North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, July 07, 1904, Image 2

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STORM AT ROCKMART I TEARING DOWN FENCES. GEN. THOMAS WRITES. REMNANT in SALE ■ ■» - <... , . — , . — Friday and Saturday JULY 8 and 9. Hundreds of dollars worth of fresh Summer goods in rem= nants, consisting of Lawns, Voiles, Swisses, Nainsooks, Ginghams, Calicoes, Laces, Embroideries, Silks, fine black goods, etc., at just One-Half Original Cost. Just think of such a saving. Now is your time to get Remnant Bargains. This will be the greatest Rem= nant Sale Dalton has ever had. Remember Friday and Saturday. Several Injured and Property De ■troyed. The worst storm in years visited Rockmart Monday afternoon, in juring several people, destroying a great deal of property and des troying crops. It came up about 1:30 o’clock with a terrible roar and lasted only a few minutes. The path of the cyclone was a quarter of a mile wide and houses and fences were swept away and trees were cut down as wheat be fore a scythe. Giant oaks and pines that had withstood the storm of years were uprooted, twisted and torn. Limbs were blown high in the air, a great many lodgin the telephone and telegraph wires. Those injured in the storm are: Charlie Stevens, hurt internally, will probably die. Georgia Ross, serverely bruised and cut. John Ross, cut on head. The above are all negroes. A portion of the plant of the Rockmart Stove and foundry com pany was destroyed, loss about #1,000. A negro church and school house completely demolished, loss about #1,500. Several negro dwellings were also destoyed. A peculiar feature of the storm was that of an empty box car on the Seaboard Air Line railway 1 being blown a half mile down the track. It was down grade and the car never left the track. The cyclone was followed by terrific hail storm which did con siderable damage to crops. in I Shows by Figures That a Trip to the World’s Fair is not Expensive. Editob Citizen:—There is so The Day is Past When People Towns or Cities Want Them. The following is taken from the Atlanta Journal, and is well much misapprehension about the worth considering by the people cost of a trip to St. Louis, that 1 of Dalton who have fences: thought a few lines giving ac na It has been a great many years facts about the cost of a trip since the era of what was called would be of some service to many “spite fences” in any part of the Q f y 0ur readers, country. In fact, one cannot help q u cev tain days a return ticket, noticing that fences of all kinds ^ d , limit<can be bought are growing less and less frequent in our villages and cities. Insig- 01 nificant as this may appear on its If parties go in pairs, a corn- face it is possessed, nevertheless, fortable room can be had at Inside of a great underlying significance. j nn f or each for seven days, Commenting upon this condition L 10 q 0> (There is a reduction of LnTr te TiC^S';tha™:b Sunday, as the gates speaks of a broader outlook, a aie closed on that day.) keener sense of the artistic, a lar— A good breakfast at Inside Inn ger measure of social feeling, a 50 cents; for seven days, #3.50. spirit in harmony with broad hor- Two lunches anywhere on the izon. There was a time when the higher the wall or hedge that. shut from the view the house and cents eac ^’ 70 cents; for seven lawn the better its occupants were days, #4.90. pleased. Exclusiveness and pri- Then allow for souvenir pres- vacy were esteemed above all | en ts and entrance to various side SIGNS OF SPRING. If you watsh a drug stors, you can alway* tall whan apring ia aaming. Paopla bagin to buy sarsaparilla, garden seed*, and paint. Wa don’t aara how aeon they bagin ta aonaa now. Wa have all the varioua Spring Medicines, a good assortment of live Garden Seeds, and Paint enough to paint the tawn. THE SAHARA OF THIRST Is quickly quenched at our Soda Fountain, whieh is the bast equipped of any fauntain in the city. The range of flavors is wide enough to appeal to all tastes. The cele brated Bukefzer Cream, which has made us famous, will be served at our fount this season, with pure, crushed fruit flavors. things, and to make such exclu sive seclusion apparent was be lieved to add dignity to the per sonality and importance