, add each de voted to the other. Tho most remarka ble feature iu the cnso ls the fact that they have never had tJisWlighlest variation in Weight from SWro to the prbsbht time. They are.numed Mary nud Martha. II» Didn’t Know It was Loaded, ul Nation, a blacksmith of St. Rose, Innada, went shooting on Saturday, and, returning, laid his loaded gun on a beam in tho kitchen. On the snmo evening Cleoptrns Cloutier, a farmer’s son of nine teen, nud a sweetheart ofNndou’s daugh ter Victorine, paid her a visit. While lie was chatting to her in the doorway, her brother Hcrmidas, nged thirteen, think ing the guu wns ompty, took it down, playfully presented it at Cloutier, nnd pulled both triggers. Two charges of buckshot lodged in the young man’s brain, and ho fell dead. Iuquest: ver dict “accidentally shot.” TriERE is living in the town of Mc- Minnvillo, Tonn., the, tailor who mnilo President James K. Polk’s inaugural coat. Ho finishod the coat on the day Gov. Carroll died—February, 1845. Tho name of this tailor is Joseph Newtou, and ho is 80 years of age. He still works nt his trade, being tho village tailor. Ha sits on his table, Turk position, 12 hours every day, except Sunday, nnd plies his needle with an accuracy arid rapidity rarely excelled by younger tailors. Ho has tramped all over tho country, nnd worked nt his trade In nearly every city, town and villago in the United States. A heartless fraud, perpetrated by a Berne merchant, has resulted in his sen tence to imprisonment for three years and a half. Engaged to bo married to a young lady, ho took her to London in order to marry her, and whilo there pos sessed himself of her fortuno of threo thousand dollars nnd all tho jewelry she had, and lett her nt nn inn, without a penny. Tho jury found him guilty with out noy extenuating ciroumstancesi; A Lady, named Mrs. Church, wifo of Jno. B.,Ohurph of Atlanta, was burned to death on a rec'ont Sunday morning.— She was catting lier little boy’a Imir when her clothing oaughVfiro from the stovo, nnd the discovery, caused her to run ou ( t of doors hi dior wild fright. Neighbors tried to put the fire out, but the clothing was entirely oohsdmcd, and the poor wo- man lingered in dreadful pain. Miraculous Power.—The Jbi'fst awl Strciwi has it: “To preservo health use Warner’s Safe Remedies. These aro al most of miraculous power removing diseases for which recommended. The liuriioseB. m love muons wore re M »- [wonderful curative qualities they are pne- by the workmen, aud avo Ohfromaut eon- Bowsed of ie vouched for by tone of thou- nations followed. ’Hindi." A KftVEL post-offlee was started io South Milford, Pn„ tho other day. Some girls of the town, having been forbidden correspondence with their young men, put a box in a pile of bricks and deposi ted tlieif love letters therein. Tho secret was kopt for several weeks, and tho gnmo probably would have been kept up indef initely had not the owner of tho bricks suddenly carried them off for building purposes. Five love letter&^wore found and vigor£%j among. 1 , nnd gay, the harder nud tile lender. - When young,' all leavesteiji-’m’iti a'llko.- Changes appear ns the y'eilr' Vances, and In nutiuhii tho piioullar .... thro of each iB strongly marked. ' Ilow varied the hues of the forest wlion the first frost lias kissed it with the kiss of dentil! Encti tree. flashes out its own color. Each hangs out its own banner of ptlmsqn, or gold or russet. Age shows their nature." So with'riieu; advancing years reveal llielr true character—clicor- fjil or sad, generous or selfish, riohlo or mean. Like the leaf, men aro frail. Life is not eotnjmred to tho rock, |)qt to the grass at Its base; not to the mountain, hut to tho rued which quivers on its slope; nut to tho ocean, but to the bubble which dances on Us surface; not to the giiurlcd oak, hut to the leaf which trembles ou Its branches. % . j.,. Every leaf decays. From this wo learn the universality of death. Bo you point to the evergreen, the allpir-vllfc, amt say these are clothed with perpetual verdure? They are. Yet they are the fittest em blems of human life. Their leaves fell as one goes, another comes; dying daily, but never coming to nn end; a