North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, November 03, 1898, Image 7

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THE NORTH GEORGIA CITIZEN, DALTON, GA. Much in Little true Ot Hood’s Pills, for no medi lae3 KZcontained so great curative power li cine ever space. They are a whole medicine Hood’s ch est, always ready, al- 1|| Ls efficient, always sat- D | I I £ S®ry; *"«? * ““ ■ I ■ *» nr fever, cure all Uver Ills, Ik headache, jaundice, constipation, etc. 26c. Xteonlv Pill* to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla, ^ nnrr nnrmnmTTmTmTmTmTmmmTT5 local happenings. 1 Mr. John McAllister was home this week with all his friends. W. J. Townley was home for a short while Monday. John Todd was with home folks this week. Save money by buying your tin- wa re at the Racket Store. Col. John L. Smith, of Cleve land, was in the city last week. Miss Margie Huff is now with J. F. Weatherly & Co. Walter Davis spent Tuesday in Cleveland. Mrs. John Gleason left last Fri day to join her husband at Ard more, I. T. Hal Russell spent Sunday and Monday with home folks. He is now located at Summerville. Lieutenant Bob Bates and Mr. Jim Dunlap, of Gainesville, were in the city this week. Miss Marvin Trevitt is now at the Racket Store, where she will be pleased to have her friends call. Men’s pants at the lowest prices ever heard of at the Racket Store. Two letters and communications to Tiie Citizen last week came too late for publication. We urge our correspondents to send their letters earlier. Mr. Sherry McAuley has been the recipient of numerous con gratulations over the arrival of a baby girl at his home last Friday. Mr. Sam Loveman put three local ads. in The Citizen one issue last month and sold every fur he had in the house by the next issue. You can find anything you want at the Racket Store. Jolm Shumate took in the foot ball game in Atlanta last Saturday and saw Frank McCutehen, of Dalton, win the game from the Vanderbilt team. Mr. Marshall Bell, of Murphy, N. C., a prominent young lawyer ot that city, was the guest of friends here last week. You will receive a hearty wel come at the Racket Store. ( • D. McCutehen went down to Atlanta Saturday and took in the football game. He spent Sunday in Athens. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Scott, of Rome, were in the city last week. Mr. Scott, an old Dalton boy, gave The Citizen a very pleasant Children get your stationary and school supplies at the Racket Store, *' never forget the trouble an investigation once gave me,” re- nnuked Senator Sorghum reminis cently. “Didn’t you want to hold it?” Hold it?” he echoed, “that’s Oiaetiy what I was trying to do. - nd i Was afraid every minute ^ ut was going to break lose and got away from me.”—Washington , M '*- J. A. Crawford left Tues- forW 01 1 ^ a H°n where Mr. Craw- vice 18 i ? ca ^' e H in the revenue ser- f ^ 16 Y W *H reside at that f ° r the P resen t. Mr. Craw- able WaS una ^ e to secure a suit- ronm re81( ^ enoe and has secured ter8vili at f ttle Hotel. Their Car at hr L 'lends hope to see them Cour— a ^ a * n 8 °°n.—Cartersville irant. Citizen welcomes them to Lai ton. Nearly all the good Indians seem to have a mania for loafing around in front of cigar stores. Slang and baseball talk are the nearest some people ever come to speaking the English language. A baseball crank says that it takes more than the bleachers to remove stains from the umpire’s record. It might be well to remember that one little apple did the world more harm than all the cider ever made. The bridgegroom is never of as much importance as the bride, and she is of less importance than her dress. Our respect for old age depends a great deal on whether it be ap plied to men and women or board ing house poultry. Airships will only add to the troubles of mankind. Every time a man starts on a flying trip he will worry about how he will land. Some men avoid a disagreeable task by persuading themselves that its accomplishment is an impossi bility. According to the Bible, there will be no marrying or given in marriage in heaven—probably be cause there won’t be enough men to go around. Physicians are called upon to prescribe for the imagination of- tener than anything else. Men never overlook a chance to take a vacation, but it’s differ ent with gas meters. Time improves everything but women ; they, of course, have been perfect from the beginning. Life insurance is no doubt a good thing, but what some men need most is insurance against fire. Some men tire themselves al most to death in trying To avoid the tire brought on by labor. Love may not make the world go round, * but it makes young men’s arms go around waist places. Advice is about the only thing the average man will give freely without money and without price. Hon. W. A. Black spent Sun day at home. He is comfortably situated down in the legislature. Mrs. Mattie O’Neil and daugh ter, Miss Addie, will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Flowers in Dalton this week.