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If You Want to Know the Successful Merchants in Dalton Read The Citizen Advertisements.
All Home Print.
NO. 20.
$1.00 Per Annum
^*i,pr indications for tlie coming week for
Weather in vicinity __ Kaiu for Flrst Four
P , vs after that, slight Snow with plenty of
Cold Weather.
Our Slew Work buyer leaves
for the east on the 121st at the
latest. SI he experience gained
by eighteen former trips will
enable him to buy right.
John H. Deveaux, colored, has
been appointed collector of cus
toms at Savannah.
The fourth annual session of
the Southern Biblical Assembly
will convene in Knoxville, June
.1 ndge Spencer R. Atkinson is
no relation of Gov. W. Y. Atkin
son. However, they are both able
Hon. Allen D. Candler has re
signed the office of Secretary of
State to make his campaign for
There were 260 men and officers
killed in the explosion of the
United States battleship, Maine,
at Havana Tuesday night.
Mrs. Nobles, who murdered her
husband in Twiggs county, has
again been sentenced to hang.
This time it is set for March 25th.
She Slowest Woolen Stress Soods.
She Slowest A ilk c I)ress Materials.
She Slowest and ( .Daintiest of Organdies.
She Whitest, (Finest, Sleatest of Em
She Juovliest kinds of dawns, SLHmi-
ties, Awisses and dawns will begin to
arrive in about
All Minds of Cotton Soods are
Slower in SPnce (We don t mean
Calico, (Bleaching, Checks or do
mestics ) than we have known them
to be, -
Why buy anything but the new
est, (Freshest, Cleanest ?
15 (Bolts left of that yard-wide, no
-larch, A oft (Finish (Bleaching ) worth
Be., our price 5c per yard. dimit 15
Comforts—Aome (wo dozen yet m
C 25c, 39c, 73c and 85c each. (Fhe
Material alone is worth more money.
■ '
rtor the newest 9oods, always at the
3 fewest possible prices, come to ■
Loveman & Sons.
Bishop Quintard, of the diocese
of Tennessee, died at his winter
home in lower Georgia this week.
He was an eminent and beloved
Congressman Allen, of Nebras
ka, stated in the house last week
that Speaker Reed’s course was a
disgrace to the country, and that
he (Allen) held himself respons
ible at any time for his sentiments
Gen. Cassius M. Clay, the aged
Kentuckian who married a young
white girl, almost a child, that was
his servant, now wants a legal
separation because she has left him
and refuses to return.
Pontius Pilate, who crucified
Christ, was born at Fortnigall
Perthshire in Scotland, so say his
torians. He perished at Vienne
ill Dauphine about A. D. 39 as
Cassiodurus says : “ Overwhelmed
by grievous misfortunes he turned
his hand against himself, and took
away his own wicked life.
The Spanish cabinet, though
having recognized it long ago, at
its last meeting this week practi
cally admitted that Cuba was lost
to Spain. They have about con
cluded to surrender all authority
on the island.
Rev. John Henry Phillips, a
traveling evangelist, (?) conducted
a big revival at Athens, Tenn., a
few weeks ago, married a lovely
girl, the daughter of a prominent
farmer, forged 1500 worth of
checks, deserted his bride, was ar
rested in Rome, Ga., and is now
in jail at Chattanooga.
When Miss Phillips, of San
Diego, Cal., opened herfiont door
the other morning she found a tiny
baby seal curled up on the step
asleep. It had come up from the
bay and become exhausted. The
furry wanderer was put in a
chicken coop, but when he got
rested he cried so pitifully that
his kind-hearted captor sent him
back to the sea.
The Chattanooga Times of last
Friday printed an account of the
death of Col.' Varney A. Gaskill,
of Rutland, Vt. Col. Gaskiil was
at one time a prominent Baptist
preacher in Georgia. He quit the
pulpit for the bar, moved to Chat
tanooga from Atlanta, and manied
Mrs. Whiteside, about the wealth
iest lady in Tennessee, who yet
lives. They separated because
the Vermont Colonel, it is said,
did not get control of Mi’s. Whit-
side’s vast property. The latter
changed her name back to White-
The Massachusetts Milling Co.,
held their annual meeting last
week- and declared it made more
money spinning cotton at Lindale,
Ga., than at Lowell, Mass,, and
has decided to do more spinning |
in Georgia and less in Massachu
setts. Enough said.
The United States battleship.