now gen eration ready to take the plueo of tlmt which is departing. The leaves teach the uridertninty of tlie lime of death.' They fndo tit all seasbiiB, in the spriug.find in (lie summer. Some cling io the branch until the frost and iViuii shake them down. So we die at nil ages. A leaf will decay, 1 while Jyot ip tile bhd, just ns the infant' dies, soon .after the warmth of life has touched itsangel Dice. Some leaves stay, as men do,! until the snow eovrirs them with' n white tnnntlo nnd forces them doivri. v '' , Many causes work to rob . the trees of foliage—a drouth, a fierce wind, a burn ing heat, a worm secretly feeding at the root. So a "pestilence comes rind carries away thousands, like' the hurricane in midsummer. Sometimes there is an early frost; we Wakb uj) in the morning and>to, the warpi ani>, ifl: ohilled ip, every, leaf, every bower, nvecin-plant,, AH lie dead like tho Assyirui libslSf ' So the sickuess destroys in tho noonday, and ‘ the como- tcry gathers in its harvest. . . Tho leaves sing to us a joyful song. Thoy.nre symbols of cheering .thoughts. They fall, nut they come again. Next •year the forests will be glorious. Anoth er generation of leaves will adorn . the trees. Nature will ngain put on her beautiful mantle, nnd the wood will sing amid th6 new-born verdure. Denlh is followed by life. The resurrectlori morn will be spring time. Trie corruptible will put on' Hi corruption; Every loaf that falls proclaims this cheering truth; The.guidon shower of autumn leaves makeslhn ground rich, aud out of it the trees yjBPgatliqf strougth, arid new loaves burst outwiih fresh beauty. When is the forcBt most gorgeous? When is every tree fringed with light? It is when the leaves are falling. So when the Christian dies the glory of Ids chnrnctcr is brightest. There is a halo around ids head; a chariot of fire carries him to his homo. How thick lie tho leaves in our woods and gardens! So, thick lie tho dead in onr church-yards and cemeteries. Every hour that the clock strikes it tolls a re quiem, nnd the voice of weeping is heard in a bcrenvel home, but nn echo comes from Paradise in a song of rejoicing. Tho rnnsomed spirit clasps hands with those who arc on tho other side of tho valley. Jlore of the human family sloop be neath the earth than walk upon its. sur face Whore aro tho friends of our youth?— Where aro they who workod witli us in tho meridian of life? Where will be the companions of our old age? They will fall like tlie leaves, aqd soon wo will fol low them. Brand but Businesslike. A noivly elected justice of tho pence who had been used to drawing deeds and wills nnd little else, was called upon ns his first official act to marry n couple who came into his office very hurriedly nnd told him their purposp—Ho lost no time in removing his hat, and remarked, “Hals off in the presenco of the Court.” All being uncovered, ho said: “Hold up yer right hands. You, John Marvin do solemnly sivenr tlmt to the best of your knowledge an’ belief you lako tills yer woman ter lmvo nil’ ter hold for yorselt, yer heirs, cxekyoters, administrators aud nssigus, for your an’ their uso an’ behoof forever?” “I do,” onBvored the groom. “You Alico Ewer, take this yer man for yer husband, ter lmvo an’ ter hold forever; and yon do further swear that you are lawfully seized in fee simple, are free from nil iucurabranco, nnd hev good right to Bell, bargain nnd convey to the said guraotee ycrsclf, yer heirs, adminis trators and assigns?” ‘.Tdo,”8nid the bride,. rather doubt fully. /♦Well, John, that’ll be about a dollar ’n fifty cents.” "Are,wo mnrriod?" asked tho brldo. "Yes, when tho feo copies 1 in.” After some fumbling it was prodifeed and lmdd- ed to tho “court,” who pocketed it and continued: “Know all nion by these presents tlmt I, being in good health nnd of sound and disposin’ nilqW, jn,consider ation of a dollar ’,n fifty, cfents to'm4;.lu hand paid, the receipt thereof is. horqby acknowledged, do nnd by these presohts lmvo dcclnrcd yon man and' wife duriiig g ood behavior and until otherwise oiXfeVcd y the court.”