North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, April 22, 1909, Image 2

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PAGE TWO. THE DALTON CITIZEN. THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1909. With County Correspondents. ♦4-4-44-444+44-4444 444 444444ft + + 4- DUBLIN, TEX. + 4- + +4++4-+4+4-+4-+4-++4-+++44 44444 We are having some sand storms. Most of the farmers around here are through planting corn, and much of it is big enough to work. I hope all had a good time easter, eating eggs. There was a big crowd enjoyed a fishing one day last week, but did not have much luck, for that night it rained, and they did not do much good fishing. Those who w-ent were Mr. S. D. Strong, E. Harris, J. M. Lewallen, J. M. King, Ernest Cald well, Walter Ashman, Joe Wright. ERNEST CALDWELL. $100—REWARD—$100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh be ing a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall’s Ca tarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby de stroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and as sisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testi monials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. gan spent Saturday in Dalton. Mr. H. C. Kinnimon was up from Cartersville several days last w r eek, the guest of home folks. Mr. N. C. Harris is visiting relatives in Gordon county. Miss Powell has returned to Rome, after a pleasant visit to Mrs. John Gentles. Mr. L. D. Harris spent several days, last week in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brown attended the funeral of Mrs. Brown’s sister in Chattanooga last week. Mrs. Murphy Hogan spent several days this week in Rome. Mr. Erwin Kiker spent several days last week in Chattanooga. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Lewis are vis iting relatives in Kingston. The Eastern Star holds its regular meeting at Tilton Saturday evenin The Dalton chapter is expected, and dinner will be served in picnic fash ion on the river bank. Mr. Jodie Hogan spent Sunday with home folks. Misses Fannie Tate and Geneva Gentles attended the Resaca school entertainment Friday night. Mr. John Caldwell and Edd Town send spent Friday in Dalton. Mr. John Caldwell and family visit- ited at Rural Vale Friday. Mr. Zeke Lacewell called on Miss Gertrude Bradley Saturday night. Little Vivian and Jessie Dantzler, of Atlanta, are spending a while with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Dantzler. Miss Gertrude Dantzler called on the Misses Cooper Monday. Mrs. J. F. Bradley and daughter, Gertrude, went to Praters shopping Saturday. Dr. G. S. Broadrick and wife spent one evening last week with Mrs. Mc- Tate. Quite a number of young people from this place attended the party given by Miss Nellie Teasley Wednes day night. It was enjoyed by all pres ent. WORDS TO FREEZE THE SOUL. ed home folks at Calhoun Sunday. •4444444444»**44«4444444444 BROAD ACRE. + + + + + +♦♦♦♦♦+♦♦♦♦?♦♦♦♦ 444-44 The entertainment at Pleasant Grove was enjoyed by those that were present. The surprise party at Miss Nellie Teasley’s Wednesday night was en joyed by a large crowd. Mrs. J- L. Trippe is slowly improv ing. Miss Maud Moulton called on Miss Rainnie Lacewell Monday. T. L. Teasley and family were the guests of relatives in Dalton Sunday. Mr. Frank Jordan and Mr. John Denman passed through our burg Sunday afternoon. Mr. Henry White and Mr. Aaron Moulton called on the Misses Miller, of Dalton, Sunday. They reported a nice time. Mr. and Mrs. Will Richardson call ed on Mr. Thogmartin, of Red Hill, Sunday. Miss Rainnie Lacewell called on the Misses Palmer Wednesday. Mr. Jim Bates was in Broad Acre Sunday afternoon. Miss Nell Thogmartin spent Thurs day with Miss Beaulah Brooker. Mr. Zeke Lacewell and Mr. Jim Bates were calling at Vamells Sun day afternoon. Miss Fannie Isbill was the guest of Miss Beaulah Brooks Sunday af ternoon. Mr. Ed Cooper, of Cedar Valley, was calling in Broad Acre Sunday af ternoon. Messrs. John