North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, August 06, 1903, Image 3

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THE NORTHGEORGr-TA CITIZEN, DALTON, GA. Facts Told in Paragraphs, An airbrake for automobiles has been perfected. The United States lighthouse services cost $4,500,000 a year. Tropical agriculture in Mexico has absorbed $28,000,000 Ameri can capital. There are no poor houses in Servia. ° Even the poorest people own property. Oregon is represented by 52 dis tricts establishments in the exhi bition at Osaka, Japan. The Astor family in New York have bought land in Mexico for the largest cattle ranch in the world. The House of Representatives costs $3,000,000 a year, and the Senate $1,400,000. Egypt has exported $25,821,600 worth of cotton from the season’s crop, half of which went to Eng land. The Berlin (Germany) Daily Zeitung announces that the auto mobile fire engines introduced in that city are a complete success. Mr. Tesla promises to shock the earth with messages that will be felt and can be received by his coherer at its remotest confines. The Magyars rule Austria- Hungary, although they number but six or seven million in a total population of forty-three million. The missing link from Fashoda to Ujiji, in the telegraph line from Cape Town to Cairo will be sup plied by Marconi wireless instru ments. On foreign intercourse the United States spends $7,200,000 a year, but consular fees and other receipts cuts this to less than one million. Preserved fish are generally more economical as food than fresh fish. Thus salt cod fur- nishes 50 per cent, more nourish ment than does fresh cod. Armour Institute of Technol- °gy, Chicago, has instituted a four years’ course in fire protection engineering, leading to the degree of bachelor of science. The secretary of the Aeronauti cal Society of Great Britain ex pects the kite to be the base of the future instrument of aerial navigation, the aeroplane. In the case of the French ship which went ashore on the Good wins, evidence given in the admi ralty court showed that by means of one short wireless message, property to the amount of $272,940 was saved. During its stay the scientific expedition to the Bahama Islands, under the patronage of the Geo graphical Society of Baltimore, will give considerable attention to the verification of the claim that Watling Island is the San Salva dor where Columbus first landed. tt The , ® xecutive office of the United States calls for only $112,- a year, while England gives the royal family $4,000,000. To collect a dollar of customs costs a trifle more than 3 cents, while the cost of collecting a dol lar of internal revenue is a little less than 1 3-4 cents. The imperial government works at Kobe, Japan, are exhibiting at saka exposition two locomotives neither of which is a duplicate of any hitherto made. The German antarctic expedi tion in the Gauss has reached the Cape of Good Hope, after nearly two years of effort. Every prev ious well-fitted expedition has penetrated farther South than it. Six hundred cases of titles, re liefs and other objects, which once decorated the palace of Nebuchad nezzar, have been shipped to Ger many from Babylon by Dr. Kolde- way. The atom of hydrogen is the smallest of the “ultimate atoms” of the chemist, but it is 1,870 times as large as the corpuscles which have recently been demon strated as the elements of the atoms. There are forty-seven veterans ot the civil war who lost both feet in battle. It is as one of these that Corporal Tanner’s pension was increased to $100 a month, which is the same as that for the loss of both hands. The machine with which Old field recently lowered the track record for automobiles is simply a unique piece of mechanism of his own devising made by Henry Ford, impracticable as an automo bile because it can never be used on the public highway. Not more than 350 square miles of territory are under cultivation in henequin or sisal hemp, yet on this small area is produced the fibre that literally binds the wheat harvests of the world. It is used alike in Minnesota and Argentina, in Siberia and Egypt. As the outcome of much pains taking investigation the existence has been demonstrated of a class of human beings called moral im beciles. Their essential character istic is complete moral insensibili ty, revealed by a total absence of repugnance to the suggestion of crime before the deed. For the manufacturing year 1901-02, our factories produced about 186,000 tons of beet sugar. So recently as 1888, the year’s manufacture was less than 1,000 tons. The figure of Germany’s