- \ The opinion of tho people has boon fUlly coriflrmod by wido spread oxporl- ouco that Dr. Bulks Cough Syrup is , tl»p hast and oheupost remedy far Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Asthma, oto. iliguiit girl ufsixteen, slu. - Thu drtughtur bouamo imbued with the same Imilef, and tho two wore con. yliiei'll .that, nothing Iml protracted, fpsllng aud prayer would eleatisu their souls. They l61tl arid!lister rif tliti ooilteinplntod notion, and’ ho sanctioned It. Accordingly at noon on tho4lh of Octo- cUiey^eagh.pnrtimk^uf a U4l“ tmllq aud that'liintr Mrs.‘ ‘ Siulth'"rcsumed eating. I, The susteimiicc of tho’infant' nt hjjr breast wap exhausted, nud, us olio says, oboying divluo instructions, she Woke her fast. The girl, however, coil- tinued fasting until the 14lh, when slid was given a-slight quantity of food In llqpid form, She was so weak that sho Imd frequent feinting spoils. Ou Satur day evehhig, tlie 19th, friends lerirnlng of tho cimdl thin of tho girl calldd a doc tor, but she wns past aid, and died the uext morning. Whilo fasting sho mois- toned her mouth enoh day witli a dam ) cloth, nnd twice she washed her mnul i with water.. On one of these occasions she accidentally swallowed a singlo drop, and for this supposed sin Bho atoned by praying for eighteen consecutive hours. When sho become so weak that Bhccould not get on her knees, her mother inform ed her Hint praying wns just ns efteclunl while sitting in a clmir or lying in bed, and in lids way it was continued, until her physical strength was exhausted. There nru soveral other children in tho family, but none of these participated in the fast. Mr. Smith, ulthdugh not fast- lug, iuterposed no objection to his dauhg- tor’s nbslinenco. An investigation will bo hold, and if it is found tlmt Mr. and Mrs. Smith are in sane, ns it is supposed they are, tbey will be sent to nn usylum. Knowledge In a Nut-Shell. A cubit is two feet, A pnee is three feet. A fathom is six feet. A spun is ten aud sovon-eighths inches, A palm is threo inches. A great cubit is eleven feet. A league Is three miles. There aro 2,750 languages. Oats, thirty-three pounds per bushel. Bran, twenty pounds per bushel. Barley, forty-eight pounds per bushel A day’s journey !b thirty-three nud one- eighth mites. Two persons die every second; Sound moves 743 miles por hour. A storm blows thirty-six miles per hour. Slow rtVors How flvC miles per hour. a .,..uLT i .„fi- v ^ oVfejl 0 ^- m ii e8 -p 0i , IT IHIVIUtl r ;i;hat c l.the editor,’ Art . ' *».. A hurt! hour, Au ncro contains 4,840 squqyo yards. The average huitmu life is thirty-one years. A Bqunre mllo contains 040 nercs. A hand (horse measure) Is four inches, Timothy seed, forty-five, pounds per bushel. Buckwheat, fifty-two pounds pgr bushel. Coarse snlt, eighty-life • pounds per bushel. The first luoifer match, wns made in 1829. A tub of butter weighs eighty-four pounds. A barrel of rice weighs ,000 pounds. A firkin of butler weighs fifty-six pounds. A barrel of flour weighs 160 pounds. A barrel of pork weighs 200 pounds. A rifle ball moves 1,000 miles per hour. A'rapid river flows seven miles per hour. Electricity moves 228,000 miics’rpor hour. Tho first horse railroad was^built in 18'20-’7. A moderate wind blows seven miles per hour. The first steamboat plied the Hudson in 1807. Gold was first discovered in California in 1848. A mile is 5,280 feet, or 1,760 yards in length. Corn, rye nnd flaxseed, fifty-six pounds per bushel. Wheat, benns nnd clover seed, sixty pounds per bushel. A Slow Horse. The old story of the man who, having hired a horse to attend a funeral, and was caulidncd against overdriving, said ho would keep up with the procossion if it killed the horse, Is retold in a different shape of nn Illinois candidate for nomi nation to office, \Vi8hiug to reacli the eonventioD nt n distant town, ho hired a horse at n livery stable. In spito of the candidate’s piiundihg and swearing, the nnirnnl wns«o slow that the man did not get there until after tho convention had adjourned, nnd so ho lost his nomination. Hu denpqnccd the owner for letting him lmvo such"a beast. Tho proprietors of tlie Stable, on investigation, discovered that the hostler bad let him have one of tho hearse horses. “Hearse horse! hearse hprsel” cried the baffled politician.