North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, April 21, 1898, Image 2

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- - ■ asy to Take asy to Operate Are features peculiar to Hood’s Pills. Small In size, tasteless, efficient, thorough. As one man said: “ You never know you have taken a pill till it is all over.” 25c. C. I. Hood & Co., Proprietors, Lowell, Mass. The only pills to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Pills In Sncicil Circles. Mr. F. A. Cantrell and wife were up from Calhoun last week. * * Mrs. A. Sc Mann has returned from a lengthy trip to Florida and was in the city last week. * * The Phonographic World pul>- lished at New York and one of the largest phonographic magi- zines in America contains the fol lowing well merited paragraph: “Mr. W. W. Horne, one of the most thorougly equipped law amanuenses in the state, is writ ing shorthand in the office of Shu mate & Maddox, Dalton, Ga. Mr. Horne’s work will call him into the court room frequently, and sooner or later we expect to see him in the chair of the official reporter.” Every word of it is true and the prediction of the World is well founded. Miss Willdee Wailes, of Selma, is the guest of Mrs. D. K. Mc- Kamy on Thornton Avenue. Hon. A. S. Mann returned from Florida this week. John Shumate spent Sunday in Calhoun. * * * Jim Huff was in the city this week. Mr. and Mrs. Will J. Trammell came up from Marietta last Fri day. Mrs. Trammell remained the guest of Mr. and Mrs. P- B. Trammell until yesterday. In the judgment of The Citi zen’s special literary critic the best thing in the woman’s edition of the Summerville News was the bright piece of iconoclasm from the pen of Miss Catherine Cain, entitled, “ Two Milkmaids.” It was good because it was original and savored not of encyclopedias and things. The writer is a younger sister of Miss Edna Cain and will herself be popular among newspaper readers. * * * Miss Dot McCainy is visiting relatives in Atlanta. Miss Flora Lester was in at tendance upon the State Sunday School Association, which met in Gainesville, Ga., the first of the week. Sbe was sent as a delegate from the First Methodist Sunday- school of this city. * * * Squire W. T. Lowry, the popu lar justice, united Mr. D. W. Lance, of Rome, to Mis^ Jennie Sane, of North Dalton, Tuesday night. They went to Rome with the best wishes of all their friends. Rev. M. A. Mathews has ac cepted an invitation to deliver an address to the alumnae of Shorter College during commencement. Misses Annie Hill and Ruth Lester are teaching at the Public School this week in the absence of Miss Allie Moore, who is sick, and Miss Flora Lester, who is in Gainesville. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Keown, of Gordon Springs, were in the city this week. Capt. and Mrs. Wm. McWil liams, of Greenbush, were in the city this week, guests of Messrs. Lee and Shelly McWilliams. Mrs. H. J. Smith left yesterday for Forsyth as a delegate from this city to the annual convention of the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society. Miss Cordelia Lowry, daughter of Mr. John Lowry, is quite sick out at her home in the country. Mrs. John Senter has joined her husband in Memphis where he is the superintendent of a large ma chine shop with seventy-five or eighty workmen under him. Mrs. J. D. Temple, of Spring Place, was the guest of Mrs. J. L. Fincher this week. Miss Lily Green, of Dalton, who has been in Savannah for the past few months, is now the guest of Miss Alice Walker in Macon.— Savannah News. Mrs. Ed Dyer returned Tuesday to her home in Acworth. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Bemis, of Green Cove Springs, Fla., will spend July and August in Dalton. Mr. and Mrs. Frank I. Pearce, of Chicago, who have spent the winter at Hotel Dalton left yes terday for home. Mr. and Mrs. Pearce have made a host of friends in Dalton who regret the time had come for their departure, but hope for their return early next winter. BUGKIen’s rt’i'nica SalVe. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no payment required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re funded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Bryant & Fincher, lyr THE NORTH EORGIA CITIZEN. DALTON, GA- 1. PRICE PEAK DEAD. Popular Cashier of the First National Bank PASSED AWAY SATURDAY NIGHT. The Remains Were Conducted to His Former Home at Mt. Pleas ant, Michigan. Take the Southern Railway If you are going to travel North, East, West or South. We offer you through schedule and first-class service to Washington, Few York and all points East; Jacksonville, Tampa and all points South-east; Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, Kan sas, Indian Territory, Oklahoma, California, Colorado, Oregon and all points West or North-west. Get reliable information regard ing routes, rates, etc., from South ern Railway Agent, or write C. E. Jackson, T. P. A., Chattanooga, Tenn., or C. A. Benscoter, A. G. P. A., Chattanooga, Tenn. The heart of many a warm friend was wrung with grief on Sunday morning when it became known that Price Peak had pass ed away. It was sad intelligence and hard to realize. Only a few short weeks ago he went and came among us with the quick eye and elastic tread of young manhood. Then he was stricken down and before those who loved him could realize his condition he was dead. In the life of Price Peak there were many things worthy of study in learning the lesson of true man hood. He was as gentle as a woman, yet possessing the strong rugged character of a manly man. He was chaste in his speech and charitable toward all humanity. In his business relations he was the embodiment of courtesy and it was a pleasure to deal with him. He was possessed of shrewd business judgment and no trust was ever misplaced that fell into bis keeping. A little over two weeks ago he contracted typhoid fever, and that with other complications soon placed him beyond the reach of medical skill, and his death oc curred at 10:30 o’clock last Satur day night. Mrs. Peak, of Mt. Pleasant, Michigan, mother of the deceased, and Dr. R. I. Peak, his brother, left Sunday afternoon with the re mains for his old home where he was interred. Hundreds of friends called at the residence on Thornton avenue all during the afternoon to express their sorrow and to get a last glimpse of the dead. Messrs. J. M. Sanders, W. M. Jones, Dennys Barrett, W. S. Sanders, F. T. Reynolds, W. S. McCarty, Dee McCutchen and John S. Thomas acted as pall beard's and an honorary escort composed of Cols. R. J. McCamy, W. C. Martin, Julian McCamy, T. R. Jones, W. E. Oslin, J. B. Headrick, H. P. ( olvard, W. H. Prater, J. B. Brown and J. L. Smith preceded the funeral cor tege to the depot. The Citizen extends its heart- feli sympathy to the entire city over the loss of one of its best and most valuable young men. Bed-bug poison at Bryant & Fincher’s will surely do the work. Are Ton Weak! Weakness manifests itself in the loss of ambition and aching bones. The blood Is watery; the tissues are wasting—the door is beingopened for disease. A bottle of Browns' Iron Bitters taken in time will restore your Strength, soothe your nerves, make your blood rich and red. Do you more good than an expensive special course of medicine. Browns’ Iron Bitters is sold by all dealers. “Here Kathleen my darling,” said sweet Auntie Sue, •‘Is a Toby jug I have painted for you. Now mark what I say, dear—you wild little elf— You’re to place him quite carefully, up oh a shelf. He’ll bring you good luck: and the day that you wed You may hold him again, and recall what I’ve said.” The little one gave her treasure a hug, And laughed quite aloud in the face of her jug. For Toby was truly a quaint, funny chap With a great bulging stomach and big maroon cap. His body was cream, with a heavy gold trace And he wore a smile on his mischievous For years Toby sat by the old chimney flue While pretty Kathleen into womanhood grew. At length, one bright morning, the girl — with a sigh— Looked out at the prosperous throngs going by. “Ah me, it is hard to be poor!’ the maid said, “On this bright golden day—the day that I wed; For I love dear Robert, and Robert loves me— A little would make us so cosy you see. Just a feather or two for the sweet home nest Would be” but she never did finish the rest, For glancing—by chance—toward the mantel shelf, high, She caught Toby winking his shrewd lit tle eye. In anger she cried out: “You horrid mean thing! What luck in the world did you ever yet bring? I’ll teach you to mock me!” She hit him a rap And off came his head—with its big ma roon cap. “Why what in the world”—cried the girl, “who’d have dreamed That you were not solid, as you always have seemed! And what’s this—a roll of bills all crisp and new And a little note saying, ‘to Kathleen from Sue.’ Oh Toby!” she said ’twixt a laugh and a cry And she kissed him right over his mean winking eye. *■ The jug has a place on a new mantel shelf With a rich Flemish Stem, and a plaque of blue delft; But deep in his heart, ’neath burnished stone vest Toby knows that to Kathleen, he’s dear est and best. Gertrude Manly Jones, in woman’s edition Summerville News. Sick stomach means sick man (or woman). Why not be well? Sick stomach comes from poor food, poor nourishment; means poor health, poor comfort. Shaker Digestive Cordial means health and a well stomach. If we could examine our stomach we would understand why it is that so little will put it out of order. But, unless we are doctors, we never see our stomach. We only feel it. We would feel it less if we took Shaker Di gestive Cordial. Shaker Digestive Cordial makes your stomach digest all the nourishing food you eat, relieves all the symptoms of in digestion, acts as a tone and soon makes you well and strong again. The more you take, the less you will feel of your stomach. At druggists. Trial bottle 10 cents. Many lives have been saved by the timely use of Dr. Bell’s Pine Tar Honey. When a cold creeps upon you or a cough racks your lungs, no remedy is so prompt or effectual. Can be given to child ren with perfect safety and is sure to produce beneficial results. To Cure Constipation Forever. Take Caseareis Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money North Dalton. Mrs. Wright has been quite sick for some time hut is, we are glad to note, on the road to health again. » Mrs. Price, the oldest lady in this part of town, is seriously ill. Mrs. Howell and Mrs. Wimpee have been very sick, but are much better at present. Miss Minnie Richardson spent Sunday with your scribe. The Misses Groves paid us an appreciated visit Sunday. Mrs. P. V. Sansome and her mother, Mrs. Wilson, called on Mrs. Wright Sunday. Dottery Lance is on a visit to homefolks. Cale and Sam Saines visited friends and relatives in Murray county Saturday night and Sun day, and report our sister county to be in a prosperous condition, enjoying the very best of health with plenty of hog and hominy. Miss May Wright and brother, Master Cleavy, visited Miss Annie Cornelison Saturday night, and report a lively time, and a stroll on the mountain to gather wild flowers Sunday morning. Rev. Luke Johnson, of the First M. E. church, preached quite an interesting sermon at Hamilton Street church Sunday. Uno. Olu Something Like a Search. A Welshman who was in t ‘ u Uj don when extensive sewering f erations were in progress, lost ^ watch. He reported the to Scotland Yard, and the matte; said they would leave n .. ^ unturned to find the missing ti^ keeper. Shortly afterward Taft" again visited the metropolis saw stre-1 after street turned He was told that in all thirty./ miles of road were in the condition. same He rushed down ‘ Scotland Yard and exclaimed to the wondering inspector: “I didn’t think I was gi v j ng you all that trouble. If y OU d on - t find the watch by Sunday I W onid not break up any more streets.”-. New York Evening World "■o-To-Bac for Fifty Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men strong, blood pure. 50c, 81. All druggists. " THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD OR OUR SAVIOUR IN ART' cost over $100,000 to publish. Contains nearly 200 full-page engravings of our Saviour, by the Great Masters. It is not a life of Christ, but an exibit of all the great Masters’ ideals of the Christ. No other book like it ever published. Agents are taking from three to 20 or ders daily. The book is so beautiful that when people see it they want it. Published less than a year and already in its twenty-fifth edition, some editions consisting of 18,500 books. The presses are running day and night to fill orders. (It has never been sold in this territory.) A perusal of the pictures of this book is like a taking a tour among the great art galleries of Europe, The Hermitage, Prado, Uffizi, Pitti, Louvre, Vatican, National of London, National of Berlin, Belvidere and