North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, October 20, 1898, Image 3

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THE NORTH GEORGIA CITIZEN, DALTOft, fcA. * ' 3 “ ffke Pirt preservative ef pill pirts.” Successful Men.... Are the ones .vho sit down and consid er things carefully. They put this and that together and draw conclusions. They save the nickles and dimes, and by and by they have the dollars. Many a man’s success begins at our house, where he saves money on every thing he buys. If one is about our place of business much he will imbibe habits of industry and energy that will always be valuable to him. When you have your printing done by us, when you buy your Stationery from us you have the satisfaction of knowing the prices are the lowest, quality of goods and work considered. Visiting Cards in all the sizes, for both ladies and gentlemen, the finest stock, die cut. Translucent Bristol cards, round corners, for all kinds of business, die cut. We have too many things to enu merate. Just call for what you want. We have it if it is in our line. %e A. Shcwalter 'Co., Wholesale Paper dealers and §ob Printers, S)alten, ■ - Georgia. E. O. HERNDON. H ’Phone Hi. DALTON, GA. ^ I COAL. COAL. H Nosy is the time to buy vour supply of Coal. I am handling the famous IJELLICO f CROSS MOUNTAIN Coal. Will deliver in any quanty at I .... any point in the city NEW FIRM IN TOWN. I have bought the Livery * Business known as the Springfield Stables. Am overhauling everything, putting in new teams and ve hicles. Mr. Jesse L. Holland will be in the management with me and will give his personal “i vbion. 1 respectttill} solicit your trade and will en- or to give perfect satisfaction SUMMER’S WANTS WILL BE ESPECIALLY LOOKED AFTER. J. J. STROUP, Proprietor. W FORTUNE TOLO. A REMARKABLE SCIENTIFIC AND WONDERFUL SCIENCE. "Solar Biology." e only true science by which your future can truly and accurately be foretold. ZARAH, the world renowned Egyptian Astrologer, who h*sl,Xto| C, areurate U i>tanet; horo- throughout Europe Tor the put live years. wiU give a tnahl^ul. ac^rat^ planet noro U. 11 neat ion of your life. He will give your person* on love affairs. Iity tame, probable length of life, possible accidents, a«i\ice auil gg rriage, friends, enemies, speculations, business matters, etc. ± a. . . . you can Inform yourseir thoroughly on this Idles to be or not to be. *ndany Other quest.ons of your past, presenter —--— - ■ future life. A SINGLE ANSWER MAY LEAD YOU TO MAKE THOUSANDS OF DO ' Semi 10 cents and give the exact date of birth and I will V"^fake^tliia offer as a roscoite reading of your life, and prove It to be all true by yourself. I make this oner >t trial, A.11 communications strictly confidential. Address ... r» ZARAH, the ASTROLOGER, Lock Box, 403, Philadelphia, Penn. am l*re8s._“Zarah, the Astrologer, is certainly wonderful pr6 ' dictions and tests are baaed upon Indisputable and scientific influences. Whittled of White Pine. The Chicago Record, in its “ Home Study Circle,” is giving its readers a course of lectures written by the mo->t eminent auth ors on eight of Shakespeare’s plays. The three lectures on Romeo and Juliet are discussed from various standpoints. The earliest and un doubtedly the best Juliet was Fanny Kemble. She possessed the natural ability as an actress when quite young, and because of her youthfulness made the most ideal Juliet. Many have suc ceeded her, and perhaps made greater reputations, cut they were too far advanced in age to make the ideal Juliet. Miss Kemble played the part to both David Garrick and to Spanger Barry as Romeos. When questioned as to which one she preferred her reply was in the na ture of the “ Tiger or the Lady ” of Mr. Stockton. She said: “When I played Juliet to Mr. Garrick he was so ardent and im passioned I.expected him to climb up into the balcony. When I played it to Mr. Barry he was so tender and eloquent I felt inclined to climb down the balcony to him.” So evidently an ideal Juliet was Miss Kemble that she brought out the best qualities of both Garrick and Barry. Miss Kemble spent a winter in