annual production is 1,800,000 tons, and that of Austria and France 1,000,000 tons each. Of Egypt’s imports, during the first quarter of 1903, which amount to $17,078,745, the United States furnished one-fiftieth. Her exports for that period amounted to $27,- 646,400, of which the United States got one-sixteenth. But these figures show that our busi ness with that country has doubled in a year. Undertakers test bodies to see if life is extinct by raising a blister with a match. If the blister is dry the body is dead; if it fills with water life is not yet extinct. If the cut made for the embalming syringe bleeds the body is alive. The only absolute sign, however, is beginning decomposition. While -the common house spider is harmless and renders a positive service to mankind by killifig flies and other insects,- it is generally regarded with aversion if not with fright. The ordinary spider does not deserve its bad reputation. From time immemorial it has been called crafty and murderous, lur ing the poor fly to its death and then greedily devouring it, but really it only punishes trespassers. The highest point for wages reached before tiie panic of 1893 has now been regained or passed practically in all lines of work. Labor unions have increased in strength and number in a distinct ly surprising way. It is asserted, for example, that in Chicago the list of unions has lengthened from 327 to 550 during the, past year and that the membership ha« ad vanced from 120,000 to twice that number in the same period. An important meteorological factor, affecting the public health for good or ill, is the amount of sunshine. Fresh air and sunshine are nature’s most potent disin fectors and disease germ killers. Especially are the direct rays of the sun deadly to the microscopic forms of vegetable life to whose poisons elaborated under favoring conditions of heat, moisture and darkness, are due to the pestilen tial scourges of human life. A few hours’ exposure to these rays destroy the vitality of the flora that cause consumption, pneumo nia, influenza, diphtheria and many other maladies. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies.' Deaf ness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear ing, and when it is entirely closed, Deaf ness is the result, and unless the inflam mation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous services. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the beBt. aug When Haig sends you meat it’s clean. Trading stamps. Men and Women of All Ages, I CAN CURE YOU! OR, HATHAWAY. ecognized as the Leading and Most Successful Specialist in His Unetathe UnltedStates. The specialist is now indispensable. In all walks of life there is a demand for the man who can doone particular thing better than any one else, and such a naan is one who has confined his endeavor to.^nd centered all of his energy and ability on the specialty he has chosen for his life’s work. Early in my professional career I realised that Chronic Diseases were not being given the attention which their importance warranted. I saw that these diseases required a special fit- _ ., . r nmntitioner could never acquire. For more than twenty years I have de ness which the busy practitiMer could^ever diseases, and the fact thatphysi- .c. * , , i --Tinsel to physicians with obstinate and obscure cases. ^ Thavi devoted particular attention to chronic diseases of men and women and no _other * , tTitmiHfrpnfc and exvert treatment. It is a fact that a majority of claaa ot di th^erioosne33 0 f their condition to improper treatment, end a failure to realize the ,r^e“ '."SZ,Ztr ca.. h, thetrnmi. of a ehm.d a.d.zper. epeeUti... _ . .... overindtdgence. indiscretion, and ezeersea to not d^d) Nervous Debility ment frequently reaHa^ etc., which gradually weakens VeskMcki diaziness, loss of memory, spots before the true nature of his trouble. first symptoms of an impairment of manly vigor. and if the eyes, despondency, etc., t want to talk to every man who has any of these neglected serious results ere sur functions I can promptly correct all irregularities, and symptoms of weakening of his restored all of the strength and glory of your men- f^^d/a^eTnfcl: and onT/en'ex^rt should be entrusted with your case. Send for free booklet, 5 " Nervous Debility and Its Family of Ills. detention from business or other duties. It involves ill result in serious injury. I give each case individ- uction “removed, and all discharge soon ceases, infiamma- Send for free hook on Stricture. . thousands ot suffering women. Send fo y ' mn-h an Rheumatism, Catarrh, Diabetes, Bright’s . Mj specialty also mic Diseases ,».u«.di»™i—«»■«»■ *d with the most approved X-Kay an e ec ... « n( j railroad fare one way to all who take “ ‘tment lence confidential. . . . • ■ S |"X J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, ad M* et 0* LAN A a Inman Building. ' CONGRESSMAN LIVINGSTON - Says Pe-ru-na is a Splendid Ca tarrhal Tonic, COLONEL Ii. 1. LIVINGSTON. Colonel I,. 