other celebrated European art galleries, have all placed their rarest and greatest treasure at our disposal that they might be reproduced for this superb work. “FIRST GLANCE AT THE PICTURES BROUGHT TEARS TO MY EYES,” says one. “Cleared $150 first weeks work with the book,” says another. Many men and women buying and paying for homes from their suc cess with this great work. Also man or woman, of good church standing, can secure position of manager here to do office work and corresponding with agents in this territory. Address for full particulars A. P. T. Elder, Publish er, 189 Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill., First Floor. tf Col. R. T. Nesbitt made an ad dress to quite a large crowd at the court house last Thursday at noon. He is a candidate for re. election as commissioner of aori- culture. 24 Hours The Florida and New Orleans Limited trains of the QUEEN 4 CRESENT ROUTE, run through to Jacksonville and New Orleans in 24 hours from Cincinnatti. These fast trains are of the finest type, luxuriously fitted, and running on a perfect road bed. Winter Tourist low round trip tickets on sale throughout the North. % An elegant service of Ceaf, Parlor and Observation Carson these trains. Double daily train service. Write for information to W. C. Rinearson, Gen’l Pass’r Ag't, Cincinnati, O. Send 10 cents for fine Art colored Lithograph of Lookout Mountain and Chick- amauga. CHAS. P. GORDON, Physician and Surgeon, Surgeon Southern Railway. Telephone 4. Office 11 King St. Residence Telephone a OH. MOTTS NEBTEB0* IRESTQRED MANHOODS The great remedy for nervous prostration and all iiiegieat iciutTYiy iui ncivuun prusuntiuu ouu an «v. ■ the generative organs of either sex. such as Nervous rrosirsu • a ing or Lost Manhood, Impotency. Nightly Emissions. Youtnia ^ Mental Worry, excessive use of Tobacco or Opium, whlcn ie» sumption and Insanity. With every SS order we give a wrm'i t * )Xe , BEFORE AND AFTER USING. F r( sale by the LOWRY DRUG GO., Dalton, Ga. CUPIDENECURES! CUPIDENE CUBES! IE MANHOOD RESTORED.- French Vegetable V uallzer will quickly cure you orail nervonsor a of the generative organs brought on by Youthful Errors, over-eie. - excessive use of tobacco or stimulants, which lead to decay a?®““ auch as Los t M an hood. Insomnia, Pains in the Back, seminal BEFORE. AFTER. Nervous De bility, Unfitness to Marry, Evil Dreams, Varicocele, Atwp. Weak Memory, exhaustion and Constipation. Shrunken or weak organs strengthened and re®*** UUPIDIflNlS stops all losses by day or night/ . Take CUPIDKNE and be glad and manly. Take CUPIDENE and be glad and (IRicItnesa of discharge, whlchl eads to Spermatorrhoea and impotency. CUPIDENE Is a Nerve Tonic and Blood Builder. .1 i«. The reason sufferers are not cured by doctors i s because 90 percent are troubled with ft 0 ***!,. i CUPIDENE Is the only known remedy to cure without an operation. Guarar tee given boxes for $5.00. 91.00 a box, six for 95.00. Bend for Free circular and 5000 testimonials. Address DAVOL CO., P. O. Box 2076, San Francisco, CaL For sale by TH*E LOWRY DRUG GO., Dalton, Ga. l?)fi j¥iglg(grfag Wfri^PT'TwT , i > ‘n^y|v|yp < r> ,r »riy^M >r ivar a ‘ ar ikSki^^ . FURNITURE. CARPETS. UNDERTAKING. 1 NEW CARPETS. NEW RUGS. NEW MATTINGS. • NEW SHADES, NEW BED-ROOM SUITES. NEW FURNITURE. Constantly arriving. All kinds and latest designs. The White Sewing Machine with Indicator Tension and every part adjustable beat them all. See also the Queen and New Home Machine. New Frame Machine and New Mouldings. Get my prices before buying. J. A. CARTER. Furniture, Carpets, Coffins, Caskets, Gent’s Burial Suits, Ladies’ J and Children’s Robes and Slippers. We will have a cooking contest next TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY. A complete Buck Range will be given to the little girl under 14 years of age who can make the best biscuit. Come out and see the dear little cooks cook. Comfortable seats will be provided for the ladies of the city and out of the city, and as an induce ment to all who want a Buck’s Stove, we will offer a discount of 10 per cent on Buck’s Stoves and Ranges during these two days, Positively this offer will not hold good except for these days. Remember the time, next Tues day and Wednesday, 26th and 27th of this month. BERRY-BRYANT HARDWARE CO.