Georgia once at the Couper’s home near Brunswick on the Alta- maha, and there met the fiery young Georgian, Pierce Butler, and married him. Their divorce suit made famous the annals of Philadelphia courts. Two daughters were born to them, one of whom is now the Hon. Mi's. John Leigh, whose hus band represents the burrough of Nottingham in the English Parli ament. This burrough was made famous by the late Chas. J. Brad- laugh, who was an atheist and would not take the oath of allegi ance to the British crown and was for a time deprived of his. seat but subsequently did take it by simply affirming his allegiance to Queen Victoria and British arms. The other daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Butler married Owen J. Wis- tar, a noted literatuer, whose home is in Germantown, Penn., but lives a great deal abroad. I had the pleasure of meeting botli of these ladies in the winter of 1893, and with a party of friends visited “ Altama,” the Couper’s home near Butler's Is land, which is the property of the two ladies. It was a first visit to. their Georgia inheritance (Butler’s Island) which is a valuable tract of land in the mouth of the Alta- maha river. * * * * Now that Mr. Mansfield is mak ing a big hit as “ Cyrano ” in “ Cyrano de Bergerac,” staged in New York, it might not be inap propriate to state that Mr. Mans- sfield literally stole the play from its rightful owner, M. Rostand, of France. It was originally a poem in Alexandrine rhymes, and served to give its author fame and money. M. Rostand failed to have it copy righted, so Coquelin made the play famous in Paris. Mansfield has had it translated, and, like all drama poems, it had to be altered materially, and pos sesses but little of its original beauty and strength as a poem ; but Mansfield makes the drama “ a go,” as they phrase it, on the Rialto. Gotham newspapers give it a great “ send off ” with all sorts of adjectives. But one intrepid critic says the make-up of Mans- geld’s nose is too sharp, and that of .Coquelin’s is about stubby enough. Beside this they all For over Fifty Years Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup has been used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. If disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth send at once and get a bottle of “ Mrs. Wins low’s Soothing Syrup ” for Chil dren Teething. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend, upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflam mation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. “ Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup ” for Children Teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Price 25 cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists throughout the world. Be sure and ask for “ Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup.” 6-17-lyr. agree that Mansfield is the Cyra no of Cyranos. It had not reached the seventh performance before W. A. Brady had organized six companies to go out on the road with it. Weber & Fields has begun to burlesque it as they did “ Tess of the Dur- berville ” under the program name of “Tess of the Weberfields.” This late production is “ Cyra-nit uf de Weberfields.” It is due to Mr. Mansfield to say that he promises to give M. Rostand a royalty, but nothing more. F. T. R. .OPENS AUGUST 29th, 1898.. Hatton percale (ollege, DALTON. GEORGIA. Preparatory, Academic and Graduate Courses. Business Course as Complete and Thorough as in any Business College. A Special Normal Course for Training Teach ers. Superior Advantages in Music and Art. Instruction in every Branch Thorough and Practical. Boarding Department, the home of the Teach ers. For Catalogues, or further information, address MABEL HEAD, President. DALTON. GEORGIA. The oal Y Bafe » mriT * ud -***'-- reliable Female FILL ever offered to Ladies, especially recommend- ad to married Ladies. Ask for BB. MOTT'S PENNYROYAL PILLS and take no other, pg* Send for circular. Price $1.00 per l*ex s • hexes for $6.00. DR. MOTT’S CHEMICAL CO., - Cleveland. Ohio. PENNYROYALFILLS. For Sale by TH*E LOWRY DRUG GO-, Dalton., Ga. RESTORED