1. Livingston, Member of the Industrial Commission and the lead ing Democratic member of the Com mittee on Appropriations in the House af Representatives, whose home is at Atlanta, Ga., writes: . “ I take pleasure JiI Joining with General Wheeler, Congressman Brewer and others in recommending Peruna as an excellent tonic and s catarrh cure.”—Col. L. I. Livingston. Catarrh. Cured. All phases of catarrh, acute or chronic, are promptly and permanently cured. Lt is through its operation upon the ner vous system that Peruna has attained such a world-wide reputation as a sure and reliable remedy for all phases of catarrh wherever located. Mr. Jas. O. Morin, 1179 Ontario street' Montreal, Canada, writes: “ Peruna is certainly a great catarrh remedy. It cured me of catarrh of the head and I gladly indorse it. Canadians are peculiarly afflicted with this disease and for years the doctors have tried to overcome it with elixirs, powders and pills, hut Pernna has solved the question and since the medicine has been estab lished here hundreds of people have been cured of catarrh.”—Jas. O. Morin. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a fall statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad vice free. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium. Columbus, O. Senator Skelton has presented a resolution for an investigation of lobbying charges made by a mem ber of the bouse recently. Bucklsn’s Arnica Salve. Has world-wide fame for marvellous cares It surpasses any other salve, ls- tion, ointment or balm for Cuts, Sores, Felens, Ulcers, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Fe ver Sores, Chapped Hands, Skin Erup tions; infallible for pi le s Cure guaran teed Only 25c at Fincher & Nichols, druggists FINE FARM FOR SALE, Two and one-half miles south of Dalton, adapted for stock farm, growing cotton, corn or any kind of grain; well watered and timbered; clear of rook; level land. Owing to declining health, I will sell low and on easy terms. Will sell whole or part, inclnding growing crop and oattle on farm, work stock and farming imple ments. Possession given any day. Cob. W. H. Tibbs. LEGAL NOTICES, ORDINARY’S CITATIONS. G eorgia, whitfield county— Onie F. Starr, administratrix of Trammell Starr, has applied for leave to sell the wild lands of said estate at pii- vate sale, and I will pass upon said ap plication on the first Monday in August 1903 $1.35 JOS. BOGLE, Ordinary. SHERIFF’S SALE. GEORGIA, Whitfield County. Will be sold before the court house door on the first Tuesday in August, with in the legal hours of sale, the following described property, to-wit: One hun dred and twenty acres, more or less, on the west side of let of land number 222, in the 12th district and third section of Whitfield county, Georgia, except two acres lying near the house formerly owned and occupied by Joseph Bogle; and except nine aores sold to S. P. Mad dox, fully described in a deed made by Mattie Clardy, deceased, to S. P. Maddox. Also the south forty acres of the north half of lot of land number 223; also one- half acre, more or less, off of the north east corner of lot number 234, fully de scribed in a deed made by J. M. Ru dolph, executor of Mattie Clardy, de ceased, to B. F. Smith, April 24th, 1903. The above property levied upon as the property of Benjamin F. Smith and J. M. Rudolph, executor of Mattie Clardy, deceased, to satisfy a fi fa from the su perior court of said county in favor of S. P. Maddox and R. J. L. Richardson, ex ecutors of Sarah Comog. Tenant in possession notified in terms of the law. Levy made and returned to me by Sam C. Britton, deputy sheriff. ■ This 10th day of June, 1903. JOHN M. JOHNSON, Sheriff Whitfield County Georgia. SHERIFF’S SALE. GEORGIA, Whitfield County. Will be sold before the court house doorgonfthe firatTue-day in September within the legal hours of sale, the fol lowing described property, to-wit: A certain house and lot situated on Waugh street in the city of Dalton, said state and county, and bounded by an alley on the east, by Blanton’s lot on the north and by fence as it now stands on the west, separating it from corner lot belonging to J. F. and M. E. Harris. Lot herein described