— “Why, if a rapn should start to a funornl with such a hope ns that, he would not rouch tho grave till two weeks after tho resurreotiou.” Get Out Doors.—Tlie close, confine ment of nil factory work, gives tbo opera tives pnilid faces, poor apetites, languid miserable, feelings, poor blood, inactive live?, kidneys nnd urinary troubles, add all tlie physicians arid medicine in : tht)' world cannot help them unless they get out of doors or use Hop Bitters,’the pur est nnd best remedy, especially for such cases, having abundance of health, Sunt- shine and rosy cheeks in them. They cost hut a trifle. See another column,— Christian Recorder. Us this?” , nro tiioy dangerous?” "Somotlmos; wlion cornered rip they lmvo been know to be quite combative 1 , and again they lmvo boon known to go ' rough a convenient back window, gout airy thoy nro mild nnd pnsslvo?” “Wlioii nth tlmy inost dangerous?” “Wiien intruded upon by n bonk agoht, who wants ailhrty-llnu local for a' sovonty (lyocout book, pr a poem, with verses about geutlo spring.” “Are oditors cross to oneh othor?” “Only when separated by several blocks, of ibuildingB.” “Po-they, often lmvo foarful combats w.llh caoli other?" “Occasionally, wlion they got out in opposite directions, and they como across each other hy accident.” i “ Are.editiii's ovor cowhldod?” “SomutlmeB the small oues are, hut tho Hey iio. it wns formerly supposed’ tlmt they ato at long intervals and upon rare occasions; hut it is now n-well-au thenticated fact tlmt thoy eatn great deal when they can got It.” “Wlmt kind of food do they like most?’ “They are not very particular. While they won’t refuse quail on, toast, fried c.'nus, nr ronst turkey about Christmas time, they lmvo been known to mako a hearty repast off a dish of cold turnips nnd a consumptive herring.” "Can they cat concert tickets?” “Wo btdiuvo not. Some people lmvo jnlned tills erroneous impression from also teachings in onrly life, but no au thenticated instnuco of suah a thiug is ou record.” . “Do editors go IVco luto shows?” “They do, wliou they give n dollnr- nnd-n-lmlf local for a twenty-five cent ticket.” "Are nil oditors bald liko tills one?” “No; only tlie married onos are bald. But let ue pass on; the editor does not like to bo stared at.” Business Maxims. A prominent merchant 1ms compiled tho following maxims for his own inquiry and experience: 1. Choose the kind of business you un derstand. 2. Capital is positively required in bu siness, even if you have real estate outside over so good. 3. ‘Ouo kind of business is ns much ns a nmn can manage successfully. Invest- muuts on tlie outside do not generally pay; especially if you require the money In your business, 4. Buy cautiously rind just whnt you want, and do not he porsuaded to pur- elinso what you do not need; if you do, you will/mpn want wlmt you can’t buy. 5. Insure your stock; insure your store; Insure you dwelliug, if you have ouo. If tlie rate iB high it is only because tho risk is great, and of courso you should not take the risk yourself. A business tlmt will not pay for insuriug will go?, justify " 0. Seii to good, responsible parties only. SbH.00 n-specified tifn'e; nnd when your money iriduo demand It; do not lot" the account stand, without nota or interest for an indefinite period. 7. Sell at a reasonable profit and never mlsreprosentPfo effect a sale.' 8...Live within your income; keep your bufjlpcss to yourself; have patience.and yoqSvill succeed. 0. Competition is the lifo of trade, but in trying to tun your competitor out of business bo careful you do not run your- sell out. 10. Advertise your business in your home paper. It pays to patronlzo the printer. ' Old man BoriBon says of Franklin Springs, Georgia: “Thoro are two springs, one itdn rind tho other sulphur. The shelter near the springs is mostly built of a largo poplar tree tlmt stood near llm springs, and' imder tho shade of tvhicli 1 Lorenzo Dow preached seventy.