to the position of the family. This point of view has largely disappeared. It was discovered, continues our contemporary, that hiding from one’s fellow creatures only cut off the view and cooling breezes, while it made of one’s shows, and some of them magnificent, #5.00. This would include the best of | them, but of course would not take in the Pike. Total, #35.00. For full information concerning the Pike, see Mr. G. W. Hamil ton. Seven days is ample time to Fincher & Nichols. BALTIN, IE0RIIA. % Farrar Lumber Company MANUFACTURERS OF House Material of Every Descriotion. DALTON, GEORGIA, boasted privacy a prison house of 1 seven days is elimination. Moreover, beauty is stay, for there is so much to see a living force which refuses to be | that one > s mind bec0 mes dazed hedged about with selfish man of Loveman Sons I STATE NEWS BRIEFLY TOLD I West Point has just secured an other big manufacturing enterprise that will be located there through the efforts of Captain Ed Lang and A. C. Smith. J. W. Bryant, a young man, was lodged in jail in, Rome Mon day, charged with kidnaping the 16 year-old daughter of L. D. Broawter of Bartow county. Colquitt county lias demonstrat ed that peaches can be grown in Southwest Ge irgia profitably. The Moultrie Observer says every farm in that section should have a few acres devoted to the fruit. A storm at Green Hill peach farms, the property of E. M. Aver- ett, of Columbus, at Renfroe, Ga., in Stewart county, did consider able damage Monday afternoon. Several were injured, while others had narrow escape. News has reached here of a riot Saturday night at Grovetovvn, 3 5 miles up the Georgia road from Augusta, negroes being pitted on one side and whites on the other. Although a number of shots were fired no one was hit. Mr Calvin of Richmond is the friend of the debtor. He has in troduced a hill making all notes payable the next banking day af ter a holiday when they become due on the holiday, no matter if the holiday is Saturday or Monday. W. Trox Bankston has bought the Hngansville Headlight at Ho- g.insvilie, Ga. lhe name of the paper will he changed and under the new management. 1 lie Ho— gansville News will make its ap. pearauce Friday, July- 22d. Emmett Williams, a negro, was shot do wn by Slieiiff Rogers one day this week, while resisting ar rest. Williams was drunk and j Nothing Mere Dangerous, had drawn his gun, shooting ai TbaD a neglected cough, is what Dr. one or two white men in Old J. F. Hammond, professor in the Eleotrie Hartford. Williams will probably and has been attempting to secure board in a white family. William H. Jones, one of Eaton- ton’s best and most promising young buisness men, and Miss Myrtle Harper, of Hancock coun ty, while bathing in the Oconee river a few days ago, a few miles below Oconee Springs, were drowned. Their bodies were re covered late in the evening. John Jones, the negro assailant of Mrs. Banister, was lynched near the scene of his crime about night fall. Judge A. W. Fite made a speech in an attempt ?o restrain the crowd of about 200, but it was useless. The negro’s body was riddled with bullets, more than 500 shots being fired. Louis Culbreth, a young mer chant and farmer, while driving along the road near Melrose, Ech ols county, was overtaken by two men who jumped up into his wag on, and one of them snatching a stanchion from the wagon body, crushed his skull with the club, Culbreth, dying at once. The man who did the killing was named Carter and his accessory Westberiy. The trouble grew out of a business deal. Jack T. Bone, who - shot and killed Z. T. Hall in Floyd county near Rome, Ga., June 9th, and who was supposed to he hiding in Rock Mountain, was arrested in Atlanta last week. Bone stated that he had been with his people there for three weeks and denied repoits that had been circulated to the effect that lie had fortified a position in Rock Mountain and was prepared to resist arrest. He was placed in the Tower to await the coming of the sheriff from Floyd county. Saved From Terrible Death. The family of Mre. M. L. Bobbitt Bargerton, Tenn., saw her dying and were powerless to save her. The most skillful physicians and every remedy used failed, while consumption was slowly but surely taking her life. In this terrible hour