fronting 68i feet on said street and running back as now en closed 50 feet. Levied on as the prop erty of J. W. Folsom to satisfy a fi fa from the Superior Court of said county in favor of J. F. Harris. Property pointed out by J. F. Harris, plaintiff itfnfi fa, Written notioe given, as required bylaw to tenant in possession. Levy made and returned to me by Sam C. Britton, Deputy Sheriff. John M. Johnson, Sheriff, Whitfield County, Ga. This Jnly 22,1903, > A U 1? #*^ *T* A _ Bean the /> TtlB Klnd You jjj Afrjjg BOHgflt LOST HIS PANAMA Gov. Terrell Victim of a Sneak Thief. Governor Joseph M. Terrell is not wearing his fifteen dollar Pan ama today, and had it rained the governor would have been in a pretty pickle, as he is also without an umbrella. Some unknown person entered the mansion last night and stole therefrom the governor’s fifteen dollar Panama hat and at the same time took two fine umbrellas from the hallway. The police are looking for the Panama and the umbrellas.—At lanta News, August 3. Nearly Forfeits His Life. A runaway almost ending fatally, started a horrible nicer on the leg of J. B. Omer, Franklin Grove, HI. For fonr years it defied all doctors and all reme dies. Bat Buoklen’s Arnica Salve had no trouble to core him. Equally good for Borns, Bruises, Skin Eruptions and Piles. 25c at Fincher & Nichols Drag Store. ang NEW INDUSTRIES Established in Georgia During Past Seven Days. Atlanta—$20,000 oil company. Mineral Bluff—$5,000 cotton gin. Sigsbee—$15,000 saw mill. Macon—$25,000 harness fact ory; cotton mill. Cuthbert—Knitting mill. Savannah—$50,000 naval stores company. Buford—Electric power com pany. Thomasville—Cotton gin. Wright—Lumber mill and dry kilns. Columbus—$25,000 land com pany. Valdosta — $100,000 ice and light company. Eat All You Want. Persons troubled with indigestion or Dyspepsia can eat all they want if they will take Kodol Dyspepsia Cnre. This remedy prepares the stomach for the re ception, retention, digestion and assimi lation of all of the wholesome food that may be eaten, and enables the digestive organs to transform the same into the kind of blood that gives health and strength. Sold by Fincher & Nichols, ang Emphasizes Its Superiority The best test of the merits of an article is the way it sells. Bransford Mills at Owensboro, Ky., where “Clifton” flour is made, ran night and day, and yet they cannot supply the demand for “Clifton.” In this oity, as elsewhere, it is the stand ard by which other floors are ganged and the statement that “it is juBt as good as Clifton” only makes its super iority more pronounced. Bebby Gbocbby Co. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Condensed Schedule in Effect June 14. I90S. STATIONS. ♦No. 8 ♦No. 14 ♦No. 19 LvChattanooga Ar Dalton Ar Rome Ar Atlanta I/v AT-lU-Yitn. 6.45am 8.02am 9.: Oam 11.50am 12.05pm 2.25pm 6.15pm 7.24pm 8.25pm 10.40pm 10.55pm 1.05am 5.20am 5.3uam 8.30am 3.00pm 4 lupm 5.15pm 7.*pm Ar Ar Jftstip t ... .... At T ...... Lv .Tesup. ... 5.30am 6.55am Ar Brunswick No. 8 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Chatta nooga to Atlanta No. 14 is solid Vestibuled train Chattanooga to Jacksonville carrying Baggage Car. Day Coaches and elegant Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Car. through without change; also Sleeper Atlanta to Brunswick. STATIONS. ♦No. 13 Lv Atlanta Ar Rome.. Ar Dalton At Chattanooga. Lv Chattanooga. Ar Lexington.... Ar Cincinnati. Ar Louisville. Lv Chattanooga. Ar Nashville..... 5.30am 7.3 am 8.36am 9.45am 10.03am 5.15pm 7.30pm 8.15pm 1.35pm 6.55pm ♦No 15 5 00pm 7.15pm 8.28pm 9.50pm 10.40pm 6.0 >am 8. 5am 10.35am 1.15am 6.40am ♦No. 7 7.55am 10.30am 11.38am 1.00pm 1.25pm 6.55pm No. 13 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta to Cincinnati. No. 15 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta to Cincinnati and Chattanooga to Louisville STATIONS. Lv Chattanooga. Ar Knoxville Ar Morristown... ArHot Springs.. Ar Asheville Ar Salisbury Ar Greensboro... Ar Raleigh Ar Richmond. ♦So. 42 ‘No. 12 |*No. 3C 9.55am l.l'ipm 2.36pm 4.31pm 6 00pm Ar Wa-hiugton.... 1 6.42am I 9.50pm Ar New York | 12.43pm' 6.13am 5.15am 110. ,15pm 9. Pam: 1.40am 10.55am 3.15am 12.45am 4.38am 2.15pm 5.5 am 8.35pm|l1.25am 10.47pm 12.50pm 5.20amj 4. 3pm 6.55am j 6.25pm No. 12 carries Pullman Drawing Room Sleep ing car- Chattanooga to New York via Ashe ville, and Danville to Richmond, arriving Richmond 6.55 a.m. No. 30 is solid train Chattanooga to Salis bury. with Pullman Sleeping Car Chattanooga to Salis ury. Salisbury to New York and Salis bury to Richmond. STATIONS. ♦No. 42 Lv Chattanooga 9.55am Ar TTnoxville ...... . 