North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, August 06, 1903, Image 6

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BOTH FOR ONE DOLLAR Business men, farmers and mechanics have long felt the need of a short and For 30 days our price for The Citizen ^ uays our price ior ltie Citizen one year and one copy of Wren’s Calculator is only $1-00. VV1C,15 > You are invited to call at The Citizen office and inspect this work. JN. B.—Canvassers are making good money soliciting subscriptions for can use a few more. If you want to make a little extra money call and see 1 us put you to work. y Fill out this coupon and mail to NORTH GEORGIA CITIZEN, Dalton, Ga NORTH GEORGIA CITIZEN. Dalton, Ga.: Enclosed find One Dollar, for which mail me The Citizen postpaid a copy of Wren’s Lightning Calculator. Name Town tmi >0 YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news papers is sure to know of the wonderful cures made by Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It is the great medi cal triumph of the nine teenth century; dis covered after , years of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the emi nent kidney and blad der specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Bright’s Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root is not rec ommended for everything but if you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. It has been tested In so many ways, in hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing hamton, N. Y. The regular fifty cent and Home of Swamp-Boot dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. Don’t make any mistake, but remem ber the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kil mer’s Swamp-Root, and the adkress Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. WHAT WE HAVE. DALTON has in a radius of twe miles of the court house 8,000 people. Has uever had a strike. Has two splondid banks. Has two livery stables. Has a splendid gas plant. Has a splendid female college. * Is a thoroughly prohibition city. Is the market for three counties. Has three hotels and opera honse, Is within twelve miles of a silver mine. Has a well equipped electric light plant. Sleeping car connection with every point. Has local and long distance tele phone. Has three parks and mineral springs aronnd. Has a good jobbing trade and in creasing. Is the distributing point for fifty post offices. Has one of the best fire departments in the state. asp's-s Has two of the largest flour mills in Georgia. Has three weekly papers and one semi-weekly. Has a well working village improve ment association. Is a city which has never had an ep- demic of any kind. Has the lowest death rate of any city its size in the state. Ib within twelve miles of the finest water power oh earth. Has no manufacturing enterprises whose stook is below par. Has one of the largest chair manu facturing plants in the state. Has a rate of one dollar per ton for coal from ten leading mines. Has three large wholesale houses— two grocery and one hardware. Is the heaviest shipper of country produce of any town in Georgia. Has 3,000 employes engaged in va ried and successful enterprises. Has two of the biggest lumber con cerns and dry kilne in the South. Is surrounded by valleys and moan tains with billions of virgin timber. The only cotton factory in the world deolaring a ninety-three per cent, dividend. Has a mnsical monthly and literary magazine, 17 years old, of 16,000 circulation. Has marble and rotton stone in the borders and is the shipping point for Georgia talc. Has five miles of the best faotory sites with railroad frentage of any town in the state. Has a large marble-cutting estab lishment, using only the latest pneumatic tools in its work. Has more Northern, Eastern and Western people than any town in Georgia with one exception. THE NORTH GEORGIA CITIZEN, DAI DeWitt DeWitt is the name to look for when you go to buy Witch Hazel Salve. DeWItt’s Witch Hazel Salve Is die original and only genuine. In fact DeWitt’sisthe only Witch Hazel Salve that is made from the unadulterated Witch-Hazel All others are counterfeits—base Imi tations, cheap and worthless—even dangerous. DeWItt’s Witch Hazel Salve is a specific for Piles; Blind, Bleeding, Itching and Protruding Plies. Also Cuts, Bums. Bruises. Sprains, Lacerations, Contusions, Bolls, Carbuncles, Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, and all other Skin Diseases. SALVE PBEPXBBD Sf E> C. DeWitt 4 Co., Chicago FINCHER & NICHOLS. Has the best and most orderly col ored population in tho South, • nearly all of whom own their homes Is surrounded with a splendid farm ing country for truck farming, fruits, grain, grasses, cattle and tobacco. Has the second largest mnsio pub lishing, printing, and book binding establishment in the South. Is twelve hours ride from Cincinnati, Ohio, forty miles below Chatta nooga, Tenn., and 100 miles north of Atlanta, Ga. Has a new road nearing completion that will open lip mountains of timber, minerals and water power. Has the finest water works plant in the world for its size—none ex cepted—100- pounds pressure to the square inch. A Building and Loan Association of 17 years standing which is ask ing withdrawals and paying 17 per cent, on them. Is a Bummer health resort for down the country people and a winter resort for Northern. Cactns and pine flourish here. Is a city of eleven chnrohes, three public school buildings, two literary clubs, and is a place of morality,culture and refinement Has a Knights of Pythias Fellows and Odd Fellows, Typo graphical Union, Red Men, Woodmen of World, Knights of Honor. Has the largest steam meat packing and cold storage plant in the whole Sonth. A hay press and pea holler factories, chair faotory, steam laundry. Has a tent, awning, overall and pants factory, stove foundry, five machine shops and foun dries. RESOLUTIONS On the John H. of Death or