Dr. King’s New Dis covery for Consumption turned despair into joy. The first bottle brought im mediate relief and its continued use com pletely cured her. It’s the most certain cure in the world for all throat and lung troubles. Guaranteed Bottles 50c and $1.00. Trial Bottles Free at Fincher & Nichols Drug Store. jul ners. Beautiful lawns, growing gardens, beauty and largeness do not flourish shut off from the vis ion. For the minds that plan the beauty and revel in its perfecting instinctively want other eyes to enjoy and admire. When this becomes a true sense of the artistic, then the rebellion against and incapable of taking in more. B. M. Thomas. A Very Close Call. “I stuck to my engine, although every j joint ached and every nerve was racked with pain,” writes C. W. Bellamy, a lo- j conaotive fireman, of Burlington, Iowa. “I was weak and pale, without any ap- , . petite and all iun down. As I was about I that awkward, dividing, tQ give up> l got a bott i e 0 f Electric Bit- DINKELSPIEL’S DEFFYNISHUNS. (Copyright, 1904, by W. R. Hearst.) Der meaning of Opportunity is sotneding vich ve can nefer see eggseept ven it ain’d dare to look at. Der meaning of Pathos is to see a poor man laughing at his rich life’s poor choke. Der meaning of Temptation is der banana peel in a man’s brain vich makes him fall. Der meaning of Success is fail ure kicked to pieces by hard vork. Der meaning of Eggstravagance is a man doan’d listen mit both ears ofer der long distance telly— fone ven he has to pay for iL Der meaning of Popularity is der cold storage house vere der vorld soon forgets all abould us. Der meaning of Hog is der man dot dinks eferbody should move ofer und gif him der end seat. Der meaning of Reform is a bird dot is alvaj r s flying tovards us, hut nefer gets here. Der meaning of Conscience is der alarm clock on a man’s mind vich mostly ain’d vound up. Der meaning of Sarcasm vas a t’irty dollar Pajama hat on t’irty- cent man. Der meaning of Laziness is a man dot believes der vorld owes him a living und den sends annud er man ouid to collection it. useless thing, the fence, becomes complete, and an undivided sward sweeps over entire blocks. It is a great step forward—this common plan of lawn and walk and grassy borders, which marks the city blocks of today, says the Times. It reveals a broader, more kinder, more united social feeling, a sense of common inter ests and of pleasures impossible to any unless shared by all. The tendency will grow rapidly until great portions of a city and in some cases the entire commun ity will he planned and developed as park systems are coming to be today. The city of Washington is a limit of what might he in this re gard, as it is more deliberately planned with an eye to ters, and after taking it, I felt as well as | I ever did in my life.” Weak, sickly, run down people always gain new life, strength and vigor from rheir use. Try them. Satisfaction guaranteed by Fin cher & Nichols. Price 50 cents. jul Remnant Sale Friday and Saturday. Loveman Sons. EVERYBODY’S FRIEND DU. TICKEM'S ANTISEPTIC A Favorite in Southern Homes TWENTY YEARS USE HAS ESTABLISHED THIS REMEDY AS A STANDARD FOR EVERY HOUSEHOLD. A CLEAN PLEASANT LIQUID. NO OFFENSIVE ODOR. NO GREASE. HARMLESS, RELIABLE CURES Wounds, Burns. Bruises, Scalds, Colic, Cramps, Headache, Neuralgia and Indigestion. PRICE; 10c. 50c. and $1.00 A BOTTLE Sherrouse Medicine Co. New Orleans AN EDITOR RIGHT effects than any other large city. Much’still remains to be done in that city to give the effect the landscape artists desire, but that] the attempt has been made at all is significant and promises much for the future. The Summerville News Favors Bonds for Good Roads. We differ very materially with our good friend and highly appre-1 ciated correspondent from Chat-1 beautiful I toogaville relative to the bond question. The way to get people to our county and enhance the val- ue of our lands is to build good roads. The taxes on the increased value of our realty will more than pay the interest on the one hun- J is to a v Building Smaller villages are more readi- died thousand dollar bonds, to say ly given a tone of refinement and ncd bing of the savings in the way beauty, so that already, by the re- . , , , , . , • , , re j • i i u ol wear of teams and vehicles, also moval or fences and unsighly bar-1 . 