-yeprs ago. About 15 feet from the groand-tho tree brnnflieii off in three lnrge limbfl,- aud old Dour taoUlhum for hU text, ae representing tho Trinity,o’ Household Solenee. Cut lint bread or enke with a hot knife, and it will not be clammy. Camphor placed in drawers or trunks will prevent mice from doing thorn any injury. Ceilings that have been smoked by a kerosene lump should bo washed off with Boda water. Soit snap should bo kept in a dry place in tho cellar, and not used until at least three montliB old. Cayenne pepper blown into tho cracks where ants congregate will drive them away. Tho samo remedy is good also for mice. A lump of bread about tho size of a billiard ball, tied up in a linen bag and placed in tho pot in which greenB nro boiling, will absorb the gases which often times send such an unpleasant odor to the regions above. A cheap water filter may bo made ns follows: Make a mattress of charcoal broken in small bits to fit a largo common flower-pot; put it in the bottom of the pot, with n mattress of sand over it, each about five inches thick; hang this pot ou a faucet, with a vessel under it to rO' coivo tho wator. A Cool Villain. George Wheelor,. tho San Francisco murderer of his sister-in-law, who said tlmt she submitted willingly to being choked to death, maintains a wonderful composure. His wifo visited him in prison, and he offered to kiss her, but she repelled him, exclaiming, “Oh, you vil lain!” Hoasked liar what sho bad come for, if not to bo friendly. "I want you to toll mo the truth,” sho replied; “now did you kill hor? Don’t deceive me now. Tell mo just how you,did It.” “Do you want' to know?” ho. asked carelessly. “Yob; I want you to'toll mo before : Gbd just how you did it.” ' “Ob, I’ll tell you. Just hold my hat a roomont, will you?” said ho to a bystauder, .as he stretched his left hand toward tbo tearful wife. Sho instinctively drew brick. “Don’t be scared,” said ho; “I won’t hurt you. This is how I did it;’’ and ho placed his loft hand pu fier mouth and grasped her throat with.his right. In a momont ho, released hor,'arid Bhe asked, “Didn't sho struggle?’’ ■ “Ohj yes, of course she kick ed a little; hat sho bad-made up htr inind. to die.” _ A CAVE Ifl enstorn Tonnessoe is two' miles in length, and lias openings at both' ends. The owner Of the ground around each entrance eharged.for admission, and acted ns guide for visitors. $Mr rivalry led to serioqs fights in tlie cni(0, for each held the other, to he. a trespasser,. Then ono of‘the contestants hit upon a novel rind effeotlvo means of ruining the_ other's; try"” .business. He sunk a shnft jo bs to admit a. large stream in?q tho qavq at about; the coqtre,.at;das,therqriTaa,on.!thoirnq io, ; a: fayomWo direqtion„tho watorReureihout a? the pnemy'q Hqttqli.while w" 8 jinuiistruotciJ. The mqttor ha mafia, tho BUbJeet of a lawaiut, MISCELLANEOUS Sll It is easier to striko'thaO tod In tho ship of Slrito the political cs vass Is used for Bails. Though thy cnetfiy seem a mouse, wntch'him liko a'lion, s DeloWiire.hiiB 140,054 Inhabitants, ac cording to tho late census. Virtue is richer thnn gold, nnd tlmt ac counts for its being so rare. A Brigham Young darkey in Oglethorpe county Is tlie father of 43 children. Texas, settled ns densely as Now York, would contain 22,000,000 people. Col. Holland, of Franklin Springs, Gn., has a cow tlmt gives eight gallons of milk per day. Tlie Catlicdfal of.Cologne wns commen ced 680 year ago, nnd has just been corns plcted. If a mule had ns many legs ns a cock- r'oach tills country wouldu’t bo so thickly because lie induced her husband to drink inn barroom. The man who knows more about your business than you do yourself, always has leisure to entertain you. George Washington vs. Martha Wash ington 1b ono of the ciibcs on thu docket of Trnvis comity, Texas. Tlie immigration into tlie United btntes during the year, ending June 30, numbered 457,267. A magnificent new hotel is to bs built on Sullivan’s IslauU, nnd il is to be mudo tho Newport of the South. Adversity mnkes a mnn sharp iu tho Ways of tho world. Tho razor is inado keen by being frequently strapped. Wisconsin wool is in danger from wolves, nud the farmers near Palmyra lmvo or ganized for n war of extermination. When old man Shoobskin died ho said ho wanted to bo buried at his wife’s head ns ho hnd beeu uudor her foot nli his life.