—Cleveland Banner. J. H. Brambett, of Amzi, will move to Dalton in a short time. He is a good citizen and we hate to give him up.—Spring Place. Jimplecute. Mr. J. D. Thomas, the popular and well known insurance agent, spent a few days in Cartersville last week on business. Senator Charles King carried his son, Perry, down to Atlanta with him. Perry has a page’s position in the senate chamber. Spring Place Jimplecirte. W. H. Prater has been kept busy this week shaking hands and receiving the congratulations of friends over the arrival of a fine boy at his home Sunday morning. Will is now wearing an 18-karat smile, Everybody in Dalton is proud of Frank McCutehen, who won the football game for the Univer sity of Georgia team last Saturday in Atlanta. They defeated the Vanderbilt team of Nashville. Mrs. Dr. C. P. Gordon has or ganized a fine Saturday night prayer meeting on Jones avenue in Manlytown and conducts it in a cottage she has had specially fitted up for it. The attendance is increasing weekly and so is the interest. Mr. Bingham, representing the Baltimore Manufacturers’ Record, gave The Citizen a pleasant call yesterday. There will be services in St. Mark’s church on Sunday, Novem ber 7th, at eleven o’clock and in the evening at 7:30 o’clock. At the morning service the Pastoral Letter of the House of Bishops will be read instead of the usual sermon, as is required. This let ter treats of subjects which are of interest to members of the Episco pal church, in particular, and to all other Christians in general. Sunday being the first Sunday of the month, the Lord’s supper will be administered at the morning service. The seven o'clock cele brations of the Lord’s supper have been discontinued until warm weather comes again. Services are held regularly on the 1st and 3d Sundays of each month. Sun day school every Sunday morning at ten o’clock, promptly. If You are Restless and can not sleep at night, a dose of Dr. Bell’s Pine-Tar-Honey will give you natural rest and refresh ing sleep. It checks a cough at once and cures a cold in one night. It heals the throat, chest and lungs, cures la grippe permanently, does not stupefy, is harmless. Children love it. Old people like it. Good druggists sell it. Price 25c. Sanders Qlaqdlicldrind Go. The McSherry Grain and Fertilizer Drill. Frame made of Steel. Wheels have ratch ets in them same as mowing machine, enabling you to turn either way and feed the wheat and fertilizer in same proportion as if going straight forward. This is not practicable on all drills. We use the Disc Feed for fertilizer and Force Feed for wheat. We have an Oat Stirrer, which enables j#u to sow trashy Oats. A Seeder for sowing Clo ver Seed, Timothy and all small seeds. We have a seat, something new on a Drill. You can sit on this seat, watch your grain and fertilizer placed in the soil, set your feed[gates, adjust your drill any way desired, without dismounting. It will be to all Farmers’ interest to see this drill before buying elsewhere. We have the Shoe and the Disc Drill. Be sure to call and see them. Mr. Cannon says his big ad. in The Citizen sold for him sixty-five suits of clothing circus day and that his entire force was kept busy all day. Rev. W. C. McCall is in the city the guest of Mr. J. V. Lafitte The Daughters of the Confed eracy are all requested to meet to morrow (Friday) at three o’clock at the residence of Mrs. Sam W Farnsworth. A full attendance desired. Messrs. J. J. Farnsworth, of New York, and J. A. Farnsworth, of Atlanta, were the guests of their brother, Mr. Sam W. Farns worth, yesterday. It did all their friends good to meet them again. Deafness Gannot be Gln'ed by local applications as they can not reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eu stachian tube. When this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed deafness is the result, and unless the inflam mation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal con dition hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is noth ing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give one hundred dol lars for any case of deafness (caus ed by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Lady to little Maud—What is your mamma doing now, Maud ? Maud—She’s making flies. Lady—Why, how is that? Maud—Tauze the ozzer night she said when papa dot home she would make the fur fly. A Healthy Man Until the Crip Broke Down His H ealth — Hood’s Sarsaparilla Cave Him Appetite and Sleep. “ Up to the time when I had the grip I was a strong, healthy man. After that I had no appetite and was not able to rest well at night. I decided to try Hood’s Sarsaparilla and purchased a sup ply. It has done me a vast amount of good. I have a good appetite and can Bleep well.” Joseph M. Ward law, Berne, Georgia. “ I have found Hood’s Sarsaparilla in valuable for purifying the blood and loss •f appetite. It cures all eruptions and makes me feel better in every way.” J. A. Croel, Brunswick, Georgia. Wonderful cures of Scrofula, Salt Bheum, Ulcers, Sores, Dyspepsia, and ether diseases, prove the great curative, blood purifying and enriching powers ot HOOd’S S pariHa The best — in fact the One True Blood Purifier. Insist upon Hood’s ; take no substitute. ^ Dill*. our ® Uver HI*: easy to HOOU S HlllS take, easy to operate. 