North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, January 20, 1921, Image 2

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The Ford Sedan T \1E Ford Sedan, one of the most convenient and comfortable "of enclosed cars, offers you the delights of the higher priced cars at the lowest first cost and the lowest upkeep cost. In Summer or Winter, sunshine or rain, the Ford Sedan provides conveniences in accord with your wishes. Only a minute is re quired to raise or lower the windows. | 1|F \ - The Ford Sedan is a favorite family car. Beneath the Sedan body, the ever reliable Ford Chassis means an economy imknown in other enclosed cars. A family car of exceptional merits. The ideal car for the farmer’s family. It seats five comfortably; and is equipped with demountable rims, tire carrier, electric starting and fighting system, and instrument board. Orders are filled in the same sequence’ in which they are received. And ever remem ber the sure and certain and satisfactory “after-service” we give. You know the solid satisfaction that comes in the knowledge that your motor ear is good for every day of the year—no mental wor ries when you drive a Ford. Let’S have your order today. Think of it! The Ford Sedan, this handsome enclosed car costs you less than any ordinary touring car (except the Ford). PAUL B. FITE DEALER We are sorry to say that Mrs. John McCurdy continues very ill at this writ- Mr. A. P. Chastain, of Pine Grove, spent Friday night with Mr. C. M. Kister. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Chastain and family,, of Pine Grove, spent last week with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Edwards. Mr. S. W. Latimer, of Spring Place, was in our community onej day lasrt week. Mr. Floyd Horton, of Texas, is spend-' ing a few days with his aunt, Mrs. C. M. Kister. Mr. Pearly Edwards spent Saturday night with relatives near- Pine Grove. Mr. Oscar Quarles, of Dogwood Val ley, was in our community Saturday en route to Ramhurst. Mrs. Mary Orr has returned -to her home in Calhoun after a pleasant week’s visit to her sister, Mrs. Emily Tankers- ley. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Henry, of Mad dox Chapel, attended singing here Sun day. / Everybody, remember next Sunday is regular preaching day at Bethel. Let everybody come out and hear Bev. C. H. Williams as he always has some thing interesting to tell us. DALTON GEORGIA Those attending the singing here Sun- I day afternoon from Dalton were Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Stacy, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Isbill and Mr. and Mrs. John Howell. Those from Harmony Were Messrs. Sylvester Hyde, Bob Baper, Gene Beavers, Melvin Smith and ,Edd and Marion Cady, and Miss Bertie Hyde. s 3 PAGE FOUR THE DALTON CITIZEN. THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1921 derson made a trip to Dalton Saturday afternoon; A large crowd enjoyed the singing given at the home of Mr. Earl Miller Sundav afternoon. Mr. Alex Shultes and Mr. M. West brook passed through our burg Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Crow, of Mill Creek, were visiting the latter’s mother, Mrs. Hard Taliaferro, Sunday. To the regret of their many friends CITY DRUG STORE DALTON ROUTE ONE ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Epi - \ V WE POINT WITH PRIDE and not the slightest feeling of arro gance—to the excellent record for Safe ty and the reputation for service which we have established. With the whole-hearted support and the earnest co-operation of our custom ers, we hope to do even better in the years to come. FIRST NATIONAL BANK “Bank With Us and Yon Can Bank On Us.” Helped Father and Son “Ziron Did Us Both Good,” Writes Mr. Gentry, of Norene, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. James Williams daughter left Sunday for Knoxville Tenn., where they will make their fu ture home. We wish them much sue cess in their new surroundings. Some children at the home of Mr. Skidmore, while playing with some 22 rifle cartridges, happened to a bad ac cident when a cartridge was dropped into the fire, and, as Bill Skidmore tri ed to rake it out, the cartridge explod ed and flew and hit him in the forehead ranged down to the upper part of the nose and lodged against the bone. By some difficult work, it was extracted before the doctor arrived. Billie is doing fairly well today. Let everybody remember our meet ing day is next Sunday, and come out Let us make-this year a record break ing year in the work of our Lord. A TEXAS WONDER For kidney and bladder troubles, gravel, weak and lame back, rheumatism and irreg ularities of the kidneys and bladder. At your druggist's or by mail, $1.25. Small bottle often cures.. Send for sworn testi- monials. Dr. E. W. Hail. 2926 Olive St., St. Louis Mo.