- The grand nnd awful diffurouco between a treo ana a boro is—the tree leaves in tho spring, and the bore—why; he never loaves. No less than forty-two horsos were burned alive at Quincy recently, one; ke- hig tho^noted trotter Amboy, valued at We know a carriage maker who has n ; sulky wife and a gig-gliqg daughter, but they aro rather handsoiao for all that.—' JY. Y. News. Iu tho good old Testament days it was' considered a miracle for an ass to speak, but now nothing short ot n mirnolo will keep one quiet. Texes society is agitated over tho ques tion Ilf whether or uot the groom nt n wedding should wear his revolver belt In side or outside his dress coat. John R. Mintor, Esq., of Cross Keys township, S. o., reports something like, 33,000 as tho net cash balance made on a farm of less than ten hands. When a deep sleep'falls on a man ho' doesn’t mind, it so mucli as when a few square yardB of plastering come down or a chimney.tumbloo om on him. An-lowa mnn sent his wife to a prayer mooting to prepare herself for death, ns he intended to kill,her when she returned.; She went, but did not go back. A mnn in a saw-mill at Turnerville, Nob., was found sawed completely in two. It is supposed that he fell ou tho track in front of the biiw when drunk. The London medical journals report the ease of the daughter of tho Mayor of Gramoku, near Breiuosi, who has slept’ almost uninterruptedly for six months. A Miullesotn farmer who has five grown-up daughters, has sued the county on n claim that his residence hue been; qsed ns a “court-room” for tho past two. yonrs. One of our exchanges tolls tho story of Bridget excusing hersulf for using one of her mistress’ stockings to strain the cof fee, by saying she didn’t take a olenn one. At Heywood, Texas, nn ignorant old negress administered strychnine to three patients, thiukiog it wns quiDine. Two died in a few hours, and tho third is re ported to be boyona recovery. ■ Coon hunters were cutting dowu a treo nt Adams, Ind. The dogs got into a, fight closo to tho tree just ns it was ready, to fall. The men succeeded In saving the' brutes, but were crushed to denth them selves. ‘Why,” asked n governess ot her lit tle charge, “do we pray God to give us otir daily bread? Why don’t we ask for four days, or five days, or a week?”— “Because wo want it fresh," replied the ingenious child. A house in Oswego owned by Dennis Harrington, who was killed at Fulton tho other dny ou the chunl bank, is believed by the foolish neighbors to be haunted.' All sorts of crying nnd noises are reports ed to havo been heard. “Well, ifl eversaw tho like,’’ remark ed Mr. Whiskyskiq, ns ho mopped the' presplratioii from his brow. “I don’t see whore nil this water comes from that oozes through my pores. I haven’t tast ed the stufffot' ton years.” Why is It that whisky straight will nko ri ihan walk crooked?—Boston wlole. ’by is it? Why it !b because you o'rlnk 1 Did you never think of that? You, leave the whisky in the jug, and it will, not make you walk crooked. Dr. Tnnoer has at last met his match, nnd more.than his match. A Calf in Holt county, Missouri, got entangled in a pile of rails, and remniued io tlmt posi tion for a period of forty ono days, with out food or writer. It came out nil right. If you hopo for ; what is reasonable and then work, you will probably get it. But if you expeot the impossible, liko the man who,wanted to buy a pair of spectacles with which to got a bird’s eye view of tho city,.you qra hound to bo disappointed. -ViYdnog'o'rgoouBly-rittlrcd damo is the' d.uehoss : of what?’) asked a Ynnkco spec-. ml reception at Buckingham; . — —.io hisri't a duchess hat all,” said tho gold stick in waiting; “but I’ear' as ’oW Bho bo tho wifo of ban Ilamerlcan plumber.” A number of prominent Cincinnatians, interested in tho College of Music, an-, nounce their intention of producing Ital ian opera in that city upon a scalo of magnificence hitherto unuppronchcd and “not possible in any theater'in this coun- ■- An Indian'cnmo to nn agent in' tho- nnrthern part'of Iowa to procure some whisky for .a, younger brother, who ho said hnd been bitten by a rattlesnake.— “Four qunrtsi” roponted tho agent, with surpriso; ‘ifiiuoU as -that?” “Yes,” re- jilted the Indian, "fourquarts; s