and Jud Brooker, of Ringgold, are at home. Miss Ida Thogmartin spent Satur day afternoon w r ith Miss Remetah Lacewell. Mr. Zeke Lacewell called at the Brooker home Wednesday night. Miss Ada Thogmartin and Miss Beaulah Brooker were the guests of Miss Nellie Teasley Monday. All of the valley boys went to Broad Acre Sunday afternoon, expect ing an egg hunt. Broad Acre is on a boom. Miss Dora White and her mother called at the Caylor home Tuesday. Mr. John Brooker made a flying trip to Chattanooga last week. Miss Laura Caldwell and Miss Hes ter Edwards went to Dalton Monday. Mr. Ferman Caldwell was down from Chattanooga visiting relatives and friends last w-eek. Mr. John Bates' and wife were the guests of Dr. Lacewell and family Sunday. This is the most dangerous time of the year to catch cold, and it is the hardest time to cut it. If you should take cold, a few doses of Kennedy’s Laxative Cough Syrup will act very promptly. Its laxative principle cures the cold by driving it from the sys tem by a gentle but natural action of the bowels. Children especially like Kennedy’s Laxative Cough Syrup, as it tastes so good, nearly like maple sugar. It is sold by Fincher & Nichols. “Your son has consumption. His case is hopeless.” These appalling words were spoken to Geo. E. Blevens, a leading merchant of Springfield, N. C., by two expert doctors—one a lung specialist. Then w-as shown the w-on- derful power of Dr. King’s New Dis covery. “After three weeks use,” writes Mr. Blevens, “he was as well as ever. I would not take all the money in the world for what it did for my boy.” Infallible for Coughs and Colds, it’s the safest, surest cure of desperate Lung diseases on earth. 50c. and $1.00. Fincher & Nichols guarantee satisfaction. Trial bottle free. Mr. and Mrs. Q. Foster, of Harmony, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thom as Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cavender spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Yeager. Miss Mattie Mitchell spent Friday with Mrs. Cox near Tilton. Messrs. Dave and Earl Cavender spent Sunday with their aunt, Airs. C. R. Gilbert. Mr. Wiley Mitchell spent Sunday with home folks. The many friends and,acquaintances of Mr. Jasper Prince will no doubt be surprised to learn of his marriage, which occurred a few days ago. We •wish them all joy and happiness in life. Mrs. Caldwell spent Monday evening wdth Mrs. C. R. Gilbert. Mr. Foster Thomas called on Miss Belle Stacy Sunday evening. Mrs. Hattie Williams and daughter, Pauline, of Dalton, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Swick, near Antioch. Mr. Ritchie attended services at An tioch Sunday. »+4»»»+»»»444444444444»44 DAWNVILLE. ♦ 444+44-44 4 444444 ♦♦♦4444444 We say without hesitation that Do- Witt’s Kidney and Bladder Pills aro unequaled for weak kidneys, backache, inflammation of the bladder and all urinary disorders. They are antlsoj tic, and act promptly in all cases weak back, backache, rheumatism and rheumatic pains. Accept no substl tute. We sell and recommend them For sale by Fincher & Nichols. DUG GAP. 44-444 44444 4444 444444 4 44444 4 4 4 EBENEZER. The men and women of this com munity are busy farming and garden- A WONDERFUL PAINT. Make your paint and save manufac turer’s profit. You can make paint at the least cost when you mix 3-4 of a gallon of Linseed Oil cost 45 cents with a gallon of L. & M. Paint. You then make 1 3-4 gallons of paint. Buy a gallon and try it, and get your money back if not found so. The L. & M. Paint has been used over 35 years, and has decorated more than two million American homes. Sold by Fincher & Nichols. 4-f444 4 4 4+4 4 ♦ 4 444 4444444444 4 + TILTON. 