North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, July 07, 1904, Image 8

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8 THE WOBTH GEORGIA OITIXWf. DALTOll, GA, CAPITAL, $100,000.00. SURPLUS AND PROFITS, $63,000.00. TOTAL ASSETS OVER $1,750,000.00. The Chattanooga Savings Bank Makes a specialty of “Banking by Mail” and never neglects a chance to better the service. Thousands bank with us by mail. We pay four (4) per cent, com pound interest. Write for free booklet. Cor. 8th and Cherry Streets, CHATTAN00CA, TENH. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Veterans’ Picnic. As mentioned before in The Citizen the Joseph E. Johnston Camp U. C. V., will hold their picnic at Tunnel Hill on July 2:.nd. Everybody invited to go on a special train. The rate will be 25 cents and all contemplate going should let either Mr. J. A. Lowry or Mr. S. B. Felker know in time so that plenty of cars may be provided. a highminded, honorable and re fined gentleman. The mill is fortunate to secure him and he will be a valuable accession to the community.—Cartersville News. Moving Machinery. The Murray county parties who bought the gin machinery of W. H. Prater, have been bus}- the past week taking it down and hauling it over to Spring Place. Mr. Prater will put in a .larger gin and perhaps cottonseed oil mill. Compressed Air. Fred Wilson, the well known barber, has had put in a pressed air equipment for each of the chairs with which to dry the faces and spray bay rum, etc. The Georgia Delegation. The delegates to the Democratic National Convention at St. Louis, from Georgia, passed through Dal ton Sunday night and were joined by Mr. Frank Reynolds, of The Citizen, and Mr. II. P. Colvard. This was the last stop the train made in Georgia. Among those on the train were Hons. Jas. R. Gray, C. R. Pendleton, Thomas W. Loyless, J. H. Estill, John W. Maddox, Boykin Wright and Moses Wright. Rev. J. R. Speck has Recovered. Rev. J. R. Speck, who has been under treatment at the state sani tarium, has recovered, and passed through Marietta Monday morn ing en route to Dalton, to make a visit.—Marietta Journal. Rev. J. R. Speck was formerly pastor of the Methodist church in Winder. He has many friends in this section of the state who will rejoice to hear of his improved condition.—Walton Tribune. Handsome Souvenir. Some citizens of Cartersville have presented Solicitor-General Sam P. Maddox with three links of the chain which was used in com. chaining the negro who was lynched near Cartersville July 1st, and a limb off the tree to which he was chained. The souvenirs are nicely done up and tied with pink ribbon. The links are placed in the same position as the Odd Fellows emblem, though the three letters, F. L. T., (“Friendship, Love and Truth”) were omitted. Possibly it was an oversight. Judge Maddox is very proud of the souvenir, and is keeping it carefully preserved. Good Game Saturday. The Spring Place base ball team came over here Saturday in fine fettle, but met defeat in a hard fought game by a score of eight to seven in favor of Dalton. Tom McCamy and Lawton Nally was the battery for Dalton. Eleven innings were played. Prof. John A. Showalter. Prof. John A. Showalter, the venerable father of Prof. A. J. Showalter, who will spend several months in the city, is seventy-two years old, and is a remarkably well preserved man. He is of that abstemious type which almost always insures long life, accom> panied by good health and hap piness. The Fish Are in the Fountains. Tne gold fish, contributed by The Citizen, have been placed in the park fountains. They are very- beautiful and are proving an at tractive drawing card. Prof. Tlios. L. Bryan is attending to those in the city park, while those in the hotel park are being looked after by the ladies of the hotel. Important Meeting Macabees Tuesday night, July 12th. All members requested to be present, to receive semi-annual pass word. J. L. Grigsby, Record Keeper. Takes Superintendency. Mr. J. W. Brown has been made superintendent of the Amer ican Pad and Textile Co.’s new cotton mill, and will assume the duties of his position July 1st. Mr. Brown is an experienced, capable mill man. He has been eighteen years with the Crown Cotton mill, of Dalton. He is An Operation for Appendicitis. Wednesday afternoon, little Miss Allie Camp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Camp, who live near town, was operated on for appendicitis. The operation, it is hoped, will prove successful. It was performed by Dr. Troy Bivings, of Atlanta, assisted by Dr. W. E. Wood, of Dalton, and Dr. E. F. Hodgson, of Atlanta. At the hour of going to press