North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, March 24, 1921, Image 2

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HPja«agB@» PAGE TWO THE DALTON CITIZEN, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1921. Attention, Farmers ! Cotton in Georgia this year, raised to the exclusion of other crops, and especially in view of the boll weevil situation, would be hazardous in the extreme. The farmers of Georgia who confined themselves to cotton in 1920, simply because they made a profit on it in 1919, now find themselves poorer than they have been for some time. 9 With a large hold-over from 1920, an overproduction of cotton in 1921 would force the price so low that it would work the severest hardship on the growers of the South. Think this over soberly, earnestly, and de termine to save yourself and family by intel ligent diversification on your farm. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Bank With Us and You Can Bank On Us. tin singing lately. The First Presby terian church will organize a choir Fri day night and the Fiddler’s class of the Baptist Sunday, school will organ ize a Glee club sometime during the week. ' A union prayer meeting was organ ized by the Rev. Mr. Green, of Mt. Olivet church, last Sunday to be held among the different churches. The first service was held on Wednesday night with the First Baptist church. MRS. HAYDOCK SAVED FROM AN OPERATION Followed Advice of Her Druggist’s Wife and Took Lydia E. Pinkham’s . Vegetable Compound ♦ ♦ * MEIGS ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Farming is the order of the day now, Everybody is planting. Lots of people are done planting corn and cane and some have planted citton. We have had the prettiest spring I ever saw. We have had less ice this winter. The peo ple have put their land in the best shape for a crop here this spring. Watermelons are coming up, we will soon have them to slice. Gardens are looking fine. The trees are green; it looks like springtime. We have good water and fresh air and plenty to eat—that is what it takes to be healthy. Mr. K. L. Dunn and family spent the day last Sunday with the writer. ■Mr Duff Smith, of Monticello, Fla., spent last week with his father, J. W. Smith. Jim Felker was in town Saturday. J. W. Smith and wife spent the day last Sunday with R. L. Dunn, of Meigs. With gas high and tags $11.25 and cotton low, people still run Fords. I thought when Harding took his seat it would make, some change, but, alas! Xo change yet. Can you tell any Change, Shope? The only thing I see is they have taken the embargo off sugarcane seed. We can ship it any where now. I was sorry to hear of Mr. John Hooper’s death, will say Dalton has lost a good man. He will be missed in Dalton. Will say to his beloved ones, grieve not but strive to meet him in a better world. Was also sor ry to hear of Mrs. Crane’s death. That is a debt we all have to pay, so let us live to meet the call in peace. With good wishes to all the readers of The Citizen. WATCH THE BIG 4 Stomach-Kidneys-Heart-Liver Keep the vital organs healthy by regularly taking the world’s stand ard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles— GOLD MEDAL The National Remedy of Holland for centuries and endorsed by Queen Wilhel- mina. At all druggists, three sizes. Look for the name Gold Medal on •very boa and accept no imitation Chicago, Ill. —“I was in bed with a female trouble and inflammation and had four doctors but none of them did me | any good. They all said I would have to have an operation. A druggist’s wife told me to take Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege table Compound and I took 22 bottles, Many others are on the waiting list who could be cured if help were suffi cient. Dr. G’idden is very much in sympathy with the work and is doing a wonderful work for the state. Please help all you can; it will be much appreciated. Written by a Whitfield patient. Catarrh Can Be Cured Catarrh is a local disease greatly influ enced by constitutional conditions. It therefore requires constitutional treat ment. HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE is taken internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE destroys the foundation of the disease, gives the patient strength by improving the general health and assists nature in doing its work. All Druggists. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. Ohio. Box Supper at Dawnville. There will be a box supper at Dawn ville Friday night, April 1. Everybody j invited to come and bring somebody with you. Girls, bring your boxes, and the boys their pocketbooks. Pro ceeds to go for lights for the church. A short program will be rendered be fore selling the boxes. Remember the date, April 1. R. F. Rollins. never missing a dose and attheendof that time I was perfectly well. I have never had occasion to take it again as I have been so well. I have a six room flat nd do all my work. My two sisters ti e taking the Compound upon my rec ommendation and you may publish my letter. It is the gospel truth and I will write to any one who wants a personal letter.”—Mrs. E. H. Haydock, 6824 St. Lawrence Avenue, Chicago Illinois. Because Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege table Compound saved Mrs. Haydock from an operation we cannot claim that all operations may be avoided by it, — but many women have escaped oper ations by the timely use of this old fash ioned root and herb medicine. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ DALTON, ROUTE ONE. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ COHUTTA ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ (Last week’s Letter.) Dr. M. Q. Brackett is on the job again after several days illness. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Pinson spent the week-end with their son. John, of Rome. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. List, of Chatta nooga and formerly of Red Clay, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ryan. Miss Allene McDonald has been spending a few days with friends in Rome. The W. M. U. met in its regular monthly meeting with Mrs. A. F. Raines last Tuesday. Prof. Ernest Neel and Miss Leo Wheeler were in Dalton last Saturday for teachers’ meeting. Mr. Joe S. Williams" returned to Greenville, S. C., last Monday, accom panied by Mr. Charlie Booker. Mrs. P. O. Parker was in Dalton -several days last week at the bedside of her mother, who was dangerously ill. It was rather slow in arriving but the Ouiga board craze has at last struck Cohutta. If you want to know what to name the next baby, who the oldest old maid or the prettiest widow is going to marry or just anything, come to Cohutta and learn all about it. It’s the only thing that will say what you want it to say every time, but I’d advise you to come soon or the people’s faith in its power is liable to be shattered before you get here. There will be two interesting pro grams in Cohutta Easter; one. by the Christian Endeavor in the afternoon and one by the B. Y. P. U. Easter night. There has been a revival of interest •*X~X~X*<*’X->>*>X->X~X~XK-’X’<*’-X'*X~X~X' The singing at Center Point was very good Sunday afternoon. There were several visitors present, whose help was appreciated very much. Come back again. The pound-supper given by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Young Saturday night was very much enjoyed. We are sorry to say that Mr. Gus Yeager is very sick at this writing. We hope he will be able to he up again soon. Mr. Jim Curtis, of Dalton, attended the singing at Center Point Sunday afternoon. OUCH! MOTHER RHEUMATIC TWINGE Get busy and relieve those pains with that handy bottle of Sloan’s Liniment W HAT Sloan’s does, it does thor oughly— ; penetrates without rub bing to the afflicted part and promptly relieves most kinds of exter nal pains and aches. You’ll find it clean and non-skin-staining. Keep it handy for sciatica, lumbago, neuralgia, over-exerted muscles, stiff joints, back ache, pains, bruises, strains, sprains, had weather after-effects. For 39 years Sloan’s Liniment has helped thousands the world over. You aren’t likely to be an exception. It cer tainly does produce results. All druggists—35c, 70c, $1.40. Sloa LinimentP 1 ' ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ COHUTTA ❖ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Will Rheumatism Again t Bind You Hand and Foot? I A •!* .X.^«X*X*‘X~X~X~X~X~X~X->X~X~X~X~X~X~X"X*’X M X-’X~X*-X- , X' If you had Rheumatism last year and treated only the pains of the disease by rubbing with liniments and lotions, you can be sure that soon again you will be in the shack les of this relentless foe. You may get some slight temporary relief from the pains of the disease by the use of these local remedies, but Rheumatism is too real and relent less a disease to be rubbed away. So many cases of Rheumatism come from a tiny germ in the blood, that yon should try a rem edy that has proven so thoroughly satisfactory in these cases. S.S.S., the fine old blood remedy cleanses the blood of all impurities, and re moves all disease germs that may creep into the blood. Begin taking S.S.S. today, and if you will write a complete history of your case, our medical director will give you ex pert advice, without charge. Ad dress Chief Medical Adviser, 157 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. FOR FERTILIZER Mixed and unmixed car lots and retail see BRYANT & LANGSTON 65 North Hamilton Street Who’s Your Tailor William Shakespeare ad vised, “Costly thy clothes as thy purse can buy, the ap parel oft proclaims the man.” He meant a man must look good if he wishes “to get by” easily. I suspect if he was living today, he would simply say, “Boys, wear Ed. V. Price’s Clothing if you wish to be highly respectable.” It’s no joke, discriminating buyers, those who are very particular, appreciate the great difference in Ed. V. Price’s Tailor Made Clothes, and the ordinary ready made or “hand me down” suits. Look for Fit, Fashion, Finish, Refinement and you will certainly find it in Ed. V. Price’s Clothes. McWilliams Sells the Good Things Miss Margaret Mcdonald was confin ed to her home several days last week on account of a sprained ankle. The Cohutta Glee Club was organ ized last week, with the following of ficers : Mrs. R. E. Copeland, presi dent ; Mr. Tom Manis, vice-president; Miss Nina McNabb, secretary-treasur er, and Jim Anderson and Miss Lyda Creswell, co-directors. We have an unofficial announcement that the play that is being rehearsed will be given on Saturday, April 30th. Misses Ruth and Ruby Parker, of Atlanta, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Webb for the last week-end. I was out in the country last Sunday and instead of the weed patches and stalk fields usually found at this sea son of the year, there was nothing much to be seen but fresh plowed fields. Spring it with us so early this year that most of the farmers are ready to plant now—in fact, it has been remark ed around Cohutta lately that there is more land turned now than has ever been known at this time of year. Some of the farmers are so near up that they are turning pea and bean ground SOUR STOMACH INDIGESTION thedford’s Black-Draught Highly Recommended by a Tennessee Grocer for Troubles Re sulting from Torpid Liver. ♦ ♦ ♦ A PLEA FOR AID ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦,♦♦♦♦♦ Alto, Ga. Mar. 21, 1921, Dear Friends: The State Sanatorium at Alto is very much in need of help financially, and asks your most liberal contribu tion. A half-million is asked for to build a new sanatorium to be used for colored. The state has already saved many who would have otherwise died. East Nashville, Tenn.