Maine, that has been at Havana,
Cuba, was blown to pieces Tues
day night at 9:15. Many of the
sailors were killed. The surviving
ones do not know how the ex
plosion happened and say it oc
curred while they were asleep.
The Spanish cruiser, Alfonso XIII,
aided the wounded and dying all
it eould. ’ All of this has an un
pleasant effect on the Cuban sit
Baron Hickey, better known as
Prince Trinidad,” committed
suicide at El Paso, Texas, last
week. He is a son-in-law of John
H. Flager, of New York, the
Standard Oil magnate. Baron
Hickey, in a letter to his wife,
said : “ Well, I shall have drained
the cup of bitterness to the very
dregs, but I do not complain. I
prefer to be a dead gentleman to
a living blackguard. Goodby.
I forgive your conduct toward me,
and trust you will be able to for
give yourself.”
Fortune Smiles
f+oUsehold Gods.
The ancient Greeks believed
that the Penates were the gods
who attended to the welfare and
prosperity of the family. They
wej'e worshipped as household
gods in every home. The house
hold god of today is Dr. King's
New Discovery. For consumption,
coughs, colds and for all affections
of throat, chest and lungs it is in
valuable. It has been tried for a
quarter of a century and is guar
anteed to cure or money returned.
No household should be without
this good angel. It is pleasant to
take and a safe and sure remedy
for old and young. Free trial
bottles at Bryant & Fincher’s drug
store. Regular size 50c and $1.00.
Mardi Gras Festival, New Orleans, La.
The committee on arrangements
are using every means in their
power to make the festival this
year the greatest ever held. Elab
orate arrangements have been
made for the pleasure and enter
tainment of their guests. How
ever, the manner in which the trip
to New Orleans is made, will play
no small part in making the visit
an enjoyable one.
The Seaboard Air Luie offers
the choice of two daily trains, the
schedule by either of which is very
good. They leave as follows:
New York, 10:50 a. m. and 8:50
p. m., Philadelphia, 1:12 p. m. and
12:05 night. Washington, 4:40
p. m. and 4:30 a. m. Richmond,
8:56 p. m. and 9:05 a. m. Raleigh
2:16 a. m. and 3:40 p. m. Mon
roe, 6:43 a. m. and 9:12 p. m.
Abbeville, 11:05 a. m. and l:3o a.
Athens, 1:15 p. m. and 3:45
a. m. Arriving at Atlanta 2:50
p. m. and 5:20 a. m., and New
Orleans, 7:40 a. m. and 8:10 p. m.
From Richmond and points south,
by the train arriving at New Or
leans at 8:10, only one might is
spent on the road.
Call on or address any Seaboard
Air Line Agent.
An Uncertain Disease.
There is no disease more uncertain in its
nature than dyspepsia. Physicians say that
the symptoms of no two cases agree. It is
therefore most difficult to make a correct
diagnosis. No matter how severe, or under
what disguise dyspepsia attacks you. Browns*
Iron Bitters will cure it. Invaluable in all
diseases of the stomach, blood and nervea.
Browns’ Iron Bitters is sold by all deaiMfc
OREAT SALES prove the great
Wl merit of Hood’s Sarsaparilla.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla sells L -cause it
accomplishes CREAT CURES.
Still, on our Patrons, who
continue to revel in our shat
tered Prices. Be sure to have
your share of our tempting
plums. We are getting in
new lots now of
Seasonable Clothing.
If you have ever traded with
us you know what prices to
expect and you shall not be
disappointed. We can fit
THIN and STOUT people.
Baltimore Clothing Co.
Laces for Ladies.
A big line of all kinds of Lace
just in and it is the best qual
ities with the cheapest prices
ever announced by any firm
in North Georgia. We have
it in all widths. For instance
8, 9 and IO inch widths for 5
cents per yard and up. If you
want lace of any kind we can
suit you. We bought it at 25
cents on the dollar and will
sell it that way. When you
want lace that is lace come to
We Never Dreamed
That when we put the fa
mous Bion Shoe on the mar
ket here it would create such
a sensation. The Bion is the
proper thing in shade, style,
fit,finish and the well dressed
are buying them every day.
The Bion is the proper thing
for footwear. Try them-
has had many new novelties
added lately and our sales
men in it have been busy
more than usual. We are
making extra efforts to make
it bigger and better than
ever. We are watching the
market for everything stylish
and good in this particular
line with unusual interest.
We are behind, no one in
HATS for men and boys.