90a THE “DIXIE” PEA HULHER. Threshes Five Bushels Peas from the pod in one hour turned by hand, same as corn sheller. See it. See the Florence Wagon. Large stock on hand. The best wagon on the market. We have just had another car of McFarlan Buggies shipped and want all our friends to have one of these buggies. You cannot find one in Georgia at same price that will equal it. We have a large stock of O. K. Disc Har rows, a few Jones Chain Mowers, Steel Hay Rakes. WOULD PLEASE US TO FIT YOU OUT WITH OUR GOODS Call and see us. First door south of the Showalter Printing Co. SASMRS MAETJEACTUEIUe COMPAJT, Cen. Agts., Dalton, Ca. HUE Cut In all the latest styles. BEST BABBIES in the. City. Brand New Shop, Tools, Chairs, Etc. White Barbers. The persecution of the helpless Jews by France will be remem bered in the days to come, and the republic will suffer.—W ay cross Herald. The Savannah Press thinks Joe Wheeler will be speaker of the next house. BUGlflen’s IVi'nica SalVe. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no payment required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re funded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Bryant & Fincher, lyi For Sale. Having interests elsewhere that need attention, I desire to leave Dalton about November 15th. In consequence will sell my suburban home cheap and on easy terms if sold by that date. Contains thirty acres well improved. In every way desirable. John Stein. Nov. 10. ifc.1 Tobacco Spit and Smoke tour ure Away. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netic, full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To Bae, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 60c or SI. Cure guaran teed Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Ca, Chicago or New York. New Books. The Seaboard Air Line has issued this season three handsome illustrated booklets, “Winter Ex cursions.” “Southern Pines” and Sportsman’s Guide.” These are now ready for distribution and will be sent free of cost to any address Their “Winter Ecur- sions” gives full infoamation in regard to Rates and Routes to the best Winter Resorts in the country. The “Sportsman’s Guide” is one of the handsomest and most complete books of its kind ever seen by us. Its make up is artistic from cover to cover and it contains, not only information in regard to hunting grounds, guides, dogs, Hotel rates, &c., but a digest of the Game Laws of the States covered by it and some actual exeriences of Hunters along he line of the Seaboard Air Line. The “Southern Pines” booklet is also very artistically gotten up, and the information contained covers every point. Any or all will be mailed upon application to Mr. T. J. Anderson, General Pas senger Agent. Portsmouth, Va. Nov, 17. , UOOD’S Sarsaparilla is the One ■ ■ True Blood Purifier, Great Nerve Tonic, Stomach Regulator. To thou sands its great merit Is KNOWN. ARKANSAS AND TEXAS, offer to all classes of thrifty persons unequaled induce ments to locate within their borders. To the Farmer, is offered good land at low pricey and on easy terms; good markets for all he raises, and never failing crops. To the Laborer: a country where work is easy to gst and where good wages are paid. To the!MerchantI: good openings, where honest, legit- mate business can be carried on with profits. To the Manufacturer: an unlimited supply of raw materi als, and good shipping facilities to all the large markets. Liberal in ducements are offered by the.oiti- zens of the various localities. The COTTON BELT _ directly through the beat portions of these States, and is the beat route for the intending settler, aa it is the only line running comforta ble chair cars and Pullman Sleepers through from Mem phis to Arkansas without change. If you are thinking >ies of onr hana- of moving write for free copies of our hand aATnnlTTi11iiatmtadlnfimnhlAtfi^“ToTfifi ** uHnnw somelyillustratedlpamphlets—"Texas,” “Homes in the Southwest, ’ "Truths about Arkansas,** "Glimpses of Southeast Missouri, A rkansas and Northwest Louisiana,’’ and “Lands for Bale Along the Cotton Belt,’’ They will help you to find a good location. H. H. SUTTON, Trav. Pass. Agt., « Chattanooga, Tenn. K. W. LaBADHl, Gen. Pass, and Tkt-Ajt St.Louis Mo.