the patient was very low, but chances for recovery fairly good. Just as The Citizen closes its forms it learns that there is little hope for the recovery of little Miss Camp, and that telegrams are be ing sent to all relatives at a dis tance. PURELY PERSONAL. C. R. Evans leaves Monday for St. Louis. W. S. McCarty is in Atlanta today. John T. Holland spent Wednes day in Atlanta. Mrs. Frank Pruden is visiting in Cartersville. Will Pitner was down from Cohutta Tuesday. George Heggie was down from Chattanooga Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Caylor spent Wednesday in Cohutta. Miss Irene Stroup is in Carters ville on a few weeks visit. Ally Lynn went over to Bir mingham last week on a visit. Mr. Howard Bradley, of Adairs- ville, visited here last week. Miss Virginia Edmonson, of | Holly, was in town last week. Miss Jennie Mae Brown, of Tilton, was in the city last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jones are in the city. Miss Alleen Kirby was up from Atlanta Sunday. J. C. Watters, of Rome, was in the city Sunday. Mr. N. F. Powel is at Oliver Springs this week. Jim Hutchison and wife spent Monday in Atlanta. John L. Edmondson was up from Atlanta Sunday. John Flemister was down from Chattanooga Sunday. J. E. Saterfield was in the city Sunday and the Fourth. Lee Beard, of Crandall, spent the Fourth in Dalton. Mrs. Dr. S. A. Brown is visit ing in Murray this week. For Over Sixty Years Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup has been used by millions of mothers for their children while teetWng. If disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth, send at once and get bottle of “Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup” for Children Teething. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immedi ately. It cures Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation aud gives tone and energy to the whole system. “Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup” for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physi cians and nurses in the United States Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all druggist throughout the world Be sure and ask for “Mrs. Winslow’s Syrup.” Miss Inge, of New York, is the guest of Mrs. Terry, at Hotel Dalton. Mr. M. E. Judd and his son, Drs. W. Troy Bivings and J. F.l Orleans ^ retU1 ' ned fr ° m NeW Hodgson were up from Atlanta Wednesday. [ Dr. Tom Miss Ellen Lowry is in Atlanta, j the guest of her cousin, Miss Jennie Lowry. McKamy, of Cleve- was in Dalton the Miss Lessie Flemister arrived Tuesday, and is the guest of Miss Ethel Weatherly. Mr and Mrs. Walter Clark were up from Peidmont, Ala., ^the 4th visiting relatives. Dr. Looper has returned from Athens where he attended the state dentists’ meeting. Mr. Lee Harlan, who has been quite sick at his Selvidge street home, is much improved. R. S. Mitchell and wife speitt Sunday in Chattanooga, visiting relatives. Mrs. Hal Russell, of Chatta nooga, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Pierce Horne. Mr. Henry Powell and family, SHERIFF’S SALES. Georgia, Whitfield County.—Will be sold before the court house on the first Tuesday in August, 1904, the following described property, to-wit: A ^certain piece or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the 11th dis trict and third section of Wnitfield county, knewn as the Stanfield property Beunded on the north by lands of Peter Craigmiles, on the south by lands of Felix Clark’s estate, on the east by lands of W. L. Howard and on the west by Southern Railway Company, the same containing nine acres, more or less. Levied on as the property of W. J. Stanfield, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Justice Court of 1109th district, Catoosa county, in favor of Payne & Walker vs. W. J. Stanfield and conveyed to W. L Howard. Levy made by W. H. D. Haddock, L. C., June 21st, 1904, and turned over to me. JOHN M. JOHNSON, Sheriff. Georgia, Whitfield County.