North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, June 09, 1904, Image 8

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8 THE NORTH GEORGIA CITIZEN, DALTON, OA. EXTRAORDINARY Clothing Sale! On account of the late spring - , we find ourselves with more Fine Clothing on hand than we appreciate. Anticipating a long dull summer, we think the best way to reduce this stock is to put the price down at once. The first loss is the best, and we propose to take our medicine now and get threugh with it ; and while it hurts to cut the price this early, we’ll have to do it sooner or later, so we do it now, at the time you need CLOTHES Seasonable, Summer CLOTHES X We will feel better, mentally, and you will be better financially. We have a large, dressy, smart line of extra Vests, Pants, Coats and Vests, Veterans Meet. The Joseph E. Johnston Camp U. C. V., met Saturday with Commander Felker in the chair. Routine business was conducted. Mr. Joe Moore, of Tunnel Hill, as admitted to membership. Messrs. J. L. Oxford, W. W. Batey and Joseph Bogle »were appointed on a committee to make arrangements for the annual pic-, nic to be held sometime soon in Tunnel Hill, the camp having accepted an invitation from the citizens up there to hold it with them. Compliments Mr. Harben. Will N. Harben, who knows and writes of the North Georgia mountaineer as no other man, is spending the summer at his old home in Dalton, where he is ! gathering material for and plan- | ning out another one of his fine I romances. It is understood that this will be Mr. Harben’s most ambitious effort, and those who read “Abner Daniel,” “The Sub stitute” and others of his stories, realize that this effort must be mighty good to fulfill that prom ise. Mr. Harben spends his win ters in Gotham, and 'from his cosy home on Morningside Heights evolves his literary children. Mr. Harl en’s position in the literary field is secure and enviable, and Georgians particularly take pride in his success. The Tribune has always been one of his staunchest admirers.—John C. Reese in Sunday's Rome Tribune. Over In Murray. The big picnic given in Spring Place Saturday by Editor C. H. Davis, of the Murray News, was an immense success from every point of view. Mrs. Frank E. Shumate, of Dalton, delivered some crosses of honor to the con federate veterans over there in an eloquent talk and when she fin ished there was not a dry eye in the audience. Hon. Sam P. Mad dox made one of his eloquent speeches and it was loudly ap plauded and splendidly received The Dalton Junior Nine essayed a game of ball, after the splendid dinner, with the Murryites but went down ingloriously. Among those who went over were Col. and Mrs. W. C. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Evans, Messis. Mis. B. L. Heartsill, Mr. and George Lewis, Will Harben and Bob Loveraan. Editor Davis is a fine host and every body is prais- ing his gala day. And a regular line of 2 Piece and 3 Piece Suits. Hand Bags,Telescopes, Suitcases, Shoes. Shirts, Underwear.. Etc. It is a genuine satisfaction to own one oi our high grade buggies or wagons. The price is equally as satisfactory. Dalton Buggy Co. Stafford Bros. & Co. Ethel Parker Dead. Ethel, the 8-year-old daughter of Horace Parker, died in Chatta nooga last Friday, where she was on a visit. Her remains were brought here to the home of her grandfather, Aide r in a n Dan Bearden, from which place they were buried Sunday. The Late Mr. Coker. We fail to find words which to express to our kind friends the with Club Dance. The Whitfield Club gave a dance^Tuesday night compliment ary to some visiting young ladies. Among those present were Misses Annie and Minerva McClatchey, of Chattanooga; Sarah Matlock, of Rieeville; Porter Wingfield, of Atlanta; Annie Wester, of Knox ville; Bernice Felker, Kate Black, Ethel Black. Messis. Frank Weatherly, Frank Pruden, Frank MeCutchen, Frank Reynolds, Watt Bryant, F. J. Stone and Howe McKnight. The smile that will not wear off belongs to the owner of a buggy or wagon bought from the Dalton Buggy Co. RIGHT HERE IN DALTON CAPITAL, $100,000.00. SURPLUS AND PROFITS, $63,000.00. TOTAL ASSETS OVER $1,750,000.00. ’ The Chattanooga Savings Bank Makes a specialty of “Banking by Mail” and never neglects a chance to better the service. Thousands bank with us by mail. We pay four (4) per cent, com pound interest. Write for free booklet. Cor. 8th and Cherry Streets, CHATTANOOGA, TENH. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. A Safe Thing. T he safest thing for Georgia to do would be to sell the W. & A. and get out of the railroad busi ness before the present lease ex pires and before the property is rendered worthless by a parallel track from Chattanooga to At lanta.