—Adv. ATTENTION Ship your hides direct to the tannery. Highest market prices and quick returns always guaranteed. ROBERT SCHOLZE TANNERY Chattanooga, Tenn. r r is a well-known medical fact, that iron is a necessary constituent of the blood, and that blood lacking iron is the cause of many troubles that only iron will cure. Ziron, a scientific compound of iron with other valuable ingredients, is the remedy to take when your blood needs more iron, and your system requires a " tonic. Ziron is mild and harmless, does not stain the teeth, and is good for chil dren as well as adults. Mr. P. G. Gentry, of Norene, Tenn., ♦ * ♦ ♦ BROAD ACRE ♦ ♦ ♦ Several ef our good neighbors have moved away. Mr. John Underwood went to Frederick, Okla.; Mr. W. A. Anderson, to Calhoun; Mr. T. N. Hol land, to Cedar Valley. The best wish es of their many friends go with them to their new homes. We are glad to welcome Messrs, Ar thur and Fletcher Caylor, of Adairs- ville; Fred Thogmartin, of Cohutta, and Edd Bartenfield, of Pine-Grove, all in to onr community. Oud literary school is progressing nicely under the able management of Mrs. Frank Dantzler and Miss - Leo Wheeler. Mr. Obarles L. Isbill spent Sunday with hoxnefolks. - Mr. and Mrs. W. L. McCalla and Mrs. Onie Deverell, of near Ringgold, and Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Caldwell spent Sun day afternoon with friends at Cohnt- ta. Mr. Boone Farrar took dinner with his daughter, Miss Ethel Farrar, at Pleasant Grove Sunday. Messrs. Albert and Willie Farrar and Miibnrn Teasley attended the party given by Mr. John Felker Saturday night. All report a nice time. Min Fannie Thogmartin. spent Sun day with fi£h» Nell Lawrence, of Grove Level. Messrs. Boy Dantzler and Milburu TeasUy are attending school at Dalton. Little Misses Ruth, Ruby and Effie GaldweH spent Sunday, afternoon with -little Misses Gladys and Pearl Jordan, «C, near Prater’s Mill. Messrs. George Thompson and Henry writes: “Ziron Iron Tonic has made good in my family. I have used it to a very great advantage to myself and my 14- year-old boy. It did us both good, think it is a good medicine for what it is recommended.” If you are pale, weak, tired, feel down and out, take Ziron. It will put iron into your blood, and should help build you up. Get a bottle from your druggist today, and give ZIRON a fair trial. Sold by him under a money-back guarantee. Ask him about it He will tell you. Cole, of Dalton, called on friends here Tuesday night. 0CZEHA! Money back without question If HUNT’S Salve falls in the treatment of ITCH, ECZEMA. RINGWORM, TETTER or other itching akin diseases. Try a 75 cent box at our risk. Fincher &'Nichols. ♦ WARING ❖ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ We are very sorry to say there are several on the sick list this week—Mrs. 0. C. Henderson, Mrs. Arch Howell, Mr@. Clayton, Mrs. George Rollins and “Grandma” Henderson. ’We hope for them a speedy recovery. The Ladies Improvement club met last Tuesday to elect new officers for the present year, but on account of the bad weather, only a few members were present, and the election was post poned till Tuesday of this week. We naturally feel rather proud of cur work of last year, as we raised money enough to get two large swinging lamps and four wall lamps for our school house, and several other useful and needed articles and have a balance of about $130.00 as a starter on what we are going to do this year. The stork passed through Waring last Friday afternoon stopping at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Rollins, and left with them a big fine baby girl. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Hyatt were in Dalton Saturday. Misses Cecil Hamrick and Ruth Hen- ♦ ♦ ♦ IN MEMORIAM * ♦ • ♦ In memory of littje Henrietta Owen. A1f is silent and sad within the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Owen/ for on Wednesday morning just as the grey dawn was appearing, God saw fit to re move their dear little baby from this place of suffering to live at home with Jesus. She was, only sick a few hours until she was called away. Baby had only blessed the home for five short months. ’Tis very hard to part with the dear little baby; but, dear parents, remember Jesus said “Suffer little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven; ” so we know she is peacefully waiting with Grandpa, who has gone before, for father and mother and other relatives. Funeral services were conducted from Mr. Lester Coker’s, after which baby was laid to rest in Bedwine cemetery. Weep not, dear parents; she is sweet ly resting in the arms of Jesus, await ing to welcome you