—Will be sold at place of business on Hamilton street on the first Tuesday in August, 1904, the following described property, to-wit: A certain stock of millinery, hats, trimmings, dry goods, together with all store fixtures, show-cases, stands and books of accounts. Said stock of goods to remain in brick store house on east side of Hamilton street,* Dalton, Ga., . ™ . -pi , . . . where it is now located during sale, sub- ot Irion factory, visited relatives j ec t to inspection of prospective buyers, here this week. | Levied on to satisfy, and by virtue of, a Superior Court fi. fa., issued from the Mrs. Sallie Carter and Miss Eliza spent several days in Dal ton this week. W. Burton Foote, of the Ala- culsey Lumber Co., was among Mr. hate Mclntire and family I Daltonians Tuesday. Superior Court of said county, to fore close a mortgage in favor of Mrs. Laura Dean Herndon and against Jeane Kaphan. Levy made and returned to me by Sam C. Britton, deputy sheriff. This July 2nd, 1904. JOHN M. JOHNSON, Sheriff. to moved to Atlanta last week make it their home again. Missrs. Albert and Ed Kase meier,of Cincinnati, are in the city visiting the family of their mother Miss Bernice last Friday from a delightful visit to Miss Bertha Adams at Cedar- town. Miss Eliza Carter was compli mented with a dance at Whitfield Club Monday evening. Mr. George Hardwick, of Cleve land, came down in his automo- Felker returned | bile to attend the ball game Mr. John Mitchell and family Full line Screen Doors. Evans & Co. WITHOUT COST TO YOU. In order that our readers may be thoroughly convinced of the curative have moved to Corinth, Miss., to powers of the magical, relieving, and Mr. and Mrs. Duff Green, of Lonoke, arrived last week, and are guests of Col. and Mrs. Ben E. Green. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McDaniel and children were the guests of relatives in Calhoun the first of the week. Gen. and Mrs. B. M. Thomas, Miss Hattie Thomas and Mrs. G. C. Hamilton have returned from St. Louis. Mr. George M. Langston, of Jacksonville, Fla., was the guest the regret of their many friends here. healing remedy, Paracamph, we are pleased to say that if you will fill out . . the coupon below and mail to The Para- Misses Marshall, Grace Phillips camph. Company to-day ttiey will give and Cloyd Gordon were down from Cleveland to attend the ball game. Mrs. M. E. Judd entertained Mrs. J. H. Gardner and Miss you a full-size bottle free. If you suffer from Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Sore Joints, Sore Feet, Eczema, Tetter, Catarrh, Sore Throat, Hay Fever, Asthma, Piles (itching or bleeding), or any form of wound such as a Burn, Cut, Blanche at dinner Sunday evening Bruise, Old Sore, Swelling or Inflam mation, fill out the coupon below and mail at once to The Paracamph Com at Hotel Dalton. Mrs. Davis, who has been visit ing her sister, Mrs. Shannon, re turned to her home in Gainesville, | whatever. Fla., Monday. Prof. John A. Showalter, of pany, Louisville, Ky. Don't hesitate, as this places you under no obligations of his sister, Mrs. W. T. Dilbeck, j Cherry Grove, Va., is the guest of his son, Prof. A. J. Showalter, Thornton avenue. Dr. O. Y. Yowell, of Chatta-1 the first of the week. Bill Murray, the Mount Rachel philosopher, left Monday for Fort Grateful Acknowledgment. The Citizen is greatly indebted to Mesdames W. C. Martin and W T ill N. Harhen, Misses Elizabeth Yowell and Rose Huff for valua ble assistance in the local depart ment of this week’s issue. They are every one of them good news paper men. Dalton Buggy Company. Mr. Burrus Sanders has left the employ of the Dalton Buggy Co., and has been succeeded by Mr. Dave Stewart, who will be glad to see all of his old friends and make new ones at the company’s store, first door south of the Showalter building, where he can show one of the finest lines of buggies, harness and whips ever brought to Dalton. A New Arrival. The following telegram has been received by Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Robertson, from Harriman Penn.: “Miss Cinthia Handley announces her arrival this morn ing, and she and mother are doing Signed, Cinthia Handley.” Valley to superintend the packing nooga, was in the city Sunday, the of a big peach crop. Misses Belle Scott, of Atlanta, and Claire Felker, of Monroe, are guest of his sister, Miss Elizabeth j Yowell, at Hotel Dalton. Mrs. and Mis. Will N. Harben expected soon to visit their cousin, have declined their trip to Oliver Miss Bernice Felker. Springs, and will remain in Dal-| ton the balance of the summer. Cut ont this coupon at once, fill out < the blanks and mail it to THE PARACAMPH CO., Louisville, Ky. My disease is , I have never used Paracamph, but if i you will send me bottle free of cost, I • will try it. i Name i Street Address i County and State (Give full address. Write plainly.) I l Mis. Charles Carter came down from Chattanooga Friday, and is the guest her mother, Mrs. LidaE. Huff. Mr Carter spent Sunday I here. Mrs. Lillie Green Cooper re turned to her home in Savannah yesterday. She will leave on the an extended visit to New York. Remember, PARACAMPH is recommend, ed by surgeons and physicians. Used by athletes the world over. Thousands of testimonials. Guaranteed perfectly harmless. Fincher & Nichols, Dalton,Ga. Messrs. Moore and Gramlin, of