—Calhoun Times. it w w ff w & & In Memoriam. Joseph E. Johnson Camp, No. 34, U. C. Vs., Dalton, Ga : We are again called on to pay the last tribute of respect to two of our members, Lieutenant John Sansom of the 36th Regiment, and Major A. B. Holt, of the 3rd Confederate Cavalry. Our comrades, we are rapidly passing away. And these two have crossed over the river and are now resting under the shade ,Uan ^ of the trees, waiting to be joined tf sincere appre- L ,, . c ,, , ■ . , . . , 1 ^ by their fellow-comrades, ciation and heartfelt gratitude for w . , . I When the war cloud hovered tne many kindnesses bestowed I , , , 0 ,, , ,j., , , over beloved South, they were during the illness and death of I _ . ’ * , ” j i i r , , , among the first to respond and our dear old father. And it will , * , - 1 . , . . volunteered for the war. be sweet to remember that he was T . ^ , . q i r , , , , affords us pleasure to say a loving father, a faithful husband Li, , ... . J ■> . . . __ | that our people will never forget -j , ,, ,, . . | the Confederate soldier so long missed by all those who knew . . a . . , . 5 u • p . , ,. , as patriotism has a lodgement in him, for to know him was to love the hearts of our people, the him and especially those of his deeds of the Confederate soldier children. There is an aching | wiU q* reraembere d and praised. A. P. Roberts, Jos. Bogle, Joshua Roach, Committee. Hightower & Talley Guarantee to Refund Money if Hyomei Faila to Cure the Worst Case of Catarrh. It is no uncommon thing to see a medicine advertised as a “guar anteed cure.” But investigation usually shows that the guarantee is made by some unknown firm, hundreds of miles away. The guarantee, though, that comes with Hyomei, is entirely different. It is made by Hightowei & Talley, one of the most reliable drug firms in this section. They advertise that if Hyomei does not cure the worst case of catarrh, they will return the money without any question or argument. No busi ness house iu Dalton has a better reputation for square dealing than Hightower & Talley, and when they guantee that they will refund the money if Hyomei fails to cure catarrh, no one has any question as to the agreement being lived up to, both in the spirit and letter. Hyomei is very easy and pleasant to use. J ust breathe it through the little inhaler that comes with every outfit; every breatii will bring recovery that much the nearer. It kills all the germs ol catarrhal troubles in the air pass ages of the head, throat and lungs, soothes and heals the irritated mucus membrane, and is the only natural cure for catarrh. The complete outfit costs but one dollar, and the extra bottles of Hyomei can be obtained for fifty cents. Do not let a slight catarrhal trouble develop into one that may be serious and chronic. Use Hy omei at once, remembering that you run no risk whatever when you try Hyomei on Hightower & Talley’s offer of “No cure, no pay.” • Do Not Suffer from Eczema, Salt Rheum, Ring Worm, old Sores, Fresh Cuts, Bums, Lacerations and Wounds, when you can easily find prompt relief and perma nent cure by using the wonderful Pe-ru-ol Salve It is the most remarkable rem edy now on the market, is a sure and certain specific, is always ready, simple to apply, and should have a prominent place in every household* It costs but 25 cents a box . . ♦ ♦ A s K detail* p o p u PE-RU-OL REMEDIES FINCHER & LNICHOLS .Wanted:—A half dozen hands for work in my peach orchard. A. J. Showalter. 'SCROFULA 1 horrib!: S hn^ at i? 1 ? ke c 8 . t i i8 ., WO u ld 5 plague-spot and covers all thirgs with its Small haM keriiii’V* h u redl , tar y> but may result from other cause- sman hard kernels form tinder the skin of the neck or jaw, the eyelids become red and swollen and discharge a thick mucous. I» left aloni the s/mmoV.Tr™ beTo 8 mes"DKCEA^Rn the H P H le H 1 ^S tU ’ a com P ara f i ’ r ely short time. DISEASED soresTn.t humo 4 r! ED ‘ H H H W 11 cnre P erma nently ail scrofula and scrofulous Letter files and indexes. A. J. SHOWALTER CO. We are in business for your trade in the way of a first class farm wagon and pleasure vehicle, tap robe or set of good, service able harness. Dalton Buggy Co. Messrs. H. H. H. Co.. City The nsefof C IL H.°H.^*jDmrlng mjPneiidenc^in have nfver taowTutS“ll.° f "** ^^ImeTrely cnred ’ and 1 Marsh.llville, Ga. _ * 7 yOUrS > R T TAYLOR. ato^ Uh Fo?s“rbrdru°g?. 8 S °s f o S r 0fUU ' don c dela 3'- but get a bottle of H. H. H H. H H. Co., ATLANTA, CA, For sale in Dalton by Hightower & Talley and Fincher & Nichol Notice to Teachers. I lie usual summer examination of applicants for licenses to teach will be held at the court honse in Dalton on the 17th and 18th of June, beginning at 8:30 a m. None except those desiring to teach need apply. J. C. Sapp, C. S. C. You will get something out of the ordinary if you buy here, as our stock of ladies sandals and Oxfords in white canvas, Russia calf, Pat Colt and Pat Vicis are the latest edict of fashions best; ranging in price from l.oo to 3.5o per pair at W. A. Robertson. Miss Baker’s Reception. Miss Mattie Lou Baker enter tained informally Tuesday night, complimenting Miss Cecile Huff and Air. diaries Carter. After a guessing contest, the guests were ushered into tlie dining room, which was beautifully decorated m palms and cut flowers, the color scheme being pink and white. The table was beautiful with can delabra and real lace and unique place cards. Elegant refreshments weie served. 