4 44 44 4 4 4444444444444444444 The Farmers’ Union held a very in teresting meeting at Tilton Tuesday night. This lodge is growing rapidly. It is feared that most of the fruit here is killed, as ice was seen. A large number of Tilton people at tended court in Dalton last week. Miss Jennie Hogan and Race Ho- Mrs. John Clinton and children spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Sikes. Miss Maud Williams has returned home from a pleasant visit with rela tives and friends of Dug Gap. Miss Sallie Hide spent Sunday af ternoon at Mrs. Sikes’. Messrs. R. S. Williams, J. H. Green, Joe Horne, Charlie Horne, Lonnie Horne, Floyd Horne and Sherman Williams—all w r ent fishing Wednesday and caught a nice lot of fish, and re ported a nice time. Mrs. Charlie Horne went to Dug Gap Sunday to visit friends and relatives. She will stay two w-eeks. Mr. J. H. Green and Sherman Wil liams went to Tunnel Hill last Tues day on business. Miss Clara Williams spent one night last week with Mrs. Clinton and Mrs. Sallie Hide. Mr. I. L. Magill went to Tunnel Hill Saturday on business. Mr. J. H. Green, Mr. R. S. Williams and Master Sherman Williams carried cotton to Dalton Friday. Mr. R. L. Magill went to Hassler’s Mill Friday and carried a load of wheat. Mr. Joe Horne visited at Mr. Clin ton’s one night last week. Mr. John Clinton went to see his sister, Mrs. McDaniel, of Chickamau- ga Park, last Thursday. Mr. J. H. Green left Sunday for At lanta. Messrs. John Clinton and Charlie Horne -went to Hickory Flat to a singing Sunday, and reported a nice time. Mr. J. H. Green and wife went to Stone church to preaching the first Sunday. Mr. Joe McDaniel, of this place, vis ited home folks at Chickamauga Park last week. Mr. Joe Horne called on Miss Clara Williams the first Sunday. Sunday morning at eleven o’clock, Rev. Nichols delivered an excellent sermon to a large congregation at the Baptist church. The recent cold spell did not kill all of our fruit. We have plenty yet. Farmers made good use of the beau tiful weather last week. Some hav planted corn. We haven’t heard of any cotton being planted yet. Little Misses Blanch and Lucy Fletcher delighted their little girl friends Saturday afternoon with an Easter hunt. Those that attended were Lula Smith, Mary Dillingham Eva Fraker, Lucile Vining, Minnie Me Nabb, Mary Robinson, Ola Lents, Dol lie Walden, Ethel, Maria and Mable Lou King. The little folks seemed to enjoy it immensely. Ike singing at the Methodist church Sunday evening w r as largely attended Prof. Haguewood entertained a few of bis intimate friends last Tuesday night. Mrs. Cooper and her daughter, Mrs Emmerson, spent Saturday with Mrs Walden. Rev. and Mrs. Nichols, Mr. Sam Ray and family took dinner with Mr. S. E Robinson and daughter Sunday. Misses Mary King, Mattie and Mary Robinson visited Mrs. George Davis last Friday evening. Dr. Rollins and family, of Dalton spent Sunday with Mr. J. S. Rollins and family. Mr. John Vining, of Chattanooga spent Easter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Vining. Air. Albert Rollins and family, of Deep Springs, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henderson Renfroe. Mrs. Garrison and daughter, Miss Cora, Misses Christena and Sina Haw kins spent Monday evening with Mrs. D. W. King and daughters. Mr. Frank Hair and family, Airs. S. E. Varnell and son, James, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Hair Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Davis spent IT COSTS MONEY TO PAINT. It costs more if you don’t. Your house wears out if not painted. Then it costs money to repair it and money to paint it. It don’t cost much money to paint with the L. & M. Paint, be cause 4 gallons of the L. & M. and 3 gallons of Linseed Oil make 7 gallons of ready-for-use paint at only $1.20 per gallon. Thirty-five years in every part of the United States has proven it. Sold by Fincher & Nichols. CEDAR VALLEY. Col. M. C. Tarver and wife, of Dal ton, and Mr. and Mrs. O. M. England spent Sunday with Miss Jimmie Tar ver. Air. Ben Teasley, of Happy Top, took dinner with Mr. Sam Bradley Sunday. Mrs. George Dantzler, of Dalton, spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mrs. Will Dantzler. Mr. Will Fields and Miss Gertrude Bradley called on Miss Irene Giddens Friday afternoon. We are sorry to say