i 0 n . Tunnel Hill, were in the city last L Bev "V r Bill „ rett ,"’ as U P \? me , o t J I from Atlanta Sunday and Mon. | day. He has a fine position with the Department of the Gulf down there. Saturday attending the camp meeting of the Confederate Vet erans. Mrs. Gloster enter- Mrs. II. S. Mitchell spent last jyj r> and Sunday in Tunnel Hill, the guest tained Mr> and Mrg Will N< jjar-l of Mr. and Mis. Hunt. Mi Mitchell visited Chattanooga. his brother in Miss Lucile George, who was a ben and Mr. and Mrs. Walter M.l Jones Wednesday at a camp lun cheon on Riggs Hill. Misses Bettie Arnold and Ada I pretty and much admired guest of [Waite, of Wartrace, Tenn., who ’ the guests of Mrs. J. K. well. Fall line Screen Doors. Evans & Co. Miss Maud Summerour, returned to her home in Knoxville last Friday morning. It will please the many friends here of Miss Harriet Lucile Ellis to know that she has been elected to the chair of elocution in Shorter College at Rome. She is a daughter of Rev. H. J. Ellis, who was the former pastor of the First Methodist church of Dalton. Miss Marion Jackson, of Atlan ta, will arrive in Dalton the first of next week, and will he the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Will N. Harbin, at Hotel Dalton. Miss Jackson will be remembered as visiting here last summer when she charmed many with her pleas- ing personality and superb violin playing. She is a member of “At lanta Symphony Orchestra,” which were Farrar, returned to their home last Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. HarcL wick and daughters leave Taes day for Lookout Mountain to attend the Banker’s Convention, | bing aud cleauiu and from there to St. Louis to the Exposition The use of a good GAS RANGE in the kitchen guarantee kitchen cleanliness, freedom from smoke, soot, ash dust, constant scrub- Ladies’ Days, Friday and Saturday. Remnants. Remnants. Loveman Sons. An Informal Banquet. The Merchant’s Protective As-I which keeps ^ h ~ sociation will give an informal Cooking With Gas is the modern, easy, economical way. Save Time Save Work Save Money. We sell and recommend the Genuine nmto&jEWEi banquet at Buckholz hall, Thurs-1 furnished such delightful music j da .Y evening at nine o’clock, July at the Schumann-Heink recital. 14,1904. gas bill low and the kitchen cool SEE THE CAS CO. DO IT NOW. They will sell you a stove at cost. Our New Spring Line of. Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Silver- .... ware Cut Glass and Purses .... Is now in. W* have the most beautiful line « w* hays ever had, and »ur price* are th* most reaeomabl*. W* bought our goods direct from the manufacturers, and w* can Save Yen Manoy en Anything You Want In eur line. Sterling Silver Hat Pins 2i cents, and Sterling Silver Shirt Waist Sets 7* cents. Sterling Silver 8aeh Pins in new pattern*. Come and see them. Muncy & Godwin, - Dalton QUEEN & CRESCENT ROUTE CINCINNATI* TO taepNGTDN TEXAS AND THE NORTHWEST. TWELVE HOURS! Quickest time to Dallas, rt. Worth, and all Northern Texas points. FIFTEEN HOURS! Quickest time to South ern Texas points. THROUGH SLEEPER to Shreveport and Chattanooga SOLID TRAIN to New Orleans. Only one change of cars. QUICK TIME and elegant service Northwest points. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL ON OR ADDRESS Birmingham D. 8. CHJ.YDLEB, T. F.l., 602 Ga; St. Knoxville, Tenn l C. CONS,1). P. i., Chattanooga, Tenn. A. B. FREEMAN. T. P. I.. Birmingham, Alt. W. C. RINEARSON, G. CINCINNATI, O. MOBIL* NEW ORLEANS SUMMER DAYS IN MICHIGAN The beet plac* In the world to spend YOUR VACATION DAYS Pure Air, Boating, Fishing, Golf. Everything to Amuse, Good hotels, Low Rates. Mackinac, Georgian Bay, The Soo, Huronia Beach. Pt Aux Barques, Hundreds of Island and Coast Resorts. The air of Mich- ■ gan is a known Specific for Hay T" cve r, Asthma and Kindred dis orders. Let us talk the matter over with you. our agent will gladly call. Write for Booklet and Information. mms. G H & 0 to St. Louis WORLD’S FAIR TRAINS Through Trains Dally to St. Louis COW ROUND TRIP RATES Coach Excursions Tuesday's & Thursday's All our trains stop at our World’s Fair Station at the Main Entrance, near the big Hotels on the way to Union Station. Tho only Ho. having a station _ near the Fair Grounds. F. J. PARMALEE, T. P. A., 18 IN. Prior SE, Atianta^Ga. P. O. EDWARDS, Passenger Traffic Manager, Cincinnati, Ohio SUMMER IN THE COOL NORTHWEST The C H & D runs through trains to Chicago connecting there with roads for the famous Wisconsin Resorts, also for Yellowstone Park, Alaska, Colorado and the West. 4 Triins Every Week Day LOW ROUND TRIP RATES Write or call for Information