— The effic iency of Thedford’s Black-Draught, the genuine, herb, liver medicine, la ^vouched for by Mr. W. N. Parsons, a grocer of this city. "It Is without doubt the best liver medicine, and I don’t believe I could get along without It. I take it for sour stomach, head ache, had liver, Indigestion, and all other troubles that are the result of a torpid liver. "I have known and used it for years, and can and do highly recommend it to every one. I won’t go to bed with out it in the house. It will do all it claims to do. I can’t say enough for If’ Many other men and women through out the country have found Black- Draught Just as Mr Parsons describes •—valuable in regulating the liver to its normal functions, and in cleansing the bowels of impurities. Thedford’s Black-Draught liver medi cine is the original and only genuine. Accept no imitations or substitutes. _ Always ask for Thedford’s. &gg “CASCARETS” FOR CONSTIPATION Just think! A pleasant, harmless Oascaret works while you sleep and has your liver active, head clear, stomach sweet and bowels moving as regular as a clock by morning. No griping or inconvenience. 10, 25 or 50 cent boxes. Children love this candy cathartic too.—Adv. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ BEAVERDALE ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A The death angel entered the home of Mr. A. J. Crain on March 14, and claimed as their victim his beloved wife, Mrs. Betty Crain. For 17 days she lay stricken with paralysis. She was a good wife and mother, and will be greatly missed in the home. She leaves a husband and seven children H O U s E C L E A N I N G I HOW ABOUT FRESHENING TOUR HOME? ~ Something For Your Living Room or Guest Room A new Rug here, a Chair there and some piece of nice Furniture else where will make a wondertul differ ence in the appearance of your home We have a nice line of Curtain Nets, Draperies, Window Shades, Rugs of all kinds, and many things that will “sweeten” the home. Let us help you get ready for the D. A. R. Convention. We will render our best service and sell you at new reduced prices. It will pay you to see us for anything in Fur niture and House Furnishings. Come, Let Us Show You. LEONARD-McGHEE FURNITURE GO, DALTON, GEORGIA A TEXAS WONDER For kidney and bladder troubles, gravel, weak and lame back, rheumatism and irreg ularities of the kidneys and bladder. At your druggist’s or by mail, $1.25. Small bottle often cures- Send for sworn testi monials. Dr. E. W. Hail. 2926 Olive St., St. Louis Mo.—Adv. to mourn her loss; also many friends. She was laid to rest in Deep Spring cemetery March 8. I extend sympathy to the bereaved ones. Remember, the Lord’s will be done not ours. Mr. A. J. Lormon is some improved. May be soon be well. Mr. Berry McCraw and granddaugh ter. Miss Lucille Pitts, of Boynton, spent the week-end at A. J. Lormon’s. Mr. Henry White and family, of Cis co, and Newt Kendrick and wife, of Cisco, spent a day recently at “Uncle Bud" Poteet’s.; Miss Mollie Hays spent a few days recently with her brother and family near Good Hope. Misses Jimmie and Mary Poteet, of Xortons, visited Miss Leona LorrnoD last Sabbath. Mr. Isaac Douthit, of Murray coun ty, was in our burg last week. Mr. Henry Hedrick, of Murray coun ty, has taken charge of the sawmill on Mr.' Poteet’s land. They are doing some good sawing. Clifford Manis and Will Douglas, of Good Hope, were in our burg recently. We are having beautiful spring weather—a lovely sight to behold. Fruit trees all in fuU bloom, and all nature putting on its beautiful robe of green; birds singipg their sweetest melodies. I think springtide the most beautiful season of the year. Mrs. James Poteet is still sick. Mr. Martin Arnold is very low. Messrs. M. D. Poteet and Frank Hays have erected a nice new ham in the last few days. ASPIRIN Name “Bayer” on Genuine Beware! Unless you see the name “Bayer” on package or on tablets you are not getting genuine Aspirin pre scribed by physicians for twenty-one ears and proved safe >by millions. Take Aspirin only as told in the Bayer pack age for Colds, Headjach-, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Earache, Toothache, Lum bago, and for Pain. Handy tin boxes of welve Bayer Tablets of Aspirir cost few cents. Druggists also sell larger paek- 33. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaeeticacid- ester of Salicylicacid. The fondest rccollection of HAVE YOU GIVEN .1? TOUR CHILDREN A HOME ? JpJ E See us for FREE Building Helps—Plans and Estimate* FARRAR LUMBER CO. T HE slate surface gives you a spark-proof surface. It gives you a beautiful shingle in the natural, fadeless red or green slate color. The asphalt in Carey Shingles is the best quality nature affords, and is refined and tempered to make a water-proof body by the oldest and most expe rienced makers of asphalt roofings. The wool felt too is made in the Carey mills further to assure the supe rior quality of Carey Shingles, THE JAMES SUPPLY CO., DISTRIBUTORS The Cherokee Mfg. Company Agents DALTON, GEORGIA iiAV . it < ■' i . Jr