that Mrs. Mc- Tate is very ill at this writing. Misses Laura and Delia Bryant vis ited their sister, Mrs. F. Dantzler, Sunday. Mr. A. Tate and wife spent one day last week with their daughter, Mrs. W. S. Broadrick. Misses Alice and Annie Cooper vis- Sunday with Air. and Airs. G. W. Hair. Little Bulah and Johnnie Lane spent Tuesday night with Mrs. Sam Hair. Airs. Sam Thomas and children were the guests of Air. D. W. King and fam ily Sunday. AIv. John Robinson and sister, ATiss Alattie, called on Airs. Cora AlcHan Sunday night. Misses Alaud Smith and Attie Cox, Alessrs. Walter Cox and Alorris Pal mer attended services at Grove Level Sunday. Aliss Aurora Bird spent Saturday night with her mother, Mrs. Palmer. Airs. Walden called on Airs. Obe Lents Saturday evening. Air. Bob Fletcher and family were the guests of Airs. William Thompson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hair, Mr and Mrs. Sam Anderson dined with Air. J. I. Hawkins and family Sunday. We are having some more pretty weather again. The farmers of our community are busy planting their crops. The Sunday school is in a flourish ing condition. Let’s everybody con tinue coming, and w r e will have good Sunday school. Come, every body, and bring somebody with you We are glad to say that Air. E. N Cookson is improving. We are sorry to say that Airs. H. W. Hayes is on the sick list. Aliss Clara Williams, of Ringgold, is spending a while with her uncle, Air. Cavender, and family. Air. Vaughn Babb, of Mill Creek, spent Sunday afternoon with his cous in, Frank Hayes. Little Aliss Lilia Bearden, of near Grove Level, is spending a few days with her aunt, Airs. L. P. Atkinson and family. Aliss Pearl Bray spent Sunday with Effie Gillean. Alaster Harry Taylor spent Sunday afternoon with George and Joe Atkin son. Airs. Wiley Ford, of Center Point, spent Saturday night with Airs. L. P. Atkinson. Alessrs. Sim AlcEntyre, Henry Alc- Entyre and Butler Ray, of Dalton, at tended Sunday school at this place Sunday. Mr. and Airs. Broadrick gave a can dy-breaking Saturday night. It was enjoyed by all present. Little Velma Gladys Babb is improv ing. Air. and Airs. Alarcus Edw-ards spent Sunday with Air. and Airs. Sam Hence- ly, of near Center Point. The ladies of bur community are going to clean up the church Satur day afternoon. Everybody is invited to come out and help. 4-4444444 4 444444444 FIVE SPRINGS. 4444444444444 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 44444 look for the bright side. Alessrs. Olin and Jesse Fincher, of Canton, are in our midst at present. We are glad to have them with us Mr. Cleve Whltener, of Dogwood was a welcome visitor here last Sat urday night and Sunday. A few young people surprised Mr, and Mrs. Herndon with a party Sat urday night. All report an enjoyable affair. Mi*. Luther Strickland, of Tilton was here Sunday. Mrs. Josie Bridges was Indisposed last week. Mr. and Mrs. Felker have been real sick, but are better now. C. L. Foster and wife visited rela- tives at Phelps Sunday. * Mr; and Mrs. Ed Neal visited friends Sunday. Air. and Mrs. Elbert Carney enter tained Miss May Foster at dinner Sun day last. Mrs. Cora Vernon and Mr. Jesse Fincher spent Sunday with Mr. and Airs. Jim Thomas. Mrs. Fannie Murr, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dil lard, returned to her home in Cohutta last week. Miss Pearl Duckett took dinner with the Misses Henderson Sunday. Air. I. E. Duckett has about complet ed his new dwelling, and it will add greatly to the appearance of his place. K444444444444 444444444444S: 4- 4 MOUNTAIN HOME. 4 444 44 4 4 4 444444 4 4 44444 44 4 44 ‘I’D RATHER DIE, DOCTOR.” than have my feet cut off,” said M. L. Bingham, of Princeville, Ill., “But you will die from gangrene (which had eaten away eight toes) if you don’t,’ said all doctors. Instead, he used Buck len’s Arnica Salve till wholly cured. Its cures of Eczema, Fever Sores, Boils, Bums and Piles astound the world. 