1 riers, thousands of little towns K ^ me< The roads once put in throughout the country have been good and substantial fix will re transformed into one harmonious quire a great deal less to keep them whole, whose homelike unity is | U p than under our present system, j what clothing is to the body. It is just as important. You should take as much care in selecting the paint to clothe your property as you do in selecting the material to clothe your person. Paint pre serves the building. Paint gives beauty to the building. It also adds to the selling or renting value of a building. most attractive. Let the fences go, fences of all sorts, concludes the Denver Times. Beauty demands it, our common humanity calls for it. The Sherwin-Williams Paint die. ^Indignant Girard citizens are lpoking for Cary Smith, a negro who behaved in a very unusual manner in that city a day or two ago, and if caught he will be tarred and feathered. He is almost white Medical College, says, “and as a preven tative remedy and a curative agent, I cheerfully recommend Taj lor’s Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein.” Letter files and indexes. A. J. SHOWALTERCO. Early Risers The fameus little pl||«. Der meaning of a Sceptic is a man dot vili stop to see if dare vas a microbe in a kiss. Der meaning of a Concjusion vassomeding vich a voman chumps at der same vay she chumps off a street car, vich is bacbvards. Der meaning of a Hypocrick is a knocker dot is ouid of order eggseept ven your back is turned. D. Dinkelspikl, per George V. Hobart. Remnant Days. Friday and Saturday. . Loveman Sons. 50,000 Free Samples You Can Gat Ona. + BLACK "WTJ11D, the grut vegetable remedy for Rheumatism, Catarrh, and Kidney and Bladder complaints, has met with almost instantaneous success be cause it has made some noteworthy cures of very severe oases. Mr. John Post, of the Atlanta Fire writes: “ For months I suffered with my kid neys. I made every effort to g%t relief, but failed until I accidentally came in possession of a bottle of Blaok Weed. The relief obtained from its use was so peat before half the Bret bottle had been used, that I put aside all othar medicines and am now sound and well, having bean oared completely by Blaok Weed. At the same time I had an ag gravated case of Catarrh of the head and throat. Blaok Weed has completely oared this, and my head is now as dear as a bell.” There is never anything lost in a legitimate expenditure on public enterprises, while on the other hand a people who fail to meet the demands of progress will always be losers. Chattooga county, one of the banner counties of the state, cannot afford not to take advan tage of this opportunity. The largest tax payers in the county are favorable to it and the small tax pa} r er cannot afford to be against it.—Summerville News. is made for painting buildings. It is not a low-priced paint, but it is cheap because the best. It is made of the purest materials—that wear the longest. The colors are bright and handsome. SOLD BY The Great East and Wist Uni Acreis tha Entire States mt Texas ^.Louisiana BLAOK WEED is sold by all drug gists »t 11.00 u bottle, or we will prepaid upon reoeipt of price. Send Your Name s trial sample ef this great remedy, which will he sent absolutely free, to gether with our book containing valua ble information and endorsements. Please mentis* this paper. Address, Black Weed JHIatitn. Medicine C«u Om. t HIGHTOWER A TALLEY MEDICINE CO. WESTERN & ATLANTIC RAILROAD AND Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Ry. TO :ST. LOUIS: No Trouble te Answer Questions. 35 Miles Shortest Lin« . . BETWEEN Shreveport and Dallas Write for new booklet on Texas. Free. *. F. TURNER, General Passenger Agent, Dallas, Texas. H. And All Points West and Northwest. THREE SOLID TRAINS DAILY With Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars, Atlanta to St. Louis, without change. Only through car service, Atlanta to Chicago, without change. Close connection made at Atlanta with the Seaboard Air Line Railway, Central of Georgia Railway and the Southern Railway trains. For Map Folders or Other Information Write to F. SMITH, CHAS. E. HARMAN, Trasfic Manager. Cen. Pass. A*ent. ATLANTA, CEOIVCIA.