MANHOOD If You are Restless and can not sleep at night, a dose of Dr. Bell’s Pine-Tar-Honey will give you natural rest and refresh ing sleep. It checks a cough at once and cures a cold in one night. It heals the throat, chest and lungs, cures la grippe permanently, does not stupefy, is harmless. Children love it. Old people like it. Good druggists sell it. Price 25c. His Prayer Was Effective. One hard winter when sickness came to a poorly paid pastor of a certain New England church, his flock determined to meet at his house to offer prayers for the speedy recovery of the sick ones and for material blessings upon the pastor’s family. While one of the deacons was offering a fervent prayer for blessings upon the pas tor’s household, there was a loud knock at the door, which tfas opened and a stout farmer hoy ad mitted. ‘•What do you want, boy?” ask ed one of the elders. “I’ve brought pa’s prayers,” re plied the boy. “Brought pa’s prayers ? \ do you mean? ” sick ones. Press. W anted — several trustwor- thy persons in this state to manage our business in their own and nearby counties. It is mainly office work con ducted at home. Salary straight $900 a year and expenses—definite, bonafide, no more, no less salary. Monthly $75. References. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. Herbert E. Hess, Prest., Dept. M., Chicago. jan 22-99 Pain in_the Head Catarrh, Sour Stomach, Dizzi ness, Rheumatism A Grand Work Accomplished by Hood's Sarsaparilla. u | W as • victim of catarrh and suffered a great deal of pain in the top and baok of my head. I was also troubled with bout stomach, rheumatism, indigestion and disaiuess. I fait all ran down and thought I should be obliged to give up my housework. I began taking Hood’s Sar saparilla and Hood’s Fills and waa Be lieved. They gave me an appetite and I gained strength. I have • little grand- ehild who waa eroM and fretful owing to eolio and hives. I persuaded his parents to give him Hood’s Sarsaparilla and he la now fat and healthy.” Many J. Chatham, Arnold, Georgia. Hood’s Is the Best—In faet the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists, fl; six tor $8. Get only Hood’s. u n:i!« cure Uver ills, easy to Flood S rlllS take, easy to operate. Me. OH. UQTTS NEBYKBOT PILLS Tho great remedy for nervous prostration and all nervous diseases oi the generative organs of either sex. snch as Nervous Prostration. FalV ing or Lost Manhood. Impotency, Nightly Emissions, Youthful Brrprs, Mental Worry, excessive use of Tobacco or Oplnm, which lead to CX>n- ,| sumption and Insanity. With every order we give a written guar- ruiokb AND AFTER USING, antee to cure or refund the money. Sold at B'i.OO perbox, • boxes AKP at intt UBinu. ror»S.OO. 1>K. MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO.. CleTalsmd,Okle. F.ti sale by the LOWRY C)RL)G GO., Dalton, Ga. SELL YOUR PRODUCE 0 0 DeMNETTE & Co.. Dalton, Ga. City men Feci and Sale Stables. -t- 4* 4- HANDSOME CARRIAGES. TRUSTY DRIVERS. The prettiest and neatest turnouts to be found anywhere in the city. Open day and night. Special attention to or ders from Commercial travelers. T. J. Bryant, Prop. pro?Tmfmmfwmwwwf??Timfi!fTmwmwmfnnwwTmTffffffmwmnmmTwwwWWC WE ARE SELLING— ! Plain Groceries, Dry Goods and Notions, Shoes ~ and Merchandise generally. We ask only a z moderate profit, but give big values. One of our strong holds on the public is LUMP AND FINE COAL We will deliver by Phone us for our prices, the bushel or car load. • HOLLAND GROCERY COMPANY, PHONE 97. ^iLlklkUUUliiiUUkkLkkkkkkkUikLiLkiikUkUiUkkkUiiikUkkkiUUiiiiiikikikikLkikkUiikHlUiikkU GRANITES. DALTON MARBLE WORKS ' Quincy. MANUFACTURERS OF and DEALERS IN Barre. ^ Scotch. Marble and Westerly. Concord. Granite Monuments. Georgia. Office and Works, 47-49 Hamilton St.. DALTON, GA. MARBLES. Italian, Vermont, Georgia. mm- H. C. PARMALEE, Tin and Sheet Iron Work, Plumbing and Gas Fitting, Bicycles, Bicycle Repairs a Specialty. DALTON, GEORGIA. It—A- GHEC50HV St GGSEOnV, 48 Hamilton Street, FOR —■ AGENTS FOR THE & OLIVER * CHILLED * PLOWS. # These are new men, have new goods and will treat you right.. Ekkkkkkkkkkkl