25c. at Fincher & Nichols. EVERYWHERE. + H4444 4 4 4444 4 4 4 4 44-44-44-44-44« Sabbath school was organized at An tioch Sunday evening. Mr. R. A. Wil liams was elected superintendent, with Mr. Carroll, assistant, and Miss Clemmie Cavender, secretary. We are sure they will conduct an interest ing and profitable school at that place; and they have our heartiest wishes for their success in their work. Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell viBited rela tives in North Dalton Sunday. Mr. Oliver and MIbb Mattie Mitch ell called on Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Gil bert Sunday afternoon. Rev. Shields filled his regular ap pointment here Sunday. Air. A. J. Boatwrignt is on the sick list. Alisses Lola Yerger, Alaud and Rosa Ford, of Center Point, attended preach ing here Sunday. Stark Ford, Charlie Yeager and Wiley Alitchell, of Center Point, at tended preaching here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Foster, of. Harmony, spent Sunday with rela tives here. Rev. and Airs. Shields and little daughter, Julia, spent Sunday after noon with Mr. and Airs. L. F. Clark. Will Clark, Clyde Stacy, Foster and Spurgeon Thomas attended singing at Center Point Sunday afternoon. Will McFarland and Claud Stacy at tended singing at Center Point Sun day afternoon. The singing at Air. McFarland’s was enjoyed by all present Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lindsay and Mr. Lester Love attended singing at Cen ter Point Sunday. Sunday school was not organized at Five Springs Sunday, as was given out. Clifton Clark, one of our old Five Springs boys, has joined the United States navy. Mrs. W. B. Glaze called on Mrs. Al. T. Dyer Sunday evening. Mr. and Airs. I. C. Dyer and chil dren, J. C. Kettles and family, of Up per Crow, Mr. John Carr and family, of Waring, spent Sunday •with Mr. Lawson Brooks and family. Alisses Roxie Holliway and Lizzie Dyer dined with Aliss Nellie Kettles Sunday. The singing at Air. Bird Long’s Sun day was a success. Air. Troy Bridges was in our valley Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rollins passed through our valley Saturday. Aliss Loucrecia Stinson went to Dalton Alonday shopping. Air. Jesse Manis called on Air. E. Al. Holliway Sunday. Air. Walter Dyer, of Alurray, visited his parents, Air. and Airs. James Dyer, Sunday. Aliss Lola Murray, of Chattanooga, is visiting her uncle and aunt, Air. and Mrs. T. M. Dyer. Air. and Airs. James Dyer and Alisses Eva and Lizzie Dyer went to Dalton shopping Thursday. Mrs. H. C. Copeland and Aliss Eva Dyer called on Airs. L. R. Dyer re cently. Aliss H. L. Stinson called on Alisses Brooks recently. Aliss Nell Kettles dined with Aliss Stinson recently. Aliss Lantz and brother, of Dalton, •were pleasant visitors of Air. L. Brooks and family Sunday. Air. Frank Gaffney and Miss Trus- sie Pierce were married Sunday. We ish them a long and happy voyage on the sea of matrimony. Air. Hair and Airs. Wheeler, of Dal ton, w-ere pleasant callers on Air. Dyer and family Sunday evening. Air. Ollie Wrinkle and Airs. Nora Dyer, of Dalton, called on Air. Al. T. Dyer and family recently. Aliss Clara Glaze called on little Glennie Dyer Sunday. Brother Alontgomery was not able to fill his regular appointment at Pop lar Springs on account of sickness. W e wish for him a speedy recovery. There will be preaching at Poplar Springs on the fourth Sunday. The Sunday school at Poplar Springs is progressing fine, with Bro. H. Copeland as superintendent. We cordially invite all to come and help make it a success. Ask it at Grocers and Druggists Most stores sell it—i most stores sell it—most people use it—the «r« labor-lessening cleanser. Better, safer than cheapwaf^g W* it It Softens the Water'' Mates easy work of washing the clothes, the dish« , £ ware, the woodwork—all sorts of cleaning \f!