Rev. Phillips. To the Ministers Association Dalton, Ga. We, your committee appointed to draft suitable resolutions on the death of Rev. John H Phillips, beg leave to submit the following: Since it has been in the provi dence of an allwise God that death is permitted to take men from the walks of this life; and since the hand of .death has re moved Brother Phillips from labor on earth to his reward in Heaven Resolved, That we bow sub missively to the inevitable course of the wisdom of God; That we hereby express our respect and veneration for this our fellow co laborer in the ministry; That we extend our hearty sympathy and earnest prayers for the son and daughter, near rela tives and friends; That our community has sus tained the loss of a good citizen, , an exemplary Christian, and true lodge of Masons, Macabees,> - , . ^ ights of Pythias and Good] Inen ’ That the ministry of the Bap tist Church has lost a consecrated and efficient workman; and fur ther, That we commend his Chris tian spirit and worthy example to all men; and, That a copy of these resolutions be given to the local press of the city for publication, and also a copy be furnished the family. Respectfully submitted, Jas. W. McDaniel Chairman. Wants YOU to make your home here, regardless of your POLI TICS or RELIGION, if you are no drone. Any information wanted write to THE NORTH GEORGIA CITIZEN, DALTON, GA flysterious Circumstance. One was pale and sallow and the other fresh and rosy. Whence the difference? She who is blushing with health useB Dr. King’s New Life Pills to maintain it. By gently aronsiog the lazy organs they compel good digestion and head off con stipation. Try them. Only 26c, at Fincher & Nichols, Druggist. aug Send all of your job work to The A. J. Showalter Co., who are thoroughly equipped. Ordersex- ecuted promptly. Potent Pill Pleasure. The pills that are potent in their action and pleasant in effect are DeWitt’s Little Early Risers. W. S. Philpot, of Albany, Ga., says: “Daring a bilious attaok I took one. Small as it was it did me more good than calomel, blue-mass or any other pills I ever took and at the same time it effected me pleasantly Little Early Risers are certainly an ideal pill.’’ Sold by Fincher & Nichols, aug The election held in Franklin county for the removal of the court house to Lavonia was won by Carnesville by 420 majority. blLL iYlunnm Thinks When a Man Applies for a Job He Wants It Then. Some time ago Bill Murray, whom everybody in Whitfield, as well as Dalton, knows well,applied to a firm in another city for a po sition. In reply to his letter Bill received an answer stating that his application was filed and in due time would .receive attention whereupon he sat down and wrote the firm as follows: Dalton, Ga., Aug. 5, 1903. To Dear Sir: I wrote you some time ago in regard to a position, and received yonr reply stating my application would be considered This would be perfectly satisfac tory if the consideration were not too lengthy, and a man’s cir cumstances such as would stand the strain of prolongation. Having been unfortunately born in a competitive state that makes it inevitable for some to swim while others sink, forces me to make this appeal with head just above water, with hardly the shore of hope in sight. Hence under these conditions, the particulars of which, consist of a wife and four small children abundantly pro vided with poverty, and the ex travagant conditions of want, I beg pardon for acquainting you with the fact that I am still awaiting your orders. I herewith enclose references, and in addition will state, that I have reached the mile-post that marks the meridian of life—carry one hundred and ten pounds of avoirdupois—went to school a few days when the teacher was down sick, thereby seizing the opportu nity of acquiring some knowledge —have paid all taxes, and never refused to-work the roads. If I am so fortunate as to secure position with you, I will en deavor to make my acts commend able, and my conduct such, as to meet the approbation of all con cerned. Hoping for an early and favor able reply, I beg leave to subscribe myself as yours respectfully and etc. Bill Murray. *55! The You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has home the signature of jn - and has been made under his per- sonal supervision since its infancy. ycycc/U&Z Allow no one to deceive you in this. Ail Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Jus t-as-good” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger ttie health of Tnffrnfia and Children—-Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotie substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Signature of The Kind Ton Haw Always Bought In Use For Over 30 THE CENTAUR COMPANY. T7 MURRAY STREET, NEV Years. Henry Thomas, colored, an em ploye of the Atlanta Gas Works, dropped dead while eating dinner at his place of employment. To Teacher*! A Kay to Examinations has just bean published containing the Questions and Answers of Every Public School Exami nation in Georgia since 1888. Fifteen years’ work. Will be sent, postpaid, on receipt of One Dollar. Descriptive cir culars sent free. B. S. Holden, Cashier Gilmer County Bank, Ellijay, Ga. tf B. B. BOWEN & SONS. Every time you spend a dol- ar with them it will be highly appreciated and satis faction guaranteed. The Atlanta Weekly Constitn tion, The Sunny Sonth and The North Georgia Citizen one year $1.50. It has at last been agreed that there will be no effort to sell pools on the races at the Georgia state fair in Macon. BAGS WANTED. We will pay one cent per pound for good sized cotton Bags. A. J. SHOWALTER CO The Citizen is better equip ped to do aU classes of Job Printing than any paper in Georgia—a broad statement, but a true one. You’ll find prices right, also. Eugene Gilley, a young man of the Carrollton section, has been arrested in Alabama on the charge of bigamy. - ' •