home. Hastings Seeds 1921 Catalog Free It's ready now. 116 handsomely il lustrated pages of worth-while seed and, garden news. This new catalog, we believe, is the moat valuable seed book ever .published. It contains twenty fall pages of the most popular vegetables and flowers in their natu ral colors, the finest work of its kind ever attempted. With our photographic illustrations, and color pictures also from photo graphs, we show you just what you grow with Hastings’ Seeds even be fore you order the seeds. This cata log makes garden and flower bed planning easy and it should be in ev ery single Southern home. Write us postcard for it, giving your name and address. It will come to you by return mail and you will be mighty glad you’ve got it Hastings’ 'Seeds are the Standard of the South and they have the larg est mail order seed house in the world back of them. They’ve got to be the best. Write now for the 1921 cata log. It is absolutely free. H. G. HAS TINGS CO., 8EEDSMEN, ATLANTA GA. Sunday school was very good at Cen r ter Point Sunday'morning; but we still have room for improvement. All would be glad if more of the older people would come. . Mr. ahd Mrs. Edd Stuckey have re turned to Mr. Joe Oavender’s fo spend several weeks. Miss Ruth Black returned home fast Wednesday, after a pleasant visit to relatives in Dalton. Miss Mossie Mitchell, of Dalton, was the gnest of friends near here several days last week. The dance given by Mrs. King last Thursday night was greatly enjoyed. We are glad to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Mack Wilson into our community. Tkey have moved into the house vacated by Mrs. Powell. Mr. Charles Redwine, of Waring, and Misses Abell and Mary Nance, of Car- bondale, attended singing at Center Point Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Maddox Love and fam ily, of Dalton, were week-end guests of Mr. N. A. Bradford and other refa ives. Literary school is proghessing nicely with Mr. Bird and Miss Keen teachers To abort a cold and prevent com plications take The purified and refined calomel tablets that are nausealess, safe and sure. Medicinal virtues retain ed and improved. Sold only in sealed packages. Price 35c. WANT SERVICE? OF COURSE YOU DO! You Get It at Our Shop. Our mechanical department is under the watchful supervision of Fred Dobson, and he has competent helpers. You put your car under competent mechanics who know what they are doing when you leave it with us. We handle a full line of tir& and accessories, gasoline, oils, etc., and do a general line of work on automobiles, from work on the car to vulcanizing. When in trouble and needing assistance, call us. We’ll respond at any hour of the day or night. SERVICE GARAGE We Buy and Sell Second-Hand Ford Cars. Phone—Day 89 Night 277-L. Dalton, Ga. i© Dodo ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ BEAVERDALE ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Every druggist in town—your druggist and everybody’s drug gist has noticed a great falling off in the sale of calomel. They aft,give the same reason. Dodson’s Liver Tone is taking its place. “Calomel is dangerous and people know it, while Dodson’s Liver Tone is perfectly safe and gives better results,” said a proouBeat local druggist. Take “Dodson’s Liver Tone” Instead! Take a spoonful at night and wake up feeling fine; no biliousness, sick headache, acid stomach or constipated bowels. It doesn’t gripe or cause in convenience all the next day like vio lent calomel. Take a dose of calomel today and tomorrow you will feel weak, sick and nauseated. Don’t lose a day’s work! Take Dodson’s Liver Tone instead and feel fine, full of vigor and ambition. Dodson’s Liver ‘Tone is personally guaranteed by every druggist who sells it. A large bottle costs but a few seats, and if it fails to give easy relief in every case of liver sluggish ness and constipation, you have only to ask for your money back. Dodson’s Liver Tone is a pleasant- tasting, purely vegetable remedy, harmless to both children and adults. Dr. Gamp and Mr. Haddock, of Cisco, were in our burg last Saturday. About six weeks ago, the 7-month-old doughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bobert Staf ford, accidently caught fire, and death resulted three weeks later from the burns. On January 10th, little Willie Stafford, aged 1% years, got a match and set bis clothes on fire, death result ing six hours later. The remains of these little babes were laid to rest in Dewberry cemetery. Let me say to these broken hearted parents, weep not for youf precious darlings, for they are safe in the arms of Jesus. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Brackett are smil ing over the arrival of a son. We had a light snow last Thursday afternoon, but the ground wasn’t frozen and it soon melted away. Mrs. Tine Warmack is not well at this writing. May she Boon recover. Messrs. Frank Cline, Carl and Henry Warmack made a trip to Chattanooga last week. Wake up, correspondents, and give us the news. \ How's This? HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE Will do what we claim for it—cure Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. We do not claim to cure any other disease. HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINW is ft liquid, taken internally, and acts through the blood upon the mucous surfaces ot the system, thus reducing the inflamma tion and restoring normal conditions. All Druggist*. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, I WANT YOUR BUSINESS If I have recently purchased the general merchandise business of FAULKENBERRY BROS., on South Thornton avenue, and will ap preciate truly, any business you may give me. €J I will maintain an efficient delivery service, sending goods to any part of Dalton. <1 In addition to staple and fancy groceries, I carry a* general line of other merchandise, and will be glad to show you. My prices are the best. C| I will be pleased to continue to serve the customers of Faulkenberry ' Bros:, and will be glad to receive the business of others. C[Just try phoning No. 91. . S. T. PARKER South Thornton Avenue COTTON TOO CHEAP Farmers are having to take less than cost, on a basis of cost of production, for their cotton; it is not a matter of choice with them; it is all they can get, and most of them have to selL . We all depend on the farmer, why not every man carry hia share of the load? Hard, of course it is, but no more so on ns than the farmer. The present retail price (set by the maker) of model 20 B. Martin Ditcher and Terracer, the model I have sold so many hundred of is $80.00. My price while present stock fasts to Land Own ers Only is $50.00 each, cash with order, which is much less than first cost in car-load lots, on a contract of 500. I make the sacrifice from a stand point of assuming part of the farmers’ loss. The Martin is acknowledged tho greatest labor saving tool made for the farm, the grain binder not except ed. If interested in taking care of the soil, the most valuable part of yonr land, order a Martin to-day. My stock limited. • T. M. Boas, Box 38, Calhoun, Ga. —Adv. A NERVOUS WOMAN Huntersville, W. Vu.—“After I got •ver the Influensa last spring I was all run down and suffered from func tional disturbances. I suffered with | bearing pains and was so nervous I ; felt as if I would go to pieces. My ; breath was so short that I could not walk up hill at all or hardly walk up stairs. Having used Dr. Pierce’s Fa vorite Prescription with good results , when I came Into womanhood, I de- , elded to try it again. I have taken : three bottles and %m feeling fine/’— ' MRS. NELLIE J. BUSCH. tended by a large crowd. We axe sorry to say Mr. Jim Wilson will leave for Lijtle River soon. Messrs. Charlie and George Stephen son werej visiting their brother near Cohutta last week. Mr. Wallace McClain has returned to his home in Cleveland, after a few days stay with his uncle, Mr. Luxe Hunberd. ♦ ♦ ♦ UNION GROVE ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦ School is progressing very nicely at this place. The spelling bee Friday night was at- READ the Other Fellow’s Ad You are reading this one. That should convince you that advertising in these columns is a profitable proposition; that it will bring business to your store. The fact that the other fellow advertises is probably the reason he is gettingmore business than is falling to you. Would it not be well to give the other fellow a chance To Read Your Ad in These Columns? THAT BAD BACK Singing at Dug Gap. Everybody is cordially invited to at tend the singing at Dug Gap next Sun day afternoon, Jan. 23. Come and bring someone with you. Do yon have a dull, steady the small of the baek—sharp, twinges when stooping or lifting— tressing urinary disorders! Tor ^ back and weakened kidney* residents recommend Doanli Pills. Read this Dalton statement Sam Hensley, shoemaker, 3 S. ft? street, says: “I was injured two years ago and my kidneyi ** weakened. It seemed the leset rd gave me severe pain in the my back and also disordered ®7 _ neys. This greatly annoyed me Hid See# the night. I had to get up times and lost much sleep, of Doan’s Kidney Pills, I box at Fincher & Nichols Drug and they greatly relieved me- Price 60c, at all dealers, simply ask for a kidney renH , Doan’s Kidney Pills—the earn* Mr. Hensley had. Foster-3Clh ItrB Mfirs., Buffalo, N. Y.—Adv. THE Merchant* * who advertise d this paper will you best values f° r your money. m