1 hose present were: Mr. and Mrs. Morton Huff, of Louisiana; Mr. J. R. Huff, of Memphis; Misses Mattie Lee and Cecile Huff, Mattie Lou Baker, Susie Carter, of Chattanooga; Messrs. John F. Wilson and Will McGaughey, of Chattanooga The guesls left at a late hour and all ; voted Mi s Baker a delightful I i hostess. void and a vacancy that earth can not fill, only heaven’s healing balm can bind up the wound of our broken hearts. May heaven’s richest blessing rest upon those who so kindly and gently minis tered to him and gave us comfoit by their presence during his ill ness and death, is the prayer of hi, wife aiid children. Mrs., A Bnaiy st| „ Coker, Mrs. Mattie Walker, Mrs. The N . Dietze „ Company u. Yaeger Mrs. Joyce Mrs. Daniel, pntting np a , arge braildy (1iatm . Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. Gasiway, M«.|ety on their fruit farm at Waring Right up to the stroke oi Fashions Clock is our Cloth ing and Furnishings. W. A. Robertson, Our Gents Shoes and Oxfords are full and com plete in Russia calf, Pat. Colt, Vici and Box calf in widths from C to E at 1.25 to 5.OO. W. A. Robertson, Kennedy and Mr. G. R. A. C.iker. If its here its worth hav ing as we are not handling cheap imitations that will not stand the test of service. W. A. Robertson. in this county - . Surplus peaches and grapes will be converted. Another Drowning. Otis Sweat, a well known young man about town here, was drowned Saturday afternoon at Another Course. I Graysville, Ga. Sweat once A determined movement is on worked at The Showalter Coni- foot to organize another Lyceum pany and was a good baseball course here for the fall and winter player. His remains were ship- months consisting of six splendid ped to Atlanta Sunday, events. A company of interested Fight Will be Bitter. Those who persist in closing their ears against the continual recommenda tion of Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption will have a long and bit ter fight with their troubles, if not ended earlier by fatal termination. Read what T. R. Beali, ef Beall, Miss., has to say: “Last fall my wife had every symp tom of consumption. She took Dr. King’s New Discovery after everything else had failed. Improvement came at once and four bottles entirely cured her.” Guaranteed by Fincher & Nich ols, druggists. Price 50o„ and $1.00. Trial bottles free. June •••.. Paint J is to a Building wfiat clothing is to the body. It is just as important. You should take as much care in selecting the paint to clothe your property as you do in selecting the material to clothe your person Paint pre serves the building. Paint gives beauty fp the building. It also adds to the selling or renting value of a building. The Sherwin-Williams Paint gentlemen met recently and se lected a splendid course consisting of Hobson, Ralph Bingham, An derson.Ileohr Company, Lovett’s A Fine Cue. One of the most enjoyable oc casions of the year was the barba- cue and Brunswick stew given is made for painting buildings. It is not a low-priced paint but it is cheap because the best. It is made of the purest material’s—that wear the longest. The colors are bright and handsome SOLD BY HIGHTOWER & TALLEY MEDICINE CO. —..1 ijoveil 8 . O- — Boston Stars, Old Homestead y esterda y afternoon compliment ” * ~ ary to some visiting ladies at the LOVE THRIVES IN COMFORT Our 31 id Summer Cloth ing - and odd trousers are here in abundance and go ing out rapidly to satisfy the wants of our many cus tomers w. A. Robertson. Male Quartette and John Temple Graves. These six will cost only five dollars for a ticket, which will admit two. The subscription list can he found at Hightower’s, and all who desire may go there and 'subscribe for a ticket, learn the terms etc. and the newly wed and long wed folks will find added comfort and^happiness The Cas Range. Cooking can be done better and quicker. There is no dirt and less cleaning to do. The time saved rep resents that part of a busy house keeper s day which makes life worth living—the time for rest, recreation and self improvements. lake of the Dalton Fishing Club. Mons. Knox Hendersong, the fa mous North Georgia chef, pro- pared the feast in his own style and it was hugely enjoyed. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. James P. Wel-li, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Evans, Mrs. T. L. Shelton, Misses We advertise because we want| Matlock, Annie and Mi nerva McClatchey, and Messrs. _ George Lewis and F. T. Reyn- GAS RANGES olds. i “keep the gas bill low.” SEETHE CAS CO your and use that means to invite your attention to the fine line of buggies, wagons, carriages, lap robes, whips and harness we carry. Dalton Buggy Co. COOK WITH CAS, DETROIT JEWEL Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. DO IT NOW. They will sell you a stove at cost.