\ ’ ? ass - water cleanse better. Softens and whitens the t«L1^ an - v & doesn t harm the finest fabrics 'TV— . ,‘^ s ai »d /Hi JtjOfj ,ii finest fabrics. Try it to-d-iv -i a you 11 never again want to use —• -' ar,t * _ , ~ — water without it 5-cent package makes you accji - • " ' juainted. A water makes your bath more enjoyable and beneficial* Softens and sweetens” the skin. Try it LAVADURA CHEMICAL CO. AW >l 'Card to the Public. o I have been in your city about sixty days and have received every encouragement I hoped to I find that the people will appreciate and patronize a Veterinarian and have decided to locate perma nently in your city, and will be at T. J. Bryant’s stable, No. 8 Crawford street, and will answer all calls, day or night. Call at reasonable. my office—consultation free-prices S)r. A. Allim, iDalten, 5a. j QNLY at the made-to-measure shops can you get footwear that equals the Steadfast Shoe. From the purchase of the leathers by our experts—from the cutting bench to the finished shoe, rigid inspection guarantees perfect mate rial and perfect workmanship. These are the reasons why the comfortable fit, superior leather, and the original style of ♦♦44UHH44HIII448 We have received from the Roberts, Johnson and Rand Shoe Co., St. Louis,’ Mo., a beautiful art -picture entitled,’ The R. J. & r. Girl,” the original of which is an exceptionally fin* pastel painting by the America^ artist N Ross Bryan. If the “Star Brand” shoes are as good as this picture is beautiful, then Messrs. Miller and Routh, who handle this line in Dalton, ought to find no difficulty in selling them. ♦4-444 M I 1 4 4 4 4 I M 1 4 4 4 M I 444 HARMONY. 4 " M ” M ’+4-444 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 44-44 ♦ 4 4 ♦♦ Wo are still having plenty of rain, and It is making some of our farmers feel “kinder” gloomy, although they Air. John Ayers made a business trip to Dalton Friday. Air. and Airs. F. W. Seymour, of Ridgedale, Tenn., are visiting relatives for a few days. Airs. Alexander, of Selma, Ala., has returned home after visiting her pa rents, Air. and Airs. Reese Kaneaster. Airs. Ruth Fagala and daughter, Ab idea, spent Friday night in Dalton. Airs. Walter Smith, of Selma, Ala., is the guest of relatives here. Aliss Laura Lou Bosworth made a business trip to Dalton Friday. Air. and Mrs. John Keith, of River I + Bend, have returned home after visit-1 + ing homefolks for a few davs. All. and Airs. Summer Caylor are I visiting relatives in Selma, Ala. hh Rev. Taylor, of Howardville, Tenn., % delivered two interesting sermons at ? the Baptist church at this place Sun- day. Air. and Mrs. Walter Bowen spent | Sunday in Varnell. Bro. Rorie preached an interesting sermon at the Alethodist church Sun day night. Air. Copeland and Miss Nell Dean, of Cohutta, passed through our town Friday afternoon. Mr. Charley Parson, of Tunnel Hill was in Varnell Sunday. Air. Ross Bates made a trip to Rine- gold Sunday. HAND LASTED " BENCH MADE can only be duplicated in custom shoes costing twice as much. Let us prove this to you. Let us show you something better than the average high-grade shoe. We have all the latest leathers—all the latest fancies in snappy, stylish fall and winter footwear. The most individual and ex clusive line of shoes ever displayed in this city. A Shoe tor Gentlemen- M.d. by SMlTH-BRISCOE SHOE CO.!(ln*.), Lynchburg, Va. $5.00 $6.00 Caylor-Morris Co., Exclusive Agents in Dalton. ^4-tJ4-::4-n4U4«4n4-n4n4-n4«4::4::4-n4::4U>t:-f::-f::^^ 4::>::+;: * :: *' < “A School That Teaches By Dovy THE MOST FAMOUS INSTITUTION :: OF ITS KIND IN THE SOOTH :: THE BERRY SCHOOL The best known pills and the best Pills made are DeWitt’s Early Risers. They are small, easy to take, gentle and are sold by Fincher & Nichols. ROME, GEORGIA MARTHA BERRY, Founder and Director ♦ #♦ f * 4" Christian industrial school for countn £ + limited means and opportunities but 1111 - 0Ili £ » determination and perseverance. HBoard ant tul ' . ; » $30 a term. 1 Eight Fall Session begins August • s « Candidates for admission should apply n0 ^ * ? « log and application blanks sent on request. ♦ address i+» ROBERT H. ADAMS, A. M., Principal +«+8+»4-«+J:+84-»+8+»+»+«+»+»+8+S+«+ «4»4«4-4^