1.10pm 2.36pm 5.45pm 6.52am 12.43pm Ar Morristown, ...... Ar Bristol Ar Ar New York 10.35pm 1.40am 3.05am 7.06am 6.13am No. 42. carries Pullman Sleeping Car Chatta nooga to New York without change. No. 30 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Chatta nooga to Knoxville and Knoxville to New York via Hagerstown and Harrisburg. STATIONS. Lv Rome Ar Anniston Ar Birmingham. Ar Selma. Lv Selma... Ar Mobile... Ar Meridian Ar New Orleans. Ar Jackson .'. 5.29am Ar Vicksburg • 6.50am Ar Shreveport. 112.45pm ♦No. 23 ♦No. II 5.23pm 7.25pm 9.55pm 2.00am 2.05am 8 10am 9.20am 11.35am 9.35pm 4.30pm 4.35pm 10.55pm 8.05pm 830am No. 15, Pullman sleepers Meridian to New Orleans and Shreveport No.23 Pullman Sleeper Birmingham to Mobile. •No. 15 7.15pm 9.43pm 10.00pm LvRome.... ar Ar Gadsden, ar Ar Attalla.. lv ♦No. IS •Daily. tDaily except Sunday. C. H. ACKERT, G. M., Washington, D. C. W. A. TURK. P. T. M-. Washington, D. CL S. H. HARDWICK, G.P.A., Washington, D. O. C. A.BENSCOTER, A.G.P.A..Chattanooga.Tenn J.E. SHIPLEY, T. P. A., Chattanooga, Tea*. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY O O -A- I_. WHILE IT IQ CHEAP. Lay in your Supply now for Winter. MY GOAL IS BEST for I will handle no other. J. D. GRAHAM, DALTON, GEORGIA. FOR A CLEAN SHAVE OR A NEAT HAIR CUT GO TO Jackson’s Barber Shop, JOHN H. JACKSON, Proprietor. Felker Block, - - - DALTON, GEORGIA. The oldest Barber Shop in the city. He treats all the diseases of 'the scalp of both ladies and gentlemen. Corns and bunions removed without pain. HOT AND COLD BATHS AT ANY HOUR. .38-55 HIGH POWER Ballard s Marlin HIGH orcSGLRE G5-CKCL5S smokeless cartridges, made by U. M. C. Co., to fit the regular .38-55 Marlin re* peaters with Smokeless Steel Barrels, give high velocity, flat trajectory and great smashing power. They can be reloaded with black powder as the twist of die rifles is adapted to both velocities. Iftf J tlaxti. THE MARLIN FIRE ARMS CO, NEW HAVEN, CONN. THE PEOPLES’ PAPER. THE AT ANTA NEWS. Only $3.00 a Year. Published Daily (Except Sunday.) Ably Edited by JOHN TEMPLE GRAVES. Under Management CHARLES DANIEL. An absolutely Free and Independent Daily Newspaper, carrying the important news of the world, mailed direct to subscribers everywhere at the rate of ONE CENT A DAY. Subscriptions accepted at the office of The Citizen or remit direct to THE ATLANTA NEWS, Atlanta, Ga. STILL LEADING THE VAN. The Dalton Building and Loan Association has Proven to be the Leading Local As sociation of the South. Its record has been one of uninterrupted prosperity during the thirteen years of its ex istence. Not a dollar has been lost to the stockholders, having paid dividends from the start. The object of the Association is to enable any one to purchase and own a home, or to pay off an existing mortgage on a home already purchased, on the easiest and most economical terms, and at the same time provide a safe, profitable and popular form of investment to those who desire to accumulate capital by means of regular monthly payments to which earnings are added. Subscribe for some of the shares in the 31st Series and yon will never regret it. For further particulars, call upon E. P. DAVIS, Sectetary and Treasurer. OITY Livery, Feed ni S le STABLES. HANDSOME CARRIAGES, TRDSTY DRIVERS. The prettiest and handsomest turn outs to be found anywhere in the oity. Open bay and Right. SPECIAL ATTENTION given to orders from Commercial travel 's. Every team turned ont under the su pervision of a member of the firm or Mr. John E. Springfield, Superintendent. McIntyre & hood. We promptly obtain U. 8. and Foreign PATENTS Send model, sketch or photo of Invention for free report on patentability. For free book, Howto Secure' Patents and Ipposite U. S. Patent WASHINGTON D. C. 3RAHD 1 COLLARS They ore (dfStylbh, Comfortable.' GUARANTEED LINEN. The only collar made with a (heavy. S ply eeam HOT SPRINGS, ARK. One fare, plus $2.00, to Hot Springs, Ark., and return, via IRON OUNTAIN ROUTE. Tickets on sale every Wednesday and Satur day up to Setpember 80th from all points in the Southeast, final limit 60 days from date of sale. Write for books descriptive of Hotels, Bath Homes and things. I. E. REHLAXDIK, T. P. A., 18 W. Oth St. Chattanooga, Tenn Hold by live, up-to-date mer chants everywhere, or two •ample collars sent by mall. postaSa paid, tor 23 cants. '^warr Zandt, Jacobs & Co. Troy, N. V. RETAIL TWO FOR A QUARTER AND EQUAL ANY TWENTY- FIVB OENT COLLAR MADE A Popular Collar Man go 2M inches Special Inducements to Dealers. Doubls Triangle Brand Collars are sold by Eaton, Coffey & Oo.,Dalton ,Ga.